Scope of Application)
第 1 条 当ホテルがお客様との間で締結する宿泊契約及びこれに関連する契約は、この約款の定めるところによるものとし、この約款に定めのない事項については法令又は一般に確立された習慣によるものとします。
2 当ホテルが、法令及び習慣に反しない範囲で特約に応じたときは、前項の規定にかかわらず、その特約が優先するものとします。
第 2 条 当ホテルに宿泊契約の申込みをなさろうとするお客様は、次の事項を当ホテルに申し出ていただきます。
(4)宿泊料金(原則として別表第 1 の基本宿泊料による。)
2 宿泊契約の申込みをした者は、当ホテルが宿泊者の氏名、住所、連絡先等を記載した宿泊名簿の提出を依頼したときは、宿泊契約成立後であっても、直ちに提出するものとします。
3 お客様が、宿泊中に第 1 項第 3 号の宿泊日を超えて宿泊の継続を申し入れた場合、当ホテルは、その申し出がなされた時点で新たな宿泊契約の申込みがあったものとして処理します。
4 宿泊契約の申込みに際し、特別な配慮を必要とする宿泊者は、契約の申込時に申し出てください。このとき、当ホテルは可能な範囲内でこれに応じます。
5 前項の申出に基づき、当ホテルが宿泊客のために講じた特別な措置に要する費用は、宿泊客の負担とします。
第 3 条 宿泊契約は、当ホテルが前条の申込みを承諾したときに成立するものとします。
2 当ホテルが、インターネットサイトに誤った宿泊料金を提示し、又は電話で誤った宿泊料金を案内し、当該宿泊料金に基づき、宿泊契約の申込みをされ、当ホテルが承諾をした場合は、当該料金がその前後の期日の宿泊料金に比べて著しく低廉であるときは、当該料金につき「限定」、「特別」、「キャンペーン」等の低廉である理由の表示又はご案内のない限りは、民法上の錯誤による承諾であることから、宿泊契約を取り消すことがあります。
3 当ホテルは、宿泊予定日前の任意の日に、宿泊客からいただいた連絡先に予約の確認の電話を差し上げることがあります。
4 第 1 項の規定により宿泊契約が成立したときは、宿泊期間(3 日をこえるときは 3日間)の基本宿泊料を限度として当ホテルが定める申込金を、当ホテルが指定する日までに、お支払いいただくことがあります。
5 申込金は、まず、お客様が最終的に支払うべき宿泊料金に充当し、第 6 条及び第 21 条の規定を運用する事態が生じたときは、取消料に次いで賠償金の順序で充当し、残額が有れば、第 12 条の規定により料金の支払いの際に返還します。
6 第 4 項の申込金を同項の規定により当ホテルが指定した日までにお支払いいただけない場合は、宿泊契約はその効力を失うものとします。ただし、申込金の支払期日を指定するにあたり、当ホテルがその旨をお客様に告知した場合に限ります。
7 当ホテルは、宿泊客のチェックイン時に宿泊料金を請求し、連泊の場合は任意の時期に、既に宿泊された分の清算を請求することがあります。
第 4 条 当ホテルは、次に掲げる場合において、宿泊契約の締結に応じないことがあります。
(5)宿泊しようとする者が、次のイからハのいずれかに該当すると認められるとき。イ 暴力団員による不当な行為の防止等に関する法律 ( 平成 3 年法律第 77 号 )
第 2 条第 2 号に規定する暴力団 ( 以下「暴力団」という。)、同条第 2 条第 6 号に規定する暴力団員 ( 以下「暴力団員」という。)、暴力団準構成員又は暴力団関係者その他の反社会的勢力
ロ 暴力団又は暴力団員が事業活動を支配する法人その他の団体であるときハ 法人でその役員のうちに暴力団員に該当する者があるもの
(Scope of Application)
Article 1.1 Accommodation agreements and related agreements entered into by the Hotel Lexton Kagoshima (hereinafter referred to as 'the Hotel') with customers shall be governed by these Terms and Conditions, and matters not stipulated in these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by applicable laws and regulations or by generally established customs.
1.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if the Hotel enters into a special agreement, said agreement shall take precedence to the extent that it does not violate applicable laws, regulations or customs.
(Application for an Accommodation Agreement)
Article 2.1 Customers who wish to apply for an accommodation agreement with the Hotel must provide the Hotel with the following.
(1) Guest names
(2) Guest contact information
(3) Dates of accommodation and planned arrival time
(4) Accommodation charges (as a rule, based on the Basic accommodation fee in Attached Table 1)
(5) Other matters as deemed necessary by the Hotel
2.2 If the Hotel requests the submission of an accommodation list containing the names, addresses, contact information, etc., of guests, those who have applied for an accommodation agreement shall submit it immediately, even if the accommodation agreement has already been entered into.
2.3 If a customer requests, during his or her stay, to continue staying beyond the dates of accommodation specified in Paragraph 1, Item 3, the Hotel will, at the time the request is made, treat said request as an application for a new accommodation agreement.
2.4 When applying for an accommodation agreement, guests who require special consideration should notify the Hotel of this fact at the time of application. The Hotel will accommodate such requests to the extent possible.
2.5 Any necessary costs required for special measures taken by the Hotel on behalf of a guest based on requests made as per preceding paragraph shall be borne by the guest.
(Establishment of an Accommodation Agreement)
Article 3.1 An accommodation agreement shall be established when the Hotel accepts an application which has been made as per the stipulations of the preceding article.
3.2 In the event that the accommodation charges quoted by the Hotel on an Internet site or over the phone are incorrect, an application for an accommodation agreement is made based on the quoted accommodation charges, and the Hotel has then accepted the application, if the quoted accommodation charges are significantly lower than those for the dates before and after the dates of accommodation, and unless there is some indication or information as to why the quoted charges are so low, such as the display or usage of words such as“limited,”“special”or“campaign,”civil law allows for said accommodation agreement to be canceled by the Hotel due to the fact that acceptance was made based on a mistake.
3.3 The Hotel may use the contact information provided by the guest to call and confirm the reservation on any day prior to the scheduled accommodation period.
3.4 When an accommodation agreement is established as per the provisions of Paragraph 1, the guest who made the application may be required to pay an application deposit, which is set by the Hotel and which is limited to the basic accommodation fee for the accommodation period (three days if the accommodation period is more than three days), by the date specified by the Hotel.
3.5 The application deposit will first be applied to the accommodation charges that the customer will ultimately have to pay, then, if situations arise to which the stipulations of Article 6 or 21 apply, it shall be applied to the cancellation fee followed by compensation costs, after which any remainder shall be returned to the customer at the time that payment of charges and fees is made as per Article 12.
3.6 If the application deposit set forth in Paragraph 4 is not paid by the date specified by the Hotel as per the stipulations of the same paragraph, the accommodation agreement shall become invalid. However, this only applies if the Hotel notifies the customer of it when specifying the deadline for payment of the application deposit.
3.7 The customer will be billed the accommodation charges by the Hotel at the time of check-in, and, in the case of consecutive nights, the Hotel may, at any time, request payment for the period of accommodation which has already elapsed.
(Refusal to Conclude an Accommodation Agreement)
Article 4.1 The Hotel may refuse to establish an accommodation agreement in the following cases.
(1) When the application for accommodation does not comply with these Terms and Conditions.
(2) When there are no rooms available due to full occupancy.
(3) When there is a recognized risk that the person or persons seeking accommodation may, with regard to said accommodation, engage in illegal acts or acts which violate public order or morals.
(4) When there is a recognized risk of disruption to the peace and order in the Hotel, such as might be caused by a person seeking accommodation making repeated, unreasonable complaints or demands in the Hotel.
(5) When any of the following (a., b. or c.) apply to a person seeking accommodation.
a. Is an organized crime group, as defined in Article 2, Item 2 of the Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members (Act No. 77 of 1991) (hereinafter, “Organized Crime Group”); is an organized crime group member, as defined in Article 2, Item 6 of the same Act (hereinafter,“Organized Crime Group Member”); is an associate member of, or someone who is associated with, an Organized Crime Group or other anti-social forces
b. Is a corporation or other organization whose business activities are controlled by an Organized Crime Group or Organized Crime Group Member
c. Is a corporation in which an Organized Crime Group Member serves as an officer
(7)宿泊しようとする者が、旅館業法第 4 条の 2 第 1 項 2 号に定める特定感染症の患者等 ( 以下、特定感染症の患者等といいます)であるとき。
(10)宿泊しようとする者が、旅館業法第 5 条 1 項 3 号及び旅館業法施行規則第 5条の 6 にあたるとき。
(14)都道府県条例第 5 条の規定する場合に該当するとき。
第 5 条 当ホテルは、旅館業法第 4 条の 2 の定めにしたがい、宿泊しようとする者に対し、特定感染症の感染防止のために必要な協力を求めることがあります。
2 宿泊しようとする者は、正当な理由のない限り、前項の協力の求めを拒否することはできず、正当な理由なく前項の協力の求めに応じず、後に当該者が特定感染症の患者等に該当したときは当該者の使用により必要となった施設の消毒等の感染予防の措置を行うのに要した 用、その間使用できなくなった施設による逸失利益等一切の当ホテルの損害について、当該者が負担するものとします。
第 6 条 お客様は、いつでも別紙第 2 に記載の取消料を当ホテルに支払うことにより、宿泊契約の全部又は一部を解除することができます。
2 当ホテルは、お客様が連絡をしないで宿泊日当日の午後 10 時(あらかじめ到着予定時刻が明示されている場合は、その時刻を 2 時間経過した時刻)になっても到着しないときは、その宿泊契約は宿泊されるお客様により解除されたものとみなし処理することがあります。その場合、当ホテルは、別表第 2 記載の取消料を申し受けます。
第 7 条 当ホテルは、次に掲げる場合において、宿泊契約を解除することがあります。
(2)宿泊客が、旅館業法第 5 条 1 項 3 号及び旅館業法施行規則第 5 条の 6 にあたるとき。
イ 暴力団、暴力団員、暴力団準構成員又は暴力団関係者その他の反社会勢力ロ 暴力団又は暴力団員が事業活動を支配する法人その他の団体であるとき ハ 法人でその役員のうちに暴力団員に該当する者があるもの
(8)都道府県条例第 5 条の規定する場合に該当するとき。
(10)宿泊契約成立後に第 4 条 (11) に定めることが判明したとき。
(11)宿泊の申し込みをした者が、第 2 条 2 項に基づく当ホテルの依頼に対し、直ちに応じなかったとき。
2 当ホテルが前項の規定に基づいて宿泊契約を解除したときは、お客様がいまだ提供を受けていない宿泊サービス等の料金はいただきません。ただし、宿泊客の宿泊中の行為が解除事由に該当することを理由とするときは、いまだ提供を受けていない宿泊サービス等の料金も、違約金としてお支払いいただくことがあります。
(6) When a person seeking accommodation engages in behavior that causes significant inconvenience to other guests.
(7) When a person seeking accommodation is a patient with a specified infectious disease, as stipulated in Article 4-2, Paragraph 1, Item 2 of the Hotel Business Act (hereinafter,“Specified Infectious Disease Patient”).
(8) When violent demands are made against the Hotel or its employees. Or, when it is found that similar behavior has been exhibited in the past.
(9) When accommodation is not possible due to natural disasters, facility malfunctioning, lack of personnel or other unavoidable reasons.
(10) When Article 5, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Hotel Business Act and Article 5-6 of the Hotel Business Act Enforcement Regulations apply to a person seeking accommodation.
(11) When a person who applied for accommodation did so while concealing a personal commercial motivation.
(12) When the Hotel determines that it is legally or practically obligated to close due to orders, instructions, recommendations or other communications from a governmental entity.
(13) When the Hotel does not have the physical or human resources to take measures that it is legally or practically obligated to take in order to prevent infection, as per orders, instructions, recommendations or other communications from a governmental entity, regarding guests who have a fever or cough.
(14) When the stipulations of Article 5 of the Prefectural Ordinance apply.
(Request for Cooperation with Infection Prevention Measures)
Article 5.1 In order to prevent the spread of specified infectious diseases, and in accordance with the provisions of Article 4-2 of the Hotel Business Act, the Hotel may request the necessary cooperation of anyone seeking accommodation.
5.2 No one seeking accommodation may unreasonably decline a request for cooperation which is made as per the stipulations of the preceding paragraph, and anyone who fails to cooperate with such a request without justifiable reason and is later found to be a Specified Infectious Disease Patient shall be liable for the necessary costs involved in implementing infection prevention measures, such as facility disinfection, required as a result of said person’s usage of the Hotel’s facilities, as well as be liable for all damages, such as lost profits, incurred by the Hotel during the period that the facilities are unusable.
(Guest’s Right to Cancel the Agreement)
Article 6.1 A customer may cancel all or part of the accommodation agreement at any time by paying to the Hotel the cancellation fee listed in Attached Table 2.
6.2 If no communication is received beforehand from the customer and he or she does not arrive by 10 p.m. on the day of accommodation (or within two hours of the planned arrival time, if the planned arrival time is specified in advance), the Hotel may treat the accommodation agreement as having been canceled by the customer. In such cases, the Hotel will charge the cancellation fee listed in Attached Table 2.
(The Hotel’s Right to Cancel the Agreement)
Article 7.1 The Hotel may cancel the accommodation agreement in the following cases.
(1) When there is a recognized risk that customers may, with regard to said accommodation, engage in illegal acts or acts which violate public order or morals. Or, when it is found that customers have engaged in similar behavior in the past.
(2) When Article 5, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Hotel Business Act and Article 5-6 of the Hotel Business Act Enforcement Regulations apply to guests.
(3) When guests are Specified Infectious Disease Patients.
(4) When any of the following (a. b. or c.) apply to guests.
a. Are an Organized Crime Group, are Organized Crime Group Members, or are associate members or associates of an Organized Crime Group or other anti-social forces
b. Are a corporation or other organization whose business activities are controlled by an Organized Crime Group or Organized Crime Group Member
c. Are a corporation in which an Organized Crime Group Member serves as an officer
(5) When guests engage in behavior that causes significant inconvenience to other guests.
(6) When violent demands are made against the Hotel or its employees. Or, when it is found that similar behavior has been exhibited in the past.
(7) When accommodation is not possible due to reason of force majeure, such as a natural disaster.
(8) When the stipulations of Article 5 of the Prefectural Ordinance apply.
(9) When guests smoke while sleeping in guest rooms, tamper with equipment such as fire safety installations, or otherwise do not comply with the prohibitions set forth in the Hotel Rules of Use.
(10) When it is determined after the accommodation agreement has been established that the stipulations of Article 4-(11) apply.
(11) When the person who applied for accommodation does not immediately respond to the Hotel’s requests as per Article 2.2.
(12) When the Hotel determines that it is legally or practically obligated to close due to orders, instructions, recommendations or other communications from a governmental entity.
(13) When the Hotel does not have the physical or human resources to take measures that it is legally or practically obligated to take in order to prevent infection, as per orders, instructions, recommendations or other communications from a governmental entity, regarding guests who have a fever or cough.
(14) When guests engage in behavior that violates the accommodation agreement and do not correct their behavior despite being requested to do so.
7.2 In the event that the Hotel cancels the accommodation agreement in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the customer will not be charged for accommodation services or other services that have not yet been provided. However,
第 8 条 お客様は、宿泊日当日、当ホテルのフロントにおいて、次の事項を登録していただきます。
2 お客様が第 12 条の料金の支払いを、旅行小切手、宿泊券、クレジットカード等通貨に代わり得る方法により行おうとするときは、あらかじめ、前項の登録時にそれらを呈示していただくことがあります。
第 9 条 お客様が当ホテルの客室を使用できる時間は、当日午後 2 時より翌日午前 10 時までとします。ただし、連続して宿泊する場合においては、到着日及び出発時を除き、終日使用することができます。
2 当ホテルは、前項の規定にかかわらず、同項に定める時間外の使用に応じることがあります。この場合には次に掲げる宿泊料金を申し受けます。
(1)午後 2 時までは、室料金の 30%相当額
(2)午後 2 時以降は、室料金の全額
第10条 お客様は、当ホテル内においては、当ホテルが定めてホテル内に掲示した利用規則に従っていただきます。(営業時間)
第11条 当ホテルの主な設備等の営業時間は次のとおりとし、その他の施設等の詳しい営業時間は備付パンフレット、各所の掲示、客室内のサービスディレクトリー等で案内いたします。
(1)フロント、キャッシャー等サービス時間イ 門限正面玄関 24 時間
ロ フロント 24 時間
ハ キャッシャー 24 時間
イ ご朝食 午前 6 時 30 分から
ロ ご昼食 午前 11 時 30 分から
ハ ご夕食 午後 5 時 30 分から
2 前項の時間は、必要やむを得ない場合には臨時に変更することがあります。その場合には、適当な方法をもってお知らせします。
第12条 お客様が支払うべき宿泊料金等の内訳及びその算定方法は、別表第 1 に掲げるところによります。
2 前項の宿泊料金等の支払いは、通貨又は当ホテルが認めた旅行小切手、宿泊券、クレジットカード等これに代わり得る方法により、お客様の到着の際、又は当ホテルが請求した時、フロントにおいて行っていただきます。
3 当ホテルがお客様に客室を提供し、使用が可能になったのち、お客様が任意に宿泊しなかった場合においても、宿泊料金は申し受けます。
第13条 当ホテルは、宿泊契約及びこれに関連する契約の履行にあたり、又はそれらの不履行によりお客様に損害を与えたときは、その損害を賠償します。ただし、それが当ホテルの責めに帰すべき事由によるものでないときは、この限りではありません。
2 当ホテルがお客様に客室をご提供する責任はお客様が当ホテルのフロントにおいてチェックイン登録を行ったときに始まり、チェックアウト制限時間をもって終了します。
3 当ホテルは、消防機関から適マークを受領しておりますが、防災施設の整備に務めるほか、万一の火災等に対処するため、旅館賠償責任保険に加入しております。
第14条 当ホテルは、お客様に契約した客室を提供できないときは、お客様の了解を得て、できる限り同一の条件による他の宿泊施設をあっ旋するものとします。
2 当ホテルは、前項の規定にかかわらず他の宿泊施設のあっ旋ができないときは、取消料相当額の補償料をお客様に支払い、その補償料は損害賠償額に充当します。ただし、客室が提供できないことについて、当ホテルの責めに帰すべき事由がないときは、補償料をお支払いいたしません。
第15条 お客様がフロントにお預けになった物品又は現金並びに貴重品について、減失、き損等の損害が生じたときは、それが、不可抗力である場合を除き、当ホテルは、その損害を賠償します。ただし、現金及び貴重品については、当ホテルがその種類及び価
if a guest’s actions during his or her stay are grounds for cancellation, charges for accommodation services and other services that have not yet been provided may be required to be paid as a penalty.
(Registration of Accommodation)
Article 8.1 Customers must register the following information at the front desk of the Hotel on the day of accommodation.
(1) Guest names, ages, genders, addresses and contact information
(2) In the case of foreign nationals, nationality, passport number, place of entry and date of entry
(3) Departure date and scheduled departure time
(4) Other matters as deemed necessary by the Hotel
8.2 Customers who intend to pay the fees set forth in Article 12 using a currency alternative, such as a traveler’s checks, accommodation vouchers or credit cards, may be required to present said alternative in advance at the time of registration as per the preceding paragraph.
(Guest Room Usage Times)
Article 9.1 Guests may utilize their guest rooms between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m. However, if guests are staying for consecutive nights, they may utilize their guest rooms all day, except on the day of arrival and departure.
9.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Hotel may permit usage outside of the hours specified in the preceding paragraph. In such cases, the following accommodation charges will be billed.
(1) For the period prior to 2:00 p.m., 30% of the room charge
(2) For the period after 2:00 p.m., the full room charge
(Strict Compliance with Rules of Use)
Article 10.1 While inside the Hotel, customers must comply with the Rules of Use established by, and posted within, the Hotel.
(Business Hours)
Article 11.1 The business hours of the Hotel's main facilities are as follows, and detailed business hours of other facilities are displayed in provided pamphlets, on bulletin boards in various locations, in service directories in guest rooms and via other means.
(1) Front entrance, front desk and cashier service hours
a. Front entrance 24 hours
b. Front desk 24 hours
c. Cashier 24 hours
(2) Food and beverage facility service hours
a. Breakfast From 6:30 a.m.
b. Lunch From 11:30 a.m.
c. Dinner From 5:30 p.m.
(3) Ancillary service facility hours: Displayed in provided pamphlets and on bulletin boards in various locations
11.2 When necessary, the hours listed in the preceding paragraph may be temporarily changed. In such cases, notification will be made via an appropriate method.
(Payment of Charges and Fees)
Article 12.1 The details of the accommodation charges and fees to be paid by customers, as well as the calculation methods used, are listed in Attached Table 1.
12.2 Payment of the accommodation charges and fees stipulated in the preceding paragraph shall be made using currency or a currency alternative accepted by the Hotel, such as traveler’s checks, accommodation vouchers or credit cards, and shall be performed at the front desk upon arrival at the Hotel or when billed by the Hotel.
12.3 If the Hotel provides a customer with a guest room but the customer elects not to use the guest room despite being able to do so, he or she will still be billed the accommodation charges for that guest room.
(Responsibilities of the Hotel)
Article 13.1 The Hotel will compensate customers for any damage caused to them in the performance of the accommodation agreement and related agreements, or in the event of non-fulfillment thereof. However, this does not apply when the damage is not due to reasons attributable to the Hotel.
13.2 The responsibility of the Hotel to provide a customer with a guest room begins when the customer registers for check-in at the front desk and ends when the deadline to check out arrives.
13.3 The Hotel has received the appropriate markings from the fire department and, in addition to maintaining disaster prevention facilities, has taken out hotel liability insurance in the unlikely event of a fire or other disaster.
(Handling of Inability to Provide the Contracted Guest Room)
Article 14.1 In the event that the Hotel is unable to provide the customer with the contracted room, the Hotel will, with the customer’s consent, arrange for other accommodation which has the same conditions to the extent possible.
14.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in the event that the Hotel is unable to arrange other accommodation, the Hotel will pay the customer a compensation fee equivalent to the cancellation fee, and the compensation fee will be applied to the amount of damages. However, if no reason attributable to the Hotel exists for the inability to provide a guest room, no compensation fee will be paid.
(Handling of Deposited Items)
Article 15.1 In the event of loss or damage of goods, cash or valuables deposited at the front desk by the customer, the Hotel will compensate for the loss or damage, unless said loss or damage is caused by force majeure. However, in the case of cash and valuables, if the Hotel asks the customer to declare the type and value and the customer
2 お客様が、当ホテル内にお持ち込みになった物品又は現金並びに貴重品であってフロントにお預けにならなかったものについて、当ホテルの故意又は過失により減失、き損等の損害が生じたときは、当ホテルは、その損害を賠償します。ただし、お客様からあらかじめ種類及び価格の明告のなかったものについては、当ホテルに故意又は重大な過失がある場合を除き、15 万円を限度として当ホテルはその損害を賠償します。
3 当ホテルは、第 1 項及び第 2 項に基づく損害賠償責任のあるときであっても、次に定める物品については、その責任を負いません。
(1)稿本、設計書、図案、帳簿その他これらに準ずるもの ( 磁気テープ、磁気ディスク、 CD ロム、光ディスク等情報機器 ( コンピュータ及びその端末装置等の周辺機器 )で直接処理を行える記録媒体に記録されたものを含みます。)
第16条 お預り期間は、当ホテルがお預り品をお預りした日からお受け取りご指定日までとします。お受け取り指定日は、当ホテルがお預り品をお預りした日から 1 ヶ月以内とします。
2 お預り品のお受取り人は、お預けのご依頼人又はその方がお受取り人としてご指定された第三者とします。
3 お受取り人又は権利を与えられた第三者がお預り品のお受取りを請求される際、当ホテルの係員は相当の注意をもって、お受取り人の同一性を確認し、お預り品をお渡しします。この場合、当ホテルはお預り品に関して責任を免れるものとします。
4 お預り品の変質やその他一般に不可抗力とされている事由による損害に対して、当ホテルはその責任を負いません。
5 お預り品のき損・変質その他ご依頼人の責めに帰すべき事由により当ホテル又は第三者が損害を受けたときは、その損害を賠償していただきます。
6 お預り期間終了 1 週間以内にお預り品のお受取りがない場合は、当ホテルはお預り品を別途通常の管理をし、一般に適当と認められる方法・時期・価額により処分することができるものとします。また処分が困難な場合、当ホテルは当該お預り品を廃棄することができるものとします。
第17条 お客様の手荷物が、宿泊に先立って当ホテルに到着した場合は、その到着前に当ホテルが了解したときに限って責任をもって保管し、お客様がフロントにおいてチェックインする際お渡しします。
2 お客様がチェックアウトしたのち、お客様の手荷物又は携帯品が当ホテルに置き忘れられていた場合において、当ホテルは原則として所有者が判明し、且つ貴重品と判断した物については、連絡をするとともにその指示を求めるものとします。それ以外の物については 所有者からの照会の連絡を待ちその指示を求めます。所有者の指示がない場合又は所有者が判明しないときは、貴重品 及び個人情報を含む物品については発見日を含め 7 日以内に最寄りの警察署に届け、その他の物品については発見日から 3 箇月経過後処分いたします。警察によって引き取られない物品があった場合も同様とします。ただし、衛生環境を損なう飲食物、たばこ、雑誌等は即日処分します。
3 前 2 項の場合におけるお客様の手荷物又は携帯品の保管についての当ホテルの責任は、第 1 項の場合にあっては第 15 条第 1 項の規定に、前項の場合にあっては同条第 2 項の規定に準じるものとします。
第18条 宿泊客が 2 泊以上同一の客室にご連泊される場合、お客様より特別な指示がない限り清掃に入ります。清掃指示は、PM2:00 までに内線にてフロントスタッフに直接申し出、または客室内側ドアノブに掛けてある清掃指示札を客室ドア表面ドアノブに掛けてください。また、4 泊以上同一の客室にご連泊し尚且つ清掃に一度も入ってない場合は客室の衛生管理上、お客様に伝えた上で清掃に入る場合がございます。
( 免責事項 )
第19条 当ホテル内からのコンピューター通信のご利用にあたりましては、お客様ご自身の責任にて行うものといたします。コンピューター通信のご利用中にシステム障害その他の理由によりサービスが中断し、その結果利用者がいかなる損害を受けた場合においても、当ホテルは一切の責任を負いません。また、コンピューター通信のご利用に当社が不適切と判断した行為により、当ホテル及び第三者に損害が生じた場合、その損害を賠償していただきます。
第20条 お客様が当ホテルの駐車場をご利用になる場合、車両のキーの寄託の如何にかかわらず、当ホテルは場所をお貸しするものであって、車両の管理責任まで負うものでは
does not comply with this request, the compensation paid by the Hotel will be limited to 150,000 yen, excluding cases where the loss or damage is the result of intentional action or gross negligence on the part of the Hotel.
15.2 In the event of loss or damage of goods, cash or valuables brought into the Hotel but not deposited at the front desk, the Hotel will compensate for their loss or damage if said loss or damage is the result of intentional action or gross negligence on the part of the Hotel. However, if the customer has not declared the type and value of the lost or damaged item, the compensation paid by the Hotel will be limited to 150,000 yen, excluding cases where the loss or damage is the result of intentional action or gross negligence on the part of the Hotel.
15.3 Even if the Hotel is liable for damages as per 15.1 and 15.2, it shall not be liable for the following items.
(1) Manuscripts, design documents, drafts, ledgers and other, similar items (including those recorded on recording media that can be directly processed by magnetic tapes, magnetic disks, CD ROMs, optical disks and other information equipment (i.e., computers and their peripherals, such as terminal devices))
(Handling of Deposited Items)
Article 16.1 The storage period shall be from the date that the item is deposited with the Hotel until the designated date for pick-up of said item.The designated date of pick- up shall be no more than one month from the date that the item is deposited with the Hotel.
16.2 The person picking up the deposited item shall be the person who requested its deposit or a third party designated by said person.
16.3 When the person who has deposited an item with the Hotel, or his or her authorized third party, come to collect the item, the Hotel staff member on duty shall exercise due care in confirming the person’s identity and handing over the item. In this case, the Hotel shall not be held responsible for the deposited item.
16.4 The Hotel is not responsible for any damage to deposited items which is the result of deterioration or other causes generally considered to be force majeure.
16.5 If the Hotel or a third party incurs damage as a result of some cause attributable to the person who deposited the item, such as from damage to, or deterioration of, the deposited item, that person will be required to compensate for the damage incurred.
16.6 If the deposited item is not picked up within one week of the end of the storage period, the Hotel will separately and normally manage the deposited item and may dispose of it in a manner and time, and at a price, that is generally recognized as appropriate. In addition, if disposal is difficult, the Hotel may discard of the deposited item.
(Storage of Guests’ Baggage or Personal Effects)
Article 17.1 If a customer’s baggage arrives at the Hotel in advance of the customer’s arrival, the Hotel will, if it has agreed to do so, take responsibility for storing this baggage and will hand it over to the customer when he or she checks in at the front desk.
17.2 If a customer accidentally leaves behind baggage or personal effects at the Hotel after he or she has checked out, the Hotel will, as a general rule, determine who the items belong to and, if deemed to be valuable, will contact the owner and request instructions. In the case of all other items, the Hotel will wait until contacted by the owner and will then request instructions. If there is no instruction from the owner, or if the owner cannot be identified, valuables and items containing personal information will be reported to the nearest police station within 7 days of the date of discovery; all other items will be disposed of after three months from the date of discovery. The same shall apply for any items that are not picked up by the police. However, food, drinks, cigarettes, magazines and other items that detract from a clean and sanitary environment will be disposed of immediately.
17.3 In the case of the preceding two paragraphs, the Hotel’s responsibility with regard to the storage of customers’baggage and personal effects shall, in cases corresponding to Article 17.1, be the responsibility stipulated in Article 15.1, and, for cases corresponding to Article 17.2, be the responsibility stipulated in Article 15.2.
(Guest Room Cleaning During Customers’ Stay)
Article 18.1 If a customer stays in the same guest room for two or more consecutive nights, the room will be cleaned, unless otherwise instructed by the guest. Instructions regarding cleaning should be made by calling the front desk staff directly by 2:00 p.m. or by hanging the cleaning instruction tag, which can be found on the inside doorknob of the guest room, on the front doorknob. In addition, if a customer stays in the same guest room for four or more consecutive nights and the room has not been cleaned once during that time, cleaning may be carried out for the sake of hygiene management following notification to the customer.
Article 19.1 The use of computer communications from within the Hotel is at the customer's own risk. The Hotel will not be held responsible for any damages incurred by users as a result of interruption of service due to system failure or other reasons while they are using computer communications. In addition, if the Hotel or a third party incurs damage due to computer communications usage-related conduct that the Company deems inappropriate, compensation for said damage will be required.
(Parking-related Responsibilities)
Article 20.1 Usage of the Hotel parking lot by customers, regardless of whether or not the vehicle key is entrusted to the Hotel, is at the customers’risk, with the Hotel being only responsible for renting out the space. However, in the event that a vehicle being managed in the parking lot is damaged as a result of intentional action or negligence on the part of the Hotel, the Hotel will be responsible for compensation.
第21条 お客様の故意又は過失により当ホテルが損害を被ったときは、当該お客様は当ホテルに対し、その損害を賠償していただきます。
2 宿泊客は、宿泊契約に基づく宿泊サービスを円滑に受領するため、万が一宿泊契約の内容と異なる宿泊サービスが提供されたと認識したときは、当ホテルにおいて速やかにその旨を当ホテルに申し出なければなりません。
第22条 お客様の本約款等又はその他利用規則等への違反等により、他の宿泊者及び当ホテルの権利、財産、及びサービス等を保護する必要が生じた場合、当ホテルは警察等関係機関へ通報する等、然るべき措置を講じます。
2 お客様の健康、生命等に深刻な影響があると当ホテルが判断した場合、お客様の意思に拘わらず、救急搬送を要請する場合があります。
第23条 当ホテルと宿泊客との間の宿泊契約に関する紛争は、日本法を準拠法とし、当ホテルの所在地を管轄する地方裁判所または簡易裁判所をもって専属管轄裁判所とします。
第24条 当ホテルは、本宿泊約款を変更し変更後の宿泊約款を宿泊客との宿泊契約に適用する場合があります。その際は、施行日の 1 ヶ月前までに当ホテルのホームページに変更の理由、変更内容及び変更の効力発生期日を掲載して、一般に周知させるものとします。
(Responsibilities of Guests)
Article 21.1 If the Hotel incurs damage as a result of intentional action or negligence on the part of the customer, the customer will be required to compensate the Hotel for the damage.
21.2 In the unlikely event that guest room services are provided which differ from the content of the accommodation agreement, customers are to promptly notify the Hotel whenever they become aware of this fact in order to facilitate the smooth delivery of accommodation services which are in accordance with the accommodation agreement.
(Reporting to the Police and Other Relevant Parties)
Article 22.1 The Hotel will take appropriate measures, such as making reports to the police and other relevant parties, in the event that it becomes necessary to protect the rights, property, services, etc., of other guests and the Hotel due to a customer's violation of these Terms and Conditions, the Rules of Use or other stipulations.
22.2 If the Hotel determines that the health or life of a customer may be seriously impacted, the Hotel may request emergency transportation regardless of the customer’s wishes.
(Jurisdiction and Governing Law)
Article 23.1 Disputes regarding accommodation agreements between the Hotel and guests shall be governed by Japanese law, and the district court or summary court having jurisdiction over the location of the Hotel shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
(Procedures for Changing These Terms and Conditions)
Article 24.1 The Hotel may change these Terms and Conditions of Accommodation and then apply the revised Terms and Conditions of Accommodation to accommodation agreements with guests. In such a case, the reasons for the changes, the content of the changes, and the effective date of the changes will be posted on the Hotel's website at least one month before the effective date to make the public aware of the changes.
備 考 1、税法が改正された場合、その改正された規定によるものとします。
備 考 1、%は、基本宿泊料に対する違約金の比率です。
2、契約日数が短縮した場合は、その短縮日数にかかわりなく、1 日分 ( 初日 ) の違約金を収受します。
3、団体客 (15 名以上 ) の一部について契約の解除があった場合、宿泊の
10 日前 ( その日より後に申込みをお引き受けした場合はそのお引き受けした日 ) における宿泊人数の 10% ( 端数が出た場合には切り上げる。) にあたる人数については、違約金はいただきません。
1. If the tax law is revised, the revised provisions of said law shall apply.
2. Basic accommodation charges are based on the price list shown at the front desk and in guest rooms.
1. Percentage (%) is the ratio of the penalty fee to the basic accommodation fee.
2. If the number of days of the agreement is shortened, a penalty fee of one day (the first day) will be collected regardless of the number of days shortened.
3. If the agreement is canceled for a part of a group of guests (15 or more people), no penalty will be charged for the number of guests who account for 10% of the number of guests (rounded up to the nearest whole number in the case of a fraction) 10 days before the stay (in the case of the application being accepted after that date, the date of acceptance).
当ホテルでは、お客様に安全でかつ快適なご滞在をいただくため、宿泊約款第 10 条の定めに基づき下記の規則をお守りいただくことになっています。
この規則をお守り頂けないときには、宿泊約款第 7 条によりご宿泊のご継続をおことわりさせていただきます。
(4)禁煙室では、喫煙なさらないでください ( 電子タバコ、加熱式タバコ等含む)。禁煙室で喫煙および吸い殻等が確認された場合、ご宿泊代とは別に客室クリーニング代および客室損害補償金として 3 万円を請求させて頂きます。また喫煙室であっても、火災防止の為ベッドの中その他火災の発生しやすい場所で喫煙なさらないでください。
(8)来訪者があったときは、ドアガードをかけたままドアーを開けるか、ドアースコープでご確認ください。不審者と思われる場合はフロント(ダイヤル A ボタン)までご連絡ください。
(13)館内に次のようなものをお持込みにならなでください。イ、愛玩の動物、鳥類等(身体障害者補助犬は除く) ロ、悪臭又は強い匂いを発する物品
In order to ensure a safe and comfortable stay for guests, the Hotel asks that you abide by the following rules based on Article 10 of the Terms and Conditions of Accommodation.
If you do not abide by these rules, the Hotel will refuse continuance of your stay in accordance with Article 7 of the Terms and Conditions of Accommodation.
(1) Use of guest rooms for any purpose other than lodging is strictly prohibited.
(2) Accommodation in guest rooms is prohibited to everyone except registered guests.
(3) When you arrive in your guest room, please confirm the location of the emergency exit and the evacuation route.
(4) Please do not smoke in non-smoking rooms (this includes electronic cigarettes, heated tobacco and other such products). If you are found to be smoking, or if your cigarette butts or other remainders, are found in a non-smoking room, a cleaning fee and guest room damage compensation fee of 30,000 yen will be charged in addition to the accommodation fee. Also, in order to prevent fires, please do not smoke in bed or in other areas where fire may easily break out, even if you are in a smoking room.
(5) Devices that utilize fire for heating, cooking or other purposes, as well as irons and other such devices, are not to brought and used inside guest rooms.
(6) When leaving your room during your stay, please be sure to lock your room and take your guest room key with you.
(7) Please be sure to use the door guard during your stay and when sleeping.
(8) If you have visitors, please either first open the door with the door guard on or check through the peephole. If you see someone who you think is suspicious, please contact the front desk (the dial A button).
(9) Please refrain from meeting with visitors in your guest room.
(10) Please do not leave your belongings in the hallways, lobby or other such areas.
(11) Please do not move equipment or furnishings that are inside the building or guest rooms from their designated locations.
(12) Please do not make any changes to the Hotel or guest rooms without the Hotel's permission.
(13) Please do not bring the following into the Hotel.
a. Pet animals, birds, etc. (excluding assistance dogs for people with physical disabilities)
b. Items that emit a foul or strong odor
c. An unreasonable amount of any item
d. Guns or edged weapons
e. Easily ignitable or flammable substances such as gunpowder, volatile oils or petroleum
f. Other items that are deemed to be a threat to the safety of other guests
(14) Please do not raise your voice, sing or be noisy, or otherwise cause annoyance or bother others, inside the Hotel or guest rooms.
(15) Please do not engage in gambling or other behavior that violates public order and standards of decency, nor any behavior that would be seen as indecent or as disruptive to the peace and order within the Hotel or guest rooms.
(16) Please do not distribute advertising materials, sell goods, etc., to other guests within the Hotel or guest rooms without permission.
(17) Please do not place or hang items near windows that will detract from the appearance of the Hotel.
(18) Please do not have food or drinks delivered from outside the Hotel.
(19) Please do not operate the window locks and open the windows.
(20) Please watch your children closely.
(21) Use of the Hotel will be refused to anyone whose safety it is deemed, due to reasons such as mental or physical weakness or drug-related loss of self-cognizance, will be difficult to ensure or if there is a risk that the person will cause significant inconvenience to other guests.
(22) Please leave cash, valuables and other such items in the safe at the front desk. The Hotel may not be responsible for loss, theft, etc., in the rooms.
(23) Accommodation is not provided to minors unless specific permission is given by their guardian.
(24) Lost items will be handled in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of Accommodation.
(25) Please do not make public for commercial purposes any photos, videos, etc., taken within the Hotel, unless permission to do so has been given by the Hotel.
(26) Assault, injury, intimidation, blackmail, fraud, obstruction of business, coercive unreasonable demands and similar behavior is prohibited.
(27) In addition to the aforementioned, please do not engage in any behavior that the Hotel deems inappropriate.
マッサージ 内線 F ボタン
14:00 ~ 24:00 受付
飲物の販売は 1F、4F ベンダーコーナーをご利用ください
飲物、製氷機、コインランドリーは 4 階にございます飲食物は、1 階にございます。
午前 6:30 ~午前 10:00(オーダーストップ 午前 9:30)
午前 11:30 ~午後 2:30(オーダーストップ 午後 2:00)
午後 5:30 ~午後 10:00(オーダーストップ午後 9:00)
午後 2:00 ~午後 5:00
料亭 竹千代 本館
午前 11:30 ~午後 2:30(オーダーストップ 午後 2:00)
(平日)午後 5:30 ~午後 10:00(オーダーストップ午後 9:00)
(日・祝)午後 5:30 ~午後 9:00(オーダーストップ午後 8:00)
男性の方のみご利用いただけます。(予約不要)ご宿泊者料金 無料
午前 6:00 ~午前 10:00(最終入室午前 9:30 まで)午後 2:00 ~午後 11:30(最終入室午後 11:00 まで)
女性の方のみご利用いただけます。(予約制)ご宿泊者料金 1 泊につき 1 回無料
午前 6:00 ~午前 9:30(最終入室午前 8:00 まで)午後 2:00 ~午前 0:00(最終入室午後 10:30 まで)
Massage Ext. F button
Reception 14:00 - 24:00
Free to use.
Beverages can be purchased at the vending corner on 1F and 4F.
Vending Machines
Beverage, ice and coin laundry machines are on 4F. Food and beverage machines are on 1F.
6:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. (last order at 9:30 a.m.)
Dining Himeragi
● Lunch 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. (last order at 2:00 p.m.)
● Dinner 5:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. (last order at 9:00 p.m.)
● Tea time 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Ryoutei Takechiyo Honkan Restaurant
● Lunch
11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. (last order at 2:00 p.m.) (Open only on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays)
● Dinner
(Weekdays) 5:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. (last order at 9:00 p.m.) (Sundays, holidays) 5:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (last order at 8:00 p.m.)
Men’s Bath and Sauna
Open to men only. (No reservation required) Free for hotel guests
6:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. (no entry after 9:30 a.m.) 2:00 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. (no entry after 11:00 p.m.)
Women’s Bedrock Bath
Open to women only. (By reservation)
Free entry once per day of stay for hotel guests 6:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. (no entry after 8:00 a.m.) 2:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. (no entry after 10:30 p.m.)