Dinas a Sir Abertawe
Dinas a Sir Abertawe
Cofnodion Cyfarfod y Panel Craffu Perfformiad – Yr Amgylchedd Naturiol
X xxxx drwy Microsoft Teams
Dydd Mawrth, 29 Mehefin 2021 am 10.00 am
Yn Bresennol: Y Cynghorydd X X Xxxxx (Cadeirydd) oedd yn llywyddu
Y Cynghorydd(wyr) Y Cynghorydd(wyr) Y Cynghorydd(wyr)
X X Xxxxxxxxxx X X Xxxxxxxxx O G Xxxxx
X X Xxxxx H Xxxxxx I E Xxxx
X X Xxxxxxxx X Xxxxxxxx X X Xxxxxx
Mynychwyr eraill
Xxxx Xxxxxx
Xxxx Xxxx Xxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Seller Xxxxx Xxxxxx
Aelod y Cabinet - Gwella'r Amgylchedd a Rheoli Isadeiledd
Pennaeth Tai ac Iechyd y Cyhoedd Arweinydd Xxx Rheoli Llygredd Swyddog Ymchwil, Prifysgol Abertawe Swyddog Craffu
Ymddiheuriadau am absenoldeb
Y Cynghorydd(wy): X X Xxxxxx, X Xxxxxxxx a/ac X X Xxxxx-Xxxxx
46 Datgeliadau o fuddiannau personol a rhagfarnol
Yn unol â'r Côd Ymddygiad a fabwysiadwyd gan Ddinas a Xxx Xxxxxxxx, ni ddatganwyd unrhyw fuddiannau.
47 Gwahardd pleidleisiau Chwip a Datgan Chwipiau'r Pleidiau
Yn unol â Mesur Llywodraeth Leol (Cymru) 2011, ni ddatganwyd pleidleisiau chwip na chwipiau'r pleidiau.
48 Cofnodion y Cyfarfod(ydd) Blaenorol
Cytunwyd bod cofnodion cyfarfod Panel Craffu Perfformiad yr Amgylchedd Naturiol, a gynhaliwyd ar 19 Mai 2021, yn gofnodion cywir.
49 Cwestiynau gan y Cyhoedd
Roedd dau gwestiwn cyhoeddus, yn canolbwyntio ar (a) llosgi coed domestig a (b) defnyddio data ansawdd aer cenedlaethol i lywio strategaeth y cyngor.
Trafododd y Panel gwestiwn (a) yng nghyd-destun Llygredd Aer a monitro'r un peth. Amlinellodd y Cynghorydd Xxxx Xxxxxx xxxxx gweithredu'r cyngor a thynnodd sylw at y ffaith na ellir cyflawni dull o fonitro/orfodi ar draws y ddinas ar hyn x xxxx, fodd bynnag, mae'r cyngor yn gwneud gwelliannau parhaus i safonau a pholisïau Ansawdd Aer, yn unol â chanllawiau'r Llywodraeth. Cadarnhaodd swyddogion fod gan y cyngor, xxx ddarpariaethau niwsans statudol, bwerau i ymateb i gwynion ynghylch rheoli mwg, a bydd yn gwneud hynny os daw cwyn i law.
Cydnabu'r Cynghorydd Xxxx Xxxxxx gwestiwn (b) fel mater polisi ehangach, yn lleol ac yn genedlaethol, ac ymrwymodd i ddarparu ateb ysgrifenedig llawn xxxx o law.
50 Rheoli Ansawdd Aer
Cafodd y Panel drafodaeth am strategaethau Rheoli Ansawdd Aer cyfredol y cyngor. Clywodd y Panel am y polisïau a'r cynlluniau sydd ar waith ar hyn o bryd gan Aelodau Cabinet arweiniol a swyddogion perthnasol.
Cododd Aelodau'r Panel gwestiynau ynglŷn â'r adroddiad a gyflwynwyd, gyda diddordeb mewn gwybod rhagor am y dechnoleg a'r adnoddau sydd ar gael i gefnogi gwaith Xxx Rheoli Llygredd y cyngor, megis y dadansoddwr PM2.5 ar Fabian Way.
Clywodd y Panel hefyd am y Sgrîn Werdd sydd wedi'i gosod ar Fabian Way, a gwaith y cyngor i edrych ar ganlyniadau, yn ystod ac ar ôl y cyfyngiadau symud, gan helpu i nodi a mesur manteision i liniaru rhywfaint o amlygiad i lygredd peiriannau.
Canolbwyntiwyd ar y canlynol yn ystod y drafodaeth:
• Sefydlwyd Panel Cynghori ar Aer Glân gyda Llywodraeth Cymru, i roi cyngor ar faterion sy'n codi o ansawdd aer.
• Cyfle i gynnwys ysgolion / disgyblion mewn prosiectau isadeiledd gwyrdd - yr angen i ymgysylltu â phlant o oedran ifanc, gan newid ymddygiadau traddodiadol.
• Effeithiau trawsffiniol – rhai llygryddion cynyddol yn ystod y cyfyngiadau symud yn y cyd-destun ehangach.
• Data cyfrif traffig / llif traffig: Xxx xxxxx ar gael i ymchwilio i ddyddiau/ddigwyddiadau penodol ac effaith traffig dwysedd uwch ar y data. Mae Prifysgol Abertawe'n bwriadu ymchwilio i ddigwyddiadau mawr yn Abertawe, ac unrhyw effaith ddilynol ar ansawdd aer.
• Peiriannau xxxxx – er enghraifft, casgliadau ysgol. Mater o bryder bod plant yn agored i gysylltiad crynodedig yn ystod yr amserau hyn. Ni ddylai bysus fod yn rhedeg yn rhy hir gyda pheiriannau xxxxx. Clywodd y Panel fod gan fysus xxx gontract gyda'r cyngor gyfnod xxxxx cyfyngedig, a dylid rhoi gwybod am unrhyw xxxx y tu hwnt i hynny. Cydnabu cynghorwyr ei bod yn anodd monitro/gorfodi ceir ar adegau codi y tu xxxxx i ysgolion. Awgrymodd Aelodau'r Panel y dylid annog gweithredwyr bysus i osod technoleg fonitro i fesur amseroedd peiriannau xxxxx.
• Addysg – xxx xxxxx rhoi gwybodaeth well i'r cyhoedd am ganlyniadau ymddygiadau penodol.
• Cydnabu'r cynghorwyr y llwyth gwaith a'r straen cynyddol a roddwyd ar y xxx yn ystod cyfnod ymateb y pandemig.
Cafodd y Panel gyflwyniad hefyd gan Victoria Seller o Brifysgol Abertawe, yn ymdrin â throsolwg o strategaethau Ansawdd Aer yng Nghymru. Canolbwyntiodd y drafodaeth ar y canlynol:
• Roedd Adroddiad y Coleg Brenhinol Pediatreg ac Iechyd Plant (RCPCH) (2016) yn amcangyfrif bod 40,000 o farwolaethau cynnar xxx blwyddyn yn gysylltiedig ag ansawdd aer yn y DU.
• Mae ansawdd aer yn gysylltiedig ag ystod enfawr o faterion iechyd, gan gynnwys nanoronynnau sy'n croesi'r rhwystr gwaed/ymennydd.
• Efallai nad yw canllawiau a safonau'n diogelu iechyd pawb mewn cymdeithas.
• Mae nwy nitrogen deuocsid yn gysylltiedig â thraffig ac yn digwydd yn lleol mewn pocedi penodol.
• Mae llygredd aer yn gysylltiedig ag iechyd ac amddifadedd, sy'n effeithio'n anghymesur ar rai cymunedau.
• Disgwylir i Ganllawiau Nodweddion Aer (Sefydliad Iechyd y Byd) gael eu diweddaru'n fuan.
• Mae Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015 yn rhoi cyfrifoldeb ar gyrff cyhoeddus i weithio mewn ffordd gydlynol i reoli Llygredd Aer.
• Rhwydwaith Trefol a Gwledig Awtomatig (RhTGA) – 11 safle ledled Cymru, 2 mewn ardaloedd gwledig, diffyg lledaeniad da o ddwysedd monitro oherwydd cost dangoswyr a gweithrediad dwys o ran amser. Mae'r dangoswyr hyn, ynghyd â rhagfynegiadau data, yn dangos problemau gyda Nitrogen Deuocsid.
• 40 o ddangoswyr awtomataidd ledled Cymru, yn ogystal ag 11 RhTGA.
• Xxx xxx 12 awdurdod diwbiau gwasgariad, technoleg syml fach, sy'n mesur crynodiad hirdymor o Nitrogen Deuocsid.
• Bydd y Brifysgol yn ymgymryd â darn newydd o waith / ymchwil sy'n ymwneud ag effaith llai o draffig yn ystod y cyfyngiadau symud, ar ansawdd aer. Yr Hypothesis yw y bydd y gostyngiad mewn traffig yn cyfateb i ostyngiad yn NA2 a PM2.5.
Manteisiodd y Panel hefyd ar y cyfle i holi am y polisïau sy'n ymwneud â'r Cynllun Datblygu Lleol / mwy o adeiladu tai, a'r cynnydd dilynol ar lygredd traffig/aer. Tynnodd y Cynghorydd Xxxxxx sylw at angen clir wedi'i ddiffinio am ragor o dai yn genedlaethol, gan gydnabod y cydbwysedd sydd xx xxxxx rhwng gofynion tai ac effeithiau ar wasanaethau cyfagos.
Ystyriodd aelodau'r Panel yr wybodaeth a ddarparwyd, gan ofyn cwestiynau, a mynegi'u barn am y ffordd ymlaen. Diolchodd y Cadeirydd iddynt am eu mewnbwn
CYTUNWYD y byddai'r Panel yn ysgrifennu at Aelodau'r Cabinet gyda'i farn a'i argymhellion.
51 Llythyrau
Derbyniodd y Panel yr ohebiaeth a anfonwyd yn dilyn cyfarfod y Panel a gynhaliwyd ar 19 Mai 2021.
Daeth y cyfarfod i ben am 11.55 am
Councillor Xxxx Xxxxxx Cabinet Member for Environment Enhancement & Infrastructure Management
Please ask for: Gofynnwch am:
Direct Line:
Llinell Uniongyrochol:
e-Mail e-Xxxx:
Date Dyddiad:
Overview & Scrutiny 01792 637732
22 July 2021
Summary: This is a letter from the Natural Environment Scrutiny Performance Panel to the Cabinet Member for Environment Enhancement & Infrastructure Management. The letter concerns the meeting held on 29 June 2021 and the updates received regarding Air Quality Management.
Dear Councillor Xxxxxx,
On 29 June, the Panel met to discuss the Council’s current strategies regarding Air Quality Management. The Panel are grateful to yourself for attending to discuss the report and answer questions. We also thank Xxxx Xxxx, Head of Housing and Public Health, and Xxx Xxxxx, Pollution Control Team Leader, for their attendance and contributions. We also extend our thanks to Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, Research Officer at Swansea University, who attended to present an overview regarding the impact of air quality on human health.
The Panel received an update report regarding air quality in Swansea and the strategies currently implemented by the Council. Our discussions predominantly focused on the following aspects:
Green Infrastructure
It was pleasing to hear about the installation of a ‘Green Screen’ along Fabian Way in March 2020, along with the PM2.5 analyser. We understand this was a collaboration with the Nature Conservation Team, with the aim of mitigating exposure to engine pollution. We would be interested to hear updates regarding the analysis of data surrounding this project, which will take place to assess whether the installation has had an impact on air quality and noise.
Officers highlighted that there remains much scope to engage schools and young pupils in Green Infrastructure projects, acknowledging the need for engagement of Overview & Scrutiny / Trosolwg a chraffu
Swansea Council / Cyngor Abertawe
Guildhall, Swansea, SA1 4PE / Neuadd Y Ddinas, Abertawe, SA1 4PE
xxx.xxxxxxx.xxx.xx / xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx.xx
I dderbyn yr wybodaeth hon mewn fformat arall neu yn Gymraeg, cysylltwch â’r person uchod To receive this information in alternative format, or in Welsh please contact the above
children at a young age, helping to shift traditional behaviours. Members also elaborated on the need to better educate the public regarding consequences of certain behaviours and the impact of such on air pollution.
Air Pollution Monitoring
The Panel heard about the transboundary effects on Air Quality in Swansea, including the increased levels of air pollution during lockdown, resulting from wider events beyond localised borders.
Officers explained to us that Swansea Council utilises both automatic and non- automatic monitoring methods when undertaking Local Air Quality Management duties. Panel Members were interested to know more about the technology and available resources supporting the work of the Council’s Pollution Control Team.
We heard that traffic flow data is collected and analysed, to help understand air quality measurements across Swansea. The Panel queried whether data is collected at specific times, such as dates of major events. Officers explained to us that, although not currently a focus, the capability exists to look into specific days/events and the effect of higher density traffic on localised pollution measurements. We also understand that Swansea University plan to research the impacts of major events in the area, such as the Wales National Air Show, and any subsequent influence on air quality.
Panel Members raised the issue of engine idling at school collection points and concerns that children are subject to concentrated exposure during these times. You reiterated that buses should not be running too long with idle engines, and it was pleasing to hear that this is a stipulation within contracts of bus providers. Panel Members suggested that bus operators are encouraged to install monitoring technology to measure engine idling times, a suggestion which you took on board as a possibility for inclusion within the next tender process.
The Panel also received a presentation from Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, of Swansea University, covering an overview of air quality strategies in Wales. It was concerning to hear that air quality has been linked to a huge range of health issues and is attributable to a large number of early deaths in the UK each year. We also heard evidence that air pollution is linked to deprivation, disproportionately affecting some communities.
It was explained to us that, across Wales, there is a minimal spread of automatic monitor density due largely to the cost of monitors and the time-intensive operating requirements. We heard that in total there are forty automated monitors across Wales.
The Panel also heard that a total of twelve Local Authorities use diffusion tubes, a low cost and effective tool for measuring long term concentrations of Nitrogen Dioxide. We understand that Swansea Council also utilise diffusion tubes, although data collected is limited to mean annual concentrations.
Public Question Time
The Panel is looking to engage the public, and relevant organisations, in its work and was pleased to receive public questions on Air Pollution. Two questions were put forward during our Public Question Time item, both relating to aspects of Air Pollution.
You were asked, and responded to, the following:
1) Will the council include the monitoring and control of pollution from domestic wood burners as a part of its measures to reduce particulate air pollution? In response to this question, you highlighted that a city-wide approach to monitoring/enforcement is not achievable at present, however, the Council is making continuous improvements to Air Quality standards and policies, in line with Government guidelines. Officers confirmed that under statutory nuisance provisions, the Council has powers to respond to individual complaints regarding smoke control, and will investigate valid complaints received.
2) Who in Swansea Council is responsible for developing a strategy to address this serious problem (air pollution)? When will it be given the priority it deserves, in order to save human life and address the costs of taking no action? In response to this question, you acknowledged this as a wider policy issue and undertook to provide a full written answer in due course. I would be grateful if you could copy Scrutiny into your response.
Impacts of the LDP
The Panel took the opportunity to ask about the policies relating to the Local Development Plan (LDP) and the subsequent increase in traffic/air pollution as a result of an increase in house building. You highlighted a clear and defined need for more housing nationally, acknowledging the balance needed between housing demands and impacts upon surrounding services.
Your Response
The Panel acknowledged the increased workload experienced by the Pollution Control Team during the period of the pandemic response, and thank all those involved for their hard work and commitment.
We are interested in any thoughts you may have on the contents of this letter but, in this instance, we require no formal written response.
Yours sincerely,
Councillor Xxxxx Xxxxx
Convener, Natural Environment Scrutiny Performance Panel
🖂 xxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx@xxxxxxx.xxx.xx