Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR) – Missione 4 – Componente 1 “Potenziamento dell’offerta dei servizi all’istruzione: dagli asili nido all’università” – Investimento 3.4 “Didattica e competenze universitarie avanzate”, Sotto-investimento T4 “Iniziative Transnazionali in materia di istruzione”, finanziato dall’Unione europea – NextGenerationEU.
(art. 8, par. 7 of the Notice)
Structure of the Proposal
As to the participation in the selection process the Project Proposal must be completed as follows.
The Proposal consists in:
Part A: General and Administrative Information
• General Information of the Project
• List of Participants
Part B: Application Form
• Objectives and expected results
• Concept and Methodology
• Work Plan
• Economic and Financial sustainability profile
• Characteristics of the Partners involved in the project
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1. General Information of the Project
Project Title: ProMOting innoVation capacity IN the hiGher Education System of Argentina and ITalia through an Action scheme for the MobiLIty And cooperation of UNiversity StudeNts and ProfESsorS |
Start date of the project: 01/03/2024 |
Duration in months: 01/03/2026 |
Project total amount (euro/€): 4.139.520,00 |
Project amount to be located in “Mezzogiorno” Regions: € 1.600.760,00 |
2. List of Participants
List of participating members of the Partnership/Consortium/Foundation: private or public Universities.
Once filling in the information in the schedule below, the first row has to be filled by the coordinator of the project, in bold type
N. | University/Consortium/ Foundation Name | University/Consortium/ Foundation Acronym | Type Private or public University |
1 | Consorzio Interuniversitario Italiano per l’Argentina | C.U.I.A. | Public |
2 | Università degli Studi del Molise | UNIMOL | Public |
3 | Università degli Studi Messina | UNIME | Public |
4 | Università degli Studi di Torino | UNITO | Public |
5 | Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna | UNIBO | Public |
6 | Università degli Studi di Firenze | UNIFI | Public |
7 | Sapienza Università di Roma | UNIROMA1 | Public |
8 | Università degli Studi di Teramo | UNITE | Public |
9 | Università degli studi della Tuscia | UNITUS | Public |
10 | Università degli Studi di Padova | UNIPD | Public |
11 | Università degli Studi di Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx XX | UNINA | Public |
12 | Università degli Studi di BARI Xxxx Xxxx | UNIBA | Public |
13 | Università degli Studi di Pavia | UNIPV | Public |
14 | Università Politecnica delle Marche | UNIVPM | Public |
Please indicate the details of the possible foreign associate members (non-beneficiaries) of the Partnership below:
N. | Name of the associate member | Acronym of the associate member | Country |
1 | Universidad Nacional de Cordoba | UNC | Argentina |
2 | Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata | UNMDP | Argentina |
3 | Universidad de Xxxxxxx | UM | Argentina |
4. | Universidad Nacional de San Xxxx | UNSJ | Argentina |
5 | National University de La Plata | UNLP | Argentina |
6 | Universidad Nacional de Rosario | UNR | Argentina |
7 | Universidad Nacional de Cuyo | UnCUYO | Argentina |
8 | Universidad Católica de Córdoba | UCC | Argentina |
9 | Universidad del Xxxxxxxx | USAL | Argentina |
10 | Universidad Nacional de Xxxxxxxxxx | UNAHUR | Argentina |
11 | Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero | UNTREF | Argentina |
12 | Universidad de Villa Xxxxx | UNVM | Argentina |
13 | Universidad Nacional del Litoral | UNL | Argentina |
14 | Universidad de Moròn | UM | Argentina |
15 | Universidad Nacional de Misiones | UnaM | Argentina |
16 | Universidad de Catamarca | UNCA | Argentina |
17 | Universidad Nacional de San Xxxxxx | XXXXX | Argentina |
18 | Universidad Autonoma de Entre Xxxx | UADER | Argentina |
19 | Universidad Nacional de Quilmes | UNQ | Argentina |
20 | Universidad Nacional del Noroeste | UNNE | Argentina |
21 | National University of Xxxxx | UNNE | Argentina |
22 | Universidad de Buenos Aires | UBA | Argentina |
23 | Universidad Nacional de La Pampa | UNLPAM | Argentina |
24 | Univeridad ISALUD Buenos Aires | ISALUD | Argentina |
25 | Universidad Catolica De Salta | UCASAL | Argentina |
26 | Universidad Nacional de Xxxxxxxx del Estero | UNSE | Argentina |
27 | Universidad Nacional del Litoral | UNL | Argentina |
28 | Universidad Nacional de San Xxxxxx | XXXXX | Argentina |
29 | Universidad Xxxxxxxx | UF | Argentina |
30 | Universidad Abierta Interamericana | UAI | Argentina |
31 | Instituto Universitario de Ciencias Biomedicas de Cordoba | UNC | Argentina |
32 | Instituto Universitario Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires | IUHI | Argentina |
33 | Universidad Nacional de San Xxxxxxx de Areco | UNSAdA | Argentina |
34 | Universidad de Belgrano | UB | Argentina |
35 | Universidad de Conception del Uruguay | UCU | Argentina |
36 | Universidad de Xxxxxx | UFLO | Argentina |
37 | Universidad Nacional de Xxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxx | UNLAM | Argentina |
38 | Universidad Nacional de la Matanza | UNLM | Argentina |
39 | Universidad Nacional de Lanus | UNLA | Argentina |
40 | Universidad Nacional de Las Artes | UNA | Argentina |
41 | Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego | UNTF | Argentina |
42 | Universidad Nacional del Alto Uruguay | UNAU | Argentina |
43 | Universidad Nacional del Comahue | UnCo | Argentina |
44 | Universidad Nacional del Sur | UNS | Argentina |
45 | Universidad Nacional Noroeste Buenos Aires | UNNOBA | Argentina |
46 | Universidad Provincial de Ezeiza | UPE | Argentina |
47 | Universidad Siglo 21 | UES21 | Argentina |
48 | Universidad Tecnologica Nacional | UTN | Argentina |
49 | Universidad Torcuato Di Tella | UTDT | Argentina |
50 | Universidad Nacional de Jujuy | UNJU | Argentina |
51 | Instituto Universitario Italiano de Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx | IUNIR | Argentina |
52 | Universidad FASTA de Mar del Plata | UFASTA | Argentina |
In this section, please declare: the objectives and expected results of the project (see section 1), the planned activities, the description of Work packages (see section 2 and 3), and the financial and economic sustainability profile (section 4).
1. Objectives and expected results
Please, describe and motivate the objectives of the project and highlight the expected results in terms of innovation, internationalization, cooperation and promotion of academic programs. In addition, describe the overall project model in order to explain how this will enable to reach the project’s objectives.
In particular, in the section below, describe the objectives of the project, which should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based. Objectives should be consistent with the expected exploitation and impact of the project.
Please be specific and provide only information that applies to the proposal and its objectives. Wherever possible, use quantified indicators and targets.
(Max 5000 characters)
Italians are present in all countries of the world. There are just under 5.3 million registered at the “Anagrafe Italiani Residenti all’Estero”. The largest community is the one that lives today in Argentina and includes almost 903,081 people, not to mention those of Italian descent. Italy and Argentina have very strong historical, cultural, and economic relationships.
The “Consorzio interUniversitario Italiano per l’Argentina” (CUIA, xxx.xxxx.xxx), was founded in 2004 with the aim of promoting and supporting the development, promotion, and implementation of academic bilateral cooperation programs between the two countries. The various cultural, educational, and scientific cooperation agreements over the years between the Government of the Italian Republic (also through the support of MIUR/MUR) and the Government of the Argentina Republic recognize to the CUIA a central role in promoting and supporting university cooperation between Italy and Argentina.
The recent CUIA bilateral cooperation program called "CUIASMUS-PRO" (Italia and Argentina community action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students and PROfessors), although with very limited own financial resources, has aroused, in the Argentinian, great interest in the Italian academic system. Now with this new project we intend to use all the Italian and Argentinian academic potential useful to structure, permanently over time, that international cooperation that we aim to achieve with the following objectives:
a) strengthen the Italian higher education system in Argentina and contribute to the consolidation of the European higher education area (Bologna Declaration and subsequent inter-ministerial communications);
b) improve the attractiveness and interest in the Italian higher education system in Argentina, also as a "model" of international higher education;
c) contribute to the indications and guidelines deriving from the bilateral government agreements on higher education, cultural and scientific cooperation, the strategies posed by the EU, the OECD, the ONU 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the DNSH (Do Not Significant Harm)-principle.
The following project lines will effectively help with the general objectives described above:
- TNE Double/Joint Degree.
Stimulate a joint implementation of academic educational courses. Implement double degrees and doctorates in co-supervision between Italian and Argentinian universities, promoting both the territorial distribution in the two countries and the dimensional diversity of the universities involved. There is a need to have comparative frameworks since the two higher education systems are very different. Studies on the recognition of Italian and Argentinian university qualifications, collaboration profiles on double/joint degrees and co- supervision of doctoral theses will also constitute that comparative analysis on academic qualifications between Italy and Argentina which Italy, unlike Spain, France, Germany, England has not yet formalized. This project line will contribute to objectives a), b) and c).
- TNE Professors/Researchers
Promote bilateral cooperation on teaching, research and transfer of knowledge and skills through a mobility plan for professors and researchers within specific research projects of bilateral interest. A strategy that will promote the European area of education and research and will offer important results in terms of scientific and cultural cooperation between Italian and Argentinian academic institutions, will identify new international partnerships and strengthen existing networks. This project line will contribute to objectives
a) and c).
- TNE Students
Bringing brilliant Argentinian students closer to the life of Italian degree courses and vice versa. A mobility scheme that promotes Italian degree courses and which allows the possibility to attend educational activities, take exams and acquire the relevant credits. In addition to satisfying various internationalization indicators of higher education, as stated by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, a natural mobility towards the Italian university system will be stimulated over the years. This project line will contribute to objectives a) and b).
- TNE Advanced Skills
Educational activities jointly organized in Argentina and/or Italy, depending on the most suitable territorial and academic context to achieve the educational objectives. Argentinian and Italian professors together to guarantee the needed quality of the courses. The aim is to share knowledge and skills, cultural and/or professional growth, innovation and/or experimental development, always on topics of specific bilateral scientific and social relevance and common interest. This project line will contribute to objectives a) and b).
An information system, together with its digital counterpart, reporting on the project lines results as well as on the quantitative indicators and impacts will contribute to a mutual learning platform.
1.1. Scale and Significance baselines, benchmarks, and assumptions
In this section, please indicate both the extension and dimension of the project in terms of budget, activities to be carried and where, numbers of students involved in the projects, to evaluate the impact that each action has on the project.
Scale & Significance
It follows a brief description of the project activities divided into the main project lines that compete to the general objectives. As a general descriptive schema adopted below, we first report on general data regarding the involved parties (how many students, how many professors, how many Universities…) and then refer to the single activities to explain who are involved in, where, and the considered scientific/cultural topic. Meanwhile, we also present the budget of the project divided into the main project lines.
The total amount of the project is € 4,139,520.00 It is an aggregated budget according to the indications of the DD n. 167 del 03-10-2023. It includes all the proposed investments needed for a successful implementation of the project in and by the individual initiatives promoted by the Implementing Bodies. The project coordinator does have the disaggregated budget for CUIA and each Implementing Bodies.
It should be noted that the project guarantees a multifunctional and differentiated quality of the educative offer, reinforced by innovation actions in university courses and mutual learning activities, also supported by the experience of the actuators involved as well as the organization structures present.
TNE Double/Joint Degree.
It is certainly useful to recall that the Italian and Argentinian educational systems are quite different and include different levels of academic degrees. In order to stimulate and facilitate the design of academic double/join educational initiatives between the two countries, the project proposes to provide Italian and Argentinian Universities with a comparative model for the recognition of the two systems qualifications and then a general/a “standard” framework that offers profiles of collaboration/guide lines to help in the design of the new academic (double/join) educational initiatives; profiles and guide lines that become part of the needed formal Agreement between the Universities involved in the joint initiative.
During the 24 months of the project, at least 4 new double/join degrees and 1 doctoral program in co-supervision will be under the study. It is expected that these initiatives involve 11 doctoral students incoming (from Argentina to Italy), 2 doctoral students outgoing (from Italy to Argentina), 18 students incoming, 16 students outgoing. More in detail, the:
- University of Molise and Universidad Nacional de Cordoba are interested in a double degree in “Political Science - Equality”,
- University of Molise and Universidad Nacional de Cordoba are interested in a double degree in “Biology - Environmental Sustainability”,
- University of Molise and Universidad Nacional de Tucumán are interested in a doctoral program in co-tutela on “Sustainability and safety of buildings”,
- University of Padua and Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata are interested in a double degree in “Medicine”,
- University of Rome “La Sapienza” and Universidad Nacional del Noroeste are interested in a double degree in “Architettura”,
We believe that the study of these join initiatives within the proposed framework will stimulate and speed up the design of new double/join/co-supervised educational initiatives.
The structure of the initiatives guarantees for Doctoral Students those interconnections, provided for among the purposes of the DD n. 167 del 03-10-2023, dedicated to digital and environmental transitions.
The overall cost of this project line will correspond to a work package of € 291,000.00
TNE Professors/Researchers
Each visiting professor/researcher proposes, jointly with the hosting Universit(y/ies), a mobility program within a specific research project of bilateral interest. A strategy that promotes the European area of education and research, offers important results in terms of scientific and cultural cooperation between Italian and Argentinian academic institutions and allows to identify new international partnerships as well as will strengthen existing networks.
This project line consists of a wide mobility program -- 4215 days -- distributed among 84 incoming Professors, 39 incoming Researchers, 102 outgoing Professors and 33 outgoing researchers. This would be the widest mobility plan between in Italia and Argentina ever done in two years.
It also highlights, as it is for the TNE student scheme, the diversity of exchange programs because of the different educational courses and research knowledge present in the implementation bodies and in the partner foreign institutions.
Almost all the academic partners of the present project have foreseen this form of bilateral collaboration on macro research themes that fully fit within one or more of the 17 Goals of the Transforming our world: ONU 2030 Agenda for Sustainable and of the DNSH- principle. More in detail:
The University of Molise proposes a mobility plan with the University Nacional de Cordoba on research area of “Ecological sustainability - global change - adaptation/management”, “Models gender inequalities and environmental protection” and “DNSH - Do Not Significant Harm - regulatory issues”.
The University of Messina proposes a mobility plan with the University of Buenos Aires, Pontifical Catholic, National University of La Plata, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Universidad del Xxxxxxxx on research area of “A One health approach in Biotechnology applied to veterinary and environmental medical sciences”, and “Comparative studies in the fields of law, international relations, migration and criminal associations”.
The University of Torino proposes a mobility plan with the University Nacional de Cordoba, Universidad Nacional de Xxxxxxxxxx, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero,
Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Universidad de Villa Xxxxx on research area of “Cultural Heritage, for an archive of the Italian-Argentine migratory imagination”, “Vigilance assessment of antimicrobial resistance”, “Regional integration in Latin America and Europe. Italy and Argentina in interregional relations”, “Historical memory and new transnational right. The Argentinian and Italian case”.
The University of Firenze proposes a mobility plan with the University of Moròn, de Misiones, Autónoma de Entre Xxxx, de Rosario, de Buenos Aires, de San Xxxxxx, de San Xxxx, de Cuyo, de Catamarca on research area of “Peri-urban spaces and rural spaces, Green infrastructure for urban wellbeing/Ecosystem services for territorial wellbeing”, “Management of exotic forest pests: innovation and know-how from their native European range, Plant soil microbiome in agroforestry systems, One health, Bacterial antimicrobial, Neglected tropical diseases resistance, Antibiotic resistance, cellulose-derived compounds, biofunctional nanomaterials, nutraceutical components in neglected fruits”, “Italian and Argentine aesthetics between modernity and contemporaneity” “Water resources management in arid areas including Andean and Patagonian regions”, “Environmental impact analysis in agroforestry”, “Agronomic management for soil conservation; carbon farming and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, Sustainable production and use of forest wood”.
The University of Roma “La Sapienza” proposes a mobility plan with the University of Buenos Aires, de Xxxxx, del Noroeste and Quilmes on research area of “Spanish as a pluricentric language and its impact on language policies”, “Influencia arquitectónica italiana en el desarrollo del patrimonio arquitectónico”, “Italian architectural influence on the development of architectural heritage”, “the impact of Italian migration on the Argentinian economy and cultural heritage”, “Heritage Building Information Modeling”, “Occupational medicine epidemiological study of occupational diseases in the two countries”, “Gender statistics on forms of discrimination and violence against women and children”, “strutture mobili galleggianti per scopi formativi e culturali a Campana sul delta del Rio de La Plata a Buenos Aires”, “Recognition and Rescue of the Natural Cultural Landscape Heritage”.
The University of Teramo proposes a mobility plan with the University of Cuyo, de La Pampa, de Cordoba, de Ciencias Agrarias de Xxxxx de Xxxxxx, on research area of “Sustainability of agri-food supply chains: policies, technological innovation and best practices to encourage production, Viticoltura ed enologia”, “Law, Political science”, “Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics”, “Veterinary”.
The University of Tuscia proposes a mobility plan with the University of Cuyo, de Cordoba, de San Xxxxxxx de Areco, on research area of “Olive, viticulture and oenology”, “Precision agriculture and forestry, Precision agriculture and plant protection”.
The University of Padova proposes a mobility plan with the University de Mar del Plata, de Buenos Aires, Pontificia Universidad Católica, de Córdoba on research area of “Language Studies”, “History and Geography”.
The University of Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx XX proposes a mobility plan with the University of Buenos Aires, Catholic University of Salta, Universidad de Palermo (Buenos Aires), de Córdoba, Católica de Córdoba on research area of “A Common Legal Tradition: EU, Latin America and the Roman Law”, “Artificial Intelligence and Law”, “Improving gender
equality: a stocktake of EU and LA Country Approaches”, “Environmental Law and Policies in Eu and LA approaches”.
The University of Bari “Xxxx Xxxx” proposes a mobility plan with the University of Cuyo, de Rosario, de Xxxxxxxx del Estero, on research area of “Valorization of agro- industrial waste for the implementation of sustainable food sources for human and livestock use”, “Biocide plants as a tool for the control of pests, pathogens and weeds for a sustainable cropping systems”, “Enhancement of agrobiodiversity and innovative techniques for ex situ conservation, of ornamental species for sustainable green spaces”.
The University of Pavia proposes a mobility plan with the University de San Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx, Universidad Abierta Interamericana, de Córdoba, de Tres de Febrero on research area of “Innovative oncology radiotherapy”, “Computational dosimetry and simulation of radiation transport in matter”, “New Profiles of Law”, “Menopaus and as a portal in women's health and longevity”, “Afro-descent/Atlantic history/history of international relations”, “History of migrations”.
The University Politecnica delle Marche proposes a mobility plan with the Universidad del Litoral, on research area of “Internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises, International Macroeconomics, Knowledge transfer and territorial development”.
The overall cost of this project line will correspond to a work package of € 1.579.520,00
TNE Students
Bringing brilliant Argentinian students closer to the life of Italian degree courses and vice versa. A mobility scheme that promotes Italian degree courses and which allows the possibility to attend educational activities, take exams and acquire the relevant credits. In addition to satisfying various internationalization indicators of higher education, as stated by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, a natural mobility towards the Italian university system will be stimulated over the years.
It should also be noted that the structure of the actions guarantees easy access and also support initiatives the CUIA and individual actuators are going to plan during the period abroad, also thanks to the proven network of institutional relations in Argentina. Support activities will be also provided in incoming phases for Students and Doctoral Students, as well as Researchers and Professors.
Even this project line consists of a wide mobility program -- 724 months -- distributed among 68 incoming Students, 69 outgoing Students, 43 incoming PhD Students and 37 outgoing PhD Students.
The University of Molise proposes a students mobility plan with the University de Cordoba on courses of “Computer Science/digitalization”.
The University of Messina proposes a students and a PhD students mobility plan with the University of Cordoba, Universidad Nacional de Xxxxxxxxxx, de Tres de Febrero, de Rosario, de Villa Xxxxx on courses of “Life sciences”, “Legal, social and economic sciences”, “Biotechnologies and innovations applied to experimental animal models in biomedical research”.
The University of Torino proposes a students and a PhD students mobility plan with the University de Córdoba (the PhD students with this partner will do research on “For an archive of the Italian-Argentine migratory imagination”), de Xxxxxxxxxx (the PhD students with this partner will do research on “Vigilance assessment of antimicrobial resistance”), de Rosario, de Villa Xxxxx, de Tres de Febrero
The University of Bologna proposes a PhD students mobility plan with the Universidad del Litoral, Universidad de Rosario, Universidad Nacional de Cujo on research topic regarding the 5 Schools of CUIA.
The University of Firenze proposes a students and a PhD students mobility plan with the University of Moròn, de Misiones, de Rosario, de La Plata, de Catamarca on courses of “Architecture and urban planning”, “Sustainable agro-silvo-pastoralism”, “Agricultural sciences and technologies”, "Natural Resources Management for tropical rural development" and, in the case of Phd students, research on “Valorization of cellulose- derived compounds”, “Resources use efficiency in agriculture”, “Genetic variability in neglected plant species”.
The University of Roma “La Sapienza” proposes a students and a PhD students mobility plan with the University of Buenos Aires and of Lujan. Both kind of students will attend courses and do research on “Heritage Building Information Modeling and historical architectural heritage”, “Gender statistics on forms of discrimination and violence against women and children”.
The University of Teramo proposes a students and a PhD students mobility plan with the University of Cuyo, de La Pampa, de Cordoba, de Ciencias Agrarias de Xxxxx de Xxxxxx. Both kind of students will attend courses and do research on “Sustainability of agri-food supply chains: policies, technological innovation and best practices to encourage production, Viticoltura ed enologia”, “Law, Political science”, “Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics”, “Veterinary”.
The University of Tuscia proposes a students and a PhD students mobility plan with the University of Cuyo, de Cordoba, de San Xxxxxxx de Areco. Both kind of students will attend courses and do research on “Olive, viticulture and oenology”, “Precision agriculture and forestry, Precision agriculture and plant protection”.
The University of Padova proposes a students outgoing mobility plan with the University of Mar del Plata, de Buenos Aires, Pontificia Universidad Católica, de Córdoba. The outgoing students will attend courses on “Language Studies” and “History and Geography”.
The University of Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx XX proposes a students and a PhD students mobility plan with the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Catolica de Salta, de Xxxxxxxx del Estero, de Córdoba, Católica de Córdoba. Both kind of students will attend courses and do research on “A Common Legal Tradition: EU, Latin America and the Roman Law”, “Artificial Intelligence and Law”, “Improving gender equality: a stocktake of EU and LA Country Approaches”, “Environmental Law and Policies in Eu and LA approaches”.
The University of Bari “Xxxx Xxxx” proposes a students and a PhD students mobility plan with the University of Cuyo, de Rosario, de Xxxxxxxx del Estero, del Litoral. Both kind of students will attend courses and do research on “Biotechnology for Medicinal and
Aromatic Plants‐BiotecMAP”, “Innovation Development of Agrifood Systems”, “Advanced techniques in in vitro plant culture”.
The University of Pavia proposes a students and a PhD students mobility plan with the Universidad de San Xxxxxx and Universidad Abierta Interamericana. Both kind of students will attend courses and do research on “Computational dosimetry and simulation of radiation transport in matter” and “New Profiles of Law”.
The University Politecnica delle Marche proposes a students and a PhD students mobility plan with the University del Litoral. Both kind of students will attend courses and do research on “Internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises, International Macroeconomics, Knowledge transfer and territorial development”.
The overall cost of this project line will correspond to a work package of € 1.268.000,00
TNE Advanced Skills
Educational activities jointly organized in Argentina and/or Italy, depending on the most suitable territorial and academic context to achieve the educational objectives. Argentinian and Italian professors together to guarantee the needed quality of the courses. The aim is to share knowledge and skills, cultural and/or professional growth, innovation and/or experimental development, always on topics of specific bilateral scientific and social relevance and common interest.
Even this project line exposes a quite wide plan schools’ organization -- 16 schools – for 256 participants.
The University of Molise proposes 4 schools:
- “Global change Ecology and sustainability strategies”, CUIA School BIOS, with Universidad de Cordoba
- “The ecological transition as a system development model”, CUIA School SEIR, with Universidad de Cordoba
- “Marginal areas - sustainability - gender inequalities”, CUIA School SEIR, with Universidad de Cordoba
- “Sustainability and safety of buildings”, CUIA School TECS, with Universidad de Cordoba.
The University of Bologna proposes 2 schools on the same topic:
- “New internationalization trends for engaged universities: the importance of learning and dialogue.”, CUIA School PACU+SEIR, with Universidad de Rosario
The University of ROMA “La Sapienza” proposes 2 schools on the same topic:
“Communication and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage”, CUIA School PACU, with Universidad de Buenos Aires
The University of La Tuscia proposes 4 schools on the following topics:
- “Sustainable olive and viticulture: innovative strategies for quality production”, CUIA School BIOS, with Universidad Nacional de Cuyo,
- “Precision agriculture: innovations for quality production”, CUIA School BIOS, with Universidad Nacional de Cordoba,
- “Sustainable management of agricultural production: focus on water and plant protection”, CUIA School BIOS, with Universidad Nacional de San Xxxxxxx de Areco,
- “Circular economy for environmental sustainability”, CUIA School BIOS-TECS, with Universidad Nacional de Cuyo,
The University of Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx XX proposes 1 school on:
- “Value of Health Record Digital Management”, CUIA School SEIR, with Universidad ISALUD,
The University of Bari “Xxxx Xxxx” proposes 1 school on:
- “One Health‐One Welfare‐One World”, CUIA School BIOS-TECS, together with: Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Universidad Nacional de Xxxxxxxx del Estero, Universidad Nacional del Litoral
The University of Politecnica delle Marche proposes 1 school on:
“Perpectives on Argentina-EU Regional Integration”, CUIA School SEIR, with Universidad Nacional del Litoral.
The overall cost of this project line will correspond to a work package of € 377.000,00
The CUIA network of relationships, in addition to the quality, variety and complementarity of the educational courses and research expertise, the reputation and competence of stakeholders (both implementing bodies and foreign institutions) will ensure the implementation and the successful of the project.
For the transversal activities envisaged such as "Project Management and promotion of activities", rather than "Innovation Monitoring" the overall cost is € 606,000.00. The project plan also includes purchases of furniture and equipment to ensure timely hospitality to incoming resources
2. Concept and Methodology
Describe and explain the overall concept underpinning the project. Describe the main ideas, models or assumption involved;
Describe and explain the overall approach, distinguishing as appropriate, coordination and support activities;
Describe the activities related to the project and provide evidence about the impact of the activities on the countries involved.
(Max 5000 characters)
This section states main basic assumptions, invariants, of the project and clarify the significant role played by CUIA.
It is worth of recalling some of the requirements made explicit by the DD n. 167 del 03- 10-2023 as:
- Mobility of Professors/Researchers between 5 days and 3 months, excluding the duration of the trip.
- Mobility of Students and Doctoral Students between 2 and 6 months, excluding the duration of the trip,
In the case of the educational activities taught in hybrid mode, in-person teaching must be equal to at least 50% (fifty percent) of the training hours. These conditions are satisfied by the proposed project initiatives.
Follow project invariants that all the proposed activities satisfy:
Invariant 1: all the activities of the different project lines are organized jointly between Italian and Argentinian Universities.
Invariant 2: as far as the activities involve single persons (Professors, Researchers, Students, Doctoral Students…) the gender balance will always be considered.
Invariant 3: as far as the teaching and the research activities are concerned the themes must fit one or more of the 17 Goals of the ONU 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Moreover, to exploit the consolidated structure of CUIA, the initiatives must be coherent with the addresses of the CUIA Schools:
1. European Studies and Regional Integration (SEIR),
2. Cultural Heritage (PACU),
3. Science and Technology (TECS),
4. Biosciences and Biotechnology (BIOS,
5. Knowledge Transfer and Territorial Development (TRAST).
Professor and Researchers, when organizing the teaching period abroad, must plan their visit within a specific research project (research already done, in course or intended to be done). This improves the mutual learning and the informative systems of bilateral cooperation the project implements a mutual learning platform.
Invariant 4: In design and management of the bilateral teaching activities the project follows the quality assurance system coherent with the standards of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), with particular attention to the guidelines that the Italian MUR and ANVUR provide to the Italian Universities.
The project makes the following assumptions on the “cost units” (used to elaborate the whole budget € 4,139,520.00):
Mobility costs estimation of Professors/Researchers:
- € 160,00 a day
- trip € 2.000,00 (return ticket)
Mobility costs estimation Students and Doctoral Students
- € 1.000,00 per month
- trip € 2.000,00 (return ticket)
Organization costs estimation of advanced skills training:
- max € 50.000,00
- at least 50 hours teaching,
- n. participants max. 20
CUIA acts as guarantor of planning, coordination, coherence in the implementation of initiatives but also in the definition of mechanisms of evaluation and in accompanying and supporting activities for resources during the period abroad. It will play a role on common initiatives and on the standardization of procedures. This is a strategic issue for multi-parties projects; it offers the same conditions of participation, allows to monitor the parties qualities while working and provides a runtime, clear overview, of the actual state of evolution.
CUIA produces a “standard format” for the mobility of Professors/Researchers to the host University (personal data, University of origin and role, period of stay, proposal for the teaching activity in the host University, CVS). It also provides the general conditions for the mobility with indication on the participation constraints, the teaching and scientific facilities by the host University, insurance and health coverage as required by current legislations, methods to apply. It also requires declarations on the formal acceptance of the mobility conditions and on the fulfillment of the activities envisaged by the agreed teaching plan, as well as compliance with the Statute, regulations and code of ethics of the host University.
For the students mobility, CUIA will provides a common selection procedure to standardize the quality of the selected students, an agreement between the leaving University and the hosting one with the mobility conditions, the supporting services by the host institution, declarations by the leaving Universities that the exams taken in the host University will be recognized and validated in the student career, and provides a formal acceptance of all conditions. But CUIA will also dialogues with the students’ offices of the host Universities to support the students in the logistics, transports, medical insurances, accommodation, and any other issue that may arise during the period of stay in the foreign country.
Even for the project line on advanced skills, CUIA provides a common detailed indication on the design and management of the training and establishes clear conditions of participation which the partners must formally sign. This also includes a structured format to be filled and agreed on by the involved bilateral Universities involved in the training.
3. Work Plan
Please provide the following:
• brief presentation of the overall structure of the work plan (3.1);
• detailed work description: a list of work packages (table 3.2 A), a description of each work package (table 3.2 B), and a list of major deliverables;
• timing of the different work packages and their components (Gantt chart or similar, see section 3.3).
3.1. Work Packages
In the description of the proposal, give full details. Base your account on the logical structure of the project and the stages in which it has to be carried out. The number of work packages should be proportional to the scale and complexity of the project.
You should give enough detail in each work package to justify the proposed resources to be allocated and also quantified information so that progresses can be monitored.
(Max. 5000 characters)
This section provides a list of work packages subdivided into tasks to better describe the granularity of the activities. Each of the presented work packages compete to the project general objectives. The assessment of their efficacy in terms of impact on the single Person, Institutions and Country involved is due to quantifiable identifiers. The project reports on identifiers and impact within the single work package description. Each single work packages, indeed, might compete to different general objectives. It is worth noting that identifiers and impacts are coherent with important documents on the internationalization of the Higher Education System within the European higher education area (Bologna Declaration and subsequent inter- ministerial communications). Beside these founding documents the project considers the analysis of “The 2015 Report on the Implementation of the Bologna Process. Cap. 7 “Internationalization and mobility””, the “Report of the 2012-2015 BFuG Working Group on Mobility and Internationalization”, studies done by the “European University Association (EUA)” and by the “International Association of Universities (IAU)”, by the European project “Indicators for Mapping & Profiling Internationalization (IMPI)” and the very helpful synthesis by the Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Italiane (CRUI) “Indicators of internationalization of the Italian university system” , together with the Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca (ANVUR).
It should also be noted that the project includes a coordination and monitoring plan that is functional to respond to and to implement the project itself according to the guidelines approved by the MUR for Mission 4, Component 1, Investment 3.4 as well as discipline for uploading to the ReGis platform.
The CUIA staff responsible for the coordination of the technical activities, will be supported by a foreign company of primary importance that expresses high expertise in the field of subside finance with the role of Project Management.
During the project implementation, a “runtime” monitoring of the activities and financial progresses will be guaranteed by a "monitoring plan" that the partnership will adopt at the start of the project. Likewise, the promotion, communication, information and awareness activities carried out by the CUIA will be entrusted to an external entity with high skills.
WP1 -- Project Management and promotion of activities
Task 1.1 Secretariat and coordination of mobility initiatives
Task 1.2 Technical-financial coordination and reporting of the project Task 1.3 Promotional campaigns
WP2 -- TNE Double/Joint Degree
Task 2.1 Comparative framework on academic qualifications between the Italian and Argentinian higher education systems
Task 2.2 Collaboration profiles on double/joint degrees
Task 2.3 Collaboration profiles on co-supervision of doctoral theses
Task 2.4 Promotion of double/joint degree and co-tutoring of doctoral theses and promotion of new join initiatives.
WP3 – TNE Visiting Professors/Researchers
Task 3.1 Agreements between the parties for the mobility of visiting professors and researchers: administrative conditions, scientific conditions, training
Task 3.2 Bilateral agreements and implementation of mobilities WP4 -- TNE Students mobility
Task 4.1 Formalization of the conditions for the students mobility and of the transparent
procedure for the students selection
Task 4.2 Agreements between the sending and hosting institutions and implementation of the students mobility
WP5 -- TNE AdvancedSkills education
Task 5.1 Analysis of the educational activities jointly organized in Argentina and/or Italy
Task 5.2 Formalization of the conditions to organize advanced skills educational initiatives
Task 5.3 Agreements between the bilateral institutions and implementation of the educational initiatives
WP6 – Innovation Monitoring
Task 6.1 Creation of a physical task force for the monitoring of the project activities Task 6.2 Construction of informative system monitoring the project advances and results: documentation archive, visiting professor and researchers, students mobility, join educational initiatives
Task 6.3 Design and implementation of a digital platform of bilateral cooperation
While WP1 and WP6 are on the CUIA responsibility, to guarantee a coherent implementation of the project and strategic relationships with the associated foreign institutions, as well as a standardization of the agreements, forms and procedures for selecting resources, the implementing bodies will have the responsibility of implementing the initiatives in compliance with the objectives and spending limits, the monitoring plan, as well as reporting the progress and/or any critical issues to the CUIA and the project organizations as in WP1. The objective is to face/anticipate problems as soon as they are identified.
3.2. Work Package Description
This section contains a list of Work Packages in which the activities are declined.
A Work Package (WP) is identified as a set of activities aimed at achieving a specific objective of the project. Each WP is composed of one or more activity(ies).
A. List of Work Packages
WP N. | WP title | Participant(s) Institutions | Operational headquarter (Regional Area in which the activity | Start month | End month |
will be carried out) | |||||
1 | Project Management and promotion of activities | CUIA, the Universities of CUIA that participate to the project | Palazzo Baleani, ROMA, Palazzo Italia, Buenos Aires | 1 | 24 |
2 | TNE Double/Joint Degree | The Universities of CUIA that participate to the project | The sites of the Italian Universities and the Argentinian ones that participate to the single activities | 1 | 24 |
3 | TNE Visiting Professors/Researchers | The Universities of CUIA that participate to the project | The sites of the Italian Universities and the Argentinian ones that participate to the single activities | 1 | 24 |
4 | TNE Students mobility | The Universities of CUIA that participate to the project | The sites of the Italian Universities and the Argentinian ones that participate to the single activities | 1 | 24 |
5 | TNE Advanced Skills education | The University of CUIA that participate to the project | The sites of the Italian Universities and the Argentinian ones that participate to the single activities | 1 | 24 |
6 | Innovation Monitoring | CUIA, the Universities of CUIA that participate to the project | Palazzo Baleani, ROMA, Palazzo Italia, Buenos Aires | 1 | 24 |
It is worth to note that, as already stated, the project promotes the territorial distribution in the two countries and the dimensional diversity of the universities involved. Therefore, the
initiatives that the current project proposes by universities distributed all over the territories, end to capillary involve the whole territories of Italia and Argentina, from north to south, from east to west.
B. For each work package:
Work Package number | WP1 |
Work Package Title | Project Management and promotion of activities |
Participants involved in this WP | All |
Duration of the WP | 24 months |
*Task Leader | CUIA |
*Task Supporter(s) | The Universities CUIA Delegates that participate to the project. |
*In case of Consortium or Foundation, please specify also the Task Leader and the Task Supporter
(Max 2000 characters for each work package)
WP objectives and description (where appropriate, divided into tasks). Indicate the foreign countries involved in the project, the objectives and the topic developed in the activities. Describe the ability to monitor the progress of the project and measure the achievement of the expected impacts of the different activities)
The objective of this task is to guarantee efficient management of the project throughout its life cycle and create an omnichannel awareness campaign on the project's actions that does not end with the end of the project but ensures that they are renewed over time.
Task 1.1 (from Month 1 to Month 4) Secretariat and coordination of mobility initiatives. The organizational system will be responsible for:
- checking each step of project development, also in order to prevent any critical issues,
- constant technical financial monitoring; iii) verification of deliverables The organizational model:
- Project Manager (XXXX) who is responsible for the technical issues of the proposal. The Project Manager is identified by XXXX
- Partner Project Manager (PPM): technical and administrative project contact for each implementing entity.
- Project Management Team (PMT): coordinated by the PM and made up of the partner project managers (PPM) and a contact person for each Argentine institution. It has the task of verifying the technical and financial progress of the project through the methods and tools established by the implementation documents, which will have been implemented within the "monitoring and control plan" project document drawn up by the PM and shared by the participants.
Task 1.2 (from Month 1 to Month 24) Technical-financial coordination and reporting of the project. The PMT, which will meet every 4 months to share the state of evolution of the project, will be supported by representatives of the Italian implementing bodies and Argentine Institutions who will take care of the mobility support activities and facilitate the processing of administrative and logistical procedures.
Task 1.3 (from Month 1 to Month 24) Promotional campaigns. It is planned to create an omnichannel promotion and awareness campaign with online and offline actions, which also involves Argentine institutions to encourage awareness, promotion and dissemination initiatives, especially in Argentina.
(Max 2000 characters for each work package)
Deliverables (Brief description and month of delivery)
Deliverable D1.1.1 -- Month 1 -- Establishment of the Project Management Team
Deliverable D1.1.2 -- Month 1 -- Monitoring plan
Deliverable D1.2.1 – n. 4 Semestral reports (Month 6, Month 12, Month 18, Month 24) Deliverable D1.2.2 – n. 3 Technical reports on the progress of project activities to be sent to the MUR (Month 6, Month 12, Month 18)
Deliverable D1.2.3 -- Month 24 -- End-of-project technical reports
Deliverable D1.2.4 – n. 3 Intermediate reports for the project platforms (Month 6, Month 12, Month 18)
Deliverable D1.2.5 -- Month 24 -- Final reporting to be sent to MUR
Deliverable D1.3.1 -- Month 2 -- detailed omnichannel communication plan
Deliverable D1.3.2 – n. 10 Stands to be allocated within the premises of the implementing bodies and foreign institutions, to intercept the targets of the initiatives and raise awareness on the topic (from Month 5 to Month 20)
Deliverable D1.3.3 – n. 4 Awareness initiatives to be carried out near the places of aggregation of the implementing bodies and foreign institutions with meetings and other initiatives that allow the creation of a common humus around the themes of the project (from Month 5 to Month 20) Deliverable D1.3.4 – n. 4 Podcast with the protagonists of the initiatives for their promotion and dissemination (from Month 5 to Month 24)
Deliverable D1.3.5 – n. 3 Online initiatives (newspaper articles, etc.) aimed at promoting the project and the carried-out initiatives (from Month 5 to Month 24)
Deliverable D1.3.6 – n. 200 Informative material made with recyclable or recycled materials (from Month 1 to Month 24)
Work Package number | WP2 |
Work Package Title | TNE Double/Joint Degree |
Participants involved in this WP | All |
Duration of the WP | 24 months |
*Task Leader | One member of the Task Supporters nominated by the Task Supporters at the start of the project |
*Task Supporter(s) | The Universities CUIA Delegates of the Universities that participate to the activities of this Work Package |
*In case of Consortium or Foundation, please specify also the Task Leader and the Task Supporter
(Max 2000 characters for each work package)
WP objectives and description (where appropriate, divided into tasks). Indicate the foreign countries involved in the project, the objectives and the topic developed in the activities. Describe the ability to monitor the progress of the project and measure the achievement of the expected impacts of the different activities)
This work package deals with the bilateral cooperation in terms of joint planning of academic educational activities: double degrees and doctorates in co-supervision between Italian and Argentinian universities, promoting both the territorial distribution in the two countries and the dimensional diversity of the universities involved.
The already existing joint educational initiatives between Italy and Argentina do not appear to adopt common methodology:
Task 2.1 (from Month 1 to Month 4) It is necessary to establish a general framework that defines the recognition of Italian and Argentinian university qualifications and relative access requirements, even if limited for the purposes of continuation of studies
Task 2.2 (from Month 1 to Month 4) the previous task facilitates and enables the preparation of a "common collaboration profile"/guidelines on double/joint degrees between Italian and Argentinian universities.
Task 2.3 (from Month 1 to Month 4) as well as a “common collaboration profile”/guidelines for the co-tutoring of doctoral programs
Task 2.4 (from Month 1 to Month 24) Stipulation of joint collaboration agreements on the various levels of academic training. Support to the existing or initiatives.
As far as the monitoring is concerned, the following indicators will be considered:
- Number of (bachelor, master, single-cycle) degree courses with joint qualification, double or multiple qualification
- Number of doctoral courses with co-supervision agreements
- Number of other academic educational activities with joint qualification, double or multiple qualification
The activities of this WP will certainly have a significant impact (at least) in terms of:
- improved quality of teaching and learning
- improved relevance of higher education
- strengthened knowledge production capacity
but also:
- identify profiles and provide skills on the various training cycles required by the labor market and global citizenship
(Max 2000 characters for each work package)
Deliverables (Brief description and month of delivery)
Deliverable D1.1 -- Month 6 -- Document on the recognition of Italian and Argentine university qualifications and relative access requirements, even if limited for the purposes of continuation of studies
Deliverable D1.2 -- Month 6 -- Document on "common collaboration profile”/guidelines on double/joint degrees between Italian and Argentine universities
Deliverable D1.3 -- Month 6 -- Document on “common collaboration profile”/guidelines for the co-tutoring of doctoral programs
Deliverable D1.4.1 -- Month 12 – Study and analysis of the indicators after 12 months
Deliverable D1.4.2 -- Month 24 -- Study and analysis of the indicators after 24 months
Work Package number | WP3 |
Work Package Title | TNE Visiting Professors/Researchers |
Participants involved in this WP | All |
Duration of the WP | 24 months |
*Task Leader | One member of the Task Supporters nominated by the Task Supporters at the start of the project |
*Task Supporter(s) | The Universities CUIA Delegates of the Universities that participate to the activities of this Work Package |
*In case of Consortium or Foundation, please specify also the Task Leader and the Task Supporter
(Max 2000 characters for each work package)
WP objectives and description (where appropriate, divided into tasks). Indicate the foreign countries involved in the project, the objectives and the topic developed in the activities. Describe the ability to monitor the progress of the project and measure the achievement of the expected impacts of the different activities)
This work package deals with bilateral cooperation on teaching, research and transfer of knowledge and skills through an extensive mobility plan for visiting professors and researchers. Each “mobility schema” must be foreseen/embedded within a specific research project of bilateral interest.
Task 3.1 (from Month 1 to Month 6) This task aims at fixing general conditions for the participation to the mobility plan as visiting professor or researcher. Conditions by the sending and the hosting institutions, by the professor and researchers on periods, teaching hours, insurances needed, needs to state a research program motivating the visit, and all the needed administrative constraints. Agreement schema to be filled by the involved Universities and signed before the visits.
Task 3.2 (from Month 6 to Month 24) State formal agreements between the parties and implementation of the specific mobility of visiting professors and researchers as stated in the agreement.
As far as the monitoring is concerned, the following indicators will be considered:
- number of professors and researchers carrying out mobility between Italy and Argentina within the current plan of mobility,
- actions aimed at strengthening/expanding the synergies of bilateral collaboration between the involved Italian and the Argentine universities,
- number of research projects jointly presented by the Italian and Argentine Universities involved in the mobility to national or international organizations,
- number of publications co-authored among the visiting professors or researchers and colleagues of the visited groups.
The activities of this WP will certainly have a significant impact (at least) in terms of:
- improved quality of teaching and learning
- improved scientific and cultural cooperation
- strength identify new international partnerships and strengthen existing networks
- professional update of professors and researchers with the exchange between centers of excellence
but also:
- promote the European area of education and research
- more broadly qualifying the population of researchers in Italy from Argentina.
(Max 2000 characters for each work package)
Deliverables (Brief description and month of delivery)
Deliverable D3.1.1 -- Month 6 -- Document on Agreement Schema for the mobility of professors and researchers within specific research programs of bilateral interest.
Deliverable D3.1.2 -- Month 12 -- Document on the monitoring of the mobility of professors and researchers from Italy to Argentina and vice versa within the first semester from the beginning of the mobility plan.
Deliverable D3.2.1 -- Month 18 -- Document on the monitoring of the mobility of professors and researchers from Italy to Argentina and vice versa within the second semester from the beginning of the mobility plan.
Deliverable D3.2.2 – Month 24 -- Document on the results of the whole project plan of professors and researchers mobility from Italy to Argentina and vice versa.
Work Package number | WP4 |
Work Package Title | TNE Students mobility |
Participants involved in this WP | All |
Duration of the WP | 24 months |
*Task Leader | One member of the Task Supporters nominated by the Task Supporters at the start of the project |
*Task Supporter(s) | The Universities CUIA Delegates of the Universities that participate to the activities of this Work Package |
*In case of Consortium or Foundation, please specify also the Task Leader and the Task Supporter
(Max 2000 characters for each work package)
WP objectives and description (where appropriate, divided into tasks). Indicate the foreign countries involved in the project, the objectives and the topic developed in the activities. Describe the ability to monitor the progress of the project and measure the achievement of the expected impacts of the different activities)
This work package deals with bringing brilliant Argentine students closer to the life of Italian degree courses and vice versa. A mobility scheme that promotes Italian degree courses and which allows the possibility to attend educational activities, take exams and acquire the relevant credits.
Task 4.1 (from Month 1 to Month 6) This task aims at fixing general conditions for the participation to the students mobility plan. The Italian and Argentinian Universities involved in the students mobility will provide a catalogue of courses available to the foreign students. Conditions by the sending and the hosting institutions on mobility periods, minimum and maximum credits to be selected, insurances needed, facilities and services available, rights of students and any other administrative constraints will be fixed. An agreement schema to be filled by the involved Universities and signed before the mobility will be available. Similar indications will be the core of a transparent procedure for students selection and format for the students conditions acceptance.
Task 4.2 (from Month 6 to Month 24) Statement of agreements between the sending and hosting Universities, implementation of the students selection procedure, formal acceptance of the conditions by all the parties. Actualization of the single mobilities.
As far as the monitoring is concerned, the following indicators will be considered:
- numero di studenti in mobilità,
- scholarships for students in mobility,
- doctoral scholarships for foreign co-tutored candidates,
- number of specific reception, accommodation and communication services,
- quality monitoring of mobile student performance
The activities of this WP will certainly have a significant impact (at least) in terms of:
- stimuli a natural mobility towards the Italian university system over the years.
- increase the number of graduates in Italy, qualifying the population from Argentina more broadly
- contribute to the European objectives to increase the percentage of graduates with an international experience
- satisfying internationalization indicators of higher education, as stated by the Italian Ministry of University and Research and ANVUR
but also:
- promote the European area of education and research
(Max 2000 characters for each work package)
Deliverables (Brief description and month of delivery)
Deliverable D4.1.1 -- Month 6 -- Document on the conditions for the students mobility
Deliverable D4.1.2 -- Month 6 – Agreement schema for the Universities conditions.
Deliverable D4.1.3 -- Month 6 – Procedure for the students selection and format of acceptance of the conditions by the selected students.
Deliverable D4.2.1 -- Month 12 -- Document on the monitoring of the mobility of students from Italy to Argentina and vice versa within the first semester from the beginning of the mobility plan.
Deliverable D4.2.2 -- Month 18 -- Document on the monitoring of the mobility of students from Italy to Argentina and vice versa within the second semester from the beginning of the mobility plan.
Deliverable D4.2.3 – Month 24 -- Document on the results of the whole project plan of students mobility from Italy to Argentina and vice versa.
Work Package number | WP5 |
Work Package Title | TNE Advanced Skills education |
Participants involved in this WP | All |
Duration of the WP | 24 months |
*Task Leader | One member of the Task Supporters nominated by the Task Supporters at the start of the project |
*Task Supporter(s) | The Universities CUIA Delegates of the Universities that participate to the activities of this Work Package |
*In case of Consortium or Foundation, please specify also the Task Leader and the Task Supporter
(Max 2000 characters for each work package)
WP objectives and description (where appropriate, divided into tasks). Indicate the foreign countries involved in the project, the objectives and the topic developed in the activities. Describe the ability to monitor the progress of the project and measure the achievement of the expected impacts of the different activities)
This work package deals with the organization of advanced skills educational activities jointly organized in Argentina and/or Italy. The project pay attention to the most suitable territorial context to achieve the educational objectives but also the territorial distribution through the two countries and the dimension of the University involved. Argentine and Italian professors together to guarantee the needed quality of courses.
Task 5.1 (from Month 1 to Month 6) This task aims at fixing general conditions for the organization of advanced skills educational activities. To this aim the task analyzes the Italian and Argentinian regulations for this kind courses (summer/winter schools) and the few experiences these two countries can expose. All of these results will be part of a guidelines document.
Task 5.2 (from Month 1 to Month 6) Formalization of the conditions to organize advanced skills educational activates in an agreement schema to be signed by the involved Universities before the beginning of training. Formalizations of a transparent selection for the admitted students to the advanced skills educational activates.
Task 5.3 (from Month 1 to Month 24) Agreements between the bilateral institutions, selection of the students, formal acceptance of the conditions by the students and implementation of the advanced skills educational activities jointly organized in Argentina and/or Italy.
As far as the monitoring is concerned, the following indicators will be considered:
- number of integrated and jointly organized advanced skills educational activities,
- scholarship for the attending students,
- number of specific reception, accommodation and communication services,
- quality monitoring of mobile student performance
The activities of this WP will certainly have a significant impact (at least) in terms of:
- share of knowledge and skills between two very close countries
- invest on professional growth, innovation and/or experimental development
- bringing the training systems closer to the public and private institutions of the territories
but also:
- Improving the quality and relevance of higher education
- Making the knowledge triangle work: linking higher education, research and business for excellence and regional development.
(Max 2000 characters for each work package)
Deliverables (Brief description and month of delivery)
Deliverable D5.1 -- Month 6 -- Document fixing general conditions for the organization of advanced skills educational activities. Analyzes of the Italian and Argentinian regulations for this kind courses and the (few) experiences these two countries can expose.
Deliverable D5.2.1 -- Month 6 – Document formalizing an agreement schema to be signed by the involved Universities before the beginning of the training.
Deliverable D5.2.2 -- Month 6 – Document formalizing a transparent selection for the admitted students to the advanced skills educational activates.
Deliverable D5.3 -- Month 6 – Procedure for the students selection and format of acceptance of the conditions by the selected students.
Deliverable D5.3.1 -- Month 12 -- Document on the monitoring of the advanced skills educational activities jointly organized in Argentina and/or Italy within the first semester from the beginning of the mobility plan.
Deliverable D5.3.2 -- Month 18 -- Document on the monitoring of the advanced skills educational activities jointly organized in Argentina and/or Italy within within the second semester from the beginning of the mobility plan.
Deliverable D5.3.3 – Month 24 -- Document on the results of the whole project on the the advanced skills educational activities jointly organized in Argentina and/or Italy.
Work Package number | WP6 |
Work Package Title | Innovation Monitoring |
Participants involved in this WP | All |
Duration of the WP | 24 months |
*Task Leader | CUIA |
*Task Supporter(s) | The Universities CUIA Delegates of the Universities that participate to the project. |
*In case of Consortium or Foundation, please specify also the Task Leader and the Task Supporter
(Max 2000 characters for each work package)
WP objectives and description (where appropriate, divided into tasks). Indicate the foreign countries involved in the project, the objectives and the topic developed in the activities. Describe the ability to monitor the progress of the project and measure the achievement of the expected impacts of the different activities)
WP6 – Innovation Monitoring
Task 6.1 Creation of a physical task force for the monitoring of the project activities Task 6.2 Construction of informative system monitoring the project advances and results: documentation archive, visiting professor and researchers, students mobility, join educational initiatives
Task 6.3 Design and implementation of a digital platform of bilateral cooperation
This work package deals with a suitable and professional organizational model for monitoring all the projects activities. The indicators stated for each work packages will make a complete dashboard of bilateral cooperation between Italy and Argentina, even if it is believed that the informative systems the project intends to build upon implementation will constitute, more in general, a business intelligence informative system for bilateral or multilateral countries’ higher educational systems internationalization. Design and implementation of a digital platform digitalizing the informative system and facilitates the bilateral cooperation.
Task 6.1 (from Month 1 to Month 6) This task aims at creating a task force for the monitoring of the project activities. One member each Italian University partner will be part of the monitoring task force, coordinated by the Partner Project Manager (WP1).
Task 6.2 (from Month 1 to Month 6) Construction of a unique, global, informative system of the project advances and results.
Task 6.3 (from Month 1 to Month 12) Design and implementation of a digital platform digitalizing the informative system and facilitates the bilateral cooperation.
As far as the monitoring is concerned, the following indicators will be considered:
- task force for the monitoring of the project activities coordinated by the Partner Project Manager,
- unique, global, informative system of the project advances and results,
- digital platform digitalizing the informative system and facilitates the bilateral cooperation.
The activities of this WP will certainly have a significant impact (at least) in terms of:
- have up-to-date information on the evolution of the project on paper and on digital,
- have a business intelligence tool to real time check and actuate the activities of the project
- speed up the administrative procedures needed to implement the project tasks
- facilitate and support collaborative partnerships
but also:
- provide a global and integrated informative system for the internationalization of higher education systems
- allow the single University to evaluate the impact of the specific actions chosen in order to profile its internationalization strategy and improve its international dimension
- express percentage, and not only absolute values, to be related to the size of the system and of each individual university within it
(Max 2000 characters for each work package)
Deliverables (Brief description and month of delivery)
Deliverable D6.1 -- Month 6 -- Document fixing general conditions for the organization of advanced skills educational activities. Analyzes of the Italian and Argentinian regulations for this kind courses and the (few) experiences these two countries can expose.
Deliverable D6.2 -- Month 6 – Document formalizing role e responsibility of a task force for the monitoring of the project activities, coordinated by the Partner Project Manager.
Deliverable D6.3 -- Month 6 – Document formalizing a unique and global informative system of the project advances and results.
Deliverable D5.3 -- Month 12 – Design and implementation of a digital platform digitalizing the informative system and facilitates the bilateral cooperation
3.3. Activity timeframe
This section includes a section relating to the implementation time and monitoring of the activities.
Please provide a timeframe (Gantt or similar) to better explain how the project would be developed.
Activity timeframe | M 1 | M 2 | M 3 | M 4 | M 5 | M 6 | M 7 | M 8 | M 9 | M 10 | M 11 | M 12 | M 13 | M 14 | M 15 | M 16 | M 17 | M 18 | M 19 | M 20 | M 21 | M 22 | M 23 | M 24 |
WP1 -- Project Management and promotion of activities | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Task 1.1 Secretariat and coordination of mobility initiatives | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Task 1.2 Technical- financial coordination and reporting of the project | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Task 1.3 Promotional campaigns | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
deliverable |
WP2 -- TNE Double/Joint Degree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Task 2.1 Comparative framework on academic qualifications between the Italian and Argentinian higher education systems | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Task 2.2 Collaboration profiles on double/joint degrees | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Task 2.3 Collaboration profiles on co- supervision of doctoral theses | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Task 2.4 Promotion of double/joint degree and co- tutoring of doctoral theses and promotion of new join initiatives. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
deliverable | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
WP3 – TNE Visiting Professors/Resea rchers | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Task 3.1 Agreements between the parties for the mobility of visiting professors and researchers: administrative conditions, scientific conditions, training | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Task 3.2 Bilateral agreements and implementation of mobilities | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
deliverable | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
WP4 -- TNE Students mobility | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Task 4.1 Formalization of the conditions for the students mobility and of the transparent procedure for the students selection |
Task 4.2 Agreements between the sending and hosting institutions and implementation of the students mobility | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
deliverable | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
WP5 -- TNE Advanced Skills education | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Task 5.1 Analysis of the educational activities jointly organized in Argentina and/or Italy | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Task 5.2 Formalization of the conditions to organize advanced skills educational initiatives | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Task 5.3 Agreements between the bilateral institutions and implementation of the educational initiatives | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
deliverable | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
WP6 – Innovation Monitoring | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Task 6.1 Creation of a physical task force for the monitoring of the project activities | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Task 6.2 Construction of informative system monitoring the project advances and results: documentation archive, visiting professor and researchers, students mobility, join educational initiatives | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Task 6.3 Design and implementation of a digital platform of bilateral cooperation | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
deliverable |
The implementation of the project will follow the structure of the reported GANNT, subject to functional adaptation to respect the start and end of the academic years.
The plan will be included in the "monitoring plan" which will underlie the project management action and will be subject to timely checks on the progress of the activities as well as on the achievement of the deliverables of the project.
The monitoring meetings will be held every four months in order to prepare for the half-yearly technical-financial reporting as well as to plan the activities planned for the following quarter.
4. Economic and Financial sustainability profile
Please, indicate the Economic-Financial sustainability profile of the initiative in terms of implementation and feasibility of the interventions, focusing on the adequacy of financed interventions to guarantee the continuity of the project.
(Max 5000 characters)
The universities that join the project as actuators currently have got a solid patrimonial and economic-financial position, and no critical issues are present and foreseen in the short-term financial situation.
The sustainability and the balance of the economic-financial and financial management, considered as a real support for the implementation and feasibility of the candidate actions in the project, is guaranteed, by individual universities, by compliance with the individual indicators provided for by current Italian legislation:
1) Personnel costs on FFO and net taxes < 80% (calculated as the ratio of fixed and ancillary costs incurred for staff, including fixed-term staff and contract teaching, to total revenue, i.e. ordinary ministerial funding plus student contribution).
2) Indicator of indebtedness < 10% (calculated by comparing the annual amount of depreciation of loans payable (capital share plus interest rate) to total current revenue, net of staff expenses and rents).
3) Economic and Financial Sustainability Indicator (ISEF) > 1 (calculated as the ratio of A to B where A is 82% of the sum of some net revenue items, FFO, three-year programming fund, net student contribution net of rent, and B is personnel costs and amortisation costs of loans payable)
The decision of the Universities to join the project promoted and coordinated by CUIA, requires a very prudent budget management, which aims to:
1. maintaining economic and financial equilibrium both in the short and the medium term;
2. optimizing the resources available, with a prudent policy of “spending review” and with an increasingly effective monitoring of the various “cost centers” present in the universities;
3. maintaining ministerial indicators relating to “personnel expenditure” and “indebtedness” below the safety threshold, to have the possibility of implementing recruitment and co- financing policies in order to ensure the continuity of the project;
4. finally, in the context outlined above, the participating universities are committed to increasing importance on their overall budget, sources of funding from third parties.
The continuity of the project, the adequacy of the candidate actions and their sustainability over time, as well as economic and financial, in addition to the above, is guaranteed by CUIA as an Italian interuniversity Consortium for Argentina, which since its foundation, 2002, aims to xxxxxx inter-university relations between Italy and Argentina.
The Consortium, now has 30 Associate Universities and for about 20 years now, have been actively supporting joint research projects, ITA/ARG, as well as the mobility of students, teachers and researchers, and in particular, PhD students. Each year, the CUIA co-finances several Workshops, Laboratories and/or Scientific initiatives of inter-university cooperation between Italy and Argentina, as well as bilateral cooperation activities CONICET-CUIA, with the general objective of promoting the exchange and mobility of researchers within research projects between the two countries.
The Project candidate PNRR - M4C1_Inv.3.4 TNE is consistent with the activities carried out by CUIA and the Associated Universities. It is in continuity with the “macro-areas” corresponding to the Schools of CUIA, ensuring interdisciplinary and transversal perspectives to two or more schools, and therefore continuity of the project itself over the years, beyond the PNRR.
5. Characteristics of the Partners involved in the project
In this section, please provide information about the implementation of the initiative, with a precise description of the Partnership/Consortium/Foundation scope and quality: (i) quality and complementarity of the Partnership/Consortium/Foundation; (ii) capacity and organizational experience of the host institutions.
Please, describe the partnership organization features as foreseen in the following subsections.
(i) Please, describe the Partnership/Consortium/Foundation in terms of quality and complementarity. In addition, describe the organization model in terms of human resources; relevant professional experiences and competences of the personnel involved in the implementation of the project. (Max. 3000 characters) | ||
The Italian inter-University Consortium for Argentina (CUIA, xxx.xxxx.xxx), was founded in 2004 in order to promote and support the development and implementation of bilateral academic cooperation programmes between Italy and Argentina in the field of higher education, research and innovation. Over the years it has built up a considerable academic network; distributed throughout the territory of both countries. The activities are organized on the basis of multi-year plans formulated by the Italian universities and addressed to the entire panorama of public and private universities in Argentina, compatible with the financial resources available or available under national, European and international cooperation programmes. The various cultural, educational and scientific cooperation agreements that have followed each other over the years between the Government of the Italian Republic (also through the support of MIUR/MUR) and the Government of the Argentine Republic have always |
recognized the CUIA as a central role in promoting and supporting the inter-university cooperation between Italy and Argentina. CUIA consists of 30 Italian public universities whose common feature is the presence of multidisciplinary degree courses; a huge human and cultural heritage, able to offer knowledge and skills necessary to achieve results of great importance. Activities are “channelled” within 5 CUIA Schools: 1. European Studies and Regional Integration, 2. Cultural Heritage, 3. Science and Technology, 4. Biosciences and Biotechnology, 5. Knowledge Transfer and Territorial Development. Logistically, CUIA has 2 locations: 1 in Italy and 1 in Argentina. The Presidency resides at the University of Camerino (President Xxxx. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, Treasurer Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx, Secretary Dr Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, Dr. Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx), the Directorate resides at Palazzo Baleani in Rome (Director Prof.ssa Xxxxx Xxxx Xxxxx of the University of Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx XX, Secretary of Direction Dott.ssa Xxxxx Xxxxxx). The office in Argentina is located at Palazzo Italia in Buenos Aires (Contact person Avv. Xxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxx). President, Director, Shareholders' Meeting, Scientific Council, Board of Direction, Board of Auditors represent the CUIA Organs with roles and responsibilities established by the Statute. All the Universities belonging to the CUIA (Assembly of Members) have their own representatives (teaching staff) either in the Scientific Council or in the Board. The Board of Direction also provides for a representation of the Ministry of Universities and Research. The delegates of the Universities of CUIA (with reference to the Scientific Council and Board of Direction) are personally involved in the planning and organization of the activities, with the constant support of CUIA staff in Italian and Argentinian offices. XXXX xxxxxxxxxx profitably with the internationalization offices of its member universities. | ||
(ii) Please, describe the organizational experience of the host institutions, the capacity to improve the international organization/collaboration and highlight the importance of geographic coverage. (Max. 2000 characters) | ||
Despite the fact CUIA has many agreements with Argentinian institutions, public and private, in the framework of higher education, research and innovation, its main partners in Argentina are public and private universities and CONICET, the main Argentinian research centre which, in turn, has very strong links with universities throughout the country. This project refers specifically to the Argentinian university system, which has shown great enthusiasm, as evidenced by the numerous letters of understanding received and attached. The Argentinian universities directly involved in the project activities are of great quality; all approved by CONEAU (Comisión Nacional de Evaluación y Acreditación Universitaria, Organismo del Ministerio de Educación de la Nación whose institutional mission is to ensure and improve the quality of the university courses and institutions that operate in the Argentinian university system by means of evaluation activities and accreditation of the quality of university education. It is also worth to note that the involved public universities are part of the CIN (Consejo Interuniversitario Nacional) and the private ones of the CRUP (Consejo de Rectores de Universidades Privadas), so the project will have visibility on the entire Argentinian academic system. Besides the focus on the quality of the universities involved, the project aims, both in Argentina and in Italy, at academic institutions widely distributed over the whole national territory (from north to south, from east to west) to ensure the widest diffusion and the most effective |
impact of the project results. The same attention is dedicated to the involvement of Argentinian and Italian universities of different sizes; a characteristic considered of a paramount importance by the two educational systems. This feature is of particular relevance for students because it allows their needs to be met, being the size of the host University an element of choice when speaking of student mobility.
Camerino 27 Novembre 2023 The Legal Representative of the Lead Institution of the Partnership/
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Data: 28/11/2023 22:07:53