Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR) – Missione 4 – Componente 1 “Potenziamento dell’offerta dei servizi all’istruzione: dagli asili nido all’università” – Investimento 3.4 “Didattica e competenze universitarie avanzate”, Sotto-investimento T4 “Iniziative Transnazionali in materia di istruzione”, finanziato dall’Unione europea – NextGenerationEU.
(art. 8, par. 7 of the Notice)
Structure of the Proposal
As to the participation in the selection process the Project Proposal must be completed as follows.
The Proposal consists in:
Part A: General and Administrative Information
● General Information of the Project
● List of Participants
Part B: Application Form
● Objectives and expected results
● Concept and Methodology
● Work Plan
● Economic and Financial sustainability profile
● Characteristics of the Partners involved in the project
Font required: Times New Roman, 12
1. General Information of the Project
Project Title: Heritage for Future: bridging Italy and Latin America through mutual
learning and innovative teaching
Acronym: HerIT4Future
Start date of the project: 01/10/2024
Duration in months: 18
Project total amount (euro/€): 2,702,173.89
Project amount to be located in “Mezzogiorno” Regions (euro/€): 1,264,338.1
2. List of Participants
List of participating members of the Partnership/Consortium/Foundation: private or public Universities.
Once filling in the information in the schedule below, the first row has to be filled by the coordinator of the project, in bold type
N. | University/Consortium/ Foundation Name | University/Consortium/ Foundation Acronym | Type Private or public University |
1 | University of Bologna | UniBO | Public University |
2 | Polytechnic of Turin | PoliTO | Public University |
3 | University of Brescia | UniBS | Public University |
4 | University of Calabria | UniCal | Public University |
5 | University of Messina | UniME | Public University |
6 | University of Naples “Xxxxxxxx XX” | UniNA | Public University |
7 | University of Padua | UniPD | Public University |
8 | University of Pavia | UniPV | Public University |
9 | University of Salento | UniSal | Public University |
Please indicate the details of the possible foreign associate members (non-beneficiaries) of the Partnership below:
N. | Name of the associate member | Acronym of the associate member | Country |
1 | Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata | UNMDP | Argentina |
2 | Universidad Xxxxxx Xxxxxx | UAI | Chile |
3 | Universidade de São Paulo | USP | Brazil |
4 | Universidad de Oriente | UO | Cuba |
5 | Universidad de Xxxxxxx | UHO | Cuba |
6 | Universidad del Azuay | UAZUAY | Ecuador |
7 | Escuela Superior Politecnica de Chimborazo | ESPOCH | Ecuador |
8 | Universidad Regional Amazonica | IKIAM | Ecuador |
9 | Universidad Politécnica Salesiana | UPS | Ecuador |
10 | Universidad San Xxxxxxxxx de Quito | USFQ | Ecuador |
11 | Universidad Jesuita de Guadalajara | UJG | Mexico |
12 | Universidad de Chile | UChile | Chile |
13 | Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales Postgraduate University of Ecuador | IAEN | Ecuador |
14 | Universidad de Antofagasta | UANTOF | Chile |
15 | Universidad Catolica de Cordoba | UCC | Argentina |
16 | Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile | UC | Chile |
17 | Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico | ITAM | Mexico |
18 | Centro nacional de Educacion Sexual | CENESEX | Cuba |
19 | Universidad de Belgrano | UB | Argentina |
20 | Universidad Nacional de Rosario | UNR | Argentina |
21 | Universidad de Buenos Aires | UBA | Argentina |
22 | Universidad Catolica de Xxxxxxxx de Guayaquil | UCSG | Ecuador |
23 | Universidad Federal do Paraná | UFPR | Brazil |
24 | Universidad de Medellin | UDM | Colombia |
25 | Universidad de l’Habana | UH | Cuba |
26 | Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Perù | PUCP | Perù |
27 | Universidad de Cuenca | UCuenca | Ecuador |
28 | El Istituto Universitario de la Paz | UNIPAZ | Colombia |
29 | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro | UFRJ | Brazil |
30 | Universidad de la República | UDELAR | Uruguay |
31 | Universidad Federal de Bahia | UFB | Brazil |
32 | Universidad Central de Chile | UCC | Chile |
33 | Universidades Estadual de Campinas | UNICAMP | Brazil |
34 | Universidade Federal Fluminense | UFF | Brazil |
35 | Universidade Federal do Amazonas | UFAM | Brazil |
36 | Universidade Estadual Paulista "Xxxxx de Xxxxxxxx Filho" | UNESP | Brazil |
37 | Universidad De Especialidades Espiritu Santo | UEES | Ecuador |
38 | Universita' Federale Xxx Xxxxx' | UFC | Brazil |
39 | Universita' Catolica Del Maule | UCM | Chile |
40 | Universidad el Externado de Colombia | UExternado | Colombia |
41 | Universidad Nacional del Comahue | UNCOMA | Argentina |
42 | Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro | PUC-Rio | Brazil |
43 | Universidad Nacional de Cordoba | UNC | Argentina |
44 | Universidad Tecnica Xxxxxxxx Santa Xxxxx | UTFSM | Chile |
45 | Pontifícia Universidade Católica Do Rio Grande Do Sul | PUCRS | Brazil |
46 | Pontificia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais | PUCMINAS | Brazil |
47 | College of Law of Sao Xxxxxxxx do Campo | FDSBC | Brazil |
48 | Universidad del Xxxxxxxx | USAL | Argentina |
49 | Universidade Federal de Alfenas - Minas Gerais | UNIFAL-MG | Brazil |
50 | Instituto Tecnologico de Buenos Aires | ITBA | Argentina |
51 | Pontificia Universidad Javeriana | PUJ | Colombia |
52 | Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios de Monterrey | TECMont | Mexico |
53 | Universidad de los Andes | Uniandes | Colombia |
54 | Pontificia Universidad Catolica Xxxxxxxxx | XXXX | Argentina |
55 | Universidad Argentina de la Empresa | UADE | Argentina |
56 | Universidad de Valparaiso | UV | Chile |
57 | Universidad nacional de Colombia | UNC | Colombia |
58 | Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos | UNMSM | Perù |
59 | Universidad Nacional de Cuyo | UNCUYO | Argentina |
60 | Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria | UNI | Perù |
61 | Centro Universitario Catolica do Leste de Minas Gerais | UNILESTE | Brazil |
62 | Universidad Mayor | UMAYOR | Chile |
63 | Universidad Catolica de Salta | UCASAL | Argentina |
64 | Universidad de Guadalajara | UDG | Mexico |
65 | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina | UFSC | Brazil |
66 | Universidad Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx | UDP | Chile |
67 | Universidad Nacional del Litoral | UNL | Argentina |
68 | Universidad Isalud | ISALUD | Argentina |
69 | Universidad Andina Xxxxx Xxxxxxx | UASB | Ecuador |
In this section, please declare: the objectives and expected results of the project (see section 1), the planned activities, the description of Work packages (see section 2 and 3), and the financial and economic sustainability profile (section 4).
1. Objectives and expected results
Please, describe and motivate the objectives of the project and highlight the expected results in terms of innovation, internationalization, cooperation and promotion of academic programs. In addition, describe the overall project model in order to explain how this will enable to reach the project’s objectives.
In particular, in the section below, describe the objectives of the project, which should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based. Objectives should be consistent with the expected exploitation and impact of the project.
Please be specific and provide only information that applies to the proposal and its objectives. Wherever possible, use quantified indicators and targets.
(Max 5000 characters)
HerIt4Future intends to xxxxxx interactions and synergies between partner institutions in Italy and Latin America (LATAM) to create innovative transnational education programs on the topic of Heritage. Partner universities will reflect together on the range of possible meanings and impacts that a deep understanding, preservation and promotion of cultural and natural heritage can contribute to the design of innovative solutions for global challenges – from inclusive education to population health, from sustainable development to environmental protection, from digital transformation to migrations. Thanks to shared cultural roots also deriving from the significant presence of communities of Italian descent in LATAM countries, universities in Italy and Latin America have developed strong and long-lasting collaborations engaging a wide set of actors and nourishing a legacy which spans over traditions and generations. Since 1998 the Project Coordinator (UniBO) has a permanent representation in Buenos Aires (Representación en la República Argentina- Centro de Altos Estudios de la Università di Bologna). Building on such premises, HerIT4Future aims to take these productive and complementary relations to a further level, scaling them up in the direction of an intensified internationalization between the two areas, to be achieved through the joint planning and implementation of innovative academic programs.
SO1 The creation of an inclusive and diverse mobility scheme for students and academic staff between Italy and LATAM;
SO2 The design and delivery of innovative joint second and third cycle programs
involving partner universities;
SO3 The implementation of a comprehensive framework of joint Advanced Skills Courses (ASCs);
SO4 The creation of two hubs in Latin America that will serve as focal points for the project activities and ensure the sustainability of the cooperation beyond the duration of the project.
The mobility scheme (SO1) will be developed around existing collaborations that will ensure effective administrative support to all participants and mentoring to students during their periods abroad. The quality of the mobility scheme will be ensured by a rigorous selection of participants that will promote inclusiveness in terms of gender and socio-economic backgrounds.
Digging into the idea of heritage and shedding light on its multiple facets, partner institutions will jointly design innovative educational formats (SO2) based on mutual learning. They will target Master and PhD students, with particular attention to PhD programs in Digital and Green transitions.
Joint Advanced Skill Courses (SO3) will target early career researchers, university staff and former students/professionals interested in lifelong learning and be organized in both Italy and LATAM.
The high scientific quality of the academic offer for SO1-SO2-SO3 will be ensured by the thematic specialization of the WPs (see 3.1), that is designed to provide interdisciplinary, articulated and diverse learning opportunities.
SO4 foresees the establishment of two teaching and learning hubs, one in Buenos Aires, Argentina (Hub1 Cono Sur) and one in Cuenca, Ecuador (Hub2 Andes). These will serve to coordinate the activities for two broad geographical areas in LATAM (the Southern Cone and the Andean region) providing the necessary infrastructures, logistics and facilities for a successful implementation of the project.
- fostering an academic and intellectual exchange on the project’s theme to tackle issues lying at the crossroad of disciplines;
- providing students with novel approaches to complex and transversal issues, especially those related to global challenges connected to heritage protection, valorization and management;
- creating accessible and inclusive learning environments that honor diverse thinking and learning styles;
- promoting the creation and strengthening of permanent centers for the promotion of Italian higher education in LATAM and, in this way,
- ensuring the long-term sustainability of the joint Italian-LATAM collaborations deriving from this 2-year TNE project.
- 205 mobilities of academic staff and students implemented;
- max 11 joint program agreements at the end of the project;
- max 20 ASCs delivered both in Italy and LATAM;
- 2 permanent hubs created in LATAM.
Key performance indicators will be specified in WP11 (see below) that describes the overall quality assurance methodology of the project.
1.1. Scale and Significance baselines, benchmarks, and assumptions
In this section, please indicate both the extension and dimension of the project in terms of budget, activities to be carried and where, numbers of students involved in the projects, to evaluate the impact that each action has on the project.
HerIT4Future aims at integrating a set of internationalization tools (mobility, joint programs, ASCs) to enhance Italy-LATAM academic relations. The budget request of 2,702,173.89 euro reflects the effort to combine multiple activities to be held both in Italy and LATAM, including the establishment of the two project Hubs, Hub1 Cono Sur and Hub2 Andes (SO4). As described in section 4, most of the budget will be dedicated to mobility both in Italy and LATAM that will sustain the achievement of SO1, SO2 and SO3.
The scale and significance of the project may be summarized in the following aggregated data:
- The project will mobilize a total number of approximately 202 students and staff, a figure that shows the magnitude of the intervention. The mobilization of such a significant number of students and staff will contribute to the development of new skills and competences that can have an important impact on employability and career progressing
Scale & Significance
for all participants, with potential long-standing impacts for their institutions and communities.
More specifically, the project will mobilize approximately 113 students, at Master and PhD level, to study and conduct research in partner institutions both in Italy and LATAM. Exchanges will be facilitated by the adoption of common communication tools for the promotion of project’s activities (see WP12) and by the availability of administrative exchange units in all universities that will support students before, during and after the mobility. To promote intellectual exchange and mutual learning, all students’ mobility outputs (final thesis, publications, papers) will be co-supervised by an Italian mentor and a LATAM mentor.
The academic staff at partner and associated universities that is expected to be mobilized is approximately 89. They will spend one or two weeks in partner universities, being primarily involved in joint teaching activities with local staff. They will also be integrated into local research groups and participate to workshops and meetings to strengthen academic relations.
- Within project’s activities, LATAM and Italian universities will explore the feasibility of establishing and consolidating approximately 11 joint programs, identifying first the common ground among their own academic programs at Master and PhD level and then co-designing joint learning activities, defining exchange periods and establishing recognition mechanisms. This will be possible thanks to reciprocal visits of partner universities, with the aim of deepening the mutual understanding of local regulations and systems, meeting stakeholders, identifying reciprocal advantages and establishing the degree of possible integration.
- Finally, the project foresees the delivery of approximately 20 ASCs that will be held both in Italy and in LATAM, particularly at the two Hubs in Buenos Aires and Cuenca. These courses will be intensive programs of one or two weeks with the aim of gathering early career researchers, professional staff – both from within and from outside partner universities – and academics. They will be jointly designed by two or more institutions and their aim is to enhance the acquisition of advanced competences that could be beneficial for both participating institutions and for individual participants and their career development.
Overall, 69 LATAM universities will be involved in this project. The selection has been made taking into consideration the diversity of programs they offer and the willingness to include both big and small, public and private, comprehensive and specialized institutions. The number and diversity of the universities involved will result in an overarching involvement of LATAM universities, their students, academic staff and professionals. At the same time, it will also allow the engagement of students and staff from diverse backgrounds and minority groups, in this way pursuing the values of inclusion stated above. Finally, in term of impact, the contribution of each line of action described above can be summarized in a wider and more articulated offer of joint programs for LATAM and Italian universities and students; in a growing number of collaborations for researchers; in the creation of further opportunities for staff and student exchanges; in a growing interest in the research on heritage and related fields; in the more active involvement of the local communities of Italians living in LATAM, for example in new lines of investigation on heritage affecting those communities; in the professionalization of administrative staff to
be achieved through the delivery of ASCs; in the preparation of students as the potential next generation of professional staff through these ASCs; in growing opportunities to discuss prospective lines of inquiry and agreements between LATAM and Italian universities; and, above all, in the promotion of the Italian university system abroad
2. Concept and Methodology
Describe and explain the overall concept underpinning the project. Describe the main ideas, models or assumption involved;
Describe and explain the overall approach, distinguishing as appropriate, coordination and support activities;
Describe the activities related to the project and provide evidence about the impact of the activities on the countries involved.
(Max 5000 characters)
Heritage as a concept: models and ideas
The overall concept underpinning the project is that Heritage is an especially suitable and productive field of study to build an innovative, internationalized and mutually enriching framework for the development of joint teaching programs, student and staff exchanges as well as Advanced Skills courses.
Heritage is the corpus of traditions, knowledge, beliefs, languages, artifacts, sites, resources, and buildings that belong to a nation or a group and in many ways shapes its identity. It is the result of historical processes, in which migrations and the formation of diaspora communities have a critical role. Widely conceived, Heritage deals with both the cultural dimension, in all its different facets, and the natural one, with landscapes, resources and the environment both impacting and being impacted upon by populations, their lifestyles and activities. Heritagization processes have enormous political and economic implications, being heritage-making a continuously unfolding practice where multiple actors – individuals, communities, institutions, governmental agencies, etc. – interact and negotiate to pursue different and often contrasting political and cultural agendas. As the loci where scientific knowledge is produced and disseminated, academic communities cannot but be arenas in which the multifaceted aspects of Heritage are investigated, taught, and discussed to conceive and propose innovative directions for its valorization and protection, for the common good.
A thematic approach for a successful coordination and support:
HerIT4Future is structured around 8 thematic WPs (plus 4 transversal WPs, see 3.1). Each Italian partner university will coordinate a WP on a specific theme relevant for the overall project: environment and sustainability, cultural and food heritage, digithage management, law between heritage and future, built and landscape heritage, aerospace for heritage and innovation, migration heritage, and energy transition. All WPs are meant to be strategically interwoven and synergically centered on the idea of heritage and its relevance for Italian and Latin American countries and institutions. Each Italian partner will coordinate mobility and teaching on a specific discipline, in conversation with the other partners and in line with the overarching vision of the project, its specific objectives and its expected results. Thanks to this thematic organization, the outgoing and incoming mobility of students and staff as well as the construction of joint degrees and advanced skills courses will be organized around
disciplines and thus centered on departments, making the implementation of the project more focused, manageable, and feasible. WP1 will provide transversal Advanced Skills courses (ASC) for all partners, whereas 3 transversal WPs will provide support for the entire duration of the project, making the management, dissemination, communication and monitoring of the project feasible, and the project’s results achievable and verifiable.
Impact on students and staff involved:
Given the diversity of the discourses and practices of heritage-making that characterize each national context, sustained interactions and intellectual exchanges between students and staff from countries with diverse historical, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds is of utmost importance for mutual learning and development of innovative practices and solutions for heritage protection. Thanks to such interactions, students will develop nuanced analytical and practical skills that have an enormous potential in terms of their professional future and could pave the way to different career paths in academic and non-academic institutions and agencies at the local, national and international level. Similarly, researchers and teachers involved in a transnational education project on Heritage will find crucial opportunities for intellectual exchange to develop innovative teaching methods and research venues to nurture long-term collaborations beyond the duration of the project.
Impact on the countries and universities involved:
HerIT4Future will bring to light the ways in which the valorization and protection of Heritage can contribute directly or indirectly to the creation of wealth and to welfare improvement of national, local, indigenous, and diasporic communities. Ultimately, the aim of this transnational education project is to enhance the awareness of all generations on the centrality of the protection of cultural and natural heritage, for each and every country’s and citizen’s future. The added value of the project is the identification and enhancement of existing bridges between Italian and Latin-American heritage as tools to pave the way to smart, innovative, and knowledge-driven solutions to global challenges, with a specific attention to digital and green transitions.
3. Work Plan
Please provide the following:
● brief presentation of the overall structure of the work plan (3.1);
● detailed work description: a list of work packages (table 3.2 A), a description of each work package (table 3.2 B), and a list of major deliverables;
● timing of the different work packages and their components (Gantt chart or similar, see section 3.3).
3.1. Work Packages
In the description of the proposal, give full details. Base your account on the logical structure of the project and the stages in which it has to be carried out. The number of work packages should be proportional to the scale and complexity of the project.
You should give enough detail in each work package to justify the proposed resources to be allocated and also quantified information so that progresses can be monitored.
(Max. 5000 characters)
The project has been structured building on a comprehensive methodology consisting of 3 primary blocks of activity – specifically 1 foundation WP, 8 thematic ones (expressing the widest range of subjects the project can count on) and 3 more general WPs.
The first block, WP1 (Teaching for the future, T4F) aims at setting the foundations of the thematic WPs, by equipping the academic staff with the skills needed to cope with the challenges that lie ahead in the provision of educational activities all throughout the project. In addition, T4F will develop and teach innovative educational modules through a shared and co- designed methodology in line with the challenges and trends that characterize the university system today. Courses for early career researchers (PhD) and university professionals will be organized on transversal topics relevant for their career including digital and green transitions, the impact of AI in education and research, and the changing role of universities in the global society.
The second block consists of 8 thematic WPs (WP2-WP9), that have been designed in line with the SOs; they are expected to provide a strong inter- and trans-disciplinary character to the project’s umbrella theme “Heritage for Future”. Each WP leader has a strong tradition in the study and teaching of the WP’s theme and, for this reason, this university is the ideal coordinator for the design and implementation of transnational initiatives on that specific topic. These themes and the coordinating universities have been chosen to provide the widest framework of themes, and thus develop a comprehensive provision of educational opportunities for LATAM and Italian universities. Furthermore, these 8 thematic WPs have been purposely included in the project’s structure not only to realize the project SOs but also to xxxxxx the cooperation between Italian and LATAM universities on specific research fields at departmental level, thus making the collaborations sustainable in the long run. The structure of these WPs is quite similar with tasks and deliverables that refer to the organization of mobility schemes, the design of joint programs and the delivery of joint ASCs on the thematic field of the WP. Resources have been allocated accordingly, and each thematic WP will start its activities in month 3 and last until month 18. In addition to the WP leader, each WP involves other Italian partner universities and a cluster of associated universities, identified according to interests, country diversification and competences.
The third block covers more general issues such as dissemination, management, quality and monitoring. These WPs are meant to frame the core activities of the project and to assure not just the management of these activities but also an ongoing monitoring, the consistency of purposes and efforts, along with quality control and dissemination of educational outcomes. More specifically, WP10 “Management” will guarantee the achievement of the project results through a well-structured management mechanism. It will supervise the installment of the two Hubs in LATAM that represents a key and innovative solution for the promotion of the Italian university system in LATAM. WP11 “Quality assurance and Impact monitoring” will rely on a Quality Assurance plan, which will include quantitative and qualitative instruments to monitor and assess the quality of the consortium, project management practices, communication activities and results. WP12 “Communication and Dissemination” will use strategic tools to disseminate the results of the project in a cohesive and sustainable way, such as a dissemination plan, a dedicated website, and a wide set of advertising material.
To align all the partners and allow everyone to operate according to the same set of rules and clear procedures, at the beginning of the project the coordinator will prepare a set of detailed guidelines covering financial management, internal communication and internal reporting. These general WPs will be useful not only to promote the results and the innovative character of the project, but also to promote and show the importance of a robust strategic planning for the thematic WPs (2-9) as a fundamental process for universities; this planning will enhance
the capacity to involve staff and students and to share the approach with other universities and their communities.
WP 10, 11 and 12 will last for the entire duration of the project (see the work plan) and will move in parallel under the responsibility of the WP leaders. All activities will start after a KoM (M3). This will also include the activities of WP1 Teaching for future, that will provide pedagogical inspirations for all other activities.
A final event will be organized at the end of the project to present the results obtained and discuss future collaborations.
3.2. Work Package Description
This section contains a list of Work Packages in which the activities are declined.
A Work Package (WP) is identified as a set of activities aimed at achieving a specific objective of the project. Each WP is composed of one or more activity(ies).
A. List of Work Packages
WP N. | WP title | Participant(s) Institutions | Operational headquarter (Regional Area in which the activity will be carried out) | Start month | End mont h |
1 | Teaching for Future | UniPD (leader), UniBO, UniNA, UniSal All 69 LATAM associate members | Italy and Latin America | 2 | 18 |
2 | Cultural and Food Heritage | UniBO (leader), UniNA, UniSal, UniCal, UniPD Argentina (UNR, UNC, UADE, UBA, UNCUYO, PUCA, UCASAL), Brazil (USP, UNICAMP), Chile (UV), Colombia (UNC), Ecuador (USFQ), Mexico (UDG), Peru (UNMSM, PUCP), Uruguay (UDELAR), Cuba (UH) | Italy and Latin America | 3 | 18 |
3 | Sustainable Future Heritage | UniCal (WP leader), Polito, UniNA, UniSal, UniPD, UniBS | Italy and Latin America | 3 | 18 |
Chile (UChile, UAI, UANTOF), Ecuador (UPS, USFQ, UAZUAY, ESPOCH; IKIAM), Mexico (UJG), Argentina (UNMdP), Brazil (USP), Cuba (UHO, UO) | |||||
4 | Law between Heritage and Future | UniNA (leader), UniCal, UniPV, UniBS, UniMe, UniBO Argentina (UBA, UCASAL, Belgrano, UNL, UCC); Brazil (UFPR); Chile (UC); Colombia (UDM); Cuba (UH, CENESEX); Ecuador (UCSG, IAEN); Mexico (ITAM); Peru (PUCP) | Italy and Latin America | 3 | 18 |
5 | Built and landscape Heritage | UniBS (leader), UniBO, Polito, UniNA, UniCal, UniPV Argentina (UBA); Brazil (UFB); Chile (UCC); Colombia (UDM; UNIPAZ; UNC); Ecuador (UCuenca); Mexico (UJG); Peru (PUCP; UNI); Uruguay (UDELAR) | Italy and Latin America | 3 | 18 |
6 | DigitHage Management | UniSal (WP leader), UniNA, UniME; Brazil (UNICAMP, UFF, UFAM, UNESP, UFC, UFRJ); Chile (UCM); Cuba (UH); Colombia (Uexternado); Ecuador (UCSG, UEES); Argentina (UNCOMA) | Italy and Latin America | 3 | 18 |
7 | Aerospace for Heritage and Innovation | UniPV (WP leader), Polito, UniNA Argentina (UNC), Brazil (PUC-Rio, UFB), Uruguay (UDELAR) | Italy and Latin America | 3 | 18 |
8 | Migration Heritage | UniME (WP Leader), UniNA, UniBS Argentina (USAL, UNR), Brazil (PUCMINAS, PUCRS, FDSBC, UNIFAL-MG) | Italy and Latin America | 3 | 18 |
9 | Energy for Future | Polito (WP leader), UniSal, UniPD, UniBS Argentina (UNC, ITBA), Brazil (UNICAMP, UFF, UFAM, USP, PUC-Rio, UFSC), Chile (UC, UAI, UTFSM), Colombia (Uniandes, PUJ), Mexico (TECMONT) | Italy and Latin America | 3 | 18 |
10 | Overall Management of the project | UniBO (leader), PoliTO, UniBS, UniCal, UniME, UniNA, UniPD, UniPV, UniSal All 69 LATAM associate members | Italy and Latin America | 1 | 18 |
11 | Quality Assurance and Impact monitoring | UniME (leader) UniBO, PoliTO, UniBS, UniCal, UniNA, UniPD, UniPV, UniSal All 69 LATAM associate members | Italy and Latin America | 2 | 18 |
12 | Communication and Dissemination | UniCal (leader) UniBO, PoliTO, UniBS, UniME, UniNA, UniPD, UniPV, UniSal All 69 LATAM associate members | Italy and Latin America | 2 | 18 |
B. For each work package:
Work Package number | WP1 |
Work Package Title | Teaching for Future |
Participants involved in this WP | UniPD (leader), UniBO, UniNA, UniSal, UniCal and LATAM associate members |
Duration of the WP | 16 months |
*Task Leader | Not relevant as the project is carried out as a partnership, not as a Consortium or Foundation. This is the same for all WPs |
*Task Supporter(s) | Not relevant as the project is carried out as a partnership, not as a Consortium or Foundation. This is the same for all WPs |
*In case of Consortium or Foundation, please specify also the Task Leader and the Task Supporter
(Max 2000 characters for each work package)
WP objectives and description (where appropriate, divided into tasks). Indicate the foreign countries involved in the project, the objectives and the topic developed in the activities. Describe the ability to monitor the progress of the project and measure the achievement of the expected impacts of the different activities)
The multiple and diverse teaching traditions that are a distinctive feature of the Italian and LATAM universities involved in the project, are nowadays confronted by new challenges, such as digital and green transformations, the globalization of education and new players in higher education. This requires a creative transformation of teaching and learning methods to preserve the capability of universities to promote culture and science by integrating individual freedom, inclusion, and sustainability in line with the 2030 SDGs. Thanks to their common cultural heritage and relations, Italian and LATAM universities can share their experiences and traditions to face these challenges.
T1 Teaching for future (T4F)
Co-design and joint delivery of 1 intensive ASC based on UniPD Teaching4Learning experience, to shape the teachers of the future. Both events, one held at the beginning and one at the end of the project, will be open to all the partner universities and have the ultimate aim to create an inter- university observatory for transformative education. The observatory will serve as a platform/community (also after the end of the project) to share experiences of transformative education for faster reactivity to future challenges, in a collective reflective approach.
T2 Transversal skills for early-stage academics and university management
The aim of Task2 is to strengthen the cooperation across the partnership and to reinforce transversal competences of early-stage researchers and management staff. Specific attention will be given to mutual-learning activities for early-stage academics – i.e. the future generation of teachers – on digital and green transitions. Co-designed ASCs will be delivered on digital and AI skills, linguistic skills, interactive teaching methodologies, intercultural team working, internationalization at home and university social responsibility.
Monitoring activities are deferred to the specifically designed WP11 for the whole project.
(Max 2000 characters for each work package)
Deliverables (Brief description and month of delivery)
T1 Teaching for future (T4F)
D1.1 - Mapping of experiences and best practices in the partner universities about transformative education. Due Month: M3
D1.2 - Delivery of a co-designed T4F intensive blended course open to all institutions in the partnerships. Due Month: M8
D1.3 - Set-up agreement of an inter-university observatory for transformative education. The network will also define a set of actions/guidelines/common strategy for developing new professional skills for teachers and planning joint activities across countries. Due Month: M14
T2 Transversal skills for early-stage academics and university management
D2.1 - Mapping of training needs and skill gaps of young researchers and university management. Due Month: M6
D2.2 - Tailor-made and co-designed training program for early-stage academics and university management. Due Month: M8
D2.3. - Delivery of 3 ASCs (5 days) hosted at LATAM HUBs, between M12-16 and 1 in Italy M18. Each course will have a different thematic focus, based on the needs identified in D.2.1.
Work Package number | WP2 |
Work Package Title | Cultural and Food Heritage |
Participants involved in this WP | UniBO (leader), UniNA, UniSal, UniCal.UniPd Argentina (UNR, UNC, UADE, UBA, UNCUYO, PUCA, UCASAL, UNL), Brazil (USP, UNICAMP), Chile (UV), Colombia (UNC), Ecuador (USFQ), Mexico (UDG), Peru (UNMSM, PUCP), Uruguay (UDELAR), Cuba (UH) |
Duration of the WP | 15 months |
*Task Leader | |
*Task Supporter(s) |
WP objectives and description
As a topic which crosscuts interdisciplinary boundaries, Cultural Heritage is an especially rich and productive field to build innovative transnational educational programs. This WP will develop activities on the topic of Cultural Heritage, with a specific focus on Food Heritage. Cultural Heritage is a valuable resource for education, employment and sustainable development. Sustainable cultural tourism, for example, is a vital part of local, national and international development strategies. In this regard, culture is both a driver and an enabler of sustainable
development. In relation to the protection and valorisation of Cultural Heritage, Food Heritage is particularly relevant. The process of heritagization of food practices in LATAM is intimately linked with the complex historical trajectories of the specific countries, where indigenous food practices coexist with gastronomic traditions brought by immigrant populations, best represented by Italian food heritage in LATAM. The activities will promote an intellectual debate among students and staff about the creation of effective public policies for the valorisation and protection of Cultural and Food Heritage, in a perspective of mutual-learning.
T1 Mobility of students and staff
Mobility schemes will be organized around different topics. For example: critical heritage and sustainable tourism; biocultural heritage, intended as the ecological transition and the socio- cultural sustainability of food production and consumption, also in relation to the protection and enhancement of specific agrosystems and their connection to nutrition, and thus food security and sovereignty.
T2 Design of joint degrees
Preparatory work and design of one joint programme on issues related to cultural and food heritage
T3 Advanced Skills Courses
Monitoring activities are deferred to the specifically designed WP11 for the whole project.
T1 Mobility of students and staff
D1.1 - Inter-institutional guidelines defined between/among Italian and LATAM partner universities to regulate students and mobility flows. Due Month: M4
D1.2 - Academic offer tailor-made and co-designed by the Italian and LATAM partners on the key themes offering research topics for Master and PhD students and visiting opportunities for staff to teach within pre-defined course units. Due Month: M7
D1.3 - 5 students and 7 staff mobility flows realized. Due month: M 17
D1.4 - 12 mobility reports including mobility research outputs (final thesis, publications, papers on the key themes, co-supervised by an Italian mentor and a LATAM mentor) and mobility assessment; Due month: M17
T2 Co-design joint programs:
D2.1 – Desk review on complementarities of academic offers at postgraduate level, research fields, groups and projects at Italian and LATAM partner universities, in order to identify learning needs which are relevant for the local development and job placement. Due Month: M8
D2.2 – Conference proceedings of 1 Italian-LATAM seminar on joint programs and corresponding formats. Due Month: M16
D2.3 – 1 final agreement that identify joint learning activities that may be implemented together among the two partners. Due Month: M18
T3 Intensive Advanced Skills Courses (ASCs) for local staff and professionals
D3.1 – Desk review on partners’ needs for training or upskilling. Due Month: M8
D3.2 – Courses’ descriptions including aims, modules and learning outcomes. Due Month: M10 D3.3 – Innovative teaching methodologies and course materials. Due Month: M12
D3.4 – 1 ASCs delivered in LATAM. Due Month: M16
Work Package number | WP3 |
Work Package Title | Sustainable Future Heritage |
UniCal (WP leader), Polito, UniNA, UniSal, UniPD, UniBS | |
Participants involved in this WP | Chile (UChile, UAI, UANTOF), Ecuador (UPS, USFQ, UAZUAY, ESPOCH; IKIAM), Mexico (UJG), Argentina (UNMdP), Brazil (USP), |
Cuba (UHO, UO) | |
Duration of the WP | 15 months |
*Task Leader | |
*Task Supporter(s) |
WP objectives and description
This WP aims to design and implement collaborative, multidisciplinary and innovative transnational education programs on Sustainable Future Heritage. The conservation and valorization of cultural and natural heritage is crucial to ensure a transition to a sustainable future. Yet, formidable challenges, particularly climate change, threaten the viability of this transition. A sustainable human-environment relationship is essential to protect heritage for future generations. Key in the process is the valorization of diversified forms of knowledge, including those of marginalized and more vulnerable communities. The WP’s activities will xxxxxx an intellectual and academic debate that will help participating students, staff and institutions look together towards the future of our shared cultural and natural heritage and discuss socially responsible choices and decisions. Thanks to the creation of an internationalized environment formed by students and researchers with various historical and cultural backgrounds, participants will be encouraged to value diversity and inclusion. From responsible resource extraction to water conservation and green technologies, from protection of historical sites to preservation of landscape and biodiversity, the WP will coordinate participating institutions in a collaborative and multidisciplinary effort to address urgent priorities and challenges on climate change, as a way to preserve heritage and ensure a sustainable future. The activities include teacher and student mobility, double Master and PhD degrees, summer schools, and blended intensive programs.
T1 Mobility of students and staff
Targeting Master and PhD students, and academic staff
T2 Co-design joint programs
Desk review on feasibility; organization of seminars; publication of proceedings; final agreements
T3 Intensive Advanced Skills Courses (ASCs) for local staff and professionals
Monitoring activities are deferred to the specifically designed WP11 for the whole project.
T1 Mobility of students and staff
D1.1 - Inter-institutional guidelines defined between/among Italian and LATAM partner universities to regulate students and mobility flows. Due Month: M4
D1.2 - Academic offer tailor-made and co-designed by the Italian and LATAM partners on the key themes offering research topics for Master and PhD students and visiting opportunities for staff to teach within pre-defined course units. Due Month: M7
D1.3 - 10 students and 7 staff mobility flows realized. Due month: M 17
D1.4 - 17 mobility reports including mobility research outputs (final thesis, publications, papers on the key themes, co-supervised by an Italian mentor and a LATAM mentor) and mobility assessment; Due month: M18
T2 Co-design of joint programs
D2.1 – Desk review on complementarities of the academic offer at postgraduate level, as well as research areas, groups and projects of partner universities in Italy and LATAM, in order to identify learning needs, also in relation to local development and job placement. Due Month: M8
D2.2 – Conference proceedings (including external experts’ reports) of 3 Italian-LATAM visits on joint programs and corresponding formats. Due Month: M14
D2.3 – 3 Final agreements that identify joint learning activities that may be implemented together among the partners. Due Month: M16
T3 Intensive Advanced Skills Courses (ASCs) for local staff and professionals
D3.1 – Desk review on partners’ needs for training or upskilling. Due Month: M8
D3.2 – Courses’ descriptions including aims, modules and learning outcomes. Due Month: M8 D3.3 – Innovative teaching methodologies and course materials. Due Month: M10
D3.4 – 1 ASC delivered in HUB2 Andes. Due Month: M16
Work Package number | WP4 |
Work Package Title | Law between Heritage and Future |
Participants involved in this WP | UniNA (leader), UniCal, UniPV, UniBS, UniMe, Unibo Argentina (UBA, UCASAL, Belgrano, UNL, UCC); Brazil (UFPR); Chile (UC); Colombia (UDM); Cuba (UH, CENESEX); Ecuador (UCSG, IAEN); Mexico (ITAM); Peru (PUCP) |
Duration of the WP | 15 months |
*Task Leader | |
*Task Supporter(s) |
WP objectives and description
Latin American countries and Italy share common roots in terms of law, being all based on codifications with a Romanist basis. This makes the theme of Law between Heritage and Future an especially fruitful field to develop shared and mutual-learning education activities, that include the promotion of student and staff transnational mobility, the design of a double degree and the development of Advanced Skills courses. Thanks to the combination of different national legal traditions studying and working in an internationalized context, participants will be offered the opportunity to share and transfer knowledge and skills in the field of Legal Studies and subsequently build innovative theoretical models verifiable through historical and experienced data. The planned activities will promote an inter- and intradisciplinary approach, involving heritage (starting from Roman law), health law, sexual identity and measures against gender-based violence, AI, environmental and criminal law, access to justice, migrations in legal perspective, international law. The design and implementation of these activities will benefit from existing well- established bilateral collaborations that will be taken to a further multilateral level.
T1 Mobility of students and staff
Targeting Master and PhD students, as well as academic staff. Within the staff mobility, ‘Teaching Mobility Weeks’ on Law between Heritage and Future will be organized for researchers doubling the task in Italy and LATAM.
T2 Co-design of joint programs
Preparatory work for the creation of a Double degree in Law with PUC Chile and UniNA.
T3 Intensive Advanced Skills Courses (ASCs) for local staff and professionals
1) Environmental Law and Policy at UniNA 2) Criminal Law: cases and issues through history at UBA and UC Cordoba (AR) and Access to justice at UniBS in 2024.
Monitoring activities are deferred to the specifically designed WP11 for the whole project.
T1 Mobility of students and staff
D1.1 - Inter-institutional guidelines defined between/among Italian and LATAM partner universities to regulate students and mobility flows. Due Month: M4
D1.2 - Academic offer tailor-made and co-designed by the Italian and LATAM partners on the key themes offering research topics for Master and PhD students and visiting opportunities for staff to teach within pre-defined course units. Due Month: M7
D1.3 - 22 students and 13 staff mobility flows realized. At least 5 staff mobility will be based on the ‘Teaching staff week’ model on Law between Heritage and Future. Due month: M18
D1.4 – 35 reports on mobility research outputs (final thesis, publications, papers co-supervised by an Italian mentor and a LATAM mentor) and mobility assessment. Due month: M18
T2 Co-design of joint programs
D1.1 - Meeting of Members of the Scientific Committee. Due month: M4, M12, M16 D1.2 - Logistic and organizational plan Due Month: M5
D1.3 - 1 Final agreement that identifies joint learning activities that may be implemented together among the partners. Due Month: M18
T3 Intensive Advanced Skills Courses (ASCs) for local staff and professionals On a) Environmental Law and policy; b) Criminal Law and c) Access to justice D3.1 – Desk review on partners’ needs for training or upskilling. Due Month: M3
D3.2 - Courses' descriptions including aims, modules and learning outcomes. Due Month: a) and c) M4, b) M12)
D3.3 – 1 ASCs delivered in Italy Due Month: M7
D3.4 – 2 ASC delivered in LATAM, Buenos Aires HUB Due Month: M14
Work Package number | WP5 |
Work Package Title | Built and landscape Heritage |
Participants involved in this WP | UniBS (leader), UniBO, Polito, UniNA, UniCal, UniPV Argentina (UBA); Brazil (UFB); Chile (UCC); Colombia (UDM; UNIPAZ; UNC); Ecuador (UCuenca); Mexico (UJG); Peru (PUCP; UNI); Uruguay (UDELAR) |
Duration of the WP | 15 months |
*Task Leader | |
*Task Supporter(s) |
WP objectives and description
The protection and valorization of built and landscape heritage has a crucial impact in promoting socially and environmentally sustainable urban and rural development and in preserving local identities. The organization of transnational education activities on this topic is extremely relevant and urgent. WP5 will organize 4 postgraduate ASC with academic staff from Italian and LATAM universities on “Built and Landscape Heritage”. Topics will include: sustainable urban planning, structural and architectural design, landscape protection and valorization. A new educational facility will be established in Lima, where one of the ASC will be delivered. Thanks to the long- lasting relationships between the WP’s coordinator and PUCP, the facility will be maintained also after the duration of the project and become a permanent center of Italian higher education in Peru. Another ASC will be delivered in HUB1 in Buenos Aires. The WP aims to: 1) promote teaching staff mobility on sustainable urban planning and design, regeneration of informal settlements, valorization and accessibility of rural areas; 2) implement co-tutoring for PhD and Master students, to exchange visions and enhance debate on the protection of the typical landscape heritage of LATAM; 3) design joint programs, 1 in Lima (PUCP and UNI) and 1 with the Universidad Nacional de Colombia
T1 – Mobility of students and staff
T2 Co-design of joint programs
Agreements for students’ mobility for credit transfer, double programs, co-tutoring of theses
T3 Intensive Advanced Skills Courses (ASCs) for local staff and professionals
Four different ASCs will be organized on: a) informal settlement regeneration (hosted in Lima co- organized with PUCP and UNI); b) structural and architectural design (hosted in Italy, at UniBS);
c) sustainable urban planning and design (hosted in Italy); d) landscape heritage protection (hosted in Hub1).
Monitoring activities are deferred to the specifically designed WP11 for the whole project.
T1 Mobility of students and staff
D1.1 - Inter-institutional guidelines defined between/among Italian and LATAM partner universities to regulate students and mobility flows. Due Month: M4
D1.2 - Academic offer tailor-made and co-designed by the Italian and LATAM partners on the key themes offering research topics for Master and PhD students and visiting opportunities for staff to teach within pre-defined course units. Due Month: M7
D1.3 - 21 students and 11 staff mobility flows realized. Due month: M16, 24
D1.4 - 32 mobility reports including mobility research outputs (final thesis, publications, papers on the key themes, co-supervised by an Italian mentor and a Latin American mentor) and mobility assessment; Due month: M18
T2 Co-design of joint programs
D2.1 – Desk review on complementarities of academic offers at postgraduate level, research fields, groups and projects at Italian and LATAM partner universities. Due Month: M4
D2.2 – visits of the universities 4 Final agreements that identify joint learning activities that may be implemented among partner Universities. Due M 18
T3 Intensive Advanced Skills Courses (ASCs) for local staff and professionals
D3.1 – Desk review on partners’ needs for training or upskilling in sustainable urban planning, informal settlement regeneration and multidisciplinary approach to build and landscape heritage design. Due Month: M4
D3.2 – Courses’ description including aims, modules and learning outcomes. Due Month: M8 D3.3 – Guidelines for innovative transnational teaching methodologies in the ASCs. Due Month: M8
D3.4 – 3 ASCs delivered in Italy. Due Month: M12; M15 M218 D3.5 – 3 ASCs delivered in LATAM. Due Month: M9; M13, M18
Work Package number | WP6 |
Work Package Title | DigitHage Management |
Participants involved in this WP | UniSal (WP leader), UniNA, UniME; Brazil (UNICAMP, UFF, UFAM, UNESP, UFC, UFRJ); Chile (UCM); Cuba (UH); Colombia (Uexternado); Ecuador (UCSG, UEES); Argentina (UNCOMA) |
Duration of the WP | 15 months |
*Task Leader | |
*Task Supporter(s) |
WP objectives and description
On the basis of strong exiting collaborations between Italian and LATAM universities, the WP integrates the concept of heritage in the context of digital management. Processes of digital transition are particularly relevant for heritage management. The protection, promotion and valorization of cultural and natural heritage require students and professionals to acquire a new set of skills in digital management, to make cultural heritage more accessible for future generations and promote sustainable tourism for the preservation of natural heritage.
Thanks to mobility schemes of students and staff, innovative teaching programs will be designed to equip participants with digital skills needed for the preservation of cultural and natural heritage for future generations. In the framework of a mutual-learning environment and thanks to the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and augmented reality, participants will learn to 1) manage data in a way to make them less subject to physical deterioration; 2) manage digitalized collections from museums, archives and libraries to improve their accessibility (also through the creation of online collections) in the present and for the future; 3) through machine learning, neural networks and real-time information processing, identify patterns and trends that are beneficial to operation management, demand forecasting, supply chain optimization, risk assessment in finance, health diagnostics, distribution of energy, traffic controls etc.
T1 – Mobility of students and staff on common study programs, exploiting the opportunities offered by the digital laboratory
T2 Realization of a digital laboratory based in UniSal, on the development of digital technologies and new AI platforms and applications with LATAM partners; Monitoring activities are deferred to the specifically designed WP11 for the whole project
T1 Mobility of students and staff:
D1.1 - Inter-institutional guidelines defined between/among Italian and LATAM partner universities to regulate students and mobility flows. Due Month: M4
D1.2 - Academic offer tailor-made and co-designed by the Italian and LATAM partners on the key themes offering research topics for Master and PhD students and visiting opportunities for staff to teach within pre-defined course units. Due Month: M7
D1.3 - 12 students and 12 staff mobility flows realized. Due month: M 18
D1.4 - 24 mobility reports including mobility research outputs (final thesis, publications, papers on the key themes and co-supervised by an Italian mentor and a Latin American mentor) and mobility assessment; Due month: M18
T2 Digital laboratory
D2.1 – Desk review on partners’ needs for training or upskilling. Due Month: 5
D2.2 – Innovative teaching methodologies and course materials based on neural networks, machine learning and artificial intelligence . Due Month: 7
D2.3 – Digital laboratory platform for the development of new AI applications. Due Month: M9,
T3 Co-design of joint programs
D3.1 - Desk review on complementarities of the aerospace academic offers at postgraduate level, research fields, groups, and projects at Italian and LATAM partner universities, to identify learning needs which are relevant for the local development and job placement. Due Month: M12
D3.2 - Proceedings of the Italian-LATAM workshops and seminars on aerospace themes jointly organized by the partners. Due Month: M18
D3.3 – 1 Final agreement that identifies joint learning activities that may be implemented together among the partners. Due month: M18
T4 Intensive Advanced Skills Courses (ASCs) for local staff and professionals
D4.1 - Desk review on partners’ needs for training or upskilling in the aerospace sector. Due Month: M6
D4.2 - Courses’ descriptions including aims, modules and learning outcomes. Due Month: M9 D4.3 - Innovative teaching methodologies and course materials. Due Month: M12
D4.4 – 1 Advanced skills course delivered in Italy. Due Month: M17
Work Package number | WP7 |
Work Package Title | Aerospace for Heritage and Innovation |
Participants involved in this WP | UniPV (WP leader), Polito, UniNA Argentina (UNC), Brazil (PUC-Rio, UFB), Uruguay (UDELAR) |
Duration of the WP | 15 months |
*Task Leader | |
*Task Supporter(s) |
WP objectives and description
The WP aims to innovate the most relevant university courses in the aerospace sector, especially those on remote sensing data analysis and space systems, and to design and implement new ones. The aerospace sector is crucial in the collaborations between Italy and Latin America (see, e.g., the Italo-Argentinian SIASGE satellite constellation). Space systems and sensors often lead digital innovation for other sectors (e.g., medicine, energy, robotics, etc.), while remote sensing allows monitoring and preserving our heritage in built and natural environments against multiple risks. This WP aims at further developing, via mutual learning actions, existing ties between Italy and Latin American institutions in aerospace training and knowledge transfer activities. It will focus on co-designing training paths at the Master and PhD levels in the most innovative areas where Italy has a global leadership and where the transfer learning between Italian and Latin American partners is maximized. Special attention will be devoted to Earth observation for risk and sustainable development monitoring, following the decennial collaboration between the Italian Space Agency and Latin American ones for training, an action which already involves many of the partners in this WP. Further consolidation with courses on artificial intelligence and smart data mining applied to geospatial big data will match the growing
requirement of new figures in the energy and green transformations. With respect to circular economy, a joint master on space waste and recycling in space will be considered.
T1 Mobility of students and staff
Innovative and multidisciplinary teaching and mobility on AI, smart data mining, aerospace sciences and technology
T2 Co-design of joint programs
Preparatory work and design for joint programs.
T3 Intensive Advanced Skills Courses (ASCs) for local staff and professionals
Monitoring activities are deferred to the specifically designed WP11 for the whole project.
Task 1 Mobility for students and staff
D1.1 - Inter-institutional guidelines defined between/among Italian and LATAM partner universities to regulate students and mobility flows. Due Month: M4
D1.2 - Academic offer tailor-made and co-designed by the Italian and LATAM partners on the key themes offering research topics for Master and PhD students and visiting opportunities for staff to teach within pre-defined course units. Due Month: M7
D1.3 - 12 students and 6 staff mobility flows realized on aerospace sector’s topics. Due month: M18
D1.4 - 18 mobility reports including mobility research outputs (publications, papers on the key aerospace themes co-supervised by an Italian and a Latin American mentors) and mobility assessment. Due month: M18
T2 Co-design of joint programs
D2.1 - Desk review on complementarities of the aerospace academic offers at postgraduate level, research fields, groups, and projects at Italian and LATAM partner universities, to identify learning needs which are relevant for the local development and job placement. Due Month: M12
D2.2 - Proceedings of the Italian-LATAM workshops and seminars on aerospace themes jointly organized by the partners. Due Month: M18
D2.3 – 1 Final agreement that identifies joint learning activities that may be implemented together among the partners. Due month: M18
T3 Intensive Advanced Skills Courses (ASCs) for local staff and professionals
D3.1 - Desk review on partners’ needs for training or upskilling in the aerospace sector. Due Month: M6
D3.2 - Courses’ descriptions including aims, modules and learning outcomes. Due Month: M9 D3.3 - Innovative teaching methodologies and course materials. Due Month: M12
D3.4 – 1 Advanced skills course delivered in Italy. Due Month: M17
Work Package number | WP8 |
Work Package Title | Migration Heritage |
Participants involved in this WP | UniME (WP Leader), UniNA, UniBS Argentina (USAL, UNR), Brazil (PUCMINAS, PUCRS, FDSBC, UNIFAL- MG) |
Duration of the WP | 15 months |
*Task Leader | N |
*Task Supporter(s) |
WP objectives and description
Migration heritage plays a pivotal role in transnational relationships. The presence of significant communities of Italian descent in the LATAM countries involved in the project, makes the development of transnational educational activities on the relations between Migration and Heritage particularly relevant. This WP is designed to reach 3 main objectives: 1) enhancing the internationalization of the Italian academic offer by creating innovative educational activities on the theme of migration heritage; 2) supporting innovative inclusive education activities using a trans- and multidisciplinary approach; 3) implement mobilities that will nurture multicultural academic exchanges maximizing the potential of a shared migration heritage.
T1 Mobility of students and staff
Focusing on Migration Heritage, 2-month incoming and outgoing mobility of PhD students and junior researchers to identify best practices, develop field research activities and establish academic relationships to build a virtual and immaterial “observatory”. This will be a sustainable tool that will ensure the continuation of the project results. Staff mobility will be organized on the model of ‘Teaching mobility week”.
T2 Intensive Advanced Skills Courses (ASCs) for local staff and professionals
Promotion of an ASC addressed to PhD students and junior researchers to strengthen their research skills on the topic of migration heritage. The course will be organized by UniME in blended mode (50% online, 50% face to face) with the participation of all the LATAM Universities involved. Through the promotion of an interdisciplinary and intersectional approach (i.e. gender and migration; disability and migration), the course will equip students with new skills that could be applied in various sectors, including migration health and regulations.
Monitoring activities are deferred to the specifically designed WP11 for the whole project.
T1 Mobility of students and staff
D1.1 - Inter-institutional guidelines defined between/among Italian and LATAM partner universities to regulate students and mobility flows. Due Month: M4
D1.2 - Academic offer tailor-made and co-designed by the Italian and LATAM partners on the key themes offering research topics for Master and PhD students and visiting opportunities for staff to teach within pre-defined course units. Due Month: M7
D1.3 - 20 students and 15 staff mobility flows realized on key topics. Due month: M 18
D1.4 - 35 mobility reports including mobility research outputs (publications, papers on the key themes co-supervised by an Italian and a LATAM mentor) and mobility assessment. Due month: M18
T3 Intensive Advanced Skills Courses (ASCs) for local staff and professionals
D2.1 - Desk review on partners’ needs for training or upskilling in the migration heritage sector. Due Month: M6
D2.2 - Courses’ descriptions including aims, modules and learning outcomes. Due Month: M9 D2.3 - Innovative teaching methodologies and course materials. Due Month: M12
D2.4 – 1 Advanced skills course delivered in Italy. Due Month: M15
Work Package number | WP9 |
Work Package Title | Energy for Future |
Participants involved in this WP | Polito (WP leader), UniSal, UniPD, UniBS Argentina (UNC, ITBA), Brazil (UNICAMP, UFF, UFAM, USP, PUC-Rio, UFSC), Chile (UC, UAI, UTFSM), Colombia (Uniandes, PUJ), Mexico (TECMONT) |
Duration of the WP | 15 months |
*Task Leader | |
*Task Supporter(s) |
WP objectives and description
The proposed WP strongly relies on the almost 20-year record of collaboration between the coordinating institution and the LATAM partners inside the Xxxxxxxxx university network, which focuses on engineering and architecture.
Considering that, according to the 2023 Latin America Energy Outlook of the IEA, LATAM has “quite extraordinary natural resources – both fossil fuels and renewable energy – and a significant share of the world’s critical minerals”, and taking into account the common priority areas highlighted in the EU-CELAC 2021 – 2023 Strategic Roadmap for Research and Innovation, the efforts of the proposed WP will focus on the topic of the energy transition, and in particular on: CO2-free and sustainable energy sources, like solar (both photovoltaic and concentrated), wind, waves and nuclear; energy storage; materials for energy applications; smart grids; sustainable mobility.
The WP aims at strengthening already existing relationships and creating new ones through the exchange of knowledge and the mobility at several levels between Italian and LATAM partners. All activities will be organized around the theme of energy for the future.
T1 Mobility of students and staff
Organization of mobility of MA and PhD students, both incoming and outgoing, for courses, research activities and final theses; mobility of academic staff, both incoming and outgoing, to enrich both Italian and LATAM universities in a mutual-learning perspective.
T2 Co-design of joint programs
With the aim to integrate study programs at Master level, merging different study programs systems
T3 Intensive Advanced Skills Courses (ASCs) for local staff and professionals in presence and online.
Monitoring activities are deferred to the specifically designed WP11 for the whole project.
T1 Mobility of students and staff:
D1.1 - Inter-institutional guidelines defined between/among Italian and LATAM partner universities to regulate students and mobility flows. Due Month: M4
D1.2 - Academic offer tailor-made and co-designed by the Italian and LATAM partners on the key themes offering research topics for Master and PhD students and visiting opportunities for staff to teach within pre-defined course units. Due Month: M7
D1.3 - 14 students and 11 staff mobility flows realized. Due month: M 18
D1.4 - 25 mobility reports including mobility research outputs (final thesis, publications, papers on the key themes and co-supervised by an Italian mentor and a Latin American mentor) and mobility assessment; Due month: M18
T2 co-design joint programs:
D2.1 – Desk review on complementarities of academic offers at graduate and postgraduate level, research fields, groups and projects at Italian and LATAM partner universities, in order to identify learning needs which are relevant for the local development and job placement and to identify partners within the ones involved to carry out the activities. Due Month: M5
D2.2 – Meeting between the Italian and LATAM partners identified and co-design of a first draft agreement. Due month: M8
D2.3 – 1 final agreement that identifies joint learning activities that may be implemented together among the two partners. Due Month: M18
T3 Intensive Advanced Skills Courses (ASCs) for local staff and professionals
D3.1 – Desk review on partners’ needs for training or upskilling. Due Month: M6
D3.2 – Courses’ descriptions including aims, modules and learning outcomes and location. Due Month: M8
D3.3 – Innovative teaching methodologies and course materials. Due Month: M10 D3.4 – 1 advanced skills course delivered in LATAM. Due Month: M16
Work Package number | WP10 |
Work Package Title | Overall Management of the project |
Participants involved in this WP | UniBO (leader), PoliTO, UniBS, UniCal, UniME, UniNA, UniPD, UniPV, UniSal All 69 LATAM associate members |
Duration of the WP | 18 months |
*Task Leader | |
*Task Supporter(s) |
WP objectives and description
WP10 aims to guarantee sound technical and financial management to hand over each WP deliverable with the expected quality, in compliance with PNRR/TNE rules, and to establish 2 LATAM HUBs for joint initiatives. All partners in Italy and in LATAM are actively involved. The WP has 2 main tasks:
T1 – Definition and implementation of HerIT4Future Management Plan: it will define the decision-making structure, the cooperation and the internal communication mechanisms. The decision-making structure will be based on WPs Task forces and Local Management Teams (LMT) as core units guaranteeing smooth implementation of the activities; a Steering Committee (SC) will ensure participation for policies’ definition and a Central Management Team (CMT) at UniBO (project coordinator) will provide overall supervision and act as focal point for each partner. The principles of effectiveness, efficiency and inclusion of all partners in the decision-making process will be applied. Documents approved by the different boards will be made available to all. A Partnership Agreement (PA) together with a Management Handbook will define the cooperation mechanisms. Project meetings will be organized every 6 months to plan, monitor and validate activities. A clear methodology will be designed to report about achievements.
T2 – Setting-up 2 HUBs in LATAM: 2 HUBs in the LATAM continent will be launched to promote joint initiatives and offer locally ASCs; the consortium has already agreed to create 1 HUB in the South region (Buenos Aires at the Unibo Campus) and 1 HUB in the Andean region in Cuenca. This task serves the concrete set-up of the hubs through definition of their mission, their governing bodies and sustainability plans, facilities (equipment, software, consumables and material to deliver courses) and services (staff for secretariat activities for courses and other joint initiatives)
T1 – Definition and implementation of HerIT4Future Management Plan:
D1.1 – Management Structure Plan. The Management structure will be composed by: 1 Steering Committee (SC) giving policy orientations, taking decisions and appointing WP Task forces, its proposed composition being 2 representatives (1 scientific; 1 admin) from each partner in Italy and 2 representatives (1 scientific; 1 admin) from each LATAM country representing the universities from that country; WP task forces (1 representative from each partner participating in the WP activities) in charge of overseeing WP tasks and deliverables and chaired by the WP leader. WP task forces report to the SC about WP progress and issues and rely on CMT and LMTs for activities implementation and reporting. Due Month: M3
D1.2 – Partnership agreements addressing roles and obligations of each partner; joint procedures to organize the mobility and ASCs; common understanding on services to manage mobility and advanced courses including recognition policies; quality assurance activities; allocation of funds, record keeping and financial responsibilities; common understanding on cross-cutting dimensions like the principle of inclusion and participation in the project of vulnerable groups and women. Due Month: M3
D1.3 – Management Guidelines Handbook. It will recap internal management rules as agreed by the partnership and revert to PNRR/TNE rules for appropriate compliance; it will include a check list of main actions. Due Month: M3
D1.4 – Meetings’ minutes approved by all partners and made available to all partners through shared repositories. Due Month: 1 month after the meeting
D1.5 – Reporting dossiers, providing technical and financial information and supporting documents to report on activities from each partner. Due Month: 1 month before the report is due to the donor
T2 – Setting-up 2 HUBs in LATAM:
D2.1 - Mission of the 2 HUBs approved. Due Month: M6
D2.2 - HUBs inventory and list of key people. Due Month: M10
Work Package number | WP11 |
Work Package Title | Quality Assurance and Impact monitoring |
Participants involved in this WP | UniBO, PoliTO, UniBS, UniCal, UniME (leader), UniNA, UniPD, UniPV, UniSal All 69 LATAM associate members |
Duration of the WP | 17 months |
*Task Leader | |
*Task Supporter(s) |
WP objectives and description
WP11 objective is to monitor and analyze project activities through a quality assurance framework that will guarantee the high quality of individual experiences, relevant impact on beneficiaries, scalability of ASCs organized by the HUBs and smooth cooperation mechanisms among partners. All partners are actively involved. The WP entails 4 main tasks:
T1 – Definition of HerIT4Future Quality Plan. It includes the design of a Quality Plan to monitor mobility, joint program preparation, ASCs, HUB pertinence and sustainability. KPIs (qualitative, quantitative and SMART) and targets will be defined to measure achievements. The Plan implementation is secured through internal committees (LMT and CMT) and an external service
T2 – Monitoring HUBs and cooperation mechanisms: through regular interviews, questionnaires, analysis of records T2 ensures to monitor project progresses in line with the work
plan, with particular reference to the start-up phase in order to monitor their sustainability and scalability
T3 – Monitoring mobility flows: in order to watch over the quality of mobility in terms of admin and academic effectiveness, a set of questionnaires, mobility reports and interviews will be created with the aim to analyze mobility results and measure individual and institutional impact. LMTs will here play a key role for internal monitoring
T4 – Monitoring joint programs co-design: assessment surveys about meetings and analysis of university agreements, publications, projects, together with focus groups will be the basis to monitor the process of integrating Italian and LATAM education on the project themes through new joint programs
T5 – Monitoring ASCs: assessment surveys for ASCs participants as well as forum with relevant stakeholders prior to the design of courses and after their pilot release will serve to guarantee ASCs are well organized and appropriate so that participants will gain relevant skills for their professional career and contribution to their home institution
T1 – Definition of the HerIT4Future Quality Plan
D1.1 – Quality Assurance Plan describing mechanisms, tasks, duties and roles, timing and tools adopted by the partnership to monitor project advancement and impact. Due Month: M3
D1.2 – Service procurement for a specialized agency for quality monitoring and analysis. Due Month: M6
T2 – Monitoring HUBs and cooperation mechanisms
D2.1 – Report on LATAM HUBs functioning, capacity to reach a wide audience and relevant stakeholders in the region and future scalability of ASCs and EU-LATAM joint programme initiatives for mutual benefits of both sides. Due Month: M18
T3 – Monitoring mobility flows
D3.1 – Report on mobility impact on academic and professional development of mobile students and staff. Due Months: M18
D3.2 – Report on individual mobility impact on institutions involved in students and staff flows as home or host universities (e.g. new joint projects, joint publications, new bilateral agreements, etc.). Due Months: M18
T4 – Monitoring joint programs co-design
D4.1 - Quality assessment report on activities under thematic WPs on joint program development. Due Month: 17
T5 – Monitoring ASCs
D5.1 – Report on ASCs impact on academic and professional development of ASCs participants. Due Months: M18
Work Package number | WP12 |
Work Package Title | Communication and Dissemination |
Participants involved in this WP | UniBO, PoliTO, UniBS, UniCal (leader), UniME, UniNA, UniPD, UniPV, UniSal All 69 LATAM associate members |
Duration of the WP | 17 months |
*Task Leader | |
*Task Supporter(s) |
WP objectives and description
WP12 objectives is to guarantee a smooth internal communication and an effective, high impact external communication campaign. These objectives will be met through 2 main tasks:
T1 – Definition of the HerIT4Future Communication Plan providing the strategy framework and identification of tools for internal and external communication.
T2 – Creation of a ‘brand identity’ and tools for internal and external communication to be adopted at all levels.
The partnership reserves a great attention to the quality of the internal communication plan and assigns to it a crucial role so that actions taken from the different governing bodies and management units are coherent, aligned and fine-tuned. In this regard, LMUs and CMT (see WP10) at each partner will play a key role and the project will create a robust network of staff favoring the use of e-mails and collaborative platforms for internal communication.
On external communication the partnership will agree on a Communication and Dissemination Plan that will entail a clear ‘brand identity’ including visual elements featured in all project materials and a communication strategy involving the use of social media and other channels (university radios and magazines). The communication plan will complement communication policies at each partner institution and liaise with the corresponding communication services to ensure alignment, coherence and efficiency. For external communication an expert Communication Agency will be acquired that will act as social media manager, press agency, promotion and dissemination events’ provider, in alignment with regular services at the partners.
A project website with an intranet section (or direct connection with collaborative platforms such as Teams) will be the main platform for external as well as internal communication. A final conference will be organized to present and disseminate project results for further exploitation
T1 – Definition of the HerIT4Future Communication Plan
D1.1 – Communication Plan, that will include a) the strategy and tools for effective internal and external communication; b) the list of key people and communication services at each partner university; c) a promotion plan and guidelines to advertise scholarships for mobility flows, ASCs and conferences on joint programs in order to ensure a good recruitment rate. Due Month: M3
D1.2 – Procurement service assigned for Communication Plan deployment. The agency will offer high quality services aligned with the characteristics of the target audiences. This will require the capacity to adapt communication styles and contents. For this reason, the agency will necessarily work closely with the CMT and LMTs at each partner institution. Due Month: M6
T2 – Creation of a ‘brand identity’ and tools for internal and external communication
D2.1 –Project website, that will include: a) one section describing the project; b) one section dedicated to each WP where ‘resources’ will be published, including outputs from individual mobilities and project deliverables; c) sections dedicated to ASCs; d) sections dedicated to the initiatives on joint programs, possibly including an open forum for discussion; d) a blog sections to publish testimonials from the participants in the mobility flows and ASCs. Due Month: M6
D2.2 – Project logo and material. Together with PNRR/TNE logos to guarantee wide visibility to the donor, HerIT4Future logo will be used for the website, leaflets, publications and any other communication material of the project. The visual identity of the project will combine Italian and LATAM features from both regions involved. Even though outsourced, the visual identity must be approved by the Steering Committee. Due Month: M6
D2.3 – Final dissemination and exploitation conference. Due month: M18
3.3. Activity timeframe
This section includes a section relating to the implementation time and monitoring of the activities.
Please provide a timeframe (Gantt or similar) to better explain how the project would be developed.
Note: The tables below are based on the dates project partners are supposed to achieve the deliverable.
WP 1 Teaching for Future – 2 tasks | ||||||||||||||||||
n. Deliverable | M 1 | M 2 | M 3 | M 4 | M 5 | M 6 | M 7 | M 8 | M 9 | M 10 | M 11 | M 12 | M 13 | M 14 | M 15 | M 16 | M 17 | M 18 |
Task 1 Teaching for future (T4F) | ||||||||||||||||||
D1.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D1.2 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D1.3 | X | X | ||||||||||||||||
Task 2 Transversal skills for early-stage academics and university management | ||||||||||||||||||
D2.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D2.2 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D2.3 | X | X | X | X | ||||||||||||||
WP 2 Cultural and Food Heritage – 3 tasks | ||||||||||||||||||
n. Deliverable | M 1 | M 2 | M 3 | M 4 | M 5 | M 6 | M 7 | M 8 | M 9 | M 10 | M 11 | M 12 | M 13 | M 14 | M 15 | M 16 | M 17 | M 18 |
Task 1 Mobility of students and staff | ||||||||||||||||||
D1.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D1.2 | X |
D1.3 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D1.4 | X | |||||||||||||||||
Task 2 Co-design joint programs | ||||||||||||||||||
D2.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D2.2 | X | X | ||||||||||||||||
D2.3 | X | |||||||||||||||||
Task 3 Intensive Advanced Skills Courses (ASCs) for local staff and professionals | ||||||||||||||||||
D3.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D3.2 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D3.3 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D3.4 | X | |||||||||||||||||
WP 3 Sustainable Future Heritage – 3 tasks | ||||||||||||||||||
n. Deliverable | M 1 | M 2 | M 3 | M 4 | M 5 | M 6 | M 7 | M 8 | M 9 | M 10 | M 11 | M 12 | M 13 | M 14 | M 15 | M 16 | M 17 | M 18 |
Task 1 Mobility of students and staff | ||||||||||||||||||
D1.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D1.2 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D1.3 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D1.4 | X | |||||||||||||||||
Task 2 Co-design of joint programs | ||||||||||||||||||
D2.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D2.2 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D2.3 | X | |||||||||||||||||
Task 3 Intensive Advanced Skills Courses (ASCs) for local staff and professionals | ||||||||||||||||||
D3.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D3.2 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D3.3 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D3.4 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D3.5 | X | |||||||||||||||||
WP 4 Law between Heritage and Future – 3 tasks | ||||||||||||||||||
n. Deliverable | M 1 | M 2 | M 3 | M 4 | M 5 | M 6 | M 7 | M 8 | M 9 | M 10 | M 11 | M 12 | M 13 | M 14 | M 15 | M 16 | M 17 | M 18 |
Task 1 Mobility of students and staff | ||||||||||||||||||
D1.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D1.2 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D1.3 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D1.4 | X | |||||||||||||||||
Task 2 Co-design of joint programs | ||||||||||||||||||
D2.1 | X | X | X | |||||||||||||||
D2.2 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D2.3 | X | |||||||||||||||||
Task 3 Intensive Advanced Skills Courses (ASCs) for local staff and professionals |
D3.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D3.2 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D3.3 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D3.4 | X | |||||||||||||||||
WP 5 Built and landscape Heritage – 3 tasks | ||||||||||||||||||
n. Deliverable | M 1 | M 2 | M 3 | M 4 | M 5 | M 6 | M 7 | M 8 | M 9 | M 10 | M 11 | M 12 | M 13 | M 14 | M 15 | M 16 | M 17 | M 18 |
Task 1 Mobility of students and staff | ||||||||||||||||||
D1.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D1.2 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D1.3 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D1.4 | X | |||||||||||||||||
Task 2 Co-design of joint programs | ||||||||||||||||||
D2.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D2.2 | X | |||||||||||||||||
Task 3 Intensive Advanced Skills Courses (ASCs) for local staff and professionals | ||||||||||||||||||
D3.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D3.2 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D3.3 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D3.4 | X | X | X | |||||||||||||||
D3.5 | X | X | X | |||||||||||||||
WP 6 DigitHage Management – 2 tasks | ||||||||||||||||||
n. Deliverable | M 1 | M 2 | M 3 | M 4 | M 5 | M 6 | M 7 | M 8 | M 9 | M 10 | M 11 | M 12 | M 13 | M 14 | M 15 | M 16 | M 17 | M 18 |
Task 1 Mobility of students and staff | ||||||||||||||||||
D1.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D1.2 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D1.3 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D1.4 | X | |||||||||||||||||
Task 2 Lab | ||||||||||||||||||
D3.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D3.2 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D3.3 | C | |||||||||||||||||
WP 7 Aerospace for Heritage and Innovation – 3 tasks | ||||||||||||||||||
n. Deliverable | M 1 | M 2 | M 3 | M 4 | M 5 | M 6 | M 7 | M 8 | M 9 | M 10 | M 11 | M 12 | M 13 | M 14 | M 15 | M 16 | M 17 | M 18 |
Task 1 Mobility of students and staff | ||||||||||||||||||
D1.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D1.2 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D1.3 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D1.4 | X | |||||||||||||||||
Task 2 Co-design of joint programs | ||||||||||||||||||
D2.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D2.2 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D2.3 | X |
Task 3 Intensive Advanced Skills Courses (ASCs) for local staff and professionals | ||||||||||||||||||
D3.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D3.2 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D3.3 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D3.4 | X | |||||||||||||||||
WP 8 Migration Heritage – 2 tasks | ||||||||||||||||||
n. Deliverable | M 1 | M 2 | M 3 | M 4 | M 5 | M 6 | M 7 | M 8 | M 9 | M 10 | M 11 | M 12 | M 13 | M 14 | M 15 | M 16 | M 17 | M 18 |
Task 1 Mobility of students and staff | ||||||||||||||||||
D1.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D1.2 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D1.3 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D1.4 | X | |||||||||||||||||
Task 2 Intensive Advanced Skills Courses (ASCs) for local staff and professionals | ||||||||||||||||||
D2.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D2.2 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D2.3 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D2.4 | X | |||||||||||||||||
WP 9 Energy for Future – 3 tasks | ||||||||||||||||||
n. Deliverable | M 1 | M 2 | M 3 | M 4 | M 5 | M 6 | M 7 | M 8 | M 9 | M 10 | M 11 | M 12 | M 13 | M 14 | M 15 | M 16 | M 17 | M 18 |
Task 1 Mobility of students and staff | ||||||||||||||||||
D1.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D1.2 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D1.3 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D1.4 | X | |||||||||||||||||
Task 2 Co-design of joint programs | ||||||||||||||||||
D2.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D2.2 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D2.3 | X | |||||||||||||||||
Task 3 Intensive Advanced Skills Courses (ASCs) for local staff and professionals | ||||||||||||||||||
D3.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D3.2 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D3.3 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D3.4 | X | |||||||||||||||||
WP | 10 X | xxxxxx Management of the project – 2 tasks | ||||||||||||||||
n. Deliverable | M 1 | M 2 | M 3 | M 4 | M 5 | M 6 | M 7 | M 8 | M 9 | M 10 | M 11 | M 12 | M 13 | M 14 | M 15 | M 16 | M 17 | M 18 |
Task 1 Definition and implementation of HerIT4Future Management Plan | ||||||||||||||||||
D1.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D1.2 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D1.3 | X |
D1.4 | X | X | X | |||||||||||||||
D1.5 | X | X | X | |||||||||||||||
Task 2 Setting-up 2 HUBs in LATAM | ||||||||||||||||||
D2.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D2.2 | X | |||||||||||||||||
WP 11 Quality Assurance and Impact monitoring – 5 tasks | ||||||||||||||||||
n. Deliverable | M 1 | M 2 | M 3 | M 4 | M 5 | M 6 | M 7 | M 8 | M 9 | M 10 | M 11 | M 12 | M 13 | M 14 | M 15 | M 16 | M 17 | M 18 |
Task 1 Definition of the HerIT4Future Quality Plan | ||||||||||||||||||
D1.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D1.2 | X | |||||||||||||||||
Task 2 Monitoring HUBs and cooperation mechanisms | ||||||||||||||||||
D2.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
Task 3 Monitoring mobility flows | ||||||||||||||||||
D3.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D3.2 | X | |||||||||||||||||
Task 4 Monitoring joint programs co-design | ||||||||||||||||||
D3.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
Task 5 Monitoring ASCs | ||||||||||||||||||
D3.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
WP 12 Communication and Dissemination – 2 tasks | ||||||||||||||||||
n. Deliverable | M 1 | M 2 | M 3 | M 4 | M 5 | M 6 | M 7 | M 8 | M 9 | M 10 | M 11 | M 12 | M 13 | M 14 | M 15 | M 16 | M 17 | M 18 |
Task 1 Definition of the HerIT4Future Communication Plan | ||||||||||||||||||
D1.1 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D1.2 | X | |||||||||||||||||
Task 2 Creation of a ‘brand identity’ | ||||||||||||||||||
D2.1 | x | |||||||||||||||||
D2.2 | X | |||||||||||||||||
D2.3 | X |
Economic and Financial sustainability profile
Please, indicate the Economic-Financial sustainability profile of the initiative in terms of implementation and feasibility of the interventions, focusing on the adequacy of financed interventions to guarantee the continuity of the project.
Max 5,000 characters
The Economic-financial sustainability profile of HerIT4Future is conceived to implement all planned activities by avoiding unnecessary expenditures in view of the continuity of the project. In line with the cost categories described in the project guidelines, a massive part of the budget (1,775,982 mil Euro) will cover costs for travel, stay and mobility scholarships. These are key elements of the project and are crucial to support actions in all WPs. The main expenditures for the mobility are:
a. student exchange scholarships, including stay and travel for both incomings and outgoings. Students are selected at the Master and PhD level and the individual amounts have been set up according to consolidated standards (Erasmus+ and Italian national scholarship programs);
b. travel and per diem for academic staff for teaching periods (incomings and outgoings). Here too, project partners will use cost and payment standards in general use in international mobility programs;
c. cost of mobilities associated with the organization of ASCs targeted to university staff and professionals. Mobility costs will cover both academics and students. Events will be hosted in Italy and in the two Latin American hubs. Daily costs are the same as the mobility for teaching.
d. finally, the project foresees meetings to arrange and monitor project activities, consolidate relations and discuss the creation of joint programs. These activities require short mobilities and will be implemented partly in presence, and partly online to reduce travel costs.
All these mobilities and actions will produce measurable results that will extend beyond the duration of the project. As the exchanges are naturally also research driven (PhD and staff) they have the true potential of building long-term collaborations also in view of the participation to future funding bids. Sustainability over the long-term will be also nurtured by the establishment of permanent teaching and research networks and/or observatories, as described in the objectives of several WPs. Finally, some advanced skill courses are pilot experiences targeted to non-university staff with the possibility to replicate them on a market base.
All exchanges, joint events and collaborations will be affordable because part of the budget is assigned to employ ad hoc staff. According to PNRR/TNE rules, it is possible to hire professionals to offer specialized support for the achievement of the project results. All WPs will provide these staff with the additional support of permanent academic and administrative staff that will guarantee continuity to the initiative. The overall amount for this cost category is 214,041,36 euro and it will be equally distributed among partners apart from the coordinating institution that will receive a higher share.
A key expenditure for the realization of the activities (195,000 euro) is the consolidation and installation of the two Hubs in Latin America: Hub1 Cono Sur in Buenos Aires (Southern cone) and Hub2 Andes in Cuenca (Andean region). Costs are different because the Buenos Aires hub will be hosted within the already operating Buenos Aires Campus of the University of Bologna. The project will cover the upgrading of ICT equipment to increase facilities for academic staff and students involved in the project. In addition, the project will cover costs for logistic and teaching secretariat for all activities held in Hub1. In the case of Hub 2, the project will cover rental, service and utilities costs for the duration of the project, assuming that potential local partners have already declared the intention to offer facilities to the Italian partnership even after the end of the project. Thus, the continuity of the two hubs will be ensured with the purpose of becoming permanent centers for the promotion of the Italian university system in Latin America and facilitate the relations with local institutions.
Finally, the project foresees costs for the communication and promotion of HerIT4Future activities and results. These will be mainly assigned to UniCal in order to have one main service provider and thus reduce costs. The same strategic choice has been made for monitoring activities that will be partially outsourced to an external agency that will support internal project’s staff. Part of the budget will be assigned to acquire new equipment and digital infrastructures for some Italian universities that need to strengthen internal lab capacity to increase their attractiveness for LATAM students and researchers during and after the project. To end the list, the budget also includes costs for external services to support the organization of the events, meetings and exchanges (visa, accommodation, travel and hotel booking both in Italy and in LATAM), cost of consumables and services for organizing ASCs in Italy. All these
costs will be crucial to support the activities of the WPs and ensure the sustainability of the project, also beyond its duration.
5. Characteristics of the Partners involved in the project
In this section, please provide information about the implementation of the initiative, with a precise description of the Partnership/Consortium/Foundation scope and quality: (i) quality and complementarity of the Partnership/Consortium/Foundation; (ii) capacity and organizational experience of the host institutions.
Please, describe the partnership organization features as foreseen in the following subsections.
(i) Please, describe the Partnership/Consortium/Foundation in terms of quality and complementarity. In addition, describe the organization model in terms of human resources; relevant professional experiences and competences of the personnel involved in the implementation of the project. (Max. 3000 characters) | ||
The Italian partnership has been built according to the following criteria: 1) Experience of working with LATAM institutions. Within the partnership, all Italian universities have a vast number of bilateral agreements, exchange programs, joint research and teaching initiatives with LATAM institutions. The quality and number of these existing bilateral relationships is considerable, and becomes even more significant when the experiences that all Italian partner universities have acquired on multilateral base projects is added. This competence is crucial in a TNE initiative based on a large partnership between LATAM and Italian universities. For instance, UniBO was appointed in 2012 as Italian coordinator of the “SwB mobility initiative for Brazil” as well as of the multilateral CONFAP PhD project also with Brazil. UniBO, UniPD and PoliTO all coordinated a total of 8 “Erasmus Mundus 2” projects with large consortia of European and LATAM universities and more than 4-mil-euro budget each. UniCal is leader of the FUCSIE initiative (the largest platform for scientific cooperation between Ecuador and Italy). UniPD and UniPV are active members of the Coimbra Group LATAM unit, whose aim is to develop joint multilateral initiatives in LATAM. PoliTO is a member of the Xxxxxxxxx Network, built to xxxxxx collaboration between Europe and LATAM universities. UniNA, UniSal, UniME and UniBS are key members of CUIA (Consorzio Universitario Italiano per l’Argentina). - Complementarity: This is a distinctive feature of the project that is evident in the organization of WPs. Universities have been selected according to specific thematic competences with the aim of gathering all of them around a transnational education project on the theme of Heritage. Each university contributes to the project with its top research and teaching programs in a pre- defined thematic area to offer a vast array of options and opportunities for cooperation for LATAM associate partners. In terms of human resources, all universities have nominated one scientific and one administrative coordinator, being that the combination of both competences is essential for the success of the project. Scientific coordinators have been identified according to their experience in cooperation with LATAM and the scientific background needed to coordinate the WPs. They also play a pivotal role within the governance of their organizations, such as Vice-Rectors for international Relations or Delegates for LATAM. Administrative coordinators have been |
identified within International Relation units. They are senior project and mobility managers with relevant professional experience in the management of mobility flows with LATAM partners, including direct knowledge of local university and credit systems, visa regulations, and student learning approaches. Previous managerial experience in vast multilateral mobility projects with LATAM is also an asset that, as described earlier, many Italian partner universities can offer. | ||
(ii) Please, describe the organizational experience of the host institutions, the capacity to improve the international organization/collaboration and highlight the importance of geographic coverage. (Max. 2000 characters) | ||
In the project, Italian and LATAM institutions are both sending and hosting institutions. Generally speaking, all universities involved have excellent experience in managing mobility projects, offering ad hoc services for incoming students, researchers and professors and having defined coherent registration and recognition procedures for periods abroad. In addition, all of them have already carried out international initiatives such as intensive advanced skills programs where professors and staff are used to host international visitors and support their integration into local culture and life. In addition, most LATAM partners have expressed their interest in developing joint programs with Italian universities. This is a key action of the project, that will put into conversation Italian and LATAM groups interested in integrating more deeply their study programs at Master and PhD level and thus exchange good practices in terms of the feasibility of joint programs. Finally, the project took very seriously the geographical coverage in the identification of LATAM associate partners. The main criterion was to include associate universities from countries with a relevant share of citizens with Italian origin, from Argentina and Brazil (Southern cone) to the Andean region where both Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and North Chile host important Italian communities (source: SintesiRIM2021.pdf/link). In addition, the Italian partnership has considered another crucial aspect in the selection of LATAM partners, that is the involvement of both top level LATAM universities generally based in the main cities of the region, and more peripheral and marginalized universities located in those countries with limited resources and a student population that belongs to lower classes or most vulnerable groups. This combination can offer extraordinary collaborative opportunities in terms of inclusiveness, differentiation and mutual learning. |
Place and date The Legal Representative of the Lead Institution of the Partnership/