Disgrifiad Swydd
Disgrifiad Swydd
Teitl y Swydd | Cyfreithiwr – Gwaith Cynhennus |
Gwasanaeth | Cyfreithiol a Llywodraethu |
Graddfa | 11 |
Pwynt/iau Cyflog | 32 - 34 |
Cyflog | £41,511 - £43,693 pro-rata |
Pwrpas y Swydd | Cynorthwyo Gwasanaethau Cyfreithiol y Cyngor gan ddarparu gwasanaeth cyfreithiol cynhwysfawr i’r Prif Swyddogion, Aelodau a Gwasanaethau parthed swyddogaethau’r Cyngor, ac ymgymryd â gwaith ymgyfreitha a materion cynhennus fel y nodir isod. |
Lleoliad | Y brif ganolfan fydd Neuadd Cyngor Ceredigion, Penmorfa, Aberaeron/ x xxxx/ Hybrid. Disgwylir i ddeiliad y swydd fynychu cyfarfodydd mewn mannau eraill yng Ngheredigion yn ôl yr angen. |
Oriau Gwaith | 30 awr yr wythnos |
Math o Gytundeb | Rhan-amser |
Hyd y Cytundeb | Parhaol |
Teitl swydd y Rheolwr Llinell | Rheolwr Corfforaethol – Gwasanaethau Cyfreithiol |
Cyfrifoldebau Goruchwylio / Rheoli | Hyfforddi a mentora cyfreithwyr xxx hyfforddiant, cynorthwywyr cyfreithiol, paragyfreithwyr, ac unrhyw staff cymorth/gweinyddol corfforaethol fel y bo’n briodol. |
Atebolrwydd | Yn atebol o xxx y strwythur rheoli i’r Rheolwr Corfforaethol – Gwasanaethau Cyfreithiol. |
Telerau Cytundebol sy'n Gysylltiedig â'r Swydd | |
Dyletswyddau a chyfrifoldebau | |
1. Gwasanaethau Cyfreithiol Darparu cyngor cyfreithiol amserol, o ansawdd, i Brif Swyddogion y Cyngor, meysydd gwasanaeth y Cyngor a’r Cynghorwyr Sir yng nghyd-destun Cyfansoddiad y Cyngor. Paratoi dogfennaeth gyfreithiol yn drylwyr ac yn ddiwyd. Mynychu a chynrychioli’r Gwasanaeth Cyfreithiol yng nghyfarfodydd mewnol ac allanol y Cyngor, yn ôl yr angen. Ymgymryd â meysydd ychwanegol o waith cyfreithiol i’r Cyngor mewn modd hyblyg, pan fo hynny’n briodol ac yn angenrheidiol, i gwrdd ag anghenion y Gwasanaeth Cyfreithiol a’r Cyngor wrth iddynt amrywio x xxxx i’w gilydd. Mabwysiadu dull arloesol o ddatrys problemau cyfreithiol. Gweithredu fel eiriolwr ar ran y Cyngor yn y Llys, mewn ymchwiliadau, tribiwnlysoedd a lleoliadau eraill, ac mewn amrywiaeth o bynciau. Gweithredu fel cynghorydd cyfreithiol/clerc mewn Paneli/Is-bwyllgorau. |
Bod yn hyblyg yn y meysydd gwaith a ymgymerir i ddiwallu anghenion y gwasanaethau cyfreithiol a'r cyngor wrth iddynt amrywio x xxxx i’w gilydd. Gweithio fel rhan o dîm. 2. Gofynion penodol Darparu cyngor lle xx xxxxx mewn perthynas ag ymgyfreitha sifil a throseddol ym meysydd: • gorfodaeth • iechyd yr amgylchedd • safonau masnach • trwyddedu • iechyd anifeiliaid • rheoli xxxx adeiladu • cynllunio ac ymchwiliadau cyhoeddus • dyledion ac unrhyw feysydd eraill yn ôl yr angen. Mentora Cyfreithwyr xxx Hyfforddiant, Cynorthwywyr/Clercod Cyfreithiol a staff cymorth/gweinyddol corfforaethol fel sy’n briodol. Ymdrin ag ymholiadau mewn perthynas â phob agwedd ar waith y Cyngor, boed yn faterion sy’n codi o’r cyhoedd, Aelodau neu Wasanaethau’r Cyngor, yn ôl y gofyn. Cynorthwyo mewn perthynas â'r amrywiaeth o faterion Cyfreithiol a gyfeirir i’r Adain, yn ôl y gofyn. Gofalu am ffeiliau a’u cynnal mewn perthynas â’r meysydd cyfreithiol uchod ac ymgymryd â materion ar ran eraill a allai fod wedi cynnal y ffeil. Ymgymryd â’r xxxx xxxxx yn ôl safonau proffesiynol gofynnol Cyfreithiwr, Bargyfreithiwr neu Weithredwr Cyfreithiol ac yn unol â chôd ymddygiad Swyddogion y Cyngor a Chyfansoddiad y Cyngor. Cefnogi, mentora a monitro staff iau, yn ôl yr angen. Bydd disgwyl i ddeiliad y swydd fabwysiadu agwedd hyblyg tuag at y dyletswyddau uchod a gall fod angen i’w hamrywio (ar ôl trafod gyda’r Rheolwr Corfforaethol - Gwasanaethau Cyfreithiol), yn ôl anghenion y Gwasanaeth a’r gofynion a roddir ar y xxx Cyfreithiol, a rhoi cefnogaeth i fodloni’r fath alwadau. Gweithredu fel rhan o dîm Cyfreithiol. Mynychu a chynrychioli'r Cyngor mewn unrhyw grwpiau cydweithio allanol yn ôl yr angen. | |
Cyfeirnod at Ddibenion Gwerthuso Swyddi | JD1617 - 01 |
Manyleb Person
Gofynnol | |||
Cymwysterau Academaidd / Proffesiynol / Technegol / Galwedigaethol | Cyfreithiwr/Bargyfreithiwr cymwys gyda thystysgrif ymarfer gyfredol, neu gymhwyster cyfwerth. | ||
Sgiliau Ieithyddol Cymraeg | Gwrando/Siarad: | Lefel 3 | Rhaid cwrdd â’r sgiliau ieithyddol Cymraeg a nodir o xxxx xxx flynedd i’r penodiad. |
Darllen: | Lefel 3 | ||
Ysgrifennu: | Lefel 3 | ||
Sgiliau Ieithyddol Saesneg | Gwrando/Siarad: | Lefel 5 | Rhaid cwrdd â’r sgiliau ieithyddol Saesneg a nodir ar adeg penodi. |
Darllen: | Lefel 5 | ||
Ysgrifennu: | Lefel 5 | ||
Sgiliau Ymarferol / Personol | • Sgiliau trefnu a chyfathrebu da. • Y gallu i reoli llwyth achosion heb oruchwyliaeth a gweithio ar xxxx liwt xxxx hun. • Sgiliau TG da. • Sgiliau rhyngbersonol da gyda'r gallu i ddatblygu a chynnal perthynas gadarnhaol gydag ystod o bobl y tu mewn a'r tu xxxxx i'r Cyngor. • Y gallu i weithio xxx bwysau ac i flaenoriaethu gwaith ar yr un pryd. • Sgiliau rhagorol o ran dadansoddi a datrys problemau. • Bod yn hyblyg ac yn xxxxx i ymgymryd â heriau a phrosiectau newydd ac ystyried meysydd gwaith eraill yn ôl y gofyn. • Y gallu i ddehongli, dadansoddi a gwerthuso gwybodaeth yn gywir. • Y gallu i gynnal ymchwil gyfreithiol, cyfweliadau, drafftio, negodi xx xxxxx doethineb wrth wneud penderfyniadau. • Eirioli mewn perthynas ag ymgyfreitha cyffredinol a sifil. | ||
Profiad Hanfodol | Profiad ymarferol mewn materion cynhennus, gan gynnwys (heb gynnwys popeth): • Ymgyfreitha Sifil/Troseddol • Iechyd yr Amgylchedd • Safonau Masnach • Trwyddedu • Iechyd Anifeiliaid • Rheoli Xxxx Adeiladu • Cynllunio gan gynnwys Gorfodaeth • Dyledion | ||
Hyfforddiant/addysg y mae’n ofynnol eu cyflawni/mynd ati i’w cyflawni ar gyfer y swydd | Gwneud hyfforddiant cyfreithiol sy’n briodol i’r swydd, drwy gyrsiau, yn ôl cyfarwyddyd y Rheolwr Corfforaethol – Gwasanaethau Cyfreithiol. |
Dymunol | |
Cymwysterau / Hyfforddiant | |
Sgiliau Ymarferol / Personol | • Profiad o weithio xx xxxx cyfraith llywodraeth xxxx xxx o weithio gyda llywodraeth leol ac â diddordeb mewn datblygu'r profiad hwnnw. • Byddai'r gallu a'r parodrwydd i weithio drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg yn ddymunol, pan fo angen. • Byddai o leiaf tair blynedd o brofiad ar ôl cymhwyso yn ddymunol ond rhoddir ystyriaeth i ymgeiswyr addas eraill sydd â llai na thair blynedd o brofiad ar ôl cymhwyso. • Trwydded yrru lawn |
Post Name | Lawyer - Contentious |
Service | Legal and Governance |
Grade | 11 |
Spinal Point/s | 32 - 34 |
Salary | £41,511 - £43,693 pro-rata |
Job Purpose | To assist the Council’s Legal Services in providing a comprehensive and effective Legal Service to Chief Officers, Members and client service areas of the Council in relation to its functions and to undertake work focused on litigation and contentious matters as detailed below. |
Location | Based at Neuadd Cyngor Ceredigion, Penmorfa, Aberaeron/Remote/Hybrid. The post holder will also be required to attend meetings at other locations within Ceredigion as necessary. |
Hours of Work | 30 hours a week |
Type of Contract | Part-time |
Contract Duration | Permanent |
Line Managers Job Title | Corporate Manager – Legal Services |
Supervisory/Managerial Responsibilities | To coach and mentor trainee solicitors, legal assistants, paralegals, and any corporate support/administrative staff as appropriate. |
Accountability | Accountable under the management structure to the Corporate Manager – Legal Services |
Contractual Terms Associated with the Post | |
Duties and Responsibilities |
1. Legal Services
To provide high quality and timely legal advice to the Council’s Chief Officers, the Council’s service areas and County Councillors within the context of the Council’s Constitution.
To prepare legal documentation thoroughly and diligently.
To attend and represent the Legal Service at the Council’s internal and external meetings as required.
To undertake additional areas of legal work for the Council in a flexible way, when appropriate and necessary to meet the needs of Legal Services and the Council as they vary from time to time.
To adopt a problem-solving and innovative approach to legal problems.
To act as an advocate for the Council in Court, Inquiries, tribunals and other venues, and in a variety of subject areas.
To act as legal adviser/clerk in Panels/Sub-committees.
To be flexible in the areas of work undertaken to meet the needs of the legal services department and council as they vary from time to time.
To adopt a problem-solving and innovative approach to legal problems. To work as part of a team.
2. Specific requirements
To provide advice where necessary in relation to civil and criminal litigation as follows:
• Practical experience in contentious matters, including (but not limited to)
• Environmental health
• Trading standards
• Licensing
• Animal health
• Building control
• Planning including Enforcement.
• Debt
and any others as may be necessary.
Mentoring Trainee Solicitors, Legal Assistants/Clerks and corporate support/administrative staff as appropriate.
To act as Monitoring Officer representative in Committees if required.
Dealing with queries in relation to all aspects of the Council’s work when called upon to do so whether arising from members of the public, Council Members or Services.
Assisting in relation to the range of Legal matters which are referred to the Section, when called upon to do so.
To have the care and conduct of files in relation to the above areas of law and to undertake matters on behalf of others who may have had the conduct of a file.
To undertake all work to the required professional standards of a Solicitor or Legal Executive and in accordance with the Officers code of conduct and Constitution of the Council. To support, mentor and monitor junior staff, as required. The post holder will be expected to adopt a flexible attitude to the above duties which may have to be varied (after discussion with the Corporate Manager-Legal Services), subject to the needs of the Service and the demands placed upon the Legal team and providing support to such demand. To operate as part of a Legal team. To attend and represent the Council at any external partnerships collaboration groups as necessary. | |
Job Evaluation Post Ref | JD1617 - 01 |
Person Specification
Essential | |||
Academic / Professional / Technical / Vocational Qualifications | A qualified Solicitor or Legal Executive with a current practicing certificate or equivalent. | ||
Welsh Linguistic Skills | Listening/Speaking: | Level 3 | The Welsh linguistic skills noted are required within two years of appointment. |
Reading: | Level 3 | ||
Writing | Level 3 | ||
English Linguistic Skills | Listening/Speaking: | Level 5 | The English linguistic skills noted are required on appointment. |
Reading: | Level 5 | ||
Writing | Level 5 | ||
Practical and personal skills | • Excellent organisational and communication skills. • The ability to manage a caseload without supervision and to work on your own initiative. • Good IT skills. • Good interpersonal skills with the ability to develop and maintain positive relations with a variety of people both within and outside the Council. • The ability to work under pressure and to prioritise work in this context. • Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills. • Flexibility and a willingness to undertake new challenges and projects and consider other areas of work as and when required. • The ability to interpret, analyse and evaluate information accurately. • The ability to conduct legal research, interviews, drafting, negotiations and the exercise of sound judgement in decision-making. • Advocacy in respect of general and civil litigation . | ||
Required Experience | • Practical experience in contentious matters, including (but not limited to) • Civil/Criminal Litigation • Environmental health • Trading standards • Licensing • Animal health • Building control • Planning including Enforcement. • Debt |
Training/education required to be undertaken for the post/worked towards | To undertake legal training on courses, appropriate for the post as directed by the Corporate Manager – Legal Services. | |
Desirable | ||
Qualifications / Training | ||
Practical / Personal Skills | • Experience within local government law or working with local government and interested in developing that experience. • Ability and willingness to conduct work through the medium of Welsh when appropriate, would be desirable. • A minimum of three years post qualification experience is desirable, but consideration will be given to other appropriate applicants with less than 3 years post qualification experience. • Full driving licence. |