Swydd Ddisgrifiad
Swydd Ddisgrifiad
Swyddog Marchnata Digidol (y We a’r Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol)
Cyfadran/Cyfarwyddiaeth | Marchnata a Recriwtio |
Adran | Marchnata a Chyfathrebu |
Teitl y Swydd | Swyddog Marchnata Digidol (y We a’r Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol) |
Yn atebol i | Rheolwr Strategaeth Ymgyrchoedd a Digidol |
Gradd | O ac A5 |
Prif Atebolrwydd |
Mae'r Swyddog Marchnata Digidol (y We a’r Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol) yn gyfrifol am arwain y gwaith o gynllunio, creu a chyflwyno strategaeth gydlynol a chynhwysfawr ar gyfer gwefan a llwyfannau cyfryngau cymdeithasol PGW er mwyn cefnogi amcanion marchnata, recriwtio a chyfathrebu. Bydd y rôl yn gweithio'n agos gyda'r Rheolwr Strategol Ymgyrchoedd a Digidol a'r Swyddog Marchnata (Marchnata E-xxxx a CRM) er mwyn sicrhau bod gweithgareddau ledled yr xxxx lwyfannau digidol yn gydlynol ac yn gysylltiedig. Bydd gofyn i xxx un o'r Swyddogion Marchnata Digidol gefnogi ei gilydd yn eu meysydd gwaith arbenigol. Bydd deiliad y swydd yn canolbwyntio ar y defnyddiwr, ac yn cyfrannu at xxx agwedd ar ddylunio a datblygu'r wefan er mwyn sicrhau bod tudalennau, templedi a chyfrannau yn cael eu hoptimeiddio ar gyfer peiriannau chwilio, ac yn cael eu cyflwyno mewn modd hygyrch sy'n cyrraedd cynulleidfaoedd targed yn effeithiol, ac yn cyflwyno gwaith a chynnig y Brifysgol iddynt. Bydd hyn yn cynnwys gweithio gyda chydweithwyr yn y Gwasanaethau TG yn ogystal ag asiantaethau allanol x xxxx i'w gilydd. Bydd deiliad y swydd yn frwd dros gynnig y profiad gorau posibl i ddefnyddwyr a gwella presenoldeb PGW ar y we a chyfryngau cymdeithasol yn barhaus. Mae rolau'r Swyddog Marchnata Digidol yn allweddol i gyflwyno dull canolog i gydlynu gwefan, cynnwys cyfryngau cymdeithasol a chyfathrebiadau e-xxxx PGW, er mwyn sicrhau cyfathrebu amlwg, clir ac effeithiol o fewn hunaniaeth brand cyson. Rhaid i ddeiliad y swydd fod â phrofiad o ddefnyddio systemau dadansoddeg gwe at ddibenion adrodd a chynllunio ymlaen llaw. Bydd y swydd hon yn gweithio gyda chydweithwyr o Wasanaethau Proffesiynol a Chyfadrannau i roi cyngor mewn perthynas â gofynion cynnwys ar y we, gan gynnwys cwmpasu gofynion swyddogaethol a gweithio gyda chydweithwyr yn yr adran TG i ddatblygu'r rhain yn unol xx xxxxx gorau UX. |
Mae'r rôl yn allweddol wrth gynrychioli safbwyntiau defnyddwyr terfynol, wrth weithio gyda'r xxx cynnwys marchnata i hwyluso'r gwaith o greu cynnwys diddorol, creadigol y mae pobl eisiau ei rannu, wedi'i anelu'n bennaf at ddarpar fyfyrwyr a'u dylanwadwyr, yn ogystal â mathau eraill o gynulleidfaoedd.
Bydd y rôl yn sicrhau bod llais y brifysgol yn cael ei gynrychioli'n ddilys ac yn gadarn ar-xxxx, xx yn unol â'r strategaeth farchnata a chyfathrebu. Bydd disgwyl i chi ddadansoddi gweithgaredd ac adrodd arno, a datblygu strategaethau llwyfan a pholisïau sefydliadol.
Tasgau Allweddol |
Gwefan Gweithio'n agos â chydweithwyr gwasanaethau proffesiynol a chyfadrannau i gynnig cyngor a chymorth mewn perthynas â datblygu cynnwys gwe, er mwyn cefnogi amcanion marchnata Cysylltu â'r Datblygwr Gwefan TG er mwyn gweld a oes angen gwella swyddogaeth y wefan a thaith y defnyddiwr Defnyddio'r system Rheoli Cynnwys bresennol i ddefnyddio cydrannau a nodweddion swyddogaethol i adeiladu tudalennau gwe sy'n bodloni gofynion y defnyddwyr terfynol, gan gynnwys micro-safleoedd, nodweddion, erthyglau newyddion, blogiau etc. Gyda chymorth y xxx cynnwys, arwain y gwaith o ddatblygu cynnwys gwe sy'n canolbwyntio ar y defnyddiwr. Bydd hyn yn cynnwys trefnu profion defnyddwyr gyda defnyddwyr a rhanddeiliaid Sefydlu dangosfyrddau a chynnig dadansoddeg i uwch reolwyr Rheoli elfennau marchnata'r prosiectau gwe, gan gynnwys sefydlu tudalennau landio ymgyrchoedd sydd wedi'u holrhain a'u hoptimeiddio ar gyfer trafodaethau Arwain y gwaith o wella sut caiff gwybodaeth ei chyflwyno a'i defnyddio Arwain y gwaith o optimeiddio peiriannau chwilio a rheoli cydymffurfiaeth hygyrchedd ar draws y wefan Goruchwylio gofynion i ddatblygu'r wefan, gan sicrhau bod y llwyth gwaith yn cael xx xxxxx a'i flaenoriaethu'n effeithiol Rheoli enw da ar-lein PGW drwy sicrhau bod cynnwys y wefan yn gywir, yn ddiweddar ac yn alinio â brand a gwerthoedd y Brifysgol. Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol Yn gyfrifol am reoli'r gwaith o ddatblygu cynnwys, a mynd ati'n weithredol i wneud hynny, o ddydd i ddydd, ar gyfer prif lwyfannau cyfryngau cymdeithasol y Brifysgol, gan gynnwys Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, a sicrhau ein bod yn cydymffurfio â Safonau'r Gymraeg. |
Rheoli'r gwaith o gyflwyno strategaeth cyfryngau cymdeithasol integredig, yn cydlynu cynnwys er mwyn cyflwyno neges amlwg, glir ac effeithiol ar draws ystod o gynnwys a chynulleidfaoedd.
Cydlynu gweithgareddau cyfryngau cymdeithasol ar draws y Brifysgol er mwyn sicrhau'r effaith fwyaf bosibl. Mae hyn yn cynnwys gweithio gydag unigolion sy'n creu cynnwys, a'u cydlynu, yn enwedig myfyrwyr, mewn ymdrech ar y cyd i gynhyrchu cynnwys bywiog, effeithiol, dilys a chreadigol.
Gweithio gyda chydweithwyr marchnata a chyfathrebu i gynhyrchu syniadau i ddatblygu a chynnal presenoldeb corfforaethol ymgysylltiol ar-xxxx, xx'n cefnogi amcanion strategol PGW ac yn hyrwyddo ac yn gwella ein henw da corfforaethol, wrth fesur yr effaith ac argymell addasiadau yn unol â hynny.
Arwain y gwaith o fonitro gweithgarwch ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol er mwyn manteisio i'r eithaf ar gyfleoedd adweithiol i gysylltu â chynulleidfaoedd sydd â diddordeb mewn astudio AU yn gyffredinol, a PGW yn benodol.
Sicrhau bod gwasanaeth cydlynol yn cael ei gynnig i'r uwch reolwyr er mwyn cefnogi cyfathrebiadau corfforaethol xxxx xxx mewn argyfwng.
Hyrwyddo'r brand digidol drwy gefnogi'r gwaith o reoli ansawdd cynnwys er mwyn sicrhau bod cynnwys, negeseuon, a thôn yr xxxx gyfathrebiadau ar y we a chyfryngau cymdeithasol yn gyson ac yn briodol.
Ymchwilio a meithrin dealltwriaeth o gynulleidfaoedd cyfryngau cymdeithasol, er mwyn atgyfnerthu cysylltiadau a chyfleoedd ymgysylltu drwy ddatblygu cynnwys sy'n briodol i'r gynulleidfa a sianel, wrth ganolbwyntio ar amcanion strategol y Brifysgol.
Cadw ar flaen tueddiadau a datblygiadau ar y we a’r cyfryngau cymdeithasol, gan gynnwys monitro a dadansoddi sefydliadau partneriaid/cystadleuwyr er mwyn nodi cyfleoedd i wella presenoldeb ar-lein PGW, a chynnig cyngor ar sianeli newydd, a'u gweithredu, fel y cytunwyd gyda'r Rheolwr Strategol Ymgyrchoedd a Digidol.
Cefnogi'r gwaith o ddatblygu dogfennau polisi a strategaeth cyfryngau cymdeithasol manwl, gan gynnwys datblygu a hyrwyddo Canllawiau ac adnoddau Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol fel xxxx x xxxxx mentora staff, gan sicrhau dull sefydliadol clir o ddefnyddio cyfryngau cymdeithasol gan gyflwyno negeseuon a brand cyson ar draws y we a chyfrifon cyfryngau cymdeithasol
Cysylltu â staff gwasanaethau proffesiynol perthnasol i gefnogi'r gwaith o hyrwyddo adnoddau cyfryngau cymdeithasol ar gyfer myfyrwyr, gan gynnwys canllawiau mewn perthynas ag ymddygiad, adnoddau gwe a chyngor wrth ddefnyddio cyfryngau cymdeithasol at ddibenion astudio a chyflogaeth
Cynllunio a goruchwylio'r gwaith o integreiddio swyddogaeth cyfryngau cymdeithasol, cynnwys creadigol ac adnoddau ar draws gwefan PGW yn llwyddiannus, er mwyn sicrhau bod gweithgareddau marchnata ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn cyrraedd cyn nifer o bobl â phosibl, ac mor effeithiol â phosibl.
Ymddwyn mewn modd proffesiynol xxx amser a chynnal cyfrinachedd gwybodaeth
Gweithio o fewn polisïau a gweithdrefnau'r Brifysgol, a'u hyrwyddo, fel Arfarnu a Datblygiad Proffesiynol Parhaus.
Ymddwyn mewn modd sy'n cefnogi Polisi Iechyd, Diogelwch a'r Amgylchedd y Brifysgol drwy weithio'n ddiogel a dilyn y gweithdrefnau a'r codau ymarfer sydd wedi'u creu i'ch diogelu chi, ac eraill.
Bydd deiliad y swydd yn gweithio o'r swyddfa'n bennaf, ond bydd yn ymwneud â phobl ar draws y Brifysgol.
Efallai y bydd angen gwneud ymweliadau achlysurol â safleoedd eraill.
Cymorth achlysurol i'r Brifysgol mewn digwyddiadau hyrwyddo perthnasol yn ôl y gofyn, er enghraifft ar ddiwrnodau/nosweithiau agored
Dyletswyddau Cyffredinol |
Byddwch yn sicrhau bod systemau a gweithdrefnau rheoli priodol ar xxxxx xx mwyn bodloni'ch dyletswyddau a'ch cyfrifoldebau iechyd a diogelwch a gynhwysir ym mholisi iechyd a diogelwch y Brifysgol. Yn benodol, byddwch yn sicrhau bod asesiadau risg priodol yn cael eu cynnal mewn cysylltiad â pheryglon sylweddol ac yr ymgymerir ag arolygon diogelwch o leiaf unwaith y flwyddyn, ym mhob gweithle xxx xxxx rheolaeth chi. Cyfrifoldeb y gweithwyr yw ymgorffori Polisi Cyfle Cyfartal y Brifysgol o fewn eu xxxx cyfrifoldeb eu hunain ac yn eu hymddygiad cyffredinol. Xxx xxx yr xxxx staff gyfrifoldeb i hyrwyddo lefelau uchel o ofal cwsmer yn eu xxxx cyfrifoldeb eu hunain. Disgwylir i ddeiliaid swydd gydlynu â'r broses Arfarnu a Datblygu Staff, gan gyfrannu at osod amcanion er mwyn cynorthwyo gyda monitro perfformiad a datblygiad yr unigolyn. Byddwch yn asesu anghenion hyfforddiant a datblygiad pob aelod o staff xxx xxxx rheolaeth, er mwyn sicrhau eu bod nhw'n cael cefnogaeth ddigonol mewn perthynas â'u cyfrifoldebau gwaith. Dyletswyddau perthnasol eraill sy'n gymesur â gradd y swydd, a all gael eu neilltuo gan y Rheolwr, mewn cytundeb â deiliad y swydd. Ni ddylid gwrthod cytundeb o'r fath yn afresymol. Mae'r cyfrifoldebau allweddol sydd wedi'u cynnwys yn y swydd ddisgrifiad hwn yn rhoi argraff o'r swyddi, ac nid ydynt yn gynhwysfawr. Gellir addasu dyletswyddau a chyfrifoldebau mewn trafodaeth â deiliad y swydd. |
Adolygu |
Mae hwn yn ddisgrifiad o'r swydd fel y mae ar hyn x xxxx. Xxx'r swydd ddisgrifiad hwn yn amodol ar adolygiad a newid yng ngoleuni anghenion newidiol y Brifysgol ac i ddarparu cyfleoedd datblygu priodol. Cynhelir y weithdrefn ar y xxx xxx xxx rheolwr mewn ymgynghoriad â'r unigolyn y mae ei swydd xxx adolygiad. Disgwylir i xxx aelod o staff gymryd rhan yn llawn mewn trafodaethau o'r fath. Nod y Brifysgol yw cytuno ar newid rhesymol, ond os nad yw cytundeb yn bosibl, mae ganddi'r hawl i fynnu newid i'r swydd ddisgrifiad, ar ôl cael trafodaeth gyda'r unigolyn xxx sylw. |
Manyleb Person
Swyddog Marchnata Digidol
(y We a’r Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol)
Er mwyn cael xxxx rhoi ar y rhestr fer rhaid i chi ddangos xxxx bod yn bodloni'r xxxx xxxxx prawf hanfodol, a chymaint o'r meini prawf dymunol ag sy'n bosibl. Pan fydd gennym nifer fawr o geisiadau sy'n bodloni'r xxxx xxxxx prawf hanfodol, byddwn wedyn yn llunio’r rhestr fer gan ddefnyddio'r meini prawf dymunol.
Meini Prawf Dethol | |||||
Priodoleddau | Eitem | Meini Prawf Perthnasol | Dull Adnabod | Pwysigrwydd | |
1.1 | Profiad o gynllunio strategaethau gwe a | Ff, C | H | ||
chyfryngau cymdeithasol ar gyfer | |||||
sefydliadau mawr a chymhleth sydd ag | |||||
ystod o randdeiliaid a chynulleidfaoedd | |||||
targed | |||||
1.2 | Dealltwriaeth arbennig o ystod xxxx o | Ff, C | H | ||
lwyfannau cyfryngau cymdeithasol a xxxxx i | |||||
ymgysylltu ar-lein | |||||
1.3 | Dealltwriaeth ac arbenigedd arbennig o | ||||
ddatblygu cynnwys gwe, profion | Ff, C | H | |||
defnyddwyr, profiad y defnyddiwr | |||||
1.4 | Sgiliau dadansoddi - y gallu i ddadansoddi a | ||||
dehongli data a llunio adroddiadau rheoli | Ff, C | H | |||
ystyrlon | |||||
1 | Sgiliau a Gallu | 1.5 | Sgiliau ysgrifennu a golygu rhagorol, gan | Ff, C | H |
gynnwys prawf ddarllen | |||||
Dealltwriaeth ragorol o offer rheoli cyfryngau | Ff, C | H | |||
1.6 | cymdeithasol, gan gynnwys dadansoddi | ||||
data a pherfformiad | |||||
Y gallu i feddwl yn greadigol a meddwl am | Ff, C | H | |||
1.7 | syniadau arloesol i ymgysylltu â | ||||
chynulleidfaoedd gyda chynnwys ar-xxxx | |||||
Xxxxx uchel o lythrennedd a sylw i fanylion | Ff, C | H | |||
1.8 | Y gallu i ymgymryd â sawl tasg ar unwaith a | ||||
gweithio xxx bwysau i fodloni terfynau | |||||
amser tynn |
1.9 | Sgiliau cyflwyno a chyfathrebu rhagorol | Ff, C | H | ||
gydag ymagwedd broffesiynol a xxxxx wrth | |||||
drin ystod o bobl. | |||||
1.10 | Sgiliau cynllunio a threfnu rhagorol | Ff, C | H | ||
Yn llawn egni, brwdfrydedd a xxxxx wrth drin | |||||
ystod xxxx o bobl | |||||
1.11 | Y gallu i weithio'n effeithiol fel rhan o dîm | Ff, C | H | ||
1.12 | Y gallu i ymgysylltu â'r tueddiadau | Ff, C | H | ||
diweddaraf ac ymateb yn arloesol, yn hyblyg | |||||
ac yn greadigol | |||||
1.13 | Y gallu i ddeall gwybodaeth gymhleth a'i | Ff, C | H | ||
throsi i fod yn gynnwys diddorol ac effeithiol | |||||
1.14 | Profiad o weithio o fewn canllawiau brand | Ff, C | H | ||
1.15 | Sgiliau cynllunio a threfnu rhagorol a sylw i | Ff, C | H | ||
fanylion | |||||
1.16 | Y gallu i gyfathrebu drwy gyfrwng y | Ff, C | D | ||
Gymraeg | |||||
2 | Gwybodaeth Gyffredinol ac Arbenigol | 2.1 2.2 | Defnyddiwr medrus o gyfres MS Office, yn enwedig Word, Excel a Powerpoint, yn ogystal â dealltwriaeth ragorol o ddefnyddio offer cydweithredu ar-lein fel Zoom a Teams. Profiad sylweddol o ddefnyddio o leiaf un system rheoli cynnwys ar y we. | Ff, C Ff, C | H H |
3 | Addysg a Hyfforddiant | 3.1 | Addysg hyd at lefel gradd a/neu brofiad gwaith perthnasol amlwg | Ff, T | E |
4 | Profiad Perthnasol | 4.1 | Gwybodaeth o'r sector AU a phrofiad o weithio mewn amgylchedd recriwtio o fewn AU. | Ff, C | D |
5.1 | Y gallu i gynllunio a blaenoriaethu xxxx llwyth gwaith xxxx hun yn seiliedig ar ofynion dydd i ddydd y gwasanaeth a chreu defnydd effeithlon ac effeithiol o'r adnoddau sydd ar gael | Ff, C | H | ||
5 | Gofynion Arbennig | 5.2 | Y gallu amlwg i feithrin cysylltiadau gwaith proffesiynol gydag ystod amrywiol o randdeiliaid a chyfathrebu'n effeithiol o fewn xxx amlddisgyblaethol a lleoliad prifysgol ehangach | Ff, C | H |
5.3 5.4 | Y gallu a'r parodrwydd i ddysgu systemau a sgiliau newydd a lledaenu'r wybodaeth fel sy'n briodol Ymddygiad proffesiynol a chwrtais xxx amser | Ff, C C | H H | ||
Dyddiad Adolygu | Ebrill 2022 |
Allwedd | Dull Adnabod | Ff | Ffurflen Gais |
C | Cyfweliad | ||
P | Prawf | ||
T | Copi o Dystysgrifau | ||
Rh | Rhoi Cyflwyniad | ||
G | Asesiad Grŵp | ||
Pwysigrwydd | H | Hanfodol | |
D | Dymunol |
Job Description
Digital Marketing Officer (Web and Social Media)
Faculty/Directorate | Marketing and Recruitment |
Section | Marketing and Communications |
Job Title | Digital Marketing Officer (Web and Social Media) |
Reports To | Digital and Campaigns Strategy Manager |
Grade | O&A5 |
Principal Accountabilities |
The Digital Marketing Officer (Web and Social) is responsible for leading the planning, creation and delivery of a coherent cohesive strategy for the WGU website and social media platforms to support marketing, recruitment and communications objectives. The role will work closely with the Digital & Campaigns Strategy Manager and the Marketing Officer (CRM and Email Marketing) to ensure activity across all digital platforms is coherent and aligned. Each of the Digital Marketing Officers will be required to support each other in their specialist areas of work. The postholder will be end-user focused and will have input into all aspects of design and development of the website to ensure that pages, templates and components are optimised for search engines and delivered in an accessible way that reaches target audiences effectively and engages them with the work and offer of the University. This will involve working with colleagues in IT Services as well as external agencies from time to time. The postholder will be passionate about providing the best possible experience to users and continuously improving WGU’s web and social media presence. The Digital Marketing Officer roles are critical to the delivery of a centralised approach to co- ordinating WGU web, social media content and email communications in order to have bold, clear and effective messaging within a consistent brand identity. The postholder must be experienced in the use of web analytics for reporting and forward planning. The role will work with colleagues from Faculties and Professional Services to advise on their web content requirements, including scoping out functional requirements and working with colleagues in IT to have these developed in line with UX best practice. The role is key in representing the views of end users, working with the marketing content team to facilitate the creation of engaging, creative, shareable content aimed primarily at prospective students and their influencers, as well as other audience types. |
The role will ensure that the university voice is represented authentically and authoritatively online and in line with marketing and communications strategy. You will be expected to analyse and report on activity, and develop platform strategies and institutional policies.
Key Tasks |
Website Work closely with colleagues in faculties and professional services to advise and support on the development of web content to support marketing objectives Liaison with the IT Web Developer to scope out requirements for improvements to website functionality and user journeys Use the Content Management system to use components and functional features to build web pages that meet the requirements of end users, including microsites, features, news articles, blogs etc. With the support of the content team, lead on the development of user-focused web content. This will include organising user-testing with users and stakeholders Setting up dashboards and providing analytics to senior management Management of the marketing aspects of web projects including setting up campaign landing pages that are tracked and optimised for conversions Lead on improvements to information architecture and usability Lead on SEO and manage accessibility compliance across the website Overseeing requests for website developments, ensuring effective prioritisation and management of the workload Managing WGU’s online reputation by ensuring web content is accurate, up-to-date and aligned to the University brand and values. Social Media Responsible for the day-to-day management of and proactively developing content for, the primary University social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedln, TikTok, ensuring that the Welsh Language Standards are complied with. Management of the roll out of an integrated social media strategy, coordinating content in order to have bold, clear and effective messaging across a range of content and audiences. Co-ordinating social media activity across the University to achieve maximum impact. This includes working with and co-ordinating content creators, especially students, in a collaborative effort to produce vibrant, effective, authentic and creative content. Working with marketing and communications colleagues to generate ideas to develop and maintain an engaging corporate online presence, which supports WGU’s strategic objectives |
and promotes and enhances our corporate reputation, while measuring their impact and recommending adjustments accordingly.
Leading on monitoring social media activity to maximise reactive opportunities to reach out to audiences interested in HE study generally and WGU in particular.
To ensure a timely, coordinated service is provided to senior management to support urgent corporate or crisis communications .
To be a digital brand champion by supporting the quality control of content to ensure appropriate content, messaging, tone and consistency in all web and social media communications
Research and build understanding of social media audiences in order to deepen relationships and engagement opportunities by developing audience and channel-appropriate content with a central focus on the University’s strategic objectives.
To keep up to date on trends and developments in web and social media, including monitoring and analysing partner/competitor organisations to identify opportunities to improve WGU’s online presence, and to advise on and implement new channels as agreed with the Digital and Campaigns Strategy Manager.
Support the development of in-depth social media strategy and policy documents, including the development and promotion of Social Media Guidelines and resources as part of staff mentoring, ensuring a clear institutional approach to social media usage with consistent messaging and branding across web and social media account
Liaise with relevant professional services staff to support the promotion of social media resources for students, including behavioural guidelines, web resources and advice on using social medial for study and employment
Plan and oversee the effective integration of social media functionality, creative content and resources across the WGU website to ensure maximum reach and effectiveness of social media marketing activity.
Act in a professional manner at all times and maintain confidentiality of information
Work within and promote University policies and procedures such as Appraisal and Continuing Professional Development.
Act in support of the University's Health, Safety and Environment Policy by working safely and following the procedures and codes of practice derived to protect you and others.
The post will be largely office-based, yet with interactions with people across the University. Occasional visits may be required to other sites.
Occasional support for the University at relevant promotional events as required, for example at open days/evenings
General Duties |
You will ensure that appropriate management systems and procedures are in place to meet your health and safety duties and responsibilities contained within the University’s health and safety policy. In particular you will ensure that appropriate risk assessments are carried out in respect of significant hazards and that safety inspections are undertaken on at least an annual cycle in each workplace under your control. It is the responsibility of employees to apply the University’s Equal Opportunities Policy in their own area of responsibility and in their general conduct. All staff have a responsibility for promoting high levels of customer care within their own areas of responsibility. Post holders are expected to co-operate with the Staff Appraisal and Development process, engaging in the setting of objectives in order to assist in the monitoring of performance and the development of the individual. You will assess the training and development needs of each member of staff under your control to ensure they are adequately supported in relation to their work responsibilities. Such other relevant duties commensurate with the grade of the post as may be assigned by the Manager in agreement with the post holder. Such agreement should not be unreasonably withheld. The key responsibilities contained in this job description are indicative not exhaustive. Duties and responsibilities may be altered in discussion with the post holder. |
Review |
This is a description of the job as it is presently constituted. This job description is subject to review and amendment in the light of changing needs of the University and to provide appropriate development opportunities. The procedure is conducted jointly by each manager in consultation with the individual whose job is being reviewed. All staff are expected to participate fully in such discussions. It is the University’s aim to reach agreement to reasonable change, but if agreement is not possible, it reserves the right to insist on changes to the job description after consultation with the individual concerned. |
Person Specification
Digital Marketing Officer (Web and Social Media)
In order to be shortlisted you must demonstrate that you meet all the essential criteria and as many of the desirable criteria as possible. Where we have a large number of applications that meet all of the essential criteria, we will then use the desirable criteria to produce the shortlist.
Selection Criteria | |||||
Attributes | Item | Relevant Criteria | Identification Method | Rank | |
1.1 | Experience of planning web and social media | A, I | E | ||
strategies for a large, complex organisations | |||||
with a range of stakeholders and target | |||||
audiences | |||||
1.2 | Excellent understanding of a wide range of | A, I | E | ||
social media platforms and confidence to | |||||
engage online | |||||
1.3 | Excellent understanding of and expertise in web | A, I | E | ||
content development, user-testing, user- | |||||
experience | |||||
1.4 | Analytical skills – the ability to analyse and | A, I | E | ||
interpret data and produce meaningful | |||||
management reports | |||||
1 | Skills & Abilities | 1.5 | Excellent writing and editorial skills including proof-reading | A, I | E |
1.6 | Excellent understanding of social media | A, I | E | ||
management tools, including data and | |||||
performance analysis | |||||
1.7 | Ability to ‘think outside the box’ and come up | A, I | E | ||
with innovative ideas to engage audiences with | |||||
online content | |||||
1.8 | High level of literacy and attention to detail | A, I | E | ||
Ability to multi-task and work under pressure to | |||||
tight deadlines | |||||
1.9 | Excellent presentation and communication skills | A, I | E | ||
with a professional attitude and confidence in | |||||
dealing with a range of people. |
1.10 | Excellent planning and organisational skills | A, I | E | ||
Energy, enthusiasm and confidence in dealing | |||||
with a wide range of people | |||||
1.11 | Ability to work effectively as part of team | A, I | E | ||
1.12 | Ability to engage with latest trends and to | A, I | E | ||
respond with innovation, agility and creativity | |||||
1.13 | Ability to absorb complicated information and | A, I | E | ||
turn into effective and engaging content | |||||
1.14 | Experience of working within brand guidelines | A, I | E | ||
1.15 | Excellent planning and organisational skills and | A, I | E | ||
attention to detail | |||||
1.16 | The ability to communicate through the medium | A, I | D | ||
of Welsh | |||||
2 | General & Specialist Knowledge | 2.1 2.2 | Advanced user of the MS Office suite, particularly Word, Excel and Powerpoint as well as excellent knowledge of using online collaboration tools such as Zoom and Teams. Considerable experience of using at least one web content management system. | A, I A, I | E E |
3 | Education & Training | 3.1 | Educated to undergraduate degree level and/or proven relevant work experience | A, C | E |
4 | Relevant Experience | 4.1 | Knowledge of the HE sector and experience working in a recruitment environment within HE. | A, I | D |
5.1 | Ability to plan and prioritise own workload based on the day to day requirements of the service and making efficient and effective use of the resources available | A, I | E | ||
5 | Special Requirements | 5.2 | Proven ability to build professional working relationships with a diverse range of stakeholders and communicate effectively within a multi- disciplinary team and wider university setting | A, I | E |
5.3 | Ability and willingness to learn new systems and skills and disseminate where appropriate | A, I | E | ||
5.4 | Professional and polite manner at all times | I | E |
Date of Revision | April 2022 |
Key | Identification Method | A | Application Form |
I | Interview | ||
T | Test | ||
C | Copy of Certificates | ||
P | Presentation | ||
G | Group Assessment | ||
Rank | E | Essential | |
D | Desirable |