L E G N A R O (PD)
N. 468 del 14/12/2020
OGGETTO: Approvazione dello schema di ``Master Service Agreement`` tra questo Istituto e Tube Pharmaceuticals GmbH con sede in Vienna (AUstria)
Atto sottoscritto digitalmente ai sensi del D.Lgs. 82/2005 s.m.i. e norme collegate e sostituisce il documento cartaceo e la firma autografa
L E G N A R O (PD)
OGGETTO: Approvazione dello schema di ``Master Service Agreement`` tra questo Istituto e Tube Pharmaceuticals GmbH con sede in Vienna (AUstria)
Si sottopone al Direttore generale la seguente relazione del Responsabile della SS Affari Generali Anticorruzione e Trasparenza.
Si premette che:
- l’articolo 1, comma 6, del Decreto Legislativo n. 270/1993, confermato all’art. 9, comma 2, del Decreto Legislativo n. 106/2012, consente agli Istituti Zooprofilattici Sperimentali di “[…] stipulare convenzioni o contratti di consulenza per la fornitura di servizi e per l’erogazione di prestazioni ad enti, associazioni, organizzazioni pubbliche e private, sulla base di disposizioni regionali, fatte salve le competenze delle unità sanitarie locali”;
- l’articolo 5, comma 1 – rubricato “Attività verso terzi” – dell’Accordo per la gestione dell’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie approvato dalla Regione del Veneto, dalla Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia e dalle Province Autonome di Trento e Bolzano, rispettivamente, con Leggi n. 5/2015, n. 9/2015, n. 5/2015 e n. 5/2015, prevede, del pari, che “Fermo restando l’assolvimento dei propri compiti istituzionali, l'istituto può fornire prestazioni a terzi a titolo oneroso, stipulando convenzioni o contratti di consulenza per la fornitura di servizi e per l'erogazione di prestazioni a enti, associazioni, organizzazioni pubbliche e private sulla base di disposizioni regionali, fatte salve le competenze delle aziende unità sanitarie locali. (…)”;
- con riferimento a tali disposizioni, l’art. 5, comma 1, dello Statuto dell’Istituto – adottato con DCA n. 16 del 3.8.2015 e approvato con DGRV n. 1320 del 9.10.2015 – prevede che l’Istituto “può fornire prestazioni a terzi a titolo oneroso, stipulando convenzioni o contratti di consulenza per la fornitura di servizi e per l'erogazione di prestazioni a soggetti privati, ad imprese, enti, associazioni, organizzazioni pubbliche e private sulla
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X.X.X.Xx – Deliberazione del DIRETTORE GENERALE
base di disposizioni degli enti cogerenti […]”; il comma 2 del citato art. 5, stabilisce che “Nelle more delle disposizioni di cui al punto precedente, l’Istituto continua ad applicare le modalità in atto”;
- l’art. 6, comma 2, lett. e) del D. Lgs. n. 270/1993, confermato all’art. 3, comma 2, lett. e) della Legge della Regione del Veneto n. 5 del 18.3.2015, prevede che il finanziamento degli Istituti Zooprofilattici Sperimentali sia, inoltre, assicurato “dagli introiti per la fornitura di servizi e per l’erogazione di prestazioni a pagamento”;
- i vigenti documenti di programmazione di IZSVe prevedono – tra gli indirizzi approvati – la promozione e l’incentivazione di attività progettuali finanziate da soggetti terzi ad integrazione del finanziamento istituzionale.
Tube Pharmaceuticals GmBh, Biotech Competence Center con sede in Vienna (Austria) (di seguito “Tube”) e Mecoxcuremed Co. Ltd con sede in Seoul (South Xxxxx), con nota dell’1.09.2020 acquisita a ns prot. n. 8992/2020 hanno richiesto a questo Istituto di addivenire alla stipula di un Accordo c.d. “Master Services Agreement”, per la fornitura di servizi riguardanti l’esecuzione di analisi ex-vivo/in vitro contro Sars-Cov-2.
In base agli accordi intercorsi tra questo Istituto e le suindicate società e nell’ambito della collaborazione scientifica in essere tra Tube stessa e Mecoxcuremed Co. Ltd, è stato convenuto che Tube debba considerarsi unico referente per la tenuta dei rapporti con l’IZSVe, fino all’estinzione di ogni rapporto con l’Istituto, intendendosi conferita alla medesima società la rappresentanza esclusiva nei confronti di IZSVe per i servizi resi nell’ambito dell’accordo (rif. nota del 21.10.2020, acquisita a ns. prot. n. 9479/2020).
Con ticket intranet n. 151948/2020 il Xxxx. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Dirigente Veterinario in servizio presso la “SCS6 – Virologia speciale e sperimentazione”, ha richiesto a questa Struttura di procedere con l’iter amministrativo per la conclusione dell’Accordo con Tube Pharmaceuticals GmBh , allegando, tra i documenti, la propria dichiarazione per la stipula del contratto con la suindicata ditta.
Al fine di formalizzare il rapporto, l’IZSVe e Tube Pharmaceuticals GmBh hanno concordato lo schema di Accordo denominato “Master Services Agreement” (MSA) documento che, unitamente agli allegati n. 1 “Work Order Form” n. 2 “Change of Order Form” e n. 3 “Declaration Mecoxcuremed Co. Ltd”, si allega al presente provvedimento quale parte integrante e sostanziale (allegato n. 1).
In base all’art. 1 del suddetto documento, durante la vigenza contrattuale, Tube Pharmaceuticals GmBh potrà richiedere all’IZSVe determinati servizi, anche per conto di Mecoxcuremed Co. Ltd.. per i quali verrà inviato – di volta in volta – un preventivo del servizio richiesto e a fronte del quale sarà stipulato lo specifico “Work Order Form”. Nel documento in parola sarà dettagliata la tipologia di prestazione e i relativi aspetti economici che verranno fatturati a Tube, nel rispetto dei termini e delle condizioni previste nel “Master Service Agreement” ed in conformità all’allegato n. 1 allo stesso.
Eventuali modifiche ai servizi relativi ad un Ordine di lavoro, potranno essere apportate solo previo consenso scritto di Tube Pharmaceuticals GmBh . Per le modifiche con un probabile impatto su costi, qualità o scadenze, sarà necessario l'utilizzo del modulo “Change Order Form” di cui all’allegato n. 2 del MSA.
Il “Master Service Agreement” non comporta oneri economici a carico delle parti.
Tutto ciò premesso, sulla base degli elementi riportati dal referente dell’istruttoria, si propone al Direttore generale quanto segue:
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X.X.X.Xx – Deliberazione del DIRETTORE GENERALE
1. di approvare lo schema di “Master Services Agreement” tra Tube Pharmaceuticals GmBh , con sede in Vienna, (Austria), rappresentato dal Chief Executive Officier, Xxxx. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, e l’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, nella persona del Direttore generale e legale rappresentante pro tempore Dott.ssa Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, per la fornitura di servizi riguardanti l’esecuzione di analisi ex-vivo/in vitro contro Sars-Cov-2, documento che - unitamente agli allegati n. 1“Work Order Form” n. 2 “Change of Order Form” e n. 3 “Declaration Mecoxcuremed Co. Ltd”, si allega al presente provvedimento quale parte integrante e sostanziale (allegato n. 1).
2. di procedere, per l’effetto, alla sottoscrizione del contratto di cui al punto che precede, ai sensi degli artt. 15 e 16 del vigente Accordo interregionale sulla gestione dell’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie;
3. di dare atto che l’Accordo costituirà la base per i successivi “Work Order Form” che definiranno nello specifico - e caso per caso - le attività richieste da Tube Pharmaceuticals GmBh, anche per conto di Mecoxcuremed Co. Ltd., nonchè gli aspetti economici, nel rispetto dei termini e delle condizioni previste nel “Master Services Agreement” e in conformità ai modelli allegati allo stesso;
4. di assegnare al Xxxx. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx la responsabilità scientifica per la realizzazione delle attività di cui il presente Accordo e degli specifici “Work Order”;
5. di imputare gli introiti per la fornitura dei servizi, di volta in volta dettagliati negli specifici “Work Order”, al sottoconto 620011003 “Ricavi per prestazioni sanitarie erogate a soggetti privati - Altre convenzioni forfettarie” del Bilancio Economico Preventivo 2020 e futuri (centro di costo da individuare);
6. di prendere atto che l’Accordo di cui al punto 1, non prevede oneri economici a carico delle parti.
ESAMINATA la proposta di deliberazione del Responsabile della SS Affari Generali Anticorruzione e Trasparenza che attesta la regolarità della stessa in ordine ai contenuti sostanziali, formali e di legittimità dell’atto, attestazione allegata al presente provvedimento.
VISTA l’attestazione di copertura della spesa, ove prevista, allegata al presente provvedimento.
VISTO il decreto del Presidente della Giunta regionale del Veneto n. 102 del 22 settembre 2020 con il quale è stata nominata la dott.ssa Xxxxxxx Xxxxx quale Direttore generale dell’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie.
VISTA la DDG n. 332 del 22 luglio 2016 con la quale il xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx è stato nominato Direttore amministrativo dell’Istituto.
VISTA la DDG n. 372 del 14.10.2020 con la quale la dott.ssa Gioia Capelli è stata nominata Direttore sanitario dell’Istituto.
ACQUISITO il parere favorevole del Direttore amministrativo e del Direttore sanitario per quanto di competenza, espresso ai sensi dell’art. 15, comma 3, dello Statuto dell’Istituto,
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X.X.X.Xx – Deliberazione del DIRETTORE GENERALE
adottato con delibera del CdA n. 16 del 3 agosto 2015 e approvato con DGRV n. 1320 del 9 ottobre 2015.
VISTO l’Accordo per la gestione dell’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie tra la Regione del Veneto, la Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia e le Province Autonome di Trento e Bolzano, approvato dai suddetti Enti, rispettivamente, con leggi n. 5/2015, n. 9/2015, n. 5/2015 e n. 5/2015.
1. di approvare lo schema di “Master Services Agreement” tra Tube Pharmaceuticals GmBh , con sede in Vienna, (Austria), rappresentato dal Chief Executive Officier, Xxxx. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, e l’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, nella persona del Direttore generale e legale rappresentante pro tempore Dott.ssa Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, per la fornitura di servizi riguardanti l’esecuzione di analisi ex-vivo/in vitro contro Sars-Cov-2, documento che - unitamente agli allegati n. 1“Work Order Form” n. 2 “Change of Order Form” e n. 3 “Declaration Mecoxcuremed Co. Ltd”, si allega al presente provvedimento quale parte integrante e sostanziale (allegato n. 1).
2. di procedere, per l’effetto, alla sottoscrizione del contratto di cui al punto che precede, ai sensi degli artt. 15 e 16 del vigente Accordo interregionale sulla gestione dell’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie;
3. di dare atto che l’Accordo costituirà la base per i successivi “Work Order Form” che definiranno nello specifico - e caso per caso - le attività richieste da Tube Pharmaceuticals GmBh, anche per conto di Mecoxcuremed Co. Ltd., nonchè gli aspetti economici, nel rispetto dei termini e delle condizioni previste nel “Master Services Agreement” e in conformità ai modelli allegati allo stesso;
4. di assegnare al Xxxx. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx la responsabilità scientifica per la realizzazione delle attività di cui il presente Accordo e degli specifici “Work Order”;
5. di imputare gli introiti per la fornitura dei servizi, di volta in volta dettagliati negli specifici “Work Order”, al sottoconto 620011003 “Ricavi per prestazioni sanitarie erogate a soggetti privati - Altre convenzioni forfettarie” del Bilancio Economico Preventivo 2020 e futuri (centro di costo da individuare);
6. di prendere atto che l’Accordo di cui al punto 1, non prevede oneri economici a carico delle parti.
Il presente provvedimento non è soggetto al controllo previsto dall’Accordo per la gestione dell’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie approvato dagli Enti cogerenti con le leggi regionali e provinciali citate nelle premesse.
dott.ssa Xxxxxxx Xxxxx
Sul presente atto deliberativo ha espresso parere favorevole
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X.X.X.Xx – Deliberazione del DIRETTORE GENERALE
Il Direttore amministrativo Il Direttore sanitario xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx dott.ssa Gioia Capelli
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Pagina 5 di 6
X.X.X.Xx – Deliberazione del DIRETTORE GENERALE
Il Responsabile della Struttura proponente attesta la regolarità della proposta di deliberazione, presentata per l’adozione, in ordine ai contenuti sostanziali, formali e di legittimità dell’atto e che la stessa:
Comporta spesa su Finanziamento istituzionale
Finanziamento vincolato
Altri finanziamenti
Non comporta spesa x
Il Responsabile del Budget attesta l’avvenuto controllo sulla disponibilità di budget
Evidenziato infine che il responsabile della Struttura proponente, con la sottoscrizione della proposta di cui al presente atto, dichiara, sotto la propria responsabilità ed ai sensi e agli effetti degli artt. 47 e 76 del dPR 28 dicembre 2000, n. 445, che, in relazione alla presente procedura, non si trova in condizioni di incompatibilità di cui all’art. 35 bis del d.lgs. n. 165/2001, né sussistono conflitti di interesse di cui all’art. 6 bis della legge n. 241/1990 e agli artt. 6, 7 e 14 del dPR n. 62/2013.
dott.ssa Giulia Ferriani
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Viale dell’Università 10 – 00000 XXXXXXX (XX)
OGGETTO: Approvazione dello schema di ``Master Service Agreement`` tra questo Istituto e Tube Pharmaceuticals GmbH con sede in Vienna (AUstria)
Pubblicata dal 15/12/2020 al 30/12/2020 Atto immediatamente esecutivo
Il Responsabile della Pubblicazione Xxxxx Xxxxxxx
Elenco firmatari
Questo documento è stato firmato da:
Dott.ssa Giulia Ferriani - Servizio Affari generali, anticorruzione e trasparenza xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx - Direzione Amministrativa
Dott.ssa Gioia Capelli - Direzione Sanitaria Dott.ssa Xxxxxxx Xxxxx - Direzione Generale Xxxxx Xxxxxxx - - Gestione Atti
(the “Agreement”) between
Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie
Viale dell’Università 10
35020 Legnaro (Padua) Italy
VAT-ID No.: 00206200289
(hereinafter referred to as “Provider”)
Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XxxX Xxxxxxxx. 00, 0000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx
(hereinafter referred to as “Tube”)
VAT-ID No.: ATU 66300807
(hereinafter collectively called the “Parties”)
WHEREAS Tube wishes to procure certain services from Provider regarding the testing of samples for influenza-related parameters.
WHEREAS Provider has knowledge and experience in the performance of such services and has represented that it is willing and able to perform these services on terms and conditions as set forth below;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the Parties agree as follows:
1. Subject of the Agreement
1.1 During the terms of this Agreement, Tube may request and Provider shall perform certain work in the field of in-vitro / in-vivo testing against Sars-Cov-2 and other viruses (the “Service(s)”) on the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
1.2 During the terms of this Agreement - and in compliance with the conditions set forth in the Agreement between IZSVe and Tube and within the context of the scientific collaboration between Tube itself and MecoxCureMed Co. Ltd - IZSVe is authorized, as per the attached declaration (Appendix III), to perform the services referred to in this Agreement also on "material" from MecoxCureMed ltd. Delivery of the aforementioned material will be performed by Tube Pharmaceuticals Gmbh that will always specify the origin of the material and to whom any related service will be billed.
1.3 Tube is to be considered the only reference contact for maintaining relations with IZSVe until the termination of any relationship with the Institute, being Tube conferred with the exclusive representation towards IZSVe for any rendered service performed within the activities foreseen by the present Agreement. IZSVe will be considered totally unrelated to any existing collaboration between Tube and MecoxCureMed ltd.
1.4 The Parties agree on the following procedure for ordering of the Services:
On request of Tube, the Provider shall submit a written service estimate with the description of the requested Services to Tube (“Service Estimate”). Such Service Estimate shall describe in detail the work-package, timelines, deliverables, costs and payment schedule and a coordinating person appointed by Provider. If Tube agree with such Service Estimate then Tube will issue a Work Order in accordance with the template in Appendix I for signature by both Parties. More than one Work Order may be included under the terms of this Agreement, each subsequent to the preceding Work Order and subject to the achieved results, thus requested to continue the services.
1.5 No obligations for Services or costs shall be incurred by either Party hereto unless and until a Work Order has been signed by both Parties in accordance with this Agreement. All Work Orders shall reference and be subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement unless expressly stated otherwise in the respective Work Order by reference to the respective Section in this Agreement and agreed upon the Parties in writing prior to its execution.
1.6 All Services shall begin immediately after execution of the respective Work Order and shall be finalised upon receipt and written approval of the deliverables set forth in the respective Work Order by Tube pursuant to Section 2.2 below.
1.7 Any changes of the Services under a Work Order shall only be made with the prior written consent of Tube. For changes with a likely effect on either costs, quality or
timelines for the rendering of the Services, the use of a “Change Order Form” (Appendix
II) is mandatory.
1.8 Notwithstanding the provisions in Section 1.7, Provider will immediately inform Tube with regard to expected changes regarding the rendering of the Services.
1.9 Provider may not sub-contract or assign its obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of Tube.
1.10 Provider shall also perform the Services for and on behalf of an Affiliate pursuant to this Agreement, provided such Affiliate issues a Work Order (as defined in Section 1.4) for Services making reference to this Agreement and agreeing to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. The term "Affiliate" shall mean any company or business entity which controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with Tube. For purposes of this definition, "control" shall mean the possession, directly or indirectly or the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of an entity (other than a natural person), whether through the majority ownership of voting capital stock, by contract or otherwise.
1.11 In case of a Work Order between an Affiliate and Provider according to Section 9 of this Agreement, any rights and obligations resulting from such Work Order and this Agreement shall exist between the Provider and the respective Affiliate only.
2. Obligations of Provider
2.1 Provider shall keep Tube informed of the progress of the work under a Work Order(s) on a regular basis.
2.2 Provider shall provide Tube with the complete and detailed deliverables and a final report (“Report”) agreed upon in the respective Work Order for Tube review and approval. Upon written request from Tube, Provider shall make any reasonable modifications in such deliverables within ten (10) business days after receipt of Tube’s written request.
2.3 Provider represents and warrants that:
(i) it will use its best efforts to carry out the Services within the times agreed upon and set forth in the Work Order and with all reasonable care and skill in accordance with all applicable laws and all provisions of this Agreement;
(ii) it shall devote the efforts of suitably qualified and trained employees capable of carrying out the Services in a professional manner and complying with work safety regulations and shall provide all necessary facilities therefor;
(iii) the services to be provided to Tube shall be in accordance with the Work Order and best scientific practice;
(iv) it is entitled to transfer the rights according to Article 6 to Tube, and that it has taken all appropriate measures therefore under all applicable local laws and regulations (including the claim of any inventions made by its employees, if necessary).
(v) it has obtained all authorizations and approvals and has notified all authorities necessary for the conduct of animal experiments and it will strictly comply with all laws, regulations and guidelines for the handling, treatment, welfare and ethical treatment of animals in research.
3. Representations and Warranties.
3.1 General Representations – Each Party represents and warrants that it is a duly organized entity in good standing and has power and authority to perform its obligations under this Agreement, and that this Agreement does not conflict with or violate any agreement with a third party and that in the conduct of its business and performance of its obligations hereunder, Tube and IZSVe represent that they will observe and comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. Each Party hereby further represents that, as of the date of execution of this Agreement, the rights granted to the other hereunder do not conflict with the rights of any third party under any agreement with the Party making the representation or any of its Affiliates.
3.2 Except as otherwise explicitly set forth herein, each Party expressly disclaims to the other Party any express or implied warranty related to: (1) the performance or non- performance of this agreement; (2) the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose; (3) any implied warranty arising out of a course of dealing, custom or usage of trade; (4) any representation or warranty of non-infringement of third party intellectual property rights; or (5) any other matter or subject arising out of this agreement.
4. Considerations
4.1 In consideration of the Services to be conducted by Provider under a Work Order, Tube shall pay to Provider the amount set forth in the respective Work Order, inclusive of VAT when relevant, in accordance with the payment schedule detailed in the respective Work Order. The price set forth in a Work Order is inclusive of any costs and expenses of Provider incurred in connection with the performance of the respective Services, including but not limited to the purchase of equipment, the costs of personnel and the costs for auditing.
4.2 Tube undertakes to make all payments due under a Work Order within thirty (30) days of receipt of an invoice by Provider. The payment shall be made by bank transfer using the following bank details:
Beneficiary bank – Intesa San Paolo
Bank account – IBAN XX00X0000000000000000000000 BIC or SWIFT code – XXXXXXXX.
All payments shall constitute admission by Tube as to the performance by IZSVe of its obligations under this Agreement.
4.3 In case the payment’s delay exceeds one hundred and eighty (180) days, IZSVe may terminate this Agreement, without prejudice to its right to claim for further damages, if any.
4.4 The present Agreement does not involve travel and accommodation costs at the expense of IZSVe for the performance of the Services; but if there are any, IZSVe shall be reimbursed by Tube upon presentation of the corresponding documentation.
4.5 The registration fee is due just in the event of judicial or administrative use, as set forth in Italian law (D.P.R. n. 131/1986) and costs and expenses not exceeding EUR200 will be borne by the requesting Party.
5. Confidentiality
5.2 During the term of this Agreement and for a period of 60 months following its expiration, IZSVe and the Tube agree to keep confidential all Confidential Information disclosed by and received and to maintain appropriate safeguards with respect to the Confidential Information. Under no circumstances either Party shall disclose the Confidential Information to any person other than to those related individuals and entities on a need-to-know basis. The Parties stipulate that, as between them, the foregoing matters are important, material and confidential, and gravely affect the effective and successful conduct of the business of the Tube and its goodwill, and that any breach of this covenant is a material breach of this Agreement. In the event that IZSVe is requested or required by law or legal process to disclose any of the Confidential Information, IZSVe shall provide the Tube with prompt written notice before making any disclosure.
5.3 However, shall not be deemed as Confidential Information, any information which the recipient Party can provide evidence that:
(a) it is or becomes published or otherwise publicly available through no breach of this Agreement by the recipient Institution or its Representatives, or
(b) it is already known to the recipient Institution or its Representatives at the time of disclosure by the donor Institution, or
(c) that the recipient Institution or its Representatives later lawfully learns from another source other than the Disclosing Party, or
(d) it is independently developed by employees or agents of the recipient Institution or its Representatives.
6. Intellectual property rights, publicity and publication
IZSVe cannot publish the Results without the prior written approval of the Tube.
7. Term and Termination
7.1 This Agreement shall be effective upon the execution and shall remain in force for 60 months following the last signature date
7.2 This Agreement may be terminated at once by written notice by either Party if (i) the other Party breaches this Agreement in any material manner and shall have failed to remedy such default within sixty (60) days after written notice thereof from the terminating Party or (ii) the other Party by voluntary or involuntary action goes into liquidation or receivership; or dissolves or files a petition for bankruptcy or reorganisation or for suspension of payments or is adjudicated as bankrupt, becomes insolvent or assigns or makes any composition of its assets for the benefit of credit.
7.3 Notice of termination must in all cases be given in writing.
8. Effects of Termination
8.1 Termination of this Agreement for any reason shall be without prejudice to the rights which expressly survive the termination in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and applicable laws, including without limitation, the rights and obligations of the Parties regarding to Intellectual Property Rights, Publicity and Publication, samples and materials. Termination pursuant to Section 7.1 shall not affect any running Work Orders which shall be finalised according to the terms of this Agreement and the respective Work Order, subject to early termination pursuant to Section 7.2
8.2 In the event of a termination pursuant to Section 7.2, Tube shall bear all demonstrable Services-related costs incurred by Provider in accordance with the Work Order until the date of termination (including actual costs resulting from non-cancellable commitments entered into by Provider, provided, that Provider has used its best efforts to minimise such costs) but at maximum the price set forth in the respective Work Order.
8.3 The respective rights and obligations of the Parties shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement for a period of 60 months.
9. Miscellaneous
9.1 The delay or failure of either Party to enforce at any time or for any period of time any of the provisions of this agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of such provisions or of the right of the Party to thereafter seek their enforcement.
9.2 The Parties claim that all rights that allow the signing and performance of this agreement and that allow the other Party to perform the obligations set forth herein, belong to them. Each Party claims that the signing and performance of this agreement and the rights set forth herein do not compromise any third party rights.
9.3 If one or more of the provisions of this Agreement should be or become invalid or impracticable, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be effected. The Parties shall in good faith make any efforts to replace the invalid or impracticable provision by an effective provision which must closely approximate to the purpose of this Agreement.
9.4 IZSVe and the Tube will act all times as independent contractors. Nothing contained herein shall be construed or applied so as to create the relationship of principal and agent or of employer and employee between IZSVe and the Tube or any partnership or joint- venture. Neither Party shall make any commitment or incur any charge or expense in the name of the other Party.
9.5 This Agreement may be amended, modified, superseded or canceled, only by a written instrument executed by each Party’s duly authorized representatives.
9.6 All notices and communications related to this agreement shall be made by registered or certified letter, telecopier or electronic transmission; receipt of any communication to be confirmed in writing by email or registered letter and shall be addressed as follows (or to other address as may hereafter be designed by written notice):
If to IZSVe: Att. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx
Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie Viale dell’Università 10
00000 - Xxxxxxx (XX) XXXXX
e-mail xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xx
If to Tube Pharmaceuticals GmbH: Att. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx. 00, 0000 Xxxxxx
10.1 Each Party has the right to withdraw from this Agreement at any time, by giving twenty
(20) days’ notice in writing. The termination will not affect the obligations already performed by the Parties or whose performance is in progress at the time of termination. These obligations are governed by article 8 of this Agreement.
10.2 In the event of a withdrawal pursuant to Section 10.1, Tube shall bear all Services-related costs incurred by Provider in accordance with the Work Order until the date of termination (including actual costs resulting from non-cancellable commitments entered into by Provider, provided, that Provider has used its commercially reasonable best efforts to minimise such costs) but at the maximum the price set forth in the respective Work Order.
IZSVe shall not be liable for failure of or delay in performing obligations set forth in this Agreement, or for having incorrectly performed them, and shall not be deemed in breach of its obligations, if such failure, delay or incorrect performance is due to natural disasters or any causes beyond its reasonable control including, without limitation, any act of God, any civil commotion or strike. In the event of such force majeure, the Party affected thereby shall promptly notify the other Party in writing. If the force majeure lasts more than 90 days, the Party shall have the right to terminate the Agreement; the notice of termination shall be made according to the following art. 13.
12.1 IZSVe acknowledges and agrees to respect and to enforce, within its premises, national law and internal regulations related to workers safety and health care. In case the Tube’s employees or consultants shall perform any kind of activities within IZSVe premises, visits and inspections included, the Tube acknowledges and agrees to enforce on its personnel the said laws and regulations, provided that such activities, visits and inspections, shall be scheduled in advance in writing by the Parties.
12.2 In case the Tube’s employees or consultants shall perform any kind of activities within IZSVe premises, visits and inspections included, the Tube shall stipulate adequate insurance policies covering the damages, third party civil liability and accidents which may be caused by or issued from its personnel. .
This Agreement shall be subject to, governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Italy (without regard to the conflicts of law rules, which might result in the application of the laws of any other jurisdiction). In case of disputes where this Agreement does not provide a decisive answer, the Parties will consult each other before taking legal action.
In case Parties cannot agree on such dispute, all disputes, controversies or differences which may arise between the Parties out of or in connection with this agreement, its interpretation or performance, shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Padua, Italy.
According to and in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation UE 2016/679 (GDPR), the Parties acknowledge and agree to use, process and communicate to any third party the personal data contained herein, or acquired in any other form during the performance of this agreement, solely and exclusively in order to carry out the purposes set forth in the agreement itself or to accomplish the fulfillments connected to it. Each Party authorizes the process of its data solely and exclusively in order to manage the agreement according to the terms and conditions set forth in the said law.
This Agreement has been freely negotiated between the Parties hereto and represent their willingness as duly and clearly shown in the content hereof and properly considered. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, which, when taken together, shall constitute one agreement. If any signature is delivered by digital signature via e-mail delivery of a “.pdf” format data file, such signature shall create a valid and binding obligation of the Party executing (or on whose behalf such signature is executed) with the same force and effect as if such digital signature by “.pdf” signature page were an original thereof.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives.
This agreement is made at the date and place of the last signature.
IZSVe The Tube Pharmaceuticals
Director General and Legal representative Chief Executive Officer Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Dr. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx
Date Date
Appendix I: Work Order Form Appendix II: Change of Order Form Appendix III: Declaration Mecox
The Parties hereby agree as follows:
1. Work Order: This Work Order is made in relation to the Master Service Agreement dated
……………………………….made between Tube Pharmaceuticals GmbH and the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie. This Work Order and the services contemplated herein are subject to the terms and provisions of the Master Service Agreement.
2. Term: The terms of this Work Order start from the subscription date and shall continue until the services hereinafter described are completed.
3. Amendment: No modification, amendment, or waiver of this Work Order shall be effective unless in writing and duly executed and delivered by each Party to the other.
WORK ORDER CO-ORDINATOR (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx):
50% of the Costs upon confirmation of a Work Order 50% of the Costs upon acceptance of the Report
Acknowledged and agreed by Tube Pharmaceuticals GmbH
…………………………………………… Date ……………………………..
……………………………………………… Date …………………………….
Appendix II
Change of Order-Form
Appendix III
As part of the scientific collaboration between Tube and MecoxCureMed Co. Ltd (“Mecox”) Mecox authorizes IZSVe to perform the services referred to in this Master Service Agreement also on "material" provided by Mecox itself. Shipment of the material will be handled by Tube that will make sure to specify its origin in the Work Order. Any service related the Work Order will be billed to Tube.
Mecox declares to have fully read this contract and to accept the conditions set out in it. Mecox agrees that Tube is considered the sole point of contact for maintaining relations with IZSVe until the termination of the Agreement with IZSVe, meaning that Tube has exclusive representation, towards IZSVe for the services rendered under this agreement
According to and in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation UE 2016/679 (GDPR), Mecox acknowledges and agrees to use, process and communicate to any third party the personal data contained herein, or acquired in any other form during the performance of this agreement, solely and exclusively in order to carry out the purposes set forth in the agreement itself or to accomplish the fulfillments connected to it. Each Party authorizes the process of its data solely and exclusively in order to manage the agreement according to the terms and conditions set forth in the said law.
MecoxCureMed Co. Ltd Chief Executive officer