Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - AOO INGV - Protocollo Generale U - N.0011811 del 14/10/2020
Delibera n. 190/2020
Allegato P al Verbale n. 08/2020
Oggetto: Memorandum of Understanding tra l’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) e il Centre for Atmospheric Research National Space Research and Development Agency (Nigeria).
VISTO il Decreto legislativo 29 settembre 1999, n. 381, concernente la
costituzione dell’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV);
VISTO il Decreto Leg.vo 25/11/2016, n. 218, concernente “Semplificazione delle attività degli Enti Pubblici di Ricerca ai sensi dell’art. 13 della Legge 7/08/2015, n. 124”;
VISTO lo Statuto dell’INGV, approvato con Delibera del Consiglio di Amministrazione n. 372/2017 del 9 giugno 2017, come modificato con Delibere del Consiglio di Amministrazione n. 424/2017 del 15 settembre 2017 e n. 501/2017 del 21 dicembre 2017, pubblicato sul Sito WEB istituzionale (Avviso di emanazione pubblicato sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana - Serie generale - n. 27 del 2 febbraio 2018), in particolare, l’art. 8, comma 6, lettera f), il quale prevede che il CdA “omissis….delibera la partecipazione a società, fondazione e consorzi, nonché la stipulazione di accordi con organismi nazionali, europei e internazionali”;
VISTO il Regolamento di Organizzazione e Funzionamento dell’INGV, emanato con Decreto del Presidente n. 36/2020 del 22/04/2020, pubblicato sul Sito WEB istituzionale e in particolare, l’art. 29 il quale disciplina le Collaborazioni con soggetti esterni, stabilendo al primo comma che: “I rapporti di collaborazione nell’attività di ricerca tra l’Ente e soggetti pubblici e privati, italiani e stranieri sono regolati attraverso contratti aventi come riferimento di massima la seguente tipologia: protocolli d’intesa, accordi di programma quadro, convenzioni operative”;
VISTO il Regolamento del Personale emanato con Decreto del Presidente n. 118/2018 del 14/5/2018, pubblicato sul Sito WEB istituzionale;
VISTO il Regolamento di Amministrazione, Contabilità e Finanza, emanato con Decreto del Presidente n. 119/2018 del 14/5/2018, pubblicato sul Sito WEB istituzionale;
VISTO lo schema del Memorandum of Understanding tra l’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) e il Centre for Atmospheric Research National Space Research and Development Agency (Nigeria);
CONSIDERATO che le Parti, con il presente Memorandum, realizzano una cooperazione a livello internazionale, mirata alla ricerca e allo sviluppo di capacità nelle scienze atmosferiche e correlate;
VALUTATA, dunque, l’opportunità di procedere alla sottoscrizione del sopra citato Memorandum avente a oggetto la promozione dello sviluppo delle capacità nelle scienze atmosferiche pertinenti al fine di facilitare la competitività internazionale nella ricerca condotta dagli scienziati dell'atmosfera;
CONSIDERATO che l’attività da espletare rientra tra i compiti scientifici e istituzionali dell’INGV;
VISTO il parere favorevole del Direttore di Sezione e del Direttore di Dipartimento;
su proposta del Presidente,
L’approvazione dello schema del Memorandum of Understanding tra l’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) e il Centre for Atmospheric Research National Space Research and Development Agency (Nigeria), allegato alla presente quale parte integrante e sostanziale (all.1).
Viene dato mandato al Presidente dell’INGV alla sottoscrizione definitiva dell’atto in questione.
Xxxxx, approvato e sottoscritto seduta stante.
Roma, 30/09/2020
La segretaria verbalizzante (Dott.ssa Xxxxx Xxxxxxx XXXXXX)
Firmato digitalmente da
C = IT
(Xxxx. Xxxxx XXXXXXXX)
Firmato digitalmente da XXXXXXXX XXXXX
The Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, hereafter “INGV”, with address Xxx xx Xxxxx Xxxxxx 000, 00000 Xxxx (Xxxxx), represented by its President, Xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx.
Centre For Atmospheric Research - National Space Research and Development Agency, hereafter “CAR- NASRDA”, with address Kogi State University Campus, Anyigba (Nigeria), represented by its Director/Chief Executive, Xxxx. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx.
INGV and CAR- NASRDA, both hereinafter referred to collectively as “Parties” and individually as a “Party”.
• CAR- NASRDA is committed to research and capacity building in the atmospheric and related sciences. CAR- NASRDA is dedicated to understanding the atmosphere (the air around us) and the interconnected processes that makeup the Earth system, from the ocean floor through the ionosphere to the Sun’s core.
• The core missions of CAR- NASRDA are to improve our understanding of the behaviour of the entire spectrum of the Earth’s atmosphere; promote capacity development in relevant atmospheric sciences as a way of facilitating international competitiveness in research being conducted by atmospheric scientists; and disseminate atmospheric data/products to users towards socio-economic development of the Nation
• CAR- NASRDA in its strategic plan operates in three modes, viz: training, research and observations. The training activities include offering various capacity building programs including joint graduate programs with national universities; while observations include setting
up laboratories and ground observational facilities for monitoring the entire spectrum of the Earth’s atmosphere.
• INGV is currently the largest European public research institution in Geophysics and Volcanology.
• INGV main mission is the monitoring and the study of geophysical phenomena in both the solid and fluid components of the Earth. In particular, INGV owns and manages permanent ionospheric and geomagnetic observatories and networks collecting measurements at the base of important achievements in the space weather field.
• INGV Roma2 scientific activities focus on the systematic observations of geomagnetic and ionospheric phenomena providing radio propagation and space weather services.
• Based on this common goal between INGV and CAR- NASRDA; it is possible and useful for mutual benefits, to establish a closer collaboration between the two institutes to develop scientific and technological activities;
Considering the development of cultural and scientific cooperation to be of mutual advantage to both parties, and desiring to reinforce such cooperation, the parties agree on the following points:
1. Scientific and educational cooperation shall be undertaken in the field(s) of:
a) Ionospheric and Geomagnetic Physics
b) Space weather
Such cooperation shall be carried out on the basis of equal and mutual advantage, taking into consideration, through mutual consent, the budget available at the moment in time and the experience acquired by the interested scholars from both parties.
2. In order to achieve the objectives set out in the number 1, scientific and educational cooperation may be implemented in the following ways:
a) Exchange of visits by scholars;
b) Participation in research programmes;
c) Organization of scientific meetings, seminars and courses on subject(s) laid down in the Agreement
d) Exchange of scientific information and scientific papers.
3. To realize the afore-mentioned points, it is possible to promote a reciprocal exchange of scientific staff between both parties, in accordance with the available budget. The contracting parties undertake to cover the cost of return journeys and residence costs undertaken by their own scholars (visiting professors). The exchange of scholars, within the conditions stated above, shall, in all circumstances, be based on a condition of reciprocity.
4. Two months before the presumed starting date of planned activities, the respective scientific scholars involved in the project in both institutions shall make contact, exchanging all the necessary information about procedures, times and everything required for the effective execution of the programme.
5. The respective scientific scholars responsible for the project are Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx for INGV and Xxxx. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx for CAR-NASRDA
6. Scholars sent by one institution to the other must have both medical and accident insurance. This may be provided either by their home institution, according to its own regulations, or it may be directly set up by the interested person, through the stipulation of a policy with an insurance agency guaranteeing the above mentioned risks.
7. Each party shall ensure, in compliance with its respective laws and regulations, any kind of assistance and facilities for scholars temporarily residing on its territory, allowing them to perform the assigned tasks under provisions of this Agreement.
8. This Agreement is subject to the approval of the competent authorities, according to the national laws of each University, and will come into force when the signatures by CAR- NASRDA Director/Chief Executive and INGV-President are affixed.
9. CAR-NASRDA agrees to provide necessary local help for any equipment installation and onsite training in Nigeria, such as a mounts for antenna and training organization, etc. and data collected in the ionospheric observational stations and initiatives within the framework of this Agreement shall be available to both Parties. The availability to a third Party shall be evaluated and mutually agreed on a case-by-case basis. CAR-NASRDA agrees to guarantee the in time data transmission of the observed parameters to INGV for related research.
10. The scientific and technical results derived from the observing data from any station or equipment establishment arising from this agreement shall be shared and published mutually.
11. This agreement shall remain in force for three years and may be terminated by either party with a minimum of 120 days written notice. Activities in progress at the time of termination of this Agreement shall be permitted to conclude as planned unless otherwise agreed.
12. Parties may apply for renewal of the Agreement for a further period of equivalent duration. If not renewed, the Agreement expired ceases its effects, without prejudice to the continuation of any ongoing activities.
13. An arbitrators council, made up of a member chosen by each contracting party and a jointly chosen one, shall resolve any eventual controversy concerning the interpretation and application of this Agreement.
14. This Agreement shall enter into force upon signature by both Parties and remain in force for 3 (three) years. It may be amended, or terminated with written notice of one of the Parties at any time 120 days in advance.
Place Date
Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia Xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx
Centre For Atmospheric Research - National Space Research and Development Agency Prof. Professor Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx