Swydd Ddisgrifiad
Swydd Ddisgrifiad
Swyddog Ymgysylltu Digidol
Ysgol/Cyfarwyddiaeth | Cyfathrebu, Marchnata, Recriwtio a Derbyniadau |
Adran | Marchnata |
Marchnata | Swyddog Ymgysylltu Digidol |
Yn atebol i | Rheolwr Digidol |
Gradd | O&A4 |
Prif Gyfrifoldebau |
Gwefan y Brifysgol yw un o'n sianeli pwysicaf ar gyfer marchnata, recriwtio myfyrwyr a chyfathrebu corfforaethol. Bydd y Swyddog Ymgysylltu Digidol yn aelod o'r xxx Gwasanaethau Marchnata, gan gefnogi'r Rheolwr Marchnata a Chymunedau Digidol i olygu a datblygu gwefannau a defnyddio sianeli digidol eraill i ddarparu cynnwys gweithredol a strategol. Bydd yn ofynnol i ddeiliad y swydd gymryd perchnogaeth o brosiectau gwefannau allweddol er mwyn cynnal a datblygu meysydd cynnwys i gefnogi recriwtio myfyrwyr. Bydd deiliad y swydd yn darparu cyswllt annatod rhwng y swyddogaeth farchnata ganolog a staff cyfadrannau, gan weithio gyda'i gilydd i greu cynnwys deinamig gyda gwerthfawrogiad o dargedau marchnata a recriwtio ehangach gyda phrofiad defnyddwyr wrth wraidd pob datblygiad. Byddant yn manteisio'n rhagweithiol ar gyfleoedd i hyrwyddo adrannau a chyfleusterau drwy'r sianeli cyfathrebu perthnasol gan gynnwys llwyfannau digidol a chyfryngau cymdeithasol a manteisio i'r eithaf arnynt. Dylai deiliad y swydd fod â sgiliau ysgrifennu copi creadigol ardderchog a xxxx ar gyfer cyfathrebu'n effeithiol â chynulleidfaoedd amrywiol. |
Tasgau Allweddol |
Er mwyn cyflawni diben y swydd a bodloni dyletswyddau a swyddogaethau disgwyliedig y swydd, bydd deilliad y swydd yn: Sefydlu cysylltiadau gwaith effeithiol a gwell gyda chyfadrannau i helpu i sicrhau bod anghenion a nodau cyffredinol y wefan yn cael eu diwallu'n gyson |
Nodi cyfleoedd rhagweithiol i ddarpar fyfyrwyr sy'n wynebu cynnwys i'w ddefnyddio ar wefan Glyndŵr Wrecsam a/neu sianeli digidol a chyfryngau cymdeithasol cysylltiedig
Goruchwylio mewnflwch golygydd y we a gwneud newidiadau angenrheidiol i dudalennau gwe, gan sicrhau y ceisir caniatâd lle bo hynny'n berthnasol a bod newidiadau'n cael eu gwneud mewn modd amserol, gan ddarparu trywydd archwilio ar gyfer adrodd yn ôl y gofyn
Cymryd yr awenau o ran 'trefnu' cynnwys y we, dileu a/neu adnewyddu cynnwys lle bo'n briodol, cysylltu â'r aelodau staff perthnasol er mwyn darparu'r cynnwys mwyaf perthnasol i ddefnyddwyr.
Cefnogi'r xxx gwasanaethau marchnata i gyflwyno digwyddiadau rhithwir i ddarpar fyfyrwyr
Defnyddio meddalwedd gwerthuso systemau gwe, digidol a systemau eraill i lunio adroddiadau ystadegol a dehongli data ar y we. Bydd gwybodaeth o ffynonellau fel Google Analytics yn llywio ac yn diweddaru arferion gwaith yn y pen draw. Bydd deiliad y swydd yn coladu data ac yn ei rannu gyda chydweithwyr perthnasol.
Bydd disgwyl i ddadansoddiad o dueddiadau a datblygiadau mewn technolegau a llwyfannau cyfryngau ar-lein lywio a diweddaru arferion gwaith allweddol.
Mynd ati i chwilio am gyfleoedd newydd i arbrofi ac arwain y ffordd i gyfeiriad a chynnwys digidol.
Cefnogi'r gwaith o ddatblygu syniadau yn ogystal â ffilmio a golygu ychydig ar gynnwys fideo ar gyfer hyrwyddo'r brifysgol.
Ysgrifennu a golygu cynnwys a ddarperir ar gyfer y wefan a sianeli digidol i sicrhau bod yr xxxx ddeunydd ar draws y sianeli hyn o'r ansawdd uchaf, yn hawdd ei gyrraedd mewn termau technegol ac ieithyddol ac yn gywir ac yn unol â pholisïau corfforaethol a chydymffurfiaeth.
Sicrhewch fod y deunydd yn y fformat priodol i'w gynnwys ar y wefan.
Sicrhau bod pob tudalen wedi'i chysylltu'n briodol, wedi'i thagio, gyda phenawdau perthnasol a geiriau allweddol wedi'u gwreiddio ar gyfer optimeiddio peiriannau chwilio (SEO) ac ar gyfer cyfleuster chwilio'r gwefannau eu hunain.
Cyfrannu at ddatblygiad parhaus y wefan a'r sianeli digidol, gan nodi meysydd y xxx xxxxx eu gwella gyda'r defnyddiwr mewn golwg, mewn partneriaeth â'r Rheolwr Marchnata a Chymunedau Digidol a Datblygwr y We.
Nodi cyfleoedd, mewn partneriaeth â chydweithwyr yn yr adran a'r brifysgol ehangach, i weithredu ar anghenion defnyddwyr y safle a gasglwyd o adborth a sylwadau, gan lunio cynlluniau gweithredu y cytunwyd arnynt gyda'r Rheolwr Marchnata a Chymunedau Digidol a rhoi'r defnyddiwr ar flaen y gad ym mhob gwefan a gweithgarwch a datblygiadau digidol.
Ail-feintio ac ail-wneud delweddau a ffeithluniau fel y bo'n briodol i'w defnyddio ar y wefan a/neu sianeli digidol o xxx arweiniad y Rheolwr Marchnata a Chymunedau Digidol.
Sicrhau bod pob ffeil cyfryngau yn cael ei storio'n briodol yn y strwythurau ffeiliau perthnasol i gefnogi gweithrediadau o ddydd i ddydd ac i ddarparu trywydd archwilio lle bo hynny'n berthnasol
Rheoli a defnyddio data drwy'r CRM neu systemau trydydd parti eraill i gefnogi gofynion gweithredol, gan gynnwys ffurflenni a gweithredu, cynnal data, adroddiadau a darparu data meincnod i'w ddefnyddio ar gyfer blaengynllunio ac ystyriaethau cyllidebol
Ymgymryd ag unrhyw ddyletswyddau a chyfrifoldebau eraill sy'n briodol i'r radd, fel y penderfynir, x xxxx i'w gilydd, gan y Rheolwr Digidol.
Glynu wrth ganllawiau Awdurdod Cystadleuaeth a Marchnad (CMA) a GDPR a chydymffurfiaeth arall xxx amser.
Ymddwyn mewn modd proffesiynol xxx amser a chynnal cyfrinachedd gwybodaeth.
Gweithio o fewn a hyrwyddo polisïau a gweithdrefnau'r Brifysgol fel Arfarnu a Datblygiad Proffesiynol Parhaus.
Ymddwyn mewn modd sy'n cefnogi Polisi Iechyd, Diogelwch a'r Amgylchedd y Brifysgol drwy weithio'n ddiogel a dilyn y gweithdrefnau a'r codau ymarfer sydd wedi'u creu i'ch diogelu chi ac eraill.
Bydd deiliad y swydd yn gweithio o'r swyddfa yn bennaf, ond bydd yn rhyngweithio â phobl ar draws y Brifysgol.
Efallai y bydd angen ymweliadau achlysurol â safleoedd eraill.
Dyletswyddau Cyffredinol |
Byddwch yn sicrhau bod systemau a gweithdrefnau rheoli yn eu lle i fodloni'ch dyletswyddau a'ch cyfrifoldebau iechyd a diogelwch a gynhwysir ym mholisi iechyd a diogelwch y Brifysgol. Yn benodol byddwch yn sicrhau bod asesiadau risg priodol yn cael eu gwneud yng nghyswllt peryglon sylweddol ac yr ymgymerir ag arolygon diogelwch ar gylchred blynyddol o leiaf ym mhob gweithle o xxxx xxxx rheolaeth chi. Cyfrifoldeb gweithwyr yw gweithredu Polisi Cyfle Cyfartal y Brifysgol yn eu xxxx cyfrifoldeb eu hunain ac yn eu hymddygiad cyffredinol. Xxx xxx yr xxxx staff gyfrifoldeb i hyrwyddo lefelau uchel o ofal cwsmer yn eu xxxx cyfrifoldeb eu hunain. Disgwylir i ddeiliaid swydd gydlynu â'r broses Arfarnu a Datblygu Staff, gan gyfrannu at osod amcanion er mwyn cynorthwyo gyda monitro perfformiad a datblygiad yr unigolyn. |
Byddwch yn asesu anghenion hyfforddiant a datblygiad xxx aelod o staff xxx xxxx rheolaeth i sicrhau eu bod wedi'u cefnogi'n ddigonol yng nghyswllt eu cyfrifoldebau yn y gwaith.
Gellir neilltuo dyletswyddau perthnasol cyffelyb eraill sy'n gymesur â gradd y swydd gan y Rheolwr ac mewn cytundeb â deiliad y swydd. Ni ddylid gwrthod cytundeb o'r fath ar sail afresymol.
Mae'r cyfrifoldebau allweddol sydd wedi'u cynnwys yn y swydd ddisgrifiad hwn yn rhai nodweddiadol nid cynhwysfawr. Gellir newid dyletswyddau a chyfrifoldebau mewn trafodaeth â deiliad y swydd.
Adolygu: |
Mae hwn yn ddisgrifiad o'r swydd ar adeg ei chyhoeddi. Arfer y Brifysgol x xxxx i'w gilydd yw adolygu a diweddaru swydd ddisgrifiadau er mwyn sicrhau eu bod yn adlewyrchu natur gyfredol y swydd a gofynion y Brifysgol yn gywir ac i ymgorffori unrhyw newidiadau rhesymol lle bo'r angen, mewn ymgynghoriad gyda deiliad y swydd. |
Manyleb Person
Swyddog Ymgysylltu Digidol
Er mwyn cael xxxx rhoi ar y rhestr fer rhaid i chi arddangos xxxx bod yn cwrdd â'r xxxx xxxxx prawf hanfodol a hynny o'r meini prawf dymunol ag sy'n bosibl. Pan fydd gennym nifer fawr o geisiadau sy'n bodloni'r xxxx xxxxx prawf hanfodol, byddwn wedyn yn defnyddio'r meini prawf dymunol er mwyn llunio rhestr fer.
Meini Prawf Dethol | |||||
Priodoleddau | Eitem | Meini Prawf Perthnasol | Dull Adnabod | Pwysigrwydd | |
1.1 | Sgiliau cyfathrebu ar xxxxx xx ysgrifenedig | Ff, C | H | ||
rhagorol, yn ogystal â sgiliau cyflwyno a | |||||
rhyngbersonol da | |||||
1.2 | Y gallu i gynllunio ymlaen llaw, datrys | Ff, C | H | ||
problemau ac i weithio ar xxxx liwt xxxx hun | |||||
gydag agwedd gadarnhaol | |||||
1.3 | Gweithio'n dda mewn xxx gydag agwedd | Ff, C | H | ||
broffesiynol at xxxx gwaith a'ch oriau gwaith | |||||
1.4 | Profiad o ddatblygu, ysgrifennu a | Ff, C | H | ||
chynhyrchu cynnwys ysgrifenedig i ffitio | |||||
ystod o ofynion, gan gynnwys sgiliau | |||||
prawfddarllen | |||||
1.5 | Y Gallu i integreiddio a xxxxx xx ystod lawn | Ff, C | H | ||
o gyfathrebiadau cyfathrebu (ar-xxxx xx all- | |||||
1 | Sgiliau a Gallu | lein) fel rhan o ymgyrchoedd aml-sianel | |||
sy'n bodloni anghenion gweithredol | |||||
1.6 | Sgiliau trefnu rhagorol gyda'r gallu i reoli | Ff, C | H | ||
llwythi gwaith, blaenoriaethu a bodloni | |||||
terfynau amser gan sicrhau cywirdeb a | |||||
sylw at fanylder. | |||||
1.7 | Bod ag agwedd hyblyg a brwd, a'r gallu i | Ff, C | H | ||
weithio fel rhan o dîm mewn amgylchedd | |||||
prysur a heriol | |||||
1.8 | Sgiliau trefnu a chadw cofnodion cryf | Ff, C | H | ||
1.9 | Gallu i weithio ar y cyd gyda chydweithwyr | Ff, C | H | ||
ac i sefydlu cysylltiadau gweithio effeithiol | |||||
1.10 | Dealltwriaeth amlwg o ddeddfwriaeth CMA, | Ff, C | H | ||
diogelu data a chyfrinachedd |
1.11 | Gallu cyfathrebu trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. | Ff, C | H | ||
2.1 | Mae profiad o reoli a chynnal system rheoli cynnwys gwefan a system CRM yn gywir yn hynod ddymunol | Ff, C | H | ||
Gwybodaeth | 2.2 | Profiad o ddadansoddi data a chreu adroddiadau | Ff, C | D | |
2 | Gyffredinol ac Arbenigol | 2.2 | Profiad o greu fideos byr a/neu ddigwyddiadau ffrydio byw wedi eu cynnal ar sianeli cymdeithasol | Ff, C | D |
2.4 | Gwybodaeth dechnegol a phrofiad amrywiol o ddylunio a chynhyrchu cyfryngau gwahanol; gweithio gyda dylunwyr mewnol a chyflenwyr allanol | Ff, C | D | ||
3.1 | Addysg at lefel gradd israddedig a/neu | Ff, C, T | H | ||
dystiolaeth o brofiad o weithio mewn rôl | |||||
3 | Addysg a Hyfforddiant | 3.2 | ddigidol Tystiolaeth o hyfforddiant a datblygiad | Ff, C | D |
proffesiynol parhaus | |||||
4.1 | Profiad helaeth o weithio mewn amgylchedd swyddfa prysur a heriol | Ff, C | H | ||
4.2 | Profiad o gynnig agwedd ragweithiol, gadarnhaol sy'n canolbwyntio ar y cleient. | Ff, C | H | ||
4 | Profiad Perthnasol | 4.3 | Profiad o ddatblygu a chynnal systemau, prosesau a gweithdrefnau yn gweithio o fewn gofynion cydymffurfiaeth a deddfwriaeth | Ff, C | H |
4.4 | Profiad o ddefnyddio systemau TG a thechnolegau newydd i gefnogi prosesau a chyfathrebu | Ff, C | H | ||
4.5 | Profiad mewn cysylltiadau â'r cyfryngau a/neu newyddiaduraeth. | Ff, C | D | ||
5 | Gofynion Arbennig | 5.1 5.2 | Y gallu i gynllunio a blaenoriaethu xxxx llwyth gwaith xxxx hun yn seiliedig ar ofynion dydd i ddydd y gwasanaeth a chreu defnydd effeithlon ac effeithiol o'r adnoddau sydd ar gael. Gallu profedig i weithio a chyfathrebu'n effeithiol o fewn xxx amlddisgyblaethol a'r brifysgol yn ehangach. | Ff, C Ff, C | H H |
5.3 5.4 5.5 | Y gallu a'r parodrwydd i ddysgu systemau a sgiliau newydd a lledaenu'r wybodaeth pan fo'n briodol. Ymddygiad proffesiynol a chwrtais xxx amser Xxxxx gweithio ar benwythnosau a gyda'r nosau yn achlysurol | Ff, C C Ff, C | H H H | ||
Dyddiad Adolygu |
Dull Adnabod | Allweddol | Ff | Ffurflen Gais |
C | Cyfweliad | ||
P | Prawf | ||
T | Copi o Dystysgrifau | ||
Rh | Rhoi Cyflwyniad | ||
Rh | Asesiad Grŵp | ||
Pwysigrwydd | H | Hanfodol | |
D | Dymunol |
Job Description
Digital Engagement Officer
School/Directorate | Communications, Marketing, Recruitment and Admissions |
Section | Marketing |
Job Title | Digital Engagement Officer |
Reports To | Digital Manager |
Grade | O&A4 |
Principal Accountabilities |
The University website is one of our most important channels for marketing, student recruitment and corporate communications. The Digital Engagement Officer will be a member of the Marketing Services team, supporting the Marketing and Digital Communities Manager in website editing and development and the utilisation of other digital channels to deliver operational and strategic content. The post holder will be required to take ownership of key website projects in order to maintain and develop content areas to support student recruitment. The post holder will provide an integral link between the central marketing function and faculty staff, working to collectively create dynamic content with an appreciation for wider marketing and recruitment targets with user experience at the heart of all developments. They will proactively capitalise on and maximise opportunities to promote departments and facilities through the relevant communications channels including digital and social media platforms. The post holder should have excellent creative copywriting skills and a flair for communicating effectively with diverse audiences. |
Key Tasks |
To fulfil the job purpose and meet the expected roles and responsibilities of the post, the post-holder will: Establish effective and enhanced working links with faculties to help to ensure the overall needs and aims of the website are consistently met |
Proactively identify opportunities for prospective student facing content for use on either or both the Wrexham Glyndŵr website and associated digital and social media channels
Oversee the web editor inbox and carry out necessary changes to web pages, ensuring permissions are sought where relevant and changes are carried out in a timely manner, providing an audit trail for reporting as required
Take a lead in the ‘housekeeping’ of web content, deleting and/or refreshing content where appropriate, liaising with the relevant staff members in order to provide the most relevant content to users.
Support the marketing services team on delivering virtual events for prospective students
Use web, digital and other systems evaluation software to compile statistical reports and interpret web data. Information from such sources as Google Analytics will ultimately inform and update working practices. The post holder will collate data and share it will relevant colleagues.
Analysis of trends and developments in online media technologies and platforms will be expected to inform and update key working practices.
Actively seek out new opportunities to experiment and lead the way in digital direction and content.
Support the development of ideas as well as filming and lightweight editing of video content for the promotion of the university.
Write and edit content provided for the website and digital channels to ensure that all the material across these channels is of the highest quality, easily accessible in both technical and linguistic terms and is correct and in accordance with corporate policies and compliance.
Ensure that the material is in the appropriate format for inclusion on the website.
To ensure all pages are appropriately linked, tagged, with relevant headers and embedded key words for search engine optimisation (SEO) and for the websites own search facility.
Contribute to the ongoing development of the website and digital channels, identifying areas in need of improvement with the user in mind, in partnership with the Marketing and Digital Communities Manager and Web Developer.
Identify opportunities, in partnership with colleagues in the department and wider university, to act on the needs of the users of the site gathered from feedback and comments, formulating agreed action plans with the Marketing and Digital Communities Manager and putting the user at the forefront of all website and digital activity and developments.
Resize and reformat images and infographics as appropriate for use on the website and/or digital channels under the guidance of the Marketing and Digital Communities Manager.
To ensure all media files are stored appropriately in the relevant file structures to support day-to-day operations and to provide an audit trail where applicable
Data management and use via the CRM or other third party systems to support operational requirements, including forms and implementation, maintaining data, reports and provide benchmark data to utilise for forward planning and budgetary considerations
To undertake such other duties and responsibilities appropriate to the grade, as may be determined, from time to time, by the Digital Manager.
Adhere to Competition and Market Authority (CMA) and GDPR guidelines and other compliance at all times.
Act in a professional manner at all times and maintain confidentiality of information.
Work within and promote University policies and procedures such as Appraisal and Continuing Professional Development.
Act in support of the University's Health, Safety and Environment Policy by working safely and following the procedures and codes of practice derived to protect you and others.
The post will be largely office-based, yet with interactions with people across the University. Occasional visits may be required to other sites.
General Duties |
You will ensure that appropriate management systems and procedures are in place to meet your health and safety duties and responsibilities contained within the University’s health and safety policy. In particular you will ensure that appropriate risk assessments are carried out in respect of significant hazards and that safety inspections are undertaken on at least an annual cycle in each workplace under your control. It is the responsibility of employees to apply the University’s Equal Opportunities Policy in their own area of responsibility and in their general conduct. All staff have a responsibility for promoting high levels of customer care within their own areas of responsibility. Post holders are expected to co-operate with the Staff Appraisal and Development process, engaging in the setting of objectives in order to assist in the monitoring of performance and the development of the individual. You will assess the training and development needs of each member of staff under your control to ensure they are adequately supported in relation to their work responsibilities. Such other relevant duties commensurate with the grade of the post as may be assigned by the Manager in agreement with the post holder. Such agreement should not be unreasonably withheld. |
The key responsibilities contained in this job description are indicative not exhaustive. Duties and responsibilities may be altered in discussion with the post holder.
Review |
This is a description of the job at the time of issue. It is the University’s practice periodically to review and update job descriptions to ensure that they accurately reflect the current nature of the job and requirements of the University and to incorporate reasonable changes where required, in consultation with the job holder. |
Person Specification
Digital Engagement Officer
In order to be shortlisted you must demonstrate that you meet all the essential criteria and as many of the desirable criteria as possible. Where we have a large number of applications that meet all of the essential criteria, we will then use the desirable criteria to produce the shortlist.
Selection Criteria | |||||
Attributes | Item | Relevant Criteria | Identification Method | Rank | |
1.1 | Excellent communication skills, both verbal and | A, I | E | ||
written as well as good interpersonal and | |||||
presentation skills | |||||
1.2 | Ability to plan ahead, problem-solve and to work | A, I | E | ||
on own initiative with a ‘can do’ attitude | |||||
1.3 | Team player with flexible approach to work and | A, I | E | ||
working hours | |||||
1.4 | Experience of developing, writing and producing | A, I | E | ||
written content to fit a range of requirements, | |||||
including proof-reading skills | |||||
1.5 | Ability to integrate and handle a full range of | A, I | E | ||
marketing communications (offline and online) | |||||
as part of multi-channel campaigns that meet | |||||
operational needs | |||||
1 | Skills & Abilities | 1.6 | Excellent organisational skills with the ability to | A, I | E |
manage workloads, prioritise and meet | |||||
deadlines ensuring accuracy and attention to | |||||
detail | |||||
1.7 | Have an enthusiastic, flexible, adaptable | A, I | E | ||
approach and the ability to work as part of a | |||||
team in a busy and demanding environment | |||||
1.8 | Strong organisational and record-keeping skills | A, I | E | ||
1.9 | Able to work collaboratively with colleagues and | A, I | E | ||
to establish effective working relationships | |||||
1.10 | Demonstrable understanding of confidentiality, | A, I | E | ||
data protection and CMA legislation | |||||
1.11 | The ability to communicate through the medium | A, I | E | ||
of Welsh. |
2.1 | Experience of accurately managing and maintaining a website content management system and a CRM system highly desirable | A, I | E | ||
2 | General & Specialist Knowledge | 2.2 2.3 | Experience of analysing data and producing reports Experience of producing short videos an/or live streaming hosted events on social channels | A, I A, I | D D |
2.4 | A technical knowledge and varied experience of design and production in different media; working with internal designers and external suppliers | A, I | D | ||
3.1 | Educated to undergraduate degree level and/ or | A, I, C | E | ||
3 | Education & Training | 3.2 | proven work experience in a digital role Evidence of training and continuous professional | A, I | D |
development | |||||
4.1 | Extensive experience of working within a busy and demanding office environment | A, I | E | ||
4.2 | Experience of providing a proactive and positive, client-centred approach. | A, I | E | ||
4 | Relevant Experience | 4.3 | Experience of developing and maintaining systems, processes and procedures working within compliance and legislation requirements | A, I | E |
4.4 | Experience of using new technologies and IT systems to support processes and communications | A, I | E | ||
4.5 | Experience in media relations and/or journalism. | A, I | D | ||
5.1 | Ability to plan and prioritise own workload based on the day to day requirements of the service and making efficient and effective use of the resources available | A, I | E | ||
5 | Special Requirements | 5.2 | Proven ability to work and communicate effectively within a multi-disciplinary team and wider university setting | A, I | E |
5.3 | Ability and willingness to learn new systems and skills and disseminate where appropriate | A, I | E | ||
5.4 | Professional and polite manner at all times | I | E | ||
5.5 | Ability to work occasional weekends and evening | A, I | E | ||
Date of Revision |
Key | Identification Method | A | Application Form |
I | Interview | ||
T | Test | ||
C | Copy of Certificates | ||
P | Presentation | ||
G | Group Assessment | ||
Rank | E | Essential | |
D | Desirable |