DELIBERAZIONE N. 107 DEL 22/01/2020 | |
Esercizi/o 2020/2021 - conto n. 502020198 | STRUTTURA PROPONENTE Servizio Amministrativo della Ricerca Il Dirigente Responsabile Cinzia Bomboni Responsabile del Procedimento Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx L’Estensore Catia Minutiello Proposta n° DL-29-2020 |
Centri/o di costo 1101000 | |
- Importo presente Atto: € 50.000,00 | |
- Importo esercizio corrente: € 25.000,00 | |
Budget | |
- Assegnato: € 3.735.995,58 | |
- Utilizzato: € 679.910,77 | |
- Residuo: € 3.006.084,81 | |
Autorizzazione n°: 2020/93933.430 | |
Servizio Risorse Economiche: Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx | |
Positivo | Positivo |
Data 21/01/2020 | Data 21/01/2020 |
Xxxxxx del Direttore Scientifico IRE Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx data 20/01/2020 Positivo Parere del Direttore Scientifico ISG Xxxx Xxxxxxx data 20/01/2020 Positivo | |
La presente deliberazione si compone di n° 5 pagine e dei seguenti allegati che ne formano parte integrante e sostanziale: - Accordo IFO-Weizmann Institute |
Il Dirigente della Servizio Amministrativo della Ricerca
Visto il decreto legislativo 30 dicembre 1992, n. 502 e successive modificazioni ed in- tegrazioni;
il decreto legislativo 16 ottobre 2003, n. 288;
la legge regionale del 23 gennaio 2006, n. 2;
il D.M. del Ministero della Salute del 3 aprile 2017 di conferma del riconosci- mento del carattere scientifico dell’IRCCS di diritto pubblico a Istituti Fisiote- rapici Ospitalieri (IFO) relativamente alla disciplina di “oncologia” per l’Istitu- to Nazionale Tumori Regina Xxxxx (IFO-IRE);
Premesso che l’art. 8 del D.Lgs. n. 288/2003 prevede l’attuazione di misure di collega- mento e sinergia tra strutture di ricerca e assistenza sanitaria, pubbliche e priva- te, nonché con le Università, per la realizzazione di comuni progetti di ricerca;
che il Weizmann Institute (WIS) è un prestigioso istituto di ricerca di Israele impegnato, tra le sue attività, a promuovere collaborazioni con altri importanti enti di ricerca a livello nazionale e internazionale;
che IFO-IRE e WIS intendono avviare una collaborazione per sviluppare un programma di ricerca congiunta;
Considerato che, per la disciplina dei rapporti reciproci, è stato predisposto e approvato da entrambe le Parti un Accordo che, allegato al presente atto, ne costituisce parte integrante e sostanziale;
che, con l’accordo di cui sopra, le Parti si impegnano ad avviare un progetto di ricerca collaborativa della durata di due anni, coinvolgendo un gruppo di ricer- ca di ciascuna Istituzione,
che le Parti, di comune accordo, procederanno alla identificazione dei rispettivi gruppi di ricerca da coinvolgere nel progetto collaborativo attraverso un bando
competitivo, definendo internamente la procedura di selezione del migliore progetto di ricerca da svolgere in collaborazione tra i due Istituti;
che i gruppi di ricerca di ciascuna Istituzione selezionati da bando, svolgeranno in collaborazione il progetto di ricerca previsto;
che ciascuna delle Parti contribuirà a finanziare, fino ad un massimo di € 25.000,00 annui, il gruppo di ricerca della propria Istituzione che risulti vinci- tore del bando;
che l’attuazione dell’Accordo è subordinata alla disponibilità delle fonti di fi- nanziamento delle due Parti;
che il Direttore Scientifico IRE, con nota agli atti della scrivente UOSD SAR, ha stabilito che per IFO-IRE il contributo di € 25.000,00 per ciascuno dei due anni, per un totale di € 50.000,00, potrà gravare sui finanziamenti della Ricerca Corrente IRE;
Ritenuto opportuno stipulare con il Weizmann Institute l’Accordo secondo lo schema che, allegato al presente provvedimento, ne costituisce parte integrante e so- stanziale e far gravare il costo del contributo previsto per ciascuno dei due anni, sui finanziamenti della Ricerca Corrente IRE;
Attestato che il presente provvedimento, a seguito dell’istruttoria effettuata, nella forma e nella sostanza è totalmente legittimo e utile per il servizio pubblico, ai sensi dell’art. 1 della Legge 14 gennaio 1994, n. 20 e successive modifiche, nonché alla stregua dei criteri di economicità e di efficacia di cui all’art. 1, primo com- ma, della Legge 7 agosto 1990, n. 241, come modificata dalla Legge 11 febbra- io 2005, n. 15;
in particolare, che il presente provvedimento è stato predisposto nel pieno ri- spetto delle indicazioni e dei vincoli stabiliti dai decreti del Commissario ad
acta per la realizzazione del Piano di Rientro dal disavanzo del settore sanitario della Regione Lazio;
Per i motivi di cui in narrativa, che si intendono integralmente confermati, di:
- stipulare con il Weizmann Institute l’Accordo secondo lo schema che, allegato al presente provve- dimento, ne costituisce parte integrante e sostanziale;
- far gravare il contributo economico IFO-IRE necessario all’attuazione dell’Accordo, di € 25.000,00 per ciascuno dei due anni, per un totale di € 50.000,00, sui finanziamenti della Ricerca Corrente IRE.
La UOSD Servizio Amministrativo della Ricerca curerà tutti gli adempimenti per l’esecuzione della presente deliberazione.
Il Dirigente della Servizio Amministrativo della Ricerca Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx
Il Direttore Generale
Visto il decreto legislativo 30 dicembre 1992, n. 502 e successive modificazioni ed integrazioni; Visto il decreto legislativo 16 ottobre 2003, n. 288;
Vista la legge regionale 23 gennaio 2006, n. 2;
In Virtù dei poteri conferitigli dal Presidente della Regione Lazio con Decreto del 23 novembre 2016, n. T00248;
Preso atto che il Dirigente proponente il presente provvedimento, sottoscrivendolo, attesta che lo stesso a seguito dell’istruttoria effettuata, nella forma e nella sostanza è totalmente legitti- mo e utile per il servizio pubblico, ai sensi della legge 14 gennaio 1994, n. 20 art. 1 e suc- cessive modifiche, nonché alla stregua dei criteri di economicità e di efficacia di cui alla legge 7 agosto 1990, n. 241 art. 1, primo comma come modificata dalla legge 11 febbraio
2005, n. 15;
Preso atto altresì che il Dirigente proponente il presente provvedimento, sottoscrivendolo attesta, in particolare, che lo stesso è stato predisposto nel pieno rispetto delle indicazioni e dei vinco- li stabiliti dai decreti del Commissario ad acta per la realizzazione del Piano di Rientro dal disavanzo del settore sanitario della Regione Lazio;
Visto il parere favorevole del Direttore Amministrativo e del Direttore Sanitario Aziendale; ritenuto di dover procedere;
di renderla disposta.
Il Direttore Generale Xxxx. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx di Meana
Documento firmato digitalmente ai sensi del D.Lgs 82/2005 s.m.i. e norme collegate
Collaboration agreement between
Istituti Fisioterapici Ospitalieri – Regina Elena National Cancer Institute
Weizmann Institute of Science
Party of the first part, the WEIZMANN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE ("WIS"), whose address is at 000 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, XX Xxx 00, Xxxxxxx 0000000, xxxxxx; duly represented by Xxxx. Xxx Xxxxx, Vice President and Xxxx. Xxxx Xxxxx, Vice President for Resource Development
Party of the second part, the Istituti Fisioterapici Ospitalieri – Regina Elena National Cancer Institute (“IFO/IRE”), whose address is at Xxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxx 00, XXX 00000, Xxxx, Xxxxx, duly represented by Director General, Xxxx. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx di Meana,
Both Parties, acting on behalf and through the representation listed previously, hereby mutually acknowledge each other's sufficient legal capacity to enter into this Collaboration Agreement
One.- Since its establishment in 1939, as a dedicated governmental Institute, the Regina Elena National Cancer Institute is a leading European Institution in the multidisciplinary cure of cancer. The Regina Elena National Cancer Institute aims at establishing partnerships with other research centers on both the national and international levels, especially with centers in countries undertaking extensive levels of oncology research.
Two.- Since its establishment in 1934, WIS is one of the world's leading multidisciplinary basic research institutions. WIS research efforts include searching for new ways of fighting disease and hunger, examining leading questions in mathematics and computer science, probing the physics of matter and the universe, creating novel materials and developing new strategies for protecting the environment. WIS is committed to promote collaborations with other leading research bodies nationally and internationally.
Three. - It is the intention of both institutions to undertake collaboration to develop joint research projects
By virtue of the aforementioned, and in accordance therewith, both Parties hereby agree to enter into this Collaboration Agreement, which shall be guided by the following:
ONE. Agreement Purpose.
This Agreement's purpose is to initiate a competitive collaborative research project program, which is to involve researchers from both Parties. These projects will receive an allocation of up to 50,000 euros each. Each of the Parties will contribute half of this additional funding.
TWO. Characteristics of the Research Projects.
The collaborative research projects involving researchers from both Parties are to comply with the following requirements:
Their term will be two years.
Each Party will contribute up to a maximum of 25,000 euros/year that will be allocated to the Pl's research team of the institution that participates in the project.
The Parties agree that the Agreement's execution is subject to the availability of funding sources and, therefore, it will only be binding if they have such funding.
The Parties shall mutually decide the selection process for the projects to be financed under the program.
Each research project must:
- clearly specify the roles and responsibilities of each Party,
- establish the necessary budget for implementation,
- ensure the protection of the Parties' unpublished and confidential information, and/or manage the intellectual property that is owned jointly if such arises out of the collaboration efforts in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
THREE. Term and Causes for Agreement Termination.
Subject to availability of funding, this Agreement is to take effect beginning on the date it is signed by both Parties and it will remain in effect for an initial term of 2 years, which can be extended by mutual agreement.
This Agreement may be terminated at any time for any of the following reasons or causes:
a) Mutual agreement by the Parties
b) Any Party's failure to comply with any of the clauses set forth herein which was not rectified within 30 days of the other Party's written notification.
c) Decision of either of the Parties, should causes arise which prevent or significantly hamper the execution of the Agreement, provided that said decision to terminate is notified to the other Party in writing, proving the occurrence of the cause that prevents or hinders the Agreement's execution.
Either Party may terminate this Agreement provided they give prior, written notice of at least six months to the other Party. In such a case (and to the extent that is reasonable and feasible), both Parties will endeavor to avoid disruption of the research being undertaken at the time.
Modifications to this Agreement must be in writing and are to be signed by the authorized representatives of both Parties.
FOUR. lntellectual Property.
4.1. Each Party shall be the sole and exclusive owner of (i) the lntellectual Property and materials that legally belonged to them before the date that this Agreement went into effect, (ii) the Intellectual Property and materials developed exclusively by each Party until or after the date that this Agreement went into effect.
4.2. Joint Intellectual Property Rights:
Joint Intellectual Property Rights: Ownership of the Intellectual Property Rights arising within the con- text of the cooperative projects set forth under this Agreement (Joint IP) is to be determined on a case- by-case basis, based on inventive contribution. It is hereby agreed that, in the event that the Joint IP from a cooperative project belongs jointly to more than one Party, the affected Parties will negotiate and formalize any necessary agreements in writing, doing so on a case-by-case basis. These agree- ments are to define the rights and obligations of the joint owners and shall specify, among other things,
the share of the ownership of knowledge, patent prosecution and maintenance, of the use, exploita- tion, and commercialization of the Joint IP, and sharing of the expenses related thereto and benefits stemming therefrom. None of the Parties has the right to make any commercial use of Joint IP without the written consent of the other owners of said Joint IP rights.
FIVE. Confidentiality.
5.1 In this clause, "Confidential Information" means any information or data, in writing, belonging to a Party and which: (a) is not in the public domain, (b) the other Party may acquire by virtue of this Agreement or throughout the execution of any joint research projects funded through this Agreement; and (c) is included in a document that is clearly marked as "Confidential."
5.2 Each Party that receives Confidential Information (“Receiving Party”) from the other Party (“Disclosing Party”) agrees to preserve the confidential nature of all Confidential Information and not to disclose it, neither fully nor partially, to any individuals who are not the following:
5.2.1 Receiving Party's directors, employees, and other members of its staff who have a direct or indirect confidentiality obligation and who are necessarily related with the Agreement's execution; and
5.2.2 Third parties subject to confidentiality conditions equivalent to those contained in this Agreement and for the purposes permitted thereby, provided the disclosing Party has been informed of said disclosure.
5.3 That set forth in clause 5.2. will not apply to Confidential Information in the event that the Receiving Party:
5.3.1 Can prove that the information was in said Receiving Party's possession (other than under a confidentiality obligation towards the disclosing Party or a third party) on the date of receipt, or that the information is being made available in the public domain in a way that does not breach any confidentiality obligation; or
5.3.2 In the event that the Receiving Party can demonstrate that it developed the specialized knowledge independently; or
5.3.3 lf said Confidential Information must necessarily be disclosed by virtue of a legal, legislative, or parliamentary obligation (for the sake of clarity, this excludes contractual obligations) - to the extent required by said legal obligation. In such a case, the Receiving Party agrees to inform the Disclosing Party as soon as possible so that the Disclosing Party has the opportunity to object or seek appropriate protective measures in connection with said disclosure.
5.3.4 lf the information is received from a third party who acquired the information lawfully and who does not have any obligation preventing the disclosure thereof.
5.4 The provisions of Clause 5 are to be in effect for a period of five (5) years from the date of termination or cancellation of this Agreement.
SIX. Dissemination.
6.1 None of the Parties shall make, obtain, or allow any press release or other publication to be made in connection with this Agreement without the advance, written approval of the other Party- said approval shall not be unreasonably conditioned, or delayed.
6.2 Each Party may use the logo of the other Party only if it has the prior, written approval of the Party that owns said logo.
6.3 Each Party has the right to publish their own scientific findings, technical reports, and results of the work done as part of the research project under this Agreement. An agreement must be reached
on any publication which contains results from the other Party before said results' publication. Prior notice of any planned publication shall be given to the other Party at least 30 calendar days before the publication. Any objection to the planned publication shall be made within 30 calendar days after receipt of the notice. lf no objection is made within the time limit stated above, the publication is permitted.
6.4 An objection is justified if
(a) the protection of the objecting Party's Intellectual Property would be adversely affected.
(b) the objecting Party's legitimate academic or commercial interests in relation to the Intellectual Property would be significantly harmed.
6.5 The objection has to include a precise request for necessary modifications.
6.6 lf an objection has been raised the Parties shall discuss how to overcome the justified grounds for the objection on a timely basis (for example by amendment to the planned publication and/or by protecting information before publication) and the objecting Party shall not unreasonably continue the opposition if appropriate measures are taken following the discussion.
6.7 The objecting Party can request a publication delay of not more than 60 calendar days from the time it raises such an objection. After 60 calendar days the publication is permitted, provided that Confidential Information of the objecting Party has been removed from the publication.
6.8 The above provisions shall apply during the Agreement and for a period of 2 year after the end of the Agreement
SEVEN. Monitoring Commission.
A monitoring commission is hereby established which will be made up of two representatives from each institution and will ensure the project's progress and analyze the degree of collaboration between the Parties.
EIGHT. Liability.
8.1 No warranties
In respect of any information or materials supplied by one Party to another under a research project, no warranty or representation of any kind is made, given or implied as to the sufficiency or fitness for purpose or as to the absence of any infringement of any proprietary rights of third parties. Therefore, the recipient Party shall in all cases be entirely and solely liable for the use to which it puts such information and materials.
8.2 Limitations of contractual liability
No Party shall be responsible to the other Party for any indirect or consequential loss or similar damage such as, but not limited to, loss of profit, loss of revenue or loss of contracts, provided such damage was not caused by a willful act.
8.3 Damage caused to third parties
Each Party shall be solely liable for any loss, damage or injury to third parties resulting from the performance of the said Party's obligations by it or on its behalf under this Agreement or from its use of any information and/or material, whether owned by that Party or obtained by it from another Party according to this Agreement.
8.4 The terms of this Agreement shall not be construed to amend or limit any Party's statutory liability.
NINE. Conflict Resolution.
The Parties intend to resolve all disputes amicably in accordance with this paragraph.
Any dispute arising in connection with this Agreement shall be submitted first to the individuals listed below for its resolution. Said individuals can then turn to others for advice to the extent they deem appropriate:
WIS: Vice President IFO/IRE: Scientific Director
lf the individuals do not resolve the dispute within twenty (20) working days, the Parties agree to forward the conflict for resolution to the Presidents of both Parties, who may turn to others for advice to the extent they deem appropriate.
In witness whereof, the Parties hereby sign this Agreement in duplicate, in the place and on the date indicated in the heading of this document.
Date, …………………
Signed: Xxxx. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx di Meana Signed: Xxxx. Xxx Xxxxx Director General Vice President
Xxxx. Xxxx Xxxxx
Vice President for Resource Development