Provincia di Reggio Calabria
Provincia di Reggio Calabria
Verbale di deliberazione della GIUNTA COMUNALE
Oggetto: Approvazione accordo di partenariato progetto Europeo “Eight City to City for building our Europe – 8C2C4EU –
Reg. Delib.
del 31/03/2019
L’anno duemiladiannove, il giorno trentuno del mese di Marzo alle ore 12:00 in Gerace, nella apposita sala presso la Casa comunale, è riunita, la Giunta Comunale, convocata dal Vice Sindaco, nelle persone appresso indicate:
Cognome e nome | Carica | Pres | Ass. |
XXXXXXXXXX Xxxxxxxx | Xxxxxxx | X | |
XXXXXXXX Xxxxxxxxx | Xxxxxxxxx Vice sindaco | X | |
XXXXX Xxxxxxx | Assessore | X | |
Presenti : 02 | Assenti: 01 |
Partecipa la D.ssa Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Segretario Comunale, incaricato della redazione del presente atto;
Assume la Presidenza il Vice Sindaco, il quale, constatato che gli assessori presenti, integrano il numero legale richiesto per la valida costituzione dell'adunanza, dichiara aperta la seduta ed invita la Giunta a discutere e a deliberare sull'oggetto sopraindicato posto all'ordine del giorno.
Accertato che sulla proposta della presente deliberazione sono stati preventivamente acquisiti i seguenti pareri previsti dal
Si esprime parere favorevole in ordine alla regolarità tecnica
(X.xx D.ssa Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx)
Si esprime parere favorevole in ordine alla regolarità contabile
(X.xx Xxxx. Xxxxxx Xxxxxx)
Proposta dal Responsabile del Settore Amm.vo
La Giunta Com.le
Che questo Comune ha presentato una proposta progettuale nell’ambito del programma europeo “Europa per i Cittadini – Programma d’azione comunitaria per la promozione della cittadinanza europea attiva – Reti Telematiche fra città” denominata “Eight City to City for building our Europe – 8C2C4EU”;
Che con Decisione della Direzione Generale Educazione, Audiovisivi e Cultura della Commissione Europea n° 2018-3302/003-001, acquisita al protocollo dell’Ente al n° 10823/2018 è stato approvato il suddetto progetto che contempla l’organizzazione di otto eventi internazionali, di cui uno in Italia (Gerace), e gli altri rispettivamente in Grecia, Spagna, Portogallo, Estonia, Ungheria, Romania, Croazia e Belgio (Bruxelles) in un periodo compreso tra Gennaio 2019 e Dicembre 2020;
Che il suddetto progetto risponde ad un’azione dell’Unione Europea finalizzata alla creazione di una rete Europea di Municipalità avente come obiettivo quello di approfondire i temi di grande attualità, quali quello dell’euroscetticismo, della crisi economica, dell’immigrazione e dello sviluppo locale;
Che al suddetto progetto è stato concesso un finanziamento dall’Agenzia Esecutiva EACEA della Commissione Europea che gestisce il programma “Europa per i Cittadini” pari ad € 148.680,00 (centoquarantaottoseicentoottanta/00), necessari per sostenere le spese di organizzazione degli eventi e per la gestione, l’organizzazione, il coordinamento e la rendicontazione finale;
Che il progetto in questione prevede la realizzazione delle attività in partenariato con i seguenti enti pubblici:
1. Município de Xxxxxxxx (PT);
2. Provincial Government of Teruel (ES);
3. Narva Department for City Development and Economy (Estonia);
4. Heraklion Municipality (Grecia);
5. Kistelek Városi Önkormányzat (HU);
6. Municipio di Victoria (Romania)
7. Municipio di Skrad (Croazia)
Che l’art. 4.1 dell’accordo di sovvenzione (Grant agreement) prevede un pre-finanziamento del 50% pari ad
€ 74.340,00, importo già pervenuto al Comune di Xxxxxx quale soggetto capofila del progetto, e il resto dell’importo da erogare a rendicontazione finale delle attività del progetto;
- si rende necessario procedere alla stipula di un accordo inter partenariale tra il soggetto capofila (Comune di Xxxxxx) ed i partner di progetto al fine di regolamentare ruoli e compiti di ogni soggetto per la piena realizzazione delle attività di progetto e il conseguimento degli obiettivi prefissati;
- Il suddetto accordo è stato condiviso mediante posta elettronica con tutti i soggetti del partenariato;
- Si rende necessario procedere alla sua sottoscrizione durante il primo incontro di progetto;
- La proposta progettuale presentata dal Comune di Xxxxxx in qualità di capofila (Applicant) denominata “Eight City to City for building our Europe – 8C2C4EU”;
- La comunicazione dell’Agenzia Esecutiva EACEA della Commissione Europea relativamente alla decisione di approvazione del progetto in questione;
- Lo schema di accordo fi partenariato predisposto dal Settore Amministrativo da stipulare tra tutti i soggetti partner durante la prima riunione di progetto;
- Il D.lgs. 267/2000;
- Il regolamento comunale di Contabilità;
- L’accordo di sovvenzione trasmesso dalla Commissione Europea; Acquisiti favorevolmente i pareri ai sensi del D.Lgs. 267/2000;
A voti unanimi dei presenti palesemente espressi;
Per i motivi in premessa espressi e che qui si intendono integralmente riportati e trascritti;
1. Di approvare lo schema di accordo di partenariato in allegato che sarà sottoscritto tra il Comune di Xxxxxx ed i partner del progetto “Eight City to City for building our Europa – 8C2C4EU”, finanziato nell’ambito del Programma Comunitario a gestione diretta “Europa per i Cittadini” – Reti di città;
2. Di autorizzare il Sindaco o suo delegato alla sottoscrizione dello stesso durante la prima riunione di progetto;
3. Di prendere atto che il suddetto accordo è stato condiviso tramite posta elettronica tra i partner di progetto e non sono state sollevate osservazioni;
Di dichiarare il presente atto immediatamente eseguibile;
This document does not reflect any official position / recommendation. The Executive Agency cannot be held responsible for any use may be made of the information contained herein.
Please note that a Partnership Agreement is a commitment complementary to the Grant Agreement signed between the Applicant and Executive Agency.
Project Title: Eight City to city for building our Europe – 8C2C4EU
Number of the Grant Agreement:
Municipality of Gerace – (Applicant)
Xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 00000 Xxxxxx (XX) – Italy VAT: 01240160802
represented by (legal representative)
Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx – Mayor being the position,
hereinafter referred to as acronym of the Applicant; and
name and address of the partner represented by (legal representative) being the position ,
hereinafter referred to as acronym of the partner
1. Subject of the Partnership Agreement
The subject of this agreement is the organisation of a partnership and the definition of the responsibilities of each partner for the implementation of the project Eight City to city for building our Europe – 8C2C4EU - Grant Agreement: 2018-3302/003-001 in conformity with the following annex I:
Annex I
Full Application form submitted in the call for proposal of 01/09/2018 in conformity with the programme guide Europe for Citizens
1.2 The annex mentioned above is an integral part of the agreement.
1.3 Any major modifications of the present agreement and/or its annexes (budget, partnership, end date of the project) related to the subsidy contract between the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and the Applicant Municipality of Gerace, is subject to an amendment of the Subsidy contract .
The respective Grant Agreement (AGREEMENT NUMBER 2018-3302/003-001), signed between the applicant Municipality of Gerace and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency on 10/12/2018 are integral parts of this contract (see the list of annexes), and takes precedence over it. In more detail, all terms and conditions, articles, annexes and guidelines stated in the Grant Agreement for this project are part of this contract. The applicant and the partner shall be bound to this contract and the Grant Agreement for this project. This includes any further amendments to the Grant Agreement which are approved by the Executive Agency.
On the basis of the present contract, the applicant and the partner shall contribute to the achievement of the requirements of the Grant Agreement in accordance with the terms and conditions as stated in the present contract and in the approved project. The parties to the present contract shall carry out the work in accordance with the timetable using their best efforts to achieve the results specified therein. They shall carry out all of their responsibilities under the present contract in accordance with recognised professional standards.
2. Duration of the Agreement
This Agreement shall come into force on the day when it has been signed by all parties, but shall have retroactive effect from the start of the eligibility period that is from 01/01/2018 to 30/12/2020. It shall remain in force until the applicant has discharged in full its obligations arising from the Europe for Citizens Grant Agreement with the Executive Agency.
3. Implementation of the project and results
Each Project Partner and Applicant accepts to implement the project in according with application form submitted (Annex I). The partners and the applicant accept to carry out the following activities:
- n° 8 European debate with the following theme:
o Theme 1 - The new EP election 2019 and role for the EP in the Future of EU;
o Theme 2 - The future of EU, scenarios possible (white book and debating on reform of UE): which is your idea or opinion?;
o Theme 3 - The Euroscepticism: the origin and the effects on the future of EU;
o Theme 4 - Economic crisis, immigration crisis, security are the new challenges of EU. The role of UE and possible solutions with “more” Europe ;
o Theme 5 - The immigration policies in the future of EU;
o Theme 6 - Populism and euroscepticism: causes, consequences and solutions;
o Theme 7 - Lack of knowledge about UE and Media influence;
o Theme 8 - High unemployment rate: the competences of EU and possible solutions
- N° 5 local dialogue for each country and 1 study visit to local Europe direct center and Dinner with the EU for each partner;
Local dialogues with xxxxx and new voters "The EU that we want for the future - Take part in the building process!" – Gerace
Local dialogue about the EU the European Institutions, EP Election 2019 and European Policies - Xxxxxxxx; Local dialogue about the EU the European Institutions, EP Election 2019 and European Policies – Kistelek One European Dialogue and four Local dialogues with young people - Teruel
One European Dialogue and four Local dialogues with young people – Heraklion
n. 2 Local dialogues with young people – Narva
n° 5 local dialogues about EU, EP election 2019, European policies for young people after 2020, the future of EU – Victoria
n° 5 Local dialogues with citizens and young people – Skrad
- A local working group called "Thinking EU";
- Final event in Bruxelles;
- Contest video storytelling;
- Implementation Web site of the project and community online
- Streeming of European Debate.
- handbook about the e-civic participation tools and the tools for individuate the fake news disseminate by the social media;
- Social space “My life with EU and without EU”;
The applicant and each partner will cooperate for achieve the project’s results as written in the application form (annex I).
3. Payment of funds and modalities
a) The applicant (Project Coordinator) will transfer the funds to the partner’s account for eligible activities that fully comply with the Workplan only, in accordance with the Grant Agreement and project performance.
The grant received by the partner has to be strictly and solely dedicated to the project funding in accordance with the guidelines and regulations of the Grant Agreement.
Each partner will riceve the grant if it has taken part in each activity in according with as planning in the project application and with the involvement of number of required participants.
The funds to be paid to the partner shall be paid into the following institutional bank account:
1. Município de Xxxxxxxx (Portogal)
Name and Address of the Account Holder: | ……………… |
Name of Bank: | ……………… |
Address of Bank: | ……………… |
IBAN - International Bank | ……………… |
Bank Swift Code: | ……………… |
2. Kistelek Városi Önkormányzat (HU)
Name and Address of the Account Holder: | ……………… |
Name of Bank: | ……………… |
Address of Bank: | ……………… |
IBAN - International Bank | ……………… |
Bank Swift Code: | ……………… |
3. Provincial Government of Teruel (Spain)
Name and Address of the Account Holder: | ……………… |
Name of Bank: | ……………… |
Address of Bank: | ……………… |
IBAN - International Bank | ……………… |
Bank Swift Code: | ……………… |
4. Narva Department for City Development and Economy (Estonia)
Name and Address of the Account Holder: | ……………… |
Name of Bank: | ……………… |
Address of Bank: | ……………… |
IBAN - International Bank | ……………… |
Bank Swift Code: | ……………… |
Name and Address of the Account Holder: | ……………… |
Name of Bank: | ……………… |
Address of Bank: | ……………… |
IBAN - International Bank | ……………… |
Bank Swift Code: | ……………… |
Name and Address of the Account Holder: | ……………… |
Name of Bank: | ……………… |
Address of Bank: | ……………… |
IBAN - International Bank | ……………… |
Bank Swift Code: | ……………… |
Name and Address of the Account Holder: | ……………… |
Name of Bank: | ……………… |
Address of Bank: | ……………… |
IBAN - International Bank | ……………… |
Bank Swift Code: | ……………… |
The partner is obliged to use the given funds exclusively for the purposes defined by the Project, and in accordance with terms and provisions of this Agreement and the Grant Agreement.
b) In the following table the planned partner budget is given according to the categories of project expenses, and is expressed in Euros, in accordance with the Grant Agreement:
Municipality of Gerace | 40.180,00 |
Kistelek Városi Önkormányzat | 15.500,00 |
Município de Xxxxxxxx (PT) | 15.500,00 |
Narva Department for City Development and Economy | 15.500,00 |
Municipality of Heraklion | 15.500,00 |
Provincial Government of Teruel | 15.500,00 |
Municiaplity fo Victoria | 15.500,00 |
Municioality of Sdrak | 15.500,00 |
TOTAL BUDGET | 148.680,00 |
These expenses should be eligible costs in line with the provisions of the Grant Agreement.
At the end of the project, the spent amounts may be lower than the ones initially planned, in case the real expenses are less than expected ones. They shall under no circumstances exceed the stated expenses.
The final amount paid to the partner by the applicant will be defined only once the total grant has been confirmed by the Executive Agency (according to art. 4 of the Grant Agreement for decision number: 2018-3302/003-001) after the end of the project and the presentation of final documents.
c) The applicant shall pay the partner for work completed satisfactorily according to the description and schedule of this work. Payment to the partner shall be made according to the following planned schedule:
• First instalment of pre-financing: The Applicant will transfer 25% (€ 4.680,00) of the partner’s total direct costs budget (€ 15.500,00), after the signing of the present contract, provided that the Applicant has received the pre- financing from the Executive Agency and bank details are correctly provided by the partner.
Balance payment: All outstanding payments to cover actual eligible expenditures that have not been received in previous instalments (see above), taking into account the co-financing share, will be paid to the partner within 30 days after the applicant receives the final payment from the Executive Agency, on condition that the partner has provided the requested eligible supporting documentation within the foreseen deadline and on condition that the partner has taken part in each project meeting and in all planned project's activities. In case that actual eligible expenditure is lower than previously received instalments and parts of the funds have not been consumed until the end of the project, these funds are to be reimbursed to the Applicant at the end of the project.
• Only expenditure in accordance with the project, declared eligible by EACEA and for which supporting documents have been provided, will be financed in accordance with the grant agreement and the programme guideline.
4. Irregularities and repayment of funds
If the Executive Agency should – based on the provisions of the Grant Agreement – request the repayment of EU contribution from the applicant, the applicant shall ask the partner that has caused the irregularity resulting in repayment of the EU contribution unduly paid according to the request of the Executive Agency.
The partner affected has to repay the requested EU contribution together with the interests chargeable to the applicant. The partner affected has to respect the deadline given by the Executive Agency to the applicant for the repayment of EU contribution. The partner has to transfer the requested EU contribution together with the interests chargeable to the applicant 30 (thirty) days before the abovementioned deadline.
5. Management of project and consortium decision making modalities
a) For the management of the project the following groups will be set up:
a Steering Committee / Project Management Committee to control the administrative and methodological aspects of the Action, monitor and evaluate the phases of the Action in terms of declared objectives and correspondence with the workplan, intervene for the resolution of any possible incoming problems.
Working groups with specific role and tasks in according with the project application.
(For each group the composition, operational procedures and specific role in the project should be defined)
b) The Steering Committee will work under the following rules:
Composition: legal representative and Contact person, defined in Application Form, of each partner shall be member of the Steering Committee (SC), with a proper mandate to negotiate on behalf of his/her institution. The participants may temporarily appoint a deputy to the SC.
Meetings: the Chairman of each meeting shall be the SC member coming from the host participant. The Chairman and Project applicant will jointly prepare in advance the agenda of the meeting, which will be reviewed by the other members and released and circulated by the Chairman.
Members and/or deputy members will attend the meeting. The Chairman will take minutes of the meeting and send the minutes for comments to the SC members within 20 working days; if no objections are raised within 10 working days, the minutes shall be considered as approved.
Decision Making: at each SC meeting, no less than two-thirds of the members shall constitute a quorum. Decision- making will be by majority (greater than 51%) among the present members (one vote per member).
In case that the applicant has profound objections concerning the compliance of a taken decision with the Grant Agreement or the legal basis of the Europe for citizens - Network of cities programme, the decision shall be frozen until the applicant, will have clarified the matter with the Executive Agency. In case that no compliance should be asserted the decision will be cancelled.
6. Specific obligations of the Applicant
The applicant shall take all the steps needed to correctly manage the project in accordance with the Application Form submitted to the Executive Agency and the Grant Agreement.
In addition the applicant shall:
• provide the copy of the Grant Agreement for the partner;
• keep the partner informed on a regular basis about all relevant communication between the applicant and the Executive Agency;
• inform the partner about all essential issues connected to the project implementation without any delay;
• be responsible for the verification that the expenditure declared by the partner has been incurred only for the purpose of implementing the project and corresponds to the activities agreed between the partners in the frame of the submitted Application Form;
• submit the final Report and each required document to the Executive Agency for the deadline given in the Grant Agreement and its annexes;
• Provide an external audit report together with the Final Report if required from grant agreement;
• Transfer funds to the partner in two instalments: as pre-financing and as final payment after that the partner has taken part in all planned project's activities in according with the grant agreement, the Annexes and the application form.
7. Specific obligations of the partner
The partner shall respect all rules and obligations set forth in the Grant Agreement. In addition the partner shall:
• commit themselves to do everything in their power to carry out the activities as specified in the workplan or application and xxxxxx the implementation of the project (See sheet Annex of this agreement). In the specific the partner have to carry out the following activities:
- Organize a project meeting in his country;
- Organize a European debate in his country;
- Organize the local dialogues in his country;
- Organize a visit study in his country and a “Dinner with Europe” (following the format)
- Take part in each transitional meeting, debate and other project’s activities with 4 participants for each activity;
- Contribute to develop project’s tools as planned in the application.
• provide the staff, facilities, equipment and material necessary to perform the project activities;
• support the applicant to fulfil its tasks according to the Grant Agreement;
• ensure adequate communication with the applicant;
• ensure that interaction with other partners takes place in continuous and smooth way;
• provide the applicant without any delay with any information needed to draw up the Intermediate Report and the Final Report, to react on any request by the Executive Agency, or provide with any further information needed by the applicant;
• inform the applicant immediately about any delay in the performance of the activates or any circumstance that could lead to a temporary or final discontinuation of the project;
• inform the applicant about any change in personnel, tasks or procedures of its project team;
• maintain either a separate accounting system or an adequate accounting code for all transactions relating to the project;
• inform the applicant on the details of the bank account where the part of the Executive Agency contribution shall be transferred by Applicant;
• complete the activities foreseen for each reporting period of the project implementation;
• have the expenditures incurred and paid in the given reporting period defined in Article 2 of this agreement and submit the supporting documents on validation of expenditure to the applicant;
• comply with Europe for citizens programme guide and conditions (CHAPTER III - FINANCIAL AND CONTRACTUAL CONDITIONS - Programma guide), the national rules, including rules on public procurement, state aid, publicity and equal opportunities;
• be responsible for the sound financial management of the funds allocated to the project part;
• agree with the partners of the project before submission of any request for amendment of the Grant Agreement to the Executive Agency.
8. Obligations of the applicant and the partners
• The partner is directly and exclusively responsible towards the applicant for the due implementation of its respective contribution to the project and for the proper fulfilment of its obligations as set out in this Agreement. Should a partner not fulfil its obligations under this contract in due time, the applicant shall admonish him to fulfil them within a reasonable period of time. The partner will undertake to find a rapid and efficient solution. Should the non-fulfilment continue, the applicant may decide to debar the partner concerned from the project with approval of the other partners. The Executive Agency shall be promptly informed of such an intended decision by the applicant and the change in the partnership has to be approved by the Executive Agency according to the provisions of the Grant Agreement;
▪ The partner shall take the financial responsibility for the EC contribution;
▪ In case of irregularities the applicant bears the overall responsibility towards the Executive Agency for the repayment of the amounts unduly paid. By way of the derogation from this principle if the irregularity is committed by a partner, the concerned partner shall repay to the applicant the amounts unduly paid;
9. Accounting, Record Keeping and Reporting
The Applicant and the partners should respect all rules and obligations set forth in the Annex II – General Condition in the Model Grant Decision:
a) Original invoices, debit notes, receipts, bank statements for every item of expense have to be thoroughly documented and kept by the institution and can only be financed by project funding if they are in compliance with eligibility of expenditure.
The partner is fully responsible for the correct delivery of the declaration of expenses and the appropriate application of accounting system. In more detail, the partner shall comply with the following:
▪ to accept the liability for the adequate and orderly accounting of this project according to the rules and regulations of the Grant Agreement for this project.
▪ to be aware of the fact that the applicant will not compensate for the ineligibility of costs caused by any violation of the Grant Agreement or this contract, for which the partner is responsible. Any costs which would be assessed as ineligible by the Executive Agency within their final report assessment need to be reimbursed by the partner to the applicant who confirms to forward the ineligible amount to the Executive Agency.
▪ To make available any documentation on project finance and activities required by the Executive Agency
▪ To keep a record of any expenditure incurred under the project and all proofs and related documents for five years after the end of the period covered by the present contract.
b) If necessary the Applicant will provide the partner with the appropriate forms for the declaration of expenses and the respective instructions for their completion.
Only the applicant can submit technical implementation reports and financial statements to the Executive Agency by providing proof of progress of the project. Therefore, in order to provide adequate information on the progress of the project, the partner has to submit a Report to the applicant consisting of an activity report describing the activities carried out and their outputs and results during the project period, and a financial report presenting the costs incurred in accordance with the approved Application Form. Deadlines for Partner Reports are the following: 20 days after each meeting.
c) The Partner Reports should be drawn up in Euro. In case partner from countries which have not adopted the Euro as their currency are participating in the project, the partner shall convert into Euro the amounts of expenditure in the list of invoices incurred in national currency before submission for validation. The expenditures shall be converted into Euro using the accounting exchange rate established by the Commission, of the month in which the transfers from the Executive Agency are received in the applicant account.
Exchange rate can be found on the Internet: (xxxx://xx.xxxxxx.xx/xxxxxx/xxxxxxxxx/
10. Intellectual property
The Beneficiaries make in-kind contributions and offer their intellectual know-how to get a collective product. Copyrights will be respected as follows:
- Material already developed and brought in may be only used within the scope of the project as templates of good practice. Copyrights have to be strictly safeguarded, permission for reproduction and scale of reproduction have to be settled beforehand.
- Where beneficiaries develop material within the scope of the project this material will be available for the partnership as a means within the common goals set in the partnership.
- Collective products in tangible form, like manuals, handbook, DVD, online data as the authorised result of this project work may be disseminated and translated into the respective beneficiary’s official language(s) for free as long as they are not marketed for profit. Throughout the contractual period of the project the partnership is the proprietor of the product.
11. Audits
For audit purposes from EU the partner shall:
• keep at the Commission’s disposal all original documents, especially accounting and tax records, or in exceptional and dully justified cases, certified copies of original documents relating to the Grant Agreement for a period of 5 years from the date of payment of the balance specified in Article I.4 of the Grant Agreement;
• enable the responsible auditing bodies of the Applicant and any other outside body authorized by the Executive Agency to audit of the use made of the grant;
• give these authorities any information about the project they request;
• give them access to the accounting books and accounting documents and other documentation related to the project, whereby the auditing bodies decide on this relation. Such audits may be carried out throughout the period of implementation of the Grant Agreement until the balance is paid and for a period of 5 years from the date of payment of balance;
• give them access to their sites and business premises during the ordinary business hours and also beyond these hours by arrangement;
• provide the applicant with any information needed related to such an audit without any delay.
12. Information and Publicity
Any publicity measure undertaken by any of the partners must follow the rules applicable to the visibility of EC education and culture programmes, and be in accordance to Article 9.1 of the Grant Agreement and the General condition n° 7 – Visibility of Union Funding.
Information and publicity measures will be coordinated among the partners. The partner is equally responsible to promote the fact that financing is provided from the European Union funds in the framework of the Europe for Citizens Programme and to ensure the adequate publicity of the project.
The partner takes note of the fact that the results of the project as well as any study or analysis produced in the course of the project will be made available to the public and they agree that the results of the project shall be available for all partners and for the public free of charge.
13. Changes in the Project Partnership
Being aware of the fact that all changes in the partnership must be notified and requires prior approval by the -Executive Agency. Changes of contact person for the partner require written confirmation signed by the new contact person and by the legal representative of partner and by the former contact person.
14. Language
The working language of the partnership shall be English. Any official internal document of the operation shall be made available in the language of the Grant Agreement (English).
15. Conflict resolution
Conflict resolution will be defined following the Italian legislation.
16. Competent and applicable law
a) This Agreement is governed by the Italian law, being the law of the country of the applicant.
b) This Partnership Agreement is concluded in English. In case of a translation of this Agreement and its annexes into another language than English, the English version shall prevail.
c) The parties will make an effort to settle any disputes arising from this Agreement out of the court. In case an agreement cannot be made in due time, the parties herewith agree that Locri (RC) Italy, shall be the venue for all legal disputes arising from this contract.
d) In case of any dispute on matters under this Contract, which cannot be resolved by an amicable settlement, it will fall within the jurisdiction of the Courts of city to resolve the dispute under the Italian law.
17. Other provisions
a) Any amendments to this Agreement shall be in writing signed by the applicant and the partner
b) Amendments and supplements to the present Agreement and any waiver of the requirement of the written form must be in written form and have to be indicated as such.
c) If any provision in this Agreement should be wholly or partly ineffective, the remaining provisions remain binding for the parties. In this case the parties undertake to replace the ineffective provision by an effective one which comes as close as possible to the purpose of the ineffective one.
d) The applicant and the partner commit themselves to taking measures to ensure that all staff members carrying out the work respect the confidential nature of information regarded as such, and do not disseminate it, pass it on to third parties or use it without prior written consent of the applicant and the partner.
e) 2 (two) original copies will be made of this Agreement; of which each party keeps one original and one original is attached to the Grant Agreement.
18. Termination
In the event that the partner fails to perform any obligations under the present contract or the Grant Agreement, the applicant may terminate or cancel this Agreement. If the partner or the applicant breaches the terms of the present contract, the other parties shall have the right to terminate this contract.
The applicant shall have the right to terminate the present contract if the partner has made false declarations to the applicant on work carried out or on expenditure. If the present contract is so terminated, the applicant may require acronym of the partner to reimburse all or part of the payments made under this contract.
The grant is governed by the terms of the Agreement and the applicable rules of the European Union.
Grant Agreement: A copy of the Grant Agreement signed between the Applicant and the Executive Agency Annex I of the Grant Agreement: Application form/Description of the action
Xxxxx XX of the Grant Agreement: General Condition (Hereinafter referred to as “the General Conditions”) Xxxxx XXX of the Grant Agreement: Estimated budget of the action
Xxxxx XX of the Grant Agreement: Model technical (Activity) reports and financial statements, included list of supporting documents, to be submitted
Annex V of the Grant Agreement: Model financial statement (included in Xxxxx XX)
We, the undersigned, declare that we have read and accepted the terms and conditions of this contract as described here before, including the annexes thereto.
For the Applicant For the partner
………………………………. ………………………………..
Name of the legal representative Name of the legal representative
…………………………….. ………………………………...
Position Position
…………………………….. ………………………………….
Date and Place Date and Place
……………………………… ………………………………….
Signature Signature
Stamp of the institution Stamp of the Institution
Letto confermato e sottoscritto
Xxxx. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx D.ssa Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx
(art. 124, 2°comma, D.Lgs. n. 267/2000)
Su conforme dichiarazione del Messo Comunale, si certifica che copia della presente deliberazione viene affissa, in data odierna, all’Albo Pretorio e vi rimarrà per quindici giorni consecutivi prot. n.2927. Gerace xx, 00.00.0000
D.ssa Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx
Contestualmente all'affissione all'Albo gli estremi della presente deliberazione sono inclusi, in data odierna, nell'elenco prot.n. 2928 trasmesso ai capigruppo consiliari.
Gerace xx, 00.00.0000
D.ssa Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx
CERTIFICATO DI ESECUTIVITA’ (art. 134, D.Lgs. n. 267/2000)
Si certifica che la suestesa deliberazione è stata pubblicata nelle forme di legge all’Albo Pretorio e che la stessa è divenuta esecutiva
è stata dichiarata immediatamente eseguibile, ai sensi dell'art.134, 4°comma, del D.Lgs n. 267/2000;
è divenuta esecutiva ai sensi dell’art. 134, 3° comma, del D.Lgs 267/2000 decorsi dieci giorni dalla sua pubblicazione.
Gerace xx, 00.00.0000
D.ssa Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx
È copia conforme all’originale X.xx Il Segretario Comunale / Responsabile del Servizio
Gerace xx, 00.00.0000