L'I.P.A. Internazionale sta portando a termine un progetto per la creazione di un libro che riporti oltre all'elenco delle case IPA di tutto il mondo anche un elenco di tutte quelle strutture ricettive (case, hotel, resort, ecc.) gestite direttamente da soci IPA o che hanno stipulato con i vari Comitati degli accordi che prevedano degli sconti per i soci IPA.
Questo progetto consentirà ai soci di poter effettuare viaggi, escursioni e gite in tutte le parti del mondo a prezzi sicuramente vantaggiosi.
Viene richiesto di compilare delle schede ove indicare i dati relativi alla struttura ricettiva e lo sconto praticato (le schede, riportate negli allegati a titolo di esempio, possono essere richieste a questo comitato in formato world compilabile a video).
Il Comitato Locale raccoglierà questi moduli e li trasmetterà alla Delegazione Regionale per il successivo inoltro alla Segreteria Nazionale.
Cari Soci e Xxxxx cercate quindi di informare di questa opportunità tutte quelle strutture vicine alle forze di polizia e che meglio si prestino per un rapporto qualità / prezzo ad essere utilizzati dai nostri soci e dalle rispettive famiglie o amici.
Rappresentate ai titolari delle strutture del doppio vantaggio di queste "convenzioni" dato dall'avere una pubblicità gratuita a livello mondiale e una clientela selezionata quali noi tutti siamo.
Ognuno di noi ha la possibilità di contribuire a questo progetto. Forza soci I.P.A. diamoci da fare.....
Esecutivo Locale I.P.A. di Riccione. Allegati:
✓ Circolare esplicativa datata 13.01.2017
✓ Esempio di contratto tra IPA e struttura convenzionata
Socio-Cultural Commission (SCC)
Portfolio: IPA Houses
Presidents and Committees All IPA Sections | Date: 13 January 2017 |
Re: IPA Hosting Book –Information Regarding Other Accommodation
Defining “Other IPA Accommodation”
Other IPA Accommodation relates to properties (guest houses, apartments, hotels, holiday resorts, camping resorts, houseboats, etc.) that are owned and managed by private persons/entities and/or IPA members and which are not officially recognised as IPA Houses, and that offer accommodation for IPA members and their immediate dependents at agreed discounted rates.
The most critical of all is that a distinct % discount is offered to IPA members.
Publishing of Information Regarding Other IPA Accommodation
As all Sections are aware, one of the key SCC Projects is to publish an IPA Hosting Book containing all IPA facilities available across the World for IPA members which will include information regarding Official IPA Houses and Other IPA Accommodation.
It is in this regard that we request all Sections to participate and assist by providing us with the required information regarding all Other IPA Accommodation that is available in your respective Sections.
As and when we get information from a Section, we will include this in our IPA Hosting Book. The information required relates to at least the following:
• Name of the facility
• Town or city as well as State/Region/Province where the facility is situated
• What kind of facility is it and what does it have to offer
• Booking contact details (name, email and telephone number)
• Brief description
• Special booking conditions (% discount) as applicable
All Sections who currently have Other IPA Accommodation available are requested to provide us with the information, so that we can publish such in the IPA Hosting Book.
In order to standardise the information and layout, we request that all Sections use the Template (form) as attached. If there are more facilities available than provided in the Template, please just create another document and use as per your needs. (Please see the example below).
Other Accommodation Agreement - Template
Please find attached an “Agreement Template” that can be used between the IPA and the Facility.
[ISCC Portfolio: IPA Houses] [eMail: xxxxxx.xxx@xxxxx.xxx] [Tel: xx00 00 000 0000] [Mobile: xx 00 00 000 0000]
Please note:
• IPA Sections are not forced to use this Agreement. It has merely been developed to assist where the management of a facility wants to formalise such an agreement
• In acknowledging the legislation in each country, each Section can adapt the Template for its specific needs as may be applicable.
• The information therein can be used as a base for discussions with the management of such facilities.
Growing the Number of Facilities
We are calling upon all Sections to market the principles of Other IPA Accommodation amongst your members and to negotiate with various persons and sectors in order to obtain and grow Other IPA Accommodation as a key benefit for our members.
Sincere IPA greetings to all and I am keenly looking forward to the participation of all Sections. Please email all information or if there is any inquiry to me at: xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx
XXX Xxx (Vossie) Member: SCC – IPA Houses
Example of the Template to be completed per individual facility
Section: | South Africa |
Please complete a separate entry for each ‘Other Accommodation’ facility
Facility Name: | Thandamanzi Self Catering Cottage (Kruger Park) |
Type of Facility (select)
House | Guest House | Hotel | Apartment/Flat | Chalet | Camping Site | Private Home | Other |
☒ | ☒ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ | ☐ |
Is the facility situated In a Resort? (select) | Yes | ☐ | No | ☒ |
If ‘Other Type of Facility’ than listed, please specify | Not Applicable |
Xxxxxxxx xx Xxxxxxxx
Xxxx / Xxxx | Xxxxx / Xxxxxx / Xxxxxxxx / Xxxxxx |
Sabie (In close proximity to the Kruger Park) | Mpumalanga Province |
Booking Information
Contact Person | Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx | |
Telephone | Mobile | |
None | x00 (0) 00 000 0000 |
Website Details | Click here to enter text. |
General Information (short description of what the facility has to offer, or information to note)
Thandamanzi (“LOVE WATER”), is situated on a beautiful historic farm on the outskirts of the town Sabie, right on the Sabie River bank and within walking distance from the Sabie town centre – Three Kruger Park Xxxxx are accessible within an hour from Sabie (Numbi Gate = 45 km, Phabeni Gate = 56 km and the Kruger Park Gate = 85km). Thandamanzi has so much to offer and have two (2) facilities: • A self-catering Cottage accommodating 3 persons and • A House which offers 3 x self-catering Units with communal facilities accommodating 10 persons in total – The House with all 3 x Units can be booked or the Units can be booked separately per own needs of IPA members | |
Special Booking Conditions | 10% off public rates - Contact Xxxxxxx for rates |
Other IPA Accommodation
Agreement Between
The International Police Association (IPA) (Section - )
Name of the Facility: Date of Agreement:
1. Introduction
These “Terms and Conditions” shall form the basis of the agreement between the Parties in relation to the offering and registration of privately owned and managed facilities as Other IPA Accommodation for the benefit of the members of the International Police Association (IPA).
2. Definitions
2.1. “Other Accommodation”
• Other IPA Accommodation relates to properties (guest houses, apartments, hotels, holiday resorts, camping resorts, houseboats, etc.) that are owned and managed by private persons/entities and/or IPA members and which are not officially recognised as IPA Houses, and that offer accommodation for IPA members and their immediate dependents at agreed discounted rates.
2.2. “IPA Member”
• A member of the International Police Association (IPA) is defined as a person who is registered as a member of the Association and holds IPA membership in a specific IPA Section (country).
2.3. “Dependent”
• Defined as the spouse and/or children of the IPA member.
2.4. “IPA Section”
• Defined as the Country in which the Association is in operation.
2.5. “Proof of IPA Membership”
• The international annual membership card acts as proof of a person’s membership of the Association and contains the personal details of the IPA member, the personal IPA number, the IPA Section and the current year of issue as proof of being a paid-up member of the IPA.
2.6. “Signatories to the Agreement”
• Signatory on behalf of the facility: Defined as the duly authorised representative of the owner/management of the facility as per this agreement;
• Signatory on behalf of the IPA: Defined as the person who has been authorised by the Association’s President in the Section where such a facility is in operation as the duly assigned representative of the Association as per this agreement.
3. Terms and Conditions
The Parties as duly represented by the signatories to this Agreement hereby agree to the following Terms and Conditions:
3.1. Management of Private Facilities
The owners / management of the facility as represented by the signatory to this Agreement, offer and agree to the following conditions:
i. A discounted rate of % off that of normal public rates for the term as per this Agreement;
ii. The term of the discounted rates offered to IPA members shall be for a period of ….years
from date to date, upon which the Agreement will be reviewed and renegotiated;
iii. The agreed discounted rates shall with exclusion of peak holiday seasons (if any) be applicable throughout the year:
• Peak Periods Excluded (If Any): (months, weeks or days specifically excluded)
iv. Immediate dependents (spouses and children) of an IPA member will qualify for the same benefits as the IPA member himself/herself;
v. Discounted rates and other benefits will be applicable to all IPA members and their immediate dependents, irrespective to which IPA Section (country) they are a member of;
vi. It remains the sole prerogative and sole discretion of the facility management to pass the IPA discounted rates on to non-IPA members who might be travelling with IPA members (other family members or friends);
vii. It remains the sole prerogative and sole discretion of the facility management to include such discounted rates in marketing brochures of the facility and/or other forms of marketing;
viii. Any abuse of the Agreement by members and/or those accompanying them and/or any inappropriate behaviour shall be reported to the IPA signatory to this Agreement.
3.2. The International Police Association
The International Police Association Section as represented per the signatory to this Agreement, accept the offer and conditions as per par 3.1., and agree to the following:
i. Marketing of the facility and the terms of the agreed conditions within IPA Sections where such a facility is in operation:
• To publish the information in the national newsletter of the Section;
• Where applicable, publish it in the regional newsletters of IPA regions of the Section;
• To provide information to members through personal communication to IPA members;
• Publishing information on the national and regional IPA websites of the Section and
• Other forms of marketing as the Section may deem appropriate.
ii. To provide the information to all other IPA Sections internationally for publication in their national and regional newsletters and websites as deemed appropriate as well as for inclusion in communication with their members;
iii. To publish the information in the International Information Guide for Other IPA Accommodation which will be distributed as a reference guide to all IPA Sections internationally and will also be available on the international website of the Association
iv. To provide proof of distribution and publication to the facility management.
4. Conditions for Bookings and Reservations
Members of the Association wishing to make reservations and bookings at the facility will do so directly with the facility and are upon inquiry and/or confirming reservation required to provide the facility with their personal details and their IPA membership number.
If any doubt exists of a person’s actual membership, the following representative of the Association can be contacted to confirm IPA membership: (Add details of the person in your IPA section who could confirm IPA membership upon inquiry)
• Name:
• Phone:
• Email:
IPA Members making reservations at the facility are required to fulfil all obligations pertaining to the making of reservations as may be required by the facility – completion and submission of reservation forms, payment of deposits as required, etc.
The International Police Association is NOT responsible for the making of any reservations on behalf of members intending to visit the facility.
5. Entry Into Force
The Agreement between the parties enters into force on Date:
6. Signatories to the Agreement: Facility Management
• Signed: Date: and Place:
• Signature of Facility Representative:
- Name of Signatory:
- Position:
- Phone:
- Email:
7. Signatories to the Agreement: International Police Association (IPA)
• Signed: Date: and Place:
• Signature of IPA Representative:
- Name of Signatory:
- Position:
- Phone:
- Email: