Swydd Ddisgrifiad
Swydd Ddisgrifiad
Darlithydd Addysg Gynradd gyda SAC
Cyfadran | Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol a Bywyd | |
Adran | Addysg | |
Teitl y Swydd | Darlithydd Addysg Gynradd gyda SAC | |
Rhif y Swydd | 2122599 | |
Yn atebol i | Prif Ddarlithydd Addysg | |
Trosolwg o'r Swydd | ||
Bydd deiliad y swydd yn addysgu rhaglenni Prifysgol Glyndŵr, yn cynnal ymchwil a gweithgaredd ysgolheigaidd a chyfrannu at y rhaglenni hyn yn ôl yr angen. Bydd yr unigolyn yn cyfrannu at weithgareddau masnachol a gweithgareddau cynhyrchu incwm eraill, lle bo'n briodol. Cyfrannu at sicrhau bod ansawdd a safonau academaidd y brifysgol yn cael eu cynnal a bod profiad y myfyrwyr yn cael ei wella'n barhaus. | ||
Diben y Swydd | ||
Bydd deiliad y swydd yn addysgu'r rhaglenni TAR Addysg Gynradd a BA (Anrhydedd) Addysg Gynradd gyda SAC a bydd ganddo gefndir amlwg o weithio mewn Addysg Gynradd. Bydd deiliad y swydd yn cyfrannu at weithgareddau recriwtio a chadw fel sy'n briodol. Yn ogystal â hyn, mae’r rôl yn gofyn i ddeiliad y swydd ddatblygu a monitro agweddau ar y rhaglenni SAC yn yr adran Addysg. Mae hyn yn cynnwys gweinyddiaeth weithredol gysylltiedig, datblygu cwricwlwm, rheoli ansawdd a gwelliannau (gan gynnwys achrediad gan sefydliadau proffesiynol perthnasol pryd bynnag sy'n briodol). Byddwch yn gweithio gyda'r Prif Ddarlithydd, i sicrhau darpariaeth effeithiol ac effeithlon y rhaglenni yn unol â strategaeth, polisi a gweithdrefnau'r Brifysgol, ymgymryd â gweithgaredd ymchwil a chymryd rhan mewn gweithgaredd xxxxxx, a dylanwadu ar arfer blaenllaw. |
Prif Atebolrwydd |
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx a Dysgu • Bod yn gyfrifol am ddylunio, cyflwyno a gwerthusiad parhaus y modiwlau a'r rhaglenni perthnasol gan sicrhau y bodlonir amcanion adrannol a deilliannau dysgu, a bod y cynnwys yn berthnasol ac yn adlewyrchu ymarfer cyfredol. • Datblygu asesiadau priodol sy'n mesur perfformiad a dealltwriaeth myfyrwyr, a sicrhau bod y deilliannau dysgu wedi'u bodloni. • Herio syniadau, meithrin dadl ac annog myfyrwyr i ddatblygu sgiliau sgwrsio beirniadol a meddwl greddfol. • Defnyddio amrywiaeth o ddulliau/deunyddiau dysgu ac addysgu (e.e. dysgu cyfunol ac ar y we) er mwyn cyfoethogi profiad y myfyrwyr. • Asesu cynnydd myfyrwyr a chynnig beirniadaeth gywir arno ac adrodd y wybodaeth hon yn ôl mewn modd adeiladol, sensitif a gonest. • Cymryd cyfrifoldeb am ofal bugeiliol myfyrwyr mewn xxxx penodol, gan atgyfeirio problemau pan fyddant yn gymhleth neu'n ddifrifol. • Cyfrannu'n weithredol at wella profiad y myfyrwyr. Gweithgareddau Ymchwil • Ymgymryd ag ymchwil neu weithgaredd ysgolheigaidd cytunedig arall er mwyn cyfrannu at ddatblygiad y pwnc. • Paratoi cynigion a cheisiadau i gyrff allanol, yn ôl yr angen, i sicrhau cyllid ymchwil ac i gynhyrchu incwm ychwanegol i'r Brifysgol. • Ysgrifennu a chyhoeddi canlyniadau ymchwil arloesol i hyrwyddo sefyllfa'r Brifysgol yn y sector Addysg Uwch a'r gymuned ehangach. • Defnyddio xxxxxx, creadigrwydd a beirniadaeth yn natblygiad methodolegau ymchwil priodol sy'n hyrwyddo gweithgaredd ysgolheigaidd yn y xxxx. • Gweithredu fel canolwr a chyfrannu at asesiadau cyfoedion ar gyfer cofnodion priodol, yn ôl y gofyn. • Goruchwylio gwaith myfyrwyr ôl-raddedig a addysgir a/neu fyfyrwyr ymchwil, yn ôl y gofyn, i gefnogi gyda datblygu sgiliau ymchwil myfyrwyr. Xxxxxx Academaidd • Cymryd rhan yn natblygiad partneriaethau mewnol ac allanol er mwyn lledaenu gwybodaeth, rhannu arferion gorau, sefydlu cyfleoedd am waith ar y cyd a gwella enw da'r Brifysgol. • Cymryd rhan mewn rhwydweithiau er mwyn hwyluso cyfnewid gwybodaeth xx xxxxx gorau. • Meithrin cysylltiadau gydag asiantaethau a chysylltiadau allanol er mwyn adnabod ffynonellau cyllid ac ymgysylltu gyda phrosiectau neu waith ar y cyd a fydd yn cynhyrchu incwm ac yn gwella enw da'r Brifysgol. • Ehangu a gwella gwaith yr adran drwy hyrwyddo’r rhaglenni a datblygu syniadau/strategaethau arloesol i gefnogi'r gwaith o recriwtio a chadw myfyrwyr. |
Darparu Gwasanaeth
• Rheoli gofynion addysgu, gweinyddu, ymchwil a gweithgaredd ysgolheigaidd i sicrhau bod terfynau amser sy'n gwrthdaro yn cael eu bodloni.
• Dylunio, adolygu ac addasu cynnwys yr uned drwy ddehongli adborth myfyrwyr ac achub y blaen ar anghenion er mwyn cyfrannu at ddatblygiad cyffredinol y rhaglen.
• Diweddaru a gwella dogfennaeth a deunyddiau cyfarwyddyd y cwrs fel sy'n briodol, er mwyn cyfoethogi profiad y myfyrwyr a chefnogi dilyniant myfyrwyr.
• Adnabod bylchau yng nghynnwys y cwrs a strwythur y rhaglen gyda chydweithwyr a dyfeisio datrysiadau creadigol sy'n bodloni anghenion y prif fframweithiau addysgu.
• Cysylltu â gweithdrefnau sicrhau ansawdd yn rhagweithiol ac effeithiol, gan gyfrannu at bapurau fel sy'n briodol, i sicrhau y cynhelir safonau'r Brifysgol.
• Cydweithio â chydweithwyr academaidd ar ddatblygiad pynciau, unedau a rhaglenni a darpariaeth yn yr adran, a chyfrannu at wneud penderfyniadau strategol adrannol i sicrhau bod portffolio'r cwricwlwm yn parhau'n gyfredol a bod y gweithdrefnau asesu'n berthnasol.
• Mynychu digwyddiadau myfyrwyr, yn ôl yr angen, gan sicrhau defnydd effeithiol o amser ac adnoddau.
• Cynorthwyo gyda gweithgareddau cyn-mynediad, recriwtio, dethol a derbyn (gan gynnwys Dyddiau Agored a Dyddiau Ymweld) er mwyn hyrwyddo'r adran a chael gwell dealltwriaeth am anghenion a disgwyliadau myfyrwyr.
• Cefnogi prosesau, gweithdrefnau a mentrau'r Brifysgol, er enghraifft, cymryd xxxx xxx gadeirio pwyllgorau'r Brifysgol, paneli dilysu/achredu a grwpiau gorchwyl a gorffen.
Gwaith Xxx
• Mynd i gyfarfodydd/byrddau Cyfadran, Adran a Rhaglen, yn ôl yr xxxxx, xx mwyn cyfrannu at y broses gwneud penderfyniadau a datblygu cysylltiadau gweithio cynhyrchiol o fewn timau ac ar eu traws.
• Darparu adborth i gydweithwyr drwy gynlluniau mentora cyfoedion i gefnogi xxxx datblygiad xxxx hun a datblygiad eraill ac i sicrhau gwelliant parhaus ym mherfformiad yr adran
• Cyfrannu at gynllunio dyddiadau cau asesiadau a threfniadau addysgu penodol i sicrhau bod anghenion a disgwyliadau myfyrwyr yn cael eu bodloni a bod yr amser a’r adnoddau yn cael eu defnyddio’n effeithiol.
Cysylltu a Rhwydweithio
• Ymgysylltu'n weithredol â chyrff proffesiynol a dysgedig e.e. cymryd rhan mewn pwyllgorau, gweithgorau, trefnu cynadleddau/gweithdai.
Atebolrwydd Personol |
• Cymryd cyfrifoldeb am hyrwyddo gwasanaeth cwsmer o ansawdd yn xxxx xxxx gwaith xxxx hun. • Cymryd cyfrifoldeb am gyfrannu at ymrwymiad y Brifysgol i gyflawni gwasanaethau sy'n rhoi gwerth am arian ac sy’n gwneud y defnydd gorau o adnoddau, gan ystyried hyn wrth ymgymryd â xxxx ddyletswyddau ac agweddau ar y swydd. • Cymryd cyfrifoldeb am sicrhau diweddariad cyson o ran sgiliau a gwybodaeth bersonol er mwyn bod yn effeithiol yn xxxx swydd. • Cymryd rhan yn y broses Arfarnu, ymgymryd â'r broses o osod amcanion er mwyn cynorthwyo gyda monitro perfformiad a datblygiad yr unigolyn. • Ymgysylltu â’r broses Modelu Dyrannu Llwyth Gwaith a chymryd rhan ynddi er mwyn cefnogi dyraniad dyletswyddau'r unigolyn. • Cymryd cyfrifoldeb am weithredu Polisi Cyfle Cyfartal y Brifysgol o xxxx xxxx cyfrifoldeb personol ac o ran ymddygiad cyffredinol. • Ymgymryd â rôl Iechyd a Diogelwch benodol, sy'n gymesur â'ch gradd, i gefnogi'r Brifysgol i fodloni ei rhwymedigaethau Iechyd a Diogelwch statudol. Gallai hyn gynnwys gweithredu fel Asesydd DSE, Swyddog Cymorth Cyntaf, Xxxxxxx Xxx xxx Gydlynydd Diogelwch Adrannol. Bydd neilltuo rolau o'r fath yn amodol ar ddarparu hyfforddiant priodol ac asesiad cymhwysedd. • Gall fod yn ofynnol gweithio ar unrhyw un o safleoedd y Brifysgol, gyda rhybudd rhesymol. • Cymryd cyfrifoldeb am gyfrannu at ymrwymiad y Brifysgol i Gynaliadwyedd Amgylcheddol er mwyn lleihau ei gwastraff, ei defnydd o ynni a’i hôl troed carbon. • Ymgymryd â dyletswyddau perthnasol eraill sy'n gymesur â gradd y swydd fel y neilltuir gan y Rheolwr neu reolwyr y Brifysgol i gefnogi datblygiad y Brifysgol. Ni ddylid gwrthod cytundeb o'r fath yn afresymol. |
Adolygiad |
Mae hwn yn ddisgrifiad o'r swydd fel y mae ar hyn x xxxx. Bwriad y swydd ddisgrifiad hwn yw galluogi dull gweithredu hyblyg i'w gynnig ar draws y Brifysgol yn ôl yr angen. Mae'n agored i adolygiad a newid yng ngoleuni anghenion newidiol y Brifysgol ac i ddarparu cyfleoedd datblygu priodol. Cynhelir y weithdrefn ar y xxx xxx xxx rheolwr mewn ymgynghoriad â'r unigolyn y mae ei swydd xxx adolygiad. Disgwylir i xxx aelod o staff gymryd rhan yn llawn mewn trafodaethau o'r fath. Nod y Brifysgol yw cytuno ar newid rhesymol, ond os nad yw cytundeb yn bosibl, mae ganddi'r hawl i fynnu'r newid i'r swydd ddisgrifiad ar ôl ymgynghori â'r unigolyn xxx sylw. |
Manyleb Person
Darlithydd Addysg Gynradd gyda SAC
Er mwyn cael xxxx rhoi ar y rhestr fer rhaid i chi arddangos xxxx bod yn bodloni'r xxxx xxxxx prawf hanfodol a hynny o'r meini prawf dymunol ag sy'n bosibl. Pan fydd gennym nifer fawr o geisiadau sy'n bodloni'r xxxx xxxxx prawf hanfodol, byddwn yna'n defnyddio'r meini prawf dymunol er mwyn llunio’r rhestr fer.
Meini Prawf Dethol | |||||
Priodoleddau | Eitem | Meini Prawf Perthnasol | Dull Adnabod | Pwysigrwydd | |
1.1 | Lefel uchel o sgiliau ysgrifenedig, llafar a | Ff, C | H | ||
rhyngbersonol | |||||
1.2 | Gallu i addysgu ar draws y xxxx pwnc a | Ff, Rh, C | H | ||
chyfrannu at addysgu yn y Sefydliad a'r | |||||
Gyfadran | |||||
1.3 | Tystiolaeth o wneud cyfraniad mewn xxx | Ff, C | H | ||
ymchwil ac o'ch gallu i gydweithio ar | |||||
wahanol lefelau ar draws sefydliad. | |||||
1 | Sgiliau a Gallu | 1.4 | Gallu i gefnogi myfyrwyr yn academaidd, proffesiynol a bugeiliol. | Ff, Rh, C | H |
1.5 | Gallu i gyfrannu at weithgareddau recriwtio | ||||
a gweithgareddau dargadw i gefnogi tasgau | Ff, C | H | |||
sy'n hanfodol i fusnes (Cyfrannu at ddyddiau | |||||
agored, dyddiau ymweld ymgeiswyr, y | |||||
broses glirio a chynefino myfyrwyr) | |||||
1.6 | Gallu i arddangos ymrwymiad i gynhyrchu | ||||
incwm ar gyfer ymchwil ac arloesi yn y xxxx | Ff, C | H | |||
pwnc perthnasol. | |||||
2 | Gwybodaeth Gyffredinol ac Arbenigol | 2.1 | Dealltwriaeth am fecanweithiau a phrosesau ariannu ymchwil ac arddangos tystiolaeth o ddatblygu amcanion a chynigion ymchwil ar gyfer ymchwil xxxx hun neu ymchwil ar y cyd (efallai gyda chymorth mentor). | Ff, Rh, C | D |
2.2 2.3 2.4 | Tystiolaeth o waith ymchwil i'w gyhoeddi a fydd yn cyfrannu at y xxxx pwnc xxx'n arddangos y potensial i gyflawni'r safon hon o ymchwil Ymrwymiad i weithgareddau ymchwil, xxxxxx xx ysgolheigaidd Gallu i oruchwylio gradd Meistr a MPhil, a goruchwyliaeth PhD | Ff, Rh, C Ff, C Ff, C | H H D | ||
3.1 | Doethuriaeth mewn xxxx pwnc perthnasol (neu'n gweithio at un) | Ff | D | ||
3.2 | Aelod o gorff proffesiynol neu gorff dysgedig perthnasol | Ff, C | H | ||
3 | Addysg a Hyfforddiant | 3.3 | Tystysgrif ôl-radd mewn Addysgu mewn AU, neu barodrwydd i weithio tuag at ddod yn Gymrawd y Sefydliad Addysg Uwch. | Ff, C | H |
3.4 | Gradd Meistr mewn disgyblaeth briodol neu ymrwymiad i weithio tuag at hynny. | Ff, C | H | ||
3.5 | Rhaid dangos ymrwymiad i ddatblygiad proffesiynol parhaus. | Ff, C | H | ||
4.1 | Profiad blaenorol o addysgu neu gefnogi | Ff, C | H | ||
4 | Profiad Perthnasol | 4.2 | myfyrwyr Profiad ôl-ddoethurol perthnasol (pryd | Ff, C | D |
bynnag sy'n briodol) | |||||
5.1 | Gallu i gyfathrebu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg | Ff, C | D | ||
5 | Gofynion Arbennig | 5.2 | Tystiolaeth o ymrwymiad i ddatblygiad proffesiynol parhaus | Ff, C | H |
5.3 | Cofnod cyhoeddi sy'n gymesur â lefel dda o waith ymchwil a chyfnod gyrfa | Ff, C | H |
6 | Ychwanegol/ Diwygiadau i'r Fanyleb Person | 6.1 6.2 | Meddu ar Statws Athro/awes Cymwys (SAC) Profiad o weithio mewn addysg gynradd | Ff, C Ff, C | H H |
Allwedd | Dull Adnabod | Ff | Ffurflen Gais |
C | Cyfweliad | ||
P | Prawf | ||
T | Copi o Dystysgrifau | ||
Rh | Rhoi Cyflwyniad | ||
G | Asesiad Grŵp | ||
Pwysigrwydd | H | Hanfodol | |
D | Dymunol |
Job Description
Lecturer Primary Education with QTS
Faculty | Social and Life Sciences | |
Section | Education | |
Job Title | Lecturer Primary Education with QTS | |
Vacancy No | 2122599 | |
Reports To | Principal Lecturer in Education | |
Job Overview | ||
The post holder will teach on Glyndŵr University programmes, carry out research and scholarly activity and contribute to these programmes as required. Where appropriate, contribute to commercial and other income generation activity. Contribute towards ensuring that academic quality and standards of the university are maintained, and the student experience is continually enhanced. | ||
Job Purpose | ||
The post holder will teach on the PGCE Primary Education and BA (Hons) Primary Education with QTS programmes and will have a proven track record of working within Primary Education. The post holder will also contribute to recruitment and retention activities as appropriate. In addition, the role requires the post holder to develop and monitor aspects of the QTS programmes within the Education department. This includes associated operational administration, curriculum development and quality management and enhancement (including accreditation by relevant professional institutions where appropriate). You will work with the Principal Lecturer, to ensure the efficient and effective delivery of the programmes in accordance with University strategy, policy, and procedures, undertake research activity and engage in enterprise activity, influencing leading edge practice. |
Principal Accountabilities |
Teaching & Learning Support • Be responsible for the design, delivery and ongoing evaluation of relevant modules, and programmes ensuring that departmental objectives and learning outcomes are met, and content is relevant and reflects current practice. • Develop appropriate assessments which measure student performance and understanding and ensure that learning outcomes have been met. • Challenge ideas, xxxxxx debate and encourage students to develop skills in critical discourse and rational thinking. • Use a variety of learning and teaching methods/materials (e.g. web-based and blended learning) in order to enhance the student experience. • Assess and make sound judgments about student progress and feedback this information in a constructive, sensitive, and honest way. • Take responsibility for the pastoral care of students within a specified area, referring problems on where they are complex or serious. • Actively contribute to enhancing the student experience. Research Activities • Undertake research or other agreed scholarly activity in order to contribute to the development of the subject. • Prepare proposals and applications to external bodies, as required, to secure research funding and to generate additional income for the University. • Write and publish results of innovative research to further the University’s standing in the HE sector and in the wider community. • Use initiative, creativity, and judgement in the development of appropriate research methodologies that further scholarly activities in the area. • Act as a referee and contribute to peer assessment for appropriate journals, as required. • Supervise the work of taught postgraduate and/or research students, as required, to support the development of student research skills. Academic Enterprise • Participate in the development of internal and external partnerships in order to disseminate information, share best practice, establish opportunities for collaborative work and enhance the reputation of the University. • Participate in networks in order to facilitate the exchange of information and best practice. • Build relationships with external agencies and contacts in order to identify sources of funding and engage in collaborative work or projects that will generate income and enhance the reputation of the University. • Extend and enhance the work of the department by promoting the programmes and developing innovative ideas/strategies to support student recruitment and retention. |
Service Provision
• Manage the demands of teaching, administration, research, and scholarly activity to ensure that competing deadlines are met.
• Design, review and adapt unit content by interpreting student feedback and pre- empting needs in order to make input to the overall development of the programme.
• Update and improve course documentation and guidance materials as appropriate, in order to enhance the student experience and support student progression.
• Identify gaps in course content and programme structure with colleagues and devise creative solutions which meet the requirements of overarching teaching frameworks.
• Proactively and effectively engage with quality assurance procedures, contributing to papers as appropriate, to ensure that University standards are upheld.
• Collaborate with academic colleagues on subject, unit, and programme development and delivery within the department, and contribute to departmental strategic decision making to ensure that the curriculum portfolio remains current and the assessment procedures are relevant.
• Attend student events, as required, ensuring the effective use of time and resources.
• Assist in appropriate pre-entry, recruitment, selection and admissions activities (including Open Days and Visit Days) in order to promote the department and gain a better understanding of student needs and expectations.
• Support University processes, procedures, and initiatives, for example participating in or chairing University committees, validation/accreditation panels and task and finish groups.
Team Working
• Attend Faculty, Department and Programme meetings/boards, as required, in order to contribute to the decision-making process and to develop productive working relationships within and across teams.
• Provide feedback to colleagues via peer mentoring schemes to support the development of self and others and to ensure the continuous improvement of departmental performance
• Contribute to planning assessment deadlines and specific teaching arrangements to ensure student needs and expectations are met and that time and resources are used effectively.
Liaising and Networking
• Active engagement with professional and learned bodies e.g. participation in committees, working parties, conference/workshop organisation.
Personal Accountabilities |
• Take responsibility to promote high levels of customer care within their own areas of work. • Take responsibility to engage with the University’s commitment to delivering value for money services that optimise the use of resources and consider this when undertaking all duties and aspects of their role. • Take responsibility for ensuring they have and continue to update their knowledge and skills to be effective in their roles. • Participate in the PDR process, engaging in the setting of objectives in order to assist in the monitoring of performance and the development of the individual. • Engage and participate in the Workload Allocation Model process to support the allocation of duties of the individual. • Take responsibility for applying the University’s Equal Opportunities Policy in their own area of responsibility and in their general conduct. • Be required to undertake a specific Health & Safety role, commensurate with their grade, to support the University in meeting its statutory Health & Safety obligations. This could include acting as a DSE Assessor, First Aider, Fire Xxxxxxxx, or Departmental Safety Co-ordinator. The allocation of such roles will be subject to the provision of appropriate training and assessment of competence. • With reasonable notice, be required to work at any of the University sites. • Take responsibility to engage with the University’s commitment to Environmental Sustainability in order to reduce its waste, energy consumption and carbon footprint. • Undertake other relevant duties commensurate with the grade of the post as may be assigned by the Manager or University managers to support the development of the University. Such agreement should not be unreasonably withheld. |
Review |
This is a description of the job as it is presently constituted. This job description is intended to enable a flexible approach to be offered working across the University as required. It is subject to review and amendment in the light of changing needs of the University and to provide appropriate development opportunities. The procedure is conducted jointly by each manager in consultation with the individual whose job is being reviewed. All staff are expected to participate fully in such discussions. It is the University’s aim to reach agreement to reasonable change, but if agreement is not possible, it reserves the right to insist on changes to the job description after consultation with the individual concerned. |
Person Specification
Lecturer Primary Education with QTS
In order to be shortlisted you must demonstrate that you meet all the essential criteria and as many of the desirable criteria as possible. Where we have a large number of applications that meet all of the essential criteria, we will then use the desirable criteria to produce the shortlist.
Selection Criteria | |||||
Attributes | Item | Relevant Criteria | Identification Method | Rank | |
1.1 | High level of written, oral, and interpersonal | A, I | E | ||
skills | |||||
1.2 | The ability to teach across the subject area | ||||
and to contribute to teaching in the Institute | A, P, I | E | |||
and Faculty | |||||
1.3 | Evidence of making a contribution in a | ||||
research team and the ability to collaborate | A, I | E | |||
at different levels across an organisation. | |||||
1 | Skills & Abilities | 1.4 | An ability to support students academically, professionally, and pastorally. | A, P, I | E |
1.5 | An ability to contribute to recruitment | ||||
activities and retention activities to support | A, I | E | |||
business critical tasks (Contribute to open | |||||
days, applicant visit days, clearing and | |||||
student induction) | |||||
1.6 | The ability to demonstrate commitment to | ||||
income generation for research and | A, I | E | |||
innovation in relevant subject area. | |||||
2 | General & Specialist Knowledge | 2.1 | An understanding of research funding mechanisms and processes and demonstrate evidence of developing research objectives and proposals for own or joint research (maybe with the assistance of a mentor). | A, P, I | D |
2.2 2.3 2.4 | Evidence of research work for publications which will contribute to the subject area or demonstrate the potential to achieve this standard of research A commitment to research, enterprise, and scholarly activity Ability to supervise taught Masters and MPhil, and PhD supervision | A, P, I A, I A, I | E E D | ||
3.1 | An earned doctorate (or working towards) in a relevant subject discipline | A | D | ||
3.2 | Member of relevant professional or learned body | A, I | E | ||
3 | Education & Training | 3.3 | PG certificate in Teaching in HE, or commitment to undertake and achieve fellowship of HEA. | A, I | E |
3.4 | Master’s Degree in an appropriate discipline or commitment to working to achieve this. | A, I | E | ||
3.5 | Must demonstrate commitment to continual professional development. | A, I | E | ||
4.1 | Previous experience of teaching or | A, I | E | ||
4 | Relevant Experience | 4.2 | supporting students Relevant postdoctoral experience (where | A, I | D |
appropriate) | |||||
5.1 | The ability to communicate through the medium of Welsh | A, I | D | ||
5 | Special Requirements | 5.2 | Evidence of a commitment to continuous professional development | A, I | E |
5.3 | A publication record commensurate with a good level of research performance and stage of career | A, I | E | ||
6.1 | Hold Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) | A, I | E | ||
6 | Additional/ Amendments to Person Specification | 6.2 | Experience of working within primary education | A,I | E |
Key | Identification Method | A | Application Form |
I | Interview | ||
T | Test | ||
C | Copy of Certificates | ||
P | Presentation | ||
G | Group Assessment | ||
Rank | E | Essential | |
D | Desirable |