Istruzioni per l’uso Telecamera 3D
11533584 / 00
04 / 2023
X0X000 X0X000 X0X000 X0X000
6.1 Selezionare il luogo di montaggio 8
6.2 Preparazione del dispositivo alla messa in servizio 9
6.2.1 Soglie di avviso tipiche per O3D301 / O3D303 9
6.2.2 Soglie di avviso tipiche per O3D311 / O3D313 10
6.2.3 Abbassare la temperatura di superficie 10
7.1.1 Pin 1 / 3 (24 V / GND) 13
7.1.2 Pin 2 (ingresso trigger) 13
7.1.3 Pin 4 / 5 (ready / in cascata) 13
7.2.1 Attivare la registrazione dell’immagine con sensore di prossimità 14
7.2.2 Utilizzare più dispositivi affiancati 15
9.1 Parametrizzazione del dispositivo 17
10. Esempio di programmazione 18
11. Manutenzione, riparazione e smaltimento 19
11.3 Sostituire il dispositivo 19
14.2.1 Sample XML-RPC command 21
14.3.4 Additional Information for CONFIDENCE_IMAGE 30
14.3.5 Configuration of PCIC Output 31
14.4 Process Interface Command Reference 36
14.4.1 a Command (activate application) 36
14.4.2 A? Command (occupancy of application list) 36
14.4.3 c Command (upload PCIC output configuration) 37
14.4.4 C? Command (retrieve current PCIC configuration) 37
14.4.5 E? Command (request current error state) 37
14.4.6 G? Command (request device information) 38
14.4.7 H? Command (return a list of available commands) 39
14.4.8 I? Command (request last image taken) 40
14.4.9 o Command (set logic state of a ID) 40
14.4.10 O? Command (request state of a ID) 41
14.4.11 p Command (turn PCIC output on or off) 41
14.4.12 S? Command (request current decoding statistics) 42
14.4.13 t Command (execute asynchronous trigger) 42
14.4.14 T? Command (execute synchronous trigger) 43
14.4.15 v Command (set current protocol version) 43
14.4.16 V? Command (request current protocol version) 43
14.6 XML-RPC Command Reference 45
14.6.5 Device Config Object 52
14.6.6 Device/Network Config Object 56
14.6.7 Application Config Object 56
14.6.8 Application/Imager Config Object 58
14.6.9 Image Settings and Filter Parameters 65
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1. Premessa
Questo documento si rivolge ai tecnici, ossia persone in grado, grazie alla loro formazione pertinente ed esperienza, di riconoscere rischi ed evitare possibili pericoli derivanti dal funzionamento o dalla manutenzione del dispositivo. Il presente documento contiene indicazioni relative all'uso corretto del dispositivo.
Leggere il presente manuale prima dell’uso in modo da prendere pratica con le condizioni d’impiego, l’installazione e il funzionamento. Conservare il documento per tutta la durata d'uso del dispositivo.
1.1 Simboli utilizzati
► Sequenza operativa
> Reazione, risultato
[…] Denominazione di tasti, pulsanti o indicazioni
→ Riferimento Nota importante
In caso di inosservanza sono possibili malfunzionamenti o anomalie.
Informazioni Nota integrativa
1.2 Avvertenze utilizzate
Pericolo di danni materiali.
1.3 Open source information
This product can contain Free Software or Open Source Software from various software developers which is subject to the following licenses: General Public License version 1, version 2 and version 3 (General Public License version 3 in conjunction with the GNU Compiler Collection Runtime Library Exception version 3.1), Lesser General Public License version 2.1, Lesser General Public License version 3, Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD-2-Clause, BSD-3-Clause, BSD-4-Clause), MIT-License (MIT), Python Software Foundation License 2.0, Pearl Artistic License and Artistic License 2.0, Microsoft Public License, Apache Software License Version 1.0, 1.1 und 2.0, ISC License, libpng License, zlib License, the Academic Free License version 2.1, Mozilla Public License 2.0.
For the components subject to the General Public License in their respective versions the following applies:
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. If version 1 applies to the software: either version 1 of the License or (at your option) any later version; if version 2 (or 2.1) applies to the software: either version 2 (or 2.1) of the License or (at your option) any later version; if version 3 applies to the software: either version 3 of the License or (at your option) any later version. The following disclaimer
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For binaries that are licensed under any version of the GNU General Public License (GPL) or the GNU LGPL or Mozilla Public License 2.0 you may obtain the complete corresponding source code of the GPL software from us by sending a written request to: or to ifm electronic gmbh, Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0, 00000 Xxxxx, Xxxxxxx.
We charge €30 for each request. Please write “source for product Y” in the memo line of your payment. Your request should include (i) the name of the covered binary, (ii) the name and the version number of the ifm product, (iii) your name and (iv) your return address.
The following applies to components covered by the General Public License in their respective versions. This offer is valid to anyone in receipt of this information. This offer is valid for at least three years (from the date you received the GPL/LGPL covered code).
2. Indicazioni di sicurezza
2.1 In generale
La presente descrizione è parte integrante del dispositivo. Contiene testi e immagini per l'uso corretto del dispositivo e deve essere letta prima dell'installazione o prima dell'utilizzo.
Seguire quanto riportato nelle presenti istruzioni. L'inosservanza delle indicazioni, il funzionamento non conforme a quanto definito qui di seguito, l'installazione o l'impiego non corretti possono pregiudicare la sicurezza di persone ed impianti.
2.2 Gruppo target
Le istruzioni si rivolgono a persone che possono essere ritenute esperte ai sensi della direttiva EMC e quella per basse tensioni. Il dispositivo deve essere installato, collegato e messo in servizio soltanto da un tecnico elettronico.
2.3 Collegamento elettrico
Disinserire il dispositivo dalla tensione esterna prima di eseguire qualsiasi operazione.
Ai pin di collegamento devono essere inviati solo i segnali indicati nei dati tecnici o sull'etichetta del dispositivo e collegati gli accessori ammessi di ifm.
2.4 Interventi sul prodotto
Contattare il produttore in caso di malfunzionamento o incertezza. Interventi sul dispositivo possono compromettere gravemente la sicurezza di persone ed impianti. Essi non sono ammessi e sollevano il produttore da qualsiasi responsabilità ed obbligo di garanzia.
3. Uso conforme
La telecamera 3D O3D3xx è una telecamera ottica che misura, punto per punto, la distanza tra la telecamera e la superficie più vicina utilizzando la tecnologia a tempo di volo. La telecamera 3D O3D3xx illumina la scena con una fonte luminosa interna a infrarossi e calcola la distanza in base alla luce riflessa dalla superficie.
La telecamera 3D O3D3xx fornisce i dati che descrivono la scena rilevata in modo tridimensionale. Tali dati sulla distanza possono essere trasmessi tramite Ethernet e analizzati dall’utente. Anche la telecamera 3D O3D3xx viene parametrizzata tramite Ethernet.
La telecamera 3D O3D3xx può essere utilizzata solo nelle condizioni ambientali indicate nella scheda tecnica.
La sicurezza del dispositivo è concepita se utilizzato nelle condizioni ambientali seguenti:
• utilizzo in ambiente interno
• altitudine fino a 2000 m
• umidità relativa dell'aria fino al 90% massimo, non condensante
• grado di inquinamento 3
Considerando i requisiti per le emissioni di interferenze elettromagnetiche, il dispositivo è destinato ad applicazioni in ambienti industriali. Il dispositivo non è adatto per l’impiego in abitazioni.
Il dispositivo può essere utilizzato solo nelle condizioni ambientali indicate nella scheda tecnica.
4. Fornitura
● Telecamera 3D O3D3xx
● Istruzioni rapide
Scheda tecnica e ulteriore documentazione (manuale del software ecc.) disponibili in Internet:
5. Accessori
Per il funzionamento del dispositivo sono necessari i seguenti accessori:
Codice articolo | Descrizione |
E11950 | Cavo di alimentazione per telecamera/sensore |
E11898 | Connettori Ethernet industriali M12 |
Il software ifm Vision Assistant è disponibile, gratuitamente, sul nostro sito web:
6. Montaggio
Questo capitolo descrive cosa tenere presente prima del montaggio e come montare il dispositivo.
① Dispositivo
② Angolo di apertura
③ Oggetto
④ Campo immagine
⑤ Distanza tra dispositivo e oggetto
6.1 Selezionare il luogo di montaggio
Nella scelta del luogo di montaggio attenersi alle seguenti istruzioni:
► L’oggetto ③ deve trovarsi completamente nel campo immagine ④.
> Le dimensioni del campo immagine dipendono dal tipo di dispositivo e sono indicate nella scheda tecnica. Inoltre, le dimensioni del campo immagine dipendono dalla distanza del dispositivo dall’oggetto⑤: con l’aumentare della distanza aumenta il campo immagine.
► Tener conto delle tolleranze posizionando l’oggetto.
► Considerare il campo di misura del dispositivo definendo la distanza tra dispositivo ed oggetto ⑤.
> Il campo di misura è indicato nella scheda tecnica del dispositivo.
► Scegliere una distanza tra dispositivo ed oggetto ⑤ che sia quanto più piccola possibile.
> Con una distanza più piccola possibile, l’oggetto viene rilevato con la massima risoluzione.
► Evitare una luce ambientale intensa e la luce del sole nel luogo di montaggio.
> Un livello di luce esterna superiore a 8 klx causa errori di misura (con spettro solare posto alla base).
In effetti, solo la parte di infrarossi compresa tra 800 e 900 nm disturba.
► Evitare aree molto sporche sul luogo di montaggio.
> In aree molto sporche, l’obiettivo si sporca nonostante sia rivolto verso il basso ①.
► Evitare lastre trasparenti tra il dispositivo ① e l’oggetto ③.
> Le lastre trasparenti riflettono una parte della luce persino se si utilizza una lastra di vetro molto pulita.
Se non si rispettano le istruzioni possono verificarsi errori di misura.
6.2 Preparazione del dispositivo alla messa in servizio
La temperatura di superficie del dispositivo dipende dalla modalità operativa, dalla scelta dei parametri e dal collegamento termico del dispositivo all’ambiente.
Accertarsi che il dispositivo soddisfi i seguenti requisiti:
La temperatura superficiale per superfici facilmente accessibili può superare di max 25°C la temperatura ambiente (secondo la norma IEC61010-2-201).
I seguenti diagrammi riportano le soglie di avviso tipiche sulle quali si può basare l’installatore.
I diagrammi si intendono validi per le seguenti modalità di esposizione:
● un tempo di esposizione
● due tempi di esposizione
● tre tempi di esposizione
In caso di due e tre tempi di esposizione, bisogna calcolare le soglie di avviso tipiche mediante la somma dei tempi di esposizione. I tempi di esposizione vengono visualizzati nel software ifm Vision
Seguire una delle istruzioni in caso di superamento delle soglie di avviso:
► Ridurre la temperatura di superficie (→ 6.2.3).
► Montare la protezione da contatto, senza limitare la convezione (circolazione dell’aria).
> La protezione da contatto montata serve a non far aumentare la temperatura di superficie.
Il parametro "Distanza massima visibile" viene impostato in ifm Vision Assistant. Nei diagrammi, le soglie di avviso del parametro sono indicate con linee tratteggiate e continue.
Se il dispositivo si trova in una delle zone punteggiate, si deve abbassare la temperatura di superficie (→ 6.2.3). Se la soglia di avviso viene superata nonostante il montaggio a dissipazione termica, si può montare un’ulteriore protezione da contatto.
Se con il montaggio normale i valori sono inferiori alle soglie di avviso tipiche, non occorre adottare nessun provvedimento.
6.2.1 Soglie di avviso tipiche per O3D301 / O3D303
y 25 20 15 10 5 0 x 0 2 4 6 8 10 | Parametri "Distanza massima visibile" | |
Montaggio su parti metalliche a conduzione termica con piastra termoconduttiva (→ 6.2.3) | ||
Soglia di avviso | Parametro | |
< 5 m < 30 m > 30 m | ||
Montaggio normale | ||
Soglia di avviso | Parametro | |
< 5 m < 30 m > 30 m | ||
x = tempo di esposizione [ms] y = frequenza fotogrammi [fps] |
6.2.2 Soglie di avviso tipiche per O3D311 / O3D313
y 25 20 15 10 5 0 x 0 2 4 6 8 10 | Parametri "Distanza massima visibile" | |
Montaggio su parti metalliche a conduzione termica con piastra termoconduttiva (→ 6.2.3) | ||
Soglia di avviso | Parametro | |
< 5 m < 30 m > 30 m | ||
Montaggio normale | ||
Soglia di avviso | Parametro | |
< 5 m < 30 m > 30 m | ||
x = tempo di esposizione [ms] y = frequenza fotogrammi [fps] |
6.2.3 Abbassare la temperatura di superficie
Adottando le misure di seguito riportate si può abbassare la temperatura di superficie:
► Montare il dispositivo su parti metalliche a conduzione termica.
> Un contatto a vasta superficie del dispositivo con parti metalliche aumenta la dissipazione del calore (ad es. alluminio).
► Nel montaggio su parti metalliche utilizzare una piastra termoconduttiva.
> L’effetto a conduzione di calore aumenta con la piastra termoconduttiva. La piastra termoconduttiva è
disponibile come accessorio (→ 6.4).
► Ridurre gli elementi supplementari intorno al dispositivo e la densità degli oggetti.
> Gli elementi supplementari intorno al dispositivo e una maggiore densità possono influire negativamente sulla convezione (circolazione dell’aria).
► Montare uno o due dissipatori di calore sul dispositivo.
> I dissipatori di calore aumentano la superficie del dispositivo facendo abbassare la temperatura di
superficie. I dissipatori di calore sono disponibili come accessori (→ 6.4).
► Ridurre il tempo di esposizione, la frequenza dei fotogrammi e la distanza massima visibile.
> La modalità operativa utilizzata e i parametri possono far aumentare la temperatura di superficie.
6.3 Montare il dispositivo
Per il montaggio del dispositivo, attenersi alle seguenti istruzioni:
► Montare il dispositivo con 2 viti M5 o il set di montaggio.
> Le dimensioni dei fori delle viti M5 sono indicate nella scheda tecnica.
> Il set di montaggio è disponibile come accessorio (→ 6.4).
► Utilizzare fermacavi per tutti i cavi allacciati al dispositivo.
► Non applicare forze sulle guarnizioni del dispositivo (vedere la figura successiva).
> Se le guarnizioni sono sottoposte a carichi meccanici dall'esterno, non è possibile garantire il grado di protezione IP indicato nella scheda tecnica. Impedire che forze agiscano sulle guarnizioni prendendo le seguenti misure: incavo nel supporto (ad esempio una scanalatura) o distanziatore.
Attenersi alle seguenti istruzioni per il montaggio di un dispositivo O3D301 e O3D311:
► Montare il dispositivo in modo che il regolatore di messa a fuoco sia raggiungibile con un cacciavite.
> La posizione del regolatore di messa a fuoco è indicata nel disegno tecnico (→ 13).
Se il dispositivo viene utilizzato costantemente in ambienti bagnati, il dado del cavo di collegamento M12 Industrial Ethernet (es. E11898) si può corrodere. Per un utilizzo permanente in ambienti bagnati, utilizzare un cavo di collegamento con un dado in acciaio inox.
①: Guarnizioni del dispositivo
6.4 Accessori di montaggio
A seconda del luogo di montaggio e del montaggio, si possono utilizzare i seguenti accessori:
Codice articolo | Descrizione |
E3D301 | Set di montaggio Smart Camera |
E3D302 | Dissipatore di calore Smart Camera |
E3D303 | Piastra termoconduttiva Smart Camera |
E3D304 | 2 dissipatori di calore Smart Camera |
Informazioni sugli accessori:
7. Collegamento elettrico
Prima dell’installazione elettrica, attenersi alle seguenti istruzioni.
Il dispositivo deve essere installato soltanto da personale specializzato. Osservare i dati elettrici riportati nella scheda tecnica.
Apparecchio della classe di isolamento III
L'alimentazione elettrica deve essere realizzata solo tramite circuiti elettrici PELV. L’alimentazione elettrica deve essere conforme a UL61010-1, cap. 9.4 - Limited Energy:
Il dispositivo di protezione da sovracorrente deve interrompere una corrente di 6,6 A in 120 s. Per la corretta installazione del dispositivo di protezione da sovracorrente, tener conto dei dati tecnici e del cablaggio dell’apparecchio.
L’isolamento dei circuiti elettrici esterni deve essere conforme a UL61010-2-201, fig. 102.
Per cavi di lunghezza > 30 m, ricorrere a un’ulteriore protezione contro le tensioni a impulso secondo IEC6100-4-5.
Disinserire la tensione prima del collegamento elettrico.
Per il campo di validità cULus:
Resistenza del cavo alla temperatura minima per il collegamento ai morsetti da campo: 70 °C.
7.1 Assegnazione dei pin
① Ethernet | |||||
Connettore femmina M12, codificato D, 4 poli | |||||
1 | 2 | 1 2 | TD + RD + | ||
3 | TD - | ||||
4 | 0 X | 0 X | XX - Xxxxxx | ||
② Alimentazione elettrica | |||||
Connettore M12, codificato A, 5 poli | |||||
5 | 2 | 1 | 1 2 3 | U+ Ingresso trigger GND | |
3 | 4 | 4 5 | Uscita di commutazione 1 - ready Xxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxx 0 - xx xxxxxxx |
Chiudere il collegamento Ethernet non utilizzato con il cappuccio di protezione (E73004). Coppia di serraggio 0,6...0,8 Nm.
La configurazione degli ingressi e delle uscite di commutazione può essere gestita con il software ifm Vision Assistant. La regolazione della commutazione PNP o NPN vale sempre per tutti gli ingressi e le uscite di commutazione.
Installando gli attuatori e i sensori, assicurarsi che la regolazione sia corretta (ad es. fotocellule per il trigger).
Le uscite di commutazione possono funzionare anche da uscite ad impulsi che resettano il proprio segnale di commutazione scaduto il tempo impostato.
7.1.1 Pin 1 / 3 (24 V / GND)
Il campo di tensione consentito è indicato nella scheda tecnica del dispositivo.
7.1.2 Pin 2 (ingresso trigger)
La registrazione dell’immagine del dispositivo può essere attivata tramite l’ingresso trigger con un segnale di commutazione.
Si possono utilizzare i seguenti fronti di trigger:
● il fronte decrescente attiva la registrazione dell’immagine
● il fronte crescente attiva la registrazione dell’immagine
● il fronte decrescente e quello crescente attivano la registrazione dell’immagine Altre possibilità per attivare il dispositivo:
● comando dell’interfaccia di processo (→ 14.3)
● registrazione continua dell’immagine con frequenza fotogrammi a regolazione fissa
L’ingresso trigger ha una funzione antirimbalzo integrata. A seconda dell’installazione elettrica, è possibile rinunciare alla funzione antirimbalzo del cavo trigger.
Il filtro antirimbalzo impedisce che più impulsi brevi attivino un trigger. L’impulso deve durare almeno 2 ms per essere riconosciuto come trigger.
Ingresso trigger
Registrazione immagine
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Tempo [ms]
7.1.3 Pin 4 / 5 (ready / in cascata)
Le specifiche elettriche delle uscite di commutazione 1 e 2 (ready / in cascata) sono riportate nella scheda tecnica.
Nella preimpostazione le uscite di commutazione indicano il seguente stato del dispositivo:
● uscita di commutazione 1: "Pronto per trigger"
● uscita di commutazione 2: "Registrazione immagine terminata"
"Uscita di commutazione attivata" significa che si è verificato il rispettivo stato del dispositivo. Lo stato del dispositivo può assumere, a seconda della regolazione, uno dei seguenti valori:
● "Pronto per trigger"
Il dispositivo segnala che è possibile catturare una nuova immagine. Solo con questo stato del dispositivo vengono elaborati i trigger. In caso di rilevamento continuo delle immagini non viene trasmesso lo stato del dispositivo "Pronto per trigger".
● "Rilevamento immagini finito"
Il dispositivo segnala che il rilevamento delle immagini è terminato. Lo stato del dispositivo può essere utilizzato per il collegamento a cascata di dispositivi.
● "Valutazione conclusa"
Il dispositivo segnala che l’elaborazione dell’immagine si è conclusa. A questo punto tutte le uscite di commutazione sono già aggiornate. I dati vengono trasmessi tramite Ethernet.
● "Errore"
Il dispositivo segnala un errore interno. Tramite Ethernet è possibile visualizzare informazioni dettagliate relative all’errore.
7.2 Esempi di cablaggio
Di seguito vengono illustrati esempi di cablaggio del dispositivo.
7.2.1 Attivare la registrazione dell’immagine con sensore di prossimità
Il dispositivo può essere attivato esternamente:
● tramite Ethernet
● tramite un sensore di prossimità collegato all’ingresso trigger
Nella figura che segue è illustrato il cablaggio del dispositivo con un sensore di prossimità.
1 2
4 3
2 1
3 4
3 1 2 4 5
+ DC 24 V -
①: Notebook (parametrizzazione)
②: Sensore di prossimità
③: PC industriale (analisi / attivazione)
7.2.2 Utilizzare più dispositivi affiancati
Dispositivi montati l’uno accanto all’altro possono causare errori di misura dovuti all’esposizione contemporanea.
① Dispositivo
② Dispositivo
③ Oggetto
È possibile evitare gli errori di misura in due modi:
● Collegare a cascata i dispositivi tramite trigger HW
Nel collegamento a cascata, un sistema di controllo attiva la registrazione dell’immagine del 1° dispositivo. A registrazione dell’immagine ultimata, il dispositivo 1 attiva autonomamente il dispositivo
2. Il dispositivo 2 comunica al sistema di controllo la conclusione della sequenza.
3 1 2 4 5
3 1 2 4 5
+ DC 24 V -
2 1
3 4
①: PC industriale (analisi / attivazione)
● Utilizzare diversi canali di frequenza
Con il software ifm Vision Assistant ad ogni dispositivo è possibile associare un proprio canale di frequenza. I diversi canali di frequenza riducono il verificarsi di errori di misura.
Il software ifm Vision Assistant è disponibile, gratuitamente, sul nostro sito web:
8. Elementi di indicazione
Tramite gli elementi di indicazione LED 1 - 4, il dispositivo segnala lo stato operativo attuale.
LED 4 (Ethernet) | LED 1 (Power) | LED 2 (Out 1) | LED 3 (Out 2) | Descrizione |
acceso | Il dispositivo è pronto al funzionamento, tensione di alimentazione applicata | |||
lampeggia con 0,5 Hz | Il dispositivo non è configurato oppure la parametrizzazione non è stata caricata sul dispositivo On Off | |||
lampeggia 2x con 0,5 Hz | Il dispositivo è nella modalità di parametrizzazione On Off | |||
acceso | L’uscita di commutazione 1 è attivata | |||
lampeggia con 8 Hz | L’uscita di commutazione 1 ha un cortocircuito | |||
acceso | L’uscita di commutazione 2 è attivata | |||
lampeggia con 8 Hz | L’uscita di commutazione 2 ha un cortocircuito | |||
acceso | Ethernet è collegato | |||
lampeggia | Ethernet trasmette dati | |||
disattivato | Ethernet non è collegato | |||
lampeggia con 8 Hz | lampeggia con 8 Hz | Il dispositivo segnala un errore interno | ||
lampeggia con 2 Hz | lampeggia con 2 Hz | Il dispositivo segnala un errore interno eliminabile; tramite Ethernet è possibile leggere il messaggio di errore | ||
LED a scorrimento ⇒ | Il dispositivo viene avviato | |||
LED a scorrimento ⇐ | Il dispositivo esegue l’aggiornamento del firmware |
9. Messa in servizio
Sul dispositivo si possono salvare fino a 32 applicazioni. Un’applicazione contiene normalmente i seguenti parametri:
● registrazione dell'immagine: per es. trigger registrazione dell’immagine, tempo di esposizione, filtro dell’elaborazione immagine
● interfaccia: Ethernet, uscite di commutazione
L'applicazione corrispondente può essere attivata con il software ifm Vision Assistant o tramite i comandi dell'interfaccia di processo.
9.1 Parametrizzazione del dispositivo
È possibile parametrizzare il dispositivo in diversi modi:
● software ifm Vision Assistant (→ vedere manuale del software)
● ifm3Dlib (third party product, → xxxxx:// Esempio di programmazione per ifm3Dlib:
● ROS (third party product, → xxxxx://
● Comandi XML-RPC (→ 14.6)
L’utilizzo del software ifm Vision Assistant e le informazioni dettagliate sul principio di misura del dispositivo e dei risultati sono descritti nel manuale del software.
Il manuale del software è disponibile sul sito Internet:
La libreria ifm3Dlib e il wrapper ROS vengono programmati da ifm electronic. I due pacchetti sono disponibili per Linux sotto la licenza Apache versione 2.0.
9.2 Rilevare l’oggetto
Di seguito vengono descritte le condizioni che determinano un alto tasso di rilevamento degli oggetti.
① Dispositivo
② Area di influenza
③ Campo visivo
④ Oggetto
Un oggetto ④ viene rilevato in modo ottimale se sono soddisfatte le seguenti condizioni:
● L’oggetto è posizionato nel campo visivo ③
● L’oggetto è l’oggetto più vicino che il dispositivo ① può rilevare
● Nell’area di influenza ② non si trovano oggetti (elementi supplementari ecc.)
● La finestra protettiva del dispositivo non è sporca.
Se non vengono rispettate le condizioni, possono verificarsi errori di misura.
10. Esempio di programmazione
Utilizzare preferibilmente la ifm3Dlib per l'accesso al dispositivo sotto Linux. La libreria è testata ed è l’implementazione di riferimento per C++.
La libreria viene supportata da ifm electronic e dalla ditta Lovepark Robotics. La licenza Apache 2 consente un utilizzo commerciale.
10.1 ifm3Dlib
Di seguito un piccolo esempio C++ di come è possibile attivare il dispositivo utilizzando la ifm3Dlib.
auto cam = ifm3d::Camera::MakeShared();
auto fg = std::make_shared<ifm3d::FrameGrabber> ↲
(cam,(ifm3d::IMG_AMP|ifm3d::IMG_RDIS|ifm3d::IMG_CART)); auto img = std::make_shared<ifm3d::ImageBuffer>();
if (! fg->WaitForFrame(img.get(), 1000))
std::cerr << "Timeout waiting for camera!" << std::endl; return -1;
pcl::io::savePCDFileASCII("point_cloud.pcd", *(img->Cloud()); imwrite("amplitude.png", img->AmplitudeImage()); imwrite("radial_distance.png", img->DistanceImage());
Nell'esempio, un record di dati viene prelevato dal dispositivo. Dal record di dati, l'immagine dell'ampiezza e la distanza radiale vengono salvate in un file PNG. Le coordinate cartesiane vengono salvate come file PCL.
11. Manutenzione, riparazione e smaltimento
Si prega di attenersi alle seguenti istruzioni:
► Non aprire il dispositivo. All’interno del dispositivo non vi sono componenti di cui l’utente debba eseguire la manutenzione. La riparazione del dispositivo deve essere eseguita soltanto dal produttore.
► Il dispositivo deve essere smaltito nel rispetto dell'ambiente ai sensi delle disposizioni nazionali.
11.1 Pulizia
Prima di pulire il dispositivo attenersi alle seguenti istruzioni:
► Utilizzare un panno pulito che non rilascia pelucchi.
► Per la pulizia utilizzare un detergente per vetri.
Se le istruzioni non vengono seguite, possono verificarsi errori di misura dovuti a graffi sulla finestra protettiva.
11.2 Aggiornare firmware
Con il software ifm Vision Assistant è possibile aggiornare il firmware del dispositivo.
Aggiornando il firmware vanno persi i parametri memorizzati nel dispositivo. Prima di procedere con l’aggiornamento del firmware, fare una copia di sicurezza dei parametri:
► Esportare i parametri prima di aggiornare il firmware.
► Importare i parametri dopo aver aggiornato il firmware. In Internet sono disponibili gli update del firmware:
11.3 Sostituire il dispositivo
Quando si sostituisce il dispositivo vanno persi i parametri. Prima di procedere con la sostituzione del dispositivo, fare una copia di sicurezza dei parametri.
► Prima di procedere con la sostituzione, esportare i parametri del vecchio dispositivo.
► Dopo la sostituzione importare i parametri sul nuovo dispositivo.
Esportando e importando i parametri è possibile fornire rapidamente gli stessi parametri a più dispositivi.
12. Certificazioni/Norme
Per la dichiarazione di conformità UE, consultare
13. Disegni
1 2
13.1 O3D303 / O3D313
①: Obiettivo
②: Unità di illuminazione
③: LED a 2 colori (giallo/verde)
28,7 32,5
1 2
13.2 O3D301 / O3D311
①: Obiettivo
②: Unità di illuminazione
③: LED a 2 colori (giallo/verde)
④: Regolatore di messa a fuoco
14. Appendix
14.1 Required Ports
The following ports are required for the camera configuration using XML-RPC and for receiving data on the process interface. They must not be blocked by a firewall or router.
● TCP/HTTP: 80
● TCP: 50010
If the ifm Vision Assistant is used, the following additional ports must also be available:
● UDP: 3321
● TCP/HTTP: 8080
It is possible to configure another port than 50010 for the process interface. If a different port is used, it must not be blocked either.
14.2 XML-RPC Interface
In case the O3D3xx camera should not be configured by the “ifmVisionAssistant”, the XML-RPC interface can be used instead.
General information about XML-RPC is found on the website xxxx://
To send a command via the XML-RPC interface the command is in a special layout. In this command, linefeeds and carriage returns are essential.
Every command which is sent via the XML-RPC interface must end with carriage return <CR> and linefeed <LF>.
Several commands will use different URLs in the XML-RPC header.
14.2.1 Sample XML-RPC command
All following XML-RPC commands will have this type of layout: POST /RPC3 HTTP/1.0<CR><LF>
User-Agent: Frontier/5.1.2 (WinNT)<CR><LF> Host:<CR><LF>
Content-Type: text/xml<CR><LF> Content-length: 181<CR><LF>
<?xml version="1.0"?><CR><LF>
The following example contains one O3D3xx command:
POST /api/rpc/v1/ HTTP/1.1 <CR><LF> User-Agent: Frontier/5.1.2 (WinNT)<CR><LF>
Content-Type: text/xml<CR><LF> Content-length: 94<CR><LF>
<?xml version="1.0"?><CR><LF>
14.2.2 XML-RPC Objects
To communicate and to configure the device via XML-RPC the XML-RPC commands have to use different XML-RPC objects. Different commands need different XML-RPC objects (see XML-RPC command references).
The interface of O3D3xx is structured in an object-oriented way. Some of the objects are available all the time, others are only available after bringing the device into a special mode by calling a method on an already available object. This mechanism is used to create system requirements (e.g. password protection).
It could be necessary to send heartbeats so that there will be no session timeout.
The following diagram should give an overview how objects are related to each other and which methods must be called to make others available:
Main API
editApplication(1) ApplicationConfig
Main API
cancelSession(...) removes itself from RPC. Session will also be removed, if heartbeat(...) is not called at the right time
setOperatingMode(0) will remove EditMode from RPC
stopEditApplication() will remove ApplicationConfig from RPC
Main Object
Object-URI: /api/rpc/v1/
This is the main object of RPC. It contains methods to open a session. The session contains methods for activating the edit mode. Most of its methods are only getters, because it should be possible to protect editing with a password.
Session Object
Object URI e.g.: /api/rpc/v1/
The URL part “d21c80db5bc1069932fbb9a3bd841d0b” is the session ID. It is returned by the command "requestSession" of the main object. If the command "requestSession" is called without a user-defined session ID, which can be passed as a parameter, a random session ID is generated automatically.
EditMode Object
Object URI e.g.: /api/rpc/v1/
This object is only available if the device is in the edit operating mode. The index of applications must be between 1 and 32. The device must only support 32 applications and the indexes must start at 1.
DeviceConfig Object
Object-URI e.g.: /api/rpc/v1/
Device/NetworkConfig Object
Object URI e.g.:
Application Config Object (editable application)
Object URI e.g.:
Application/Imager Config Object (O3D3xx)
Object URI e.g.:
As there is only one imager config on O3D3xx, the ID must be fixed to "001". Data of this object is persistently saved when calling "save" on the application config object. The imager config RPC object has multiple sub-types. Only parameters relevant for a specific type are available while it is active. They are based on frequency (extending the distance) and integration intervals (extending the measurement details).
Type names, based on GUI draft (under 5 metres -> single frequency, up to 30 metres -> double frequency, more than 30 metres -> triple frequency.):
under5m_low under5m_moderate under5m_high upto30m_low upto30m_moderate upto30m_high morethan30m_low morethan30m_moderate
Image Settings and Filter Parameters
There is an RPC object for spatial filter parameters in each imager configuration.
Object URI e.g.: /api/rpc/v1/ application/imager_001/spatialfilter
There is an RPC object for temporal filter parameters in each imager configuration.
Object URI e.g.: /api/rpc/v1/ application/imager_001/temporalfilter
Data of these objects is persistently saved when calling "save" on application config object.
14.3 Process Interface
The process interface is used during the normal operation mode to get operational data (e.g. 3D images, process values) from the O3D3xx.
14.3.1 Sending Commands
For sending commands via the process interface the commands have to be sent with a special protocol and as ASCII character strings. This protocol conforms to the version 3 of the O2V/O2D products.
Structure of the protocol:
<Ticket><length>CR LF <Ticket><content>CR LF
Abbreviation | Description | ASCII code (dec) | ASCII code (hex) |
CR | Carriage Return | 13 | D |
LF | Linefeed | 10 | A |
< > | Marking of a placeholder (e.g. <code> is a placeholder for code) | ||
[ ] | Optional argument (possible but not required) |
Command | Description |
<content> | It is the command to the device (e.g. trigger the unit). |
<ticket> | It is a character string of 4 digits between 0-9. If a message with a specific ticket is sent to the device, it will reply with the same ticket. A ticket number must be > 0999. Use a ticket number from the range 1000 - 9999. |
<length> | It is a character string beginning with the letter 'L' followed by 9 digits. It indicates the length of the following data (<ticket><content>CR LF) in bytes. |
They are different protocol versions available:
Version | Input format | Output format |
V1 | <Content>CR LF | as input |
V2 | <Ticket><Content>CR LF | as input |
V3 | <Ticket><Length>CR LF<Ticket><Content>CR LF | as input |
V4 | <Content>CR LF | <length>CR LF<Content>CR LF |
The default protocol version is "V3". It is recommended to use protocol version 3 for machine to machine communication. This is due to the fact that only version 3 supports asynchronous messages and provides length information.
Ticket numbers for asynchronous messages:
Ticket number | Description |
0000 | Asynchronous results |
0001 | Asynchronous error messages / codes |
0010 | Asynchronous notifications / message codes |
14.3.2 Receiving Images
For receiving the image data a TCP/IP socket communication is established. The default port number is 50010. The port number may differ based on the configuration. After opening the socket communication, the O3D3XX device will automatically (if the device is in free run mode) send the data through this socket to the TCP/IP client (PC).
PCIC output per frame. The following data is submitted in this sequence:
Component | Content |
Ticket and length information | |
Ticket | „0000“ |
Start sequence | String "star" (4 bytes) |
Normalised amplitude image Output format: 16-bit unsigned integer | 1 image |
Distance image Output format: 16-bit integer. Unit: mm. | 1 image |
X image Output format: 16-bit signed integer. Unit: mm. | 1 image |
Y image Output format: 16-bit signed integer. Unit: mm. | 1 image |
Z image Output format: 16-bit signed integer. Unit: mm. | 1 image |
Confidence image Output format: 8-bit unsigned integer | 1 image |
Diagnostic data | |
Stop sequence | String "stop" (4 bytes) |
Ticket signature | <CR><LF> |
14.3.3 Image data
For every image there will be a separate chunk. The chunk is part of the response frame data of the process interface.
The header of each chunk contains different kinds of information. This information is separated into bytes. The information contains e.g. the kind of image which will be in the “PIXEL_DATA” and the size of the chunk.
Offset | Name | Description | Size [byte] |
0x0000 | CHUNK_TYPE | Defines the type of the chunk. For each distinct chunk an own type is defined. | 4 |
0x0004 | CHUNK_SIZE | Size of the whole image chunk in bytes. After this count of bytes the next chunk starts. | 4 |
0x0008 | HEADER_SIZE | Number of bytes starting from 0x0000 until PIXEL_DATA. | 4 |
0x000C | HEADER_VERSION | Version number of the header | 4 |
0x0010 | IMAGE_WIDTH | Image width in pixel | 4 |
0x0014 | IMAGE_HEIGTH | Image height in pixel | 4 |
0x0018 | PIXEL_FORMAT | Pixel format | 4 |
Offset | Name | Description | Size [byte] |
0x001C | TIME_STAMP | Time stamp in microseconds (deprecated) | 4 |
0x0020 | FRAME_COUNT | Frame counter | 4 |
0x0024 | STATUS_CODE | Errors of the device | 4 |
0x0028 | TIME_STAMP_SEC | Time stamp in seconds | 4 |
0x002C | TIME_STAMP_NSEC | Time stamp in nanoseconds | 4 |
0x0030 | PIXEL_DATA | The pixel data in the given type and dimension of the image. Padded to 4-byte boundary. | 4 |
Available chunk types:
Constant | Value | Description |
RADIAL_DISTANCE_ IMAGE | 100 | Each pixel of the distance matrix denotes the ToF distance measured by the corresponding pixel or group of pixels of the imager. The distance value is corrected by the camera's calibration, excluding effects caused by multipath and multiple objects contributions (e.g. "flying pixels"). Reference point is the optical centre of the camera inside the camera housing. Invalid PMD pixels (e.g. due to saturation) have a value of zero. Data type: 16-bit unsigned integer (little endian) Unit: millimetres |
NORM_AMPLITUDE_ IMAGE | 101 | Each pixel of the normalized amplitude image denotes the raw amplitude (see amplitude image below for further explanation), normalized to exposure time. Furthermore, vignetting effects are compensated, ie the darkening of pixels at the image border is corrected. The visual impression of this grayscale image is comparable to that of a common 2D camera. Invalid PMD pixels (e.g. due to saturation) have an amplitude value of 0. Data type: 16-bit unsigned integer |
AMPLITUDE_IMAGE | 103 | Each pixel of the amplitude matrix denotes the amount of modulated light (i.e. the light from the camera's active illumination) which is reflected by the appropriate object. Higher values indicate higher PMD signal strengths and thus a lower amount of noise on the corresponding distance measurements. The amplitude value is directly derived from the PMD phase measurements without normalisation to exposure time. In multiple exposure mode, the lack of normalisation may lead (depending on the chosen exposure times) to inhomogeneous amplitude image impression, if a certain pixel is taken from the short exposure time and some of its neighbours are not. Invalid PMD pixels (e.g. due to saturation) have an amplitude value of 0. Data type: 16-bit unsigned integer |
GRAYSCALE_IMAGE | 104 | Each pixel of the amplitude matrix denotes the amount of modulated light which is reflected by the appropriate object (i.e. the light from the camera's active illumination). Higher values indicate higher PMD signal strengths and thus a lower amount of noise on the corresponding distance measurements. The amplitude value is directly derived from the PMD phase measurements without normalisation to exposure time. |
Constant | Value | Description |
CARTESIAN_X_ COMPONENT | 200 | The X matrix denotes the X component of the Cartesian coordinate of a PMD 3D measurement. The origin of the camera's coordinate system is in the middle of the lens' front glass, if the extrinsic parameters are all set to 0. Data type: 16-bit signed integer Unit: millimetres |
CARTESIAN_Y_ COMPONENT | 201 | The Y matrix denotes the Y component of the Cartesian coordinate of a PMD 3D measurement. The origin of the camera's coordinate system is in the middle of the lens' front glass, if the extrinsic parameters are all set to 0. Data type: 16-bit signed integer Unit: millimetres |
CARTESIAN_Z_ COMPONENT | 202 | The Z matrix denotes the Z component of the Cartesian coordinate of a PMD 3D measurement. The origin of the camera's coordinate system is in the middle of the lens' front glass, if the extrinsic parameters are all set to 0. Data type: 16-bit signed integer Unit: millimetres |
UNIT_VECTOR_ALL | 223 | The unit vector matrix contains 0 xxxxxx [xx, xx, xx] for each PMD pixel, i.e. the data layout is [ex_1,ey_1,ez_1, ... ex_N, ey_N, ez_N], where N is the number of PMD pixels. Data type: 32-bit floating point number (3x per pixel) |
DIAGNOSTIC | 302 | |
JSON_DIAGNOSTIC | 305 | Items with JSON formatted diagnostic data is formated like this: { "AcquisitionDuration": 20.391, "EvaluationDuration": 37.728, "FrameDuration": 37.728, "FrameRate": 15.202, "TemperatureIllu": 52.9 } Unit for durations: millimetres Unit for framerates: Hz Unit for temperature: °C |
Constant | Value | Description |
EXTRINSIC_CALIB | 400 | The transformation from one cartesian coordinate system to another is defined by a 6 degrees of freedom vector (DOF): [trans_x, trans_y, trans_z, rot_x, rot_y, rot_z]. Let R be the product of the common "clockwise" 3D-rotation matrices: R = Rx*Ry*Rz The transformation of a point P is specified by P_t = R*P + [trans_x, trans_y, trans_z]'. The device extrinisic calibration can be set by the user, but it may be changed by an automatic calibration feature of the device. Data type: 32-bit floating point number (little endian) Unit for trans_x, trans_y, trans_z: millimetres Unit for rot_x, rot_y, rot_z: ° |
JSON_MODEL | 500 | Model data in JSON |
MODEL_ROIMASK | 501 | ROI mask for internal debugging purposes |
SNAPSHOT_IMAGE | 600 | Snapshot image |
Pixel format:
Constant | Value | Description |
FORMAT_8U | 0 | 8-bit unsigned integer |
FORMAT_8S | 1 | 8-bit signed integer |
FORMAT_16U | 2 | 16-bit unsigned integer |
FORMAT_16S | 3 | 16-bit signed integer |
FORMAT_32U | 4 | 32-bit unsigned integer |
FORMAT_32S | 5 | 32-bit signed integer |
FORMAT_32F | 6 | 32-bit floating point number |
FORMAT_64U | 7 | 64-bit unsigned integer |
FORMAT_64F | 8 | 64-bit floating point number |
Reserved | 9 | N/A |
FORMAT_32F_3 | 10 | Vector with 3x32-bit floating point number |
14.3.4 Additional Information for CONFIDENCE_IMAGE
Further information for the confidence image:
Bit | Value | Description |
0 | 1 = pixel invalid | Pixel invalid The pixel is invalid. To determine whether a pixel is valid or not only this bit needs to be checked. The reason why the bit is invalid is recorded in the other confidence bits. |
1 | 1 = pixel saturated | Pixel is saturated Contributes to pixel validity: yes |
2 | 1 = bad A-B symmetry | A-B pixel symmetry The A-B symmetry value of the four phase measurements is above threshold. Remark: This symmetry value is used to detect motion artefacts. Noise (e.g. due to strong ambient light or very short integration times) or PMD interference may also contribute. Contributes to pixel validity: yes |
3 | 1 = amplitude below minimum amplitude threshold | Amplitude limits The amplitude value is below minimum amplitude threshold. Contributes to pixel validity: yes |
4+5 | Bit 5, bit 4 0 0 = unused 0 1 = shortest exposure time (only used in 3 exposure mode) 1 0 = middle exposure time in 3 exposure mode, short exposure in double exposure mode 1 1 = longest exposure time (always 1 in single exposure mode) | Exposure time indicator The two bits indicate which exposure time was used in a multiple exposure measurement. Contributes to pixel validity: no |
6 | 1 = pixel is clipped | Clipping box on 3D data If clipping is active this bit indicates that the pixel coordinates are outside the defined volume. Contributes to pixel validity: yes |
7 | 1 = suspect/defective pixel | Suspect pixel This pixel has been marked as "suspect" or "defective" and values have been replaced by interpolated values from the surroundings. Contributes to pixel validity: no |
14.3.5 Configuration of PCIC Output
The user has the possibility to define his own PCIC output. This configuration is only valid for the current PCIC connection. It does not affect any other connection and will get lost after disconnecting.
For configuring the PCIC output a “flexible” layouter concept is used, represented by a JSON string. The format of the default configuration is as follows:
"layouter": "flexible",
"format": { "dataencoding": "ascii" }, "elements": [
{ "type": "string", "value": "star", "id": "start_string" },
{ "type": "blob", "id": "normalized_amplitude_image" },
{ "type": "blob", "id": "x_image" },
{ "type": "blob", "id": "y_image" },
{ "type": "blob", "id": "z_image" },
{ "type": "blob", "id": "confidence_image" },
{ "type": "blob", "id": "diagnostic_data" },
{ "type": "string", "value": "stop", "id": "end_string" }
This string can be retrieved by the C? command, altered and sent back using the c command. The layout software has the following main object properties:
Name | Description | Details |
layouter | Defines the basic data output format. So far only “flexible” is supported | Type: string |
format | Defines format details, the definitions in the main object are the defaults for any of the following data elements (e.g. if it says dataencoding=binary, all data elements should be binary encoded instead of ASCII). | Type: object |
elements | List of data elements which must be written. | Type: array of objects |
The actual data is defined within the “elements” properties and may consist of these settings:
Name | Description | Details |
type | Defines the type of data which must be written. The data might be stored in a different type (e.g. stored as integer but should be output as Float32) The type "records" will need some special handling. | Type: string |
id | Defines an identifier for this data element. If there is no fixed value (property "value"), the data should be retrieved via id. | Type: string |
value | Optional property for defining a fixed output value. | Type: any JSON value |
format | Type-depending option for fine-tuning the output format. E.g. cut an integer to less than 4 bytes. | Type: object |
Available values for the type property:
Type | Description |
records | Defines that this element represents a list of records. If type is set to "records", there must be an "elements" property. The "elements" property defines which data should be written per record. |
string | Data is written as string. Most of the time this will be used with "value" property to write fixed start, end or delimiter text. Text encoding should be UTF8 if there is nothing else specified in format properties. |
float32 | Data is written as floating point number. This has a lot of formatting options (at least with "flexible" layout software) See following section about format properties. |
uint32 | Data is written as integer. This has a lot of formatting options (at least with "flexible" layout software) See following section about format properties. |
int32 | Data is written as integer. This has a lot of formatting options (at least with "flexible" layout software) See following section about format properties. |
uint16 | Limits the output to two bytes in binary encoding, besides the binary limitation it acts like uint32. |
int16 | Limits the output to two bytes in binary encoding, besides the binary limitation it acts like int32. |
uint8 | Limits the output to one byte in binary encoding, besides the binary limitation it acts like uint32. |
int8 | Limits the output to one byte in binary encoding, besides the binary limitation it acts like int32. |
blob | Data is written as a BLOB (byte by byte as if it came from the data provider). (Binary Large Object) |
Format properties | Allowed values | Default |
dataencoding | "ascii" or "binary" can be defined in top-level-object and overwritten by element objects. | "ascii" |
scale | "float value with decimal separator" to scale the results for output byte width | 1.0 |
offset | "float value with decimal separator" | 0.0 |
Depending on the desired data format the user may tune his output data with further “format” properties. Common format properties:
Binary format properties:
Format properties | Allowed values | Default |
order | Little, big and network | Little |
ASCII format properties:
Format properties | Allowed values | Default |
width | Output width. If the resulting value exceeds the width field the result will not be truncated. | 0 |
fill | Fill character | " " |
precision | Precision is the number of digits behind the decimalseparator. | 6 |
displayformat | Fixed, scientific | Fixed |
alignment | Left, right | Right |
decimalseparator | 7-bit characters for e.g. "." | "." |
base | Defines if the output should be: ● binary (2) ● octal (8) ● decimal (10) ● hexadecimal (16) | 10 |
Example of a format configuration of the temperature (id: temp_illu) element.
1. Illumination temperature like this "33,5 ":
c000000226{ "layouter": "flexible", "format": { "dataencoding": "ascii" }, "elements": [ { "type": "float32", "id": "temp_illu", "format": { "width": 7,
"precision": 1, "fill": "_", "alignment": "left", "decimalseparator": "," }
} ] }
2. Illumination temperature as binary (16-bit integer, 1/10 °C):
c000000194{ "layouter": "flexible", "format": { "dataencoding": "ascii"
}, "elements": [ { "type": "int16", "id": "temp_illu", "format": {
"dataencoding": "binary", "order": "network", "scale": 10 } } ] }
3. Illumination temperature in °F (e.g. "92.3 Fahrenheit" ):
c000000227{ "layouter": "flexible", "format": { "dataencoding": "ascii" }, "elements": [ { "type": "float32", "id": "temp_illu", "format": { "precision":
1, "scale": 1.8, "offset": 32 } }, { "type": "string", "value": " Fahrenheit"
} ] }
The following element IDs are available:
ID | Description | Native data type |
activeapp_id | Active application, shows which of the 32 application- configurations is currently active | 32-bit unsigned integer |
all_cartesian_vector_ matrices | All Cartesian images (X+Y+Z) concatenated to one package | 16-bit signed integer |
all_unit_vector_matrices | Matrix of unit vectors. Each element consists of a 3 component vector [e_x, e_y, e_z] | Float32 |
amplitude_image | PMD raw amplitude image | 16-bit unsigned integer |
confidence_image | Confidence image | 8-bit unsigned integer |
distance_image | Radial distance image | 16-bit unsigned integer unit: millimetres |
evaltime | Evaluation time for current frame in milliseconds | 32-bit unsigned integer |
extrinsic_calibration | Extrinsic calibration, constisting of 3 translation parameters (unit: millimeters) and 3 angles (unit: degree): [t_x, t_y, t_z, alpha_x, alpha_y, alpha_z] | Float32 |
framerate | Current frame rate in Hz | Float32 |
normalized_amplitude_ image | Normalized amplitude image | 16-bit unsigned integer |
temp_front1 | Invalid temperature, the output is 3276.7 | Float32, unit: °C |
temp_illu | Temperature measured in the device while capturing this result Measured on the illumination board | Float32, unit: °C |
x_image y_image z_image | Cartesian coordinates for each pixel Each dimension is a separate image | 16-bit signed integer |
For the main object on devices with statistics feature the following IDs are available:
ID | Description | Native data type |
statistics_overall_count | Allows the user to output the statistics value with the result of the frame, maps to ModelResults: adv_statistics.number_of_frames | uint32 |
statistics_passed_count | Allows the user to output the statistics value with the result of the frame, maps to ModelResults: adv_statistics.number_of_passed_frames | uint32 |
statistics_failed_count | Allows the user to output the statistics value with the result of the frame, maps to ModelResults: adv_statistics.number_of_failed_frames | uint32 |
statistics_aborted_count | Allows the user to output the statistics value with the result of the frame, maps to ModelResults: adv_statistics.number_of_aborted_frames | uint32 |
statistics_acquisition_time_min | Allows the user to output the statistics value with the result of the frame,maps to ModelResults: adv_statistics.frame_acquisition.min | float32 |
statistics_acquisition_time_mean | Allows the user to output the statistics value with the result of the frame,maps to ModelResults: adv_statistics.frame_acquisition.mean | float32 |
statistics_acquisition_time_max | Allows the user to output the statistics value with the result of the frame,maps to ModelResults: adv_statistics.frame_acquisition.max | float32 |
statistics_evaluation_time_min | Allows the user to output the statistics value with the result of the frame,maps to ModelResults: adv_statistics.frame_evaluation.min | float32 |
statistics_evaluation_time_mean | Allows the user to output the statistics value with the result of the frame,maps to ModelResults: adv_statistics.frame_evaluation.mean | float32 |
statistics_evaluation_time_max | Allows the user to output the statistics value with the result of the frame,maps to ModelResults: adv_statistics.frame_evaluation.max | float32 |
statistics_frame_duration_min | Allows the user to output the statistics value with the result of the frame,maps to ModelResults: adv_statistics.frame_duration.min | float32 |
statistics_frame_duration_mean | Allows the user to output the statistics value with the result of the frame,maps to ModelResults: adv_statistics.frame_duration.mean | float32 |
statistics_frame_duration_max | Allows the user to output the statistics value with the result of the frame,maps to ModelResults: adv_statistics.frame_duration.max | float32 |
14.4 Process Interface Command Reference
All received messages which are sent because of the following commands will be sent without “start”/”stop” at the beginning or ending of the string.
14.4.1 a Command (activate application)
Command | a<application number> | |
Description | Activates the selected application | |
Type | Action | |
Reply | * | |
! | ● Application not available ● <application number> contains wrong value ● External application switching activated ● Device is in an invalid state for this command, e.g. configuration mode | |
? | Invalid command length | |
Note | <application number> 2 digits for the application number as decimal value |
14.4.2 A? Command (occupancy of application list)
Command | A? | |
Description | Requests the occupancy of the application list | |
Type | Request | |
Reply | <amount><t><number active application><t> ... <number><t><number> | |
? | Invalid command length | |
! | Invalid state (e.g. no application active) | |
Note | <amount> char string with 3 digits for the amount of applications saved on the device as decimal number <t> tabulator (0x09) <number active application> 2 digits for the active application <number> 2 digits for the application number | The active application is repeated within the application list. |
14.4.3 c Command (upload PCIC output configuration)
Command | c<length><configuration> | |
Description | Uploads a PCIC output configuration lasting this session | |
Type | Action | |
Reply | * | |
! | ● Error in configuration ● Wrong data length | |
? | Invalid command length | |
Note | <length> 9 digits as decimal value for the data length <configuration> configuration data |
14.4.4 C? Command (retrieve current PCIC configuration)
Command | C? | |
Description | Retrieves the current PCIC configuration | |
Type | Request | |
Reply | <length><configuration> | |
? | Invalid command length | |
Note | <length> 9 digits as decimal value for the data length <configuration> configuration data |
14.4.5 E? Command (request current error state)
Command | E? | |
Description | Requests the current error state | |
Type | Request | |
Reply | <code> | |
! | Invalid state (e.g. configuration mode) | |
? | Invalid command length | |
Note | ● <code> Error code with 8 digits as a decimal value. It contains leading zeros. |
14.4.6 G? Command (request device information)
Command | G? | |
Description | Requests device information | |
Type | Request | |
Reply | <vendor><t><article number><t> <name><t><location><t><descri ption><t><ip> <subnet mask><t><gateway>< t><MAC><t><DHCP><t><port number> | |
Note | ● <vendor> | |
● <t> | ||
Tabulator (0x09) | ||
● <article number> | ||
e.g. O3D300 | ||
● <name> | ||
UTF8 Unicode string | ||
● <location> | ||
UTF8 Unicode string | ||
● <description> | ||
UTF8 Unicode string | ||
● <ip> | ||
IP address of the device as | ||
ASCII character sting | ||
e.g. | ||
● <port number> | ||
port number of the XML-RPC | ||
● <subnet mask> | ||
subnet mask of the device as | ||
ASCII | ||
e.g. | ||
● <gateway> | ||
gateway of the device as | ||
ASCII | ||
e.g | ||
● <MAC> | ||
MAC adress of the device as | ||
ASCII | ||
e.g. AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA | ||
● <DHCP> | ||
ASCII string "0" for off and | ||
"1" for on |
14.4.7 H? Command (return a list of available commands)
Command | H? | |
Description | Returns a list of available commands | |
Type | Request | |
Reply | H? - show this list t - execute Trigger T? - execute Trigger and wait for data o<io-id><io-state> - sets IO state O<io-id>? - get IO state I<image-id>? - get last image of defined type A? - get application list p<state> - activate / deactivate data output a<application number> - set active application E? - get last error V? - get current protocol version v<version> - sets protocol version c<length of configuration file><configuration file> - configures process date formatting C? - show current configuration G? - show device information S? - show statistics L? - retrieves the connection ID f<id><reserved><value> - set parameter value |
14.4.8 I? Command (request last image taken)
Command | I<image-ID>? | |
Description | Request last image taken | |
Type | Request | |
Reply | <length><image data> | |
! | ● No image available ● Wrong ID | |
? | ● Invalid command length | |
Note | <image-ID> | Valid image ID: |
2 digits for the image type | 01 - amplitude image | |
<length> | 02 - normalised amplitude image | |
char string with exactly 9 digits as decimal number for the image data size in bytes | 03 - distance image 04 - X image (distance information) | |
<image data> image data | 05 - Y image (distance information) | |
06 - Z image (distance information) | ||
07 - confidence image (status information) | ||
08 - extrinsic calibration | ||
09 - unit_vector_matrix_ex, ey,ez | ||
10 - last result output as formatted for this connection | ||
11 - all distance images: X, Y, and Z |
14.4.9 o Command (set logic state of a ID)
Command | o<IO-ID><IO-state> | |
Description | Sets the logic state of a specific ID | |
Type | Action | |
Reply | * | |
! | Invalid state (e.g. configuration mode) | |
? | Invalid command length | |
Note | ● <IO-ID> 2 digits for digital output: "01" for IO1 "02" for IO2 "03" for IO3 ● <IO-state> 1 digit for the state: "0" for logic state low "1" for logic state high |
14.4.10 O? Command (request state of a ID)
Command | O<IO-ID>? | |
Description | Requests the state of a specific ID | |
Type | Request | |
Reply | <IO-ID><IO-state> | |
! | ● Invalid state (e.g. configuration mode) ● Wrong ID | |
? | Invalid command length | |
Note | ● <IO-ID> 2 digits for digital output: "01" for IO1 "02" for IO2 "03" for IO3 ● <IO-state> 1 digit for the state: "0" for logic state low "1" for logic state high | The camera supports ID 1 and ID 2. The sensor supports ID 1, ID 2 and ID 3. |
14.4.11 p Command (turn PCIC output on or off)
Command | p<state> | |
Description | Turns the PCIC output on or off | |
Type | Action | |
Reply | * | |
! | <state> contains wrong value | |
? | Invalid command length | |
Note | <state> 1 digit 0: deactivates all asynchronous output | On device restart the value configured within the application is essential for the output of data. |
1: activates asynchronous result output | This command can be executed in any device state. | |
2: activates asynchronous error output | By default the error codes will not be provided by the device. | |
3: activates asynchronous error and data output | ||
4: activates asynchronous notifications | ||
5: activates asynchronous notifications and asynchronous result | ||
6: activates asynchronous notifications and asynchronous error output | ||
7: activates all outputs |
14.4.12 S? Command (request current decoding statistics)
Command | S? | |
Description | Requests current decoding statistics | |
Type | Request | |
Reply | <number of results><t><number of positive decodings><t><number of false decodings> | |
! | No application active | |
Note | <t> tabulator (0x09) <number of results> Images taken since application start. 10 digits decimal value with leading 0s <number of positive decodings> Number of decodings leading to a positive result. 10 digits decimal value with leading 0s <number of false decodings> Number of decodings leading to a negative result. 10 digits decimal value with leading 0s |
14.4.13 t Command (execute asynchronous trigger)
Command | t | |
Description | Executes trigger. The result data is send asynchronously | |
Type | Action | |
Reply | * | Xxxxxxx was executed, the device captures an image and evaluates the result. |
! | ● Device is busy with an evaluation ● Device is in an invalid state for this command, e.g. configuration mode ● Device is set to a different trigger source ● No active application |
14.4.14 T? Command (execute synchronous trigger)
Command | T? | |
Description | Executes trigger. The result data is send synchronously | |
Type | Request | |
Reply | Process data within the configured layout | Trigger was executed, the device captures an image, evaluates the result and sends the process data. |
! | ● Device is busy with an evaluation ● Device is in an invalid state for this command, e.g. configuration mode ● Device is set to a different trigger source ● No active application |
14.4.15 v Command (set current protocol version)
Command | v<version> | |
Description | Sets the current protocol version. The device configuration is not affected | |
Type | Action | |
Reply | * | |
! | Invalid version | |
? | Invalid command length | |
Note | <version> 2 digits for the protocol version |
The default protocol version is „V3“.
14.4.16 V? Command (request current protocol version)
Command | V? | |
Description | Requests current protocol version | |
Type | Request | |
Reply | <current version><empty><min version><empty><max version> | |
Note | <current version> 2 digits for the currently set version <empty> space sign: 0x20 <min/max version> 2 digits for the available min and max version that can be set |
14.5 Error codes
By default the error codes will not be provided by the device. The p command can activate their provision
Error code ID | Description |
100000001 | Maximum number of connections exceeded |
110001001 | Boot timeout |
110001002 | Fatal software error |
110001003 | Unknown hardware |
110001006 | Trigger overrun |
110002000 | Short circuit on Ready for Trigger |
110002001 | Short circuit on OUT1 |
110002002 | Short circuit on OUT2 |
110002003 | Reverse feeding |
110003000 | Vled overvoltage |
110003001 | Vled undervoltage |
110003002 | Vmod overvoltage |
110003003 | Vmod undervoltage |
110003004 | Mainboard overvoltage |
110003005 | Mainboard undervoltage |
110003006 | Supply overvoltage |
110003007 | Supply undervoltage |
110003008 | VFEMon alarm |
110003009 | PMIC supply alarm |
110004000 | Illumination overtemperature |
14.6 XML-RPC Command Reference
14.6.1 Parameter API
The parameters setParameter, getParameter, getAllParameters and getAllParameterLimits are implemented in the following RPC objects:
● Device
● Network
● Application
● ImagerConfig
● Filter
● Model
Method name | setParameter |
Description | Sets a parameter to a specific value |
Input parameters | 1. Name of parameter:string 2. New value: string |
Output parameters | Empty string (compatibility with classic XmlRPC client) |
Method name | getParameter |
Description | Returns the current value of the parameter |
Input parameters | Name of parameter: string |
Output parameters | Value of parameter: string |
Method name | getAllParameters |
Description | Returns all parameters of the object in one data structure |
Input parameters | None |
Output parameters | 1. Struct (name contains the parameter name, value contains the stringified parameter value) |
Method name | getAllParameterLimits |
Description | Returns limits of all numeric parameters, that have limits defined on the device |
Input parameters | None |
Output parameters | 1. Struct of Structs (name in first struct is the parameter name, substructs contains: min :string, max :string) E.g. {"ExposureTime1": { "min": "123", "max": "432" }, "ExposureTime2": { "min": "123", "max": "432" }} |
Parameter string encoding
Non-string parameters must be encoded in the following format.
Type | Stringified |
bool | "true" / "false" setParameter method also accepts "1"/"0", getter methods must always return "true"/"false" |
int | decimal ( e.g "-1234" / "1234" ) Values should be in the range of int32 (-2^31 .. 2^31) |
double | English floating point notation (optional with exponent) E.g. "1.2", ".3", "4.5e6", "-7E-8", "-inf", "nan" |
Structured types (array or structs) can't be put into parameter storage in an general way. Encoding of arrays must specified on specific parameters.
14.6.2 Main Object getParameter
Method name | getParameter |
Description | Getter for the device-global parameters |
Input parameters | Name of a device parameter: string |
Output parameters | Value of the requested parameter: string |
Method name | getAllParameters |
Description | Getter for the parameters described here. This is an additional getter outside of edit sessions, so it is possible to read device information without login. |
Input parameters | none |
Output parameters | Struct (name contains the parameter name, value contains the stringified parameter value) |
Method name | getSWVersion |
Description | Returns version information of all software components |
Input parameters | none |
Output parameters | Struct of strings (e.g. { "IFM_Software": "0.01.07", "Frontend": "01.05.02", ... } ) *mandatory keys: "IFM_Software" "Linux" "Main_Application" "Diagnostic_Controller" "Algorithm_Version" "Calibration_Version" "Calibration_Device" |
Method name | getHWInfo |
Description | Returns hardware information of all components |
Input parameters | none |
Output parameters | Struct of strings ( e.g. { "MACAddress": "00:02:01:40:06:C9", "Frontend": "#!01_F340_001_...", ... } ) *mandatory keys: "MACAddress" "Connector" "Diagnose" "Frontend" "Illumination" "Mainboard" |
Method name | getApplicationList |
Description | Delivers basic information of all applications stored on the device. |
Input parameters | none |
Output parameters | Array of structs (Index: int, Id: int, Name: string, Description: string) |
Method name | requestSession |
Description | Requests a session object for access to the configuration and for changing the device operating mode. This blocks parallel editing and allows protection of editing with a password. The ID could optionally be defined by the external system but it must be the defined format (32char "hex"). If it is called with only one parameter, the device will generate a session ID. The session will start with a default timeout ("SessionTimeout" device parameter), the timeout can be extended by calling "heartbeat". The device will stay in RUN mode. If password is disabled on the device, the value given as password parameter is ignored. |
Input parameters | 1. Password: string 2. Session ID: string (optional) |
Output parameters | Session ID: string |
Method name | reboot |
Description | Reboot system, parameter defines which mode/system will be booted |
Input parameters | Type of system that should be booted after shutdown: int 0: Productive mode 1: Recovery mode |
Output parameters | Output: string |
Method name | systemCommand |
Description | Performs a generic command on the device. |
Input parameters | 1. Command: string 2. Parameter: string |
Output parameters | Output: string |
14.6.3 Session Object heartbeat
Method name | heartbeat |
Description | Extends the life time of the edit session. If the given value is outside the range of "SessionTimeout", the saved default timeout will be used. |
Input parameters | Requested timeout interval till next heartbeat, in seconds: int |
Output parameters | The used timeout interval, in seconds: int |
Method name | cancelSession |
Description | Explicit stop of this session If an application is still in edit mode, it will implicitly do the same as "stopEditingApplication". |
Input parameters | none |
Output parameters | Empty string (compatibility with classic XmlRPC client) |
Method name | exportConfig |
Description | Exports the whole configuration of the sensor device |
Input parameters | none |
Output parameters | Configuration as a data BLOB: binary/base64 |
Method name | importConfig |
Description | Imports whole configuration with the option to skip specific parts |
Input parameters | 1. Configuration as a data BLOB: binary/base64 2. Flags describing which parts should be loaded: 0x0001: Includes configuration (Name, Description, Location, ...) 0x0002: Includes network configuration (IP, DHCP, ...) 0x0010: Includes all application configurations |
Output parameters | Empty string (compatibility with classic XmlRPC client) |
Method name | exportApplication |
Description | Exports one application config |
Input parameters | Application index |
Output parameters | Application config as a data BLOB: binary/base64 |
Method name | importApplication |
Description | Imports an application config and creates a new application with it. The device will put the new application on the first free index. |
Input parameters | Application config as one data BLOB: binary/base64 |
Output parameters | Index of new application |
Method name | setOperatingMode |
Description | Changes the operating mode of the device. Setting this to "edit" will enable the "edit mode object” on RPC. |
Input parameters | Mode: integer 0: Run mode 1: Edit mode |
Output parameters | Empty string (compatibility with classic XmlRPC client) |
Method name | setTemporaryApplicationParameters |
Description | Set application parameters in run mode. The parameter names follow a prefix scheme similarly to the object hierarchy within the XMLRPC interface. For example ● parameters of the application object have no prefix, ● parameters of the imager configuration object have the prefix "imager_001/", ● parameters of the model with ID 2 have the prefix "model_002/" The parameters "imager_001/ExposureTime", "imager_001/ExposureTimeRatio" and "imager_001/Channel" of the imager configuration are supported. All additional parameters are ignored. If a parameter appears more than once in the parameter list, the behavior is undefined which value is chosen for the parameter. Exposure times are clamped to their allowed range, depending on the exposure mode. The complete set of parameters depending on the exposure mode must be provided. For example ● "ExposureTime" only for single exposure modes, ● "ExposureTime" and "ExposureTimeRatio" for double exposure modes. Otherwise the behavior is undefined. "Channel" parameter values outside of the allowed range of the used exposure mode are ignored, and for non-numeric values the behavior is undefined. Example: setTemporaryApplicationParameters [{"imager_001/ExposureTime":"100"}] |
Input parameters | Parameter list (struct containing key value pairs, consisting of keys: parameter names and values: new parameter values) |
Output parameters | Empty string (compatibility with classic XmlRPC client) |
The changes are not persistent and are lost when entering edit mode or turning the device off.
14.6.4 Edit Mode Object factoryReset
Method name | factoryReset |
Description | Resets all configurations to factory settings |
Input parameters | none |
Output parameters | Empty string (compatibility with classic XmlRPC client) |
A factory reset will delete all applications which are saved on the camera.
Method name | editApplication |
Description | Puts a specified application into the edit status. This will attach an application object to the RPC interface. The name of the object will be application independent. This does not change the "ActiveApplication" parameter. |
Input parameters | Application index: int |
Output parameters | Empty string (compatibility with classic XmlRPC client) |
Method name | stopEditingApplication |
Description | Tells the device that editing this application was finished. Unsaved changes are discarded. |
Input parameters | none |
Output parameters | Empty string (compatibility with classic XmlRPC client) |
Method name | createApplication |
Description | Creates an "empty" application. The embedded side should initialise all needed parameters and structures. |
Input parameters | none |
Output parameters | Index of new application: int |
Method name | copyApplication |
Description | Creates a new application by copying the configuration of another application. The device will generate an ID for the new application and put it on a free index. |
Input parameters | Index of the application which should be copied: int |
Output parameters | Index of new application: int |
Method name | deleteApplication |
Description | Deletes the application from sensor If the deleted application was the active one, the sensor will have no active application anymore until the user picks one. |
Input parameters | Index of application: int |
Output parameters | Empty string (compatibility with classic XmlRPC client) |
Method name | moveApplications |
Description | Moves applications to other index. There must be all applications in the new list, none of them duplicated and no index used twice. The ID is a fixed value that stays the same as long as the application stays on the sensor. The index could be changed and is used to address the application via PCIC, XML-RPC and digital IO. |
Input parameters | Array of structs (Id: int, Index: int) |
Output parameters | Empty string (compatibility with classic XmlRPC client) |
14.6.5 Device Config Object
Method name | activatePassword |
Description | Sets a password and activates it for the next edit session. Making this change persistently requires to call "save" on device config. |
Input parameters | Password: string |
Output parameters | Empty string (compatibility with classic XmlRPC client) |
Method name | disablePassword |
Description | Disables the password protection. Making this change persistently requires to call "save" on device config. |
Input parameters | none |
Output parameters | Empty string (compatibility with classic XmlRPC client) |
Method name | save |
Description | Stores current configuration in persistent memory. If this is not called after changing device parameters (via setParameter), changes will get lost on reboot. |
Input parameters | none |
Output parameters | Empty string (compatibility with classic XmlRPC client) |
Parameters of device config
Methods for parameter access are defined here:
Parameter name | Data type | Description |
Name | String (utf8) | User-defined name of the device (max. 64 characters). |
Description | String (utf8) | User-defined description of the device (max. 500 characters). |
ActiveApplication | Int *has limits | Index of active application This applies only to RUN mode: * defines the application active on startup (if static- application switching is disabled) * contains the current active application (could also be changed via PCIC command) * 0 means no application is active |
PcicTcpPort | Int | TCP/IP port for PCIC connections. |
PcicProtocolVersion | Int *has limits | Sub-protocol of PCIC, see specification of PCIC. |
IOLogicType | Int *has limits | Defines logic type of all digital pins. Allowed values: 0: NPN 1: PNP |
IODebouncing | Bool | Applies to all inputs |
IOExternApplicationSwitch | Int *has limits | Allowed values: 0: off 1: static xxx X/X 0: pulse driven xxx X/X 0: pulse driven via trigger |
Parameter name | Data type | Description |
SessionTimeout | Int *has limits | Number of seconds which a session stays before a call to "heartbeat" method is needed |
ServiceReportFailedBuffer | Int *has limits | Number of buffers reserved for failed results |
ServiceReportPassedBuffer | Int *has limits | Number of buffers reserved for passed results |
ExtrinsicCalibTransX | Double Unit: millimetres | Extrinsic calibration, transition in X direction |
ExtrinsicCalibTransY | Double Unit: millimetres | Extrinsic calibration, transition in Y direction |
ExtrinsicCalibTransZ | Double Unit: millimetres | Extrinsic calibration, transition in Z direction |
ExtrinsicCalibRotX | Double Unit: degrees | Extrinsic calibration, rotation around X axis |
ExtrinsicCalibRotY | Double Unit: degrees | Extrinsic calibration, rotation around Y axis |
ExtrinsicCalibRotZ | Double Unit: degrees | Extrinsic calibration, rotation around Z axis |
IPAddressConfig | Int | readonly: The GUI requires to know if the device is on a discovery IP address for multiple-use cases. This information was extended to reflect all kinds of IP- address situations. Allowed values: 0: Static (IP address explicitly defined inside the device) 1: DHCP (using a DHCP server in the network) 2: LinkLocal (configured to DHCP, but no server which provided an address) 3: Discovery (changed by IP4Discovery mechanism) |
PasswordActivated | Bool | readonly: Is true if the password protection is enabled |
OperatingMode | Int | readonly: Mode of device (RUN, EDIT) see "setOperatingMode" (the setter is outside the edit mode but inside session) |
DeviceType | String | readonly: Delivers a type description, unique by imager, evaluation logic and device interface. |
ArticleNumber | String | readonly: Official catalogue number |
ArticleStatus | String | readonly: Official two-letter status code |
UpTime | Double | readonly: Hours since last reboot |
ImageTimestampReference | Int Unit: microseconds | readonly: This returns the current timestamp as a reference for the timestamps in the received images. |
TemperatureFront1 | Double Unit: celsius | Invalid temperature, the output is 3276.7 |
Parameter name | Data type | Description |
TemperatureFront2 | Double Unit: celsius | Invalid temperature, the output is 3276.7 |
TemperatureIllu | Double Unit: celsius | readonly: Temperature measured in the device. Measured on the illumination board. |
*has limits: parameters with this marker are listed in the reply of getAllParameterLimits method.
Default values of device config parameters
The default values of the device configuration parameters are:
Parameter name | Data type | Description |
Name | String (utf8) | "New sensor" |
Description | String (utf8) | "" |
ActiveApplication | Int *has limits | 0 |
PcicTcpPort | Int | 50010 |
PcicProtocolVersion | Int *has limits | 3 |
IOLogicType | Int *has limits | 1 |
IODebouncing | Bool | true |
IOExternApplicationSwitch | Int *has limits | 0 |
SessionTimeout | Int *has limits | 30 |
ExtrinsicCalibTransX | Double Unit: millimetres | 0.0 |
ExtrinsicCalibTransY | Double Unit: millimetres | 0.0 |
ExtrinsicCalibTransZ | Double Unit: millimetres | 0.0 |
ExtrinsicCalibRotX | Double Unit: degrees | 0.0 |
ExtrinsicCalibRotY | Double Unit: degrees | 0.0 |
ExtrinsicCalibRotZ | Double Unit: degrees | 0.0 |
IPAddressConfig | Int | 0 |
PasswordActivated | Bool | false |
OperatingMode | Int | 0 |
ServiceReportFailedBuffer | Int | 15 |
ServiceReportPassedBuffer | Int | 15 |
For all other device config parameters there are no defined default values because they are either device- dependent (DeviceType, ArticleNumber, ArticleStatus) or volatile (UpTime, ImageTimestampReference).
Minimum and maximum values of device config parameters
The minimum and maximum values of the device configuration parameters are:
Parameter name | Minimum value | Maximum value |
ActiveApplication | 0 | 32 |
PcicProtocolVersion | 1 | 4 |
IOLogicType | 0 | 1 |
IOExternApplicationSwitch | 0 | 3 |
SessionTimeout | 5 | 300 |
14.6.6 Device/Network Config Object saveAndActivateConfig
Method name | saveAndActivateConfig |
Description | Reinitialise the network interface so that it uses the configuration which was set by the other RPC methods. There will be no XMLRPC reply because the network interface is instantly reset. |
Input parameters | none |
Output parameters | Empty string (compatibility with classic XmlRPC client) |
14.6.7 Application Config Object
Method name | save |
Description | Stores current configuration in persistent memory. This is also be possible if the application is not yet in an "activatable" status. |
Input parameters | none |
Output parameters | Empty string (compatibility with classic XmlRPC client) |
Method name | forceTrigger |
Description | Executes a software trigger of currently active application. |
Input parameters | none |
Output parameters | Empty string (compatibility with classic XmlRPC client) |
Method name | validate |
Description | Validates the application. This means it checks if the application can be activated. |
Input parameters | none |
Output parameters | Array of fault structs (Id: int, Text: string) |
Fault scenarios | none |
Parameters of application
Methods for parameter access are defined here:
Parameter name | Data type | Description |
Name | String (utf8) | User-defined name of the application (max. 64 characters). |
Description | String (utf8) | User-defined description of the application (max. 500 characters). |
TriggerMode | Int *has limits | Allowed values: 1: free run 2: process interface 3: positive edge 4: negative edge 5: positive and negative edge |
PcicTcpResultSchema | String | It defines which images and result data will be sent. It will also define the order of data elements and additional separators. |
LogicGraph | String | JSON string describing a flow graph which allows to program the logic between model results and output pins. |
Type | String | Internal use |
TemplateInfo | String | A generic JSON storage, where the GUI could store additional data about the used template GUI (versions and additional parameter decisions). This data should not be used by the device, it should only be stored on the device. |
*has limits: parameters with this marker are listed in the reply of getAllParameterLimits method
Default values of application parameters
The default values of application parameters are:
Parameter name | Data type | Description |
Name | String (utf8) | "new application" |
Description | String (utf8) | "" |
TriggerMode | Int *has limits | 1 |
PcicTcpResultSchema | String | "" |
LogicGraph | String | "" |
Type | String | "Camera" |
TemplateInfo | String | "" |
Minimum and maximum values of application parameters
The minimum and maximum values of application parameters are:
Parameter name | Minimum value | Maximum value |
TriggerMode | 1 | 5 |
14.6.8 Application/Imager Config Object
Method name | changeType |
Description | Changes the type of imager configuration. This changes setting of available parameters and might also change available RPC methods. |
Input parameters | Type: string |
Output parameters | Empty string (compatibility with classic XmlRPC client) |
Method name | availableTypes |
Description | Lists all available imager configuration types. |
Input parameters | none |
Output parameters | Array of strings |
Parameters of all types of application imager config
Methods for parameter access are defined here:
Parameter name | Data type | Description |
Type | String | readonly: Type of imager configuration, see Change Type Method |
FrameRate | Double *has limits | Target frame rate in frames per second for free run mode. |
ClippingLeft | Double *has limits | Lower value of clipping area in width |
ClippingTop | Double *has limits | Lower value of clipping area in height |
ClippingRight | Double *has limits | Upper value of clipping area in width |
ClippingBottom | Double *has limits | Upper value of clipping area in height |
ContinuousAutoExposure | Bool | Enables the continuous adaptation of the integration time during decoding |
Parameter name | Data type | Description |
SpatialFilterType | Int *has limits | Allowed values: 0: off 1: median filter 2: mean filter 3: bilateral filter |
TemporalFilterType | Int *has limits | Allowed values: 0: off 1: temporal mean filter 2: adaptive exponential filter |
EnableFilterDistanceImage | Bool | Activates the filter for the distance image |
EnableFilterAmplitudeImage | Bool | Activates the filter for the amplitude image |
SymmetryThreshold | Double *has limits | |
MinimumAmplitude | Double *has limits | Defines the minimum amplitude used for the validity of a pixel. |
TwoFreqMaxLineDistPercentage | Double *has limits | |
ThreeFreqMax2FLineDistPercentage | Double *has limits | |
ThreeFreqMax3FLineDistPercentage | Double *has limits | |
EnableAmplitudeCorrection | Bool | Enables the correction of the amplitude values |
EnableRectificationDistanceImage | Bool | Enables the rectification of the distance image |
EnableRectificationAmplitudeImage | Bool | Enables the rectification of the normalized amplitude image |
ExposureTimeList | String | readonly: A list of all current exposure times separated by ";" It should contain 3 values in "*_high" types, 2 values in "*_moderate" types and 1 value in "*_low" types. The list is sorted in ascending order. |
MaxAllowedLEDFrameRate | Double readonly | Maximum allowed frame rate for current settings, which complies with the LED duty cycle |
Resolution | Int *has limits | Resolution of output image: 0: 176 x 132 (2x2 binning) 1: 352 x 264 (no binning), only available for 100k camera |
EnableFastFrequency | Bool | Enables rolling evaluation in multi-frequency modes (parameter will be ignored in single-frequency modes) |
ClippingCuboid | JSON | Object describing the clipping cuboid |
Parameter name | Data type | Description |
AutoExposureReferenceType | Int *has limits | Select part of the image to be used for continuous autoexposure: 0: whole image 1: ROIs (→ AutoExposureReferenceROI) 2: Reference Point (→ AutoExposureReferencePointX and AutoExposureReferencePointY) |
AutoExposureReferenceROI | String | ROI definition for AutoExposureReferenceType "1" |
AutoExposureReferencePointX | Int *has limits | X coordinate of reference point used for AutoExposureReferenceType "2" |
AutoExposureReferencePointY | Int *has limits | Y coordinate of reference point used for AutoExposureReferenceType "2" |
AutoExposureMaxExposureTime | Int *has limits | Maximum exposure time that should be used when continuous autoexposure is activated (→ AutoExposureReferenceType) |
*has limits: parameters with this marker are listed in the reply of getAllParameterLimits method
Default values of common imager config parameters
The default values of the common imager configuration parameters are:
Parameter name | Data type | Description |
Type | String | "under5m_low" |
FrameRate | Double | 5.0 |
ContinuousAutoExposure | Bool | false |
SpatialFilterType | Int | 0 |
TemporalFilterType | Int | 0 |
EnableFilterDistanceImage | Bool | true |
EnableFilterAmplitudeImage | Bool | true |
SymmetryThreshold | Double | 0.4 |
MinimumAmplitude | Double | 42 |
TwoFreqMaxLineDistPercentage | Double | 80 |
ThreeFreqMax2FLineDistPercentage | Double | 80 |
ThreeFreqMax3FLineDistPercentage | Double | 80 |
EnableAmplitudeCorrection | Bool | true |
EnableRectificationDistanceImage | Bool | false |
EnableRectificationAmplitudeImage | Bool | false |
Resolution | Int | 0 |
EnableFastFrequency | Bool | false |
ClippingCuboid | String | '{"XMin": -3.402823e+38, "XMax": 3.402823e+38, "YMin": -3.402823e+38, "YMax": 3.402823e+38, "ZMin": -3.402823e+38, "ZMax": 3.402823e+38}' |
AutoExposureReferenceType | Int | 0 |
AutoExposureReferenceROI | String | '{"ROIs":[{"id":0,"group":0, "type":"Rect", "width":130, "height":100, "angle":0, "center_x":88, "center_y":66}]}' |
AutoExposureReferencePointX | Int | 88 |
AutoExposureReferencePointY | Int | 66 |
Parameter name | Data type | Description |
AutoExposureMaxExposureTime | Int | 10000 |
Minimum and maximum values of common imager config parameters
The minimum and maximum values of the common imager configuration parameters are:
Parameter name | Minimum value | Maximum value |
FrameRate | 0.0167 | 30.0 |
SpatialFilterType | 0 | 3 |
TemporalFilterType | 0 | 2 |
SymmetryThreshold | 0 | |
MinimumAmplitude | 0 | |
TwoFreqMaxLineDistPercentage | 0 | 100 |
ThreeFreqMax2FLineDistPercentage | 0 | 100 |
ThreeFreqMax3FLineDistPercentage | 0 | 100 |
Resolution | 0 | 1 |
AutoExposureReferenceType | 0 | 2 |
AutoExposureReferencePointX | 1 | 352 |
AutoExposureReferencePointY | 1 | 264 |
AutoExposureMaxExposureTime | 10 | 10000 |
Parameters only in "under5m_low"-type of application imager config
Parameter name | Data type | Description |
ExposureTime | Int *has limits | Time for the exposure The 2nd exposure time will be calculated based on the first one. |
ExposureTimeRatio | Int *has limits | Ratio of long exposure time to short exposure time. |
Channel | Int *has limits | Allowed values: 0: non-group use (like channel1 but additional GUI option) 1: channel1 2: channel2 3: channel3 |
Default values of the "under5m_low" mode parameters
Parameter name | Data type | Default value |
ExposureTime | Int | 1000 |
Channel | Int | 0 |
Minimum and maximum values of the "under5m_low" mode parameters
Parameter name | Minimum value | Maximum value |
ExposureTime | 1 | 10000 |
Channel | 0 | 3 |
Parameters only in "under5m_moderate"-type of application imager config
Parameter name | Data type | Description |
ExposureTime | Int *has limits | Time for the long exposure The 2nd exposure time will be calculated based on the first one. |
Channel | Int *has limits | Allowed values: 0: non-group use (like channel1) 1: channel1 2: channel2 3: channel3 |
Default values of the "under5m_moderate" mode parameters
Parameter name | Data type | Default value |
ExposureTime | Int | 1000 |
ExposureTimeRatio | Int | 40 |
Channel | Int | 0 |
Minimum and maximum values of the "under5m_moderate" mode parameters
Parameter name | Minimum value | Maximum value |
ExposureTime | 1 | 10000 |
ExposureTimeRatio | 2 | 50 |
Channel | 0 | 3 |
Parameters only in "under5m_high"-type of application imager config
Parameter name | Data type | Description |
Channel | Int *has limits | Allowed values: 0: non-group use (like channel1 but additional GUI option) 1: channel1 2: channel2 3: channel3 |
Default values of the "under5m_high" mode parameters
Parameter name | Data type | Default value |
Channel | Int | 0 |
Minimum and maximum values of the "under5m_high" mode parameters
Parameter name | Minimum value | Maximum value |
Channel | 0 | 3 |
Parameters only in "upto30m_low"-type of application imager config
Parameter name | Data type | Description |
ExposureTime | Int *has limits | Time for the long exposure |
Channel | Int *has limits | Allowed values: 0: non-group use (like channel1) 1: channel1 2: channel2 3: channel3 |
Default values of the "upto30m_low" mode parameters
Parameter name | Data type | Default value |
ExposureTime | Int | 1000 |
Channel | Int | 0 |
Minimum and maximum values of the "upto30m_low" mode parameters
Parameter name | Minimum value | Maximum value |
ExposureTime | 1 | 10000 |
Channel | 0 | 3 |
Parameters only in "upto30m_moderate"-type of application imager config
Parameter name | Data type | Description |
ExposureTime | Int *has limits | Time for the long exposure The 2nd exposure time will be calculated based on the first one. |
ExposureTimeRatio | Int *has limits | Ratio of long exposure time to short exposure time |
Channel | Int *has limits | Allowed values: 0: non-group use (like channel1 but additional GUI option) 1: channel1 2: channel2 3: channel3 |
Default values of the "upto30m_moderate" mode parameters
Parameter name | Data type | Default value |
ExposureTime | Int | 1000 |
ExposureTimeRatio | Int | 40 |
Channel | Int | 0 |
Minimum and maximum values of the "upto30m_moderate" mode parameters
Parameter name | Minimum value | Maximum value |
ExposureTime | 1 | 10000 |
ExposureTimeRatio | 2 | 50 |
Channel | 0 | 3 |
Parameters only in "upto30m_high"-type of application imager config
Parameter name | Data type | Description |
Channel | Int *has limits | Allowed values: 0: non-group use (like channel1 but additional GUI option) 1: channel1 2: channel2 3: channel3 |
Default values of the "upto30m_high" mode parameters
Parameter name | Data type | Default value |
Channel | Int | 0 |
Minimum and maximum values of the "upto30m_high" mode parameters
Parameter name | Minimum value | Maximum value |
Channel | 0 | 3 |
14.6.9 Image Settings and Filter Parameters
To set the spatial or temporal filter use the general “setter” method.
Parameters of spatial median, spatial mean and spatial bilateral filter
Parameter name | Data type | Description |
MaskSize | Int | Allowed values: 0: 3x3 1: 5x5 |
Parameters of temporal mean filter
Parameter name | Data type | Description |
NumberOfImages | Int | Limit: 2..25 |