General Terms and Conditions
Trieste, 27th September, 2018
Con Socio Unico Prot. 1082/2018
Sede legale e amministrativa:
Palazzina Ex XXXX ‐ Punto Franco Nuovo 34123 TRIESTE
Tel.: 040‐0000000 Fax: 040‐0000000
General Terms and Conditions
PRICE LIST for Complete Train Transportation
Iscritta al Registro delle Imprese di Trieste al n./codice fiscale/partita IVA 01033440320 Capitale sociale Euro 600.000,00 i.v.
Compensation for railway goods transportation 3
Paragraph 1 - Transportation payments 3
Paragraph 2 - Payments and Guarantees 3
2.1 Guarantees 3
2.2 Payments 4
Compensation for Various Serivices 4
Paragraph 1 - Creation of an electronic LDV - Release 4
Paragraph 2 - Parking 4
Paragraph 3 – Parking Penalties 4
Paragraph 4 - Operational obstacles at receiving of wagons for loading/unloading by sender/reciever 5
Paragraph 5 - Price of issuing a TES/TEM authorization 5
Iscritta al Registro delle Imprese di Trieste al n./codice fiscale/partita IVA 01033440320 Capitale sociale Euro 600.000,00 i.v.
Ai sensi dell'art. 13 del D.Lgs 196/03, VI informiamo che i Vostri dati, acquisiti e/o acquisibili nel corso del rapporto giuridico tra noi intercorrente, sono o potranno essere oggetto di trattamento da parte della ns. Società per fini d’adempimento contrattuale, amministrativo-contabili e di comunicazione commerciale relative ai soli prodotti e servizi da noi proposti e, più in generale, nel rispetto della normativa sopra citata e degli obblighi di sicurezza e riservatezza previsti. Informativa completa è disponibile presso il sito:
Compensation for railway goods transportation
Paragraph 1 ‐ Transportation payments
Payment amounts for transportation are determined according to the customer agreement. Should that not be possible, the following rates are applied for a minimum distance of 50 km:
Complete train | 50.00 TRAIN/KM |
Paragraph 2 ‐ Payments and Guarantees
2.1 Guarantees
Unless otherwise contractually stipulated, the client must provide a bank guarantee to the carrier in the amount of not less than 3/12 (three twelfths) of the contract value plus applicable VAT. The bank guarnatee must be issued by either a bank or a primary insurance institution and subject to carrier authorization.
The purpose of the deposit is to guarantee proper adherance to all contractual obligations and compensation of damages in the event of non‐fullfilment of the aforementioned obligations, as well as to ensure compensation for any outstanding amounts by the client to the trasnport provider.
The carrier still reserves the right to take action to obtain compensation in the event of major damage incurred due to the client’s non‐compliance.
The amount of the guarantee is determined by a previously established transport schedule and agreed upon the closing of the contract.
Should the client and the tranpsort provider agree on further transport schedules, the amount of the guarantee will have to be adjusted to match the 3/12 (three twelfths) minimum of the estimated total of each successive transport schedule.
In the event that the client fails to extend the guarantee, Adriafer Srl will have the right to refuse the additional service requested.
The guarantee needs to explicitly provide:
‐relinquish the benefit of enforcement of the principal borrower
‐relinquish the option of letting the terms expire as per Art. 1957 of the civil code
‐its coming into effect within fifteen days upon a simple written request by the carrier.
As per present article, the guarantee will be reinstated upon expiration of the client agreement, by means of communicating the release of the same guarantee by the carrier.
Iscritta al Registro delle Imprese di Trieste al n./codice fiscale/partita IVA 01033440320 Capitale sociale Euro 600.000,00 i.v.
Ai sensi dell'art. 13 del D.Lgs 196/03, VI informiamo che i Vostri dati, acquisiti e/o acquisibili nel corso del rapporto giuridico tra noi intercorrente, sono o potranno essere oggetto di trattamento da parte della ns. Società per fini d’adempimento contrattuale, amministrativo-contabili e di comunicazione commerciale relative ai soli prodotti e servizi da noi proposti e, più in generale, nel rispetto della normativa sopra citata e degli obblighi di sicurezza e riservatezza previsti. Informativa completa è disponibile presso il sito:
Under no circumstance will the guarantee be reinstated prior to establishing any disputes inherent to the execution of the contract.
The carrier reserves the right to waive any clause of the present article.
Specifically, the carrier always reserves the right to stipulate in the client agreement, when deemed opportune relative to the features, size, and complexity of the services requested therein, obligations by the client to stipulate and provide further and greater guarantees, as well as provide a longer duration of those guarantees.
2.2 Payments
The client must arrange the payment of the invoice issued by the carrier within 30 days of the issuing date, by means of a bank transfer to the account indicated in the client agreement, with a fixed value date for the beneficiary.
For proper payment transmission, the client must issue bank wire tranfers to the following IBAN code: IT 48 T 01030 02230 000004216455 – Monte dei Paschi di Siena – Trieste branch.
In case of a late payment, interest will be paid to the carrier at the rate established by credit collection agencies.
Should an early payment be made for the transport services, the client must provide a proof of payment to the carrier.
Compensation for Various Serivices
Paragraph 1 ‐ Creation of an electronic LDV ‐ Release
For the creation of an electronic LDV on the basis of the information provided by the sender, or rather for the release, if carried out by the reciever in a non‐electronic form, the compensation issued to the carrier will be €25.00 (twenty five euros).
Paragraph 2 ‐ Parking
In the event of parking during transport for reasons not attributable to the carrier, the same carrier is charged a daily rate of €60.00 (sixty euros) per wagon.
Paragraph 3 – Parking Penalties
Penalty per wagon/day
On the platform: | at the carrier’s disposal |
Iscritta al Registro delle Imprese di Trieste al n./codice fiscale/partita IVA 01033440320 Capitale sociale Euro 600.000,00 i.v.
Ai sensi dell'art. 13 del D.Lgs 196/03, VI informiamo che i Vostri dati, acquisiti e/o acquisibili nel corso del rapporto giuridico tra noi intercorrente, sono o potranno essere oggetto di trattamento da parte della ns. Società per fini d’adempimento contrattuale, amministrativo-contabili e di comunicazione commerciale relative ai soli prodotti e servizi da noi proposti e, più in generale, nel rispetto della normativa sopra citata e degli obblighi di sicurezza e riservatezza previsti. Informativa completa è disponibile presso il sito:
Wagon at the dispsoal: | by the client |
Per day: | |
2‐axled | €60.00 |
4‐axled | €60.00 |
> 4 axles | €60.00 |
The above penalties apply to each wagon for an indivisible 24‐solar‐hour period.
Paragraph 4 ‐ Operational obstacles at receiving of wagons for loading/unloading by sender/reciever
In the event of an encumbrance, the carrier reserves the right to charge €60.00 (sixty euros) per day for each wagon awaiting to be handed over for the entire length of the situation.
Paragraph 5 ‐ Price of issuing a TES/TEM authorization
Type of special transport | No. of relevant RFI compartments | Unitary cost per TE/TEM/TES |
TES Transportation exceeding loading gauge with equipment for load movement | 1 | €1,000.00 |
TEM Transport exceeding mass | 1 | €500.00 |
Iscritta al Registro delle Imprese di Trieste al n./codice fiscale/partita IVA 01033440320 Capitale sociale Euro 600.000,00 i.v.
Ai sensi dell'art. 13 del D.Lgs 196/03, VI informiamo che i Vostri dati, acquisiti e/o acquisibili nel corso del rapporto giuridico tra noi intercorrente, sono o potranno essere oggetto di trattamento da parte della ns. Società per fini d’adempimento contrattuale, amministrativo-contabili e di comunicazione commerciale relative ai soli prodotti e servizi da noi proposti e, più in generale, nel rispetto della normativa sopra citata e degli obblighi di sicurezza e riservatezza previsti. Informativa completa è disponibile presso il sito: