The General Terms and Conditions mintaszakaszok

The General Terms and Conditions. 2.1 Purpose and Scope of the General Terms and Conditions
The General Terms and Conditions. 2.1 Purpose and Scope of the General Terms and Conditions These general terms and conditions (hereinafter „General Terms”) are applicable to the electronic communications services provided by the Service Provider. The Service Provider only provides such services to B2B subscribers (in Hungarian: „üzleti előfizető”). Pursuant to Section 2. § (2) of the Decree No. 22/2020. (XII. 21.) of the NMHH on the Detailed Rules of Electronic Communications Subscription Agreements (“Subscription Agreements Decree”, hereinafter “Decree”) and Section 188 point 130 of Act C of 2003 on Electronic Communications (the “Eht.”), “B2B subscribers” shall include subscribers which are not considered as individual subscribers (i.e., natural person subscribers who declared that they use the subscriber service outside the scope of their business activities). The subscription agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Subscription Agreement”) between the Service Provider and the B2B subscriber (hereinafter referred to as “Subscriber”, together referred to as the “Parties” and individually referred to as “Party”) shall consist of these General Terms and the individual subscription agreement (hereinafter “Individual Subscription Agreement”). In the event of conflict between these General Terms and the Individual Subscription Agreement, these General Terms shall prevail.