Cynhelir Cyfarfod Cyn y Cyfarfod cyn y cyfarfod hwn ac anfonir gwahoddiad ar wahân gan Swyddogion Cymorth Craffu at Aelodau'r Pwyllgor yn unig
Noder bod cyfarfod heddiw’n cael ei recordio
Gellir y recordiad hwn ddarlledu ei ar fewnrwyd yr Awdurdod
Bydd pawb sy'n bresennol yn weladwy i'r camera a, thrwy xxxx mynychu yn cydsynio i xxxx xxxx ffilmio ac i'r posibilrwydd o yr awdurdod ddefnyddio'r delweddau a recordiadau xxxx hynny fel y soniwyd uchod.
Cafodd yr Agenda hwn ei baratoi gan yr Adran Gwasanaethau Democrataidd. Dylai unrhyw aelod o’r cyhoedd xxxx xxxxx gwybodaeth gysylltu â’r adran ar (01685 725284) neu e-bostio .
Gellir dod o hyd i unrhyw ddogfennau cyfeirio, y cyfeirir atynt ond nad ydynt yn cael eu cyhoeddi fel rhan o’r agenda hwn ar wefan neu mewnrwyd y Cyngor, o xxx Papurau Cefndir
1. Ymddiheuriadau am absenoldeb
2. Datgan buddiant (yn cynnwys datganiadau chwipio)
Members are reminded of their personal responsibility to declare any personal and
prejudicial interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government and Finance Act 1992 relating to Council Tax, the Local Government Act 2000, the Council’s Constitution and the Members Code of Conduct
(a) Members are reminded that they must identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest and
(b) Where Members withdraw from a Meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a prejudicial interest they must notify the Chair when they leave
3. Ailgylchu Cynnyrch Hylendid Amsugnol (Cewynnau)
I ystyried yr adroddiad amgaeëdig 3 - 6
4. Rhaglen Waith Ddrafft 2021-2022
I ystyried yr adroddiad amgaeëdig 7 - 18
5. Cyfeiriadau Craffu, Adborth a Gweithredu Dilynol
6. Myfyrio ar y Cyfarfod a'i Gwerthuso To receive an update from the Chair.
7. Unrhyw fater arall y mae'r Cadeirydd yn ei ystyried yn bwysig
CYFANSODDIAD: Cynghorwyr X Xxxxxx (Cadeirydd)
X Xxxxx (Is-gadeirydd)
Cynghorwyr M Xxxxxxx, X Xxxxxx, X Xxxxxx a X X Xxxxx
Aelodau cyfetholedig R Xxxxxxxx, X XxXxxxxx, P Xxxx x X Xxxxxx
ynghyd â swyddogion priodol
Os byddai’n well gennych xxxx o’r agenda hwn mewn Iaith arall, cysylltwch a neu ffoniwch 01685 725284
Civic Centre, Castle Street, Merthyr Tydfil CF47 8AN
Main Tel: 00000 000000
Date Written | 15th May 2021 |
Report Author | Xxxx Xxxxxx/Xxxxx Xxxxxx |
Service Area | Waste Services |
Committee Date | 14th June 2021 |
To: Chair, Ladies and Gentlemen
Absorbent Hygienic Products (Nappy) Recycling
1.1 The report aims to provide the pros and cons of collecting and treating Absorbent Hygiene Products (AHPs), from residents of the County Borough who would potentially use the service, from the kerbside.
1.2 Although there is currently no infrastructure in place, the report provides a brief overview of what would be needed to facilitate this.
2.1 To consider and debate the information contained in the report.
3.1 Following a fact finding exercise into the possible benefits of collecting AHPs separately from residual waste, carried out by the Scrutiny Committee, Waste Services have been asked to provide this report on the pros and cons of providing this service.
4.1 We currently collect AHPs mixed with residual waste in resident`s 140l or additional capacity 240l wheeled bins, which is sent to an Energy from Waste facility which provides us with 20% recycling from bottom ash and metals recovery.
4.2 We do not currently have a waste permitted site for this material that we could utilise. This would mean hauling the AHPs to Ammanford at the end of each collection round.
5.1 To ensure that we are maximising recycling of all possible waste streams, where practicable, in line with the waste hierarchy and to achieve Welsh Government`s targets for Preparation for re-use, recycling and composting.
6.1 Identified ‘pros and cons’ include:
Pros Cons
• AHPs would be treated in a more sustainable manner in line with the waste hierarchy
• Reduced need to provide additional capacity bins
• Possible increase in recycling rate. Current rates are between 17% - 40% of the AHPs recycled
• Recycled tonnage may be (40%), 272 tpa possibly, depending on the amount of residents that participate in the scheme. This equates to a 1% increase on our overall recycling rate
• An AHP treatment facility contract is currently being procured by WG and should be operational at Amgen in 2022
• Potential funding available for the purchase of vehicles and containers
• Potential to provide this service at a charge to trade customers
• The cost of recycling AHPs is approximately £60 per tonne more than EfW costs which equates to approximately £41k per annum additional budget requirement for treatment.
• A new secure permitted site would be required with a competent officer to oversee the permit.
• Additional mileage and haulage costs to nearest facility in Ammanford at present. The approximate cost of this is
£16k per year.
• The service would require two RCV’s to operate there will an initial capital cost of approximately £280k. There will be associated revenue costs such as maintenance.
• 20% of AHPs are recovered at present from EfW bottom ash recycling so if there is only a 17% recycling rate from AHPs this would result in a 21t decrease on our recycling tonnages
• Current vehicles for other material collections would not accommodate the collection of AHPs separately
• An additional 2 staff would be required at a cost of £60k/annum plus holidays and sickness absence would have to be budgeted for
• An additional container would be required for residents to use and to be
placed at the kerbside
• The use of re-useable nappies would be the more sustainable option in certain circumstances
• A risk of the additional capacity left in the wheeled bin will be filled with recyclables to the detriment of our Waste recovery target
• Additional costs for replacement recycling (AHP) containers
• Vehicles - depending on tonnage 2 vehicles approx. £280k
• Haulage – depending on tonnages approx. £16k
• Staff – at least two members of staff approx. £60k
• Containers – two containers £20k
• Containers – for residents approx. £4k
• Waste permit – permit approx. £5k
• Depot – to bulk AHP (unknown cost)
• Security – approx. £40k
• Disposal costs - £60 per tonne extra
• Competent officer - £5k
• A suitable site £?
7.1 That the scrutiny committee discusses and comments on the issues set out in the report.
Title of Document(s) | Document(s) Date | Document Location | |
List the Background documents which have been relied on in preparing the report. (e.g.) previous minutes of relevant committees | |||
Does the report contain any issue that may impact the Council’s Constitution? | NO |
Xxxxxx y dudalen hon yn wag yn fwriadol
Civic Centre, Castle Street, Merthyr Tydfil CF47 8AN
Main Tel: 00000 000000
Date Written | 14th May 2021 |
Report Author | Scrutiny Section |
Committee Division | Scrutiny |
Exempt/Non Exempt | Non Exempt |
Committee Date | 14th June 2021 |
To: Chair, Ladies and Gentlemen
Draft Forward Work Programme 2020/21
1.1 To provide the Scrutiny Committee with its draft work programme for consideration and to prepare in advance of the next scrutiny committee meeting.
1.2 To remind Scrutiny Committee members that they need to consider the requirements of the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 in all aspects of scrutiny work.
2.1 The Committee considers the attached Draft Forward Work Programme and approves, revises or amends it as deemed appropriate; and to consider the questions at 3.7 in planning for the next meeting.
3.1 The attached Draft Forward Work Programme identifies the topics and issues under consideration by the Scrutiny Committee and allows an opportunity for additional subjects to be identified and included on the programme.
3.2 Scrutiny committees are required to prepare and keep under review a programme for their future work. By reviewing and prioritising issues, members are able to ensure that the work programme delivers a member-led agenda.
3.3 The Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 requires each Public Service Board (PSB) and Council to work with their communities to develop local objectives. Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council (MTCBC) and the Cwm Taf PSB have acted on this.
3.4 MTCBC has four local Wellbeing Objectives, each having clear outcomes that will help the Council to respond to local community needs and contribute to the seven national wellbeing goals. The four Wellbeing Objectives are:-
BS Best Start to Life - Children and young people get the best start to life and are equipped with the skills they need to be successful learners and confident individuals. The key outcomes for Best Start to Life are: • Children live in a nurturing and stimulating home environment • Children have access to high quality pre-school and school education • Improve the educational outcomes for all children and young people • Children and young people have good health and wellbeing |
WL Working Life - People feel supported to develop the skills required to meet the needs of businesses, with a developing, safe infrastructure which makes Merthyr Tydfil as an attractive destination. The key outcomes for Working Life are: • Merthyr Tydfil realises its full economic potential, with a skilled workforce and better employment opportunities; • People value and enjoy the built and natural environment, protecting and enhancing our cultural assets for current and future generations; • We have strong, resilient and supportive communities where people take responsibility for their own actions and how they affect others. |
EW Environmental Wellbeing - Communities protect, enhance and promote our environment and countryside. The key outcomes for Environmental Wellbeing are: • Environmental damage is minimised by preventing pollution • To maximise the amount of materials and resources recycled in line with the waste hierarchy; • Merthyr Tydfil has good quality, biodiverse and connected green infrastructure and open spaces; and • The use of renewable and low carbon energy is increased. |
LW Living Well - People are empowered to live independently within their communities, where they are safe and enjoy good physical and mental health. The key outcomes for Living Well are: • People live safe and independent lives within their communities • Children and adults are safeguarded from harm and feel safe • Children and young people live safely with their family or close to home and have transitioned well into adulthood. |
3.5 The Scrutiny Committee is encouraged to identify issues that reflect these priorities that are within your remit and/or are a priority for local people and communities. If a matter is a recurring issue for the people you, as Councillors, represent, the likelihood is that it is something that the Committee should consider. The more relevant the issue is to local communities then the greater the likelihood of engaging those communities in the scrutiny process and of producing outcomes that will be visible to those communities you represent.
3.6 MTCBC has developed an ‘Our Shared Vision’ document (Appendix I). This makes the connections from the seven national Wellbeing Goals through to the local objectives and political priorities. This document is contained within one page and acts as an easy to understand guide. When considered with service area strategies and operational plans a thread is created that can be extended down to individual tasks. This helps staff members see how they are contributing to the Act and the ‘Wales We Want’, and will assist Scrutiny members better understand the connections with the Act.
3.7 The work programme is a dynamic document and is reviewed at every meeting of the Committee to ensure that its contents are still relevant and will add value to what the Council and partners are doing. At each meeting the committee will agree the agenda items for their next meeting and in preparation may in advance wish to ask itself the following questions.
Q) Why has the item been placed on a Scrutiny Work Programme?
a. Does this item/ topic contribute to the delivery of the Council’s wellbeing objectives?
b. Does this item/ topic contribute to the delivery of the Council’s corporate priorities/ objectives?
c. Is this item/ topic relating to service performance concerns?
d. Is this item/ topic of significant public interest?
e. Does the item/ topic have any budgetary implications?
f. Is this an item/ topic where Xxxxxxxx involvement will make a significant difference and achieve tangible outcomes?
g. Can effective Scrutiny of this issue be delivered from within available resources?
Q) What is the specific role of the Committee?
This will depend on the item – for example the role could be:
a. to determine if performance levels are acceptable in relation to a particular department;
b. to determine if a specific policy is fit for purpose;
c. to satisfy itself that the Authority is working well with its partners in tackling a major issue;
d. to gather the views of specific stakeholders as part of an on-going scrutiny investigation/ review;
e. to explore possible solutions to an issue.
Q) What outcome is the Committee seeking from the consideration of this item?
a. To comment on the proposed budget and make suggestions to cabinet regarding the proposed budget’s ability to deliver the priorities of the council
b. Identification of any causes for concern and note successes.
c. To receive an overview presentation.
d. To gain an understanding of and to comment on a policy/ strategy
e. To explore ideas around the setting of budgets while considering the pressures facing each service. This also helps provide an overview of the policy frame work.
f. For the scrutiny committee to gain an overview and refresh their knowledge of the wellbeing objectives/ other plan/ other strategy.
g. Improvement in service delivery
Q) What information does the Committee need to fulfil this role/ achieve this outcome?
What is the Committee trying to do? You might be trying to do some or all of the following i.e. establish facts; gather opinions; or explore new ideas/ solutions.
Q) Who should be invited to the meeting to provide the information?
Depending on the information you need you might want to hear from a range of witnesses – e.g. Cabinet members, Senior Officers, Service users, and External partners – e.g. Police, Strategic Partners etc
Q) Does the Committee need to ask for written representations?
The Committee may wish to pose some questions to the Directorate/ Cabinet Member/ External Partner etc. prior to the meeting. This may help in instances when the Committee is looking for something specific to be addressed. This will assist whoever is attending to ensure that they have the information/ answer ready for the meeting.
Q) Which meeting format/ venue would be most appropriate for the item and for the witnesses that will be invited to attend?
Due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 global pandemic, all scrutiny committees are to be held via Microsoft Teams at least for the time-being. This decision has been taken to ensure the safety of our members, officers and all others in attendance. Currently, there is no clear indication of when hybrid meetings will be appropriate; and this will be reviewed in line with any updates and advice from U.K. and Welsh Government.
Even under normal circumstances, meetings do not have to be held in a formal committee room environment. You may wish to hold occasional meetings in community location settings e.g. community centres, sports facilities etc. It depends on the subject. Some people find the formal setting intimidating. Site visits for example may be more appropriate to see first-hand what the committee is investigating/ obtaining information on e.g. waste sites, regeneration projects etc.
Q) Method of Scrutiny?
Once Members have identified the matters they wish to scrutinise, consideration should be given to scoping the subject in more detail including the timing and method of scrutiny to be used. Support in this process will be given by the Scrutiny and Support Manager and Officer. Members may wish to:
a. Consider an item at a single meeting;
b. Consider an item over a series of meetings;
c. Allocate the work to a small working group of Members (Task & Finish group) to investigate the issue over a period of 2-3 months (this may involve visits to see how services are working in practice);
d. Undertake an Inquiry Day (or days);
e. Undertake joint scrutiny with members of another Scrutiny Committee;
f. Invite expert witnesses to give their views;
g. Seeking the views of service users/ carers and/ or the general public (public calls for evidence)
Performance and Scrutiny Department MTCBC
Title of Document(s) | Document(s) Date | Document Location | |
Statement of Wellbeing & Focus on the Future: Wellbeing in our Community | 4th April 2018 | Full Council 4th April 2018 | |
Does the report contain any issue that may impact the Council’s Constitution? | No |
Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning Scrutiny Committee Work Programme Descriptors 2021/22
Tudalen 13
(The Work Programme is reviewed at each meeting and as such is subject to change)
Date / Timing | Overarching Item | Cabinet Member & Officer(s) | Scrutiny Focus | Cross-Cutting Strategies and Plans |
14/06/2021 | Draft Committee Work Programme 2021-2022 | • Committee Chair • Committee Members | The Committee to discuss the draft Work Programme and to officially agree and sign off the Work Programme for 2020-2021 | Focus on the Future: wellbeing in our community Recovery, Transformation and Improvement Plan (Governance) |
14/06/2021 | Nappy Recycling | • Portfolio Member – Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning • Chief Officer – Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning • Waste Services Manager | Driving Improvement in Public Services: Nappy recycling is a topic which Committee Members unanimously agreed needs to be explored in more detail as it may help with future recycling targets and go some way towards fulfilling our collective responsibilities of reducing landfill / incineration figures. Xxxx Xxx Xxxxxx and Xxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx undertook research and forwarded all information to MTCBC Officers. The Committee will now receive a report which has developed Committee Members findings to explore in greater detail the resources that would be required to roll out nappy recycling across Merthyr Tydfil County Borough. | Focus on the Future: wellbeing in our community Recovery, Transformation and Improvement Plan (Governance) Beyond Recycling |
Asset Management | • Portfolio Member – Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning • Chief Officer – Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning • Estates Manager | Scrutiny and Challenge: This report is to give Members | Focus on the Future: | |
Plan | details of what property assets are held by the Local | wellbeing in our community | ||
05/07/2021 | Authority and discuss how the Authority decides on what assets should be disposed of and future plans for assets. | Recovery, Transformation and Improvement Plan | ||
(Governance) | ||||
Planning | • Portfolio Member – Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning • Chief Officer – Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning • Planning Officer(s) | Driving Improvement in Public Services: Planning has been | Focus on the Future: wellbeing | |
a source of frustration for some residents due to the | in our community | |||
05/07/2021 | challenges faced to make decisions based on local needs without fear of financial penalty. This is a common query | Recovery, Transformation and Improvement Plan | ||
faced by Elected Members when working within their | (Governance) | |||
communities. |
Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning Scrutiny Committee Work Programme Descriptors 2021/22
Tudalen 14
(The Work Programme is reviewed at each meeting and as such is subject to change)
A report has been requested to enable Committee Members to gain information on Planning, to understand what is involved in a material planning application and to explore whether the planning process can be changed and establish who would need to be lobbied in order to make changes. On completion of this, the Committee Chair will provide an update to the Committee to Members of the Planning Committee, who would also like information on how public involvement at meetings can be developed. It is proposed that following this item, a Members Workshop will follow in due course. | ||||
Recycling & Fly-Tipping | • Portfolio Member – Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning • Chief Officer – Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning • Waste Manager • Environmental Health Manager | Scrutiny and Challenge / Driving Improvement in Public Services: Committee Members have requested an update on recycling figures and future plans to improve recycling rates. The Committee would also like to explore data in relation to recycling rates in our schools. | Focus on the Future: wellbeing in our community Recovery, Transformation and Improvement Plan (Governance) | |
20/09/2021 | It is proposed a Task & Finish Group be set up to explore recycling throughout the County Borough with a view to identifying how it can be increased; and how this may impact on Fly Tipping statistics with possible actions and solutions offered. | WG Litter & Fly-Tipping Plan* | ||
This report will then be forwarded onto the Regeneration and Public Protection Scrutiny Committee who now deal with fly-tipping. |
* Draft Plan – currently under development by Welsh Government
Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning Scrutiny Committee Work Programme Descriptors 2021/22
Tudalen 15
(The Work Programme is reviewed at each meeting and as such is subject to change)
20/09/2021 | Air Quality Management - Action Plan | • Portfolio Member – Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning • Chief Officer – Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning • Environmental Health Officer • Highways & Engineering Officer | Information Report - Air Quality Management Area. As the Neighbourhood Services Committee have previously received two reports on this issue, it was felt that Members there would be value in receiving an update on pollution and air quality around Twynyrodyn Road and the Tesco Roundabout to scrutinise whether there have been changes noted since the one-way system was reversed. | Focus on the Future: wellbeing in our community Recovery, Transformation and Improvement Plan (Governance) |
01/11/2021 | Local Development Plan Annual Monitoring Report | • Portfolio Member – Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning • Chief Officer – Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning • Principal Planning Policy Officer | Provide Critical Friend Challenge to Executive Policy and Decision-Makers: Under the provisions of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, all Councils have a duty to produce an LDP Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) which must be submitted to the Welsh Government by the end of October each year. Scrutiny will – firstly consider whether the policies identified in the monitoring framework are being implemented, and secondly, consider whether the Plan as a whole is working successfully. | Focus on the Future: wellbeing in our community Recovery, Transformation and Improvement Plan (Governance) |
01/11/2021 | Children’s Play Areas / Playgrounds | • Portfolio Member – Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning • Chief Officer – Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning | Scrutiny and Challenge: The Committee requests a report on children’s play areas within the County Borough as this topic is seen as Priority Investment by many members of the public. The report should give information on the lack of investment and damage to equipment; outline how much it would cost to update current play areas/parks to their original standard of equipment; and establish whether the location of play areas leads to damage of equipment (as play areas are often situated in isolated locations). Members to discuss the report and work with officers to explore possible solutions. | Focus on the Future: wellbeing in our community Recovery, Transformation and Improvement Plan (Governance) |
Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning Scrutiny Committee Work Programme Descriptors 2021/22
Tudalen 16
(The Work Programme is reviewed at each meeting and as such is subject to change)
06/12/2021 | HWRCs – permits and booking systems | • Portfolio Member – Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning • Chief Officer – Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning • Waste Services Manager | Xxxxxxxx and Challenge / Driving Improvement in Public Services: An update on how HWRC’s manage the delivery of permits and booking systems. The report should outline the “pros and cons” of the current system, and provide options for alternative procedures looking at what systems other Authorities have in place. | Focus on the Future: wellbeing in our community Recovery, Transformation and Improvement Plan (Governance) |
06/12/2021 | Trade Waste Recycling | • Portfolio Member – Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning • Chief Officer – Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning • Waste Services Manager | Xxxxxxxx and Challenge: This report has been requested to update Committee Members on the implications of new legislation coming into effect in July 2021 which effects how trade waste is collected and disposed of. | Focus on the Future: wellbeing in our community Recovery, Transformation and Improvement Plan (Governance) Beyond Recycling |
17/01/2022 | Carbon Management/ De-Carbonisation | • Portfolio Member – Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning • Chief Officer – Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning • Xxxxx Xxxxx -Building & Property services Manager • Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx – Energy Engineer | Xxxxxxxx and Challenge / Driving Improvement in Public Services: Committee Members have monitored the introduction of carbon management systems and processes and have requested an update on the impact of these (e.g.) savings achieved by the Council with the employment of a Carbon Management Officer. Additionally, an update is requested on what impact we are having in respect of reducing the organisation’s carbon footprint and include detail on what the Council is doing in relation to renewable energy. The report should also refer to statutory and other measures reported on by the team; enabling Committee Members to scrutinise whether the Council is on track of achieving its targets. | Focus on the Future: wellbeing in our community Recovery, Transformation and Improvement Plan (Governance) |
17/01/2022 | Grass Cutting & Bio- Diversity | • Portfolio Member – Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning • Chief Officer – Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning | Scrutiny and Challenge / Driving Improvement in Public Services: The Committee has previously received reports regarding grass cutting and biodiversity. An update is requested on the new grass cutting schedules developed. | Focus on the Future: wellbeing in our community Recovery, Transformation and Improvement Plan (Governance) |
Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning Scrutiny Committee Work Programme Descriptors 2021/22
Tudalen 17
(The Work Programme is reviewed at each meeting and as such is subject to change)
• Street Scene Manager • Ecologist | Additionally, Section 6 of the Environment (Wales) Act sets down a duty requiring all public bodies to seek to maintain and enhance biodiversity so far as consistent with the proper exercise of their functions and, in so doing, promote the resilience of ecosystems. Committee Members are keen to review how the Council is meeting its bio-diversity obligations. | Environment (Wales) Act | ||
14/03/2022 | Furniture Reuse Shop | • Portfolio Member – Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning • Chief Officer – Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning • Waste Services Manager | Driving Improvement in Public Service: Committee Members seek a report which offers Committee Members an update on the opening of the new ‘Furniture Reuse Shop’. The Committee is keen to identify the benefits this shop offers to residents of the County Borough; including figures on items provided. | Focus on the Future: wellbeing in our community Recovery, Transformation and Improvement Plan (Governance) |
14/03/2022 | • | Focus on the Future: wellbeing in our community Recovery, Transformation and Improvement Plan (Governance) | ||
25/04/2022 | Fleet Management | • Portfolio Member – Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning • Chief Officer – Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning • Fleet Manager | Scrutiny and Challenge: Committee Members have received information on the fleet of vehicles due to be updated during the financial year. With this in mind, the Committee seeks a report outlining the fleet of vehicles being updated / replaced. This report should also give an update on the current status of breakdowns and missed collections. | Focus on the Future: wellbeing in our community Recovery, Transformation and Improvement Plan (Governance) |
25/04/2022 | • | Focus on the Future: wellbeing in our community Recovery, Transformation and Improvement Plan (Governance) |
Neighbourhood Services, Countryside & Planning Scrutiny Committee Work Programme Descriptors 2021/22
Tudalen 18
(The Work Programme is reviewed at each meeting and as such is subject to change)
Additional topics for consideration | |||
Topic | Source of Suggestion | Description | Scheduled |