Decreto Rep. | Prot. n. | |||||
Anno 2020 | Tit. III | Cl. | Fasc. | 5 | All. n. | 1 |
OGGETTO: Regolamento didattico di Corso di studio - Modifica.
Vista la legge 19 novembre 1990, n. 341, relativa alla riforma degli ordinamenti didattici, e in particolare l'art. 11, comma 2;
Visto il decreto del ministro dell'istruzione dell'università e della ricerca 22 ottobre 2004 n. 270, relativo alle modifiche al regolamento recante norme concernenti l'autonomia didattica degli atenei, approvato con decreto del ministro dell'università e della ricerca scientifica e tecnologica 3 novembre 1999, n. 509;
Visti i decreti del Ministro dell’Università e della Ricerca 16 marzo 2007, relativi alla determinazione delle Classi delle Lauree e delle Lauree magistrali;
Visto il decreto MIUR del 7 gennaio 2019, n. 6, avente ad oggetto “Autovalutazione, valutazione, accreditamento iniziale e periodico delle sedi e dei corsi di studio”;
Visto lo Statuto dell'Università degli Studi di Padova emanato con decreto rettorale n. 3276 del 16 dicembre 2011, e successivamente modificato con decreto rettorale n. 1664 del 27 giugno 2012;
Tenuto conto dell'art. 4 del Regolamento Didattico di Ateneo, emanato con decreto rettorale n. 1623 del 16 giugno 2008, e successivamente modificato con decreto rettorale n. 693 del 26 febbraio 2013;
Vista la delibera del Senato Accademico del 12 maggio 2014, n. 96, avente a oggetto "Approvazione degli schemi di Regolamento Didattico dei Corsi di studio (Lauree, Lauree magistrali e Lauree magistrali a ciclo unico)", rivisti ai sensi del su citato art. 4 del Regolamento Didattico di Ateneo;
Vista la delibera del Senato Accademico del 6 luglio 2015, n. 65, avente a oggetto "Precisazioni in merito ai trasferimenti tra corsi di studio";
Tenuto conto di quanto stabilito dal Senato Accademico con la delibera del 4 ottobre 2010, n. 185 avente a oggetto "Linee guida per l’adeguamento dei Corsi di laurea e Laurea magistrale in vista della predisposizione dell'offerta formativa 2011/2012" e, successivamente, con la delibera del 7 aprile 2014, n. 46, avente a oggetto "Linee guida per il miglioramento della qualità della didattica";
Vista la delibera del Senato Accademico n. 31 del 14 maggio 2019 avente ad oggetto “Indicazioni per l’offerta formativa e la programmazione della didattica a.a. 2020/21”;
Vista la Delibera della Scuola di Medicina e Chirurgia del 15 ottobre 2020, protocollo n. 459099 del 18 dicembre 2020, con la quale è stato proposto agli Organi Centrali il Regolamento didattico del Corso di studio;
Verificato che il Regolamento è conforme al Regolamento Didattico di Ateneo, parte generale, e alla normativa vigente;
La Responsabile del procedimento amministrativo Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx | Il Dirigente Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx | Il Direttore Generale Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx |
Preso atto che la struttura proponente ha accertato la conformità del provvedimento alla legislazione vigente e ai Regolamenti di Ateneo;
1. di approvare il Regolamento didattico del Corso di studio raggruppato nella Scuola di Medicina e Chirurgia:
• Corso di laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in MEDICINE AND SURGERY (LM-41) sede di Padova - Dipartimento di Medicina (DIMED)
dando atto che il Regolamento didattico del Corso di studio in allegato costituisce parte integrante del presente decreto, ed entra in vigore dall'anno accademico 2020/2021.
Prima dell'inizio dell'anno accademico il Regolamento sopra elencato, completo dei suoi allegati, verrà pubblicato nel sito di Ateneo all'indirizzo: xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxxxx.xx nella pagina relativa al Corso di studio;
2. di dare atto che il Regolamento sopra elencato decadrà qualora non si provveda all'aggiornamento, se dovuto, dei suoi allegati;
3. di incaricare l’Ufficio Offerta formativa ed assicurazione della qualità dell'esecuzione del presente provvedimento, che verrà registrato nel Repertorio Generale dei Decreti.
Padova, data della registrazione
Il Rettore Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx
firmato digitalmente ai sensi del d.lgs. 82/2005
La Responsabile del procedimento amministrativo Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx | Il Dirigente Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx | Il Direttore Generale Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx |
Art. 1 — Preface and purposes
1. The Single-cycle Master's degree course in MEDICINE AND SURGERY belongs to class LM-41 as set out in Ministerial Decree (“M.D.”) 270/2004. The Single-cycle Master's degree is both an academic qualification and a qualifying degree pursuant to art. 102, par. 1 of Legislative Decree no. 18 of 17th March 2020.
The main bodies of the Single-cycle Master's degree course are the Director and the Degree Course Teachers' Council of the Single-cycle Master's degree course in Medicine and Surgery.
3. The Single-cycle Master's degree course regulations with the general overview of the training activities, drawn up according to the scheme defined by Ministerial Decrees and in compliance with the requirements set by ANVUR, are included in Annex 1, which is an integral part of these Regulations.
4. In line with the University Regulations and with the University Schools Regulations, the present Degree Course Regulations lay out the organization of the Single-cycle Master's degree course regarding any aspects not covered by the aforementioned regulations.
Art. 2 — Admission
1. Students who intend to enrol in the Single-cycle Master's degree course in MEDICINE AND SURGERY must have a secondary school leaving qualification or other qualification awarded abroad which is recognised as valid for admission to university according to the regulations in place. Students must also have suitable background and skills in general culture and logical thinking, biology, chemistry, physics and
Possession of these knowledge and skills will be assessed in an admission test as set forth in par. 3 below.
2. The number of students admitted to the Single-cycle Master's degree course in MEDICINE AND SURGERY is set every year by the relevant Ministry on the basis of national professional requirements and the University's proposal, which takes into account sustainability in terms of human and instrumental resources.
3. Possession of suitable knowledge and skills is verified by means of an admission test. The content and type of test are set annually by the relevant Ministry, which also establishes criteria to draw up the merit list.
Every year, when activating the Single-cycle Master's degree course and following proposal by the Degree Course Teachers' Council, the relevant Department will set out the criteria for additional learning requirements as published in the Admission Notice.
4. Admission to the Single-cycle Master's degree course in MEDICINE AND SURGERY is open to those who are placed on the merit list within the maximum number of students allowed.
5. The additional learning requirements must be fulfilled by 30th September of the first year of enrolment in the Single-cycle Master's degree course in the following ways:
o by attending repair classes with a final test
o by taking a specific test
6. Fulfilment of the additional learning requirements does not result in additional credits being awarded in addition to the curricular ones; it is, however, registered and the related activities are not part of the study plan.
7. Students who don’t meet their additional learning requirements by 30th September of the first year of enrolment can repeat the first year of the course until such requirements are fulfilled.
Failure to fulfil the additional learning requirements assigned results in not being allowed to take the final examination of the course units listed in Annex 2.
Art. 3 — How the course is organised
1. The Single-cycle Master's degree course in MEDICINE AND SURGERY is structured as a single course track and is taught in English.
2. Course units are organised following the semester system.
3. These Regulations are supplemented by the three documents (Annexes 2, 3 and additional) drawn up annually when the Single-cycle Master's degree course is activated referring to the cohort of students of that academic year.
4. Annex 2 defines:
o the training courses proposed, the list of course units and their organisation into modules
o the scientific areas (“SDD”) or the SSD associated to each training course
o the university credits (“CFU”) assigned to each training course
o the hours of assisted teaching for each training course
o any prerequisites, as set by the Student Regulations
o the course year in which each course unit should be taught
o the teaching period (semester)
o the language each course unit is taught in
o the type of assessment required by each course unit
o the list of course units which require prior fulfilment of the additional learning requirements assigned
o the list of course units set forth in art. 8
5. All the information required by the regulations in place, such as the learning outcomes of the degree course and of the training courses activated, and the list of university teachers involved in the Single-cycle Master's degree course in MEDICINE AND SURGERY is published and updated following the procedures set forth by the University Regulations.
The syllabuses of the course units and of the other training activities validated by the Director of the Degree Course Teachers’ Council, as well as the timetable of classes, exam sessions and other types of final examinations, are published before the start of each academic year.
Art. 4 — Exams and assessments
1. Each training course includes a final examination to be done at the end of the period in which the course takes place. In case of training courses divided into modules, a joint and single final grade is provided. The student acquires the university credits of that particular training course only by passing the final examination. The training courses explicitly listed in Annex 2, the final assessment of which involves a grade in thirtieths, contribute to the final grade of the Single-cycle Master's degree.
2. The maximum number of exams or final examinations of course units necessary to obtain the qualification may not exceed 36. The following training courses will be considered in the calculation:
I. core
II. key
III. related
IV. optional (overall counting as a single exam)
3. Final examinations can take place as: oral or written exam or both; a written or oral report on the activity carried out; an open-ended question test or a multiple-choice test; a lab test or computer-based practical work; a practical test or a project. Before the start of each academic year, the university teacher in charge of the course unit will publish information on how the final examination is structured - which may include one or more of the types listed above - the assessment criteria and the possibility of carrying out mid-course tests. Assessment must be the same way for all students and must respect the criteria established at the start of the academic year.
4. Any mid-course tests must not interfere with other course units and cannot replace the assessments set in par. 1.
a. The results of vocational training will be verified by the teacher in charge with the acquisition of attendance by means of a final grade. The results of study periods abroad will be verified and the relevant university credits will be recognised by the
Degree Course Teachers' Council in place of those allocated to previously identified training courses included in the study plan.
b. Certification of attendance and assessment of the practical-evaluative traineeship periods will be carried out under the direct responsibility of the university teacher or medical director in charge of the facility attended by the trainee, and of the general practitioner. Each of them will issue, for the part within their competence, a formal certification of attendance together with an assessment of the results of the competences demonstrated and, in the event of a positive outcome, grade the trainee as eligible. The acquisition of the university credits from the vocational training is a prerequisite for admission to the final examination.
6. The university credits acquired are valid for 10 years from the date of examination. After this period, the Degree Course Teachers' Council must check whether the content learnt has become outdated and confirm, even only partially, the university credits acquired.
Art. 5 — Final assessment
1. The final assessment consists in an original thesis written by the student under the supervision of a lecturer. Further information can be found in the Final Assessment Regulations approved by the Degree Course Teachers' Council (Additional Annex).
The thesis will be defended before a Board appointed, at the proposal of the Director of the degree course Teachers’ Council, by the Xxxx of the School of Medicine after consulting the Directors of the relevant Departments.
With reference to the Graduation Boards for the qualifying final examination of the Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery, in compliance with the provisions set forth in art. 1, par. 3, section f) of Legislative Decree no. 233 of the Provisional Head of State dated 13th September 1946, as amended by art. 4, par. 1, of Law no. 3 of 11th January 2018, insofar as it provides that: <<3.The Orders and the relevant national Federations: […] f) participate […] in the qualifying examination for professional practice>>, the participation of a representative of the professional Order of reference is envisaged. This representative will thus be able to verify, also for the purposes of the subsequent registration in the professional Register, the regular performance of the final qualifying examination which the graduate accesses at the end of a study path within which he/she has also been deemed as specifically eligible following the practical-evaluative traineeship referred to in M.D. no. 58/2018.
2. The thesis must be written and defended in English.
3. The graduand will be required to sign a “Confidentiality Agreement” following the model approved by the Academic Senate. Such agreement covers confidential information, knowledge and materials which are not publicly available but are made available for writing the thesis or other type of final assessment.
Art. 6 — How the Single-cycle Master's degree is obtained
1. The Single-cycle Master's degree is obtained by acquiring at least 360 university credits
within the maximum number of exams or final examinations set out in art. 4 par. 2. The student must also have passed the final assessment referred to in the previous article.
2. The final grade of the Single-cycle Master's degree is expressed in one hundred and tenths and is the result of adding up:
a. the weighted average MP of the grades vi of the exams as set in art. 4, par. 1, weighted with the relevant credits ci and converted into one hundred and tenths by using the following formula MP = (∑ivici / ∑ici) 110/30;
b. the increase/decrease of grade, also expressed in one hundred and tenths, achieved in the final assessment;
c. the possible grade increase resulting from career bonus. Should the candidate achieve the maximum grade, honours may be awarded.
3. The criteria used to determine grade increase/decrease as mentioned in sections b) and
c) of par. 2 are set by the Council of the School of Medicine upon proposal of the degree course Teachers’ Council, having consulted the relevant Departments indicated in the Regulations of the degree for the final examination (Additional Annex).
4. It is not possible to complete the master’s degree in less time than the normal duration of the study course (six years).
Art. 7 — Attendance requirements
1. Attendance of the training activities listed in Annex 2 is compulsory and must be verified by the university teacher with the procedures deemed most appropriate. In order to be able to take the final examinations and obtain the university credits relating to each course unit, students must have attended at least 75% of the hours of classroom activities and at least 75% of any hours of workshops or similar activities required to complete the course programme. Hours not attended must be made up in the manner and within the time limits set by the Degree Course Teachers' Council. Further specific guidelines will be defined in specific regulations approved by the Degree Course Teachers' Council.
2. A university teacher xxx refuse to admit students to a workshop or similar activity if they have not passed the final examinations listed in Annex 2 and marked as prerequisites for the workshop or the course unit in which the workshop is included.
3. The Single-cycle Master's degree course in MEDICINE AND SURGERY does not include the possibility for students to enrol for part-time study.
Art. 8 — Enrolling in the following years
1. Enrolment in the second year of the course falls under the provisions of art. 2, par. 7 of these Regulations.
2. In order to sit second-year examinations, it is necessary to have at least 12 university
credits from the specific course units listed in Annex 2.
Art. 9 — Transferring from other degree courses or other universities
1. It is possible to transfer from other degree courses or from other universities, provided all the requirements set out in art. 2 of these regulations are met and that the transfer complies with the regulations in place.
2. In case of recognition and/or validation, the Board in charge of recognising the credits and delegated by the Degree Course Teachers' Council proposes the course year of enrolment.
3. In case of students coming from other degree courses at the University of Padua or from other universities wishing to transfer to the first year of the course, an admission test is required in accordance with the procedures set out in art. 2.
4. In the event of transfer to the second or later years and if the number of applications exceeds the number of places available, students must sit a test to establish a merit list for admission in accordance with the procedures set out in the admission notice.
Art. 10 — Transferring credits
1. In case of transfer as specified in art. 9, the university credits will be recognised by a specific Board appointed by the Degree Course Teachers' Council based on the following criteria and on the basis of Annex 3:
a. if the student comes from a Single-cycle Master's degree course of the same class, it being understood that the number of university credits from the same scientific sector provided for in Annex 1 that is directly recognised is at least 50%, according to the Regulations in Annex 3 the recognition of the university credits shall take place through the identification of training courses listed in Annex 2. Supplementary tests may be required to assess student’s knowledge. Other training activities may also be recognised provided that they fall under credits for optional activities. Non-recognition will be duly motivated by the Degree Course Teachers' Council.
b. if the student comes from a degree course from a different class, the Board appointed by the Degree Course Teachers' Council will assess the number of university credits to be recognised based on the Regulations in Annex 3. Non- recognition will be duly motivated.
2. The criteria for determining whether the credits acquired in previous training courses are outdated are defined by a special Commission set up by the Degree Course Teachers' Council.
3. If credits are recognised, the possible grade will be awarded according to the following criteria:
a. in case several examinations are needed for the recognition of a single exam, the average of the grades obtained is awarded,
b. in case an exam is useful for the recognition of several training courses, the exam grade is maintained for all courses.
c. The grade average will be weighted by the university credits if this information is available, or it will be the arithmetic mean rounded up to the next higher integer number. Examinations taken at military academies, the University of the Vatican and the Republic of San Marino are always registered with an approved grade. In the other cases, the Degree Course Teachers' Council will rule, justifying the grade given.
Art. 11 — Study plans
1. All students are required to submit their study plan by the deadlines set by School of Medicine upon proposal of the degree course Teachers’ Council within the periods specified in the Academic Calendar.
2. Provided they are consistent with the training agreement and are approved by the Degree Course Teachers' Council, and without prejudice to the specific nature of the Degree courses with a limited number of places, the training courses chosen autonomously by the student may be selected among the core, key and related course units offered at the University or, on the basis of specific agreements, at other universities and institutions. These courses are registered with the relevant grade and number of university credits. Their grade contributes to determining the final grade of the Single-cycle Master's degree as set forth in art. 6, par. 2 of these Regulations.
3. A student who intends to follow a different training program - in compliance with the constraints set by the Single-cycle Master's degree course regulations and as long as it is within the scope of the training courses actually provided and the number of university credits established - must submit a study plan by the deadlines established every year by the relevant Department and according to the procedures established by the University. The study plan must be approved by the Degree Course Teachers' Council after being assessed by a Commission appointed by the Degree Course Teachers' Council itself which will take into account the student's needs for cultural and professional training and the specific learning outcomes of the Single-cycle Master's degree course.
4. However, the study plans referred to in par. 1 may not have any overlapping of contents of the various training courses also with reference to those of the type referred to in art. 10, par. 5, section a) of M.D. 270/2004.
5. The study plan of students following an international mobility programme must be accompanied by a "Learning Agreement", which identifies all the training courses to be done abroad and, as a result, all the activities of the study plan that will not be done. The learning agreement will specify:
o whether the student also intends to undertake vocational training and, if so, in which field,
o whether the student also intends to undertake practical-evaluative traineeships. In this case, the guidelines set by the Degree Course Teachers' Council for attending the practical-evaluative traineeships must be respected.
The two documents constitute the student's international study plan. The international study plan may be updated on the basis of the documentation relating to the recognition of studies undertaken abroad.
6. Students with disabilities are guaranteed the necessary support for the possible
preparation of a customised study plan which, in compliance with the constraints set by the degree course regulations of the Single-cycle Master's degree course, may result in replacing compulsory training courses with other activities assessed as equivalent by the Degree Course Teachers' Council.
Art. 12 — Tutoring
1. The Degree Course Teachers' Council may organise tutoring activities in accordance with the University Regulations for Tutoring.
Art. 13 — Assessing teaching activities
1. The Degree Course Teachers' Council implements assessment types regarding teaching course quality provided for by the regulations in place, in accordance with the procedures and deadlines set by the University Presidium for Teaching Quality.
Art. 14 — Assessing study load
1. Pursuant to art. 4, par. 3, section b of the University Regulations, the Joint Committee of the School of MEDICINE AND SURGERY is responsible for ensuring that the university credits assigned to the training courses match the specific learning outcomes, using the analyses produced by the Degree Course Teachers' Council.
Art. 15 — Amendments to the Regulations
1. Amendments to these Regulations are proposed by the Director of the Degree Course Teachers' Council or by at least one third of the members of the Council and must be approved by an absolute majority of those present. These amendments must be submitted for approval to the Council of the School of MEDICINE AND SURGERY, after obtaining the formal opinion of the Councils of the relevant Departments.
2. Amendments to these regulations are issued by decree of the Rector following verification of their compliance with the University Regulations, the standard outline of the Degree Course Regulations and the current legislation in place.
3. These Regulations shall in any event be reviewed and supplemented with the coming into force of any amendments to the University Regulations or the Department/School Regulations or other new provisions on the subject.
4. Any problems in the interpretation or application arising from the sequence of Regulations over time will be specifically examined by the Degree Course Teachers' Council.
Art. 16 — Transitional provisions
1. The present Regulations shall apply from the 2020/2021 cohort as well as to previous cohorts with regard to the changes resulting from the Legislative Decree no.18 of 17th March 2020.
In allegato al presente regolamento si possono consultare:
- l'allegato 1 all'indirizzo: xxxx://xxxxxxxxx.xxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx0/
- l'allegato 2 all'indirizzo: xxxx://xxxxxxxxx.xxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx0/
- l'allegato 3 all'indirizzo: xxxx://xxxxxxxxx.xxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx0/
- l'ulteriore allegato al regolamento all'indirizzo: xxxx://xxxxxxxxx.xxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx0/