Comunicazione ai sensi dell’art. 19 del D. Lgs n. 33/2013 e s.m.i.
La Commissione giudicatrice, nominata con Disp. D.G. n. 268 del 18 maggio 2022 risulta così composta:
- Xxxx. Xxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXX Direttore Generale - Università degli Studi di Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xx
- Xxxx. Xxxxxxx XXXXXXX Dirigente Area Economico Finanziaria Università degli Studi di Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xx Xxxxxxxxxx;
- Dott.ssa Xxxxxx XXXXXXXX Docente a contratto
Università degli Studi di Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xx Dipartimento di Economia, Società, Politica Componente;
- Dott.ssa Xxxxxx XXXXXXXXXX Cat. C – Area Amministrativa
Università degli Studi di Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xx Xxxxxxxxxx.
La Commissione giudicatrice, per lo svolgimento della prova orale, è così integrata:
- Dott.ssa Xxxxxxx XXXXXXXX Psicologa del lavoro – Membro aggregato
- Xxxx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx XXXXX Collaboratore ed Esperto Linguistico di madrelingua inglese
Università degli Studi di Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xx – Membro aggregato
- Sig.ra Xxxxxxx XXXXXXXXX Cat. D – Area Amministrativa-gestionale
Università degli Studi di Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xx – Membro aggregato
comunica le tracce delle prove scritte e delle prove orali predisposte: Tracce prova scritta
Prova n. 1
1) Il candidato illustri i documenti contabili di sintesi di fine esercizio e l’iter di approvazione degli stessi ai sensi del vigente Regolamento di Ateneo per l’amministrazione, la finanza e la contabilità.
2) Il candidato descriva sinteticamente le procedure di gara previste dall'art. 36 del D.Lgs. 50/2016 e smi (Contratti sotto soglia).
3) Ratei attivi. Definizione ed esempi pratici.
Prova n. 2
1) Il candidato illustri il sistema dei controlli interni finalizzati alla correttezza della gestione e definisca quali sono gli organi dell’Ateneo che effettuano i controlli stessi.
2) In base al Codice degli Appalti, quale funzione ha il Codice Identificativo Gara e chi lo deve richiedere?
3) Ratei passivi. Definizione ed esempi pratici.
Prova n. 3 (prova sorteggiata)
1) Quando un costo è di competenza dell’esercizio? Il candidato tratti il concetto di competenza anche con esempi pratici.
2) Il candidato illustri i compiti principali e le attribuzioni dell’Autorità Nazionale Anticorruzione (ANAC).
3) Il GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) Regolamento Europeo 2016/679 chiarisce come i dati personali debbano essere trattati, incluse le modalità di raccolta, utilizzo, protezione e condivisione. In base al GDPR chi è il responsabile del trattamento? Il candidato ne dia una definizione e descriva qual è il rapporto dello stesso col titolare del trattamento.
Tracce prova orale
Prova n. 1
1) Differenza tra stazione appaltante e amministrazione aggiudicatrice
14) Il candidato illustri il significato di reddito operativo lordo (ROL)
Quesito n. 1
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
In more traditional work settings, the definition of a good employee was someone who came to the office on time at 9 a.m., sat at their desk and worked hard, taking direction from their managers and following the rules. This model employee would be there rain or shine, always appearing busy until it was time to go home at 6
p.m. But with the development of smart phones and internet technologies, many companies are starting to form virtual teams with team members living in different time zones, and employees are now finding themselves answering emails, attending meetings and working on reports from home outside their usual working hours. People now need to work smarter and not just harder.
Prova di informatica: accertamento
Prova n. 2
2) Differenza tra appalti pubblici di servizi, appalti pubblici di forniture e appalti pubblici di lavori
15) Differenza tra fonti e impieghi
Quesito n. 2
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
It is not only the time and location of the modern workplace that is changing. The role of the manager is evolving too. Many organizations are moving away from an approach where managers constantly supervise their staff and tell people exactly what is to be done. Instead, they are adopting a more project-based approach, where managers have the responsibility of clarifying project goals and enabling teamwork and collaboration. The roles that the individuals play might differ from project to project, and agile managers can serve to support team members in adapting the way they contribute to a team.
Prova di informatica: accertamento
Prova n. 3
3) Definizione di programma biennale degli acquisti di beni e servizi e programma triennale dei lavori pubblici
16) Che cos’è la Nota Integrativa
Quesito n. 3
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
Agile working is not just about allowing employees to work from home and decide their own working hours. Another example of agile working might be workspaces designed to suit the different kinds of work taking place. This is an environment that helps people to be at their best and most productive. An agile workspace might include open areas with small tables for people to gather and work together and standing desks to improve energy levels and productivity. It might include quiet zones for a bit of thinking time and social areas for staff to chat and relax together.
Prova di informatica: accertamento
Prova n. 4
4) Che cosa è il codice CIG
17) Che cosa è un rateo: attivo – passivo
Quesito n. 4
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
Collaboration means two or more people working together to achieve a goal. Studies have found that working together makes people more motivated and helps them perform much better. People who are collaborating on tasks stay interested for longer, feel less tired and get better results than people who are working alone.
Working together as a team allows people to achieve things that could never be done by just one person. What's more, the communication needed in order for team members to share goals and explain ideas is part of a process that improves the quality of everyone's thinking and contributions.
Prova di informatica: accertamento
Prova n. 5
5) Differenze tra procedure aperte, ristrette e negoziate. Che cosa è il mercato elettronico e da chi è gestito
18) Che cosa è un risconto: attivo – passivo
Quesito n. 5
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
If we want our team members to work well together on a task, communication is the key. We need to provide effective channels of communication and encourage people to share what they're doing. Simply meeting once a week for updates is not enough. There are many project management tools like Microsoft Teams or Slack that provide a regular and open channel of communication with everyone. Another option could be creating a group on messaging apps like WhatsApp or LINE to offer team members a chance to informally communicate with others.
Prova di informatica: accertamento
Prova n. 6
6) Che cosa si intende per obblighi di trasparenza e pubblicazione degli atti delle amministrazioni previsti dall’art. 29 del d.lgs. n. 50/2016
19) Patrimonio netto: definizione e caratteristiche
Quesito n. 6
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
Companies often organize social events because they know the importance of creating a sense of community. The activity could be anything from a weekly lunchtime food share to a quiz afternoon. Or you can start with simple, everyday things like having coffee breaks together or creating a space to share books. Ideas like these all encourage collaboration by bringing people together and helping them bond with their colleagues.
Collaboration is an opportunity to learn from each other and encourage fresh thinking, as well as a source of energy, strength and continued effort. As the saying goes, 'If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.'
Prova di informatica: accertamento
Prova n. 7
7) Che cosa è il Soccorso istruttorio
20) La rilevazione dei crediti nel bilancio in base alle caratteristiche: descrizione
Quesito n. 7
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
Clearly, a team working on a task must have clear objectives, but we mustn't forget that a team is made up of people and their relationships to each other. The stronger those relationships are, the more likely the team is to be effective.
A report by Harvard Business Review found that the most productive and innovative teams often have leaders with a flexible leadership style. They might start a project being task-focused and deciding the goals and roles in a team. But during the project, they might switch to a more relationship- oriented style, focusing on team-building and creating an environment of friendliness and trust.
Prova di informatica: accertamento
Prova n. 8
8) Definizione di Operatore economico
21) Differenza tra fondo rischi e fondo oneri
Quesito n. 8
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
The nature of a lot of work today involves meeting deadlines, achieving certain objectives and hitting targets. As most people who have worked in these kinds of environments know, productivity is less about how many hours you spend in the office and more about how well you meet those goals. Even though they are outside the office, the remote worker who is not meeting targets is quickly noticed. Micromanaging bosses don't help productivity either. In fact, research shows that controlling bosses can have a negative effect on their employees' performance.
Prova di informatica: accertamento
Prova n. 9
9) Definizione tra Sotto e sopra soglia comunitaria
22) I documenti del bilancio dell’Università
Quesito n. 9
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
Whether it is giving employees the right to work remotely, offering job sharing or part-time working, or allowing non-fixed start and finish times, flexible working is not just about practical working arrangements but also about a culture and a mindset. For example, many remote workers find themselves working past their working hours, partly because there is no commuting to mark the boundaries between work and personal life, making it hard to switch off from work. Companies might need to consider training both workers and management staff to help them better understand what flexible working is, how to implement it and how to encourage a results- driven approach.
Prova di informatica: accertamento
Prova n. 10
10) Criterio del minor prezzo e Criterio dell’Offerta economicamente più vantaggiosa
23) Cos’è il rendiconto finanziario
Quesito n. 10
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
Have you ever missed important information in a meeting because you were thinking about something else? Or eaten your lunch at your desk without even noticing what it tasted like?
If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. Research has shown that 47% of the time, people are thinking about something other than what they're doing. People's minds wander, whether they are trying to read important emails, speaking to clients, updating the sales figures, or talking to colleagues. Interestingly, it was also found that people were less happy when their minds were wandering than when they were not. Being mindful and paying attention to the present can not only improve our focus, but it can also help us reduce stress, improve relationships and allow us to feel more connected with the present moment.
Prova di informatica: accertamento
Prova n. 11
11) Che cosa è l’ANAC
24) Significato e funzione delle scritture di assestamento
Quesito n. 11
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
Do you sometimes try to reply to emails while attending a meeting? Or look through your work chats while having your lunch? Doing multiple things at a time might make you feel more productive, but it often means you are not concentrating fully on any of the things you are trying to do. This makes you inefficient, more likely to make mistakes and worse at ignoring things that are not important. It can also make you unhappier as you lose connection with the present moment. So the next time you find yourself shifting your attention between multiple things, allow yourself a moment to decide what you really need to focus on and try to give that your full attention.
Prova di informatica: accertamento
Prova n. 12
12) Definizione di Contratto pubblico e di Appalto pubblico
25) Cos’è l’ammortamento e dove si rileva in bilancio Quesito n. 12
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
Xxx never seems to let difficulties in life worry him. When someone disagrees with him, he sees it as a chance to understand things from a different point of view. When he had too much work, he learned to improve his time management skills. When he lost his job, he took an online course so he could apply for better jobs. To Xxx'x friends, he's the best example of resilience.
What is resilience? One definition of resilience is the ability to be happy or successful again after difficulties. But resilience isn't just that. It is also the ability to adapt to challenging situations without feeling like it's all too much for you. It means using difficult situations to grow and improve.
Prova di informatica: accertamento
Prova n. 13
13) Il nuovo codice dei contratti in vigore dal 19/04/2016 ha introdotto un articolo che ha ad oggetto la trasparenza nei contratti pubblici: di che cosa si tratta?
26) Dove sono collocati i crediti diversi nello Stato Patrimoniale
Quesito n. 13
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
There is often a misconception that negotiating is about insisting on our point of view to get our own way. Conversely, others assume that negotiation is all about compromise and that we have to be ready to forget 50 per cent of what we want. But thinking of negotiating as either insisting or compromising can damage relationships and leave both sides feeling as if they've lost. According to Xxxxxx and Xxx in their best-selling book Getting to Yes, there is another way. They argue that collaboration is the key to negotiating successfully,
The first step to understanding the role of collaboration in negotiations is to realize that it is not always a competitive situation. One person's 'win' doesn't have to equal another person's loss. Exploring the interests and needs of both parties can help us see solutions we didn't consider before.
Prova di informatica: accertamento
Urbino, 28 giugno 2022
X.xx Xxxx. Xxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXX (Presidente) X.xx Dott.ssa Xxxxxx XXXXXXXXXX (Segretaria)