Disgrifiad Swydd
Disgrifiad Swydd
Teitl y Swydd | Mentor Cymorth Cyflogadwyedd |
Gwasanaeth | Ysgolion a Diwylliant |
Graddfa | 8 |
Pwynt/iau Cyflog | 18-22 |
Cyflog | £29,269 - £31,364 pro rata |
Pwrpas y Swydd | Gweithio yn adran Ysgolion a Diwylliant i gynorthwyo i gynllunio, cefnogi a chynnal gweithgareddau penodol a gwaith mentora o ansawdd gyda phobl ifanc ac oedolion. Helpu cyfranogwyr i nodi rhwystrau posibl a chytuno a gweithredu cynlluniau realistig i gynorthwyo gyda hyfforddiant a gwaith drwy archwilio'r xxxx opsiynau sydd ar gael. Bydd gan y mentor gyfrifoldeb i ddylunio a chydlynu ystod o ddulliau arloesol ar gyfer cyfranogwyr ledled Ceredigion Bydd cyfrifoldebau yn cynnwys adnabod, ymgysylltu â, asesu a mentora cyfranogwyr, drwy ddatblygu cynllun gweithredu cynhwysfawr sy'n canolbwyntio ar waith, a fydd yn cefnogi cyfranogwyr i gyflogaeth gynaliadwy. Xxx xxx y mentor gyfrifoldeb i gynnwys cyfranogwyr mewn cyfleoedd, gweithgareddau a dysgu achrededig sy'n gysylltiedig â gwaith. Bydd hyn yn cynnwys defnyddio dulliau amrywiol fel y bo'n briodol i'w hanghenion a'u rhwystrau Bydd gan y mentor Cyflogadwyedd gyfrifoldeb am gydlynu hyfforddiant a gweithgareddau cysylltiedig â gwaith ar sail un i un ac mewn grwpiau bach. Darparu model cymunedol o gymorth mentora o ansawdd i drigolion xx-xxxxx Ceredigion Sicrhau bod y prosiect Cymunedau am Waith + yn cael ei gyflawni'n llwyddiannus yn unol â'r polisïau a'r gweithdrefnau sy'n gysylltiedig â gofynion ariannu Xxx xxx y mentor gyfrifoldeb i gynnwys cyfranogwyr mewn cyfleoedd, gweithgareddau a dysgu achrededig sy'n gysylltiedig â gwaith. Bydd hyn yn cynnwys defnyddio dulliau amrywiol fel y bo'n briodol i'w hanghenion a'u rhwystrau |
Lleoliad | Penmorfa, Aberaeron / Canolfan Rheidol, Aberystwyth |
Oriau Gwaith | 37 awr yr wythnos |
Math o Gytundeb | Llawn-amser |
Hyd y Cytundeb | Cyfnod Penodedig |
Teitl swydd y Rheolwr Llinell | Cydlynydd – Cyflogaeth a Hyfforddiant |
Cyfrifoldebau Goruchwylio / Rheoli | Goruchwylio staff newydd, gweithwyr cymorth, prentisiaid a gwirfoddolwyr yn rheolaidd. |
Atebolrwydd | • Cydymffurfio â xxxx bolisïau a gweithdrefnau Cyngor Sir Ceredigion a Dysgu Gydol Oes a Sgiliau. |
• Bydd deiliad y swydd yn gweithio fel rhan o Dîm Cyflogaeth Ceredigion. Bydd y xxx yn adrodd i Dîm Rheoli Ceredigion gan ddarparu cyswllt rhwng Llywodraeth Cymru a’r prosiect a ddarperir yn lleol yng Ngheredigion. • Yn lleol, bydd deiliad y swydd yn cynorthwyo i ddatblygu a gweithredu’r prosiect profiad gwaith ac yn atebol i Reolwr y Xxx Cyflogadwyedd. • Mynd ati’n barhaus i weithio ar xxxx xxxxxx xxxx hun mewn lleoliadau anghysbell ar draws y sir. • Sicrhau bod data ystadegol trylwyr yn cael ei gasglu a’i ddadansoddi yn brydlon fel sy’n ofynnol gan Gyngor Sir Ceredigion ac asiantaethau allanol. • Bod yn gyfrifol am ffôn symudol a gliniadur. | |
Telerau Cytundebol sy'n Gysylltiedig â'r Swydd | Mae diogelu ac amddiffyn oedolion a phlant sydd mewn perygl yn flaenoriaethau allweddol i ni. Ein nod yw cefnogi oedolion, plant a phobl ifanc sydd mewn perygl i sicrhau eu bod mor ddiogel â phosib. Rydym yn cydnabod eu hawl i gael eu hamddiffyn a byddwn yn cymryd camau i ddiogelu eu lles. Disgwylir i xxx aelod o staff a gwirfoddolwyr rannu'r ymrwymiad hwn a byddwn yn gofyn am Wiriad Manwl gan y Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Gwahardd (DBS) cyn penodi i'r swydd hon. |
Dyletswyddau a chyfrifoldebau | |
• Gallu gweithio'n annibynnol ac fel rhan o dîm i gydlynu elfennau ar y Rhaglen Cymuned ar gyfer Gwaith + • Datblygu a chynnal trefniadau cydweithio gyda phartneriaid ac asiantaethau proffesiynol eraill i sicrhau bod Cymunedau am Waith + yn cael eu gweithredu'n llwyddiannus • Arwain a chydlynu ar yr xxxx ddulliau creadigol ac arloesol i ymgysylltu ag ystod xxxx o gyfranogwyr xx-xxxxx. Xxx'r rhain yn cynnwys unigolion sydd â rhwystrau cymhleth i waith, gan gynnwys cyflyrau iechyd corfforol neu feddyliol, pobl sy'n gadael carchar, sgiliau isel a'r rhai â chyfrifoldebau gofal, yn ogystal â'r rhai sy'n agosach at y farchnad lafur. • Gweithio'n agos gyda'r swyddog cymorth cyswllt cyflogaeth i nodi cyfleoedd cyflogaeth a chynorthwyo unigolion i drefnu profiad gwaith neu leoliadau gwirfoddoli • Bod yn gyfrifol am ddefnydd diogel a phriodol gan gyfranogwyr xxxx offer TG Llywodraeth Cymru • Bod yn gyfrifol am gydlynu sesiynau Ymchwilio, datblygu, hyrwyddo a chyflwyno sesiynau cymorth wyneb yn wyneb a grŵp i gynyddu ymgysylltiad ac opsiynau darpariaeth sydd ar gael. • Annog a chynnal presenoldeb cymunedol i godi ymwybyddiaeth o'r ddarpariaeth sydd ar gael, ar y cyd ag aelodau lleol eraill a sefydliadau a phrosiectau partner. • Cymryd rhan weithredol mewn gweithgareddau marchnata a hyrwyddo • Cynrychiolaeth mewn cyfarfodydd allweddol gan gynnwys cynadleddau achosion, i hyrwyddo'r cymorth sydd ar gael a sicrhau bod cyfranogwyr yn defnyddio'r gwasanaethau mwyaf addas i fodloni eu hamgylchiadau unigryw • Cynnal asesiadau i gyfrannu at ddatblygu Cynllun Gweithredu Personol, gan ystyried amgylchiadau'r unigolion a theulu/aelwyd ehangach. • Darparu cyngor, arweiniad a chymorth i helpu cyfranogwyr i gaffael a diweddaru sgiliau i'w galluogi i fynd i chwilio am gyflogaeth gynaliadwy • Sicrhau bod y cynllun yn ystyried hawliau ariannol a xxxx-daliadau o xxx ffynhonnell gan gynnwys DWP, Xxxx-daliadau Tai a Gofal. • Nodi a chydlynu ymyriadau priodol gan wasanaethau ac asiantaethau eraill, sy'n angenrheidiol i gefnogi canlyniadau cadarnhaol. • Nodi a chaffael hyfforddiant addas a realistig yn effeithiol, gan ystyried gallu ac addasrwydd yr unigolyn a gofynion anghenion recriwtio busnesau lleol. |
• Bydd gan y mentor gyfrifoldeb i reoli llwyth achos o effeithlonrwydd cyfranogwyr yn unol â phrosesau a gweithdrefnau a bennir gan fuddiolwr y prosiect arweiniol. • Meithrin perthynas gydag ystod xxxx o sefydliadau partner i ddarparu gwasanaeth cydlynol. Bydd gwasanaethau arbenigol yn cynnwys gwasanaethau statudol ac anstatudol, gan gynnwys gwasanaethau cymdeithasol, Canolfan Byd Gwaith, cymdeithasau tai a landlordiaid cymdeithasol cofrestredig, gwasanaethau cymorth camddefnyddio cyffuriau a sylweddau yn ogystal â sefydliadau'r trydydd sector. • Mynychu cyfarfodydd partner allanol yn rheolaidd i ddarparu cyfathrebu parhaus, adborth ar gynnydd cyfranogwyr a chyflawniadau prosiect i sicrhau bod perthnasoedd cadarnhaol yn cael eu cynnal. • Sicrhau bod systemau monitro cadarn yn cael eu rheoli a'u cwblhau'n broffesiynol er mwyn dangos tystiolaeth ac adrodd ar ddata ansoddol a meintiol ar gyfer gofynion lleol, rhanbarthol a chenedlaethol o fewn amserlenni i alluogi casglu a chyflwyno adroddiadau rheoli cywir a gwybodaeth archwilio. • Cynnal cofnodion cywir a chyfredol, ar y gronfa ddata ranbarthol ar y we, er mwyn sicrhau bod cymhwysedd ac addasrwydd cymorth yn cael ei ddal, yn cyd-fynd â gofynion cyllido. • Gweithio ar y cyd â staff eraill i sicrhau bod y cyngor a C4W+ yn cyflawni eu nodau a'u hamcanion, safon ansawdd a thargedau perfformiad. • Arwain a goruchwylio unrhyw wirfoddolwyr sy'n ymgysylltu â chyfranogwyr y rhaglen Cymunedau am Waith + • Asesu cofnodi a gwerthuso cynnydd cyfranogwyr unwaith y bydd cyflogaeth yn cael ei sicrhau drwy ddarparu adborth adeiladol ac arweiniad i annog cynaliadwyedd mewn cyflogaeth. • Bod yn gyfrifol am unrhyw gyllideb gyfranogwyr unigol fel sy'n ofynnol gan y Rheolwr Xxx am gynnal cyflogaeth. • Xxxxxxx y glynir at weithdrefnau diogelu priodol yn broffesiynol ac yn cychwyn camau priodol i sicrhau diogelwch yr hunan, cyfranogwyr, cyflogwyr, sefydliadau partner a staff. • Cynnal calendr electronig a chronfa ddata i sicrhau bod cydweithwyr a goruchwylwyr yn gwybod, xxx amser, xxxx lleoliad a'ch gweithgaredd a wneir.Cael mynediad at gerbyd xxxx hun a gallu gweithio gyda'r nos os oes angen a chydymffurfio â system apwyntiadau newid • Hyrwyddo polisïau cydraddoldeb yr Awdurdod yn weithredol ac adlewyrchu egwyddorion cydraddoldeb o ran agwedd ac ymddygiad mentora. • Hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb drwy gydol cyfleoedd hyfforddi, gwirfoddoli a chyflogaeth a herio canfyddiadau negyddol i oresgyn rhagfarnau. • Sicrhau bod cyfrinachedd yn cael ei gynnal lle bo hynny'n ofynnol ac yn briodol, parchu preifatrwydd yr unigolyn. • Sicrhau rheolaeth briodol o ddata a dogfennaeth sy'n cyd-fynd â gofynion GDPR. • Nodi pryd y mae'n briodol ac yn gyfreithlon datgelu gwybodaeth sy'n ymwneud â chyfranogwyr a gwneud datgeliadau angenrheidiol o fewn paramedrau cyfreithiol a lles addas. | |
Cyfeirnod at Ddibenion Gwerthuso Swyddi | JD1458-01 |
Manyleb Person
Gofynnol | |||
Cymwysterau Academaidd / Proffesiynol / Technegol / Galwedigaethol | • Wedi’i addysgu hyd at lefel gradd mewn pwnc perthnasol e.e. Gwaith Ieuenctid a Chymuned, Blynyddoedd Cynnar, Addysg, Hamdden neu o leiaf 4 blynedd o brofiad o weithio gyda phobl ifanc a'u teuluoedd. • I fod wedi cwblhau neu'n xxxxx i gwblhau NVQ Lefel 4 Cyngor ac Arweiniad neu gyfwerth | ||
Sgiliau Ieithyddol Cymraeg | Gwrando/Siarad: | Lefel 5 | Rhaid cwrdd a’r sgiliau ieithyddol Cymraeg a nodwyd o xxxx xxx flynedd i benodiad |
Darllen: | Lefel 3 | ||
Ysgrifennu: | Lefel 4 | ||
Sgiliau Ieithyddol Saesneg | Gwrando/Siarad: | Lefel 5 | Rhaid cwrdd a’r sgiliau ieithyddol Saesneg a nodwyd ar apwyntiad |
Darllen: | Lefel 5 | ||
Ysgrifennu: | Lefel 5 | ||
Sgiliau Ymarferol / Personol | • Ymwybyddiaeth o amcanion, polisïau a meini prawf ar gyfer prosiectau a ariennir. • Gwybodaeth gyfredol am fudd-daliadau a deddfwriaeth cyflogaeth ac anabledd. • Y gallu i weithio o xxx bwysau er mwyn cyflawni amcanion o fewn terfynau amser tynn a bennir • Y gallu i gyfathrebu'n effeithiol ar xxx xxxxx, gyda'r gallu i ysgogi eraill • Wedi ymrwymo i ddatblygiad a sgiliau personol a phroffesiynol parhaus • Agwedd anfeirniadol ac ymrwymiad i Gyfleoedd Cyfartal • Sefydlu a bodloni amcanion a thargedau gwaith. • Y gallu i weithio ar xxxx pen xxxx hun ac fel rhan o dîm, gan ddangos rheolaeth amser effeithiol. • Sgiliau a galluoedd sydd eu xxxxxx i gynghori, cefnogi ac ysgogi unigolion • Sgiliau trefnu, cyfathrebu, TG a gweinyddu da • Y gallu i reoli amser yn effeithiol, trefnu a blaenoriaethu llwyth gwaith o fewn terfynau amser. • Y gallu i weithio o fewn y Cyngor Sir WEFO polisïau a gweithdrefnau WEFO • Mae meddu ar drwydded yrru lawn a chyfredol a defnydd o gerbyd yn hanfodol ar gyfer y swydd hon. | ||
Profiad Hanfodol | • O leiaf 2 flynedd o brofiad perthnasol mewn rôl sy’n xxxxx â’r cyhoedd. • Profiad o weithio gyda phobl ddifreintiedig drwy waith xx xxxx Iechyd, Tai, Gofal Cymdeithasol neu’r Sector Wirfoddol, a’r cymhlethdodau sydd ynghlwm wrth hynny. • meddu ar sgiliau rhyngbersonol da i ddatblygu a chynnal cyfathrebu effeithiol â phartïon perthnasol • Profiad o brosiectau cyflogaeth • Profiad o weithio gyda chyflogwyr • Profiad o weithio gyda phobl ddi-waith • Profiad o weithredu gweithdrefnau a systemau newydd • Y gallu i gynnal dogfennaeth gywir. • Y gallu i ymateb a gweithio'n hyblyg i sefyllfaoedd sy'n newid yn unol â dyletswyddau'r swydd |
• Y gallu i ymchwilio i wybodaeth i gefnogi cyflogwyr gyda'u hanghenion recriwtio a busnes • meddu ar y gallu i weithio'n agos ac yn llwyddiannus gyda sefydliadau partneriaeth • Meddu ar ddealltwriaeth o bolisïau Cyfle Cyfartal • Profiad a gwybodaeth am ddatblygu a hyrwyddo cyfryngau cymdeithasol a gwefannau • Ymwybyddiaeth a gwybodaeth ragorol o'r gwahanol wasanaethau, adrannau ac asiantaethau sy'n cefnogi pobl ifanc yng Ngheredigion | |
Hyfforddiant/addysg y mae’n ofynnol eu cyflawni/mynd ati i’w cyflawni ar gyfer y swydd | • Parodrwydd i gwblhau rhaglen berthnasol o Ddatblygiad Proffesiynol Parhaus yn ôl yr angen. • Ymrwymo i unrhyw hyfforddiant perthnasol yn ôl yr hyn a nodwyd drwy oruchwyliaeth. • Cymwysterau/profiad priodol i gyflawni prif gyfrifoldebau/dyletswyddau'r swydd. • Gwiriad Manwl y Gwasanaeth Diogelu a Gwahardd – Plant ac Oedolion sy’n Agored i Niwed. |
Dymunol | |
Sgiliau Ymarferol / Personol | • Gwybodaeth am y farchnad lafur yng Ngheredigion. • Gwybodaeth am yr xxxx ddarparwyr hyfforddiant yng Ngheredigion. • Profiad o gefnogi oedolion a theuluoedd sydd ag anghenion ychwanegol a/neu gymhleth gyda pholisïau a gweithdrefnau sy'n ymwneud â diogelu, iechyd, diogelwch a diogelwch, cyfrinachedd a diogelu data. • Cymhwyster mewn disgyblaeth sy'n berthnasol i weithio gyda Phobl Ifanc, Oedolion a Theuluoedd (neu weithio tuag at). • Dealltwriaeth o'r Ddeddf Hawliau Dynol a Chonfensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Hawliau Plentyn (CCUHP) a Deddf Llesiant Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol 2014. • Dealltwriaeth o sut i wella lles pobl ifanc ac oedolion. • Yn hyderus i allu gweithio gydag unigolion ac mewn grŵp Y gallu i grynhoi recordiadau achos byr a chryno o unrhyw gamau gweithredu a wneir a chofnodi'r canlyniadau. • Y gallu i gyfrannu ar xxxxx xx ar ffurf ysgrifenedig i asesiadau ac adolygiadau. • Dealltwriaeth o ddadansoddiad a myfyrio yn xxxx gwaith Y gallu i weithio'n effeithiol gartref, gan gynnwys cyflymder band xxxx dibynadwy o ansawdd da |
Post Name | Employability Support Mentor |
Service | Schools and Culture |
Grade | 8 |
Spinal Point/s | 18-22 |
Salary | £29,269 - £31,364 pro rata |
Job Purpose | To work in the Schools and Culture service to assist in planning, supporting, and undertaking specific activities and quality mentoring work with young people and adults. To help participants identify potential barriers and agree and implement realistic plans to assist into training and work by exploring all options available. The mentor will have responsibility to design develop and coordinate a range of innovative approaches for participants throughout Ceredigion. Responsibilities will include identifying, engaging with, assessing, and mentoring participants, through the development of a comprehensive work focused action plan, that will support participants into sustainable employment. The mentor has responsibility to engage participants into opportunities, activities, and accredited work-related learning. This will involve utilising various methods as appropriate to their needs and barriers. The Employability mentor will have responsibility for coordinating training and work-related activities on a one-to-one basis and in small groups. To provide a community-based model of quality mentoring support for unemployed residents of Ceredigion To ensure the successful delivery of the Communities for work + project in accordance with the policies and procedures linked with funding requirements. The mentor has responsibility to engage participants into opportunities, activities, and accredited work-related learning. This will involve utilising various methods as appropriate to their needs and barriers. |
Location | Penmorfa, Aberaeron / Canolfan Rheidol, Aberystwyth |
Hours of Work | 37 hours per week |
Type of Contract | Full-time |
Contract Duration | Fixed Term |
Line Managers Job Title | Coordinator Employment and Training |
Supervisory/Managerial Responsibilities | To supervise new staff, support workers, apprentices, and volunteers on a regular basis. |
Accountability | • To comply with all Ceredigion County Council and Lifelong Learning and Skills Policies and Procedures. |
• To undertake all duties in line with Health & Safety Policy and undertake risk assessments as appropriate. • Work in accordance with the health and safety policies and procedures of external providers when participating in any off-site activity (involving you or the participant for which you are responsible). • To comply with individual and corporate responsibilities under the Data Protection Act and for Child Safeguarding and Vulnerable Adults. • To continuously work using own initiative at remote site locations throughout the county • Ensure that thorough statistical data is collected and analysed in a timely manner as required by Ceredigion County Council and external agencies. • Responsibility for mobile phone and Laptop. | |
Contractual Terms Associated with the Post | Safeguarding and protecting adults and children at risk are key priorities for us. We aim to support adults, children, and young people at risk to ensure they are as safe as they can possibly be. We acknowledge their right to protection and will take action to safeguard their welfare. Each member of staff and volunteer is expected to share this commitment, and we will require an Enhanced and Barred Adult and Child Check by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) before appointing to this post. |
Duties and Responsibilities | |
• To be able to work independently and as part of a team to coordinate aspects of the Community for work + Programme. • Develop and maintain joint working arrangements with other professional partners and agencies to ensure the successful implementation of Communities for Work + • Lead and coordinate on all creative and innovative methods to engage with a wide range of unemployed participants. These include individuals with complex barriers to work including physical or mental health conditions, prison leavers, low skilled and those with care responsibilities, in addition to those who are closer to the labour market. • Work closely with the Employment liaison support officer to identify employment opportunities and assist individuals to organise work experience or volunteering placements. • To be responsible for the safe and proper use by participants of all Welsh Government IT equipment • To have responsibility for coordinating Researching, developing, promoting, and presenting face to face and group support sessions to increase engagement and options of provision available. • Instigate and maintain a community presence to raise awareness of the provision available, in conjunction with other local members and partner organisations and projects. • To actively participate in marketing and promotional activities • Representation at key meetings including case conferences, to promote support available and ensure participants are accessing the most suitable services to meet their unique circumstances. • Undertake assessments to contribute to the development of a Personal Action Plan, taking into consideration the individuals’ circumstances and that of the wider family/household. • Provide advice, guidance, and support to help participants acquire and update skills to enable them to enter seek sustainable employment. • Ensure the plan takes into consideration financial and benefit entitlements from all sources including DWP, Housing Benefits and Care. • Identify and co-ordinate appropriate interventions from other services and agencies, necessary to support positive outcomes. • Effectively identify and procure suitable and realistic training, considering the ability and suitability of the individual and the requirements of local business recruitment needs. |
• The mentor will have responsibility to manage a case load of participants efficiency in line with processes and procedures set by the lead project beneficiary. • To build relationships with a wide range of partner organisations to provide a cohesive service delivery. Specialist services will include statutory and non-statutory services, including social services, Jobcentre Plus, housing associations and registered social landlords, drug and substance misuse support services as well as third sector organisations. • To regularly attend external partner meetings to provide ongoing communication, feedback on participant progress and project achievements to ensure positive relationships are maintained. • Ensure robust monitoring systems are managed and completed professionally in order to evidence and report qualitative and quantitative data for local, regional and national requirements within timescales to enable accurate management reports and audit information to be collated and submitted. • Maintain accurate and up to date records, on the web based regional database, to ensure eligibility and suitability of support is captured, aligned to funding requirements. • To work collaboratively with other staff to ensure that the council and C4W+ meet their aims and objectives, quality standard and performance targets. • Lead and supervise any volunteers that engage with participants of the Communities for Work + program. • To assess record and evaluate participant progress once employment is secured by providing constructive feedback and guidance to encourage sustainability in employment. • To have responsibility for any individual participant budget as required by the Team Manager for sustaining employment. • Ensure that appropriate safeguarding procedures are adhered to professionally and initiate appropriate action to ensure the safety of self, participants, employers, partner organisations and staff. • Maintain an electronic calendar and database to ensure colleagues and supervisors know, at all times, your location and activity undertaken. • To have access to own vehicle and be able to work evenings if required and to comply with a change appointment system. • Actively promote the Authority’s equality policies and reflect equality principles in mentoring attitude and behaviour. • Promote equality throughout training, volunteering and employment opportunities and challenge negative perceptions to overcome prejudices. • Ensure confidentiality is maintained where this is required and appropriate, respecting the privacy of the individual. • Ensure appropriate management of data and documentation aligned to GDPR requirements. Identify when it is appropriate and lawful to disclose information related to participants and make necessary disclosures within suitable legal and wellbeing parameters. | |
Job Evaluation Post Ref | JD1458-01 |
Person Specification
Essential | |||
Academic / Professional / Technical / Vocational Qualifications | • Educated to degree level in a relevant subject e.g., Youth and Community Work, Early Years, Education, Leisure or equivalent minimum 4 years’ experience of working with young people and their families. • To have completed or willing to complete NVQ Level 4 Advice and Guidance or equivalent. | ||
Welsh Linguistic Skills | Listening/Speaking: | Level 5 | The Welsh linguistic skills noted must be attained within two years of appointment. |
Reading: | Level 3 | ||
Writing | Level 4 | ||
English Linguistic Skills | Listening/Speaking: | Level 5 | The English linguistic skills noted are required on appointment |
Reading: | Level 5 | ||
Writing | Level 5 | ||
Practical and personal skills | • An awareness of objectives, policies and criteria for funded Projects. • Up to date knowledge of employment and disability benefits and legislation. • Ability to work under pressure in order to deliver objectives within tight specified deadlines. • Proven ability to communicate effectively at all levels, with an ability to motivate others. • Committed to continuing personal and professional development and skills. • A non-judgemental attitude and commitment to Equal Opportunities • Establish and meet work objectives and targets. • Ability to work on own and as part of a team, demonstrating effective time management. • Skills and abilities required to advise, support and motivate individuals. • Good organisational, communication, IT and administration skills • The ability to manage time effectively, arrange and prioritise workloads within deadlines. • Ability to work within the County Council WEFO an WG policies and procedures. • You must possess a full current driving license and access to a vehicle is essential | ||
Required Experience | • At least 2 years relevant experience in the field of Employment Support • Experience of working with disadvantaged people through work in Health, Housing, Social Care or the Voluntary Sector, and the complexities involved. • Possess good interpersonal skills to develop and maintain effective communication with relevant parties. • Experience of Employment Projects • Experience of working with employers • Experience of working with unemployed people • Experience of implementing new procedures and systems • Ability to maintain accurate documentation. |
• Ability to respond and work flexibly to changing situations in line with the duties of the post. • Possess the ability to research information to support employers with their recruitment and business needs. • Possess proven ability to work closely and successfully with partnership organisations. • Possess an understanding of Equal Opportunities policies. • Experience and knowledge of developing and promoting social media and websites. • An excellent awareness and knowledge of the various services, departments and agencies that support young people in Ceredigion | |
Training/education required to be undertaken for the post/worked towards | • A willingness to undertake a relevant program of Continued Professional Development as required. • To commit to any relevant training as and when identified through supervision. • DBS Enhanced Children and Vulnerable Adults • Appropriate qualifications/experience to meet the main responsibilities/duties of the post. |
Desirable | |
Practical / Personal Skills | • Knowledge of the labour market in Ceredigion. • Knowledge of all training providers in Ceredigion. • Experience of supporting adults and families with additional and/or complex needs with policies and procedures relating to safeguarding, health, safety and security, confidentiality, and data protection. • A qualification in a discipline which is relevant to working with Young People, Adults and Families (or working towards). • Confident in being able to work with individuals and in a group setting. • An understanding of the Human Rights Act and United nations Convention on the Rights of a child (UNCRC) and Social Service Well-being Act 2014. • Understanding of how to improve young peoples and adult’s wellbeing. • Ability to compile brief and concise case recordings of any actions undertaken and record the outcomes. • Ability to contribute verbally and in written form to assessments and reviews. • Understanding of analysis and reflection in your work The ability to work effectively from home, including good quality reliable broadband speed |