Indagine di mercato
per l’affidamento di un contratto inerente la fornitura del servizio di “Elaborazione di un Socio-economic impact and a cost-benefit analysis of a European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science (E-RIHS)”, ai sensi dell’art. 36, comma 2, lett. b) del D. Lgs. 50/2016 tramite RDO su MEPA
Si rende noto che l’Istituto Nazionale di Ottica del CNR (di seguito indicato CNR-INO), in seguito a determina a contrattare prot. Cnr-Ino 2189 del 02/03/2018, nel rispetto dei principi enunciati agli artt. 29 e 30 del D. Lgs. 50/2016, intende procedere ad indagine di mercato finalizzata ad individuare gli Operatori economici da invitare alla successiva procedura di affidamento, tramite procedura negoziata di cui all’art.
36 del D.Lgs. 50/2016, per la fornitura di un servizio per “Elaborazione di un piano di sostenibilità dell’infrastruttura E-RIHS PP che fornisca una precisa analisi dei costi/benefici e una valutazione dell’impatto socio-economico.
La fornitura da svolgere nell’ambito del progetto “The European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science Preparatory Phase” E-RIHS PP, Grant Agreement nr. 739503, dovrà rispondere alle seguenti caratteristiche:
Motivation and main goals
E-RIHS is a Research Infrastructure (RI) focused on the preservation of the world’s heritage by providing cross-cutting edge researchers, knowledge, capabilities and infrastructures.
E-RIHS is a publicly funded RI and it is therefore crucial to estimate the return on investment and the ability of generating economic and social value per countries involved. Following this accountability perspective, the present call for tender is aimed at outsourcing two specific analyses, i.e.:
- one cost-benefit analysis (CBA) and
- one socio-economic impact assessment.
These activities are part of the preparatory phase (as in the G.A, WP6, task 6.4).
CBA has been traditionally used to evaluate the impact of investment projects, by considering inputs, outputs and the Marginal Social Values (MSVs) in order to determine the expected Net Present Value (NPV) of a specific project. The CBA test is passed when NPV > 0. Recently it has been applied also in the case of Research Infrastructures (RIs) and the related results proven CBA as a useful evaluation tools also in the case of large and/or distributed RIs.
The need for a socio-economic impact assessment has its foundation in the fact that RIs are publicly funded and, therefore, they are expected to be able to generate benefits for science, companies and for the whole society. Socio-economic impact generated from publicly funded RIs varies from, for example: knowledge creation; direct and indirect economic impact; innovation; job creation; knowledge transfer and it affects a wide set of stakeholders. This analysis is aimed at identifying the prominent socio-economic impact dimensions with related impact indicators to assess it.
The two analyses have to be procured considering the peculiarities of heritage science and, more in general, those of the evaluation for the impact of research:
- Cultural and natural heritage are non-renewable resources and therefore they require specific policies and measures for preservation;
- Heritage science is cross-disciplinary and addresses several classes of objects;
- Impact assessment activities and the definition of impact indicators will need to consider that:
- traditional indicators used to assess the impact of research are hardly applicable to heritage science;
- “from lab-to market” indicators are of difficult application in the absence of a clear definition of such market;
- the timing of the returns could very often be far in the future, and the paths leading to such impacts may not be linear;
- impact values are often difficult to be calculated, encompassing different dimensions and impacting on a very large set of different actors in science and society;
- Social impact need to be considered, especially in terms of creation of jobs, enabled by all activities of the RI;
- E-RIHS has a heterogeneous and fragmented set of stakeholders (more than a couple of hundreds can be individuated), whose interests in E-RIHS impact are fragmented too.
Moreover, the two studies will be outsourced and the successful tender/tenders will be asked for providing analyses assessed at different timeframes, geographic scales and in different domains. In addition to the impact on preventive conservation, tourism and cultural and creative industries, a special attention of the two studies should be paid to less obvious impacts that E-RIHS will generate, through its contribution to the knowledge, conservation, valorisation and management of heritage. The two studies would also consider the specific structure of E-RIHS as a distributed RI including the Central Hub and a large number of distributed facilities.
Services to be procured, and results of the analysis, should take into consideration the previously mentioned peculiarities of heritage science. A more detailed description of services and expected activities is provided as follows.
Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) and expected activities
As previous works have demonstrated, the basic idea of CBA is that the “CBA test” carried out with respect to a specific investment is passed when the related expected benefits exceed socio-economic costs, i.e. when the NPV > 0, meaning that that investment is expected to produce benefits to the society as a whole. A CBA, therefore, has to consider benefits and cost to a wide set of stakeholders who could potentially be affected by the investment in various ways.
With respect to CBA, expected activities are listed (but they are not limited to):
- Provision of the GANTT, i.e. clarification of the all the phases considered necessary by the tender to carry out the CBA analysis with related time-frame
- Identification of E-RIHS stakeholders, i.e. mapping out all potential direct and indirect stakeholders, providing additional information and justification on how they could be affected by E-RIHS. Literature review and empirical studies could be beneficial to support the current stakeholders’ identification
- Identification of benefits with respect to identified stakeholders, i.e. with respect to the previously identified stakeholders, the tender will also highlight which potential benefits E-RIHS will provide to stakeholders. Indicators and measurement metrics to assess benefits are also required.
- Identification of costs for detected stakeholders, i.e. with respect to stakeholders the tender will identify potential costs – and related measures and indicators to assess them
- Definition of the CBA model for RI, i.e. definition of the theoretical model that consider costs and benefits previously identified
- Data collection and analysis, i.e. clarification of methodologies for data collection, data sources and data analysis
- Estimation of benefits, i.e. provision of benefits’ estimation according to the CBA model previously defined
- Estimation of costs, i.e. provision of costs’ estimation according to the CBA model previously defined
- Final estimation of the NPV
Socio-economic impact assessment and expected activities
RIs socio-economic impact is widely recognized as a fundamental return deriving from the construction and the use of such infrastructures. Direct and indirect economic impact, xxxxxx companies’ innovation, by creating new markets, favoring collaboration between stakeholders, transferring knowledge and technology, job creation, and they are usually cited as the impact of RIs. Although the relevance of assessing such impact is growing, no shared methodologies and framework have been actually able to capture the full impact of RIs. More challenging is the detection of suitable impact indicators that will be able to fully capture the heterogeneous and multi-dimensional nature of RIs socio-economic impact.
Expected activities are listed here (but they are not limited to those listed):
- Provision of the GANTT, i.e. clarification of the all the phases considered necessary by the tender to carry out the socio-economic impact assessment and related time-frame;
- Definition of a distributed RI socio-economic impact; i.e. literature review and review of empirical works to provide a comprehensive definition of RI-socio-economic impact that will guide the identification of performance dimensions and related measures;
- Preliminary analysis of the state of the art with respect to socio-economic impact assessment of distributed RIs; i.e. based on the previously provided definition of socio-economic impact assessment, the tender will provide a synthesis of previous work on RI socio-economic impact assessment and, based on that, it has to provide a set of performance dimensions and related metrics that will be evaluated during the project;
- Definition of a methodology of investigation, i.e. explanation of the research approach (e.g. qualitative, quantitative, multi-methods), data collection process, sources of data and data analysis strategy;
- Provision of E-RIHS socio-economic impact dimensions, i.e. provision of a report in which all the performance dimensions considered to evaluate impact are described and justified;
- Definition of E-RIHS impact indicators and related value, i.e. provision of a report in which, for each performance dimension, a set of quantitative indicators are presented and described.
Note that the proposal must be written in English only, other languages are not accepted.
Stazione appaltante
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto Nazionale di Ottica – Sede di Firenze Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx 0
00000 Xxxxxxx
Tipologia della procedura
Procedura negoziata di cui all’art. 36 del D.Lgs. 50/2016 con consultazione di almeno cinque operatori economici mediante “Richiesta di Offerta” (RDO) nell’ambito del Mercato Elettronico della Pubblica Amministrazione (Me.P.A.), ai sensi dell’art. 36 comma 2 lettera b) del D. Lgs. 50/2016.
Importo a base d’asta
Euro 120.000,00 (Centoventimila/00) non imponibile IVA ai sensi dell’art. 72 del DPR 633/72.
Criterio di aggiudicazione
Per l’aggiudicazione verrà adottato il criterio dell’offerta economicamente più vantaggiosa ai sensi dell’art. 95 del D.Lgs. 50/2016.
Requisiti di partecipazione
Possono partecipare alla procedura gli operatori economici in possesso dei requisiti di ordine generale e di idoneità professionale di cui agli artt. 80 e 83 del D. Lgs. 50/2016 e che non si trovino in alcuna delle cause di esclusione previste dall’art. 80 del medesimo D. Lgs.
Gli operatori economici dovranno essere iscritti nella piattaforma M.E.P.A. al Bando “SERVIZI - SERVIZI DI SUPPORTO SPECIALISTICO”.
Procedura di partecipazione
La manifestazione di interesse, sottoscritta dal legale rappresentante della ditta, dovrà pervenire entro le ore 23:59 del 28.03.2018 tramite posta elettronica certificata al seguente indirizzo specificando nell’oggetto: “Socio-economic impact and a cost-benefit analysis of a European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science (E-RIHS), CIG 7407790DAE. Alla manifestazione di interesse non dovrà essere allegata alcuna offerta economica.
Le manifestazioni di interesse pervenute oltre il termine perentorio di scadenza sopra indicato, saranno automaticamente escluse dalla procedura di selezione.
Non saranno ammesse istanze incomplete o sottoscritte con modalità non conformi a quanto indicato.
Responsabile Unico del Procedimento
Il Responsabile Unico del Procedimento, nominato ai sensi dell’art. 31 del D. Lgs. 50/2016, è il Xxxx. Xxxx Xxxxxxx, tel. 000 0000 000, e-mail: xxxx.xxxxxxx@xxx.xx
Individuazione dell’affidatario
In esito all’indagine di mercato di cui al presente avviso, il CNR-INO, acquisita la disponibilità dei soggetti interessati, avvierà con gli stessi una procedura negoziata ai sensi dell’art. 36 del D. Lgs. 50/2016 e s.m.i.. mediante Richiesta di Offerta (RDO) nella piattaforma M.E.P.A.
Ulteriori informazioni
L’indagine di mercato di cui al presente avviso, ha lo scopo di favorire la consultazione e la partecipazione di operatori economici, mediante acquisizione di espressa manifestazione di interesse da parte degli stessi ad essere invitati a partecipare alla gara.
Il presente avviso è finalizzato unicamente ad esperire una indagine di mercato e pertanto non costituisce proposta contrattuale, né sollecitazione a presentare offerte e non comporta diritti di prelazione o preferenza, né impegni o vincoli di alcun tipo per il CNR-INO.
Il CNR-INO si riserva, in qualunque momento, di interrompere, revocare, sospendere, modificare la presente procedura e di non aggiudicare la stipula del contratto, qualora ne ravvisi l’opportunità dandone comunicazione alle imprese concorrenti senza che i soggetti istanti possano avanzare alcuna pretesa in relazione al procedimento avviato.
Trattamento dei dati personali
I dati personali, acquisiti dal CNR-INO (titolare del trattamento) saranno utilizzati esclusivamente per il compimento delle attività previste dalla legge e per il raggiungimento delle finalità istituzionali dell’Istituto. Il conferimento dei dati è strettamente funzionale allo svolgimento di tali attività ed il relativo trattamento verrà effettuato, anche mediante l’uso di strumenti informatici, nei modi e limiti necessari al perseguimento di dette finalità. E’ garantito agli interessati l’esercizio dei diritti di cui all’art. 7 del D.Lgs. 196/03.
Pubblicazione avviso
Il presente avviso è pubblicato sul sito istituzionale sezione “Gare e Appalti” - “Gare in corso”.
Il Direttore del CNR-INO Dott. Xxxxx Xx Xxxxxx