Informativa sulla distribuzione
Informativa sulla distribuzione
All. 3 Reg. Ivass 2 agosto 2018 n. 40
Il distributore ha l'obbligo di consegnare/trasmettere al contraente il presente documento, prima della sottoscrizione della prima proposta o, qualora non prevista, del primo contratto di assicurazione), di metterlo a disposizione del pubblico nei propri locali, anche mediante apparecchiature tecnologiche. In occasione di rinnovo o stipula di un nuovo contratto il distributore consegna o trasmette le informazioni di cui all'Allegato 3 solo in caso di successive modifiche di rilievo delle stesse.
Sezione I - Informazioni generali sull'intermediario che entra in contatto con il contraente
a) XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX iscritto nella sezione A del RUI al n. A000145282, in data 17/04/2009;
b) è responsabile dell'attività di intermediazione della GARANTIRE ASSIEME SRL iscritta nella sezione A del RUI al n. A000671528, in data 10/12/2020;
c) GARANTIRE ASSIEME SRL ha sede legale/operativa in XXXX XX,XXXXX XXXXX 00,00000;
d) i recapiti dell'Agenzia di ROMA PARIOLI LIEGI sono: tel. 00-00000000
indirizzo di posta elettronica indirizzo PEC XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX@XXX.XXXXXXX.XXXXXXXX.XXX
e) l'autorità competente alla vigilanza sull'attività svolta da XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX e da GARANTIRE ASSIEME SRL è l'IVASS (Istituto per la Vigilanza sulle Assicurazioni).¹
Gli estremi identificativi e di iscrizione dell'intermediario possono essere verificati consultando il registro unico degli intermediari assicurativi e riassicurativi sul sito internet dell'IVASS (xxx.xxxxx.xx).
Sezione II - Informazioni sull'attività svolta dall'intermediario assicurativo
a) GARANTIRE ASSIEME SRL affigge nelle proprie sedi legali/operative i seguenti elenchi:
1. elenco recante la denominazione della o delle imprese di assicurazione con le quali l'intermediario principale collabora.
2. l'elenco degli obblighi di comportamento cui adempie indicati nell'allegato 4-ter del Regolamento IVASS n. 40/2018
b) GARANTIRE ASSIEME SRL informa sulla possibilità per il contraente di richiedere nel caso di offerta fuori sede o nel caso in cui la fase precontrattuale si svolga mediante tecniche di comunicazione a distanza del contratto l'elenco sub a.1
Sezione III - Informazioni relative a potenziali situazioni di conflitto d'interessi
a) GARANTIRE ASSIEME SRL non è detentore di una partecipazione diretta o indiretta superiore al 10% del capitale sociale o dei diritti di voto di Generali Italia S.p.A. o di eventuale altra Compagnia assicurativa per la quale opera;
b) Generali Italia S.p.A. e ogni altra eventuale Compagnia di assicurazione per la quale opera non è detentrice di una partecipazione diretta o indiretta superiore al 10% del capitale sociale o dei diritti di voto di GARANTIRE ASSIEME SRL
1 Per le forme pensionistiche complementari di cui al D. Lgs. n. 252/2005 l'Autorità competente in materia di Vigilanza edi reclami è la COVIP (Commissione di Vigilanza sui Fondi Pensione).
Sezione IV - Informazioni sugli strumenti di tutela del contraente
a) l'attività di distribuzione è garantita da un contratto di assicurazione della responsabilità civile che copre i danni arrecati ai contraenti da negligenze ed errori professionali dell'intermediario o da negligenze, errori professionali ed infedeltà dei dipendenti, dei collaboratori o delle persone del cui operato l'intermediario deve rispondere a norma di legge
b) Il contraente ha la facoltà, ferma restando la possibilità di rivolgersi all'Autorità Giudiziaria, di inoltrare reclamo per iscritto all'intermediario o all'Impresa sulla base dei recapiti indicati nel DIP aggiuntivo di prodotto.
Il cliente, qualora non dovesse ritenersi soddisfatto dall'esito del reclamo o in caso di assenza di riscontro entro il termine massimo di quarantacinque giorni², può rivolgersi all'IVASS, o alla CONSOB secondo quanto indicato nei DIP aggiuntivi consegnati prima della sottoscrizione del contratto
c) la facoltà per il contraente di avvalersi di altri eventuali sistemi alternativi di risoluzione delle controversie previsti dalla normativa vigente indicati nei DIP aggiuntivi
2 Salva la sospensione del termine per un massimo di 15 giorni nel caso di reclamo relativo al comportamento dell'intermediario e/o dei suoi dipendenti e collaboratori.
Informativa sulla distribuzione del prodotto assicurativo non IBIP All. 4 Reg. Ivass 2 agosto 2018 n. 40
Il distributore ha l'obbligo di consegnare o trasmettere al contraente, prima della sottoscrizione di ciascuna proposta o contratto assicurativo, il presente documento, che contiene notizie sul modello e l'attività di distribuzione, sulla consulenza fornita e sulle remunerazioni percepite.
XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX iscritto al RUI al n. A000145282
Sezione I - Informazioni generali sull'intermediario che entra in contatto con il contraente
a) GARANTIRE ASSIEME SRL agisce in nome e per conto di Generali Italia S.p.A;
b) il contratto non viene distribuito in collaborazione con altri intermediari
Sezione II - Informazioni sull'attività di distribuzione e consulenza
Con riguardo al contratto proposto GARANTIRE ASSIEME SRL:
a) fornisce una consulenza ai sensi dell'articolo 119-ter, comma 3, del Codice, ovvero una raccomandazione personalizzata indicando i motivi per cui il contratto è ritenuto più indicato a soddisfare le richieste e le esigenze del contraente
b) nell'ambito dell'attività di consulenza svolta valuta le informazioni acquisite dal contraente/assicurato rispetto alle esigenze dallo stesso manifestate, al fine di proporre il prodotto più indicato
c) distribuisce, in esclusiva, i prodotti assicurativi dei rami Vita di Generali Italia S.p.A.
d) distribuisce, senza esclusiva, i prodotti assicurativi dei rami Danni
e) fornisce ogni altra informazione utile a garantire il rispetto delle regole di trasparenza previste dall'articolo 119-bis, comma 7, del Codice
Sezione III - Informazioni relative alle remunerazioni
a) Rispetto ai contratti di assicurazione diversi dalla responsabilità civile auto, il compenso per l'attività di distribuzione svolta è rappresentato da una commissione inclusa nel premio distinta per rami. Non è previsto il percepimento di alcun incentivo per la distribuzione di uno specifico prodotto assicurativo. Tale attività concorre al raggiungimento di obiettivi quantitativi definiti per aggregato di prodotti e parametri qualitativi, al raggiungimento dei quali conseguono ulteriori compensi.
b) Rispetto ai contratti di assicurazione della responsabilità civile auto, la misura dei livelli provvigionali riconosciuti dalla compagnia all'intermediario primario (il dettaglio del contenuto di tale informativa è quello indicato nel Regolamento ISVAP n. 23 del 9 maggio 2008 di attuazione dell'art. 131 del Codice delle Assicurazioni Private) è riportata nella tabella posta in calce al presente documento.
c) l'informativa di cui alle lettere a) e b) è complessivamente relativa ai compensi percepiti dagli intermediari coinvolti nella distribuzione del prodotto assicurativo
Sezione IV - Informazioni sul pagamento dei premi
a) I premi pagati dal contraente all'intermediario e le somme destinate ai risarcimenti o ai pagamenti dovuti dalle imprese costituiscono patrimonio autonomo e separato dal patrimonio dell'intermediario stesso
b) le modalità di pagamento dei premi ammesse sono:
1. assegni bancari, postali o circolari, muniti della clausola di non trasferibilità, intestati o girati all'impresa di assicurazione oppure all'intermediario, espressamente in tale qualità
2. ordini di bonifico, altri mezzi di pagamento bancario o postale, inclusi gli strumenti di pagamento elettronici, anche nella forma on line, che abbiano quale beneficiario uno dei soggetti indicati al precedente punto 1
3. denaro contante, esclusivamente per i contratti di assicurazione contro i danni del ramo responsabilità civile auto e relative garanzie accessorie (se ed in quanto riferite allo stesso veicolo assicurato per la responsabilità civile auto), nonché per i contratti degli altri rami danni con il limite di settecentocinquanta euro annui per ciascun contratto
Trasparenza dell'integrazione dei rischi di sostenibilità
Il Gruppo Generali ha preso parte a diverse iniziative volte a promuovere un'economia globale sostenibile, sottoscrivendo, tra gli altri, il Global Compact delle Nazioni Unite ed aderendo ai Principi delle Nazioni Unite per l'Investimento Responsabile (PRI).
In ossequio a tali impegni, il Gruppo Generali integra gli aspetti ambientali, sociali e di governance all'interno delle scelte di investimento, nell'ottica di ottimizzare i rendimenti, influenzare positivamente gli stakeholder, rafforzare la propria reputazione e aumentare il valore sociale.
Il Gruppo Generali identifica e valuta il “rischio di sostenibilità”, ovvero un evento o una condizione di tipo ambientale, sociale o di governance che, qualora si verifichi, potrebbe avere un impatto negativo, effettivo o potenziale, sul valore o sulla performance degli investimenti.
Tale valutazione, finalizzata a minimizzare gli impatti negativi sopra citati, viene condotta prendendo in considerazione:
i) i rischi legati al mancato rispetto dell'ambiente, quali l'assoggettamento a sanzioni o a costi legati alla bonifica o ad altri rimedi di un danno ambientale;
ii) i rischi reputazionali derivanti dall'inosservanza dei diritti umani o dei diritti del lavoro;
iii) i rischi di governance societaria, laddove l'assenza di procedure di controllo potrebbe dare luogo a casi di corruzione con effetti negativi diretti e indiretti sugli utili d'impresa.
L'offerta dei prodotti assicurativi avviene attraverso un servizio di consulenza volto a raccomandare ai potenziali clienti i prodotti che incontrano i bisogni dagli stessi espressi. In tale fase, considerato che tutti i prodotti del catalogo seguono il processo di investimento adottato dalla Compagnia finalizzato anche ad individuare e valutare i rischi di sostenibilità relativi agli investimenti sottostanti, l'attività del consulente si concentra sulla scelta del prodotto adeguato a soddisfare i bisogni espressi dal cliente.
Elenco delle regole di comportamento del distributore All. 4 TER Reg. Ivass 2 agosto 2018 n. 40
Il distributore ha l'obbligo di mettere a disposizione del pubblico il presente documento nei propri locali, anche mediante apparecchiature tecnologiche. Nel caso di offerta fuori sede o nel caso in cui la fase precontrattuale si svolga mediante tecniche di comunicazione a distanza, il distributore consegna o trasmette al contraente il presente documento prima della sottoscrizione della proposta o del contratto di assicurazione.
XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX, iscritto al RUI al n. A000145282
Sezione I - Regole generali per la distribuzione di prodotti assicurativi
a. obbligo di consegna al contraente dell'allegato 3 al Regolamento IVASS n. 40 del 2 agosto 2018, prima della sottoscrizione della prima proposta o del primo contratto di assicurazione, di metterlo a disposizione del pubblico nei locali del distributore, anche mediante apparecchiature tecnologiche, e di pubblicarlo sul sito internet, ove esistente
b. obbligo di consegna dell'allegato 4 al Regolamento IVASS n. 40 del 2 agosto 2018, prima della sottoscrizione di ciascuna proposta di assicurazione o, qualora non prevista, del contratto di assicurazione
c. obbligo di consegnare copia della documentazione precontrattuale e contrattuale prevista dalle vigenti disposizioni, copia della polizza e di ogni altro atto o documento sottoscritto dal contraente
d. obbligo di proporre o raccomandare contratti coerenti con le richieste e le esigenze di copertura assicurativa e previdenziale del contraente o dell'assicurato, acquisendo a tal fine, ogni utile informazione
e. se il prodotto assicurativo risponde alle richieste ed esigenze, obbligo di informare il contraente di tale circostanza, dandone evidenza in un'apposita dichiarazione. In mancanza di tale dichiarazione, il prodotto assicurativo non può essere distribuito
f. obbligo di valutare se il contraente rientra nel mercato di riferimento identificato per il contratto di assicurazione proposto, e non appartiene alle categorie di clienti per i quali il prodotto non è compatibile, nonché l'obbligo di adottare opportune disposizioni per ottenere dai produttori le informazioni di cui all'articolo 30-decies comma 5 del Codice e per comprendere le caratteristiche e il mercato di riferimento individuato per ciascun prodotto
g. obbligo di fornire in forma chiara e comprensibile le informazioni oggettive sul prodotto, illustrandone le caratteristiche, la durata, i costi e i limiti della copertura ed ogni altro elemento utile a consentire al contraente di prendere una decisione informata
Sezione II – Regole supplementari per la distribuzione di prodotti di investimento assicurativi
a. prima della sottoscrizione di ciascuna proposta di assicurazione o, qualora non prevista, del contratto, obbligo di consegna/trasmissione al contraente copia dell'Allegato 4-bis al Regolamento IVASS n. 40 del 2 agosto 2018
b. obbligo di valutare l'adeguatezza oppure l'appropriatezza del prodotto di investimento assicurativo proposto
c. nell'ambito della vendita con consulenza, obbligo di informare il contraente se il prodotto è adeguato, specificandone i motivi e dandone evidenza in un'apposita dichiarazione. In mancanza di tale dichiarazione, il prodotto assicurativo non può essere distribuito con consulenza
d. obbligo di fornire le informazioni di cui all'articolo 121-sexies, commi 1 e 2, del Codice
Generali Italia S.p.A.
Insurance Policy N° 400625994 - 400626000
Costumer code: 29430607
Agenzia Generale di ROMA PARIOLI LIEGI (IX6)
XXXXX XXXXX, 00, 00000, XXXX, XX
tel. 00-00000000
The insurance coverage for accident, illness and assistance.
This Information Set is composed of:
• Pre-contractual information document on non-life insurance contracts (non-life DIP)
• Additional pre-contractual information document for non-life insurance products (additional non-life DIP)
• Conditions of the Insurance Policy, including the Definitions
A simple and clear contract:
The contract is drawn up according to the Guidelines of the "Simple and Clear Contracts" Technical Table coordinated by ANIA.
Medical Insurance – reimbursement of medical expenses
Insurance for non-European Union foreign citizens staying in Italy for brief visits (max 90 days) Pre-contractual information document on non-life insurance contracts (non-life DIP)
Generali Italia S.p.A.
GeneraSalute RSM
Generali Italia S.p.A – Tax Code and Registered in the Treviso-Belluno Business Register no. 00409920584 – VAT number 00885351007 – Share Capital: euro 1,618,628,450.00 i.v. - Pec: Company registered in Italy with the IVASS Business Register no. 1.00021, subject to the direction and coordination of the sole Shareholder Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. and belonging to the Generali Group, registered under n. 026 of the Register of insurance groups.
The complete pre-contractual and contractual information relating to the product is provided in other documents.
What kind of insurance is it?
The contract is intended for the insurance of illnesses and accidents in favor of foreign citizens who are Welcome Association Italy members regularly staying in Italy, with a Schengen visa issued for brief visits, up to a maximum of 90 days, due to: business, cargo and passenger, tourism, religious reasons, medical care (companion) and sports competition. The airport transit and entry visas are excluded from the guarantee.
What is insured? The coverage, valid in case of sudden illness or accident, covers the health costs incurred by the Insured Party during hospitalization at a public hospital or for urgent hospital services. | What is NOT insured? The main exclusions are related to: X urgent hospital services which are the expression or direct consequence of pathological situations arising prior to the stipulation of the policy, as well as any previous or recurrent illnesses; X mental illnesses and mental disorders in general, including neurotic behavior; X Treatment and operation for the elimination or correction of physical defects and pre- existing malformations on the date of stipulation of the policy; X dental and periodontal treatment; X the consequences of wars, insurrections, earthquakes or volcanic eruptions; X accidents resulting from malicious offenses committed by the Insured Party (including accidents caused by gross negligence); X accidents, illnesses and intoxication resulting from the abuse of alcohol, or suffered under the influence of hallucinogens, psychotropic drugs and narcotics, as well as diseases related to the non-therapeutic consumption of psychotropic drugs or narcotics, alcohol and / or psychotropic substance abuse; X accidents resulting from the activity of air sports in general or any professional sport; X accidents deriving from participation in non-regulated racing or motor racing, motorcycles and motorboats and the related tests and training sessions; X surgical procedures aimed at correcting the deviation of the septum and the nasal pyramid, except for those made necessary by an accident that took place while the policy was in force, duly and exclusively documented by a certificate of first aid and x-ray examination attesting to the fracture of the nasal bones. The exclusions are included in the insurance conditions and are marked in italics. |
Are there limits of coverage? The guarantee is valid only for urgent hospital services provided at a public hospital authorized to admit patients according to the requirements by law and the competent authorities. |
Where is the coverage valid?
The insurance is valid exclusively in Italy including Vatican City and the Republic of San Marino and in the countries participating in the Schengen Agreement.
What obligations do I have?
At the time of signing the contract, the Contracting Party and/or the Insured Party have the obligation to make true and complete statements about the circumstances of the risk (1892 and 1893 of the Civil Code). In the event of a claim, as soon as they have had the opportunity, the insured Party must submit the relevant report to the Company. Failure to comply with even one of the above obligations may result in total or partial loss of insurance compensation.
When and how do I have to pay?
The contract provides, for each year, the payment by the Contracting Party of an initial insurance premium of € 250.00 to be paid by bank transfer to the current account held by the Agency to which the contract is assigned. The insurance premium must be paid by check or bank draft, bank transfer and other electronic payment systems or with cash
When does the coverage begin and when does it finish?
The insurance is effective from midnight on the day of entry of the Insured Party in Italy and is valid on the condition that the foreign citizen has paid the insurance premium and the membership fee and obtained the entry permit. The insurance ends on the expiry date of the Insured Party's entry permit without obligation of cancellation and in any case its duration cannot exceed 90 days of continuous stay.
How can I cancel the Insurance Policy?
In general, to cancel the policy, the Contracting Party must send a written communication, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt or e-mail to the Agency to which the contract is assigned or to the Company.
Specifically, the Contracting Party may withdraw from the contract at the end of each year of the contract, sending the cancellation at least 30 days before the respective deadline.
Generali Italia S.p.A. - C.F. and registered in the Treviso-Belluno Business Register no. 00409920584 - VAT number 00885351007 - Share Capital: euro 1,618,628,450.00 i.v. - Pec: Company registered in Italy with the IVASS Business Register no. 1.00021, subject to the direction and coordination of the sole Shareholder Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. and belonging to the Generali Group, registered under n. 026 of the Register of insurance
Health Insurance Policy
Policy n. 400625994 "Insurance for non-EU foreign citizens staying in Italy for brief visits (max 90 days)” Additional pre-contractual information document for non-life insurance products (additional non-life DIP)
Generali Italia S.p.A. Edition 01.01.2020
This document contains additional and complementary information with respect to that contained in the pre-contractual information document for non-life insurance products (non-life DIP), to help the potential Contracting Party/Insured Party to understand with further detail the characteristics of the product, the contractual obligations and the financial position of the business.
The Contracting Party/Insured Party must review the insurance conditions before signing the contract.
Generali Italia S.p.A – C.F. and registered in the Treviso-Belluno Business Register no. 00409920584 – VAT number 00885351007 – Share Capital: euro 1,618,628,450.00 i.v. - Pec: Company registered in Italy with the IVASS Business Register no. 1.00021, subject to the direction and coordination of the sole Shareholder Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. and belonging to the Generali Group, registered under
n. 026 of the Register of insurance groups.
Shareholders’ equity amounts to € 10,911,136,059.00, of which the portion relating to the share capital amounts to € 1,618,628,450.00 and the part relating to the total equity reserves amounts to € 8,697,146,384.00. The Company’s solvency ratio is 257% (this index represents the ratio between the amount of the basic own funds and the amount of the solvency capital requirement required by the solvency 2 regulations in force since 1 January 2016). Please refer to the website xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx for further information.
The contract is governed by Italian law.
The contract is intended for the insurance of illnesses and accidents in favor of foreign citizens who are members of Welcome Association Italy legally staying in Italy, with a Schengen visa issued for brief visits up to a maximum of 90 days due to the following reason:
□ tourism
□ business
□ cargo and passenger
□ religious reasons
□ medical care (companion)
□ sports competition
Airport transit and entry permits transits are excluded from the guarantee.
What is insured?
There is no additional information other than that provided in the non-life DIP. MAIN OPTIONS FOR PREMIUM REDUCTION
There are no options for premium reduction.
There are no options for payment of an additional premium.
What is NOT insured?
There is no additional information other than that provided in the non-life DIP. There are no optional guarantees other than those provided in the non-life DIP.
Are there limits of coverage?
Individuals suffering from alcoholism, drug addiction or HIV infection or individuals aged 75 or over are not insurable.
The reimbursement of medical expenses incurred in public hospitals in Italy, including the Vatican City and the Republic of San Marino, takes place without the application of any limit, deductible or overdraft, while those incurred in countries participating in the Schengen agreement are reimbursed up to maximum of € 30,000.00 per insurance period.
What obligations do I have? What obligations does the company have?
What to do in the event of an accident?
Before providing the services, A.S.L. (Local Health Authorities) must verify that the Insured has the right to obtain assistance, verifying the payment of the premium and the regular authorization to stay in Italy by checking the entry permit.
Management by other companies: no forms of management are envisaged by other companies other than Generali Italia.
Prescription: the rights deriving from the contract are prescribed within two years from the day on which the right is established, pursuant to art. 2952 of the Civil Code.
Inexact declarations or reticence
There is no additional information other than that provided in the non-life DIP.
Obligations of the company
The Company will directly pay the urgent medical services to A.S.L. or reimburse to the Insured Party expenses incurred for such services.
In the case of urgent medical services performed outside Italy in hospital facilities located in the States participating in the Schengen Agreement, the Insured Party, requesting the reimbursement of the expenses incurred, must send the Company a copy of the medical documentation and expenses in the original language and translated into Italian and a copy of the entry visa and the receipt certifying the payment of the premium.
When and how do I have to pay?
There is no additional information other than that provided in the non-life DIP.
The premium is reimbursed in the event of failure of issue an entry visa.
When does the coverage begin and when does it finish?
There is no additional information other than that provided in the non-life DIP.
There is no additional information other than that provided in the non-life DIP.
How can I cancel the Insurance Policy?
Reconsideration after the stipulation
The right of the Contracting Party to withdraw from the contact within a specified period from the stipulation is not foreseen.
There is no additional information other than that provided in the non-life DIP.
Who is this product for?
The insurance is for foreign citizens staying in Italy for brief visits (maximum 90 days).
Which costs do I have to sustain?
Intermediaries for the sale of this insurance receive on average 15.70% of the taxable premium paid by the Contracting Party for commission-related remuneration.
To the insurance company
The corporate function in charge of handling complaints is Customer Protection.
If the complainant does not feel satisfied with the outcome or does not receive a reply within 45 days, they can contact IVASS (Institute for Insurance Supervision) - Consumer Protection Service - Xxx xxx Xxxxxxxxx, 00 - 00000 Xxxx, attaching the documentation relating to the complaint processed by Generali Italia. In these cases, and for complaints concerning compliance with the sector legislation that must be presented directly to IVASS, the complaint must state:
- name, surname and domicile of the complainant, with possible telephone number;
- identification of person or people subject of the complaint;
- brief and thorough description of the reason for the complaint;
- copy of the complaint presented to Generali Italia and of any feedback received;
- any document useful to describe the relative circumstances more fully.
The form to present the complaint to IVASS can be downloaded from the website xxx.xxxxx.xx.
For the resolution of cross-border disputes it is possible to file a complaint with the IVASS or activate the competent foreign system through the FIN-NET procedure (by accessing the website xxxx://xx.xxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxx_xxxxxx/xxxxxx/ ).
The law provides for mandatory mediation, which is a condition of admissibility, with the right to resort to assisted negotiation in advance. Applications for mediation with Generali Italia must be made in writing to:
Generali Italia S.p.A., Judicial Proceedings Office (Liquidation Area) - Via Xxxxxx x’Xxxxx, 40 - 00145 Rome - Fax - e-mail:
The mediation bodies can be consulted on the website xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xx held by the Ministry of Justice.
Assisted negotiation
In any case it is possible to apply as an alternative to the Judicial Authority. In this regard, the law provides for mandatory mediation, which is a condition of admissibility, with the right to resort to assisted negotiation in advance.
Other alternative dispute resolution systems
In the event of a dispute between the Parties relating to medical matters, it is possible to resort to an arbitration medical board. The arbitration will take place in the municipality, seat of the Institute of Legal Medicine, closer to the place of residence of the Insured Party. The request for activation of the arbitration must be addressed to:
Generali Italia S.p.A. - Xxx Xxxxxxxxxx 00 - 00000 - Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx (XX) - e-mail:
Medical Insurance – reimbursement of medical expenses
Insurance Policy for non-European foreign citizens staying in Italy for brief visits (max 90 days)
DIP - Pre-contractual information document on non-life insurance contracts
Company: Generali Italia S.p.A.
Product: General Assistance
Generali Italia S.p.A. – Tax Code and registered in the Treviso Business Register no. 00409920584 - VAT number 00885351007 - Share Capital: Euro 1,618,628,450.00 i.v. - Pec: Company registered in Italy with the IVASS Business Register no. 1.00021, subject to the direction and coordination of the sole Shareholder Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. and belonging to the Generali Group, registered under n. 026 of the Register of insurance groups.
The complete pre-contractual and contractual information relating to the product is provided in other documents.
What kind of insurance is it?
The contract guarantees the possibility of receiving benefits, mainly of a health nature to protect oneself from unexpected situations and situations of emergency, in favor of foreign citizens who are Welcome Association Italy members regularly staying in Italy, with a Schengen visa issued for brief visits, up to a maximum of 90 days, due to: business, cargo and passenger, religious reasons, medical care (companion) and sports competition. Airport transits and entry permit transits are excluded from the guarantee.
What is insured? The coverage, valid in case of sudden illness or accident, guarantees the direct provision of the following assistance services: ✓ Health return | What is NOT insured? The main exclusions are related to: X urgent hospital services which are the expression or direct consequence of pathological situations arising prior to the stipulation of the policy, as well as any previous or recurrent illnesses; X mental illnesses and mental disorders in general, including neurotic behavior; X Treatment and operation for the elimination or correction of physical defects and pre- existing malformations on the date of stipulation of the policy; X dental and periodontal treatment; X the consequences of wars, insurrections, earthquakes or volcanic eruptions; X accidents resulting from malicious offenses committed by the Insured Party (including accidents caused by gross negligence); X accidents, illnesses and intoxication resulting from the abuse of alcohol, or suffered under the influence of hallucinogens, psychotropic drugs and narcotics, as well as diseases related to the non-therapeutic consumption of psychotropic drugs or narcotics, alcohol and / or psychotropic substance abuse; X accidents resulting from the activity of air sports in general or any professional sport; X accidents deriving from participation in non-regulated racing or motor racing, motorcycles and motorboats and the related tests and training sessions; X surgical procedures aimed at correcting the deviation of the septum and the nasal pyramid, except for those made necessary by an accident that took place while the policy was in force, duly and exclusively documented by a certificate of first aid and x- ray examination attesting to the fracture of the nasal bones. X In addition, in case of a visa issued for a sports competition, injuries occurring during sports competitions organized by the National Federations or by the Italian National Olympic Committee are excluded from the guarantee. The exclusions are included in the insurance conditions and are marked in italics. |
Are there limits of coverage? The contract includes limits within which benefits are paid. The deductibles, the overdrafts and the causes of suspension are contained in the insurance conditions and are marked italics. |
Where is the coverage valid?
The Insurance is valid exclusively in Italy including Vatican City and the Republic of San Marino and in the countries participating in the Schengen Agreement. No benefits or guarantees are provided for countries that are in a state of declared or de facto civil unrest.
What obligations do I have?
Untruthful, inaccurate declarations or reservations may result in the total or partial loss of the indemnity, as well as the termination of the contract.
When and how do I have to pay?
The contract provides, for each year, the payment by the Contracting Party of an initial premium of € 250.00 to be paid by bank transfer to the current account held by the agency to which the contract is assigned.
The premium must be paid by check or bank draft, bank transfer and other electronic payment systems or with cash within the limits established by law (€ 750.00). The premium is inclusive of taxes. Payment of the insurance premium valid for the Insured Party is made by paying the membership fee to the contracting Party Welcome Association Italy.
When does the coverage begin and when does it finish?
The insurance is effective from midnight on the day of entry of the Insured Party in Italy and is valid under the condition that the foreign citizen has paid the premium, the membership fee and obtained the release of the entry permit.
The insurance ceases on the expiry date of the insured Party's entry permit without obligation of cancellation.
How can I cancel the Insurance Policy?
In general, to cancel the policy, the Contracting Party must send a written communication, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt or registered e-mail to the Agency to which the contract is assigned or to the Company.
Specifically, the Contracting Party may withdraw from the contract at the end of each year of the contract, sending the cancellation at least 30 days before the respective deadline.
Generali Italia S.p.A. - C.F. and registered in the Treviso-Belluno Business Register no. 00409920584 - VAT number 00885351007 - Share Capital: euro 1,618,628,450.00 i.v. - Pec: Company registered in Italy with the IVASS Business Register no. 1.00021, subject to the direction and coordination of the sole Shareholder Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. and belonging to the Generali Group, registered under n. 026 of the Register of insurance groups.
Assistance Insurance Policy
Policy n. 400626000 "Insurance for non-EU foreign citizens staying in Italy for brief visits (max 90 days)" Additional pre-contractual information document for non-life insurance products (additional non-life DIP)
Company: Generali Italia S.p.A.
Product: Generic Assistance
Edition 01.01.2020
This document contains additional and complementary information with respect to that contained in the pre-contractual information document for non-life insurance products (non-life DIP), to help the potential Contracting Party/Insured Party to understand, in further detail, the characteristics of the product, the contractual obligations and the financial position of the business.
The Contracting Party/Insured Party must review the insurance conditions before signing the contract.
Generali Italia S.p.A. - C.F. and registered in the Treviso-Belluno Business Register no. 00409920584 - VAT number 00885351007 - Share Capital: euro 1,618,628,450.00 i.v. - Pec: Company registered in Italy with the IVASS Business Register no. 1.00021, subject to the direction and coordination of the sole Shareholder Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. and belonging to the Generali Group, registered under n. 026 of the Register of insurance groups.
The contract is governed by Italian law.
The contract is intended for the insurance of illnesses and accidents in favor of foreign citizens who are members of Welcome Association Italy legally staying in Italy, with a Schengen visa issued for short stays up to a maximum of 90 days due to the following reason:
□ business
□ cargo and passenger
□ religious reasons
□ medical care (companion)
□ sports competition
The airport transit and entry visas are excluded from the guarantee.
What is insured?
There is no additional information other than that provided in the non-life DIP. MAIN OPTIONS FOR PREMIUM REDUCTION
There are no options for premium reduction.
There are no options for payment of an additional premium.
What is NOT insured?
There is no additional information other than that provided in the non-life DIP.
Are there limits of coverage?
Individuals suffering from alcoholism, drug addiction or HIV infection or individuals aged 75 or over are not insurable.
What obligations do I have? What obligations does thecompany have
What to do in the event of an accident?
Report the accident: The Insured Party, wherever they are and at any time, can call the Europ Assistance Organizational Structure operating 24 hours a day.
Management by other companies: it is specified that the management of claims is entrusted to Europ Assistance Italia SpA, whose contact details and telephone numbers are indicated in the aforementioned Section of the Insurance Conditions.
Prescription: the rights deriving from the contract are prescribed within two years from the day on which one’s right is established, pursuant to
art. 2952 of the Civil Code.
Inexact declarations or reticence
There is no additional information other than that provided in the non-life DIP.
Obligations of the company
The Company, in the event of the insured Party being hospitalized as a result of an accident or illness and subject to the agreement between the treating doctors and those of the Organizational Structure, will arrange, at its own expense, the transport to an equipped treatment center in Italy or return to their residence.
When and how much do I have to pay?
There is no additional information other than that provided in the non-life DIP.
The premium is reimbursed in the event of failure of issue of an entry permit.
When does the coverage begin and when does it finish?
There is no additional information other than that provided in the non-life DIP.
There is no additional information other than that provided in the non-life DIP.
How can I cancel the Insurance Policy?
Reconsideration after the stipulation
The right of the Contracting Party to withdraw from the contact within a specified period from the stipulation is not foreseen.
There is no additional information other than that provided in the non-life DIP.
Who is this product for?
The insurance is for foreign citizens staying in Italy for brief visits (max 90 days).
Which costs do I have to sustain?
Intermediaries for the sale of this insurance receive on average 15.70% of the taxable premium paid by the Contracting Party for commission- related remuneration.
To the insurance company
Any complaints regarding the contractual relationship or the management of the accidents must be sent in writing to: Generali Italia S.p.A. - Customer Protection - Via Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, 23 - Rome - CAP 00187 - fax 00 00000000 - e mail:
The corporate function in charge of handling complaints is Customer Protection.
If the complainant does not feel satisfied with the outcome or does not receive a reply within 45 days, they can contact IVASS (Institute for Insurance Supervision) - Consumer Protection Service - Xxx xxx Xxxxxxxxx, 00 - 00000 Xxxx, attaching the documentation relating to the complaint processed by Generali Italia. In these cases, and for complaints concerning compliance with the sector legislation that must be presented directly to IVASS, the complaint must state:
- name, surname and domicile of the complainant, with possible telephone number;
- identification of person or people subject of the complaint;
- brief and thorough description of the reason for the complaint;
- copy of the complaint presented to Generali Italia and of any feedback received;
- any document useful to describe the relative circumstances more fully.
The form to present the complaint to IVASS can be downloaded from the website xxx.xxxxx.xx.
For the resolution of cross-border disputes it is possible to file a complaint with the IVASS or activate the competent foreign system through the FIN-NET procedure (by accessing the website xxxx://xx.xxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxx_xxxxxx/xxxxxx/ ).
The law provides for mandatory mediation, which is a condition of admissibility, with the right to resort to assisted negotiation in advance. Applications for mediation with Generali Italia must be made in writing to:
Generali Italia S.p.A., Judicial Proceedings Office (Liquidation Area) - Via Xxxxxx x’Xxxxx, 40 - 00145 Rome - Fax - e-mail:
The mediation bodies can be consulted on the website xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xx held by the Ministry of Justice.
Assisted negotiation
In any case it is possible to apply as an alternative to the Judicial Authority. In this regard, the law provides for mandatory mediation, which is a condition of admissibility, with the right to resort to assisted negotiation in advance.
Other alternative dispute resolution systems
In the event of a dispute between the Parties relating to medical matters, it is possible to resort to an arbitration medical board. The arbitration will take place in the municipality, seat of the Institute of Legal Medicine, closer to the place of residence of the Insured. The request for activation of the arbitration must be addressed to:
Generali Italia S.p.A. - Xxx Xxxxxxxxxx 00 - 00000 - Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx (XX) - e-mail:
Art. 1 Insurance Policy in favor of Contracting Party’s Associates 4
Art. 2 Effective date and duration of the Insurance Policy 4
Art. 3 Exclusions 4
Art. 4 Territorial extension 5
Art. 5 Statements relating to the circumstances of risk 5
Art. 6 Statements relating to the circumstances of risk 5
Art. 7 Reference to the law 6
Art. 8 Exemption of responsibility 6
Art. 9 Age limits 6
Art. 1 Object of the Insurance Policy - Urgent Hospital Service 7
Art. 2 Notice of accident - Procedures for requesting urgent Hospital Service 7
INSURED PARTY Foreign citizens legally staying in Italy, with uniform Schengen entry visa (VSU) issued exclusively for stays of short duration or trip (type C) up to 90 days due to tourism, business, cargo and passenger, religious reasons, medical care (companion) and sports competition, members of WELCOME ASSOCIATION ITALY.Airport transit and transit entry permits are excluded from the guarantee.
CONTRACTING PARTY WELCOME ASSOCIATION ITALY - Registered Office: Xxx xxx Xxxxx, 00 - 00000 Xxxx, Tax Code: 15536801002, entity that stipulates the Insurance
policy in favor of its Associates.
EUROP ASSISTANCE ITALIA S.p.A. with registered office in Milan, Piazza Trento 8 - Tax Code 80039790151, VAT Number 00776030157 registered in the Milan Companies Register Rea 754519 and in Section I of the Register of insurance and reinsurance companies under no. 1.00108, a company belonging to the Generali Group, registered in the Insurance Groups Register, made up of managers, staff (doctors, technicians, operators), equipment and facilities (centralized and otherwise) operating 24 hours a day, every day of the year and that, by virtue of a specific agreement, provides on behalf of the Company to contact the Insured Party, the organization and provision of assistance services provided by the Assistance Section within the various limits set by the contract and with costs at the expenses the Company.
ACCIDENT The event due to fortuitous, violent and external cause, which produces objectively ascertainable physical injuries, which result in death,
permanent disability or temporary disability.
SUDDEN ILLNESS The acute onset illness affecting the Insured Party and, in any case, not a manifestation, albeit sudden, of a pathology that occurred before the
beginning of the coverage.
POLICY CERTIFICATE The document proving the Insurance policy.
HOSPITALIZATION Hospitalization, involving overnight stay, in a public hospital duly
authorized to admit patients according to legal requirements and the
competent Authorities.
COMPANY Generali Italia S.p.A.
Art. 1 Insurance Policy in favor of Contracting Party’s Associates
The Contracting Party and Generali Italia S.p.A. mutually acknowledge that this Insurance Policy is stipulated in the interest of the Insured Party whose relationship with Generali Italia S.p.A. is governed exclusively by the Conditions of the Insurance Policy; it is therefore understood that in relation to any and every possible claim and/or request that the Insured Party should advance in relation to the services/guarantees provided by Generali Italia S.p.A. by virtue of this Insurance Policy, the company will respond, except for the obligations of the Contracting Party, according to the provisions of art. "Obligations of the Contracting Party".
Art. 2 Effective date and duration of the Insurance Policy
The Insurance is effective from midnight on the day of entry of the Insured Party in Italy provided that the foreign citizen has paid the premium, the membership fee and obtained the entry permit. The coverage will cease on the expiry date of the insured's entry permit without obligation of cancellation and, in any case, its duration cannot exceed 90 days of continuous stay.
* If the permit is not issued by the authorities to the Insured Party at the time of submitting the documents for the request to stay in Italy, they will be entitled to a refund of the premium paid, upon presentation of the documentation certifying failure of issue of the permit.
Art. 3 Exclusions
The Insurance is not valid for:
a) urgent hospital services which are expression or direct consequence of pathological situations arising prior to the stipulation of the policy, as well as any previous or recurrent illnesses;
b) mental illnesses and mental disorders in general, including neurotic behavior;
c) Treatment and operation for the elimination or correction of physical defects and pre- existing malformations on the date of stipulation of the policy;
d) dental and periodontal treatment;
e) the consequences of wars, insurrections, earthquakes or volcanic eruptions;
f) accidents resulting from malicious offenses committed by the Insured Party (including accidents caused by gross negligence);
g) accidents, illnesses and intoxication resulting from alcohol abuse, or suffered under the
influence of hallucinogens, psychotropic drugs and narcotics, as well as diseases related to the non-therapeutic use of psychotropic drugs or narcotics, alcohol abuse and/or psychotropic substances;
h) accidents resulting from preforming air sports in general or of any professionally preformed sport;
i) accidents deriving from participation in non-regulated racing or motor racing races, motorcycles and motorboats, and related tests and training sessions;
j) surgical interventions aimed at correcting the deviation of the septum and the nasal pyramid, except for those which become necessary following an accident that took place while the policy was in force, duly and exclusively documented by a first aid certificate and x-ray examination attesting to the fracture of the nasal bones.
Furthermore, in the case of a visa issued for a sports competition, the Insured Party is excluded from the guarantee against accidents which occur during sports competitions organized by National Federations or by the Italian National Olympic Committee.
Art. 4 Territorial extension
The insurance Policy is valid for the events mentioned above exclusively in Italy including the Vatican City and the Republic of San Marino and in the countries belonging to the Schengen Agreement. No benefits or guarantees are provided for countries that are in a state of declared or de facto civil unrest.
Assistance services will not be provided in those countries that are in a declared or de facto state of civil unrest, the countries indicated on the site xxxx:// which report a degree of risk equal to or greater than 4.0 ".
The countries whose state of civil unrest has been made public have also been considered in a state of declared or de facto civil unrest.
Service will not be provided for those countries in which public riots are taking place at the time of the statement.
Furthermore, it is not possible to provide assistance in kind where local or international authorities do not allow private subjects to carry out direct assistance activities regardless of whether or not there is a risk of war in progress.
Art. 5 Statements relating to the circumstances of risk
Inexact statements or the reticence of the Contracting Party and/or the Insured Party relating to circumstances that influence the risk assessment may result in the total or partial loss of the right to reimbursement, as well as the termination of the Insurance Policy itself (articles 1892, 1893 and 1894 CC).
Art. 6 Uninsurable individuals and aggravation of risk
Individuals who are or have been affected by alcoholism, drug addiction or HIV infection are not insurable, regardless of the actual health status assessment.
The occurrence in the Insured Party of one of these diseases or illnesses during the contract constitutes, for the Company, an aggravation of the risk for which it would not have allowed the Insurance Policy pursuant to art. 1898 of the Civil Code; consequently the Company may withdraw from the contract with immediate effect limited to the Insured Party affected by the illness and the claims occurring after the onset of some of the aforementioned pathologies do not give the right to the provision of benefits.
Art. 7 Reference to the law
For all that is not otherwise regulated herein, the laws apply.
Art. 8 Exemption of responsibility
The Organizational Structure does not assume responsibility for damage caused by the intervention of the authorities of the country in which the assistance is given or consequent to any other fortuitous and unpredictable circumstance.
Art. 9 Age limits
The insurance is valid up to the date of the completion of the 75th (seventy-fifth) year of age for each Insured.
Art. 1 Object of the Insurance Policy - Urgent Hospital Service for sudden illness or injury
In the event the Insured Party has an accident or is struck by sudden illness, which require hospitalization at a public hospital or urgent hospital services, the Company is committed to directly pay A.S.L. (Local Health Authorities) and/or the Insured Party for the costs incurred for these services without spending limit, deductible and/or overdraft.
Urgent hospital services are all medical services performed in a hospital setting, hospitalization or not, resulting from an emergency diagnosis made by the hospital doctor.
For any urgent hospital services performed in member states, excluding Italy, the Vatican City and the Republic of San Marino, which fully apply the provisions of the Schengen Agreement, the Insurance provides for reimbursement to the Insured Party of expenses incurred up to the limit of maximum coverage of € 30,000.00 per insurance period without deductible and/or overdraft.
Art. 2 Notice of accident - Procedures for requesting Urgent Hospital service
A.S.L. must verify that the Insured Party is entitled to obtain assistance, verifying that the premium has been paid and must also verify that he is duly authorized to remain in Italy, inspecting the entry permit.
Carried out the aforementioned inspections, the A.S.L. interested, upon completion of the stay of the Insured Party, must request the payment of hospital services, to the Company Generali Italia
S.p.A. General Agency of Rome Parioli Liegi - at the dedicated desk located in Xxx xxxxx Xxxx 00
- 00000 Xxxx Tel. 00 0000000 - Fax 00 0000000 - Email xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx, sending a copy of the entry permit, payment of the premium, of the hospitalization documentation - including the copy of the complete medical record and of the invoice addressed to the Insured Party.
The Company, once it has received all the documentation, will verify the Insured Party's insurance position and proceed with the payment of the amount due in terms of the policy directly to A.S.L. which requested it. In the case of urgent medical service performed outside Italy in hospitals located in member states that fully apply the provisions of the Schengen Agreement, the Insured Party must request reimbursement by sending the Company a copy of the medical documentation and expenses incurred, the entry permit and the receipt certifying the payment of the premium in the original language, translated into Italian.
The Company will reimburse the amount due in terms of the policy in Euro by bank transfer, also abroad, or by check to the address in Italy indicated by the Insured Party at the time of the request.
Art. 1 Insurance Policy in favor of Contracting Party’s Associates 4
Art. 2 Effective date and duration of the Insurance Policy 4
Art. 3 Exclusions 4
Art. 4 Territorial extension 5
Art. 5 Statements relating to the circumstances of risk 5
Art. 6 Statements relating to the circumstances of risk 5
Art. 7 Reference to the law 6
Art. 8 Exemption of responsibility 6
Art. 9 Age limits 6
Art. 1 Object of the Insurance Policy – Healthcare return 7
Art. 2 Notice of accident – How to request Healthcare Return 7
INSURED PARTY Foreign citizens legally staying in Italy, with uniform Schengen entry visa (VSU) issued exclusively for stays of short duration or trip (type C) up to 90 days due to business, cargo and passenger, religious reasons, medical care (companion) and sports competition, members of WELCOME ASSOCIATION ITALY. Airport transit and transit entry permits are excluded from the guarantee.
CONTRACTING PARTY WELCOME ASSOCIATION ITALY - Registered Office: Xxx xxx Xxxxx, 00 - 00000 Xxxx, Tax Code: 15536801002, entity that stipulates the Insurance
policy in favor of its Associates.
EUROP ASSISTANCE ITALIA S.p.A. with registered office in Milan, Piazza Trento 8 - Tax Code 80039790151, VAT Number 00776030157 registered in the Milan Companies Register Rea 754519 and in Section I of the Register of insurance and reinsurance companies under no. 1.00108, a company belonging to the Generali Group, registered in the Insurance Groups Register, made up of managers, staff (doctors, technicians, operators), equipment and facilities (centralized and otherwise) operating 24 hours a day, every day of the year and that, by virtue of a specific agreement, provides on behalf of the Company to contact the Insured Party, the organization and provision of assistance services provided by the Assistance Section within the various limits set by the contract and with costs at the expenses the Company.
ACCIDENT The event due to fortuitous, violent and external cause, which produces objectively ascertainable physical injuries, which result in death,
permanent disability or temporary disability.
SUDDEN ILLNESS The acute onset illness affecting the Insured Party and, in any case, not a manifestation, albeit sudden, of a pathology that occurred before the
beginning of the coverage.
POLICY CERTIFICATE The document proving the Insurance policy.
HOSPITALIZATION Hospitalization, involving overnight stay, in a public hospital duly
authorized to admit patients according to legal requirements and the
competent Authorities.
COMPANY Generali Italia S.p.A.
Art. 1 Insurance Policy in favor of Contracting Party’s Associates
The Contracting Party and Generali Italia S.p.A. mutually acknowledge that this Insurance Policy is stipulated in the interest of the Insured Party whose relationship with Generali Italia S.p.A. is governed exclusively by the Conditions of the Insurance Policy; it is therefore understood that in relation to any and every possible claim and/or request that the Insured Party should advance in relation to the services/guarantees provided by Generali Italia S.p.A. by virtue of this Insurance Policy, the company will respond, except for the obligations of the Contracting Party, according to the provisions of art. "Obligations of the Contracting Party".
Art. 2 Effective date and duration of the Insurance Policy
The Insurance is effective from midnight on the day of entry of the Insured Party in Italy provided that the foreign citizen has paid the premium, the membership fee and obtained the entry permit. The coverage will cease on the expiry date of the insured's entry permit without obligation of cancellation and, in any case, its duration cannot exceed 90 days of continuous stay.
* If the permit is not issued by the authorities to the Insured Party at the time of submitting the documents for the request to stay in Italy, they will be entitled to a refund of the premium paid, upon presentation of the documentation certifying failure of issue of the permit.
Art. 3 Exclusions
The Insurance is not valid for:
a) urgent hospital services which are expression or direct consequence of pathological situations arising prior to the stipulation of the policy, as well as any previous or recurrent illnesses;
b) mental illnesses and mental disorders in general, including neurotic behavior;
c) Treatment and operation for the elimination or correction of physical defects and pre- existing malformations on the date of stipulation of the policy;
d) dental and periodontal treatment;
e) the consequences of wars, insurrections, earthquakes or volcanic eruptions;
f) accidents resulting from malicious offenses committed by the Insured Party (including accidents caused by gross negligence);
g) accidents, illnesses and intoxication resulting from alcohol abuse, or suffered under the
influence of hallucinogens, psychotropic drugs and narcotics, as well as diseases related to the non-therapeutic use of psychotropic drugs or narcotics, alcohol abuse and/or psychotropic substances;
h) accidents resulting from preforming air sports in general or of any professionally preformed sport;
i) accidents deriving from participation in non-regulated racing or motor racing races, motorcycles and motorboats, and related tests and training sessions;
j) surgical interventions aimed at correcting the deviation of the septum and the nasal pyramid, except for those which become necessary following an accident that took place while the policy was in force, duly and exclusively documented by a first aid certificate and x-ray examination attesting to the fracture of the nasal bones.
Furthermore, in the case of a visa issued for a sports competition, the Insured Party is excluded from the guarantee against accidents which occur during sports competitions organized by National Federations or by the Italian National Olympic Committee.
Art. 4 Territorial extension
The insurance Policy is valid for the events mentioned above exclusively in Italy including the Vatican City and the Republic of San Marino and in the countries belonging to the Schengen Agreement. No benefits or guarantees are provided for countries that are in a state of declared or de facto civil unrest.
Assistance services will not be provided in those countries that are in a declared or de facto state of civil unrest, the countries indicated on the site xxxx:// which report a degree of risk equal to or greater than 4.0 ".
The countries whose state of civil unrest has been made public have also been considered in a state of declared or de facto civil unrest.
Service will not be provided for those countries in which public riots are taking place at the time of the statement.
Furthermore, it is not possible to provide assistance in kind where local or international authorities do not allow private subjects to carry out direct assistance activities regardless of whether or not there is a risk of war in progress.
Art. 5 Statements relating to the circumstances of risk
Inexact statements or the reticence of the Contracting Party and/or the Insured Party relating to circumstances that influence the risk assessment may result in the total or partial loss of the right to reimbursement, as well as the termination of the Insurance Policy itself (articles 1892, 1893 and 1894 CC).
Art. 6 Uninsurable individuals and aggravation of risk
Individuals who are or have been affected by alcoholism, drug addiction or HIV infection are not insurable, regardless of the actual health status assessment.
The occurrence in the Insured Party of one of these diseases or illnesses during the contract constitutes, for the Company, an aggravation of the risk for which it would not have allowed the Insurance Policy pursuant to art. 1898 of the Civil Code; consequently the Company may withdraw from the contract with immediate effect limited to the Insured Party affected by the illness and the claims occurring after the onset of some of the aforementioned pathologies do not give the right to the provision of benefits.
Art. 7 Reference to the law
For all that is not otherwise regulated herein, the laws apply.
Art. 8 Exemption of responsibility
The Organizational Structure does not assume responsibility for damage caused by the intervention of the authorities of the country in which the assistance is given or consequent to any other fortuitous and unpredictable circumstance.
Art. 9 Age limits
The insurance is valid up to the date of the completion of the 75th (seventy-fifth) year of age for each Insured.
Art. 1 Object of the Insurance Policy – Healthcare return
If the Insured Party, as a result of an accident or sudden illness, is hospitalized for urgent hospital services in the territory of a Schengen Act state and is in a condition that cannot be treated in a hospital located in the same territory and in the opinion of the doctors of the Organizational Structure and in agreement with the local doctor, will be transported to Italy to an equipped health care institution, the company, will arrange, at the expense of the Organizational Structure, the means of transportation and the time deemed most suitable.
The means of transportation may be:
- medical aircraft;
- economy class airline ticket, if necessary, with a stretcher seat;
- first-class train ticket and, if necessary, sleeping car;
- ambulance (without mileage limits).
The medical reentry, to countries outside Europe, is carried out exclusively with an economy class airline ticket, possibly with a stretcher seat.
For reentry to and from all European countries and from and to all the countries bordering the Mediterranean basin, a medical aircraft may also be used.
The transport will be entirely organized by the Organizational Structure and will include medical or nursing assistance during the trip, should the doctors of the Organizational Structure deem it necessary.
The Company through the Organizational Structure will have the right to request any unused travel ticket for the return of the Insured Party.
The following are excluded from the service:
- illnesses or injuries that, in the opinion of the doctors of the Organizational Structure, can be treated locally or that do not prevent the Insured Party from continuing the journey;
- infectious diseases, in the event that transport involves the violation of national or international health regulations;
- all the cases in which the Insured Party or the family members voluntarily sign the hospital discharge against the opinion of the doctors of the facility where the Insured Party is hospitalized.
Art. 2 Notice of accident – How to request Healthcare return
Pursuant to and for the purposes of articles. 1913, 1914 and 1915 of the Civil Code, in order to be entitled to guaranteed benefits, the Insured Party must contact the Organizational Structure, reachable 24/7, in order to be entitled to the guaranteed benefits, at the following numbers:
- toll-free number 800 450 130 (from Italy)
- urban line 02 582 867 88 (from abroad)
The Insured Party, at the time of requesting the service, must communicate the reason for
the request, the telephone number and the place where they are located, the Insurance Policy number and the specified Card Range.
To benefit from Assistance services, the Insured may telephone the Organizational Structure, operating 24 hours a day, at the following numbers:
from Italy at the toll-free number 800 450 130
from abroad at the number 02 582 867 88
At the time of request the Insured Party must communicate:
a) type of assistance or service needed and the name of the attending doctor;
b) name and surname ;
c) Insurance Policy number. YYYYYYYYYYYYYY
d) Card range: GICB;
e) address;
f) telephone number where the Insured party is reachable
The Insured Party, by contacting or being contacted by the Organizational Structure freely gives their consent to the processing of their prevalent and sensitive Personal Data as indicated in the Pre-contractual Information.
Si prende atto che a far data dal 1°gennaio 2024, in caso di decesso dell’Assicurato avvenuto in Italia, la Struttura Organizzativa organizzerà ed effettuerà il trasporto della salma fino all’aeroporto più vicino al luogo di sepoltura, nel suo Paese d’origine.
Qualora non fosse possibile raggiungere alcun aeroporto nel Paese d’origine, la Struttura Organizzativa provvederà a organizzare il trasporto della salma fino all’aeroporto internazionale del più vicino Paese raggiungibile. La Struttura Organizzativa provvederà all’adempimento di tutte le formalità, in conformità con le norme internazionali.
Restano escluse dalla Prestazione:
- le spese relative alla cerimonia funebre e quelle per l’eventuale recupero della salma;
- le spese di trasporto della salma fino al luogo di sepoltura nel suo Paese d’origine.
La Società tiene a proprio carico i costi fino ad un importo massimo di 5.000,00 euro per Sinistro.
Fermo il resto”
Pagina 1 di 2