Swydd Ddisgrifiad
Swydd Ddisgrifiad
Cyfadran/Adran | Marchnata a Recriwtio |
Adran | Marchnata a Chyfathrebu |
Teitl y Swydd | Swyddog Marchnata Digidol (CRM a Marchnata drwy E-xxxx) |
Yn atebol i | Rheolwr Strategaeth Ymgyrchoedd a Digidol |
Gradd | O&A5 |
Prif Atebolrwydd |
Mae’r Swyddog Marchnata Digidol (CRM a Marchnata dros e-xxxx) yn rôl allweddol wrth hyrwyddo brand PGW i ddarpar fyfyrwyr ac ymgeiswyr, eu diweddaru nhw, xxxx eu sylw a chyflwyno cynnwys perthnasol ar yr adeg gywir i’w tywys drwy’r llwybr gwerthiant a throi diddordebau yn geisiadau ac ymrestriadau. Bydd deiliad y swydd yn gyfrifol am weithio gyda’r Gyfarwyddiaeth Marchnata a Recriwtio ehangach, yn ogystal â chydweithwyr mewn cyfadrannau a thimau gwasanaethau proffesiynol i ddatblygu a rhedeg cynllun cyfathrebu dros e-xxxx cynhwysfawr i gefnogi’r gwaith o recriwtio myfyrwyr. Bydd gan ddeiliad y swydd wybodaeth ddofn o sut i ddefnyddio system CRM yn effeithiol i ddarparu negeseuon personol amserol i ddarpar fyfyrwyr ac ymgeiswyr, a’u hymgysylltu nhw gyda chynnig y Brifysgol, a datblygiadau a newyddion sy’n berthnasol i’w meysydd astudio. Bydd y rôl yn gweithio'n agos gyda'r Rheolwr Strategol Ymgyrchoedd a Digidol a'r Swyddog Marchnata Digidol (Gwefan a Chyfryngau Cymdeithasol) er mwyn sicrhau bod gweithgareddau ledled yr xxxx lwyfannau digidol yn gydlynol ac yn gysylltiedig. Bydd gofyn i xxx un o'r Swyddogion Marchnata Digidol gefnogi ei gilydd yn eu meysydd gwaith arbenigol. |
Mae’r ddwy rôl Swyddog Marchnata Digidol yn allweddol i gyflwyno dull canolog i gydlynu gwefan, cynnwys cyfryngau cymdeithasol a chyfathrebiadau e-xxxx PGW, er mwyn sicrhau cyfathrebu amlwg, clir ac effeithiol o fewn hunaniaeth brand cyson.
Rhaid i ddeiliad y swydd fod â phrofiad o ddefnyddio systemau dadansoddeg gwe at ddibenion adrodd a chynllunio ymlaen llaw.
Bydd y swydd hon yn gweithio gyda chydweithwyr o Wasanaethau Proffesiynol a Chyfadrannau i roi cyngor mewn perthynas â gofynion cynnwys ar y we, gan gynnwys cwmpasu gofynion swyddogaethol a gweithio gyda chydweithwyr yn yr adran TG i ddatblygu'r rhain yn unol xx xxxxx gorau UX.
Mae hon yn swydd lawn amser sy'n gofyn am agwedd hyblyg at oriau gwaith (gan gynnwys gweithio ar benwythnosau i gefnogi dyddiau agored a gyda'r nos ar rai achlysuron), yn enwedig ar adegau prysuraf y calendr recriwtio.
Tasgau Allweddol |
Datblygu strategaeth a chynllun CRM i gefnogi’r gwaith o recriwtio myfyrwyr ym Mhrydain ar draws marchnadoedd a demograffeg defnyddwyr gwahanol. Darparu arbenigedd ar farchnata ac ymgyrchoedd i ddylanwadu ar gyfleoedd presennol a phosibl yn y farchnad, cyfrannu at ffurfio cynlluniau marchnata gweithredol a thactegol, gan sicrhau bod dealltwriaeth glir o’r USPs a phrif negeseuon y coleg yn bodoli, a defnyddio'r rhain i gefnogi mentrau marchnata a recriwtio. Cyflwyno ymgyrchoedd creadigol dros negeseuon e-byst, negeseuon testun a llwyfannau eraill, fel sy’n briodol, i roi hwb i ymgysylltiad â brand PGW, a chynyddu nifer y ceisiadau i astudio mathau gwahanol o bynciau - israddedig, ôl-raddedig a chyrsiau byr. Gweithio gyda’r Pennaeth Recriwtio a Derbyniadau a chydweithwyr o fewn y gyfadran i sicrhau bod cynllun llym ac ystwyth ar waith ar gyfer cyfathrebu gydag ymgeiswyr i wella cyfraddau trosi, a bod y cynllun hwn yn cyd-fynd â’r strategaeth cynhyrchu ceisiadau. Cyflwyno adroddiadau rheolaidd a dadansoddiad o ymgyrchoedd marchnata i’r Rheolwr Strategaeth Ymgyrchoedd a Digidol. Gweithio’n agos gyda darparwr y llwyfan CRM a gwasanaethau TG i sicrhau bod y llwyfan yn cael ei optimeiddio a’i fod yn addas at ddiben. Cysylltu a gweithio gyda’r xxx Marchnata a Chyfathrebu i gefnogi’r gwaith o drefnu a chreu cynnwys ar gyfer gwahanol lwyfannau ymgyrchu - cadw cofnod o ganiatâd ar gyfer trywydd archwilio, cydymffurfiaeth ac adroddiadau yn ôl y gofyn. Cyfrannu at y gwaith o ddylunio templedi e-byst, cynrychioli gofynion y defnyddwyr terfynol, a sicrhau bod templedi yn cael eu defnyddio’n helaeth i gynyddu’r siawns o gyflawni nodau trosi, yn cynnwys integreiddio gyda’r cyfryngau cymdeithasol lle fo’n briodol. |
Cadw llyfrgell o asedau, megis canllawiau, lluniau neu fideos y gellir eu defnyddio o fewn y xxx a’r xxxxx, ac i gefnogi rhanddeiliaid mewnol eraill yn ôl y galw.
Creu, datblygu a gweithredu ymgyrchoedd neu brosiectau CRM un tro o fewn y cylch recriwtio
e.e. lansio cwrs newydd, cefnogi’r gwaith o farchnata digwyddiad e.e. diwrnodau a/neu nosweithiau agored.
Ysgrifennu, golygu a phrawf ddarllen copïau a chynnwys aml-gyfrwng fel rhan o'r gwaith dydd i ddydd, gan gynnwys ymgyrchoedd e-xxxx a rheoli data cysylltiedig yn unol â pholisi’r brifysgol a chydymffurfiaeth allanol, a bod yn gyfrifol am wirio drafftiau, adolygu/darllen copïau, cynlluniau a gwneud newidiadau ac argymhellion cyn trosglwyddo’r gwaith yn ei flaen fel xxxx x xxxxxx sicrhau ansawdd.
Rheoli data drwy’r CRM neu systemau trydydd parti eraill er mwyn cyflwyno negeseuon marchnata drwy e-byst/ymgyrchoedd negeseuon testun, yn unol â pholisi’r brifysgol a rheoliadau cydymffurfio allanol.
Defnyddio dadansoddeg a data i fesur ac adrodd ar effeithiolrwydd ymgyrchoedd ac i lywio newidiadau i ymgyrchoedd i wella canlyniadau.
Gweithio gyda chydweithwyr i ddatblygu a chynnal system CRM y brifysgol, darparu cyngor, arweiniad a hyfforddiant i gydweithwyr ar y defnydd o system CRM fel sy’n ofynnol, yn cynnwys monitro a chynnal a chadw cywirdeb/ansawdd y data sy’n cael ei fewnosod.
Gweithio gyda chydweithwyr o fewn y Gyfadran Marchnata a Recriwtio i feithrin a chyflwyno arferion rheoli cysylltiadau cwsmer sy’n creu profiad cwsmer rhagorol ac effeithiol.
Cysylltu a rhwydweithio’n rhagweithiol gyda chydweithwyr ar draws y sefydliad i gasglu gwybodaeth a thrafod gofynion.
Gwneud penderfyniadau a defnyddio xxxxxx xx mwyn cyflawni tasgau a bodloni terfynau amser. Bydd yr unigolyn yn cael ei gefnogi gan aelodau eraill o’r xxx a’r prosesau sydd ar xxxxx, xx mwyn gwneud y penderfyniadau gorau posib ynghylch blaenoriaethau dydd i ddydd, yn cynnwys offer a thactegau sydd eu xxxxxx i gefnogi’r cymysgedd o farchnata.
Gwneud ymchwil i gefnogi a thynnu sylw at weithgaredd cystadleuwyr a darparu mewnwelediad i’r newidiadau marchnata
Dylunio a chyflwyno holiaduron ac arolygon cyffredin i gefnogi gwaith marchnata. Cynnig cymorth gyda diwrnodau agored a darlithoedd cyhoeddus yn achlysurol
Bydd y swydd wedi’i lleoli yn y swyddfeydd i raddau helaeth, yn rhyngweithio â phobl ar draws y Brifysgol.
Bydd ymweliadau rheolaidd, ond nid aml, â safleoedd eraill yn ofynnol.
Cynrychioli'r Brifysgol mewn digwyddiadau hyrwyddol perthnasol yn ôl yr xxxxx, xx enghraifft mewn dyddiau/nosweithiau agored, darlithoedd cyhoeddus.
Glynu at ganllawiau'r Awdurdod Cystadleuaeth a Marchnadoedd (CMA) a gofynion eraill o ran cydymffurfio xxx amser.
Wrth ddarparu'r uchod, bydd deiliad y swydd yn:
Cymryd cyfrifoldeb am hyrwyddo lefelau uchel o wasanaeth cwsmer yn xx xxxx gwaith ei hun.
Cymryd cyfrifoldeb am ymgysylltu ag ymrwymiad y Brifysgol i ddarparu gwasanaethau sy'n rhoi gwerth am arian ac sy'n gwneud y mwyaf o'r defnydd o adnoddau ac ystyried hyn wrth ymgymryd â xxxx ddyletswyddau ac agweddau ar ei swydd.
Cymryd rhan yn y broses Arfarnu, gan gyfrannu at osod amcanion.
Cymryd cyfrifoldeb am weithredu Polisi Cyfle Cyfartal y Brifysgol yn xx xxxx cyfrifoldeb ei hun ac yn ei ymddygiad cyffredinol.
Ymgymryd â rôl Iechyd a Diogelwch benodol, sy'n gymesur â'ch gradd, i gefnogi'r Brifysgol i fodloni ei rhwymedigaethau Iechyd a Diogelwch statudol. Gallai hyn gynnwys ymddwyn fel Asesydd Offer Sgrin Arddangos, Swyddog Cymorth Cyntaf, Xxxxxxx Xxx xxx Gydlynydd Diogelwch yr Adran. Bydd neilltuo rolau o'r fath yn amodol ar ddarpariaeth hyfforddiant priodol ac asesiad cymhwysedd.
Mae gennych ddyletswydd gyfreithiol, cyn belled ag sy'n ymarferol rhesymol, i sicrhau nad ydych yn rhoi xxxx hun nac eraill mewn perygl yn sgil xxxx gweithredoedd neu esgeulustod. Yn ogystal, rhaid i chi gydweithio â'r Brifysgol ar faterion iechyd a diogelwch ac ni ddylech ymyrryd neu gamddefnyddio unrhyw xxxx a ddarperir at ddibenion iechyd, diogelwch a lles.
Gellir gofyn i chi weithio ar unrhyw safle'r Brifysgol, gyda rhybudd rhesymol.
Cymryd cyfrifoldeb am ymgysylltu ag ymrwymiad y Brifysgol i Gynaliadwyedd Amgylcheddol er mwyn lleihau ei gwastraff, ei defnydd o ynni a'i hôl troed carbon
Ymgymryd â dyletswyddau perthnasol cyffelyb eraill sy'n gymesur â gradd y swydd gan y Rheolwr ac mewn cytundeb â deiliad y swydd. Ni ddylid gwrthod cytundeb o'r fath yn afresymol.
Dyletswyddau Cyffredinol |
Byddwch yn sicrhau bod systemau a gweithdrefnau rheoli priodol ar xxxxx xx mwyn bodloni'ch dyletswyddau a'ch cyfrifoldebau iechyd a diogelwch a gynhwysir ym mholisi iechyd a diogelwch y Brifysgol. Yn benodol, byddwch yn sicrhau bod asesiadau risg priodol yn cael eu cynnal mewn perthynas â pheryglon sylweddol ac yr ymgymerir ag arolygon diogelwch o leiaf unwaith y flwyddyn ym mhob gweithle xxx xxxx rheolaeth chi. Cyfrifoldeb y gweithwyr yw ymgorffori Polisi Cyfle Cyfartal y Brifysgol o fewn eu xxxx cyfrifoldeb eu hunain ac yn eu hymddygiad cyffredinol. Xxx xxx yr xxxx staff gyfrifoldeb i hyrwyddo gofal cwsmer o ansawdd yn eu xxxx cyfrifoldeb eu hunain. Disgwylir i ddeiliaid swydd gydlynu â'r broses Arfarnu a Datblygu Staff, gan gyfrannu at osod amcanion er mwyn cynorthwyo gyda monitro perfformiad a datblygiad yr unigolyn. Byddwch yn asesu anghenion hyfforddiant a datblygiad pob aelod o staff xxx xxxx rheolaeth, er mwyn sicrhau eu bod nhw'n cael cefnogaeth ddigonol mewn perthynas â'u cyfrifoldebau gwaith. Dyletswyddau perthnasol eraill sy'n gymesur â gradd y swydd, a all gael eu neilltuo gan y Rheolwr, mewn cytundeb â deiliad y swydd. Ni ddylid gwrthod cytundeb o'r fath yn afresymol. Mae’r cyfrifoldebau allweddol sydd wedi'u cynnwys yn y swydd ddisgrifiad hwn yn fynegol, nid ydynt yn gynhwysfawr. Gellir addasu dyletswyddau a chyfrifoldebau mewn trafodaeth â deiliad y swydd |
Adolygu |
Mae hwn yn ddisgrifiad o'r swydd ar adeg ei chyhoeddi. Arfer y Brifysgol x xxxx i'w gilydd yw adolygu a diweddaru swydd ddisgrifiadau er mwyn sicrhau eu bod yn adlewyrchu natur gyfredol y swydd a gofynion y Brifysgol yn gywir ac i ymgorffori unrhyw newidiadau rhesymol pan xxx xxxxx, mewn ymgynghoriad â deiliad y swydd. |
Manyleb Person
Swyddog Marchnata Digidol (CRM a Marchnata drwy E-xxxx)
Teitl y Swydd:
Er mwyn cael xxxx rhoi ar y rhestr fer rhaid i chi arddangos xxxx bod yn bodloni'r xxxx xxxxx prawf hanfodol a chymaint o'r meini prawf dymunol ag sy'n bosibl. Pan fydd gennym nifer fawr o geisiadau sy'n bodloni'r xxxx xxxxx prawf hanfodol, byddwn wedyn yn llunio’r rhestr fer gan ddefnyddio'r meini prawf dymunol.
Meini Prawf Dethol | |||||
Priodoleddau | Eitem | Meini Prawf Perthnasol | Dull Adnabod | Pwysigrw ydd | |
1.1 | Dealltwriaeth amlwg a | Ff, C | H | ||
dangosadwy o strategaethau | |||||
marchnata drwy negeseuon e- | |||||
xxxx a thactegau, yn cynnwys | |||||
sgiliau dadansoddi cryf | |||||
1.2 | Profiad o gyflwyno | Ff, C | H | ||
ymgyrchoedd CRM mewn | |||||
negeseuon e-xxxx, negeseuon | |||||
testun, DM ac yn y blaen... | |||||
1.3 | Bod yn ymwybodol o’r | Ff, C | H | ||
tueddiadau diweddaraf ac | |||||
arferion gorau o ran | |||||
CRM/marchnata negeseuon e- | |||||
xxxx a’u mesur | |||||
1 | Sgiliau a Gallu | 1.4 | Creadigol iawn, gyda phrofiad | Ff, C | H |
o adnabod cynulleidfaoedd | |||||
targed a llunio ymgyrchoedd | |||||
sy’n xxxx, hysbysu ac yn | |||||
ysgogi | |||||
1.5 | Profiad o optimeiddio | Ff, C | H | ||
tudalennau glanio a thrionglau | |||||
defnyddiwr | |||||
1.6 | Gallu cynllunio ymlaen llaw, | Ff, C | H | ||
datrys problemau ac i weithio | |||||
ar xxxx liwt xxxx hun gydag | |||||
agwedd gadarnhaol | |||||
1.7 | Sgiliau gorffen a chwblhau | Ff, C | H | ||
rhagorol e.e. y gallu i ddarparu |
at derfynau amser tynn gyda | |||||
chywirdeb a sylw i fanylder, yn | |||||
cynnwys cyllideb | |||||
1.8 | Gallu gweithio’n annibynnol, | Ff, C | H | ||
rhagweithiol a dangos lefel | |||||
uchel o gyfrifoldeb ar gyfer | |||||
prosiectau, ac ymrwymiad i’w | |||||
llwyddiant. | |||||
1.9 | Cymwyseddau dadansoddol | Ff, C | H | ||
cryf, gallu defnyddio data i | |||||
fesur effeithiolrwydd a llywio | |||||
gwaith cynllunio i’r dyfodol. | |||||
1.10 | Rheoli Prosiect - sgiliau trefnu | Ff, C | H | ||
gwych a’r gallu i gynllunio a | |||||
chyflwyno nifer o ymgyrchoedd | |||||
ar yr un pryd. | |||||
1.11 | Gwybodaeth ac arbenigedd | Ff, C | H | ||
rhagorol mewn | |||||
creu/goruchwylio’r gwaith o | |||||
greu cynnwys ar gyfer | |||||
amrywiaeth o gynulleidfaoedd, | |||||
sianelau a fformatau, yn | |||||
cynnwys golygu a darllen | |||||
1.12 | Meddu ar agwedd hyblyg a | Ff, C | H | ||
brwd, a'r gallu i weithio fel rhan | |||||
o dîm mewn amgylchedd | |||||
prysur a heriol | |||||
Ff, C | H | ||||
1.13 | Yn gallu gweithio ar y cyd â | ||||
chydweithwyr a sefydlu | |||||
cysylltiadau gweithio effeithiol | |||||
1.14 | Dealltwriaeth amlwg o | Ff, C | H | ||
gyfrinachedd, diogelu data a | |||||
deddfwriaeth CMA | |||||
1.15 | Gallu i gyfathrebu drwy | Ff, C | D | ||
gyfrwng y Gymraeg | |||||
2.1 | Dealltwriaeth dechnegol o ddefnyddio systemau CRM | Ff, C | H | ||
2 | Gwybodaeth Gyffredinol ac | 2.2 | Dealltwriaeth o'r sector addysg uwch | C | D |
Arbenigol | |||||
2.3 | Profiad o gynhyrchu fideos a golygu. | Ff, C | H |
2.4 2.5 | Profiad o ddefnyddio systemau rheoli cynnwys gwefan Profiad o ddadansoddeg gwefan, dadansoddeg data eraill ac adroddiadau megis e- byst a systemau CRM | Ff, C Ff, C | H H | ||
3.1 | Addysg hyd at radd gyntaf a/neu brofiad gwaith amlwg mewn rôl farchnata. | Ff, T | H | ||
3 | Addysg a Hyfforddiant | 3.2 | Profiad o ddelio â gweithgarwch marchnata gydag "agwedd asiantaeth", h.y. profiad o gynllunio a xxxxx x xxxx prosiect marchnata sy'n defnyddio'r ystod lawn o dechnegau cyfathrebu marchnata, ar gyfer nifer o gleientiaid gan sicrhau lefelau uchel o foddhad cleientiaid ar gyfer prosiectau a gweithgarwch parhaus drwy osod targedau yn effeithiol, amserlennu, rheoli cyllideb, adrodd a chyflawni yn erbyn targedau. | Ff, C | H |
3.3 | Cymhwyster marchnata perthnasol. | Ff | D | ||
3.4 | Tystiolaeth o hyfforddiant a datblygiad proffesiynol parhaus. | Ff, C | D | ||
4.1 | Profiad o weithio o fewn swydd farchnata, yn cynnwys ymwneud â gweithgareddau marchnata digidol, neu eu cwblhau. | Ff, C | H | ||
4 | Profiad Perthnasol | 4.2 | Profiad helaeth o weithio mewn amgylchedd swyddfa prysur a heriol | Ff, C | H |
4.3 | Profiad o weithio gyda dylunwyr a gweithredu fel llysgennad brand a/neu rywun sy’n cymeradwyo gwaith dylunio. | Ff, C | H | ||
4.4 | Profiad o weithio o fewn canllawiau brand | Ff, C | H |
4.5 | Wedi rheoli ymgyrchoedd CRM | Ff, C | H | ||
yn ymarferol. | |||||
4.6 | Dadansoddi a chreu | Ff, C, Rh | H | ||
adroddiadau ar weithgaredd | |||||
marchnata | |||||
4.7 | Cynnig cyngor ar | Ff, C | H | ||
weithrediadau a thactegau | |||||
marchnata | |||||
4.8 | Profiad o weithio gyda | Ff, C | H | ||
rhaglenni dylunio graffeg neu | |||||
asiantaeth greadigol | |||||
4.9 | Profiad o ddefnyddio cyfryngau | Ff, C | H | ||
cymdeithasol a sianelau digidol | |||||
mewn cyd-destun busnes | |||||
4.10 | Profiad o ymdrin â llwyth | Ff, C | H | ||
gwaith, a blaenoriaethu | |||||
4.11 | Profiad o ddefnyddio systemau | Ff, C | H | ||
TG a thechnolegau newydd i | |||||
gefnogi prosesau a | |||||
chyfathrebu | |||||
5.1 | Y gallu i gynllunio a | Ff, C | H | ||
blaenoriaethu xxxx llwyth gwaith | |||||
xxxx hun yn seiliedig ar ofynion | |||||
dydd i ddydd y gwasanaeth a | |||||
chreu defnydd effeithlon ac | |||||
effeithiol o'r adnoddau sydd ar | |||||
gael. | |||||
5.2 | Y gallu amlwg i weithio a | Ff, C | H | ||
chyfathrebu'n effeithiol o fewn | |||||
xxx amlddisgyblaethol a'r | |||||
brifysgol yn ehangach | |||||
5 | Gofynion Arbennig | 5.3 | Y gallu a'r parodrwydd i ddysgu | Ff, C | H |
systemau a sgiliau newydd a | |||||
lledaenu'r wybodaeth fel sy'n | |||||
briodol | |||||
5.4 | Ymddygiad proffesiynol a | C | H | ||
chwrtais xxx amser | |||||
5.5 | Y gallu i weithio ar | Ff, C | H | ||
benwythnosau a gyda'r nos yn | |||||
achlysurol, a’r gallu i deithio. |
Dyddiad Adolygu | 13 Mawrth 2023 |
Allwedd | Dull Adnabod | Ff | Ffurflen Gais |
C | Cyfweliad | ||
P | Prawf | ||
T | Copi o Dystysgrifau | ||
Rh | Rhoi Cyflwyniad | ||
G | Asesiad Grŵp | ||
Pwysigrwydd | H | Hanfodol | |
D | Dymunol |
Job Description
Faculty/Department | Marketing and Recruitment |
Section | Marketing and Communications |
Job Title | Digital Marketing Officer (CRM and Email Marketing) |
Reports to | Digital and Campaigns Strategy Manager |
Grade | O&A5 |
Principal Accountabilities |
The Digital Marketing Officer (CRM and Email marketing) is a key role in promoting the WGU brand to prospective students and applicants, keeping them informed and engaged and serving relevant content at the appropriate time to move them through the sales funnel and convert interest to application to enrolment. The post-holder will be responsible for liaising with the wider Marketing and Recruitment Directorate as well as colleagues in faculties and professional services team to develop and run a comprehensive email communications plan to support student recruitment. The postholder will have in-depth knowledge of how to use a CRM system effectively to deliver timely personalised messaging to prospective students and applicants, engaging them with the University offer, and developments and news related to their areas of study interest. The role will work closely with the Digital & Campaigns Strategy Manager and the Digital Marketing Officer (Web and Social Media) to ensure activity across all digital platforms is coherent and aligned. Each of the Digital Marketing Officers will be required to support each other in their specialist areas of work. The two Digital Marketing Officer roles are critical to the delivery of a centralised approach to co- ordinating WGU web, social media content and email communications in order to have bold, clear and effective messaging within a consistent brand identity. The postholder must be experienced in the use of web analytics for reporting and forward planning. |
The role will work with colleagues from Faculties and Professional Services to advise on their web content requirements, including scoping out functional requirements and working with colleagues in IT to have these developed in line with UX best practice.
This is a full-time appointment requiring a flexible approach to working hours (including occasional weekends to support open days and evenings), particularly at peak times in the recruitment calendar
Key Tasks |
To develop a CRM strategy and plan to support UK student recruitment across different markets and user demographics. To provide marketing and campaign expertise to leverage current and potential market opportunity, contributing to the formulation of marketing operational and tactical planning, ensuring a clear understanding of the USPs and core university messages and maximising these to support marketing and recruitment initiatives. To implement creative camapigns across email, SMS and other platforms as appropriate to drive engagement with the WGU brand and generate applications for study across all course types – undergraduate, postgraduate and short courses. To work with the Head of Recruitment and Admissions and faculty colleagues to ensure that there is a robust, agile plan for communications with applicants to maximise rates of conversion and that this plan is aligned with the application generation strategy. To provide the Digital and Campaigns Strategy Manager with regular reports and analysis of marketing campaigns. To work closely with the CRM platform provider and IT services to ensure the platform is optimised and fit for purpose. To liaise and work with the Marketing and Communications team to support the organisation and generation of content for different campaign platforms – where required retaining a record of permissions for audit trail, compliance and reporting as required. Contributing to the design work on email templates, representing end user requirements and ensuring templates are optimised to maximise the potential for goal conversions, including, where appropriate, integration with social media. To maintain a library of assets such as guidelines, imagery or video for use within the team and department, and to support other internal stakeholders as required. To create, develop and implement one-off CRM campaigns or projects within the recruitment cycle e.g. launching a new course, supporting the marketing of an event e.g. open days and/or evenings Towrite, edit and proof-read copy and multi-media content as part of day-to-day flow of work, including email campaigns and management of associated data in line with university policy and external compliance and as part of a quality assurance process, be responsible for checking |
drafts, reviewing/proofing copy, plans and making amends and recommendations for upwards sign-off.
To manage data via the CRM or other third party systems to deliver email marketing/SMS campaigns, in line with university policy and external compliance regulations.
To use analytics and data to measure and report on the effectiveness of campaigns and to inform changes to campaigns to maximise returns.
To work with colleagues to develop and maintain the university’s CRM system, providing advice, guidance and training to colleagues on the use of the CRM system as required, including the monitoring and maintenance of the accuracy/quality of data inputted.
To work with colleagues within the Marketing and Recruitment Directorate to build and deliver customer relationship management practices that create an excellent and effective customer experience.
To proactively liaise and network with colleagues across the institution to gather information and discuss requirements.
Daily decision making and use of initiative in order to handle tasks and deliver to deadlines. This person will be supported by other members of the team and processes in place, in order to make the best possible decisions about day-to-day prioritisation, including tools, tactics as required to support the marketing mix.
To undertake research to support and highlight activity by competitors and provide insight into marketplace changes
To design and implement basic questionnaires and surveys to support marketing insight. Occasional support to open days and public lectures
The post will be largely office-based, with interactions with people across the University. Regular, but not frequent, visits will be required to other sites.
Represent the University at relevant promotional events as required, for example at open days/evenings, public lectures.
Adhere to Competition and Market Authority (CMA) guidelines and other compliance at all times.
In delivering the above, the post-holder will:
Take responsibility to promote high levels of customer care within their own areas of work.
Take responsibility to engage with the University’s commitment to delivering value for money services that optimise the use of resources and consider this when undertaking all duties and aspects of their role.
Participate in the Appraisal process, engaging in the setting of objectives.
Take responsibility for applying the University’s Equal Opportunities Policy in their own area of responsibility and in their general conduct.
Be required to undertake a specific Health & Safety role, commensurate with their grade, to support the University in meeting its statutory Health & Safety obligations. This could include acting as a DSE Assessor, First Aider, Fire Xxxxxxxx or Departmental Safety Co-ordinator. The allocation of such roles will be subject to the provision of appropriate training and assessment of competence.
You have a legal duty, so far as is reasonably practicable, to ensure that you do not endanger yourself or anyone else by your acts or omissions. In addition you must cooperate with the University on health and safety matters and must not interfere or misuse anything provided for health, safety and welfare purposes.
With reasonable notice, be required to work at any of the University sites.
Take responsibility to engage with the University’s commitment to Environmental Sustainability in order to reduce its waste, energy consumption and carbon footprint.
Undertake other relevant duties commensurate with the grade of the post as may be assigned by the Manager in agreement with the post holder. Such agreement should not be unreasonably withheld'.
General Duties |
You will ensure that appropriate management systems and procedures are in place to meet your health and safety duties and responsibilities contained within the University’s health and safety policy. In particular you will ensure that appropriate risk assessments are carried out in respect of significant hazards and that safety inspections are undertaken on at least an annual cycle in each workplace under your control. It is the responsibility of employees to apply the University’s Equal Opportunities Policy in their own area of responsibility and in their general conduct. All staff have a responsibility for promoting high levels of customer care within their own areas of responsibility. Post holders are expected to co-operate with the Staff Appraisal and Development process, engaging in the setting of objectives in order to assist in the monitoring of performance and the development of the individual. You will assess the training and development needs of each member of staff under your control to ensure they are adequately supported in relation to their work responsibilities. Such other relevant duties commensurate with the grade of the post as may be assigned by the Manager in agreement with the post holder. Such agreement should not be unreasonably withheld. The key responsibilities contained in this job description are indicative not exhaustive. Duties and responsibilities may be altered in discussion with the post holder. |
Review |
This is a description of the job at the time of issue. It is the University’s practice periodically to review and update job descriptions to ensure that they accurately reflect the current nature of the job and requirements of the University and to incorporate reasonable changes where required, in consultation with the job holder. |
Person Specification
Digital Marketing Officer (CRM and Email Marketing)
Job Title:
In order to be shortlisted you must demonstrate that you meet all the essential criteria and as many of the desirable criteria as possible. Where we have a large number of applications that meet all of the essential criteria, we will then use the desirable criteria to produce the shortlist.
Selection Criteria | |||||
Attributes | Item | Relevant Criteria | Identification Method | Rank | |
1.1 | A clear and demonstrable understanding of | A, I | E | ||
email marketing strategies and tactics, including | |||||
strong analytical skills | |||||
1.2 | Proven background in running CRM campaigns | A, I | E | ||
across email, SMS, DM etc.. | |||||
1.3 | Up-to-date with the latest trends and best | A, I | E | ||
practices in CRM/email marketing and | |||||
measurement | |||||
1.4 | Highly creative with experience in identifying | A, I | E | ||
target audiences and devising campaigns that | |||||
engage, inform and motivate | |||||
1.5 | Experience in optimising landing pages and | A, I | E | ||
1 | Skills & Abilities | user funnels | |||
1.6 | Ability to plan ahead, problem-solve and to work | A, I | E | ||
on own initiative with a ‘can do’ attitude | |||||
1.7 | Excellent finish and completion skills i.e. the | A, I | E | ||
ability to deliver to tight deadlines with accuracy | |||||
and attention to detail, including to budget | |||||
1.8 | Capable of working on own initiative, working | A, I | E | ||
proactively and demonstrating a high level of | |||||
responsibility for projects, and commitment to | |||||
their success. | |||||
1.9 | Strong analytical abilities, capable of using data | A, I | E | ||
to measure effectiveness and inform future | |||||
planning. |
1.10 | Project Management - excellent organisational | A, I | E | ||
skills and ability to plan and execute multiple | |||||
campaigns simultaneously. | |||||
1.11 | Excellent knowledge and expertise in | A, I | E | ||
creating/overseeing the creation of content for a | |||||
variety of audiences, channels and formats, | |||||
including editing and proofing | |||||
1.12 | Have an enthusiastic, flexible, adaptable | A, I | E | ||
approach and the ability to work as part of a | |||||
team in a busy and demanding environment | |||||
1.13 | Able to work collaboratively with colleagues and | A,I | E | ||
to establish effective working relationships | |||||
1.14 | Demonstrable understanding of confidentiality, | A,I | E | ||
data protection and CMA legislation | |||||
1.15 | The ability to communicate through the medium | A,I | D | ||
of Welsh | |||||
2.1 | A technical understanding of using CRM systems | A, I | E | ||
2.2 | An understanding of the higher education sector | I | D | ||
2 | General & Specialist Knowledge | 2.3 2.4 | Experience of video production and editing. Experience using website content management systems | A, I A,I | E E |
2.5 | Experience with website analytics and other data analytics & reporting such as email and CRM systems | A,I | E | ||
3.1 | Educated to first degree and/or with proven work experience in a marketing role | A, C | E | ||
3 | Education & Training | 3.2 | Experience of handling marketing activity with an “agency approach” i.e. experience of planning and handling multiple marketing projects that use the full range of marketing communications techniques, for multiple clients achieving high levels of client satisfaction for projects and on-going activity through effective setting of targets, scheduling, budget handling, reporting and delivery against targets | A, I | E |
3.3 | A relevant marketing qualification | A | D | ||
3.4 | Evidence of training and continuous professional development | A, I | D |
4.1 | Experience of working within a marketing | A, I | E | ||
function, including working with or undertaking | |||||
digital marketing activities. | |||||
A, I | E | ||||
4.2 | Extensive experience of working within a busy | ||||
and demanding office environment | |||||
4.3 | Experience of working with designers and | A, I | E | ||
acting as a brand ambassador and/or approver | |||||
of designed work. | |||||
4.4 | Experience of working to brand guidelines | A, I | E | ||
4.5 | Hands on management of CRM campaigns. | A, I | E | ||
Relevant Experience | |||||
4 | 4.6 | Analysis and reporting on marketing activity | A, I, P | E | |
4.7 | Advising on marketing operations and tactics | A, I | E | ||
4.8 | Experience of working with a graphic design | A, I | E | ||
function or creative agency | |||||
4.9 | Experience of using social media and digital | A, I | E | ||
channels in a business context | |||||
4.10 | Experience of handling and prioritising a diverse | A, I | E | ||
workload | |||||
4.11 | Experience of using new technologies and IT | A,I | E | ||
systems to support processes and | |||||
communications | |||||
5.1 | Ability to plan and prioritise own workload based on the day to day requirements of the service and making efficient and effective use of the resources available | A, I | E | ||
5 | Special Requirements | 5.2 | Proven ability to work and communicate effectively within a multi-disciplinary team and wider university setting | A, I | E |
5.3 | Ability and willingness to learn new systems and skills and disseminate where appropriate | A, I | E | ||
5.4 | Professional and polite manner at all times | I | E | ||
5.5 | Ability to work occasional weekends and evening and to travel. | A, I | E | ||
Date of Revision |
Key | Identification Method | A | Application Form |
I | Interview | ||
T | Test | ||
C | Copy of Certificates | ||
P | Presentation | ||
G | Group Assessment | ||
Rank | E | Essential | |
D | Desirable |