Disgrifiad Swydd
Disgrifiad Swydd
Teitl y Swydd | Swyddog Ansawdd a Pherfformiad Cyflogadwyedd |
Gwasanaeth | Porth Cymorth Cynnar |
Graddfa | 8 |
Pwynt/iau Cyflog | 18 - 22 |
Cyflog | £24,982 - £27,041 |
Pwrpas y Swydd | Bydd deiliad y swydd yn cefnogi Rheolwr y Prosiect Cefnogi Cyflogadwyedd, y Swyddog Ansawdd Rhanbarthol a phartneriaid i baratoi, datblygu, monitro a gwerthuso'r broses o gyflawni'r prosiect gan gymryd rhan weithredol yn y gwaith o gynllunio, paratoi, datblygu ac ysgrifennu ceisiadau am gyllid. Cefnogi prosiectau Cyflogadwyedd yng Ngheredigion. Mae’r gwaith yn cynnwys gwerthuso, monitro a sicrhau gweithdrefnau ansawdd, yn ogystal â hyrwyddo arferion gorau. Monitro perfformiad y Xxx Cefnogi Cyflogadwyedd (prosiectau Gweithffyrdd+ a Chymunedau am Waith a Mwy a darparu gwybodaeth i’r Rheolwr Prosiectau. Bydd y deiliad swydd yn cynorthwyo’r Swyddog Ansawdd a Pherfformiad Rhanbarthol a’r Rheolwr Prosiectau Rhanbarthol a phartneriaid i baratoi, darparu, monitro a gwerthuso’r prosiect. Darparu cymorth i’r Xxx Cymorth Cyflogadwyedd sydd wrthi’n paratoi, darparu ac ysgrifennu adrannau o geisiadau am arian. Ariennir Gweithffyrdd+ yn rhannol gan Gronfa Gymdeithasol Ewrop drwy Lywodraeth Cymru. |
Lleoliad | Min y Môr, Aberaeron |
Oriau Gwaith | 37 awr yr wythnos |
Math o Gytundeb | Llawn-amser |
Hyd y Cytundeb | Cyfnod Penodol |
Teitl swydd y Rheolwr Llinell | Rheolwr Addysg Gymunedol |
Cyfrifoldebau Goruchwylio / Rheoli | Dim |
Atebolrwydd | • Bydd y deiliad swydd yn gyfrifol am hwyluso gweinyddiad cyffredinol a sicrwydd ansawdd y prosiect. • Bydd y deiliad swydd yn adrodd i Reolwr Cymorth Cyflogadwyedd Ceredigion. • Yn lleol, bydd y deiliad swydd yn cynorthwyo i ddatblygu a gweithredu’r prosiect a bydd yn atebol i’r Rheolwr Prosiectau Cymorth Cyflogadwyedd. Sicrhau xxxx ansawdd a pherfformiad y gwaith papur a’r xxx cyflawni a sicrhau bod yna gydymffurfio. |
Telerau Cytundebol sy'n Gysylltiedig â'r Swydd |
Dyletswyddau a chyfrifoldebau | |
1. Ynghyd â systemau cadw cofnodion cadarn a chywir, drwy gynorthwyo gyda systemau ychwanegu data a gwaith papur a fernir yn angenrheidiol er mwyn hwyluso’r gwaith o redeg prosiectau cyflogadwyedd, ac adrodd arnynt yn effeithiol. 2. Cynorthwyo i ddatblygu a sicrhau effeithlondeb ffurflenni prosiect a gwaith papur er mwyn cofnodi gwybodaeth glir am y cyfranogwyr, gan gynnal yr xxxx gofnodion yn unol â GDPR a chan ddehongli polisïau a gweithdrefnau rhanbarthol a lleol er mwyn casglu gwybodaeth gywir a gwneud argymhellion ar gyfer unrhyw newid. 3. Monitro, gwerthuso a gwneud argymhellion i sicrhau bod y broses fonitro’n cwrdd ag anghenion esblygol y prosiectau, a bod yr xxxx staff yn gallu defnyddio’r systemau’n effeithiol. 4. Trefnu cyfnod cynefino â’r prosiect ar gyfer aelodau staff newydd. 5. Cydlynu’r xxx cyflawni gyda chyfarfodydd xxx a chyfarfodydd llwyth achosion rheolaidd, gan gynnig cyngor ac arweiniad ar lwythi achosion. 6. Bod yn greadigol ac yn arloesol wrth benderfynu a chytuno ar gynlluniau gweithredu ar gyfer cyfranogwyr ac wrth drefnu arferion gwaith newydd. 7. Dosbarthu a lledaenu canllawiau ar gyfer staff a sicrhau bod pob un ohonynt yn cael hyfforddiant digonol mewn perthynas â’r xxxx faterion ansawdd. 8. Monitro ffeiliau cyfranogwyr, rhai papur ac electronig, gan gynorthwyo’r xxx i sicrhau eu bod yn cynnwys tystiolaeth ddigonol i fodloni’r amodau grant a’r ystadegau proffilio a gytunwyd, ac adrodd ar unrhyw amrywiadau. 9. Cynhyrchu a dadansoddi adroddiadau ystadegol rheolaidd i ddarparu gwybodaeth a chymorth i’r Rheolwr Prosiectau Lleol a Rhanbarthol mewn perthynas â darparu gwasanaeth, hunan-asesiad, adolygu ac archwilio, mewn modd amserol a chywir. 10. Cynnal gwiriadau trylwyr o ffeiliau, gan roi adborth a chyngor clir i’r xxx cyflenwi, gan gynnwys at ddibenion gwneud penderfyniad ynghylch gwneud taliadau cyllid i’r cyfranogwr. 11. Paratoi data a gwybodaeth yr xxxx gyfranogwyr yn unol â gofynion archwiliadau CSC, WEFO ac EFAT. 12. Sicrhau bod yr xxxx ddogfennau perthnasol sy’n arddangos cymhwysedd gweithgareddau a ddarperir gan y prosiect ar gyfer grant yn cael eu cwblhau a’u cadw’n unol â pholisïau CSC a WEFO. 13. Sicrhau bod y modd y mae gwasanaethau’n cael eu caffael yn cydymffurfio â rheolau cymhwysedd CSC a WEFO. 14. Bydd gofyn i’r deiliad swydd fynychu cyfweliadau a chyfarfodydd â chyfranogwyr, aelodau o’r cyhoedd a rhanddeiliaid. (Gall cyfranogwyr fod ag anabledd corfforol neu gyflwr iechyd, anabledd dysgu, afiechyd meddyliol, problemau camddefnyddio sylweddau neu euogfarnau troseddol.) 15. Bydd deiliad y swydd yn wynebu ymyriadau rheolaidd sy'n golygu newid i raglen waith wahanol sawl gwaith y dydd. Xxx xxx xxx prosiect feini prawf gwahanol ar gyfer gwaith papur, cymhwysedd a chanlyniadau disgwyliedig y xxx xxxxx eu monitro, eu harchwilio a sicrhau ansawdd. Yn aml bydd gwaith sydd wedi'i gynllunio yn cael ei adael er mwyn xxxxx â thasgau mwy xxxx (e.e. terfynau amser, galwadau am wybodaeth/cyngor, galwadau gan gydweithwyr ac ati) sy'n gofyn am wybodaeth a sgiliau manwl; mae 2 faes gwaith gwahanol sef Ansawdd a monitro/archwilio perfformiad ar gyfer 3 phrosiect 16. Sefydlu a chynnal perthynas waith effeithiol â rhanddeiliaid ac asiantaethau cyfeirio, gan gynnwys staff y Ganolfan Byd Gwaith; y xxx Rheoli Rhanbarthol; timau mewnol; y cyhoedd a defnyddwyr gwasanaethau; y Trydydd Sector; y bwrdd iechyd lleol; unrhyw gyrff eraill perthnasol. 17. Cynorthwyo i nodi cyfleoedd i ymestyn a/neu ddatblygu’r prosiect ymhellach. |
18. Meddu ar yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf o ran dehongli a gweithredu canllawiau ariannu a ddarperir gan WEFO / y Rheolwr Prosiect / Llywodraeth Cymru, gan sicrhau bod unrhyw newidiadau i bolisïau neu ddeddfwriaeth newydd yn cael eu hadlewyrchu yn y modd y darperir gwasanaethau ac arferion gwaith. 19. Darparu gwybodaeth ystadegol ar gyfer cyflwyno’r hawliadau a’r ffurflenni ariannol angenrheidiol ar gyfer grant. 20. Ymgymryd â gwiriadau cymhwysedd llym ar unrhyw wariant a chanlyniadau a adroddir mewn perthynas â gweithgaredd prosiectau yng Ngheredigion. Gweithredu fel y prif gyswllt rhwng Ceredigion â’r Partneriaid Arweiniol mewn perthynas â materion Ansawdd a Pherfformiad. 21. Llunio adroddiadau misol, chwarterol a blynyddol i’w cyflwyno i’r Rheolwr Prosiectau a deiliaid Partneriaid Arweiniol Rhanbarthol. 22. Cydweithio â chyfranogwyr, mentoriaid a chyflogwyr lleol gyda Chyfleoedd Gwaith â Thâl, gan sicrhau bod y Cytundebau Lefel Gwasanaeth yn cael eu sefydlu a’u bodloni. 23. Cymeradwyo gwasanaethau hyfforddi yn unol â chanllawiau a phrotocolau caffael CSC a WEFO. Gwerthuso darparwyr, gan bennu addasrwydd a dyrannu contractau a chytundebau i gyflenwi gwasanaethau gyda darparwyr gwasanaethau mewnol ac allanol. 24. Cynrychioli Xxx y Prosiect a Chyngor Sir Ceredigion mewn cyfarfodydd perthnasol, digwyddiadau a Grwpiau Gorchwyl yn ôl y cyfarwyddyd. Gwneud cyflwyniadau sy’n hyrwyddo’r prosiect gerbron timau mewnol ac allanol a sefydliadau. 25. Gweithio oriau anghymdeithasol x xxxx i’w gilydd, gan gynnwys ar nosweithiau a phenwythnosau fel xx xxxxx. 26. Cadw offer ac asedau’n ddiogel, gan gynnwys gliniadur, cyfrifiadur a ffôn symudol. 27. Bod yn gyfrifol am gofnodi’n gywir xxxx ddogfennau cau’r prosiect, gan archifo gwybodaeth yn unol â chanllawiau cadw CSC a WEFO. Safonau Perfformiad 28. Sicrhau bod y prosiect yn cael ei gyflawni o fewn y proffil cyflawni a gytunwyd ac i’r xxxxx xx’n ofynnol gan CSC a WEFO. 29. Llenwi ffurflenni ariannol y prosiect mewn modd amserol i sicrhau bod yna gydymffurfio â thelerau’r cytundeb. 30. Cyflwyno gwybodaeth ystadegol ac ariannol o fewn graddfeydd amser a gytunwyd h.y. hawliadau, anfonebau, taflenni amser, ffurflenni hawlio costau teithio ac ati, gan wneud ymholiadau am unrhyw anghysondeb gyda Staff, cyfranogwyr, darparwyr hyfforddiant a/neu gyflogwyr lleol fel xx xxxxx. | |
Cyfeirnod at Ddibenion Gwerthuso Swyddi | JD 785-04 |
Manyleb Personol
Gofynnol | |||
Cymwysterau Academaidd / Proffesiynol / Technegol / Galwedigaethol | • Addysg hyd at gymwysterau academaidd/ proffesiynol perthnasol neu’n gweithio tuag atynt e.e. meddu ar ILM Lefel 5 neu gyfwerth mewn pwnc priodol e.e. Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol neu ddadansoddi data neu brawf o brofiad. | ||
Sgiliau Ieithyddol Cymraeg | Gwrando/Siarad: | Lefel 5 | Rhaid cwrdd â’r sgiliau ieithyddol Cymraeg a nodwyd o xxxx xxx flynedd i benodiad |
Darllen: | Lefel 3 | ||
Ysgrifennu: | Lefel 3 | ||
Sgiliau Ieithyddol Saesneg | Gwrando/Siarad: | Lefel 5 | Rhaid cwrdd â’r sgiliau ieithyddol Saesneg a nodwyd o xxxx xxx flynedd i benodiad |
Darllen: | Lefel 5 | ||
Ysgrifennu: | Lefel 5 | ||
Sgiliau Ymarferol / Personol | • Ymwybyddiaeth o amcanion, polisïau a meini prawf Prosiectau a ariannir gan yr UE • Meddu ar yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am fudd-daliadau a deddfwriaeth cyflogaeth ac anabledd • Y gallu i weithio xxx bwysau i gyflawni amcanion o fewn terfynau amser penodedig llym • Profiad o weithdrefnau archwilio WEFO • Profiad o fonitro perfformiad xxx • Profiad o fonitro targedau prosiect • Profiad o gyflwyno data ac adroddiadau • Prawf o allu i gyfathrebu’n effeithiol ar xxx xxxxx, ynghyd â’r gallu i ysgogi eraill • Ymrwymiad parhaus i ddatblygiad personol a phroffesiynol a datblygu sgiliau • Agwedd anfeirniadol ac ymrwymiad i Gyfleoedd Cyfartal • Sefydlu a chwrdd ag amcanion a thargedau gwaith • Y gallu i weithio ar xxxx liwt xxxx hun ac fel rhan o dîm, gan arddangos y gallu i reoli amser yn effeithiol • Y sgiliau a’r gallu angenrheidiol i gynghori, cynorthwyo ac ysgogi unigolion • Sgiliau trefnu, cyfathrebu, TG a gweinyddu da • Y gallu i flaenoriaethu llwyth gwaith yn unol ag anghenion a gofynion y xxx • Rhaid bod gan y deiliad swydd sgiliau rheoli amser ardderchog i ymdopi â llwyth achosion amrywiol gyda blaenoriaethau a therfynau amser sy’n gwrthdaro. Sgiliau cyfathrebu, arweinyddiaeth a gwneud penderfyniadau ardderchog. • Y gallu i weithio’n unol â pholisïau a gweithdrefnau’r Cyngor Sir a WEFO • Yn berchen/gyrru car |
Profiad Hanfodol | • Profiad o weithio gyda phobl xxx anfantais drwy waith xx xxxx Iechyd, Tai, Gofal Cymdeithasol neu’r Sector Gwirfoddol, a’r cymhlethdodau cysylltiedig • Yn meddu ar sgiliau rhyngbersonol da i ddatblygu a chynnal dulliau cyfathrebu effeithiol gyda chyrff perthnasol • Profiad o Brosiectau Cyflogaeth • Profiad o weithio gyda phobl diwaith • Profiad o roi gweithdrefnau a systemau newydd ar waith • Y gallu i gadw dogfennau cywir • Y gallu i ymateb i sefyllfaoedd sy’n newid a gweithio’n hyblyg yn unol â dyletswyddau’r swydd • Yn meddu ar y gallu i ymchwilio i wybodaeth i gynorthwyo cyflogwyr gyda’u hanghenion recriwtio a’u hanghenion busnes • Prawf o’r gallu i weithio’n agos ac mewn modd llwyddiannus â sefydliadau sy’n bartneriaid • Yn meddu ar ddealltwriaeth o bolisïau Cyfleoedd Cyfartal |
Hyfforddiant/addysg y mae’n ofynnol eu cyflawni/mynd ati i’w cyflawni ar gyfer y swydd | Ymgymryd â dysgu, hyfforddiant a datblygu sy’n berthnasol i’r rôl. |
Dymunol | |
Cymwysterau / Hyfforddiant | |
Sgiliau Ymarferol / Personol |
Post Name | Employability Quality & Performance Officer |
Service | Porth Cymorth Cynnar |
Grade | 8 |
Spinal Point/s | 18 - 22 |
Salary | £24,982 - £27,041 |
Job Purpose | The post holder will support the Employability Support Project Manager, the Regional Quality Officer & partners in preparing, developing, monitoring and evaluating the delivery of the project. Actively participating in the planning, preparing, developing and writing of funding applications. To support the Employability projects in Ceredigion. Work includes evaluating, monitoring and ensuring quality procedures and promoting best practices. To monitor the performance of the Employability Support Team (Workways+ and Communities for Work+ projects) team and provide information to the Project Manager. The post holder will support the regional Quality & Performance Officer and Regional Project Manager and partners in preparing, delivering, monitoring and evaluating the project. Providing support to the Employability Support Team actively participating in planning, preparing, delivering and writing sections of funding applications. Workways+ is part funded by the European Social Fund through the Welsh Government. |
Location | Min y Mor, Aberaeron |
Hours of Work | 37 hours per week |
Type of Contract | Full-time |
Contract Duration | Fixed Term |
Line Managers Job Title | Community Education Manager |
Supervisory/Managerial Responsibilities | None |
Accountability | • The post be responsible for the smooth running of the general administration and quality assurance of the project. • The post holder will report to the Ceredigion Employability Support Manager. • Locally the post holder will assist in the development and implementation of the project and be accountable to the Employability Support Project Manager. Ensuring the full |
quality, performance and compliance of paperwork and of the delivery team. | |
Contractual Terms Associated with the Post | |
Duties and Responsibilities | |
1. Maintain a monitoring, reporting and evaluation system for the project, with robust and accurate record keeping systems by assisting with populating database systems and paperwork deemed necessary for the smooth running and effective reporting of the employability projects. 2. Assist with the development and effectiveness of project forms and paperwork for the clear recording of participant information, while maintaining all records in compliance with GDPR whilst interpreting Regional and local policies and procedures for the capture of correct information and making recommendations for any change. 3. Monitor, evaluate and make recommendations to ensure that the monitoring process meets the evolving needs of the projects and that all staff are able to use the systems effectively. 4. Arrange induction into the project for new staff members. 5. Co-ordinate the delivery team with regular team and caseload meetings, offering advice and guidance for caseloads. 6. Be creative and innovative when deciding on and agreeing action plans for participants and when arranging new working practices. 7. Distribute and disseminate guidelines for staff and ensure they all have adequate training in respect of all quality matters. 8. Monitor participant files, both paper and electronic, supporting the team to ensure that they contain sufficient evidence to meet the grant conditions, and agreed profiled statistics and report on any variances. 9. Produce and analyse regular statistical reports to inform and support the Local and Regional Project Manager in service delivery, self-assessment, review and audit in a timely and accurate manner. 10. Conduct thorough file checks with clear feedback and advice for delivery team including for the purpose in the decision making for any payment of funding for the participant. 11. Prepare all participant data and information in accordance with CCC, WEFO and EFAT audit visits requirements. 12. Ensure that all relevant documentation demonstrating the grant eligibility of activities delivered by the project is completed and retained according to CCC and WEFO policies. 13. Ensure that procurement of services delivered meet CCC & WEFO eligibility rules. 14. The post holder will be required to attend interviews and meetings with participants, members of the public and stakeholders. (Participants may have a physical disability or health condition, learning disability, mental ill health, substance misuse issues or criminal convictions.) 15. The post holder will be subject to regular interruptions involving switching to a different programme of work several times a day. Each project has different paperwork and eligibility criteria and expected outcomes which need to be monitored, audited and quality assured. Planned work often giving way to more urgent tasks (eg deadlines, demands for information/advice, demands from colleagues etc) requiring detailed knowledge and skills; there are 2 distinct work areas Quality and monitoring/auditing of performance for 3 projects 16. Establish and maintain effective working relationships with stakeholders and referral agencies including Job Centre Plus staff; Regional Management team; internal teams; the public and service users; Third sector; local health board; any other relevant parties |
17. To assist with identifying opportunities to extend and/or develop the project further 18. Keep up to date in interpreting and applying funding guidance provided by WEFO / Project Manager / Welsh Government ensuring any changes to policies or new legislation are reflected in the service delivery and working practises. 19. To offer statistical information for the submission of necessary grant claims and financial returns. 20. To undertake stringent eligibility checks on any expenditure and reported outcomes relating to project activity within Ceredigion. Act as the primary link between Ceredigion and the Lead Partners in relation to Quality & Performance matters. 21. Create monthly, quarterly and annual reports to present to the Project Manager and, Regional Lead Partners holders. 22. Liaise with participants, Mentors and Local employers with Paid Work Opportunities (PWO) ensuring the Service Level Agreement (SLA) are established, observed and adhered to. 23. Approve training services as per the CCC and WEFO guidelines and procurement protocols. Evaluation of providers, determining suitability and allocating contracts and agreements to deliver services with internal and external service providers. 24. Represent the Project Team and Ceredigion County Council at relevant meetings, events and Task Groups as directed. Deliver presentations promoting the project to internal and external teams and organisations 25. Occasionally work unsocial hours, including evening and weekend work as required. 26. Safekeeping of equipment and assets including laptop computer and mobile phone. 27. Be responsible for the accurate recording of all the project closure documentation and archiving of information in accordance to CCC and WEFO retention guidelines. Standards of Performance 28. Ensure the project is delivered within the agreed delivery profile and to the standard required by CCC and WEFO 29. Complete project returns in a timely manner to ensure the compliance with the terms of the agreement. 30. Submit statistical and financial information within agreed timescales i.e. claims, invoices, timesheets, mileage claim forms etc and querying discrepancies with Staff, participants, training providers and/or local employers as required. | |
Job Evaluation Post Ref | JD 785-04 |
Person Specification
Essential | |||
Academic / Professional / Technical / Vocational Qualifications | • Educated to relevant academic/professional qualifications or working towards e.g. possession of ILM Level 5 or equivalent in an appropriate subject e.g. Health and Social Care or data analysis or demonstrable experience. | ||
Welsh Linguistic Skills | Listening/Speaking: | Level 5 | The Welsh linguistic skills noted must be attained within two years of appointment. |
Reading: | Level 3 | ||
Writing | Level 3 | ||
English Linguistic Skills | Listening/Speaking: | Level 5 | The English linguistic skills noted must be attained within two years of appointment. |
Reading: | Level 5 | ||
Writing | Level 5 | ||
Practical and personal skills | • An awareness of objectives, policies and criteria for EU funded Projects. • Up to date knowledge of employment and disability benefits and legislation. • Ability to work under pressure in order to deliver objectives within tight specified deadlines • Experience of WEFO audit procedures • Experience monitoring team performance • Experience of monitoring project targets • Experience of presenting data & reports • Proven ability to communicate effectively at all levels, with an ability to motivate others • Committed to continuing personal and professional development and skills • A non-judgemental attitude and commitment to Equal Opportunities • Establish and meet work objectives and targets. • Ability to work on own and as part of a team, demonstrating effective time management. • Skills and abilities required to advise, support and motivate individuals • Good organisational, communication, IT and administration skills • Ability to prioritise workload in line with demands and requirements of the team • The post holder must have excellent time management skills to cope with a varied caseload of conflicting priorities and deadlines. Excellent communication, leadership and decision making skills. • Ability to work within the County Council and WEFO policies and procedures • Car owner/driver | ||
Required Experience | • Experience of working with disadvantaged people through work in Health, Housing, Social Care or the Voluntary Sector, and the complexities involved. |
• Possess good interpersonal skills to develop and maintain effective communication with relevant parties • Experience of Employment Projects • Experience of working with unemployed people • Experience of implementing new procedures and systems • Ability to maintain accurate documentation. • Ability to respond and work flexibly to changing situations in line with the duties of the post • Possess the ability to research information to support employers with their recruitment and business needs • Possess proven ability to work closely and successfully with partnership organisations • Possess an understanding of Equal Opportunities policies | ||
Training/education required to be undertaken for the post/worked towards | Undertake learning, training and development relevant to the role. | |
Desirable | ||
Qualifications / Training | ||
Practical / Personal Skills |