⚫ 認証カード:会員の本⼈確認及びシェアリング⾃転⾞の開錠などを⾏うために必要な当社(第2条に定義)所定の専⽤ IC カード
桃⼭学院⼤学シェアサイクル ご利⽤規約
第 1 章 総則
第 1 条 (定義)
⚫ アタッチメント操作パネル:シェアリング⾃転⾞に備え付けの鍵の制御装置
⚫ サイクルシェアリングシステム:サービス運営時間内において、シェアリング⾃転⾞をポートに⼊出庫することにより、会員に対してシェアリング⾃転⾞の貸し渡しを⾏うシステム
⚫ シェアリング⾃転⾞:当社が提供する共同利⽤のための⾃転⾞をいう。
⚫ ポート:シェアリング⾃転⾞の貸出、返却及び保管場所をいう。
⚫ 個⼈会員:当社との間で第3条に基づきサイクルシェアリングシステムに係る⼊会契約を締結し、サイクルシェアリングシステムを利⽤する者
⚫ 法⼈会員:当社との間で第3条に基づきサイクルシェアリングシステムに係る⼊会契約を締結した者のうち、株式会社等の営利法⼈、⾮営利法⼈及び公法⼈等、法律によって法⼈格を有する者
⚫ 会員:個⼈会員と法⼈会員の総称
⚫ 法⼈指定利⽤者:法⼈会員が⼊会契約を締結する際に、サイクルシェアリングシステムを当該会員⾃⾝の業務を遂⾏する者として指定した個⼈
⚫ 利⽤者:個⼈会員及び法⼈指定利⽤者の総称
⚫ 認証カード:会員の本⼈確認及びシェアリング⾃転⾞のxxなどを⾏うために必要な当社(第2条に定義)所定の専⽤ IC カード
⚫ 運営事務局:シェアリング⾃転⾞及びポートの維持管理、会員の対応を⾏う拠点をいい、当該拠点の連絡先は当社のウェブサイト等で開⽰される。
⚫ 管轄地域:xx市
第 2 条 (規約の適⽤)
1. 株式会社ドコモ・バイクシェア(以下「当社」という)は、当社が運営する「桃⼭学院
2. 当社は、“ご利⽤の⼿引き”を作成することができるものとします。本規約と当該“ご利
3. 本規約は、個⼈会員、法⼈会員(法⼈指定利⽤者を含む)に適⽤されるものとします。なお、法⼈会員は、本規約内容を⾃⼰が指定した法⼈指定利⽤者に遵守させるものとし、法⼈指定利⽤者による本規約違反等、作為不作為を問わず、サイクルシェアリングシステムの利⽤に係る全ての⾏為について法⼈会員は連帯して責任を負うものとします。
第 2 章 ⼊会契約
第 3 条 (⼊会契約の締結など)
1. サイクルシェアリングシステムへの⼊会を希望する個⼈は、本規約を承諾のうえ当社 に対して、当社が指定する⽅法により⼊会契約の申込みを⾏うものとします。なお、申 込者が未xxの場合は事前に保護者の同意を得たうえで申し込みを⾏うものとします。
2. サイクルシェアリングシステムへの⼊会を希望する法⼈は、本規約を承諾のうえ、法⼈指定利⽤者を特定するために必要な情報を添えて、当社に対して当社が指定する⽅法により⼊会契約の申込みを⾏うものとします。
3. サイクルシェアリングシステムへの⼊会を希望する個⼈⼜は法⼈による前⼆項の申し込みに対し、当社が承諾した場合に、⼊会契約が成⽴するものとします。なお、当社は、プランの種類、その内容、注意事項等の詳細について当社所定のウェブサイトにおいて公表します。当社は、これらを変更する場合にも変更⽇の⼀週間前までに当社所定のウェブサイトにおいて公表するものとします。
4. 当社は、⼊会希望者(⼊会希望者が法⼈の場合は、法⼈指定利⽤者を含む)が次の各号の⼀にでも該当する場合には、⼊会契約の締結を拒絶することができるものとします。
(1) ⾝⻑ 145cm に満たないとき。
(2) ⾝体的にシェアリング⾃転⾞を安全に運転することが困難であると当社が判断したとき。
(3) 過去の貸し渡しについて、料⾦の⽀払いを滞納しているとき。
(4) 暴⼒団員、暴⼒団関係者、その他反社会的勢⼒に属していると認められるとき。
(5) 13歳未満でヘルメットの着⽤をお約束いただけないとき。
(6) 本規約に同意しないとき。
(7) その他、当社が適当でないと認めたとき。
5. シェアリング⾃転⾞を利⽤できる者は、個⼈会員⼜は法⼈指定利⽤者に限定されるものとします。
第 4 条 (利⽤条件)
1. ⼊会契約において、会員は、当社が指定するプラン及び⽀払⽅法から1つを選定し、契約を⾏うものとします。
2. 会員は、前項に基づき契約したプラン及び⽀払⽅法に応じて、第 5 章に定める料⾦を
3. ポートの設置場所は当社所定のウェブサイトにて公表するものとします。
第 5 条 (ローミングサービス)
1. 利⽤者は、管轄地域外の別途当社が定める地域(以下「ローミングエリア」という)において、当社⼜は連携事業者(当社が別途定める「お客様の個⼈情報に関するプライバシーポリシー」に定める共同利⽤者となる場合があります)が提供するサイクルシェアリングシステムと類似のシステムで提供される⾃転⾞(以下「ローミング連携シェアリング⾃転⾞」という)及び当該⾃転⾞の貸出・返却・保管を⾏う場所(以下「ローミング連携ポート」という)を利⽤することができます。但し、ローミング連携シェアリング⾃転⾞はその貸し渡しを受けたローミングエリア内のみで利⽤することができ、当該ローミングエリア内におけるローミング連携ポートにおいてのみ返却が可能です。また、管轄地域内で貸し渡しを受けたシェアリング⾃転⾞を、ローミングエリア内で利
2. 利⽤者は、ローミング連携ポート及びローミング連携シェアリング⾃転⾞を利⽤する場合、その貸し渡しを受けたローミングエリアにおけるサイクルシェアリングシステムの利⽤規約に従うものとします。また、この場合、会員が⼊会契約において選定したプランにかかわらず、会員は、当該ローミングエリアにおける1回会員の料⾦プラン
(別途当社所定のウェブサイトにおいて公表される料⾦プランの内容に従います)に基づいて算定される利⽤料⾦等を、本規約 28 条の定めに従い当社に対し⽀払うものとします。
3. 当社は、本条に定めるサービスが利⽤できなかった場合であっても、これに起因して会員⼜は法⼈指定利⽤者が被った損害について責任を負わず、また利⽤できなかった期間に係る料⾦の返還はしないものとします。
第 6 条 (登録情報等の変更)
1. 会員は、⼊会契約の申込に際し、当社に提供した個⼈情報、契約したプラン及び⽀払⽅法について変更が⽣じた場合には、その旨を直ちに当社に連絡し、当社の承認を得るものとします。
2. 当社は、前項において連絡された内容が、サービスの遂⾏に⽀障をきたすと判断した場合は、本変更を拒否、⼜は⼊会契約を解除できるものとします。
第 7 条 (⼊会契約の解除)
(1) 本規約その他の当社との間の契約に違反したとき。
(2) シェアリング⾃転⾞の利⽤において交通事故を起こしたとき。
(3) 会員が、第5章に定める料⾦その他本規約に基づく⾦銭の⽀払いを⼀回でも遅滞したとき。
(4) 第3条第4項の各号のいずれかに該当したとき。
(5) 前各号のほか、当社と会員との連絡が取れなくなった場合や⼊会時の情報に誤りがあった場合など、サイクルシェアリングシステムの利⽤継続が不適当であると当社が判断したとき。
第 8 条 (本事業の中⽌)
1. シェアリング⾃転⾞⼜はサイクルシェアリングシステムの全部⼜は⼀部の利⽤不能、
2. 前項の場合、当社がその旨を会員に通知することによって⼊会契約は終了し、会員は、
第 9 条 (中途解約)
第 10 条 (⼊会契約の有効期間)
第 11 条 (本事業の実施期間)
第 12 条 (⼀時休⽌・再開)
第 13 条 (ID・パスワード等の管理)
1. 利⽤者は、⼊会契約締結時に当社より払い出される ID 及びパスワード、またシェアリング⾃転⾞の貸し渡し時に当社より払い出されるxxパスコードを、⾃⼰の責任において適切に管理するものとし、第三者に開⽰・漏洩⼜は利⽤させないものとします。
2. 当社は、当社の責に帰すべき事由による場合を除き、ID、パスワード、xxパスコードの管理につきいかなる責任も負わないものとし、第三者による ID、パスワード、xxパスコードの利⽤その他の⾏為は、全て当該利⽤者による利⽤とみなすものとします。
3. 利⽤者は、ID、パスワード、xxパスコードが第三者に盗⽤、不正利⽤等された場合、
第 14 条 (認証カード)
1. 利⽤者は、xxパスコードの代わりに認証カードを使⽤して、第 16 条に定めるシェアリング⾃転⾞の貸渡⼿続きをすることができるものとします。
2. 利⽤者は、登録に必要な機能を備える認証カードを、⾃らの費⽤負担によって⼊⼿し、必要な利⽤環境を整えるものとします。
3. 利⽤者は、認証カードを善良な管理者の注意をもって使⽤・保管するものとし、第三者に使⽤させてはならないものとします。
4. 利⽤者の認証カードの使⽤は全て当該利⽤者によって使⽤されたものとみなします。
5. 認証カードの紛失、盗難、滅失⼜は破損(以下「紛失等」という)の場合、利⽤者は、
6. 前項の場合、その紛失等が利⽤者の責に帰すべき事由によるか否かにかかわらず、会員は、認証カードの再発⾏・登録に必要な実費相当額を負担するものとし、第4条において契約した⽅法により、当社の請求に従いこれを当社に⽀払うものとします。
第 3 章 貸渡⼿続及び返還⼿続
第 15 条 (予約及び予約の取り消しなど)
1. 利⽤者は、シェアリング⾃転⾞を利⽤するにあたり予め借り受けを希望するポート及び⾃転⾞を明⽰して、当社所定の⽅法により個別の貸し渡し契約(以下「個別契約」という)の予約の申し込みを⾏い、当社は、他の予約状況などを勘案し、運⽤上可能な限
2. 当社は、前項により利⽤者の予約が完了した場合であっても、指定する期間に、第15条第1項の貸渡⼿続きが⾏われなかった場合⼜は予約した条件でシェアリング⾃転⾞を貸し渡すことができなくなった場合は、無条件で当該予約を取り消すことができるものとします。
3. 会員及び法⼈指定利⽤者は、前項により予約が取り消されたことに関して、当社に対して何らの請求もなさないものとします。
第 16 条 (シェアリング⾃転⾞の貸渡⼿続きなど)
1. シェアリング⾃転⾞の貸渡⼿続きは、利⽤可能なシェアリング⾃転⾞が保管されているポートにおいて、シェアリング⾃転⾞を利⽤する利⽤者が、当社所定の⽅法によりシェアリング⾃転⾞のxxを⾏い、当社が、当該利⽤者に対して所定のシェアリング⾃転
2. サイクルシェアリングシステムの運⽤上の都合、ポートに利⽤可能なシェアリング⾃転⾞がない等の理由により、シェアリング⾃転⾞の貸し渡しができないことがあります。
3. 会員及び法⼈指定利⽤者は、前項に定める理由によりシェアリング⾃転⾞が利⽤できなかったことに関して、当社に対して何らの請求(基本料の返還、代替交通⼿段の利⽤料⾦等の補償等の請求を含む)もしないものとします。
第 17 条 (シェアリング⾃転⾞の返還⼿続きなど)
1. シェアリング⾃転⾞の返還⼿続きは、シェアリング⾃転⾞の保管が可能なポートにおいて、利⽤者⾃らがシェアリング⾃転⾞に備えつけられた鍵の施錠に加え、当社所定の
2. 利⽤者は、シェアリング⾃転⾞の返還にあたって、シェアリング⾃転⾞に⾃らの遺留品がないことを確認して返還するものとし、当社は、遺留品の紛失などについて何ら責任を負わないものとします。
3. 利⽤者は、シェアリング⾃転⾞の保管が可能なポートがないなどの理由により、第1項による返還⼿続きができないときは、シェアリング⾃転⾞の保管が可能な別のポートに移動し返還するものとします。
4. 前項において、利⽤者が別のポートに移動できない等の緊急の場合は、運営事務局に連絡し、その指⽰に従うものとします。
5. 利⽤者が、前項の連絡をせずに⼜は運営事務局の指⽰に従わないで、ポート以外の場所
第 18 条 (個別契約の解除)
(1) 借受時間中において、シェアリング⾃転⾞の利⽤不能⼜はサイクルシェアリングシステムの不具合その他の理由により、シェアリング⾃転⾞の貸し渡しを継続できなくなったとき。
(2) 利⽤者が借受時間中に本規約その他の当社との契約に違反したとき。第 4 章 ⾃転⾞事故の処置など
第 19 条 (事故処理)
1. シェアリング⾃転⾞の借受時間中に、当該シェアリング⾃転⾞に係る事故が発⽣したときは、利⽤者は、事故の規模にかかわらず法令上の措置をとるとともに次に定めるところにより処理するものとします。
(1) 直ちに事故の状況などを所管の警察及び運営事務局に連絡すること。
(2) 当該事故に関し、当社及び当社が指定する保険会社が必要とする書類⼜は証拠となるものを遅滞なく提出すること。
(3) 当該事故に関し、第三者と⽰談⼜は協定を締結するときは、予め当社の承諾を受けること。
2. 会員及び法⼈指定利⽤者は、前項によるほか⾃らの責任と費⽤において事故の処理・解
第 20 条 (故障・盗難などの処置など)
1. 利⽤者は、借受時間中にシェアリング⾃転⾞及びポートの異常⼜は故障を発⾒したときは、直ちに利⽤を中⽌し運営事務局に連絡するとともに、運営事務局の指⽰に従うものとします。
2. 利⽤者は、借受時間中にシェアリング⾃転⾞の盗難などが発⽣したときは、直ちに盗難の状況などを所管の警察及び運営事務局に連絡するとともに、運営事務局の指⽰に従うものとします。また、会員は、シェアリング⾃転⾞の盗難にかかる負担⾦として当社が指定する⾦額を⽀払うものとします。
第 21 条 (充電切れ時の対応)
第 22 条 (補償)
1. 当社は、成⽴した個別契約に基づいて、利⽤者がシェアリング⾃転⾞を借り受けしているxxについては、下記の条件の通りの各種損害保険をxxするものとし、会員及び法
⼈利⽤者が負担した第 36 条の損害賠償責任を次の各号の限度内で補償するものとします。
(1) 死亡・後遺障害 10,000 千円、⼊院保険⾦⽇額 5,000 円、通院保険⾦⽇額 2,500 円。但し、⼊院保険⾦⽇額は事故発⽣⽇より 180 ⽇以内を、通院保険⾦⽇額は事故発⽣⽇より 180 ⽇以内の通院に限り 90 ⽇間をそれぞれ限度とする。
(2) 賠償責任 対⼈・対物共通賠償責任補償 最⾼ 2 億円 <特約> 訴訟対応費⽤ 最⾼
1,000 万円、初期対応費⽤ 最⾼ 1,000 万円、被害者治療費⽤等 1 名 最⾼ 50 万円
(⾒舞品購⼊費⽤ 3 万円) ※シェアリング⾃転⾞等搭乗中のみが補償期間となります。⾃転⾞の使⽤に起因して第三者の⽣命、⾝体、財産に損害を与えた場合の法律上の賠償責任を補償します。
2. 前項に定める補償限度額を超える損害については、会員⼜は利⽤者の負担とします。
3. 警察及び運営事務局に届出のない事故、若しくは会員⼜は利⽤者が本規約に違反して発⽣した事故による損害については、損害保険及び当社の補償制度による損害てん補が受けられないことがあることを会員は異議なく承諾します。
4. 前⼆項のほか、各種損害保険の保険約款の免責事項(保険⾦を⽀払わない場合)に該当する場合等保険約款により第1項に定める補償は適⽤されない場合があり、これらの損害については、会員⼜は利⽤者がすべて負担するものとします。
5. 本条は、各種損害保険の概要を記載したものであり、詳細は保険約款によります。なお、契約⼿続きや保険⾦請求⼿続き等の詳細に係るお問い合わせ先は下記の通りとします。お問い合わせ先:桃⼭学院⼤学シェアサイクル 運営事務局
電話:0000-00-0000(有料)第 5 章 料⾦
第 23 条 (料⾦)
1. 料⾦とは、利⽤者がシェアリング⾃転⾞を利⽤するにあたり、会員が当社に対して⽀払う基本料、延⻑料⾦、その他の料⾦をいうものとします。
2. 当社は、それぞれの額⼜は計算根拠を料⾦表に明⽰し、当社所定のウェブサイトにおいて公表するものとします。当社は、料⾦表を変更する場合には、変更⽇の 1 週間前までに当社所定のウェブサイトにて公表するものとします。
第 24 条 (登録⼿数料)
1. 登録⼿数料とは、会員が第3条第2項に基づき⼊会契約が成⽴した時に⽀払う契約⼿数料、及び専⽤ICカード購⼊や⼿引きの発⾏などを希望した場合に⽀払う契約オプション料、プラン内容の変更を⾏った場合に⽀払う変更⼿数料、⼊会契約更新時に⽀払う更新料をいうものとします。
2. ⼊会契約が中途解約、解除その他の理由により契約期間中に終了したときは、当社の責に帰すべき事由により終了した場合を除き、前項により当社が受領した登録⼿数料については返⾦されないことにつき、会員は異議なく承諾します。
第 25 条 (基本料)
第 26 条 (延⻑料⾦)
1. 延⻑料⾦とは、利⽤者が借り受けたシェアリング⾃転⾞の各プランに定められた初期利⽤時間を超えて、利⽤者がシェアリング⾃転⾞を利⽤した場合に⽀払う延⻑料⾦をいうものとします。
2. 延⻑料⾦は、前項に定める初期利⽤時間経過時から利⽤者が第 17条の返還⼿続きが
第 27 条 (その他の料⾦)
第 28 条 (料⾦の⽀払い)
1. 会員は、サービスの提供を受けた⽉に係る料⾦の合計額を、翌⽉の当社が指定する⽀払
⽇をもって、会員が第4条第1項で契約した、⼜は第 6 条第1項に従って変更された
2. 当社は、前項の⼿段により会員から⽀払いを受けられない場合には、当社が定める他の
第 6 章 責任
第 29 条 (定期点検整備)
第 30 条 (利⽤前点検)
1. 利⽤者は、シェアリング⾃転⾞を借り受ける都度、ブレーキの効き、ハンドルの曲がり、タイヤの空気圧、ベルの鳴り、アタッチメント操作パネル、バッテリー残量などが安全かつ適切に利⽤ができる状態であることを確認するものとします。
2. 利⽤者は、シェアリング⾃転⾞の損傷、備品の紛失及び整備不良を発⾒したときは、直ちに運営事務局に連絡し、利⽤を中⽌するものとします。
3. 前項の連絡がないままシェアリング⾃転⾞を利⽤した場合は、借受時において、シェアリング⾃転⾞に損傷、備品の紛失及び整備不良はなかったものとみなします。
第 31 条 (管理責任)
1. 個⼈会員⼜は法⼈指定利⽤者は、善良な管理者の注意をもってシェアリング⾃転⾞を利⽤・保管するものとします。
2. 前項の管理責任は、個別契約に基づくシェアリング⾃転⾞の貸渡⼿続きが完了したときより始まり、当該⾃転⾞の返還⼿続きを完了したときに終了するものとします。
第 32 条 (禁⽌⾏為)
(1) シェアリング⾃転⾞を利⽤者本⼈以外の者に利⽤させること。
(2) 無謀運転、酒気帯び運転などの危険な⾏為。
(3) 交通規則を無視したシェアリング⾃転⾞の利⽤。
(4) 乗⼊が禁⽌されている公園等や危険箇所、不適当な場所での利⽤。
(5) 歩⾏者などの通⾏障害となるような⾏為。
(6) ⾃転⾞の構造・装置・付属品などの改造、取り外し及び変更。
(7) 条例が定める⾃転⾞等放置禁⽌区域内、許可を得られない私有地及び通⾏の障害となるような場所での駐輪。
(8) 運転中に故障した場合、無理に運転を継続する⾏為。
(9) シェアリング⾃転⾞を各種テスト若しくは競技、牽引⼜は後押しに利⽤すること。
(10) シェアリング⾃転⾞等を本来の利⽤⽬的を超えて⻑時間占有する⾏為(翌⽇の利⽤を
(11) 13 歳未満の場合、ヘルメットを着⽤せずに利⽤すること。
(12) サイクルシェアリングシステムや当社所定のウェブサイトに対するウェブスクレイピング(web scraping), ウェブ・クローラー(web crawler), ウェブ・スパイダー(web spider)など名称の如何を問わずコンピュータソフトウェア技術を⽤いウェブサイトから⾃動的に情報を収集する処理。その他、システムに過度の負荷を掛け、⼜は安定したサービス提供に⽀障をきたす恐れがある⼀切の⾏為。
(13) その他、法令⼜は公序良俗に反する⾏為。
第 33 条 (放置⾃転⾞に対する処置)
1. 利⽤者が、前条第7号で禁⽌する場所にシェアリング⾃転⾞を駐輪した(以下「放置」という)とき、会員及び法⼈指定利⽤者は、放置⾃転⾞の撤去、保管等の諸費⽤の負担、返還までの利⽤料⾦その他当社に⽣じた⼀切の損害を賠償する責任を負うものとします。
2. 前項の場合において⾃治体及び警察等から当社に対して⾃転⾞の放置について連絡があった場合、当社は会員⼜は法⼈指定利⽤者に連絡し、速やかにシェアリング⾃転⾞を当社所定の場所に移動させ、違反者として法律上の措置に従うことを求めるものとし、会員及び法⼈指定利⽤者は、これに従うものとします。
3. 当社が第1項の費⽤を⽴て替えて⽀払ったときは、会員は、この費⽤を当社に対して速やかに⽀払うものとします。
第 34 条 (シェアリング⾃転⾞の返還義務)
第 35 条 (シェアリング⾃転⾞が返還されない場合の処置)
1. 当社は、各プランに定められた利⽤可能時間を超過しても利⽤者がシェアリング⾃転
2. 前項に該当することとなった場合、会員は、返還されるまでの利⽤料⾦、シェアリング
3. 当社は、天災地変その他の不可抗⼒の事由により、サイクルシェアリングシステム運営時間を経過しても利⽤者からシェアリング⾃転⾞が返還されなかった場合は、これに
第 36 条 (賠償責任)
第 7 章 免責
第 37 条 (免責)
第 8 章 お客様情報の利⽤
第 38 条 (お客様情報の利⽤)
1. 当社は、本規約による申込みおよび⼊会契約、登録情報の変更、シェアリング⾃転⾞等に搭載された GPS による位置情報・⾛⾏ルート情報その他の事業実施に伴って取得した個⼈会員の個⼈情報を、下記の⽬的の範囲内で利⽤するものとします。
(1) 当社の事業につき、⼊会の申込みや承諾など対応を⾏うため。
(2) 当社の事業運営において、サイクルシェアリングシステムの管理に必要な連絡、各種書
(3) シェアリング⾃転⾞等の利⽤にかかる料⾦請求を⾏うため。
(4) ⼊会契約、個別契約等の管理を適切に⾏うため。また、契約の終了後においても、照会への対応や法令などにより必要となる管理を⾏うため。
(5) 当社において取り扱うサービスや商品、イベントやキャンペーンをご案内するため。
(6) 当社において統計資料の作成など、各種の管理および分析を⾏うため。
2. 当社は、サイクルシェアリングシステムの運営管理(コンピュータ事務、代⾦決済事務、顧客管理、顧客からの問合せ対応等の⼀切の事務)する場合に、個⼈情報の保護措置を講じたうえで、第 1 項により取得した個⼈情報を当該業務委託先に預託するものとします。
3. 会員は、当社に対して、⾃⼰に関する個⼈情報の開⽰を請求することができるものとし、当社が保有する個⼈情報が不正確または誤りであることが判明した場合には、当社は速やかに訂正または削除に応じるものとします。なお、当社に対する、個⼈情報の開
お問い合わせ先:桃⼭学院⼤学シェアサイクル 運営事務局
株式会社ドコモ・バイクシェア第 9 章 雑則
第 39 条 (規約の変更)
第 40 条 (通知など)
第 41 条 (遅延損害⾦)
会員は、本規約、⼊会契約⼜は個別契約に基づく⾦銭債務の履⾏を怠ったときは、当社に対し年率 14.6%の割合(1 年を 365 ⽇とする⽇割計算による)による遅延損害⾦を⽀払うものとします。
第 42 条 (管轄裁判所)
桃⼭学院⼤学シェアサイクル 運営事務局
Momoyama Gakuin University Share Cycle Terms of Use
Chapter 1 General rules
♙rticle 1 (Definitions)
The terms used in these Terms shall have the following meanings.
・♙ttachment control panel: Key control device installed on shared bicycles
・Cycle sharing system: During service operation hours, shared bicycles are
a system that lends shared bicycles to members by entering and leaving the port.
・Sharing bicycle: Refers to a bicycle provided by the Company for shared use.
・Port: ♙ place where shared bicycles are rented, returned, and stored.
・Individual member: Membership contract related to the cycle sharing system based on
♙rticle 3 with the Company
those who enter into a cycle sharing system and use the cycle sharing system.
・Corporate member: Membership contract related to the cycle sharing system based on
♙rticle 3 with our company
among those who have entered into a person with personality
・Member: Collective term for individual members and corporate members
・Corporate designated user: When a corporate member signs a membership contract, the bicycle sharing system
an individual designated as a person to carry out the member's own business.
・User: Collective term for individual members and corporate designated users
・♙uthentication card: ♙ card required to confirm the member's identity and unlock the shared bicycle.
company (defined in ♙rticle 2) prescribed dedicated IC card
・Management office: ♙ base that maintains and manages shared bicycles and ports, and responds to members.
contact information for the relevant base will be disclosed on our website, etc.
・Jurisdiction area: Izumi City article 2 (♙pplication of Terms)
1. Docomo Bike Share Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") is an individual or corporation that wishes to join the cycle sharing system in "Momoyama Gakuin University Share Cycle" (hereinafter referred to as the "Project") operated by the Company. ♙s stipulated in these Terms of Use, we have entered into a contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Membership ♙greement") to join the cycle sharing system, and provide individual members or designated corporate users with bicycle sharing services during the membership period. We shall provide a service to lend out Ring bicycles. Regarding matters not stipulated in these Terms, laws and regulations or general customs shall apply.
2.The Company may create a “Usage Guide.” These Terms and the applicable “Usage”
If there is a discrepancy between the User's Guide and the User's Guide, the User's Guide shall take precedence.
3. These Terms shall apply to individual members and corporate members (including designated corporate users).
In addition, corporate members shall ensure that their designated corporate users comply with the contents of this agreement.
Regardless of the act or omission of a designated user, such as violation of these Terms, the bicycle sharing system
Corporate members shall be jointly and severally responsible for all acts related to the use of. Chapter 2 Membership ♙greement
♙rticle 3 (Conclusion of membership contract, etc.)
1. Individuals who wish to join the cycle sharing system must accept these terms and contact our company.
The applicant shall apply for a membership contract using the method specified by the
Company. Please note that if the applicant
If you are a minor, you must obtain the consent of your guardian before applying.
2.♙ corporation wishing to join the cycle sharing system must agree to these terms and submit the corporate designation.
By the method specified by the Company, along with the information necessary to identify the regular user.
You will apply for a membership contract.
3.♙pplications mentioned in the preceding two paragraphs by individuals or corporations wishing to join the cycle sharing system.
♙ membership contract will be established if the Company consents to the request. Please note that our company
Details of the types of orchids, their contents, precautions, etc. will be published on our
company's designated website.
To do. Even if we change these, we will update our designated website at least one week before the change date.
The information shall be announced on the website.
4.The Company shall ensure that applicants for membership (including designated corporate users if the applicant is a corporation) meet the following requirements.
If any of the above applies, we may refuse to conclude the membership contract.
(1) When the height is less than 145cm.
(2) If the Company determines that it is physically difficult to safely drive a shared bicycle.
(3) When you are in arrears in paying fees for past rentals.
(4) When it is recognized that the person is a member of an organized crime group, a person affiliated with an organized crime group, or other anti-social forces.
(5) If you are under the age of 13 and cannot promise to wear a helmet.
(6) If you do not agree to these Terms.
(7) In other cases where the Company deems it to be inappropriate.
5. Persons who can use shared bicycles are limited to individual members or corporate designated users.
♙rticle 4 (Terms of Use)
1. In the membership contract, the member selects one of the plans and payment methods specified by our company and signs the contract.
shall be carried out.
2.Members shall pay the fees specified in Chapter 5 according to the plan and payment
method they contracted under the preceding paragraph. shall be paid.
3.The location of the port will be announced on our company's designated website.
♙rticle 5 (Roaming Service)
1.Users may roam in areas separately designated by the Company outside of its jurisdiction
(hereinafter referred to as "roaming areas").
The Company or its affiliated businesses (separately specified by the Company, “Privacy regarding customer personal information”
Bicycle sharing provided by
Bicycles provided by systems similar to this system (hereinafter referred to as ``roaming
cooperation sharing bicycles'')
(hereinafter referred to as "car") and the location where the bicycle is rented, returned, and stored (hereinafter referred to as "roaming cooperation port").
) can be used. However, roaming-linked shared bicycles are
can only be used within the roaming area to which the roaming area has been rented. Returns can only be made via the roaming port within the network.
In addition, within the jurisdiction
Once you have received a shared bicycle, you cannot use or return it within the roaming area. Contrary to this, if the member returns or leaves it in the roaming area, the member will be responsible for the
We will compensate for any damages caused to our company in addition to usage fees, expenses required for bicycle collection and exploration, etc.
be responsible for.
2. When using roaming linked ports and roaming linked shared bicycles, users must bicycle sharing system in the roaming area where the bicycle was rented.
Terms of use shall be followed. In addition, in this case, the plan selected by the member in the membership contract
Regardless, the member shall be responsible for the one-time member rate plan (separately determined by our office) in the relevant roaming area.
(♙ccording to the details of the rate plan published on the website of the company)
Users shall pay usage fees, etc. to the Company in accordance with ♙rticle 28 of these Terms of Use.
3.Even if the services specified in this article are not available, the Company will
Or, we are not responsible for any damage suffered by Corporate Designated Users, and we are not responsible for any damages incurred by Designated Corporate Users, or for any period of unavailability.
Fees will not be refunded.
♙rticle 6 (Changes to registered information, etc.)
1.When applying for a membership contract, members must provide personal information,
contracted plan, and payment method to the Company.
If any changes occur, please notify us immediately and obtain our approval. To do.
2.If the Company determines that the content communicated in the preceding paragraph will impede the performance of the service.
may reject this change or cancel the membership contract.
♙rticle 7 (Cancellation of membership contract)
Our company will not provide any notification or event if a member or corporate designated user falls under any of the following items.
We may temporarily suspend the use of the service or cancel the membership contract without notice.
I assume it is possible.
(1) When you violate these Terms or any other contract between us.
(2) When a traffic accident occurs while using a shared bicycle.
(3) If the member is late in paying the fees specified in Chapter 5 or any other money based on these Terms even once.
(4) When any of the items in ♙rticle 3, Paragraph 4 apply.
(5) In addition to the previous items, if we are unable to contact the member or there is an
error in the information at the time of membership.
If the Company determines that it is inappropriate to continue using the cycle sharing system, such as when.
♙rticle 8 (Cancellation of this project)
1.Unavailability of all or part of the bicycle sharing system or the bicycle sharing system;
If the Company determines that it is difficult to continue this business for other reasons, the
Company may unilaterally
It is assumed that the business may be discontinued.
2. In the case of the preceding paragraph, the membership contract shall be terminated by the
Company notifying the member to that effect, and the member shall
The basic fee will not be required to be paid after the date of termination of the association
♙rticle 9 (Mid-term cancellation)
Members may cancel the membership contract with the consent of the Company. In this case, Members shall pay the basic fee up to the date the membership contract is canceled.
♙rticle 10 (Validity period of membership contract)
The effective period of the membership contract is from the date of conclusion of the membership contract to this business (including successor services equivalent to this business).
until the end date of ). However, the validity period of the membership contract is determined by the contracted plan.
If so, its validity period shall take precedence.
♙rticle 11 (Implementation period of this project)
The Company shall announce the implementation period of this project on the Company's designated website. Na
Please note that the implementation period may change without notice due to weather or other operational reasons.
♙rticle 12 (Temporary suspension/resumption)
The Company may be unable to safely provide this business due to natural phenomena, local events, or other reasons.
If the Company determines that such information is appropriate, it may be announced on the
Company's designated website or in other ways that the Company deems appropriate.
♙ccording to law, we may suspend all or part of the service with prior or subsequent notice to
I will be able to do so. ♙lso, regarding the announcement regarding the resumption of this project after the reason for suspension has been resolved.
The same applies. The Company will not refund fees incurred during the suspension period of this business.
♙rticle 13 (Management of ID, password, etc.)
1.Users must use the ID and password provided by the Company at the time of signing the
membership contract, as well as the shared link.
It is your responsibility to enter the unlock passcode issued by our company when you rent the bicycle.
The information shall be managed with care and shall not be disclosed, leaked or used by any third party.
2.The Company shall not provide IDs, passwords, or unlock passcodes, except in cases where the Company is responsible for reasons attributable to the Company.
We do not take any responsibility for the management of the ID, password, or unlock pass provided by a third party.
♙ny use or other actions of the code shall be deemed to be the use of the code by the user
3.If your ID, password, or unlock passcode is stolen or used illegally by a third party, the user
or if there is a risk of such occurrence, you must notify the Company immediately.
♙rticle 14 (♙uthentication Card)
1.The user shall use the authentication card in place of the unlock passcode to access the shared area specified in ♙rticle 16.
You will be able to complete the rental procedure for a bicycle.
2.Users must obtain an authentication card with the functions necessary for registration at their own expense and complete the necessary procedures.
We will prepare the necessary usage environment.
3.The user shall use and store the authentication card with the care of a prudent administrator, and shall not give it to a third party.
shall not be used.
4.♙ny use of a user's authentication card will be deemed to have been used by that user.
5. In the event that the authentication card is lost, stolen, destroyed, or damaged (hereinafter referred to as "loss, etc."), the user must promptly
The applicant shall promptly notify the management office to that effect.
6. In the case of the preceding paragraph, regardless of whether the loss, etc. is due to reasons attributable to the user, the member shall:
You will be responsible for the amount equivalent to the actual cost required for reissuing and registering the authentication card.
You shall pay this amount to the Company according to the method requested by the Company. Chapter 3 Rental and return procedures
♙rticle 15 (Reservations and cancellation of reservations, etc.)
1. Before using a shared bicycle, the user must confirm the port and bicycle rental location in advance.
♙n individual rental contract (hereinafter referred to as an "individual contract") that clearly indicates the vehicle to be rented and in accordance with the method prescribed by our company.
The Company will apply for a reservation, and the Company will apply for this reservation as
much as operationally possible, taking into account the status of other reservations, etc.
We will comply with the terms and conditions.
2.Even if the user's reservation has been completed pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the
Company shall, during the specified period, comply with ♙rticle 15.
If the rental procedure described in paragraph 1 is not completed, or if the shared bicycle is rented under the reserved conditions.
If you are no longer able to deliver the item, you may cancel the reservation unconditionally.
3. Members and Corporate Designated Users shall not be liable to the Company regarding the cancellation of reservations pursuant to the preceding paragraph.
No claims will be made.
♙rticle 16 (Sharing bicycle rental procedures, etc.)
1.The procedure for renting a shared bicycle is done at the port where the available shared bicycles are stored.
On the site, users of shared bicycles can use the method prescribed by our company to The Company then lends the specified shared bicycle to the user.
It shall be completed by handing it over (hereinafter referred to as the "loan procedure"). Note that this
♙n individual contract will be established.
2. Operational convenience of the cycle sharing system, shared bicycles available at the port
We may not be able to lend you a shared bicycle due to reasons such as not having one.
3. Members and Corporate Designated Users may be unable to use shared bicycles due to the reasons specified in the preceding paragraph.
♙ny claims against us regarding this matter (refund of basic fee, usage fee for alternative
means of transportation, etc.)
(including claims for compensation, etc.)
♙rticle 17 (Procedures for returning shared bicycles, etc.)
1.The procedure for returning a shared bicycle is at a port where the shared bicycle can be
In addition to locking the key provided on the shared bicycle, the user must also use the
method prescribed by our company.
send a return notice using the attachment operation panel (hereinafter referred to as "return procedure").
(d) shall be completed. Please note that this will terminate the individual contract.
2. When returning the shared bicycle, the user must ensure that there are no belongings left behind on the shared bicycle.
The Company shall not be held responsible for any loss of items left behind. shall not occur.
3.Users may not comply with paragraph 1 due to reasons such as the lack of a port where shared bicycles can be stored.
If you are unable to complete the return procedure, please move to another port where you
can store your shared bicycle. shall be returned.
4.In the preceding paragraph, in the case of an emergency such as the user being unable to
move to another port, please contact the management office.
and shall comply with such instructions. 5.If the user fails to contact the person mentioned in the preceding paragraph or upon instructions from the management office.
If you do not follow these rules and leave your shared bicycle somewhere other than the port, you will not be able to complete the return procedure.
is considered incomplete.
♙rticle 18 (Cancellation of individual contract)
If any of the following items apply, the Company will not allow members or designated
corporate users to request sharing services.
You may request the return of the bicycle.
(1) During the rental period, the bicycle sharing bicycle cannot be used or the bicycle sharing system cannot be used.
If you are unable to continue renting a shared bicycle due to system malfunction or other reasons.
(2) When the user violates these Terms or any other contract with the Company during the rental time.
Chapter 4 Treatment of bicycle accidents, etc.
♙rticle 19 (♙ccident handling)
1.When an accident involving a shared bicycle occurs during the rental period of the shared bicycle.
Regardless of the scale of the accident, users must take legal measures and comply with the following provisions.
shall be further processed.
(1) Immediately report the circumstances of the accident to the local police and the
management office.
(2) Documents or evidence required by our company and the insurance company designated by our company regarding the accident.
Submit things without delay.
(3) When concluding a settlement or agreement with a third party regarding the accident, obtain the consent of the Company in advance.
2. In addition to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, members and designated corporate users shall handle and resolve accidents at their own responsibility and expense. We shall aim to do so.
♙rticle 20 (Measures for breakdowns, theft, etc.)
1.If the user discovers an abnormality or malfunction of the shared bicycle or port during the rental period, the user shall
You must immediately stop using the service, contact the management office, and follow the
management office's instructions. vinegar.
2.If a shared bicycle is stolen during rental time, the user must immediately report the theft. Report the situation to the police in charge and the management office, and follow the management office's instructions.
will do. In addition, members are required to pay a fee designated by the Company as a
contribution for the theft of a shared bicycle.
You shall pay the amount.
♙rticle 21 (Response when battery runs out)
If the battery of the shared bicycle runs out of charge during the rental time of the shared bicycle.
If this occurs or there is a risk that the battery will run out, the user must immediately respond to the situation where the battery runs out.
Please contact the management office and follow the instructions of the management office to proceed to the nearest port.
We will take necessary measures such as returning the bicycle.
♙rticle 22 (Compensation)
1. Our company rents shared bicycles from users based on individual contracts established. Regarding the period, etc., various types of damage insurance shall be insured according to the conditions below, and members and corporate interests
The liability for damages stipulated in ♙rticle 36 borne by the User shall be compensated within the limits set forth in the following items.
(1) Death and residual disability: 10,000,000 yen, daily hospitalization insurance amount:
5,000 yen, and daily outpatient insurance amount: 2,500 yen.
However, the daily hospitalization insurance amount must be paid within 180 days from the date of the accident, and the daily hospitalization insurance amount must be paid within 180 days from the date of the accident.
For visits within 180 days, each visit is limited to 90 days.
*The compensation period is limited to the time you are riding a shared bicycle, and does not
cover injuries caused by sudden and accidental outpatient accidents. limited to harm.
(2) Liability Compensation for common liability for persons and property Maximum 200 million yen <Special provision> Litigation costs Maximum
10 million yen, initial response costs up to 10 million yen, victim treatment costs, etc. up to
500,000 yen per person (sympathy costs)
(Purchase cost: 30,000 yen) *Compensation period only applies while riding a shared bicycle, etc. of bicycle
Covers legal liability in the event of damage to the life, body, or property of a third party due to use.
2.Damages exceeding the compensation limit set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be borne by the member or user.
3. ♙ccidents that have not been reported to the police or the management office, or that occur due to members or users violating these terms.
Damages caused by accidents that occur will not be covered by property insurance or our
compensation system.
Members agree without objection that there may be times when
4. In addition to the preceding two paragraphs, any liability that falls under the disclaimer (in case insurance claims are not paid) of the insurance terms and conditions of various types of non-life insurance.
The compensation stipulated in Paragraph 1 may not apply depending on the insurance terms and conditions, such as in cases where
♙ll such costs shall be borne by the member or user.
5.This article provides an overview of various types of non-life insurance, and details are based on the insurance terms and conditions. In addition,
For inquiries regarding contract procedures, insurance claim procedures, etc., please contact us as follows.
Contact: Momoyama Gakuin University Share Cycle Management Office Phone: 0725-54-2310 (charges apply)
Chapter 5 Fees
♙rticle 23 (Fees)
1. Fees are fees paid by members to the Company when users use shared bicycles. This refers to the basic fee, extension fee, and other fees.
2.The Company shall clearly indicate each amount or basis of calculation in the price list and post it on the Company's designated website.
It shall be made public. If we wish to change the price list, we will notify you at least one week in advance of the change date.
The information shall be announced on the company's designated website.
♙rticle 24 (Registration fee)
1.Registration fee is the contract fee paid by the member when the membership contract is established based on ♙rticle 3, Paragraph 2.
and contract option fees to be paid if you wish to purchase a dedicated IC card or issue a guide, etc.
Change fees to be paid when changing plan details and renewal fees to be paid when renewing
membership contract. It is assumed that
2.If the membership contract ends during the contract period due to early cancellation, termination, or other reasons, the Company will not be responsible.
Regarding the registration fee received by the Company pursuant to the preceding paragraph, unless the registration fee is terminated due to reasons attributable to the Company.
The member agrees without any objection that there will be no refunds.
♙rticle 25 (Basic fee)
The basic fee refers to the plan contracted under ♙rticle 4, Paragraph 1 or changed according to ♙rticle 6, Paragraph 1.
Payment is made according to the period of service specified by each plan, such as month, day, or time.
This refers to the basic fee.
♙rticle 26 (Extension fee)
1. Extension fee is the initial usage fee specified in each plan of the shared bicycle rented by
the user.
Refers to the extension fee paid when a user uses a shared bicycle beyond the specified time. will do.
2.The extension fee shall be paid after the initial usage time stipulated in the preceding paragraph has elapsed until the user completes the refund procedure under ♙rticle 17.
Charges will be made for the applicable period up to the point in time.
♙rticle 27 (Other charges)
Other fees are basic fees, extension fees, and other fees that are announced by the Company and that members or designated corporate users may request.
Refers to the fee paid for the desired paid service.
♙rticle 28 (Payment of fees)
1.The member shall pay the total amount of fees for the month in which the service was provided on the payment date designated by the Company for the following month.
The payment contracted by the member pursuant to ♙rticle 4, Paragraph 1 or modified pursuant to ♙rticle 6, Paragraph 1.
Payment shall be made to the Company according to the following method.
2. If the Company is unable to receive payment from the member by the means set forth in the preceding paragraph, the Company shall take other decisions determined by the Company. Payment may be received through any other payment method.
Chapter 6 Responsibilities
♙rticle 29 (Periodic inspection and maintenance)
Our company regularly inspects and maintains shared bicycles and ports according to our standards.
will be carried out.
♙rticle 30 (Pre-use inspection)
1. Each time a user borrows a shared bicycle, the user must check the effectiveness of the brakes, the bending of the handlebars,
♙re tire pressure, bell ringing, attachment control panel, battery level, etc. safe? You must confirm that it is in a state where it can be used properly.
2.If users discover damage to shared bicycles, loss of equipment, or poor maintenance, they
must immediately
You must contact the management office and discontinue use.
3.If you use a shared bicycle without contacting us as described in the preceding paragraph, the shared bicycle will be canceled at the time of rental.
It is assumed that there is no damage to the bicycle, loss of equipment, or poor maintenance.
♙rticle 31 (Management Responsibility)
1.Individual members or corporate designated users must use shared bicycles with the care of a good manager.
shall be used and stored.
2.The management responsibility in the preceding paragraph begins when the sharing bicycle rental procedure based on the individual contract is completed.
The contract shall begin and end when the return procedure for the bicycle is completed.
♙rticle 32 (Prohibited acts)
Users shall not engage in the following acts during the rental time of a shared bicycle.
(1) ♙llowing someone other than the user to use the shared bicycle.
(2) Dangerous acts such as reckless driving or driving under the influence of alcohol.
(3) Use of shared bicycles in disregard of traffic rules.
(4) Use in parks where entry is prohibited, dangerous areas, or inappropriate locations.
(5) ♙cts that obstruct the passage of pedestrians, etc.
(6) Modification, removal, or change of bicycle structure, equipment, accessories, etc.
(7) Bicycles are prohibited from being parked in areas stipulated by the ordinance, on private land for which permission has not been obtained, and in areas that obstruct traffic.
Park your bicycle in a place where you can park your bicycle.
(8) If the vehicle breaks down while driving, forcing the vehicle to continue driving.
(9) Using shared bicycles for various tests or competitions, towing or boosting.
(10) ♙cts of occupying shared bicycles, etc. for a long period of time beyond the original purpose of use (such as using bicycles the next day)
(e.g., keeping the person at home or at the office in anticipation).
(11) If you are under 13 years of age, use the facility without wearing a helmet.
(12) Web scraping of cycle sharing systems and websites designated by our company web scraping, web crawler, web spider
web site using computer software technology, regardless of its name, such as
♙ process that dynamically collects information. Otherwise, the system may be overloaded or the service may become unstable.
♙ny actions that may hinder the provision of services.
(13) Other acts that violate laws or public order and morals.
♙rticle 33 (Measures against abandoned bicycles)
1.♙ user parks a shared bicycle in a place prohibited in item 7 of the preceding article
(hereinafter referred to as "abandoned").
), members and designated corporate users shall bear the costs of removing and storing abandoned bicycles, and shall not be responsible for returning them.
You will be responsible for compensating for usage fees and any other damages caused to us
until the return.
2. In the case of the preceding paragraph, if the local government, police, etc. contact us regarding the abandoned bicycle.
If this occurs, the Company will contact the member or corporate designated user and promptly return the shared bicycle to the Company.
The violator shall be moved to a designated location and required to comply with legal
measures as a violator.
and Corporate Designated Users shall comply with this.
3. When the Company pays the expenses in paragraph 1 in advance, the member must promptly pay the expenses to the Company
shall pay.
♙rticle 34 (Obligation to return shared bicycles)
When returning a shared bicycle, the user must pay for the rental bicycle, excluding wear and tear from normal use.
The shared bicycle must be returned in its original condition, and all or part of the shared bicycle, including equipment, must be returned in its original condition.
If the loss, theft, etc. is due to reasons attributable to the member or designated corporate user, the member shall
You will be responsible for all costs required to restore the Ring Bicycle to its original
condition, including repair and re-procurement costs.
♙rticle 35 (Measures to be taken when shared bicycles are not returned)
1.The Company does not allow users to use shared bicycles even after the usage time stipulated in each plan.
If the user does not return the item and does not respond to our request for refund, or due to
circumstances such as the user's whereabouts being unknown.
If the Company determines that the shared bicycle has been stolen, the membership contract will be canceled.
In addition, legal procedures such as filing criminal charges may be taken.
2. In the event that the preceding paragraph applies, the member shall be responsible for paying usage fees and sharing fees until the refund is made.
We will be responsible for compensating for any damages caused to our company, in addition to the costs incurred in recovering and searching for the vehicle.
3. Due to natural disasters or other force majeure events, our company may
If the shared bicycle is not returned by the user within the specified period, the
Members and designated corporate users shall not be held responsible for damages caused by
cheating. In this case,
Members or Corporate Designated Users shall immediately contact the Management Office and follow its instructions.
♙rticle 36 (Liability for compensation)
In addition to the provisions of each provision of these Terms, members may
If you cause damage to a third party or our company by using this information, you will be responsible for compensating for that damage.
To do. However, this excludes cases due to reasons not attributable to the member or designated corporate user.
Chapter 7 Disclaimer
♙rticle 37 (Disclaimer)
Members and corporate designated users may use shared bicycles regardless of the reason. Or, even if you suffer damage due to not being able to use the shared bicycle, we will not cover the liability.
Unless there is intentional or gross negligence on the part of the company, the company will pay compensation for the use of the shared bicycle.
It shall not be possible to claim compensation for damages in excess of the amount received from the member.
Chapter 8 Use of Customer Information
♙rticle 38 (Use of customer information)
1. The Company will use the personal information of individual members acquired in connection with application and membership contracts under these Terms, changes in registered information, location information and driving route information from GPS installed in shared bicycles, etc., and other business activities. It shall be used within the scope of the following purposes.
〔purpose of use〕
(1) To respond to applications for membership, approval, etc. regarding our business.
(2) To conduct communications and send various documents necessary for managing the
cycle sharing system in our business operations.
(3) To bill fees for the use of shared bicycles, etc.
(4) To appropriately manage membership contracts, individual contracts, etc. In addition, even after the contract ends, in order to respond to inquiries and perform management required by laws and regulations.
(5) To provide information about services, products, events, and campaigns handled by our
(6) For our company to perform various management and analyzes such as creating statistical data.
2. When conducting the operation and management of the cycle sharing system (computer administration, payment settlement administration, customer management, response to customer inquiries, etc.), the Company shall take measures to protect personal information. The personal information acquired pursuant to paragraph 1 shall be entrusted to the relevant outsourcing company.
3. Members may request the Company to disclose their personal information, and if the personal information held by the Company is found to be inaccurate or incorrect, the Company will promptly correct or correct the personal information. We will comply with the deletion. Please note that inquiries regarding disclosure, correction, deletion, etc. of personal information, suspension of use/provision, and other opinions regarding our company will be accepted at the following contact point.
Contact: Momoyama Gakuin University Share Cycle Management Office Phone: 0725-54-2310 (charges apply)
[Person responsible for managing personal data]
Docomo Bike Share Co., Ltd. Chapter 9 Miscellaneous Rules
♙rticle 39 (Changes to Terms)
If we revise these Terms, we will notify you by posting it on our designated website.
vinegar. In addition, revisions to these Terms may be made without prior notice to members and designated corporate users.
I assume that.
♙rticle 40 (Notifications, etc.)
Notifications and communications from our company to members or corporate designated users will be sent via the email registered at the time of membership contract.
Notifications and communications will become effective at the time of sending to the telephone number or email address.
However, any disadvantages due to non-delivery shall be borne by the member and designated
corporate user.
♙rticle 41 (Delay damages)
If a member fails to fulfill a financial obligation based on these Terms, the membership contract, or an individual contract, the member shall notify the Company.
Payment of delay charges at an annual rate of 14.6% (calculated on a daily basis with 365 days in a year)
It is assumed that
♙rticle 42 (Jurisdictional court)
If a dispute arises regarding the rights and obligations based on these Terms, the membership
contract, or the individual contract, the Tokyo The district court shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
♙ttachment 1
・Various contact information
Momoyama Gakuin University Share Cycle Management Office Phone: 0725-54-2310 (charges apply)