Proposal of Learning Agreement
Proposta di Learning Agreement
(modulo valido solo ai xxxx xxxxx domanda di candidatura)
Proposal of Learning Agreement
(Form to be used only for application to the Erasmus+ Call)
Studente - Student
Cognome - Last name | |
Nome - First name | |
Data di nascita Date of birth | |
Anno xx xxxxx Year of study | |
Corso di laurea Course of study | |
Semestre di partenza Semester of mobility |
Università di destinazione - Partner University
Nome Name of Institution | |
Codice Erasmus Erasmus Code | |
Codice Area Area Code | |
Responsabile Accordo Bilateral Agreement Promoter |
Table A: Study programme abroad
Component11 code (if any) | Component title (as indicated in the course catalogue) at the receiving institution | Semester [autumn / spring] [or term] | Number of ECTS credits to be awarded by the receiving institution upon successful completion |
Total: ………… |
Table B: Group of educational components in the student's degree that would normally be completed at the sending institution and which will be replaced by the study abroad NB no one to one match with Table A is required.
Component code (if any) | Component title (as indicated in the course catalogue) at the sending institution | Semester [autumn / spring] [or term] | Number of ECTS credits |
Total: ………… |
firma RAM (Responsabile Accademico della Mobilità)
firma Relatore (solo in caso di mobilità per Tesi)