M_D SSMD REG2020 0205418 24-12-2020
I Reparto Personale
Allegati: 2; 00000 Xxxx,
Annessi: 7. POC: C.F. MOSCA – 202.2773
e-mail: xxxxx.xxxxxxx0x@xxx.xxxxxx.xx
OGGETTO: Bando di concorso per posizioni a connotazione “Temporary Agent” (TA)/“Seconded National Expert” (SNE) presso l’European Defence Agency (EDA) in BRUXELLES (BEL).
^^^ ^^^ ^^^ Riferimento:
a. f. prot. n. M_D GSGDNA 0084317 in data 15 dicembre 2020 di SGD (non a tutti);
b. f. prot. n. M_D GSGDNA 0086884 in data 22 dicembre 2020 di SGD (non a tutti). Seguito:
a. f. prot. n. M_D SSMD 0136085 in data 29 settembre 2020;
b. f. prot. n. M_D SSMD 0057002 in data 9 aprile 2020.
^^^ ^^^ ^^^
1. È stato emanato il bando di concorso per le posizioni a connotazione “Temporary Agent” (TA) e “Seconded National Expert” (SNE) presso l’EDA in BRUXELLES valutate d’interesse Difesa e riepilogate nel prospetto in allegato “B”.
2. Le candidature, corredate dalla scheda biografica in lingua italiana e dall’Application Form in lingua inglese, (formato PDF con firma autografa), in ragione dei successivi adempimenti per la loro formalizzazione, dovranno pervenire allo Stato Maggiore della Difesa per il tramite esclusivo degli Organi di Impiego entro i termini a fianco di ciascuna posizione indicata.
3. Le procedure concorsuali per le posizioni a bando prevedono la compilazione dell’“Application Form” esclusivamente on-line, attraverso il sito web dell’Agenzia (xxxxx:// Si chiede, pertanto, a codesti Organi d’impiego di:
- acquisire la documentazione concorsuale (citato Application Form) che dovrà essere compilata attraverso il citato sito web e non finalizzata;
- autorizzare a completare il processo di “Application on-line” entro la data prevista per ciascun bando, pena la decadenza della candidatura, esclusivamente il personale che sarà candidato da questo SMD.
4. Si rammenta che, in esito a quanto previsto dal foglio a seguito in a., codesti Organi d’impiego potranno avanzare un solo candidato per i concorsi relativi alle posizioni a connotazione “Seconded National Expert” (SNE). Nel caso di più candidati, questo Stato Maggiore effettuerà la selezione al fine di avanzare all’EDA una sola candidatura nazionale.
5. Si inviano, in annesso, le job descriptions delle vacancies e si comunica che i bandi saranno pubblicati sulla pagina WEB della Difesa: (xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xx/XXX_/Xxxxx/Xxxxxxx/X/Xxxxxxx/Xxxxx/Xxxxxx/XxxxxxXxxxxxxxxxxxxxXxXxxx.xxxx).
Digitally signed by XXXXXXX XXXXXXXX
Date: 2020.12.24 12:26:36 CET
(Gen.X. Xxxxxxx XXXXXXXX)
e, per conoscenza,
III Reparto – Politica Industriale e Relazioni Internazionali R O M A
III Reparto
M_D SSMD REG2020 0205418 24-12-2020
Allegato B
1 | Temporary Agent (TA) | AD 10 - Magg. | Policy Officer Industry Engagement and EU Policies | Industry , Synergies and Enablers Directorate (ISE) | 19.02.2021 | 05.02.2021 |
2 | AD 10 - Magg. | RTI coordinator | Research, Technology and Innovation Directore (RTI) | 19.02.2021 | 05.02.2021 | |
3 | AD 10 - Magg. | Project Officer Industry Strategy and Analysis | Industry , Synergies and Enablers Directorate (ISE) | 19.01.2021 | 12.01.2021 | |
4 | AD 10 - Magg. | Project Officer RF Sensors Technologies | Research, Technology and Innovation Directore (RTI) | 19.02.2021 | 05.02.2021 | |
5 | Seconded National Expert (SNE) | AD 10/AD11 - Magg./T.Col. | Project Officer SESAR Development and Deployment | Industry , Synergies and Enablers Directorate (ISE) | 19.04.2021 | 05.04.2021 |
6 | AD 10/AD11 - Magg./T.Col. | Project Officer Capability Assessment | Capability, Armament and Planning Directorate (CAP) | 19.04.2021 | 05.04.2021 | |
7 | AD 10/AD11 - Magg./T.Col. | Project Officer Cyber Education, Training and Exercises | Capability, Armament and Planning Directorate (CAP) | 19.04.2021 | 05.04.2021 |
M_D GSGDNA REG2020 0086884 22-12-2020
Vacancy notice
Directorate Industry, Synergies and Enablers Directorate (ISE)
Vacancy title Policy Officer Industry Engagement and EU Policies
Contract type Temporary agent
Group N.A.
Grade AD10
Indicative starting date 16/09/2021
Security Clearance SECRET UE/EU SECRET
Management of staff N.A.
Location Brussels
Closing date for applications 19/02/2021
The selection of candidates will follow the EDA Staff Recruitment Procedure. Candidates must apply for this post via the EDA website xxxx:// - vacancies. Please note that to make an EDA on - line application you will need to create your EDA profile using a valid e - mail address and a password.
The European Defence Agency was established on 12 July 2004, and is governed by Council Decision (CFSP) 2015/1835 defining the statute, seat and operational rules of the European Defence Agency. The Agency has its headquarters in Brussels.
The main task of EDA is to support the Council and the Member States in their effort to improve the Union's defence capabilities in the field of crisis management and to sustain the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) as it currently stands and as it develops in the future.
The Agency is structured into four directorates. The Corporate Services Directorate (CSD) and three operational directorates: Industry, Synergies and Enablers (ISE); Capability, Armament & Planning (CAP); Research, Technology and Innovation (RTI).
The Agency is an “outward-facing” organisation, constantly interacting with its shareholders, the participating Member States, as well as with a wide range of stakeholders. It works in an integrated way, with multi-disciplinary teams representing all of the Agency’s functional areas, to realise its objectives. Its business processes are flexible and oriented towards achieving results. Staff at all levels need to demonstrate the corresponding qualities of commitment, flexibility, innovation, and team- working; to work effectively with shareholders and stakeholder groups, formal and informal; and to operate without the need for detailed direction.
The Industry Synergies & Enablers (ISE) Directorate supports a range of activities critical to collaborative defence capability development in Europe.
On top of leading the work on identifying together with Member States' Key Strategic Activities (KSA) at EU level, the ISE Directorate is responsible for the effective engagement with industry across the Agency’s activities and in support of related priorities set by Member States.
The ISE Directorate facilitates work to address the implications of EU legislation and policies for the defence sector: REACH, procurement, funding instruments and the analysis of developments influencing governmental and industrial stakeholders.
The Directorate is responsible for activities on critical enablers to support defence cooperation and enhance interoperability: military airworthiness, standardisation and certification, defence test & evaluation and education and training. The Directorate provides support to CSDP military and civilian operations and missions and EU Battlegroups.
The Directorate facilitates the coordination of military views from and in support of Member States and the relevant international military organisations in the framework of Single European Sky (SES) and acts as the interface with the EU institutions and related bodies. In the wider context of military aviation, the Directorate supports Member States in their efforts to enable RPAS integration in non-segregated airspace and in harmonising military aviation safety issues using the Total System Approach to Military Aviation.
The ISE Directorate comprises four Units:
• The Industry Strategy & EU Policies (ISP) Unit: engagement of industry in the activities of the Agency, determination of Key Strategic Activities at EU level, defence aspects of EU policies varying from legislation (REACH, procurement) to funding instruments
• The Critical Enablers (CRE) Unit: support defence cooperation and enhance interoperability through the identification,
development and maintenance of harmonized safety, certification and standardisation requirements, references to the best practice standards and networking of Defence Test & Evaluation capabilities in all military domains
• The Single European Sky (SES) Unit: facilitation and coordination of military views in the framework of SES; interface
with the EU institutions and related bodies to ensure that Military Aviation will continue to provide and further improve effective security and defence in Europe in the changing context of the civil aviation sector
• The Operations, Training & Exercises (OTE) Unit: promotion of the use in CSDP operations of all relevant EDA
projects & programmes; development and management of contracted solutions to support CSDP operations and Member States; initiation, development and management of training and exercise activities for rotary and fixed-wing aircraft, including RPAS, with a view to transfer these activities to Member States when mature.
Under the supervision of the Head of Industry Strategy and EU Policies (ISP) Unit, the Policy Officer Industry Engagement and EU Policies focuses, as part of an integrated team, on addressing Industry matters and wider EU policies and their impact on defence, including developing policies and related actions and on monitoring their implementation and outcome. More specifically, the Policy Officer Industry Engagement and EU Policies is responsible for:
• pursuing coherence with and assessing wider EU policies and their implication for defence with a view to developing
synergies, bringing defence specificities to the attention of EU policies’ stakeholders; supporting the implementation of such policies (including REACH Regulation) in the defence domain;
• identifying and implementing any useful measures for strengthening the European Defence Technological and
Industrial Base) EDTIB and creating an internationally competitive European Defence Equipment Market (EDEM), without prejudice to the competences of the EC in this field; developing strategies, policies, initiatives and instruments
for fostering cost-effectiveness and efficiency, as well as cooperation between Member States, in effective defence procurement, aiming to improve the effectiveness of military expenditure;
• contributing to the implementation of EDA policy on industry engagement. This includes building effective relations and
exchange of information with relevant industrial entities within specific areas of expertise (e.g. Air/Land/Naval/CIS), in support of the Agency's main capability development and research prioritisation processes, Key Strategic Activities (KSAs), and the Agency’s activities in the framework of wider EU Policies impacting defence (e.g. REACH Regulation, defence procurement and transfer directives). It also entails providing input based on the specific area of expertise in other EDA and EU-level policy instruments/mechanisms which may involve industry-related elements (e.g. PESCO, CARD, EDF).
• drafting of speeches, briefings, policy papers for EDA management;
• ensuring close relations with relevant stakeholders (among others participating Member States, the European Commission, EU institutions, competent EU agencies and bodies and industry);
• leading and managing the allocated ISE work strands, in cooperation with the other ISE staff members, Agency directorates, Member States and external bodies;
• taking on additional tasks as required in the interest of the service.
Duties may evolve depending on the development of the EDA’s structure and activities and decisions of EDA management.
To be considered eligible to take part in this selection procedure, on the closing date for the submission of applications candidates must satisfy all the eligibility criteria as specified below:
• be a national of a Member State participating in the Agency;
• be entitled to his/her full rights as a citizen;
• have fulfilled any obligations imposed on him/her by the laws concerning military service;
• produce the appropriate character references as to his/her suitability for the performance of his/her duties (extract from the “judicial record” or certificate of good conduct will be requested prior to recruitment);
• be physically fit to perform his/her duties;
• have a thorough knowledge of one of the languages of the participating Member States and a satisfactory knowledge of another of these languages to the extent necessary to discharge his/her duties;
• have no personal interest (financial, family relationship, or other) which could be in conflict with disinterested discharge of his/her duties within the Agency;
• hold, or be in a position to obtain, a valid Personnel Security Clearance Certificate (national or EU PSC at SECRET UE/EU SECRET level). Personnel Security Clearance Certificate (PSCC) means a certificate issued by a competent authority establishing that an individual is security cleared and holds a valid national or EU PSC, and which shows the
level of EUCI to which that individual may be granted access (SECRET UE/EU SECRET), the date of validity of the relevant PSC and the date of expiry of the certificate itself. Note that the necessary procedure for obtaining a PSCC can be initiated on request of the employer only, and not by the individual candidate;
• have a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma when the normal
period of university education is four years or more, or a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma and appropriate professional experience of at least one year when the normal period of university education is at least three years or be a graduate of a national or international Defence College.
Only diplomas that have been awarded in EU Member States or that are the subject of equivalence certificates issued by the authorities in the said Member States shall be taken into consideration. In the latter case, the authority authorised to conclude contracts of employment reserves the right to request proof of such equivalence.
A. Essential
(1) Professional
The candidate will be required to demonstrate that he/she has:
• at least 5 years knowledge/experience of the European Defence Equipment Market and the European Defence Industry;
• experience in defence procurement (especially cooperative procurements) either from the governmental or the industrial side;
• familiarity with the defence international environment (especially CSDP);
• knowledge of the European Union rules, regulations, initiatives and projects affecting the European Defence Equipment Market and the European defence industry;
• experience in working in the defence international environment and familiarity with the international defence business;
• a track record of delivering successful business outcomes;
• experience of supporting organisational and process change;
• experience of moderating/chairing meetings and workshops;
• an excellent knowledge of written and spoken English.
(2) Personal
All staff must be able to fit into the Agency's way of working (see para. 2). Other attributes important for this post include:
• ability to work in a team and independently in his/her area of responsibility;
• ability to work effectively in a multinational environment;
• good leadership skills;
• results-orientation and strong motivation;
• flexibility and innovativeness;
• strong conceptual and analytical skills;
• genuine commitment to the Agency's objectives.
B. Desirable
The following will be considered an advantage:
• experience with or a sound knowledge of REACH.
The Policy Officer Industry Engagement and EU Policies will be required to make a declaration of commitment to act independently in the Agency’s interest and to make a declaration in relation to interests that might be considered prejudicial to his/her independence.
The Policy Officer Industry Engagement and EU Policies will be appointed by the Chief Executive.
Recruitment will be as a member of the temporary staff of the Agency for a four-year period. Renewal is possible within the limits set out in the EDA Staff Regulations. The successful candidate will be recruited as Temporary Agent, grade AD10.
The pay for this position consists of a basic salary of 9.054,10€ supplemented with various allowances, including as applicable expatriation or family allowances. The successful candidate will be graded on entry into service according to the length of his/her professional experience. Salaries are exempted from national tax, instead an Agency tax at source is paid. For further information on working conditions please refer to: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xx/xxxx/xxxx-xx-xxxxx
Failure to obtain the requisite security clearance certificate before the expiration of the probationary period may be cause for termination of the contract.
Candidates are advised that part of the recruitment process includes medical analyses and physical check-up with the Agency’s Medical Adviser.
Applications are invited with a view to establishing a reserve list for the post of Policy Officer Industry Engagement and EU Policies at the EDA. This list will be valid until 31/12/2022, and may be extended by decision of the Chief Executive. During the validity of the reserve list, successful candidates may be offered a post in the EDA according to their competences in relation to the specific requirements of the vacant post. Inclusion on the reserve list does not imply any entitlement of employment in the Agency.
The EDA is an equal opportunities employer and accepts applications without distinction on the grounds of age, race, political, philosophical or religious conviction, sex or sexual orientation and regardless of disabilities, marital status or family situation.
Candidates must submit their application electronically solely via the EDA website. Applications by any other means (hard copy or ordinary e-mail) will not be accepted. Applications must be submitted no later than midnight. Candidates are reminded that the on-line application system will not accept applications after midnight (Brussels time, GMT+1) on the date of the deadline.
When applying, candidates from Ministries of Defence or other governmental entities are encouraged to inform their national administration.
A selection panel will be appointed. Please note that the selection panel's internal proceedings are strictly confidential and that any contact with its members is forbidden. Each application will be screened based on the requirements of the job profile stated in the vacancy notice. The most suitable applicants will be called for an interview and a written test. If recruited, you will be requested to supply documentary evidence in support of the statements that you make for this application. Do not send any supporting or supplementary information until you have been asked to do so by the Agency.
Please note that EDA will not return applications to candidates. The personal information EDA requests from candidates will be processed in line with Regulation (EU) N° 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) 45/2001 and Decision No.
The purpose of processing personal data which candidates submit is to manage applications in view of possible pre-
selection and recruitment at EDA. More information on personal data protection in relation to selection and recruitment can be found on the EDA website: xxxx://
M_D GSGDNA REG2020 0086884 22-12-2020
Vacancy notice
Directorate Research, Technology and Innovation Directorate (RTI)
Vacancy title RTI Coordinator
Contract type Temporary agent
Group N.A.
Grade AD10
Indicative starting date 01/09/2021
Security Clearance SECRET UE/EU SECRET
Management of staff N.A.
Location Brussels
Closing date for applications 19/02/2021
The selection of candidates will follow the EDA Staff Recruitment Procedure. Candidates must apply for this post via the EDA website xxxx:// - vacancies. Please note that to make an EDA on - line application you will need to create your EDA profile using a valid e - mail address and a password.
The European Defence Agency was established on 12 July 2004, and is governed by Council Decision (CFSP) 2015/1835 defining the statute, seat and operational rules of the European Defence Agency. The Agency has its headquarters in Brussels.
The main task of EDA is to support the Council and the Member States in their effort to improve the Union's defence capabilities in the field of crisis management and to sustain the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) as it currently stands and as it develops in the future.
The Agency is structured into four directorates. The Corporate Services Directorate (CSD) and three operational directorates: Industry, Synergies and Enablers (ISE); Capability, Armament & Planning (CAP); Research, Technology and Innovation (RTI).
The Agency is an “outward-facing” organisation, constantly interacting with its shareholders, the participating Member States, as well as with a wide range of stakeholders. It works in an integrated way, with multi-disciplinary teams representing all of the Agency’s functional areas, to realise its objectives. Its business processes are flexible and oriented towards achieving results. Staff at all levels need to demonstrate the corresponding qualities of commitment, flexibility, innovation, and team- working; to work effectively with shareholders and stakeholder groups, formal and informal; and to operate without the need for detailed direction.
The Research, Technology & Innovation Directorate (RTI) promotes and supports defence research at EU level. Based on the Overarching Strategic Research Agenda (OSRA), developed together with the Member States, the Directorate coordinates and plans joint research activities and the study of technical solutions to meet future operational needs.
The RTI Directorate provides support to Member States and to the European Commission for the Preparatory Action for defence research, including its implementation, and the research dimension of the European Defence Fund. The RTI directorate also ensures the promotion of innovation in defence and the exploitation of synergies at EU level with civil research in dual-use technology fields.
The RTI Directorate comprises two Units and an RTI Coordination Team, with the following key tasks:
• The EU-funded Defence Research Unit: upstream, implementing and downstream support linked to defence research activities funded by the EU budget under delegation by the European Commission
• The Technology & Innovation Unit: facilitating the work of the Capability Technology Groups (CapTechs), the Energy & Environment Working Group; development and management of ad hoc research activities based on sectoral Strategic Research Agendas
• The RTI Coordination Team: coordination of the RTI Directorate’s contributions to EDA’s transversal activities (such as
CDP, CARD, PESCO, and KSA); overview of the Agency’s research portfolio; provision of outlook for research activities and technology watch.
Under the supervision of the RTI Director, the jobholder is responsible for the following activities:
• manage and promote EDA Technology Watch and Foresight activities, in close coordination with other directorates;
• Support and horizontal link to Preparatory Action on Defence Research (PADR)/European Defence Fund (EDF)/ Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO);
• monitor political developments impacting research (for instance the EDF regulation negotiation) and, in compliance with the transversal way of working of the Agency, help ensure coordination with other EDA work strands such as the Capability Development Plan (CDP) or European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP)/EDF (in
particular, support to project assessment);
• synthetize the strategic reflections related to EU R&T orientations, support and coordinate the RTI Directorate preparation of the related speeches, Food-For-Thought papers, presentations, contributions to briefing and documents, in particular in view of R&T Point of Contacts, the R&T Steering Board and R&T Directors meetings;
• liaise with the Chief Executive Policy Office for implementation of RTI horizontal tasks;
• cross-directorate coordination for the above-mentioned tasks;
• manage the respective EDA Collaboration Platforms (ECPs), EDA Technology Watch IT tools and EDA Portal spaces corresponding to the relevant tasks;
• contribute to the effective linkage between activities related to Overarching Strategic Research Agenda (OSRA) development and EDA upstream role in EDF;
• take on additional tasks as required in the interest of the service.
Duties may evolve according to development of the EDA’s structure and activities, and the decisions of EDA management.
To be considered eligible to take part in this selection procedure, on the closing date for the submission of applications
candidates must satisfy all the eligibility criteria as specified below:
• be a national of a Member State participating in the Agency;
• be entitled to his/her full rights as a citizen;
• have fulfilled any obligations imposed on him/her by the laws concerning military service;
• produce the appropriate character references as to his/her suitability for the performance of his/her duties (extract from the “judicial record” or certificate of good conduct will be requested prior to recruitment);
• be physically fit to perform his/her duties;
• have a thorough knowledge of one of the languages of the participating Member States and a satisfactory knowledge of another of these languages to the extent necessary to discharge his/her duties;
• have no personal interest (financial, family relationship, or other) which could be in conflict with disinterested discharge of his/her duties within the Agency;
• hold, or be in a position to obtain, a valid Personnel Security Clearance Certificate (national or EU PSC at SECRET UE/EU SECRET level). Personnel Security Clearance Certificate (PSCC) means a certificate issued by a competent authority establishing that an individual is security cleared and holds a valid national or EU PSC, and which shows the
level of EUCI to which that individual may be granted access (SECRET UE/EU SECRET), the date of validity of the relevant PSC and the date of expiry of the certificate itself. Note that the necessary procedure for obtaining a PSCC can be initiated on request of the employer only, and not by the individual candidate;
• have a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma when the normal
period of university education is four years or more, or a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma and appropriate professional experience of at least one year when the normal period of university education is at least three years or be a graduate of a national or international Defence College.
Only diplomas that have been awarded in EU Member States or that are the subject of equivalence certificates issued by the authorities in the said Member States shall be taken into consideration. In the latter case, the authority authorised to conclude contracts of employment reserves the right to request proof of such equivalence.
A. Essential
(1) Professional
The candidate will be required to demonstrate that he/she has:
• familiarity with the defence international environment;
• extensive experience in defence R&T projects, including collaboration in international and the EU institutional frameworks;
• good knowledge of EU institutions and EU research programmes and policies and practical experience of interaction with the European Commission;
• experience in setting up processes;
• a track record of delivering successful business outcomes;
• a track record of support to R&T management activities and projects, especially in the area of technology watch and foresight;
• experience in group management (organisation of meetings, workshops);
• experience in transversal R&T activities;
• very good experience in management of SharePoint webs and fora;
• a very good knowledge of written and spoken English.
(2) Personal
All staff must be able to fit into the Agency's way of working (see para. 2). Other attributes important for this post include:
• ability to work in a team and independently in his/her area of responsibility;
• results-orientation and strong motivation;
• flexibility and innovativeness;
• genuine commitment to the Agency's objectives;
• strong planning, analytical and organizational skills;
• strong sense of duty and responsibility;
• strong communication (written and oral), networking and presentation skills.
B. Desirable
The following will be considered an advantage:
• a minimum of 12 years of professional experience acquired after the award of the qualification required as a condition of eligibility;
• knowledge and understanding of Military Capability Development and Defence Research Prioritisation processes;
• experience in project management methodologies and in the whole lifecycle of a project (from inception to results delivery);
• knowledge of innovation management methodologies/frameworks;
• work experience in Ministry of Defence or Armed Forces.
The RTI Coordinator will be required to make a declaration of commitment to act independently in the Agency’s interest and to make a declaration in relation to interests that might be considered prejudicial to his/her independence.
The RTI Coordinator will be appointed by the Chief Executive.
Recruitment will be as a member of the temporary staff of the Agency for a four-year period. Renewal is possible within the limits set out in the EDA Staff Regulations. The successful candidate will be recruited as Temporary Agent, grade AD10.
The pay for this position consists of a basic salary of 9.054,10€ supplemented with various allowances, including as applicable expatriation or family allowances. The successful candidate will be graded on entry into service according to the length of his/her professional experience. Salaries are exempted from national tax, instead an Agency tax at source is paid. For further information on working conditions please refer to: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xx/xxxx/xxxx-xx-xxxxx
Failure to obtain the requisite security clearance certificate before the expiration of the probationary period may be cause for termination of the contract.
Candidates are advised that part of the recruitment process includes medical analyses and physical check-up with the Agency’s Medical Adviser.
Applications are invited with a view to establishing a reserve list for the post of RTI Coordinator at the EDA. This list will be valid until 31/12/2022, and may be extended by decision of the Chief Executive. During the validity of the reserve list, successful candidates may be offered a post in the EDA according to their competences in relation to the specific requirements of the vacant post. Inclusion on the reserve list does not imply any entitlement of employment in the Agency.
The EDA is an equal opportunities employer and accepts applications without distinction on the grounds of age, race, political, philosophical or religious conviction, sex or sexual orientation and regardless of disabilities, marital status or family situation.
Candidates must submit their application electronically solely via the EDA website. Applications by any other means (hard copy or ordinary e-mail) will not be accepted. Applications must be submitted no later than midnight. Candidates are reminded that the on-line application system will not accept applications after midnight (Brussels time, GMT+1) on the date of the deadline.
When applying, candidates from Ministries of Defence or other governmental entities are encouraged to inform their national administration.
A selection panel will be appointed. Please note that the selection panel's internal proceedings are strictly confidential and that any contact with its members is forbidden. Each application will be screened based on the requirements of the job profile stated in the vacancy notice. The most suitable applicants will be called for an interview and a written test. If recruited, you will be requested to supply documentary evidence in support of the statements that you make for this application. Do not send any supporting or supplementary information until you have been asked to do so by the Agency.
Please note that EDA will not return applications to candidates. The personal information EDA requests from candidates will be processed in line with Regulation (EU) N° 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) 45/2001 and Decision No.
The purpose of processing personal data which candidates submit is to manage applications in view of possible pre- selection and recruitment at EDA. More information on personal data protection in relation to selection and recruitment can be found on the EDA website: xxxx://
M_D GSGDNA REG2020 0086884 22-12-2020
Vacancy notice
Directorate Industry, Synergies and Enablers Directorate (ISE)
Vacancy title Policy Officer Industry Strategy and Analysis
Contract type Temporary agent
Group N.A.
Grade AD10
Indicative starting date 01/04/2021
Security Clearance SECRET UE/EU SECRET
Management of staff N.A.
Location Brussels
Closing date for applications 19/01/2021
The selection of candidates will follow the EDA Staff Recruitment Procedure. Candidates must apply for this post via the EDA website xxxx:// - vacancies. Please note that to make an EDA on - line application you will need to create your EDA profile using a valid e - mail address and a password.
The European Defence Agency was established on 12 July 2004, and is governed by Council Decision (CFSP) 2015/1835 defining the statute, seat and operational rules of the European Defence Agency. The Agency has its headquarters in Brussels.
The main task of EDA is to support the Council and the Member States in their effort to improve the Union's defence capabilities in the field of crisis management and to sustain the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) as it currently stands and as it develops in the future.
The Agency is structured into four directorates. The Corporate Services Directorate (CSD) and three operational directorates: Industry, Synergies and Enablers (ISE); Capability, Armament & Planning (CAP); Research, Technology and Innovation (RTI).
The Agency is an “outward-facing” organisation, constantly interacting with its shareholders, the participating Member States, as well as with a wide range of stakeholders. It works in an integrated way, with multi-disciplinary teams representing all of the Agency’s functional areas, to realise its objectives. Its business processes are flexible and oriented towards achieving results. Staff at all levels need to demonstrate the corresponding qualities of commitment, flexibility, innovation, and team- working; to work effectively with shareholders and stakeholder groups, formal and informal; and to operate without the need for detailed direction.
The Industry Synergies & Enablers (ISE) Directorate supports a range of activities critical to collaborative defence capability development in Europe.
On top of leading the work on identifying together with Member States' Key Strategic Activities (KSA) at EU level, the ISE Directorate is responsible for the effective engagement with industry across the Agency’s activities and in support of related priorities set by Member States.
The ISE Directorate facilitates work to address the implications of EU legislation and policies for the defence sector: REACH, procurement, funding instruments and the analysis of developments influencing governmental and industrial stakeholders.
The Directorate is responsible for activities on critical enablers to support defence cooperation and enhance interoperability: military airworthiness, standardisation and certification, defence test & evaluation and education and training. The Directorate provides support to CSDP military and civilian operations and missions and EU Battlegroups.
The Directorate facilitates the coordination of military views from and in support of Member States and the relevant international military organisations in the framework of Single European Sky (SES) and acts as the interface with the EU institutions and related bodies. In the wider context of military aviation, the Directorate supports Member States in their efforts to enable RPAS integration in non-segregated airspace and in harmonising military aviation safety issues using the Total System Approach to Military Aviation.
The ISE Directorate comprises four Units:
• The Industry Strategy & EU Policies (ISP) Unit: engagement of industry in the activities of the Agency, determination of Key Strategic Activities at EU level, defence aspects of EU policies varying from legislation (REACH, procurement) to funding instruments
• The Critical Enablers (CRE) Unit: support defence cooperation and enhance interoperability through the identification,
development and maintenance of harmonized safety, certification and standardisation requirements, references to the best practice standards and networking of Defence Test & Evaluation capabilities in all military domains
• The Single European Sky (SES) Unit: facilitation and coordination of military views in the framework of SES; interface
with the EU institutions and related bodies to ensure that Military Aviation will continue to provide and further improve effective security and defence in Europe in the changing context of the civil aviation sector
• The Operations, Training & Exercises (OTE) Unit: promotion of the use in CSDP operations of all relevant EDA
projects & programmes; development and management of contracted solutions to support CSDP operations and Member States; initiation, development and management of training and exercise activities for rotary and fixed-wing aircraft, including RPAS, with a view to transfer these activities to Member States when mature.
Under the supervision of the Head of Industry Strategy and EU Policies (ISP) Unit, the Policy Officer Industry Strategy and Analysis is responsible for:
• providing quantitative and qualitative analysis in view of assessing short-, mid- and long-term developments and trends
impacting the security and defence sector, particularly the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB;
• contributing to the implementation of EDA policy on industry engagement. This includes building effective relations and
exchanges of information with relevant industrial entities within specific areas of expertise (e.g. Air/Land/Naval/CIS), in support of the Agency's main capability development and research prioritisation processes, Key Strategic Activities (KSAs). It also entails providing input based on the specific area of expertise in other EDA and EU-level policy instruments/mechanisms which may involve industry-related elements (e.g. PESCO, CARD, EDF);
• supporting the dialogue with and among Member States on strategic trends and developments reaching beyond single work strands;
• developing and implementing strategies, policies, initiatives and instruments to support strengthening the EDTIB as well as to improve cost-effectiveness and efficiency of military spending and cooperation between Member States;
• promoting, developing and managing initiatives and work strands, within the competence area of the ISE Directorate to incentivise cooperation in the area of the development of systems in the EDTIB that support defence capability priorities in cooperation with the Directorate staff, other Agency Directorates, participating Member States and external
• drafting of speeches, briefings, policy papers for EDA management;
• ensuring close relations with relevant stakeholders, incl. participating Member States, European Union institutions (Commission, Parliament), industry as well as academia and think-tanks;
• taking on additional tasks as required in the interest of the service.
Duties may evolve depending on the development of the EDA’s structure and activities and decisions of EDA management.
To be considered eligible to take part in this selection procedure, on the closing date for the submission of applications candidates must satisfy all the eligibility criteria as specified below:
• be a national of a Member State participating in the Agency;
• be entitled to his/her full rights as a citizen;
• have fulfilled any obligations imposed on him/her by the laws concerning military service;
• produce the appropriate character references as to his/her suitability for the performance of his/her duties (extract from the “judicial record” or certificate of good conduct will be requested prior to recruitment);
• be physically fit to perform his/her duties;
• have a thorough knowledge of one of the languages of the participating Member States and a satisfactory knowledge of another of these languages to the extent necessary to discharge his/her duties;
• have no personal interest (financial, family relationship, or other) which could be in conflict with disinterested discharge of his/her duties within the Agency;
• hold, or be in a position to obtain, a valid Personnel Security Clearance Certificate (national or EU PSC at SECRET UE/EU SECRET level). Personnel Security Clearance Certificate (PSCC) means a certificate issued by a competent authority establishing that an individual is security cleared and holds a valid national or EU PSC, and which shows the
level of EUCI to which that individual may be granted access (SECRET UE/EU SECRET), the date of validity of the relevant PSC and the date of expiry of the certificate itself. Note that the necessary procedure for obtaining a PSCC can be initiated on request of the employer only, and not by the individual candidate;
• have a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma when the normal
period of university education is four years or more, or a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma and appropriate professional experience of at least one year when the normal period of university education is at least three years or be a graduate of a national or international Defence College.
Only diplomas that have been awarded in EU Member States or that are the subject of equivalence certificates issued by the authorities in the said Member States shall be taken into consideration. In the latter case, the authority authorised to conclude contracts of employment reserves the right to request proof of such equivalence.
A. Essential
(1) Professional
The candidate will be required to demonstrate that he/she has:
• knowledge of / experience in the European Defence Industry;
• knowledge of the EU rules and initiatives affecting the European Defence industry;
• the ability and experience to manage international and complex projects;
• experience in project management;
• a track record of delivering successful business outcomes in an international environment;
• experience in chairing meetings;
• an excellent knowledge of written and spoken English.
(2) Personal
All staff must be able to fit into the Agency's way of working (see para. 2). Other attributes important for this post include:
• ability to work in a team and independently in his/her area of responsibility;
• ability to work effectively in a multinational environment;
• good leadership skills;
• results-orientation and strong motivation;
• flexibility and innovativeness;
• strong conceptual and analytical skills;
• genuine commitment to the Agency's objectives.
B. Desirable
The following will be considered an advantage:
• experience of working in the international defence environment (especially CSDP).
The Policy Officer Industry Strategy and Analysis will be required to make a declaration of commitment to act independently in the Agency’s interest and to make a declaration in relation to interests that might be considered prejudicial to his/her independence.
The Policy Officer Industry Strategy and Analysis will be appointed by the Chief Executive.
Recruitment will be as a member of the temporary staff of the Agency for a four-year period. Renewal is possible within the limits set out in the EDA Staff Regulations. The successful candidate will be recruited as Temporary Agent, grade AD10.
The pay for this position consists of a basic salary of 9.054,10€ supplemented with various allowances, including as applicable expatriation or family allowances. The successful candidate will be graded on entry into service according to the length of his/her professional experience. Salaries are exempted from national tax, instead an Agency tax at source is paid. For further information on working conditions please refer to: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xx/xxxx/xxxx-xx-xxxxx
Failure to obtain the requisite security clearance certificate before the expiration of the probationary period may be cause for termination of the contract.
Candidates are advised that part of the recruitment process includes medical analyses and physical check-up with the Agency’s Medical Adviser.
Applications are invited with a view to establishing a reserve list for the post of Policy Officer Strategic Foresight at the EDA. This list will be valid until 31/12/2022, and may be extended by decision of the Chief Executive. During the validity of the
reserve list, successful candidates may be offered a post in the EDA according to their competences in relation to the specific requirements of the vacant post. Inclusion on the reserve list does not imply any entitlement of employment in the Agency.
The EDA is an equal opportunities employer and accepts applications without distinction on the grounds of age, race, political, philosophical or religious conviction, sex or sexual orientation and regardless of disabilities, marital status or family situation.
Candidates must submit their application electronically solely via the EDA website. Applications by any other means (hard copy or ordinary e-mail) will not be accepted. Applications must be submitted no later than midnight. Candidates are reminded that the on-line application system will not accept applications after midnight (Brussels time, GMT+1) on the date of the deadline.
When applying, candidates from Ministries of Defence or other governmental entities are encouraged to inform their national administration.
A selection panel will be appointed. Please note that the selection panel's internal proceedings are strictly confidential and that any contact with its members is forbidden. Each application will be screened based on the requirements of the job profile stated in the vacancy notice. The most suitable applicants will be called for an interview and a written test. If recruited, you will be requested to supply documentary evidence in support of the statements that you make for this application. Do not send any supporting or supplementary information until you have been asked to do so by the Agency.
Please note that EDA will not return applications to candidates. The personal information EDA requests from candidates will be processed in line with Regulation (EU) N° 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) 45/2001 and Decision No.
The purpose of processing personal data which candidates submit is to manage applications in view of possible pre- selection and recruitment at EDA. More information on personal data protection in relation to selection and recruitment can be found on the EDA website: xxxx://
M_D GSGDNA REG2020 0086884 22-12-2020
Vacancy notice
Directorate Research, Technology and Innovation Directorate (RTI)
Vacancy title Project Officer RF Sensors Technologies
Contract type Temporary agent
Group N.A.
Grade AD10
Indicative starting date 01/09/2021
Security Clearance SECRET UE/EU SECRET
Management of staff N.A.
Location Brussels
Closing date for applications 19/02/2021
The selection of candidates will follow the EDA Staff Recruitment Procedure. Candidates must apply for this post via the EDA website xxxx:// - vacancies. Please note that to make an EDA on - line application you will need to create your EDA profile using a valid e - mail address and a password.
The European Defence Agency was established on 12 July 2004, and is governed by Council Decision (CFSP) 2015/1835 defining the statute, seat and operational rules of the European Defence Agency. The Agency has its headquarters in Brussels.
The main task of EDA is to support the Council and the Member States in their effort to improve the Union's defence capabilities in the field of crisis management and to sustain the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) as it currently stands and as it develops in the future.
The Agency is structured into four directorates. The Corporate Services Directorate (CSD) and three operational directorates: Industry, Synergies and Enablers (ISE); Capability, Armament & Planning (CAP); Research, Technology and Innovation (RTI).
The Agency is an “outward-facing” organisation, constantly interacting with its shareholders, the participating Member States, as well as with a wide range of stakeholders. It works in an integrated way, with multi-disciplinary teams representing all of the Agency’s functional areas, to realise its objectives. Its business processes are flexible and oriented towards achieving results. Staff at all levels need to demonstrate the corresponding qualities of commitment, flexibility, innovation, and team- working; to work effectively with shareholders and stakeholder groups, formal and informal; and to operate without the need for detailed direction.
The Research, Technology & Innovation Directorate (RTI) promotes and supports defence research at EU level. Based on the Overarching Strategic Research Agenda (OSRA), developed together with the Member States, the Directorate coordinates and plans joint research activities and the study of technical solutions to meet future operational needs.
The RTI Directorate provides support to Member States and to the European Commission for the Preparatory Action for defence research, including its implementation, and the research dimension of the European Defence Fund. The RTI directorate also ensures the promotion of innovation in defence and the exploitation of synergies at EU level with civil research in dual-use technology fields.
The RTI Directorate comprises two Units and an RTI Coordination Team, with the following key tasks:
• The EU-funded Defence Research Unit: upstream, implementing and downstream support linked to defence research activities funded by the EU budget under delegation by the European Commission
• The Technology & Innovation Unit: facilitating the work of the Capability Technology Groups (CapTechs), the Energy & Environment Working Group; development and management of ad hoc research activities based on sectoral Strategic Research Agendas
• The RTI Coordination Team: coordination of the RTI Directorate’s contributions to EDA’s transversal activities (such as
CDP, CARD, PESCO, and KSA); overview of the Agency’s research portfolio; provision of outlook for research activities and technology watch.
Under the supervision of the Head of Unit Technology and Innovation, the jobholder will be responsible for the following activities:
• moderate and steer the CapTech Radar and related activities of experts' groups and Electronic Fora on the EDA
• in this field and in line with Member States’ orientations, maintain and update the Strategic Research Agenda on RF Sensors Technology synthetizing R&T priorities and identify ways to address them;
• contribute to R&T initiatives aimed at defining capability-led priorities and projects;
• promote, support and manage projects including contracting, monitoring and evaluation activities;
• participate and collaborate in projects and studies under the responsibility of the RTI Directorate or with other Directorates of EDA;
• define and organise experts’ meetings and workshops;
• collaborate actively with representatives and experts from the Member States;
• liaise with the European Commission and EU Agencies, companies and industry associations involved in military or dual use R&T in his/her area of responsibility;
• participate and represent the Agency in security and defence related seminars and workshops, mainly in the areas covered by the CapTech;
• contribute to technology watch in his/her area of responsibility;
• take on additional tasks as required in the interest of the service.
Duties may evolve depending on the development of the EDA's structure and activities, and decisions of EDA management.
To be considered eligible to take part in this selection procedure, on the closing date for the submission of applications candidates must satisfy all the eligibility criteria as specified below:
• be a national of a Member State participating in the Agency;
• be entitled to his/her full rights as a citizen;
• have fulfilled any obligations imposed on him/her by the laws concerning military service;
• produce the appropriate character references as to his/her suitability for the performance of his/her duties (extract from the “judicial record” or certificate of good conduct will be requested prior to recruitment);
• be physically fit to perform his/her duties;
• have a thorough knowledge of one of the languages of the participating Member States and a satisfactory knowledge of another of these languages to the extent necessary to discharge his/her duties;
• have no personal interest (financial, family relationship, or other) which could be in conflict with disinterested discharge of his/her duties within the Agency;
• hold, or be in a position to obtain, a valid Personnel Security Clearance Certificate (national or EU PSC at SECRET UE/EU SECRET level). Personnel Security Clearance Certificate (PSCC) means a certificate issued by a competent authority establishing that an individual is security cleared and holds a valid national or EU PSC, and which shows the
level of EUCI to which that individual may be granted access (SECRET UE/EU SECRET), the date of validity of the relevant PSC and the date of expiry of the certificate itself. Note that the necessary procedure for obtaining a PSCC can be initiated on request of the employer only, and not by the individual candidate;
• have a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma when the normal
period of university education is four years or more, or a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma and appropriate professional experience of at least one year when the normal period of university education is at least three years or be a graduate of a national or international Defence College.
Only diplomas that have been awarded in EU Member States or that are the subject of equivalence certificates issued by the authorities in the said Member States shall be taken into consideration. In the latter case, the authority authorised to conclude contracts of employment reserves the right to request proof of such equivalence.
A. Essential
(1) Professional
The candidate will be required to demonstrate that he/she has:
• familiarity with the defence international environment (especially with CSDP);
• extensive experience in R&T project management, covering all the phases: promotion, definition, competition and evaluation of proposals, running, assessment of the results, fostering of follow-up activities;
• specific and strong technical background knowledge in the area of RF Sensors Technologies (CapTech RADAR);
• a track record of working on R&T activities in government, academia or private companies;
• a track record of delivering successful business outcomes;
• experience in leading organisational and process change, and in group management (organisation of meetings, workshops, conferences);
• experience in project management methodologies and in the whole lifecycle of a project (from inception to results delivery);
• knowledge of innovation management methodologies/frameworks;
• knowledge and understanding of Military Capability Development and Defence Research Prioritisation processes;
• a very good knowledge of written and spoken English.
(2) Personal
All staff must be able to fit into the Agency's way of working (see para. 2). Other attributes important for this post include:
• ability to work in a team and independently in his/her area of responsibility;
• results-orientation and strong motivation;
• flexibility and innovativeness;
• good communication skills;
• a strong sense of duty and responsibility;
• commitment to the Agency's objectives.
B. Desirable
The following will be considered an advantage:
• a minimum of 10 years of professional experience acquired after the award of the qualification required as a condition of eligibility.
The Project Officer RF Sensors Technologies will be required to make a declaration of commitment to act independently in the Agency’s interest and to make a declaration in relation to interests that might be considered prejudicial to his/her independence.
The Project Officer RF Sensors Technologies will be appointed by the Chief Executive.
Recruitment will be as a member of the temporary staff of the Agency for a four-year period. Renewal is possible within the limits set out in the EDA Staff Regulations. The successful candidate will be recruited as Temporary Agent, grade AD10.
The pay for this position consists of a basic salary of 9.054,10€ supplemented with various allowances, including as applicable expatriation or family allowances. The successful candidate will be graded on entry into service according to the length of his/her professional experience. Salaries are exempted from national tax, instead an Agency tax at source is paid. For further information on working conditions please refer to: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xx/xxxx/xxxx-xx-xxxxx
Failure to obtain the requisite security clearance certificate before the expiration of the probationary period may be cause for termination of the contract.
Candidates are advised that part of the recruitment process includes medical analyses and physical check-up with the Agency’s Medical Adviser.
Applications are invited with a view to establishing a reserve list for the post of Project Officer RF Sensors Technologies at the EDA. This list will be valid until 31/12/2022, and may be extended by decision of the Chief Executive. During the validity of the reserve list, successful candidates may be offered a post in the EDA according to their competences in relation to the specific requirements of the vacant post. Inclusion on the reserve list does not imply any entitlement of employment in the Agency.
The EDA is an equal opportunities employer and accepts applications without distinction on the grounds of age, race, political, philosophical or religious conviction, sex or sexual orientation and regardless of disabilities, marital status or family situation.
Candidates must submit their application electronically solely via the EDA website. Applications by any other means (hard copy or ordinary e-mail) will not be accepted. Applications must be submitted no later than midnight. Candidates are reminded that the on-line application system will not accept applications after midnight (Brussels time, GMT+1) on the date of the deadline.
When applying, candidates from Ministries of Defence or other governmental entities are encouraged to inform their national administration.
A selection panel will be appointed. Please note that the selection panel's internal proceedings are strictly confidential and that any contact with its members is forbidden. Each application will be screened based on the requirements of the job profile stated in the vacancy notice. The most suitable applicants will be called for an interview and a written test. If recruited, you will be requested to supply documentary evidence in support of the statements that you make for this application. Do not send any supporting or supplementary information until you have been asked to do so by the Agency.
Please note that EDA will not return applications to candidates. The personal information EDA requests from candidates will be processed in line with Regulation (EU) N° 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) 45/2001 and Decision No.
The purpose of processing personal data which candidates submit is to manage applications in view of possible pre- selection and recruitment at EDA. More information on personal data protection in relation to selection and recruitment can be found on the EDA website: xxxx://
M_D GSGDNA REG2020 0086884 22-12-2020
Vacancy notice
Directorate Industry, Synergies and Enablers Directorate (ISE)
Vacancy title Project Officer SESAR Development and Deployment
Contract type Seconded National Expert
Group N.A.
Grade AD10/AD11
Indicative starting date 01/01/2022
Security Clearance SECRET UE/EU SECRET
Management of staff N.A.
Location Brussels
Closing date for applications 19/04/2021
The selection of candidates will follow the EDA Staff Recruitment Procedure. Candidates must apply for this post via the EDA website xxxx:// - vacancies. Please note that to make an EDA on - line application you will need to create your EDA profile using a valid e - mail address and a password.
Candidates must submit their application electronically solely via the EDA website. Applications by any other means (hard copy or ordinary e-mail) will not be accepted. Applications must be submitted no later than midnight. Candidates are reminded that the on-line application system will not accept applications after midnight (Brussels time, GMT+1) on the date of the deadline.
In order to be considered in the selection process, candidates for SNE posts must be sponsored by their national authorities. Confirmation is required in the form of a letter of sponsorship addressed to the Agency as far as possible by the closing date for the receipt of applications and in any case before a decision is taken by EDA on the candidate to be selected for a secondment.
A selection panel will be appointed. Please note that the selection panel's internal proceedings are strictly confidential and that any contact with its members is forbidden. Each application will be screened based on the requirements of the job profile stated in the vacancy notice. The most suitable applicants will be called for an interview and a written test. If recruited, you will be requested to supply documentary evidence in support of the statements that you make for this application. Do not send any supporting or supplementary information until you have been asked to do so by the Agency.
The European Defence Agency was established on 12 July 2004, and is governed by Council Decision (CFSP) 2015/1835 defining the statute, seat and operational rules of the European Defence Agency. The Agency has its headquarters in Brussels.
The main task of EDA is to support the Council and the Member States in their effort to improve the Union's defence capabilities in the field of crisis management and to sustain the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) as it currently stands and as it develops in the future.
The Agency is structured into four directorates. The Corporate Services Directorate (CSD) and three operational directorates: Industry, Synergies and Enablers (ISE); Capability, Armament & Planning (CAP); Research, Technology and Innovation (RTI).
The Agency is an “outward-facing” organisation, constantly interacting with its shareholders, the participating Member States, as well as with a wide range of stakeholders. It works in an integrated way, with multi-disciplinary teams representing all of the Agency’s functional areas, to realise its objectives. Its business processes are flexible and oriented towards achieving results. Staff at all levels need to demonstrate the corresponding qualities of commitment, flexibility, innovation, and team- working; to work effectively with shareholders and stakeholder groups, formal and informal; and to operate without the need for detailed direction.
The Industry Synergies & Enablers (ISE) Directorate supports a range of activities critical to collaborative defence capability development in Europe.
On top of leading the work on identifying together with Member States' Key Strategic Activities (KSA) at EU level, the ISE Directorate is responsible for the effective engagement with industry across the Agency’s activities and in support of related priorities set by Member States.
The ISE Directorate facilitates work to address the implications of EU legislation and policies for the defence sector: REACH, procurement, funding instruments and the analysis of developments influencing governmental and industrial stakeholders.
The Directorate is responsible for activities on critical enablers to support defence cooperation and enhance interoperability: military airworthiness, standardisation and certification, defence test & evaluation and education and training. The Directorate provides support to CSDP military and civilian operations and missions and EU Battlegroups.
The Directorate facilitates the coordination of military views from and in support of Member States and the relevant international military organisations in the framework of Single European Sky (SES) and acts as the interface with the EU institutions and related bodies. In the wider context of military aviation, the Directorate supports Member States in their efforts to enable RPAS integration in non-segregated airspace and in harmonising military aviation safety issues using the Total System Approach to Military Aviation.
The ISE Directorate comprises four Units:
• The Industry Strategy & EU Policies (ISP) Unit: engagement of industry in the activities of the Agency, determination of Key Strategic Activities at EU level, defence aspects of EU policies varying from legislation (REACH, procurement) to funding instruments
• The Critical Enablers (CRE) Unit: support defence cooperation and enhance interoperability through the identification,
development and maintenance of harmonized safety, certification and standardisation requirements, references to the best practice standards and networking of Defence Test & Evaluation capabilities in all military domains
• The Single European Sky (SES) Unit: facilitation and coordination of military views in the framework of SES; interface
with the EU institutions and related bodies to ensure that Military Aviation will continue to provide and further improve effective security and defence in Europe in the changing context of the civil aviation sector
• The Operations, Training & Exercises (OTE) Unit: promotion of the use in CSDP operations of all relevant EDA
projects & programmes; development and management of contracted solutions to support CSDP operations and Member States; initiation, development and management of training and exercise activities for rotary and fixed-wing aircraft, including RPAS, with a view to transfer these activities to Member States when mature.
The SES/SESAR Unit performs the required duties to facilitate the coordination of military views from and in support of the Member States and the relevant international military organisations in the context of Single European Sky.
The EDA SES Military Aviation Board (ESMAB) has been established to provide high level advice to the EDA Steering Board on SES issues. This board is supported by an ESMAB Management/Expert Level and specific SES Expert Communities (SECs). The SES/SESAR Unit manages and supports this structure.
Moreover, the “Military Aviation Strategy in the context of SES”, its related implementation plan and the Military Aviation Action Plan (MAAP) constitute a complete set of documents aiming to steer EDA SES/SESAR Unit work, notably in the field of SES Policy and regulations, SESAR, notably with respect to the deployment, RPAS ATI and aviation cyber activities.
Under the supervision of the Head of Unit SES/SESAR, the jobholder will be responsible for/contribute to the following activities:
• contribute to EDA’s role as interface between the military community and the EU institutions, notably the EC/DG
MOVE, and related bodies particularly with respect to the activities pertaining to SESAR Deployment and Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) related topics;
• facilitate the coordination of military views notably with respect to SES and SESAR related regulation;
• follow up EU regulations and identify the requirements to initiate Common Military Positions;
• follow up EU strategies and assess impact on the military;
• contribute to achieve the objectives of the “Military Aviation Strategy in the context of SES” (MAS) in line with the “Military Aviation Strategy Implementation Plan” (XXXXX), particularly with respect to SESAR Deployment and CNS related topics ;
• contribute to the implementation and the update of the “Military Aviation Action Plan” (MAAP);
• contribute to ESMAB and SES Expert Communities meetings as required;
• support all activities deriving from the “EDA SES Military Aviation Board” (ESMAB) both at policy and management level;
• run the “SES Expert Communities” (SEC) related to their function and expertise;
• raise awareness on SES/SESAR issues which could have implications on the military;
• support relevant unit activities with technical expertise, with a focus on ATM and CNS;
• execute the activities in the EDA-EUROCONTROL Workplan;
• establish and develop the necessary coordination, at staff level, with other SES stakeholders (European Commission, SESAR Joint Undertaking, SESAR Deployment Manager, INEA, EUROCONTROL and Network Manager, NATO, EASA and participating Member States);
• provide for the elaboration of any necessary SES/SESAR related internal or external EDA documentation;
• coordinate all SES deployment activities in relation with civil-military coordination;
• coordinate with NATO and EUROCONTROL all activities with regard to Performance Equivalence and SESAR Deployment;
• contribute to the preparation of EDA Steering Boards, ESMAB meetings, other SEC meetings as well as any other meetings, workshops and events as required;
• support Member States in all aspects linked to EU funding for SES related activities;
• ensure transversal cooperation and coordination with the other Units and Directorates of the Agency;
• take on additional tasks as required in the interest of the service.
Duties may evolve according to the development of the EDA's structure and activities, and the decisions of EDA management.
In accordance with the Rules applicable to national experts and military staff on secondment to the European Defence Agency (2004/677/EC), Seconded National Experts are seconded to the Agency while remaining in the service of their national employer and continue being paid their national salary by that employer.
Therefore, to be considered in the selection process, candidates for SNE posts must be sponsored by their national authorities. Confirmation is required in the form of a letter of sponsorship addressed to the Agency as far as possible by the closing date for the receipt of applications and in any case before a decision is taken by EDA on the candidate to be selected for a secondment.
The Rules are available on the EDA website xxxx:// - vacancies. To qualify for secondment to the Agency, experts shall:
• have worked for their employer on a permanent or contract basis for at least 12 months before their secondment;
• remain in the service of their employer throughout the period of secondment and continue to be paid by that employer;
• have at least three years' full-time experience in defence, administrative, scientific, technical, operational, advisory or supervisory functions relevant to the performance of the duties assigned to them. Before the secondment, the employer shall supply the Agency with a statement of the expert's employment covering the previous 12 months;
• be nationals of a participating Member State or falling within the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 1 of
Council Decision (EU) 2016/1352 of 4 August 2016;
• have a thorough knowledge of one official language of one of the participating Member States and a satisfactory knowledge of another of these languages for the performance of their duties.
A. Essential
(1) Professional
The candidate will be required to demonstrate that he/she has:
• at least 10 years of experience in duties related to the post;
• experience / knowledge in Communication, Navigation and Surveillance domains;
• experience / knowledge of military Airborne and C2 systems;
• a good understanding of the ATM domain;
• a good understanding of Single European Sky;
• a very good knowledge of written and spoken English.
(2) Personal
All staff must be able to fit into the Agency's way of working (see para. 2). Other attributes important for this post include:
• ability to work in a team and independently in his/her area of responsibility;
• ability to work effectively in a multinational environment;
• results-orientation and strong motivation;
• flexibility and innovativeness;
• genuine commitment to the Agency's objectives;
• strong conceptual, compositional, interpersonal, and analytical skills.
B. Desirable
The following will be considered an advantage:
• knowledge of Air Traffic Control/ Airspace Management/ air operations;
• knowledge of military missions and training procedures.
The Project Officer SESAR Development and Deployment will be required to make a declaration of commitment to act independently in the Agency’s interest and to make a declaration in relation to interests that might be considered prejudicial to his/her independence.
The Project Officer SESAR Development and Deployment will be appointed by the Chief Executive.
Secondment will be as a member of the Seconded National Expert staff of the Agency for a three-year period. Renewal is possible within the limits set out in the EDA SNE Rules. The successful candidates will be seconded as AD10/AD11 equivalent.
Applications are invited with a view to establish a reserve list for the post of Project Officer SESAR Development and Deployment at the EDA. This list will be valid until 31/12/2022, and may be extended by decision of the Chief Executive. During the validity of the reserve list, successful candidates may be offered a secondment in the EDA according to their competences in relation to the specific requirements of the vacant post. Inclusion on the reserve list does not imply any entitlement of secondment to the Agency.
Please note that EDA will not return applications to candidates. The personal information EDA requests from candidates will be processed in line with Regulation (EU) N° 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) 45/2001 and Decision No.
The purpose of processing personal data which candidates submit is to manage applications in view of possible pre- selection and recruitment at EDA. More information on personal data protection in relation to selection and recruitment can be found on the EDA website: xxxx://
The EDA is an equal opportunities employer and accepts applications without distinction on the grounds of age, race, political, philosophical or religious conviction, sex or sexual orientation and regardless of disabilities, marital status or family situation.
M_D GSGDNA REG2020 0086884 22-12-2020
Vacancy notice
Directorate Capability, Armament and Planning Directorate (CAP)
Vacancy title Project Officer Capability Assessment
Contract type Seconded National Expert
Group N.A.
Grade AD10/AD11
Indicative starting date 01/12/2021
Security Clearance SECRET UE/EU SECRET
Management of staff N.A.
Location Brussels
Closing date for applications 19/04/2021
The selection of candidates will follow the EDA Staff Recruitment Procedure. Candidates must apply for this post via the EDA website xxxx:// - vacancies. Please note that to make an EDA on - line application you will need to create your EDA profile using a valid e - mail address and a password.
Candidates must submit their application electronically solely via the EDA website. Applications by any other means (hard copy or ordinary e-mail) will not be accepted. Applications must be submitted no later than midnight. Candidates are reminded that the on-line application system will not accept applications after midnight (Brussels time, GMT+1) on the date of the deadline.
In order to be considered in the selection process, candidates for SNE posts must be sponsored by their national authorities. Confirmation is required in the form of a letter of sponsorship addressed to the Agency as far as possible by the closing date for the receipt of applications and in any case before a decision is taken by EDA on the candidate to be selected for a secondment.
A selection panel will be appointed. Please note that the selection panel's internal proceedings are strictly confidential and that any contact with its members is forbidden. Each application will be screened based on the requirements of the job profile stated in the vacancy notice. The most suitable applicants will be called for an interview and a written test. If recruited, you will be requested to supply documentary evidence in support of the statements that you make for this application. Do not send any supporting or supplementary information until you have been asked to do so by the Agency.
The European Defence Agency was established on 12 July 2004, and is governed by Council Decision (CFSP) 2015/1835 defining the statute, seat and operational rules of the European Defence Agency. The Agency has its headquarters in Brussels.
The main task of EDA is to support the Council and the Member States in their effort to improve the Union's defence capabilities in the field of crisis management and to sustain the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) as it currently stands and as it develops in the future.
The Agency is structured into four directorates. The Corporate Services Directorate (CSD) and three operational directorates: Industry, Synergies and Enablers (ISE); Capability, Armament & Planning (CAP); Research, Technology and Innovation (RTI).
The Agency is an “outward-facing” organisation, constantly interacting with its shareholders, the participating Member States, as well as with a wide range of stakeholders. It works in an integrated way, with multi-disciplinary teams representing all of the Agency’s functional areas, to realise its objectives. Its business processes are flexible and oriented towards achieving results. Staff at all levels need to demonstrate the corresponding qualities of commitment, flexibility, innovation, and team- working; to work effectively with shareholders and stakeholder groups, formal and informal; and to operate without the need for detailed direction.
The Capability, Armament & Planning Directorate (CAP) proposes collaborative opportunities in support of EU capability development priorities. The Directorate is responsible for capability development planning, based on analysis of military requirements conducted together with Member States within the Capability Development Plan (CDP).
The Directorate coordinates in-house the implementation of the Coordinated Annual Review on Defence (CARD), for which the Agency provides the secretariat, establishing a regularly updated overview of the European defence capability landscape.
The CAP Directorate implements EDA’s secretariat functions to the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO), together with the European External Action Service, including the EU Military Staff. Within the PESCO secretariat, the Directorate coordinates EDA’s assessment of PESCO project proposals from the capability perspective, as well as the National Implementation Plans of PESCO participating Member States, and supports PESCO project implementation.
Based on coordinating the results of CDP, CARD and PESCO, the Directorate plans and prepares activities tailored to Member States’ needs. These activities span from advice and roadmaps to collaborative capability development projects, including the support to Member States in upstream EDIDP/EDF.
The CAP Directorate comprises six Units with the following key areas of activity:
• Air Domain Unit: Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems, Air-to-Air Refueling, Airlift
• Cooperation Planning Unit: CDP, CARD, Defence Data
• Land and Logistics Unit: Land platforms, Counter-IED, Personnel Recovery, Military Mobility, Logistics, Medical Support
• Information Superiority Unit: Communication & Information Systems, Surveillance & Reconnaissance, Space, Cyber Defence
• Maritime Unit: Maritime Surveillance, Mine Counter Measures, naval training, harbor protection
• PESCO Unit: PESCO secretariat and support to project development
Under the guidance of the Head of Unit, and in cooperation with the other members of the Cooperation Planning Unit, the Project Officer Capability Assessment will contribute to its tasks, inter alia identifying and promoting EU defence collaborative priorities and opportunities.
The Project Officer Capability Assessment will in particular be responsible for:
• conducting the Capability progress Assessment based on the implementation of the EU capability development priorities resulting from the Capability Development Plan (CDP) in close relationship with the Coordinated annual Review on defence (CARD) framework, EDA Directorates and Project Officers;
• conducting the CDP long term work strand in close coordination with the PO CDP;
• developing the dialogue with defence industry partners in the framework of the CDP, participating in events with industry when appropriate;
• monitoring EUMC activities in the Headline Goal framework, of relevance in the CDP context and coordinate with the EUMC, the EUMS and CEUMC’s office, on all appropriate issues and maintaining a close working relationship with all appropriate bodies of the Council in order to support all relevant CSDP objectives;
• investigating civil-military synergies in capability development and assisting in their coordination in EDA;
• liaising with other regional and international organizations with experience of and relating to P&S and long term trends analysis and represent the Agency in related activities (workshops, seminars, conferences, etc (NATO ACT SFA- FFAO)), when so directed;
• as document Management Correspondent for Cooperation Planning Unit, informing new CPU POs on Records
Management policies, Procedures and practices and implementing EDA Record Management system in CPU.
The Project Officer Capability Assessment will be flexible in the tasks he/she is charged with, and show personal initiative in the development of the above responsibilities.
In accordance with the Rules applicable to national experts and military staff on secondment to the European Defence Agency (2004/677/EC), Seconded National Experts are seconded to the Agency while remaining in the service of their national employer and continue being paid their national salary by that employer.
Therefore, to be considered in the selection process, candidates for SNE posts must be sponsored by their national authorities. Confirmation is required in the form of a letter of sponsorship addressed to the Agency as far as possible by the closing date for the receipt of applications and in any case before a decision is taken by EDA on the candidate to be selected for a secondment.
The Rules are available on the EDA website xxxx:// - vacancies. To qualify for secondment to the Agency, experts shall:
• have worked for their employer on a permanent or contract basis for at least 12 months before their secondment;
• remain in the service of their employer throughout the period of secondment and continue to be paid by that employer;
• have at least three years' full-time experience in defence, administrative, scientific, technical, operational, advisory or supervisory functions relevant to the performance of the duties assigned to them. Before the secondment, the employer shall supply the Agency with a statement of the expert's employment covering the previous 12 months;
• be nationals of a participating Member State or falling within the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 1 of
Council Decision (EU) 2016/1352 of 4 August 2016;
• have a thorough knowledge of one official language of one of the participating Member States and a satisfactory knowledge of another of these languages for the performance of their duties.
A. Essential
(1) Professional
The candidate will be required to demonstrate that he/she has:
• a good knowledge of the European defence environment at large and CSDP in particular;
• a good knowledge and practical experience of defence planning and capability development, in a European context;
• experience in military planning and operations;
• a sound knowledge and professional experience of defence and force development;
• management experience within a multinational environment, including the organization and chairing of meetings, workshops, etc;
• a track record of delivering successful business outcomes;
• ability to use IT tools at a proficient level.
(2) Personal
All staff must be able to fit into the Agency's way of working (see para. 2). Other attributes important for this post include:
• ability to work in a multinational team;
• flexibility, tact, with a strong sense of duty and responsibility;
• accuracy and dependability;
• analytical skills, results-orientation and strong motivation;
• excellent interpersonal skills;
• very good knowledge of English
• commitment to the Agency's vision, values and objectives.
B. Desirable
The following will be considered an advantage:
• knowledge of maritime capabilities;
• experience of work related to defence reviews.
The Project Officer Capability Assessment will be required to make a declaration of commitment to act independently in the Agency’s interest and to make a declaration in relation to interests that might be considered prejudicial to his/her independence.
The Project Officer Capability Assessment will be appointed by the Chief Executive.
Secondment will be as a member of the Seconded National Expert staff of the Agency for a three-year period. Renewal is possible within the limits set out in the EDA SNE Rules. The successful candidates will be seconded as AD10/AD11 equivalent.
Applications are invited with a view to establish a reserve list for the post of Project Officer Capability Assessment at the EDA. This list will be valid until 31/12/2022, and may be extended by decision of the Chief Executive. During the validity of the reserve list, successful candidates may be offered a secondment in the EDA according to their competences in relation to the specific requirements of the vacant post. Inclusion on the reserve list does not imply any entitlement of secondment to the Agency.
The EDA is an equal opportunities employer and accepts applications without distinction on the grounds of age, race, political, philosophical or religious conviction, sex or sexual orientation and regardless of disabilities, marital status or family situation.
Please note that EDA will not return applications to candidates. The personal information EDA requests from candidates will be processed in line with Regulation (EU) N° 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) 45/2001 and Decision No.
The purpose of processing personal data which candidates submit is to manage applications in view of possible pre- selection and recruitment at EDA. More information on personal data protection in relation to selection and recruitment can be found on the EDA website: xxxx://
M_D GSGDNA REG2020 0086884 22-12-2020
Vacancy notice
Directorate Capability, Armament and Planning Directorate (CAP)
Vacancy title Project Officer Cyber Education, Training and Exercises
Contract type Seconded National Expert
Group N.A.
Grade AD10/AD11
Indicative starting date 01/02/2022
Security Clearance SECRET UE/EU SECRET
Management of staff N.A.
Location Brussels
Closing date for applications 19/04/2021
The selection of candidates will follow the EDA Staff Recruitment Procedure. Candidates must apply for this post via the EDA website xxxx:// - vacancies. Please note that to make an EDA on - line application you will need to create your EDA profile using a valid e - mail address and a password.
Candidates must submit their application electronically solely via the EDA website. Applications by any other means (hard copy or ordinary e-mail) will not be accepted. Applications must be submitted no later than midnight. Candidates are reminded that the on-line application system will not accept applications after midnight (Brussels time, GMT+1) on the date of the deadline.
In order to be considered in the selection process, candidates for SNE posts must be sponsored by their national authorities. Confirmation is required in the form of a letter of sponsorship addressed to the Agency as far as possible by the closing date for the receipt of applications and in any case before a decision is taken by EDA on the candidate to be selected for a secondment.
A selection panel will be appointed. Please note that the selection panel's internal proceedings are strictly confidential and that any contact with its members is forbidden. Each application will be screened based on the requirements of the job profile stated in the vacancy notice. The most suitable applicants will be called for an interview and a written test. If recruited, you will be requested to supply documentary evidence in support of the statements that you make for this application. Do not send any supporting or supplementary information until you have been asked to do so by the Agency.
The European Defence Agency was established on 12 July 2004, and is governed by Council Decision (CFSP) 2015/1835 defining the statute, seat and operational rules of the European Defence Agency. The Agency has its headquarters in Brussels.
The main task of EDA is to support the Council and the Member States in their effort to improve the Union's defence capabilities in the field of crisis management and to sustain the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) as it currently stands and as it develops in the future.
The Agency is structured into four directorates. The Corporate Services Directorate (CSD) and three operational directorates: Industry, Synergies and Enablers (ISE); Capability, Armament & Planning (CAP); Research, Technology and Innovation (RTI).
The Agency is an “outward-facing” organisation, constantly interacting with its shareholders, the participating Member States, as well as with a wide range of stakeholders. It works in an integrated way, with multi-disciplinary teams representing all of the Agency’s functional areas, to realise its objectives. Its business processes are flexible and oriented towards achieving results. Staff at all levels need to demonstrate the corresponding qualities of commitment, flexibility, innovation, and team- working; to work effectively with shareholders and stakeholder groups, formal and informal; and to operate without the need for detailed direction.
The Capability, Armament & Planning Directorate (CAP) proposes collaborative opportunities in support of EU capability development priorities. The Directorate is responsible for capability development planning, based on analysis of military requirements conducted together with Member States within the Capability Development Plan (CDP).
The Directorate coordinates in-house the implementation of the Coordinated Annual Review on Defence (CARD), for which the Agency provides the secretariat, establishing a regularly updated overview of the European defence capability landscape.
The CAP Directorate implements EDA’s secretariat functions to the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO), together with the European External Action Service, including the EU Military Staff. Within the PESCO secretariat, the Directorate coordinates EDA’s assessment of PESCO project proposals from the capability perspective, as well as the National Implementation Plans of PESCO participating Member States, and supports PESCO project implementation.
Based on coordinating the results of CDP, CARD and PESCO, the Directorate plans and prepares activities tailored to Member States’ needs. These activities span from advice and roadmaps to collaborative capability development projects, including the support to Member States in upstream EDIDP/EDF.
The CAP Directorate comprises six Units with the following key areas of activity:
• Air Domain Unit: Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems, Air-to-Air Refueling, Airlift
• Cooperation Planning Unit: CDP, CARD, Defence Data
• Land and Logistics Unit: Land platforms, Counter-IED, Personnel Recovery, Military Mobility, Logistics, Medical Support
• Information Superiority Unit: Communication & Information Systems, Surveillance & Reconnaissance, Space, Cyber Defence
• Maritime Unit: Maritime Surveillance, Mine Counter Measures, naval training, harbor protection
• PESCO Unit: PESCO secretariat and support to project development
Under the supervision of the Head of Unit Information Superiority, the Project Officer Cyber Education, Training and Exercises (ETE) is responsible for the following activities:
• contribute to keeping the Strategic Context Case (SCC) Cyber Responsive Operations on Cyber ETE topics updated;
• develop proposals to meet the Cyber Defence (CD) ETE and human factors objectives defined in the Capability Development Plan, the Strategic Context Case (SCC) Cyber Responsive Operations and other EU Cyber Defence/Security Policy documents (e.g. EU Cyber Security Strategy, EU Cyber Defence Policy Framework);
• assess the CD ETE and human factors implications of any EU initiative (e.g. European Defence Action Plan, EU
Global Strategy, PESCO, CARD);
• proactively follow national and multinational cyber defence capability development (particularly national and multinational CD ETE and human factors/personnel initiatives) to identify capability gaps and develop common and harmonised military Cyber ETE requirements;
• xxxxxx the generation of cyber defence ETE and human factors related collaborative projects in accordance with the
SCC Cyber Responsive Operations including the harmonisation of cyber ETE capability requirements and assist participating Member States (pMS) in developing the related capabilities, to shape the European capability landscape towards more coherence, prepare and support their implementation, including as a Project Manager upon request;
• support Member States by managing ongoing and future projects in the cyber domain;
• propose initiatives and projects, in close connection with participating Member States of the EDA (pMS) through the Project Team (PT) Cyber Defence and other EDA fora as appropriate, to address ETE and human factors related issues;
• support the PT Cyber Defence and the Programme Manager Cyber Defence on CD ETE and personnel related
initiatives, workshops and seminars to meet objectives within the EDA cyber defence Programme;
• prepare calls and tenders in light of planned and emerging funding budgets;
• develop and manage cyber defence ETE related studies and other projects resourced from EDA’s operational budget, managing external vendors/contractors as appropriate;
• xxxxxx and cooperate with other EU actors on cyber defence ETE, especially the EU Cyber Defence Education, Training and Exercise Platform of the European Defence College;
• provide input and support to PESCO projects in the area of cyber defence ETE and human factors, in coordination with the PESCO unit;
• provide input and support to European defence industrial development programme (EDIDP)/European Defence Fund (EDF) projects in the area of cyber defence ETE and human factors, in coordination with the EDA EDIDP/EDF cross- directorate Task Force;
• contribute the cyber ETE related input to the Coordinated Annual Review on Defence (CARD) and analyse the CARD
results with respect to cyber ETE, in coordination with the Cooperate Planning Unit (CPU) and cross-directorate;
• contribute the cyber defence ETE and human factors related input to the annual review of the EDA budget plan (3- Year Planning Framework);
• establish close relationships with communities of experts in Cyber Defence ETE, including through the exploitation of the EDA’s Collaborative Platform, being able to manage the safe exchange of information in respect of the Agency’s roles in this domain;
• take on additional tasks as required in the interest of the service.
Duties may evolve depending on the development of the EDA's structure and activities and decisions of EDA management.
In accordance with the Rules applicable to national experts and military staff on secondment to the European Defence Agency (2004/677/EC), Seconded National Experts are seconded to the Agency while remaining in the service of their national employer and continue being paid their national salary by that employer.
Therefore, to be considered in the selection process, candidates for SNE posts must be sponsored by their national authorities. Confirmation is required in the form of a letter of sponsorship addressed to the Agency as far as possible by the closing date for the receipt of applications and in any case before a decision is taken by EDA on the candidate to be selected for a secondment.
The Rules are available on the EDA website xxxx:// - vacancies. To qualify for secondment to the Agency, experts shall:
• have worked for their employer on a permanent or contract basis for at least 12 months before their secondment;
• remain in the service of their employer throughout the period of secondment and continue to be paid by that employer;
• have at least three years' full-time experience in defence, administrative, scientific, technical, operational, advisory or supervisory functions relevant to the performance of the duties assigned to them. Before the secondment, the employer shall supply the Agency with a statement of the expert's employment covering the previous 12 months;
• be nationals of a participating Member State or falling within the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 1 of
Council Decision (EU) 2016/1352 of 4 August 2016;
• have a thorough knowledge of one official language of one of the participating Member States and a satisfactory knowledge of another of these languages for the performance of their duties.
A. Essential
(1) Professional
The candidate will be required to demonstrate that he/she has:
• experience in the key responsibilities mentioned in the duties section, notably multinational defence planning and capability development;
• general experience of ETE and human factors/personnel planning;
• knowledge and experience in the field of cyber defence and related areas;
• knowledge and experience of the Cyber Defence and/or ETE in the international environment;
• knowledge of Information Security and Information Technology;
• a project/programme management experience;
• a very good knowledge of English.
(2) Personal
All staff must be able to fit into the Agency's way of working (see para. 2). Other attributes important for this post include:
• ability to elaborate and manage large projects and programmes;
• diplomatic stance and ability to work in teams in an international environment;
• good leadership and management skills;
• results-orientation, and strong motivation;
• flexibility and innovativeness;
• genuine commitment to the Agency's vision, values and objectives;
• appropriate knowledge of English;
• strong conceptual, compositional, interpersonal, and analytical skills.
B. Desirable
The following will be considered an advantage:
• knowledge of the CSDP Capability Development Mechanism;
• a track record of delivering successful business outcomes;
• experience of working in a multinational environment;
• a project/programme management qualification;
• former position within national security agency and/or in the security department of a large entity.
The Project Officer Cyber Education, Training and Exercises will be required to make a declaration of commitment to act independently in the Agency’s interest and to make a declaration in relation to interests that might be considered prejudicial to his/her independence.
The Project Officer Cyber Education, Training and Exercises will be appointed by the Chief Executive.
Secondment will be as a member of the Seconded National Expert staff of the Agency for a three-year period. Renewal is possible within the limits set out in the EDA SNE Rules. The successful candidates will be seconded as AD10/AD11 equivalent.
Applications are invited with a view to establish a reserve list for the post of Project Officer Cyber Education, Training and Exercises at the EDA. This list will be valid until 31/12/2022, and may be extended by decision of the Chief Executive. During the validity of the reserve list, successful candidates may be offered a secondment in the EDA according to their competences in relation to the specific requirements of the vacant post. Inclusion on the reserve list does not imply any entitlement of secondment to the Agency.
The EDA is an equal opportunities employer and accepts applications without distinction on the grounds of age, race, political, philosophical or religious conviction, sex or sexual orientation and regardless of disabilities, marital status or family situation.
Please note that EDA will not return applications to candidates. The personal information EDA requests from candidates will be processed in line with Regulation (EU) N° 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) 45/2001 and Decision No.
The purpose of processing personal data which candidates submit is to manage applications in view of possible pre- selection and recruitment at EDA. More information on personal data protection in relation to selection and recruitment can be found on the EDA website: xxxx://