Swydd Ddisgrifiad
Swydd Ddisgrifiad
Cyfadran/Adran | Y Gyfadran Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol a Bywyd |
Adran | Nyrsio |
Teitl y Swydd | Peirianneg Efelychiadau |
Yn atebol i | Xxxx Cyswllt (Nyrsio a Phroffesiynau Perthynol i Iechyd) y Gyfadran Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol a Bywyd |
Gradd | O&A3 |
Prif Atebolrwydd |
Bydd deiliad y swydd yn: Gweithio gyda'r xxx efelychiadau i ddarparu cymorth efelychu o lefelau 3 i 7. Cefnogi’r darlithwyr nyrsio ac astudiaethau perthynol i iechyd gyda chynllunio darpariaeth ar gyfer myfyrwyr. Sicrhau bod offer wedi'u gosod ar gyfer gwaith ymarferol ac arbrofol. Sicrhau bod adnoddau'n cael eu defnyddio'n gywir o fewn labordai perthnasol a darparu gwasanaeth effeithlon gan sicrhau bod yr xxxx offer ac adnoddau ar gael, bod y cais yn briodol, y gellir cynnig cymorth technegol a bod yr archeb yn ddibynadwy. Ymateb i geisiadau benthyca offer, a sicrhau bod yr offer ar gael i'w gasglu, a gwirio fod pob darn o'r offer yn arddangos canllawiau sy'n hawdd i'w deall ac sy'n bodloni argymhellion y Brifysgol a'r cyflenwr. Sicrhau bod myfyrwyr yn cydymffurfio â gofynion Iechyd a Diogelwch a GDPR cyn defnyddio offer, fel sy'n berthnasol. |
Tasgau Allweddol |
Cynnal a chadw offer |
Cynnal cronfa ddata tracio ased offer o fewn yr Adran.
Gan weithio gyda'r xxx efelychu, sicrhau bod yr xxxx offer ac adnoddau TG yn cael eu glanhau a’u storio’n briodol ar ôl eu defnyddio, bod unrhyw offer sydd wedi’i ddifrodi neu ei ddifetha yn cael ei adrodd, ei gofnodi a’i atgyweirio yn unol â’r cyfarwyddyd, a bod nwyddau xxxxx yn cael eu hailwefru’n briodol i ddefnyddiwr y cwrs perthnasol os bernir bod hynny’n briodol gan Bennaeth y Gyfadran.
Sicrhau bod profion diogelwch/calibro ar offer yn digwydd yn rheolaidd ym mhob xxxx, xx yn cael eu cofnodi mewn modd boddhaol, a chynnal cofnodion cynnal a chadw fel sy'n ofynnol.
Gweithio gyda’r xxx efelychu i gynnal gwiriad stoc ddwywaith y flwyddyn o’r xxxx safleoedd i adolygu lefelau offer a dyddiadau dod i ben offer tafladwy, gan sicrhau bod system cylchdroi stoc ar waith i sicrhau bod hen ddeunyddiau/deunyddiau untro yn cael eu defnyddio cyn rhai newydd.
Prynu offer newydd
Sicrhau bod pob pryniant newydd yn cael ei drafod o fewn y xxx cyn gwneud cais am bryniannau yn unol â gweithdrefnau’r brifysgol a’u bod yn cael eu hystyried yn gost effeithiol o ran pryniant a chytundeb lefel gwasanaeth.
Gan weithio gyda’r xxx efelychu, cysylltu â gweithgynhyrchwyr a chwmnïau gwasanaeth i sefydlu cyfathrebu effeithion a datrys problemau desg gymorth.
I gynorthwyo â datblygu a chynhyrchu adnoddau hyfforddi electronig
Darparu cymorth technegol ar gyfer cynhyrchu adnoddau dysgu electronig, a darparu arddangosiadau ar sut i ddefnyddio offer i ddefnyddwyr newydd.
Cefnogi dysgwyr sy'n defnyddio'r adnoddau dysgu electronig a ddarperir, sicrhau defnydd cywir a darparu gwasanaeth datrys problemau cyntaf lle fo'n bosib, neu gyfeirio'r broblem i'r Adran TG.
I gynorthwyo â datblygu a chynhyrchu adnoddau dysgu ac ymchwilio
Darparu cymorth technegol ar gyfer cynhyrchu adnoddau dysgu ac ymchwilio, a darparu arddangosiadau ar sut i ddefnyddio offer i ddefnyddwyr newydd.
Cefnogi dysgwyr sy'n defnyddio'r adnoddau dysgu ac ymchwilio a ddarperir, sicrhau defnydd cywir a darparu gwasanaeth datrys problemau cyntaf lle fo'n bosib, neu gyfeirio'r broblem i'r Adran TG.
Datblygiad Proffesiynol
Gweithio gyda'r Xxxx Cyswllt er mwyn adnabod a bodloni amcanion datblygiad personol a gofynion hyfforddi.
Mynd i sesiynau hyfforddi hanfodol y Brifysgol, sy'n gysylltiedig ag Iechyd a Diogelwch yn y gwaith e.e. symud a defnyddio offer, diogelwch tân, etc.
Cynorthwyo â datblygu a chynhyrchu adnoddau hyfforddi electronig
Darparu cymorth technegol ar gyfer cynhyrchu adnoddau dysgu electronig, a darparu arddangosiadau ar sut i ddefnyddio offer i ddefnyddwyr newydd.
Cefnogi dysgwyr sy'n defnyddio'r adnoddau dysgu electronig a ddarperir, sicrhau defnydd cywir a darparu gwasanaeth datrys problemau cyntaf lle fo'n bosib, neu gyfeirio'r broblem i'r Adran TG.
Dyletswyddau Cyffredinol |
Byddwch yn sicrhau bod systemau a gweithdrefnau rheoli priodol ar xxxxx xx mwyn bodloni'ch dyletswyddau a'ch cyfrifoldebau iechyd a diogelwch a gynhwysir ym mholisi iechyd a diogelwch y Brifysgol. Yn benodol, byddwch yn sicrhau bod asesiadau risg priodol yn cael eu cynnal mewn perthynas â pheryglon sylweddol ac yr ymgymerir ag arolygon diogelwch o leiaf unwaith y flwyddyn ym mhob gweithle xxx xxxx rheolaeth chi. Cyfrifoldeb y gweithwyr yw ymgorffori Polisi Cyfle Cyfartal y Brifysgol o fewn eu xxxx cyfrifoldeb eu hunain ac yn eu hymddygiad cyffredinol. Xxx xxx yr xxxx staff gyfrifoldeb i hyrwyddo gofal cwsmer o ansawdd yn eu xxxx cyfrifoldeb eu hunain. Disgwylir i ddeiliaid swydd gydlynu â'r broses Arfarnu a Datblygu Staff, gan gyfrannu at osod amcanion er mwyn cynorthwyo gyda monitro perfformiad a datblygiad yr unigolyn. Byddwch yn asesu anghenion hyfforddiant a datblygiad pob aelod o staff xxx xxxx rheolaeth, er mwyn sicrhau eu bod nhw'n cael cefnogaeth ddigonol mewn perthynas â'u cyfrifoldebau gwaith. Dyletswyddau perthnasol eraill sy'n gymesur â gradd y swydd, a all gael eu neilltuo gan y Rheolwr, mewn cytundeb â deiliad y swydd. Ni ddylid gwrthod cytundeb o'r fath yn afresymol. Mae'r cyfrifoldebau allweddol sydd wedi'u cynnwys yn y swydd ddisgrifiad hwn yn rhai nodweddiadol; nid ydynt yn gynhwysfawr. Gellir newid dyletswyddau a chyfrifoldebau mewn trafodaeth â deiliad y swydd. |
Adolygu |
Mae hwn yn ddisgrifiad o'r swydd ar adeg ei chyhoeddi. Arfer y Brifysgol x xxxx i'w gilydd yw adolygu a diweddaru swydd ddisgrifiadau er mwyn sicrhau eu bod yn adlewyrchu natur gyfredol y swydd a gofynion y Brifysgol yn gywir ac i ymgorffori unrhyw newidiadau rhesymol pan xxx xxxxx, mewn ymgynghoriad â deiliad y swydd. |
Manyleb Person
Technegydd Efelychiadau
Teitl y Swydd:
Er mwyn cael xxxx rhoi ar y rhestr fer rhaid i chi arddangos xxxx bod yn bodloni'r xxxx xxxxx prawf hanfodol a chymaint o'r meini prawf dymunol ag sy'n bosibl. Pan fydd gennym nifer fawr o geisiadau sy'n bodloni'r xxxx xxxxx prawf hanfodol, byddwn wedyn yn llunio’r rhestr fer gan ddefnyddio'r meini prawf dymunol.
Meini Prawf Dethol | |||||
Priodoleddau | Eitem | Meini Prawf Perthnasol | Dull Adnabod | Pwysigrwydd | |
1.1 | Gallu cyfathrebu'n effeithiol ar xxx xxxxx. Sgiliau rhyngbersonol cryf. Sgiliau trefnu a blaenoriaethu rhagorol. Gallu gweithio i dargedau Rhoi sylw i fanylder a gallu cynnal dogfennaeth gywir; Sgiliau TG rhagorol | Ff, C | H | ||
1.2 | Ff, C | H | |||
1.3 | Ff, C | H | |||
1 | Sgiliau a Gallu | 1.4 | Ff, C | H | |
1.5 | Ff, C | H | |||
1.6 | Ff, C | D | |||
2 | Gwybodaeth Gyffredinol ac Arbenigol | 2.1 2.2 | Bod yn gyfarwydd â phecynnau cyfrifiadurol arbenigol ac offer a thechnoleg efelychu Yn gyfarwydd â Moodle er mwyn cynnig cymorth i fyfyrwyr. | Ff, C Ff, C | H H |
3.1 | Meddu ar gymhwyster TG Meddu ar gymhwyster addysgu | Ff, T | H | ||
3 | Addysg a Hyfforddiant | 3.2 | Ff, T | D | |
4.1 | Meddu ar brofiad TG blaenorol. | Ff, C | H | ||
4 | Profiad Perthnasol | 4.2 | Bod yn gyfarwydd â defnyddio offer efelychu a thechnoleg | Ff, C | H |
5 | Gofynion Arbennig | 5.1 5.2 | Bod â lefel uchel o hunan-gymhelliant a hunangynhaliaeth. Meddu ar y gallu i gyfathrebu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg | Ff, C Ff, C | H D |
Dyddiad Adolygu |
Allwedd | Dull Adnabod | Ff | Ffurflen Gais |
C | Cyfweliad | ||
P | Prawf | ||
T | Copi o Dystysgrifau | ||
Rh | Rhoi Cyflwyniad | ||
G | Asesiad Grŵp | ||
Pwysigrwydd | H | Hanfodol | |
D | Dymunol |
Job Description
Faculty/Department | Faculty of Social and Life Sciences | ||
Section | Nursing | ||
Job Title | Simulation Technician | ||
Reports to | Associate Xxxx (Nursing and Allied Health) Faculty of Social and Life | ||
Sciences | |||
Grade | O&A3 | ||
Principal Accountabilities |
The postholder will: Work with the simulation team to provide simulation support from levels 3 to 7. Support the lecturers in nursing and allied health with planned provision for students. Ensure equipment is set up for practical and experimental work. Ensure that resources are appropriately utilised within relevant laboratories and provide an efficient service, ensuring that all equipment and resources are available, and the request is appropriate, technical support can be offered and the booking is viable. Respond to equipment loan requests and ensure equipment that is to be loaned is made available for collection, ensuring each piece of equipment displays user-friendly guidelines that meet University and supplier recommendations. Ensure students comply with Health and Safety, and GDPR requirements before using equipment as appropriate. |
Key Tasks | |
Maintenance of equipment | |
Maintain an asset tracking database of equipment within the Department.
Working with the simulation team, ensure that all equipment and IT resources are appropriately cleaned and stored after use, any damaged or worn out equipment reported, recorded and repaired as per instruction, and that consumables are appropriately recharged to the relevant course user if deemed appropriate by the Head of Faculty.
Ensure regular safety testing/calibration of equipment in all areas is performed and recorded in a satisfactory manner and maintain maintenance records as required.
Working with the simulation team undertake a bi-annual total stock check of all sites to review equipment levels and disposable expiry dates, ensuring that a stock rotational system is in place to ensure that old equipment/disposables are used before new ones.
Purchase of new equipment
Ensure all new purchases are discussed within the team prior to a request being made for purchases in line with university procedures and are deemed to be cost effective in terms of purchase and service level agreement.
Working with the simulation team, liaise with manufacturers and service companies to establish efficient communication and helpdesk trouble shooting.
Assist in the development and production of electronic training resources
Provide technical support for the production of electronic learning resources, and provide equipment usage demonstration for new users.
Support users of the electronic learning resources provided, ensuring appropriate usage and providing an initial trouble shooting service where possible or referring the problem to the IT Department.
Assist in the development and production of learning and research resources
Provide technical support for the production of the learning and research resources, and provide equipment usage demonstration for new users.
Support users of the learning and research resources provided, ensuring appropriate usage and providing an initial trouble shooting service where possible or referring the problem to the IT Department.
Professional Development
Work with the Associate Xxxx in order to identify and meet personal development objectives and training requirements.
Attend mandatory University training sessions associated with Health and Safety at work e.g., equipment moving and handling, fire safety, etc.
Assist in the development and production of electronic training resources
Provide technical support for the production of electronic learning resources, and provide equipment usage demonstration for new users.
Support users of the electronic learning resources provided, ensuring appropriate usage and providing an initial trouble shooting service where possible or referring the problem to the IT Department.
General Duties |
You will ensure that appropriate management systems and procedures are in place to meet your health and safety duties and responsibilities contained within the University’s health and safety policy. In particular you will ensure that appropriate risk assessments are carried out in respect of significant hazards and that safety inspections are undertaken on at least an annual cycle in each workplace under your control. It is the responsibility of employees to apply the University’s Equal Opportunities Policy in their own area of responsibility and in their general conduct. All staff have a responsibility for promoting high levels of customer care within their own areas of responsibility. Staff must be aware of the University’s commitment to Sustainability. All staff must promote healthy behaviour and positive mental health and wellbeing Post holders are expected to co-operate with the Professional Development Review (PDR) process, engaging in the setting of objectives in order to assist in the monitoring of performance and the development of the individual. You will assess the training and development needs of each member of staff under your control to ensure they are adequately supported in relation to their work responsibilities. Such other relevant duties commensurate with the grade of the post as may be assigned by the Manager in agreement with the post holder. Such agreement should not be unreasonably withheld. The key responsibilities contained in this job description are indicative not exhaustive. Duties and responsibilities may be altered in discussion with the post holder. All post-holders within the Directorate are expected to be able to provide support across all areas, beyond their immediate team, as requested by the Director and commensurate with their skills, knowledge and experience. |
This is a description of the job at the time of issue. It is the University’s practice periodically to review and update job descriptions to ensure that they accurately reflect the current nature of the job and requirements of the University and to incorporate reasonable changes where required, in consultation with the job holder.
Person Specification
Simulation Technician |
Job Title:
In order to be shortlisted you must demonstrate that you meet all the essential criteria and as many of the desirable criteria as possible. Where we have a large number of applications that meet all of the essential criteria, we will then use the desirable criteria to produce the shortlist.
Selection Criteria | |||||
Attributes | Item | Relevant Criteria | Identification Method | Rank | |
1.1 | Able to effectively communicate at all levels. Have strong interpersonal skills. Have excellent organisational and prioritisation skills. Have the ability to work to targets Have a careful attention to detail be able to maintain accurate documentation; Have excellent IT skills | A, I | E | ||
1.2 | A, I | E | |||
1.3 | A, I | E | |||
1 | Skills & Abilities | 1.4 | A, I | E | |
1.5 | A, I | E | |||
1.6 | A, I | D | |||
2 | General & Specialist Knowledge | 2.1 | Have familiarity with specialised computer packages and simulation equipment and technology | A, I | E |
2.2 | Have familiarity with Moodle for supplementing student support. | A, I | E | ||
3.1 | Hold an IT qualification Hold a teaching qualification | A, C | E | ||
3 | Education & Training | 3.2 | A, C | D | |
4.1 | Have prior IT experience. | A, I | E | ||
4 | Relevant Experience | 4.2 | Have familiarity with the use of simulation equipment and technology | A, I | E |
5 | Special Requirements | 5.1 5.2 | Have a high degree of motivation and self‐ sufficiency. Have the ability to communicate through the medium of Welsh | A, I A, I | E D |
Date of Revision |
Key | Identification Method | A | Application Form |
I | Interview | ||
T | Test | ||
C | Copy of Certificates | ||
P | Presentation | ||
G | Group Assessment | ||
Rank | E | Essential | |
D | Desirable |