Oggetto: indizione gara a procedura negoziata ai sensi dell’art. 76, comma 4, lett. a) del d.lgs. n. 36/2023 per l’affidamento della fornitura di n. 38 (trentotto) cavità superconduttive per il progetto PIP-II di Fermilab, con opzione I) per la fornitura di n. 2 cavità aggiuntive e opzione II) di n. 20 ritrattamenti
La Giunta Esecutiva dell'Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, riunita a Roma in data 29.09.2023, Premesso che
• nella relazione tecnica del 26.05.2023 (All. 1), il Responsabile Unico del Progetto, xxxx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, ha dichiarato che solo due Società, la Zanon Research and Innovation e la Research Instrument, sono qualificate ad eseguire la fornitura indicata in oggetto, per le motivazioni ivi richiamate;
• nella relazione del 13.07.2023 (All. 2), il Responsabile Unico del Progetto ha dichiarato:
- che è possibile espletare una procedura negoziata a scopo di ricerca, ai sensi dell’art. 76, comma
4, lett. a) del d.lgs. n. 36/2023, in quanto le cavità oggetto della presente fornitura hanno “finalità di studio della materia solo in laboratori scientifici e non hanno né valenza commerciale e neanche di ritorno di profitto”;
- che la fornitura oggetto della presente gara non è prevista negli strumenti CONSIP del Programma di razionalizzazione degli acquisti della PA;
• con nota prot. n. AOO_MI-2023-0000415 del 20.07.2023 (All. 3) è stato conferito l’incarico di Responsabile Unico del Progetto al xxxx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, dipendente in servizio presso la Sezione di Milano dell’INFN;
• con nota del 6.9.2023 (All.4), il Direttore della Sezione di Milano dell’INFN, xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, chiede l’indizione di una gara a procedura negoziata senza la pubblicazione del bando, ai sensi dell’art. 76, comma 4, lett. a) del d.lgs. n. 36/2023, per l’affidamento della fornitura di n. 38 (trentotto) cavità superconduttive per il progetto PIP-II di Fermilab per un importo a base di gara
di € 9.500.000,00 di cui oneri per la sicurezza e oneri relativi a rischi da interferenza pari a zero, oltre IVA al 22% di € 2.090.000,00 ed € 48.000,00 di incentivi per le funzioni tecniche ex art. 45 del d.lgs. n. 36/2023 per un totale di € 11.638.000,00, e relative opzioni come di seguito specificato:
- opzione I) avente ad oggetto la fornitura di n. 2 cavità aggiuntive per un importo di € 600.000,00, oltre IVA al 22% di € 132.000,00 ed € 9.300,00 di incentivi per le funzioni tecniche ex art. 45 del d.lgs. n. 36/2023, per un totale di € 741.300,00;
- opzione II) avente ad oggetto n. 20 ritrattamenti per un importo di 400.000,00, oltre IVA al 22% di € 88.000,00 ed € 7.000,00 di incentivi per le funzioni tecniche ex art. 45 del d.lgs. n. 36/2023, per un totale di € 495.000,00;
• l’art. 76, comma 0, xxxx. x) xxx x. 00/0000;
• l’art. 108 comma 1 del d.lgs. n. 36/2023, ai sensi del quale la gara sarà aggiudicata con applicazione del criterio dell’offerta economicamente più vantaggiosa, individuata sulla base del miglior rapporto qualità-prezzo con attribuzione di massimo 100,00 punti, composti da 70,00 punti
all’offerta tecnica, di cui 20,00 per la riduzione dei tempi previsti nel cronoprogramma come
Direzione Amministrazione, Finanza e Controllo
dettagliato nel documento dei criteri di aggiudicazione e 30,00 punti all’offerta economica;
• l’art. 40 del d.lgs. n. 50/2016 e s.m.i., applicabile fino al 31.12.2023 ai sensi dell’art. 225, comma 2 del d.lgs. 36/2023, che ha introdotto, dal 18 ottobre 2018, l’obbligo di utilizzo, per tutte le procedure contemplate dal Codice dei Contratti Pubblici, dei mezzi di comunicazione elettronici, tra Stazioni Appaltanti e Imprese in tutte le fasi di gara, al fine di garantire l’integrità dei dati e la
riservatezza delle offerte e delle domande di partecipazione nelle gare d’appalto;
• l’art. 17 comma 3 e l’allegato I.3, comma 1, lettera d) del d. lgs. 36/2023 dove si stabilisce che l’aggiudicazione alla migliore offerta deve avvenire entro il termine di quattro mesi dalla data di invio degli inviti ad offrire;
Considerato opportuno
• utilizzare per la valutazione delle offerte il metodo aggregativo - compensatore mediante le
formule indicate nel documento “Criteri di aggiudicazione”;
• non suddividere l’appalto in lotti, come indicato nella relazione del RUP del 13.07.2023 sopra citata
cui si rimanda per le motivazioni;
• espletare una procedura negoziata, senza previa pubblicazione del bando, ai sensi dell’art. 76 co. 4, lett. a) del d.lgs. n. 36/2023, procedendo con l’invito ai due operatori economici in grado di effettuare la fornitura, già individuati dal RUP nella relazione del 26.05.2023 a seguito di un’attenta analisi di mercato;
• la deliberazione dell’Autorità Nazionale Anticorruzione (ANAC) n. 621 del 22.12.2022, in attuazione dell’art. 1, commi 65 e 67 della legge 266/05 a mezzo della quale è stato fissato l’ammontare della contribuzione dovuta dagli operatori economici e dalle Stazioni Appaltanti, per coprire nell’anno 2023 i costi di funzionamento della predetta Autorità;
• l'articolo 14 co. 5 dello Statuto dell'INFN, secondo cui la Giunta Esecutiva delibera in materia di contratti per lavori, forniture e servizi e prestazioni d'opera e professionali che esulano dalla competenza dei Direttori delle Strutture;
Accertato che
• per la fornitura in argomento è stimata una spesa complessiva di € 12.874.300,00, di cui oneri per la sicurezza e oneri relativi a rischi da interferenze pari a zero, così suddivisa:
- € 11.638.000,00 per importo a base di gara, incusa IVA al 22% di € 2.090.000,00 ed €
48.000,00 di incentivi per le funzioni tecniche ex art. 45 del d.lgs. n. 36/2023;
- € 741.300,00 per l’opzione I relativa alla fornitura n. 2 cavità aggiuntive, inclusi IVA al 22% di € 132.000,00 ed € 9.300,00 di incentivi per le funzioni tecniche ex art. 45 del d.lgs. n. 36/2023;
- € 495.000,00 per l’opzione II per n. 20 ritrattamenti, inclusa IVA al 22% di € 88.000,00 ed €
7.000,00 di incentivi per le funzioni tecniche ex art. 45 del d.lgs. n. 36/2023
e troverà copertura sul capitolo U2020104002 (Impianti) – anno 2023 - progetto FERMILAB – Sezione di Milano, per € 8.000.000,00 per la quale è in corso l'assegnazione del budget e per la restante parte a valere sui futuri esercizi;
• la fornitura è inserita nel programma biennale degli acquisti di beni e servizi 2023-2024
dell’Istituto, ai sensi dell'art. 37 del d.lgs. 36/2023 - CUI: F84001850589202200081;
1. di approvare il Capitolato tecnico (All. 5), il documento denominato “Criteri di aggiudicazione” (All. 6) e le Condizioni contrattuali (All. 7) e tutti i modelli di gara, predisposti dal Responsabile Unico del Progetto e allegati come parte integrante e sostanziale alla presente deliberazione;
2. di autorizzare l’indizione di una gara a procedura negoziata, senza previa pubblicazione del bando, ai sensi dell’art. 76, comma 4, lett. a), del d.lgs. n. 36/2023, per l’affidamento della fornitura di n. 38 (trentotto) cavità superconduttive per il progetto PIP-II di Fermilab per un importo a base di gara di € 9.500.000,00 di cui oneri per la sicurezza e oneri relativi a rischi da interferenza pari a zero, oltre IVA al 22% di € 2.090.000,00;
3. di prevedere le opzioni come di seguito indicate:
- opzione I) avente ad oggetto la fornitura di n. 2 cavità aggiuntive per un importo di € 600.000,00, oltre IVA al 22% di € 132.000,00 ed € 9.300,00 di incentivi per le funzioni tecniche ex art. 45 del d.lgs. n. 36/2023;
- opzione II) avente ad oggetto n. 20 ritrattamenti per un importo di € 400.000,00, oltre IVA al 22% di € 88.000,00 ed € 7.000,00 di incentivi per le funzioni tecniche ex art. 45 del d.lgs. n. 36/2023; da esercitarsi entro la durata del contratto;
4. di imputare la spesa stimata lorda complessiva di € 12.874.300,00, di cui oneri per la sicurezza e oneri relativi a rischi da interferenze pari a zero, così suddivisa:
- € 11.638.000,00 per importo a base di gara, incusa IVA al 22% di € 2.090.000,00 ed € 48.000,00
di incentivi per le funzioni tecniche ex art. 45 del d.lgs. n. 36/2023;
- € 741.300,00 per l’opzione I relativa alla fornitura n. 2 cavità aggiuntive, inclusi IVA al 22% di
€ 132.000,00 ed € 9.300,00 di incentivi per le funzioni tecniche ex art. 45 del d.lgs. n. 36/2023;
- € 495.000,00 per l’opzione II per n. 20 ritrattamenti, inclusa IVA al 22% di € 88.000,00 ed €
7.000,00 di incentivi per le funzioni tecniche ex art. 45 del d.lgs. n. 36/2023;
nel bilancio dell’Istituto – anno 2023 - Sezione di Milano - capitolo U2020104002 (Impianti) - progetto FERMILAB, per € 8.000.000,00 per la quale è in corso l'assegnazione del budget e per la restante parte a valere sui futuri esercizi;
5. di incaricare il Presidente di nominare, con propria disposizione, i componenti della Commissione Giudicatrice.
Titolario | Servizio Gare e Contratti - Indizione Gara | ||
Data GE | 29.09.2023 | Data CD | |
Componente di Giunta competente | Xxxxx Xxxxxxx- Xxxxxx Xxxxxx | ||
Persona Referente | Xxxxx Xxxxxxx | ||
Struttura Proponenente | Sezione di Milano | ||
Direzione AC che ha curato l'istruttoria | DAF | ||
Tipologia di Atto (breve descrizione) | indizione gara a procedura negoziata ai sensi dell’art. 76, comma 4, lett. a) del d.lgs. n. 36/2023 per l’affidamento della fornitura di n. 38 (trentotto) cavità superconduttive per il progetto PIP-II di Fermilab, con opzione I) per la fornitura di n. 2 cavità aggiuntive e opzione II) di n. 20 ritrattamenti | ||
costo complessivo | 12.874.300,00 € | ||
copertura finanziaria anno | progetto | capitolo di spesa | importo |
FERMILAB | U2020104002 (Impianti) | 12.874.300,00 € | |
Allegato 1 | Relazione tecnica RUP del 26.05.2023 | ||
Allegato 2 | Relazione RUP del 13.07.2023 | ||
Allegato 3 | Nomina RUP del 20.07.2023 | ||
Allegato 4 | Nota del Direttore della Sezione di Milano del 6.9.2023 | ||
Allegato 5 | Capitolato tecnico | ||
Allegato 6 | Criteri di aggiudicazione | ||
Allegato 7 | Condizioni contrattuali |
Segrate, 26 maggio 2023
Fornitura di 38 cavità risonanti superconduttive LB650 per il progetto PIP-II di Fermilab (US)
Relazione tecnica – Analisi di mercato
La procedura di acquisto in oggetto richiede la fornitura di 38 risonatori superconduttivi a 650 MHz, beta 0.61, 5 celle per il progetto PIP-II di Fermilab (US) che rappresentano il contributo in-kind di INFN al linac attraverso il gruppo SRF del LASA.
I risonatori o cavità dovranno essere consegnate al progetto presso il sito di assiemaggio dei criomoduli pronte all’installazione, equipaggiate con tutti gli elementi ancillari e già qualificate attraverso una prova sperimentale criogenica.
Al fine di rispettare le ineguagliate specifiche di progetto (fattore di qualità Q0 pari a 2.6 1010 ad un campo accelerante di 16.7 MV/m) il processo di produzione e trattamento richiede, tra le altre numerose competenze:
• Produzione meccanica attraverso stampaggio da dischi di Niobio ad alto RRR e saldatura EBW.
• Trattamento superficiale allo stato dell’arte delle attuali competenze in ambito della superconduttività applicata e della fisica delle superfici: rimozione e finitura per elettro- pulitura chimica, trattamento termico e dopaggio controllato in ossigeno, speciali sistemi
di pulizia UPW ad alta pressione.
• Assemblaggio finale e controlli di tenuta e gas residui specifici del contesto dei volumi in ultra-alto vuoto in assenza di contaminazioni particellari (camere pulite classe ISO4).
• Processi interni di controllo qualità e project management allo stato dell’arte, capacità di gestione del controllo esterno applicato da INFN ai diversi stadi di lavorazione e trattamento.
• Conformità con le norme richieste dal progetto, tra queste:
o ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) Section VIII, Division 1, Division 2
o ASME B31.3 piping code
o ASME BPVC Section IX
Da più di vent’anni solo due ditte sono qualificate ad eseguire le operazioni richieste dalla fornitura in oggetto:
• Research Instruments, Bergish Gladbach, Germania
• Zanon Research and Innovation, Schio (VI), Italia
Questo dato di fatto, oltre che ampiamente consolidato nella comunità degli acceleratori, può essere comprovato dall’esame delle procedure di gara internazionali che, per contenuti e dimensione, posseggono aspetti in comune con quella in oggetto.
Nella tabella sottostante se ne riporta un estratto significativo e per ciascuna vengono presentate quali ditte sono state coinvolte nel processo di selezione, indipendentemente dal fatto che abbiano in fine sottomesso offerta valida per i criteri specifici di quella selezione.
Progetto | Anno | Committente | Commessa | Ditte coinvolte | Vincitore |
FLASH | 1997-2007 | DESY – Ger INFN CEA | ~100 1.3 GHz 9-celle | Zanon RI RI CERCA* | Zanon RI (20%) RI (70 %) CERCA* (10 %) |
ILC HiGrade | 2008 | DESY - Ger | 24 1.3 GHz High-G | Zanon RI RI | Zanon RI (50%) RI (50%) |
Eu-XFEL | 2008 | DESY - Ger | 800 1.3 GHz 9-celle | Zanon RI RI | Zanon RI (50%) RI (50%) |
Eu-XFEL | 2012 | INFN | 20 3.9 GHz 3H | Zanon RI RI | Zanon RI |
ESS | 2016 | STFC – UK | 70 HB 704 MHz | Zanon RI RI | RI |
ESS | 2017 | INFN | 36 MB 704 MHz | Zanon RI RI | Zanon |
LCLS-II | 2018 | SLAC – US | 240 1.3 GHz 9-celle | Zanon RI RI | Zanon RI (50%) RI (50%) |
LCLS-II HE | 2020 | SLAC – US | 120 1.3 GHz 9-celle | Zanon RI RI | RI |
PIP-II | 2020 | IJCLAB – Fr | 6 Single Spoke SSR2 | Zanon RI RI | Zanon |
PIP-II | 2021 | STFC - UK | 20 HB 650 MHz | Zanon RI RI | Zanon |
* CERCA (Francia) è poi uscita dal mercato SRF nel 2000
Inoltre sono proprio e solo le due ditte sopracitate ad essere risultate qualificate per la produzione di cavità dal progetto European-XFEL che ha, fino ad oggi, costruito il maggiore numero di cavità superconduttive.
Per quanto sopra esposto facciamo richiesta di procedere, per la procedura in oggetto, ad una selezione negoziata con l’invito di entrambe le ditte qualificate.
In fede,
Il Responsabile Unico del Procedimento
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
Laboratorio Acceleratori e Superconduttività Applicata - Via F.lli Cervi, 201
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
Laboratorio Acceleratori e Superconduttività Applicata
A: Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Direttore di Sezione Sede
CC: Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Responsabile Amministrativo Sede
OGGETTO: richiesta indizione per la fornitura, tramite procedura negoziata art. 76 comma 4 lett. a) a scopo di ricerca del d.lgs. n. 36/2023 sopra soglia (OEPV), di 38 cavità superconduttive lb 650, opzione I) due cavità aggiuntive, opzione 2) 20 ritrattamenti, con rischi di interferenza e costi per la sicurezza pari a € 00,00.
Gentilissimo Direttore,
in qualità di Responsabile Unico del progetto (RUP) incaricato, nomina prot.
n. AOO_MI-2023-0000415 del 20 luglio’23, rappresento la necessità, di seguito motivata, di indire una procedura negoziata finalizzata all’acquisizione del servizio indicato in oggetto.
In base agli accordi sottoscritti tra il MIUR e il DoE (American Department of Energy), il 4 dicembre del 2018, l’Italia ha deciso di contribuire in-kind, attraverso l’INFN, alla realizzazione del Progetto PIP-II a Fermilab. A conclusione della fase preparatoria che ha portato tra l’altro alla progettazione, realizzazione e approvazione dei necessari prototipi, dopo l’approvazione della GE e del CD, il Presidente dell’INFN ha sottoscritto le due parti dello “INFN PIP-II Project Planning Document”. In detto documento e negli aggiornamenti che ne sono seguiti fino alla revisione del contributo da parte del MAC INFN a dicembre 2022, sono in particolare definiti tutti i dettagli tecnici che ci siamo impegnati a fornire. In particolare, attraverso il gruppo SRF del LASA della Sezione INFN di Milano, l’INFN dovrà fornire, entro agosto del 2026, 38 cavità superconduttive di accelerazione, tipo LB650, complete e qualificate, pronte per l’istallazione nei crio-moduli dell’acceleratore.
Trattandosi di un progetto internazionale le specifiche tecniche devono sottostare al vaglio del DoE, ciò significa che alcuni elementi non procedurali ma soltanto numerici, quantitativi o temporali, potranno subire piccole modifiche anche dopo la delibera di indizione.
Inoltre richiedendo oggetti speciali, prototipali ed unici nel loro genere non è possibile, come nei contratti commerciali, richiedere al produttore una performance garantita. Questo comporta che INFN debba assumersi una parte del rischio che alcune cavità risultino sotto- specifica e degli extra-costi associati, rischio che è stato mitigato quanto possibile dai proponenti attraverso opportuni margini di produzione e ritrattamento. Infine, cavità con prestazioni finali anormali indicanti in modo chiaro un difetto di fabbricazione non saranno accettate e saranno ritrattate a carico del produttore.
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
Laboratorio Acceleratori e Superconduttività Applicata
Rappresento di aver provveduto all’inserimento della presente procedura nel programma biennale acquisti Fornitura e Servizi 2023-2024 (CUI F84001850589202200081), e di aver verificato che il servizio indicato in oggetto non è presente nelle Convenzioni Consip, nel Sistema Dinamico di Acquisizione e negli Accordi-Quadro messi a disposizione da Consip S.p.A.. Si è optato, pertanto, per una procedura negoziata a lotto unico. Nello specifico, l’unicità del lotto trova fondamento nella circostanza che le prestazioni in oggetto di affidamento sono riconducibili ad attività, processi ed elementi funzionali strettamente correlati. In tale contesto, la suddivisione in lotti determinerebbe forti insufficienze procedurali e la frammentazione della responsabilità contrattuale con le conseguenti criticità in sede di esecuzione del contratto, risultando, altresì, diseconomica ed inefficiente, contraria al principio del risultato (art. 1, co. 1 del d.lgs 36/2023). L’INFN ha, pertanto, necessità di interfacciarsi con un unico soggetto di riferimento che gestisca l’intera filiera dei processi costruttivi ed il PCQ al fine di ottenere risultati più efficaci ed efficienti sia dal punto di vista organizzativo che economico e di controllo di processo.
Inoltre l’omogeneità dei processi e dei trattamenti oggetto di fornitura è ritenuta determinante ai fini della rispondenza delle cavità LB650 alle specifiche di progetto PIP-II. Chiederei, ai sensi dell’art. 76 co. 4 lett. a) del D.lgs. 36/2023, l’indizione di una procedura negoziata senza previa pubblicazione di un bando di gara, previo invito degli unici due operatori economici attualmente partecipanti a procedure internazionali simili a quella richiesta. Gli oggetti richiesti hanno finalità di studio della materia solo in laboratori scientifici e non hanno né valenza commerciale e neanche ritorno di profitto.
Il criterio di aggiudicazione è quello basato sull’offerta economicamente più vantaggiosa individuata sulla base del miglior rapporto qualità/prezzo, ai sensi dell’art. 108 co. 1 del D.lgs n. 36/2023, con attribuzione di massimo punti 70 all’offerta tecnica, di cui 20 al cronoprogramma, e massimo punti 30 all’offerta economica.
Il Contratto che ne deriverà dall’aggiudicazione della procedura de quo avrà la durata di 36 mesi.
Negli atti di gara sono state previste due opzioni:
✓ Opzione I: due cavità aggiuntive
✓ Opzione II: 20 ritrattamenti.
Considerando che l’art.40 del D.lgs. n. 50/2016 e s.m.i. ha introdotto, dal 18 ottobre 2018, l’obbligo di utilizzo per tutte le procedure contemplate dal Codice degli Contratti Pubblici, dei mezzi di comunicazione elettronica tra Stazioni Appaltanti ed Imprese, la presente procedura sarà svolta sulla piattaforma NovaPA.
Per la fornitura in argomento è stimata una spesa lorda di 12.874.300,00 euro, come da quadro economico allegato, di cui oneri relativi a rischi da interferenze pari a zero e costi per la sicurezza pari a € 00,00, che troverà copertura nel bilancio dell’istituto
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
Laboratorio Acceleratori e Superconduttività Applicata
sul progetto Fermilab della sezione di Milano, esercizio 2023 capitolo U2020104002 (impianti). Chiederei al Direttore di attivarsi presso gli organi competenti al fine di ottenere la copertura finanziaria di cui in oggetto.
Oltre alla somma sopra indicata
Gli importi sono stati elaborati considerando i precedenti contratti ed indagini di mercato per la fornitura di servizi analoghi.
Considerando la complessità della procedura richiederei di essere affiancato nell’espletamento dei processi giuridici amministrativi dall’avv. Xxxxxxxxx X’Xxxxxxx quale componente dell’ufficio a supporto del RUP.
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx
Cordiali saluti.
Milano, 13 luglio’23
quadro economico relazione unicità fornitori
Milano, 19 Luglio 2023
Al Xxxx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx
OGGETTO: Conferimento incarico di Responsabile Unico del Progetto (RUP) per la fornitura delle 38 cavità superconduttive LB650 – contributo italiano al Progetto PIP-II a Fermilab – codice CUI NovaPA F84001850589202200081
Xxxx Xxxxxxx,
con la presente Ti viene conferito l’incarico di Responsabile Unico del Progetto per la fornitura delle 38 cavità superconduttive LB650 – contributo italiano al Progetto PIP-II a Fermilab – codice CUI NovaPA F84001850589202200081
L’incarico dovrà essere espletato in conformità all’art. 15, comma 5 del d.lgs. n.
36/2023 e a quanto previsto nell’allegato I.2 dello stesso, che pongono in capo al RUP lo svolgimento di tutti i compiti relativi alle procedure di programmazione, affidamento ed esecuzione previste dal medesimo decreto. Il RUP è, altresì, delegato ad adottare e sottoscrivere gli atti che si renderanno necessari durante lo svolgimento delle procedure in oggetto.
Il contratto potrà essere utilmente affidato mediante le procedure stabilite dal d.lgs. n. 36/2023. Si rinvia alle determinazioni ANAC per quanto concerne la richiesta del Codice Identificativo della Gara.
Si ricorda che:
• la nomina deve essere rifiutata in caso di sussistenza di una situazione di conflitto di interesse ai sensi dell’art. 16 del d.lgs. n. 36/2023 nonché nelle ipotesi previste dal Codice Etico dell’INFN e dagli artt. 7 e 14 del Codice di comportamento in materia di anticorruzione del personale dell’INFN;
• è autorizzata al trattamento dei dati personali, da effettuarsi sia in modo cartaceo che elettronico nell’ambito indicato nel presente incarico e con accesso ai soli dati la cui conoscenza sia necessaria per adempiere ai compiti assegnati;
• è impegnata a conoscere e a osservare le norme per il trattamento dei dati personali disponibili presso la pagina: xxxxx://xxx.xxxx.xx/xxxxxxxxx-xxx/xxxxxxxxxxx-x- responsabili-del-trattamento/.
Cordiali saluti.
Firmato da Xxxxx Il Direttore Xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx
in data 19-07-2023
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
Sezione di Milano
Milano, 6 Settembre 2023
Chiar. mo Xxxx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Presidente dell’INFN
Giunta Esecutiva INFN
Dott.ssa Xxxxxx Xxxxx
Direzione Amministrazione, Finanza e Controllo INFN
Oggetto: Richiesta di indizione di una gara per la fornitura, tramite procedura negoziata art. 76 comma 4 lett. a) a scopo di ricerca del d.lgs. n. 36/2023 sopra soglia (OEPV), di 38 cavità superconduttive lb 650, opzione I) due cavità aggiuntive, opzione 2) 20 ritrattamenti, con rischi di interferenza e costi per la sicurezza pari a € 00,00 – Progetto PIP –II a Fermilab
Caro Presidente,
con la presente sono a richiederTi l’indizione di una gara per la fornitura, tramite procedura negoziata art. 76 comma 4 lett. a) a scopo di ricerca del d.lgs. n. 36/2023 sopra soglia (OEPV), di 38 cavità superconduttive lb 650, opzione I) due cavità aggiuntive, opzione 2) 20 ritrattamenti, con rischi di interferenza e costi per la sicurezza pari a € 00,00 – Progetto PIP-II a Fermilab
Il RUP della procedura sarà il Xxxx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, che si avvarrà di un ufficio del RUP composto dalla Dott.ssa Xxxxxxxxx X’Xxxxxxx per il supporto amministrativo.
A seguire il quadro economico:
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
Sezione di Milano
1 BASE GARA: Fornitura di 38 cavità superconduttive LB 650 € 9.500.000,00
2 IVA al 22% (su punto 1) € 2.090.000,00 3 Importo base gara ivato € 11.590.000,00
4 Incentivo per funzioni tecniche ai sensi dell’art.113 co.2 Dlgs. 50/2016 e s.m.i.(calcolato su punto 1)
€ 48.000,00
5 SUB TOTALE BASE DI GARA(Punti 3 +4) € 11.638.000,00
6 OPZIONE I: 2 cavità aggiuntive € 600.000,00
7 IVA al 22% (su punto 6) € 132.000,00 8 Importo opzione I ivato € 732.000,00
9 Incentivo per funzioni tecniche ai sensi dell’art.113 co.2 Dlgs. 50/2016 e s.m.i.(su punto 6) € 9.300,00
10 SUB TOTALE OPZIONE I (Punti 8+9) € 741.300,00
11 OPZIONE II: 20 ritrattamenti € 400.000,00
12 IVA al 22% (su punto 11) € 88.000,00 13 Importo opzione II ivato € 488.000,00
14 Incentivo per funzioni tecniche ai sensi dell’art.113 co.2 Dlgs. 50/2016 e s.m.i.(su punto 11)
€ 7.000,00
15 SUB TOTALE OPZIONE II (Punti 13+14) € 495.000,00
16 COSTO TOTALE STIMATO COMPLESSIVO (punti 5+10+15) € 12.874.300,00
Il costo totale stimato complessivo di Euro 12.874.300,00 troverà copertura sul capitolo U2020104002 (Impianti), progetto FERMILAB – Sezione di Milano in seguito all’assegnazione da parte della Giunta Esecutiva di cui allego richiesta inoltrata.
In allegato si trova la necessaria documentazione, predisposta dal RUP; segnalo inoltre che per l’indizione di questa gara abbiamo chiesto l’inserimento nel programma biennale degli acquisti 2023-2024
Restando a disposizione per ogni chiarimento Ti invio i migliori saluti
Ai sensi del D.Lgs. N. 82/2005 e s.m.i.
Firmato da Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx IT
in data 06-09-2023
Il Direttore Xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
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Rev. C – 18.9.2023
Revision History | ||
Author | Revision Date | Description of Change |
X. Xxxxxxxx | 23 Xxx 2023 | Draft of cavity processes |
X. Xxxxxxxxx | 31 Mar 2023 | Initial release |
X. Xxxxxxxxx | 30 May 2023 | Rev. A – Ready for joint review |
X. Xxxxxxxxx | 5 July 2023 | Rev. B – Jointly reviewed |
X. Xxxxxxxxx | 18 Sep 2023 | Rev. C – With feedbacks from Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx |
This procurement covers the manufacturing, treatment, and testing of 2 pre-series and 36 series production jacketed 650 MHz SRF cavities for the low-β section of the proton LINAC for the Proton Improvement Plan II (PIP-II) at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL, US) that represent the in-kind contribution of INFN (also named as the Orderer in the following).
This document establishes the fabrication, facilities and procurement requirements needed to deliver the 38 SRF cavities and shall be followed by the vendor (also named as Contractor in the following) to fill the scope of supply.
The manufacturing sequence of the cavity with main subcomponents and the basic principles of the procedure of the helium vessel manufacturing and of the cavity integration into the helium vessel are here presented, including also all surface treatments to be done to produce the resonator ready to be RF tested. Only basic steps of the procedure are shown in this Executive Summary. In Section 4 details on the specific processes to be done during the surface treatment of the cavity are described. In Section 7 the description of the various measurements/tests/reports divided by acceptance levels is presented. The Contractor must store all measurements/tests/reports done in its quality control and assurance system and must provide them to the Orderer.
This procurement includes a number of hold points and Acceptance Levels, the most significant of which
• Manufacturing Readiness Review (MRR): During the MRR the Contractor shall demonstrate how the specified manufacturing, treatment and testing requirements are going to be implemented, manufacturing cannot start until all the MRR’s recommendations have been addressed and the Orderer has provided a
written approval. Detailed description in chapter 7.5.2.
• Acceptance Level One: The trimming instructions will be issued after the RF characterization of the subcomponents, the mechanical and 3D surface measurements, and after having assessed with the Contractor the length shrinkage of the equatorial welds. The Orderer will be responsible for the trimming
and sorting instructions for the two pre-series LB650 cavities while afterwards trimming, tuning amounts and sorting will be provided by the Contractor and approved by the Orderer. The Contractor will proceed with the cavity fabrication and do all tests necessary for the characterization of the resonator at this stage of its production. Details of this procedure are described in Section4.2 and 7.5.3. The fulfillment of all the fabrication prescriptions is required for acceptance level One.
• Acceptance Level Two: The main steps for the preparation of the cavity before the He-tank integration (i.e. of the cavity without He-tank) are presented in Section4.3 and 7.5.4. The detailed cavity preparation sequence, including the necessary preparation steps, is to be established by the Contractor and must be approved by the Orderer. The fulfillment of all the treatment prescriptions is required for the acceptance level Two.
• Acceptance Level Three: The main steps for the He-tank integration procedure and for the preparation of the dressed cavity for the RF test are presented in Section4.5 and 7.5.5. The detailed cavity preparation sequence, including the necessary preparation steps and the He-tank integration procedure, is to be established by the Contractor and must be approved by the Orderer. The fulfillment of all the He-tank integration process and of all the treatment prescriptions is required for the acceptance level Three.
The detailed manufacturing sequence, including the necessary preparation steps for the subcomponents, is
to be established by the Contractor and approved by the Orderer. The Contractor has to provide the nominal geometry shown in the drawings listed in Section 8 within the required tolerances in shapes and dimensions. The final goal of reaching the correct resonance frequency of the cavity within the foreseen cavity length will be obtained by trimming of the subcomponents (dumbbells and end groups) before their final welding..
Once received the approval of the Acceptance Level Three the Contractor will be released for delivery the cavity to the qualified laboratory for the cold RF test (DESY). The Contractor will be responsible of the delivery. The Contractor at this point could issue the invoice for the cavity.
In case of a not successful incoming inspection at its arrival at the qualified laboratory (DESY) as for instance due to a harmful event during transportation or evidences of errors in cavity preparation before shipment (e.g. wrong torque, wrong position in the frame etc.) , the cavity is not accepted, and it will be sent back to the Contractor. In this case, the Contractor must take care of the transportation of the not accepted cavity to his premises and the relative cost (see Section 5.25). Further actions for the recovery of the cavity will be discussed and approved by the Orderer.
The cryogenic RF characterization tests will be done at the qualified laboratory (DESY). In the case of RF test failure in reaching the cavity performance required by the PIP-II project, the Orderer may ask the Contractor to perform additional treatments on the Nb surface as HPR, etc. (see Section 5.14 for details). In this case, the Orderer will be responsible of the cavity delivery to the Contractor site and will also cover retreatment cost. The detailed cost of these retreatments has to be indicated in the economical offer as optional treatments as described in chapter 3.2.
If retreatment processes will be done, the Contractor will provide to the Orderer all documentation relative to the retreatments steps or test/measurement done. Only after receiving the final approval by the Orderer, the Contractor will be allowed to deliver the retreated cavity to the qualified laboratory for a further cold RF test.
As already mentioned, before starting with the production, the Contractor will provide the detailed sequence of all steps foreseen for the production (QCP, Quality Control Plan), completed with all measurements, tests, reports and internal procedures to be done and to be applied to guarantee a good quality in the cavity production. The QCP and the relative documents have to be referred to the Acceptance Levels described before. Only after the approval of the Orderer the Contractor can start with the production.
All measurements/tests/reports performed during the production of the subcomponents up to the integrated cavity into the He-tank ready to the RF tested, including also eventual retreatment processes, have to be stored by the Contractor in its quality control and assurance system and must be provided to the Orderer. The production cycle and measurements/tests/reports to be done and to be provided to the Contractor are described in the following sections and listed in detail in Section 6.4. It is important to underline that measurements/tests/reports required by the Orderer do not exempt the Contractor from putting in place any additional control the Contractor deems useful for a successful production. Before proceeding with the production steps relative to the next Acceptance Level, the Contractor must wait for the official release by the Orderer that will analyze all documents and data relative to the production step already completed. These measurements/test/reports are necessary for the Orderer to monitor the overall production cycle. Nevertheless, the Contractor must have its own QA/QC system to monitor the compliance of the produced manufactures to the Orderer' drawings and specifications.
If any deviation occurs in the production cycle sequence, in any of the measurements done (mechanical, frequency, 3D-shape, visual reports, leak checks, etc.) or in any of the process parameters of the various surface treatments, the Contractor must emit a Non-Conformity Report (NCR) (chapter 7.6). The Orderer has to be informed of the non-conformity and agree on the possible repair actions and the whole process must follow the reaction plan agreed upon MRR. If, to the best of the Contractor’s knowledge and expertise, the disposition must be applied immediately, the Orderer must be notified as soon as possible, in parallel with the corrective action or rework and an agreed reporting procedure. The Contractor shall accept full responsibility for the outcome of the rework.
The Proton Improvement Plan II aims to build and commission a linear accelerator at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory that will generate a high-energy beam of protons for use in neutrino discovery research. It will provide the ‘engine’ to the Long Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) to drive the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) – a much larger USA-led, internationally-supported programme that provides opportunities for new discoveries in particle physics. As part of the project, the Orderer will deliver in-kind 38 Low-Beta 650 MHz (LB650) superconducting cavities covering fully the beta 0.61 section of the proton linac, from 177 to 516 MeV.
Fig. 1 - Electric field map within the LB650 cavity
LB650 cavity systems are among the most technically complex elements of the whole project and requirements for their performances are set at the state-of-the-art of superconducting resonators. Table 1 resumes requirements imposed from the project and Table 2 reports key design parameters of the Orderer design of LB650 cavities.
Table 1 - Project requirements on LB650 cavities
Parameter | Range | Unit |
Pi-mode frequency at 2.0 K | 650.0 – 650.2 | MHz |
Nominal cavity gradient | 16.9 | MV/m |
Nominal unloaded quality factor at 16.9 MV/m | 2.9 1010 | |
Unloaded quality factor at 16.9 MV/m for a jacketed cavity | 2.6 1010 | |
Acceptance accelerating gradient during VT (jacketed) | 19.4 | MV/m |
Radiation limit (see details below) | 1 | mSV/h |
Operating field probe RF Power CW at 16.9 MV/m | 100 – 500 | mW |
Multi-Pacting free zone at nominal gradient | +/- 1.7 | MV/m |
This contract is to deliver 38 (36 series and 2 pre-series), 650 MHz LB superconducting elliptical cavities to the Orderer. The Contractor is to fabricate, assemble, treat, factory QC test, and transport these cavities in accordance with the details of this specification and provided drawings. The pre-series cavities are to be first delivered without helium tanks (bare) for the cold RF test and first-stage manufacturing acceptance. The cavities will be returned to the Contractor for jacketing, then delivered to an external qualified infrastructure for the cold RF test and final-stage manufacturing acceptance. All cavities are to be eventually delivered to the Orderer jacketed and ready for the cold test.
The Contractor must furnish all required labour, materials, tooling, and equipment other than those explicitly listed to be supplied by the Orderer (Section 6.1). Prior to the start of the fabrication, the Contractor is to provide detailed manufacturing documentation for Orderer approval. At all stages of manufacture, the Contractor must provide QC documentation of all sub-components and parts, their preparation and any testing performed to ensure manufacturing compliance to specification. The goods are to be covered by a full manufacturing warranty for 24 months from the date of delivery to Orderer premises, or partner.
Contract deliverables and responsibilities are:
1. Furnishing all required labor, materials, tooling, and equipment needed for fabrication, assembly, treatment, safe handling, and transport of cavities that are compliant to Orderer requirements, other than those items explicitly listed in chapter 6.2 that are to be supplied by the Orderer.
2. Production of final cavity Bill of Materials (BoM), manufacturing and processing procedures (Quality Control Plan or QCP) showing all steps, hold-points, sub-components, and sub-assemblies necessary to produce the cavities.
3. Production of manufacturing drawings for all parts and tooling such as cell forming dies, gauges, templates etc. Documents must be approved by the Orderer prior to starting cavity production, the Contractor is solely responsible for the content of these documents.
4. Fabrication and processing of 2 pre-series, 650 MHz LB, bare superconducting elliptical cavities delivered as ready for cold RF test as defined by the attached drawings.
5. Jacketing and final preparation of the previous 2 pre-series 650 MHz LB (after experimental qualification as bare cavities) delivered as ready for cold RF test as defined by the attached drawings.
6. Fabrication of 36 series LB650 cavities, each with a helium tank (jacketed) as defined by the attached drawings.
7. Processing and final preparation of all 36 series LB650 cavities as ready for cold RF test as defined by the attached drawings. Also included the effort and materials required to repeat any of the processing steps if this is required as a consequence of a non-acceptance by the Orderer at the corresponding hold-point with emission of a Non Conformity report..
8. All ancillaries and finishing items of the LB650 cavity not explicitly supplied by the Orderer: flanges, nuts, bolts, aluminum and copper seals, fastenings, safety brackets, Field Monitoring System and support frames (specifically, 38 jacketed cavity frame and 4 naked cavity frame). All parts must be compliant to cold qualification test requirements and their design must be agreed with the Orderer prior to production start.
11. Delivery of all associated Quality Control documentation to the Orderer for all 38 LB650 cavities. The delivered cavities must meet all the dimensions and tolerances specified in the provided drawings as well as the electromagnetic requirements reported in this document. Test reports shall be available for any validation necessary to confirm manufacturing conformance with this specification. A proactive participation in quality planning is required to the Contractor, including process flow and Manufacturing Control Plans generation as a minimum. Following the best practice from large series production of SRF cavities is expected.
12. Regular progress reporting including monthly written reports of progress against schedule and technical status, progress to date, and material used to date; regular video conferences, face-to- face project meetings at least every 3 months. The frequency of the meetings and visits will be determined by the project needs.
13. A manufacturing warranty for each SRF cavity delivered, covering all aspects of the mechanical fabrication, assembly, welding, treatment, and processes under the Contractor’s responsibility.
Contractor has to make sure that the requirements and processes are understood and followed, including but not limited to the training record maintenance and translation of the relevant documents to English language. The Contractor shall furnish any aspects of the jacketed cavity fabrication that are not explicitly detailed by this specification, but obviously necessary to meet the requirements. The Contractor should choose the most appropriate method of manufacturing for cavity and subassemblies, subject to Orderer’s approval. In the event of an oversight and/or apparent error in this specification, the Contractor shall notify the Orderer for clarification or correction prior to proposal submission.
In addition, the Contractor is asked to support the Orderer up to 3 months after final acceptance of the last cavity. Support is defined as provision of staff effort for follow-up enquiries regarding the delivered cavities.
As well as the above scope and deliverables, the Contractor must ensure they have potential capacity for, and provide a separate fixed price for the following additional scopes of work or Options. These are options to be exercised by the Orderer only if deemed useful and in any case within the time duration of the Contract (see attached Condizioni Contrattuali):
Option 1: complete production, treatment, jacketing and preparation of 2 further cavities in addition to the 38 above and all associated documentations: this also includes their fabrication with the Niobium items provided by the Orderer, all surface and heat treatments, production of the jackets components, final preparation for VT. and delivery for acceptance test to DESY or LASA.
Option 2: additional repetitions of the final HPR cycle, all associated documentation, final preparation, and delivery to DESY or to the Orderer. Up to 20 repetitions of this full cycle, also referred to as “Additional HPR” and described in chapter 5.14 are to be offered.
A general and tentative layout of the cavity lifecycle is shown below in Figure 1 solely for bidding purposes; the full-scale chart is included in the document pack. The Contractor shall develop their own processing procedures.
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Figure 1 – LB650 proposed processing flow-chart.
In this Section, the main steps on the subcomponent fabrication and measurements/tests/reports to be done are described.
Upon receipt at the company, the niobium sheets must be visually inspected for defects. In case of defects,
i.e. scratches or damages, sheets can be reworked after Orderer approval.
The Contractor will procure all the material (NbTi, Ti, screws, flanges, gaskets, nuts, etc.) but the one explicitly indicated in the Section 6.
Before starting with the production, the Contractor will provide to the Orderer all evidence of the documents relative to certificate of origin of all materials, conformity declaration, etc.
Details on labeling and on measurements/test/reports to be done and collected by the Contractor are available in Section 7.7.1. All documents and reports prepared for each sub-components used for each cavities need to be provided to the Orderer.
Before starting with the mechanical production of subcomponents, the Contractor must prepare documentation describing the full process foreseen including all measurements/tests/reports that will be done. Only after the acceptance by the Orderer, the Contractor can start the treatment of the series cavity.
For the PIP-II medium beta cavities, three different kinds of Half Cells (HCs) have to be produced:
• Inner Cell (IC)
• Pen Cell (PC)
• End Cell (EC)
The Orderer will deliver to Contractor round discs to be formed as Half-Cell (HC) by deep-drawing.
Suggested material for the tooling used for forming the half-cells is 7075-T6 Aluminum alloy with a surface finish of 0.8 μm or better. Rubber inserts and coining dies may be used to improve the form if necessary. Tool drawings and measured tooling geometry for key characteristics such as form should. Records that demonstrate that the tooling key characteristics are within specifications must be available to Orderer upon request.
After deep-drawing, the HC are machined at the equator and iris, leaving proper material overlength for the subsequent trimming operations and to account for weld shrinkages. Parallelism of the flat surfaces on the iris and equator is particularly important for later functioning, as well as the best possible flatness of these surfaces relative to the axis of the internal contour. MECHANICAL AND 3D SHAPE MEASUREMENT
All HCs are mechanically measured (geometrical check) and data are recorded. The inner functional shape of each HC is also checked by means of a template or die. Each individual manufactured component of the pre- series cavities must undergo a CMM 3D scan and the generated report shall include photos.
For the series production the CMM 3D measurement of the functional surface has to be done on the first four HCs for each type (IC, PC and EC) at each change of niobium production lot and/or niobium delivery to the Contractor, to ensure the proper functional surface shape. If the results will not conform to the request, the Orderer might ask further 3D measurement.
HCs that do not satisfy the shape requirements will be notified to the Orderer and further actions will be discussed. CLEANING AND INSPECTION
After coarse cleaning, etching and degreasing, the HC functional surfaces are visually inspected and reworked if needed after approval of the Orderer. The inner surfaces of the HCs are among the most important functional surfaces of the cavity. These surfaces are therefore to be handled with particular care, in order to keep them free from scratches and foreign materials.
The HCs are then ultrasonically cleaned, rinsed and dried to be prepared for the frequency measurements. The mean value of the resonant frequencies of HCs is a measure of the accuracy achieved in forming their contour and length, while the spread of resonant frequencies is a measure of their reproducibility. HCs exhibiting unacceptable deviations of resonant frequency must be reworked after Orderer approval or rejected. For each item the test is repeated twice. The second time after a rotation of 180° around the beam axes.
Q-value during the measurement must be recorded to ensure measurement reliability. Measured frequencies values of all HC are recorded.
The Contractor has the responsibility of developing the tool for the frequency measurement of the HC, with a device capable of providing the proper RF contacts to perform the mode measurement, with no risk of generating foreign material inclusions in the niobium material. The Orderer can provide assistance and technical specification for its realization.
The Contractor will start with the Dumb Bells (DBs) production after the final sorting and coupling of the HCs. The Orderer will be responsible for the trimming and sorting instructions for the two pre-series LB650 cavities while for the series cavities the Contractor will be responsible for defining the trimming instructions to meet the frequency and dimensional specifications. Reference trimming formulas provided by the Orderer should be validated by the Contractor and evaluation of trimming amounts shall be provided by the Contractor and must be approved by the Orderer. Half-cells should be paired such that the average frequency of the resulting dumbbell is as close to the design value as possible.
For the PIP-II low beta cavities, two different kinds of Dumb Bell (DB) are needed.
• Inner Dumb Bell (ID), composed by two ICs
• Terminal Dumb Bell (TD), composed by one IC and one PC
• After trimming operation (see details in paragraph, the Terminal Dumb Bell (TD), depending on their positioning in the cavity, will be labeled as:
• Coupler Dumb Bell (CD), that correspond to the Dumb Bell that will be positioned to the Coupler side
• Pick-Up Dumb Bell (PD), that correspond to the Dumb Bell that will be positioned to the Pick-Up side (or Tuner side).
Reference drawings are in Section 8.
The HCs are joined to form the Dumb-Bells (DBs) with the Electron Beam welding technique. The HC must be EB welded taking into account the weld shrinkage in the axial direction, to be determined with suitable test welds.
Before starting with the DBs production, the HC are cleaned in a dishwasher, they are ultrasonically cleaned and rinsed, they receive a 20 μm chemical etching on each side, and then they are rinsed, dried and stored. Depending on the elapsed storage time between the etching and the welding (max 8 hours), the edges to be welded must receive an additional 3 μm chemical etching. MECHANICAL AND 3D SHAPE MEASUREMENT
After welding, all DBs are mechanically measured. All pre-series DBs undergo CMM 3D scan, values are recorded and photos shall be included. For the series, the contractor has to do 3D measurements over the 25% of the produced DBs. CLEANING AND INSPECTION FREQUENCY MEASUREMENTS
After the cleaning operation, the Contractor will perform the RF measurements of all DBs. For each item, the test is repeated twice. The second time after a rotation of 180° on the beam axes. Q-value during the measurement must be recorded to ensure measurement reliability.
The Contractor has the responsibility of developing the tool for the frequency measurement of the DB, with a device capable of providing the proper RF contacts to perform the measurement, with no risk of generating foreign material inclusions in the niobium material. The Orderer can provide assistance and technical specification for its realization.
The Orderer will be responsible for the trimming instructions for the two pre-series LB650 cavities while for the series cavities the Contractor will be responsible for defining the trimming instructions to meet the frequency and dimensional specifications. Reference trimming formulas provided by the Orderer should be validated by the Contractor and evaluation of trimming amounts shall be provided by the Contractor and must be approved by the Orderer. TRIMMING AND POST-TRIMMING MEASUREMENTS
The trimming values have to be recorded by the Contractor. If further mechanical turning machining as the step and recess will be necessary in the equator area for the welding preparation, the machining has to be done together with the trimming operation in order to preserve concentricity of the turning operations.
Once trimmed, DBs are cleaned (following the same procedure above described), visually inspected and reworked if necessary, mechanically and RF measured. In case of reworking, the Orderer has to be informed. All data relative to the mechanical dimension and frequency has to be recorded. DBs are finally stored in clean area and enclosed within properly designed protecting vessels, they have to be handled with particular care, in order to keep them free from foreign materials and scratches. GEOMETRICAL TOLERANCES
Parallelism of the flat surfaces on the equators, as well as best possible flatness of these surfaces relative to the axis of the internal contour, are particularly important for later functioning.
Attached bidding drawing serve as reference.
The Contractor might consider a leak check of the DB before their assembling into the cavity.
For the PIP-II LB650 cavity two End Groups (EGs) have to be produced:
• Coupler End Group (EGC)
• Tuner End Group (EGT) see drawings in Section 8 for details.
The manufacturing process procedures described in the previous sections has to be used in the production of the two cavity EGs (the EGC at the main coupler side and the EGT at the tuner side). The HCs used for the EG manufacturing are named as “End Cell”. INTEGRATION IN EG ASSEMBLY, TRIMMING AND MEASUREMENTS
Also for the EGs all prescriptions relative to the machining, functional surfaces and reworking if necessary, handling, cleanliness, storage, welding have to be applied as for the HCs and DBs manufacturing.
Main steps of the EGs assembly operation are the treatment of components to be welded (etching), the mechanical measurements of the EGs assembly.
All produced EGs are mechanically measured, CMM 3D scan is done on all the pre-series EGs and of 25% of all produced series EGs before the trimming operation.
The same device used for HC and DB frequency measurements needs to be capable to perform the frequency measurements of all produced items for the determination of the trimming amounts (see Section 5.18 for the description of the tool used for the RF measurements of subcomponents).
Similarly, to HCs and DBs, Xxxxxxx will be responsible for the trimming instructions for the two pre-series LB650 cavities while for the series cavities the Contractor will be responsible for defining the trimming instructions to meet the frequency and dimensional specifications. Reference trimming formulas provided by Orderer should be validated by the Contractor and evaluation of trimming amounts shall be provided by the Contractor and must be approved by Orderer.
The same quality requirements of iris welds are to be imposed on the welds in the end tube piece. The required tolerances of the surface on the equators are particularly important for later functioning.
After the trimming operation, EGs are cleaned (following the same procedure above described), visually inspected and reworked if necessary after approval of the Orderer, mechanically and RF measured. In case of reworking, the Orderer has to be informed. All data relative to the mechanical dimension and frequency has to be recorded. EGs are finally stored in clean area and they have to be handled with particular care, in order to keep them free from foreign materials and scratches.
The leak-check of all the welds of the End-Groups before their assembly into the cavity is strongly recommended.
Flanges are functional surfaces and therefore have to be handled with particular care, in order to keep them free from foreign materials and scratches. Moreover, scratches must be avoided to prevent possible vacuum leaks.
The sealing surface finish of each vacuum flange must satisfy the requirement specified in the drawing and be free of scratches (especially radial ones), indentations, or damage. Flanges must be protected by plastic caps.
The Contractor should take into account that the removal rate for Nb55Ti, by the standard BCP chemical treatments, is higher than the niobium one.
All mechanical, 3D-shape, frequencies and leak check measurements, photos done on HCs, on DBs (before and after trimming operation), EGs (before and after trimming operation), have to be stored by the Contractor in its quality control and assurance system and must be provided to the Orderer QA system. The produced reports of the visual inspections will remain at the Contractor as internal documents but must be available for inspection any time.
Since Orderer has the responsibility of sorting and coupling for the pre-series cavities, the Contractor must promptly deliver all information of the planned weld shrinkages measurements and all measurements relative to HCs, DBs and EGs.
In this section main steps on the cavity fabrication and measurements/tests/reports to be done on the cavity after fabrication are described. Details on labeling and on measurements/test/reports to be done and collected by the Contractor are available in Section 7.7 and 7.5. All documents prepared for each LB650 cavity need to be provided to Orderer. The fulfilment of all these steps, together with the steps and checks done during the fabrication of subcomponents (see previous Section 4.1), once approved by Orderer will complete the Acceptance Level 1.
Before starting with all steps relative to the cavity fabrication, the Contractor must prepare documentation describing the full process foreseen, including all measurements/tests/reports that will be done. Only after the acceptance by the Orderer, the Contractor can start the treatment of the series cavity.
The EGs and DBs to be EB welded to create the cavity are assembled with a precise sequence defined as sorting procedure. Orderer will be responsible for the sorting instructions for the two pre-series LB650 cavities while for the series cavities the Contractor will be responsible for defining the sorting instructions to meet the frequency and dimensional specifications. Reference formulas provided by Orderer should be validated by the Contractor and evaluation of sorting combinations shall be provided by the Contractor and must be approved by Orderer.
The cavity sorting combination must allow reaching the nominal cavity length, within the tolerances, after tuning.
Before their use for cavity fabrication DBs and EGs are ultrasonically cleaned and rinsed, they receive a 20 μm chemical etching on each side, and then they are rinsed, dried and stored. Depending on the elapsed storage time between the etching and the welding (max 8 hours), the edges to be welded must receive a 3 μm further etch (see section 5.7).
On both EGs of the PIP-II cavities, many tapped holes are present and they must be carefully cleaned. Titanium and NbTi parts must be carefully shielded during etching due to its higher reactivity to BCP.
Once the DBs and EGs are etched, the equator surface to be welded must not be allowed to come in contact with any foreign material.
Tools used for the handling and assembly of components for the EB welding of the cavity have to be ultrasonically cleaned, rinsed and dried. This operation is mandatory at cavity final assembly to avoid foreign material inclusion in the welds.
Final preparation of the subcomponents for the cavity fabrication (packing into the electron beam weld tooling) needs to be performed in a clean room, class ISO 7. It is stressed that any tooling (e.g. the EBW tooling) need to be properly cleaned before entering ISO 7, to avoid cavity surface contamination. All holes have to be blown before starting assembling procedures.
Moreover, during the component assembly any contact between the manufacturing groups (EGC, CD, IC, PD, EGT) and the assembly tool must be avoided to prevent possible mechanical damages and contamination on the inner surfaces. If a contact would happen, the Contractor must promptly advise the Orderer that will decide on possible repair action. No parts that had contacts with foreign material can be welded without prior authorization of the Orderer.
After the EB equatorial welding of the cavity, the Contractor must label the cavity according to the PIP-II naming convention (see Section 7.7). The labeling can be done by engraving or stamping and the position of the label is indicated in the drawings.
A complete CMM 3D scan of the manufactured cavity must be also produced. Reports with photos must be produced. In order to generate a reproducible and safe CMM scan of the cavity the Contractor must ensure that cavity position and its supporting lugs during the scan are properly defined, agreed and kept throughout the entire series.
The Contractor must perform a careful visual inspection of the cavity and prepare a report. Care must be used for the inspection of the flange sealing surfaces and of all welding seams as described in chapter 5.21 and 5.22.
Visual inspections of the inner welding seams must be done after the EBW of the subcomponents, using adequate optical equipment, able to locate irregularities of the weld bead and eventual presence of defects or
imperfections as sputters, scratches, holes, etc. with dimensions larger than 50 μm. The Contractor must prepare a report.
The inspection system must guarantee the recording of the pictures relative to the cavity inspection. The pictures have to be stored at the Contractor quality assurance system. It is important to remind that the presence of defects on the inner cavity surface at this stage of the production must be promptly communicated to the Orderer that can evaluate possible repair action before proceeding with the standard production cycle.
Information about the inner optical inspection system are available in Section 5.22.
All data relative to RF frequency measurements have to be recorded.
On the first 2 pre-series cavities, contractor have to measure the cavity field flatness at this stage too.
The cavity inner volume must be leak tight with a leak rate less than 1 x 10-10 mbar l/s.
Contractor must use a leak detector able to measure a leak rate less than 1 x 10-10 mbar l/s. Leak detector must be operated and calibrated as for ISO 3530 and EN 1779, using a calibrated leak in the 10-9 mbar l/s range.
After manufacturing, storage can be performed either in ISO 7 clean room or outside, if the cavity has been packed in a double bag in ISO 7.
Eventually, the Contractor will issue a written request for the cavity to proceed to the following stage with which it also confirms that the cavity has been produced according to specification, and that all requirements have been checked and complied with the Orderer’s request.
At this stage the cavity is evaluated by the Orderer according to acceptance level One in order to release it to the processing stages. The Orderer will require access to the documentation with the evidence of the conformance to the fabrication and processing specifications and requirements, including measurement reports. Deviations has to be notified. In case of failure or lacking in the application of all requested provisions and
7.5 a detailed list of reports and measurements to be collected by the Contractor are reported. All documents prepared for each LB650 cavities need to be provided to Orderer. The fulfilment of all steps, once approved by the Orderer will complete the Acceptance Level 2.
Before starting with all surface treatments and cavity preparation the Contractor must prepare documentation describing the full process foreseen, including all measurements/tests/reports that will be done. Only after the acceptance by the Orderer, the Contractor can start the treatment of the series cavity.
The preparation sequence consists of several different steps, among those the Electropolishing process (EP), the annealing treatment, the tuning operation, and the final surface EP treatment. In this section a brief description of all steps foreseen for the preparation and treatments relative to the cavity before its integration into the He-tank are reported.
It has to be mentioned that only once the Al1 (Acceptance Level 1) level has been approved by the Orderer (i.e. mechanical fabrication of the cavity) the cavity can start with the steps foreseen for its preparation to reach the Acceptance Level 2.
A general recommendation is that the cavity must be handled with particular care to avoid any deformation of its shape and dimension, any mechanical damages on its inner and outer surfaces, any damages on the sealing surface of the ports. The cavity must be moved between all treatment/step stations, both inside and outside the clean room, with a frame that the Contractor must produce and Orderer approve.
The Contractor will produce all tools compatible with the cavity frame, necessary for the movement of the cavity in the various environment. The cavity will stay without frame only during the annealing, the tuning operation, the mechanical measurement and the inner optical inspection. In any case, the handling of the cavity without frame must be done avoiding any possible damages or deformation.
It is essential to perform cleaning and rinsing operations on the open cavities in order to get rid of possible contamination which may be accidentally introduced during cavity fabrication and the subsequent inspection steps.
First of all, the cavity thickness is measured according to the procedure described in paragraph 5.12. Then, the cavity frame is mounted, and the cavity is weighted with its frame. Care must be taken in order to weight the cavity always in the same configuration and with the same frame identically installed, if weighing is done inside the clean room the frame should be the one used in clean room operations.
Later on, cavity inner and external surface must be cleaned and rinsed in order to enter the clean room of class ISO 7 or better. In the class ISO 7, the cavity inner and outer surface are then cleaned with an ultrasound bath (see section 5.4.1). The cavity is rinsed until the resistivity of the drain water is >12 MΩcm and dried.
The main steps of the preparation for final EP are:
a) Equip cavity with the correct frame
b) Cavity weighing
c) US cleaning in ISO7 (ISO7-open cavity)
d) UPW rinsing to resistivity>12 MΩcm (ISO7-open cavity)
e) Dry cavity (ISO7)
Bulk EP process will remove 140 μm on the cavity surface. The first 120 μm will be done with the “warm” EP configuration. The last 20 μm will be done with the “cold” EP configuration.
Schematic description of the process is described below, while additional specifications are reported in in the following for both the “warm” and the “cold” configurations. Fine adjustment might be necessary after reviewing past results and/or the pre-series cavity results.
All the process has to be done in a separate clean area without combustion engine traffic, machining work and other activities which might cause a contamination – especially with hydrocarbons – of the cavity surface. The area has to be adequately ventilated. Direct contact to external air or “dirty” (e.g. machining, chemical) areas is not allowed during cavity preparation and handling.
The main steps of this process are:
1. Installing cavity to its EP frame and to EP fixtures
2. Install cavity and fixture to EP bench (incl. electrode assembly)
3. Install current transformer
4. Setup treatment parameters for “warm” configuration including I-V measurement
5. Start process to remove 120 μm
6. Turn off voltage on cavity while still letting the acid flow.
7. Set up treatment parameters for “cold” configuration, wait until target is reached.
8. Re-start process to remove the last 20 μm.
9. Draining of acid
10. Rinse cavity with UPW to > pH 5
11. Fill cavity with UPW
12. Remove cavity filled with UPW from EP bench (incl. electrode disassembly)
The aim of clean room operation activities is to get rid of any possible contamination introduced by the preceding operations and prepare the cavity to the subsequent high temperature annealing.
After the main EP process itself, the cavity with all its assembled flanges and its handling frame has to be cleaned from the outside in order to enter the clean room of class ISO 7 or better.
In the class ISO 7 the flanges used during EP are exchanged with clean flanges and piping (for use with ultra-pure water only). The cavity inner and outer surface are then cleaned with an ultrasound bath (see section 5.5.2). The cavity is then rinsed until the resistivity of the drain water is >12 MΩcm (see section 5.14). The rinsing procedure has to assure that the whole inner cavity surface and all ports of the cavity are rinsed up to this quality.
Afterwards the cavity is handed over to ultra-pure high pressure water rinsing (HPR, see section 5.14). Then cavity must be dried and then might undergo an ethanol rinsing (see section 5.10) if the Contractor deems it’s useful in order to get rid of any Sulphur contamination introduced by the Electropolishing treatment, and another ultra-pure high pressure rinsing step.
Main steps of the clean room operation are:
a) Cavity opening and draining (ISO7)
b) US cleaning in ISO7 (ISO7-open cavity)
c) UPW rinsing to resistivity>12 MΩcm (ISO7-open cavity)
d) 2 x HPR
e) Dry cavity (ISO7)
f) Cavity weighing (cavity must be equipped with the same frame than the previous weighing)
g) Ethanol rinsing (if proposed and agreed)
h) 1 x HPR
i) Dry cavity (ISO7)
Before and after the Electropolishing treatment, the achievement of both the desired removal amount, rate and delta frequency targets has to be checked:
• by means of weight measurements, which must be performed before and after the treatment, in the ISO7 environment, with the the same frame installed.
• by checking the fundamental pass-band mode frequencies, according to section 5.19, before and after the treatment. Such measurements have to be performed with the same frame.
Visual inspections of the inner welding seams have to be done after bulk EP and before annealing process using adequate optical equipment, able to locate irregularities of the weld bead and eventual presence of defects or imperfections as sputters, scratches, holes, etc. with dimensions larger than 50 μm. Since the cavity surface was already etched (bulk EP), a high cleanliness quality of the tool for inspection is required and any contacts
between the tool and the inner surface of the cavity must be avoided.
The inner inspection has to be done as described in Section 5.22. The inspection system must guarantee the recording of the pictures relative to the cavity inspection. The pictures have to be stored at the Contractor quality assurance system and a report must be prepared.
It is important to remind that the presence of defects on the inner cavity surface at this stage of the production must be promptly communicated to the Contractor that can evaluate possible repair action before proceeding with the standard production cycle.
After the exit of the cavity from the clean room and the frequency measurements, the naked cavity is inserted in the oven for the annealing process. The cleanliness of the inner and outer cavity surface must be ensured to avoid any contamination during the annealing process.
For degassing of the hydrogen implanted into the niobium, the mechanical stress release and to recover its magnetic flux expulsion properties, the cavities are annealed at 900 °C in an UHV vacuum furnace. The furnace has to be designed in a way that all materials of the UHV chamber are non-reactive to the niobium at 900 °C. General design parameters for the annealing process layout that have to be fulfilled by the Contractors design are summarized in 5.15. The furnace must be located in a clean environment well separated from combustion engine traffic, machining work and other activities, which might cause a contamination – especially with hydrocarbons. The area has to be adequately ventilated. Direct contact to “dirty” (e.g. machining, chemical) areas is not allowed during cavity preparation and handling.
Proper high temperature cleaning cycle must be periodically done by the Contractor to ensure the oven cleanliness.
The main steps of the temperature annealing procedure are:
a) install cavity on the oven inner volume.
b) pump down oven inner volume to UHV conditions (<10-6 mbar)
c) start heating with a constant temperature time rate up to 900 °C
d) High temperature annealing: hold for 3 hours at 900 °C
e) vent furnace with dry nitrogen when T < 80°C
The contractor must perform a careful visual inspection of the outer surface of cavity and produce a report.
Particular care must be used for the inspection of the flange sealing surfaces.
The cavity is set to target frequency and field-flatness for the first time after 900 °C annealing. The Contractor has the responsibility of developing the tool for the tuning operation of the cavity. The Orderer can provide assistance and technical specification for its realization.
In particular, great care must be taken to avoid deformation of the cavity longitudinal axis during tuning operation and at least a third support lug must be used to bear cavity weight in case the tuning machine is holding cavity end flanges. The cavity is positioned on the cavity tuning system and its frequency and field flatness is measured and data are recorded.
The tuning process is performed, up to the correct frequency at room temperature that will be agreed with Orderer and Field Flatness (FF) is reached (FF > 98%).
After the tuning operation, the final spectrum and field flatness will be measured and stored in the Contractor QA system. The final spectrum is the one with the stretched nylon wire removed.
Being the cavity undergone to tuning and visual inspection procedures in a not clean environment, the inner surface could be exposed to contaminations. It is therefore essential to perform further cleaning and rinsing operations on the open cavities in order to get rid of possible impurities.
First of all, the cavity frame is mounted, and the cavity is weighted with its frame. Care must be taken in order to weight the cavity always in the same configuration and with the same frame identically installed, if weighing is done inside the clean room the frame should be the one used in clean room operations.
Then, cavity inner and external surface must be cleaned and rinsed according to section in order to enter the clean room of class ISO 7 or better. In the class ISO 7, the cavity inner and outer surface are then cleaned with an ultrasound bath (see section The cavity is rinsed until the resistivity of the drain water is >12 MΩcm (see section 5.4) and dried.
The main steps of the preparation for final EP are:
a) Equip cavity with correct frame
b) Cavity weighing
c) US cleaning in ISO7 (ISO7-open cavity)
d) UPW rinsing to resistivity>12 MΩcm (ISO7-open cavity)
e) Dry cavity (ISO7)
The goal of final EP treatment is the removal of any residue of wet processes remaining on the inner niobium surface, which can lead to failure or bad performance. The final Electropolishing treatment has be performed with extreme care, evaluating what is the actual removal at equators by means of ultrasound thickness measurements which must be performed before and after the treatment in the zones of interest (namely, the equator sites). Such measurement procedure is mandatory at least for the pre-series cavities, or up till a reproducible EP treatment protocol has been set up.
Final Light EP process will remove 40 μm on the cavity surface. The first 20 μm will be done with the “warm” EP configuration. The last 20 μm will be done with the “cold” EP configuration. Alternatively, the vendor
might propose to perform the final EP treatment entirely in the “cold” configuration, so to smooth as much as possible the final RF surface and then grant the best surface uniformity.
Main steps of the process are:
a) Installing cavity to its EP frame and to EP fixtures
b) Install cavity and fixture to EP bench (incl. electrode assembly)
c) Install current transformer
d) Setup treatment parameters for “warm” configuration including I-V measurement
e) Start process to remove 20 μm
f) Turn off voltage on cavity while still letting the acid flow.
g) Set up treatment parameters for “cold” configuration, wait until target is reached.
h) Re-start process to remove the last 20 μm.
i) Draining of acid
j) Rinse cavity with UPW to > pH 5
k) Fill cavity with UPW
l) Remove cavity filled with UPW from EP bench (incl. electrode disassembly)
The aim of clean room operation activities is to get rid of any possible contamination introduced by the preceding operations and prepare the cavity to the subsequent operations. Being this the very last surface treatment, the cleaning and rinsing operation are more intensive than the one foreseen after the bulk EP.
After the final EP process itself, the cavity with all its assembled flanges and its handling frame has to be cleaned in order to enter the clean room of class ISO 7 or better.
In the class ISO 7 the flanges used during EP are exchanged with clean flanges and piping (for use with ultra-pure water only). The cavity inner and outer surface are then cleaned with an ultrasound bath (see section5.4.1.2). Then the cavity is rinsed until the resistivity of the drain water is >17.5 MΩcm (see section 5.4). The rinsing procedure has to assure that the whole inner cavity surface and all ports of the cavity are rinsed up to
this quality. Afterwards the cavity is handed over to ultra-pure high pressure water rinsing (see section 5.14). Then cavity must be dried in ISO4 environment and then undergoes an ethanol rinsing (if agreed, see section 5.10) in order to get rid of any Sulphur contamination introduced by the Electropolishing treatment. After that, the cavity is pumped out, a leak check is performed (with RGA). Then the cavity undergoes another high-pressure rinsing step (long) and is dried.
Main steps of the clean room operation are:
a) Cavity weighing
b) Remove EP frame
c) Cavity opening and draining (ISO7)
d) US cleaning in ISO7 (ISO7-open cavity)
e) UPW rinsing to resistivity >17.5 MΩcm (ISO7-open cavity)
f) 2 x HPR
g) Dry cavity (ISO4)
h) Install blank flanges (ISO4)
i) Ethanol rinsing (if proposed and agreed)
j) Pumping, leak check and RGA
k) Remove cavity beam tube flange –short side and angle valve
l) 2 x HPR
m) Dry cavity (ISO4)
As final surface treatment, the cavity undergoes the so-called mid-T temperature bake. Cavity must be kept for 3 hours at temperature setpoint in a range between 300°C and 350°C (to be later agreed), in Ultra-high vacuum conditions. The cavity inner vacuum must be actively pumped during the bake-out and the temperature ramp- up\ramp-down. Details on the mid-T process can be found in section 5.16. At the end of the bake, the cavity must be vented and kept at atmospheric pressure for at least 2 days in order to allow the complete reconstruction of the Niobium pentoxide layer. The main steps of the mid-temperature bake process are:
a) Install cavity on the oven inner volume (with protective foils on flanges)
b) Pump down oven inner volume
c) Start heating with a constant temperature time rate up to set-point temperature
d) Hold for 3 hours at the set-point, then turn off heater
e) Vent furnace with dry nitrogen when T < 80°C
f) Expose cavity to air in a clean environment
In preparation for the next process the cavity must be carefully cleaned, both inside and outside.
Therefore, the open cavity is assembled in the cavity frame, is moved into the ISO 7 (or better quality) clean room through the coarse cleaning, degreasing and ultrasonic cleaning followed by the rinsing in filtered Ultra- Pure Water (UPW). Rinsing will end when a resistivity > 12 XX.xx is be reached and the cavity will start drying. See Section for details of cleaning and rinsing of open cavity.
With the completion of all steps previously described, the cavity production reaches Acceptance Level 2 and halts.
The cavity must be stored ensuring its cleanliness. The contractor can store the cavity, before further processing stages, either in ISO 7 clean room or outside the clean room if the cavity has been packed in a double bag in ISO 7.
Eventually, the Contractor will issue a written request for the cavity to proceed to the following stage with which it also confirms that the cavity has been produced according to specification, and that all requirements have been checked and complied with the Orderer’s request.
At this stage the cavity is evaluated by the Orderer according acceptance level Two, to proceed to the He- tank integration, to the final surface treatments and the assembly operation of ancillaries (antennas, valve, etc.) for the cold RF characterization.
The Orderer will require access to the documentation with the evidence of the conformance to the processing specifications and requirements, including measurement reports. Deviations must be notified.
The scope of the supply of the helium vessels includes the material procurement, the manufacturing, the testing, and the delivery of all described components in the drawings.
The Contractor is responsible for developing manufacturing drawings, procedures, and tools. All welding joints require tooling to locate positions and to align parts. The fabricator shall design and utilize such tooling.
The helium vessel will be manufactured from a 5 mm thick ASTM B-265 Grade 2 (UNS R50400) titanium per provided drawings. Material certification is required.
Helium vessel manufacturing steps include:
• Spin or bump forming the tubes
• Mechanical measurements
• TIG welding, full penetration welds (seams and circumferential joints)
• Radiography of the welds
• Use of bi-metallic transition pieces. The sole supplier of bi-metallic transitions that is qualified for the PIP-II projects is noted in the corresponding attached drawing PIP2_HT_01.00.04).
Where applicable, the vessel follows the guidelines set by the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, and/or the ASME B31.3-2014 piping code.
The final object, the cavity with the He-tank, must be conform with respect to dimensions and tolerances indicated in the reference drawings.
Tolerances indicated in the vessel drawings need to be respected in order to allow its correct integration with the cavities and to provide the functional items needed for instance for the cavity assembly in the cryomodule, for the tuner assembly, for the welding of the He-service pipe to the main two phase line, etc. SUBCOMPONENT PREPARATION
All components of the vessel have to be well cleaned by an ultrasonic bath prior to integration. After cleaning, all components have to be handled with clean gloves, touching the weld areas should be avoided. Additionally, the weld surfaces must be cleaned with acetone before bringing the weld together, using a lint-free cloth for wiping.
Before cavity integration, it is required that a leak test of the helium vessel main body must be carried out with the leak rate of < 2 x 10-9 mbar l/s.
Location and dimensions of the bearing lugs and tuner interface is critical. Alignment between the helium vessel and the cavity is critical. Fixtures to ensure specified alignment on the drawing (geometric dimensions between rotating lug surface and the main coupler flange) should be designed and manufactured by the Contractor.
Safety brackets must be installed after jacketing. Frequency monitoring is required during bracket installation. Refer to section Appendix II for details. Bellows must be protected during the installation.
All titanium welds must be radiographed according to guidelines by the latest ASME BPVC Section VIII Division 1 paragraph UW-51 and certified by a certified welding inspector. The radiograph documents must be provided to the Orderer before acceptance of the vessels for cavity integration.
Joints in the two-phase pipe and helium fill line pipes must be qualified by ASME BPVC Section IX. Peripheral parts’ circumferential or longitudinal butt weld joints must be radiographed. Welds between the peripheral parts and the vessel tube also must be qualified according to the ASME BPVC Section IX but radiography is not necessary when acceptable type of nozzle weld per ASME BPVC Section VIII Division 1 is used.
Welding must be performed with an Argon purged system. A continuous flow is required inside the tube.
Oxygen concentration must be 20 ppm or less. Welds must be free of any titanium oxidation or discoloration.
Each completed helium vessel shall be cleaned, degreased, and polished with the goal of having them fully clean-room compliant. Polishing is meant for smoothening the surface only, to improve the cleanroom compatibility and does not require significant material removal, just a clean bright surface indicating lower roughness. All threaded holes and VCR sealing surfaces must be protected during polishing. Electropolishing is preferred; other polishing methods must be approved by the Orderer.
Helium vessel fabrication needs to follow these key requirements:
• Oil-free conditions
• All welds must be helium tight (leak rate < 2 x 10–9 mbar l/s). The helium vessel must be leak checked. Bi-metallic transitions must be individually leak checked before welding.
Cavities have a final tolerance on the length of +/- 3 mm. Tank geometry must be adapted with respect to cavity length, respecting the tolerances indicated in the cavity with tank drawings. The strategy to obtain it (matching tanks after or before integration, welding of blocs after or before, etc) is responsibility of the Contractor.
In this section the cavity integration into the He-tank operation, the final cavity operations and the assembly of all accessories necessaries for the RF test are described.
All measurements/tests/reports that the Contractor must perform at the different steps of the production at this level will be stored in the Contractor QA and will be provided to Orderer. In Section 7.5.5 a detailed list of preparation steps and of the parameters and measurements to be collected by the Contractor are reported.
The fulfilment of all steps, together with all documents relative to the fabrication procedures, once approved by the Orderer, will complete the Acceptance Level 3. Only after the Orderer approval, the dressed cavity will be shipped to the qualified laboratory for the RF qualification test.
The Field Measurement system (FMS in the following) has to be assembled to the cavity in a clean room class ISO4. The contractor has to record the serial number of each FMS assembled to a cavity, in case multiple units are in use. The cavity to which the FMS has to be installed is already located in a clean room class ISO4 and has undergone an overall leak check with blank flanges installed.
Before each FMS installation, all parts of the FMS have to be cleaned by the contractor. The contractor has to establish cleaning processes for the FMS that ensure the proper cleaning and avoids particle contamination and cross contamination of the cavity by the FMS. Before the first use or after any possible contamination, the Teflon
tube needs to be rinsed by ultrapure alcohol and has to be dried in a vacuum or drying equipment to remove the ethanol residues completely.
Special care on the procedures to insert or remove the FMS has to be undertaken. It must be assured that at no time the cavity inner surface is touched, and no particulate contamination of the cavity is created.
The Teflon tube is an additional volume inside the cavity. Both volumes need to be evacuated, leak checked and vented in parallel in order to avoid differential pressure that may disturb the Teflon tube or increase its diameter. For this venting procedure Argon gas is preferrable. The clamping of the tube may not guarantee vacuum tightness.
On the cavity with the FMS installed, a leak check and venting with argon gas has to be carried out. The leak rate should not exceed 1 x 10–10 mbar l/s. For the RF measurement and tuning the total pressure inside the cavity and of the working area is significant. The pressure difference between inside and outside of the cavity should be kept as low as possible, constant throughout the production and up to 200 mbar at most. The air pressure during the RF measurement has to be taken into account.
For the RF measurement outside of the clean room the Teflon tube endings must be open to insert the bead pull body. The cavity volume must stay closed while the measurement is performed. When the measurements is done, the FMS including the Teflon tube has to be purged with argon and closed in order to proceed to the next welding steps.
Main steps of the FMS installation are:
a) Remove beam tube flange
b) Install FMS
c) Pumping, leak check 1 x 10–10 mbar l/s
d) Venting with Ar gas
Before the tuning operation, the cavity is mechanically measured, checking the length, the run-out, the eccentricity, and the parallelism between the beamline flange ports and the correspondence of the cavity with respect to dimensions indicated in the drawing (see drawings in Section 8 for details). A report must be produced.
Cavity is finally set to target frequency and field-flatness before jacketing. The Contractor has the responsibility of developing the tool for the tuning operation of the cavity. The Orderer can provide assistance and technical specification for its realization.
In particular, great care must be taken to avoid deformation of the cavity longitudinal axis during tuning operation and at least a third support lug must be used to bear cavity weight in case the tuning machine is holding cavity end flanges. The cavity is positioned on the cavity tuning system and its frequency and field flatness is measured and data are recorded.
The tuning process is performed, up to the correct frequency at room temperature that will be agreed with Orderer and Field Flatness (FF) is reached (FF > 98%).
After the tuning operation, the final spectrum and field flatness will be measured and stored in the Contractor QA system. The final spectrum is the one with the stretched nylon wire removed.
A report must be produced, photos of the operations must be included.
Contents of the inspection template to be used for the execution of the CMM 3D scan will be determined and agreed jointly with Orderer. In order to generate a reproducible and safe CMM 3D scan of the cavity the Contractor must ensure that cavity position, orientation in the frame and its supporting lugs during the scan are properly defined, agreed and kept throughout the entire series.
The description of the main preparation sequence to be done on the cavity at this stage of its production is available below.
The preparation sequence consists of several different steps, among those the cavity tank integration itself, the assembly of cavity accessories (antennas, UHV valve, etc.), the last high pressure rinsing process (HPR), the final checks (vacuum quality and RF final spectrum).
A general recommendation is that at this stage the cavity must be handled with particular care to avoid any deformation of its shape and dimension, any mechanical damages on its inner and outer surfaces, any damages on the sealing surface of the ports (beam pipes, main coupler, pick-up).
The cavity must be moved between all treatment/step stations, either in and outside the clean room, with suitable frames (frame for naked cavity, frame for dressed cavity after the He-tank integration process) that the Contractor must produce according and Orderer approve.
The Contractor will produce all tools compatible to the cavity frame, necessary for the movement of the cavity in its premises, for all the production steps.
The dressed cavity will be delivered to the qualified laboratory for the RF test with the frame. Each cavity must be equipped with its frame.
Al3 steps are the most critical for the final performance of the cavities since after these the cavity will be immediately RF tested. It has to be reminded that special care must be applied in the last operations mainly consisting on the assembly of accessories and on the last pumping since bad handling or poor operation in clean room can originate field emission during the RF test.
After the vessel is welded on the cavity the access to the cells is limited and a retuning is not practicable. All work has to be done with special care to avoid a plastic deformation of the cavity, which will cause a detuning of its frequency. Misalignment in preparing for the welding and weld shrinkages can induce cavity deformations. The fixtures in use have to be designed in a way that they have enough freedom for adjustments. For adjusting the cavity into the vessel it is required that the cavity can be turned in an easy motion in the vessel to find the right position and angle, according to specifications. Weld shrinkage and stresses should not be transferred to the cavity. WELDING SEQUENCE AND RF CHECKS
Vendor is requested to develop its welding and jacketing procedure to be then approved by Orderer. As a reference, key steps for the cavity to vessel integration are here listed:
• Before starting with any of the He-tank integration steps, the cavity frame is removed, and a measurement of the RF spectrum is performed.
• After the RF check, the cavity proceeds with EBW of spool rings and bellow assembly. Design and manufacturing of specific tools to hold the cavity during the process are under Vendor’s
responsibility. The cavity has the FMS system installed therefore special care must be taken in EBW tools and frames design so that the differential pressure does not plastically deform the cavity.
• A measurement of the RF spectrum after the EBW of spool rings and bellow is performed. On pre- series cavities field-flatness is measured as well at this intermediate stage and if needed re-tuning can be performed in agreement with Orderer. In case a stable jacketing procedure is achieved after
pre-series the intermediate field-flatness measurement can be selectively performed for the series.
• TIG welding operations on vessel to spool caps transitions.
• Measurement of the RF spectrum and field-flatness after the He-tank integration operation and without safety brackets.
• At the completion of the He-tank integration operation, having measured all RF spectrum required, the brackets are mounted to avoid any bellow deformation (i.e. limiting the bellow elongation or compression).
• Measurement of the RF spectrum after the He-tank integration operation with the bellows blocked must be done. This measurement must be recorded.
Details of the welding sequence and provisions for unloading the cavity from any stress or deformation occurring during the integration will be agreed between the Orderer and the Contractor before the integration stages.
The bellows must be in a neutral position after the complete welding procedure.
The Contractor will prepare a description of the integration procedure and of the necessary tooling in order to prevent the occurrence of cavity deformation during welding.
The Contractor must perform a carefully visual inspection, producing a relative report, of the outer surface of cavity still visible and of all sealing surfaces, of the He-tank welds, of the outer surface of the He-tank and of all components (tuner blocks, connections for tie rods, etc.) and produce a report. Particular care must be used for the inspection of the flange sealing surfaces.
Finished cavities must pass a pressure test. Safety bracket must be installed before the pressure test. Failure to properly install safety brackets before a pressure test can lead to permanent cavity damage and danger to personnel.
All welds in the helium space must be vacuum tight and this is validated by pressurizing the helium jacket volume while inner cavity (RF) volume is kept at ambient pressure and protected through FMS system.
The test pressure of 2.38 barg (34.5 psig) must be held for 10 minutes without loss of pressure for successful completion. Frequency must be monitored during the test. Frequency change during the test must not exceed
43.7 kHz/bar (3.02 kHz/psig) with a maximum of 104 kHz at 2.38 barg (34.5 psig). Total frequency shift for an unpressurized cavity should not exceed 14 kHz. Exceeding this limit can result in a permanent damage to the cavity.
Required pressurizing steps, hold times, and frequency shift limitations are listed in Table 3. If the frequency shift limitations are exceeded at any point, the test must be aborted and Orderer must be notified. Cavity must be leak checked and RGA scanned after a successful completion of the pressure test.
Table 2 - Pressure increments and maximum allowed frequency shift
Pressure (psig / barg) | Hold Time (minutes) | Activity at Pressure | Maximum Frequency Change [kHz] |
0 / 0 | As needed | RF Check | 0 |
8 / 0.55 | 10 min | RF Check | 24 |
17.25 / 1.19 | 10 min | RF Check Visual leak check | 52 |
19.5 / 1.34 | 5 min | RF Check | 59 |
22.5 / 1.55 | 5 min | RF Check | 68 |
28.5 / 1.97 | 5 min | RF Check | 86 |
31.5 / 2.17 | 5 min | RF Check | 95 |
34.5 / 2.38 | 10 min | RF Check | 104 |
30 / 2.07 | As needed | RF Check, Visual leak check | 90 |
25 / 1.72 | As needed | RF Check | 79 |
20 / 1.38 | As needed | RF Check | 66 |
15 / 1.03 | As needed | RF Check | 56 |
10 / 0.69 | As needed | RF Check | 40 |
5 / 0.34 | As needed | RF Check | 27 |
0 / 0 | As needed | RF Check | 14 |
Pressure test results have to be recorded and summarized in a report.
After the integration and the pressure test, the cavity moves to the cavity-tuning machine for the measurement of the RF spectrum and for the measurement of the Field Flatness. The field flatness lower limit of the cavity after the helium tank integration and pressure test is 90%. If field flatness is below this limit, the Orderer must be contacted to discuss cavity acceptance.
The cavity equipped with the He-tank will be leak checked.
Contractor must use a leak detector able to measure a leak rate less than 1 x 10-10 mbar l/s. leak detector must be operated and calibrated as for ISO 3530 and EN 1779, using a calibrated leak at least in the 1 x 10-9 mbar l/s range.
All data relative to leak checks have to be recorded. Proper actions must be used to ensure the proper leak test sensitivity and low background.
At this stage, at least two leak tests must be done.
a) Verification of the leak tightness of the tank volume. The tank inner volume (helium space) must be leak tight with a leak rate less than 2 x 10-9 mbar l/s. Results have to be recorded.
Test conditions:
• Cavity: as per FMS installation
• Jacket: vacuum, connected to the leak detector
• Outer: helium bag
b) Verification of the leak tightness of the cavity volume. The cavity inner volume must be leak tight with a leak rate less than 1 x 10-10 mbar l/s. Results have to be recorded. This test has to be done with metallic gasket.
Test conditions:
• Cavity: vacuum, connected to the leak detector (FMS installed)
• Jacket: helium at 1 barg (2 bar abs)
• Outer: Air, atmospheric pressure.
A detailed visual examination, including all welding seams surface, has to be done. Mechanical measurements (dimension check on the completed cavity with vessel), where all relevant functional characteristics will be measured, are requested to verify the correspondence of the cavity with respect to the drawings (see Section 8).
To mitigate the risk of misalignment between the jacketed cavity and the tuner during the Cryomodule Assembly, a tool to ensure the tuner-cavity interface part will align to desired tolerances must be used on each cavity. After the cavity and helium tank integration, the Contractor shall use such tool designed by Fermilab and made available by Orderer to mark the location of the piezo contact and the safety rods (based on FNAL drawing F10089168). The Contractor will then need to machine the respective features (through precision holes and threaded holes) on the tuner interface element (drawing F10187894) and install it onto the respective cavity.
The moment within cavity preparation cycle for these measurements to be performed will be agreed with Orderer once the full cycle will be defined.
The transfer measurement on a 3D CMM measurement machine is needed after the helium vessel integration before the final preparation of the cavity. These measurements are needed to determine the position of the reference alignment points on the flanges with respect to the proper local coordinate system used for the cavity axis definition (defined by the center of the beamline flanges, etc.).
The coordinate system is defined as follow:
• The X axis is defined as the axis that goes through the center points of the two beam flanges
• The Z axis is defined as the main coupler axis
• The Y axis is orthogonal to the previous ones.
Once the transfer measurements have been completed, the dressed cavity is transferred in the clean room for the final surface and preparation steps. It is recommended a careful handling of the dressed cavity to avoid any possible deformation or damages with special care on the ports sealing surfaces, if exposed.
To prevent water entrance into the He-tank, into the He-inlet pipe and into the He-service pipe openings must be properly closed.
A leak-check of the cavity, together with a measure of the vacuum quality (RGA, Residual Gas Analysis) is required after all previous operation. Therefore, the jacketed cavity equipped with FMS and frame is moved into the ISO 7 (or better quality) clean room through the coarse cleaning.
Once in clean room, the main preparation steps are indicatively the following:
• Degreasing and ultrasonic cleaning of the cavity, followed by rinsing in filtered Ultra-Pure Water (UPW). Rinsing is done until a resistivity > 12 XX.xx is reached on the exit line.
• Uninstall FMS and install blank flanges and the angle valve (metal seals must be used for all flanged connections).
• Standard High-Pressure Rinsing (3 x HPR) with particle filtered UPW (18 XX.xx) in ISO 4 clean room.
• Drying in clean room ISO 4.
• Pump the cavity and perform a leak check according to provided specifications (see 5.17.2). Cavity leak rate must be < 1 x 10-10 mbar l/s.
• Do the RGA analysis of the residual atmosphere (see 5.17.3).
After this operation, the blank flanges are removed and the cavity is prepared for the accessories installation
After the final surface treatments and the tank integration, the cavity inner surface must be kept as clean as possible and for this reason all further steps are done in ISO 4 clean room. The Pick-Up (PU) and Main Coupler (MC) antennas will be provided by Orderer, as well as the all-metal VAT valves and its vacuum fittings.
The following main steps will be done to complete the dressed cavity preparation for the qualification VT.
• Cleaning and rinsing of the UHV valve. Valve must be particle free.
• Cleaning and rinsing of the antennas (PU and MC) as for specifications (see Section 5.24).
• Install accessories (Pick-Up and Main Coupler antenna, UHV fittings with all-metal valves) for vertical test.
o Pick-up.
o Main coupler antenna.
o Beam Tube Flange Main Coupler Side
o Beam Tube Flange Tuner Side
o UHV fitting with CF40 and CF16 valves. It must be UHV cleaned and particle free before any previous usage also if just used in the previous step.
• Measurement of the RF spectrum. This measurement must be done in clean room with the cavity dried, with air inside, at atmospheric pressure.
• Leak tightness check and RGA. Leak rate must be < 1 x 10-10 mbar l/s. Pumping and venting must be done using a slow pumping slow venting system (see Section 5.17.4). Leak check and RGA must be recorded.
The cavity is then prepared for the HPR cycle (5 x HPR, see section 5.14) that will be done on the cavity with accessories.
• Disassembly only of the UHV fittings with Beam Tube Flange Tuner side for the Final HPR.
• Final 5 x HPR of the dressed cavity with accessories.
• Drying in ISO 4. The drying time range is fixed between 9 hours and 12 hours (the next operation must start within the 12 hours of the end of the HPR).
Once dried, the cavity proceeds with the last steps and checks:
• Install beam tube flange and UHV fittings.
• UHV valve and flange: they must be UHV cleaned and particle free before any previous usage also if just used in the previous step.
• Leak tightness check and RGA. Leak rate < 1 x 10-10 mbar l/s. Pumping must be done using a slow pumping slow venting system (see Section 5.17.4). Leak check and RGA must be recorded.
Details on parameters to be recorded are described in Section 7.5.4.
The UPW system requirements and the HPR cycles are described in Section 5.4 and in Section 5.14, respectively.
PIP-II 650 MHz coupler is axially asymmetric, and the coupling constant varies with coupler rotation. Also, the coupling constant (Q external) is sensitive to the cavity field distribution. Therefore, variation in the coupling constant is expected when the coupler is installed into the individual cavities with the design orientation. Measuring the coupling constant before the string assembly and applying the information to the string assembly can prevent excessive deviations.
The Contractor shall measure the coupling constants over two coupler orientation angles as a part of cavity RF QC. The moment within cavity preparation cycle for these measurements to be performed will be agreed with Orderer once the cycle will be defined, a foreseen possibility is to perform it after 900 °C annealing. In that case, the measurement report will be a part of Level Two Acceptance requirements. A test coupler will be provided by the Orderer.
The dressed cavity is moved outside the clean room for the remaining final checks and measurements.
• RF spectrum of the lowest passband modes of the cavity under vacuum.
• Outgoing inspection of the dressed cavity. This check must be done with great care. The detailed list of different items to be checked will be provided by the Orderer. Here the main steps are reported:
o The dressed cavity will be positioned in the transport boxes provided by the Orderer.
o Before the delivery, data recording of the shock logger positioned on the box will be switched on.
o It is required at least two shock loggers for each delivery (at least one in one box and one on the truck).
o Shock loggers are provided by the Orderer.
o The maximum acceleration accepted will be 3 g gauge, Orderer will provide guiding documents about installation and readout of shockloggers.
At this stage, the Contractor will prepare the BOM document that will list all labeled parts (subcomponents, He-tank, ancillaries, etc.) composing the dressed cavity (see Section 7.7 labeling of parts).
If during the outgoing inspection any deviation will be recorded by the Contractor, the Contractor must promptly advise the Orderer that will decide further action. It has to be mentioned that the experience gained on the past large scale production of cavities at industries highlighted that most common problem were bolts and nuts damages, not correct torque of bolts, outer surface damages of the cavity.
Details on measurements, tests and reports to be prepared are available in Section 7.5.5. The steps here described are required for the achievement of the preparation of the cavity.
The Contractor will prepare a synthetic conformity certificate for each cavity, in which it confirms that the integration procedures are performed according to specification, that the dressed cavity has been treated according to specification and that all requirements have been checked and complied with the Orderer instructions. The conformity certificate must contain also all NCRs, possibly occurred in all acceptance levels, after their release.
At this stage the cavity is evaluated by the Orderer according acceptance level Three in order to release it for final shipment to the qualified laboratory for Vertical Test. The Orderer will require access to all documentation with the evidence of the conformance to the fabrication and processing specifications and requirements, including measurement reports. Deviations have to be notified. In case of failure or lacking in the application of all requested treatments and measurements for the preparation of the cavity for RF tests, or in case of missing documentations, the cavity will not obtain level Three acceptance.
After the approval of Acceptance Level 3 the Orderer will allow the Contractor to deliver the cavity to the qualified laboratory for its test at cold and to issue the relative invoice.
Delivery address is:
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY Geb. 72 AMTF, Xxxxxxxxxxx 00
00000 Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx.
The Orderer will reserve the possibility to require further treatments or measurements in order to fulfill the quality level required for the cavity operation. Further treatments will be agreed with the Contractor.
Final HPR retreatment cycles may be required for a number of cavities from the Orderer, to recover cavities that had shown poor performances in the RF cold tests at the qualified laboratory (DESY).
The economical offer must contain the cost for these additional retreatment cycles, including the delivery to the qualified laboratory (DESY) for the RF test.
The schematic structure of a typical reprocessing cycle is listed here below (in the case of a field-emission limited cavity), further details about reprocessing steps will be agreed with the Orderer:
• RF cavity measurement at reception
• Entry in clean room (close the He-pipes inlet and the two phase line to avoid any liquid penetration in the tank), drying.
• Slow venting of the cavity
• 5 x HPR
• Drying in ISO4
• Final preparation
• Slow pumping, final leak check and RGA.
• Cavity out of the clean room for final checks: final RF measurement and outgoing inspection.
In this section, treatments requirements and prescription to be applied on the cavity and its subcomponents, are described.
A cavity completed in its He-tank is an item of pressure equipment and will be later integrated in the cryogenic circuit of the PIP-II accelerator Low Beta section. The cavity assembly must follow ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) Section VIII, Division 1, Division 2, and/or the ASME B31.3 piping code, with the nominal pressure and temperature conditions defined below. Where BPVC Section VIII Division 1 requires, welds must be qualified according to the ASME BPVC Section IX. Conditions in Table 4 apply to the volume occupied by helium during operation, i.e. the volume between the outer walls of the radio frequency resonator and the inner He-tank walls. The cavities therefore will need to meet the ASME BPVC norms for their later integration in the pressure device operating under these conditions.
Table 3 - Nominal pressure and temperature
Temperature (K) | Operating pressure (bar, absolute) | Maximum allowable working pressure (bar, gauge) |
2 | 0.03 | 4.1 |
293 | - | 2.05 |
Each type of weld must be qualified according to the ASME BPVC and ASME piping code. The Contractor is responsible for the qualification.
The Contractor will be responsible for each pressure part in terms of the ASME BPVC process, to fulfil the requirements to meet a conformity certificate on the final system in full compliance with ASME BPVC.
Weld documentation required per ASME BPVC Section IX includes, but not limited to the following:
• Weld map
• Weld procedure specifications (WPS)
• Performance qualification records including mechanical test reports (PQR)
• In-process weld examination forms
• Welder performance qualifications (WPQR)
• Radiography reports
• Pressure test documents
Machine tools and hand tools must be dedicated for the use with niobium. A tracking program of the use of the tools shall be a part of the QA Plan, and the records should be available to Orderer upon request.
Niobium and niobium-titanium components must be handled with gloves rated for cleanroom semi- conductor component assembly.
Niobium surfaces must be protected at all times from contact with any substance that will not be completely removed by the ultrasonic cleaning and chemical etching processes.
Cleaned and etched parts must be protected during storage and transport by enclosure within properly designed protecting vessels.
Parts shall never be supported on areas to be welded, except when mounted in welding fixtures with those areas in contact with niobium inserts. Cavity must be installed in a fixture to prevent any permanent deformation. The finished flanges must be protected by plastic caps.
All lubricants must be petroleum-free and completely removable by the ultrasonic cleaning and chemical- etching processes. Any type of vacuum grease is strictly prohibited.
A clean lint-free cloth must be used for wiping the tools. Welding fixtures must be ultrasonically cleaned, rinsed, and dried before each welding operation. See section 5.5.1 for cleaning requirements.
During the machining of niobium, the surface temperature of the niobium near the tool must be below 150 °C. Temperature above 150 °C can cause oxygen contamination and render the part un-usable.
Grinding and polishing of a niobium surface defect can be done with a rubber-bonded polishing media in various shapes with progressively finer grit size. Grinding and polishing should be preferably performed by hand to avoid heating of the Niobium.
After polishing the part must be chemically etched to remove the grinding residuals, if the polishing is done on an electro-polished surface the nominal surface finishing must be restored. The part must be re-inspected after etching to verify that the defect is no longer visible. Reworked areas should be blended smoothly to the untreated areas. If the damage is not repairable by polishing, the component must be rejected.
The Contractor must provide a procedure detailing the intended type of polishing media, polishing sequence, verification of defect removal or compliance with surface roughness specification, along with a photographical record of parts before and after defect removal. Orderer approval is required before grinding. A record of the ground areas shall be kept and provided to Orderer.
Grinding must be restricted to the defect area and produce a smooth surface. Global grinding is strictly prohibited.
The Contractor has to design, set up, operate and maintain one or several Ultra-Pure Water (UPW) plants with electronic and semiconductor industrial standard according to ASTM D 5127-07, VDI 2083 or comparable standards. The production part of the UPW plant has to be located in a separated clean area without combustion engine traffic, machining work and other activities, which might cause a contamination – especially with hydrocarbons. The area has to be adequately ventilated.
The UPW quality at point of distribution has to fulfil the parameters of Type E-1 as listed in ASTM D 5127- 07 (Table 1 therein). On request of the Contractor, the specified values for Anions, Ammonium and Metals can be relaxed to the values specified for UPW Type E-2.
The quantities needed as total amount of water per day and production rate per hour are depending on the layout of the infrastructure and have to be defined by the Contractor. The lay-out of the UPW plants depends significantly, if used water is recycled according to ASTM D 5127-07, chapter 10. Any recycling of the rinsing water used the facilities for chemical treatment is not allowed.
UPW temperature is 20 ± 2˚C, additional point-of-use particle filtration down to 0.04 μm might be required.
Quality control of the UPW has to be set up according to the guidelines given in ASTM D 5127-07 and the standards therein, VDI 2083 or comparable standards. If recycled water is used, the QC for this part of the system has to be specified separately. It must be stressed that a quality control plan for the UPW and the UPW plant is one key component of the overall QC plan and related documents must be available to the Orderer if required.
After cleaning processes and chemical surface treatments, an adequate rinsing with UPW has to take place in order to remove residues of detergent, contaminants, acid, etc. Depending on the rinsing process, the location (e.g. clean room environment) of the rinsing facility has to be chosen adequately. The Contractor has to ensure that the rinsing facilities are compatible to UPW and are able to achieve the required final resistivity of the drain water. The resistivity of the drain water has to be measured at a representative position. Adequate precautions against a reduction of the resistivity of the rinsing water by implanting of CO2 have to be taken.
Rinsing medium is UPW. The water temperature is > 18°C. For cavities and niobium components, no higher temperature than 60˚C is allowed. The rinsing procedures after surface removal processes are described in Section
The required resistivity at the end of the rinsing process is:
• Higher than 17.5 MΩ·cm for:
o Rinsing of the inner cavity surface after “Final EP”
o All accessories attached to the cavity (antennas)
• Higher than 12 MΩ·cm for all the others. RINSING IN OPEN RINSING BATHES
The component being rinsed has to be immersed completely during the rinsing process. The water has to be re-filled from the bottom of the bath. The water drains into an overflow of the bath, where the resistivity is measured. Rinsing of open cavities has to be done in vertical position with all ports open (no flanges assembled) and in separate rinsing baths, which must not be used for other rinsing or cleaning tasks.
The component being rinsed has to be moved at regular intervals in order to ensure an adequate exchange of rinsing water. After the resistance defined for the rinsing process is reached, the inlet flow of UPW water has to be stopped and the components should be moved several times. After that movement the water flow has to be started again and the resistivity of the water outgoing from the basin has to be measured again. Only, if the second start of the water flow results in the resistance required, the Contractor is allowed to end the rinsing process. RINSING IN OTHER FACILITIES
If the rinsing procedure is done in a washer or any other dedicated rinsing apparatus, the Contractor has to assure that the complete surface of the component is rinsed adequately i.e. water flow, water distribution, rinse cycles are appropriate for the required resistivity at the end of the rinsing process. The water resistivity of the drain water has to be measured. RINSING OF ACCESSORIES, TOOLS AND OTHER COMPONENTS
Different rinsing systems are applicable depending on the requested ISO class and the component. Final rinsing medium is Ultra-Pure Water. For niobium components no temperature higher than 60˚C is allowed. The accessories attached to the cavity have to be rinsed up to > 17.5 MΩ·cm after final cleaning for class ISO 4. All other components and tools have to be rinsed up to > 12 MΩ·cm.
Table 4 - Main parameter for the UPW container, fittings, etc. used for rinsing of accessories.
Material of tank | Stainless steel (UPW compatible e.g. 1.4571) |
Pipe, fittings etc. | PVDF / PFA in UPW compatible workmanship |
Volume | Adequate to rinsed component (complete immersion) |
Final rinsing medium | UPW > 17.5 MΩ·cm, particle filtered to ≤ 0.04 µm |
Temperature | > 18°C (maximum allowed temperature 60°C for niobium ) |
Flow scheme | - Fill in from bottom - Water drain by overflow with resistivity measurement in overflow drain |
Rinsing bathes can be used, but integrated rinsing solutions of appropriate cleanliness are allowed. Rinsing medium is UPW of temperature > 18°C. The rinsing temperature must not exceed 60°C. All components of the rinsing facility in contact with UPW have to be of appropriate materials for the requested resistivity.
Rinsing of open cavities always takes place after the cleaning of open cavities. Separate rinsing baths, which must not be used for other rinsing or cleaning tasks, have to be applied in this case. Rinsing medium is UPW (after cleaning for clean room). The bath temperature must not exceed 60°C. All components of the rinsing bath in contact with UPW have to be of appropriate materials. The cavity has to be rinsed in vertical position with all ports open (no flanges assembled). The required resistivity at the end of the rinsing process is specified in Section, depending on the process stage (Bulk EP or Final EP). If the rinsing procedure is followed by a HPR treatment, there is no need of drying the cavity.
Table 5 - Main parameter for the UPW container, fittings, etc. used for rinsing of cavities.
Material of tank | Stainless steel (UPW compatible e.g. 1.4571) |
Pipe, fittings etc. | PVDF / PFA in UPW compatible workmanship |
Volume | Adequate for cavity in its handling frame |
Orientation of cavity | Vertical |
Rinsing medium | - Rinsing for clean room: UPW > 17.5 MΩ·cm, particle filtered to < 0.04 µm |
Water flow, indicative | 20 to 40 l/min |
Temperature | > 18°C (maximum allowed temperature 60°C) |
Flow scheme | - Fill in from bottom - Water drain by overflow with resistivity measurement in overflow drain |
Prior to any of the cleaning procedures, any obvious contamination with cooling lubricants, grease, oil etc. has to be removed thoroughly by applying an adequate pre-cleaning procedure. All cavities, components, tools, materials etc. transported into the clean room have to be cleaned according to the respective ISO class applying state-of-the art clean room cleaning processes.
This includes an appropriate location of the cleaning station as well as an adequate choice of cleaning solution e.g. apparatus, media, detergent, temperature, process parameters etc. for the subject to clean. Beside the specified surface particle cleanliness all surfaces have to be suited for UHV conditions with respect to hydrocarbon contamination.
The detailed cleaning process scheme is requested by the Orderer before start of cavity preparation.
A detergent frequently used is Tickopur R33, that was used also for PIP-II cavities prototype production.
In any case the cleaning processes and detergents applied by the contractor must undergo a qualification on samples before acceptance. The residual grease layers should be ≤ 10 mg/m2 after degreasing. Typical qualification tests for an adequate degreasing are the “Drip Run Test” or Water Break Test, as for norms ASTM F22 - 02(2007) Standard Test Method for Hydrophobic Surface Films.
Adequate cleaning of all accessories, tools and components have to be assured by the Contractor before entering the various areas of the clean room. Different systems are applicable for cleaning depending on the requested ISO class and the component. Examples are ultrasonic baths, wet benches, clean room compatible industrial washers, steam cleaners and high-pressure cleaners. All applied media and cleaning process parameters have to be compatible with the materials of the components to be cleaned. For niobium components no higher temperature than 60 °C is allowed.
Bath temperature shall be maintained below 60 °C and typical detergent concentration in the bath is within 1% to 2%. For a completed cavity and parts other than gaskets (seals), detergent should be Tickopur R33 or equivalent. For the hardware containing copper, detergent should be Citranox or equivalent. Copper or Aluminium gaskets should be cleaned with cleanroom wipes and ethanol.
The cleaning of cavities (cleaning of surfaces including the handling frame before entering class ISO 7 or ISO 4) takes place at various steps of the preparation schemes. For cleaning of open cavities, adequate ultrasonic cleaning baths and UPW rinsing baths have to be provided by the Contractor.
These cleaning stations must not be used for tasks other than cleaning of open cavities. The cavity has to be cleaned in vertical position with all ports open (no flanges assembled). General layout parameters that are requested for the ultrasonic bath by the Orderer are listed in the following table.
Table 6 - Main parameter for the UPW and US container, fittings, etc. used for cleaning of cavities.
Material of tank | Stainless steel (UPW compatible e.g. 1.4571) |
Pipe, fittings etc. | PVDF / PFA in UPW compatible workmanship |
Volume | Adequate for cavity in its handling frame |
Orientation of cavity | Vertical |
Cleaning medium | Cleaning for clean room: UPW > 17.5 MΩ·cm + detergent |
Cleaning principle | Ultrasonic impact + medium circulation |
Ultra Sonic Power | > 10 W/liter |
Circulation of bath, typical | 20 to 40 l/min |
Flow scheme | - Fill in from bottom - Re-circulation by overflow |
Temperature | 45° – 50°C (maximum allowed temperature 60°C) |
Filtration | In line filter in circulation with < 5 µm pore size |
US process | i) Ultrasonic attack without circulation of medium |
ii) Ultrasonic attack including circulation of medium | |
iii) Circulation of medium without ultrasonic impact |
The US bath has to be heated to about 40 - 50°C or to the temperatures given by the supplier of detergents.
Any process temperature above 60°C is not allowed.
Four general steps of cleaning have to be applied for the cavity cleaning process:
• Pre-heating of bath to 45 - 50°C before start of ultrasonic treatment
• Insertion and warm up of parts with US impact
• Start circulation and filtration of bath with US impact
• Circulation and filtration of bath without US impact
The cleaning has to be followed by an appropriate rinsing procedure, which is described in a later section
5.5.2. The US baths have to be renewed at least once a day. Shorter periods have to be applied in case of a high load of contamination or large numbers of US cleaning processes started per day.
Contractor must take care of the expansion of water during external cleaning and of close cavities if fully filled with water to avoid cavity deformation, frequency changes and loss of field flatness.
After degreasing and rinsing, drying can be done in ISO 7 or better cleanroom for accessories, tooling and other components. After an HPR cycle, cavities must be dried in an ISO4. Before assembly, all parts must be blown off with nitrogen until the number of particles detected by (0,3 μm) with two sampling periods is zero per minute.
The use of a spraying gun with ionized, dry nitrogen (typically with 0.02 μm point-of-use filtration) is permitted to accelerate the drying process.
The parts shall not be touched or supported in places close to an electron beam weld joint or an RF surface to avoid contamination by drying stains. Sealing surfaces must be protected.
All niobium parts must undergo a 20 μm Buffered Chemical Polishing (BCP) etch and UPW rinse after the final machining operation and before welding.
All niobium-titanium parts undergo a 10 μm BCP acid etch and UPW rinse before its welding operation.
When etching end groups particular care must be taken to protect niobium-titanium components from the acid.
Parts must be completely submerged in the acid bath when possible. The amount to be removed during BCP refers to the thickness removed from functional surfaces, i.e. a 20 μm BCP etch will result in total thickness reduction of 40 μm, 20 μm on each side.
During etching, rinsing, and drying parts must be supported in a fixture designed to ensure that nothing will touch any surface to be welded. Surfaces to be welded must not come in contact with any foreign material before welding.
Welds must be smooth, without protrusion above the surrounding material greater than 200 μm. All full penetration welds require a defocused, oscillating electron-beam as the weld proceeds. No obvious EB start or stop marks (craters) on the RF side bead shall be allowed. Full overlap of weld and tapering out at the overlap are required for dual pass welds.
Finished welds shall be free of voids and foreign particles or material inclusions. The welds must ensure that all joints that will be exposed to acid during cavity post-processing are completely sealed so that acid will not be trapped.
No cracks visible with a 10X magnifier shall be permitted on the surface at any weld joint in the cavity. Cavity inner surface near the welds must be free of defects such as sputters, holes, and scratches. If a penetration dye is used to test for cracks in a weld joint, the dye must be completely washed away.
All found defects require a Non-Conformance Report. Any repair of a weld contemplated by the Contractor requires in each instance prior approval of the proposed methods by the Orderer.
Cleanliness of the Electron Beam Welding preparation and handling technique is critical. Welding surfaces must not come into contact with any foreign material after chemical etching. The fixturing of parts to be welded should be done in a clean room ISO 6 or better.
After final machining operation and before welding, all niobium parts receive a 20 μm BCP etch, all
niobium-titanium parts receive a 10 μm BCP etch, as described in Sections 5.7.
To prevent contamination of the clean surface, the time between etching and welding should be minimized.
The time parts are exposed to uncontrolled air immediately before EBW should not exceed 2 hours.
The following storage times between etching and welding apply:
• Maximum 8 hours, if storing components in air in an ISO 6 clean room
• Maximum 120 hours, if storing components under vacuum evacuated to less than 0.05 atm
• Maximum 120 hours, if storing components under nitrogen or argon.
If these times cannot be maintained, parts must undergo a secondary BCP to remove 3 μm of material.
The vacuum pressure in the electron beam welding chamber must be lower than 5 x 10-5 mbar during all welding operations. After the temperature of the part has fallen below 100°C at the hottest point, the welding chamber must be vented with filtered nitrogen or argon until a pressure of at least 15 mbar is achieved. The parts are cooled under nitrogen before venting the welding chamber with air to atmospheric pressure.
The half-cells must be secured in a welding fixture that is designed to ensure that the equatorial planes of the two half-cells are as close to parallel as possible after welding, while allowing freedom for weld shrinkage in the axial direction.
Weld prep machining must be done at the equator to reduce the niobium thickness in the weld region to an amount agreed with Orderer.
The Nb55Ti flanges are EB welded to the beam tubes from the front side. A minimum of 3 mm penetration is required. Clocking of the flanges and end groups is critical. Main Coupler port and Spool tuner mounts must be 110° apart.
As shown in the drawings, the beam tubes must be pre-machined such that the end of the tube protrudes beyond the plane of the outer flange surface. After welding, the protruding end of each beam tube is machined flush with the outer flange surface (not the vacuum sealing surface). The weld must not be machined.
For equator welds, if the threaded rod in the welding fixture could be exposed to e-beam “shine” through the equator joint, the threaded rod must be shielded by a niobium tube.
To account for any deformation during previous welding steps, final machining of the subassemblies should be done preferably after welding.
For the beam tubes and coupler port, if the tube is seam welded, excessive inner weld bead of the full penetration weld must be fully eliminated by machining. The welds between the coupler and field probe tubes and beam tubes must be full penetration.
Titanium welding must follow the weld guidelines set in the AWS G2.4/G2.4M:2021, “Guide for the Fusion Welding of Titanium and Titanium Alloys”. The welder must be qualified in titanium welding per ASME BPVC Section IX; certification documents and sample welds must be supplied to Orderer before any product welding.
The ethanol rinsing procedure might be proposed by Contractor to remove any Sulphur contamination introduced by the Electropolishing treatment. Ethanol of >98% (pure or denatured) purity must be employed. Additives for denaturing of the pure ethanol have to evaporate without residues (total residues after evaporation
<25 ppm) and the evaporation temperature should not be higher than 1°C to 5°C above the evaporation temperature of pure ethanol.
The design and the materials of the equipment have to be adequate for pure ethanol particle filtered to 0.04 μm. The ethanol fed into the cavities has to pass a point of use filter of <0.04 um pore size. In case of ethanol purification with respect to particulates done by the Contractor itself, it has to ensure that the ethanol is filtered at least two times applying a filter of <0.04 um pore size before application.
Due to the limited solubility of Sulphur in ethanol, the ethanol has to be replaced typically after 30-40 rinse procedures. The maximum number of effective rinses is in the responsibility of the contractor.
The ethanol rinsing after main EP has to take place in class ISO7 or better. All ports of the cavity have to be closed (water-tight) using temporary flanges except of one beam tube for filling in and dumping of the ethanol using a dedicated fill/dump flange.
The ethanol rinsing after final EP has to take place in class ISO7 or better. The cavity has to be closed by blank flanges except of one beam tube for filling in and dumping of the ethanol using a dedicated fill/dump flange.
All ethanol rinsing has to be performed in a way that the complete cavity inner surface is wetted by ethanol and is in contact with the ethanol for at least ten minutes.
Cavity internal surface must be etched to remove the damaged layer and to prepare the cavity for the RF operation. For the PIP-II low beta cavities, Electropolishing (EP in the following) treatment is applied for the niobium etching, both for the Bulk EP and the Final EP. Two different configurations for the treatment parameters, here named “warm” and “cold” EP are here described.
All processes have to be done in a separated clean area without combustion engine traffic, machining work and other activities which might cause a contamination – especially with hydrocarbons – of the cavity surface. The area has to be adequately ventilated. Direct contact to external air or “dirty” (e. g. machining, chemical) areas is not allowed during cavity preparation and handling. In addition to the local safety regulation for acid storage and handling, the contractor is invited to make sure that the temperature of the acid storage area and the acid mixture itself is kept below 45°C.
Main parts of the EP facility are the EP bench, the acid storage area and the power supply. The EP facility has to be designed in a closed-loop chemical infrastructure.
The EP acid mixture consists of hydrofluoric acid (HF, concentration 48 %) and sulphuric acid (H2SO4, concentration 96-98 %). The volume ratio is 1 part HF, 9 parts H2SO4. The reference quality standard for the acid mixture is Honeywell “VLSI Puranal™”. All used acid mixtures have to be of this or better quality.
This acid mixture builds up intermediate chemical compounds like fluorsulphuric acid and does not separate itself. It shows a high hydroscopic behavior due to the high concentrated sulphuric acid component. As any contact of the acid to water or highly humid air leads to exothermic reactions and temperature increase as well as to a change of acid concentration, this has to be avoided by adequate technical solutions (e.g. dry inert gas overlay).
The cavity volume must be filled at least 60% by acid mixture, and a continuous recirculation of acid must be granted all along the electropolishing process.
EP can be done over two days if necessary. The Contractor can choose to perform all EP steps at “cold EP” temperature, as long as the total surface removal is achieved.
As a reference, an “warm EP” current between 200-300 A and a fresh electrolyte should lead to a removal rate in the range 0.15 – 0.2 μm/min. For the “cold EP” current between 100 – 150 A and a fresh electrolyte, the average removal rate is expected to be 0.075 – 0.1 μm/min. Removal rate must be verified under Vendor’s responsibility. Beam tubes may be used as a substitute for the irises to measure temperature during EP. If external cooling is applied, holes in the stiffening rings should not be blocked to allow a free flow of the cooling media. Orderer can provide initial EP parameters upon request for reference.
It needs to be assured by adequate technical installations (e.g. extraction by suction, pure nitrogen or argon overlay) that the hydrogen created during the electropolishing process is removed sufficiently with respect to explosion protection according to the local safety regulations. INSTALLATION OF THE CATHODE
It needs to be assured by technical installations that the cathode does not touch the cavity wall during assembly/dismounting of cathode or during the EP process. The cathode must be configured in such a way to increase the removal rate on the equator sites of the cavity. The acid must flow from the cathode through holes in correspondence of equator positions. The cathode must be adequately shielded in correspondence of iris sites aiming to a uniform the local removal all along the cavity inner volume.
Being the electropolishing reaction driven by the local process temperature, a uniform temperature is desired to achieve a uniform removal. Moreover, in order to improve surface smoothness, it is necessary to contain the temperature increase so to level off the reaction rate. An adequate set of temperature monitors (e.g. thermocouples) has to be installed on several points of interest of the cavity surface (equators, irises and beam tubes). Acid in the tank must be cooled down at an adequate temperature before circulating it in the cavity. To maintain a uniform temperature in both warm and cold EP, water at an adequate temperature maintained by a chiller must be sprayed on the external surface of the cavity.
o “Bulk EP” etching limit: the acid usage is limited up to 10 g dissolved Nb/liter acid
o “Final EP” etching limit: the acid usage is limited during this final treatment up to 4 g Nb/liter acid.
Two different configurations for the treatment parameters are here described. Such treatments conditions, named respectively “warm” and “cold” EP, correspond to different average removal rates, current and temperature setpoints on cavity surface. “Warm” and “cold” EP are performed at 25 V and 22 V, respectively. The applied voltage must be at least 5 V above the current plateau onset voltage in I-V curves measured at the “warm” and “cold” EP temperatures. In both cases, the treatment is operated at an overall acid throughput of at least 6 L/min, with at least 1 L/min of flow for each cell hole on the cathode. A possible increase of acid throughput – in case a higher acid recirculation is needed - must be promptly discussed and planned with the Orderer. Cavity must rotate on its axis with a suggested 1 rpm angular velocity. Temperature of the cavity, of the acid inlet and of the return line, and electropolishing current and voltage should be continuously recorded during the whole electropolishing process.
The acid inlet temperature at the beginning of the treatment has to be 15-16°C. The cavity temperature before turning on the voltage for EP must not exceed 17-18 °C. A maximum temperature of 22 °C ± 1 °C on the cavity cells surface is allowed. Such temperature limits must be achieved by means of inlet acid chilling and external
water chilling. Possible temperature overruns must be promptly discussed and planned with the Orderer. A typical average removal rate for such parameter configuration is 0.15-0.2 um/min.
The acid inlet temperature at the beginning of the treatment has to be 7-8°C maximum. The temperature setpoint - defined as the average value of all thermocouples reading – must not exceed 11-12 °C during the process. A maximum temperature of 12°C on the cavity cells surface is allowed with variation of ±1°C is allowed. Such temperature limits must be achieved by means of inlet acid chilling and\or external water chilling. Possible
temperature overruns must be promptly discussed and planned with the Orderer. A typical average removal rate for such parameters configuration is 0.075 - 0.1 um/min. MEASUREMENT OF I-V CURVE
Before starting each EP treatment, both bulk and cold, a measurement of the current vs. voltage characteristic of the treatment is required, data shall be recorded and made available for later analyses.
As a reference, the suggested EP routine is the following (details to be agreed with Orderer):
• Warm EP:
o Cavity is prepared at the EP station and cooling water is running on the cavity before flowing acid in the cavity.
o Start acid flow.
o When cavity is sufficiently cooled (tentatively around 18 deg C but this temperature shall be tuned during first EP on pre-series cavities), apply constant EP voltage and wait till cavity temperature reaches the target temperature.
o Perform I-V measurement in a voltage range of 2–29 V and in agreed steps (as a reference, suggested scanning rate is 1 V every 12 seconds).
o Then, set the EP voltage and perform bulk EP until it reaches the desired removal. The removal amount is calculated during all constant EP voltage (both before and after I-V measurement when constant voltage is applied).
o Turn off power.
• Final cold EP:
o Cavity is prepared at the EP station and cooling water is running on the cavity before flowing acid in the cavity.
o Start acid flow.
o When cavity is sufficiently cooled (tentatively around 9 deg but this temperature shall be tuned during first trial), start with I-V measurement in a range of 6–25 V in agreed steps (as a reference, suggested scanning rate is 1 V every 12 seconds).
o Then, set the EP voltage and perform final cold EP until it reaches the desired removal. The removal amount is calculated during constant EP voltage.
All used materials in contact with the acid have to be resistant against the EP acid mixture and are not allowed to create reaction products other than from the chemical reaction process of Nb removal.
• All materials for tubing, fittings, sensors, acid containers, beakers and containments have to be made from adequate inert materials like PP, PTFE, PVDF or PFA (tubing).
• The cathode material is pure aluminum (>99.95%)
• The connecting flanges to the cavity have to be made from PVDF. General layout criteria for the EP facility are resumed in the following table:
Table 7 - EP facility general layout criteria.
Polishing position of cavity | Horizontal |
Draining position of cavity | Vertical |
Polishing type | Constant voltage |
Mixture | EP mixture of 1 volume part HF (48%) and 9 volume parts H2SO4 (96- 98%) |
Pressure | Cavity + drain line (at normal air pressure) |
Voltage | 25 V (warm EP), 22 V (cold EP) |
Current, indicative | “warm” EP: 200 – 300 A “cold” EP: 100 – 150 A |
Voltage ramp time | 0-25 V in approx. 1 minute |
Acid flow, indicative | 6 L/min |
Acid pressure | Max 1.6 bar abs |
Cavity orientation | vertical position |
Acid start temperature, indicative | “warm” EP: 15-16°C “cold” EP: max 7-8 °C |
Maximum temperature setpoints for inlet acid chilling | “warm” EP: 15-16°C “cold” EP: . 7-8°C |
Maximum temperature on cavity | “warm” EP: 22°C on cavity surface “cold” EP: 12°C on cavity surface |
Acid fill time | <2:30 min |
Acid drain time | Vertical\horizontal <1:30 min |
Acid fitness for usage | Max 10g (bulk EP) and 4 g (final EP) Nb dissolved per liter acid mixture |
Rinsing medium | Ultra pure water >17.5 MΩ·cm, filtered ≤ 0.04 µm |
Fill time for rinsing | < 120 s |
Drain time for rinsing | < 120 s |
pH of rinsing water | > pH 5 after full rinsing cycle |
Overlay medium | Pure nitrogen or argon |
Thickness measurements must be performed with a high-precision ultrasonic thickness gauge, granting at least 1 μm resolution. The probes must be chosen so that the contact with cavity surface is as stable as possible. The employment of spring-loaded holders helps maintaining alignment with the test piece, and it is therefore
recommended. The use of a couplant is allowed so to improve quality and accuracy of results. The couplant medium must be easily removable from cavity surface. Glycerine or water are recommended.
Additional Thickness measurement of the pre-series half- cells should be done at 45-degree circumferential angle and data shall be evaluated and approved by Orderer.
Cavity should be positioned on stable supports and visually inspected for any defects or contamination in the areas where the thickness measurements will be done. Any contamination should be wiped off with solvent. The first time cavity is measured, small circles could be marked on the cavity for measurement locations. These should be small circles about 1 cm diameter, marked with an engraver on the low settings or a scribing tool. Two measurements locations should be close to the iris and two should be positioned close to the equator on each cell. One measurement locations should be also on each beam tube. Several (minimum 4 times) measurements should be taken at each point during the measurement. All the measurement data must be registered in a dedicated file.
Thickness measurements using only the weight of the cavity was found not accurate for 650 MHz and must be used with caution. Thickness measurement of the series cavities can be replaced by a validated calculation based on the chemical treatment parameters. Sampling of the production cavities thickness via ultrasonic measurement is desirable.
All fabricated HCs, DBs and EGs must be mechanically measured before and after trimming, and the shape of their inner functional surfaces must be checked by means of a template or die.
3D scans performed through a Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) measurement are also required for each pre-series subcomponent (HCs, DBs and EGs) and for the 25% of series ones. At each change of niobium production lot and/or niobium delivery to the Contractor, four HCs for each type (IC, PC and EC) must receive 3D CMM scan.
Finally, CMM 3D scan is required for each cavity, both naked and jacketed, a list of reference dimensions subset to be measured will be agreed.
One major preparation step in order to remove particulates and chemical residues from the inner cavity surface is the “Ultra-Pure High Pressure Water Rinse” (HPR).
The design of the HPR systems must guarantee that the complete inner cavity surface is rinsed within one rinse cycle. HPR rinsing of the cavity outside is optional. HPR must be done in vertical orientation of the cavity. For all HPR processes Ultra-Pure Water has to be applied. The HPR systems for the inner cavity surface have to have a pure gas nitrogen overlay, preventing particulates or droplets from outside be sucked into the cavity during HPR. An adequate control unit is requested in order to ensure a reproducible process and monitoring of major process parameters.
An HPR system consists of the following main components:
• HPR cabinet with cavity support
• Spraying cane unit including final ultra-pure water filter (≤ 0.04 µm pore size), spraying head with nozzles and gas overlay outlet (N2, type 6.0)
• Motion unit for rotation and linear drive of cavity and/or spraying cane
• HPR pump
• Control unit including process documentation
• Optional: Outside rinsing spraying system
The HPR cabinet housing the cavity during the rinsing procedure and the spraying cane have to be located in adequate clean room environment for the respective rinsing process (HPR area). This is in class ISO 4.
The HPR area must be located in direct contact to or within the class ISO 4 areas of the clean room for cavity cleaning, assembly and storage. The HPR pump and the motion units have to be placed in a clean environment well separated from combustion engine traffic, machining work and other activities, which might cause a contamination – especially with hydrocarbons. The area has to be adequately ventilated.
It is emphasized, that the motion units have to be designed in a way that no particulate or hydrocarbon contamination of the cavity and the clean room environment is possible.
The HPR systems have to be designed so that bacteria growth in all water pipes, filter housings, pumps, etc. is adequately suppressed by technical solutions e.g. permanent rinse in times without operation, periodic sanitization, etc.
UPW needs to satisfy requirements of Section 5.4.
The HPR systems have to be designed in a way that analysis of the drain water coming from the cavities is possible without any additional contamination.
Additional suggested design parameters are given in Table below. These parameters are untilmately proved by the test results, especially field emission, of the pre-series cavities.
Table 8 - General Design Parameters for the HPR System
General | |
Cavity orientation | Vertical |
Media | - UPW > 18 MΩ·cm, particle filtered to < 0.04 µm - Inert gas (nitrogen, argon, 6.0) |
Water pressure | 80 - 100 bar abs, regulated within ± 5% |
Water flow | Approx. 600 l/h, with ESS nozzle head configuration |
Water / gas temperature | > 18°C (maximum allowed temperature 60°C) |
HPR cabinet | |
Materials | UPW compatible plastic (e.g. PE, PP, PVDF) and SS |
Spraying cane + nozzles | |
Material of spraying cane and head, pipes, fittings, etc. for high pressure UPW | - UPW compatible stainless steel e.g. 1.4571; 1.4435 BN 2 - surface roughness Ra: ≤ 0.25 µm (electro polished) |
Material of nozzles | Sapphire (in case nozzles head is used in place of fan jet) |
Arrangement and number of nozzles | Optimized geometry for low beta cavities |
Final UPW filter housing | - UPW compatible SS (e.g. 1.4571; 1.4435 BN 2) or Ti - surface roughness Ra: ≤ 0.25 µm (electro polished) |
Inert gas outlet | In spraying head |
Motion unit | |
Motion | Independent motion for rotation and linear z-axis |
HPR Pump | |
Materials | Complete UPW compatible design |
HPR parameters including nozzle design are Contractor’s responsibility, they must be agreed with Xxxxxxx and optimized for the cavity geometry so that the entire surface of the cavity is covered in a single pass. The water rinsing jets should be continuously moving across cavity surface and should not be allowed to strike the same spot for a continuous time. At no point during HPR the nozzle can touch cavity surface and a distance of at least 1 cm must be maintained between the nozzle and niobium surface.
Final details of the entire HPR process shall be agreed with Orderer. One pass (“1 x HPR”) is defined as complete rinsing of the inner cavity surface and multiples repetitions of this configurations are required at different stages of cavity preparation.
The HPR process is applied at the following preparation steps to the inner cavity surface:
• After ethanol rinsing (if performed), 1 x HPR, tentatively about 4 h time duration.
• Before heat treatment, 1 x HPR, tentatively about 4 h time duration.
• After Bulk EP surface treatment, 2 x HPR, tentatively about 8 h time duration.
• After Final EP, 2 x HPR, tentatively about 8 h time duration.
• Before FMS assembly and jacketing, 3 x HPR, tentatively about 12 h time duration.
• Before final accessories assembly, 3 x HPR, tentatively about 12 h time duration.
• After final accessories assembly, 5 x HPR, tentatively about 20 h time duration.
The cavities have to be installed into and removed from the HPR system applying an adequate handling system for a minimum of production of particles caused by this operation. The application of a handling frame is recommended.
HPR must be done in vertical orientation of the cavity. For all HPR processes, UPW has to be used. The HPR water pressure must be settable in the range 80 - 100 bar abs with ± 5% precision. HPR has to be done applying an inert gas overlay during the whole process.
Contractor must verify periodically the spraying system integrity and the water quality jet to ensure the expected effectiveness of the HPR process.
For degassing of hydrogen implanted into the niobium and mechanical stress release of the niobium, the cavities are annealed at 900°C in an UHV vacuum furnace. The furnace has to be designed in a way that all materials of the UHV chamber are unreactive with niobium at 900°C. General design parameters for the furnace and for the annealing process are summarized in Table 10. The furnace must be located in a clean environment well separated from combustion engine traffic, machining work and other activities, which might cause a contamination – especially with hydrocarbons. The area has to be adequately ventilated. Direct contact to “dirty” (e.g. machining, chemical) areas is not allowed during cavity preparation and handling.
The furnace cleanliness should be periodically checked with a “empty” oven thermal cycle. The sum of partial pressures for AMU greater than 44 should be at least 300 times smaller than the reference pressure, being the latter defined as the sum of main RGA spectrum peaks (Hydrogen, Water, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, Carbon Dioxide, respectively AMU of 2, 18, 28, 32, 40, 44) This is applicable for any period of the ramp up (heating), plateau (hold), or ramp down (cooling). The Orderer may periodically ask to the contractor to perform a “empty” oven thermal cycle with some small flat Nb samples in order to monitor the material purity at the end of the cycle. Pressure before start of thermal cycle must be less than 1.3 E-7 mbar. RGA scans must be taken and documented for all cavity heat treatments. Full spectrum plots should be provided for review after completion of heat treatments. A comparative spectrum plot should be made with the RGA spectrum at the start of the hottest temperature plateau and at the end of the plateau. Data should be recorded for all duration and may be required to be reviewed.
The pumping system on the furnace shall be free of any oils. Cryogenic pumps are preferred, and turbo- molecular pumps are acceptable. All backing and high-pressure pumps shall be dry, oil-free types.
The cavity must be properly supported during heat treatment by a support structure.
Cavity openings (beam ports and coupler ports) must be covered by niobium caps or foils to protect the interior surface of the cavities from line-of-sight contaminations from the furnace and cavity external
components/surfaces. Niobium caps or foils must receive a 5 μm “flash BCP” and US rinsing with UPW (> 18
MΩ cm).
Table 9 - The process parameters for the 900°C annealing
Process step | Parameters |
Process temperature | 900°C |
Hold time at process temperature | 3 h |
Thermal cycle | to be agreed |
Pressure before start of thermal cycle | ≤ 2 10-7 mbar |
Process vacuum pressure | ≤ 10-5 mbar |
If process vacuum level rises above 10-5 mbar | Stop ramp and hold temperature until pressure is again < 1 10-5 mbar |
Cool down by switching off heating | no active cooling |
Venting of furnace with dry nitrogen (6.0) | at temperature < 80°C |
The mid-temperature bake treatment is crucial for achieving high-Q. The Contractor should consider performing this process in a dedicated oven so that the less possible contaminants will be introduced in the inner chamber. The temperature setpoint for the treatment has still to be agreed and will be in the 300°C-350°C range. Being the Niobium Pentoxide layer completely dissolved at the operating temperature, one must guarantee a residual gas content in the furnace as lowest as possible. A total pressure of less than < 2 10-8 mbar is needed before starting the thermal cycle. A total pressure of less than 2 10-7 mbar is needed during the 3 hours bake at 300 °C - 350°C. The sum of partial pressures for AMU greater than 44 should be at least 300 times smaller than the reference pressure, being the latter defined as the sum of main RGA spectrum peaks (Hydrogen, Water, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, Carbon Dioxide, respectively AMU of 2, 18, 28, 32, 40, 44) This is applicable for any period of the ramp up (heating), plateau (hold), or ramp down (cooling). After the baking, furnace temperature is ramped down in high vacuum. Then the furnace is vented with N2 end extracted from the furnace. Then, the Cavity must be parked for 2 days in a clean environment (ISO7 or ISO10) so to allow the complete reformation of the protective Nb2O5 layer.
In case the pressure during the 3 hours exposition at the goal temperature rises above a threshold safety value to be agreed with the Orderer, the process must be immediately stopped, the cavity cooled down, vented with dry N2, extracted from the oven and exposed to air. The RF surface has to be completely reset by a short EP process of at least 10 um average removal. After ordinary post-EP clean room operations, the mid-T bake treatment can be repeated.
Table 10 - The process parameters for the mid-Temperature bake
Process step | Parameters |
Process temperature | 300°C-350°C |
Hold time at process temperature | 3 h |
Thermal cycle | To be agreed |
Pressure before start of thermal cycle | ≤ 2 10-8 mbar |
Process vacuum pressure | ≤ 2 10-7 mbar |
Cool down by switching off heating | no active cooling |
Venting of furnace with dry nitrogen (6.0) | at temperature < 80°C |
During cavities production several pumping and leak check needs to be done. Completely dry pumping units and leak detectors must be used. Use of silicone grease is strictly forbidden.
Vacuum components and equipment for the cavity preparation steps are used inside and outside of the clean room to produce adequate vacuum conditions and to perform leak checks and quality control of the vacuum systems by residual gas analysis.
Due to the fact that the vacuum equipment is connected to the sensitive inner surface of the cavities, special care and additional effort with respect to UHV procedures have to be applied to produce hydrocarbon free and particle free vacuum systems.
Repair of leaks requires prior approval of the Orderer in all cases in regard to the method and possible risks.
The components, as well as the completed cavity, are to be checked for leaks. This occurs with a leak detector and helium as the test gas. For this purpose, the “outside-in leak” method is used as a local leak-detection method, i.e., the test gas flows into the evacuated test specimen. Standard leak detectors using the main-flow or counter- flow method, or Residual Gas Analyzer (RGA) can be used.
These stations consist of an oil free roughing pump and turbo molecular pump with ceramic bearings, gauges, valves and vacuum tubing. The pump station must be equipped with an adequate interlock system to protect the cavities in case of a failure of the pumping unit. An electro-pneumatic valve between the turbo molecular and roughing pump is mandatory. It must close automatically in case of power switching off and of a failure of the roughing pump or the pump station. On the High Vacuum (HV) side of the turbo molecular pump, all flange connections must have all metal seals. If the pump stations are used for drying cavities that could contain residual water, the stations must be capable to transport and compress high humidity gases (mainly water vapor).
During the production several leak checks need to be performed in the cavity vacuum enclosures (either the cavity or the vessel inner volumes) for leak-tightness to < 2 10-10 mbar/l s (< 2 10-9 mbarl/s for helium jacket volume). Leak testing of manufacturing subcomponents is strongly recommended specially for End-Groups, because repairing in a later stage of work may not be possible.
Contractor must use a leak detector fully dry (oil free) able to measure a leak rate less than 1 x 10-10 mbar l/s. leak detector must be operated and calibrated as for ISO 3530 and EN 1779, using a calibrated leak in the 1 10-9 mbar l/s range. During leak check the pressure in the cavity has to be in the 10-6 mbar range.
Therefore, before each leak-detection campaign, the leak detector is to be checked with a calibrated test leak. The result is to be recorded. After a measurement, always wait for the He partial pressure in the cavity to be reduced to the initial value. Pumps, pipelines and structure of the leak detector are to be dimensioned accordingly.
The leak detector units must have a sensitivity of a He leak rate of ≤ 1 x 10-11 mbar∙l/sec. For leak detector units equipped with pumps, the pumps must be oil free. For the connection to the cavity, all metal seals must be used. Alternatively, the leak checks can be performed using a residual gas analyzer if adequate sensitivity can be obtained.
For the leak check performed in the clean room a suitable system is required that ensure a clean equipment (to avoid any contamination during the operation). This system must be equipped with a Residual Gas Analyzer system to perform the RGA measurement.
Suggested characteristics for a state-of-the art RGA system to be used for superconducting cavities are:
• Residual gas analyzer with secondary electron multiplier for the mass range of ≥ 1 up 100 AMU.
• Detection limit with Xxxxxxx cup (EBW, furnace): ≤ 5 x 10-11 mbar
• Detection limit with SEM (all other test areas): ≤ 5 x 10-14 mbar
• The head of the residual gas analyzer has to be installed on the HV-side of an oil-free turbo molecular pump.
• RGA head must be bakeable to 250°C without electronics and RF extension connected
• Twin filament analyzer
• During RGA acquisition, the pressure in the cavity has to be in the 10-7 mbar range.
During pump down and venting of cavities or any vacuum system attached to cavities, any introduction of particulates or movement of particles has to be avoided strictly.
A suited set-up to restrict the mass flow during pump down and venting with N2 to 3 ln/min (50 mbar l/s) must be used over the whole pressure range from 1 mbar to 1000 mbar. For other gases than N2, e.g. Ar, the value for the mass flow has to be corrected accordingly.
For pressures < 1 mbar no flow restrictions are required. For venting it must be ensured that the pressure difference between the cavity / vacuum system and the pump station is < 1 mbar before opening the valve between cavity / vacuum system and pump station.
For venting, a diffuser with removal rating ≥ 0.003 μm must be used.
For venting, particle filtered gas (N2 or Ar) (particle size ≤ 0.04 μm) and a gas quality of 99.9999% (6.0) has to be used.
All frequency measurements of the subcomponents (HC, DB and EG before and after trimming) will be performed by the Contractor and communicated to Orderer for approval. The Contractor must provide necessary equipment for the measurement including a Vector Network Analyzer.
The Contractor has the responsibility of developing the tool for the frequency measurement of the HC/DB and EGs, with a device capable of providing the proper RF contacts to perform the mode measurement, with no risk of generating foreign material inclusions in the niobium material.
The Orderer can provide assistance and technical specifications for its realization upon request.
The device is such the HC (DB, EG) is placed between two plates. The plates are made of niobium to avoid pollution before welding. The HC frequency in the test setup is equal to the 0-mode frequency. The DB has two resonant frequencies of 0-mode and π-mode. The resonant frequency of the HC (DB, EG) in the test device is equal to the frequency of the HC (DB, EG) with electrical boundaries at the shorted planes.
A good RF contact, especially at the equator, is crucial for the frequency measurement. Therefore, a pushing device must be used to press the equator and the iris against the contact plate. In addition, to optimize the contact RF fingers must be cut on the external borders of the niobium plates. The quality of the contact is acceptable if the Q of the resonance is higher than 3000 for DBs.
To perform the measurements, two short electrical antennas are placed in the center of contact plates and connected to the test apparatus (Network Analyzer). For each component the test is repeated twice. The second measurement is done after a rotation of 180° on the beam axes. The frequency difference of the two measurements must be less than 200 kHz.
The same procedure will be repeated for End Groups, with the exception that a proper (longer) flanged antenna will be placed on the beam tube.
The Contractor is responsible for developing a procedure for measuring the frequencies and field flatness of the cavities.
Frequency measurement of a complete cavity, bare or jacketed, includes the pi-mode frequency (operation frequency) and also the frequencies of the other four modes of the TM010 (lowest passband of the cavity) band.
In addition, also the magnitude of each spectral line, expressed in dB, is required. The frequency span for each frequency test is 200 kHz. The frequency spectrum is measured with a Vector Network Analyzer, set in S21, magnitude mode. The use of external RF amplifier will often be needed (especially when high Q antennas will be installed). Cavity temperature during test must be measured too.
All data relative to RF frequency measurements has to be recorded.
Continuous frequency monitoring is required during jacketing, safety bracket installation, and pressure test in addition to regular frequency measurements of the parts and cavities as described in this document. If continues visual monitoring during the task is not possible or not practical, an alert system should be put in place to notify the Contractor’s staff if the frequency is outside of a safe range.
Frequencies at the following step shall be measured:
• Before and during jacketing welding
• After welding is complete, but before the cavity is taken out of the glove box. The cavity and helium tank should be cooled to the ambient room temperature.
• After the cavity is removed from the glove box
• During and after safety bracket installation
• During and after the pressure test – with safety brackets.
Jacketed cavity frequency is defined for a cavity after processing and jacketing, without safety brackets. Installation of the safety brackets will preload the cavity, typically lowering the frequency by approximately 30 kHz.
The Contractor will be responsible for tuning the cavity to achieve the target frequency, field flatness, and length specified in this document and provided drawings. The Contractor has the responsibility of developing or providing the tools for the tuning operation of the cavity. Cavity tuning plates should be designed to match cell profile.
The method to tune the cavity to the goal frequency with a field profile homogeneity (flatness) higher than 98%, is based on the indirect measurement of the maximum electric field in each cell for all TM010 modes.
The field in each cell is perturbed with a small conducting volume, for example a metallic bead on a nylon
string, placed on the beam axes (magnetic field is zero) such that
𝛿𝛿𝑓 ∝ �𝐸� . This means that perturbing the cell
at the axis will perturb only the electric field and therefore show up as a change the resonant frequency of the cavity. Thus, by measuring the relative frequency shifts δf of the resonant frequency of a cavity while perturbing each cell uniformly, the relative electric fields can be calculated.
To find the maximum electric fields in each cell, 𝐸�⃗ ≈ �|𝛿𝛿𝑓| is traced as a function of position z along the longitudinal axis of the cavity. The cavity is oriented horizontally, while the nylon string must be tensioned so that sag by the string is less than 1 mm and therefore insignificant for the measurements. A Network Analyzer is
connected to feedthroughs mounted on flanges placed on the input coupler and pick up ports of the cavities. The network analyzer, set in phase mode of the transmission measurement menu, traces the frequency shift of the
cavity with respect to the unperturbed cavity's resonant frequency. The bead must be such that the maximum phase shift measured must be less than 45° (in module, actually the phase shift is negative) and the total cavity resonant frequency is perturbed less than 40 kHz. Finally, the frequency perturbation of the input and output antennas must be less than 10 kHz with respect to the unperturbed cavity resonant frequency.
A computer program should set up the network analyzer, read and plot the resonant frequency for all the TM010 modes, than moves the bead and trace and plot the field profile.
This process is run for all the TM010 modes in the cavity, equal to the number of cells in the cavity. The data acquired are then used to determine how much the cavity should be tuned to achieve the field flatness at the correct frequency.
To physically correct the cavity frequency and flatness, a frequency shift can be induced as with the bead by changing only the electric field of a cell. If such a change were permanent, the frequency shift of the cavity would be permanent.
Cells are deformed by pushing or pulling the sides of the cell. This greatly changes the electric field across the cell, but barely changes the vanishing magnetic field by the iris of the cell. The cells are tuned according to what indicated by the control program. The tuning mechanism consists of two strong metal plates, with holes cut in the middle to match the outer diameter of the cavity's iris. The plates are cut in half, mounted vertically on a track. The cavity is placed so that the plates were on either side of the cell desired to be tuned. The plate halves are placed to match up with their counterparts on the track, hugging the iris on either side of the cell to be tuned. The plates are then moved together squeezing the cavity or apart pulling the cavity, to lower or raise the frequency, respectively.
The resonant frequency is monitored through the Network Analyzer. The cell deformation stops when the cavity resonant frequency is equal to one given by the control program with a maximum error of ± 5 kHz.
The process then goes on for each one of the cavity cell and stops when the cavity resonant frequency is the goal frequency (maximum error ± 30 kHz) with the field profile flatness higher than 98%. The Contractor should take care to maintain the field flatness as close to 98% as possible. Field flatness must be above 90% after jacketing and pressure test. After tacking and welding the bellows assembly, cavity frequency at the room temperature must be within 648.95 MHz – 649.10 MHz range, otherwise, tuning is required.
Overall, at a 20°C ±1°C for an unconstrained cavity at atmospheric pressure the target frequencies are:
• Bare cavity prior to processing and tank integration: 649.42 +/- 0.5 MHz
• Jacketed cavity 648.95 - 649.10 MHz
• Field flatness of a bare cavity > 98%
• Field flatness of a jacketed cavity > 90%
Jacketed cavity frequency is defined for a cavity after processing and pressure test, before the safety bracket installation. Safety brackets will preload the cavity by approximately 30 kHz.
The Contractor must perform a careful visual inspection of materials, parts, and finished product. Visual inspections shall be performed with the naked eye with correction, if necessary, to 20/20 vision, in well-lit area at a distance of no more than 25 cm. Magnifying aids can be used to confirm the presence of visually observed defects and deposits.
Visual weld inspections are to be conducted by ISO 9712 certified Level 2 welding inspection personnel. Inspection results are to be documented and certified by the level 2 inspection personnel. Inspection reports will be required prior to delivery.
All visual inspection techniques shall have either a physical artefact or image standard in order to reference and control the technique. The Contractor shall propose the standard to Orderer for approval.
Bare cavities must be inspected prior to helium tank integration. All visible surfaces, including all sealing surfaces, of the dressed cavity, He-tank welds, outer surface of the He-tank and all components must be inspected. Flange sealing surfaces and welding seams for Pressure Code qualification should receive particular attention. Supplier shall prepare a report of all features identified on the surface for review to identify further corrective actions.
It has been proven in past production of SC RF cavities that defects seen during the production of cavities can be “cured” to avoid possible limitation of the final RF performance at cold. As a consequence, during the production of series LB650 cavities two inner optical inspections are required by the Orderer and will be done by the Contractor with a system the Contractor has to provide:
• After the mechanical fabrication of the cavity with EBW equatorial welding
• After tuning operation to check the inner surface after bulk-EP
The inspection will be done by the Contractor that must carefully check the quality of the cavity inner surface. The Contractor will inspect all equatorial welds from the inside of the cavity, storing all photos at its quality control & assurance system. The Contractor will also inspect the inner surface of the cavity, looking at the cells, irises and EG surfaces. For these areas, the Contractor is not requested to store photos, but in the case that defects are identified.
The Contractor will prepare a report containing the result of the inner optical inspection. This report will be recorded by the Contractor quality control & assurance system and provided to Orderer. If necessary, the Orderer will ask to the Contractor the images relative to the inner surface inspection done.
In case of any defects or irregularities detected on the welding seams of equators and irises, on the equators, irises and cells areas the Contractor must record the image of the defect, describe it in the report and promptly inform the Orderer that can evaluate possible repair action before proceeding with the standard production cycle. It has to be mentioned that any repair action will be done only after the Orderer approval. The Contractor has to emit the corresponding NCR in any case, even if Xxxxxxx then decides that no further action is needed.
The visual inspections of the inner surface and welding seams must be done using adequate optical equipment, able to locate irregularities of the weld and eventual presence of defects or imperfections as sputters, scratches, holes, etc. The surfaces must be:
• free of scratches and mechanical damage of a size larger than 50 μm in any plane
• free of inclusions of foreign material
• free of sputters, pits, or “orange peel”
• free of visible patterns like grooves or waves
• free of stains and fingerprints
• free of silicone
The inner inspection system must be able to ensure a good reproducibility of the angular and longitudinal position for each equator (necessary to easily highlight the position of eventual defects for their repair). The system must also be capable of providing a sharp focused image of both equator and iris areas, Orderer might require issuing proofs of this capability at the PRR/MRR stage.
The insertion of the camera must be done with particular care to avoid any contact between the optical tool and inner cavity surface. In case of any contact, the Contractor must be promptly advice for eventual repair action. The Orderer suggests to the Contractor to blow the inner surface of the cavity before starting with the inspection to remove eventual presence of dusts on the surface that can originate misleading interpretation of fake irregularities.
The images must be acquired and saved at high resolution to ensure that both the equatorial seams and the defects smaller than 50 μm can be clearly seen. The optical inspection must cover the entire equatorial weld (360°).
If requested by the Orderer, the full inspection has to be carried out also on the cavity irises and defects eventually found must be reported to the Orderer.
5.23 GASES
Different types of gases must be provided by the Contractor in the required quality and quantity for the preparation process. The gases can be evaporated from the liquid phase or come from compressed gas cylinders. The Contractor is responsible for the quality of gases at the point of application. It is emphasized, that all installations in contact with the gases (e.g. piping, fittings etc.) have to be adequate designed, operated and maintained for the requested purity and low particulate contamination level.
For all applications equipped with a point-of-use filter of ≤ 0.04 μm pore size, the particle contamination has to be comparable to an air quality of class ISO 3.
Helium is used for leak check on cavities, He-tanks and vacuum components. The required qualities are:
• Gas quality for leak check outside of the clean room: gas quality 99.9999 % (6.0).
• Gas quality for leak check inside the clean room: gas quality 99.9999 % (6.0).
In order to prevent contamination by particulates each He gas supply system has to be equipped with point- of-use gas filters of ≤ 0.04 μm pore size.
Argon is in use during He-tank welding as an inert gas that prevents oxidation on the welding seams and to protect the cavity surface in case of warm up by the welding process. Furthermore, it is an option for venting of vacuum systems.
• Protection of weld area during TIG welding of helium tank: purity 99.999 % (quality 5.0).
• Protection of cavity inner surface during complete helium tank welding process: purity 99.9999 % (quality 6.0). Point-of-use filter ≤ 0.04 μm.
• Venting of cavities and vacuum system: purity 99.9999 % (quality 6.0). Point-of-use filter ≤
0.04 μm.
Nitrogen is in use as an overlay gas of chemical processes, overlay gas of the HPR process, gas supply of ionizing guns, venting gas for various vacuum systems (incl. cavities) and it is employed for the nitrogen doping process. The Contractor has to provide and qualify the quality of gases.
• Dump gas for the BCP facility: purity 99.9999 % (quality 6.0). Point-of-use filter ≤ 0.04 μm.
• Overlay gas of HPR process: purity 99.9999 % (quality 6.0). Point-of-use filter ≤ 0.04 μm.
• Supply of ionizing guns: purity 99.9999 % (quality 6.0). Point-of-use filter ≤ 0.04 μm.
• Venting of 600°C annealing furnace: purity 99.9999 % (quality 6.0).
• Venting of cavities and vacuum system: purity 99.9999 % (quality 6.0). Point-of-use filter ≤
0.04 μm.
The pick-up antennas are supplied by Orderer to the Contractor with its own feedthrough.
The pick-up antenna is equipped with antenna tips made of niobium, which are welded onto the RF feedthroughs. The niobium antenna tip must have excellent superconducting characteristics and therefore needs to be etched and rinsed carefully at the cavity preparation facility.
The Contractor has to do the following preparation steps earliest 24 hours to the cavity assembly in case of storing in class ISO 4. If storage in a nitrogen or vacuum storage cabinet is applied, the following preparation steps have to be done not earlier than 1 week before the cavity assembly.
1. Degreasing and rinsing of the antenna in a “clean” (analytical) chemical lab environment
2. Protect the flange and the ceramic in a way that only the niobium antenna tip will be etched
3. Etching with BCP acid removal of 5 μm with a temperature between 12 - 17°C (typical 15°C)
4. Rinse with DI water (> 12 MΩ·cm) or UPW until pH ~7
5. DI water or UPW rinsing > 15 minutes in ultrasonic agitation with protection elements removed
6. Transport to clean room in adequate, cleaned container filled with DI water or UPW
7. Adequate outside cleaning of container for clean room class ISO 4
8. UPW rinsing to resistivity > 17.5 MΩ·cm (typical < 30 minutes) in ISO 4 clean room
9. Drying / storing in class ISO 4 clean room
Alternative to storage in a class ISO 4 environment, nitrogen and vacuum storage cabinets are applicable. These storage cabinets have to be equipped with ultra-pure gas compatible installations and point-of-use filters with ≤ 0.04 μm pore size for continuous gas flow during storage or venting after vacuum storage, respectively.
The High Q Antenna will be supplied by the Orderer together with its own feedthrough.
The material of the antenna is Titanium. Besides the different etching rate, the same procedure applied for the PU tip will be used also for the MC antenna, as well as all the relevant prescriptions.
The cavity transportation to DESY where the cavity will be cold tested will be paid by the Contractor. Contractor is responsible for the packaging and the transport, including unloading and any costs related to this.
The packaging must be carried out in a clean environment well separated from combustion engine traffic, machining work and other activities, which might cause a contamination – especially with hydrocarbons. The area has to be adequately ventilated. Direct contact to external air or “dirty” (e.g. machining, chemical) areas is not allowed during cavity installation, boxing and handling in general. The packaging of the cavity will also include all the documents required for transportation.
The Contractor has to ensure that all connections on the transport tools are tightened and protected against vibration/shocks in an appropriate way before the start of the transport.
Cavity transport boxes will be provided by the Orderer, together with step-by-step instructions about the boxing-unboxing procedure. A check list, prepared by the Contractor and handed over to the Orderer, has to document that the installation was done according to the rules. The integrity and the secureness of transport boxes onto the truck deck lie within the Contractor’s responsibilities as well.
The Orderer will supply proper shock-loggers (as GP1 by SENSR) together with proper instructions covering the assembly onto the transport boxes, the setting-up prior the use and the download of acquired data. In case these accessories have to travel independently from the transport boxes they have to be properly packed, wrapped and protected against damage, vibration, shocks and contamination.
Responsibilities and costs of the accessories transports are on the side of the Contractor, too.
Shock-loggers will be inspected upon arrival at DESY for the vertical-test and in case excess shocks are recorded according to the Orderer threshold parameters (+/- 3 g acceleration in all axes, as a reference) Orderer retains the possibility to reject the delivery and return it to the vendor without further controls. The Contractor can choose to design and make-use of its own transport boxes for the transport under its responsibility (to DESY) provided that those boxes have been approved by the Orderer and given that the same requirements in terms of peak shocks apply upon reception.
Deliveries should be made during the standard business hours. At a minimum, anticipated time of arrival should be clearly communicated to Orderer and DESY prior to delivery. Ideally, containers or delivery vehicle should be equipped with the GPS tracking system accessible to Orderer for real-time monitoring of the location of the goods.
The Contractor and all its sub-contractors are required to maintain a quality-management system according to DIN ISO 9001. Their quality control system has to be independent from the manufacture’s. The Contractor’s valid certificate according to DIN ISO 9001 is to be submitted with the bid.
In addition to the QA/QC measures carried out by the Contractor according to his own quality management the Orderer requests some quality checks including protocolling. The test protocols must be reported in a form designated by the Orderer near the time of production. The Contractor will have a certain number of protocol forms available.
For the provision of the Contract Orderer will ensure that the Contractor has:
• All the High-RRR Niobium material: sheets and semi-finished products. Sheets will be delivered already scanned for inclusions by means of eddy-current technique. The set supplied by Orderer accounts for up to 40 LB650 cavities thus some extra material is already included. Any leftover material must be returned to Orderer at the end of the contract.
• Part of the final preparation hardware and accessories, and namely for each cavity:
o UHV all-metal angles valves, one primary CF40 and one secondary CF16.
o Pickup and Main Coupler (Hi-Q) UHV feed-throughs
o Titanium antenna tip for Main Coupler (Hi-Q), vacuum side.
o ConFlat UHV vacuum fittings in 316L/LN ESR: CF40 tee, CF40 blank flange, CF40- CF16 transition flange with a UHV compliant all-metal filter welded on it.
o UHV compliant burst disc with CF16 flange
• Cavity-Tuner interface alignment tool
• Dummy model of a Fundamental Power Coupler with rotating tips for the coupling measurement
• Cavity transport boxes with inner accessories, including shock-loggers.
• If required, the 3D STEP file of the CAD model used for the generation of bid drawings can be provided.
More specifically, concerning the supply of High-RRR Niobium material, the following Table 12 lists the material procured by Orderer as semi-finished products for the fabrication of the resonators.
Table 11 – RRR 300 Niobium material supplied by Orderer
Component | Form | Quantity | Dimension [mm x mm] | Drawing number |
Cell Discs | Disc | 400 | Φ = 470 x 4.5 | NB-GRZ-01.00.00 part 1 |
Sheet A – BT | Sheet | 40 | 400 x 450 x 4 | NB-GRZ-01.00.00 part 3 |
Sheet B – MC_SR | Sheet | 40 | 300 x 500 x 4 | NB-GRZ-01.00.00 part 4 |
PU Tube | Rod | 2 | Φ = 26 x 800 | NB-GRZ-01.00.00 part 5 |
Spool Ring PU | Ring | 40 | Φext=140‐Φint=114x30 | NB-GRZ-01.00.00 part 6 |
Spool Ring MC | Ring | 40 | Φext=140‐Φint=114x40 | NB-GRZ-01.00.00 part 7 |
Material for Half-Cells (HC) will be supplied by Orderer as standard discs of diameter 470 +2/-0 mm with a 4.5 mm thickness (sheet drawing is also attached). Material for Half-Cells will be shipped to the Contractor already scanned for absence of surface defects or inclusions, and with the non-RF side permanently marked. Orderer will communicate to the Contractor the time schedule for the delivery of the material.
Upon receipt at the company, the niobium sheets must be visually inspected for defects. In case of defects,
i.e. scratches or damages, sheets can be reworked after Orderer approval.
All required labour, materials, tooling, and equipment needed for fabrication, assembly, treatment, safe handling, factory test, and transport of the cavities throughout their cycle other than those explicitly listed above.
All ancillaries and finishing items of the LB650 cavity not explicitly supplied by Orderer shall be provided by the Vendor:
• Flanges, nuts, bolts, aluminum and copper seals, fastenings.
• Helium vessel including the VCR fittings for both helium filling lines (as per attached drawings DWG_PIP2_HT_01.00.00, DWG_PIP2_HT_01.00.01 and F10127683-D-DWG1).
• Safety brackets according to the drawings provided by Fermilab.
• Field Monitoring System to allow cavity frequency and field-flatness to be measured and tuned while the cavity inner volume is sealed in clean-room compliant gas.
• Support frames: 38 frame to hold jacketed cavities and 4 frame to hold bare cavities. Frame must be designed by the Contractor taking into consideration that some constraints apply due to need to
make use of the frame at different sites (DESY, CEA). Attached Drawing D10000000883301 reports, for reference, allowed cross-sectional area of a bare LB650 cavity in its frame for two of these cavities to be cold-tested at the DESY AMTF facility.
As a general remark, all parts must be compliant to cold qualification test requirements and their design must be agreed with Orderer prior to production start.
Specification for the Niobium-Titanium alloy to be used for LB650 cavity fabrication are described in the attached document number XX0000000 from Fermilab (US).
Requirements that apply to bolts and flanges for the LB650 cavity under Contractor’s responsibility are summarized in the following Table 13, see also relative drawings for reference.
Table 12 - Bolts and flanges requirements
Item | Material |
Screws, studs | 1.4429 electropolished Tensile strength 800 ≥ N/mm2 |
Washers | A4-200HV |
Nuts | CuNiSi Tensile strength>=590 N/mm2 |
Hexagonal gaskets | Al-Mg-Si-0.5F-22 |
Flanges | 316L or 316 LN ESR Magnetic permeability < 1.04 |
A kick-off meeting shall be scheduled within two weeks from the contract award, to initiate discussions between the technical and commercial representatives of Orderer and the Contractor.
A hold point is defined as the moment in time, usually at the end of a fabrication, processing or quality control step, wherein the process needs to be stopped in order to allow the Orderer representative to review documentation, monitor the progress, and perform additional QC where deemed necessary. The purpose of a hold point is to determine conformance of products and processes to the requirements of this specification before continuation of further activities.
Data review hold-points will be put in place for each cavity during the manufacturing. Orderer can request to witness any of these hold point. Xxxxxxx’x written approval and the Contractor’s QA/QC representative signature are required for each hold point. Orderer’s acceptance or approval of parts and material during manufacturing shall not be interpreted as a guarantee of its acceptance in the finished product. All cavities must pass Contractor’s inspections prior to delivery.
Orderer and the Contractor will finalize the hold points during the Quality Control Plan (MCP) development keeping into consideration that pre-series cavities will be used for process qualification and will require additional hold points and measurements.
During the MRR the Contractor shall prove its abilities to successfully perform required manufacturing steps, including but not limited to forming, EBW, and TIG welding. Documentation supporting the successful completion of these activities shall be provided to Orderer and detailed QCPs for the mechanical fabrication stage shall be presented.
Niobium for the cavity fabrication cannot be cut and/or formed until all the MRR’s recommendations have been addressed and Xxxxxxx has provided a written approval. Review’s recommendations (if any) based on the presented material, shall be addressed within two weeks from the conclusion of the MRR.
The Contractor shall hold the Processing Readiness Review (PRR) with Orderer and FNAL representatives prior to the start of any processing activity. During the PRR, the Contractor shall prove their abilities to successfully perform all processing steps and provide Manufacturing Control Plans for the cavity processing stage. Processing cannot start until all the PRR’s recommendations have been addressed and Orderer has provided a written approval. Review’s recommendations (if any) based on the presented material, shall be addressed within two weeks from the conclusion of the PRR.
The MRR and PRR can be held at the same time, as agreed by the Contractor and Orderer.
An excerpt of the required documents for each Hold Point and Acceptance Level is presented in Table 14. Documentation generated during the required QC activities, supporting the successful completion of a relevant manufacturing or processing step, shall be provided electronically to Orderer at each Hold Point.
A sub-set of hold-points apply to pre-series cavities only (8-11, 13), for series cavities the same deliverables request applies but relevant documents and process data will be transferred at Orderer only at the following Acceptance Level.
Table 13 - Summary of Hold Points and Acceptance Levels
Hold Point Acceptance Level | Description | Deliverables |
Hold Point 1 | Kick-Off meeting | Updated schedule Resource plan including availability of the key staff and equipment. Project staff roles and responsibilities Manufacturing plan. |
Hold Point 2 | Manufacturing Drawings and Procedures Review | Manufacturing drawings of assemblies, sub-assemblies and toolings Detailed procedures for major manufacturing steps. |
Hold Point 3 | Manufacturing Readiness Review (MRR) | |
Hold Point 4 | Processing Readiness Review (PRR) | |
Hold Point 5 | Inspection of formed niobium components | Frequency and mechanical reports |
CMM report and photos when required. Leak Check (LC) report, if performed Proposed half-cell iris trimming. | ||
Hold Point 6 | Inspection of welded niobium components | Frequency and mechanical reports CMM report and photos when required. Visual inspection (VI) report of all welds including photos of the welds LC report, if performed. |
Hold Point 7 | Dumbbell Frequency trimming | Frequency and length measurement report before trimming, including proposed trimming amounts. Frequency and length measurement reports after trimming Cavity sorting proposal |
Acceptance Level 1 | Final QC of the bare cavity before processing | |
Hold Point 8 - Pre-series only - | Inspection after bulk EP | Weight and US Thickness report before and after EP Frequency measurement report LC report of the bare cavity internal volume VI report of the RF surface Process data: temperature, current, voltage, time, I-V |
Hold Point 9 - Pre-series only - | Inspection after heat treatment | LC report of the bare cavity internal volume RGA data Frequency and FF tuning report Process data: furnace temperature, pressure, vacuum levels |
Hold Point 10 - Pre-series only - | Inspection after light EP | Weight and US Thickness report before and after EP Frequency measurement report LC report of the bare cavity internal volume Process data: temperature, current, voltage, time |
Hold Point 11 - Pre-series only - | Inspection after mid-T treatment | LC report of the bare cavity internal volume Frequency measurement report RGA data Process data: furnace temperature, pressure, vacuum levels |
Hold Point 12 - Pre-series only - | Inspection of a bare cavity after final assembly | CMM report, LC report Frequency measurement report Visual inspection Photo of the cavity |
Acceptance Level 2 | Final QC of the bare cavity before jacketing | |
Hold Point 13 - Pre-series only - | Tuning before helium vessel integration | Frequency and FF tuning report LC report of the bare cavity internal volume Photo of the cavity during the tuning CMM report |
Hold Point 14 - Pre-series only - | Inspection of the jacketed cavity after the pressure test | CMM report after the pressure test Pressure test report including frequency LC report |
Acceptance Level 3 | Final QC of the jacketed cavity before shipment |
Orderer examines the documentation needed for the level and releases the cavity to the next level according to the correspondence to specification (tolerances, geometry, treatment specifications and parameters). The Contractor cannot start the procedures associated to next level without Orderer release.
Once the cavity, fulfilling all the requirement for Acceptance Level 3, will be approved for shipment, the Contractor will be allowing to issue the invoice and the ownership of the cavity will be transfer from the Contractor to Orderer.
The Contractor shall submit a monthly progress report to Orderer. Reports must include a schedule showing progress to date, technical status, and material used to date. Pictures should be included in the report to document actual status of operations. If any deviations arise in the month, these must be included in the report. This report shall be submitted by the 10th day of the following month.
Monthly meetings will be held by videoconference. Face-to-face meetings shall be held at least every 3 months. Bi-weekly updates by e-mail shall be delivered to Orderer by close of business on an agreed day.
Xxxxxxx’x and the Contractor’s representatives should be available to resolve urgent matters during reasonable working hours.
Shipment of the completed cavity shall not occur until all inspections identified in the Contract have been completed and the related documents have been received and accepted by Orderer. Authorization to ship the cavity will be communicated in writing following the review.
The Orderer is to be granted access to the manufacturing facilities of the Contractor and its subcontractors for a visit or inspection whenever deemed necessary by the Orderer.
At the moment of writing, the High-RRR Niobium materials set is expected to be made available by Orderer to Contractor according to the following delivery schedule:
• 20% of half-cell discs and all the semi-finished items by December 2023
• 40% of half-cell discs by April 2024
• 40% of half-cell discs by October 2024
The target time for the first batch, composed by two pre-series bare LB650 cavities, is set to be at 8 months after contract awarding. The series production of the LB650 cavities is targeted to be completed with the last (9th) batch of four cavities delivered to DESY for the qualification test within 31 months from contract awarding.
Timewise, the Contractor should comply also with the following time plan Milestones (MS):
• MS1 – Hold Point 1: Within 2 weeks of the Contract signature, Xxxxxxx will organize a “kick-off” meeting with the Contractor representatives and will issue meeting minutes within one week from the meeting.
• MS2 – Hold Point 2: Within 4 weeks from the MS1, the Contractor will provide the “Contractor manufacturing drawings” and the “Manufacturing and preparation sequence and instructions”.
• MS3 – Hold Point 3 and 4: Within 2 weeks from MS2, the Contractor will provide all the remaining documents listed in section 7.5.2 to proceed to MRR and PRR.
• MS4: Within 6 months from the close-out of pertinent reviews (MRR, PRR), provided that the required niobium components are timely available at the Contractor premises, the Contractor will provide the first two LB650 pre-series bare cavity ready to be shipped for test.
• MS5: Within 5 months from MS4, once the two pre-series cavities have been qualified, jacketed and qualified again, Orderer issues confirmation that the series production can start.
• MS6: Within 18 months from MS5, the Contractor will provide all remaining 36 LB650 cavities at Acceptance Level Three, ready to be shipped.
Finished cavities will be conditionally accepted if they are deemed conforming to the contract after incoming inspection at DESY and documentation review. Final acceptance is conditional on the results of the cold RF test.
The Contractor is not required to guarantee a cavity electromagnetic performance if all the prescriptions presented in this Technical Specifications document are fulfilled. In case a cavity cold test will show abnormally low electromagnetic performances or exceed radiation safety limits the Orderer will not accept the cavity and will be Contractor’s responsibility to move back to its premises the cavity for further investigation and treatments since those issues are typically due to poor clean room handling, errors in machining and welding, wrong vacuum manipulation, wrong chemical treatments, etc. For instance, field emission above 100 mR/hr at the target accelerating gradient, inability to achieve the target accelerating gradient, including due to radiation safety limits, or Q0 below PIP-II requirement will trigger the investigations. Further actions for the recovery of the cavity will be discussed and approved by the Orderer.
Finished pre-series cavities that were conditionally accepted failed but failed to meet the qualification criteria during a cold RF test will be returned to the Contractor (under its responsibility) for manufacturing process optimization and rework. The cavities and, consequently, the Contractor’s manufacturing processes will be evaluated based on the achieved accelerating gradient, Qo, and field emission. While no minimum performance guarantee is requested, these parameters will point to potential areas for improvement.
The Orderer can choose to perform additional inspection of the cavities if investigation and troubleshooting are required after a cold test. The Orderer reserves a right to perform an additional bare pre-series cavity HPR or surface treatment cycle in-house or at the Contractor’s premises should this be necessary after a cold test.
If a cavity fails an incoming inspection because of an event during transportation, the cavity will be rejected by Orderer and sent back to the Contractor. The Contractor is responsible for the transportation of the cavity back to their premises and costs of the transportation. Orderer and the Contractor will jointly decide rework and/or optimization and recovery workflows for all cavities.
Payments for the scope of work will be performed during the execution of the contract, after verification from the “Direttore dell’Esecuzione” and the approval of the “Responsabile Unico del Procedimento” for the compliance of the delivered items to these technical specifications.
Payments terms are:
• 15% at the delivery of procurement technical plans and updated schedule upon kick-off meeting.
• 15% after reaching MS2
• 10% after reaching MS3.
• 1.5% after each cavity reaches its final acceptance level (Level Three) and is approved for shipment.
• 3% after the successful acceptance of all cavities by the Orderer.
Orderer reserves the right to ask for a number of additional intermediate optional reprocessing stages in order to reset the status of the cavity functional surfaces, on the basis of the results of the RF tests performed after acceptance Level Three.
The economical offer must contain the cost for these specified retreatment cycles stages (see Section 3.2), including the delivery to the qualified laboratory (DESY) for the RF test. The Orderer takes no financial commitment for these, as they may not be required at all (they are optional). The reprocessing stages (including transport), in the case they are required by the Orderer, will be invoiced separately from the nominal fabrication and processing procedures.
These specifications, together with attachments, describe and detail requirements from the standpoint of Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) documentation. All requirements described are to be met by the Contractor and its employees.
The Contractor and its subcontractors are required to maintain a quality-management system according to EN ISO 9001:2015 or equivalent. Their quality control system has to be independent from the manufacture’s. The Contractor’s valid certificate according to EN ISO 9001:2015 or equivalent is to be submitted with the bid.
To fulfil the described specification, the Contractor has to comply with various national and international rules and regulations. The Contractor is responsible for identifying and complying with all applicable legislation in all stages of the production and Contract.
If in these specifications requirements should be presented, that contradict, for example, the standards and regulations that are cited in it, the requirements established in these specifications shall apply, unless they conflict with standards and regulations regarding work safety.
In addition to the QA/QC measures carried out by the Contractor according to his own quality management, the Orderer requests additional quality checks including protocolling and audits. The test protocols must be reported in a form designated by the Orderer near the time of production.
Failure to comply with requirements and instructions will lead to rejection of the material, components, and the product at any stage of the manufacturing. The Contractor may make proposals to Orderer concerning repair, reworking, reuse, etc., which Orderer is not obligated to accept. In this case, the Contractor must start again with a new sub-components or assemblies at their own expense and with all practical effort to maintain the schedule and minimize delay.
The production process is to be configured to allow execution of all and any subsequently required tests and demonstrations. If random testing is carried out or required, the test scope is to be continuously increased following a change of supplier, material, or process until it is demonstrated that the requirements are stably and reliably maintained.
The Contractor’s general design of the preparation facilities and processes has to assure that, over the whole time of cavity production and preparation, the contracted delivery rate can be achieved.
Upon shipment release by the Orderer according to “Acceptance rules” (see Section 6.8), the completed cavities (ready prepared and assembled for the RF acceptance test) will be delivered to the qualified laboratory in compliance with the packaging and transport procedures (see Section 5.25).
The Contractor and all sub-contractors shall have a measuring and test equipment procedure and program to control the periodic calibration and thus the traceability of measurements and test equipment used in the fulfillment of this sub-contract. The calibrations shall be to ISO 17025 standards whenever possible to ensure complete traceability.
The system shall include, as a minimum, prescribed calibration intervals, source of calibration and a monitoring/recall system to control adherence to calibration schedules. Documentation records in support of this requirement shall be readily available to Orderer. Key measurement processes shall be validated by the supplier for repeatability and reproducibility as part of their Manufacturing Control Plan.
The Contractor shall create a QAP based around ISO 9001:2015 as a guideline that will be used to define the criteria and processes that will ensure and verify that the process outputs will meet specific quality objectives. The QAP shall be submitted to Orderer for acceptance and it must be accepted prior to use.
The QAP should include the following documents as a minimum:
• The system and the processes undertaken to manage, manufacture and deliver the product in terms of quality
• Description of equipment for inspection and dimensional control of parts
• How the key inspection equipment will be maintained, calibrated to the appropriate standards, and cross-checked
• Identify what staffing effort & equipment resource is expected for performing quality assurance activities
• Plans to ensure that staff are sufficiently & appropriately trained or qualified
• Reaction plans in an event of a problem
• Data management plan, including data sharing with Orderer
• Description of Quality Control (QC) process, including Manufacturing Control Plans management
• Description of document control system (including traceability)
• Procedure for reporting Non-Conforming items
• Steps for preventing niobium surface contamination during manufacturing
• Tools tracking program
• Relevant certificates.
A Manufacturing Control Plan or MCP is a documented linking manufacturing process steps to key inspection and control activities. MCP should demonstrate that the manufacturer is taking necessary steps to control and monitor the entire manufacturing process, and to ensure that the requirements for the products, processes, and equipment are met. Manufacturing Control Plans should be maintained and updated through the life of the project.
For the series cavities as a minimum, each major manufacturing step should have a reasonably detailed MCP. For the pre-series cavities, MCPs should also include equipment and process qualification and validation. The Contractor and Orderer should jointly review the list of the controlled key parameter for each MCP.
The Contractor is responsible for developing detailed MCPs that should be submitted upon MRR or PRR to Orderer for approval.
The Contractor is required to maintain a quality-assurance QA system according to DIN ISO 9001:2015 or equivalent.
The Contractor has to establish quality control QC for infrastructure for processes of all preparation steps. In the quality assurance plan should be outlined which hardware is foreseen for the QC by the Contractor and where it will be installed. The plan should give an overview on hardware in use and application of the hardware in the processing line of the cavity preparation.
The Contractor has to provide schematic QC plans before placing of the contract and a detailed QC plan before start of cavity preparation. The Orderer has to agree to the latter before start of cavity preparation.
Here below more details on Quality Control expected on each of the major plants are listed:
• Clean-Room: The quality of the clean room has to be monitored and validated according to EN ISO 14644 (especially part 3), VDI 2083, part 11 or comparable standards before first start of operation and during the whole operating time of the facility.
• Ultra-Pure Water: Contractor has to design, set up, operate and maintain one or several Ultra Pure Water (UPW) plants of electronic and semiconductor industrial standard according to ASTM D 5127-07, VDI 2083 or comparable standards. Quality control of the UPW has to be set up according to the guidelines given in ASTM D 5127-07 and the standards therein, VDI 2083, Part 13.1 and
13.2 or comparable standards. If recycled water is used, the QC for this part of the system has to be specified separately. It is emphasized, that a quality control plan for the UPW and the UPW plant is one key component of the overall QC plan.
• Gases: Contractor has to design, set up, operate and maintain the gas supply systems and its QC according to electronic and semiconductor standards (e.g. VDI 2083, part 7 and part 10) in order to fulfil the gas qualities required in Section 3.10. The particle contamination at the applications
equipped with a point-of-use filter of ≤ 0.04 µm pore size has to be comparable to an air quality of
class ISO 3.
• Surface Cleanliness: before the assembly of temporary flanges or the final accessories all necessary equipment needs to undergo a surface cleanliness QC procedure. One possible QC procedure is based on the effect, that pressurized, ionized nitrogen has a significant capability to
remove loose particles from a surface. These particles can be detected easily with a commercial scattering light air particle counter. The exact procedure depends strongly on the geometry, gas pressure and arrangement of ionizing gun, component to be checked and particle counter. The Orderer will provide his experience and parameters to the Contractor on request. Other procedures (e.g. US removal of particulates followed by analysis of the rinsing medium) are well-defined in clean working applications.
• High-Pressure rinsing: in addition to what has been described in Section 5.14, the particle contamination of the high-pressure supply (forward line) water and the particle contamination of the drain water are well suited to describe the HPR process and the status of the facilities.
• Electro-Polishing: Contractor has to provide a QC and QA plan for EP plant. The usage of test samples to verify the etching rate of the acid used for subcomponents must be periodically used. Moreover, the test samples made from niobium for process control of the etching processes have
to be applied during each processing of a cavity. The samples give information about the removal and the achieved surface quality. This information has to be stored at the Contractor, but not routinely handed over to the Orderer. See Section 7.5.4 for further details.
• Acid management: Contractor has to provide a QC and QA plan for acid management to the Orderer. In this plan the Contractor has to line out how the reproducibility of all acids in use, the
• Vacuum furnace: Contractor has to provide a QC and QA plan for the vacuum furnace to the Orderer. In this plan the Contractor has to describe the heating cycle before the first cavity treatment, and to be done after each oven maintenance. The typical operation is a heating cycle up
• Leak-check, pumping units and RGA: see Section 5.17.2.
The Contractor’s shall provide for a system of distribution and control of approved engineering and procurement documents (including specifications, drawings, CAD files, procedures, purchase orders, and other critical documents) as well as changes thereto. Such a system shall provide version control, including control of voided documents.
The Contractor and all sub-contractors shall maintain records of all inspections and tests for one year after delivery of the last component on the contract. The records shall indicate the nature and number of observations, the number and type of deficiencies found, and the corrective action taken. Where applicable, manufacturing data is required to be recorded and made available prior to any adjustments either as part of a planned process or otherwise.
The inspection, test, travelers templates must be provided in a suitable controlled and traceable form/report proposed by the Contractor to be agreed by Orderer. Forms/reports shall be simple in construction, contain relevant and traceable specifications, and show responsible approvals to allow for swift and easy assessment of key characteristics relationship to a specification.
At defined step during the cavity production, the Contractor has to deliver electronically all quality control documents produced for the relative Acceptance Levels, together with the request of the overcoming of the relative acceptance level, for their approval by the Orderer. In case of any Non-Conformance occurred during the subcomponent or cavity production, the Contractor will submit electronically also NCRs for their approval (or rejection) by the Orderer.
The Contractor will deliver all required documents, i.e. all quality control documents necessary for the overcoming of the relative Acceptance Level and all NCR occurred, in electronic format. Only after the Orderer positive approval, the Contractor can proceed with the production steps required for the following Acceptance Level or do the proposed corrective action described in the NCR.
Together with the formal offers required for the bidding process, as detailed in the Tender Regulations document, the Tenderer must provide to Orderer sufficient documentation to prove their ability to manufacture and process, in the specified timeframe, both bare and jacketed cavities and support three technical reports (“Relazione Tecnica 1, 2 e 3”) requested as awarding criteria.
The following documents are expected:
• Schematic layout of preparation line and material flow
• Ground plan of fabrication and preparation facility (EBW, machining, deep drawing, etc.)
• Schematic plan of quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) including acid management plan
• Schematic layout of clean room
• Schematic layout of cleaning and rinsing facilities and scheme of cleaning process
• Schematic layout of HPR system
• Schematic layout of Ultra-Pure Water (UPW) system
• Schematic layout of the annealing system
• Schematic layout of the gasses lines
• Schematic layout of the Electro-Polishing system
• Schematic layout of the slow pumping/slow venting system
• Request for time schedule of High Q fixed antennas supplied by the Orderer
• Request for time schedule of pick-up antennas supplied by the Orderer
• Expected sequences of deliveries of accessories supplied by the Orderer
• List of subcontractors
• Waste disposal plan
• Organizational chart with the staff roles, responsibilities, qualifications, and evidence of availability to fulfil the project needs
The following documentation shall be provided to the Orderer at least 10 working days in advance of the pertinent review, as reported in section 7.5.2, manufacturing and processing review could be held at the same time as agreed by both the Contractor and Orderer.
For the Manufacturing Readiness Review (MRR):
• Changes to the Contractor’s team, if any, and evidence of availability to fulfil the project needs
• Updated delivery schedule, time schedule of the project.
• Fabrication drawings of the cavity’s assembly, sub-assemblies and parts to be checked and approved by Orderer.
• Manufacturing Plan listing the sequence of manufacturing operations.
• List of subcontractors with demonstration that each of these has a certified quality-assurance system in place.
• Detailed Manufacturing Control Plans, including hold points, Reaction Plans and Non- Conformance reporting procedures.
• Travelers’ and inspection templates that will be used during fabrication and quality controls. The travelers can be a part of the other QC documents and plans, or separate documents.
• Welding book. The welding book shall report a table (welding map) listing all the welds (EB and TIG) as represented in the fabrication drawings, the type corresponding to each of them, the process and the materials involved. For each identified type, the associated WPS, PQR, and WPQR shall be reported in the welding book. The results of all the examinations as required by the technical specification (this document) must also be included.
• Proof that the purchased material is certified according to the standards as described in the specification (this document)
• Inspection reports of the copper trials (i.e. CMM, thickness measurements, visual inspections, lessons learned) to assess if the forming process can adequately produce components respecting the surface quality, dimensions, and tolerances reported in the manufacturing drawings. Copper trials shall be made for the middle half-cell and end half-cell.
• Mechanical drawings of the cut layout to be used to cut the supplied niobium. The layout shall show that there is enough niobium to fabricate the required number of cavities. The traceability of raw material used for the fabrication each cavity shall be documented.
• Cleanroom cleaning procedures of all components including cavity, flanges and all hardware and items that will be assembled on the cavity. This shall include cleanroom certificate of compliance with ISO standard.
For the Processing Readiness Review or PRR:
• Detailed diagrams and layout of the technical plants (integrating the schematic layouts presented within the bidding process).
• Changes to the Contractor’s team, if any; evidence of the team availability
• Processing schedule
• Processing and assembling procedures to be checked and approved by Orderer. These procedures are:
o Bulk and light EP
o High Pressure Rinse (HPR) of the RF volume
o Radio Frequency (RF) measurements
o Heat Treatment and mid-T baking
o Tuning
o Assembly steps of the jacketed cavity in cleanroom including pump down and leak check
• Manufacturing Control Plan for the cavity processing stage including hold points, Reaction Plans and Non-Conformance reporting procedures.
• Travelers’ and inspection templates that will be used during processing and quality controls. The travelers can be a part of the Inspection Plan or can be provided as separate documents.
This section describes the documents that the Contractor must provide to Orderer for the Acceptance Level 1. All other checks/reports/measurements done by the Contractor are stored in its inner quality assurance system and are available on Orderer request. This Acceptance Level includes all documents relative to the QC of the subcomponents during their fabrication and all documents relative to the QC of the mechanically fabricated cavity.
While the detailed content and the final parameters of each template will be agreed with Orderer after awarding, the minimal set of information the Contractor must made available for the approval of the mechanically fabricated cavity or Acceptance Level 1 is:
• Mechanical inspection, CMM 3D scan (if performed) and frequency measurement of half-cells
• Mechanical inspection, CMM 3D scan (if performed) and frequency measurement of dumb-bells before trimming
• Mechanical inspection and frequency measurement of all dumb-bells before trimming
• Mechanical inspection, CMM 3D scan (if performed) and frequency measurement of end-groups before trimming
• Mechanical inspection and frequency measurement of all end-groups after trimming
• Cavity composition with expected length
• CMM 3D scan of the main geometric dimensions and requirements on bare cavity (cell-to-cell runout, position of centers with respect to electrical axis, etc.)
• Outer visual inspection of the bare cavity
• Inner visual inspection on equatorial welds with all photos
• RF spectrum of the bare cavity with photos
• Leak-check report for the bare cavity internal volume with photos
This section describes the documents that the Contractor must provide to Orderer for the Acceptance Level 2. All other checks/reports/measurements done by the Contractor are stored in its inner quality assurance
system and are available on Orderer request. This Acceptance Level includes all documents relative to the QC of the several cavity surface treatments and frequency tuning.
While the detailed content and the final parameters of each template will be agreed with Orderer after awarding, the minimal set of information the Contractor must made available for the approval of the treated cavity or Acceptance Level 2 is (some may simple checklist and one report may contain multiple contents):
• Ultra-sound (US) cleaning and rinsing report before bulk EP
• Cavity weighing report before bulk EP
• Pre-series only: US thickness measurement report before bulk EP
• Bulk EP report with process data: temperature, current, voltage, time, I-V curve as a minimum.
• US cleaning and rinsing report after bulk EP
• Inner visual inspection on equatorial welds with all photos
• HPR report
• Cavity weighing report after bulk EP
• Pre-series only: US thickness measurement report after bulk EP
• RF spectrum measurement report after bulk EP
• Pre-series only: leak-check report after bulk EP
• Furnace annealing report with process data: furnace temperature, pressure, vacuum levels, RGA
• RF spectrum measurement report after annealing
• US cleaning and rinsing report after annealing
• HPR report
• Cavity weighing report before final EP
• Pre-series only: US thickness measurement report before final EP
• RF spectrum measurement report before tuning
• Field-flatness and frequency tuning operation report with process data and photos
• RF spectrum measurement report after tuning
• Leck-check report after tuning
• CMM 3D scan of the whole bare cavity after tuning
• Final EP report with process data: temperature, current, voltage, time, I-V curve.
• US cleaning and rinsing report after final EP
• HPR report
• Cavity weighing report after final EP
• Pre-series only: US thickness measurement report after final EP
• Pre-series only: leak-check report after final EP
• Pre-series only: CMM 3D scan of the whole cavity
• RF spectrum measurement report after final EP
• Mid-T baking report with process data: furnace temperature, pressure, vacuum levels, RGA
• US cleaning and rinsing report after Mid-T
• HPR report
• RF spectrum after Mid-T
• US cleaning and rinsing report after Mid-T
• HPR report
This section describes the documents that the Contractor must provide to Orderer for the Acceptance Level 3. All other checks/reports/measurements done by the Contractor are stored in its inner quality assurance system and are available on Orderer request. This Acceptance Level includes all documents relative to the QC of the cavity jacketing and final preparation in vertical test ready conditions.
While the detailed content and the final parameters of each template will be agreed with Orderer after awarding , the minimal set of information the Contractor must made available for the approval of the treated cavity or Acceptance Level 3 is (some may simple checklist and one report may contain multiple contents):
• Frequency Monitoring System installation report
• RF spectrum measurement report before tuning
• Field-flatness and frequency tuning operation report with process data and photos
• RF spectrum measurement report after tuning
• Leck-check report after tuning
• Radiography report per ASME codes
• Jacketing procedure report with process data, intermediate and final RF spectrum and field-flatness measurements and photos
• Outer visual inspection report of the jacketed cavity
• Pressure test report with process data and photos
• RF spectrum measurement report after pressure test
• Leck-check report of cavity and jacket volumes after pressure test
• Cavity-Tuner interface machining and installation report
• CMM 3D scan of the whole jacketed cavity
• US cleaning and rinsing report after jacketing and pressure test
• HPR report
• Partial VT hardware assembly report
• Final HPR report
• Final VT hardware assembly report
• Final leck-check report after tuning
• Final RGA report
• Bill Of Material (BOM) report
• Outgoing Inspection when ready for delivery
• Declaration of Conformity
• List of NCRs, all must be accepted by Orderer and closed
• Photos of the cavity assembled in the crate. The photo should show the cavity serial number.
• Coupling measurement report
If the required (individual) properties of a certain component or process are not achieved during tests, a written Non-Conformity Report (NCR) must be prepared immediately, in which a correction/mitigation procedure can be proposed by the Contractor, to which Orderer will reply.
The exact time frame within which the Orderer must be informed and must respond shall be agreed upon at the pertinent review (MRR, PRR).
Only if Xxxxxxx agrees to this proposal, the corrective action may be performed, and the component may be processed further in which case no assumption of responsibility by Xxxxxxx has occurred.
If, to the best of the Contractor’s knowledge and expertise, the disposition must be applied immediately, Orderer must be notified as soon as possible, in parallel with the corrective action or rework and an agreed reporting procedure. The Contractor shall accept full responsibility for the outcome of the rework.
All components, cavities, and helium vessels shall be identified with a unique serial number with a minimal 10 mm high lettering, stamped or engraved on the spot identified by Orderer.
The anticipated serial number format and location are provided below. ‘M’ denotes the metric interfaced drawing for bare cavities only. ‘A’ indicates the revision of drawing at the time of fabrication. Initial release revision ‘-‘ should be omitted and show M only. “XXX” stands for the manufacturer designation and “nnn” is a product number. Orderer will define the set of characters for each serial number sequence. Bare cavity, Helium vessel, and Jacketed cavity in this order shall have a product number in the 003-099 range; for example, the first item shall have the serial number B61-XXX-003M for the revision-none item made by the vendor XXX. All documentation must include relevant serial numbers to ensure complete component traceability.
If the Contractor will label also other components due to its quality control and assurance rules, this is allowed but it has to be avoided any labeling on RF functional surfaces. Each High-RRR discs for half-cell stamping will came already permanently labeled on the non-RF side with a three-digit progressive number. Example of allowed labeling spots are:
• Half cells: on an outer non-RF surface in a location clearly visible after a bare cavity is assembled. ID must match the Niobium blank disk used for forming the cell. Suggested coding is:
o IC (Inner Cell): IC_YZZZ
o PC (Pen Cell): PC_YZZZ
o EC (End Cell): EC_YZZZ
• Where ZZZ is a three digits progressive number copied from the corresponding Niobium discs label
• Bare cavity: on the beam pipe flange side wall, “B61A-XXX-nnnM”
• Helium vessel: on the tube body in a visible area, between two lifting lugs, farside of the two-phase pipe, “HV-B61A- XXX-nnn”.
• Jacketed cavity: on the top side of vessel near chimney, “JCAV-B61-XXX-nnn”
The following definitions in Table 15 apply to materials and parts:
Table 14 - Definitions of materials and parts
Designation | Definition | Example |
Material | From original material to round blank Nb (for Half Cell fabrication) | Nb-disc ready to deep drawing |
Semi-finished product | From material to individual part ready for assembly | Inner Half Cell, Pen Half Cell, End Half Cell |
Manufacturing group | From individual part to group | Inner Dumb Bell, Teminal Dumb Bell (Coupler Dumb Bell, Pick-up Dumb Bell), Coupler End Group, Pick-up End Group |
Naked and dressed cavity | Cavity w/o and with He-tank | Naked Cavity, Dressed Cavity |
Although the Contractor is required to develop and propose travelers and inspection templates, data management within Orderer requires that every type of document is uniquely identified with an independent test label formatted as A_B_C-dd where:
• A indicates the parts
• B indicates the kind of tests done
• C indicates the name of the components under tests
• dd is a counter (01 to 99) that represents the number of the same test done on the same object (components). It starts from 01, and it is increased if the test is repeated.
In the two tables below (Table 16 and Table 17), a detailed description of labels is reported.
Table 15 - parts labelling - A
Parts (A) | |
V | From raw material to semi-finished product |
W | From semi-finished product to manufacturing group |
X | For the finished cavity (naked cavity) |
Y | For the completed cavity (dressed cavity) |
Table 16 - Test report labelling - B
Kind of test (B) | |
C | For conformity certificate |
F | For frequency measurement |
HCP | Half Cell Position, Xxxxxxx’x composition of the cavity |
I | Incoming inspection |
L | Leak-tightness |
M | For mechanical, geometric, visual examination |
MC | Material certificate |
P | Pressure test |
S | For 3D measurement (CMM) |
T | For document concerning assembly/tracing |
V | For visual inspection |
WR | Radiographic test |
WT | Welding sample test |
For the period of the contract, the current reviews of these numbers will be available for inspection by the Orderer at any time. This list will be updated regularly by the Orderer.
For the treatment processes, either on the naked and jacketed cavity, several documents containing the description of tests and parameters to be collected by the Contractor and to be provided to the Orderer, will be required. These documents must be uniquely identified with a label formatted as A_PIP2tt- C-dd where:
• A indicates the parts (that will be always X or Y, since done only on naked and dressed cavity)
• PIP2tt define the process phase (tt starting from 01)
• C indicates the name of the components under process
• dd is a counter (01 to 99) that represents the number of the same test (kind) done on the same object (components). It starts from 01, and it is increased if the test is repeated.
Each test report and process document will receive its own document number, which ultimately will be formatted as:
#Part#_#Test#_#Component name#-#Counter#
The Non-Conformance Report possibly occurred during the production and treatment of subcomponents, of the He-tank and of the naked or dressed cavity imply the emission of a Non Conformity Report (NCR) by the Contractor, that must contain a detailed description of the problem and that may contain the proposal of possible correction/mitigation procedure. These documents must be promptly provided to Orderer for its approval or rejection.
For the NCR the label format must be:
#NCR#Two digits for the NCR number#_#Part#_#Test#_#Component name#-#Counter##
• the “Two digits for the NCR number” start with 01 and will be increased if more than an NCR occurred on the same component (independently on the Part and Test).
• the “Counter” starts with 01 and will be increased if the same NCR will be re-emitted.
All the labeling above described (for test reports, treatment process documents, NCRs) are mandatory for the preparation of documents by the Contractor and must be contained in the relative filename of the test/report/measurements performed. Additional identification codes might be added by the Contractor after the before mentioned labeling. An “_” (underscore) must separate the Contractor’s code from the Orderer’s one.
Table 18 below resumes the list of valid drawings to be used for the submission of the economical offer.
The Contractor produces his own fabrication drawings, on the basis of the following functional drawings of the complete resonator received with the order confirmation.
The dimensions in these fabrication drawings must allow for the material removal by etching and weld shrinkages, such that after etching and welding the tolerances specified by Orderer drawings are achieved on the functional cavity geometry.
The Contractor also prepares prescriptions for chemical treatment, drawings and controls of tools and fixtures developed for the production. The Contractor has the exclusive responsibility of the contents of the documents he prepares.
Table 17 - Drawings list
Part | Drawing number | Revision |
Bare LB650 | DWG_PIP2_LB_01.00.00 | 0 |
Bare LB650 | DWG_PIP2_LB_01.01.00 | 1 |
Bare LB650 | DWG_PIP2_LB_01.02.00 | 0 |
Bare LB650 | DWG_PIP2_LB_01.02.01 | 1 |
Bare LB650 | DWG_PIP2_LB_01.02.02 | 1 |
Jacketed LB650 | DWG_PIP2_HT_01.00.00 | 0 |
Jacketed LB650 | DWG_PIP2_HT_01.00.01 | 0 |
Jacketed LB650 | DWG_PIP2_HT_01.00.02 | 0 |
Jacketed LB650 | DWG_PIP2_HT_01.00.03 | 0 |
Jacketed LB650 | DWG_PIP2_HT_01.00.04 | 1 |
Aluminum gaskets | PIP-CAVITY-01.04.01 | 0 |
Sealing flanges | PIP-CAVITY-01.05.00 | 0 |
Safety Brackets | F10112414_C_DWG1 | C |
Safety Brackets | F10112428_C_DWG1 | C |
Safety Brackets | F10112540_B_DWG1 | B |
Safety Brackets | F10112594_A_DWG1 | A |
Safety Brackets | F10112919_A_DWG1 | A |
Safety Brackets | F10187894 DWG1 | - |
Niobium items | NB-GRZ-01-00-00-Rev00 | 0 |
Niobium sheets cuts | NB-GRZ-01-00-00 – cuts | 0 |
Bare cavity frame req. | D10000000883301 | A001 |
He filling lines VCR | F10127683-D-DWG1 | D |
Attached document number XX0000000 from Fermilab (US) describes the procedure for the installation of safety bracket onto a 5-cell 650 MHz cavity.
Attached document number XX0000000 “PIP-II 650 MHz Cavity Q-Ext Measurement Procedure” from Fermilab (US) describes the procedure for characterizing the Q-External of the fundamental power coupler of a LB 650 MHz cavity for the PIP-II Project. The measurement for LB 650 MHz is simplified to measure two angles only.
Attached document number XX0000000 from Fermilab (US) delivers the technical specifications for Niobium Titanium Alloy for Use in Superconducting Radio Frequency Cavities.
In the following Table 19 the suggested torque to be applied to UHV cavity connections are resumed.
Table 18 - Torque values
Connection | Size | Seal | Torque in Nm |
Beam-Pipe flange | M10 | Hex Al | 45 |
MC flange | M8 | Hex Al | 35-40 |
Pickup flange | M4 | Hex Al | 4.5 - 6 |
CF40 valve and blanks | M6 | CF Cu | 10-15 |
CF16 valve and burst disc | M4 | CF Cu | 4.5 - 6 |
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
CIG: -------------------------
Rev. c – 09.17.2023
L’aggiudicazione del servizio avverrà in base al criterio dell’offerta economicamente più vantaggiosa ai sensi dell’art. 108, co. 1, del D.Lgs. 36/2023.
La Commissione giudicatrice, costituita ai sensi dell’art. 93 del D.Lgs. 36/2023, disporrà per la valutazione delle offerte di 100 punti, di cui massimo 70 per la valutazione tecnica di cui 20 per il cronoprogramma e massimo 30 per la valutazione economica.
L’attribuzione dei punteggi verrà effettuata utilizzando il metodo aggregativo - compensatore e in base alla seguente formula (1):
C(a) = ∑Wh ⋅V(a)h
C(a) indice di valutazione dell’offerta “a”,
n numero totale di requisiti “h”
Wh punteggio massimo attribuito al requisito “h”
V(a)h coefficiente di prestazione dell’offerta “a” rispetto al requisito “h”, variabile tra 0 e 1.
I punteggi massimi Wh attribuiti agli elementi di valutazione saranno:
Tabella 1
a) Valutazione tecnica | 50 punti |
b) Cronoprogramma | 20 punti |
c) Prezzo | 30 punti |
Per la valutazione della qualità della fornitura di cui al punto a) saranno utilizzati i seguenti sub criteri con relativi punteggi massimi:
Tabella 2
a.1) Relazione Tecnica 1 - comprensione delle sfide tecniche associate alla realizzazione degli obiettivi del contratto: Delineare le sfide tecniche, i vincoli, i rischi e le opportunità di miglioramento associati alla produzione e alla lavorazione delle cavità LB650 secondo le Specifiche Tecniche assegnate. Descrivere i parametri di rilievo, le caratteristiche chiave del prodotto e del processo che possono influenzare la produzione finale e che devono essere controllati. | 15 punti |
a.2) Relazione Tecnica 2 – piano di QA/QC: Descrivere come si intendono gestire e controllare i processi di garanzia di qualità e controllo di qualità. Descrivere tutte le attività principali necessarie per misurare, monitorare e mantenere incorrotti i processi di acquisizione, produzione, lavorazione, assemblaggio e consegna applicabili a questo progetto. Si alleghi anche un piano di controllo di qualità di alto livello. | 20 punti |
a.3) Relazione Tecnica 3 - conoscenza delle competenze e dell'esperienza essenziali progetto e loro mantenimento: Dimostrare come mantenere la capacità di fornire le competenze e l'esperienza necessarie durante il ciclo di vita del progetto. Fornire la vostra metodologia su mantenere questa capacità durante il ciclo di vita del progetto. Il piano delle risorse dovrebbe includere: • Una panoramica del gruppo di lavoro e delle competenze disponibili per questo contratto • Responsabilità del personale ed impegno previsto (percentuale o ore) • Supporto esterno, se necessario | 15 punti |
• Una panoramica dell’impegno su altri progetti del personale chiave durante il ciclo di vita di questo contratto • Come eventuali carenze impreviste saranno affrontate senza compromettere la qualità o il programma di consegna • Come questo ambito di lavoro sarà gestito insieme ad altri lavori correnti e potenziali futuri per garantire che non sia causato alcun impatto negativo sulla qualità o il programma di consegna. |
L’attribuzione dei coefficienti V(a)h per gli elementi di valutazione di cui al punto a.1), a.2) e a.3) sarà effettuata come media dei coefficienti, variabili tra 0 e 1, attribuiti da ogni commissario utilizzando i sub-criteri, e sulla base della seguente scala di misurazione:
Tabella 3
0,0 ≤ V(a)h < 0,2 | Xxxxx x xxxxxx |
0,0 x X(x)x < 0,4 | Limitata |
0,4 ≤ V(a)h < 0,6 | Sufficiente |
0,6 ≤ V(a)h < 0,8 | Discreta |
0,8 ≤ V(a)h ≤ 1,0 | Ottima |
Per la valutazione dell’elemento di natura quantitativa di cui al punto b) saranno utilizzati i seguenti sub criteri con relativi punteggi massimi:
Tabella 4
b.1) Riduzione della Milestone M4: Comunicare la riduzione percentuale garantita rispetto al tempo indicato per la Milestone M4 (6 mesi). | 10 punti |
b.2) Riduzione della Milestone M6: Comunicare la riduzione percentuale garantita rispetto al tempo indicato per la Milestone M6 (18 mesi). | 10 punti |
Per la valutazione dell’elemento di natura quantitativa di cui al punto b) saranno utilizzate le seguenti formule:
V(a)h = Ra / Rmax (2)
che comporta che all'offerta migliore viene attribuito il punteggio massimo previsto per il criterio e alle altre un punteggio proporzionalmente inferiore. Ove:
Ra riduzione del periodo offerto dal concorrente a, Rmax riduzione del periodo dell’offerta più conveniente,
Infine, per la valutazione dell’elemento di natura quantitativa di cui al punto c) saranno utilizzate le seguenti formule:
= 𝑋 ⋅ 𝑅𝑎
per Ra ≤ Rsoglia (3a)
= 𝑋 + (1,00 − 𝑋) ⋅ 𝑅𝑎−𝑅soglia
per Ra
> Rsoglia
Ra ribasso offerto dal concorrente a,
Rmax ribasso dell’offerta più conveniente,
Rsoglia media aritmetica dei ribassi delle offerte dei concorrenti, X 0,90.
II punteggio finale attribuito ad ogni singola offerta sarà dato dalla somma dei punteggi attribuiti agli elementi di valutazione indicati secondo la formula (1).
Il Responsabile del Progetto
Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx
Procedura negoziata art. 76 comma 4 lett. a) a scopo di ricerca del d.lgs. n. 36/2023 sopra soglia (OEPV) PER LA FORNITURA DI 38 CAVITA’ SUPERCONDUTTIVE LB 650, OPZIONE DUE CAVITA’ AGGIUNTIVE, OPZIONE 20 RITRATTAMENTI
CIG ………..
L'esecuzione del presente Contratto è regolata:
- Decreto legislativo 31 marzo 2023, n. 36 Codice dei contratti pubblici in attuazione dell'articolo 1 della legge 21 giugno 2022, n. 78, recante delega al Governo in materia di contratti pubblici (G.U. n. 77 del 31 marzo 0000 - X.X. x. 00);
- Legge 16 gennaio 2003, n. 3, recante “Disposizioni ordinamentali in materia di pubblica amministrazione” e, in particolare, l’articolo 11, comma 2-bis, ai sensi del quale “Gli atti amministrativi anche di natura regolamentare adottati dalle Amministrazioni di cui all’articolo 1, comma 2, del decreto legislativo 30 marzo 2001,
n. 165, che dispongono il finanziamento pubblico o autorizzano l’esecuzione di progetti di investimento pubblico, sono nulli in assenza dei corrispondenti codici di cui al comma 1 che costituiscono elemento essenziale dell'atto stesso;
L’offerta è corredata, a pena di esclusione, da una garanzia provvisoria pari al 2% del prezzo base e precisamente di importo pari ad € 190.000,00. Si applicano le riduzioni di cui all’articolo 106, comma 8 del Codice.
La garanzia provvisoria è costituita, a scelta del concorrente sotto forma di cauzione o di fideiussione secondo le modalità indicate nella lettera di invito.
Le offerte devono avere una validità non inferiore a 180 giorni.
L’esecutore del contratto è obbligato a costituire una garanzia definitiva secondo quanto previsto all’art. 53 comma 4, d.lgs. 36/2023 e 117 d.lgs. 36/2023 a sua scelta sotto forma di cauzione o fideiussione con le modalità previste dall’articolo 106, pari al 5 per cento dell'importo contrattuale. L’importo della garanzia è ridotto in tutte le ipotesi previste dall’art. 106, comma 8, del d.lgs. 36/2023 e s.m.i.
L’atto fideiussorio deve prevedere espressamente la rinuncia al beneficio della preventiva escussione del debitore principale; la rinuncia all’eccezione di cui all’art. 1957, comma 2, del Codice Civile, nonché l’operatività della garanzia medesima entro 15 giorni, a semplice richiesta scritta dell’INFN.
La cauzione è prestata a garanzia dell’adempimento di tutte le obbligazioni del contratto e del risarcimento dei danni derivanti dall’eventuale inadempimento delle obbligazioni stesse, nonché a garanzia del rimborso delle somme pagate in più all’esecutore rispetto alle risultanze della liquidazione finale, salva comunque la risarcibilità del maggior danno verso l’appaltatore e cessa di avere effetto solo alla data di emissione del certificato di collaudo provvisorio o del certificato di regolare esecuzione e secondo le modalità previste dal comma 8.
L’Impresa si impegna a tenere valida ed efficace la garanzia per tutta la durata del contratto e a reintegrarla ove l’INFN se ne sia avvalso, entro 10 (dieci) giorni dalla richiesta.
La fornitura dovrà essere consegnata secondo il cronoprogramma indicato al par. 6.6 delle technical specifications o secondo il programma migliorativo indicato nell’offerta tecnica dell’operatore.
La fornitura dovrà essere consegnata presso il laboratorio DESY, Xxxxxxxxxxx 00, X- 00000 Xxxxxxx (Xxxxxxx) con il trasporto a carico dell’Impresa, secondo le modalità riportate nel documento di Specifiche Tecniche.
L’INFN, nel rispetto dell’art. 120 del d.lgs. 36/2023, può ammettere variazioni al contratto, secondo quanto definito al punto 3.3. della lettera di invito.
Nel caso di aumenti o diminuzioni nei limiti di un quinto ai sensi dell’art. 120 comma 9 del d.lgs. 36/2023, l’IMPRESA non può far valere il diritto alla risoluzione del contratto e si impegna ad eseguire, mediante atto di sottomissione delle modifiche richieste dal RUP/DEC/DL ed adeguatamente motivate, le prestazioni alle stesse condizioni del contratto principale. Oltre tale limite l’IMPRESA ha facoltà di risolvere il contratto.
Il Contratto avrà durata di 38 mesi, comprensiva della verifica di conformità, con decorrenza dalla data di stipula del contratto.
L’Impresa potrà subappaltare le prestazioni contrattuali dietro autorizzazione dell’INFN, in conformità all’art. 119 del d.lgs 36/2023 e s.m.i. ed in base alle disposizioni contenute nella lettera di invito, solo se lo avrà dichiarato in sede di offerta.
È fatto divieto all’Impresa di cedere, a qualsiasi titolo, il contratto, a pena di nullità della cessione medesima.
L’Impresa si impegna ad ottemperare a tutti gli obblighi derivanti da disposizioni legislative e regolamentari vigenti in materia di retribuzione, previdenza e assistenza.
L’Impresa si obbliga, inoltre, all’osservanza delle norme in materia di sicurezza sul lavoro, ai sensi del d.lgs. n. 81/2008 e s.m.i. L’Impresa si obbliga, per quanto compatibile, a far osservare ai propri dipendenti e Collaboratori il Codice di comportamento in materia di anticorruzione del personale INFN, pubblicato nella sezione “Amministrazione trasparente” del sito istituzionale INFN. Nelle ipotesi di grave violazione delle disposizioni ivi contenute, l’INFN si riserva la facoltà di risolvere il contratto.
L’Impresa si obbliga al rispetto delle disposizioni di cui all’art. 53, comma 16-ter del d.lgs. n. 165/2001 e s.m.i. in materia di conferimento di incarichi o contratti di lavoro ad ex dipendenti INFN, pena l’obbligo di restituzione dei compensi illegittimamente percepiti ed accertati in esecuzione dell’affidamento.
L’impresa si obbliga all’applicazione del CCNL indicato nella lettera di invito, ovvero nell’offerta tecnica previa dichiarazione che il contratto da essa applicato garantisce ai dipendenti le stesse tutele.
Per gli affidamenti dei contratti di concessione e di appalto di lavori e servizi diversi da quelli aventi natura intellettuale, l’impresa si obbliga altresì al rispetto degli obblighi derivanti dalle clausole sociali, di cui all’art. 57 d.lgs. 36/2023 ed alle disposizioni della lettera di invito.
L’Impresa si obbliga a rispettare le tempistiche di realizzazione/avanzamento delle attività progettuali in coerenza con le tempistiche previste dal cronoprogramma procedurale relativo alla misura.
L’impresa si impegna a comunicare in itinere il corretto avanzamento dell’attuazione delle attività per la precoce individuazione di scostamenti ai fini del monitoraggio.
L’Impresa, ai sensi dell’art. 57, comma 2, del D.Lgs. n. 36/2023 e s.m.i. si impegna ad effettuare le prestazioni oggetto del contratto in conformità ai criteri ambientali minimi adottati dal Ministero dell’Ambiente nell’ambito del Piano d’azione per la sostenibilità ambientale dei consumi nel settore della pubblica amministrazione.
Il certificato di verifica della conformità delle prestazioni eseguite a quelle sarà effettuata da un verificatore ove nominato, in ossequio a quanto previsto dall’art. 116 del D.lgs. n. 36/2023 e s.m.i., nonché del relativo all. II.14, con i criteri stabiliti nelle Technical Specifications par. 7 ed entro 60 giorni dalla data di ultimazione delle prestazioni oggetto del contratto.
Le fatture, da emettersi in formato elettronico, dovranno essere trasmesse tramite il sistema di Interscambio dell’Agenzia delle Entrate utilizzando il Codice Univoco Ufficio: 2CX7RW.
Ai sensi della legge n. 136/2010 e s.m.i., l’IMPRESA si obbliga, anche nei confronti di eventuali subcontraenti e subappaltatori, a garantire la tracciabilità dei flussi finanziari relativi al presente appalto pena la risoluzione del contratto.
Il pagamento sarà subordinato alla verifica d’ufficio della regolarità contributiva dell’IMPRESA nonché, alle verifiche previste dall’art. 48 bis del d.P.R. n. 602/1973 e s.m.i., da parte della Sezione di Milano dell’INFN.
L’IMPRESA si impegna a comunicare tempestivamente all’INFN le eventuali variazioni delle coordinate bancarie, esonerando l’INFN, in difetto di tale notifica, da ogni responsabilità per i pagamenti eseguiti, anche ove le predette variazioni siano pubblicate nei modi di legge.
Lo schema di pagamento è il seguente con le milestone riportate nel documento Capitolato Tecnico:
• 15% al raggiungimento della milestone MS1 (2 settimane dalla stipula del contratto
– kick-off meeting).
• 15% al raggiungimento della milestone MS2 (6 settimane dalla stipula del contratto – preparazione dei disegni costruttivi)
• 10% al raggiungimento della milestone MS3 (8 settimane dalla stipula del contratto –