Mabwysiadwyd gan y Xxxxx Llywodraethol :
Xxxxxxx y Cadeirydd: ………………………………….……… Dyddiad: ………….………….
Xxxxxxx y Pennaeth: …………………..…………………….. Dyddiad: ………………………
Dyddiad Adolygu: …………………………….
Cynhyrchwyd y polisi presenoldeb ysgol hwn er mwyn egluro i bawb sy’n ymwneud â’r ysgol, xxxx yw hawliau, cyfrifoldebau a rheolau presenoldeb disgyblion mewn ysgol. Os na ddaw’r plant i’r ysgol ni ellir eu haddysgu. Mae presenoldeb a phrydlondeb da yn arwain at y deilliannau dysgu gorau.
2. ATHRONIAETH Datganiad Gorchwyl
• Mae’r ysgol yn bwriadu annog a chynorthwyo pob plentyn i gyrraedd lefelau ardderchog o bresenoldeb a phrydlondeb.
• Mae’r ysgol yn ymrwymedig i ddarparu profiad addysgol llawn ac effeithlon i’w xxxx ddisgyblion. Credwn fod presenoldeb a phrydlondeb da yn hanfodol os yw disgybl am elwa o addysg. Byddwn fel ysgol yn trefnu a gwneud ein gorau i sicrhau’r presenoldeb gorau gan ein disgyblion. Bydd unrhyw broblemau sy’n xxxx prydlondeb a phresenoldeb rheolaidd yn cael eu hadnabod a’u trin cyn gyflymed ag y xx xxxx.
Xxx dathlu llwyddiant yn xxxx x xxxxxx’r ysgol. Mae presenoldeb yn ffactor tyngedfennol i yrfa ysgol gynhyrchiol a llwyddiannus. Bydd yr ysgol yn annog ac yn hybu presenoldeb lawn gan ein xxxx ddisgyblion.
Bydd yr ysgol yn rhoi blaenoriaeth uchel i argyhoeddi rhieni a disgyblion bod presenoldeb rheolaidd a phrydlon yn xxxx bwysig. Rydym yn cydnabod cyfraniad anhepgor rhieni, a byddwn yn sefydlu cysylltiadau cartref-ysgol cadarn, a systemau cyfathrebu effeithiol i’w defnyddio os bydd unrhyw bryder ynghylch presenoldeb.
Os os oes problemau sy’n effeithio ar bresenoldeb disgybl byddwn yn ymchwilio, i geisio darganfod y rheswm ac yna’n ymdrechu mewn partneriaeth â’r rhieni a’r plant i ddatrys y problemau yn effeithiol a chyn gyflymed ag y xx xxxx. Bydd ein dull o weithio’n canolbwyntio ar gael y disgybl i ddychwelyd i’r ysgol a’i mynychu’n rheolaidd.
3. EGWYDDORION Bydd yr ysgol yn:
• Sicrhau fod pob aelod o’r staff yn ymwybodol o’r drefn gofrestru a’u bod yn cael
hyfforddiant mewn swydd briodol ar reoliadau a deddfau addysg
• Cofrestru’n gywir ar ddechrau sesiynau’r bore a’r prynhawn
• Pwysleisio’r angen i rieni/gofalwyr gysylltu â’r staff yn gynnar ar ddiwrnod cyntaf unrhyw absenoldeb.
• Arddangos canrannau presenoldeb mewn mannau amlwg yn yr ysgol gan wobrwyo presenoldeb da a gwelliannau
• Ymgynghori â disgyblion ynghylch eu presenoldeb unigol a’u targedau presenoldeb
• Hyrwyddo agweddau cefnogol cadarn gan y staff tuag at ddisgyblion sy’n dychwelyd wedi cyfnod o absenoldeb.
• Ymgynghori â xxxx aelodau’r a'r Gwasanaeth Gwaith Cymdeithasol Addysg wrth ddatblygu a gweithredu polisi presenoldeb ysgol gyfan
• Sicrhau fod uwch reolwyr a llywodraethwyr yr ysgol yn arfarnu’r trefniadau presenoldeb yn rheolaidd
• Anfon gwybodaeth xxx tymor i rieni a disgyblion yn eu hysbysu ynglŷn â chyfraddau presenoldeb a materion cysylltiedig.
• Gweithio tuag at sicrhau fod yr xxxx ddisgyblion yn teimlo eu bod yn cael eu cefnogi a’u gwerthfawrogi. Byddwn yn anfon neges glir, os bydd disgybl yn absennol, y bydd colled ar eu hôl.
• Llunio gweithdrefn fydd yn galluogi disgyblion fu’n absennol i gyflawni gwaith a gollwyd, a hynny heb amharu ar ddatblygiad plant eraill y dosbarth.
• Sicrhau fod polisi ac ymarferion presenoldeb yn cael eu monitro yn rheolaidd a mesur ei effaith gan ddefnyddio Data Craidd Cymru Gyfan/Fframwaith Effeithiolrwydd Ysgol.
Ar fore cyntaf yr absenoldeb, os na ddaw rhieni/gofalwyr plentyn sy’n absennol i gysylltiad â’r ysgol bydd yr ysgol:
• Yn ffonio’r rhieni, neu os nad yw’r rhieni ar gael anfon llythyr safonol yn gofyn am wybodaeth .
• Ar ôl tri diwrnod o absenoldeb heb esboniad, anfon ail lythyr os na chafwyd esboniad.
• Gwahodd rhieni i’r ysgol. Asesu’r broblem a datblygu cynllun gweithredu e.e. addasu’r cwricwlwm, ymchwiliadau ADY, materion bwlio, cyfeirio at asiantau eraill neu weithwyr proffesiynol.
• Ar ôl deg diwrnod o absenoldeb heb esboniad cyfeirio at weithiwr cymdeithasol yr ysgol, gan ddefnyddio’r ffurflen gyfeirio.
• Bydd yr ysgol yn mabwysiadu cynllun ail-integreiddio unigol disgybl pan fydd disgybl yn dychwelyd i’r ysgol ar ôl unrhyw absenoldeb o fwy na phythefnos. Os daw plentyn yn ôl wedi cyfnod maith o absenoldeb, yna gweithredir Rhaglen Integreiddio Unigol (XxXX). Bydd xxxx x xxxx aelodau’r staff yn y rhaglen XxXX fod mor gefnogol i’r plentyn ag y xx xxxx.
Er mwyn sicrhau llwyddiant y polisi hwn bydd pob aelod o staff yr ysgol yn rhoi blaenoriaeth i bresenoldeb ac yn cyfleu i’r plant bwysigrwydd eu haddysg.
Bydd yr ysgol yn cydnabod pwysigrwydd ymarfer da drwy:
• Gadw a chynnal cywirdeb eu cofrestri a systemau cofnodi presenoldeb disgyblion.
• Sicrhau’r defnydd cywir o godau cofrestru
• Ddilyn trefn gyson o farcio cofrestri a systemau gweithredu ar gyfer cofnodi presenoldeb disgyblion.
• Ddewis llywodraethwr a enwyd ar gyfer presenoldeb
• Ddadansoddi presenoldeb yn rheolaidd i ganfod rhesymau dros absenoldeb, proffil neu absenoldeb parhaus, canfod grwpiau bregus a chysylltiadau â safonau
• Fod yr xxxx staff yn gwybod, deall ac yn xxxxx x xxxxxx yn gyson ar draws yr ysgol
• Sicrhau fod tracio effeithiol mewn lle i ganfod unrhyw ddisgybl y mae eu habsenoldeb yn dechrau dirywio
• Sicrhau fod y staff yn gwybod ble mae pob disgybl xxx dydd at bwrpas diogelu
• Yr ysgol i weithredu trefniadau plant sydd ar xxxx o addysg h.y. rhestr wirio ysgol, cyfeirio at y gwasanaeth GCA a all helpu i gyfyngu absenoldebau ar gofnodion disgyblion
• Sicrhau yr ymatebir yn xxxx i achosion o absenoldeb
• Cyswllt clos â Gweithiwr Cymdeithasol Addysg/Swyddog Lles Addysg
• Xxxxxxx’n fanwl xxx neges ffôn gan rieni a gofalwyr.
Mae’n bwysig gosod targedau realistig; bydd y targedau hyn yn cael eu gosod drwy ymgynghori â’r ALl. Bydd yr ysgol yn edrych ar yr ymyrraeth hynny a fu’n llwyddiannus fel rhan o’r broses werthuso a hefyd edrych ar ymarfer da effeithiol ar draws yr awdurdod.
Wrth fesur llwyddiant bydd yr ysgol yn ystyried:
• A gafwyd gwell presenoldeb?
• A gafwyd gwell prydlondeb?
• Ydy ymateb y rhieni wedi gwella?
• A fu’r cynlluniau ail-integreiddio yn llwyddiant?
• A lwyddodd yr ysgol i godi proffil presenoldeb o fewn yr ysgol xx xxxx y llywodraethwyr a’r gymuned leol?
• Amledd y gwerthuso (gall fod yn eitem reolaidd ar agenda’r xxxxx llywodraethol)
• A yw’r disgyblion a’u rhieni yn llwyr ymwybodol o bwysigrwydd prydlondeb a phresenoldeb rheolaidd a hefyd yn deall trefn presenoldeb yr ysgol?
• Disgyblion yn ymwybodol o’u presenoldeb eu hunain ac yn cael targedau?
• A gynhwyswyd materion presenoldeb yng ngwasanaethau’r ysgol, yn y gwersi Addysg Bersonol a Chymdeithasol (ABCh), neu fel thema mewn gwersi eraill?
• Xxx xxxxxx presenoldeb yr ysgol yn gyfredol, o ansawdd dda ac yn cael ei adolygu’n rheolaidd.
• Sicrhau fod presenoldeb wedi ei integreiddio yn llawn i feysydd polisi eraill (megis diogelu).
• Fod y polisi yn cynnwys polisi’r ysgol ar wyliau yn ystod y tymor.
• Polisi/strategaeth yr ysgol ar gyfer gwella presenoldeb yn nodi swyddogaethau staff a’r trefniadau i’w dilyn.
• Polisi ac ymarferion yr ysgol yn cael eu monitro yn ofalus a mesur eu heffaith.
• Ysgol yn defnyddio adnodd archwilio hunan arfarnu presenoldeb ysgol i ganfod meysydd o welliant o fewn yr ysgol i gynorthwyo gyda thargedau ac i flaenoriaethu gweithredoedd ar gyfer gwella presenoldeb.
• Bydd yr ysgol yn disgwyl i ddisgyblion fynychu’r ysgol yn rheolaidd a chyrraedd mewn pryd ac mewn cyflwr priodol i ddysgu.
• Bydd yr ysgol yn annog presenoldeb da ac yn ymchwilio pob achos o absenoldeb.
• Bydd staff yr ysgol yn gosod esiampl dda mewn materion o bresenoldeb a phrydlondeb ac yn ymchwilio ar unwaith pob achos o absenoldeb a diffyg prydlondeb.
• Bydd yr ysgol yn cysylltu â rhieni/gofalwyr os bydd presenoldeb/prydlondeb eu plentyn yn achosi unrhyw bryder.
• Xxx xxxxx i ysgolion o xxx Reoliadau Addysg (Cofrestru Disgyblion) (Cymru) 2010 alw’r gofrestr presenoldeb ddwywaith y dydd ar ddechrau sesiwn y bore ac unwaith yn sesiwn prynhawn
• Xxx xxxxx i ysgolion fod yn ymwybodol a dilyn Trwyddedu Cyflogi a Pherfformiad Plant er mwyn i absenoldebau gael eu cytuno a’u cofnodi yn briodol ac yn gyfreithlon
• Ysgolion i ddefnyddio’r codau cofrestru cywir yn gyson a hyfforddi staff fel bo’n briodol
• Disgyblion i ofalu eu bod yn mynychu’n rheolaidd ac yn cyrraedd yn brydlon.
• Disgyblion i fod yn eu gwersi yn brydlon.
• Rhoddir parch a gwrandawiad i xxx plentyn
• Bydd gan ddisgyblion gofnod unigol o’u presenoldeb/prydlondeb wedi ei gydnabod gan yr ysgol.
• Mae rhieni’n gyfrifol am sicrhau bod eu plant yn mynychu’r ysgol yn rheolaidd, yn brydlon, ac yn xxxxx o ran gwisg addas ac offer i ddysgu.
• Cyfrifoldeb y rhieni fydd hysbysu’r ysgol trwy lythyr, dros y ffôn neu ymweliad personol i esbonio xxx fod plentyn yn absennol, a hynny ar fore cyntaf yr absenoldeb.
• Gall rhieni ddisgwyl i’r ysgol eu hysbysu’n llawn ynghylch cynnydd eu plentyn.
• Bod yn ymwybodol o lythyrau gan yr ysgol y mae’r plentyn yn dod adref
• Rhieni i fynychu noson rieni a digwyddiadau eraill
• Sicrhau fod eu plentyn yn gorffen ei g/waith cartref ac yn mynd i’r gwely ar amser priodol
• Osgoi trefnu gwyliau yn ystod tymor ysgol, oni bai fod y pennaeth yn teimlo ei fod yn amgylchiadau eithriadol
• Cysylltu â’r ysgol yn xxxx os oes ganddynt unrhyw bryderon fod eu plentyn yn anfodlon i fynychu’r ysgol
Yn Adran 444 Deddf Addysg 1996, disgwylir i ddisgyblion fynychu’n rheolaidd yr ysgolion y maent wedi eu cofrestru ynddynt.
Dywed Adran 7 Deddf Addysg 1996:
Rhaid i riant pob plentyn oed ysgol gorfodol sicrhau ei (f)bod yn cael addysg amser llawn, effeithlon sy’n addas ar gyfer oed, tueddfryd a gallu’r plentyn ac yn cael cymorth ar gyfer unrhyw anghenion addysgol arbennig sydd/fydd ganddi/ganddo, a hynny drwy fynychu ysgol yn rheolaidd neu mewn modd cymwys arall. (A7., Rh 1, Pe.1)
Ac eto Adran 444:
“Os bydd plentyn oed ysgol gorfodol, sydd wedi’i gofrestru mewn ysgol, yn methu mynychu’n rheolaidd, bydd ei rieni’n euog o gyflawni trosedd.” (A.444, Rh V1, Pe.II)
Hefyd o xxx Adrannau 444A a 444B Deddf Addysg 1996 (cyflwynwyd gan Adran 23 Deddf Ymddygiad Gwrth-Gymdeithasol 2003) mae hysbysiadau cosb benodedig wedi eu cyflwyno fel dewis arall i xxxxx o xxx Xxxxx 444. Xxxx rhieni ryddhau atebolrwydd posib am gollfarn am drosedd o xxx Xxxxx 444 trwy dalu dirwy. Gellir cyflwyno hysbysiadau cosb benodedig mewn perthynas ag absenoldebau di awdurdod (gweler Cod Ymddygiad Gwasanaethau Addysg Conwy).
Ni chyflawnwyd trosedd os gellir profi:
• Fod y disgybl yn absennol gyda chaniatâd (absenoldeb awdurdodedig)
• Bod y disgybl yn xxx xxx wedi ei rwystro rhag mynychu gan amgylchiadau anorfod
• I’r absenoldeb ddigwydd ar ddiwrnod a neilltuwyd ar gyfer dathlu digwyddiad crefyddol yng nghrefydd y disgybl/rhieni
• Nad yw’r ysgol o fewn pellter cerdded o’r cartref i fod â hawl i gludiant am ddim i’r ysgol. Mae’r ALl yn darparu cludiant am ddim pan fo plentyn o oed ysgol statudol, xxx 11 oed yn byw dros ddwy filltir o’r ysgol briodol agosaf, a xxxx fo plentyn o oed ysgol statudol, dros 11 oed yn byw dros dair milltir o’r ysgol briodol agosaf. Dylid nodi mai cyfrifoldeb y rhieni/gofalwyr yw gwneud trefniadau ar gyfer cludiant diogel eu plant i ac o’r ysgol (pan nad ydynt yn cymhwyso i gael cludiant ysgol) ac i ac o’r arosfa bws a man codi.
• Rhoddir amddiffyniad cyfyngedig i rieni plant o deuluoedd teithiol Mae’r ddeddf hefyd yn gosod oblygiadau cyfreithiol ar:
• Yr ALl i sicrhau fod addysg effeithiol ar gael i gyfarfod anghenion ei boblogaeth (A.13, Rh 1, Pe.III) ac i orfodi presenoldeb (A.437, Rh V1, Pe. II).
• Ysgolion i gofrestru presenoldeb ac i hysbysu’r ALl os bydd plentyn yn absennol o’r ysgol (Ymgynnwys a Chefnogi Disgyblion - Cylchlythyr Llywodraeth Cymru 47/2006.
9. ABSENOLDEB Mathau o absenoldeb
Xxx xxx xxxx o absenoldeb: awdurdodedig a diawdurdod. Xxxx absenoldeb diawdurdod arwain at alw am gymorth y Gwasanaeth Cymdeithasol Addysg ac o bosibl, yn y pen daw, i xxxxx y rhieni yn y Llys Ynadon o xxx Xxxxx 444 Deddf Addysg 1996, neu gyflwyno Hysbysiad Cosb Benodedig o xxx Xxxxx 444A a 444B Deddf Addysg 1996.
Gall yr ysgol ganiatáu absenoldeb am y rhesymau canlynol:
• Salwch;
• Ymweliad anochel â’r deintydd/meddyg/ysbyty
• Dathlu gwyliau crefyddol
• Amgylchiadau teuluol annisgwyl e.e. profedigaeth
• Gweithgaredd chwaraeon a gymeradwywyd
Ni chaniateir absenoldeb am y rhesymau hyn:
• Siopa;
• Torri gwallt;
• Colli bws;
• Cysgu’n hwyr;
• Dim gwisg ysgol;
• Gwarchod brawd neu chwaer
• Gofalu am y tŷ
• Pen-blwydd
D.S. Os yn bosibl, dylid trefnu pob apwyntiad meddygol/deintyddol y tu xxxxx i oriau ysgol.
Yr ysgol yn unig all awdurdodi absenoldeb. Nid oes gan rieni a’r ALl yr hawl i wneud hynny.
Bydd yr ysgol yn ystyried y pwyntiau allweddol canlynol cyn caniatáu absenoldeb:
• Mae’n rheidrwydd cyfreithiol i blant cofrestredig o oed ysgol gorfodol fynychu ysgol yn rheolaidd a phrydlon.
• Nid oes raid i ysgolion dderbyn esboniad rhiant dros absenoldeb plentyn os oes ganddynt unrhyw amheuaeth ynghylch dilysrwydd yr eglurhad.
• Dylai rhieni sylweddoli mai gan yr ysgol, a’r ysgol yn unig, y xxx xxxx i gytuno i blentyn fynd ar wyliau’r teulu yn ystod tymor ysgol; rhaid ystyried pob cais yn ôl amgylchiadau eithriadol y teulu.
• Dylai ysgolion xxx amser ddisgwyl presenoldeb rheolaidd a phrydlon, hyd yn oed pan fyddant yn ymwybodol o anawsterau teuluol.
• Yn arferol, nid yw edrych ar ôl y tŷ, gwarchod brawd/chwaer, siopa, neu fynd am drip yn rhesymau derbyniol dros absenoldeb.
• Pan ganiateir absenoldeb, dylai ysgolion fod yn ofalus rhag i hyn fod yn gynsail i batrymau cyffelyb o absenoldeb.
• Dylid anghymeradwyo’n bendant unrhyw dueddiad i gyrraedd yn hwyr, a thrin bod yn hwyr yn barhaus yn union fel presenoldeb anghyson.
• Dylai ysgolion feithrin perthynas weithio agos gyda’r Gwasanaeth Gwaith Cymdeithasol Addysg er mwyn hyrwyddo presenoldeb ysgol rheolaidd.
Mae absenoldeb heb awdurdod yn absenoldeb sy’n digwydd heb ganiatâd gan gynrychiolydd swyddogol yr ysgol ac yn cynnwys POB absenoldeb heb esboniad.
Os bydd plentyn yn absennol gyda chaniatâd yr ysgol, waeth xxxx fo’r rheswm am yr absenoldeb, ni chyflawnwyd unrhyw drosedd, ac xxxxx, xxx penderfyniad yr ysgol i ganiatáu neu wrthod caniatáu absenoldeb yn ffactor o bwys mawr pan fo ALl yn ystyried xxxxx.
Os bydd ysgolion yn amau’r esboniad a roddir gan rieni dylid ymchwilio’r absenoldeb a’i adael heb ei ganiatáu nes bydd y mater wedi ei esbonio a bod yr ysgol yn fodlon (dylid gwirio’r codau cofrestru). Bydd y mesur o gefnogaeth a roddir gan Wasanaeth Cymdeithasol Addysg yn dibynnu ar benderfyniad ysgol i gefnogi neu i wrthod awdurdodi absenoldeb. Os bydd ysgol wedi awdurdodi absenoldeb plentyn ni fydd achos cyfreithiol xxxx xxxxx y rhieni.
Mae absenoldeb a ganiateir gan rieni yn aml yn anos i’w ganfod nag unrhyw fath arall o absenoldeb, ac mae'r un mor niweidiol i brofiadau addysgol disgybl ag unrhyw ffurf arall o absenoldeb. Os bydd gan staff yr ysgol reswm i amau dilysrwydd esboniad rhiant dros yr absenoldeb dylid ei drin fel absenoldeb heb awdurdod. Gan fod pob absenoldeb i’w drin fel un heb awdurdod oni hyd y bo’r ysgol yn cytuno ar esboniad boddhaol, mae’n bwysig fod gan ysgolion drefniadau a ddilynir yn gyson i ddilyn esboniadau ac i ddiwygio cofrestri (papur neu electronig). Byddai trefniadau o’r fath yn cynnwys cais am gyngor meddygol gan baediatregydd ymgynghorol, iechyd ysgol, yr ymgynghorydd iechyd absenoldebau meddygol ynglŷn ag absenoldeb.
12. GWYLIAU TEULUOL YN YSTOD TYMOR YSGOL Dyma ddywed canllawiau’r Cynulliad Cenedlaethol:
“Yn ystod tymor yr ysgol nid oes gan rieni hawl awtomatig i dynnu eu plant o’r ysgol ar
gyfer gwyliau ac mae awdurdodi yn aros yn ôl disgresiwn y pennaeth, ond ni ddylai’r gwyliau hwn fod yn fwy na 10 diwrnod mewn unrhyw flwyddyn academaidd’ Mae amgylchiadau arbennig yn parhau yn ôl disgresiwn y pennaeth (Rheoliadau Addysg (Cofrestru Disgyblion) (Cymru) 2010.
Cynhelir trafodaethau rhwng penaethiaid cynradd ac uwchradd ynghylch pa lefel o bresenoldeb sydd ddim yn dderbyniol wrth ystyried awdurdodi unrhyw wyliau yn ystod y tymor (o fewn dalgylchoedd ac yn gyffredinol er mwyn cael cysondeb).
Mae amgylchiadau yn parhau yn ôl disgresiwn y pennaeth gan fod yr ysgol yn adnabod eu disgyblion a’u teuluoedd, ac yn y sefyllfa orau i ddod i farn. Gall amgylchiadau eithriadol fod yn ‘drip unwaith yn unig’ ar gyfer pen-blwydd teuluol arbennig, ond nid gwyliau teuluol ym Medi ar ôl egwyl hir dros yr haf oherwydd cost. Os bydd y pennaeth yn penderfynu peidio â chytuno â’r cais, yna bydd y gwyliau yn absenoldeb heb awdurdod (G).
Gallai rhestr awgrymedig o amgylchiadau arbennig gynnwys:
• teuluoedd rhai sy’n gwasanaethu yn y lluoedd arfog
• rhieni plant gyda salwch sy’n cyfyngu bywyd
• teulu sydd wedi dioddef trawma difrifol
• mynychu priodas neu angladd rhywun agos at y teulu
• unrhyw amgylchiad arall sy’n cael ei ystyried yn arbennig (os gellir trefnu digwyddiad yn rhesymol y tu xxxxx i’r tymor, yna ni fyddai’n arferol i awdurdodi absenoldeb).
Mae taflenni’r Awdurdod Lleol ar gymryd gwyliau yn ystod y tymor yn glir iawn ynglŷn â’r ceisiadau hyn, a cyflwynir hwy i rieni yn rheolaidd.
Fodd bynnag, fel ymarfer da hoffai Gwasanaethau Addysg Conwy i xxx cais am wyliau gael ei ystyried fel amgylchiadau arbennig, gan y byddai hyn yn rhoi’r neges i rieni nad yw tynnu eu plentyn o’r ysgol yn ystod y tymor yn cael ei annog.
Mae’r rhestr ganlynol yn dangos sut y gall cymryd amser i ffwrdd yn ystod y tymor effeithio ar gyrhaeddiad a gellir ei roi i rieni fel enghraifft;
90% = 20 diwrnod i ffwrdd fesul blwyddyn 85% = 30 diwrnod i ffwrdd fesul blwyddyn 80% = 35 diwrnod i ffwrdd fesul blwyddyn
Yn gyfreithiol, rhaid i rieni ofyn am ganiatâd ymlaen llaw, i dynnu eu plant o’r ysgol i fynd ar wyliau. Bydd caniatâd yn cael ei roi yn unol â threfniadau a wnaed gan y xxxxx llywodraethol. Rhaid i xxx cais am wyliau fod yn ysgrifenedig, yn ddelfrydol pedair wythnos cyn y gwyliau, a dylai’r cais gael ei wneud gan riant/rieni sydd â gofal o ddydd i ddydd am y plentyn hyd yn oed os na fyddant hwy eu hunain yn mynd ar y gwyliau.
Mae canllawiau Llywodraeth Cymru yn nodi’n glir fod y cyfeiriad at amgylchiadau eithriadol yn golygu fod yn rhaid i riant gyflwyno achos cryf dros fynd â phlentyn o’r ysgol am wyliau yn ystod y tymor. Dylai ysgolion holi rhieni xxx fod absenoldeb mor eithriadol yn angenrheidiol. Os caniateir gwyliau o’r fath, dylid eu cyfrif yn absenoldeb awdurdodedig. Os bydd rhieni’n cadw plant o’r ysgol am fwy na’r cyfnod a gytunwyd, neu eu bod heb ofyn caniatâd o gwbl, rhaid cyfri’r cyfnod yn wyliau heb awdurdod.
Ystyrir y ffactorau canlynol hefyd wrth asesu ceisiadau – ni ystyrir un ffactor yn derfynol;
• Amseriad y gwyliau bwriedig
• Hyd a phwrpas y gwyliau
• Hyd y gwyliau a’i effaith ar ddilyniant y dysgu
• Amgylchiadau’r teulu a dymuniadau’r rhieni
• Patrwm cyffredinol presenoldeb y plentyn (bydd % presenoldeb hefyd yn pennu os bydd yn cael ei ystyried)
Ni ddylai rhieni ddisgwyl, na chael eu harwain i gredu, y bydd yr ysgol yn cytuno i wyliau teuluol yn ystod tymor ysgol.
Wrth ddod i farn ynghylch absenoldeb estynedig plant o deuluoedd lleiafrif ethnig, bydd yr ysgol yn cymryd ystyriaeth o ganllawiau Llywodraeth Cymru ar wyliau yn ystod tymor ysgol. Mae’n bwysig bod ysgolion yn dangos dealltwriaeth o safbwynt y rhieni, er na all yr ysgol efallai roi caniatâd i ymestyn yr absenoldeb.
Bydd yr ysgol yn ystyried y canlynol:
• Xxx xxx ymweld â theulu dramor arwyddocâd hollol wahanol i’r cysylltiadau arferol gyda ‘gwyliau’ sef y categori a adnabyddir gan Lywodraeth Cymru
• Gallai’r ymweliad fod yn bwysig iawn o ran hunaniaeth a hunan-xxxxx y plant wrth iddynt dyfu i fyny
• Efallai y bydd rhieni’n credu fod yr ymweliad yn bwysicach na thorri ar bresenoldeb eu plentyn yn yr ysgol - gall cynnal cysylltiadau teuluol olygu fwy o arwyddocâd a phwysau mewn rhai cymdeithasau nag y mae mewn nifer o gymdeithasau gorllewinol
• Efallai mai’r rheswm dros orfod ymweld â theulu dramor fydd salwch, profedigaeth etc.
Fodd bynnag, dylai ysgolion egluro i’r rhieni:
• Bod yn rhaid, os yw hynny’n bosibl, cael caniatâd ymlaen llaw (4 wythnos)
• Rhaid trefnu’r absenoldeb yn ofalus gyda’r ysgol
• Os yn bosibl, dylid cynllunio ymweliadau estynedig yn ystod gwyliau’r ysgol yn arbennig Gorffennaf/Awst
• Os bydd yn rhaid cymryd gwyliau yn ystod y tymor, ni ddylai’r absenoldeb fod yn fwy na phythefnos (10 diwrnod ysgol) onid yw o xxx amgylchiadau arbennig a gytunwyd gan y pennaeth.
• Ni ddylid ar unrhyw gyfrif trefnu gwyliau yn ystod arholiadau’r plant
• Bydd plant sy’n colli chwe wythnos neu ragor o gyfnod ysgol yn syrthio’n ôl gyda’u gwaith ysgol am dymor cyfan.
• Ni fydd rhai plant byth yn dal i fyny a byddant yn tanberfformio yn eu harholiadau.
• Efallai y tynnir enw plentyn oddi ar gofrestr ysgol os na fydd wedi dychwelyd i’r ysgol o fewn 20 diwrnod o’r dyddiad a gytunwyd ac na chafwyd esboniad.
Os cytunir i absenoldeb estynedig, dylai ysgolion ystyried:
• Gwerth addysgol posib yr ymweliad h.y. paratoi pecyn astudiaeth; gofyn i’r plentyn wneud nodiadau/sylwadau yn ystod y gwyliau mewn perthynas â thema dosbarth cyfredol neu fwriedig; gofyn i’r plentyn gasglu pethau cofiadwy/cofroddion gyda disgyblion eraill
• Y gwaith ysgol fydd y plentyn yn xx xxxxx a sut i’w helpu i ddal i fyny ar ôl dychwelyd
Mae prydlondeb yn anghenraid cyfreithiol (Cylchlythyr Ymgynnwys a Chefnogi Disgyblion Llywodraeth Cymru 47/2006) a bydd rhieni/gofalwyr plentyn sy’n hwyr yn barhaus ar ôl i gofrestru gau yn euog o drosedd o xxx Ddeddf Addysg 1996 a gellir eu herlyn yn y Llys yr Ynadon, neu gyflwyno Hysbysiad Cosb Benodedig ar gyfer yr absenoldebau diawdurdod.
Rhaid sefydlu cydbwysedd gofalus rhwng bod yn rhy lym a bod yn rhy lac ynghylch derbyn disgybl yn cyrraedd yn hwyr. Unwaith y sefydlir y rhesymau dros fod yn hwyr, bydd angen i’r ysgol, rhieni a’r disgyblion weithio mewn partneriaeth i ddatrys yr anawsterau. Os bydd amgylchiadau ar yr aelwyd gartref yn ei gwneud yn anodd i’r plentyn gyrraedd ar amser, efallai y bydd angen i’r ysgol gyfeirio’r achos at Wasanaeth Gwaith Cymdeithasol neu Wasanaethau Cymdeithasol.
Mae cofrestr yn ddogfen gyfreithiol i’w chadw yn gywir a thaclus. Efallai y gelwir am ddefnyddio cofrestr mewn achos llys fel tystiolaeth wrth xxxxx diffyg presenoldeb, neu
gyflwyno Hysbysiad Cosb Benodedig. Gall hefyd gyfrannu data at adroddiadau diwedd tymor, cofnodion cyrhaeddiad ac ar gyfer llunio geirda i ddisgyblion sy’n gadael yr ysgol.
Mae system gofrestru gywir a chyson yn hanfodol wrth fynd i’r afael â phresenoldeb a phrydlondeb gwael. Mae’n hanfodol fod disgyblion yn ymwybodol fod cofrestru yn rhan arwyddocaol o’r diwrnod ysgol.
Byddwn yn dilyn canllawiau Llywodraeth Cymru a chadw at y safonau cyffredinol a’r codau a awgrymir wrth gofnodi absenoldebau ar y gofrestr (Rheoliadau Addysg (Cofrestru Disgyblion) (Cymru) 2010.
Marcio’r Cofrestri
Defnyddir XXXX i gadw’r gofrestr. Mae unrhyw gofrestr (papur neu electronig) yn ddogfen gyfreithiol a chynhyrchir tystysgrifau presenoldeb yn y Llys Ynadon fel tystiolaeth wrth xxxxx rhieni neu gyflwyno Gorchymyn Goruchwylio Addysg.
• Ni ddylid marcio plentyn yn bresennol os na fydd yn llythrennol o fewn yr ystafell pan xxxxx xx enw, os na chafodd ganiatâd yr athro/athrawes gofrestru i fod yn absennol.
• Ni ddylid gadael bylchau ar y gofrestr
• Dylai ysgolion feddu polisi ar ba mor hir y dylid cadw cofrestr ar agor ar gyfer hwyr ddyfodiaid. Mae canllawiau Cynulliad Cymru yn awgrymu 30 munud ar ôl cychwyn pob sesiwn, (Cylchlythyr Ymgynnwys a Chefnogi Disgyblion Llywodraeth Cymru 47/2006). Xxx amgylchiadau megis tywydd gwael neu anawsterau cludiant cyhoeddus, gellir cadw cofrestri ar agor am gyfnodau hwy ond nid yw’n dderbyniol eu cadw ar agor trwy’r bore neu brynhawn.
• Os bydd plentyn yn cyrraedd yn hwyr a’r gofrestr yn dal ar agor dylid rhoi marc hwyr ar ei gyfer, ond ei gyfrif yn bresennol yn y sesiwn.
• Os na ddaw disgybl i’w gofrestru, ond yn cyrraedd wedyn gydag esboniad digonol dylid rhoi marc hwyr iddo/iddi, a’i gyfrif yn absennol gydag awdurdod am y sesiwn honno.
• Os cyrhaedda plentyn ar ôl i’r gofrestr gau a heb gynnig eglurhad digonol derbyniol rhoddir marc absenoldeb heb awdurdod ar ei gyfer.
• Ni chaniateir, ar unrhyw gyfrif, i’r disgyblion eu hunain farcio’r gofrestr.
• Ni chaniateir tynnu enw disgybl oddi ar gofrestr heb i’r pennaeth awdurdodi hynny trwy ddilyn Rheoliadau Addysg (Cofrestru Disgyblion) (Cymru) 2010
• Bydd yr ysgol yn cyfrif cyfansymiau cofrestri ar ddiwedd xxx wythnos a chyfrifo canrannau presenoldeb a’u monitro.
• Os am awdurdodi absenoldeb rhaid gwneud hynny cyn gynted a phosib ar ôl cael yr wybodaeth gan y rhieni/gofalwyr.
Dadansoddi Data Presenoldeb
Xxx xxx ysgolion lawer o wybodaeth am bresenoldeb y dylid ei defnyddio wrth gynllunio yn strategol a chyswllt effeithiol gyda’r Gwasanaeth GCA a thrwy hynny eu galluogi i reoli materion presenoldeb yn fwy effeithiol.
Awgrymir y gallai samplo presenoldeb wythnosol mewn sesiynau penodol fod yn ddefnyddiol wrth amlygu patrymau rheolaidd o absenoldeb a gall ddatgelu er enghraifft, gysylltiad gyda
phynciau, athrawon neu grwpiau addysgu arbennig. Gall dadansoddiad o’r fath dynnu sylw hefyd at ddirywiad neu welliant ym mhresenoldeb disgyblion unigol. Gall y dadansoddiad gynorthwyo i dargedu ymyrraeth fwy penodol a helpu i sefydlu achosion absenoldeb (gweler hefyd yr adran ar Werthuso).
Mae Gwasanaeth Gwaith Cymdeithasol Addysg Conwy (GGCA) yn rhan o wasanaethau cefnogi’r Awdurdod i ysgolion i’w helpu i sicrhau presenoldeb da'r disgyblion. Dyma ddywed Llywodraeth Cymru;
“... mae’n hynod bwysig sefydlu perthynas weithio effeithiol rhwng ysgolion a Gweithwyr Cymdeithasol Addysg.”
Fel rhan o’r swyddogaeth hon bydd y GCA yn;
• Nodi meysydd o ymarfer da mewn perthynas â gwella presenoldeb a lledaenu i ysgolion
• Dadansoddi data presenoldeb yn genedlaethol ac yn lleol i adnabod meysydd o welliant
• Monitro’r defnydd cywir o godau cofrestru
• Cefnogi ysgolion i wella deilliannau i ddisgyblion
Mae Gweithwyr Cymdeithasol Addysg/Swyddogion Lles Addysg (GCA/SLlA) yn cydweithio’n agos gydag ysgolion a theuluoedd i ddatrys problemau presenoldeb. Mae un GCA/SLlA ar gyfer pob ysgol uwchradd yng Nghonwy i ymateb i anghenion wrth iddynt godi yn yr ysgol honno a’u hysgolion cynradd porthi.
Dim ond y Gwasanaeth Gwaith Cymdeithasol Addysg all gymryd camau cyfreithiol i orfodi presenoldeb.
Mae nodwedd ddeuol i swydd GCA/SLlA, fel darparydd gwasanaeth i’r ysgol ac fel cymedrolydd rhwng y cartref a’r ysgol. Fodd bynnag, mae presenoldeb yn gyfrifoldeb yr ysgol gyfan a rhieni’r disgyblion. Felly dylai ysgolion ystyried y dulliau mwyaf effeithiol o adael i’r staff gydweithio â’r GCA/SLlA a’u cael i werthfawrogi rôl a chyfrifoldebau’r GCA/SLlA. Ni ddylid cyfyngu’r cysylltiad i adran fugeiliol yr ysgol.
Mae’n anochel bod amser y GCA/SLlA yn gyfyngedig. Felly dylai ysgolion xxxx xxxxxx clir ar sut a phryd i gyfeirio at y GGCA a sicrhau bod pawb yn deall y drefn. Dylid defnyddio ffurflen gyfeirio safonol GCGA xxx amser i ddarparu cymaint o wybodaeth ag y xx xxxx.
Rhaid xxxxx xxxx drefniadau’r ysgol ar gyfer xxxxx xx absenoldeb cyn cyfeirio at y GGCA. Dywed Cylchlythyr Ymgynnwys a Chefnogi Disgyblion Llywodraeth Cymru 47/2006 y dylai ysgolion wneud pob ymdrech i drin absenoldeb cyn cyfeirio at y GCA trwy;
• xxxxx a gymerir gan y tiwtor dosbarth fel rhan o’u dyletswydd o ddydd i ddydd
• gynnwys eraill o fewn yr ysgol e.e. pennaeth blwyddyn, pennaeth neu ddirprwy bennaeth
• cyswllt â’r rhieni dros y ffôn
• gwahodd rhieni i’r ysgol i gael cyfarfod.
Yn gyffredinol, dylid cyfeirio’n ffurfiol os:
• bydd disgybl yn methu mynychu’r ysgol yn barhaus am ddeg diwrnod ysgol
“Rhaid i xxx ysgol, gan gynnwys ysgolion annibynnol, hysbysu’r ALl ar gyfnodau a gytunwyd, o enw a chyfeiriad unrhyw ddisgybl cofrestredig sy’n methu mynychu’r ysgol yn rheolaidd neu sydd wedi bod yn absennol yn barhaus AM DDEG DIWRNOD YSGOL NEU FWY. Dylai ysgolion ddarparu’r rheswm dros yr absenoldeb, os yw’n wybyddus...”
• patrwm o bresenoldeb anghyson yn parhau neu’n gwaethygu (diwrnodau achlysurol neu gyfnodau estynedig o absenoldeb)
• rhieni yn gwrthod derbyn eu cyfrifoldebau am sicrhau bod eu plentyn yn mynychu’r ysgol ac yn gwrthod trafod dulliau gwella presenoldeb gyda’r ysgol
• absenoldeb digyfiawnhad a ganiateir yn broblem gynyddol
• neu fod y rhieni yn gofyn am absenoldeb awdurdodedig gormodol.
Rhaid i xxxx ysgolion Conwy lunio gweithdrefnau effeithiol a chydnabyddedig i ganfod ac ymchwilio i absenoldebau, ac i gadw cysylltiad ffurfiol wythnosol gyda’u Gweithiwr Cymdeithasol Addysg/Swyddog Lles Addysg.
Rôl Staff yr Ysgol
Y pennaeth fydd yn gyfrifol am ddilyn y drefn safonol gydnabyddedig i fynd ar drywydd unrhyw absenoldeb heb ei egluro. Bydd y pennaeth a’r athro dosbarth yn cysylltu’n wythnosol er mwyn gallu canfod ac ymyrryd yn gynnar gyda phroblemau absenoldeb.
• Os yw disgybl yn dychwelyd heb lythyr o eglurhad dylid anfon llythyr i’r cartref yn gofyn holi am wybodaeth
• Rhaid cofnodi pob cysylltiad gyda’r rhieni/gofalwyr a nodi dyddiad pob ‘nodyn salwch’ a thystysgrif feddygol a dderbynnir, a’u llofnodi gan yr athro dosbarth. Dylid rhoi’r nodiadau hyn ar ffeil y disgybl.
• Os na fydd yr eglurhad a gafwyd yn foddhaol, neu fod absenoldeb yn parhau, dylai’r xxxx xx’n gyfrifol am bresenoldeb wahodd y rhiant/rhieni i’r ysgol i drafod yr hyn a all fod yn rhwystro disgybl rhag mynychu’r ysgol. Os na ddaw’r rhieni i’r cyfarfod nac ychwaith yn ymddiheuro am eu habsenoldeb, bydd y GCA/SLlA yn dilyn eu prosesau eu hunain a amlinellir uchod.
• Pa fo problemau diffyg prydlondeb, dylai’r xxxx xx’n gyfrifol am bresenoldeb gysylltu â’r rhieni un ai ar y ffôn neu trwy’r llythyr safonol
• Dylai ymrwymiad yr ysgol i gyflawni’r lefelau uchaf o bresenoldeb fod yn hollol glir a diamwys i ddisgyblion, staff a rhieni.
• Rhaid atgoffa disgyblion yn gyson x xxxxx a phwysigrwydd mynychu’r ysgol yn rheolaidd a phrydlon.
• Sicrhau fod yr xxxx staff yn ymwybodol o’r codau cofrestru cywir ar gyfer hwyrddyfodiaid a bod y codau hyn yn cael eu defnyddio’r gyson ar draws yr ysgol
• Sicrhau bod xxxx staff yr ysgol wedi’u hyfforddi ar y defnydd priodol o godau cofrestru – dylid darparu’r hyfforddiant hwn yn rheolaidd
• Dylai ysgol geisio sicrhau fod y profiadau gaiff disgyblion yn y dosbarth yn gadarnhaol a chyfoethog a fydd yn eu hannog i ddangos ymrwymiad i’w dysgu eu hunain.
• Bydd rhai disgyblion yn peidio dod i’r ysgol gan nad ydynt yn gallu cadw i fyny gyda’u cyfoedion yn y dosbarth. Fel rhan o’u polisi anghenion dysgu ychwanegol dylai ysgolion sicrhau fod anghenion plant yn cael eu canfod ac y cymerir camau i gyfarfod y safonau hynny.
• Caiff y cwricwlwm ei fonitro a’i ddatblygu’n hyblyg i gwrdd ag anghenion pob plentyn.
• Edrych ar gwricwlwm amgen i ddisgyblion sy’n anodd eu hymgysylltu
• Cesglir ystadegau presenoldeb a phresenoldeb mewn gwersi unigol i ddibenion bugeiliol a gwaith cwricwlwm ac i ganfod patrymau absenoldeb ac agweddau sy’n achosi pryder
• Dylai tiwtor dosbarth/pennaeth blwyddyn ymchwilio ar unwaith i unrhyw sefyllfa a allasai arwain at absenoldeb disgybl.
• Cynllunio wythnos bresenoldeb yn flynyddol i ganolbwyntio ar faterion presenoldeb – gyda gwobrau, gweithgareddau ac ymwneud rhieni.
• Adnabod disgyblion sydd mewn perygl o golli ysgol cyn iddynt symud i ddosbarth, grŵp neu ysgol arall a dyfeisio dulliau i’w cefnogi.
• Cynnwys targedau presenoldeb yn y rhaglen sefydlu i xxxx staff newydd ac yn arbennig i athrawon newydd gymhwyso.
• Trafod targedau presenoldeb unigol gyda phob disgybl
• Rhoi’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am unrhyw bryderon ynghylch presenoldeb a phrydlondeb.
• Gosodir targedau gwelliant ar gyfer disgyblion mae eu presenoldeb yn disgyn o xxx 90%. Caiff y targedau eu hadolygu’n rheolaidd gan y pennaeth.
• Ar ddiwedd pob xxxxxx tymor bydd yr ysgol yn ysgrifennu at rieni disgyblion mae eu presenoldeb yn achosi pryder.
• Arddangos yn nerbynfa’r ysgol fanylion i atgoffa rhieni, disgyblion ac athrawon o’r math o absenoldeb a gydnabyddir yn rhai awdurdodedig a’r rhai di awdurdod.
• Cynhelir cyfarfodydd strwythuredig rheolaidd gyda GCA/SLlA yr ysgol er mwyn canfod a chefnogi’r disgyblion hynny sy’n destun pryder oherwydd diffyg presenoldeb/prydlondeb.
• Gosod canllawiau clir ynghylch awdurdodi gwyliau yn ystod y tymor (gweler yr adran ar wyliau yn ystod y tymor uchod)
• Canfod barn y cyngor ysgol/disgyblion ar bwysigrwydd presenoldeb rheolaidd a sut gellir gwella hyn
• Cryfhau cysylltiadau gydag asiantau allanol sy’n cynorthwyo wrth gefnogi teuluoedd
• Cydymffurfio â rheoliadau cofrestru disgyblion gyda theuluoedd sy’n tynnu disgyblion i’w haddysgu gartref, ac wrth dynnu disgyblion oddi ar gofrestr yr ysgol
• Arfarnu strategau i wella presenoldeb mewn modd cadarn ac arfarnu eu heffeithiolrwydd
• Defnyddio Panelau Presenoldeb Ysgol
• Sicrhau fod yr xxxx staff ysgol yn ymwybodol o ac wedi eu hyfforddi ar adnabod materion bwlio, diogelu ac anghenion grwpiau bregus (h.y. gofalwyr ifanc, plant xxx ofal, teithwyr sipsi, materion diogelu yn cynnwys y disgyblion hynny ar y gofrestr amddiffyn plant, neu blant xxxx xxxxx cefnogaeth)
• Defnyddio adnodd archwiliad hunan arfarnu presenoldeb ysgol y Gwasanaethau Addysg sy’n edrych ar feysydd megis;
⮚ Rheolaeth strategol
⮚ Y polisi presenoldeb
⮚ Rheoli presenoldeb
⮚ Casglu a dadansoddi data
⮚ Cyfathrebu
• Mae nifer o ddisgyblion yn colli’r ysgol oherwydd bod ganddynt ofn cael eu bwlio neu ymddygiad a all eu dychryn. Dylai ysgolion ystyried y posibilrwydd hwn pan fyddant yn archwilio achosion unigol o bresenoldeb gwael, a dylent drin y broblem ar unwaith trwy fabwysiadu gweithdrefnau ac ymarferion mewn agwedd ysgol gyfan tuag at fwlio.
• Gall ysgolion ofyn am gyngor a strategau ymarferol gan Wasanaeth Gwaith Cymdeithasol Addysg neu’r Gwasanaeth Ymgynnwys Cymdeithasol i sefydlu rhaglenni gwrth-fwlio, cynlluniau ‘bydis’, cwnsela cyfoedion etc. (Gweler Polisi Bwlio)
• Anfon llythyrau at rieni/gofalwyr disgyblion newydd ar derfyn y 100 mynychiad cyntaf posib, gyda chlod arbennig i’r rhai gafodd bresenoldeb 100% a’r rhai hynny heb absenoldebau y gellid eu hosgoi.
• Cofnodi presenoldeb ar adroddiadau i’r cartref gyda sylwadau canmoladwy am ymdrech
• Nodi gwelliannau ar gofnod ysgol rhywun sydd â phresenoldeb gwael
• Anfon plant at uwch aelod o’r staff i’w canmol am eu hymdrechion tuag at welliant yn ogystal ag ar gyfer presenoldeb llawn
• Bydd y pennaeth yn ysgrifennu at rieni disgyblion xxxx xxxxx eu llongyfarch ar eu presenoldeb ar ddiwedd xxx xxxxxx tymor
• Bydd yr ysgol yn cyflwyno tystysgrifau tymhorol i ddisgyblion sydd â’u presenoldeb/prydlondeb yn ardderchog neu wedi gwella’n eithriadol
• Hyrwyddir a gwobrwyir presenoldeb a phrydlondeb da trwy i’r pennaeth gyflwyno gwobrau teilyngdod tymhorol.
• Arddangosir lluniau’r disgyblion a gyrhaeddodd y lefelau uchel o bresenoldeb.
• Cynnig talebau i’w defnyddio mewn siopa lleol (nwyddau chwaraeon, deunyddiau swyddfa etc.) i wobrwyo presenoldeb ardderchog neu welliant mewn presenoldeb.
• Adnabod disgyblion mewn risg o bresenoldeb gwael cyn iddynt drosglwyddo i ddosbarth, grŵp neu ysgol arall a dyfeisio dulliau o’u cefnogi.
• Cynnwys targedau presenoldeb yn y rhaglen sefydlu ar gyfer xxxx staff newydd ac yn arbennig athrawon newydd gymhwyso.
• Hysbysu rhieni yn rheolaidd os bydd unrhyw bryderon ynghylch presenoldeb a phrydlondeb.
• Atgoffa rhieni, disgyblion a staff yn rheolaidd pa fathau o absenoldebau sy’n rhai awdurdodedig ac yn ddiawdurdod.
• Gosodir targedau gwelliant i ddisgyblion sy’n methu cyrraedd 90%. Adolygir y rhain yn rheolaidd gan y tiwtor dosbarth/pennaeth blwyddyn.
• Cynhelir cyfarfodydd strwythuredig rheolaidd gyda GCA/SLlA yr ysgol er mwyn adnabod a chefnogi’r disgyblion hynny y mae eu presenoldeb/prydlondeb yn achosi pryder.
• Os bydd pryder oherwydd presenoldeb disgyblion bydd y pennaeth yn ysgrifennu at eu rhieni i fynegi hynny ar ddiwedd pob xxxxxx tymor.
• Ymwelir ag ysgolion cynradd i sicrhau’r gefnogaeth fwyaf i xxx disgybl wrth drosglwyddo i’r ysgol uwchradd.
• Sefydlu strategaeth a ddiffiniwyd yn glir ac a adolygir yn rheolaidd i hwyluso trosglwyddiad i’r ysgol uwchradd.
• Systemau i fonitro ac adolygu cynnydd disgyblion blwyddyn 7.
• Cyswllt effeithiol gyda GCA/SLlA yr ysgolion cynradd.
• Adnabod disgyblion mewn risg ym mlwyddyn 6 a hysbysu pennaeth blwyddyn 7 cyn i’r plant drosglwyddo.
• Cyswllt pwrpasol rhwng athrawon blynyddoedd 6 a 7
• Ymdrechu i gyfarfod rhieni xxxx ddisgyblion blwyddyn 7
• Cynnwys yr ysgol gyfan wrth gymryd cyfrifoldeb am gynorthwyo disgyblion newydd
• Cynnwys rhieni blwyddyn 6 a 7 o’r cychwyn cyntaf.
• Holi’r plant oedd ym mlwyddyn 7 y llynedd a gawsant unrhyw drafferthion.
• ‘Paru’ plant bregus gyda disgyblion cyfrifol o’r dosbarthiadau uwch.
• Cychwyn cynllun mentor blwyddyn 7.
• Rhaid i’r disgybl deimlo croeso a chefnogaeth
• Cefnogaeth i fod ar gael xxx amser
• Dylid enwi aelod o’r staff y mae’r disgybl yn gyffyrddus â hwy i’w cefnogi
• Darparu mentor cymdeithasol
• Dylid trafod rhesymau dros absenoldebau, a ble’n bosib gwneud newidiadau i xxxx anawsterau pellach.
• Trafod cytundeb/contract disgybl yn cynnwys amcanion a thargedau a dyddiadau adolygu.
• Trafod a chynhyrchu amserlen unigol, ac yna ei hadolygu.
• Sefydlu amserlen rhan amser dechreuol.
• Ail-integreiddio disgyblion yn sensitif sydd wedi bod yn absennol trwy raglen strwythuredig wedi ei theilwra yn unigol
• Sicrhau fod yr xxxx staff yn ymwybodol o’r disgyblion sy’n ail-integreiddio ar ôl absenoldeb.
• Sicrhau fod POB aelod o staff yn ymwybodol o’r trefniadau a’r ymarferion i ail- integreiddio disgyblion yn sensitif yn ôl i’r ysgol.
Nid yw nifer o rieni/gofalwyr yn ymwybodol o’u rhwymedigaeth a’u cyfrifoldebau cyfreithiol mewn perthynas â phresenoldeb eu plentyn yn yr ysgol, a’r trefniadau y dylent eu dilyn os yw eu plentyn yn absennol o’r ysgol. Xxxxx xxx’n bwysig bod rhieni yn dilyn y drefn os bydd eu plentyn yn absennol o’r ysgol. Xxxxx xxx’n bwysig fod ysgolion yn cynghori rhieni/gofalwyr o’u cyfrifoldebau pan fo’r plentyn yn ymuno â’r ysgol, a chynnal y cyswllt hwn gyda nodiadau atgoffa rheolaidd ynglŷn â phresenoldeb trwy gydol eu gyrfa ysgol.
Mae’r codau yr argymhellir eu defnyddio wedi’u grwpio o xxx x xxx categori ystadegol canlynol:
• yn bresennol;
• gweithgaredd addysgol a gymeradwywyd (lle ystyrir bod y disgybl yn bresennol);
• absenoldeb awdurdodedig;
• absenoldeb anawdurdodedig;
• dim angen bod yn bresennol.
Cod /\ L B | Ystyr Yn bresennol yn ystod y cyfnod cofrestru Hwyr ond yn cyrraedd cyn i gofrestru gau Addysgi’r oddi ar y safle (nid cofrestriad deuol) | Categori ystadegol presennol presennol presennol |
D | Cofrestriad deuol (h.y. mae’r disgybl yn mynd i ysgol arall neu Uned Cyfeirio Disgyblion) | gweithgaredd addysgol cymeradwy |
P | Gweithgaredd chwaraeon a gymeradwywyd | gweithgaredd addysgol cymeradwy |
V | Ymweliad neu daith addysgol | gweithgaredd addysgol cymeradwy |
J | Cyfweliad | gweithgaredd addysgol cymeradwy |
W | Profiad gwaith (nid hyfforddiant seiliedig ar waith) | gweithgaredd addysgol cymeradwy |
C | Amgylchiadau awdurdodedig eraill (nas cwmpesir gan god/disgrifiad priodol arall) | absenoldeb awdurdodedig |
F | Gwyliau teuluol estynedig y cytunwyd arnynt | absenoldeb awdurdodedig |
H | Gwyliau teuluol y cytunwyd | absenoldeb awdurdodedig |
I | Salwch | absenoldeb awdurdodedig |
M | Xxxxxxxxx meddygol neu ddeintyddol | absenoldeb awdurdodedig |
S | Absenoldeb astudio | absenoldeb awdurdodedig |
E | Wedi’i wahardd ond ni wneir unrhyw ddarpariaeth amgen | absenoldeb awdurdodedig |
R | Diwrnod a neilltuwyd ar gyfer defodau crefyddol yn unig | absenoldeb awdurdodedig |
T | Absenoldeb teithiwr | absenoldeb awdurdodedig |
N | Ni roddwyd unrhyw reswm dros yr absenoldeb | absenoldeb anawdurdodedig |
O | Absenoldeb anawdurdodedig arall (nas cwmpesir gan godau na disgrifiadau eraill) | absenoldeb anawdurdodedig |
G | Gwyliau teuluol (na chytunwyd arnynt neu sesiynau sy’n ychwanegol at yr hyn y cytunwyd arno) | absenoldeb anawdurdodedig |
U | Hwyr - cyrraedd ar ôl i’r gofrestru gau | absenoldeb anawdurdodedig |
X | Sesiynau heb eu rhaglennu ar gyfer disgyblion nad ydynt o oedran ysgol gorfodol | dim angen bod yn bresennol |
Y | Cau ysgol yn rhannol a gorfod cau ysgol | dim angen bod yn bresennol |
Z | Disgybl ddim ar y gofrestr eto | dim angen bod yn bresennol |
# | Ysgol ar gau i xxx disgybl | dim angen bod yn bresennol |
Offeryn Archwilio i Hunanwerthuso Presenoldeb mewn Ysgolion
Mae’r rhestr wirio hunanwerthuso hon yn offeryn pwysig er mwyn helpu i ddynodi meysydd i’w gwella o fewn yr ysgol, cynorthwyo i osod targedau a blaenoriaethu camau gweithredu er mwyn gwella presenoldeb.
Bydd yn bwysig cynnig amrywiaeth o ymyriadau a strategaethau i wella ymgysylltu a galluogi gwelliannau parhaus.
Dewiswch liw – Coch, Xxxx xxx Wyrdd wrth ymateb i’r cwestiynau a’r datganiadau canlynol. Gwyrdd = Da, safonau wedi’u cyrraedd
Xxxx = Xxxxx boddhaol, angen mwy o waith
Coch = Anfoddhaol xx xxxxx gweithredu ar unwaith
A fyddech cystal ag ychwanegu sylwadau perthnasol yn yr xxxxx Xxxxx Gweithredu / Meysydd i’w gwella.
Bydd xxxx cydweithrediad wrth lenwi’r ffurflen hon o gymorth i’r Xxx Gwella Presenoldeb Rhanbarthol wrth asesu ac adolygu gallu’r ysgol i wella ei lefelau presenoldeb cyffredinol mewn dull stwythuredig a chynaliadwy.
Ysgol | |
Nifer y Disgyblion | |
Aelod Staff sy’n llenwi’r ffurflen | |
Swydd | |
Cynrychiolydd y Gwasanaeth Lles Addysg | |
Cynrychiolydd GwE | |
Dyddiad |
Arweinydd y Xxx Gwella Presenoldeb Rhanbarthol | |
Aelodau’r Xxx Gwella Presenoldeb Rhanbarthol |
Perfformiad | Presenoldeb | Prydau Ysgol am Ddim | ||||||||||||
(PYDd) | ||||||||||||||
Blwyddyn Academaidd | Targed % | Gwir % | PYDd % | Chwartel | ||||||||||
2016 - 2017 | ||||||||||||||
2017 - 2018 | ||||||||||||||
2018 - 2019 | ||||||||||||||
Presenoldeb Presennol |
Yr ysgolion I addasu y tablau canlynol fel bo’r angen.
Rheoli Strategol
Camau Gweithredu / Meysydd i’w Gwella | ||||
A oes gennych lywodraethwr enwebedig â chyfrifoldeb penodol dros bresenoldeb? | ||||
A oes gan aelod dynodedig o Uwch Dîm Arwain / Uwch Dîm Rheoli yr ysgol gyfrifoldeb dros bresenoldeb? Rhowch ei (h)enw | ||||
A yw’r aelod staff sy’n arwain ar bresenoldeb yn sicrhau bod anghenion ymyrraeth a chymorth yn cael eu canfod yn gynnar ar gyfer disgyblion sydd â materion presenoldeb? | ||||
A oes amser ac adnoddau wedi’u pennu ar gyfer ymdrin â phresenoldeb? | ||||
Pa mor dda y mae’r aelod staff sy’n arwain ar bresenoldeb yn sicrhau bod egwyddorion y polisi’n cael eu gweithredu’n gyson ar draws yr ysgol ? | ||||
Pa mor dda y mae’r aelod staff sy’n arwain ar bresenoldeb yn goruchwylio cywirdeb y gwaith o gofnodi a chofrestru presenoldeb? A yw’r gwaith hwn yn cael ei archwilio’n rheolaidd? | ||||
A yw’r aelod staff sy’n arwain ar bresenoldeb yn monitro, dadansoddi ac ymdrin â’r materion a nodwyd? | ||||
A yw’r aelod staff sy’n arwain ar bresenoldeb yn dadansoddi ac yn herio lefelau o Absenoldeb Awdurdodedig? | ||||
A yw’r aelod staff sy’n arwain ar bresenoldeb yn dadansoddi ac yn herio “N” dim rheswm wedi ei roi a Xxxxxxx Xxxx? | ||||
A yw’r aelod staff sy’n arwain yn sicrhau bod yr xxxx staff perthnasol sydd â chyfrifoldebau cofrestru wedi derbyn hyfforddiant a bod eu harferion yn cael eu monitro i sicrhau arferion o safon uchel? | ||||
A yw pob aelod staff sydd â chyfrifoldebau cofrestru yn ymwybodol o’r codau presenoldeb? | ||||
A yw pob aelod staff sydd â chyfrifoldebau cofrestru yn gallu herio marciau "N" a Xxxxxxx Xxxx? | ||||
A yw staff cyflenwi wedi cwblhau cyfnod cynefino ac wedi’u paratoi o ran arferion presenoldeb a chofrestru? |
Y Polisi Presenoldeb
Camau Gweithredu / Meysydd i’w Gwella | ||||
A yw polisi’r ysgol yn gyfredol, o safon da ac yn cael ei adolygu’n rheolaidd? | Amgaewch xxxx os gwelwch yn dda | |||
A yw polisi / strategaeth yr ysgol i wella presenoldeb yn nodi swyddogaethau’r staff a’r gweithdrefnau y dylid eu dilyn? | ||||
A yw pob aelod staff yn deall ac yn gwybod xxxx yw’r polisi ac yn ei roi ar waith yn gyson ar draws yr ysgol? | ||||
A yw presenoldeb yn cael ei integreiddio’n llawn i feysydd polisi eraill e.e. diogelu? | ||||
Pa mor glir yw’r polisïau a’r gweithdrefnau ar gyfer gweithio gyda Rhieni /Gofalwyr, Swyddog Lles Addysg/ Gweithiwr Cymdeithasol Addysg ac asiantaethau allanol? | ||||
A yw’r polisi yn cynnwys polisi’r ysgol ar wyliau yn ystod y tymor? | ||||
A gaiff y polisi presenoldeb a’r arferion eu monitro’n drylwyr ac a chaiff eu heffaith ei fesur? Sut y gwneir hyn? | ||||
A yw llywodraethwyr yn goruchwylio’r broses fonitro? A gaiff effeithlonrwydd yr ymyrraeth ei fonitro’n rheolaidd? |
Rheoli Presenoldeb
Camau Gweithredu /Meysydd i’w Gwella | ||||
A oes gennych Gytundebau Lefel Gwasanaeth rhwng xxxx clystyrau uwchradd / cynradd ? | ||||
A gynhelir cyfarfodydd rheolaidd gyda’r Gwasanaeth Lles Addysg i ddynodi a chytuno ar ymyrraeth / cymorth i ddisgyblion ? | ||||
A ddefnyddir ymyriadau cynyddol ddwys yn systematig ac a yw effaith yr ymyriadau hyn yn hysbys yn gyffredinol? | ||||
A oes gennych ddull effeithiol o dracio disgyblion er mwyn adnabod unrhyw ddisgybl y xxx xxxxx ei bresenoldeb yn dechrau gostwng? Sut y defnyddir y dull hwn? | ||||
Pa mor effeithiol y mae’r ysgol yn sicrhau ei bod yn gwybod lle y mae’r xxxx ddisgyblion xxx dydd at ddibenion diogelu? | ||||
A oes gennych gyfrifoldebau gwahaniaethol ymhlith staff yr ysgol ar gyfer ymdrin â disgyblion sydd â lefelau |
presenoldeb gwahanol – h.y. Tiwtoriaid Dosbarth yn ymdrin â 92% a’r Pennaeth Blwyddyn / Dirprwy Bennaeth yn targedu 87 - 91 % ac ati? | ||||
A yw’r ysgol yn cynnig cydbwysedd priodol o safbwynt cymorth a her i Rieni /Gofalwyr? | ||||
A oes gan yr ysgol strategaethau ar gyfer ail-integreiddio disgyblion sy’n dychwelyd yn dilyn absenoldeb tymor hir, sy’n cynnwys yr xxxx staff priodol? | ||||
A yw’r ysgol yn rhoi’r gweithdrefnau Plant sy’n Colli Addysg ar waith yn gadarn - h. y. rhestr wirio’r Ysgol, atgyfeirio i’r Gwasanaeth Addysg Lles a all fod o gymorth i gyfyngu ar absenoldebau ar gofnodion disgyblion? | ||||
A yw’r ysgol yn derbyn y cymorth priodol gan asiantaethau allanol? A oes unrhyw fylchau yn y cymorth sydd xx xxxxx? |
Casglu a Dadansoddi Data
Camau Gweithredu /Meysydd i’w Gwella | ||||
A yw Llywodraethwyr a’r Uwch Dîm Arwain / Uwch Dîm Rheoli yn adolygu data presenoldeb yn rheolaidd ac ar draws grŵpiau penodol? | ||||
A gaiff materion yn ymwneud â phresenoldeb eu trafod yn wythnosol gan yr Uwch Dîm Arwain / Uwch Dîm Rheoli, y xxxxx llywodraethu a chyngor yr ysgol? | ||||
A gaiff data’r ysgol ei ddadansoddi i roi gwybodaeth am y rhesymau dros absenoldeb, proffil absenoldeb cyson, adnabod grwpiau bregus a chysylltiadau â safonau? | ||||
A ydych yn cynllunio ymyriadau ar sail y canfyddiadau hyn ? | ||||
A yw’r Uwch Dîm Arwain / Uwch Dîm Rheoli yn adolygu ac yn datrys lefelau cod "N" Dim Rheswm wedi’i roi a Xxxxxxx Xxxx? | ||||
A yw’r Uwch Dîm Arwain / Uwch Dîm Rheoli yn adolygu ac yn datrys lefelau Absenoldeb Awdurdodedig? | ||||
A ydych yn ymchwilio i’r cydberthynas rhwng gwaharddiadau a’r effaith ar bresenoldeb? | ||||
A ydych yn dadansoddi patrymau presenoldeb disgyblion ysgolion cynradd sy’n bwydo’r ysgol, ac yn rhoi strategaethau ataliol yn eu lle ymlaen llaw i gynnig cymorth yn y cyfnod pontio? |
Camau Gweithredu / Meysydd i’w Gwella | ||||
A yw disgyblion yn ymwybodol o’u lefelau presenoldeb unigol a’r targed y xxx xxxxx iddynt ei gyrraedd? Sut y pennir hyn a’i gyfleu i ddisgyblion a’u rhieni /gofalwyr ? | ||||
A ydych yn atgoffa disgyblion, rhieni /gofalwyr yn gyson ynglŷn â phwysigrwydd presenoldeb da a’r cysylltiad â chyflawniad, trwy -gylchlythyrau, yn ystod nosweithiau rhieni, cytundebau cartref / ysgol ac ati? | ||||
A yw’r ysgol yn cynllunio’r gwaith o hybu presenoldeb drwy’r flwyddyn? | ||||
A oes gennych system i wobrwyo presenoldeb da? | ||||
A ydych yn ymgynghori â disgyblion ynglŷn â’r gwobrau i sicrhau eu bod yn berthnasol ac yn eu hysgogi? |
School Attendance Policy agreed by Governors:
Signed by Chair: ………………………………….……… Dyddiad: ………….………….
Signed by Headteacher: ………..…………………….. Dyddiad: ………………………
Review Date: …………………………….
This school policy document on attendance has been produced to explain to all concerned, the rights, responsibilities and rules relating to the attendance of pupils at the School. If children do not arrive in school, they cannot be educated. Good attendance and punctuality leads to the best learning outcomes.
2. PHILOSOPHY Mission Statement
• The School aims to encourage and assist all pupils to achieve excellent levels of attendance and punctuality.
• The School is committed to providing a full and efficient educational experience to all pupils. We believe that if pupils are to benefit from education, punctuality and good attendance is crucial. As a School, we will organise and do all we can to ensure maximum attendance for all pupils. Any problems that impede punctuality and regular attendance will be identified and addressed as speedily as possible.
It is the policy of the School to celebrate achievement. Attendance is a critical factor to a productive and successful school career. The School will actively promote and encourage 100 per cent attendance for all pupils.
The School will give a high priority to conveying to parents and pupils the importance of regular and punctual attendance. We recognise that parents have a vital role to play and there is a need to establish strong home-school links and communication systems that can be utilised whenever there is concern about attendance.
If there are problems that affect a pupil’s attendance we will investigate, identify and strive in partnership with parents and pupils to resolve those problems as quickly and effectively as possible. We will adopt a clearly focused approach aimed at returning the pupils to full attendance at all times.
The school will:
• Ensure that staff are aware of the registration procedures and receive suitable in-service training on registration regulations and educational law.
• Complete registers accurately at the beginning of each morning and afternoon session.
• Address with parents/carers the importance of contacting staff early on the first day of absence.
• Display attendance rates around the school and reward good and improved attendance of all pupils
• Consult with pupils on their individual attendance and attendance targets
• Promote positive staff attitudes to pupils returning after absence.
• Consult with all members of the school community and the Education Social Work Service in developing and maintaining the whole school attendance policy.
• Ensure regular evaluation of attendance procedures by senior managers and school governors.
• Send information each term to parents and pupils informing them of attendance rates and related issues.
• Work towards ensuring that all pupils feel supported and valued. We will send a clear message that, if a pupil is absent, she/he will be missed.
• Have in place procedures that allow absentees to catch up on missed work, without disrupting the learning of other class members
• Ensure that attendance policy and practices are monitored regularly and its impact measured using All Wales Core Data/School Effectiveness Framework
If no contact is received from the parents/carers of an absent pupil on the first morning of absence the School will:
• Contact the parents by telephone, or if the parents are unavailable send a standard letter requesting information
• After three days of unexplained absence, send a second letter if an explanation has still not been received
• Invite parents into school. Assessment of problem and develop action plan e.g. curriculum modification, ALN investigations, bullying issues, referral to other agencies or professionals
• After ten days of unexplained absence refer to the school’s Education Social Work Service, using the prescribed referral form
• An individual pupil’s re-integration plan should be adopted where a pupil is returning to school after any absence of longer than two weeks. In the event of a pupil returning after a long-term absence, then an Individual Re-integration Programme (IRP) will be implemented. The IRP will include all members of the School staff and will be designed to be as supportive of the pupil as possible.
In order to ensure the success of this policy every member of the School staff will make attendance a priority and convey to the pupils the importance of their education.
The School will recognise the importance of good practice by:
• Keeping and maintaining registers accurately and the systems for recording pupil presence.
• Ensuring the use of correct registration codes
• Maintaining a consistent approach to marking registers and the operating systems for recording pupil presence
• A named Governor for attendance to be identified
• Regularly analysing attendance to inform reasons for absence, profile of persistent absence, identification of vulnerable groups and links to standards
• That all staff know, understand and consistently apply the policy across school
• To ensure effective tracking is in place to identify any pupil whose attendance begins to slip
• Ensuring that staff know the whereabouts of all pupils every day for safeguarding purposes
• That school robustly implement Children Missing Education procedures i.e. school checklist, referral to ESW Service which can help limit absences on pupil records
• Ensuring prompt follow-up action in cases of non-school attendance.
• Liaising closely with the school’s Education Social Worker/Education Welfare Officer
• Recording carefully all telephone messages from parents and carers.
It is important to set realistic targets; these targets will be set in consultation with the LA. The School will look at those interventions which have been successful as part of the evaluation process and also look at effective good practice across the Authority.
When evaluating success the School will consider whether or not:
• Attendance has improved.
• Punctuality has improved.
• Parental response to absences has improved.
• Re-integration plans have been successful.
• The School has been successful in raising the profile of attendance both within the school, governing body and the local community.
• The frequency of evaluation (evaluation might usefully be a regular item on the agenda of the Governing body).
• Pupils and parents are fully aware of the importance of punctuality and regular attendance and the attendance procedures operating within the School.
• Pupils are aware of their own individual attendance and are given targets
• Attendance issues have been included as topics in school assemblies, Personal and Social Education (PSE) lessons or as a theme for any other lessons.
• The school’s attendance policy is up to date of good quality and regularly reviewed
• Ensure that attendance is fully integrated into other policy areas (such as Safeguarding)
• That the policy includes school’s policy on holidays during term time
• That the school policy/strategy for improving attendance identify the roles of staff and procedures to be followed
• That the school policy and practices are monitored vigorously and its impact measured
• School utilise the School Attendance Self Evaluation Audit Tool to identify areas of improvement within school to assist with targets and to prioritise actions for improvement of Attendance
• The school expects pupils to attend school regularly and to arrive on time in a condition fit to learn.
• The School will encourage good attendance and will investigate all absenteeism.
• The School staff will set a good example in matters of attendance and punctuality and will investigate all absenteeism and lateness promptly.
• The School will liaise with parents/carers if their child’s attendance/punctuality causes concern.
• Schools are required under the Education (Pupil Registration) (Wales) Regulations 2010 to take an attendance register twice a day at the start of the morning session and once in the afternoon session
• Schools need to be aware and adhere to Child Employment & Performance Licensing so that absences are appropriately and legally agreed and documented
• Schools will use the correct registration codes in a consistent manner and train staff accordingly
• Pupils will ensure that they attend regularly and on time.
• Pupils will attend all lessons punctually.
• Pupils will be listened to and respected.
• Pupils will have individual records of attendance/punctuality acknowledged by the school.
• Parents are responsible for ensuring that their child attends the School regularly, punctually, properly dressed and equipped and in a fit condition to learn.
• Parents are responsible for informing the school by letter, telephone, or a personal visit of the reason for any absence on the first morning of that absence.
• Parents can expect the school to keep them fully informed of their child’s progress.
• Be aware of letters from school which the child brings home
• Parents to attend Parents evening and other events
• To ensure that their child completes his/her homework and goes to bed at an appropriate time
• Avoid booking holidays during term time, unless it is regarded by the Head Teacher as exceptional circumstances
• Contact the school promptly if they have any concerns that their child is reluctant to attend school
Under Section 444 of the 1996 Education Act, a pupil is required to attend regularly at the school where they are registered as a pupil.
Section 7 of the 1996 Education Act, states that:-
The parent of every child of compulsory school age shall cause him/her to receive efficient, full time education suitable to his/her age, aptitude and ability and to any special needs he/she may have either by regular attendance at school or otherwise. (S.7.,Pt.I Ch.I).
Section 444 further states that:
“If a child of compulsory school age who is a registered pupil at a school fails to attend regularly at the school, his parent is guilty of an offence.” (S.444, Pt. VI Ch. II).
Also under Sections 444A and 444B of the Education Act 1996 (introduced by Section 23 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003) fixed penalty notices have been introduced as an alternative to prosecution under Section 444. Parents/carers may discharge potential liability for conviction for an offence under Section 444 by paying a penalty. Fixed Penalty Notices can be issued in relation to unauthorised absences (see Conwy Education Services Code of Conduct)
An offence is not committed if it can be demonstrated that:-
• The pupil was absent with leave (authorised absence).
• The pupil was ill or prevented from attending by unavoidable cause.
• The absence occurred on a day set aside for religious observance by the religious body to which the pupil/parents belong.
• The school is not within prescribed walking distance of the child’s home to be eligible for free home to school transport. The Local Authority provides free transport where a child of statutory school age, under 11 years of age resides over 2 miles away from the nearest appropriate school, and where a child of statutory school age, over 11 years of age, resides over 3 miles from the nearest appropriate school. It should be noted that it is the responsibility of parents/carers to make arrangements for the safe transportation of their children to and from school (when they do not qualify for school transport) and to and from bus stops and pick up points.
• A limited defence is available to the parents of travelling children.
The act also places a legal obligation on:
• The LA to secure that efficient education is available to meet the needs of its population (S.13, PtI, Ch.III), and to enforce attendance (S.437, Xx.XX, Ch.II)..
• Schools to register attendance and notify the LA of a child’s absence from school. (Inclusion & Pupil Support – Welsh Government Circular 47/2006).
Types of absence
There are two different types of absence: authorised and unauthorised. Unauthorised absences may result in the involvement of the Education Social Work Service, and ultimately could lead to the prosecution of the parent in the Magistrates Court under Section 444 of the Education Act 1996, or be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice under Section 444A and 444B of the Education Act 1996.
Absence from the School may be authorised by the school if it is for the following reasons:
• Sickness;
• Unavoidable medical/dental appointments;
• Days of religious observance;
• Exceptional family circumstances, such as bereavement;
Absence from school will not be authorised for the following reasons:
• Shopping;
• Haircuts;
• Missed bus;
• Slept late;
• No uniform;
• Looking after brothers and sisters;
• Minding the house;
• Birthdays.
N.B. all medical/dental appointments should be made outside of school hours as far as possible.
Only a school can authorise an absence. Parents and the LA do not have the power to authorise absences.
The key point’s schools should consider when deciding to authorise absence are:
• It is legal requirement that registered pupils of compulsory school age attend school regularly and punctually.
• Schools are not obliged to accept a parental explanation for pupil absence where there is doubt as to the validity of that explanation.
• Parents should be aware that only the school has that right to agree to a pupil’s absence for family holidays in term time; each application for leave should be considered in view of the exceptional circumstances of the family.
• Schools should always expect regular and punctual attendance, even when the school is aware of family difficulties.
• Minding the house, looking after siblings, shopping or going on a trip will not normally be acceptable reasons for absence.
• Where absence is authorised, schools should remain vigilant to emerging patters of non-attendance.
• Lateness should be actively discouraged and persistent lateness treated in the same way as irregular attendance.
• Schools should develop a close working relationship with the Education Social Work Service in order to promote regular school attendance.
Unauthorised absence is absence without approval from an authorised representative of the school and includes ALL unexplained absences.
If a child is absent with the approval of the school, for whatever reason, no offence is deemed to have been committed thus, the decision taken by the school to give, or withhold authorisation for an absence, is a critical factor in determining the LA’s decision to prosecute.
If schools are suspicious of the explanation given by parents, the absence should be further investigated and left unauthorised until the matter has been clarified to the satisfaction of the school (please check registration codes). The decision taken be the school to authorise absence or not, is of critical importance in determining the level of involvement of the ESWS. If the school has authorised a pupil’s absence they have in effect given leave, therefore there is no case in law for parents to answer.
Parentally condoned absence is often more difficult to identify than any other form of pupil absence and is equally as damaging to the pupil’s educational experience as any other form of absence. If school staff have reason to doubt that the explanation offered about a particular absence is genuine, the absence should be treated as unauthorised. Since all absences are to be treated as unauthorised unless and until schools agree on a satisfactory explanation, it is important that schools have procedures, consistently applied to pursue explanations and for amending registers (paper registers or electronic). Such procedures would include a request for medical advice from the Consultant Paediatrician, School Health, The Health Advisor for Medical Absences (some Primary Schools only) regarding non-school attendance.
12. FAMILY HOLIDAY DURING TERM-TIME Welsh Assembly guidance states:
“In term-time parents do not have an automatic right to withdraw pupils for holidays and authorisation remains at the discretion of the Head Teacher, but this holiday must not exceed 10 days in any academic year”. Exceptional circumstances remain at the discretion of the Head (The Education (Pupil Registration) (Wales) Regulations 2010. There needs to be a discussion between Primary & Secondary Head Teachers around what level of attendance is not acceptable in considering authorising any holiday during term time (within catchments areas and generally so there is a consistency of approach). Exceptional circumstances remain at the discretion of the Head Teacher as school know their pupils and families, and are better placed to make those judgements. Exceptional circumstances may be a once only trip for a special family birthday, but not a family holiday in September after a long summer break due to cost. If the Head Teacher’s decision is not to agree the request, then the holiday will be an unauthorised absence (G).
A suggested list of exceptional circumstances could be:-
• Those families of serving armed forces personnel
• Parents of a child experiencing a life limiting illness
• Family that has suffered acute trauma
• To attend a wedding or funeral of a person close to the family
• Any other circumstance that is viewed as exceptional (if an event can reasonably be scheduled outside of term time then it would not be normal to authorise absence)
Local Authority leaflets on taking holidays during term time are very clear regarding these requests. This information is relayed to parents regularly.
As good practice however, Conwy Education Services would like every holiday request to be viewed as exceptional, as this would give the parents a clear message that taking their child out of school during term time should be discouraged.
The following list shows how taking time off during term time can impact on attainment and could be given to parents as an example (this would depend on how your school day is structured):-
90% = 20 days off school per year 85% = 30 days off school per year 80% = 35 days off school per year
In law, parents have to apply for permission in advance, to withdraw pupils from school for a holiday. Such permission is granted in accordance with arrangements made by the governing body. All requests for holiday leave should be in writing, ideally four weeks before the holiday, and the application should be made by parent/parents with day-to- day care of the child even if they are not actually going on holiday themselves.
Welsh Government guidelines clearly state that the reference to exceptional circumstances means that the parent must make out a strong case for taking the child away for a holiday during term time. Schools should carefully explore with parents why such exceptional leave of absence is necessary. Where such absences are sanctioned, they should be counted as an authorised absence. Where parents fail to abide by the agreement reached with the school and keep a child away from school in excess of the period agreed or, where parents fail to apply for permission, the extra time taken should be treated as an unauthorised absence.
The following factors will be considered when assessing requests – no one factor will be regarded as conclusive:
• The time of year of proposed trip
• The length and purpose of the holiday
• The duration of the holiday and its impact on continuity of learning
• The circumstances of the family and the wishes of parents
• The overall attendance pattern of the child (% of attendance will also determine whether it is to be considered)
Parents should not expect, or be led to expect, that schools will agree to family holidays during term-time.
When making judgements about extended absence for pupils from ethnic minority families, schools must take account of Welsh Government guidelines on holidays during term time. It is important that schools show an understanding of the parents’ perspective even though they may not be able to give permission to extend absence.
Schools should take account of the following:
• A visit involving family overseas has an entirely different significance from the normal associations with ‘holiday’ which is the category recognised by the Welsh Government
• Visit may be very important in terms of children’s identity and self-esteem as they grow up
• Parents may feel that the visit outweighs the importance of their child’s uninterrupted attendance a school – maintaining family links may involve greater significance and greater pressure in some societies than it does in many western societies
• The reason for parents making a visit may be family illness, bereavement etc.
However, schools should explain to parents that:
• As far as possible, advanced permission must be agreed (4 weeks)
• The absence should be planned carefully with the school
• Where possible, extended visits should be made during school holidays particularly July/August
• If visits must be taken during term time, absence should not exceed two weeks (10 school days) unless under exceptional circumstances agreed by the Head Teacher
• Holidays during examination time should be avoided at all costs
• Pupils who miss six weeks or more of school, fall behind in their schoolwork by a full term
• Some pupils never catch up and will under-perform in their examinations
• Their child’s name may be removed from the register if he/she has not returned to school within 20 days of the expected return date and no explanation has been given
If extended absence is agreed, schools should consider:
• The potential educational value of the visit i.e. preparing a study pack; asking the pupil to make notes/observations during the holiday in relation to a current or forthcoming class topic; asking the child to gather memorabilia/souvenirs with other pupils
• The amount of school work missed and how to help the pupil catch up on his/return to school
A pupil’s punctuality for school is a legal requirement (Inclusion & Pupil Support Welsh Government Circular 47/2006) and the parents/carers of a pupil who is persistently late after registration closes are guilty of an offence under the Education Act 1996 and could be prosecuted in the Magistrates Court, or issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice for the unauthorised absences.
A careful balance needs to be struck between being too punitive and too accepting of a pupil’s lateness. Once the reasons for lateness have been established, the school, parents and pupils need to work in partnership to resolve difficulties. Where the home situation makes it difficult for the pupil to arrive on time, the school may need to refer the case to the Education Social Work Service or Social Services.
The registers are a legal document and must be kept accurately and neatly. The register may be requested in a court of law as evidence in a prosecution for non-attendance, or
for the issuing of a Fixed Penalty Notice. It may also contribute data to pupils’ end-of- term reports, records of achievement and to leavers’ references.
An accurate and consistent registration system is crucial if poor attendance and punctuality are to be tackled. It is vital that pupils are aware that registration is a significant part of the school day.
It is expected that Conwy schools will follow Welsh Government guidance and adhere to the common standards and suggested codes when recording absences in the register Education (Pupil Registration) (Wales) Regulations 2010.
Marking the Registers
XXXX is used to record attendance. Any register (paper register or electronic) is a legal document and attendance certificates are produced in the Magistrates Court as evidence when undertaking a Parental Prosecution or an Education Supervision Order.
• No pupil should be marked present unless actually in the room when the register is called or unless he/she has been given permission to be absent by the registering teacher.
• Spaces must not be left in the register.
• Schools should have a policy on how long registers should be kept open to cater for late arrivals. Welsh Assembly guidelines suggest 30 minutes after the start of each session, (Inclusion & Pupil Support Welsh Government Circular 47/2006). In circumstances such as bad weather or public transport difficulties, registers may be kept open for longer periods but it is unacceptable to keep them open all morning or afternoon.
• Where a pupil arrives late but the register is still open, the pupil should be marked as late but counted as present for that session.
• Where a pupil misses registration but provides an adequate explanation, s/he should be marked as late but counted as an authorised absence for that session.
• Where a pupil arrives after registration has closed and fails to provide an adequate explanation, absence must be marked as an unauthorised absence.
• Pupils must not mark the register under any circumstances
• Pupils should only be removed from the class register following authorisation from the Head teacher and in line with the Education (Pupil Registration) (Wales) Regulations 2010
• Registers should be totalled at the end of each week and percentage attendance calculated and monitored
• The decision to authorise an absence should be made as quickly as possible once the information is received from the parents/carers
Analysis of Attendance Data
All schools hold a great deal of information about attendance which should be used for strategic planning and effective liaison with the ESW Service and can thereby enable schools to manage attendance issues more effectively.
It is suggested that sampling weekly attendance at specific sessions may be helpful in highlighting regular patterns of non-attendance and may reveal for example, an association with certain subjects, teachers or teaching groups. Such analysis can draw attention to the deterioration or improvement in the attendance of individual pupils.
The analysis can help target intervention more selectively and help establish the causes of absence (Please also see section on Evaluation).
An Attendance Policy should cover the role of the Education Social Work Service and the named Education Social Worker/Education Welfare Officer. Relevant elements of this information should also be included in the School Prospectus, Staff Handbook, Parents’ handbook and any attendance related communication to parents/carers.
The Conwy Education Social Work Service (ESWS) forms part of the Authority’s support services to schools to help schools to secure pupils’ good attendance. The Welsh Government stated:
“…it is of crucial importance to establish an effective working relationship between schools and the ESWS.”
As part of this role the ESWS will:-
• Identify areas of good practice relating to improving attendance and disseminate to schools
• Analyse attendance data both nationally and locally to identify areas of improvement
• Monitor the correct use of registration codes
• Support schools in improving outcomes for pupils
Education Social Workers/Education Welfare Officers (ESW/EWO) work closely with schools and families to resolve attendance issues. An ESW/EWO is based in each of the Conwy Secondary schools responding to needs as they arise in that school and their feeder primaries.
Legal action to enforce school attendance can only be taken by the ESWS.
The ESW/EWO has a dual role to play as a provider of a service to the school and as a mediator between home and school. However, attendance is the responsibility of the whole school and the pupils’ parents. Schools should, therefore consider the most effective ways of giving all staff access to the ESW/EWO and an understanding of the ESW/EWO role and responsibilities. Work with the ESW/EWO should not be regarded as the exclusive domain of pastoral staff.
The ESW/EWO time is inevitably limited. Schools should therefore, have a clear policy on how and when a referral to the ESWS is made and to be sure that all staff understand the procedures. The standard ESWS referral should always be used to provide as much detailed information as possible.
The school’s own procedures for dealing with absence should have been exhausted before a referral is made to the ESWS. Welsh Government Circular 47/2006 Inclusion & Pupil Support points out that prior to a referral to ESWS schools should make an effort to address the non-attendance through:
• Action by the class tutor, as part of their day-to-day duties;
• Involvement of others within the school e.g. Head of Year, Head teacher or Deputy Head;
• Contact with the parents via telephone
• Inviting parents into school for a meeting
In general, formal referrals should take place if:-
• A pupil fails to attend schools continuously for ten school days;
“All schools, including independent schools, must inform the LA at agreed intervals of the name and address of any registered pupil who fails to attend the school regularly or has been absent continuously for ten or more school days, schools should provide the reason for the absence, if known…”
• A pattern of irregular attendance is either continuing or worsening (sporadic days or blocks of absence);
• Parents do not accept their responsibilities for ensuring the child attend school and are refusing to discuss ways of improving attendance with the school;
• Condoned unjustified absence is increasingly a problem;
• Or the parents ask for excessive authorised absence.
Every Conwy school should have effective and recognised procedures for identifying and following up absences and for weekly formalised liaison with their Education Social Worker/Education Welfare Officer.
The Role of School Staff
The Head teacher will take responsibility for following up unexplained absences using the standard procedures outlined. The Head teacher and the Class Teacher will liaise weekly to enable early identification and intervention of attendance problems.
• If a pupil returns from absence without a letter of explanation a letter requesting information should be sent home.
• All contact with parents/carers should be recorded and ‘’sick-notes’ from parents/carers and medical certificates should be dated, named and initialled by the Form Tutor/Head of year. These notes should be placed in an absence envelope at the back of the register or similar, or on the pupil’s file
• Where explanations for absence are unsatisfactory, or where absence persists, the person responsible for attendance should invite the parent(s) to school to discuss any difficulties which may prevent the pupil from attending school. If parents do not attend or send their apologies, the ESW/EWO will follow their own processes outlined above.
• Where there are problems of lateness, the person responsible for attendance should contact the parent(s) either by telephone or by the standard letter
• The school’s commitment to achieving high levels of attendance should be explicit and clear to pupils, staff and parents.
• Pupils are to be constantly reminded of the importance and value of good attendance and punctuality.
• Ensure that all staff are aware of correct registration codes for late arrivals and these codes are consistently utilised throughout the school
• The School should try to ensure that pupils classroom experience is positive and enriching which will encourage them to take responsibility for and show commitment to their own learning
• Ensure that all school staff are trained on the appropriate use of registration codes – this training should be undertaken regularly
• Some pupils fail to attend because they are unable to keep up with their peers in class and become discouraged. As part of its policy on additional learning needs schools should ensure that children’s needs are identified and that action is taken to meet those standards.
• The curriculum will be monitored and developed flexibly to meet the needs of all pupils.
• Look at alternative curriculum for pupils who are hard to engage
• Attendance statistics and individual lesson attendance statistics will be collected and used to inform pastoral and curriculum practices and identify patterns of absence and problem areas.
• The Head teacher should promptly investigate all issues that may lead to pupil absence.
• Plan an annual attendance week to focus on attendance issues – with awards, activities, and parental involvement.
• Identify pupils at risk of poor attendance before they transfer to another class, group or school and devise ways of supporting them.
• Include attendance targets in the induction programme for all new staff and in particular for newly qualified teachers.
• Discuss individual attendance targets with all pupils
• Parents will be kept regularly and fully informed of all concerns around attendance and punctuality.
• Pupils whose attendance falls beneath 90% will be set targets for improvement. The Head will regularly review these targets.
• The School will write to parents of pupils whose attendance is a cause for concern at the end of every half-term.
• Parents, pupils and staff need to be regularly reminded of the types of absence that are recognised as authorised and unauthorised displayed in the school foyer.
• Regular, structured meetings will be held with the school’s ESW/EWO in order to identify and support those pupils whose attendance/punctuality is causing concern.
• The Schools sets out clear guidelines regarding authorising holidays during term time (see section on holidays during term time above)
• Engage School Council/pupils views regarding the importance of regular attendance and how this can be improved
• Strengthen links with outside agencies that assist in supporting families
• Comply with pupil registration regulations with families that withdraw pupils to educate at home, and when removing pupils from the school roll
• Evaluate strategies to improve attendance in a robust manner and evaluate their effectiveness
• Utilising School Attendance Panels
• Ensure all schools staff are alert to and trained on identifying issues around bullying, safeguarding and the needs of vulnerable groups ( i.e. Young Carers, Looked after Children, Gypsy Travellers, Safeguarding issues including those pupils on the Child Protection Register, or Children in Need of Support)
• Utilising Education Services School Attendance Self Evaluation Audit Tool that looks at areas such as :-
Strategic Management The Attendance Policy
Managing Attendance Collection and Analysis of Data Communication
• Many pupils do not attend because they are afraid of bullying or behaviour which may frighten or alarm them. Schools should consider this possibility when investigating individual cases of poor attendance and should promptly address the problem by adopting procedures and practices in a whole-school approach to bullying.
• Schools may seek advice and practical strategies from the Education Social Work Service or the Social Inclusion. See anti-bullying policy.
• Sending letters to parents/carers of new pupils after the first possible 100 attendances, with special praise both for those with 100% attendance and for those with no avoidable absences
• Recording attendance on reports sent home with positive comments for effort.
• Entering improvements on the school record of a poor attendee
• Sending children to senior members of staff for commendation for efforts made towards improvement as well as for full attendance.
• Parents of pupils whose attendance is a cause for congratulating will be written to by the Head Teacher at the end of every half-term.
• The school will award termly certificates to all pupils whose attendance/punctuality is either excellent or much improved.
• Good attendance and punctuality will be promoted and rewarded through termly merit awards made by the Head teacher.
• Photographs of pupils who achieve high levels of attendance are displayed in the school.
• Award vouchers for exchange in local outlets ( sports’ goods, and stationary etc.) to reward excellent or improved attendance.
• Identify pupils at risk of poor attendance before they transfer to another class, group or school and devise ways of supporting them.
• Include attendance targets in the induction programme for all new staff and in particular for newly qualified teachers.
• Parents will be kept regularly and fully informed of all concerns around attendance and punctuality.
• Parents, pupils and staff need to be regularly reminded of the types of absence that are recognised as authorised and unauthorised
• Pupils whose attendance falls beneath 90% will be set targets for improvement. These targets will be regularly reviewed by the Form Tutor/Head of Year.
• Regular, structured meetings will be held with the school’s ESW/EWO in order to identify and support those pupils whose attendance/punctuality is causing concern.
• Parents of pupils whose attendance is a cause for concern will be written to by the Head Teacher at the end of every half-term.
• Visits to feeder primary schools will be made in order to secure the fullest support for all pupils during secondary transfer.
• Establish a clearly defined and regularly reviewed strategy to facilitate secondary transfer.
• Systems to monitor and review the progress of all Year 7 pupils.
• Effective liaison with the ESW/EWO attached to feeder primary schools.
• Identify at-risk pupils in Year 6 and notify Head of Year 7 prior to transfer.
• Purposeful liaison between Year 6 and 7 teachers.
• Try to meet all parents of Year 7 pupils.
• Involve the whole school in taking responsibility for assisting new pupils
• Involve parents of Year 6 and 7 from the very beginning.
• Ask last year’s Year 7 pupils what, if anything, they found difficult.
• ‘Pair’ vulnerable pupils with responsible pupils from upper years.
• Initiate a Year 7 mentor scheme.
• The pupil needs to feel welcome and supported.
• Support needs to be readily available
• A named key person with whom the pupil is comfortable should be appointed to support the pupil.
• Provide a social mentor
• Reasons for absence should be discussed, and where possible changes made to prevent further difficulties.
• Negotiate a pupil agreement/contract containing aims and targets and review dates.
• An individual timetable should be negotiated and produced, and reviewed.
• Establish an initial part-time timetable
• Sensitively re-integrate pupils who have been absent through a structured and individually tailored programme.
• Ensure that all staff are aware of the pupils who are re-integrating after an absence.
• Ensure ALL staff are aware of the procedures and practices for sensitively re-integrating pupils back into school.
Many parents/carers are unaware of their legal obligations and responsibilities regarding their child’s attendance at school, and the procedures they should follow if their child is absent from school. It is therefore important that schools advise parents/carers of their responsibilities when the child joins the school, and maintain this contact with regular reminders about attendance throughout their school career.
The recommended codes are grouped under the following 5 statistical categories:
• present;
• approved educational activity (treated as present);
• authorised absence;
• unauthorised absence;
• not required to attend.
Code Meaning Statistical category
/\ Present at registration present
L Late but arrived before the register closed present B Educated off-site (not dual registration) present
D Dual registered (i.e. present at another school) approved educational activity
P Approved sporting activity approved educational activity V Educational visit or trip approved educational activity
J Interview approved educational activity
W Work Experience (not work based training) approved educational activity C Other authorised circumstances (not covered authorised absence
by another appropriate code/description)
F Agreed extended family holiday authorised absence
H Agreed family holiday authorised absence
I Illness authorised absence
M Medical or dental appointment authorised absence
S Study Leave authorised absence
E Excluded but no alternative provision made authorised absence R Day set aside exclusively for religious authorised absence
T Traveller absence authorised absence N No reason for the absence provided yet unauthorised absence
O Other unauthorised (not covered by other codes unauthorised absence or descriptions
G Family holiday (not agreed or sessions in unauthorised absence excess of agreement)
U Late and arrived after the register closed unauthorised absence
X Untimetabled sessions for non-compulsory not required to attend school- age pupils
Y Partial and forced closure not required to attend
Z Pupil not on roll yet not required to attend
# School closed to all pupils not required to attend
School Attendance Self Evaluation Audit Tool
This self evaluation checklist is an important tool to help identify areas for improvement within school, to assist with targets and to prioritise actions for improvement in attendance.
It will be important to offer a range of interventions and strategies to improve engagement and enable sustained improvements.
Please allocate a colour – Red, Amber, or Green to each of the following questions and statements.
Green = Goods, standards achieved
Amber = Satisfactory standard, requiring further work Red = Inadequate and immediate action required
Please add relevant comments in the Actions / Areas for improvement section.
You cooperation in completing this form will assist the Education Social Work Service to assess and review school’s capacity to improve their overall attendance in a structured and sustainable manner.
School | |
Pupil Numbers | |
Staff Member completing form | |
Designation | |
Date |
Performance | Attendance | Free School Meals | ||||||||||||
Academic Year | Target % | Actual % | FSM % | Quartile | ||||||||||
2016 - 2017 | ||||||||||||||
2017 - 2018 | ||||||||||||||
2018 - 2019 | ||||||||||||||
Current Attendance |
for their own school as required.
Schools can adapt the following tables
Strategic Management
Actions / Areas for Improvement | ||||
Do you have a nominated governor with a specific attendance remit | ||||
Does the school have a designated Senior Leadership Team / Senior Management Team member of staff responsible for attendance? Please provide name | ||||
Does the attendance lead ensure early Identification of intervention and support For pupils with attendance issues ? | ||||
Is there dedicated time and resources allocated for attendance ? | ||||
How well does the attendance lead ensure consistent application of the policy's principles throughout school ? | ||||
How well does the attendance lead oversee the accuracy of the recording of attendance and registration practices? Is this regularly audited ? | ||||
Does the attendance lead monitor, analyse and address key issues identified? | ||||
Does the attendance lead analyse and challenge levels of Authorised Absences ? | ||||
Does the attendance lead analyse and Challenge “N” no reason provided and Missing Marks ? | ||||
Does the lead ensure all relevant staff with registration responsibilities are trained and have their practice monitored to ensure high standards of practice? | ||||
Are all staff with registration responsibilities aware of the attendance codes? | ||||
Are all staff with registration responsibilities able to challenge "N" marks and Missing Marks | ||||
Are supply staff inducted & well prepared with regards to attendance and registration practices ? |
The Attendance Policy
Actions / Areas for Improvement | ||||
Is the school's policy up to date, good quality and regularly reviewed? | Please attach copy | |||
Does the school policy/strategy for improving attendance identify the roles of staff and procedures to be followed ? | ||||
Do all staff know, understand and consistently apply the policy across school | ||||
Is attendance fully integrated into other policy area e.g. safeguarding ? | ||||
How clear are policies & procedures for working with Parent / Carers, Education Welfare Officer /Education Social Worker and outside agencies ? | ||||
Does the policy include school's policy on holidays in term time? | ||||
Is the attendance policy and practices monitored rigorously and is impact measured ? How ? | ||||
Do governors oversee this monitoring process ? Is the effectiveness of interventions monitored regularly ? |
Managing Attendance
Actions / Areas for Improvement | ||||
Do you have Service Level Agreements between your secondary / primary clusters ? | ||||
Are there regular meetings with the Education Welfare Service to identify and agree interventions / pupil support ? | ||||
Is there an escalation of interventions which are used systematically and the impact of these interventions widely know ? | ||||
Is effective pupil tracking in place to identify any pupil whose attendance begins to slip ? How is it used ? | ||||
How effectively does school ensure they know the whereabouts of all pupils every day for safeguarding purposes ? | ||||
Do you have differentiated responsibilities amongst school staff for dealing with pupils with different attendance levels - ie Form Tutors dealing with 92% + HOY / Deputy Head targeting 87 - 91 % etc. ? | ||||
Does school offer an appropriate balance of support and challenge to Parents / Carers? |
Does school have reintegration strategies for those returning from long term absences in which all appropriate staff participate ? | ||||
Do school robustly implement Children Missing Education procedures -i.e. School checklist, referral to Education Welfare Service which can help limit absences on pupil records ? | ||||
Is school supported appropriately by external agencies ? Are there any gaps in support required ? |
Collection and Analysis of data
Actions / Areas for Improvement | ||||
Do Governors and Senior Leadership Team / Senior Management Team review attendance data on a regular basis and across identified groups ? | ||||
Are attendance related issues discussed weekly by Senior Leadership Team / Senior Management Team, the governing body and school council ? | ||||
Is school data analysed to inform reasons for absence, profile of persistent absence, identification of vulnerable groups and links to standards ? | ||||
Do you plan interventions based on these findings ? | ||||
Does Senior Leadership Team /Senior Management Team review and resolve levels of code "N" No reason provided and Missing Marks | ||||
Does Senior Leadership Team / Senior Management Team review and resolve levels of Authorised Absences | ||||
Is the correlation between exclusions and impact in attendance investigated ? | ||||
Are patterns of attendance from feeder primary school pupils analysed and preventative strategies put in place in advance for support at transition phase ? |
Actions / Areas for Improvement | ||||
Are pupils aware of their individual level of attendance and the target they need to achieve ? How is this set and communicated to pupils and their parent/carers ? | ||||
Are pupils, parent/carers regularly reminded of the importance of good attendance, the links with attainment, Via -newsletters, at parents evenings, home / school agreements etc. ? | ||||
Does the school plan the promotion of attendance throughout the year ? | ||||
Is there an awards / rewards system for good attendance in place ? | ||||
Are pupils consulted about the nature of rewards to ensure that they are relevant and motivating ? |