Pada hari ini Kamis tanggal 08 bulan April tahun 2021 yang bertanda tangan dibawah
1. Nama : Xxx Xxx Xxxx, Ph.D.
Jabatan : Ketua Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Alamat : Letjen S. Xxxxxx No.1, Tomang, Grogol petamburan, Jakarta Barat, 11440 selanjutnya disebut Pihak Pertama
2. Nama : Dr. Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx P.B., X.Xx., M.Pd. Jabatan : Dosen Tetap
Fakultas: Seni Rupa dan Desain (Desain Komunikasi Visual)
Alamat : Letjen S. Xxxxxx Xx.0, Xxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, 00000
Bertindak untuk diri sendiri dan atas nama anggota pelaksana Penelitian :
1. Nama : Xxx. Xxx Xxxx Xxxxxxx, X.Xx. Jabatan: Dosen Tetap
2. Nama : Xxxxxxx, S.Ds., X.Xx Jabatan: Dosen Tetap
selanjutnya disebut Pihak Kedua
Pihak Pertama dan Pihak Kedua sepakat mengadakan Perjanjian Pelaksanaan Penelitian Nomor 555-Int-KLPPM/UNTAR/IV/2021 sebagai berikut:
Pasal 1
(1). Pihak Pertama menugaskan Pihak Kedua untuk melaksanakan Penelitian atas nama Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Tarumanagara dengan judul “Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Integrasi Desain Visual dalam Konsep Kampus Merdeka di Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain”
(2). Biaya pelaksanaan penelitian sebagaimana dimaksud ayat (1) di atas dibebankan kepada Pihak Pertama melalui anggaran Universitas Tarumanagara.
(3). Besaran biaya pelaksanaan yang diberikan kepada Pihak Kedua sebesar Rp 12.000.000,- (dua belas juta rupiah), diberikan dalam 2 (dua) tahap masing-masing sebesar 50%.
(4). Pencairan biaya pelaksanaan Tahap I akan diberikan setelah penandatanganan Perjanjian Pelaksanaan Penelitian.
(5). Pencairan biaya pelaksanaan Tahap II akan diberikan setelah Pihak Kedua
melaksanakan Penelitian, mengumpulkan:
a. Hard copy berupa laporan akhir sebanyak 5 (lima) eksemplar, logbook 1(satu) eksemplar, laporan pertanggungjawaban keuangan sebanyak 1 (satu) eksemplar, luaran penelitian; dan
b. Softcopy laporan akhir, logbook, laporan pertanggungjawaban keuangan, dan luaran penelitian.
(6). Rincian biaya pelaksanaan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (3) terlampir dalam Lampiran Rencana Penggunaan Biaya dan Rekapitulasi Penggunaan Biaya yang merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dalam perjanjian ini.
(7). Penggunaan biaya penelitian oleh Pihak Kedua wajib memperhatikan hal-hal sebagai berikut:
a. Tidak melampaui batas biaya tiap pos anggaran yang telah ditetapkan; dan
b. Peralatan yang dibeli dengan anggaran biaya penelitian menjadi milik Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat.
(8). Daftar peralatan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (7) di atas wajib diserahkan oleh Pihak Kedua kepada Pihak Pertama selambat-lambatnya 1 (satu) bulan setelah penelitian selesai.
Pasal 2
(1). Pelaksanaan kegiatan Penelitian akan dilakukan oleh Pihak Kedua sesuai dengan proposal yang telah disetujui dan mendapatkan pembiayaan dari Pihak Pertama.
(2). Pelaksanaan kegiatan penelitian sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1) dilakukan dalam Periode II, terhitung sejak Januari – Juni 2021
Pasal 3
(1). Pihak Pertama mengadakan kegiatan monitoring dan evaluasi terhadap pelaksanaan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Pihak Kedua.
(2). Pihak Kedua diwajibkan mengikuti kegiatan monitoring dan evaluasi sesuai dengan jadwal yang ditetapkan oleh Pihak Pertama.
(3). Sebelum pelaksanaan monitoring dan evaluasi, Pihak Kedua wajib mengisi lembar monitoring dan evaluasi serta melampirkan laporan kemajuan pelaksanaan penelitian dan logbook.
(4). Laporan Kemajuan disusun oleh Pihak Kedua sesuai dengan Panduan Penelitian yang telah ditetapkan Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat.
(5). Lembar monitoring dan evaluasi, laporan kemajuan dan logbook diserahkan kepada Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat sesuai dengan batas waktu yang ditetapkan.
Pasal 4
(1). Pihak Kedua wajib mengumpulkan Laporan Akhir, Logbook, Laporan Pertanggungjawaban Keuangan, dan luaran.
(2). Laporan Akhir disusun oleh Pihak Kedua sesuai dengan Panduan Penelitian yang telah ditetapkan Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat.
(3). Logbook yang dikumpulkan memuat secara rinci tahapan kegiatan yang telah dilakukan oleh
Pihak Kedua dalam pelaksanaan Penelitian.
(4). Laporan Pertanggungjawaban yang dikumpulkan Pihak Kedua memuat secara rinci penggunaan biaya pelaksanaan Penelitian yang disertai dengan bukti-bukti.
(5). Batas waktu pengumpulan Laporan Akhir, Logbook, Laporan Pertanggungjawaban Keuangan, dan luaran wajib berupa Artikel dan Modul Pembelajaran (Juni 2021)
(6). Apabila Pihak Kedua tidak mengumpulkan Laporan Akhir, Logbook, Laporan Pertanggungjawaban Keuangan, dan Luaran sebagaimana disebutkan dalam ayat (5), maka Pihak Pertama akan memberikan sanksi.
(7). Sanksi sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (6) berupa proposal penelitian pada periode berikutnya tidak akan diproses untuk mendapatkan pendanaan pembiayaan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat.
Pasal 5
(1). Dalam hal tertentu Pihak Kedua dapat meminta kepada Pihak Pertama untuk memperpanjang batas waktu sebagaimana dimaksud pada Pasal 4 ayat (5) di atas dengan disertai alasan-alasan yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.
(2). Pihak Pertama berwenang memutuskan menerima atau menolak permohonan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1).
(3). Perpanjangan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) hanya dapat diberikan 1 (satu) kali.
Pasal 6
(1). Pihak Pertama berhak mempublikasikan ringkasan laporan penelitian yang dibuat Pihak Kedua ke dalam salah satu jurnal ilmiah yang terbit di lingkungan Universitas Tarumanagara.
(2). Pihak Kedua memegang Hak Cipta dan mendapatkan Honorarium atas penerbitan ringkasan laporan penelitian sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1)
(3). Pihak Kedua wajib membuat poster penelitian yang sudah/sedang dilaksanakan, untuk dipamerkan pada saat kegiatan Research Week tahun terkait.
(4). Pihak Kedua wajib membuat artikel penelitian yang sudah dilaksanakan untuk diikut sertakan dalam kegiatan International Conference yang diselenggarakan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat.
(5). Penggandaan dan publikasi dalam bentuk apapun atas hasil penelitian hanya dapat dilakukan oleh Pihak Kedua setelah mendapatkan persetujuan tertulis dari Pihak Pertama.
Pasal 7
(1) Apabila Pihak Kedua tidak mengumpulkan Laporan Akhir, Logbook, Laporan Pertanggungjawaban Keuangan, dan Luaran sesuai dengan batas akhir yang ditetapkan, maka Pihak Pertama akan memberikan sanksi.
(2) Sanksi sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) adalah proposal penelitian pada periode berikutnya tidak akan diproses untuk mendapatkan pendanaan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat.
Pasal 8
(1). Apabila terjadi perselisihan menyangkut pelaksanaan Penelitian ini, kedua belah pihak sepakat untuk menyelesaikannya secara musyawarah.
(2). Dalam hal musyawarah sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) tidak tercapai, keputusan diserahkan kepada Pimpinan Universitas Tarumanagara.
(3). Keputusan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam pasal ini bersifat final dan mengikat.
Demikian Perjanjian Pelaksanaan Penelitian ini dibuat dengan sebenar-benarnya pada hari, tanggal dan bulan tersebut diatas dalam rangkap 2 (dua), yang masing-masing mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang sama.
Pihak Pertama
Jap Tji Beng, Ph.D.
Pihak Kedua
Dr. Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx P.B., X.Xx., M.Pd.
Rencana Penggunan Biaya | Jumlah |
Honorarium | Rp. 2.400.000,- |
Pelaksanaan penelitian | Rp 9.600.000,- |
No. | Pos Anggaran | Tahap I | Tahap II | Jumlah |
1. | Honorarium | 1.200.000,- | 1.200.000,- | 2.400.000,- |
2. | Pelaksanaan penelitian | 4.800.000,- | 4.800.000,- | 9.600.000,- |
Jumlah | 6.000.000,- | 6.000.000,- | 12.000.000,- |
Jakarta, April 2021 Peneliti,
(Dr. Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx P.B., X.Xx., M.Pd.)
DD ID NO: DD0050
Date:3/31/2021 11:43:04
To:Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx P.B. Xxxxxxx and Xxx Xxxx Xxxxxxx
On behalf of the International Conference on Design Industries and Creative Culture 2021 organizing committee, we are pleased to inform you that the project entitled “Visual Diary: The Self-discovery for Future Designer in Design Learning” has been accepted.
In this respect, please take note the following:
1. All participants must register before 31 May 2021 and make payments before 31 May 2021 to attend the event.
2. Payment must be made payable to:
Beneficiary Name : Xxxxx Xxxxxx UiTM Kedah
Bank Name : Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB)
Bank Account Number : 02020010021120
Swift Code : XXXXXXXX
Reference : DESIGN DECODED 2021 (this should be placed as a reference when making an online transfer)
3. Please email the payment slip and include your DD ID No (as mentioned above) for a proof of payment to Please be informed that the organizers reserve the right to reject the participation of individuals who do not meet the stipulated payment requirements.
4. Further information regarding International Conference on Design Industries and Creative Culture 2021 can be obtained from the website.
5. You are strongly advised to visit the website for information and updates on the event.
6. Please inform the Organizing Committee at as soon as possible if, for any reason, you are unable to attend the event.
Thank you for interest and support. We are looking forward to meeting you at the International Conference on Design Industries and Creative Culture 2021.
Visual Diary: The Self-discovery for Future Designer in Design Learning
Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx P.B.1, Mariati2, Xxx Xxxx Xxxxxxx3
{,, }
Universitas Tarumanagara,, Universitas Xxxxxxxxxxxx,, Universitas Tarumanagara,
Abstract. Designers are starting to a play a different role. Besides design, moreover involved in managing work that requires integration across disciplines. Innovation in design learning needs to emphasize a learning model that stimulates student’s ability to construct knowledge and experiences independently and to recognize their potential. The purpose of this study is to find the characteristics of a design learning model that develops student’s potential according to their interests through a visual diary combine with an actual problem. This study used a qualitative approach by collecting samples of practical subjects in visual communication design program study, with research subjects : (1) course activity; (2) lecturers; (3) students. The data collection technique includes an interview and focus group discussion. The result shows that learning which involves self-discovery through the visual diary design process provides the opportunity to develop student‘s potential, such as passion discovered, thinking skills, and carry out the design process
Keywords: visual, diary, design, learning, self-discovery
1 Introduction
Designer are starting to a play a different role. New situations and contexts can generate innovative challenges as new opportunities. Besides design, moreover involved in managing work that requires integration across disciplines. This study examines the diary method as a presentation of learning material to train student subjectivity to see from various points of view, especially from the point of view of individuals who bring out characteristics and authenticity in seeing things. The diary is a self-report instrument used to examine ongoing experiences, offers the opportunity to investigate social, psychological, and physiological, everyday situations [1], a diary can be a way as self-training to accommodate point of view and choices as new forces or new perspectives. In the learning process, the diversity of the presentation of learning materials provides alternatives opportunities for a high degree of adaptation [2]. In this study, visual diaries are used as a learning method to explore ideas, thoughts, expressed in the recorded notes.
Innovation in design learning needs to emphasize a learning model that stimulates student’s ability to construct knowledge and experiences independently and to recognize their potential. Praticing practical design skills to prepare graduate designers to being able adapt to the growing design industry [3], by emphasizing learning that develops student’s potential based on their interest and talent through real problem and field dynamics. The visual diary aims to integrate
variety of individual knowledge into a comprehensive visual communication media. The diary method is used to collect data by xxxxxxxxing, writing, sepaking, thinking clearly and using diary as storage equipment, enabling natural data collection, namely information collected ‚in the moment‘ and in a ‘real environment‘ such as at home or outdoors, rather than just in a research laboratory [4]. Diary studies offer insight into everyday life and may take place over time. Students can show their thoughts and experiences in their own words.
The purpose of this study is to find the characteristics of a design learning model that develops student’s potential according to their interests through a visual diary combine with an actual problem, encourage students to use lateral thinking or higher order thinking skills. Deepen their knowledge and understanding in order to enhance and expand their creative practice, the self discovery process in design capabilities.
2 Visual Diary and Self Discovery
Diaries are designed to capture the small experiences in everyday life that occupy most of our work time and majority of our conscious attention [5]. The benefit of the diary method is that it allows the examination of events and experiences created in a natural and spontaneous context, providing complementary information that can be obtained with more traditional designs [6]. As design process visual diary becomes a record of the journey of planning, development, and exploration of ideas before making a final decision on the design concept and strategy to be created and presented.
In general, self-discovery is the stage where someone tries to find their true existence. In this study, the scope of self-discovery is how students find a theme that is their passion and interest. Passion give opportunity to explore purpose, personal values or specific qualities that are important and meaningful. These values can help describe the desired life as well as expected behavior. This self-discovery may not be uncommon, how to value self-knowledge as a path to empowerment, however, this form of empowerment has an important function during the crisis
[7] especially in the face of uncertainty, discover their own characteristics to recognize their potential. Preparing designers in creating jobs that do not yet exist, to develop undiscovered technology, to solve problems that cannot be anticipated [8]. The integration of the visual diary method as a media of self-discovery process can be one of the stimulation and experiments of future designer role, having the ability to formulate various information around them, analyze, make new method [3] of doing research and exploration. Experiments provides opportunities for students to learn more, not by being told what will happen, but by being left to make their own findings, discoveries, and conclusions [9], this method has the opportunity to find new ways to create a work.
3 Method
This study used a qualitative approach, to explore and understand the meaning that comes from social or humans problems individually or in groups of people [10] by collecting samples of practical subjects in visual communication design program study, with research subjects : (1) course activity; (2) lecturers; (3) students. The data collection technique includes interviews and
focus group discussion, most common methods of data collection in qualitative research [11]. The research was conducted in second-year class of a visual communication design school, with 40 students with team teaching of four teacher.
In the course activity, students were asked to conduct research on various themes, thoughts, feelings, guesses, imaginations and put them in a visual diary. During the process, lecturers and students interacting the learning through coaching and discussion. After the course activity, interview was conducted with 10 students regarding their experience by carrying out this course activity. Structured interview was used in this method, each respondent was asked by the same question. Focus group discussions were conducted with lecturers to generate on collective views and meaning. Data analysis was carried out by organizing, describing the data, presenting and making conclusions.
4 Result and Discussion
Students were asked to conduct research on various things related to their interests through certain theme selected, with thoughts, feelings, guesses, imaginations and putting them in a visual diary. The theme will be used to create work in a design project. Students are given the freedom to choose a theme according to their interest. Starting from hobbies, passion or even the opposdite, what they don’t like, self-anxiety and fear. Students may input all the plans, thoughts and ideas, both in visual and text. They are the repository of experiment from inspiration, imagination, and graphic experimental. As a personal record of visual thinking and reveal aspects of their creative process.
Students used two techniques in visualization, digital and manual technique. Using digital technique, students combining the visual findings, colour, typography arrangement, using the computer software.
Fig. 1. Visual diary with digital technique
Through the digital technique, students explained that this activity allow them to explore further, more curiosity, and finally find a new way and methods. Most of the students feel happy, open-minded, and inovative. The work process also makes them feel excited and fun.
However, some of the students found unpleasant emotions, such as:
1. Fear of whether the method is right or wrong.
2. A sense of doubt whether the result meet the lecturer’s expectation.
3. Curiosity of wondering where to start.
4. Feeling anxious to try something new and getting out of the comfort zone.
The second is using the manual technique, students conduct visual research and the results were combined using cut and paste, collage, and paper. The result from the manual technique showed that initially students felt confuse and take a long time to find ideas and inspiration for their design. After starting the manual drawing, the new inspiration also emerged, brings the process more challenging, exciting, and fun. However, it also takes a longer time to finish the drawing because were carry out in manual technique. Some of the students admit that the design result obtained ultimately better than they expected. Students were feeling nostalgia like working on a scrapbook without any creative limitation.
Fig. 2. Visual diary with manual technique
Both visual diary design in manual or digital technique provides positive and negative feelings and experiences to students. As the result of an interview with one of the students CH, said ’I become know a lot of things, find a new way of exploration that I didn’t think of before. At first, I was curious yet afraid to make mistakes, I keep questioning mysef whether this decision is okay or not‘. Similar with a student name XX told us ’I can create new thing in this visual diary, learn various exploration methods. I was a little surprised when being told to make it into further exploration and there was a sense of thrill when trying a new method‘.
The lecturer revealed that at the beginning of making a visual diary, it was necessary to encourage students' courage to see things from the point of view of their subjectivity. Most of the students feel confused, there is anxiety about doing the wrong thing because exploring self- interest through visual research is an unusual thing. However, after several meetings, students began to be able to bring out various points of view of everything that was within them. In the discussion, the lecturer directed students to conduct research using association and self- personification using visual thinking. One of the activities that the lecturer needs to multiply is to use the strategy of asking questions as a trigger for a variety of possibilities, to what extent students try to explore the design process, develop ideas, and capture added values. According to the lecturer, the questioning strategy has an important role to stimulate students' thinking.
Questions can be in the form of knowledge, up to things that arouse students' curiosity, and lead to determining answers.
This visual diary becomes their life and work documents, which can develop from any page the student wants, as a process that can be repeated continuously. The feeling of anxiety in conducting experiments encourages analytical practice and new methods of exploration [3]. This activity can be seen as a project progress or reflective practice. Curiosity and wondering where to start give students the chance to make their own findings, discoveries [9] new feelings and experiences.
The research found that passion and interest can be the capital used to offer endurance while producing subjectivity that makes students more resilient to the design exploration process. Through the visual diary, students research by collecting various sample data using a different approach by designing and implementing the diary method. The more in-depth and extensive research and planning in a visual diary, students feel even happier because they can explore and find their passion to develop a design project theme that needs to be made. Learning which involves self-discovery through the visual diary design process provides the opportunity to develop student‘s potential, such as passion discovered, thinking skills, and carry out the design process. Based on the findings, this study showed that most students agreed with the use of a visual diary as a medium in finding an interesting theme for students and become a passion of theirs.
5 Conclusions
From the findings, it can be concluded that by integrating research with creativity, students were able to report and create meaning with a detailed understanding of a research theme through their visual diary. Students research with a creative expression by utilizing the visual elements through techniques and media to describe the result of the data and their new findings. Lecturers can develop strategies for asking questions in the process of exploring passion and interest. Provide a wider variety of questions related to self-subjectivity, context, and practical activities that can help students overcome anxiety problems in exploring themselves through research and visual thinking. The finding shows that the visual diary has the potential to be used as a learning medium in the design learning process.
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Disusun oleh:
Dr. Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx P.B., X.Xx., M.Pd. (10605007)
Xxx. Xxx Xxxx Xxxxxxx, X.Xx.(10696002) Mariati, S.Ds., X.Xx (10615002)
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan model pembelajaran dengan judul “Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Integrasi Desain Visual Dalam Konsep Kampus Merdeka Di Fakultas Seni Rupa Dan Desain”. Kebijakan konsep Kampus Merdeka membawa dampak pada perubahan yang harus dilakukan pendidikan tinggi pada berbagai komponen terkait, salah satunya kurikulum. Hal ini membawa arahan penyesuaian pada pelaksanaan implementasi di lapangan pada proses perkuliahan. Pengembangan inovasi pembelajaran dalam proses perkuliahan perlu menekankan pada penguasaan metode pembelajaran dan, aplikasinya di dalam kelas. Inovasi pembelajaran yang memanfaatkan seluruh potensi yang dimiliki. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan sampel mata kuliah praktika Integrasi Desain Visual. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menemukan bentuk model pembelajaran yang dapat mengakomodir konsep pembelajaran kampus merdeka yang memiliki karakteristik pembelajaran desain pada Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain. Penelitian dilakukan pada semester genap 2021 dengan subyek penelitian yaitu
1) mata kuliah Integrasi Desain Visual, 2) dosen pengampu, dan 3) mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat untuk mengembangkan model pembelajaran terkini sesuai dengan perubahan kebutuhan lingkungan.
1.1 Latar Belakang 5
1.2 Rumusan Masalah 6
1.3 Tujuan dan Sasaran Penelitian 6
1.4 Urgensi Penelitian 7
2.1 Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx 0
2.2 Model Pembelajaran 9
2.3 Model Pembelajaran dalam lingkungan online dan offline 10
2.4 Karakteristik Pembelajaran Desain 11
2.5 Model pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Integrasi Desain Visual 12
3.1 Objek dan Lokasi 14
3.2 Jenis Penelitian 14
3.3 Teknik Pengumpulan Data 15
3.4 Metode Analisis 15
3.5 Prosedur Penelitian 16
4.1 Data Penelitian 18
4.2 Hasil dan Pembahasan 29
4.1 Kesimpulan 31
4.2 Saran 31