Disgrifiad Swydd
Disgrifiad Swydd
Teitl y Swydd | Rheolwr Gasanaeth Contractau a Gomisiynir |
Gwasanaeth | Cyllid a Chaffael |
Graddfa | 13 |
Pwynt/iau Cyflog <Graddfa Cyflog Yma> | 39-41 |
Cyflog | £42,821 - £44,863 |
Pwrpas y Swydd | • Arwain, cyfarwyddo a chydlynu’r broses Gomisiynu a’r gweithgaredd Caffael perthynol ar gyfer contractau gwasanaethau Gofal Cymdeithasol ac Addysgol i bobl hŷn, oedolion a phlant, gan weithio mewn partneriaeth â sefydliadau eraill i sicrhau bod gwasanaethau a gomisiynir yn berthnasol ar lefel strategol, yn canolbwyntio ar unigolion, a’u bod o safon uchel ac yn rhoi gwerth am arian. • Gyda chyfrifoldeb dros ddau dîm, mae’r swydd yn allweddol o ran sicrhau gwasanaeth Comisiynu a Chaffael effeithiol ac effeithlon ar gyfer y Cyngor. |
Lleoliad | Canolfan Rheidol, Aberystwyth (Yn gweithio gartref ar hyn x xxxx) |
Oriau Gwaith | 37 awr yr wythnos |
Math o Gytundeb | Llawn-amser |
Hyd y Cytundeb | Parhaol |
Teitl swydd y Rheolwr Llinell | Rheolwr Corfforaethol Caffael a Thaliadau |
Cyfrifoldebau Goruchwylio / Rheoli | • Goruchwylio a rheoli 2 dîm amrywiol ac arbenigol yn cynnwys 9 o weithwyr i gyd, yn ogystal â rhai sy’n gwneud swyddi dros dro e.e. myfyrwyr ar leoliad. • Goruchwyliaeth uniongyrchol o 2 Arweinydd Xxx. |
Atebolrwydd | • Yn atebol am y Comisiynu o ddydd i ddydd a’r gwaith Caffael perthynol o fewn y Cyngor, a’r cyngor a ddarperir i’r xxxx staff a rheolwyr. • Xxxxxxx’r gliniadur |
Telerau Cytundebol sy'n Gysylltiedig â'r Swydd |
Dyletswyddau a chyfrifoldebau |
• Cydlynu’r gwaith o gynllunio ar lefel strategol a chomisiynu gwasanaethau lluosog, cymhleth ac amrywiol yn effeithiol, gan gynnwys datblygu dull mwy personoledig o gomisiynu ar gyfer pobl hŷn (gan gynnwys dementia) a’r xxxx grwpiau oedolion a phlant, gan weithio gyda’r Rheolwr Corfforaethol Caffael a Thaliadau a Rheolwyr Gwasanaethau eraill. • Bod yn gyfrifol am Gomisiynu a Chaffael contractau, gan gynnwys contractau Gofal Cymdeithasol ac Addysg a nwyddau perthynol, megis bwyd a thrafnidiaeth. • Sicrhau bod defnyddwyr gwasanaethau a gofalwyr yn rhan o brosesau ymgynghori ac ymgysylltu diffuant, gan sicrhau bod eu safbwyntiau’n cael eu hystyried wrth gynllunio gwasanaethau, a’u bod yn dylanwadu ar ddatblygiad gwasanaethau yn y dyfodol mewn ffordd gydgynhyrchiol. • Creu Polisïau, Gweithdrefnau a Chanllawiau ar gyfer staff Comisiynu a Chaffael a chynorthwyo i lunio Polisïau Corfforaethol. • Hyrwyddo gwasanaeth o safon uchel ar draws Darparwyr Gwasanaethau, ynghyd xx xxxxx da a safonol i sicrhau canlyniadau effeithiol i ddefnyddwyr gwasanaethau, gan sicrhau bod y rhain yn cael eu bwydo mewn i Strategaethau a Chontractau Comisiynu. • Bod yn rheolwr awdurdodi ar gyfer Contractau Comisiynu a Chaffael. • Ymgymeryd â’r gwaith o gynllunio gwasanaethau ac ailgynllunio gwasanaethau a gomisiynwyd, gan gynnwys datgomisiynu pan fod angen, a sicrhau defnydd gorau o adnoddau wrth negodi gyda rhanddeiliaid allweddol. • Datblygu a rheoli Cytundebau, Manylion Gwasanaethau a Chontractau gydag amryw o asiantaethau gwahanol, sy’n canolbwyntio ar ganlyniadau ac yn adlewyrchu arfer gorau. Bydd deiliad y swydd yn cymryd rôl arweiniol yn y broses o negodi contractau a chytundebau lefel gwasanaeth, i sicrhau eu bod yn strategol addas ac yn cynnig gwerth am arian. • Arwain ar fentrau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol allweddol ar lefel genedlaethol, rhanbarthol a lleol, fel y’u nodir a’u cytunir gyda’r Rheolwr Corfforaethol Caffael a Thaliadau, yn ogystal â chyfrannu at waith arall ar y cyd â sefydliadau allanol lle nad yw’r Cyngor yn chwarae rôl arweiniol. • Bod yn reolwr ar y Swyddog Arweiniol Contractau a Brocera a’r Rheolwr Contractau Corfforaethol, gan gynnwys cyrchu, tendro, contractio, prynu, strategaeth, a brocera o fewn y timau. • Paratoi adroddiadau yn unol â’r cyfarwyddyd ar gyfer cynulleidfaoedd amrywiol, gan gynnwys Pwyllgorau a Byrddau priodol, sy’n cynnwys y Cabinet, Trosolwg a Chraffu, Byrddau Partneriaeth, cyfarfodydd uwch reolwyr ac ati. Gall yr adroddiadau hyn gynnwys argymhellion a chyngor ar Gaffael. • Cynorthwyo i ddablygu cynllun busnes a rhaglen waith ar gyfer Comisiynu, a rheoli’r gwaith o gyflawni’r amcanion dynodedig drwy gydlynu gweithgareddau aelodau’r xxx ac ysgogi’r xxx i gyflawni. • Darparu cyngor ac arweiniad i aelodau staff i sicrhau bod gwasanaethau’n cael eu comisiynu’n effeithiol ac effeithlon, ac yn unol â’r gofynion rheoleiddiol. • Darparu hyfforddiant, ffurfiol ac anffurfiol, ar bynciau sy’n gysylltiedig â Chomisiynu a Chaffael. • Gwneud argymhellion ar gyfer contractau/ cytundebau lefel gwasanaeth sylweddol sy’n effeithio ar ddefnyddwyr gwasanaethau, yn enwedig y rhai sy’n ymwneud â chydymffurfio â chontractau ac ansawdd gwasanaethau, gan gynnwys diogelu, a pherfformiad darparwyr/pryderon cynyddol. • Sicrhau bod perthnasoedd effeithiol yn cael eu datblygu a’u cynnal â defnyddwyr gwasanaethau/gofalwyr, cyfoedion, uwch aelodau staff, meysydd gwasanaeth eraill y Cyngor, cyrff rheoli (Arolygiaeth Gofal a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol Cymru) ac |
asiantaethau partner eraill megis iechyd a’r trydydd sector, i ddatblygu dulliau strategol o gomisiynu a chontractio. • Dirprwyo ar gyfer y Rheolwr Corfforaethol Caffael a Thaliadau pan fo angen. • Cynorthwyo i nodi meysydd gwaith newydd, lle gellir gwneud gwelliannau i sicrhau defnydd effeithlon o adnoddau. • Rheoli tasgau ac adnoddau staff a chydlynu’r broses o gynllunio gwaith o ddydd i ddydd, i sicrhau defnydd digonol o adnoddau i gwrdd â’r dyddiadau cwblhau a’r targedau penodedig. • Cynorthwyo i reoli staff, eu datblygiad, dirprwyo gwaith xxx, ysgogi a chynllunio. • Cynorthwyo i nodi xxxx anghenion hyfforddiant a datblygu xxxx hunan a’ch staff. • Cadw at bolisïau cyfleoedd cyfartal ac iechyd a diogelwch y Cyngor wrth gyflawni dyletswyddau’r swydd ac fel un o weithwyr y Cyngor. • Nodi unrhyw anghysondebau a rhoi gwybod i’r Xxx Rheoli a’r Prif Archwiliwr Mewnol. • Bod yn gyfarwydd â’r datblygiadau diweddaraf o ran Gwasanaethau’r Cyngor, rheolaeth, a meysydd gwasanaeth penodol. • Cyflawni’r xxxx ddyletswyddau a chyfrifoldebau gan ganolbwyntio ar y cwsmer, ac arddangos ymrwymiad i ddarparu gwasanaeth o ansawdd da. • Gweithio mewn ffordd hyblyg er mwyn cwrdd â dyddiadau cwblhau. • Cynorthwyo gyda newidiadau o xxx math i’r gwasanaeth a helpu i’w rhoi ar waith o fewn y Cyngor, gan gynnwys gweithio gyda gwasanaethau Iechyd (allanol). • Bod yn rhan o weithgorau (e.e. LlC / Iechyd / Cynghorau eraill, sy’n ymdrin â deddfwriaeth newydd, cronfeydd cyfun, gwaith rhanbarthol ac ati. • Bod yn gyfrifol, ar y cyd â’r Rheolwr Contractau Corfforaethol, am grynhoi, cofnodi a darparu data mewn xx xxxx i ymateb i geisiadau Rhyddid Gwybodaeth. • Goruchwylio a rheoli staff yn ôl y gofyn a fel bo’n berthnasol. • Ni ddylid ystyried y dyletswyddau a amlinellwyd fel rhestr gyflawn, a byddant yn cynnwys unrhyw ddyletswyddau a chyfrifoldebau eraill, ar lefel sy’n briodol i’r swydd ac mewn ymateb i newidiadau / adolygiadau sefydliadol, ac i sicrhau hyblygrwydd. Mae’r swydd yn golygu gweithio gartref ar hyn x xxxx ond y prif leoliad yw Canolfan Rheidol, Aberystwyth. Gall fod angen teithio rhywfaint o dro i dro. | |
Cyfeirnod at Ddibenion Gwerthuso Swyddi | JD 1337 |
Manyleb Personol
Gofynnol | |||
Cymwysterau Academaidd / Proffesiynol / Technegol / Galwedigaethol | • Addysg hyd at Lefel Gradd. • Cymhwyster CIPS (Sefydliad Siartredig Prynu a Chyflenwi) neu gymhwyster rhannol a phrawf o brofiad cyfatebol. • NVQ lefel 5 mewn Rheoli neu brawf o brofiad cyfatebol. • Datblygiad Proffesiynol Parhaus (DPP) cyfredol. • Dealltwriaeth o rôl Rheolau Gweithdrefnau Ariannol a Chontractau (Rheoliadau Ariannol) o fewn sefydliad. | ||
Sgiliau Ieithyddol Cymraeg | Gwrando/Siarad: | Lefel 4 | Rhaid cwrdd a’r sgiliau ieithyddol Cymraeg a nodwyd o xxxx xxx flynedd i benodiad |
Darllen: | Lefel 3 | ||
Ysgrifennu: | Lefel 3 | ||
Sgiliau Ieithyddol Saesneg | Gwrando/Siarad: | Lefel 5 | Rhaid cwrdd a’r sgiliau ieithyddol Saesneg a nodwyd ar apwyntiad. |
Darllen: | Lefel 5 | ||
Ysgrifennu: | Lefel 5 | ||
Sgiliau Ymarferol / Personol | • Dealltwriaeth gynhwysfawr o brosesau Comisiynu, Contractio a Chaffael a’u perthnasedd wrth gyflenwi gwasanaethau. • Y gallu i reoli amryw o wasanaethau yn effeithiol, gan ddefyddio nifer o ddisgyblaethau arbenigol gwahanol. • Deall Rheoliadau Ariannol a rheolaeth gyllidebol o fewn sefydliad. • Y gallu i ddatblygu a chynnal perthynas â chyflenwyr allweddol, gan annog arloesedd a gwelliant parhaus, a lleihau gwastraff, costau trafodaethol ac aneffeithlonrwydd. • Y gallu i nodi a mesur arbedion effeithlonrwydd o fewn y swyddogaeth Gaffael/Comisiynu. • Y gallu i gyflwyno delwedd broffesiynol xxx amser. • Y gallu i baratoi a rheoli ymarferion tendro/dyfynbrisiau o’u dechrau nes bod cytundeb yn cael ei ddyfarnu. • Y gallu i weithio’n effeithiol ag uwch reolwyr. • Y gallu i gydlynu, dehongli, gwerthuso, crynhoi a lledaenu gwybodaeth o nifer o ffynonellau amrywiol. • Y gallu a’r wybodaeth i greu, datblygu a gweithredu polisïau a strategaethau. • Y gallu i negodi a sefydlu gwaith partneriaeth â Chynghorau eraill a Chyrff y Llywodraeth e.e. Iechyd. • Y gallu i gyfathrebu materion cymhleth yn effeithiol, a chynrychioli’r Cyngor wrth ddelio â sefydliadau eraill. • Y gallu i ysgrifennu a chyflwyno adroddiadau, i ddarparu atebion o ran Comisiynu neu agweddau eraill. |
• Y gallu i ddarparu cymorth a chyngor Caffael/Comisiynu, yn enwedig mewn perthynas â Rheolau Gweithdrefnau Contractio, Rheoliadau Contractau Cyhoeddus, a deddfwriaeth a chanllawiau Caffael a Chomisiynu, gan gynnwys ar gyfer contractau Gofal Cymdeithasol. • Dealltwriaeth gyffredinol o oblygiadau cyfreithiol a chytundebol y broses gomisiynu. • Y gallu i gynorthwyo i ddatblygu cynllun busnes a rhaglen waith ar gyfer Comisiynu, ac i reoli’r gwaith o gyflawni amcanion dynodedig drwy gydlynu gweithgareddau aelodau’r xxx ac ysgogi’r xxx i gyflawni. • Bod yn ddigon hyblyg i weithio un ai ar lefel unigol neu fel rhan o dîm fel bo’r galw, ac i allu blaenoriaethu llwythi gwaith a gweithio o fewn terfynau amser. • Y gallu i ddefnyddio rhaglenni Microsoft Office, a systemau ariannol craidd yr Awdurdod • Y gallu i esbonio materion Caffael/Comisiynu cymhleth i uwch reolwyr mewn ffordd effeithiol. • Tystiolaeth o sgiliau rhifedd a sgiliau dadansoddi da. • Dealltwriaeth dda o feddylfryd caffael cynaliadwy (Amgylcheddol, Cymdeithasol ac Economaidd) a thystiolaeth o’r gallu i’w roi ar waith. • Gwneud defnydd o dechnoleg wrth gyflawni gwaith Caffael/Comisiynu o ddydd i ddydd. • Y gallu i ymgymryd â dyletswyddau’r swydd trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg. • Arddangos diddordeb yn anghenion datblygiad personol a hyfforddiant staff. • Parodrwydd i ymgymryd â heriau a phrosiectau newydd. • Y gallu i ddirprwyo ar gyfer y Rheolwr Corfforaethol Caffael a Thaliadau fel xx xxxxx. • Y gallu i gefnogi a sicrhau bod yna gydymffurfio â Pholisïau’r Cyngor, gan gynnwys y rhai ar gyfer Diogelu, Iechyd a Diogelwch, Cyfleoedd Cyfartal, a Diogelu Data. • Parodrwydd i ymgymryd â heriau a phrosiectau newydd. | |
Profiad Xxxxxxxx | • leiaf 3 blynedd o brofiad ar ôl cymhwyso. • 5 mlynedd o brofiad mewn Rôl Gomisiynu o fewn y Sector Cyhoeddus. • 3 blynedd o brofiad o reoli. • Gwybodaeth drylwyr, dealltwriaeth a phrofiad ymarferol o Ofal Cymdeithasol yng Nghymru, gan gynnwys yn arbennig Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) 2016. • Gwybodaeth drylwyr, dealltwriaeth a phrofiad ymarferol o weithredu Rheolau Gweithdrefnau Contractio, |
Rheoliadau Contractau Cyhoeddus a Chyfarwyddebau Caffael yr EU o fewn sefydliad. • Profiad ymarferol o dendro cytundebau fframwaith a chontractau unigol fframweithiau Cenedlaethol, Rhanbarthol neu Leol. • Profiad o weithio mewn partneriaeth ag aelodau o’r gymuned, defnyddwyr gwasanaethau, darparwyr gwasanaethau neu sefydliadau gwirfoddol. • Profiad o ddefnyddio gwybodaeth reoli i fonitro ac adrodd ar berfformiad. • Profiad, gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth o reoli prosiectau a sut i’w rhoi ar waith. • Enw da am gyflenwi gwasanaethau sy’n perfformio’n dda ac yn canolbwyntio ar ganlyniadau. • Trwydded yrru ddilys. (Mae’r swydd wedi’i lleoli mewn swyddfa’n bennaf ond bydd gofyn i ddeiliad y swydd deithio i gyfarfodydd amrywiol oddi mewn ac xxxx xxxxx i’r Sir). | |
Hyfforddiant/addysg y mae’n ofynnol eu cyflawni/mynd ati i’w cyflawni ar gyfer y swydd | • Datblygiad Proffesiynol Parhaus. • Ymchwilio a meddu ar yr wybodaeth a’r arbenigedd diweddaraf o fewn y categori |
Dymunol | |
Cymwysterau / Hyfforddiant | |
Sgiliau Ymarferol / Personol | • Agwedd bositif a brwdfrydig tuag at y gwaith |
Post Name | Service Manager Commissioned Contracts |
Service | Finance and Procurement |
Grade | 13 |
Spinal Point/s <Pay Spine Here> | 39-41 |
Salary | £42,821 - £44,863 |
Job Purpose | • To lead, direct and coordinate Commissioning and associated Procurement activity for contracts related to Social Care and Educational services for older people, adults and children, working in partnership with other organisations to ensure Commissioned services are strategically relevant, person centred, high quality and provide value for money. • Responsible for 2 teams, the post is key in ensuring the delivery of an effective and efficient Commissioning and Procurement service for the Council. |
Location | Canolfan Rheidol, Aberystwyth (Currently Working from Home) |
Hours of Work | 37 hours per week |
Type of Contract | Full-time |
Contract Duration | Permanent |
Line Managers Job Title | Corporate Manager Procurement & Payments |
Supervisory/Managerial Responsibilities | • Supervise and manage 2 diverse and specialised teams with a total team size of 9, in addition temporary assigned posts e.g. student placements. • Direct supervision of x2 Team Leaders. |
Accountability | • Accountable for the day to day Commissioning and related Procurement operations within the Council and the advice provided to all staff and managers. • Safeguard laptop. |
Contractual Terms Associated with the Post |
Duties and Responsibilities |
• To co-ordinate the strategic planning and effective commissioning of multiple complex and diverse services, including the development of a more personalised approach to commissioning for older people (including dementia) and all adult and child client groups, working with the Corporate Manager Procurement & Payments and other Service Managers. • Take responsibility for the Commissioning and Procurement of contracts including Social Care and Education contacts and associated commodities, for example food and transport. • To ensure the involvement of service users and carers in genuine consultation and engagement, ensuring their views are fed into service planning and influence the development of future services in a co-productive way. • Create Policies, Procedures and Guidance for Commissioning and Procurement staff to adhere to and assist with Corporate Policy making. • Promote high service standards across Service Providers, quality and good practice to ensure effective service user outcomes and ensure that these are fed in to Commissioning Strategies and Contracts. • Be an authorising manager for Commissioning and Procurement Contracts. • To undertake service planning and redesign of commissioned services, including decommissioning where necessary and to ensure the best use of resources in negotiation with key stakeholders. • To develop and manage Agreements, Service Specifications and Contracts with a range of agencies, which are outcome focused and reflect best practice. The post holder will take a lead role in negotiations of contracts and service level agreements to ensure strategic fit and value for money. • To lead on key National, Regional and local health and social care initiatives, as identified and agreed with the Corporate Manager Procurement & Payments, as well as contributing to other joint working with external organisations where the Council is not the lead. • To have managerial responsibility for the Contracts & Brokerage Lead Officer and Corporate Contract Manager posts which will include sourcing, tendering, contracting, purchasing, strategy, and brokerage within the teams. • To prepare reports as directed for a range of audiences including appropriate Committees and Boards which includes Cabinet, Overview and Scrutiny, Partnership Boards, senior management meetings etc. The reports may include recommendations and Procurement advice. • To support the development of the Commissioning business plan and work programme and to manage the delivery of designated objectives by co-ordinating the activities of team members and motivating the team to deliver. • To provide advice and guidance to staff members to ensure that services are commissioned effectively and efficiently and in accordance with required regulatory requirements. • To provide training both formal and informal on Commissioning and Procurement related subjects. • To make recommendations regarding significant contracts/ service level agreements which impact on service users, especially linked to contract compliance, quality of services including safeguarding and provider performance/ escalating concerns. • To ensure effective relationships are built and maintained with service users/ carers, peers, senior staff, other service areas in the council, regulators (CSSIW) and other partner agencies such as health and the third sector to develop strategic approaches to commissioning and contracting. • To deputise for the Corporate Manager Procurement & Payments as and when required. |
• Assist in identifying new areas of work, where improvements can be made to ensure efficient use of resources. • Manage tasks and staff resource and co-ordination of day to day work planning to ensure adequate use of resources to meet deadlines and targets applicable. • To be involved in the management of staff, their development, team working delegation, motivation and planning. • Assist in identifying the development and training needs of both yourself and staff. • Abide by the Councils equal opportunities and health and safety policies in the duties of the post and as an employee of the Council. • Identify and report any irregularities to Management and / Chief Internal Auditor. • Keep up to date with developments in the Council’s Services, management and service specific areas. • Fulfil all duties and responsibilities with a strong customer focus and demonstrate a commitment to the provision of a quality service. • Be flexible in approach to enable deadlines to be met. • Assist with service changes for all aspects and its application within the Council including working with Health (external). • Be involved with working groups e.g. WG / Health / other Councils re new legislation and Pooled funds, regional working etc. • Have joint responsibility with the Corporate Contracts Manager for the timely collation, recording and provision of data in response to Freedom of Information requests. • Supervise and manage staff as allocated and applicable. • The duties outlined are not meant to be an exhaustive list and will comprise any other duties and responsibilities at a level appropriate to the post and in response to organisational change/ review and to assist flexibility. This role is currently home based but the prime location is Canolfan Rheidol, Aberystwyth. Some travel may be required from time to time. | |
Job Evaluation Post Ref | JD 1337 |
Person Specification
Essential | |||
Academic / Professional / Technical / Vocational Qualifications | • Educated to Degree Level.CIPS qualified (Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply) or part qualified with demonstrable equivalent experience. • NVQ level 5 in Management or equivalent demonstrable experience. • Up to date Continuous Professional development (CPD). • Understanding of the role of the Financial and Contract Procedure Rules (Financial Regulations) in an organization. | ||
Welsh Linguistic Skills | Listening/Speaking: | Level 4 | The Welsh linguistic skills must be attained within two years of appointment. |
Reading: | Level 3 | ||
Writing | Level 3 | ||
English Linguistic Skills | Listening/Speaking: | Level 5 | The English linguistic skills noted are required on appointment. |
Reading: | Level 5 | ||
Writing | Level 5 | ||
Practical and personal skills | • A comprehensive understanding of Commissioning contracting and Procurement processes and how this relates to service delivery. • Be able to effectively manage a range of services using a range of specialist disciplines. • Understanding of Financial Regulations and budget control in an organisation. • Ability to develop and maintain relationships with key suppliers, encouraging innovation, continuous improvement and the reduction of waste, transactional costs and inefficiencies. • Ability to identify and quantify efficiency savings in the Procurement/Commissioning function. • Ability to present a professional image at all times. • Be able to prepare and manage tendering/quotation exercises from inception through to contract award. • Able to work effectively with senior managers. • Be able to co-ordinate, interpret, evaluate, consolidate, and disseminate information from a variety of sources. • Ability and knowledge for the creating, developing and implementing policies and strategies. • Ability to negotiate and establish partnership working with other Councils and Government Bodies e.g. Health. • Effective communicator of complex issues and be able to represent the Council in dealings with other organisations. |
• Ability to write and present reports, to provide solutions, Commissioning or otherwise. • Ability to provide Procurement/Commissioning support and advice, especially in relation to Contract Procedure Rules, Public Contracts Regulations and relevant legislation and guidance pertaining to Procurement and Commissioning including that for Social Care contracts. • General understanding of the legal and contracting implications of the commissioning process. • Ability to support the development of the Commissioning business plan and work programme and to manage the delivery of designated objectives by co-ordinating the activities of team members and motivating the team to deliver. • Flexible enough to work either individually or as part of a team as the situation demands, and able to prioritise workloads and work to deadlines. • Ability to use Microsoft Office solutions, and the Authority`s core financial systems. • Ability to explain complex Procurement/Commissioning matters effectively to senior managers. • Evidence of good numerical and analytical skills. • Good understanding of sustainable procurement thinking (Environmental, Social and Economic) and evidence of practical application. • Making use of technology in the day to day Procurement/Commissioning operation. • Ability to undertake the duties of the post through the medium of Welsh and English. • Demonstrate an interest in personal development and training and development needs of staff. • A willingness to undertake new challenges and projects. • Ability to deputise for the Corporate Manager Procurement & Payments as and when required. • Ability to actively support and ensure compliance with the Council’s Policies including those for Safeguarding, Health & Safety, Equal Opportunities and Data Protection. • A willingness to undertake new challenges and projects. | |
Required Experience | • Minimum of 3 years post qualification. • 5 years Public Sector experience in a Commissioning Role. • 3 years management experience. • A thorough knowledge, understanding and practical experience of Social Care in Wales, including in |
particular the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2016. • A thorough knowledge, understanding and practical experience of apply organisational Contract Procedure Rules, Public Contracts Regulations and EU Procurement Directives. • Practical experience of tendering framework agreements and calling off contracts from National, Regional or Local frameworks. • Experience of partnership working with members of the community, service users, service providers or voluntary organisations. • Experience of using management information for both performance monitoring and reporting. • Experience, knowledge and understanding of project management and its application. • Track record of delivering good performance and outcome focused services. • A valid driving licence (The post is primarily office based but the holder will be required to travel to various meetings within and outside of the County). | ||
Training/education required to be undertaken for the post/worked towards | • Continuous Professional Development. • Research and maintain up to date category knowledge and expertise. | |
Desirable | ||
Qualifications / Training | ||
Practical / Personal Skills | • A positive ‘can do’ attitude to work. |