Allegato n. 1 al Verbale n. 12 del 17 aprile 2024
Allegato n. 1 al Verbale n. 12 del 17 aprile 2024
(D.D.G. N. 615 DEL 4 DICEMBRE 2023)
Comunicazione ai sensi dell’art. 19 del D. Lgs n. 33/2013 e s.m.i.
Il giorno 17 aprile 2024, alle ore 14:25 presso la Sala Riunione Lauree dell’Area scientifico-didattica Xxxxx Xxxxxxx – Xxx Xxxxx, 00 Urbino, si riunisce la Commissione giudicatrice della procedura selettiva di cui in epigrafe, per procedere alla riunione finale.
La Commissione giudicatrice, nominata con D.D.G. n. 47 del 7 febbraio 2024 e con D.D.G. n. 40/2024 del 19/03/2024, è così composta:
- Xxxx. Xxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXX - Direttore Generale
Università degli Studi di Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xx Presidente;
- Dott.ssa Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxx XXXXXXXX - Cat. EP – Area Amministrativa - gestionale
Università degli Studi di Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xx Xxxxxxxxxx;
- Dott.ssa Xxxxxxx XXXXXXX - Cat D – Area amministrativa-gestionale Università degli Studi di Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xx Xxxxxxxxxx;
- Dott.ssa Xxxx Xxxxxxx XXXXXXXXX - Xxxxxxxxx C – Area Amministrativa
Università degli Studi di Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xx Xxxxxxxxxx.
La Commissione Giudicatrice per l’accertamento, nella prova orale, delle caratteristiche attitudinali, relazionali e motivazionali, della conoscenza della lingua inglese e degli strumenti informatici, è così integrata:
-Xxxx. Xxxxxxxxx XXXXX - Professore Ordinario M-PSI/07 Psicologia Dinamica
Università degli Studi di Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xx Membro aggregato;
-Xxxx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx XXXXX - Collaboratore ed Esperto Linguistico di lingua inglese Università degli Studi di Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xx
Membro aggregato;
-Sig. Xxxxxxxxx XXXXX - Categoria C – Area tecnica, tecnico-scientifica ed elaborazioni dati
Università degli Studi di Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xx Membro aggregato
La Commissione comunica le tracce delle prove scritte e delle prove orali predisposte:
0.Xx/Xx candidata/o illustri brevemente cosa si intende per autonomia finanziaria in ambito universitario
2. La/Il candidata/o illustri sinteticamente l’importanza delle strutture di ricerca all’interno dell’Università e la loro organizzazione
3. La/Il candidata/o illustri in quali circostanze l’amministrazione universitaria è tenuta a garantire l’acceso agli atti
1. La/Il candidata/o illustri brevemente cosa si intende per autonomia didattica in ambito universitario
2. La/Il candidata/o illustri il processo di reclutamento e di selezione del personale docente e tecnico amministrativo all’interno delle Università
3. La/Il candidata/o illustri come viene garantita la trasparenza e la riservatezza delle “informazioni particolari” ex art. 9 GDPR 679/2016 Codice Privacy durante il procedimento di accesso agli atti
PROVA C (Prova sorteggiata)
1. La/Il candidata/o illustri brevemente cosa si intende per autonomia regolamentare in ambito universitario
2. La/Il candidata/o illustri le principali fonti di finanziamento delle Università
3. La/Il candidata/o illustri le motivazioni per le quali un’amministrazione universitaria può negare una richiesta di accesso agli atti
1. Il responsabile del procedimento amministrativo e i suoi principali compiti
2. L’organo che, secondo lo Statuto dell’Università di Urbino, ha funzione di programmazione, consultazione e controllo e di coordinamento e raccordo fra i Dipartimenti e le altre strutture dell’Università
Conoscenza lingua Inglese
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
When thinking about careers, professional advancement, or even job hunting, we usually emphasize so-called “hard skills,” meaning skills that are directly connected to our ability to perform a particular task or do a certain job. These skills can be evaluated or measured since they are the result of degrees, certificates, specialized knowledge, seminars, continuing education, vocational training, and so on. “Soft skills,” on the other hand, are more difficult to measure or quantify, as they usually do not come from a degree or specialized training, but from life experience, personality, and attitude. They are often called “people skills,” as they typically relate, in some form, to how we deal or interact with other people.
Conoscenza strumenti informatici
Come si inserisce una tabella in Microsoft Word?
1. I documenti oggetto di registrazione obbligatoria di protocollo
2. Il Consiglio degli Studenti
Conoscenza lingua Inglese
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
A recent study in the USA revealed that workers spend an average of two hours a week in pointless meetings. Two hours per person per week has been estimated at approximately $400 billion per year of lost productivity. However, meetings are also important for connecting colleagues, sharing ideas and for fostering innovation and creativity.
Meetings can be made more productive by having an agenda and sharing it before the meeting, limiting discussion time, taking notes, and defining clear action points to be followed afterwards.
Conoscenza strumenti informatici
Quali sono le opzioni di formattazione del testo disponibili in Microsoft Word?
1. La struttura formale dell’atto amministrativo: sua composizione
2. Gli Organi necessari del Dipartimento secondo quanto previsto nello Statuto dell’Università di Urbino
Conoscenza lingua Inglese
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
The term "small talk" is frequently used in and outside of the business world. However, if asked, few of the individuals who use the term would be able to clearly explain what it means. And to enjoy and take full advantage of small talk, one must truly understand it.
Small talk, or non-official talk about unimportant subjects, intended to provide a break from official discussions, is often used by business professionals. Most people take short breaks during the work day to chat, and business employees xxxx't exceptions—even if they're taking a break from a conversation with another conversation.
Conoscenza strumenti informatici
Cos’è, e come si inserisce, un'intestazione in un documento di Microsoft Word?
1. L’aggravamento del procedimento amministrativo: in quale caso la legge n. 241/1990 lo ammette
Conoscenza lingua Inglese
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
‘Early bird’ or ‘night owl’, we all have different body clocks and rhythms. However, research is beginning to show that we’re all quite similar in the way our minds and bodies behave at different times of day. Understanding these rhythms helps us understand the best time to learn.
If learning means having to use your brain, then morning is the best time. But not as soon as we wake up. Our bodies and brains need time to warm up, and our body temperature rises slowly from the moment we wake up. Most people are at their best in terms of their ability to concentrate and learn between ten in the morning and midday.
Conoscenza strumenti informatici
Qual è la funzione della revisione ortografica e grammaticale in Microsoft Word?
1. Le responsabilità del personale tecnico amministrativo nell’esercizio delle proprie funzioni
2. Le principali strutture di supporto agli studenti all’interno delle Università
Conoscenza lingua Inglese
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
Isn’t it strange how we can remember the words of a much-loved poem that we learned in primary school more than twenty years ago, but we can’t remember where we left our keys about ten minutes ago? More than 130
years ago, this problem caught the attention of the German psychologist Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, and he came up with a theory: the strength of memory.
Xxxxxxxxxx believed that if we find new information interesting, then it’ll probably be more meaningful to us. This makes the information easier to learn and easier to remember. It also helps if we associate the new information with something else.
Conoscenza strumenti informatici
Che cos’è, e come si inserisce, una nota a piè di pagina in un documento Word?
1. La nullità del provvedimento amministrativo
2. L’organo che, secondo lo Statuto dell’Università di Urbino, esercita funzioni di controllo interno sulla regolarità della gestione amministrativa, finanziaria e contabile dell’Ateneo
Conoscenza lingua Inglese
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
We’ve all had the experience of trying to learn something new only to find out that we’re not very good at it. We look around at other people we’re learning with who seem more talented and are doing so much better than us. It seems to come naturally to them. The conclusion seems obvious: talented people must be born that way.
Without a doubt, there are people who are brilliant at certain things. However, practice is also important. In fact, a study on promising young musicians found that those who became exceptional were more competitive and practiced about 2,000 hours more than those who only did well.
Conoscenza strumenti informatici
Cosa significa "formattare" un documento in Microsoft Word?
1. I requisiti di legittimità del provvedimento amministrativo
2. L’organo, secondo lo Statuto dell’Università di Urbino, al quale è attribuito il compito di approvare il bilancio di previsione annuale e triennale, il conto consuntivo e il documento di programmazione triennale
Conoscenza lingua Inglese
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
Research has shown that people are generally optimistic by nature and have a positive view of themselves. In fact, we are much more optimistic than realistic and frequently imagine things will turn out better than they
actually do. Furthermore, when things do go wrong, we are often quick to find something positive in all the negativity. Many people who fail exams, for example, are convinced they were just unlucky with the questions and they’ll do better next time.
Conoscenza strumenti informatici
Come si crea un elenco puntato e uno numerato in un documento Microsoft Word?
1. Le responsabilità del personale docente nell’esercizio delle proprie funzioni
2. L’obiettivo principale dello Statuto dell’Università di Urbino
Conoscenza lingua Inglese
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
The certainty that our future is bound to be better than our past and present is known as the Optimism Bias, and researchers have found that it is common to people all over the world and of all ages. Of course, the Optimism Bias can lead us to make some very bad decisions. Often, people don’t take out travel insurance because they are sure everything will be all right, they don’t worry about saving up for old age because the future looks fine, or they smoke cigarettes in spite of the health warnings on the pack because they believe ‘it won’t happen to me.’
Conoscenza strumenti informatici
Quali sono le opzioni di allineamento del testo disponibili in Microsoft Word?
1. Le normative che regolano le incompatibilità per il personale docente dell’Università
2. La questione della ricerca scientifica e dell’innovazione tecnologica: come viene affrontata all’interno dello Statuto dell’Università di Urbino
Conoscenza lingua Inglese
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
Researchers believe that being optimistic is good for us. People who expect the best are generally likely to be ambitious and adventurous, whereas people who expect the worst are likely to be more cautious, so optimism actually helps to make us more successful. Optimists are also healthier because they feel less stress – they can relax because they think that everything is going to be just fine. Not only that, but our natural tendency to be optimistic may also have played an important part in our evolution as human beings. Because we hoped
for the best, we were prepared to take risks such as hunting down dangerous animals, and over the long term, this helped us to become a successful species.
Conoscenza strumenti informatici
Che cos’è, e come si crea, un collegamento ipertestuale in Microsoft Word?
1. I controlli amministrativi sugli atti
2. Il ruolo del Consiglio di Amministrazione all’interno dello Statuto dell’Università di Urbino
Conoscenza lingua Inglese
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
Collaboration means two or more people working together to achieve a goal. Studies have found that working together makes people more motivated and helps them perform much better. People who are collaborating on tasks stay interested for longer, feel less tired and get better results than people who are working alone.
Working together as a team allows people to achieve things that could never be done by just one person. Moreover, the communication needed in order for team members to share goals and explain ideas is part of a process that improves the quality of everyone's thinking and contributions.
Conoscenza strumenti informatici
Quali sono gli allineamenti del paragrafo in Microsoft Word?
1. Le normative che regolano le incompatibilità per il personale tecnico amministrativo dell’Università
2. Il Regolamento Didattico di Ateneo
Conoscenza lingua Inglese
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
One of the most critical communication skills is listening. You have to focus (eye contact, head nodding, asking questions) to really understand what other people have to say. Some people don’t know how to actually look at another person and give them their complete attention, yet eye contact and demonstrating that you are truly paying attention to another person is very important to helping them feel heard. If you are looking at your phone during a conversation, communication will break down.
Conoscenza strumenti informatici
Quali sono gli stili applicabili alla formattazione di carattere in Microsoft Word?
1. Lo stato giuridico del personale docente dell’Università
2. Autonomia e funzioni dei Dipartimenti di Ateneo
Conoscenza lingua Inglese
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
Nowadays, it is an accepted fact that our position in the family – that is, whether we are an oldest child, a middle child, a youngest child, or an only child – is possibly the strongest influence there is on our character and personality. So what influence does it have?
Firstborn children, for example, often have to look after their younger brothers and sisters, so they’re usually sensible and responsible as adults. They also tend to be ambitious and they make good leaders. On the other hand, oldest children can be insecure and anxious. This is because when the second child was born, they lost some of their parents’ attention, and maybe they felt rejected.
Conoscenza strumenti informatici
Che cos’è, e come si usa, la funzione di Copia Formato in Microsoft Word?
1. Cosa si intende per esecutività del provvedimento amministrativo
2. Il Presidio della Qualità all’interno dello Statuto dell’Università di Urbino
Conoscenza lingua Inglese
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
We love speed. When it comes to doing business and connecting with people, speed is important. We need to get our work done faster. We worry that we’re too slow, that we aren’t efficient enough or productive enough to succeed. We need to get there first. How do we do this? We speed up. Why? Because we seem to associate ‘slow’ with failure, inefficiency and even worse: laziness. But is it really a good idea to always try to get things done as quickly as possible?
Conoscenza strumenti informatici
Qual è la differenza tra la funzione Copia e la funzione Taglia in Microsoft Word?
1. Le conseguenze del mancato rispetto del termine per il completamento di un procedimento amministrativo
2. L’organismo di Ateneo a cui è devoluta l’istruzione di procedimenti disciplinari a carico del personale docente
Conoscenza lingua Inglese
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
It is said that technological development has given people more free time than they used to have, allowing them to concentrate on pursuing their interests or improving themselves. It seems to me however, that most people spend their free time doing things that do not contribute to their development and are often simply wasting their time. In fact, some of the most popular free-time activities are often done alone online and involve looking at activities that other people are doing.
Conoscenza strumenti informatici
Che cosa si intende per Appunti in Microsoft Word?
1. Le politiche relative alla conciliazione vita-lavoro per i dipendenti pubblici
2. La Commissione Paritetica Docenti-Studenti
Conoscenza lingua Inglese
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
You’ve probably heard it before, haven’t you? ‘Facebook and Instagram friends xxxx’t the same as the real thing.’ People from generations that didn’t grow up with online friendships criticize younger adults who say they have a lot of online friends. They don’t think friendships that are made online are as real or as meaningful as face-to-face ones. But some researchers think that this may not be the case.
Conoscenza strumenti informatici
Come e dove si può inserire il numero di pagina in Microsoft Word?
1. Le diverse categorie di dipendenti all'interno di un'università e le differenze nei loro ruoli e responsabilità
2. L’organo che, secondo lo Statuto dell’Università di Urbino, svolge, fra l’altro, funzioni di verifica della qualità e dell’efficacia dell’offerta didattica.
Conoscenza lingua Inglese
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
Researchers at the University of California have come to the conclusion that online friendships have the same qualities as those in the real world. In a study, the researchers looked at exchanges between online friends and observed the same kinds of behaviors that exist in face-to-face friendships. Online friends share experiences and interests, express their feelings and reveal things about themselves. Sometimes they offer each other practical help, and they can keep each other company at any time of the day or night.
Conoscenza strumenti informatici
Come si attiva e come si utilizza la funzione Imposta Pagina in Microsoft Word?
1. Il ruolo dell'istruttoria nel procedimento amministrativo
2. L’organo che, secondo lo Statuto dell’Università di Urbino, è responsabile e provvede alla gestione complessiva e alla organizzazione dei servizi, delle risorse strumentali e del personale tecnico e amministrativo e CEL, assicurando la legittimità, l’imparzialità, il buon andamento e la trasparenza amministrativa
Conoscenza lingua Inglese
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
Whether you’re having a conversation with colleagues or clients, active listening builds trust in the workplace. Active listening means participating in the discussion and listening closely to what other people say. Active listeners maintain eye contact, ask questions and paraphrase to summarize the conversation. Summarizing what has been said shows that you’ve been paying attention and also allows the speaker to correct you if necessary.
Conoscenza strumenti informatici
Cosa si intende per Xxxxxxx in Microsoft Word?
1. I rimedi giuridici disponibili per contestare una decisione amministrativa
2. Il Tavolo di Consultazione ai sensi dello Statuto dell’Università di Urbino
Conoscenza lingua Inglese
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
Different people learn in different ways. In order to find the most useful way to learn new information, it’s a good idea to think about the kind of learner you are: visual, auditory or kinesthetic. Visual learners prefer to learn by reading or seeing pictures, auditory learners prefer listening and speaking, while kinesthetic learners need movement and realistic, situational examples when acquiring information.. Knowing your learning style can help you study more effectively.
Conoscenza strumenti informatici
È possibile formattare “a colonne” il testo digitato in Microsoft Word?
1. Differenza tra atto amministrativo e provvedimento amministrativo
2. Diritti e obblighi degli studenti nell’ambito dello Statuto dell’Università di Urbino
Conoscenza lingua Inglese
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
Everyone wants to be an optimist, but it’s not always easy. Most of us have to try hard to stay positive when life is getting us down. However, it’s worth the effort, since optimists enjoy better health and even do better in their careers.
The secret to optimism is that it doesn’t just happen – highly optimistic people work hard to stay positive. If you want to do well in your career, improve your relationships and enjoy your life, you should try to be an optimist.
Conoscenza strumenti informatici
Cosa si intende, e come si inserisce, l’interruzione di pagina in Microsoft Word?
1. Il silenzio significativo
2. Le questioni legate alla parità di genere e alla diversità: in che modo vengono affrontate all’interno dello Statuto dell’Università di Urbino
Conoscenza lingua Inglese
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
A lot of people think that technology brings people closer together and improves communication, but I’m not so sure. People often assume that electronic communication is more efficient, and they spend so much time texting and looking at screens that they hardly ever speak to one another. But in many situations, we can actually save time and communicate more effectively by simply picking up the phone and having an actual conversation.
Conoscenza strumenti informatici
Cosa si intende per Rientri in Microsoft Word?
1. Le procedure per affrontare situazioni di conflitto o discriminazione sul posto di lavoro all'interno dell'ambiente universitario
2. L’organo, secondo lo Statuto dell’Università di Urbino, che svolge funzioni di governo, di indirizzo e di controllo.
Conoscenza lingua Inglese
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
Some cultures consider conflict to be a normal part of working life and see it as a factor that can improve performance and generate creativity. Other cultures, on the contrary, believe that interpersonal conflict should be avoided at all costs and that the interests of the individual should be a secondary consideration compared to those of the group or the community. Which of the two attitudes is closest to your culture?
Conoscenza strumenti informatici
Cosa si intende per Spaziatura in Microsoft Word?
1. Il principio di tipicità nei provvedimenti amministrativi
2. L’organo di Ateneo che sovraintende all’attività di organizzazione e gestione del personale e alla gestione dei rapporti sindacali e di lavoro nel rispetto della contrattazione collettiva nazionale e decentrata
Conoscenza lingua Inglese
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
Schools and universities should offer students courses that provide them with qualifications which will attract potential employers. However, employers often complain that courses are too theoretical and do not teach students the practical skills they will need in the workplace. On the other hand, education shouldn’t only focus on teaching practical skills. One of its most important aims should be to help students develop critical thinking skills, including the ability to analyze and solve problems. These abilities will be useful throughout people’s working lives.
Conoscenza strumenti informatici
Quali sono le differenze tra il Layout di Stampa e il Layout Bozza in Microsoft Word?
1. La motivazione dell’atto amministrativo
2. Lo Statuto dell’Università di Urbino e le sue modifiche
Conoscenza lingua Inglese
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
From going on midday walks to actually eating breakfast for a change, there's plenty of online advice telling us how to make the most out of our workday. But according to a new study, being productive isn't so much about what you're doing as when you're doing it.
Researchers from Xxxxxx University in Australia and the University of Granada in Spain set out to find the exact time of day we're most efficient when performing cognitive tasks — everything from paying attention during meetings to interpreting complex data.
So when are we at our best in terms of performing cognitive tasks? According to the study, right around lunchtime.
Conoscenza strumenti informatici
Funzionalità del righello in Microsoft Word?
1. I criteri che reggono l’attività amministrativa
2. Il FOIA
Conoscenza lingua Inglese
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
A simple first step to building a good relationship with your colleagues is to get to know them better. This can be done in a variety of ways. If you are more comfortable one-on-one, consider asking a colleague to join you for a coffee break. If you do better in a group setting, perhaps organizing a lunch with a small group of colleagues could be a good first step. If you aren’t comfortable talking about personal things in the beginning, you can talk about work-related topics. Ask about their professional background or what they like about their job.
Conoscenza strumenti informatici
Cosa sono, a cosa servono, e come si inseriscono, le tabulazioni in Microsoft Word?
1. L’eccesso di potere
2. I fini istituzionali dell’Ateneo e crescita professionale del personale
Conoscenza lingua Inglese
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
Building relationships and sharing information with colleagues helps to create a learning culture. But, it’s important to note that you don't have to engage in uncomfortable personal conversations or spend time outside of the workplace with your colleagues to establish a good relationship with them. Just having a positive attitude and being friendly can help build team cohesion and a sense of community, which in turn, will lead to creating a good learning environment in the office.
Conoscenza strumenti informatici
Come si può creare un documento PDF in Microsoft Word?
1. L’annullamento d’ufficio del provvedimento amministrativo
2. Le strutture di ricerca universitarie ai sensi dello Statuto dell’Università di Urbino
Conoscenza lingua Inglese
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
What’s the best way to deal with a conflict with colleagues? You should try to be empathetic, looking at the situation from their perspective. Take the time to consider their feelings, insecurities, ideas and experiences. Maybe your colleagues ask a lot of annoying questions during meetings to show they’re committed, or maybe they gossip about other colleagues because they’re dealing with their own insecurities. Assume that everyone has their own problems and deserves some patience, tolerance and understanding.
Conoscenza strumenti informatici
Come, e se posso, lavorare contemporaneamente su più documenti in Microsoft Word?
1. Le categorie patologiche del provvedimento amministrativo
2. Le strutture didattiche di Ateneo
Conoscenza lingua Inglese
Read the text aloud and then comment on it.
Good communication is at the heart of great teamwork. Great teams communicate well and often, their members are happy to share ideas, brainstorm together, ask for feedback, and be contradicted. This doesn’t
mean team members always agree, but they’re able to work through their differences to find a good solution and continue moving forward as a team.
Communication is as much about listening as it is about speaking. Make sure you’re listening to fellow team members and actually considering their thoughts before offering your own solutions and input.
Conoscenza strumenti informatici
Come si utilizza la funzione converti testo in tabella in Microsoft Word?
Xxxxx, approvato e sottoscritto.
X.xx Xxxx. Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx (Presidente)
X.xx Dott.ssa Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxxxxxx (Componente) X.xx Dott.ssa Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx (Componente)
X.xx Xxxx. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx (Membro aggregato)
X.xx Xxxx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx (Membro aggregato) X.xx Sig. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx (Membro aggregato)
X.xx Dott.ssa Xxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx (Segretaria)