Pada hari ini Selasa, tanggal 20 Desember 2022, yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:
I. Nama : Ir. Jap Tji Beng, MMSI., M.Psi., Ph.D.
Jabatan : Ketua Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Selanjutnya di sebut sebagai Pihak Pertama
II. Nama : Xxxxxxxx, M.Psi., Psikolog
NIDN : 10709002/0331088203
Fakultas : Psikologi
Prodi : Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx
Bertindak untuk diri sendiri dan anggota Xxx Xxxxusul:
a. Anggota Dosen :
Nama : Xxxxx Xxxx, M.Psi., Psikolog
Fakultas : Psikologi
Prodi : Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx
b. Anggota Mahasiswa :
Nama : Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Puspitasari
NIM 705190056
Fakultas : Psikologi
Prodi : Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx
Selanjutnya dalam tugas ini disebut sebagai Pihak Kedua
1. Pihak pertama menugaskan Pihak kedua untuk melaksanakan kegiatan Penelitian Skema Tugas Akhir Reguler atas nama Universitas Tarumanagara yang berjudul: “Peran Loneliness terhadap Self Disclosure pasa Dewasa Awal Pengguna Media Sosial Instagram”, dengan dana penelitian sebesar Rp. 3.000.000,- (Tiga Juta Rupiah) yang dibebankan kepada anggaran Universitas Tarumanagara dan diberikan setelah pengumpulan Laporan Tugas Akhir berupa: bukti ujian dan draft artikel jurnal atau bukti Letter of Acceptance (LoA).
2. Kegiatan penelitian sebagaimana dimaksud dalam poin 1 dilaksanakan dalam waktu 5 bulan (periode Oktober 2022 – Februari 2023).
3. Luaran Penelitian Skema Tugas Akhir Reguler berupa: Artikel Ilmiah yang diterbitkan di Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi atau Prosiding Internasional Bereputasi dengan anggota mahasiswa berperan sebagai first author dan dosen sebagai corresponding author dapat dikirimkan buktinya ke LPPM setidaknya pada akhir bulan Desember 2023.
Jakarta, 20 Desember 2022
Pihak Pertama Pihak Kedua
Ir. Jap Tji Beng, MMSI., M.Psi., Ph.D. Xxxxxxxx, M.Psi., Psikolog
Penelitian Skema Tugas Akhir Reguler
Disusun oleh:
Ketua Tim
Xxxxxxx, X.Xxx., Xxxxxxxx (0331088203/10709002)
Anggota Dosen
Xxxxx Xxxx, M.Psi., Psikolog (0323038202/10710007)
Anggota Mahasiswa:
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx (705190056)
JULI, 2023
Periode II / Tahun 2022
1. Judul : Peran Loneliness terhadap Self Disclosure pada Dewasa Awal Pengguna Media Sosial Instagram
2. Ketua Tim
a. Nama dan Gelar : Xxxxxxxx, M.Psi., Psikolog
b. NIDN/NIK : 0331088203/10709002
c. Jabatan/Gol : Lektor/IIIC
d. Program Studi : Psikologi Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx
e. Fakultas : Psikologi
f. Bidang Keahlian : Psikologi Umum
g. Alamat Kantor : Jl. Letjen S. Xxxxxx No.1 Jakarta
h. Nomor HP/Tlp/Email : 00000000000/xxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx
3. Anggota Tim Penelitian
a. Nama Dosen/NIK : Xxxxx Xxxx, M.Psi., Psikolog/10710007
b. Nama Mahasiswa/NIM : Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Puspitasari/705190056
4. Luaran yang dihasilkan : Prosiding Internasional Bereputasi
5. Jangka Waktu Pelaksanaan : Periode II (Oktober 2022 – Februari 2023)
6. Biaya yang disetujui LPPM : Rp 3.000.000,-
Jakarta, 11 Juli 2023
Ketua LPPM Ketua Tim
Ir. Jap Tji Beng, MMSI., M.Psi., Ph.D. Xxxxxxxx, M.Psi., Psikolog NIK: 10381047 NIK: 10709002
Manusia merupakan makhluk sosial yang tidak dapat hidup sendiri untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya. Salah satu kebutuhan mendasar manusia ialah membentuk hubungan sosial serta hidup di dalam kelompok sosial. Pada zaman teknologi seperti saat ini hubungan dapat dibina secara langsung maupun dalam jaringan seperti media sosial, salah satunya Instagram. Dalam pembentukan hubungan sosial, baik secara langsung maupun dalam jaringan terdapat proses pengungkapan diri atau self disclosure. Menurut Sears et al. (1985) apabila individu gagal untuk membangun hubungan dengan orang lain maka akan mengalami loneliness hingga isolation. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat peran loneliness terhadap self disclosure pada dewasa awal pengguna media sosial Instagram. Partisipan penelitian ini sebanyak 277 orang yang didapatkan melalui teknik purposive sampling dengan kriteria berusia 18-25 tahun, memiliki instagram, dan pernah mengungkapkan dirinya di instagram. Alat ukurnya menggunakan Revised Self disclosure Scale oleh Xxxxxxxx dan Grotz (1976) yang diadaptasi oleh Anggraeni dan Zulfiana (2018) dan UCLA Loneliness Scale Versi ke 3 (Xxxxxxx,1996) yang diadaptasi oleh Anggraeni dan Xxxxxxxx (2018). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peran loneliness terhadap self disclosure dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar R square = 0,383 atau 38,3%, sedangkan 61,7% lainnya dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain di luar penelitian ini.
Artikel ilmiah (submit/in-review/published) ATAU Letter of Xxxxxxxxxx (XxX)
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxx Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Tarumanagara Email Correspondence: Xxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx
Internet users in Indonesia are increasing along with the use of social media, which is the purpose of almost all internet users. In using social media, especially Instagram, users do self-disclosure. It is known that gender is also a factor that affects self-disclosure; men tend to be more awkward in disclosing themselves than women (Xxxxxxx et al., 2008; Xxxx et al., 2013). This study aimed to determine whether there are gender differences in self-disclosure among emerging adults Instagram users. The participants of this study were 121 people who were obtained through a purposive sampling technique with criteria aged 18-25, have an Instagram account, and had revealed themselves on Instagram. This study uses the Revised Self Disclosure Scale by Wheeless and Grotz (1976)which was adapted by Xxxxxxxxx and Xxxxxxxx (2018). The results of this study indicated that there are differences in self-disclosure in women and men. Self-disclosure of women (M= 52.80), is higher than men (M= 49.00).
Keywords: Emerging adulthood; Gender differences; Instagram; Self disclosure
The number of Indonesian internet users keeps increasing from year to year. The percentage of citizens above five years old who claimed to have accessed the internet in the last three months has increased by 8.37% from 53.73% in 2020 to 62.10% in 2021. Indonesian citizens’ purposes of using the internet include 94.73% for social media, 77.58% for reading news, 75.72% for entertainment, 54.05% for learning, 21.26% for purchasing goods/services, 18.32% for sending/receiving e-mail, 16.87% for obtaining information about goods/services, 10.10% for financial facilities, 8.26% for selling goods/services, and 6.13% for others (Statistics Indonesia, 2022)
According to the previous data, it is acknowledged that most internet users in Indonesia use the internet for social media. For this reason, many social media platforms have become famous, such as WhatsApp, Line, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube. Instagram is one of the social media platforms liked by many people. Data from Business of Apps shows that Instagram users in quartal I of 2022 have increased by 1.67% from the previous quartal (Rizaty, 2022). There are several features in Instagram for its users to share posts in the form of pictures, videos, carousels, and stories. Those are features that make people interested in using Instagram. Some studies show that the majority of users post their selfies on Instagram. They will take many pictures before posting them to receive praise and likes. Instagram provides these features to facilitate the public’s need to obtain social validation, which gives the user unique satisfaction (Xxxxx & Xx, 2018).
Social media platforms generally ask users to create a profile containing their data, such as name, photo, e-mail, gender, phone number, and date of birth. After that, they can use the features on the platform, such as sharing photos or videos in their social media (Xxxxxxxxx et al., 2020). Disclosing personal information to others, such as giving an identity by creating a profile to share personal information, emotions, pictures, and updates, can be referred to as self-disclosure(Xxxxxx et al., 2021). Xxxxxx et al. (2021)mentioned that the general purpose of someone doing self-disclosure is to get others’ attention, develop social capital, strengthen relationships between individuals, attract like-minded people, and develop an information and knowledge-based society.
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According to Xxxxxxxxx et al. (2020), the quantity of self-disclosure on social media negatively impacts the making of favorable decisions and positively impacts the tendency to use problematic social networks. High self-disclosure through posts is associated with a general tendency to ignore long-term risks. In addition, problematic social networks can increase an individual’s self-disclosure through posts. However, self-disclosure also impacts relationship quality, mental health(Xxxxxx et al., 2019), and psychological well- being (Xxx & Xxxxxxx, 2019).
Many factors can influence a person’s self-disclosure, including self-esteem, negative emotions, and preference for online social interaction. These factors are predicted by social anxiety (Xxxxxxx et al., 2022), personality, trust, xxxxxxxx, reciprocity, anonymity, culture, and gender (Xxxxxxx et al., 2021). It is known that gender is also a factor that affects self-disclosure; men tend to be more awkward in disclosing themselves than women (Xxxxxxx et al., 2008; Xxxx et al., 2013).
A study by Xxxxx and Xxxxxxx (2018) on differences in self-disclosure between men and women in 5,042 German individuals found that women’s self-disclosure score was higher than men’s. However, this result differs from a study by Xxxxxx and Xxxxxx (2018) involving 380 Pakistani students, which showed that generally, men scored higher than women in self-disclosure. Based on the two studies, self-disclosures in men and women are different. However, both studies were conducted abroad. Since previous studies conclude differently regarding who is more willing to disclose their data to the public and conducted abroad, hence the present study.
This research focused on the Instagram platform; the subjects were young adults. Instagram was selected in this study because it was one of the platforms with an increasing number of users. Based on Napoleon Cat data, most Instagram users in Indonesia are 18 to 24 years old, whereas 19.8% of users are female and 17.5% are male (Annur, 2021).
The research participants were 121 people selected through purposive sampling with the following criteria: 18-25 years old, having an Instagram account, and having revealed themselves on Instagram. This study used a questionnaire distributed through a web application named Google Forms. The instrument needed for data collection was an instrument to measure self-disclosure.
Research Design
The research design of this study was a comparative quantitative method, which is to distinguish a variable in two different types of groups.
The participants of this study were 121 people with the following criteria: 18-25 years old (M = 20.644), having ever revealed themselves on Instagram, female (N = 66, 45.5%) and male (N = 66, 54.5%), and having an Instagram account.
The Revised Self-Disclosure Scale
The instrument in this study used the Revised Self-Disclosure Scale by Wheeless & Grotz (1976), adapted by (Xxxxxxxxx & Xxxxxxxx, 2018). The dimensions of self-disclosure by Wheeless and Grotz (1976) include (1) amount, (2) positive-nègativeness, (3) consciously intended disclosure, (4) honesty-accuracy, and
(5) control of the general depth or intimacy of the disclosure.
This instrument had 16 items divided into five dimensions, including 6 items on depth and intimacy, 4 items on accuracy and honesty, 1 item on quantity, 3 items on valence, and 2 items on purposes, with a reliability score of 0.819 and a validity score of 0.331 – 0.595. These questionnaire items were divided into two: 11 items of favorable (supporting the measured variable), such as “I usually talk about myself on
Xxxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxミa, Liミda Wati: 20ン:20Α]
Instagram sincerely” and 5 items of unfavorable (not supporting the measured variable), such as “I don’t often talk about myself on Instagram”. Responses were measured on a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 “strongly disagree” to 5 “strongly agree”.
Research Procedure
This research began by organizing a questionnaire in a web-based application named Google Form, which contained informed consent, personal data, and instruments to measure self-disclosure variables. In the informed consent, two answer options were provided: willing and not willing. If the respondent selected willing, he/she would be directed to fill in his/her personal data and the questionnaire. If he/she selected not willing, he/she would be directed to the last page, a thanking page. This questionnaire was distributed through social media, such as Instagram, and chat applications, such as Whatsapp and LINE.
Data Analysis Techniques
Data were analyzed using the SPSS 27.0 application with a parametric independent sample t-test to determine differences in self-disclosure between men and women.
Based on the data analysis from the research on 121 respondents, there were differences in self- disclosure between women and men. Self-disclosure in women (M=52.80) was higher than in men (M=49.00).
Table 1. Independent Sample Test Xxxxxx'x
Test for
Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means
F | Sig. | t | df | Sig. (2- tailed) | Mean Difference | Std. Error Difference | 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper | |||
Self | Equal variances | 3.847 | .052 | - | 119 | .002 | -3.803 | 1.187 | -6.154 -1.452 | |
Disclosure assumed | 3.203 | |||||||||
Equal variances not | - | 108.762 | .002 | -3.803 | 1.201 | -6.183 | -1.423 | |||
assumed | 3.167 |
Note. Based on the results of the SPSS calculation above, the p-value on self-disclosure is (0.002<0.05). Therefore, Xx was rejected, meaning that there is a difference in the average results of self-disclosure between men and women. The Group Statistics table shows that the mean value of self-disclosure in men is 49.00 and the value of self- disclosure in women is 52.80, meaning that the average result of self-disclosure in women is higher than the average result of self-disclosure in men.
Based on the results of this study, there is a difference in self-disclosure regarding gender among young adults who use Instagram; women’s self-disclosure is higher than men’s. This result is similar to the previous research by Xxxxx and Xxxxxxx (2018), which states that there is a difference between the mean score of men and women; women are more likely to do self-disclosure acts than men. In this study, whose participants were Instagram users, women tended to have higher self-disclosure. In a study by Xx (2014) it was also found that women’s self-disclosure is higher than men’s, both through face-to-face and online interactions, in this case: through e-mail. Male societal stereotypes could be the reason for the lack of self- disclosure from men. It is also supported by Xxxx-Xxxxx et al. (2012), where men tend to do less self-disclosure than women because women are encouraged to be more disclose and expressive while men are encouraged not to do this.
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After research involving 121 participants was conducted, the results showed a difference in self- disclosure regarding gender among young adults who use Instagram. It can be concluded that the research hypothesis is accepted. Suggestions for future research include examining differences in self-disclosure from face-to-face interactions in terms of gender. Then, the next researcher can also review cultural differences. A suggestion for readers is to consider their self-disclosure on social media, especially Instagram, because of the impact that can be caused by it.
We would like to thank Tarumanagara University for its continuous support. We would also like to thank all respondents involved in this research.
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