MMS Interface Clausole campione

MMS Interface. The MMS interface will be a portal similar to web portals. On this portal the user will have an overview of important data and the possibility of pulling reports of preset conditions. It should also be possible to change the layout of the data shown on the portal. An example on this would be that: A user would like weather data shown next to traffic data and BMS data where the traffic data is currently shown. But the current setup is that weather data is shown next to load data. The user would then choose to have traffic data shown in that part of the screen that holds the load data, and BMS data where load data is displayed. In other words, the user will have the possibility of choosing which data are shown on the screen and in which location of the screen. An example of a screen setups are shown below. Here the screen is divided into 4 sections; 3 data plots consuming weather, load and traffic data and a data table on top of the screen Events Reports. Each section has the possibility of showing different data. The figures display setups described in the above example. The number of subdivisions of the screen is not limited to 4. In general the portal will have the same options for arranging windows as iGoogle has. Apart from controlling the display setup it should also be possible to control data for the plots in the individual plots located in the windows making up the display setup. The user should be able to choose if the plot should contain data plotted as wind vs. load and later change that to wind vs. traffic. Apart from the plotting of data the MMS portal interface will contain the possibility of pulling different kind of reports from preset templates, which are described in section 3.9 in the present report. Figure 3.6.5 shows an example of an arbitrary portal layout.