अनुबुबंधंध Иमांक|Contract No: GEMC-511687720177560
अनुससु ूचू ी नाम|Schedule Name:Schedule 2
अनुबबु ंधंध ितिथ|Generated Date : 29-Aug-2024
बोली/आरए/पीबीपी सं5ं5या|Bid/RA/PBP No.: GEM/2023/B/4327554
संगंगठन िववरण|Organisation Details IVप|Type : Central PSU मं7ालय|Ministry : Ministry of Coal xxxxx|Department : COAL INDIA LIMITED संगठन का नाम|Organisation Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited कायाल’ य Uे7|Office Zone: SECL Bilaspur Chhattisgarh | खरीदार िववरण|Buyer Details पद|Designation : Asst Mgr MM संपक’ नंबर|Contact No. : 07752-246321-5330 ईमेल आईडी|Email ID : xxxxxx.xxxxx@xxx.xx जीएसट`आईएन|GSTIN : 00XXXXX0000X0XX 3RD FLOOR, MM DEPARTMENT, SOUTH EASTERN | ||||||
िवUीय fवीकृृ ित िववरण|Financial Approval Detail आईएफडी सहमित|IFD Concurrence : Iशासिनक अनुमोदन का पदनाम| Designation of Administrative Approval: िवUीय अनमु ोदन का पदनाम| Designation of Financial Approval : | No CMD SECL D(F) SECL | भगुगु तान Iािधकरण िववरण|Paying Authority Details Role: PAO भुगतान का तरीका| Offline Payment Mode: पद|Designation : Manager Finance | |||||
िवИेे ता िववरण|Seller Details जेम िवИे ता आईडी|GeM Seller ID : 0A2E200001070945 कं पनी का नाम|Company Name : VISHWA INDUSTRIAL CO LTD संपक’ नंबर|Contact No. : 00000000000 ईमेल आईडी|Email ID : xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx 00X , XXXXX XXXX,XXXXX XXXX,XXXXX XXXX,XXXXXXX, xxx| Address : Kolkata, WEST BENGAL-700019, - एमएसएमई पंजीकरण सं5या|MSME Registration number : UDYAM-WB-08-0003179 एमएसई सामािजक vेणी|MSE Social Category : General एमएसई िलंग vेणी|MSE Gender : Male जीएसट`आईएन|GSTIN: 00XXXXX0000X0XX (R) , (M) , (M) | |||||||
*िजसके नाम के पU मx GST/TAX इनवॉइस पेश िकया जाएगा|GST / Tax invoice to be raised in the name of - Consignee | |||||||
िवतरण िनदˇश | Delivery Instructions : BC no 379 dtd 03.08.2024 under HEAD P and M Misc Year 2024 25 Amount in Rs 12,95,00,000 Unit Area KHAIRAH UG SOHAGPUR SECL8271 Commitment Item 4290 | |||||||
उ}पाद िववरण|Product Details | |||||||
# | आइटम िववरण|Item Description | आइटम िववरण| Ordered Quantity | इकाई | Unit | इकाई मूू य (INR)| Unit Price (INR) | कर िवभाजन (INR)| Tax Bifurcation (INR) | मूूय (INR मxx सभी शुु क और कर सिहत)| Price (Inclusive of all Duties and Taxes in INR) | |
1 | उ}पाद का नाम |Product Name : VISHWA Belt Conveyor 1200mm Belt Width, Length 850Meter, With 2X150KW 3300V Flameproof Electricals ांडंड|Brand : VISHWA ांडंड Iकार|Brand Type : Registered Brand कैै टलॉग क िRित|Catalogue Status: Catalogue not verified by OEM कैै सेे बेचे ा जा रहा है|ै|Selling As : Reseller not verified by OEM vेणेणी का नाम और चतथुुथाश“श“ |Category Name & Quadrant : VISHWA Belt Conveyor 1200mm Belt Width, Length 850Meter, With 2X150KW 3300V Flameproof Electricals (Q3) मॉडल|Model: VISHWA-UBC-2X150-1200MM-850MTR-3.3KV एचएसएन कोड|HSN Code: 84282011 | 1 | set | 41,500,000 | NA | 41,500,000 | |
कु ल ऑड’र मूय |Total Order Value (in INR) | 41,500,000 | ||||||
परेिेिषती िववरण|Consignee Detail | |||||||
И.सं.ं.|X.Xx | परेिेिषती|Consignee | वfत|ुु|Item | लॉट नंबंबर| Lot No. | मा7ा|Quantity | िदनांकंक केे बाद िडलीवरी शुVुV करना है|ै| Delivery Start | िवतरण परूूरा कब तक करना है|ै| Delivery To Be |
After | Completed By | |||||
1 | पद| Designation : - ईमेल आईडी|Email ID : xxxxx.xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx संपक’ |Contact : 7652-250236-484116 जीएसट`आईएन|GSTIN : 00XXXXX0000X0XX पता|Address : Regional Store, SECL-Sohagpur Area, Post- Amlai, Distt. Anuppur, Pin-484116, ANUPPUR, MADHYA PRADESH-484116, India | VISHWA Belt Conveyor 1200mm Belt Width, Length 850Meter, With 2X150KW 3300V Flameproof Electricals | - | 1 | 29-Aug-2024 | 26-Jan-2025 |
Product Specification for VISHWA Belt Conveyor 1200mm Belt Width, Length 850Meter, With 2X150KW 3300V Flameproof Electricals | ||||||
िविनदˇˇश|Specification | उप-िविनदˇˇश|Sub-Spec | मूूय|Value | ||||
Custom Specification | Custom Specification | Yes | ||||
िवИेे ता िविशता दfतावेṆेṆ|Seller Specification Document: | ||||||
xxx.xxx.xxx.xx/xxxxxxx_xxxx/xxxxxxx_xxxxxxx_xxxxxxxx/00/00/000/XxxxxxxXxxxx/XxxxxxxxxxxxxXxx ument/2024/1/14/2024_01_14_13_26_16_vicl_company_brochure_2024-01-14-13-26- 19_3d5cb523a2ba5c046cf120 96aa797ece.pdf | ||||||
खरीदार िविशता दfतावेṆेṆ|Buyer Specification Document: | ||||||
xxx.xxx.xxx.xx/xxxxxxx_xxxx/xxxxxxx_xxxxxxx_xxxxxxxx/xxxxx_xxxxxxxxx/0000000/00/00/000/Xxxxx ogAttrs/SpecificationDocument/2023/12/11/sch2_2023-12-11-20-04- 08_15470d96a2d7dc661518711bddd05987.p df | ||||||
ईपीबीजी िववरण | ePBG Detail | ||||||
सलाहकार बकक | Advisory Bank : | State Bank of India | |||||
ईपीबीजी Iितशत (%) | ePBG Percentage(%): | 10.00 | |||||
बोली लगानेे वालेे को बोली केे िनयमT और शतfi केे अनुसु ार लागूू ईपीबीजी Ifततुुत करना होगा |The bidder shall furnish ePBG as applicable as per bid's terms and conditions | ||||||
िनयम और शत|“|“ Terms and Conditions 1. General Terms and Conditions- 1.1 This contract is governed by the General Terms and Conditions, conditions stipulated to this Product/Service as provided in the Marketplace. 1.2 This Contract between the Seller and the Buyer, is for the supply of the Goods and/ or Services, detailed in the schedule above, in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions (GTC) unless otherwise superseded by Goods / Services specific Special Terms and Conditions (STC) and/ or BID/Reverse Auction Additional Terms and Conditions (ATC), as applicable 2. Buyer Added Bid Specific Terms and Conditions- 2.1 Buyer Added Bid Specific ATC: Buyer Added text based ATC clauses PART I- ADDITIONAL TERMS & CONDITIONS(Technical) 1.1. Experience criteria: Following experience criteria shall be fulfilled as on bid opening date: At least one Belt conveyor/belt conveyor system of same capacity or higher capacity, manufactured by the manufacturer of offered belt conveyor system, must have been supplied in India to mining industry or to the other Industries (Private or Government/ Public Sector Undertaking), and perfo rmed satisfactorily for a minimum period of one (01) year from the date of commissioning. Perfor mance of only those equipment(s) would be considered which have been commissioned one (01) y ear prior to the date of opening of bid but not prior to five (05) years from the date of opening of bid. Note 1: For the purpose of evaluation of experience criteria: Capacity means: width of belt conveyor/ width of belt conveyor system (i.e. width for which belt c onveyor is designed/manufactured) Same capacity means: Same belt width (of belt conveyor/ belt conveyor system) as that of tender ed item. Higher capacity means: Higher belt width (of belt conveyor/ belt conveyor system) as that of tend ered item. To cover tendered capacity of evaluation schedule-1 & evaluation schedule-2; width of supplied b elt conveyor/belt conveyor system shall not be less than 1200mm. To cover tendered capacity of evaluation schedule-3 and evaluation schedule-4, width of supplied belt conveyor/belt conveyor s ystem shall not be less than 1000mm. |
Note 2: Credentials related to experience criteria shall be submitted in respect of manufacturer o f offered product (i.e. manufacturer of offered belt conveyor/ offered belt conveyor system).
1.2. To fulfil experience criteria following documents shall be submitted with bid (complying ATC clause no 1.1):
1.2.1. Copies of past Supply orders/Purchase orders/Contract document of belt conveyor/ belt con veyor system covering the tendered capacity (i.e. same capacity as that of tendered item or high er capacity than that of tendered item), manufactured by the manufacturer of the offered produc t/offered make of product.
1.2.2. Documents covering satisfactory performance for a period of minimum one year from the d ate of commissioning for the Supply orders/Purchase orders/Contract document submitted agains t ATC clause no 1.2.1.
1.2.3. Bidder should submit copies of supply order(s)/Purchase order(s)/contract(s) of supplied ite m(s) to cover tendered item(s) considering following points: To fulfil experience criteria, belt conveyor/ belt conveyor system covering the tendered ca pacity (i.e. same capacity as that of tendered item or higher capacity than that of tendered item), manufacturer by manufacturer of offered product/ offered make of product, must have been supp lied in India to mining industry or to the other Industries (Private or Government/ Public Sector U ndertaking), and performed satisfactorily for a minimum period of one year from the date of com missioning, as on bid opening date. As per experience criteria clause, performance of only those equipment(s) would be consi dered which have been commissioned one (01) year prior to the date of opening of bid but not pri or to five (05) years from the date of opening of bid. Minimum one year satisfactory performance (from the date of commissioning) duration shall be fulfilled as on bid opening date. Bidders are advised to submit complete set of supply orders/contracts including documen ts like technical particulars, amendments/ corrigendum (if any). In case purchase order copies submitted by the bidder(s) are older than five (05) years fr om the date of bid opening, but the supplied items (same capacity or higher capacity) are commis sioned not prior to five (i.e. within) years from the date of opening of bid, bidder shall also submi t additional documents in order to establish that the item(s) supplied against uploaded Purchase/ supply order is commissioned not prior to (i.e. within) five years from the date of opening of bid ( wherever required). The responsibility of additional supporting documents (wherever required) to establish that the item is commissioned not prior to (i.e. within) five years from the date of bid opening lies with the bidder.
Note: for supply made to Buyer (i.e. SECL), commissioning report (wherever required complying A TC clause no / 1.1) will be asked directly from end user(s) against the submitted supply or der(s).
1.3. Bidder shall submit document related to satisfactory performance of belt conveyor/ belt conv eyor system considering following points:
1.3.1. Satisfactory performance report shall be issued by end user(s). Performance report of belt conveyor/ belt conveyor system shall cover the capacity of the tendered items and minimum one year satisfactory performance from the date of commissioning against the supply orders submitte d by bidder as per ATC clause no. 1.1. Minimum one year of satisfactory performance (from the d ate of commissioning) duration shall be fulfilled as on bid opening date.
1.3.2. Item covered under satisfactory performance report shall be commissioned not prior to five years from the date of opening of bid.
1.3.3. Performance report shall contain order reference and satisfactory performance for a minim um period of one year from the date of commissioning. Minimum one year of satisfactory perform ance (from the date of commissioning) duration shall be fulfilled as on bid opening date.
1.3.4. Buyer reserves the right to obtain the performance directly from the end user(s) of the ite m/product. Further, for supply made to SECL, performance report will be asked directly from end user against the submitted supply order(s). However, performance of only those equipment will b e considered which will comply ATC clause no. 1.1, 1.2.1,, case, supplied item(s) covering the capacity of the tendered item has performed satisfactorily for a period of minimum o ne year since commissioning as on bid opening date, but satisfactory performance report issued by end user is not available, bidder shall submit Self-Certificate (with bid) [for the items complyin g clause no. ATC clause no. 1.1, 1.2.1,,] which shall mention following:
“The items covered in the Purchase Order(s)/ Rate Contract(s) copies enclosed with our offer hav e been fully executed and have performed satisfactorily as per the provisions of respective Purch ase Order(s)/ Rate Contract(s) and all the complaints/claim (s) lodged by the purchaser, if any, ha ve been attended to and no complaints/ claims(s) are pending”.
1.3.5. In case bidder is submitting Self-Certificate for satisfactory performance as per ATC clause no. 1.3.4, bidder shall also submit proof of payment against the submitted supply orders/contract s as well as commissioning report/certificate against the submitted supply order/contracts for the item(s) against which bidder is claiming fulfilment of experience criteria. Any of the following doc uments shall serve the purpose of “proof of payment”:
i. Self-attested copy (ies) of invoice (s) along with self-attested copy (ies) of Bank Statement(s
) or relevant pages of the Passbook.
ii. Self-attested copy (ies) of Payment certificate (s) issued by the Purchaser or its Paying Auth ority.
iii. Self-attested copy (ies) of GST TDS certificate (s) for the supply along with self-attested cop y(ies) of invoice (s), where applicable.
iv. Self-attested copy of the Certificate issued by practicing Chartered or Cost Accountant givin g the details of the invoice(s).
1.3.6 For Start-up/ MSE bidder offering their own product (Start-up/MSE bidder quoted as manufa cturer of offered belt conveyor system), experience criteria is relaxed subject to meeting the qual ity & specification. Relevant document(s) establishing the MSE/Start-up and manufacturing statu s (of offered product) shall be submitted with bid as per GeM terms and conditions.
Further, as per gazette notification no. S.O. 4926(E) dated 18.10.22, in case of upward re-classific ation of MSE bidder: to claim relaxation from experience criteria bidder shall submit documents (i ssued by Government authority/ Government agency) showing upward re-classification alongwith date of re-classification. For claiming relaxation date of upward reclassification shall be within th ree years from date of bid opening.
The bidders (eligible for claiming relaxation from experience criteria) are advised to submit docu ment (with bid) to establish their technical capacity to manufacture the offered belt conveyor sys tem [such as Purchase order/supply order/contracts/commissioning report/ technical capability re port (technical capability report not prior to one year from date of bid opening)/ performance rep ort etc covering the offered belt conveyor system]. Buyer has the right to inspect the manufacturi ng facility/factory for assessing technical capability. Bidder(s) having technical capability to manu facture the offered belt conveyor system(s) will be considered for placement of order. Bidders claiming relaxation from experience criteria are also advised to submit duly filled PROFORMA FO R EQUIPMENT AND QUALITY CONTROL (refer annexure-1) along with relevant documents.
Note: Traders are excluded from the purview of Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Ent erprises as per Govt guidelines.
1.4. Bidder shall also refer documents to be submitted with bid as per custom catalogue/ clause n o 7 of Buyer Specification Documents (for all schedules involving flameproof electricals). The doc uments mentioned in clause no. 7 of Buyer Specification Document (for all schedules involving fla meproof electricals) must also be submitted with bid.
1.5. This bid covers the requirement of following schedules/tendered items:
Evaluati on sche dule/ Tendere d item s l. No. | Tendered item description |
1 | Belt Conveyor System suitable for 1200 mm belt width, Leng th of belt conveyor structure 1200 meter, with 2X150KW 330 0V Flameproof electricals |
2 | Belt Conveyor System suitable for 1200 mm belt width, Leng th of belt conveyor structure 850 meter, with 2X150KW 3300 V Flameproof electricals |
3 | Belt Conveyor System suitable for 1000 mm belt width, Leng th of belt conveyor structure 1000 meter, with 2X90KW 550V Flameproof electricals |
4 | Belt Conveyor System suitable for 1000 mm belt width, Leng th of belt conveyor structure 750 meter, with 1X90KW 550V Flameproof electricals |
Bidder shall upload (with bid) offered specification document for the quoted item(s) showing nec essary compliance/details/information against the buyer specification document.
1.6. Upload Manufacturer authorization: Wherever Authorised trader (reseller/agent/ dealer/ distributor) is submitting the bid, Authorization issued by offered manufacturer of belt conveyor system/OEM of belt conveyor system shall be submitted along with the bid.
1.7. Warranty period of the supplied products shall be one year from commissioning of goods at u ser end. OEM Warranty certificates must be submitted by successful bidder at the time of deliver y of Goods. The seller should guarantee the rectification of goods in case of any break down durin g the guarantee period.
1.8. Clarification/shortfall document shall be asked and considered only for the documents related to already submitted documents in the original offer or details/information already indica
xxx in the original offer. Clarification/ shortfall document will be sought only for historical docume nts which pre-existed at the time of bid opening. Further, to fulfil experience criteria, the bidder s hall submit document (supply order/Purchase order/contract document) with the bid itself with ot her relevant document (e.g. proof of execution of order) as per bid requirement. Any new supply order submitted with clarification/shortfall round will not be considered against experience criteri a.
1.9. Pre dispatch inspection/third party inspection: Pre dispatch inspection will be carried out by M/s CMPDIL.
1.10. SCOPE OF SUPPLY: Supply of Goods (as per the details mentioned in the Buyer specification document).
[Explanatory Note in respect of clause no 2.1.4 of Buyer specification document:
Note 1: Providing PVC belt is excluded from scope of supply. Erection, Installation, commissioning is excluded from scope of supply. All electrical devices/electrical components shall be complete wi th internal wiring. Cables/control cables for supplying external electrical power/control voltage to the supplied electrical devices/ electrical components (other than pull cord switches, dust suppre ssion system and fire suppression system) are excluded from scope of supply. All types of control cables/wires required for complete functioning of pull cord switches, dust suppression system an d fire suppression system shall be part of scope of supply. Supplied cable(s)/wires shall be of cop per conductor & shall comply DGMS Tech. Circular (Electrical), approval no 12 dated 25.05.15. For signaling system: GI wire, Insulator & hardware for insulator is excluded from scope of supply.
Note 2: The offered components/electricals shall comply all statutory norms such as CEA regulatio n, Coal Mine regulation, DGMS approval policy, DGMS circulars, Indian Electricity rules, other stat utory & quality control norms/gazette notifications. All these norms/policies/ circulars/ acts/ regul ations/rules/Standards shall be referred with latest issue/amendments.]
1.11. Documents to be submitted at the time of Supply:
1.11.1. Copy of valid DGMS approval for FLP motor (along with all relevant endorsements/corresp ondence issued by DGMS to cover the supplied motor) and copy of valid BIS marking License corr esponding to DGMS approval (applicable for FLP motor only).
1.11.2. Copy of valid DGMS approval for FLP Starter (along with all relevant endorsements/corres pondence issued by DGMS to cover the supplied starter) and valid BIS marking Licence correspon ding to DGMS approval (applicable for FLP starter only).
1.11.3. Complete catalogue with list of spare parts to be submitted with each item (indicating par t-wise OPM) along with part number / codes.
1.11.4. Operation and Maintenance manual for belt conveyor.
1.11.5. Manufacturer test report of motor and starter.
1.12. Vetting of design/drawing etc will be bidder’s scope. Buyer (i.e. SECL) will not approve any design/drawing/Bill of Quantity/ Bill of material.
Note: Successful bidder shall submit GA drawing/Dimensional drawing well in advance with consi gnee/mine authority so that civil work for erection/installation can be commenced.
(To be submitted by the Startups / MSE firms who claim the relaxation of the prior turnover and prior experienc e criteria as per bid for capability assessment)
Reference : CIL/Subsidiary Co. Tender No. Date for supply of
1. Name and Address of the Firm
2. (a) Telephone No. office/factory/works
(b) Fax No. / E-mail ID
3. Location of manufacturing works/factories owned by the firm (documentary evidence of ownership must be p roduced).
4. Brief description of the factory (i.e. area covered accommodation, Department into which it is divided, laboratory etc.)
5. Details of plant and machinery erected and functioning in each department (monographs and description pamphlets) be supplied if available.
6. Whether the process of manufacture in the factory is carried out with the aid of power or Without it.
7. Process Flow Chart for the whole manufacturing process of the tendered item
8. Details and stocks of raw materials held.
9. Production capacity of items quoted for with the existing plants and machinery
(a) Normal
(b) Maximum
10. Details of Quality Assurance Plan and Quality Control Infrastructure such as laboratories etc.
11. (a) Details of technical supervisory staff in-charge of production and quality control.
(b) Skilled labour employed.
(c) Unskilled labour employed
(d) Maximum number of workers (skilled and unskilled) employed on any day during 18 months preceding t he date of application.
12. Whether stores were tested to any standard specification, if so, copies of original test certificate should be submitted in duplicate.
(Signature of Tenderer)
NOTE: Details against Sl nos. 5 to 12 inclusive need be restricted to the extent they pertain to the items under reference
As per GeM GTC guidelines the participation by the Seller in e-bidding shall be construed as his/h er acceptance for all the Terms and Conditions as outlined in the e-bidding including GTC, STC an d Commercial terms of ATC. Any other terms & conditions/deviations from the current bid docume nt offered by the seller in any form will be considered void and
Scanned copies of following documents as per requirements of the bid may be submitted while submitting the offer online.
i. Declarations, certificates (wherever applicable) etc. required as per bid document.
a. The bidder seeking EMD exemption, must submit the valid supporting document as pe r GeM GTC with the bid. Under MSE category, only manufacturers for goods and Servic e Providers for Services are eligible for exemption from EMD. Traders are excluded fro m the purview of this Policy.
b. For purpose of EMD exemption , by submission of valid Startup certificate, bidder und ertakes that their turnover has not exceeded Rs.100 Cr. in any of the previous financia l years since inception. The bidder shall specifically inform if the turnover has exceede d Rs.100 Cr in the any of the previous financial years since inception.
c. For purpose of EMD exemption in case of BIS registered firm, in case of item wise xxx luation the EMD is item wise and bidder shall submit the BIS addendum/corresponden ce documents showing validity and coverage of offered item in BIS, as it is essential i nformation the same shall be required for decision for acceptance/rejection of EMD.
It is noted that above clauses of EMD exemption are in line with GeM GTC giving the detaile d methodology of evluation and shall remain final.
iii. Any Central/State Government Organization/PSU shall be exempted towards submission of EMD. OEMs/OES or their authorized agents participating in Open/Limited tenders for procurement of spare parts of their equipment are exempted from submission of EMD in cas e of tenders for supply of spares only.
iv. Scanned copy of EMD required to be submitted by bidders in the form of Bank Guarantee o n GeM portal in the prescribed format shall be uploaded by seller in the online bid and hard copy of the same will have to be submitted directly to the Buyer within 5 days from bid ope ning date. (Copy of SFMS by issuing bank should also be submitted along with hard copy of the Bank Guarantee)
v. MSE PREFERENCE: The bidder seeking MSE preference, must submit valid UDYAM certificate which shall remain valid for the entire period of finalization of tender. As per the latest dire ctives of Govt. of India EM-Part II/ UAM/NSIC/DIC etc. registered bidders must mandatorily r egister on UDYAM portal and in line with the same, only UDYAM registration certificate vali d on bid opening date is to be submitted for claiming MSE preference.
vi. Integrity Pact duly signed and stamped indicating the name and designation /capacity of th e signatory. (If applicable)
vii. Copy of GST Registration certificate issued by appropriate authority of India if applicable
viii. Copy of exemption certificate towards GST (if claiming exemption) from practicing Chartere d Accountant (CA) to the effect that bidder is fulfilling all conditions prescribed in notificati on to make him exempted from registration. If applicable.
ix. Certificate for Local Content in line with ATC clause and reference format provided for purc hase preference for Make in India.
x. In case Banned/Delisted/Debarred/Put on Holiday by any organization, necessary details/doc uments to be submitted, if applicable.
xi. Other documents required as per bid/to be submitted by the bidder, if any.
Ensuring submission of valid and authentic documents will be sole responsibility of the bidder. Fu rther if at a later stage it is found that the above provided information is false/misleading/incompl ete their offer may be treated as unresponsive and suitable penal action as per provisions of GeM Incident Management Policy may be taken against them.
xii. Pre-dispatch inspection by M/s CMPDIL is applicable as detailed here under:
Pre-dispatch stage inspection of each consignment shall be carried out by Third party, to be nominated by SECL, as per the terms and conditions indicated hereunder:
In case of placement of order, the pre dispatch inspection will be carried out by M/s. CMPDIL, at the works of the manufacturer before dispatch of the items. The inspection charges to M/s
. CMPDIL are to be paid by the supplier. The payment of inspection fee is to be made online t hrough State Bank Collect and a hyperlink has been created on CMPDIL website i.e. xxx.xx xxx.xx.xx for payment of the same. E-money receipt generated on-line by State Bank of India Collect to be treated as the official money receipt issued by them to the respective suppliers, which is to submitted by the supplier along-with their bill/invoice. Final inspection will be car ried out by the consignee representative at destination.
Stage Pre-dispatch inspection shall be carried out by Third party i.e M/s CMPDIL as per their methodology. The third Party Inspection shall include examination of raw material, test certi ficate verification, continuous monitoring of quality assurance by manufacturer which will inc lude regular and surprise visits. In brief, the scope and condition of inspection by Third part y will be as follows:
a. Checking and approval of test procedures/quality assurance plans.
b. Verification of records and documents of your works.
c. Verification of documents and test certificate of bought out items and cross checks.
d. The Supplier shall provide facilities for carrying out all necessary tests as required in t he specification at your works, else these will be carried out at an independent test hou se at their cost.
e. Final testing and checking of materials as per specifications.
f. Third party will have full and free access to the premises of manufacturer during the pr ocess of manufacturing and during inspection activities.
g. Inspection fee @ 1.0% of total equipment value inclusive of all charges, and taxes/GST plus statutory levis on inspection fee (GST) , applicable @ 18% is to be paid to M/s.CMP DIL along with inspection call letter. The payment of inspection fee is to be made online through State Bank Collect and a hyperlink has already been created on CMPDI website
i.e. xxx.xxxxx.xx.xx for payment of the same. E-money receipt generated on-line by St ate Bank of India Collect to be treated as the official money receipt issued by them.
h. In the event of rejection/non-redness of material during the first visit, the manufacture r/ supplier shall pay to CMPDIL all charges including actual travel and hotel expenses al ong with inspection fee for second inspection visit.
i. Minimum 7 calendar days notice shall be given by the manufacturer to third party, insp ecting agency for arranging inspection within valid delivery period as per contract.
j. The ultimate responsibility for supply of correct materials as per requirement of releva nt specification lies solely with the manufacturer in spite of clearance/acceptance by th ird party, inspecting agency. The manufacturer will be required to replace the material free of cost if found defective/unserviceable/not according to relevant specifications.
k. The charges for third party inspection and the cost of materials that would be required for destructive tests, if any, shall be reimbursed by SECL together with the consignmen t billing. Such cost shall be reimbursed only if it is duly certified by third party, inspect ing agency.
l. Final inspection shall be arranged by the consignee after receipt of the material at our destination.
m. All documents/records such as BIS license, DGMS certificates, test reports/certificates of manufactured items/bought out items/raw material, drawing etc which is related to s pecification details/Quality Assurance Plan shall be produced on demand at the time of i nspection.
n. Copy of third party/Pre-dispatch inspection report shall be submitted at the time of sup ply to consignees.
Firm has to offer their Final landed price (C) in GeM portal as illustrated below:
Price (Rs) |
A= Equipment Price inclusive of all taxes /GST , duties, local levi es/transportation/ loading-unloading and any other charges. |
B= CMPDIL Inspection fee @ 1% on (A) plus statutory levis on ins pection fee (GST-applicable @ 18%) |
C= Final landed price ( A+B) |
*This is for illustration p urpose only. Offered Price against this bid sh ould not be disclosed in any manner in submissi on of techno-commercial documents . Disclosure of price may render the bid as non-responsive a nd shall be eligible for rejection of bid.
We do hereby certify that the item/s offered against the tender are manufact ured at our factory situated at & that the items offered hav
e a local content of %of the total value as prescribed by the competen
t Ministries/Departments in pursuance to the Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order.
The items offered meets minimum local content criteria for Class- …… Local S upplier in pursuance to the Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order.
Address of Location/Factory where local value is added
Authorized Signatory of OEM Date:
Seal of the firm
I/We (Name of the auditor) are statutory/cost auditor of (Nam e of the OEM) and are authorized to submit the above certification as pe r MII Policy.
Signature & Stamp of statutory auditor or cost auditor of the firm UDIN No.
If tender value is Rs. 10.00 Crores and above the above certificate needs to b e issued through statutory auditor or cost auditor if the OEM is a company an d from a practicing Cost Accountant or practicing Chartered Accountant for O EMs other than company.
i. All the offers will first be scrutinized to see whether they meet the basic requirements as in corporated in the bid document.
ii. Purchaser will determine the Techno-commercial acceptability of the bidders on the basis of the original offer and subsequent clarifications/ confirmation, if any.
iii. After evaluation of the uploaded documents, shortfall/clarification documents, if required, s hall be sought from all the bidders. For shortfall/ clarification only 01 (ONE) chance will be g iven. The time period for reply to the clarification will be for 7(SEVEN) days only. Non receip t of communication from GeM will not be accepted as a reason of non-submission of docume nts within prescribed time. The bidders will upload and submit the requested documents, if any, within the specified period.
iv. Bidders are hereby informed that all correspondence with them during the pre-contract sta ge shall be without any commitment whatsoever. SECL reserves the right to verify any of th e documents uploaded by the bidder at any stage.
NOTE: The submission of forged document, if any, by the bidder(s), shall be dealt as per extant guideline of GeM GTC and ATC.
3. VALIDITY OF OFFER: The offer should be valid as per provision of GeM, from the date of openin g of tender as specified in the bid document. During the Tender evaluation process if the exten sion of the bid validity is required, the same can be obtained with the mutual consent of buyer and seller.
4. SUBMISSION OF BILLS: Upon dispatch of the Goods to the consignee, the supplier shall notify t he Ultimate Consignee and deliver the following documents at the time of arrival of goods at co nsignee end:
i. GeM invoice for each line item of the contract and corresponding Supplier's Tax invoice for the same showing Contract Number, Goods descr iption, quantity, unit price, total amount.
ii. Manufacturer's/Supplier's warranty/guarantee certificate.
iii. Manufacturer’s Test & Inspection certificate.
iv. Lowest Price Certificate
v. Any other certificate/document as mentioned in the contract.
In case of delay, the Supplier will be responsible for any consequent expenses.
NOTE: Each GeM invoice should have corresponding Tax Invoice. If GeM invoice is generated bu t not submitted in hard copy, same may be taken from the consignee login by the consignee.
5. PRICE/PAYMENT TERMS: As per GeM provisions , 100 percent upon receipt and acceptance of material by the consignee and submission and acceptance of Security Deposit, PBG.
NOTE: The L-1 bidder shall submit price break-up of their offered prices after reverse auction fo r supply of equipment, installation and commissioning other charges and applicable GST, at the request of buyer only after opening of price bid through their registered email id on GeM portal which shall be considered part of contract and communicated through Addendum.
Offered Price against this bid should not be disclosed in any manner in submission of techno-co mmercial documents. Disclosure of price before price bid opening may render the bid as non-re sponsive and shall be eligible for rejection of bid.
6. PAYING AUTHORITY: General Manager (Fin), South Eastern Coalfields Limited, HQ, Bilaspur. Ho wever, regularization of payment on GeM portal shall be done as per provision of GeM by Payin g authority.
7. PERFORMANCE SECURITY /E-PBG as indicated in bid document shall be treated as SECURITY DE POSIT: To be submitted directly to Buyer in Original
The Performance Security/Security Deposit equivalent to 10% of total landed value of contract (including all taxes, duties and other costs and charges, without considering Input Tax Credit) shall remain valid for at least 3 months after the completion of supply and material acceptance at consignee end.
Performance Security/Security Deposit will be released with the approval of HOD of MM Depart ment within 30 days after completion of supplies and acceptance of material by the consignee and submission of Performance Bank Guarantee(s) in case of supply contract or after successf ul commissioning and on receipt of confirmation of Performance Bank Guarantee(s) for all the e quipment covered in the contract in case of contracts for equipment and all those items/goods involving installation and commissioning and PBG.
Security Deposit may be converted into Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) wherever PBG is re quired at the option of the supplier. At the time of conversion of security money into PBG, it sh ould be ensured that the amount of PBG should not be less than 10% of equipment landed valu e along with maximum annual landed value of spares & consumables/AMC/CMC. Wherever Secu rity Deposit is converted into PBG, the operation of such SDBG/Performance BG shall be guided by Performance Bank Guarantee Clause.
NOTE: The Bank Guarantee issued by a scheduled Bank shall preferably be operative at its bran ch situated at Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh State) or if the issuing bank does not have any branch at Bilaspur then Bank Guarantee may preferably be operative at any of its Kolkata Branch. Copy o f SFMS by issuing bank should be submitted along with hard copy of the Bank Guarantee.
NOTE: All Central/State Government Organization/PSUs shall be exempted from submission of S ecurity Deposit. OEM/OES shall also be exempted from submission of Security Deposit in case o f procurement of Spare Parts for equipment against Single Tender Enquiry/Open/ Limited Tend ers.
8. PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE: (To be submitted directly to Buyer in Original) (This is in addition to the Security Deposit as mentioned above)
i. The successful bidder shall be required to furnish a Performance Guarantee equivalent to 1 0% of the equipment landed value including all taxes, duties and other costs and charges, w ithout considering Input Tax Credit. (As per below format) (on a non-judicial stamp paper of value Rs.250.00 only)
ii. The Performance Guarantee shall be in the form of a Bank Guarantee issued by RBI schedul ed bank in India in the prescribed format on a non-judicial stamp paper.
iii. The Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) shall be in the same currency(ies) in which contract has been signed. In case of multi-currency contract, separate PBG in respective cur rency for required value shall be submitted.
iv. If the contract is for procurement of equipment, the PBG (s) may be submitted equipment wise also. For this purpose, the value of each equipment will be worked out by dividing the t otal value of contract for a particular item of Bid by the number of equipment ordered for th at particular item of the Bid.
v. The PBG(s) for equipment shall remain valid till 3 months after the completion of warranty period/contract period.
vi. The PBG shall be submitted sufficiently in advance to enable its verification from the issuin g bank before submission of the invoice for payment.
vii. The release of the Performance Bank guarantee(s) after above indicated period, shall be su bject to satisfactory performance of the equipment/items during the warranty period and fu lfilment of contractual obligations failing which, action for further extension or encashment of PBG, as deemed suitable shall be taken. The Performance Bank Guarantee shall be releas ed after expiry of validity period if no claim certificate is received from the concerned HOD/ Area GM and the contractor indicating that there is no claim pending and that there is no di spute pending respectively with the approval of the concerned HOD (MM)/Area GM.
viii. The PBG will be submitted through Structured Financial Management System (SFMS).
The original Bank Guarantee in paper form should be sent to the beneficiary . The covering/forwarding letter of t he bank for the Bank Guarantee shall invariably contain the following details:
Issuing Bank , Branch and Address | i | Name of Bank | |
ii | Issuing Bank Branch IFSC | ||
iii | Issuing Bank Address | ||
iv | Contact No of Issuing bank | ||
v | Email ID of issuing bank( Fo r invocation/written claim) MANDATORY FIELD |
Re: Bank Guarantee in respect of Agreement / Contract / Purchase Order vide no. …………
……dated..............between.................................(Name of Purchaser Company) and.........
...(Name of Supplier Company) {applicable for subsidiary contracts/Purchase Orders}
Messers.................................a Company / Firm having its office at No.............................
.......................(hereinafter called ‘the Contractor’) has entered into the Agreement / Cont ract / Purchase Order vide no…………dated (hereinafter called ‘the said agree
ment’) with Coal India Limited, Kolkata on behalf of / Purchaser Company (N
ame of the concerned subsidiary Company) (hereinafter called ‘the Company’) to supply...
................ stores/materials amounting to Rs on the terms and conditions contai
ned in the said Agreement.
The.................... (Name of the Bank) (hereinafter called ‘the Bank’) having its Office at....
...........................has at the request of the Contractor agreed to give the guarantee as he reinafter contained.
We (Name of the Bank) do hereby unconditionally agree with t
he Company that if the Contractor shall in any way fail to observe or perform the terms a nd condition of the said agreement or shall commit any breach of its obligations thereund er, the Bank shall on demand and without any objection or demur pay to the Company, th e said sum of Rs or any portion thereof without requiring the company to have rec
ourse to any legal remedy that may be available to it to compel the Bank to pay the same or calling on the company to compel such payment by the contractor.
Any such demand shall be conclusive as regards the liability of the Contractor to the com pany and as regards the amount payable by the Bank under this guarantee. The Bank sha ll not be entitled to withhold payment on the ground that the contractor has disputed its l iability to pay or has disputed the quantum of the amount or that any arbitration proceed ing or legal proceeding is pending between the Company and the contractor regarding th e claim.
We, the Bank, further agree that the guarantee shall come into force from the date hereo f and shall remain in full force and effect till the period that will be taken for the performa nce of the said agreement which is likely to be the ...... day of but if the period of ag
reement is extended either pursuant to the provisions in the said agreement or by mutual agreement between the contractor and the Company, the Bank shall renew the period of the guarantee failing which it shall pay to the Company the said sum of Rs , o
r such lesser amount out of the said sum of Rs as may be due to the Company an
d as the Company may demand. This guarantee shall remain in force until the dues of the Company in respect of the said sum of Rs are fully satisfied and the compan
y certifies that the agreement has been fully carried out by the contractor and discharges the guarantee.
The Bank further agrees with the Company that the Company shall have the fullest libert y without the consent of the Bank and without affecting in any way the obligations hereu nder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said agreement or to extend the time for performance of the said agreement from time to time or to postpone for any time or fr om time to time any of the powers exercisable by the Company against the contractor an d to forbear to enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said agreement an d the Bank shall not be relieved from its liability by reason of such failure or extension bei ng granted to the contractor or through any forbearance, act or omission on the part of th e Company or any indulgence by the Company to the contractor or any other matter or thi ng whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would but for this provisions have the effect of relieving or discharging the Guarantor.
The Bank further agrees that in case this guarantee is required for a longer period and it i s not extended by the Bank beyond the period specified above, the Bank shall pay to the Company the said sum of Rs or such lesser sum as may then be due to the Compan
y as the Company may require.
Notwithstanding anything herein contained the liability of the Bank under this guarantee is restricted to Rs........ only. The guarantee shall remain in force till the ...........day of .....
..........20….and unless the guarantee is renewed or a claim is preferred against the Bank within the validity period and/or the claim period from the said date, all rights of the com pany under this guarantee shall cease and the Bank shall be released and discharged fro
m all liability hereunder except as provided in the preceding clause.
The Bank has under its constitution power to give this guarantee and [(
Name of the person(s)] who have signed it on behalf of the Bank has authority to do so.
Dated this..................Day of........................20......
Signature of the authorized person(s) For and on behalf of the Bank
NOTE: The Bank Guarantee issued by a scheduled Bank shall preferably be operative at it s branch situated at Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh State) or if the issuing bank does not have an y branch at Bilaspur, then Bank Guarantee shall be preferably operative at any of its Kolk ata Branch.
NOTE: Copy of SFMS (760COV) by issuing bank should be submitted along with hard copy of the Bank Guarantee as per format provided above and subsequent amendment/extensi on vide (SFMS 767COV), if any
In case of extension of delivery period, the firms should ensure that the validity of their submitted Security Deposit BG/PBG shall still be 03 months from the last date of the extended delivery/end of warranty period. The BG's shall be extended accordingly corresponding to the extension of delivery period.
I) The Bank Guarantee issued by the issuing Bank on behalf of contractor/supplier in favour of “So uth Eastern Coalfields Limited” shall be in paper form as well as issued under “Structured Finan cial Messaging System” (SFMS). As such the Guarantor (BG issuing bank) shall send information about issuance of this Guarantee through SFMS gateway either to the SBI, SME Branch, Bilaspur (IFSC – SBIN0004177) or to the ICICI Bank, Vyapar Vihar, Bilaspur (IFSC- ICIC0000282) as the cas e may be.
The details of Beneficiary, i.e. South Eastern Coalfields Limited for issue of BG under SFMS platfo rm are furnished below:
a) State Bank of India as advising Bank of SECL :
1 | Name of the Benefi ciary and his Detai ls | i | 7034(Beneficiary Det ails) | South Eastern Coalfields Limited |
ii | Area | SECL HQ, Bilaspur | ||
iii | Name of Bank | State Bank of India | ||
iv | Bank Account No. | 30285470636 | ||
v | Department | Material Management | ||
2 | Beneficiary Bank, B ranch and Address | i | Name of Bank | State Bank of India |
ii | Bank Branch Name | SME SBI Branch, Bilaspur | ||
iii | Branch Code | 4177 | ||
iv | Beneficiary Bank Bra nch IFSC | SBIN0004177 | ||
v | Beneficiary Bank Add ress | SBI, Galaxy Height, Vyapar Vihar, Bilaspur – 495001,CG |
b) ICICI Bank as advising Bank of SECL:
1 | Name of the Ben | i | 7034(Beneficiary Det | South Eastern Coalfields |
eficiary and his Details | ails) | Limited | ||
ii | Area | SECL HQ, Bilaspur | ||
iii | Name of Bank | ICICI Bank | ||
iv | Bank Account No. | 028205003346 | ||
v | Department | Material Management | ||
2 | Beneficiary Bank , Branch and Ad dress | i | Name of Bank | ICICI Bank |
ii | Bank Branch Name | Vyapar Vihar, Bilaspur | ||
iii | Branch Code | 0282 | ||
iv | Beneficiary Bank Bran ch IFSC (SFMS Field No. 7035) | ICIC0000282 | ||
v | Beneficiary Bank Address (SFMS Field No. 0000) | Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxx Xx- X/00 Xxxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxx xx – 000000, CG | ||
vi | (SFMS Field No. 7037 ) | SECL 14625 |
NOTE: Vendors are requested to specifically advise BG issuing bank that in case they opt for ICICI Bank as benefi ciary bank, they have to mention the code ‘SECL 14265’ in SFMS field no 7037 of IFN760COV/IFN767COV so th at the advised BGs could be sent to the email id tagged with the account.
Submission of offer shall be considered as acceptance by the bidder that they as well as their manufacturer (if bidder is not the manufacturer) has not been BANNED OR DELISTED OR DEBAR RED OR ‘PUT ON HOLIDAY’ by any government or quasi-government or PSU’s. Further the bidde r also undertakes by submission of their offer that they have not being debarred/settled all due s/claims on account of being defaulter L1 bidder for the tendered item.
Format for Banning /Delisting/Debarred/Put on Holiday Declaration
Bid Reference No………………………………………… Dt.……………. for supply of ……………
This is to certify that we have been banned or de-listed or debarred or ‘Put on Ho liday’ by following government/quasi-Government agencies/PSUs:
We further undertake that if at a later stage it is found that the above provided i nformation is found to be false/misleading/incomplete our offer may be treated a
If the bidder and/or manufacturer has been BANNED OR DELISTED OR DEBARRED OR ‘PUT ON H OLIDAY’ by any government or quasi-government or PSU’s., this fact must be clearly stated, an d it may not necessarily be cause of disqualification. In this respect, the bidder/manufacturer s hall upload the same as additional document. The declaration in case of been BANNED OR DELI STED OR DEBARRED OR ‘PUT ON HOLIDAY’ shall be submitted in following format:
Name of the Organization | Period of banning (Start date and end date ) |
s unresponsive and suitable penal action as per provisions of GeM Incident mana gement policy may be taken against us.
Signature of Bidder Seal of the Firm
Further if at a later stage it is found that the above provided information is false/ misleading/ in complete their offer may be treated as unresponsive and suitable penal action as per provision s of GeM Incident management policy may be taken against them.
If the contract holder reduces its price or sells or even offers to sell the contracted goods or se rvices following conditions of sale similar to those of the contract, at a price lower than the con tract price, to any person or organization during the currency of the contract, the contract pric e will be automatically reduced with effect from that date for all the subsequent supplies under the contract and the contract be amended accordingly.
In case of parallel Rate / Running Contracts, if the price of a product is reduced for any supplier due to invocation of ‘Price Fall clause’ or any other reason, the same lower price shall also be a pplicable for the other suppliers who are having parallel RCs against the same tender. If any pa rallel RC holder does not accept the lower price, CIL shall have the right to delete the item from the scope of RC of such firm and procure the same from other existing supplier / Reserve RC hol ders.
The provisions of price fall clause will however not apply to the following:
i. Export/Deemed Export by the supplier;
ii. Sale of goods or services as original equipment prices lower than the price charged for nor mal replacement;
iii. Sale of goods such as drugs, which have expiry date;
iv. Sale of goods or services at lower price on or after the date of completion of sale/placeme nt of order of goods or services by the authority concerned, under the existing or previous Rate Contracts as also under any previous contracts entered into with the Central or State Government Departments including new undertakings (excluding joint sector companies a nd or private parties) and bodies.
a. The currency of contract will mean the period till completion of supply.
b. The bidder will be asked to submit a copy of the last (latest) purchase order for the tendere d / similar item(s) received by them from any Organization/ Ministry / Department of the Go vt, of India or Coal India Ltd. and/or its Subsidiaries or other PSU or any other private organi zation, along with the offer.
c. It shall be responsibility of the supplier to inform the purchaser of offer to supply / supply o f the ordered / similar item(s) at a lower rate to any Organization / Ministry / Department of the Govt, of India or Coal India Ltd. and/or its Subsidiaries or other PSU or any other private organization during the currency of the contract.
d. The supplier shall submit a certificate along with the bill(s) that it has not offered to supply/ supplied the ordered / similar item(s) at a lower rate to any Organization / Ministry / Depart ment of the Govt, of India or Coal India Ltd. and/or its Subsidiaries or other PSU or any other private organization.
e. The provisions of fall clause will however not apply for purchase value up to Rs. 2.00 lakh
f. Point (b) above is not applicable in the case of renewal of Depot Agreements
12. In compliance to Restriction under rule 144(xi) of the General Financial Rules (GFRs),2017 an d Order No. F/.7/10/2021-PPD(1) Dt 23.02.2023, Ministry of Finance, regarding restriction of Publi
c Procurement from certain countries, Submission of offer shall be considered as acceptance by t he bidder that:
a. Model Certificate for Tenders for country sharing land boundary with India:
The bidder (as defined in the above order) upon submission of their offer undertakes that they have read the clause regarding restrictions on procurement from a bidder of a countr y which shares a land border with India and that they are not from such a country. The bid der further undertakes that they fulfil all requirements in this regard and are eligible to b e considered.
If the bidder (as defined in the above order) is from such a country which shares a land bo rder with India as per above order, the bidder shall submit the following certificate along with the bid:
Certificate-1: Model Certificate for Tenders in case form a coun try sharing land boundary with India:
"We (name of the Firm) have read the clause reg
arding restrictions on procurement from a bidder of a country which shares a land border with India;
We…………….(name of the Firm) certify that (name of
the Firm) is from such a country and has been registered wit h the competent Authority. We (name of the Firm) he
reby certify that we fulfil all requirements in this regard and a re eligible to be considered”.
[where applicable, evidence of valid registration by the compe tent Authority shall be attached].
b. Certificate-2 Model additional certificate by Bidders in the cases of specified ToT:
The bidder (as defined in the above order) upon submission of their offer undertakes that they have read the clause regarding restrictions on procurement from a bidder having Tra nsfer of Technology (ToT) arrangement and upon submission of their offer undertakes tha t they do not have any ToT arrangement requiring registration with the competent author ity.
If the bidder (as defined in the above order) has any Transfer of Technology (ToT) arrange ment requiring registration with the competent authority as per above order, the bidder s hall submit the following certificate along with the bid
Certificate-2 Model additional certificate by Bidders in the cases of sp ecified ToT:
"We (name of the Firm) have read the clause regarding r
estrictions on procurement from a bidder having Transfer of Technolo gy (ToT) arrangement. We (name of the Firm) certify tha
t ……………………(name of the Firm) have Transfer of Technology (ToT) arrangement and valid registration to participate in this procurement
[where applicable, evidence of valid registration by the competent Aut hority shall be attached].
NOTE1 : EMD/SD/e-PBG/Performance Bank Guarantee shall be submitted in original at following a ddress:
General Manager (MM) Materials Management Dept. Post Box No- 60
Seepat Road,
Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh- 495006
NOTE2 : The above terms & condition will supersede the GeM terms & condition in case of any con flict/contradiction between two.
NOTE3: In compliance to Gazette Notification issued vide 4414 Dt. 02/11/18, South Eastern Coalfields Limited (SECL) have onboarded on TReDS platform through Receivables Exchang e of India Limited (RXIL) platform with Member ID SO0001771 to facilitate payment to MSM E Vendors through TReDS platform of RXIL.
In this regard, all MSE vendors of South Eastern Coalfields Limited (who haven’t onboarded on TReDS till date) are once again requested to onboard on the TReDS platform by registeri ng themselves on RXIL (xxxxx://xxx.xxxx.xx) for availing the benefits of TReDS platform.
NOTE4: As per GeM GTC guidelines the participation by the Seller in e-bidding shall be construed as his/her acceptance for all the Terms and Conditions as outlined in the e-bidding includin g GTC, STC and Commercial terms of ATC. Any other terms & conditions/deviations from th e current bid document offered by the seller in any form will be considered void and submi ssion of offer/participation by the seller will be treated as their unconditional acceptance t o all terms & conditions outlined in the e-bidding including GTC/STC and commercial terms of ATC.
Sr No | Description | Submitted (Yes /No) |
1 | EMD Exemption document ( Valid Udyam, Valid BIS along with coverage document for offered item,Valid Startup certif icate etc ) | |
2 | EMD submission document ( BG with SFMS for m issuing bank, DD) | |
3 | Make in India Certificate for bids with estimat ed value less than 10 crores ( Self certificate From the OEM of offered prod uct | |
4 | Make in India Certificate for bids with estimat ed value more than 10 crores MII certificate signed by OEM of offered prod uce and certified by statutory auditor or cost auditor if the OEM is a company and from a pr acticing Cost Accountant or practicing Charter ed Accountant for OEMs other than company. | |
5 | Integrity Pact ( For bid above 2 cr estimated v alue) to be submitted with seal and sign of bi dder. | |
6 | In case the bidder/OEM of offered product is B anned Or Delisted Or Debarred Or ‘Put On Holi day- bidder shall submit certificate as per for mat given in commercial ATC | |
7 | In case the bidder is from a country sharing la nd boundary with India - bidder shall submit c ertificate as per format given in commercial A TC for the same. | |
8 | In case the bidder is having Transfer of Techn |
ology (ToT) arrangement - bidder shall submit certificate as per format given in commercial ATC | ||
9 | GST certificate for Vendor code creation | |
10 | PAN Card for Vendor code creation | |
11 | Bank mandate for Vendor code creation | |
12 | Cancelled Cheque for Vendor code creation |
2.2 Buyer Added Bid Specific ATC:
Buyer uploaded ATC document Click here to view the file .
2.3 Forms of EMD and PBG :
Bidders can also submit the EMD with Account Xxxxx Xxxxxx Draft in favour of
payable at
SME SBI Branch, Galaxy Height, Vyapar Vihar, Bilaspur Chhattisgarh
Bidder has to upload scanned copy / proof of the DD along with bid and has to ensure delivery of hardcopy to the Buyer within 5 days of Bid End date / Bid Opening date.
2.4 Certificates:
Xxxxxx'x offer is liable to be rejected if they don't upload any of the certificates / documents sought in the Bid document, ATC and Corrigendum if any.
2.5 Generic:
Bidders are advised to check applicable GST on their own before quoting. Buyer will not take any responsibility in this regards. GST reimbursement will be as per actuals or as per applicable rates (whichever is lower), subject to the maximum of quoted GST %.
2.6 Generic:
Buyer Organization specific Integrity Pact shall have to be complied by all bidders. Bidders shall have to upload scanned copy of signed integrity pact as per Buyer organizations policy along with bid. Click here to view the file
2.7 Generic:
Bidder shall submit the following documents along with their bid for Vendor Code Creation:
a. Copy of PAN Card.
b. Copy of GSTIN.
c. Copy of Cancelled Cheque.
d. Copy of EFT Mandate duly certified by Bank.
2.8 Forms of EMD and PBG :
Successful Bidder can submit the Performance Security in the form of Account Payee Demand Draft also (besides PBG which is allowed as per GeM GTC). DD should be made in favour of
payable at
SME SBI Branch, Galaxy Height, Vyapar Vihar, Bilaspur Chhattisgarh
. After award of contract, Successful Bidder can upload scanned copy of the DD in place of PBG and has to ensure delivery of hard copy to the original DD to the Buyer within 15 days of award of contract.
2.9 Generic:
Supplier shall ensure that the Invoice is raised in the name of Consignee with GSTIN of Consignee only.
2.10 Generic:
1. The Seller shall not assign the Contract in whole or part without obtaining the prior written consent of buyer.
2. The Seller shall not sub-contract the Contract in whole or part to any entity without obtaining the prior written consent of buyer.
3. The Seller shall, notwithstanding the consent and assignment/sub-contract, remain jointly and severally liable and responsible to buyer together with the assignee/ sub- contractor, for and in respect of the due performance of the Contract and the Sellers obligations there under.
2.11 Generic:
Without prejudice to Xxxxx’’s right to price adjustment by way of discount or any other right or remedy available to Buyer, Buyer may terminate the Contract or any part thereof by a written notice to the Seller, if:
i) The Seller fails to comply with any material term of the Contract.
ii) The Seller informs Buyer of its inability to deliver the Material(s) or any part thereof within the stipulated Delivery Period or such inability otherwise becomes apparent.
iii) The Seller fails to deliver the Material(s) or any part thereof within the stipulated Delivery Period and/or to replace/rectify any rejected or defective Material(s) promptly.
iv) The Seller becomes bankrupt or goes into liquidation.
v) The Seller makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors.
vi) A receiver is appointed for any substantial property owned by the Seller.
vii) The Seller has misrepresented to Buyer, acting on which misrepresentation Buyer has placed the Purchase Order on the Seller.
2.12 Generic:
1. The Bidder is advised to visit and examine the installation site and its surroundings and obtain for itself on its own responsibility all information that may be necessary for preparing the Bid. The costs of visiting the site shall be borne by the Bidder.
for address refer Buyer specification document 2. The Bidder representative shall be allowed entry upon consignee premises for such visits, only upon the express conditions that the Bidder will release and indemnify the Buyer and Consignee against all liabilities arising out of such visit including death or injury, loss or damage to property, and any other loss, damage, costs, and expenses incurred as a result of such visit. 3. The Bidder shall not be entitled to hold any claim against Xxxxx for noncompliance due to lack of any kind of pre-requisite information as it is the sole responsibility of the Bidder to obtain all the necessary information with regard to site, surrounding, working conditions, weather etc. on its own before submission of the bid. |
नोट: यह िसfटम जनरेटेटेेड फाइल है।ै। कोई हfताUर क आवsयकता नह? है।ै इस दfतावेṆेṆ का िIंटंट आउट भगुगु तान/लेनेनदेेन उ5ेेsय केे िलए माय नह? है।ै। Note: This is system generated file. No signature is required. Print out of this document is not valid for payment/ transaction purpose. |