Delibera del Direttore Generale n. 382 del 27-08-2020
Delibera del Direttore Generale n. 382 del 27-08-2020
Proposta n. 793 del 2020
Struttura Dirigente: CENTRO SALUTE GLOBALE
Delibera del Direttore Generale n. 382 firmata digitalmente il 27-08-2020
(Art. 33 L.R.T. 24 febbraio 2005 n. 40)
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, 00 - 00000 XXXXXXX
C.F. P.Iva 02175680483
Oggetto | Convenzione con soggetti privati |
Coord. Area Tecnico Xxx.xx | XXXX XXXXX |
Direttore della Struttura | XXXXXX XXXXX XXXX |
Responsabile del procedimento | XXXXXX XXXXX XXXX |
Immediatamente Esecutiva | NO |
Conti Economici | |||
Spesa | Descrizione Conto | Codice Conto | Anno Bilancio |
Spesa prevista | Conto Economico | Codice Conto | Anno Bilancio |
Estremi relativi ai principali documenti contenuti nel fascicolo | ||
Allegato | N° di pag. | Oggetto |
1 | 19 | Convenzione tra l’Asociación Cultural Integra e l’AOU Xxxxx per l’implementazione del Progetto EnPathy |
Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx (D.P.G.R.T. n. 156 del 31 agosto 2015)
Visto il D. Lgs.vo 30/12/1992 n. 502 e sue successive modifiche ed integrazioni e la L. R. Toscana n. 40 del 24/02/2005 e s.m.i. di disciplina del Servizio Sanitario Regionale;
Dato atto:
- che con deliberazione del Direttore Generale n. 133 del 29.12.2015 è stato approvato il nuovo Atto Aziendale dell’A.O.U. Xxxxx, ai sensi dell’art. 6 del Protocollo d’intesa del 22.04.2002 fra Regione Toscana e Università degli Studi di Firenze, Siena e Pisa, con decorrenza dal 1.1.2016;
- che con deliberazione del Direttore Generale n. 134 del 30.12.2015 si è provveduto a definire l’organigramma complessivo dell’A.O.U. Xxxxx e sono stati assunti i primi provvedimenti attuativi relativi al conferimento degli incarichi di direzione delle strutture Dipartimentali e/o a valenza dipartimentale, delle Aree Funzionali Omogenee, dell’Area Servizi dell’Ospedale, dell’Area delle Professioni Sanitarie e dell’Area Tecnico Amministrativa;
-che con deliberazione del Direttore Generale n. 140 del 30.12.2015 sono state assunte determinazioni attuative del nuovo Atto aziendale in merito alla conferma/riassetto delle strutture organizzative complesse e semplici;
- che con deliberazione del Direttore Generale n. 492 del 2.12.2016 si è provveduto ad approvare la sistematizzazione della organizzazione aziendale, dopo un primo percorso attuativo dello Statuto Aziendale;
- che con deliberazione del Direttore Generale n. 543 del 29.12.2016 sono state assunte determinazioni volte al conferimento degli incarichi delle Strutture Complesse dell’Area Tecnico Amministrativa, così come rimodulate a seguito delle azioni di attualizzazione dell’organizzazione aziendale;
- che con successiva deliberazione del Direttore Generale n. 173 del 05.04.2018 si è altresì provveduto ad ulteriori azioni di sistematizzazione dell’organizzazione aziendale ed all’integrazione dell’art. 63 dell’Atto Aziendale “Promozione della salute nella comunità”;
- che con deliberazione del Direttore Generale n. 106 del 2.03.2017 avente ad oggetto “Sistematizzazione delle deleghe allo svolgimento delle funzioni vicarie del Direttore Sanitario, del Direttore Amministrativo, del Coordinatore dell'Area Tecnico Amministrativa e dei Dirigenti Responsabili delle Strutture Organizzative dell'Area Tecnico Amministrativa” è stato disposto, tra l’altro, che le funzioni vicarie del Direttore Amministrativo siano svolte dalla Dott.ssa Xxxxx Xxxx, Coordinatore dell’Area Tecnico – Amministrativa;
- che l'Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Xxxxx, unitamente ai propri compiti istituzionali di assistenza sanitaria a pazienti pediatrici, favorisce il perseguimento di finalità di cooperazione sanitaria internazionale con azioni mirate ad implementare i servizi sanitari offerti nelle strutture ospedaliere e territoriali dei paesi che necessitano di tali interventi;
- che con Delibera di Giunta Regionale Toscana n. 909 del 15.10.2012, recepita con deliberazione del Direttore Generale n. 303 del 7.11.2012, viene istituito il Centro di Salute Globale presso l’Azienda Ospedaliero – Universitaria Xxxxx quale struttura di coordinamento delle iniziative in ambito di salute globale, a cui afferiscono le attività di Cooperazione Sanitaria Internazionale, anche con l'obiettivo di accrescere, diffondere ed applicare la conoscenza attorno alle priorità tematiche Politiche Sanitarie, Migrazione e Salute, Malattie Tropicali Neglette;
- che ai sensi dell’articolo 7 bis della L.R.T. 40/2005 avente per oggetto ‘Salute globale e lotta alle disuguaglianze’ la Regione Toscana, al fine di contrastare le disuguaglianze nell’ambito della salute e rendere più agevole l’accesso al servizio sanitario, promuove interventi sanitari in favore delle popolazioni più svantaggiate, anche a livello di cooperazione sanitaria internazionale, in coerenza con quanto previsto dal piano sanitario e sociale integrato regionale e dagli strumenti di programmazione regionale in materia di attività
internazionali e di cooperazione sanitaria internazionale. Per tali tipologie di interventi la Regione Toscana si avvale del Centro Salute Globale, istituito presso l’Azienda Ospedaliera – Universitaria Xxxxx, quale struttura di coordinamento a carattere regionale in materia di: salute globale, cooperazione sanitaria internazionale e salute dei migranti;
Dato atto che:
- è stato approvato dall’Unione Europea il Progetto “EnPathy - Alternative care systems for unaccompanied migrant minors”, che vede come coordinatore l’Asociacion Cultural Integra con sede in Spagna, e fra i partecipanti al consorzio: Ayuntamiento de Lora del rio, Amigos de Europa Xxxxxxxx xx Xxxxx, Asociacion Xxxxxxx, Schulhaus Europa Ev, Stichting Amsterdam European Mobility, l’Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Xxxxx, l’Iis Ipsia Marconi Cs-Lic SC Ite Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, l’Istituto di istruzione superiore X.xx Filippis e X.Xxxxxxx, il Comune di Bovalino, l’Agenzia per la Mobilità Internazionale, il Comune di Benestare;
- la durata complessiva del progetto è di 24 mesi, con inizio in data 01/01/2020, ed il contributo finanziato dall’Unione Europea per il progetto in oggetto è di complessivi € 276.380,50;
- con delibera n. 114 del 27.02.2020 è stata ratificata la stipula del Grant Agreement fra l’AOU Xxxxx, i restanti partecipanti al Consorzio e l’Unione Europea, per l’affidamento del progetto e per l’espletamento delle attività previste nella progettualità stessa (Grant Agreement n. 863636 - AMIF-2018-AG-INTE);
- il Consorzio ha affidato all’AOU Xxxxx, mediante la stipula del Grant Agreement, alcune attività relative al progetto di cui sopra, di seguito indicate:
contributo alla creazione di una formazione online;
contributo all’identificazione dei partecipanti alla suddetta formazione online;
partecipazione ai meeting, agli eventi e alle attività di comunicazione del progetto;
assistenza per l’organizzazione dell’evento finale e per la disseminazione dei risultati del progetto.
Rilevato che:
- per la gestione del progetto, si rende necessario stipulare una Convenzione con il capofila progettuale, specificando gli impegni di ciascuno, le modalità di erogazione del finanziamento e le procedure per il monitoraggio e la supervisione;
- all’AOU Xxxxx viene assegnato un budget di € 13.482,00, che sarà erogato in tre tranche: una prima del 30% (€ 4.044,60); una seconda del 40% (€ 5.392,80) ed una finale del 30% (€ 4.044,60);
Ritenuto pertanto di stipulare una Convenzione tra l’ente capofila del progetto l’“Asociación Cultural Integra” e l’AOU Xxxxx, allegato n.1 al presente provvedimento a formarne parte integrante e sostanziale, nella quale si regolamentano le modalità per l’implementazione delle attività progettuali;
Considerato che il Responsabile del Procedimento, individuato ai sensi della Legge n. 241/1990 nella persona della Dr.ssa Xxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxx sottoscrivendo l’atto attesta che lo stesso, a seguito dell’istruttoria effettuata, nella forma e nella sostanza è legittimo;
Su proposta del Responsabile della X.X.X.X Centro Salute Globale, Dr.ssa Xxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxx la quale, con riferimento alla presente procedura, ne attesta la regolarità amministrativa e la legittimità dell’atto;
Acquisito il parere del Coordinatore dell’Area Tecnico Amministrativa, Dr.ssa Xxxxx Xxxx, espresso mediante sottoscrizione nel frontespizio del presente atto;
Con la sottoscrizione del Direttore Sanitario e del Direttore Amministrativo, per quanto di competenza, ai sensi dell’art. 3 del Decreto legislativo n. 229/99;
Per quanto esposto in narrativa che espressamente si richiama:
1. di stipulare una Convenzione con l’ente capofila del progetto l’“Asociación Cultural Integra”, per l’implementazione delle attività del progetto “EnPathy - Alternative care systems for unaccompanied migrant minors” - Grant agreement number 863636 - AMIF-2018-AG-INTE, allegato n. 1 al presente provvedimento a formarne parte integrante e sostanziale.
2. di prendere atto che il contributo finanziato da parte dell’Unione Europea a disposizione dell’AOU Xxxxx xxxx pari a complessivi € 13.482,00, erogati in tre tranche.
3. di trasmettere il presente atto al Collegio Sindacale ai sensi dell’art. 42, comma 2, della L.R. T. n. 40/2005 contemporaneamente all’inoltro all’albo di pubblicità degli atti di questa AOU Xxxxx.
(Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx) | |
(Dr.ssa Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx) | (Dr. Xxxx Xxxxx) |
‘Alternative care systems for unaccompanied migrant minors — En_Pathy’
Grant Agreement number: 863636 — En_Pathy — AMIF-2018-AG-INTE
Asociación Cultural Integra
Non-governmental organization/association PIC number: 948175389
Address: Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxx 0X xxxx X, 00000 – X Xxxxxx (Xxxxx)
VAT number: G15943665
represented by Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx,
(hereinafter referred to as "the coordinator”)
on the one hand
Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Xxxxx - AOUMeyer University Hospital
PIC number: 998778543
Address: Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx 00 00000 Xxxxxxx (Xxxxx) VAT number: 02175680483
Represented by Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx
on the other hand,
Which have agreed as follows:
Article 1/Subject
1. This work programme comes under the Agreement nº 863636 — En_Pathy — AMIF-2018-AG-INTE concluded between the Coordinator and the European Union (‘the EU’), represented by the European Commission ('the Commission'), represented for the purposes of signature of this Agreement by Xxxxxxxxx CARILLON, Head of Unit,
2. This contract shall regulate relations between the parties, and their respective rights and obligations with regard to their participation in the project nº 863636 — En_Pathy — AMIF-2018-AG- INTE passed between the Commission and the Coordinator.
3. The subject matter of this contract and the related work programme are detailed in the annexes, which form an integral part of this contract and that each party declares to have read and approved.
Article 2/Duration
1. The project referred to in Article 1 has a duration of 24 months. It starts on 01/01/2020 and ends on 31-12-2021, both included.
2. This contract enters into force on the date of signature by the last of both participating parties to the contract and terminates at the moment of payment of the balance of the contract, as mentioned in Article 6.
Article 3/Obligations of the Coordinator
The Coordinator shall undertake:
1. to take all the steps necessary to prepare for, perform and correctly manage the work programme set out in this contract and in its annexes, in accordance with the objectives of the project as set out in the Agreement concluded between the Commission and the Coordinator;
2. to send to the Partner Organization a copy of the Agreement nº 863636 — En_Pathy — AMIF- 2018-AG-INTE and its annexes, concluded with the Commission, of the Financial and Contractual Rules, of the various reports and of any other official document concerning the project;
3. to notify and provide the Partner with any amendment made to the Agreement nº 863636 —
En_Pathy — AMIF-2018-AG-INTE concluded with the Commission;
4. to define in conjunction with the Partner the role and rights and obligations of the two parties, including those concerning the attribution of the intellectual property rights;
5. to comply with all the provisions of Agreement nº 863636 — En_Pathy — AMIF-2018-AG-INTE binding the Coordinator and Beneficiaries to the Commission.
6. Coordinator roles:
and elaboration of participants reports
Lead WP1 and all the activities included
Lead WP5 and all the activities included
Delivering an implementation of the dissemination plan
Creation of a logo
Creation of a project website
Social networks (facebook, tweeter) delivering
To support Lora del Rio who coordinate the short-term staff training event/blended mobility in ES
To coordinate Dissemination at UE level and in ES
To support the participants selection to attend the Blended mobility in ES, NL, DE and IT
To provide 1 staff to assist to the Short-term Learning event in ES, NL, DE and IT
To deliver the European Observatory of best practices
Article 4/Obligations of the Partner Organization
The Partner Organization shall undertake:
1. to take all the steps necessary to prepare for, perform and correctly manage the work program set out in this contract and in its annexes, in accordance with the objectives of the project as set out in the Agreement nº 863636 — En_Pathy — AMIF-2018-AG-INTE concluded between the Commission and the Coordinator;
2. to comply with all the provisions of Agreement nº 863636 — En_Pathy — AMIF-2018-AG-INTE binding the Coordinator to the Commission;
3. to communicate to the Coordinator any information or document required by the latter that is necessary for the management of the project;
4. to accept responsibility for all information communicated to the Coordinator, including details of costs claimed and, where appropriate, ineligible expenses;
5. to define in conjunction with the Coordinator the role and rights and obligations of the two parties, including those concerning the attribution of the intellectual property rights.
6. Partner principal ‘s role ( all the project activities and deliverables are described and enumerated in the ANNEX I)
Delivering The Tuscany alternative care system to unaccompanied minors: E-Learning Training centre - Educational Portal to professional
Creation of the Training material deliverable [Block 1]
Creation of Training Material deliverable [Block 2]
creation of Training Material deliverable [Block 3]
creation o training Material deliverable [Block 4]
To assist Agemob in the organization of the Final events / multiplier event in IT
Collaborate in the dissemination of the project in IT
To select participants to attend the Blended mobility in ES, NL, DE and IT
Article 5/Financing
1. The Community grant contribution for the Partner shall be a maximum amount of 13.482,00 €
(Thirteen thousand four hundred and eighty-two EUR).
2. The maximum Community grant towards expenditure incurred by the members of the Partnership participating in the programme shall be 276.381,00 € (Two hundred and seventy-six thousand three hundred and eighty-one EUR).
3. The final financial contribution shall depend on the evaluation of the quality of the results of the project pursuant to the rules laid down at Community level, particularly in Annex I – detailed budget
Article 6/Payments
1. The Coordinator commits himself to carrying out payments relating to the subject matter of this contract to the Partner Organization according to the achievement of the tasks and according to the following schedule:
1st payment (30%): 4.044,60 € (Four thousand forty-four point sixty EUR) within 14 days after signing this contract and once the Commission pay the first advanced payment.
2nd payment (40%): 5.392,80€ (Five thousand three hundred and ninety-two point eighty EUR) within 14 days after Workplan Table 1 and Workplan Table 2 being delivered and the intermediate progress report.
final payment (30%): 4.044,60 € (Four thousand forty-four point sixty EUR) within 14 calendar days after receiving the final payment from the Commission, after the Final Report.
2. All payments shall be regarded as advances pending explicit approval by the Commission of the final report, the corresponding cost statement and the quality of the results of the project.
Article 7/Bank account
(references of the bank account opened in the name of the Partner into which the funds allocated to the Partner will be paid)
Bank Name:
Account Name:
Article 8/Reports
1. The Partner shall provide the Coordinator with any information and document required for the preparation of the interim report and, where appropriate, with copies of all the necessary supporting documents completed and signed by the legal representative by 31/12/2020 at the latest.
2. The Partner shall provide the Coordinator with any information and document required for the preparation of the final report and, where appropriate, with copies of all the necessary supporting documents completed and signed by the legal representative by 30/11/2021 at the latest.
3. The Partner shall provide the Coordinator Semi-annual progress reports containing the activities carried out, according to the Annexes of the Agreement nº 863636 — En_Pathy — AMIF-2018-AG- INTE in order to proceed to each single payment. Payments will be done after the revision and acceptance of the progress reports by the Coordinator.
Article 9/ Monitoring and supervision
1. The Partner shall provide without delay the Coordinator with any information that the latter may request from him concerning the carrying out of the work programme covered by this contract.
2. The Partner shall make available to the Coordinator any document making it possible to check that the aforementioned work programme is being or has been carried out.
Article 10/ Liability
1. Each contracting party shall release the other from any civil liability in respect of damages resulting from the performance of this Agreement, suffered by itself or by its personnel, to the extent that these damages are not due to the serious or intentional negligence of the other party or its personnel.
2. The Partner Organization shall protect the Commission, the Coordinator and their personnel against any action for damages suffered by third parties, including project personnel, as a result of the performance of this contract, to the extent that these damages are not due to the serious or intentional negligence of the Commission, the Coordinator or their personnel.
Article 11/Termination of the contract
1. The Coordinator may terminate the contract if the Partner Organization has inadequately discharged or failed to discharge any of the contractual obligations, insofar as this is not due to force majeure, after notification of the Partner by registered letter has remained without effect for one month.
2. The Partner shall immediately notify the Coordinator, supplying all relevant information, of any event likely to prejudice the performance of this contract.
Article 12/ Jurisdiction clause
1. Failing amicable settlement, the Courts of Madrid shall have sole competence to rule on any dispute between the contracting parties in respect of this contract.
2. The law applicable to this contract shall be the law of Spain.
Article 13/ Amendments or additions to the contract
Amendments to this contract shall be made only by a supplementary Agreement signed on behalf of each of the parties by the signatories to this contract.
I) description of the Partner's tasks and breakdown of the Community grant allocation.
II) detailed budget relating to the activities of the Partner Organization (costs associated with the activities and sources of financing).
Done at A Coruña, in two copies.
For the Coordinator, For the Partner,
Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Zanobini
[ signature ] [ signature ]
[ date ] [ date ]
The number of unaccompanied minors (UM) in migration arriving in the EU has increased in a dramatic way in recent years putting national social and health systems and local/regional administrations under pressure and exposed gaps and shortcomings in the protection of children in migration. It is required to identify successful effective actions, methodologies or alternative care systems to administrative detention centres to those UM reaching Europe.
The proposal tries to:
- Identify, share and transfer good practices on alternative care options to UM in 4 partner countries (ES, IT, NL, DE).
- Monitor the availability and accessibility of alternatives and methodologies to the administrative detention of UM.
The proposal looks for the answer to what happens to UM on arrival in Europe, what are those supporting services and care options provided to them and to achieve the following objectives:
- To xxxxxx the sharing of good practices among EU States on the protection of UM as there is a wealth of knowledge and good practices on the protection UM, alternative care systems which needs to be shared at EU level.
- To learn from country partners care systems to transfer it to other EU states:
o “Accoglienza Toscana” (=Tuscany Hosting Model - IT) and how both social and health systems collaborates to offer quality services to UM as well as those care supporting healthy policies delivered to UM.
o The NL care system to UM (NIDOS Model) and how it fulfils the guardianship task for unaccompanied Minor Asylum Seekers and its family-based careers system.
o The ES Care and Support system and the DE model, their characteristics and how both systems involve trained migrants of second generation in the process of welcoming UM migrants.
Lasting 24 months, the proposal expects the following objectives, impact and actions:
model will be given.
- Deliver an e-learning course of 30 h on the successful Tuscany Model as an alternative supporting care model to be transferred in other EU countries.
- Deliver 4 short-staff training event and a Blended Mobility of professionals in the 4 participating countries.
- Deliver a public-private Memorandum of Understanding model among partners countries and to create a permanent European Observatory to share and to spread those best practices and alternative care systems as an alternative to administrative detention xxxxxxx to UM.
- Deliver a final Tool-kit (handbook) gathering all materials to guarantee transferability and sustainability.
No. | Name | Short Name | Country |
1 | Asociación Cultural Integra | Integra | Spain |
0 | Xxxxxxxxxxxx xx Xxxx xxx Xxx | Xxxx xxx Xxx | Xxxxx |
3 | IIS IPSIA Marconi CS-LIC SC LTE Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx | IIS Marconi | Italy |
4 | Istituto di Istruzione Superiore N. de Filippis e X.Xxxxxxx | IIS Filippis | Italy |
5 | Comune di Bovalino | Bovalino | Italy |
6 | Stichting Amsterdam European Mobility | AdamMob | Netherlands |
7 | Schulhaus Europa EV | Schulhaus | Germany |
8 | Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Xxxxx | AOUMeyer | Italy |
0 | Xxxxxx xx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xx Xxxxx | Xxxx | Xxxxx |
10 | Asociación Xxxxxxx | Xxxxxxx | Spain |
11 | Agenzia per la Mobilita Internazionale | AgeMob | Italy |
12 | Comune di Benestare | Benestare | Italy |
Work package 1 | Management and Coordination of the Action
Lead beneficiary: Integra
Distribution of activities to each Applicant/Co-applicant in this work package.
Activity No. | Name of the activity | Applicant/Co- Applicant |
1.1. | Creation of a Quality management handbook and delivering. | Integra |
1.2. | Monitoring and delivering the Quality management handbook and Delivering. | Integra |
AdamMob | ||
1.3. | Creation and delivering the Communication plan/handbook and Delivering. | Integra |
AgeMob | ||
1.4. | Kick-off meeting in A Coruña: Elaboration of a meeting report and minutes delivering | Integra |
1.5. | 1st Transnational Management Meeting in Germany (ES) Elaboration of a meeting report (2 working days + 2 travel days) and minutes delivering. | Schulhaus |
1.6. | First virtual face-to-face management meetings (1 working day) and minutes delivering | AgeMob |
1.7. | 2nd Transnational Management Meeting held in Italy (Florence) (2 working days + 2 travel days) Elaboration of a meeting report and minutes delivering | AgeMob |
1.8. | Second virtual face-to-face management meetings (1 working day) Elaboration of a meeting report and minutes delivering | AdamMob |
1.9. | Final meeting / final event to be held in Spain (Andalusia) (2 working days + 2 travel days) Elaboration of a meeting report and minutes delivering | Integra |
1.10. | To elaborate and to deliver the Progress report 1 - - Checkpoint control report 1 | Integra |
1.11. | To elaborate and to deliver the Progress report 2 - - Checkpoint control report 2 | Integra |
1.12. | To elaborate and to deliver the Progress report 3 - - Checkpoint control report 3 | Integra |
1.13. | To elaborate and to deliver the Progress report 4 - - Checkpoint control report 4 | Integra |
1.14. | To elaborate “mid-term progress report” | Integra |
1.15. | Website creation delivering and social network creation | Integra |
1.16. | To monitor all the short-staff training activities / blended mobility or professionals to be delivered in Spain | Integra |
Aelv | ||
1.17. | To monitor all the short-staff training activities / blended mobility or professionals to be delivered in Italy | AgeMob |
AOUMeyer | ||
1.18. | To monitor all the short-staff training activities / blended mobility or professionals to be delivered in Germany | Schulhaus |
1.19. | To monitor all the short-staff training activities / blended mobility or professionals to be delivered in The Netherlands | AdamMob |
Work package 2 | The Tuscany alternative care system to unaccompanied minors: an E-learning training course to professionals
Lead beneficiary: AgeMob
End month: 7*
*Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, all activity dates of Work package 2 are subject to change.
A. Distribution of activities to each Applicant/Co-applicant in this work package.
Activity No. | Name of the activity | Applicant/Co- Applicant |
2.1. | Delivering the Tuscany alternative care system to unaccompanied minors: e-Learning training centre - Educational Portal to professional | AgeMob |
AOUMeyer | ||
Integra | ||
2.2. | Creation of the training material deliverable [Block 1] | AgeMob |
AdamMob | ||
AOUMeyer | ||
2.3. | Creation of training Material deliverable [Block 2] | AgeMob |
Lora del Río | ||
AOUMeyer | ||
2.4. | Creation of training Material deliverable [Block 3] | AgeMob |
AOUMeyer | ||
Xxxxxxxxx | ||
Xxxx del Río | ||
2.5. | Creation of training Material deliverable [Block 4] | AgeMob |
Integra | ||
AOUMeyer | ||
2.6. | Dissemination deliverables: flyers and brochures | Integra |
2.7. | Selection of 25 Spanish participants to attend the online training event. Delivering of documents and elaboration of participants reports | Integra |
2.8. | Selection of 25 Spanish participants to attend the online training event. Delivering of documents and elaboration of participants reports | Xxxxxxx |
2.9. | Selection of 25 Spanish participants to attend the online training event. Delivering of documents and elaboration of participants reports | Lora del Río |
2.10. | Selection of 25 Spanish participants to attend the online training event. Delivering of documents and elaboration of participants reports | Aelv |
2.11. | Selection of 25 Italian participants to attend the online training event. Delivering of documents and elaboration of participants reports | IIS Marconi |
2.12. | Selection of 25 Italian participants to attend the online training event. Delivering of documents and elaboration of participants reports | IIS Filippis |
2.13. | Selection of 25 Italian participants to attend the online training event. Delivering of documents and elaboration of participants reports | AgeMob |
2.14. | Selection of 25 Italian participants to attend the online training event. Delivering of documents and elaboration of participants reports | Benestare |
2.15. | Selection of 25 Italian participants to attend the online training event. Delivering of documents and elaboration of participants | Bovalino |
reports | ||
2.16. | Selection of 25 Dutch/German participants to attend the online training event. Delivering of documents and elaboration of participants reports | AdamMob |
Schulhaus | ||
2.17. | Selection of 25 Italian participants to attend the online training event. Delivering of documents and elaboration of participants reports | AOUMeyer |
B. Travels.
Trip No. | Objective, nature and relevance to the project | Applicant/ Co- applicant | Number of participants | Location (EU/non- EU) | Days/DSAs |
T.2.1. | Kick off meeting in A Coruña (ES) | Lora del Río | 1 | EU | 2 + 2 |
T.2.2. | Aelv | 1 | EU | 2 + 2 | |
T.2.3. | Xxxxxxx | 1 | EU | 2 + 2 | |
T.2.4. | IIS Marconi | 1 | EU | 2 + 2 | |
T.2.5. | AgeMob | 1 | EU | 2 + 2 | |
T.2.6. | Bovalino | 1 | EU | 2 + 2 | |
T.2.7. | Benestare | 1 | EU | 2 + 2 | |
T.2.8. | AdamMob | 1 | EU | 2 + 2 | |
T.2.9. | Schulhaus | 1 | EU | 2 + 2 | |
T.2.10. | AOUMeyer | 1 | EU | 2 + 2 | |
T.2.11. | IIS Filippis | 1 | EU | 2 + 2 |
Work package 3 | Staff training events and blended mobility to professionals in each partners’ nation
Lead beneficiary: AdamMob
Start month: 6
End month: 15
A. Distribution of activities to each Applicant/Co-applicant in this work package.
Activity No. | Name of the activity | Applicant/Co- Applicant |
3.1. | Partners to select participants to attend the training events in Spain | Integra |
Aelv | ||
Lora del Río | ||
Xxxxxxx | ||
3.2. | Partners to select participants to attend the training events in Italy | AgeMob |
IIS Marconi | ||
IIS Filippis | ||
Benestare | ||
Bovalino | ||
AOUMeyer | ||
3.3. | Partners to select participants to attend the training events in Germany | Schulhaus |
3.4. | Partners to select participants to attend the training events in The Netherlands | AdamMob |
3.5. | To organize the expected activities during the Short-term joint staff and a blended mobility for professionals (both at the same time) in SPAIN in Month 7. | Integra |
Lora del Río | ||
Aelv |
3.6. | To organize the expected activities during the Short-term joint staff training event and a blended mobility for professionals (both at the same time) in ITALY in Month 9. | AgeMob |
3.7. | To organize the expected activities during the Short-term joint staff training event and a blended mobility for professionals (both at the same time in GERMANY in Month 12. | Shulhaus |
3.8. | To organize the expected activities during the Short-term joint staff training event and a blended mobility for professionals (both at the same time in The Netherlands in Month 15. | AdamMob |
3.9. | Contact with local stakeholders to organize the events and activities and to engage them in the exchange of best practices and know- how with the incoming participants, promote their own activities and collectively work in ES | Integra |
Aelv | ||
Lora del Río | ||
Xxxxxxx | ||
3.10. | Contact with local stakeholders to organize the events and activities and to engage them in the exchange of best practices and know- how with the incoming participants, promote their own activities and collectively work in IT | AgeMob |
IIS Marconi | ||
IIS Filippis | ||
Bovalino | ||
Benestare | ||
AOUMeyer | ||
3.11. | Contact with local stakeholders to organize the events and activities and to engage them in the exchange of best practices and know- how with the incoming participants, promote their own activities and collectively work in DE | Shulhaus |
3.12. | Contact with local stakeholders to organize the events and activities and to engage them in the exchange of best practices and know- how with the incoming participants, promote their own activities and collectively work in NL | AdamMob |
3.13. | To guide participants in the identification if good practice with a session dedicated to agreeing the structure and writing the guide (Final took-kit) in Spain | Integra |
Lora del Río | ||
3.14. | To guide participants in the identification if good practice with a session dedicated to agreeing the structure and writing the guide (Final took-kit) in Italy | AgeMob |
3.15. | To guide participants in the identification if good practice with a session dedicated to agreeing the structure and writing the guide (Final took-kit) in Germany | Schulhaus |
3.16. | with a session dedicated to agreeing the structure and writing the guide (Final took-kit) in the Netherlands | AdamMob |
3.17. | Partners to attend the * First transnational Management Meeting to be held in Germany. | All partners |
B. Travels.
Trip No. | Objective, nature and relevance to the project | Applicant/ Co- applicant | Number of participants | Location (EU/non- EU) | Days/DSAs |
T.3.1. | To attend the Short-term joint staff training event and a blended mobility for professionals in Spain | Integra | 8 | EU | 5+2 |
Aelv | |||||
Lora del Río | |||||
Xxxxxxx | |||||
T.3.2. | To attend the | AgeMob | 14 | EU | 5+2 |
Short-term joint staff training event and a blended mobility for professionals in Spain | IIS Marconi | ||||
IIS Filippis | |||||
Benestare | |||||
Bovalino | |||||
AOUMeyer | |||||
Shulhaus | |||||
T.3.3. | To attend the Short-term joint staff training event and a blended mobility for professionals in Spain | AdamMob | 2 | EU | 5+2 |
T.3.4. | To attend the Short-term joint staff training event and a blended mobility for professionals in ITALY | Integra | 8 | EU | 5+2 |
Aelv | |||||
Lora del Río | |||||
Xxxxxxx | |||||
T.3.5. | To attend the Short-term joint staff training event and a blended mobility for professionals in ITALY | AgeMob | 12 | EU | 5+2 |
IIS Marconi | |||||
IIS Filippis | |||||
Benestare | |||||
Bovalino | |||||
AOUMeyer | |||||
T.3.6. | To attend the Short-term joint staff training event and a blended mobility for professionals in ITALY | AdamMob | 2 | EU | 5+2 |
T.3.7. | To attend the Short-term joint staff training event and a blended mobility for professionals in ITALY | Shulhaus | 2 | EU | 5+2 |
T.3.8. | To attend the Short-term joint staff training event and a blended mobility for professionals in Germany | Integra | 8 | EU | 5+2 |
Aelv | |||||
Lora del Río | |||||
Xxxxxxx | |||||
T.3.9. | To attend the Short-term joint staff training event and a blended mobility for professionals in Germany | AgeMob | 12 | EU | 5+2 |
IIS Marconi | |||||
IIS Filippis | |||||
Benestare | |||||
Bovalino | |||||
AOUMeyer |
T.3.11. | To attend the Short-term joint staff training event and a blended mobility for professionals in The Netherlands | Integra | 12 | EU | 5+2 |
Aelv | |||||
Lora del Río | |||||
Xxxxxxx | |||||
T.3.12. | To attend the Short-term joint staff training event and a blended mobility for professionals in The Netherlands | AgeMob | 12 | EU | 5+2 |
IIS Marconi | |||||
IIS Filippis | |||||
Benestare | |||||
Bovalino | |||||
AOUMeyer | |||||
T.3.13. | To attend the Short-term joint staff training event and a blended mobility for professionals in The Netherlands | Shulhaus | 2 | EU | 5+2 |
T.3.14. | Partners to attend the * First transnational Management Meeting to be held in Germany | Integra | 8 | EU | 2+2 |
Aelv | |||||
Lora del Río | |||||
Xxxxxxx | |||||
T.3.15. | Partners to attend the * First transnational Management Meeting to be held in Germany | AgeMob | 12 | EU | 2+2 |
IIS Marconi | |||||
IIS Filippis | |||||
Benestare | |||||
Bovalino | |||||
AOUMeyer | |||||
T.3.16. | Partners to attend the * First transnational Management Meeting to be held in Germany | AdamMob | 2 | EU | 2+2 |
Work package 4 | Memorandum of understanding and the European Observatory on unaccompanied minors’ alternative care systems - Final took-kit/handbook
Lead beneficiary: Lora del Río
Start month: 15
End month: 24
A. Distribution of activities to each Applicant/Co-applicant in this work package.
Activity No. | Name of the activity | Applicant/Co- Applicant |
AgeMob | ||
Bovalino | ||
Benestare | ||
4.2. | Final took-kit/handbook | Xxxxxxx |
Aelv | ||
Integra | ||
AdamMob | ||
AgeMob | ||
IIS Marconi | ||
IIS Filippis | ||
AOUMeyer | ||
4.3. | Organization of the Final technical meeting in Spain (Andalusia). Project closure. | Lora del Río |
Aelv | ||
4.4. | European Observatory delivering. | Integra |
AdamMob | ||
AgeMob |
B. Travels.
Trip No. | Objective, nature and relevance to the project | Applicant/ Co- applicant | Number of participants | Location (EU/non- EU) | Days/DSAs |
T.4.1. | Organization of the Final technical meeting in Spain (Andalusia). Project closure. | Integra | 1 | EU | 2+2 |
T.4.2. | Organization of the Final technical meeting in Spain (Andalusia). Project closure. | AgeMob | 12 | EU | 2+2 |
IIS Marconi | |||||
IIS Filippis | |||||
Benestare | |||||
Bovalino | |||||
AOUMeyer | |||||
T.4.3. | Organization of the Final technical meeting in Spain (Andalusia). Project closure. | AdamMob | 2 | EU | 2+2 |
T.4.4. | Organization of the Final technical meeting in Spain (Andalusia). Project closure. | Shulhaus | 2 | EU | 2+2 |
Work package 5 | Dissemination
Lead beneficiary: Integra
A. Distribution of activities to each Applicant/Co-applicant in this work package.
Activity No. | Name of the activity | Applicant/Co- Applicant |
5.1. | Delivering an implementation of the dissemination plan | Integra |
5.2. | Creation of a logo | Integra |
5.3. | Creation of project website | Integra |
5.4. | Creation of the e-learning website/educational website | AgeMob |
5.5. | Social networks (Facebook or Twitter) delivering | Integra |
5.6. | Creation of a project introduction for use by partners on their websites | Integra |
5.7. | Spanish partner which host the short-term staff training event/blended mobility will be responsible for creating a brief summary report for each partner to upload to their website | Integra |
5.8. | Italian partner which host the short-term staff training event/blended mobility will be responsible for creating a brief summary report for each partner to upload to their website | AgeMob |
5.9. | German partner which host the short-term staff training event/blended mobility will be responsible for creating a brief summary report for each partner to upload to their website | Shulhaus |
5.10. | Dutch partner which host the short-term staff training event/blended mobility will be responsible for creating a brief summary report for each partner to upload to their website | AdamMob |
5.11. | Project implementation into partners websites | Integra |
Lora del Río | ||
Shulhaus | ||
AgeMob | ||
IIS Marconi | ||
IIS Filippis | ||
Benestare | ||
Bovalino | ||
Xxxxxxx | ||
AOUMeyer | ||
Aelv | ||
AdamMob | ||
5.12. | Facebook profile of the project | Integra |
5.13. | Final events / multiplier event in ES | Integra |
Lora del Río | ||
5.14. | Final events / multiplier event in DE | Shulhaus |
5.15. | Final events / multiplier event in IT | AgeMob |
IIS Marconi | ||
IIS Filippis | ||
Benestare | ||
Bovalino | ||
5.16. | Final events / multiplier event in NL | AdamMob |
5.17. | PowerPoint presentations for networks, seminars, European | Integra |
Partners - all partners | ||
5.18. | Meetings and visits to key stakeholders - all partners (supervision) | Integra |
Lora del Río | ||
Shulhaus | ||
AgeMob | ||
IIS Marconi | ||
IIS Filippis | ||
Benestare | ||
Bovalino | ||
AOUMeyer | ||
Aelv | ||
Xxxxxxx | ||
AdamMob | ||
5.19. | Transnational meetings, flyers, brochures, newsletters, training events and reports. Immediately after each training event in months 7, 9, 12 and 15, a newsletter will be released. | AgeMob |
5.20. | Media coverage (4 press releases) in ES | Integra |
5.21. | Media coverage (4 press releases) in NL | AdamMob |
5.22. | Media coverage (4 press releases) in IT | IIS Marconi |
IIS Filippis | ||
Benestare | ||
Bovalino | ||
5.23. | Media coverage (4 press releases) in DE | Shulhaus |
5.24. | Delivering and implementation of the sustainability plan. | Integra |
WP1 | WP2 | WP3 | WP4 | WP5 | |
Integra | 2.87 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 4.52 |
Lora del Río | 0 | 3.26 | 2 | 2.38 | 0.58 |
Marconi | 0 | 0.38 | 0.70 | 0.40 | 0.40 |
Iis Filippis | 0 | 0.38 | 0.70 | 0.40 | 0.40 |
Bovalino | 0 | 0.38 | 0.70 | 0.40 | 0.40 |
AdamMob | 1.02 | 2.38 | 2 | 3.50 | 1.28 |
Schulhaus | 0.42 | 0.92 | 2 | 0 | 0.70 |
AOUMeyer | 0.16 | 1.56 | 0.50 | 0.30 | 0.20 |
Aelv | 0.16 | 0.38 | 1.30 | 0.88 | 0.20 |
Xxxxxxx | 0 | 0.38 | 0.80 | 0.38 | 0.10 |
AgeMob | 0.86 | 4.14 | 3.20 | 2.50 | 2.04 |
Benestare | 0 | 0.38 | 0.70 | 0.30 | 0.40 |
Total person/month | 5.49 | 18.54 | 16.60 | 13.34 | 11.22 |