Condizioni Generali di Vendita
Tutte le forniture del Gruppo Microplan® (Microplan Italia Srl e Microplan France Sas) - di seguito Microplan® - saranno effettuate solo ed esclusivamente alle condizioni generali di vendita sotto riportate. Qualsiasi clausola o condizione stabilita dal Cliente è da considerarsi nulla e priva di effetto se in contrasto con le presenti condizioni.
Ogni ordine conseguente ad un’offerta dovrà pervenire a Microplan® entro il termine indicato sull’offerta stessa. Una volta trascorsi i termini, è facoltà di Microplan® di non ritenere più valida l’offerta e di aggiornare prezzi o condizioni. Tutti gli ordini devono pervenire con l’indicazione esatta delle quantità, degli articoli e dei numeri di disegno per articoli speciali, completi dell’indice di revisione aggiornato alla versione da produrre. Gli ordinativi rappresentano un impegno per il Cliente e diventano impegno per Microplan® dal momento della conferma d’ordine. L’ordine si ritiene tacitamente accettato dal Cliente se la conferma d’ordine non viene contestata entro 10 (dieci) giorni dall’emissione. Eventuali variazioni o annullamenti degli ordini già trasmessi dovranno essere sempre richiesti dal Cliente in forma scritta e dovranno essere valutati e accettati da Microplan® che si riserva - in caso di forniture speciali, a disegno o fuori standard (non incluse nel Catalogo Prodotti) - di quantificare l’entità delle lavorazioni già eseguite fino al momento del ricevimento dell’annullamento dell’ordine. Microplan® si riserva inoltre, al fine di migliorare le prestazioni e la qualità, di fornire prodotti standard a catalogo con caratteristiche estetiche e/o tecniche diverse da quelle indicate sulla documentazione, purché non vengano modificate le caratteristiche funzionali.
Microplan® non si assume responsabilità in caso di danni o lesioni provocate da uso improprio dei prodotti forniti.
Microplan® fornisce la merce in modalità EX WORKS (franco fabbrica). La consegna dei prodotti ordinati verrà effettuata nel rispetto delle modalità e delle condizioni di resa indicate nella conferma d’ordine, in conformità all’ultima versione “INCOTERMS”: non verrà accettata nessun tipo di penalità o reclamo connesso alle tempistiche di consegna successive all’evasione dell’ordine. Le spedizioni vengono sempre effettuate su esplicito incarico/mandato dell’acquirente, che rimane responsabile, alla consegna della merce, della verifica di integrità degli imballi e la rispondenza ai documenti di trasporto anche quando le condizioni di resa accordano il “franco destino” (DAP) (vedi §. 8).
Il metodo e la tipologia di imballo del materiale sono a discrezione di Microplan®. Il costo degli imballi si intende incluso nel prezzo del prodotto secondo lo standard previsto da Microplan®. Saranno a carico del Cliente i costi relativi ad eventuali forniture di imballi specifici o con trattamenti particolari (materiali diversi, fumigazione, trattamenti fito-sanitari), da quantificarsi a parte.
Tutti i prodotti a catalogo vengono forniti sulla base dei listini in vigore al momento dell’offerta e della conferma d’ordine (vedi §.1). Per tutti i prodotti speciali e realizzati su disegno del Cliente, i prezzi saranno stabiliti di volta in volta per ogni singola ordinazione, tenendo conto dei termini di validità dell’offerta. Tutte le quotazioni s’intendono per merce resa franco magazzino Microplan® imballo standard incluso. Microplan® si impegna a garantire al Cliente la validità dei prezzi per le forniture speciali, salvo aumenti nei costi dei materiali, della manodopera o altri fattori. Microplan® procederà all’emissione della fattura sulla base del prezzo indicato nella conferma d’ordine nella quale verranno anche definiti i termini e le modalità di pagamento.
I termini di consegna indicati da Microplan® in fase di conferma d’ordine, pur essendo generalmente rispettati, restano puramente indicativi e potranno variare al verificarsi delle seguenti situazioni: a) insufficienza, inesattezza o ritardi da parte del Cliente nell’invio di disegni, approvazioni o indicazioni necessarie all’esecuzione dell’ordine; b) forza maggiore, come mancanza o insufficienza di energia motrice, scioperi totali o parziali e ogni altro evento non dipendente da causa propria di Microplan®;
c) eventuali modifiche all’ordine richieste dal Cliente dopo la conferma d’ordine e accettate da Microplan®; d) inadempienze alle condizioni di pagamento da parte del Cliente. In nessun caso verranno riconosciute da Microplan® penali per ritardata consegna.
I termini di pagamento indicati in offerta e in conferma d’ordine dovranno essere rispettati dal Cliente. Trascorso il termine di pagamento concordato, fermo restando il diritto di esigere il pagamento, Microplan® addebiterà gli interessi di mora secondo i termini di legge. Inoltre, in caso di mancato pagamento da parte del Cliente, Microplan® si riserva la facoltà
- di sospendere la consegna delle forniture in corso o di annullare il residuo in ordine dandone avviso al Cliente il quale non avrà diritto a compensi o indennizzi di sorta
- variare le modalità di pagamento e di sconto per le forniture successive, anche richiedendo pagamento anticipato o l’emissione di ulteriori garanzie.
I reclami per eventuali manomissioni o ammanchi di materiale devono obbligatoriamente essere presentati dal destinatario al vettore, firmando il documento di consegna con “riserva di controllo”. Il destinatario deve segnalare e denunciare i vizi apparenti e quelli occulti entro otto giorni dal ricevimento della merce. Il reclamo non potrà mai avere come conseguenza l’annullamento o la riduzione dell’ordine da parte del Cliente o il ritardato pagamento. Eventuali difetti di imballaggio devono essere denunciati per iscritto, a pena di decadenza, al momento della consegna, firmando con riserva di controllo tutti i documenti. Nessun reclamo sulla qualità e/o integrità del Prodotto e degli imballaggi sarà ammesso, se il documento di consegna non verrà firmato con riserva
La restituzione di merce, di qualsiasi natura (reso non conforme, conto lavorazione, conto riparazione) deve essere precedentemente concordata con il nostro Ufficio vendite e autorizzata tramite
compilazione della RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) disponibile sul sito www.microplan- xxxxx.xxx nella sezione download / trading conditions. Eventuali resi per non conformità verranno accettati solo con imballo originale e contenuto perfettamente integro. La restituzione di merce già fatturata per errata ordinazione da parte del Cliente comporterà un addebito del 15% del valore fatturato. La merce contestata dovrà essere rispedita, franca di ogni spesa e accompagnata da copia della RMA autorizzata, riportante qualità e quantità della merce resa, vizi o difetti riscontrati, motivo del reclamo, estremi dei documenti di consegna / fattura originaria.
La garanzia Microplan® ha la durata di 12 mesi dalla data di consegna della merce. Tale garanzia è limitata esclusivamente alla riparazione o alla sostituzione gratuita, a discrezione di Microplan®, dei pezzi/prodotti riconosciuti come difettosi, per difetti del materiale o deficienza di lavorazione, con esclusione delle parti di normale usura e di quelle non più reperibili sul mercato, nonché dei guasti causati da sovraccarichi, imperizia nell’uso, negligenza o inosservanza delle istruzioni fornite dal Venditore. Il Compratore dovrà, a pena di decadenza, denunciare a Microplan® i vizi e difetti riscontrati sui Prodotti entro 8 giorni dal ricevimento della merce. La garanzia sulle tolleranze geometriche di prodotti standard e/o a disegno è limitata ad un periodo di 30 giorni dal ricevimento della merce. Microplan® non si assume responsabilità alcuna per danni derivanti da eventi accidentali di qualsiasi natura che si verificassero durante l’impiego dei propri prodotti. Microplan® non si assume alcuna responsabilità né garanzia per i materiali e/o parti dei prodotti non di sua produzione, né per danni causati da usi non noti al momento dell’ordine o della conferma d’ordine. Microplan® non risponde dei danni, diretti ed indiretti, derivanti dai tempi di sostituzione necessari per effettuare la riparazione e/o sostituzione in garanzia.
La garanzia decadrà nel caso in cui il Cliente:
- non esegua a regola d’arte le operazioni e/o installazioni di sua competenza;
- esegua o faccia eseguire da terze parti, senza preventiva autorizzazione scritta di Microplan®, riparazioni, sostituzioni, modifiche o altri interventi sui prodotti durante il periodo di Garanzia;
- se non rispetta le prescrizioni, modalità d’uso ed indicazioni del venditore riguardanti l’uso corretto, la regolare manutenzione e lo stoccaggio dei prodotti.
Durante il periodo di garanzia, Microplan® si impegna a riparare o sostituire gratuitamente i prodotti non conformi presso le nostre sedi. Le spese di trasporto saranno a carico del Cliente. Qualora le dimensioni o i pesi dei prodotti siano tali da renderne difficoltoso il trasporto, Microplan® si impegna a mettere a disposizione, a proprio carico, ricambi e manodopera specializzata presso il Cliente, limitatamente al Paese di consegna della merce (DDT): restano a carico del Cliente le spese relative al trasporto di materialei, le ore di viaggio e il soggiorno del nostro personale. Il Cliente si impegna a mettere a disposizione il prodotto/apparecchiatura per tutto il tempo necessario alla riparazione.
I prodotti Microplan® sono conformi alla legislazione e alle normative vigenti in Italia. Conseguentemente, il Cliente si assume la responsabilità di verificare ogni eventuale difformità esistente tra le norme italiane e quelle del paese di desinazione dei prodotti, e ad informare Microplan® circa le normative sulla sicurezza e tutela della salute pubblica in vigore nel paese in cui il prodotto verrà venduto e utilizzato. L’eventuale costo inerente alla conformità del prodotto in base a quanto statuito dalla normativa del Paese in cui lo stesso sarà venduto sarà a carico esclusivo del Cliente.
Il Prodotto resterà di proprietà di Microplan Italia Srl fino al momento in cui non sarà stato integralmente pagato l’importo pattuito in fase di Conferma d’ordine. Fino al completo pagamento della merce, il Cliente verrà considerato come semplice possessore del Prodotto e di conseguenza dovrà mantenerlo in perfetto stato, come previsto dall’articolo 1768 del Codice Civile italiano.
Le presenti condizioni generali di vendita annullano e sostituiscono ogni altra precedente. Ogni eventuale deroga alle presenti condizioni dovrà essere validata e confermata per iscritto da Microplan® in fase di conferma d’ordine al Cliente.
Per quanto non trova espressa regolamentazione all’interno delle presenti Condizioni Generali di vendita o nei singoli contratti di vendita è applicabile la legge italiana vigente in materia. Eventuali controversie insorgenti dall’applicazione delle Condizioni Generali di vendita o nell’interpretazione dei singoli contratti di vendita sono regolati dalla legge italiana. La lingua regolatrice delle presenti Condizioni Generali è l’italiano, nonostante qualsiasi traduzione in altra lingua. In caso di discrepanza tra il testo italiano ed il testo tradotto, le Parti convengono che il testo in italiano prevarrà e che sarà il documento ufficiale usato per interpretare le presenti Condizioni Generali.
Ai sensi del Regolamento Europeo 679/2016 (GDPR), Microplan® informa che: i dati del Compratore sono trattati e/o comunicati a terzi (es. banche, consulenti esterni, ecc...) nel rispetto della normativa vigente, per la sola esecuzione dei contratti; il Compratore ha la facoltà, in qualsiasi momento, di esercitare i diritti come da informativa completa disponibile sul sito.
CondizioniGeneraliVendita.indd - Vers. 21/02
Il Cliente acconsente a trattare tutte le informazioni / dati / disegni / Know-how / documentazione ricevuti e/o appresi da Microplan® come riservati, a limitare l’utilizzo di tali informazioni/documenti riservati ed il relativo accesso per scopi relativi all’esecuzione del contratto. Le informazioni/ documentazione riservate non potranno essere riprodotte senza previo accordo scritto di Microplan®.
Tutte le controversie che dovessero insorgere in relazione al contratto di vendita, comprese quelle inerenti validità, interpretazione, esecuzione e risoluzione, saranno deferite all’esclusiva competenza del Foro di Vercelli (ITALIA).
General Sales Conditions
All sales and deliveries of Microplan® Group (Microplan Italia Srl and Microplan France Sas) - hereinafter Microplan® - will be made only and exclusively according to the general sales conditions hereafter. Any term or condition stated by the customer is to be considered null and void, if in conflict with these conditions.
Each order following an offer must be received by Microplan® by the deadline indicated on the offer itself. After this deadline, Microplan® has the right to consider the offer no longer valid and update prices or conditions. All orders must be received with the precise indications of quantities, items and drawing numbers for special items, complete with index revision updated to the version to be produced. Orders represent a commitment for the Customer and become a commitment for Microplan® after order confirmation. The order is considered implicitly accepted by the customer if the order confirmation is not contested within 10 (ten) days from the issue. Any changes or cancellations of already submitted orders must always be requested by the Customer in written form and must be assessed and accepted by Microplan®, which reserves the right – in case of special supplies, according to customer’s drawing or non-standard (not included in the Catalogue) – to quantify the extent of the work already performed up to the time of the cancellation receipt. Microplan® also reserves the right, in order to improve performance and quality, to provide standard catalogue products with aesthetic and / or technical features other than those indicated on the documentation, provided that functional characteristics are not changed.
Microplan® does not assume liability for any damages or injuries caused by improper use of the supplied products.
Microplan® supplies goods under “EX WORKS” condition. Delivery of the goods will be done in compliance of conditions and terms mentioned in the order confirmation, according to the last version of the “INCOTERMS”: no penalties or complaints, related to delays in delivery time following the completion of the order will be accepted. Shipment will be carried out only upon explicit assignment/ mandate of the purchaser, which remains responsible, upon receipt of the goods, of the verification of the packing and the correspondence to the shipping documents, even when the terms grant the “DAP” (see §. 8).
The method and the type of packaging of the material are at the discretion of Microplan®. The cost of packaging is included in the product price according to the standard expected by Microplan®. Costs for any supplies of special packaging or with special treatments (different materials, fumigation, phytosanitary treatments) will be charged to the Customer, and quantified separately.
All products in the catalogue are supplied according to the price lists in force at the time of the offer and the order confirmation (see § 1). For all special products and manufactured according to customer’s drawing, the prices will be defined every time for each order, taking into consideration the terms of offer validity. All prices are for goods delivered Ex works in warehouse Microplan®, included standard packaging. Microplan® guarantees the validity of prices for special deliveries to the customer, except for increases in material or labour costs or other factors. Microplan® will issue the invoice based on the price indicated in the order confirmation which will also define payment terms and methods.
Delivery times indicated by Microplan® in the order confirmation, despite being generally respected, remain merely indicative and may change under the following conditions:
a) lack, inaccuracy or delay by the customer sending drawings, approvals or instructions necessary for the execution of the order;
b) force majeure, such as the lack or shortage of engine power, total or partial strikes and any other event beyond the control of Microplan®;
c) any changes to the order requested by the customer after the order confirmation and accepted by Microplan®
d) failure of the Customer to comply with payment terms
In any case, Microplan® will not accept penalties or charges for delivery delays.
Payment terms specified in the offer and in the order confirmation must be respected by the customer. After the agreed payment term, in addition to the right to collect payment, Microplan® will charge interest on delayed payments in compliance with legal conditions. Moreover, in case of non-payment by the customer, Microplan® reserves the right:
- to suspend the delivery of current supplies or cancel the remaining ordered quantity by giving notice to the customer who will not be entitled to have any compensation or indemnity;
- to change payment conditions and discount for future supplies, also requesting advance payment or the issue of further guarantees.
Complaints for any tampering or missing goods must be presented compulsorily by the consignee to the carrier, by signing the delivery document as “subject to control.” The consignee must report and denounce apparent and hidden defects within eight days after receipt of goods. The complaint will never result in the cancellation or reduction of the order by the customer or delayed payment. Any packaging defect must be reported in written form, under penalty of invalidation, at the time of delivery, signing all the documents under reserve of verification on documents. No complaint about quality and / or integrity of the product or packaging will be accepted, if the delivery document is not signed under reserve.
The return of goods of any kind (return for non-compliant goods, for goods under process, for repair) must be previously agreed with our sales offices and authorized through completion of the document RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization), available on the website xxx.xxxxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxx in section download / trading conditions. Any returns for non-compliance will be accepted only with original packaging and contents perfectly intact. The return of goods already invoiced, due to wrong order made by the Customer, will result in a charge of 15% of the invoiced value. Defective goods must be returned, free of charges and with a copy of the authorized RMA reporting quality and quantity of the returned goods, identified faults or defects, complaint reason, references of original delivery note
/ invoice.
Microplan® warranty lasts for 12 months from the delivery date of the goods. This warranty is limited exclusively to the free repair or replacement (at Microplan® discretion) of pieces / products recognized as defective, due to defects in material or manufacturing, with the exception of parts of normal wear and those that are no longer available on market as well as the failures caused by overload, inexperience, negligence or non-observance of the instructions supplied by the Seller. The Buyer shall, under penalty of invalidation, denounce vices and defects of the Products to Microplan® within 8 days from receipt of goods. Warranty on geometrical tolerances for standard or custom products is limited for a 30-days period, starting from receipt of the goods. Microplan® does not take any responsibility for damages resulting from any kind of accidental events that occur during the use of its products. Microplan® does not take any responsibility or warranty for materials and / or product parts that are not produced by Microplan® nor for damages resulting from uses that are unknown at the time of order or of order confirmation. Microplan® is not responsible for direct or indirect damages, arising from the replacement times that are necessary for repair and / or replacement under warranty. The warranty will be void in the event that the Customer:
- does not perform perfectly operations and / or installations that he must execute;
- performs or lets third parties perform repairs, replacements, modifications or other interventions on the products during the warranty period, without prior written permission of Microplan®;
- does not respect requirements, method of use and indications of the seller regarding the proper use, regular maintenance and storage of products.
During our warranty period, Microplan® commits to repair or substitute free of charge any product not conform to our standard and take it back to our facilities. Any transport charge will be on the Customer’s side. Whenever the size or the weight of these products will make transportation complicated, Microplan® commit spare parts and specialized labour of its own, with given limit of appliance to the destination country stated on the delivery note. On Customer’s charge will be any other expenses due to further transportation of goods and travelling hours, plus eventual board and lodging of our staff. Customer commits to guarantee availability of the product for all the due time needed for intervention.
The Microplan® products comply with legislation and regulations in force in Italy. Consequently, the customer takes the responsibility to verify any existing differences between the Italian rules and those of the country of destination of products, and to inform Microplan® about the regulations about safety and safeguard of public health in force in the country where the product will be sold and used. Any costs relating to product compliance according to the regulations of the country where the product will be sold will be exclusively charged to the Customer.
The Product will belong to Microplan Italia Srl until the amount agreed with the order confirmation is fully paid. Until full payment of the goods, the Customer will be considered as a simple owner of the product and therefore will have to keep it in perfect condition, as required by Article 1768 of the Italian Civil Code.
These general sales conditions cancel and replace all previous ones. Any derogation from these conditions will have to be validated and confirmed in written form by Microplan® with the order confirmation.
For all aspects not regulated by these General Sales Conditions or in individual sales contracts, the current Italian law is applicable. Any disputes arising from the application of the General Conditions of Sale or in the interpretation of individual sales contracts are governed by Italian law. The regulating language of these General Conditions is Italian, despite any translation into another language. In case of discrepancy between the Italian text and the translated text, the Parties agree that the text in Italian will prevail and will be the official document used to interpret these Terms and Conditions.
CondizioniGeneraliVendita.indd - Vers. 21/02
Under General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), Microplan® informs that: the Buyer’s data are processed and / or communicated to third parties (eg. Xxxxx, consultants, etc ...) in compliance with the aforementioned law, solely for the performance of contracts; the Buyer has the right, at any time, to exercise the rights as per the complete informative available on the website .
Customer agrees to treat all information / data / drawings / Know-how / documentation received and / or learned from Microplan® as confidential, to limit the use of such confidential information
/ documents and its access for purposes related to the execution of the contract. Confidential information / documentation may not be reproduced without the prior written consent of Microplan®.
All disputes arising in connection with the purchase agreement, including those about validity, interpretation, execution and termination, shall be referred to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Vercelli (ITALIA).
Conditions Générales de Ventes
Toutes les ventes et livraisons de Microplan® Group (Microplan Italia Srl et Microplan France Sas) - ci-après Microplan® - seront effectuées uniquement et exclusivement selon les Conditions Générales de Ventes ci-après. Toute condition énoncée par le client doit être considérée comme nulle et non avenue, en cas de conflit avec ces conditions.
Chaque commande issue d’une offre doit être reçue par Microplan® avant la date limite indiquée sur l’offre elle-même. Après cette date limite, Microplan® a le droit de considérer que l’offre n’est plus valide et de mettre à jour les prix ou les conditions. Toutes les commandes doivent être reçues avec les indications précises des quantités, des différents éléments et des numéros de plan pour les produits spéciaux, avec mise à jour de l’indice de révision de la version à produire. Les commandes représentent un engagement pour le Client et deviennent un engagement pour Microplan® après confirmation de la commande. La commande est considérée comme implicitement acceptée par le client si la confirmation de commande n’est pas contestée dans les 10 (dix) jours suivant l’émission. Tout changement ou annulation de commandes déjà soumises doit toujours être demandé par le Client sous forme écrite et doit être évalué et accepté par Microplan®, qui se réserve le droit - en cas de fournitures spéciales, selon le dessin du client ou non standard (non inclus dans le catalogue) - de quantifier l’étendue du travail déjà effectué jusqu’au moment de la réception d’annulation. Microplan® se réserve également le droit, afin d’améliorer les performances et la qualité, de fournir des produits catalogue standard avec des caractéristiques esthétiques et/ou techniques autres que celles indiquées sur la documentation, à condition que les caractéristiques fonctionnelles ne soient pas modifiées.
Microplan® n’assume pas la responsabilité des dommages ou des blessures causés par l’utilisation inappropriée des produits fournis.
Microplan® fournit les marchandises DEPART USINE «EX WORKS». La livraison de la marchandise commandées se fera dans le respect des conditions et modalités mentionnées dans la confirmation de commande, selon la dernière version des «INCOTERMS»: aucune pénalité ou réclamation, liée aux retards de livraison suite à l’exécution de la commande, ne sera acceptée. L’expédition ne sera effectuée que sur demande explicite de l’acheteur, qui reste responsable, à la réception de la marchandise, de la vérification de l’emballage et de la conformité avec les documents de livraison, même si les conditions accordent le
«DAP» (voir § 8).
La méthode et le type d’emballage du produit sont à la discrétion de Microplan®. Le coût de l’emballage est inclus dans le prix du produit selon les standards suivis par Microplan®. Les frais de livraison d’emballages spéciaux ou de traitements spéciaux (différents matériaux, fumigation, traitements phytosanitaires) seront facturés au Client et quantifiés séparément.
Tous les produits du catalogue sont fournis selon les listes de prix en vigueur au moment de l’offre et de la confirmation de la commande (voir 1). Pour tous les produits spéciaux et fabriqués selon le ou les plans du client, les prix seront définis à chaque fois, pour chaque commande, en tenant compte des conditions de validité de l’offre. Tous les prix des marchandises livrées sont définis départ depuis l’entrepôt Microplan®, y compris pour les emballages standards. Microplan® garantit la validité des prix des livraisons spéciales au client, à l’exception de l’augmentation des coûts matériels ou de main-d’œuvre ou d’autres facteurs. Microplan® émettra la facture en fonction du prix indiqué dans la confirmation de commande qui définira également les modalités et les méthodes de paiement.
Les délais de livraison indiqués par Microplan® dans la confirmation de la commande, bien qu’ils soient généralement respectés, restent simplement indicatifs et peuvent changer dans les conditions suivantes:
a) l’absence, l’inexactitude ou le retard du client envoyant des plans, des approbations ou des instructions nécessaires à l’exécution de la commande;
b) force majeure, comme l’absence ou la pénurie d’énergie, grèves totales ou partielles et tout autre événement échappant au contrôle de Microplan®;
c) toute modification de la commande demandée par le client après la confirmation de la commande et acceptée par Microplan®;
d) le défaut du Client de se conformer aux conditions de paiement.
En aucun cas, Microplan® n’acceptera de pénalités ou de frais pour retard de livraison..
Les modalités de paiement spécifiées dans l’offre et dans la confirmation de commande doivent être respectées par le client. Après la durée de paiement convenue, en plus du droit de percevoir le paiement, des pénalités de retard correspondant à 3 fois le taux de l’intérêt légal seront applicables en l’absence ou en cas de retard de paiement et une indemnité forfaitaire de 40€ pour frais de recouvrement sera appliquée (articles L441-3 et L441-6 du code du commerce). En outre, en cas de non-paiement par le client, Microplan® se réserve le droit:
- de suspendre la livraison des fournitures en cours ou d’annuler la quantité restante commandée en avisant le client qui n’aura droit à aucune compensation ou indemnité;
- de modifier les conditions de paiement et les remises pour les fournitures futures, en demandant également un paiement anticipé ou l’émission de garanties supplémentaires.
Les réclamations relatives à toute altération ou à la disparition de marchandises doivent être présentées obligatoirement par le déposant au transporteur, en signant le document de livraison comme étant « soumis à contrôle ». Le destinataire doit signaler et dénoncer les vices apparents et cachés dans les huit jours suivant la réception des marchandises. La réclamation n’entraînera jamais l’annulation ou la réduction de la commande par le client ou un retard de paiement. Tout défaut d’emballage doit être signalé sous forme écrite, sous peine d’invalidation, au moment de la livraison, en signant tous les documents sous réserve de vérification. Aucune réclamation concernant la qualité et/ou l’intégrité du produit ou de l’emballage ne sera acceptée si le document de livraison n’est pas signé sous réserve.
Le retour des marchandises de toute nature (retour pour les marchandises non conformes, pour les marchandises en cours, pour réparation) doit être préalablement convenu avec nos bureaux commerciaux et autorisé par le document complété RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization), disponible sur le site Web xxx.xxxxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxx en section téléchargement / conditions commerciales. Tous les retours pour non-conformité ne seront acceptés qu’avec un emballage et un contenu d’origine parfaitement intacts. Le retour des marchandises déjà facturées, en raison d’une mauvaise commande faite par le Client, entraînera une charge de 15% de la valeur facturée. Les marchandises défectueuses doivent être retournées, sans frais et avec une copie de la RMA autorisée déclarant la qualité et la quantité des marchandises retournées, vices ou défauts identifiés, la raison de la réclamation, les références du bon de livraison / facture originale.
La garantie Microplan® dure 12 mois à partir de la date de livraison des marchandises. Cette garantie se limite exclusivement à la réparation ou au remplacement gratuit (à la discrétion de Microplan®) des pièces/produits reconnus comme défectueux, en raison de défauts dans les matériaux ou la fabrication, à l’exception des pièces d’usure normale et celles qui ne sont plus disponibles sur le marché ainsi que les défaillances causées par la surcharge, l’inexpérience, la négligence ou le non-respect des instructions fournies par le vendeur. L’Acheteur, sous peine d’invalidation, dénonce les vices et les défauts des produits à Microplan® dans les 8 jours suivant la réception des marchandises. La garantie sur les tolérances géométriques pour les produits standard ou personnalisés est limitée pour une période de 30 jours, à partir de la réception des marchandises. Microplan® n’assume aucune responsabilité pour les dommages résultant d’événements accidentels qui se produisent lors de l’utilisation de ses produits. Microplan® n’assume aucune responsabilité ou garantie pour les matériaux et/ou les parties qui ne sont pas produits par Microplan® ni pour les dommages résultant d’utilisations inconnues au moment de la confirmation de commande ou de la commande. Microplan® n’est pas responsable des dommages directs ou indirects, découlant des délais de remplacement nécessaires à la réparation et/ou au remplacement sous garantie. La garantie sera annulée dans le cas où le client:
- n’effectue pas parfaitement les opérations et/ou les installations qu’il doit exécuter;
- effectue ou permet à des tiers d’effectuer des réparations, des remplacements, des modifications ou d’autres interventions sur les produits pendant la période de garantie, sans autorisation écrite préalable de Microplan®;
- ne respecte pas les exigences, la méthode d’utilisation et les indications du vendeur concernant l’utilisation appropriée, l’entretien régulier et le stockage des produits.
Pendant notre période de garantie, Microplan® s’engage à réparer ou à remplacer gratuitement tout produit non conforme à son standard et à le ramener dans ses installations. Tous les frais de transport seront du côté du Client. Chaque fois que la taille ou le poids de ces produits compliquera le transport, Microplan® engagera à sa charge ses pièces de rechange et sa main-d’œuvre spécialisée, limités au pays de destination indiquée sur le bon de livraison. Le client sera facturé de toute autre dépense due à l’augmentation du trajet de transport des marchandises et des heures de voyage, ainsi que la pension éventuelle et l’hébergement de notre personnel. Le client s’engage à garantir la disponibilité du produit pendant tout le temps nécessaire à l’intervention.
Les produits Microplan® sont conformes à la législation et à la réglementation en vigueur en France. Par conséquent, le client prend la responsabilité de vérifier les différences existantes entre les règles françaises et celles du pays de destination des produits, et d’informer Microplan® sur les réglementations relatives à la sécurité et à la sauvegarde de la santé publique dans le pays où le produit sera vendu et utilisé. Tous les coûts liés à la conformité du produit conformément à la réglementation du pays où le produit sera vendu seront exclusivement facturés au Client.
Le produit appartiendra à Microplan France SAS jusqu’à ce que le montant convenu par la confirmation de commande soit entièrement payé, selon la loi 80.335 du 12 mai 1980. Jusqu’au paiement intégral des marchandises, le Client sera considéré comme un « simple propriétaire » du produit et devra donc le maintenir en parfait état.
Ces Conditions Générales de Vente annulent et remplacent toutes les conditions précédentes. Toute dérogation à ces conditions devra être validée et confirmée sous forme écrite par Microplan® avec la confirmation de commande.
Pour tous les aspects non réglementés par ces Conditions Générales de Vente ou dans les contrats de vente individuels, la loi française actuelle est applicable. Tout litige découlant de l’application des Conditions Générales de Vente ou de l’interprétation des contrats de vente individuels est régi par le droit français. La langue règlementaire de ces Conditions Générales de Vente est le français, malgré toute traduction dans une autre langue. En cas d’écart entre le texte français et le texte traduit, les Parties conviennent que le texte en français prévaudra et sera le document officiel utilisé pour interpréter ces Termes et Conditions.
CondizioniGeneraliVendita.indd - Vers. 21/02
En vertu du Règlement général sur la protection des données (UE) 2016/679 (GDPR), Microplan® informe que: les données de l’acheteur sont traitées et/ou communiquées à des tiers (par exemple: Banques, consultants, etc. en conformité avec la loi susmentionnée, uniquement pour l’exécution des contrats; l’Acheteur a le droit, à tout moment, d’exercer les droits selon l’information complète disponible sur le site.
Le client s’engage à traiter toutes les informations / données / plans / savoir-faire / documentations reçues et / ou connues de Microplan® comme confidentielles, afin de limiter l’utilisation de ces informations confidentielles / documents et son accès aux fins liées à l’exécution du contrat. Les renseignements confidentiels et les documents ne peuvent être reproduits sans le consentement écrit préalable de Microplan®.
Tous les litiges relatifs au contrat d’achat, y compris ceux relatifs à la validité, à l’interprétation, à l’exécution et à la résiliation, sont renvoyés à la juridiction exclusive du tribunal de GUERET (France).
General Sales Conditions
All sales and deliveries of Microplan® Group (Microplan Italia Srl and Microplan France Sas) – hereinafter Microplan® - will be made only and exclusively according to the General Sales Conditions hereafter. Any term or condition stated by the customer is to be considered null and void, if in conflict with these conditions.
Each order following an offer must be received by Microplan® by the deadline indicated on the offer itself. After this deadline, Microplan® has the right to consider the offer no longer valid and update prices or conditions. All orders must be received with the precise indications of quantities, items and drawing numbers for special items, complete with index revision updated to the version to be produced. Orders represent a commitment for the Customer and become a commitment for Microplan® after order confirmation. The order is considered implicitly accepted by the customer if the order confirmation is not contested within 10 (ten) days from the issue. Any changes or cancellations of already submitted orders must always be requested by the Customer in written form and must be assessed and accepted by Microplan®, which reserves the right – in case of special supplies, according to customer’s drawing or non-standard (not included in the Catalogue) – to quantify the extent of the work already performed up to the time of the cancellation receipt. Microplan® also reserves the right, in order to improve performance and quality, to provide standard catalogue products with aesthetic and / or technical features other than those indicated on the documentation, provided that functional characteristics are not changed.
Microplan® does not assume liability for any damages or injuries caused by improper use of the supplied products.
Microplan® supplies goods under “EX WORKS” condition. Delivery of the goods will be done in compliance of conditions and terms mentioned in the order confirmation, according to the last version of the “INCOTERMS”: no penalties or complaints, related to delays in delivery time following the completion of the order will be accepted. Shipment will be carried out only upon explicit assignment/ mandate of the purchaser, which remains responsible, upon receipt of the goods, of the verification of the packing and the correspondence to the shipping documents, even when the terms grant the “DAP” (see §. 8).
The method and the type of packaging of the material are at the discretion of Microplan®. The cost of packaging is included in the product price according to the standard expected by Microplan®. Costs for any supplies of special packaging or with special treatments (different materials, fumigation, phytosanitary treatments) will be charged to the Customer, and quantified separately.
All products in the catalogue are supplied according to the price lists in force at the time of the offer and the order confirmation (see § 1). For all special products and manufactured according to customer’s drawing, the prices will be defined every time for each order, taking into consideration the terms of offer validity. All prices are for goods delivered Ex works in warehouse Microplan®, included standard packaging. Microplan® guarantees the validity of prices for special deliveries to the customer, except for increases in material or labour costs or other factors. Microplan® will issue the invoice based on the price indicated in the order confirmation which will also define payment terms and methods.
Delivery times indicated by Microplan® in the order confirmation, despite being generally respected, remain merely indicative and may change under the following conditions:
a) lack, inaccuracy or delay by the customer sending drawings, approvals or instructions necessary for the execution of the order;
b) force majeure, such as the lack or shortage of engine power, total or partial strikes and any other event beyond the control of Microplan®;
c) any changes to the order requested by the customer after the order confirmation and accepted by Microplan®
d) failure of the Customer to comply with payment terms
In any case, Microplan® will not accept penalties or charges for delivery delays.
Payment terms specified in the offer and in the order confirmation must be respected by the customer. After the expiry of the agreed payment term, in case missing or delayed payment shall occur, in addition to the right to collect the payment, fees will be applied, corresponding to 3x the legal interest rate, in addition to a forfeit indemnity of € 40,- as compensation for administrative costs (articles L441- 3 and L441-6 of commercial code). Moreover, in case of non-payment by the customer, Microplan® reserves the right:
- to suspend the delivery of current supplies or cancel the remaining ordered quantity by giving notice to the customer who will not be entitled to have any compensation or indemnity;
- to change payment conditions and discount for future supplies, also requesting advance payment or the issue of further guarantees.
Complaints for any tampering or missing goods must be presented compulsorily by the consignee to the carrier, by signing the delivery document as “subject to control.” The consignee must report and denounce apparent and hidden defects within eight days after receipt of goods. The complaint will never result in the cancellation or reduction of the order by the customer or delayed payment.
Any packaging defect must be reported in written form, under penalty of invalidation, at the time of delivery, signing all the documents under reserve of verification on documents. No complaint about quality and / or integrity of the product or packaging will be accepted, if the delivery document is not signed under reserve.
The return of goods of any kind (return for non-compliant goods, for goods under process, for repair) must be previously agreed with our sales offices and authorized through completion of the document RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization), available on the website xxx.xxxxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxx in section download / trading conditions. Any returns for non-compliance will be accepted only with original packaging and contents perfectly intact. The return of goods already invoiced, due to wrong order made by the Customer, will result in a charge of 15% of the invoiced value. Defective goods must be returned, free of charges and with a copy of the authorized RMA reporting quality and quantity of the returned goods, identified faults or defects, complaint reason, references of original delivery note
/ invoice.
Microplan® warranty lasts for 12 months from the delivery date of the goods. This warranty is limited exclusively to the free repair or replacement (at Microplan® discretion) of pieces / products recognized as defective, due to defects in material or manufacturing, with the exception of parts of normal wear and those that are no longer available on market as well as the failures caused by overload, inexperience, negligence or non-observance of the instructions supplied by the Seller. The Buyer shall, under penalty of invalidation, denounce vices and defects of the Products to Microplan® within 8 days from receipt of goods. Warranty on geometrical tolerances for standard or custom products is limited for a 30-days period, starting from receipt of the goods. Microplan® does not take any responsibility for damages resulting from any kind of accidental events that occur during the use of its products. Microplan® does not take any responsibility or warranty for materials and / or product parts that are not produced by Microplan® nor for damages resulting from uses that are unknown at the time of order or of order confirmation. Microplan® is not responsible for direct or indirect damages, arising from the replacement times that are necessary for repair and / or replacement under warranty. The warranty will be void in the event that the Customer:
- does not perform perfectly operations and / or installations that he must execute;
- performs or lets third parties perform repairs, replacements, modifications or other interventions on the products during the warranty period, without prior written permission of Microplan®;
- does not respect requirements, method of use and indications of the seller regarding the proper use, regular maintenance and storage of products.
During our warranty period, Microplan commits to repair or substitute free of charge any product not conform to our standard and take it back to our facilities. Any transport charge will be on the Customer’s side. Whenever the size or the weight of these products will make transportation complicated, Microplan commit spare parts and specialized labour of its own, with given limit of appliance to the destination country stated on the delivery note. On Customer’s charge will be any other expenses due to further transportation of goods and travelling hours, plus eventual board and lodging of our staff. Customer commits to guarantee availability of the product for all the due time needed for intervention.
The Microplan® products comply with legislation and regulations in force in Italy. Consequently, the customer takes the responsibility to verify any existing differences between the French rules and those of the country of destination of products, and to inform Microplan® about the regulations about safety and safeguard of public health in force in the country where the product will be sold and used. Any costs relating to product compliance according to the regulations of the country where the product will be sold will be exclusively charged to the Customer.
The Product will belong to Microplan France SAS until the amount agreed with the order confirmation is fully paid, according to law 80.335 dated 12th May 1980. Until full payment of the goods, the Customer will be considered as “simple owner” of the product and therefore will have to keep it in perfect condition.
These general sales conditions cancel and replace all previous ones. Any derogation from these conditions will have to be validated and confirmed in written form by Microplan® with the order confirmation.
For all aspects not regulated by these General Sales Conditions or in individual sales contracts, the current French law is applicable. Any disputes arising from the application of the General Conditions of Sale or in the interpretation of individual sales contracts are governed by French law. The regulating language of these General Conditions is French, despite any translation into another language. In case of discrepancy between the French text and the translated text, the Parties agree that the text in French will prevail and will be the official document used to interpret these Terms and Conditions.
CondizioniGeneraliVendita.indd - Vers. 22/00
Under General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) regulation, Microplan® informs that: the Buyer’s data are processed and / or communicated to third parties (e.g. Banks, consultants, etc...) in compliance with the aforementioned law, solely for the performance of contracts; the Buyer has the right, at any time, to exercise the rights as per the complete informative available on the website.
Customer agrees to treat all information / data / drawings / Know-how / documentation received and / or learned from Microplan® as confidential, to limit the use of such confidential information
/ documents and its access for purposes related to the execution of the contract. Confidential information / documentation may not be reproduced without the prior written consent of Microplan®.
All disputes arising in connection with the purchase agreement, including those about validity, interpretation, execution and termination, shall be referred to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of GUERET (FRANCE).
Allegato / Annex 1
Il presente allegato tecnico costituisce parte integrante del preventivo per il componente in granito richiesto.
L’offerta è stata calcolata tenendo conto delle dimensioni e delle tolleranze espressamente richieste ed indicate a disegno. Per quanto riguarda le tolleranze generali indicate nel cartiglio, data la peculiarità delle lavorazioni sul granito, non sono state prese in considerazione: di seguito si allega il disegno delle tolleranze standard ottenibili con le normali lavorazioni su granito, che sostituiscono - se non diversamente specificato - quelle indicate in cartiglio. In particolare le facce che non richiedono una planarità specifica, subiscono una lavorazione volta ad ottenere un risultato puramente estetico, mentre non sono contemplate le tolleranze dimensionali e geometriche, in ogni caso differenti da quelle ottenibili su metallo.
Sul disegno M.110707.000 allegato, sono indicate le tolleranze ottenibili con le lavorazioni standard. Nel caso in cui siano richieste tolleranze più strette, saranno necessarie lavorazioni aggiuntive che richiederanno un adeguamento dei costi.
E’ preferibile la fornitura dei disegni esecutivi in formato DXF in modo da permettere l’utilizzo del CAD-CAM.
This technical annex is an integral part
of the requested quotation for granite component.
The offer was calculated considering the size and the tolerances required and specifically indicated on drawings. With regard to the general tolerances indicated in the title block, due to the peculiarities of working on granite, they have not been taken in account: below is attached the drawing with the standard tolerances achievable by the normal workings of granite, which replace - unless otherwise specified - those indicated in the title block. In particular, the faces that do not require a flatness, undergo treatment aimed at obtaining a result purely aesthetic, while the dimensional and geometric tolerances are not considered, and in each case are different from those obtained on metal working.
The drawing M.110707.000 attached, shows the tolerances achievable with standard processing. In cases where closer tolerances are required, additional workings will be needed with a consequent adjustment of costs.
It is preferable the provision of the executive drawings in DXF format in order to allow the use of CAD-CAM.
Annex_123.indd Vers. 24/09 Page 1/3
Xxx Xxxxx Xxxx, 0 - Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx xx Xxxxxxxxxxx - 00000 Xxxxxxx (XX) Xxxxxx
Tel. x00 0000 00000 Fax x00 0000 000000 xxx@xxxxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxx xxx.xxxxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxx
P.I. 01635850025
Allegato / Annex 2
(see table)
L | ±0.5 mm UNTIL 500 mm; ±1 mm UNTIL 1000 mm; ±2 mm UNTIL 2000 mm; ±3 mm OVER |
W | ±0.5 mm UNTIL 500 mm; ±1 mm UNTIL 1000 mm; ±2 mm UNTIL 2000 mm; ±3 mm OVER |
T | ± 2 mm UNTIL 300 mm; ± 3 mm OVER |
I | FROM 0.3 TO 1 mm |
F | THREAD DEPTH 0 /+2 mm |
D | ± 1 mm; ± 2 mm OVER 200 |
M | ±1 mm |
C | ±1 mm |
P | ±0.5 mm UNTIL 500 mm; ±1 mm OVER 500 mm; |
E | ±1 mm |
H | ±1 mm |
* The start of the holes from xxx xxxx (A dimension), if the adjacent surface is ground, has a tolerance of ± 0.2 mm;
if the adjacent surface is rough or polished, it will depend on the geometry of the piece.
Annex_123.indd Vers. 24/09 Page 2/3
Xxx Xxxxx Xxxx, 0 - X. X. xx Xxxxxxxxxxx
13019 Varallo (VC) Italia Tel. x00 0000 00000 Fax x00 0000 000000
xxx@xxxxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxx xxx.xxxxxxxxx-xxxxx.xxx VAT IT01635850025
Allegato / Annex 3
øM | øD | L | F | T(N) | S(Nm) |
M3 | 7.8 | 12 | 9 | 5124 | 2 |
M4 | 9.8 | 16 | 11 | 6813 | 3 |
M5 | 11.8 | 20 | 14 | 10204 | 6 |
M6 | 12.8 | 27 | 17 | 14565 | 10 |
M8 | 14.8 | 34 | 23 | 21023 | 25 |
M10 | 17.8 | 42 | 28 | 31154 | 50 |
M12 | 19.8 | 50 | 33 | 40996 | 85 |
M14 | 21.8 | 60 | 42 | 53762 | 135 |
M16 | 29.8 | 60 | 44 | 75455 | 200 |
øM = Diametro Filettatura / Thread diameter øD = Diametro esterno / Outer diameter
L = Lunghezza totale inserto / Insert length
F = Lunghezza filettatura / Thread length
T = Resistenza allo sfilamento per trazione dopo incollaggio resistance to extraction after gluing
S = Coppia massima di serraggio / Maximum tightening torque
Prodotto / Product: Inserti Filettati Standard Threaded inserts
Materiale / Material:
AISI 303
Norme di riferimento:
The inserts in the table are dimensioned for the use of screws in class 8.8 - Friction coefficient 0.15. Pay attention to the friction coefficient and any additional forces applied which may affect the seal of the inserts.
The tensile strength values of the inserts indicated in the table are guaranteed only for applications at ambient temperatures between 0° and 50°C.
For use with different or higher temperatures, the resistance changes!
For specific requests please contact our Technical Office.
Annex_123.indd Vers. 24/01 Page 1/3