SO No-00054 Dt 25-07-2024
अनुससु ूचू ी नाम|Schedule Name:Schedule 5,Schedule 6,Schedule 4,Schedule 7
अनबुु ंधंध Иमांकंक|Contract No: GEMC-511687782969947 अनबुु ंधंध ितिथ|Generated Date : 25-Jul-2024
बोली/आरए/पीबीपी सं5ं5या|Bid/RA/PBP No.: GEM/2024/B/4773364
संगंगठन िववरण|Organisation Details KVप|Type : Central PSU मं7ालय|Ministry : Ministry of Coal xxxxx|Department : COAL INDIA LIMITED संगठन का नाम|Organisation Name : Central Mine Planning and Design Institute Limited काया’लय Wे7|Office Zone: Headquarters Ranchi Jharkhand | खरीदार िववरण|Buyer Details पद|Designation : Dy Manager संपक’ नंबर|Contact No. : 0651-2792357- ईमेल आईडी|Email ID : xxxxx.xxxxx@xxx.xx जीएसटfआईएन|GSTIN : 00XXXXX0000X0XX MATERIAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT, CENTRAL MINE | ||||||
िवUीय jवीकृृ ित िववरण|Financial Approval Detail आईएफडी सहमित|IFD Concurrence : Yes Kशासिनक अनमु ोदन का पदनाम| GENERAL MANAGER (MM) Designation of Administrative Approval: िवUीय अनुमोदन का पदनाम| SENIOR MANAGER(FINANCE) Designation of Financial Approval : | भुगुगतान Kािधकरण िववरण|Paying Authority Details Role: PAO भुगतान का तरीका| Offline Payment Mode: पद|Designation : Manager Finance | ||||||
िवИेे ता िववरण|Seller Details जेम िवИे ता आईडी|GeM Seller ID : F624180000118137 कं पनी का नाम|Company Name : XXXXX (INDIA) LIMITED संपक’ नंबर|Contact No. : 00000000000 ईमेल आईडी|Email ID : xxxxxxx@xxxxx-xxxxx.xxx 000,XXXXXXX XXXXXXX,XXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXX,000, xxx| Address : MUMBAI, 400016-400016, - एमएसएमई पंजीकरण सं5या|MSME Registration number : - 27AAACK5069Q1ZW (B) , 23AAACK5069Q1Z4 (M) , 22AAACK5069Q1Z6 (B) , 27AAACK5069Q1ZW (B) , 04AAACK5069Q1Z4 (M) , 24AAACK5069Q1Z2 (B) , 27AAACK5069Q1ZW (R) , 21AAACK5069Q2Z7 (G) , (G) , (B) , (S) , (S) , (M) , (M) , (M) , जीएसटfआईएन|GSTIN: 00XXXXX0000X0XX (B) , 00XXXXX0000X0XX (B) , 29AAACK5069Q1ZS (B) , 19AAACK5069Q1ZT (G) , 27AAACK5069Q1ZW (G) , (B) | |||||||
*िजसके नाम के पW मw GST/TAX इनवॉइस पेश िकया जाएगा|GST / Tax invoice to be raised in the name of - Consignee | |||||||
िवतरण िनदˇश | Delivery Instructions : NA | |||||||
उ~पाद िववरण|Product Details | |||||||
# | आइटम िववरण|Item Description | आइटम िववरण| Ordered Quantity | इकाई | Unit | इकाई मूू य (INR)| Unit Price (INR) | कर िवभाजन (INR)| Tax Bifurcation (INR) | मूूय (INR मww सभी शुुक और कर सिहत)| Price (Inclusive of all Duties and Taxes in INR) | |
1 | उ~पाद का नाम |Product Name : N SIZE PCD NON CORING BIT (Q3) ांडंड|Brand : KORES ांडंड Kकार|Brand Type : Registered Brand कैै टलॉग क िRित|Catalogue Status: Catalogue not verified by OEM कैै सेे बेचे ा जा रहा है|ै|Selling As : Reseller not verified by OEM ेणेणी का नाम और चतुथुथाश“श“ |Category Name & Quadrant : N SIZE PCD NON CORING BIT (Q3) (Q3) मॉडल|Model: KORES एचएसएन कोड|HSN Code: 8431 | 150 | pieces | 18,000 | जीएसटf|GST (18%) : 411,864.407 जीएसटf उपकर 1|GST Cess 1 (0%) : 0 जीएसटf उपकर 2|GST Cess 2 (0 per accounting unit) : 0 जीएसटf पर इनपुटुट टैैKस Иेे िडट (आईटfसी)|Input Tax Credit (ITC) on GST। (100%) : 411,864.407 जीएसटf उपकर पर आईटfसी 1|ITC on GST Cess 1 (0%) : 0 जीएसटf उपकर पर आईटfसी 2|ITC on GST Cess 2 (0%) : 0 | 2,700,000 | |
2 | उ~पाद का नाम |Product Name : H SIZE DIAMOND IMPREGNATED CORE BIT (Q3) ांडंड|Brand : KORES ांडंड Kकार|Brand Type : Registered Brand कैै टलॉग क िRित|Catalogue Status: Catalogue not verified by OEM कैै सेे बेचेचा जा रहा है|ै|Selling As : Reseller not verified by OEM | 37 | pieces | 19,000 | जीएसटf|GST (18%) : 107,237.288 जीएसटf उपकर 1|GST Cess 1 (0%) : 0 जीएसटf उपकर 2|GST Cess 2 (0 per accounting unit) : 0 जीएसटf पर इनपुटुट टैैKस Иेे िडट (आईटfसी)|Input Tax Credit (ITC) on GST। (100%) : 107,237.288 जीएसटf उपकर पर आईटfसी 1|ITC on GST Cess 1 | 703,000 |
ेणेणी का नाम और चतथुुथाश““ |Category Name & Quadrant : H SIZE DIAMOND IMPREGNATED CORE BIT (Q3) (Q3) मॉडल|Model: KORES एचएसएन कोड|HSN Code: 8431 | (0%) : 0 जीएसटf उपकर पर आईटfसी 2|ITC on GST Cess 2 (0%) : 0 | ||||||||
3 | उ~पाद का नाम |Product Name : H SIZE PCD NON CORING BIT (Q3) ांडंड|Brand : KORES ांडंड Kकार|Brand Type : Registered Brand कैै टलॉग क िRित|Catalogue Status: Catalogue not verified by OEM कैै सेे बेचे ा जा रहा है|ै|Selling As : Reseller not verified by OEM ेणेणी का नाम और चतथुथु ा“श“ |Category Name & Quadrant : H SIZE PCD NON CORING BIT (Q3) (Q3) मॉडल|Model: KORES एचएसएन कोड|HSN Code: 8431 | 70 | pieces | 23,000 | जीएसटf|GST (18%) : 245,593.22 जीएसटf उपकर 1|GST Cess 1 (0%) : 0 जीएसटf उपकर 2|GST Cess 2 (0 per accounting unit) : 0 जीएसटf पर इनपुटुट टैैKस Иेे िडट (आईटfसी)|Input Tax Credit (ITC) on GST। (100%) : 245,593.22 जीएसटf उपकर पर आईटfसी 1|ITC on GST Cess 1 (0%) : 0 जीएसटf उपकर पर आईटfसी 2|ITC on GST Cess 2 (0%) : 0 | 1,610,000 | |||
4 | उ~पाद का नाम |Product Name : N SIZE DIAMOND IMPREGNATED CORE BIT (Q3) ांडंड|Brand : KORES ांडंड Kकार|Brand Type : Registered Brand कैै टलॉग क िRित|Catalogue Status: Catalogue not verified by OEM कैै सेे बेचे ा जा रहा है|ै|Selling As : Reseller not verified by OEM ेणेणी का नाम और चतथुुथाश““श|Category Name & Quadrant : N SIZE DIAMOND IMPREGNATED CORE BIT (Q3) (Q3) मॉडल|Model: KORES एचएसएन कोड|HSN Code: 8431 | 150 | pieces | 15,000 | जीएसटf|GST (18%) : 343,220.339 जीएसटf उपकर 1|GST Cess 1 (0%) : 0 जीएसटf उपकर 2|GST Cess 2 (0 per accounting unit) : 0 जीएसटf पर इनपटुुट टैैKस Иेे िडट (आईटfसी)|Input Tax Credit (ITC) on GST। (100%) : 343,220.339 जीएसटf उपकर पर आईटfसी 1|ITC on GST Cess 1 (0%) : 0 जीएसटf उपकर पर आईटfसी 2|ITC on GST Cess 2 (0%) : 0 | 2,250,000 | |||
कु ल ऑड’र मूय |Total Order Value (in INR) | 7,263,000 | ||||||||
परेिेिषती िववरण|Consignee Detail | |||||||||
И.सं.ं.|X.Xx | परेिेिषती|Consignee | वjतु|ु|Item | लॉट नंबंबर| Lot No. | मा7ा|Quantity | िदनांकंक केे बाद िडलीवरी शुVुV करना है|ै| Delivery Start After | िवतरण पूरूरा कब तक करना है|ै| Delivery To Be Completed By | |||
1 | पद| Designation : - ईमेल आईडी|Email ID : xxxxxxx.xxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx संपक’ |Contact : -7903927174- जीएसटfआईएन|GSTIN : - पता|Address : CMPDI, CDS Barkakana P.O. : Barkakana NTS, Dist. : Ramgarh, RAMGARH, JHARKHAND-829103, India | N SIZE PCD NON CORING BIT (Q3) | 1 | 75 | 25-Jul-2024 | 22-Nov-2024 | |||
2 | 75 | 26-Jul-2024 | 21-Jan-2025 | ||||||
H SIZE DIAMOND IMPREGNATED CORE BIT (Q3) | - | 37 | 25-Jul-2024 | 21-Jan-2025 | |||||
H SIZE PCD NON CORING BIT (Q3) | 1 | 35 | 25-Jul-2024 | 22-Nov-2024 | |||||
2 | 35 | 26-Jul-2024 | 21-Jan-2025 | ||||||
N SIZE DIAMOND IMPREGNATED CORE BIT (Q3) | 1 | 75 | 25-Jul-2024 | 22-Nov-2024 | |||||
2 | 75 | 26-Jul-2024 | 21-Jan-2025 | ||||||
Product Specification for N SIZE PCD NON CORING BIT (Q3) | |||||||||
िविनदˇˇश|Specification | उप-िविनदˇˇश|Sub-Spec | मूूय|Value | |||||||
Custom Specification | Custom Specification | Yes | |||||||
िवИेे ता िविशता दjतावेṆे |Seller Specification Document: | |||||||||
xxx.xxx.xxx.xx/xxxxxxx_xxxx/xxxxxxx_xxxxxxx_xxxxxxxx/00/00/000/XxxxxxxXxxxx/XxxxxxxxxxxxxXxx ument/2024/4/5/2024_04_05_16_44_43_10_mm_2024-04-05-16-44- 45_9ecc6eabdd4d0fb44c3c7d3d248e0d9e.pdf | |||||||||
खरीदार िविशता दjतावेṆेṆ|Buyer Specification Document: | |||||||||
xxx.xxx.xxx.xx/xxxxxxx_xxxx/xxxxxxx_xxxxxxx_xxxxxxxx/xxxxx_xxxxxxxxx/0000000/00/00/000/Xxxxx ogAttrs/SpecificationDocument/2024/3/12/n_size_pcd_non_coring_bit_2024-03-12-17-08- 05_f348cf83120e92 d406c8e758ee5e6356.pdf | |||||||||
Product Specification for H SIZE DIAMOND IMPREGNATED CORE BIT (Q3) | |||||||||
िविनदˇˇश|Specification | उप-िविनदˇˇश|Sub-Spec | मूूय|Value | |||||||
Custom Specification | Custom Specification | Yes | |||||||
िवИेे ता िविशता दjतावेṆे |Seller Specification Document: | |||
xxx.xxx.xxx.xx/xxxxxxx_xxxx/xxxxxxx_xxxxxxx_xxxxxxxx/00/00/000/XxxxxxxXxxxx/XxxxxxxxxxxxxXxx ument/2024/4/5/2024_04_05_16_48_01_10_mm_2024-04-05-16-48- 03_ed3b63d08e397c6d4efd86f5e980e105.pdf | |||
खरीदार िविशता दjतावेṆेṆ|Buyer Specification Document: | |||
xxx.xxx.xxx.xx/xxxxxxx_xxxx/xxxxxxx_xxxxxxx_xxxxxxxx/xxxxx_xxxxxxxxx/0000000/00/00/000/Xxxxx ogAttrs/SpecificationDocument/2024/3/12/h_size_diamond_impregnated_core_bit_2024-03-12-17-11- 51_2e63 cdd11bc23913c62c8f04262fa0ea.pdf | |||
Product Specification for H SIZE PCD NON CORING BIT (Q3) | |||
िविनदˇˇश|Specification | उप-िविनदˇˇश|Sub-Spec | मूूय|Value | |
Custom Specification | Custom Specification | Yes | |
िवИेे ता िविशता दjतावेṆे |Seller Specification Document: | |||
xxx.xxx.xxx.xx/xxxxxxx_xxxx/xxxxxxx_xxxxxxx_xxxxxxxx/00/00/000/XxxxxxxXxxxx/XxxxxxxxxxxxxXxx ument/2024/4/5/2024_04_05_16_41_42_10_mm_2024-04-05-16-41- 44_e8d444f87f6840fcbb7d1bbec1dea939.pdf | |||
खरीदार िविशता दjतावेṆेṆ|Buyer Specification Document: | |||
xxx.xxx.xxx.xx/xxxxxxx_xxxx/xxxxxxx_xxxxxxx_xxxxxxxx/xxxxx_xxxxxxxxx/0000000/00/00/000/Xxxxx ogAttrs/SpecificationDocument/2024/3/12/h_size_pcd_non_coring_bit_2024-03-12-17-05- 54_5d89fcaa3fff9a 80d43a163b62c7119a.pdf | |||
Product Specification for N SIZE DIAMOND IMPREGNATED CORE BIT (Q3) | |||
िविनदˇˇश|Specification | उप-िविनदˇˇश|Sub-Spec | मूूय|Value | |
Custom Specification | Custom Specification | Yes | |
िवИेे ता िविशता दjतावेṆे |Seller Specification Document: | |||
xxx.xxx.xxx.xx/xxxxxxx_xxxx/xxxxxxx_xxxxxxx_xxxxxxxx/00/00/000/XxxxxxxXxxxx/XxxxxxxxxxxxxXxx ument/2024/4/5/2024_04_05_16_50_48_10_mm_2024-04-05-16-50- 50_7389aab54048579ab670429c8c07965d.pdf | |||
खरीदार िविशता दjतावेṆेṆ|Buyer Specification Document: | |||
xxx.xxx.xxx.xx/xxxxxxx_xxxx/xxxxxxx_xxxxxxx_xxxxxxxx/xxxxx_xxxxxxxxx/0000000/00/00/000/Xxxxx ogAttrs/SpecificationDocument/2024/3/12/n_size_diamond_impregnated_core_bit_2024-03-12-17-14- 45_ad3f f53bf2dd625b999c21d5e7f7e089.pdf | |||
ईपीबीजी िववरण | ePBG Detail | |||
सलाहकार बकक | Advisory Bank : | NA | ||
ईपीबीजी Kितशत (%) | ePBG Percentage(%): | NA | ||
आरसीएम/एफसीएम केे संबंबंधंध मww सामाय खंडंड |General Clauses w.r.t RCM/FCM 1. Where ever RCM is applicable, for sellers (Regular GST registered seller who opted out of FCM as per notifications of GST like GTA , unregistered seller), Buyer have liability of paying the GST and GST cess to the government on the specified rate mentioned by them in this contract. Seller will invoice buyer with Zero GST and GST cess. 2. For Registered sellers as per FCM, rates will be inclusive of prescribed rate of GST and GST cess. ITC available to buyer as shown in the bid document have been applied while evaluating the bids. Seller has liability of paying the GST and GST cess to the govt and same will be charged from buyer while invoice. 3. For Registered sellers who opted for RCM while quoting for specified category under section 9(3) like GTA rates will be exclusive of GST and GST cess. GST and GST cess as indicated by the buyer in the bid document payment of GST and GST Cess will be the liability of buyer. 4. For Unregistered sellers Liability of payment of GST and GST cess is in Buyers scope. GST and GST cess as indicated by the buyer in the bid document will be the liability of buyer . Unregistered seller will invoice buyer with zero GST and Zero GST cess. 5. For sellers under Composition Scheme: There is no liability of payment of GST and GST cess in Buyers cope. Seller will invoice Zero GST and GST cess in the invoice to buyer. िनयम और शत“|“|Terms and Conditions 1. General Terms and Conditions- |
1.1 This contract is governed by the General Terms and Conditions, conditions stipulated to this Product/Service as provided in the Marketplace.
1.2 This Contract between the Seller and the Buyer, is for the supply of the Goods and/ or Services, detailed in the schedule above, in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions (GTC) unless otherwise superseded by Goods / Services specific Special Terms and Conditions (STC) and/ or BID/Reverse Auction Additional Terms and Conditions (ATC), as applicable
2. Buyer Added Bid Specific Terms and Conditions-
2.1 Generic:
OPTION CLAUSE: The Purchaser reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity to be ordered up to 25 percent of bid quantity at the time of placement of contract. The purchaser also reserves the right to increase the ordered quantity by up to 25% of the contracted quantity during the currency of the contract at the contracted rates. Bidders are bound to accept the orders accordingly.
2.2 Generic:
Bidder financial standing: The bidder should not be under liquidation, court receivership or similar proceedings, should not be bankrupt. Bidder to upload undertaking to this effect with bid.
2.3 Generic:
Bidders are advised to check applicable GST on their own before quoting. Buyer will not take any responsibility in this regards. GST reimbursement will be as per actuals or as per applicable rates (whichever is lower), subject to the maximum of quoted GST %.
2.4 Generic:
Bidder shall submit the following documents along with their bid for Vendor Code Creation:
a. Copy of PAN Card.
b. Copy of GSTIN.
c. Copy of Cancelled Cheque.
d. Copy of EFT Mandate duly certified by Bank.
2.5 Generic:
Buyer Organization specific Integrity Pact shall have to be complied by all bidders. Bidders shall have to upload scanned copy of signed integrity pact as per Buyer organizations policy along with bid. Click here to view the file
2.6 Generic:
Manufacturer Authorization:Wherever Authorised Distributors/service providers are submitting the bid, Authorisation Form /Certificate with OEM/Original Service Provider details such as name, designation, address, e-mail Id and Phone No. required to be furnished along with the bid
2.7 Generic:
Supplier shall ensure that the Invoice is raised in the name of Consignee with GSTIN of Consignee only.
2.8 Generic:
1. The Seller shall not assign the Contract in whole or part without obtaining the prior written consent of buyer.
2. The Seller shall not sub-contract the Contract in whole or part to any entity without obtaining the prior written consent of buyer.
3. The Seller shall, notwithstanding the consent and assignment/sub-contract, remain jointly and severally liable and responsible to buyer together with the assignee/ sub- contractor, for and in respect of the due performance of the Contract and the Sellers obligations there under.
2.9 Generic:
Without prejudice to Xxxxx’’s right to price adjustment by way of discount or any other right or remedy available to Buyer, Buyer may terminate the Contract or any part thereof by a written notice to the Seller, if:
i) The Seller fails to comply with any material term of the Contract.
ii) The Seller informs Buyer of its inability to deliver the Material(s) or any part thereof within the stipulated Delivery Period or such inability otherwise becomes apparent.
iii) The Seller fails to deliver the Material(s) or any part thereof within the stipulated Delivery Period and/or to replace/rectify any rejected or defective Material(s) promptly.
iv) The Seller becomes bankrupt or goes into liquidation.
v) The Seller makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors.
vi) A receiver is appointed for any substantial property owned by the Seller.
vii) The Seller has misrepresented to Buyer, acting on which misrepresentation Buyer has placed the Purchase Order on the Seller.
2.10 Generic:
While generating invoice in GeM portal, the seller must upload scanned copy of GST invoice and the screenshot of GST portal confirming payment of GST.
2.11 Scope of Supply:
Scope of supply (Bid price to include all cost components) : Only supply of Goods
2.12 Inspection:
Nominated Inspection Agency: On behalf of the Buyer organization, any one of the following Inspection Agency would be conducting inspection of stores before acceptance: Pre-dispatch Inspection at Seller Premises (applicable only if pre-dispatch inspection clause has been selected in ATC):
Not Applicable
Post Receipt Inspection at consignee site before acceptance of stores:
Material are subjected to inspection by Exploration Dept., CMPDI HQ at consignee's end.
2.13 Certificates:
Xxxxxx'x offer is liable to be rejected if they don't upload any of the certificates / documents sought in the Bid document, ATC and Corrigendum if any.
2.14 Forms of EMD and PBG :
Bidders can also submit the EMD with Account Xxxxx Xxxxxx Draft in favour of
payable at RANCHI
Bidder has to upload scanned copy / proof of the DD along with bid and has to ensure delivery of hardcopy to the Buyer within 5 days of Bid End date / Bid Opening date.
2.15 Forms of EMD and PBG :
Successful Bidder can submit the Performance Security in the form of Account Payee Demand Draft also (besides PBG which is allowed as per GeM GTC). DD should be made in
favour of
payable at Ranchi
. After award of contract, Successful Bidder can upload scanned copy of the DD in place of PBG and has to ensure delivery of hard copy to the original DD to the Buyer within 15 days of award of contract.
2.16 Buyer Added Bid Specific ATC:
Buyer Added text based ATC clauses
Procurement from established & proven sources:
Procurement against this tender shall be made only for proven items from established & proven sources, who fulfils t he following criteria:
(i) Offers of the Bidders, who are past suppliers to Mining Industry and / or other Industries (Private or Government De partment/ Public Sector Undertaking – Indigenous or Global), will be considered eligible for participation, if they have supplied* the tendered item / similar item, during the preceding 5 years from the date of tender opening and their pe rformance has been found satisfactory.
*For consumables/Spares/Software: At least 20 % of required quantity of this tender.
*For Equipment: At least one number of the Equipment.
Bidders should upload copies of supply orders along with an undertaking, on the Letter Head of the Bidder, that the s aid supply order has been successfully executed and performed satisfactorily for one year in support of their eligibility as stipulated above.
(ii) Bidders are required to submit a Self-Certificate in the following format, along with the Proof of payment against th e Purchase Order(s)/ Rate Contract(s) and Commissioning Certificate(s) (in case of Equipment, P&M, etc. where installation & commissioning is required):
"The items covered in the Purchase Order(s)/ Rate Contract(s) copies enclosed with our offer have been fully executed and have performed satisfactorily as per the provisions of respective Purchase Order(s)/ Rate Contract(s) for minimum one year from the date of commissioning and all the complaints/ claim(s) lodged by the purchaser, if any, have been attended to and no complaints/ claim(s) are pending."
In case, any specific Purchase Order(s) has/have not been fully executed and any complaint/claim is pending, then det ails of such cases to be categorically mentioned with the reasons thereof so that decision making is in clear perspectiv e without any hidden facts in the subject matter.
The authenticity of the self-certificate as well as other documents submitted/uploaded by the bidder will solely be their responsibility and appropriate action will be taken by CMPDIL if it is subsequently found to be misleading/false/forged.
Prior experience – prior turnover criteria for Startup, Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) in Public Procurement:
(i) Prior experience and prior turn over criteria is not applicable for Startup & MSEs in respect of either of the following situations and no further documents regarding proven-ness will be required to be submitted by this category of Bidde rs.
a. If Bidders have submitted documents to prove the Startup / MSE status for the tendered item without certificate tow ards quality, assurance and capability from some authority like MSME, NSIC, etc., the Tender Inviting Authority, if required, may assess the techno-commercial capability of the venders to manufacture and deliver goods as per the pr escribed quality and technical specification before awarding contract to them. For this purpose, a ‘PROFORMA for Equi pment and Quality Control’ (as per the format at Annexure - I attached under ‘Buyer uploaded ATC document’) has bee n enclosed in the tender documents and such MSEs/ STARTUPS should submit the details of plant & machinery, quality control arrangements, etc., in the above PROFORMA along with their bids for verification of their technical capa bility.
If required, a techno-commercial team of the organization may visit the manufacturing unit of the vendor without any undue delay for quick finalization of the tenders.
b. If favorable technical capability reports obtained earlier on such firms for supply of the item in question as per the r equired specification is available, these may be considered, provided date of such reports is not more than one year fr om the date of opening of bids.
In case there is deficiency in technical capacity of the firm, the same shall be communicated to them by the Tender Inv iting Authority for improvement in the quality of their product for future tenders, clearly indicating that their offer can not be considered for relaxation against the tender in question and to avoid any future complications. The issues relating to Technical capability may be decided by the Head of the Technical Department.
c. If Bidders have submitted documents to prove the startup / MSE status for the tendered item and whose products a re ISI marked / DGMS approved / covered under DGS&D Rate Contracts on them / current holding Rate Contracts with CIL or its Subsidiary for supply of the tendered item / supplied and proven in CIL or its Subsidiary Companies / Proven product of the Ancillary unit of a Subsidiary Company of CIL, they will be required to submit the applicable related doc uments, duly self-attested, for relaxation: -
· Valid BIS Marking License for the quoted items on them.
· Rate contract as issued by CIL / any other Subsidiary for the quoted items on them. OR
· Valid DGMS Approval certificate for the quoted items on them. OR
· Proven Ancillary certificate issued by Subsidiary Companies for the quoted items on them.
The Document (s) / Certificate (s), by the Bidders for ISI marking and DGMS approval for any relaxation should be valid as on date of tender opening and a copy of such document / certificate valid as on date of supply, duly self- attested, m ust accompany their bill(s).
(i) N.B.:
a. Definition and Eligibility of Startup shall be in line with OM vide letter no. F-20/2/2014 PPD (pt.) Dtd. 25.07.2016 of U nder Secretary to GOI, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, Procurement Policy Division, New Delhi, with s ubsequent amendments, if any.
b . Definition of MSEs shall be as per Public Procurement 2012, with subsequent amendments, if any.
Payment to MSME through TReDS:
In order to improve the Working Capital of MSME Vendors, Govt has given Guidelines for Payment to MSMEs through TReDS (Trade Receivable Discounting System). CMPDI is already on Board at TReDs platform of Receivable Exchange of India Ltd. (RXIL) with its Membership Code: CE0000 779
The contact details of RXIL- Website : xxx.xxxx.xx
Contact Person : (1) Ms Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx (Mob8697212759; E-mail xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx@xxxx.xx)
(2) Mr. Mainak Mandal ( Mob 9475622182; E-mail xxxxxx.xxxxxx@xxxx.xx )
The willing MSME Vendors, who are participating in this tender should ensure about their respective on-boarding at RXIL and should mention their Membership Code in their offer. The MSMEs by on-boarding at RXIL shall be deemed to have agreed for payment through TReDS platform of RXIL by following prescribed procedures regarding factoring of invoices etc. at the said platform.
The successful Bidder shall furnish a Performance Guarantee, towards performance of the supply order / contract, eq uivalent to 10% of the total value of the supply order / contract as per the format at Annexure - IV attached under ‘Buy er uploaded ATC document’. The value of the Order will be arrived at by adding all the taxes and duties applicable, su ch as CGST, SGST or IGST or UT-GST, etc., to the FOR Destination price of the material as applicable on the date of tender opening.
The BG shall be issued by a RBI Scheduled Bank in India on SFMS platform and shall be irrevocable and unconditional. CMPDI shall have the powers to invoke it notwithstanding any dispute or difference between contracto
rs and CMPDI, pending before the court, tribunal, arbitrator or any other authority. The Issuing Bank have to send the BG details through SFMS platform to our bank, details of which are as follows:
Name of Bank: State Bank of India;Branch: CMPDI Branch; IFSC: SBIN0005598; A/c No: 10106155087 Address: Gondwana Place, Kanke Road, CMPDIL Campus, Ranchi – 834008.
Such Bank Guarantee should remain valid till 3 months after completion of warranty period of all the equipment/ items covered in the contract. T he release of the Performance Bank Guarantee(s) shall be subject to satisfactory performance of the equipment/item during the warranty period and fulfilment of contractual obligations failing which, action for further extension or encashment of PBG, as deemed suitable shall be take. The Bank Guarantee will have to be extended, if required.
In case the bidder does not have after sales service support facilities in India and if an undertaking has been submitted along with the offer that in the event of placement of order on them, they will establish the above facilities in India within the completion period of warranty of the equipmen t commissioned, then the successful Bidder shall furnish an additional Performance Guarantee equivalent to 30% of the total value of the supply o rder / contract to remain valid for the entire Warranty period + 3 month for entering into AMC/CAMC, if any + additional 3 months for claim period. This 30% PBG shall be released after establishment of after sales service support facility in India, subject to confirmation of the same by the conce rned Head of Technical Department. However, the supplier has to submit PBG of 10% of the total contract as stated above. This 10% PBG will be re leased after satisfactory performance of all equipment/items and fulfilment of contractual obligations including warranty obligations.
If Performance Guarantee is submitted in the form of ‘Bank Guarantee’ the original instrument thereof shall be retained by CMPDI after its relinqui shment / absolution and returned only against specific request, after completion of the claim period.
In cases where the supplier does not submit the PBG in time or as per the prescribed format in line with the contract stipulations, the PBG amount may deducted from the first bill or in case of insufficient amount, from subsequent bill(s) of the supplier till the full PBG amount is deducted. This amount shall be refunded to the supplier upon acceptance of PBG submitted by them.
N.B.: In case of forfeiture of the Performance Bank Guarantee, GST will be accounted for as per applicable provisions.
List of documents to be submitted by the bidder with their Offer: 1. MSE Certificate, if applicable. 2. OEM Authorization/Distributor Authorization/Self Manufacturer certificate. 3. Documents as per Proven-ness criteria 4. Proforma for Equipment and Quality Control, if applicable (Annexure - I attached under ‘Buyer uploaded ATC document’) 5. Undertaking for using TReDS Platform of RXIL, if applicable. (Annexure - II attached under ‘Buyer uploaded ATC document’) 6. Certification for Local Content - Make in India Compliance (Annexure - III attached under ‘Buyer uploaded ATC document’) 7. Integrity Pact, if applicable. 8. Any other document as per bid document. . 2.17 Buyer Added Bid Specific ATC: |
नोट: यह िसjटम जनरेटेटेेड फाइल है।ै। कोई हjताWर क आवsयकता नह? है।ै इस दjतावेṆेṆ का िKटंंट आउट भगुगु तान/लेने देेन उ5ेेsय केे िलए माय नह? है।ै। Note: This is system generated file. No signature is required. Print out of this document is not valid for payment/ transaction purpose. |
OFFICE/30/12/0001/2024-O/o HoD(Explrn) RI-III-CMPDI-Part(1) I/22911/2024
िवषय: गवेषx xxxxग, सीएमपीडीआई (मु%ालय) के िलx xx xी डी िबट की खरीद हेतु।
मेससŊ कोरस (इंिडया) xx xी डी. (4ीकृ त सीआईएल िवŢे ता कोड: 10002619) को GeM पोटŊल के माȯम से िदए गए आपूितŊ आदेश की Ůित (जेम अनुबंध) संलV कृ पया देखŐ।
GeM अनुबंध सं%ा | िदनांक | आइटम िववरण | माũा (सं%ा) | यूिनट दर(₹) | कु ल रािश (₹) |
00054/ GEMC- 511687782969947 | 25.07.2024 | N Size PCD Non Coring Bit | 150 | 18,000.00 | 27,00,000.00 |
H Size Dia. Imp. Core Bit | 37 | 19,000.00 | 7,03,000.00 | ||
H Size PCD Non Coring Bit | 70 | 23,000.00 | 16,10,000.00 | ||
N Size Dia. Imp. Core Bit | 150 | 15,000.00 | 22,50,000.00 | ||
गंतD के िलए कु ल लœडेड मूʞ | 72,63,000.00 |
िनरीƗण Ůािधकारी : महाŮब̢धक(गवेषण)सीएमपीडीआई (मु%ालय) या उनके Ȫारा अिधकृ त Ůितिनिध। इंडŐटर: गवेषx xxxxग, सीएमपीडीआई (मु%ालय), रांची।
एमएसई : Non-MSE एमआईआई अनुपालन: Class-I Supplier
भुगतान का Ůकार: ऑफ़लाइन
एसएपी आदेश सं%ा: 5800264487
Ůितिलपी Ůेषण:-
[xxxxx xxxx] [xxxxx xx xxx xxxxx]
उप-Ůबंधक (सामŤी Ůबंधन) वįरʿ Ůबंधक (भूिवyान/ सामŤी Ůबंधन )
1. मुªय सतकŊ ता अिधकारी, xी एम पी डी आई, रॉची ।
2. सिचव - िनद´शक (तकनीकी/सीआरडी)- महोदय के सादर सूचनाथŊ।
3. िवभागाȯƗ (िवīत), xी एम पी डी आई, रॉची ।
4. महाŮब̢धक (गवेषण), xी एम पी डी आई, रॉची ।
5. महाŮब̢धक (सामŤी Ůब̢धx xxxxग), xी एम पी डी आई, रॉची - महोदय के सादर सूचनाथŊ। ।
6. िडपो अिधकारी, xी एम पी डी आई।
7. िबल Ůभाग, सामŤी Ůब̢धx xxxxग, सीएमपीडीआई,रॉची
8. मा3टर संिचका ।
नोट :-
उ4 आदेश जारी करने पर सƗम अिधकारी का अनुमोदन िदनांक 22.07.2024 एवं िवKीय सहमित िदनांक 22.07.2024 (Ȫारा डायरी संªया
e- 1426649) को Ůा™ है ।
संदभ´ :-
गवेषx xxxxग के सैप इंडŐट 1300113733 & 1300113738, सामŤी Ůब̢धx xxxxग के इंडŐट िनबंधन संªया :- एमएम/ इंडŐट /90 िदनांक 11.03.2024 एवं बजट Ůमाण संªया :- R/40000017/45/14/, FY-2024-25,DT-23.07.2024.
Ůदश´न सुरƗा/ईपीबीजी: : 21 महीनों के िलए कु ल अनुबंध मूʞ का 10%.