L E G N A R O (PD)
N. 412 del 04/09/2019
OGGETTO: Approvazione degli schemi di contratti cd. ``Biological Material Transfer Agreement `` tra il National Institute for Pubblic Health and the Environment, quale Centro di Referenza Comunitario per le Salmonelle e l`IZSVe, quale Laboratorio Nazionale di riferimento per la Salmonellosi - NRL per la cessione di ceppi di Salmonella Enteritidis e Salmonella Typhimurium da utilizzare per una metodica analitica.
Atto sottoscritto digitalmente ai sensi del D.Lgs. 82/2005 s.m.i. e norme collegate e sostituisce il documento cartaceo e la firma autografa
L E G N A R O (PD)
OGGETTO: Approvazione degli schemi di contratti cd. ``Biological Material Transfer Agreement `` tra il National Institute for Pubblic Health and the Environment, quale Centro di Referenza Comunitario per le Salmonelle e l`IZSVe, quale Laboratorio Nazionale di riferimento per la Salmonellosi - NRL per la cessione di ceppi di Salmonella Enteritidis e Salmonella Typhimurium da utilizzare per una metodica analitica.
Si sottopone al Direttore generale f.f. la seguente relazione del Responsabile della SCA1 – Risorse Umane, Rapporti Esterni e Gestione Documenti.
Si premette che:
- ai sensi dell’art. 1, comma 6, del D.Lgs. n. 270/1993 e dell’art. 9, comma 2, del D.Lgs. n. 106/2012 “Gli Istituti, in relazione allo svolgimento delle loro competenze, possono stipulare convenzioni o contratti di consulenza per la fornitura di servizi e per l’erogazione di prestazioni ad enti, associazioni, organizzazioni pubbliche e private, sulla base di disposizioni regionali […]”;
- l’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, nel quadro dei propri compiti istituzionali – di cui all’art. 3, dell’Accordo sulla gestione dell’IZSVe approvato dalla Regione del Veneto, dalla Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia e dalle Province Autonome di Trento e Bolzano, rispettivamente, con Leggi n. 5/2015, n. 9/2015, n. 5/2015 e n. 5/2015 – provvede all’effettuazione di ricerche di base e finalizzate per lo sviluppo delle conoscenze nell’igiene e sanità veterinaria, nella sicurezza alimentare e nutrizione, secondo programmi e anche mediante convenzioni con università e istituti di ricerca italiani e stranieri, nonché su richiesta dello Stato, delle Regioni, delle Province autonome e di enti pubblici e privati;
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X.X.X.Xx – Deliberazione del DIRETTORE GENERALE
- presso l’IZSVe è attivo il “Centro di Referenza Nazionale per le Salmonellosi” che è stato istituito con decreto del Ministero della Salute del 4 ottobre 1999; dal 2006 è stato designato anche come “Laboratorio Nazionale di riferimento per le Salmonellosi – LNR”;
- nel 2007, inoltre, l’IZSVe è stato riconosciuto dall’Organizzazione mondiale della Sanità Animale (OIE) come Laboratorio di referenza OIE per le salmonellosi. In tale ambito il laboratorio fornisce supporto diagnostico, consulenza, attività di formazione ai paesi membri dell’OIE.
Con e-mail del 26.7.2019 il National Institute for Pubblic Health and the Environment, quale Centro di Referenza Comunitario per le Salmonelle, con sede in Olanda, ha inviato n. 2 contratti in lingua inglese cd “Material Transfer Agreement” per il trasferimento all’IZSVe di determinati ceppi di Salmonella Enteritidis e Salmonella Typhimurium da utilizzare come riferimento per una metodica analitica denominata MLVA, documenti allegati al presente provvedimento quali parti integranti e sostanziali (allegati n. 1 e n. 2).
Con ticket intranet n. 132328/2019, la Dott.ssa Xxxx Xxxxx, Dirigente Veterinario, Direttore ad interim della “SCS1 – Analisi del Rischio e Sorveglianza in Sanità Pubblica” dell’IZSVe ha richiesto a questa Struttura di procedere con gli adempimenti necessari alla sottoscrizione dei contratti in parola.
Il National Institute for Pubblic Health and the Environment, quale Centro di Referenza Comunitario per le Salmonelle, con i predetti contratti si impegna a fornire a titolo gratuito a questo Istituto i materiali biologici indicati negli annex; l’IZSVe in qualità di Laboratorio Nazionale di Riferimento per le Salmonellosi” – LNR, una volta ricevuti i ceppi, li trasferirà ai laboratori che ne avranno necessità a livello nazionale, previa trasmissione da parte dell’Istituto olandese della nota di autorizzazione.
Tutto ciò premesso, sulla base degli elementi riportati dal referente dell’istruttoria, si propone al Direttore generale f.f. quanto segue:
1. di approvare gli schemi di contratti in lingua inglese cd “Material Transfer Agreement” tra il National Institute for Pubblic Health and the Environment, quale Centro di Referenza Comunitario per le Salmonelle, e l’IZSVe quale Laboratorio Nazionale di Riferimento per le Salmonellosi – LNR”, per il trasferimento all’IZSVe di determinati ceppi di Salmonella Enteritidis e Salmonella Typhimurium da utilizzare come riferimento per una metodica analitica denominata MLVA, documenti che si allegano al presente provvedimento quali parti integranti e sostanziali (allegati n. 1 e n. 2);
2. di procedere, per l’effetto, alla sottoscrizione dei contratti di cui al punto che precede, ai sensi degli artt. 15 e 16 del vigente Accordo interregionale sulla gestione dell’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie;
3. di prendere atto che il National Institute for Pubblic Health and the Environment, quale Centro di Referenza Comunitario per le Salmonelle, con i predetti contratti si impegna a fornire a titolo gratuito a questo Istituto i materiali biologici indicati negli annex e che l’ l’IZSVe in qualità di Laboratorio Nazionale di Riferimento per le Salmonellosi” – LNR, una volta ricevuti i ceppi, li trasferirà ai laboratori che ne avranno necessità a
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X.X.X.Xx – Deliberazione del DIRETTORE GENERALE
livello nazionale, previa trasmissione da parte dell’Istituto olandese della nota di autorizzazione.
ESAMINATA la proposta di deliberazione del Responsabile della SCA1 – Risorse Umane, Rapporti Esterni e Gestione Documenti che attesta la regolarità della stessa in ordine ai contenuti sostanziali, formali e di legittimità dell’atto, attestazione allegata al presente provvedimento.
VISTA l’attestazione di copertura della spesa, ove prevista, allegata al presente provvedimento.
VISTA la DDG n. 164 del 27 marzo 2018 con la quale la dott.ssa Xxxxxxx Xxxxx è stata nominata Direttore sanitario dell’Istituto.
VISTA la DDG n. 166 del 11 aprile 2019 avente ad oggetto “Applicazione dell’art. 3, comma 6, del D.Lgs. 502/1992 e s.m.i. e dell’art. 16, comma 5, dell’Accordo per la gestione dell’Istituto tra la Regione Veneto, la Regione Autonoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia, la Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano e la Provincia Autonoma di Trento, approvato con atto normativo degli Enti cogerenti. Presa d’atto” con la quale si prende atto che, a decorrere dal 13 aprile 2019, le funzioni di Direttore generale sono svolte dal Direttore sanitario ai sensi delle sopracitate disposizioni.
VISTA la DDG n. 332 del 22 luglio 2016 con la quale il Xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx è stato nominato Direttore amministrativo dell’Istituto.
ACQUISITO il parere favorevole del Direttore amministrativo per quanto di competenza, espresso ai sensi dell’art. 15, comma 3, dello Statuto dell’Istituto, adottato con DCA n. 16 del 3 agosto 2015 e approvato con DGRV n. 1320 del 9 ottobre 2015.
VISTO l’art. 15 del D.Lgs. n. 106 del 28 giugno 2012 il quale, al primo comma, dispone che “… Gli organi degli Istituti in carica alla data di entrata in vigore del presente decreto sono prorogati sino all’insediamento dei nuovi organi”.
VISTO l’Accordo per la gestione dell’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie tra la Regione del Veneto, la Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia e le Province Autonome di Trento e Bolzano, approvato dai suddetti Enti, rispettivamente, con leggi n. 5/2015, n. 9/2015, n. 5/2015 e n. 5/2015.
1. di approvare gli schemi di contratti in lingua inglese cd “Material Transfer Agreement” tra il National Institute for Pubblic Health and the Environment, quale Centro di Referenza Comunitario per le Salmonelle, e l’IZSVe quale Laboratorio Nazionale di Riferimento per le Salmonellosi – LNR”, per il trasferimento all’IZSVe di determinati ceppi di Salmonella Enteritidis e Salmonella Typhimurium da utilizzare come riferimento per una metodica analitica denominata MLVA, documenti che si
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Pagina 3 di 5
X.X.X.Xx – Deliberazione del DIRETTORE GENERALE
allegano al presente provvedimento quali parti integranti e sostanziali (allegati n. 1 e n. 2);
2. di procedere, per l’effetto, alla sottoscrizione dei contratti di cui al punto che precede, ai sensi degli artt. 15 e 16 del vigente Accordo interregionale sulla gestione dell’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie;
3. di prendere atto che il National Institute for Pubblic Health and the Environment, quale Centro di Referenza Comunitario per le Salmonelle, con i predetti contratti si impegna a fornire a titolo gratuito a questo Istituto i materiali biologici indicati negli annex e che l’ l’IZSVe in qualità di Laboratorio Nazionale di Riferimento per le Salmonellosi” – LNR, una volta ricevuti i ceppi, li trasferirà ai laboratori che ne avranno necessità a livello nazionale, previa trasmissione da parte dell’Istituto olandese della nota di autorizzazione.
Il presente provvedimento non è soggetto al controllo previsto dall’Accordo per la gestione dell’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie approvato dagli Enti cogerenti con le leggi regionali e provinciali citate nelle premesse.
Dott.ssa Xxxxxxx Xxxxx
Sul presente atto deliberativo ha espresso parere favorevole Il Direttore amministrativo
xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx
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X.X.X.Xx – Deliberazione del DIRETTORE GENERALE
Il Responsabile della Struttura proponente attesta la regolarità della proposta di deliberazione, presentata per l’adozione, in ordine ai contenuti sostanziali, formali e di legittimità dell’atto e che la stessa:
Comporta spesa 🞏 su Finanziamento istituzionale 🞏
Finanziamento vincolato 🞏
Altri finanziamenti 🞏
Non comporta spesa ⌧
Il Responsabile del Budget attesta l’avvenuto controllo sulla disponibilità di budget
Evidenziato infine che il responsabile della Struttura proponente, con la sottoscrizione della proposta di cui al presente atto, dichiara, sotto la propria responsabilità ed ai sensi e agli effetti degli artt. 47 e 76 del dPR 28 dicembre 2000, n. 445, che, in relazione alla presente procedura, non si trova in condizioni di incompatibilità di cui all’art. 35 bis del d.lgs. n. 165/2001, né sussistono conflitti di interesse di cui all’art. 6 bis della legge n. 241/1990 e agli artt. 6, 7 e 14 del dPR n. 62/2013.
Dott.ssa Xxxxx Xxxxxx
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Viale dell’Università 10 – 00000 XXXXXXX (XX)
OGGETTO: Approvazione degli schemi di contratti cd. ``Biological Material Transfer Agreement `` tra il National Institute for Pubblic Health and the Environment, quale Centro di Referenza Comunitario per le Salmonelle e l`IZSVe, quale Laboratorio Nazionale di riferimento per la Salmonellosi - NRL per la cessione di ceppi di Salmonella Enteritidis e Salmonella Typhimurium da utilizzare per una metodica analitica.
Pubblicata dal 05/09/2019 al 20/09/2019 Atto immediatamente esecutivo
Il Responsabile della Pubblicazione Xxxxx Xxxxxxx
Elenco firmatari
Questo documento è stato firmato da:
Dott.ssa Xxxxx Xxxxxx - Affari Generali, Progetti e Convenzioni, Servizi Istituzionali e Digitalizzazione xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx - Direzione Amministrativa
Dott.ssa Xxxxxxx Xxxxx - Direzione Generale Xxxxx Xxxxxxx - - Gestione Atti
Material Transfer Agreement
The State of the Netherlands, represented by the Dutch Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport, represented by the Director-General of the Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) (RIVM), for these purposes represented by the head of the Centre for Zoonoses and Environmental Microbiology, dr. X.X. xxx xx Xxxxxxx, with registered offices at Antonie van Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0 at 3721 MA Bilthoven, the Netherlands (P.O. Box 1, 3720 BA Bilthoven),
- hereinafter referred to as ‘RIVM’ -
The state of Italy, represented by the Italian ministry of health, for these purposes represented by the head of the Istituto Zooprofilattico delle Venezie (Italian health authority and research organization for animal health and food safety) and head of the NRL- Salmonella dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, with registrered offices at Viale dell’Università 10
35020 Legnaro (Padova), Italy.
- hereinafter referred to as ‘the Recipient’ -
Scientist of RIVM: K.A. Mooijman MSc, head EURL-Salmonella, department of
Food, centre for Zoonoses and Environmental Microbiology
Scientist of Recipient: Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, head of the Istituto Zooprofilattico
Sperimentale delle Venezie (IZSVe) and of the Italian NRL Salmonella).
Agree to the following:
1. In Connection with the implementation of a Multi Locus variable number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA) assay for Salmonella Enteritidis in the laboratory of the NRL- Salmonella, RIVM will provide the Recipient with the following Material:
A set of 16 reference strains of Salmonella Enteritidis further described in detail in Annex A
The original owner of the strains is Public Health England, London, UK (PHE). PHE has granted permission to RIVM to distribute the Material to third parties on the understanding that the Material is transferred to third parties on terms of this MTA, and in particular it should be emphasised that PHE make no warranty
a) that it owns all necessary property and other rights in the Material and that their use will not infringe any patent, copyright, trade mark or other right owned by any third party; or
b) that the Materials are of merchantable or satisfactory quality or fit for any
particular purpose, have been developed with reasonable care and skill or tested, for the presence of pathogens or otherwise, or are viable, safe or non- toxic.
In addition, RECIPIENT agrees to indemnify PHE from and against all claims that may arise from third parties relating to supply, use or keeping, of the Material.
2. The use of the Material is limited to the specific purpose designated in article 1. The Agreement also applies to variations (derivatives) of the Material and the accompanying information. Place of performance will be the registered office of the receiving institute.
3. The Recipient agrees to use the Material in compliance with all applicable laws and ordinances, as well as any other applicable regulations, guidelines and safety rules. The Recipient ensures that he obtains all necessary authorization from the regulatory authorities and will submit proof of this authorization on request. Onward transfer by the Recipient to other persons of the Material or parts or variations thereof is permitted only if agreed upon in a separate agreement.
4. RIVM shall not be liable to the Recipient, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, in relation to the supply of the Material to the Recipient or its use or keeping by the Recipient or by any other person, or the consequences of their use, to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law. Therefore, according to Dutch law, RIVM shall not be liable for damages caused by the Material or its use, except in the case of gross negligence or willful acts.
The Recipient shall indemnify and hold harmless RIVM (including its directors, officers, employees and represen-tatives) from and against all Claims and Losses arising from such supply, use or keeping, including without limitation. Claims and Losses arising from:- (i) injury to the Institution's employees and third parties; (ii) infringement of third party intellectual property rights; and (iii) use of the Materials within or outside the scope of this Agreement. For the purposes of this Agreement: (i) 'Claims' shall mean all demands, claims, proceedings, penalties, fines and liability (whether criminal or civil, in contract, tort or otherwise); and (ii) 'Losses' shall mean all losses including without limitation financial losses, damages, legal costs and other expenses of any nature whatsoever.
In addition, RIVM will not be liable for the harmlessness of the Material. Although adequate care will be applied, contamination of physical Material cannot generally be excluded. Therefore, when applicable to the physical Material, the Recipient is obliged to observe and to comply with any information or measure of conduct amended in the Annex to this agreement.
Especially, RIVM shall not be responsible for the Material’s fitness for use for the intended research purposes.
5. The Recipient therefore agrees to retain control over this Material and further agrees not to transfer the Material to other people not under her or his direct supervision without the prior written approval of RIVM.
6. The Recipient agrees to keep strictly confidential all information marked as confidential
– (hereinafter referred to as Confidential Information), even after expiration of the
contract, and especially not to pass them on to third parties, unless the Recipient is forced to publish the information due to compulsory law or court order.
7. The Recipient shall keep the Material secure at the Recipient’s laboratory and shall not be removed from the Recipient’s address. The Recipient shall ensure that no-one other than the Recipient and authorised co-workers have access to them. The Recipient undertakes to ensure that the Material is appropriately safeguarded to prevent theft or unauthorised access.
8. The Recipient shall use the Material in accordance with good laboratory practice and the highest standards of skill and care and shall ensure compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and administrative guidelines governing the transportation, storage, use or disposal of the Material.
9. The Recipient shall not supply the Material to any other party without the prior written agreement from RIVM.
10. The Recipient shall acknowledge Public Health Enland as the source of the Material in any publication that mentions them.
11. Ownership of any improvement, modification, enhancement, developments, inventions and other creative ideas developed through the use of the Material (hereinafter referred to as “Invention”) will be negotiated in good faith by the parties hereto depending upon their relative contribution to the creation of said Invention and any applicable laws and regulations relating to ownership.
12. The Recipient shall provide RIVM with written notice of any Invention, which incorporates the Material or could not have been made but for the Material within a reasonable time of discovery thereof.
13. Both RIVM and Recipient agree not to use or refer to this Agreement in any promotional activity, or use the names or marks of the other without express written permission. However, this paragraph shall not preclude either Party's attribution of authorship in, and distribution of academic literature reporting the results of research conducted with the Materials in the Research Project.
14. The directors of both parties shall endeavor to settle any dispute amicably before referring it to a court of law.
All disputes resulting from this agreement that cannot be settled among the parties themselves shall be subject to arbitration under Dutch law by the Netherlands Arbitration Institute in Rotterdam. Its decision shall be binding for all parties.
For the RIVM:
Place and date Place and date
Dr. A.W. van de Giessen K.A. Mooijman MSc, Head EURL-Salmonella RIVM, Head Centre for Zoonoses and
Environmental Microbiology
on behalf of the Dutch Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport.
For the Recipient:
Place and date Place and date
Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, head of Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, head of Italian NRL-Salmonella Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle
Xxxxxxx, on behalf of the Italian Ministry of Health
Annex A to the Material Transfer Agreement
Reference strains of Salmonella Enteritidis for standardisation (sequenced at and proprietary to Public Health England; n=16).
‘NA’ designates a locus not present.
The fragment sizes are the true size according to sequence results. The MLVA profile is based on the number of repeat units.
For acknowledgement Public Health England (PHE) for using these reference strains refer to:
Xxxxxxx KL, Xxxxxx TM, de Xxxxx E, Xxxx J. Standardisation of multilocus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis (MLVA) for subtyping of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis. Euro Surveill. 2011 Aug 11;16(32).
Material Transfer Agreement
The State of the Netherlands, represented by the Dutch Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport, represented by the Director-General of the Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) (RIVM), for these purposes represented by the head of the Centre for Zoonoses and Environmental Microbiology, dr. X.X. xxx xx Xxxxxxx, with registered offices at Antonie van Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0 at 3721 MA Bilthoven, the Netherlands (P.O. Box 1, 3720 BA Bilthoven),
- hereinafter referred to as ‘RIVM’ -
The state of Italy, represented by the Italian ministry of health, for these purposes represented by the head of the Istituto Zooprofilattico delle Venezie (Italian health authority and research organization for animal health and food safety) and head of the NRL- Salmonella dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, with registrered offices at Viale dell’Università 10
35020 Legnaro (Padova), Italy.
- hereinafter referred to as ‘the Recipient’ -
Scientist of RIVM: K.A. Mooijman MSc, head EURL-Salmonella, department of Food centre for Zoonoses and Environmental Microbiology
Scientist of Recipient: Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, head of the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie (IZSVe) and of the Italian NRL-Salmonella
Agree to the following:
1. In Connection with the implementation of a Multi Locus variable number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA) assay for Salmonella Typhimurium in the laboratory of the NRL-Salmonella, RIVM will provide the Recipient with the following Material:
A set of 33 reference strains of Salmonella Typhimurium further described in detail in Annex A
The original owner of the strains is Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark (SSI). SSI has granted permission to RIVM to distribute the Material to third parties on the understanding that the Material is transferred to third parties on terms of this MTA, and in particular it should be emphasised that SSI make no warranty
a) that it owns all necessary property and other rights in the Material and that their use will not infringe any patent, copyright, trade mark or other right owned by any third party; or
b) that the Materials are of merchantable or satisfactory quality or fit for any particular purpose, have been developed with reasonable care and skill or tested, for the presence of pathogens or otherwise, or are viable, safe or non-
In addition, RECIPIENT agrees to indemnify SSI from and against all claims that may arise from third parties relating to supply, use or keeping, of the Material.
2. The use of the Material is limited to the specific purpose designated in article 1. The Agreement also applies to variations (derivatives) of the Material and the accompanying information. Place of performance will be the registered office of the receiving institute.
3. The Recipient agrees to use the Material in compliance with all applicable laws and ordinances, as well as any other applicable regulations, guidelines and safety rules. The Recipient ensures that he obtains all necessary authorization from the regulatory authorities and will submit proof of this authorization on request. Onward transfer by the Recipient to other persons of the Material or parts or variations thereof is permitted only if agreed upon in a separate agreement.
4. RIVM shall not be liable to the Recipient, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, in relation to the supply of the Material to the Recipient or its use or keeping by the Recipient or by any other person, or the consequences of their use, to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law. Therefore, according to Dutch law, RIVM shall not be liable for damages caused by the Material or its use, except in the case of gross negligence or willful acts.
The Recipient shall indemnify and hold harmless RIVM (including its directors, officers, employees and represen-tatives) from and against all Claims and Losses arising from such supply, use or keeping, including without limitation. Claims and Losses arising from:- (i) injury to the Institution's employees and third parties; (ii) infringement of third party intellectual property rights; and (iii) use of the Materials within or outside the scope of this Agreement. For the purposes of this Agreement: (i) 'Claims' shall mean all demands, claims, proceedings, penalties, fines and liability (whether criminal or civil, in contract, tort or otherwise); and (ii) 'Losses' shall mean all losses including without limitation financial losses, damages, legal costs and other expenses of any nature whatsoever.
In addition, RIVM will not be liable for the harmlessness of the Material. Although adequate care will be applied, contamination of physical Material cannot generally be excluded. Therefore, when applicable to the physical Material, the Recipient is obliged to observe and to comply with any information or measure of conduct amended in the Annex to this agreement.
Especially, RIVM shall not be responsible for the Material’s fitness for use for the intended research purposes.
5. The Recipient therefore agrees to retain control over this Material and further agrees not to transfer the Material to other people not under her or his direct supervision without the prior written approval of RIVM.
6. The Recipient agrees to keep strictly confidential all information marked as confidential
– (hereinafter referred to as Confidential Information), even after expiration of the contract, and especially not to pass them on to third parties, unless the Recipient is forced to publish the information due to compulsory law or court order.
7. The Recipient shall keep the Material secure at the Recipient’s laboratory and shall not be removed from the Recipient’s address. The Recipient shall ensure that no-one other than the Recipient and authorised co-workers have access to them. The Recipient undertakes to ensure that the Material is appropriately safeguarded to prevent theft or unauthorised access.
8. The Recipient shall use the Material in accordance with good laboratory practice and the highest standards of skill and care and shall ensure compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and administrative guidelines governing the transportation, storage, use or disposal of the Material.
9. The Recipient shall not supply the Material to any other party without the prior written agreement from RIVM.
10. The Recipient shall acknowledge Statens Serum Institut as the source of the Material in any publication that mentions them.
11. Ownership of any improvement, modification, enhancement, developments, inventions and other creative ideas developed through the use of the Material (hereinafter referred to as “Invention”) will be negotiated in good faith by the parties hereto depending upon their relative contribution to the creation of said Invention and any applicable laws and regulations relating to ownership.
12. The Recipient shall provide RIVM with written notice of any Invention, which incorporates the Material or could not have been made but for the Material within a reasonable time of discovery thereof.
13. Both RIVM and Recipient agree not to use or refer to this Agreement in any promotional activity, or use the names or marks of the other without express written permission. However, this paragraph shall not preclude either Party's attribution of authorship in, and distribution of academic literature reporting the results of research conducted with the Materials in the Research Project.
14. The directors of both parties shall endeavor to settle any dispute amicably before referring it to a court of law.
All disputes resulting from this agreement that cannot be settled among the parties themselves shall be subject to arbitration under Dutch law by the Netherlands Arbitration Institute in Rotterdam. Its decision shall be binding for all parties.
For the RIVM:
Place and date Place and date
Dr. A.W. van de Giessen K.A. Mooijman MSc, Head EURL-Salmonella RIVM, Head Centre for Zoonoses and
Environmental Microbiology
on behalf of the Dutch Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport.
For the Recipient:
Place and date
Place and date
Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, head of Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, Head of Italian NRL-Salmonella Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle
Xxxxxxx, on behalf of the Italian Ministry of Health
Annex A to the Material Transfer Agreement
Reference strains of Salmonella Typhimurium for standardisation (sequenced at and proprietary to Statens Serum Institut in Denmark; n=33).
Strain | MLVA fragment sizes | MLVA profile |
STm-SSI01 | 198-235-342-371-490 | 6-9-13-10-211 |
STm-SSI02 | 207-271-336-383-517 | 7-15-12-12-311 |
STm-SSI03 | 216-247-NA-NA-490 | 8-11-NA-NA-211 |
STm-SSI04 | 225-265-NA-NA-490 | 9-14-NA-NA-211 |
STm-SSI05 | 171-253-330-437-517 | 3-12-11-21-311 |
STm-SSI06 | 171-277-342-455-517 | 3-16-13-24-311 |
STm-SSI07 | 171-295-324-NA-490 | 3-19-10-NA-211 |
STm-SSI08 | 171-307-330-NA-490 | 3-21-11-NA-211 |
STm-SSI09 | 162-319-396-389-523 | 2-23-22-13-212 |
STm-SSI10 | 162-325-NA-NA-463 | 0-00-XX-XX-000 |
XXx-XXX00 | 162-337-306-359-523 | 2-26-7-8-212 |
STm-SSI12 | 162-247-342-365-523 | 2-11-13-9-212 |
STm-SSI13 | 171-271-348-377-517 | 3-15-14-11-311 |
STm-SSI14 | 171-265-354-449-517 | 3-14-15-23-311 |
STm-SSI15 | 162-253-408-359-523 | 2-12-24-8-212 |
STm-SSI16 | 162-241-414-359-550 | 2-10-25-8-312 |
STm-SSI17 | 171-265-438-NA-517 | 3-14-29-NA-311 |
STm-SSI18 | 162-247-342-335-523 | 2-11-13-4-212 |
STm-SSI19 | 162-235-336-341-523 | 2-9-12-5-212 |
STm-SSI20 | 171-277-342-485-517 | 3-16-13-29-311 |
STm-SSI21 | 180-235-300-359-616 | 4-9-6-8-314 |
STm-SSI22 | 162-301-342-377-469 | 0-00-00-00-00 |
STm-SSI23 | 162-277-318-395-484 | 2-16-9-14-310 |
STm-SSI24 | 180-283-312-347-265 | 4-17-8-6-105 |
STm-SSI25 | 162-253-342-347-298 | 2-12-13-6-106 |
STm-SSI26 | 171-283-378-407-517 | 3-17-19-16-311 |
STm-SSI27 | 189-253-312-371-436 | 5-12-8-10-11 |
STm-SSI28 | 189-259-300-353-337 | 5-13-6-7-8 |
STm-SSI29 | 171-223-360-497-517 | 3-7-16-31-311 |
STm-SSI30 | 162-211-288-389-370 | 2-5-4-13-9 |
STm-SSI31 | 171-253-306-NA-571 | 0-00-0-XX-000 |
XXx-XXX00 | 171-283-390-419-517 | 3-17-21-18-311 |
STm-SSI33 | 162-259-318-377-496 | 2-13-9-11-112 |
‘NA’ designates a locus not present.
The MLVA profile is based on the number of repeat units.
For acknowledgement Statens Serum Institut (SSI) for using these reference strains refer to: Xxxxxxx XX, Xxxxxxxx X, Xxxxxxxx XX, Xxxxxxxx X, Xxxxxxxxx BA and Nielsen EM, 2009.
Development of a new nomenclature for Salmonella Typhimurium multilocus variable number of tandem repeats analysis (MLVA). Euro Surveill. 2009;14(15):pii=19174. Available online: xxxx://