Disgrifiad Swydd
Disgrifiad Swydd
Teitl y swydd | Cynorthwyydd Gwaith Cymdeithasol – Lles Meddyliol |
Gwasanaeth | Porth Cynnal |
Gradd | Gradd 8 |
Cyfeirnod at ddibenion Gwerthuso Swyddi | JD 1444 vp |
Cyflog | £29,269 - £31,364 pro rata |
Diben y swydd | Cynnal asesiadau, neu gynorthwyo ag asesiadau, gan ddefnyddio dull teulu neu rwydwaith cyfan a’r fethodoleg Arwyddion Diogelwch, a pharatoi a gweithredu cynlluniau gofal a chymorth ac ymyriadau priodol sy’n canolbwyntio ar xxxx, o xxx oruchwyliaeth a gyda chymorth staff gwaith cymdeithasol cymwysedig. |
Lleoliad | Penmorfa Aberaeron |
Xxxxx xxxxxx | 00 |
Math o gontract | Amser llawn |
Hyd y contract | Parhaol |
Teitl swydd y Rheolwr Llinell | Rheolwr Xxx / Uwch-ymarferydd (dileer fel y bo’n briodol) |
Cyfrifoldebau goruchwylio/rheoli | |
Atebolrwydd | |
Y telerau contractiol sy’n gysylltiedig â’r swydd | Diogelu ac amddiffyn oedolion a phlant sydd mewn perygl yw’n prif flaenoriaethau ni. Ein nod yw cynorthwyo oedolion, plant a phobl ifanc sydd mewn perygl i sicrhau eu bod mor ddiogel xx x xxxxxxx fod. Rydym yn cydnabod eu hawl i gael eu hamddiffyn a byddwn yn gweithredu i ddiogelu eu lles. Disgwylir i xxx aelod staff a gwirfoddolwr rannu’r ymrwymiad hwn, a bydd gofyn cael gwiriad manylach gan y Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Gwahardd cyn penodi i’r swydd hon. |
Trosolwg ar y Model Gwasanaethau Integredig Gydol Oes a Llesiant | Mae’r Model Gwasanaethau Integredig Gydol Oes a Llesiant yn ffordd newydd o ddiwallu anghenion pobl drwy sicrhau bod y bobl iawn yn eu lle i wneud y penderfyniadau iawn ar yr adeg iawn. Bydd y Model Gwasanaethau Integredig Gydol Oes a Llesiant: • yn fan cyswllt cyntaf ar gyfer preswylwyr a phartneriaid allweddol • yn llunio ac yn darparu pecynnau xxxx ac ymyrraeth gynnar pwrpasol i ddiwallu anghenion unigolion • yn pennu’r gwasanaethau mwyaf priodol i roi cynlluniau gofal a chymorth ar waith yn brydlon • yn monitro ac yn gwerthuso effaith y cymorth |
Gweithio mewn xxx
• gweithio ar draws timau gofal cymdeithasol i reoli llwyth achosion o ddefnyddwyr y gwasanaeth (oedolion/plant/pobl ifanc) gyda chymorth ac o xxx oruchwyliaeth staff cymwysedig
• cydweithio â staff asiantaethau eraill, e.e. cyrff iechyd a’r sector gwirfoddol, ac ymgymryd â rôl gydgysylltu pan fo’n briodol
• mynd i gyfarfodydd amlddisgyblaethol i gynrychioli’r safbwynt gofal cymdeithasol, gan hybu annibyniaeth, dewis ac ymreolaeth lle bo’n briodol
Dyletswyddau a chyfrifoldebau
Asesiadau, a gweithio gyda defnyddwyr y gwasanaeth, teuluoedd a gofalwyr
• cynnal asesiadau, neu gynorthwyo ag asesiadau, ar gyfer plant, teuluoedd neu oedolion pan fo angen cymorth ar yr unigolion hynny (bydd hyn yn cynnwys defnyddwyr gwasanaeth a gofalwyr) i bennu’r ffordd orau o ddiwallu anghenion ac o ddiogelu’r unigolyn neu’r teulu drwy wasanaethau ac ymyriadau priodol
• cynnal asesiadau, neu gynorthwyo ag asesiadau, o allu teulu i rianta, a phennu cymorth priodol i ddiwallu anghenion y rhieni hynny i sicrhau bod modd iddynt ddiwallu anghenion eu plant
• cynnig neu helpu i bennu ffynhonnell briodol o gymorth rhianta neu gymorth i ofalwyr pan fo angen wedi’i bennu
• monitro cynlluniau cymorth a gofal Rhan 4, a’u hadolygu lle bo’n briodol, i sicrhau eu bod yn diwallu anghenion yr unigolion a’u bod yn gwneud cynnydd
• rhoi’r fethodoleg Arwyddion Diogelwch ar xxxxx xx mwyn:
• cynnal asesiadau amserol ar draws teuluoedd a rhwydweithiau, gan ddatblygu, gweithredu, monitro ac adolygu ymyriadau yn ôl y gofyn i fodloni terfynau amser perthnasol
• cyflawni gwaith sy’n canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn ac ar ganlyniadau gydag unigolion, teuluoedd, gofalwyr, grwpiau a chymunedau i hybu annibyniaeth, llesiant a chynhwysiant cymdeithasol
• cynorthwyo defnyddwyr y gwasanaeth, teuluoedd a gofalwyr i gymryd rhan mewn unrhyw broses asesu, a rhoi gwybodaeth briodol iddynt er mwyn iddynt allu gwneud dewisiadau gwybodus am y gwasanaethau sydd ar gael
• eirioli gydag ac ar ran unigolion, teuluoedd, gofalwyr, grwpiau a chymunedau, neu’u cynorthwyo i gael gafael ar wasanaethau eirioli annibynnol
• lle bo’n briodol, darparu gwybodaeth a chymorth i unigolion (gan gynnwys am y goblygiadau ariannu) er mwyn iddynt allu defnyddio cartrefi gofal a darpariaeth arbenigol
• cyfrannu at y gwaith o gwblhau’r offer asesu priodol a ddefnyddir i bennu lefel yr angen i osod sail ar gyfer cynlluniau gofal a chymorth unigolion
Dadansoddi a chrebwyll
• cynnal ymholiadau ac ymateb i xxx xx’n mynd rhagddynt; casglu a dadansoddi gwybodaeth i osod sail ar gyfer penderfyniadau, a datblygu crebwyll proffesiynol
• pennu atebion ar gyfer pob angen a bennwyd, fel mân gyfarpar a mân addasiadau sy’n hybu annibyniaeth defnyddiwr gwasanaeth, cymorth a seibiannau posibl i ofalwyr, a mynediad at gymorth cymunedol i deuluoedd
• cyfrannu at ddatblygu, cynllunio a rheoli’r adnoddau sydd ar gael i gefnogi ymyriadau gofal cymdeithasol, a llenwi dogfennau comisiynu a dogfennau ariannol pan fo’n briodol ac yn unol â pholisïau a gweithdrefnau’r Gwasanaeth
paratoi a gweithredu cynlluniau gofal a chymorth sy’n canolbwyntio ar deuluoedd ac ar ganlyniadau, gan ymateb mewn ffordd hyblyg i anghenion y teulu wrth iddynt newid
Sicrhau ansawdd
• sicrhau bod y cymorth a ddarparwyd yn diwallu’r anghenion a aseswyd
• gwerthuso bodlonrwydd defnyddwyr y gwasanaeth â’r cymorth a ddarparwyd iddynt
• asesu risg mewn ffordd gadarnhaol a, lle xx xxxxx, paratoi cynlluniau rheoli risgiau pan fydd yn rhoi cynlluniau ar waith i gynorthwyo teuluoedd neu’n rheoli cynnydd parhaus
• cadw cofnodion priodol yn unol â gofynion y Cyngor neu’r Gwasanaeth, gan gynnwys cadw cofnod clir o asesiadau a chynlluniau gofal, a darparu gwybodaeth ystadegol
Cyfrifoldebau cyffredinol
• o xxx oruchwyliaeth a gyda chymorth staff cymwysedig, meithrin yr wybodaeth, y ddealltwriaeth a’r sgiliau sy’n ofynnol i ddangos cymhwysedd o ran tasgau gwaith cymdeithasol ac i fodloni’r safonau gofynnol
• mynd ati i hybu’r Gymraeg a dewisiadau iaith defnyddwyr y gwasanaeth fel sy’n ofynnol gan Safonau’r Gymraeg a fframwaith Mwy na Geiriau
• meithrin perthynas waith effeithiol â chydweithwyr mewnol ac allanol ac asiantaethau eraill.
• hybu’r cysyniad o “urddas mewn gofal”, amddiffyn hawliau teuluoedd gan roi llais a rheolaeth iddynt, a sicrhau ei fod/bod yn gwybod am bolisïau a gweithdrefnau diogelu; cymryd camau priodol i amddiffyn defnyddwyr y gwasanaeth
• gwybod am weithdrefnau Trefniadau Amddiffyn Rhyddid y Cyngor, a rhoi cyngor i’r awdurdodau rheoli, e.e. cartrefi gofal, o ran sut y xxxxxxx wneud atgyfeiriadau priodol mewn sefyllfaoedd lle y gall fod angen amddifadu rhywun o’i ryddid
• ymlynu wrth ddeddfwriaeth a chanllawiau statudol perthnasol, a pholisïau a gweithdrefnau mewnol o ran materion proffesiynol a gweinyddol
• mynd i gyfarfodydd xxx, sesiynau goruchwylio a chyrsiau hyfforddi pan fo’n briodol ac yn unol â chyfarwyddyd y Rheolwr Xxx er mwyn datblygu’n bersonol ac yn broffesiynol
Manyleb Person
Hanfodol | ||
Cymwysterau academaidd / proffesiynol / technegol / galwedigaethol | HNC/Cymhwyster Nyrsio/NVQ4 mewn Gofal/Diploma Cenedlaethol y Fframwaith Cymwysterau a Chredydau mewn Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol Lefel 5, K101 neu gymhwyster cyfatebol Asesydd yr Ymddiriedir Ynddo (neu gymhwyster cyfatebol). | |
Sgiliau Cymraeg | Gwrando/Siarad: Lefel 3 Darllen: Lefel 2 Ysgrifennu Lefel 2 | Bydd yn ofynnol i ddeiliad y swydd feddu ar y sgiliau Cymraeg a nodir cyn pen dwy flynedd ar ôl ei benodi/phenodi |
Sgiliau Saesneg | Gwrando/Siarad: Lefel 3 Darllen: Lefel 3 Ysgrifennu Lefel 3 | Bydd yn ofynnol i ddeiliad y swydd feddu ar y sgiliau Saesneg a nodir pan gaiff ei benodi/phenodi i’r swydd |
Sgiliau ymarferol a phersonol gofynnol | Gwybodaeth ymarferol • dealltwriaeth o waith gwasanaethau gofal cymdeithasol awdurdodau lleol • dealltwriaeth o swyddogaethau xxx amlddisgyblaethol • gwybodaeth am ddeddfwriaeth a rheoliadau allweddol, a dealltwriaeth ohonynt, e.e. Diogelu, y Ddeddf Galluedd Meddyliol, y Mesur Iechyd Meddwl, y Ddeddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant, y Trefniadau Amddiffyn Rhyddid, a Deddfau Plant, ynghyd â’r codau ymarfer sy’n sail i wasanaethau gofal cymdeithasol • profiad o ddulliau ataliol ac ailalluogi sy’n gwella annibyniaeth • profiad o asesu gofal ac o gynllunio cymorth • dealltwriaeth o anghenion corfforol a seicolegol unigolion sy’n agored i niwed a’u gofalwyr • gwybodaeth am yr ystod o wasanaethau statudol, gwirfoddol a chymunedol cyffredinol a all gynorthwyo unigolion sy’n agored i niwed Rhinweddau personol • ymwybyddiaeth o faterion diwylliannol ac ieithyddol • sgiliau TG ar draws systemau ac offer amrywiol, e.e. cronfa ddata cleientiaid gofal cymdeithasol, e-xxxx, rhaglenni dysgu ar y Rhyngrwyd, a rhaglenni Microsoft • gallu cyfathrebu’n effeithiol, yn ysgrifenedig ac ar xxxxx, boed wyneb yn wyneb neu drwy ddefnyddio technoleg x xxxx • gallu meddwl wysg ei ochr pan fydd yn datblygu gwasanaethau; teilwra pecynnau cymorth sy’n canolbwyntio ar wella er mwyn iddynt ddiwallu anghenion a llais yr unigolyn • sgiliau trefnu i drefnu ei amser gweithio ei hun, gan fynd i’r afael â gwaith xxxx yn briodol o fewn llwyth achosion cymysg • gallu rheoli ei amser ei hun, blaenoriaethu llwythi gwaith, a gweithio fel aelod o dîm • gallu gweithio mewn ffordd hyblyg o xxx bwysau ac xx xxxx pennaf y sawl a aseswyd, boed yn ddefnyddiwr gwasanaeth neu’n ofalwr | |
Profiad gofynnol | Rhaid bod gan ymgeiswyr: • fynediad at gar xxx amser er mwyn cyflawni dyletswyddau’r swydd • profiad o weithio mewn lleoliad Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol neu Iechyd | |
Hyfforddiant/addysg y mae'n ofynnol eu cyflawni/mynd ati i'w cyflawni ar gyfer y swydd | Cymhwyster Asesydd yr Ymddiriedir Ynddo (neu gymhwyster cyfatebol) os nad yw eisoes yn meddu arno pan gaiff ei benodi/phenodi i’r swydd |
Dymunol | |
Cymwysterau / hyfforddiant | |
Sgiliau ymarferol / personol | Byddai’n ddymunol pe bai ymgeiswyr yn meddu ar yr hyn a ganlyn: • profiad o weithio gyda phlant a phobl hŷn, neu bobl ag anabledd • profiad o asesu anghenion plant, teuluoedd ac oedolion • dealltwriaeth o ddatblygiad plant • profiad o hybu annibyniaeth unigolion neu deuluoedd, drwy ddarparu cymorth, eirioli, defnyddio cyfarpar neu dechnoleg gynorthwyol, a/neu ddefnyddio dull ailalluogi • profiad o weithio gyda phlant ac oedolion yn eu cartrefi eu hunain, yn y gymuned ac ar sail un i un • gallu gweithio gartref yn effeithiol, gan gynnwys band xxxx cyflym a dibynadwy o ansawdd da |
Post Name | Social Work Assistant – Mental Wellbeing |
Service | Porth Cynnal |
Grade | Grade 8 |
Job Evaluation Post Ref | JD 1444 vp |
Salary | £29,269 - £31,364 pro rata |
Job Purpose | To undertake or assist with assessments using a whole family or network approach and signs of safety methodology and to develop and implement appropriate care and support plans and interventions with a focus on prevention under the supervision and with the support of qualified social work staff. |
Location | Penmorfa - Aberaeron |
Hours of Work | 37 hours per week |
Type of Contract | Full-time |
Contract Duration | Permanent |
Line Managers Job Title | Team Manager / Senior Practitioner (delete as appropriate) |
Supervisory/Managerial Responsibilities | |
Accountability | |
Contractual Terms Associated with the Post | Safeguarding and protecting adults and children at risk are key priorities for us. We aim to support adults, children and young people at risk to ensure they are as safe as they can possibly be. We acknowledge their right to protection and will take action to safeguard their welfare. Each member of staff and volunteer is expected to share this commitment, and we will require an Enhanced Check by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) before appointing to this post. |
Overview of the Through Age Wellbeing Integrated Services Model | The Through Age and Wellbeing Integrated Services Model is a new way of meeting people’s needs by ensuring that the right people are in place to make the right decisions at the right time. The Through Age Wellbeing Integrated Services Model will: • be the first point of contact for residents and key partners • design and deliver early prevention and intervention packages bespoke to individuals’ needs • decide upon the most appropriate services to deliver care and support in a time-related manner • monitor and evaluate the impact of support |
Team Working
• work across social care teams to manage a caseload of service users (adults/children/young people) with the support and under the supervision of qualified staff
• work in partnership with staff from other agencies, e.g. Health and Voluntary Sector and undertake a co-ordinating role where appropriate
• attend multi-disciplinary meetings to represent the social care perspective, promoting independence, choice and autonomy where appropriate
Duties and Responsibilities
Assessments and Working with Service Users, Families and Carers
• undertake or assist with assessments of individual children, families or adults where those individuals have support needs (this will include both individual service users and carers) to identify how the needs of the individual/family can be best met and safeguarded, through appropriate services and interventions
• undertake or assist with assessments of parenting capacity within a family and identify the appropriate support to meet the needs of those parents to ensure that they are able to meet the needs of their children
• offer or help identify an appropriate source, for parenting support or support for carers where there is an identified need
• monitor and review where appropriate Part 4 care and support plans, to ensure that they are meeting the needs of the individual and progressing
• apply the methodology of the Signs of Safety practice framework to:
• undertake timely assessments across families and networks, developing, delivering, monitoring and reviewing interventions as required to meet relevant timescales
• deliver person-centered, outcome focused work with individuals, families, carers, groups and communities that promotes independence, wellbeing and social inclusion
• assist service users, families and carers to participate in any assessment processes and provide them with appropriate information to enable them to make informed choices about those services available
• advocate with and on behalf of individuals, families, carers, groups and communities, or assist them to access independent advocacy services
• where appropriate, provide information and support for individuals (including funding implications) to access specialist provision and care homes
• participate in completion of appropriate assessment tools used to determine level of need to inform individuals’ care and support plans
Analysis and Judgement
• undertake and respond to ongoing enquiries; gathering and analysing information to inform decisions and develop professional judgement
• prescribe solutions for all identified needs such as minor equipment and adaptations that promote service user independence, support and possible breaks for carers and access to community support for families
• contribute to the development, planning and control of resources available to support social care interventions and complete commissioning and financial documentation where appropriate and in accordance with service policies and procedures
• construct and implement Care and Support Plans that are family-centered and outcome focused that respond flexibly to changing needs of the family
Quality Assurance
• ensure that the support in place is meeting assessed needs
• to evaluate the service user’s satisfaction with the support provided
• to assess risk positively and where necessary develop risk management plans when implementing family support plan or managing ongoing progress
• maintain appropriate records in accordance with Council or Service requirements, including a clear record of assessments, care plans and the provision of statistical information
General Responsibilities
• under the supervision and support of qualified staff, develop the level of knowledge, understanding and skills required to evidence competence in social work tasks and meet the required standards
• actively promote the Welsh language and service user language preferences as required by the Welsh language standards and More than Just Words framework
• develop effective partnership working with internal and external colleagues and other agencies
• promote the concept of “dignity in care”, protecting the family rights giving them voice and control and to be aware of the Safeguarding policies and procedures; taking appropriate action to protect service users
• be aware of the Council’s Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) procedures and to advise managing authorities, e.g. care homes of how they can make an appropriate referrals in situations where deprivation of liberty might be a factor
• adhere to relevant statutory legislation and guidance, internal policies and procedures in relation to professional and administrative matters
• to attend team meetings, supervision sessions and training courses when appropriate and as directed by the Team Manager, for personal and professional development
Person Specification
Essential | ||
Academic / Professional / Technical / Vocational Qualifications | HNC/Nursing Qualification/NVQ4 in Care/QCF National Diploma Health & Social Care Level 5, K101 or equivalent Trusted Assessor (or equivalent) Remember to confirm the levels of essential qualifications | |
Welsh Linguistic Skills | Listening/Speaking: Level 3 Reading: Level 2 Writing Level 2 | The Welsh linguistic skills noted must be attained within two years of appointment.> |
English Linguistic Skills | Listening/Speaking: Level 3 Reading: Level 3 Writing Level 3 | The English linguistic skills noted are required on appointment |
Required practical and personal skills | Practical Knowledge • understanding of the work of the social care services in Local Authorities • understanding the roles of a multi-disciplinary Team • knowledge and understanding of key legislation and Regulations, e.g. Safeguarding, Mental Capacity Act, Mental Health Measure SSWBA, Liberty Protection Safeguards, and Children’s Acts as well as the codes of practice underpinning social care services • experience of preventative and reablement approaches that improve independence • experience of care assessment and support planning • understanding of the physical and psychological needs of vulnerable individuals and their carers • knowledge of the range of statutory, voluntary sector and community based universal services that can support vulnerable individuals Personal Attributes • have an awareness of cultural and language issues • IT skills across a range of systems and tools, e.g. social care client database, e-mail, internet based learning programs and Microsoft applications • be effective in written and verbal communications; both face to face and using remote technology • be able to think laterally when developing services; tailoring recovery focused support packages to the individual’s needs and voice • organisational skills to arrange own work time taking account of progressing urgent work appropriately within a mixed caseload • be able to manage your own time and prioritise workloads and work as a member of a team • be able to work flexibly when under pressure and in the best interest of the assessed person, be that service user or carer | |
Required Experience | Candidates must have: • access to a car at all times to undertake the duties of the post • experience of working within a Social Services or Health setting | |
Training/education required to be undertaken for the post/worked towards | Trusted Assessor (or equivalent) if not attained prior to appointment |
Qualifications / Training | |
Practical / Personal Skills | It is desirable for candidates to have: • experience of working with children and older people, or people with a disability • experience of assessing the needs of children, families and adults • an understanding of child development • experience of promoting an individual’s or family’s independence, through support, advocacy, the use of equipment, assistive technology, and/or using a re-ablement approach • experience of working with individual children and adults in their own homes, in the community and on a one-to-one basis • the ability to work effectively from home, including good quality reliable broadband speed |