Nomor : KP.02.00/012/KDL/III/2021 Jakarta, 23 Maret 2021 Sifat : Segera
Nomor : KP.02.00/012/KDL/III/2021 Jakarta, 23 Maret 2021 Sifat : Segera
Lampiran : 8 (delapan) berkas
Hal : Tawaran mengikuti Pelatihan Daring CMATC Tahun 2021
Yth. Bapak/Ibu (Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxan I) di
Berdasarkan informasi melalui email dari China Meteorological Administration Training Centre (CMATC) pada 19 Maret 2021, dengan hormat bersama ini kami sampaikan bahwa CMATC sebagai Beijing WMO-RTC menawarkan International Distance Training Course of CMA Training Centre pada periode Mei - Juli 2021 secara daring/online. Pelatihan dimaksud ditujukan bagi para prakirawan, analis, peneliti, praktisi dalam bidang Meteorologi dan Klimatologi dengan ketentuan tercantum pada Lampiran II. Adapun pelatihan yang ditawarkan adalah:
1. The International Distance Training course on Short-term Climate Monitoring and Prediction in Disaster Prevention and Mitigation dari tanggal 10 - 21 Mei 2021;
2. The International Distance Training Course on The Basic Principles of Satellite Remote-sensing dari tanggal 24 Mei - 4 Juni 2021;
3. The International Distance Training Course on Aeronautical Meteorology Services dari tanggal 21 Juni - 2 Juli 2021;
Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, kami mohon bantuan Bapak/Ibu untuk dapat menginformasikan kesempatan pelatihan ini kepada seluruh pegawai yang berada di unit kerja masing-masing, dengan mempertimbangkan tugas pokok dan fungsinya.
Sebagai informasi, terdapat 2 (dua) cara dalam mengikuti pelatihan ini yaitu jalur sertifikat (certificate-path) dan non sertifikat (open-path). Untuk peserta jalur non sertifikat dapat langsung mendaftar menggunakan proses enrollment ke CMATC. Khusus Calon peserta yang mengikuti jalur sertifikat, sebelum melakukan enrollment agar terlebih dahulu mendaftarkan berkas ke Pusdiklat BMKG guna memperoleh tandatangan Kepala
BMKG. Jalur sertifikat hanya tersedia untuk 5 (lima) orang pendaftar pertama yang mengirimkan berkas lengkapnya kepada Pusdiklat.
Untuk mengetahui dengan lebih lengkap terkait tata cara pendaftaran, ketentuan pelatihan dan kualifikasi peserta mohon mencermati ketentuan pada Lampiran. Informasi lebih lanjut terkait beasiswa pelatihan ini silahkan menghubungi Narahubung Pusdiklat Sdri. Xx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx., X.Xx (WA/HP. 0000-0000-0000/ email xxxxx.xxxxxxx@xxxx.xx.xx)
Demikian disampaikan. Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami ucapkan terima
Kepala Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan,
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx
1. Kepala BMKG;
2. Sestama BMKG;
3. Plt. Kepala Biro Hukum dan Organisasi.
Lampiran Surat | ||
Nomor | : | KP.02.00/012/KDL/III/2021 |
Tanggal | : | 23 Maret 2021 |
1. Kepala Pusat Meteorologi Publik;
2. Kepala Pusat Meteorologi Maritim;
3. Kepala Pusat Meteorologi Penerbangan;
4. Kepala Pusat Informasi Perubahan Iklim;
5. Kepala Pusat Layanan Informasi Iklim Terapan;
6. Kepala Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan;
7. Ketua STMKG;
8. Kepala Balai Besar MKG Wilayah I – V;
9. Para Kepala UPT Meteorologi dan Klimatologi di seluruh Indonesia.
Lampiran Surat | ||
Nomor | : | KP.02.00/012/KDL/III/2021 |
Tanggal | : | 23 Maret 2021 |
1. Pelamar mencermati informasi terkait pelatihan dan berkonsultasi untuk mendapat persetujuan dari Kepala UPT/ Kepala BBMKG/ Kepala Pusat/ Ketua STMKG/. Pelatihan yang akan diikuti harus sesuai dengan tugas pokok dan fungsi unit kerja dan job desk peserta;
2. Pelamar membuat akun dan melakukan pendaftaran mandiri secara daring melalui situs virtual learning CMATC di alamat: xxxx:// dengan Enroll Key: Cmatc2021
sebelum tenggat masing-masing pelatihan. Jika telah memiliki akun, pelamar dapat langsung memilih jalur pelatihan (sertifikat/ open-path);
3. Kesempatan mengikuti jalur sertifikat hanya diberikan kepada 5 (lima) pendaftar pertama untuk tiap pelatihan. Pelamar yang memilih jalur ini melengkapi persyaratan pendaftaran pada bagian Lampiran II poin B (kelengkapan berkas) dan mengunggah pada laman xxxxxxxxx.xxxx.xx.xx dengan tata cara sebagai berikut:
- login dengan username dan password yang sama dengan yang digunakan untuk
mengakses aplikasi SKP BMKG);
- pilih menu ‘layanan’ dan ‘short course’;
- pilih pelatihan yang dituju dan lengkapi keterangan dengan informasi yang sesuai;
- unggah seluruh berkas yang telah dikompilasi dalam 1 (satu) file dalam format MS. Word (maksimum 2 MB). Mohon mencermati tenggat waktu pengunggahan dokumen pada poin 6;
4. Pusdiklat akan memproses usulan 5 (lima) pelamar pertama kepada PR of Indonesia with the WMO (Kepala BMKG) untuk mendapat persetujuan. Form nominasi yang telah ditandatangani Kepala BMKG akan dikirimkan kembali melalui email peserta, untuk selanjutnya diunggah pelamar;
5. Untuk mengikuti pelatihan ini, tidak dipungut biaya.
6. Penting: Tenggat Waktu proses:
Nama Pelatihan | Tenggat waktu Unggah berkas ke Pusdiklat | Tenggat Waktu Unggah Berkas ke CMATC |
1. Short-term Climate Monitoring and Prediction in Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, 10 - 21 Mei 2021. | 16 April 2021 | 3 Mei 2021 |
2. The Basic Principles of Satellite Remote- sensing, 24 Mei - 4 Juni, 2021. | 30 April 2021 | 19 Mei 2021 |
3. Aeronautical Meteorology Services, 21 Juni - 2 Juli 2021. | 28 Mei 2021 | 14 Juni 2021 |
1. Surat pengantar yang ditandatangani Kepala UPT/ Kepala BBMKG/ Kepala Pusat/ Ketua STMKG/, yang menyatakan bahwa pelatihan yang dipilih telah sesuai dengan tugas pokok unit kerja dan job desk peserta;
2. Softcopy Formulir Pendaftaran (lihat lampiran IV, VI dan VIII) yang telah diisi dan dilengkapi foto berwarna ukuran 4x6 cm. Softcopy dikirimkan dalam format MS. Word. Mohon tidak mengisi bagian V di form dimaksud yang akan diperuntukkan bagi tandatangan persetujuan Kepala BMKG selaku Permanent Representative of Indonesia with the WMO;
3. Surat keterangan bahwa pexxxxx tidak sedang melakukan pendaftaran atau melakukan pelatihan lainnya dan tidak akan mengundurkan diri sekiranya diterima.
Narahubung Pusdiklat BMKG (Contact Person): Rr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx., X.Xx
HP No. 0813 1722 8283
Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan BMKG
Gedung A, Lt. 9 - Jl. Angkasa I No. 2 Kemayoran Jakarta Pusat Email: xxxxx.xxxxxxx@xxxx.xx.xx
Lampiran Surat | ||
Nomor | : | KP.02.00/012/KDL/III/2021 |
Tanggal | : | 23 Maret 2021 |
China Meteorological Administration Training Centre WMO Regional Training Centre Beijing
00 Xxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx 000000, Xxxxx
10 - 21 May 2021, Beijing, China PRELIMINARY COURSE INFORMATION
The International Distance Training Course on Short-term Climate Monitoring and Prediction in Disaster Prevention and Mitigation will be organized by China Meteorological Administration Training Centre (CMATC), which is also designated as WMO Regional Training Centre in Beijing (RTC-Beijing), sponsored by China Meteorological Administration (CMA).
Courses Description
The course is aimed to provide the trainees with the operational approaches on short-term climate monitoring and prediction, to help them better understand ENSO dynamics, impacts and prediction, to improve their understanding in meteorological disasters prevention and mitigation, and to enhance the technical exchange and future cooperation in the meteorological field. Different from the one held last year, this time we will focus on ENSO dynamics and ENSO prediction models. Trainees will also deepen their comprehension of climate disasters.
Expected Learning Outcomes
After the courses, participants will be able to:
- Build up technical knowledge on short-term climate monitoring and prediction approaches;
- Have a better understanding of ENSO dynamics and ENSO prediction models;
- Deepens comprehension of the prevention and mitigation of meteorological disasters.
Course Format
The distance training will be delivered via online courseware and discussion.
Target Audience
Officials, specialist, forecasters engaged in climate prediction and disaster risk management at National Hydrological and Meteorological Services or equivalent institutions. In order to improve the training quality and better satisfy your training demands, there will be two paths for enrolling:
(1) Certificate path: Only applicants who are nominated by PR of the National
Meteorological and/or Hydrological Service will be considered. Spaces for participants in the Certificate Path will be limited to 80. Generally, no more than 5 trainees from each country are advised to apply for this course. The certificate-path trainees are required to complete several assignments and actively engage in discussion online, and they will be expected to dedicate a minimum of 2 hours per day. Participants who have completed all the training activities as required will be issued a digital certificate of participation by CMATC/WMO RTC-Beijing.
(2) Open path: For those wishing to participate only in sessions of interest, and do not require a certificate of completion. For the open-path trainees, full attendance is also encouraged and feedback is welcomed.
Senior experts from CMA, Beijing Climate Centre, CMATC etc.
The course will be conducted in English.
Application and Participation
1) Certificate-path candidates are requested to submit the completed Application Forms to CMATC no later than 3 May 2021. The accepted applicants will receive the admission notices with Certificate-path Enroll Key endorsed by CMATC.
2) Open-path candidates could create their own account at xxxx:// Open-path Enrollment Key: Cmatc2021.
3) If candidates who have attended our online course before and have already created an account, the account is still valid. Please enroll directly for open path or send application form for certificate path.
4) The participants are required to finish all the course wares and quizzes. Each participant who has completed all training courses will be issued a digital certificate of the participation by CMATC/WMO RTC Beijing.
5) Please pay attention to the training website for updated information.
6) The distance training course is free of charge.
Attn: Ms. XX Xxx, Program Manager Tel: +86-10-6840 9467
Wechat Number: sophie4624 (APP Download: xxxxx:// WMO Regional Training Centre Beijing
China Meteorological Administration Training Centre 00 Xxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx 000000, P.R.China
Lampiran Surat | ||
Nomor | : | KP.02.00/012/KDL/III/2021 |
Tanggal | : | 23 Maret 2021 |
The International Distance Training Course on Short-term Climate Monitoring and Prediction in Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (Beijing, China, 10 to 21 May, 2021)
Note: Please complete the form in typed capital letters and get it scanned in PDF version. Send to the organizers by email as soon as possible and in any case no later than 3 May 2021.
I. Personal Data
1. Surname Given Name
2. Gender
3. Date of Birth
4. Place of Birth
5. Passport Number
6. Nationality
7. Marital Status
8. History of infectious disease: □ No □ Yes
(Please specify if yes)
9. Address: Mobile phone:
Telephone: Fax: Email Address: @
Permanent Address:
II. Work Experience
10. Statement of present work Name of institution/Department
Position held Brief description of duties
11. Previous employment history
Date Institution Position and Duties
12. Educational and/or professional qualification
Date Major and University Degree/Diploma
13. Language Proficiency
Mother Tongue English Proficiency (Please tick):
Reading: | a. excellent | b. good | c. fair | d. poor |
Listening: | a. excellent | b. good | c. fair | d. poor |
Speaking: | a. excellent | b. good | c. fair | d. poor |
Writing: | a. excellent | b. good | c. fair | d. poor |
14. State why you wish to attend the forum and the course and indicate the practical use of it to your work in the future.
III. Personal Statement
I hereby declare that the information given above is true, correct and complete. I shall bear the responsibility for the above information.
I pledge to observe all the Chinese laws and will respect the local customs and follow the course regulations during my stay in China for the training course.
Date Signature of Applicant
V. Endorsement of the PR
Name of Organization_The Agency of Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG)
Name Xxxx. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx., X.Xx., Ph. D
Signature Official Seal Date
VI. Contact Details
Attn: Ms. XX Xxx, Program Manager Tel: +86-10-6840 9467
Wechat Number: sophie4624 (APP Download: xxxxx:// WMO Regional Training Centre Beijing
China Meteorological Administration Training Centre 00 Xxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx 000000, P.R.China
Lampiran Surat | ||
Nomor | : | KP.02.00/012/KDL/III/2021 |
Tanggal | : | 23 Maret 2021 |
China Meteorological Administration Training Centre WMO Regional Training Centre Beijing
00 Xxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx 000000, Xxxxx
24 May to 4 June 2021, Beijing, China PRELIMINARY COURSE INFORMATION
The International Distance Training Course on The Basic Principles of Satellite Remote-sensing will be organized by China Meteorological Administration Training Centre (CMATC), which is also designated as WMO Regional Training Centre in Beijing (RTC-Beijing), sponsored by China Meteorological Administration (CMA).
Courses Description
The course is aimed to help freshmen in satellite meteorology to understand the concept of satellite remote-sensing, to enhance their basic knowledge in the interpretation of meteorological satellite data, and to improve their skills in simple weather analysis and environmental monitoring. Trainees will be expected to improve their capabilities of data acquisition and assimilation, their ability to utilize the satellite monitoring system, as well as their proficiency in satellite remote-sensing application. Different from the one held last year, this time our course content will be more basic, especially be friendly for freshmen in satellite meteorology.
Course Content
The training course includes:
1) Concepts of satellite remote-sensing;
2) Satellite cloud image recognition and interpretation;
3) Satellite Weather Application Platform (SWAP) and Satellite Monitoring Analysis Remote-sensing Toolkit (SMART);
4) Case study on satellite products application in disaster mitigation and prevention;
5) Introduction to the latest development of Fengyun satellites and the application of FY products, especially the geostationary satellite products.
Expected Learning Outcomes
By studying the online materials, participants will be able to:
1) apply the basic theory and principles of radiation to the interpretation of meteorological satellite imagery and products;
2) access, select, display and manipulate satellite data;
3) carry out weather analysis and forecasting by using meteorological satellite imagery and data;
4) use Satellite Weather Application Platform (SWAP) and Satellite Monitoring Analysis Remote-sensing Toolkit (SMART), which cover laboratory practice for torrential rain and strong convective weather monitoring, wild fire monitoring, and drought monitoring;
5) have a better understanding of the Fengyun (FY) satellites, as well as the current and future products of geostationary satellite products such as wind profiling radar (WPR), cloud spectral image, lightning image observation, and space weather monitoring.
Course Format
The distance training will be conducted via online course and discussion.
Target Audience
Officials, specialists, forecasters engaged in satellite meteorology and disaster risk management at National Hydrological and Meteorological Services or equivalent institutions.
Senior experts from CMA, National Meteorological Satellite Centre, CMATC etc.
The course will be given in English.
Application and Participation
Officials, specialist, forecasters engaged in satellite meteorology, or who wish to engage in related fields at National Hydrological and Meteorological Services or equivalent institutions. In order to improve the training quality and better satisfy your training demands, there will be two paths for enrolling:
1) Certificate-path candidates are requested to submit the completed Application Forms to CMATC no later than 19 May 2021. The accepted applicants will receive the admission notices with Certificate-path Enroll Key endorsed by CMATC.
2) Open-path candidates could create their own account at xxxx:// Open-path Enrollment Key: Cmatc2021
3) Ifcandidateswhohaveattendedouronlinecoursebeforeandhavealreadycreated an account, the account is still valid. Please enroll directly for open path or send application form for certificate path.
4) The participants are required to finish all the coursewares and quizzes. Each participant who has completed all training courses will be issued a digital certificate of the participation by CMATC/WMO RTC Beijing.
5) Please pay attention to the training website for updated information.
6) The distance training course is free of charge.
Attn: Ms. XXXX Xxxxxxan, Program Manager Tel: +86-10-6840 9467
WMO Regional Training Centre Beijing China Meteorological Administration Training Centre 00 Xxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx 000000, X.X.Xxxxx
Lampiran Surat | ||
Nomor | : | KP.02.00/012/KDL/III/2021 |
Tanggal | : | 23 Maret 2021 |
The International Distance Training Course on The Basic Principles of Satellite Remote-sensing
(Beijing, China, 24 May to 4 June, 2021)
Note: Please complete the form in typed capital letters and get it scanned in PDF version. Send to the organizers by email as soon as possible and in any case no later than 19 May 2021.
I. Personal Data
1. Surname Given Name
2. Gender
3. Date of Birth
4. Place of Birth
5. Passport Number
6. Nationality
7. Marital Status
8. History of infectious disease: □ No □ Yes
(Please specify if yes)
9. Address: Mobile phone:
Telephone: Fax: Email Address: @
Permanent Address:
II. Work Experience
10. Statement of present work
Name of institution/Department
Division/Section Position held
Brief description of duties
11. Previous employment history
Date Institution Position and Duties
12. Educational and/or professional qualification
Date Major and University Degree/Diploma
13. Language Proficiency
Mother Tongue English Proficiency (Please tick):
Reading: a. excellent b. good c. fair d. poor Listening: a. excellent b. good c. fair d. poor Speaking: a. excellent b. good c. fair d. poor Writing: a. excellent b. good c. fair d. poor
14. State why you wish to attend the forum and the course and indicate the practical use of it to your work in the future.
III. Personal Statement
I hereby declare that the information given above is true, correct and complete. I shall bear the responsibility for the above information.
I pledge to observe all the Chinese laws and will respect the local customs and follow the course regulations during my stay in China for the training course.
Date Signature of Applicant
V. Endorsement of the PR
Name of Organization_The Agency of Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG)
Name Xxxx. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx., X.Xx., Ph. D
Signature Official Seal Date
VI. Contact Details
Contact Person: Ms. XXXX Xxxxxxan
Address : China Meteorological Administration
00 Xxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx 000000, Xxxxx
Telephone: x000000000000
Lampiran Surat | ||
Nomor | : | KP.02.00/012/KDL/III/2021 |
Tanggal | : | 23 Maret 2021 |
China Meteorological Administration Training Centre WMO Regional Training Centre Beijing
00 Xxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx 000000, Xxxxx
21 June to 2 July 2021, China
The International Distance Training Course on Aeronautical Meteorology Services is hosted by China Meteorological Administration Training Centre (CMATC), which is also designated as WMO Regional Training Centre in Beijing (WMO RTC-Beijing), and supported by China Meteorological Administration (CMA).
Courses Description
The course is aimed to help participants to improve their forecasting skills, such as the forecasting of hazardous weather phenomena and weather parameters, and to enhance their capabilities in providing aeronautical meteorological services, especially the issuance of significant meteorological information (SIGMET). With an aim to support least developed and developing countries and other countries especially in Asia to implement WMO Aeronautical Meteorology Programme (AeMP), the course will also introduce typical cases of aeronautical meteorological services in China. This course will focus on airport forecasting and SIGMET issuance.
Expected Learning Outcomes
By studying the online courseware, participants are expected to improve the capabilities of:
• Analyzing and diagnosing weather situation, and forecasting aeronautical weather parameters;
• Forecasting and warning hazardous weather phenomena;
• Issuing SIGMET;
• Understanding the practices of China civil aeronautical meteorology and related progresses in global civil aeronautical meteorology; For the course learning outcomes, please refer to the Compendium of WMO Competency Frameworks (WMO-No. 1209).
Course Format
The distance training will be delivered via online courseware and discussion.
Target Audience
This course will be open to all officials, specialists and experts who are working as aeronautical meteorologists or in related fields.
In order to improve the training quality and better satisfy your training demands, there will be two paths for enrolling:
(1) Certificate path:
Only applicants who are nominated by PR of the National Meteorological and/or Hydrological Service will be considered. Spaces for participants in the Certificate Path will be limited to 80. Generally, no more than 5 trainees from each country are advised to apply for this course. The certificate-path trainees are required to complete several assignments and actively engage in discussion online, and they will be expected to dedicate a minimum of 2 hours per day. Participants who have completed all the training activities as required will be issued a digital certificate of participation by CMATC/WMO RTC-Beijing.
(2) Open path:
Designed for those are interested and with no requirement for certificate. For the open- path trainees, full attendance is also encouraged and feedback is welcomed.
Senior experts from CMA, National Meteorological Centre, Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), Xxxx Xxxx Observatory (HKO) and CMA Training Centre etc.
The course will be conducted in English.
Application and Participation
1) Certificate-path candidates are requested to submit the completed Application Forms to CMATC no later than 14 June 2021. The accepted applicants will receive the admission notices with Certificate-path Enroll Key endorsed by CMATC.
2) Open-path candidates could create their own accounts at xxxx:// Open-path Enrollment Key: Cmatc2021
3) If candidates who have attended our online course before and have already created an account, the account is still valid. Please enroll directly for open path or send application form for certificate path.
4) Please pay attention to the training website for updated information.
5) The distance training course is free of charge.
Ms. XX Xxxxxx, Program Manager Tel: +86-10-6840 9218
WMO Regional Training Centre Beijing
China Meteorological Administration Training Centre 00 Xxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx 000000, P.R.China
Lampiran Surat | ||
Nomor | : | KP.02.00/012/KDL/III/2021 |
Tanggal | : | 23 Maret 2021 |
The International Distance Training Course on Aeronautical Meteorology Services
(Beijing, China, 21 June to 2 July, 2021)
Note: Please complete the form in typed capital letters and get it scanned in PDF version. Send to the organizers by email as soon as possible and in any case no later than 14 June 2021.
I. Personal Data
1. Surname Given Name
2. Gender
3. Date of Birth
4. Place of Birth
5. Passport Number
6. Nationality
7. Marital Status
8. History of infectious disease: □ No □ Yes
(Please specify if yes)
9. Address: Mobile phone:
Telephone: Fax: Email Address: @
Permanent Address:
II. Work Experience
10. Statement of present work
Name of institution/Department
Division/Section Position held
Brief description of duties
11. Previous employment history
Date Institution Position and Duties
12. Educational and/or professional qualification
Date Major and University Degree/Diploma
13. Language Proficiency
Mother Tongue English Proficiency (Please tick):
Reading: | a. excellent | b. good | c. fair | d. poor |
Listening: | a. excellent | b. good | c. fair | d. poor |
Speaking: | a. excellent | b. good | c. fair | d. poor |
Writing: | a. excellent | b. good | c. fair | d. poor |
14. State why you wish to attend the forum and the course and indicate the practical use of it to your work in the future.
III. Personal Statement
I hereby declare that the information given above is true, correct and complete. I shall bear the responsibility for the above information.
I pledge to observe all the Chinese laws and will respect the local customs and follow the course regulations during my stay in China for the training course.
Date Signature of Applicant
V. Endorsement of the PR
Name of Organization_The Agency of Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG)
Name Xxxx. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx., X.Xx., Ph. D
Signature Official Seal Date
VI. Contact Details
Contact Person: Ms. XXXX Xxxxxxan
Address: China Meteorological Administration
00 Xxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx 000000, Xxxxx
Telephone: x000000000000