SWYDD DDISGRIÏIAD: Rheolwí Busnes Ysgol (Bwísaí) Gíadd: PS2 - £39,18G - £41,418
SWYDD DDISGRIÏIAD: Rheolwí Busnes Ysgol (Bwísaí)
Gíadd: PS2 - £39,18G - £41,418
(Llawn Amseí)
Yr hyn sy'n dilyn yw rhestr o gyfrifoldebau y gallai fod yn ofynnol i ddeiliad y swydd yn Ysgol Friars eu cyflawni.Mae'n cynrychioli cytundeb rhwng rheolwyr yr ysgol a deiliad y swydd a all gael ei ail-negodi gan y xxxxx xxxxx xxx'r llall pe bai newid yn y rheolwyr neu benodiad newydd. Mae'r rhestr ymhellach yn cynrychioli rhestr o gyfrifoldebau na ellir eu cyflawni ar yr un pryd ac sydd felly'n amodol ar flaenoriaethu gan reolwyr yr ysgol neu ofynion amrywiol gwahanol gyfnodau o'r flwyddyn academaidd.Mae hefyd yn amodol ar delerau contract y sawl a benodir ac unrhyw gytundebau lleol gyda'r AALl.
Y⭲ atcbol i:
Y Pc⭲⭲actk sQ'⭲ gQríirol am lcoli a íkcoli'í xxxx xxxxx a gQrlogií Q⭲ Qí Qsgol, a gcllií diípíwQo awd"ídod Q Pc⭲⭲actk i acloda" cíaill o'í Uwck Xxx Rkcoli.O ddQdd i ddQdd, íQdQck Q⭲ "⭲io⭲gQíckol atcbol i'í Pc⭲⭲actk.
Lefel Datgelu: Ma⭲wl (KBS)
CQ⭲⭲al cQllidcb Qí Qsgol ga⭲ gQ⭲⭲wQs íkcoli co⭲tíacta" a ckQrloga" tíwQ wci⭲QddwQí CQllid a ckQrlogícs, bod Q⭲ gQríirol am adcilada" a ckQ⭲⭲al a ckadw.
• Rheoli, cynnal a datblygu safle'r ysgol a gweithdrefnau a systemau ariannol mewn cydweithrediad â'r Pennaeth a Chorff Llywodraethu'r Ysgol, gan sicrhau bod yr xxxx ofynion cyfreithiol a diogelwch yn ymwneud â phobl ac eiddo yn cael eu bodloni.
• Rheolwr llinell ar gyfer staff y safle a'r xxx gweinyddol.
• Rheoli gwasanaeth glanhau ysgolion Friars.
• Yn gyfrifol am safle'r ysgol a'i hadeiladau, eu cynnal, eu datblygu, eu defnyddio'n effeithlon a sicrhau bod gofynion iechyd a diogelwch yn cael eu bodloni.
• Ymgymryd ag unrhyw ddyletswyddau nad ydynt wedi'u rhestru isod sy'n gymesur â lefel cyfrifoldeb y swydd yn unol â chyfarwyddyd y Pennaeth neu'r Xxxxx Llywodraethol.
• Gweithredu a goruchwylio'r System Reoli FMS a XXXX a ddefnyddir yn Ysgol Friars.
• Cyfrannu at Uwch Dîm Arweinyddiaeth (UDA) yr ysgolion a chefnogi'r Pennaeth i sicrhau gweithrediad effeithiol ac effeithlon yr ysgol yn unol â'i hamcanion
• Mynychu cyfarfodydd yr Uwch Arweinyddiaeth a chyfarfodydd y Pwyllgor Cyllid yn ôl yr angen.
• Dirprwyo ar ran y Pennaeth yn ôl yr angen mewn meysydd sy'n berthnasol i'r rôl hon.
• Cynorthwyo Clerc y Llywodraethwyr i gyflawni ei ddyletswyddau'n effeithlon
• Rhoi sylw dyledus i ddiogelu a hyrwyddo lles plant a phobl ifanc a dilyn y gweithdrefnau amddiffyn plant a fabwysiadwyd gan Xxxxx Llywodraethu'r Ysgol.
• Gweithredu xxx amser o fewn polisi Cyfle Cyfartal yr ysgol.
• Cyfrannu at gynnal amgylchedd gofalgar ac ysgogol ar gyfer disgyblion.
• Cynghori a diweddaru unrhyw bolisïau perthnasol yn flynyddol yn ymwneud â chyllid ac eiddo • Arwain a rheoli staff gweinyddol ac adeiladau, gan gynnwys y glanhawyr
• Arwain ar gasgliadau data statudol
• Darparu arweiniad arbenigol i sicrhau cynllunio ariannol cyfrifol ac effeithlon ar gyfer yr ysgol
• Cynnal systemau ariannol (FMS) a chyfrifon yr Ysgol, yn unol ag unrhyw arfer presennol, sicrhau bod egwyddorion arfer gorau yn cael eu dilyn, darparu gwybodaeth ariannol effeithlon i'r Pennaeth, Llywodraethwyr a deiliaid cyllidebau i gefnogi pob cynllunio strategol.
• Ar y cyd â'r Pennaeth, paratoi'r gyllideb flynyddol i'w chymeradwyo gan y Xxxxx Llywodraethol.
• Paratoi amcangyfrifon blynyddol o incwm a gwariant i'w cymeradwyo gan y Llywodraethwyr.
• Monitro gwariant ac incwm ym mhob cyfrif yn erbyn cyllidebau a rhybuddio'r Pennaeth o unrhyw bryderon neu orwariant posibl a darparu argymhellion i sicrhau bod gwariant yn parhau o fewn y gyllideb.
• Paratoi cyfrifon rheolaeth rheolaidd ar gyfer deiliaid cyllidebau
• Adrodd ar gyflwr ariannol yr ysgol i'r Llywodraethwyr yn ôl yr angen.
• Sicrhau bod adroddiadau a dychweliadau ariannol yn cael eu cynhyrchu a'u cyhoeddi'n amserol yn ôl y gofyn gan yr Awdurdodau Lleol sy'n lleoli disgyblion yn ein lleoliad.
• Monitro'r xxxx weithdrefnau cyfrifo a datrys unrhyw broblemau. Mae hyn yn cynnwys:
o o gweithredu’r xxxx gyfrifon banc, sicrhau bod cysoniadau banc rheolaidd yn digwydd
o cefnogi’r gweinyddwr cyllid i baratoi anfonebau a chasglu ffioedd a thaliadau eraill
o gwneud hawliadau angenrheidiol ac ati (e.e. i ddarpariaeth yswiriant salwch staff, sefydliadau darparu secondiadau dros dro i staff ac ati)
o gwneud hawliadau angenrheidiol ac ati (ee i ddarpariaeth yswiriant salwch staff, sefydliadau sy'n darparu secondiadau dros dro i staff ac ati)
• Cydweithio ag archwilwyr yr ysgol wrth baratoi ac archwilio'r Cyfrifon Blynyddol
• Adolygu'r xxxx gytundebau ac adroddiadau yn gyson a systematig ac argymell camau gweithredu i'r Pennaeth a'r Xxxxx Llywodraethol i sicrhau gwerth gorau.
• Cwblhau unrhyw weithgareddau meincnodi i sicrhau gwerth am arian a gwneud argymhellion i'r Pennaeth a'r Xxxxx Llywodraethol.
• Arwain unrhyw brosesau tendro, gan sicrhau bod xxxx weithdrefnau'r ALl yn cael eu bodloni.
• Cymryd yr awenau ar unrhyw geisiadau Deddf Diogelu Data / rhyddid gwybodaeth ynghyd â'r swyddog diogelu data dynodedig mewn perthynas â chyllid.
• Paratoi'r xxxx enillion ariannol ar gyfer LlC, ALl, GwE ac asiantaethau eraill o fewn terfynau amser statudol.
• Cynghori'r Pennaeth ar xxx mater ariannol ac adrodd ar ddichonoldeb ariannol prosiectau.
• Rheolwr Llinell y Swyddog Cefnogi Cyllid wrth brynu nwyddau a chyflenwadau, gan sicrhau bod yr ysgol yn cael y gwerth gorau posibl am xxxxx xxx gyflenwyr a chontractwyr
• Bod yn gyswllt gyda LlC, ALl neu asiantaethau eraill ynghylch ceisiadau grant, rhoddion a rhoddion eraill a darparu gwybodaeth amserol a chywir am y defnydd o gronfeydd o'r fath.
• Negodi, rheoli a monitro contractau, tendrau a chytundebau ar gyfer gwasanaethau cymorth. | |||
• | Cynyddu'r incwm a gynhyrchir a darparu cefnogaeth i staff wrth ysgrifennu bidiau ac mewn | ||
cysylltiad â'r Pennaeth rheoli gweithgareddau cynhyrchu incwm yr ysgol Cynghori'r Pennaeth, yr UDA | |||
a'r Llywodraethwyr ar xxx mater sy'n ymwneud â thâl a threuliau, • Paratoi gwybodaeth ystadegol ac | |||
adroddiadau sy'n ofynnol gan y Pennaeth, UDA, LlC a'r ALl gan gynnwys data cyfrifiad ysgol | |||
flynyddol lefel disgyblion (Plasc) | |||
CQfíifcg a CkQllid • adennill dyledion sy'n ddyledus oherwydd yr ysgol a dyfeisio strategaethau i leihau unrhyw ddyledion sy'n ddyledus. • Xxxxx xx amrywiaeth o ymholiadau ariannol gan rieni ac asiantaethau allanol pan fo angen. • Xxxxx xx unrhyw argyfwng ariannol a ddygwyd i'w sylw, penderfynu ar y camau gorau a xxxxx xx xxxxx â'r sefyllfa os yw'n briodol neu gynghori'r Pennaeth. GQflogícs • Bod yn gyfrifol am gydlynu gwybodaeth ar gyfer y gwasanaeth cyflogres a ddefnyddir gan yr ysgol drwy Gyngor Gwynedd. • Cynnal asesiadau cyflog athrawon newydd a blynyddol gyda'r Pennaeth. • Cysylltu â Chyngor Gwynedd i gyfarwyddo'r gyflogres ynghylch talu cyflogau staff yn gywir ac yn amserol, gan gynnwys gweinyddu hawliadau ar gyfer teithio, goramser, goruchwylio amser cinio ac ati. • Cysylltu â Chyngor Gwynedd i gyfarwyddo'r gyflogres ynghylch gweithredu cynlluniau pensiwn a didyniadau eraill y mae'r ysgol yn cymryd rhan ynddynt. • Gweinyddu gweithdrefnau'r DBS ar ran Cyngor Gwynedd i sicrhau bod yr xxxx staff a gyflogir yn uniongyrchol gan yr ysgol yn cael cliriad DBS priodol Saflc • Cydlynu a rheoli gwaith staff y safle, gan sicrhau bod adeiladau'r ysgol yn cael eu gweithredu'n effeithlon a chyfathrebu digonol a dibynadwy rhwng staff y safle. • Trefnu a goruchwylio xxxx drefniadau cytundeb lefel gwasanaeth gyda'r awdurdod lleol ac ymateb i ofynion tendro ac archebu gan sicrhau gwerth am arian • Cadw cofnodion gwyliau yn ôl yr angen (ar gyfer staff ategol). • Trefnu hyfforddiant a datblygiad priodol ar gyfer aelodau o'r staff ategol pryd bynnag y xx xxxxx. • Goruchwylio gwaith cynnal a chadw safleoedd yr ysgol a'r adeiladau, paratoi amserlenni cynnal a chadw a gweithrediad effeithlon yr xxxx gyfleusterau ar yr eiddo; • Goruchwylio diogelwch safle'r ysgol. |
• Goruchwylio gofal a glanhau'r ysgol, gan gynnwys rheoli ansawdd.
IcckQd a Diogclwck
• Rheoli'r xxxx faterion Iechyd a Diogelwch gan gynnwys cyfleusterau ysgol, rheoli a monitro contractau, caffael, tendrau a chytundebau ar gyfer darparu gwasanaethau i'r ysgol, sicrhau bod adeiladau'r ysgol yn gweithredu yn unol â gweithdrefnau xxxx a chadw at yr xxxx ofynion Iechyd a Diogelwch.
• Perfformio rôl Swyddog Iechyd a Diogelwch a Swyddog Tân yr ysgol.
• Sicrhau bod y staff glanhau yn defnyddio deunyddiau a chemegau priodol a diogel ac yn cadw at xxx perthnasedd
•Sicrhau bod polisïau'n gyfredol ac yn addas ac yn cael eu gweithredu'n llawn.
• Rheoli defnydd cymunedol o adeilad yr ysgol.
• Trefnu a goruchwylio'r xxxx drefniadau cytundeb lefel gwasanaeth gyda'r awdurdod lleol ac ymateb i ofynion tendro ac archebu gan sicrhau gwerth am arian.
• Goruchwylio trefniadau yswiriant - gan gynnwys y trefniadau bws mini.
• Gweithredu fel Swyddog Ymweliadau Addysgol yr ysgol.
Rkcoli Staff
• Rheoli staff gweinyddol ac adeiladau ysgolion drwy ddulliau priodol o benodi, sefydlu, hyfforddi a rheoli perfformiad ynghyd ag unrhyw faterion gallu, disgyblaeth, xxxx xxx gwynion a allai godi.
• Mewn ymgynghoriad a'r aelod SLT sy'n arwain ar ddatblygiad proffesiynol, cynllunio, datblygu a threfnu hyfforddiant priodol ar gyfer staff cymorth ac adeiladau a gwerthuso ei effaith.
• Monitro effeithiolrwydd strwythur y staff cymorth/gweinyddol i ymateb i ofynion ysgol gyfoes.
• Mewn cydweithrediad ag aelod perthnasol o SLT, sicrhau bod disgrifiadau swydd y xxx gweinyddol yn gyfredol ac yn cael eu hadolygu yn ôl yr angen.
• Rheolwr llinell ar gyfer staff y dderbynfa, technegwyr, hyfforddwyr dysgu, gofalwyr a goruchwylwyr amser cinio a'r xxx glanhau, a chysylltiad sylfaenol â'r gwasanaeth arlwyo.
Ad⭲oddau dQ⭲ol
• Arwain a darparu arweiniad ar faterion personél megis gweinyddu apwyntiadau a materion cyflogaeth.
• Xxxxxxxxxxx'r gwaith o weinyddu'r polisi rheoli absenoldeb staff.
• Yn unol â rheoliadau, cadwch gofnod o faterion ymwneud a'r xxxx staff gan gynnwys hyfforddiant statudol.
• Gweithredu fel prif bwynt cyswllt yr ysgol gydag adrannau perthnasol o fewn y Cyngor
• Mewn ymgynghoriad ag adrannau'r Cyngor yn ôl yr angen, cynghorwch y Pennaeth a'r Xxxxx Llywodraethol ar faterion staffio fel cyflogau, salwch, yswiriant, materion disgyblu a chwynion.
• Sicrhau bod yr xxxx staff yn cadw at y drefn "Gyrru ar Fusnes Ysgol."
Safo⭲au PíoffcsiQ⭲ol
• Cefnogi nodau ac ethos Ysgol Friars a chyflawni cynllun strategol yr ysgol
• Trin pob aelod o gymuned yr ysgol gyda pharch ac ystyriaeth
• Trin pob disgybl yn deg, yn gyson a heb ragfarn
• Cymryd cyfrifoldeb am ddatblygiad proffesiynol personol o fewn rhaglen DPP yr Ysgol
• Ymgymryd â dyletswyddau y gall y Pennaeth eu haseinio'n rhesymol (yn uniongyrchol neu'n anuniongyrchol)
Disgwylir i chi weithredu yn unol â nodau, polisïau a gweithdrefnau gweinyddol Ysgol Friars.
Gall cyfrifoldebau fod yn uniongyrchol, ar y xxx xxx drwy strwythurau datganoledig, ond xxx amser yn unol â pholisïau ysgol gyfan.
Gellir diwygio'r manylion hyn ar unrhyw adeg drwy gytundeb ond byddant yn cael eu hadolygu drwy'r broses arfarnu ategol.
Gellir diwygio disgrifiad swydd a dyraniad cyfrifoldebau penodol trwy gytundeb x xxxx i'w gilydd.
JOB DESCRIPTION: School Business Manager (Bursar)
Grade: PS2 - £39,186 - £41,418
(Full time)
What follows is a list of responsibilities which the postholder at Ysgol Friars may be required to undertake. It represents an agreement between the school’s management and the postholder which may be subject to renegotiation by either party should there be a change in management or a new appointee. The list further represents a list of responsibilities which cannot be carried out simultaneously and is therefore subject to prioritisation by school management or the varying demands of different periods of the academic year. It is also subject to the terms of the appointee’s contract and any local agreements with the LEA.
Responsible to:
The Headteacher is responsible for the deployment and management of all staff employed at the school, and the Headteacher’s authority may be delegated to other Senior Management Team members. On a day- to-day basis, you are directly accountable to the Headteacher.
Disclosure Level: Enhanced (DBS)
Maintain the school budget including managing contracts and salaries via Finance admin and payroll, having responsibility for premises and its maintenance.
• Manage, maintain and develop the school’s premises and financial procedures and systems in co-operation with the Headteacher and School’s Governing Body, ensuring that all legal and safety requirements regarding people and property are met.
• Line manager for premises staff and administration team.
• Manage the Friars school cleaning service.
• Responsible for the school site and its buildings, their maintenance, development, efficient use and ensure that health and safety requirements are met.
• Undertake any duties not listed below that are commensurate with the level of responsibility of the post as directed by the Headteacher or Governing Body.
• Operate and have oversight of the FMS and XXXX Management System used within Ysgol Friars.
• Contribute to the schools’ Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and support the Headteacher to ensure effective, efficient functioning of the school in line with its objectives
• Attend Senior Leadership meetings and Finance Committee meetings as required.
• Delegate on behalf of the Headteacher as required in areas relevant to this role.
• Assist the Clerk to the Governors in the efficient discharge his/her duties
• Have due regard for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and to follow the child protection procedures adopted by the School’s Governing Body.
• Always operate within the school’s Equal Opportunities policy.
• Contribute to the maintenance of a caring and stimulating environment for pupils.
• Advise and update any relevant policies on an annual basis relating to finance and premises
• Lead and manage the administrative and premises staff, including the cleaners
• Lead on statutory data collections
• Provide expert guidance to ensure responsible and efficient financial planning for the school
• Maintain the School’s financial systems (FMS) and accounts, in line with any existing practice, ensuring best practice principles are followed, providing efficient financial information to the Headteacher, Governors and budget holders to support all strategic planning.
• In conjunction with the Headteacher, prepare the annual budget for approval by the Governing Body.
• Prepare for approval by the Governors the annual estimates of income and expenditure.
• Monitor expenditure and income in all accounts against budgets and alert the Headteacher to any concerns or potential overspends and provide recommendations to ensure spending remains within budget.
• Prepare regular management accounts for budget holders
• Report on the school's financial state to the Governors as necessary.
• Ensure timely production and issue of financial reports and returns as required by the Local Authorities who place pupils within our setting.
• Monitor all accounting procedures and resolve any problems. This includes:
o the operation of all bank accounts, ensuring that regular bank reconciliations take place
o supporting the finance administrator in the preparation of invoices and collection of fees and other dues
o making necessary claims etc. (e.g. to staff sickness insurance provides, organisations providing temporary secondments to staff etc.)
• Work in collaboration with the school’s auditors in the preparation and audit of the Annual Accounts
• Regularly and systematically review all contracts and reports and recommend actions to the Headteacher and Governing Body to ensure best value.
• Complete any benchmarking activities to ensure value for money and make recommendations to Headteacher and Governing Body.
• Lead any tendering processes, ensuring all LA procedures are met.
• Take the lead on any Data protection / freedom of information acts requests along with the designated data protection officer in relation to finance.
• Prepare all financial returns for the WG, LA, GwE and other agencies within statutory deadlines.
• Advise the Headteacher on all financial matters and report on the financial feasibility of projects.
• Line Manage the Finance Support Officer in the purchase of goods and supplies, ensuring that the school obtains best possible value for money from suppliers and contractors
• Be the contact with the WG, LA or other agencies about grant applications, gifts and other donations and provide timely and accurate information on the use of such funds.
• Negotiate, manage and monitor contracts, tenders and agreements for support services.
• Maximise income generation and provide support to staff in the writing of bids and in liaison with the Headteacher manage income generating activities of the school.
• Advise the Headteacher, SLT and Governors on all matters relating to pay and expenses,
• Prepare statistical information and reports required by the Headteacher, SLT, WG and LA including the pupil level annual school census data (Plasc)
Accounting and Finance
• Recover outstanding debts owing to the school and devise strategies to minimise any debts owed.
• Deal with a range of financial queries from parents and external agencies when necessary.
• Dealing with any financial emergency which was brought to their attention, deciding on the best course of action and either dealing with the situation if appropriate or advising the Headteacher.
• Being responsible for coordinating information for the payroll service used by the school via Cyngor Gwynedd.
• Carrying out new and annual teacher salary assessments with the Headteacher.
• Liaising with Cyngor Gwynedd to direct the payroll regarding the correct and timely payment of staff salaries, including the administration of claims for travel, overtime, lunchtime supervision etc.
• Liaise with Cyngor Gwynedd to direct the payroll regarding the operation of pension schemes and other deductions in which the school participates.
• To administer the DBS procedures on behalf of Cyngor Gwynedd in ensuring that all members of staff directly employed by the school have appropriate DBS clearance
• Coordinate and manage the work of the premises staff, ensuring efficient operation of the school premises and adequate and reliable communications between premises staff.
• Arrange and oversee all service level agreement arrangements with the local authority and respond to tender and booking requirements ensuring value for money
• Maintain holiday records as necessary (for ancillary staff).
• Organise appropriate training and development for members of the ancillary staff whenever necessary
• Oversee the maintenance of the school sites and the buildings, the preparation of maintenance schedules and the efficient operation of all facilities on the property;
• Oversee the security of the school site.
• Oversee the School's caretaking and cleaning, including quality control.
Health & Safety
• Manage all Health and Safety matters including school facilities, contract management and monitoring, procurement, tenders and agreements for the provision of services to the school, ensure school buildings operate in accordance with emergency procedures and adhere to all Health and Safety requirements.
• Perform the role of Health and Safety Officer and school Fire Officer.
• Ensure that the cleaning staff use appropriate and safe materials and chemicals and abide by all relevant health & safety requirements.
• Ensure policies are up to date and suitable and fully implemented.
• Manage the community use of the school building.
• Arrange and oversee all service level agreement arrangements with the local authority and respond to tender and booking requirements ensuring value for money.
• Oversee insurance arrangements - including the minibus arrangements.
• Act as the school's Educational Visits Officer.
Staff Management
• Manage school administration and premises staff through appropriate approaches to appointment, induction, training and performance management along with any capability, discipline, appeal or complaints issues that may arise.
• In consultation and the SLT member leading on professional development, plan, develop and organize appropriate training for support and premises staff and evaluate its impact.
• Monitor the effectiveness of the support / administrative staff structure to respond to contemporary school requirements.
• In collaboration with relevant member of SLT, ensure that the administrative team's job descriptions are up to date and reviewed as needed.
• Line manager for reception staff, technicians, learning coaches, carers and lunchtime supervisors and the cleaning team, and primary link to the catering service.
Human resources
• Lead and provide guidance on personnel matters such as appointment administration and employment matters.
• Oversee the administration of the staff absence management policy.
• In accordance with regulations, keep a record of involvement matters and all staff including statutory training.
• Act as the school's main point of contact with relevant departments within the Council
• In consultation with Council departments as necessary, advise the Headteacher and Governing Body on staffing matters such as salaries, illness, insurance, disciplinary matters and complaints.
• Ensure all staff adhere to the "Driving on School Business" regime.
Professional Standards
• Support the aims and ethos of Ysgol Friars and carry out the school’s strategic plan
• Treat all members of the school community with respect and consideration
• Treat all pupils fairly, consistently and without prejudice
• Take responsibility for personal professional development within the School’s CPD programme
• Undertake duties that may be reasonably assigned by the Headteacher (directly or indirectly)
You are expected to act in accordance with the aims, policies and administrative procedures of Ysgol Friars.
Responsibilities may be direct, joint or through devolved structures, but always in accordance with whole school policies.
These details may be amended at any time by agreement but will be reviewed through the ancillary appraisal process.