Untuk mengawasi penerapan Strategi Anti Fraud sebagaimana dituangkan di dalam Kebijakan Kerangka Kerja Pengelolaan Risiko Fraud (”FRMF”) PermataBank dan untuk memastikan penanganan permasalahan/ insiden fraud secara tepat.
Anggota Komite adalah:
1. Direktur Utama
2. Direktur Hukum dan Kepatuhan (Direktur Independen)
3. Direktur Sumber Daya Manusia
Direktur Utama merupakan Ketua Komite.
Ketua Komite dapat menunjuk Ketua Pengganti dari salah satu anggota Komite.
Direktur Hukum dan Kepatuhan (Direktur Independen) merupakan Sekretaris Komite, dibantu oleh Head, Fraud Risk Management dalam pelaksanaan tugasnya.
1. Memastikan pelaksanaan yang efektif dari Kebijakan Kerangka Kerja Pengelolaan Risiko Fraud (FRMF) termasuk ketersediaan sumber daya untuk menjalankan komponen-komponen Strategi Anti Fraud yakni: Pencegahan, Deteksi, Respon dan Pemantauan.
2. Memantau insiden/kejadian fraud signifikan yang dilaporkan. Memastikan bahwa: akar penyebab diidentifikasi, para pelaku dikenakan sanksi dan langkah perbaikan untuk mencegah terulangnya kejadian dilaksanakan.
3. Mengawasi kegiatan investigasi yang dilakukan oleh pihak-pihak internal dan/atau eksternal melalui laporan yang diberikan dan/atau dipresentasikan oleh pihak-pihak internal dan/atau eksternal pada saat rapat komite.
4. Memutuskan secara bersama dengan Direktur terkait atas tindakan sanksi terhadap pihak internal yang terlibat dalam insiden fraud. Apabila FOC dan Direktur terkait tidak menyepakati bentuk tindakan sanksi, permasalahan akan dieskalasi ke Dewan Direksi (BoD) untuk mengambil keputusan akhir.
5. Memutuskan tindakan/proses hukum kepada pelaku fraud berdasarkan hasil analisa Legal
To oversee the implementation of Anti Fraud Strategy as stated in PermataBank’s Fraud Risk Management Framework Policy (“FRMF”) and to ensure the appropriate handling of fraud issues/ incidents.
Committee members are as follow:
1. President Director
2. Legal and Compliance Director (Independent Director)
3. Human Resources Director
President Director is the Committee Chairman.
The Chairman may appoint an Alternate Chairman from one of the members.
Legal and Compliance Director (Independent Director) is the Committee Secretary, assisted by Head, Fraud Risk Management in the working activities.
1. Ensure effective implementation of Fraud Risk Management Framework Policy (FRMF), including providing the necessary resources to ensure the Anti Fraud Strategies elements, i.e. Prevention, Detection, Response and Monitoring are in place.
2. Monitor significant reported fraud incidents/ events. Ensure that: root causes are identified, perpetrators are subject to reprimand and remedial actions to prevent reoccurrence are carried out.
3. Oversee investigation activities performed by internal and/or external parties through the investigation report produced by internal and/ or external parties during the Committee meeting.
4. Along with Director in charge, decide the disciplinary actions for internal parties involved in the fraud incidents. If FOC and Director in Charge do not agree on the disciplinary action, the matter will be escalated to Board of Director (BoD) for final decision.
5. Based on analysis provided by Legal and/or other consideration, decide if perpetrator(s) of the fraud incidents will be criminally charged.
6. Ensure the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners are appraised and kept up to
dan/atau pertimbangan lain.
6. Memastikan Dewan Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris mengetahui dan up to date mengenai permasalahan/ insiden fraud yang memiliki dampak negative yang signifikan dari sisi financial, reputasi ataupun lainnya.
7. Memastikan pemilik masing-masing jenis/ tipe fraud serta peran dan tanggung jawab untuk mengelola resiko dan kejadian fraud sesuai Kebijakan FRMF.
• Rapat komite dilaksanakan minimal 4 (empat) kali dalam setahun, atau bilamana diperlukan, dapat diadakan sewaktu-waktu di luar waktu yang telah dijadwalkan.
• Rapat dipimpin oleh Ketua Komite. Apabila Ketua Komite tidak dapat hadir, maka rapat akan dipimpin oleh Ketua Pengganti
• Hasil rapat harus dituangkan dalam risalah rapat yang dibuat oleh sekretaris dan disampaikan kepada semua anggota Komite.
• Permasalahan yang memerlukan persetujuan Komite sebelum jadwal rapat Komite berikutnya dapat dibahas dan disetujui lewat telephone/ conference dan/atau lewat electronic mail.
Berikut ini adalah undangan tetap dalam rapat Komite:
• Head, Fraud Risk Management
• Head, Internal Audit;
• Head HR in charge of Industrial Relation (atau staff yang ditunjuk oleh Direktur terkait)
• Head, Legal (atau yang ditunjuk oleh Direktur terkait)
• Head, Risk Retail & SME Banking
• Country Operational Risk and Assurance Manager (CORAM);
• Retail Banking Business Operational Risk Manager (RB BORM);
• Wholesale Banking Business Operational Risk Manager (WB BORM)
Berikut ini adalah undangan ad hoc yang dapat menghadiri rapat Komite sesuai undangan:
• Direktur terkait
• Heads of Business/ Function terkait
• Business/ Function Operational Risk Managers (B/FORMs) yang terkait
• Pihak-pihak terkait lainnya, termasuk pihak eksternal (contoh: konsultan) sepanjang relevan dengan pembahasan topik
date of any fraud issues/ incidents that carry significant negative impact from financial, reputational and other aspects.
7. To ensure that ownership for various fraud types, including roles and responsibilities for management of risk and fraud incidents are in line with FRMF.
• The Committee meetings shall be at minimum 4 (four) times a year or can be called and convened at any time, if so required.
• The meeting shall be led by the Chairman. If the Chairman is unable to attend, the meeting will be chaired by the Alternate.
• The results of the meeting shall be recorded in a minutes of meeting that is prepared by the secretary and circulated to all members.
• For issues that require the Committee’s approval prior to the next scheduled meeting, matters may be discussed and approved by phone/ conference and/ or by electronic mail.
The following are standing invitees on the Committee meeting:
• Head, Fraud Risk Management;
• Head, Internal Audit;
• Head HR in charge of Industrial Relation (or appointed staff by DIC)
• Head, Legal (or appointed staff by DIC) ;
• Head, Risk Retail & SME Banking;
• Country Operational Risk and Assurance; Manager (CORAM);
• Retail Banking Business Operational Risk; Manager (RB BORM);
• Wholesale Banking Business Operational Risk Manager (WB BORM);
The following ad hoc invitees may attend the Committee meeting as invited:
• Relevant Directors
• Relevant Heads of Business/ Function
• Relevant Business/ Function Operational Risk Managers (B/FORMs)
• Other relevant parties, including external parties (e.g. consultant) as relevant to the topic discussed
Rapat Komite adalah sah dan berhak mengambil keputusan yang mengikat apabila sekurang- kurangnya dihadiri oleh 2 (dua) dari 3 (tiga) anggota Komite.
Keputusan rapat komite, termasuk keputusan sanksi disiplin, dilakukan secara musyawah mufakat. Dalam hal tidak terjadi musyawarah mufakat, pengambilan keputusan dilakukan melalui voting berdasarkan suara terbanyak anggota Komite.
Ketua Komite memiliki hak veto.
Kecuali dinyatakan lain oleh Komite sebelum dan/atau pada saat rapat, undangan tetap dan/atau ad hoc tidak memiliki hak suara.
The Committee meetings shall be valid and entitled to adopt binding resolution if attended by at least 2 (two) out of 3 (three) members.
The Resolution passed at the committee meeting including disciplinary action shall be based on a consensus. In the case that a consensus is not achieved, the resolution is reached through members’ majority votes.
The Chairman has the veto right.
Except otherwise stated by the Committee before or at the meeting, standing and/or ad hoc invitees do not have voting rights.
Jakarta, July 2017
Ridha D X. Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Director | Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx Legal and Compliance Director (Independent Director) | Xxxxx X. Hidayat Human Resource Director |