English follows Japanese.
English follows Japanese.
キャリタス就活 利用約款
第 1 条(約款の適用)
第 2 条(基本用語の定義)
「キャリタス就活」:運営管理者が提供する事業者の就職活動を行う大学生・大学院生・短大生・高等専門学校生・専門学校生・大学校生および大学・大学院・短大・高等専門学校・専門学校・大学校を 3 年以内に卒業した方(就労経験のある方を含みます。)を対象とした採用活動および「オープン・カンパニー」(本条(2)の定義に従います)・「キャリア教育」(本条(3)の定義に従います)・「インターンシップ(汎用的能力型インターンシップ・専門活用型インターンシップ・高度専門型インターンシップ)」(本条(4)の定義に従います)の選考活動を支援するインターネットウェブサイト(「xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxx-xxxx.xx/」および日経HRが企画・運営する
「日経の注目ニュース&リサーチ」)、当該サイトに含まれる採用活動支援システム「キャリタス就活マネージャー」、「キャリタス UniCareer」等のオプションサービスの総称
キャリア教育:採用選考活動(広報活動・選考活動)とは一切関係ない、産学協働プログラムや、企業が CSRの一環として行う教育プログラム
汎用的能力型インターンシップ:学部 3 年から修士 2 年までが対象で、実施期間が 5 日間以上の就業体験プログラム
専門活用型インターンシップ:学部 3 年から修士 2 年までが対象で、実施期間が 2 週間以上の就業体験プログラム
高度専門型インターンシップ:修士・博士が対象で、実施期間が 2 カ月以上の高度な専門性を重視した就業体験プログラム
DM 送信システム:事業者が、「キャリタス就活」内で個別のメッセージ送信を行うことが可能なシステム
「キャリタス就活 インターフェイス」:事業者が「キャリタス就活」を利用する際に会社情報または採用情報・インターンシップ情報等の登録等の操作を行う「キャリタス就活マネージャー」
動画ストレージサービス:「キャリタス就活」をはじめとした WEB サイトへ動画を登録することが可能なシステ
「キャリタス就活 カスタマーサポート」:運営管理者が提供するサービスで、事業者からの「キャリタス就活」の操作方法その他「キャリタス就活」に関する問い合わせ、「キャリタス就活」以外のサービスに関する問い合わせの受付を行うコールセンター組織
「キャリタス就活 マニュアル」:「キャリタス就活 運営事務局」が事業者に提供する、事業者が「キャリタス就活」を適切に利用するための操作方法・注意事項等「キャリタス就活」利用上の諸規則・運用ルールの総称または当該運用ルールを記載した文書
会員:「キャリタス就活」を通じて事業者に「オープン・カンパニー」・「キャリア教育」・「インターンシップ」への応募、就職にかかる応募等を行う大学・大学院・短大・高等専門学校・専門学校・大学校に在学中の学生、就職活動を行う大学・大学院・短大・高等専門学校・専門学校・大学校に在学中の学生、および大学・大学院・短大・高等専門学校・専門学校・大学校を卒業した卒後 3 年以内の方(就労経験のある方を含む)をい
います。また、就職にかかる応募は、卒業・修了年度に入る直前の 3 月 1 日以降に限られます。
会員情報:「キャリタス就活」サイト内で登録された、会員に関連する個人情報をいいます。これには会員の氏名、連絡先、学歴、資格、志望業種/職種、プロフィール写真、自己 PR 文、就職活動に関わるその他の情報が含まれます。また、会員のサービス利用履歴や活動状況など、運営管理者が保持する会員のための追加情報も含まれるものとします。
キャリタス UniCareer: 学校向け求人情報配信・インターンシップ情報配信・メッセージ送受信を利用できるオンライン求人票配信システム
第 3 条(キャリタス就活の利用申込)
第 4 条(契約の成立)
第 5 条(「キャリタス就活」の利用)
第 6 条(「キャリタス就活」利用企業 ID・パスワード)
運営管理者は、本契約が成立した場合には、事業者に対し、「キャリタス就活」の利用にかかる ID・パスワード(以下「ID 等」といいます。)を発行するものとします。
事業者は、個人情報保護およびセキュリティ保持の必要上、ID 等について厳重な管理義務を負うものであり、第三者にID 等を譲渡または、貸与もしくは開示等してはならないものとします。但し、事業者が事務処理の必要性から ID 等を業務委託先に使用させる場合には、事業者の一切の責任においてこれを行うものとし、それにかかる事故等に関し、運営管理者は何らの責任も負わないものとします。
運営管理者または事業者の都合により ID 等を再発行する場合には、運営管理者は、情報セキュリティの観点から事業者にかかる認証を行うことができるものとします。なお、事業者は、ID 等の再発行にかかる事務処理は一定の時間を要し、運営管理者が即時の再発行には応じられないことを予め承諾します。
DM(フォローリクエスト・DM・オリジナル DM・スカウト)の配信設定代行
フォロワーおよび応募者データの検索・個人情報を除く一部情報の閲覧 なお、運営管理者は、「代行ユーザーアカウント」を善良なる管理者の注意義務をもって管理し、利用するものとします。
第 7 条(「キャリタス就活」への「オープン・カンパニー」・「キャリア教育」・「インターンシップ」の掲載)
掲載された会社情報等が掲載基準に反することまたは事実に反することが明らかになった場合には、運営管理者は、掲載されている会社情報等の掲載を中止し修正を求める権利を有します。この場合の当該会社情報等の掲載についても 3 項同様とします。
第 8 条(動画ストレージサービスのご利用にあたって)
運営管理者は、動画ストレージサービスの利用をいつでも任意の理由で中断することができるものとします。第 9 条(「キャリタス就活 カスタマーサポート」によるサービス)
運営管理者は、「キャリタス就活 カスタマーサポート」において、事業者のために事業者の「キャリタス就活」の操作方法、その他「キャリタス就活」に関する電話および E-mail による問い合わせ、「キャリタス就活」以外のサービスに関する電話および E-mail による問い合わせの受付を行うものとします。「キャリタス就活 カスタマーサポート」の受付時間は、運営管理者が別途定めるところに従います。
「キャリタス就活 カスタマーサポート」は、事業者からの問い合わせに対応するにあたり必要となる範囲で、事業者の原稿・メール内容、会員等の事業者に対する「オープン・カンパニー」・「キャリア教育」・「インターンシップ」、または就職にかかる応募等の状況、事業者と会員等の間でやり取りされたメッセージの存否・その内容、および事業者の各種設定状況等を確認することがあります。
第 10 条(会員情報および機密情報の目的外使用の禁止)
第 11 条(保守作業等による「キャリタス就活」の運営の一時的な停止)
第 12 条(インターフェイスの変更)
第 13 条(利用料)
事業者は、事業者が申し込んだサービスが利用可能な状態となった時点で、第 3 条に基づき事業者が提出した申込書に記載した金額を「キャリタス就活」利用料(以下「利用料」といいます。)として支払わなければならないものとし、事業者がその後サービスを利用の期間を短縮する等、申込内容を変更した場合であっても、利用料は、減額されないものとします。
事業者が「キャリタス UniCareer」のみを利用する場合は、利用料は無料とします。第 14 条(請求および支払い方法)
第 15 条(約款の変更)
運営管理者は、本約款について重要な変更を行う場合には、変更内容・条件等(以下「変更条件」といいます。)の適用開始日の 1 ヶ月以上前から適用開始日まで、変更条件を「キャリタス就活マネージャー」において掲載するものとします。
事業者は、変更条件を承諾しない場合には、当該変更条件の掲載日より 1 ヶ月以内に、書面にて運営管理者に対して通知しなければなりません。
運営管理者が前項の通知を受領した場合は、当該変更条件適用開始日の前日をもって本契約は終了するものとします。但し、第 13 条 2 項の規定に従い、事業者は利用料の全額について支払い義務を負うものとし、事業者が既に利用料を支払っている場合には、運営管理者は事業者に対し、利用料の返還義務を負わないものとします。
第 16 条(運営管理者の機密保持義務および個人情報の取り扱い)
運営管理者は、事業者の「キャリタス就活」の利用により、事業者が「キャリタス就活」インターフェイスに登録した会社情報等を機密として厳重かつ適正に取り扱うものとし、当該事業者の同意を得た場合を除き、第三者に開示または漏洩しないものとします。但し、運営管理者は会社情報等および個人情報(JIS Q 15001 の定義に従うものとし、以下「個人情報」といいます。)をもとに当該事業者および会員の個人を特定できない形式による統計データ等を作成し、当該統計データ等につき、何らの制限なく利用することができるものとします。
登録される企業担当者の個人情報(企業名、所属部署名、氏名、連絡先住所、電話番号、E-mail アドレス等) は、運営管理者の〈個人情報保護責任者〉xxxx(個人情報相談窓口 TEL :0000-00-0000 ( 受付時間: 月~ 金 10 : 00 ~ 12 : 00 / 13 : 00 ~ 17 : 00 ) 、E-mail :E-mail : privacy- xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxx-xxxx.xx.xx )が厳重に保管、管理します。また、下記の利用目的のみで使用し、予め本人の同意なく他の目的で利用することはありません。なお、企業担当者の個人情報のご登録は任意ですが、ご登録いただけない場合、「キャリタス就活」 のサービスが受けられない場合があります。
「キャリタス就活」掲載用原稿の内容および「キャリタス就活 DM」の配信用原稿等の内容に関する「キャリタス就活 運営事務局」からの問い合わせや連絡
DM 配信完了通知メール等、事業者が通知設定したメール配信
※ 登録情報は、「ご連絡先の設定」より随時、変更・追加ができます。また、新卒採用に関するメールマガジンの配信は「ご連絡先の設定」より随時停止することができます。なお、登録情報の開示、利用目的の通知、訂正、追加または削除および利用または提供の拒否等の問い合わせは以下にご連絡ください。
キャリタス就活 カスタマーサポート
受付時間:平日 9:00~17:30(運営管理者の指定休日を除く)電話:0000-000-000
第 17 条(個人情報データのインポートに関する取扱い)
2 事業者が非会員情報を削除した場合、運営管理者は当該非会員情報に関わる一切の情報について、履歴検証のためバックアップにて1年間保有し、翌年度末経過後、物理削除にて完全に消去します。
第 18 条(運営管理者の免責)
運営管理者は、前項にかかわらず、第 16 条の義務に違反し、個人情報の帰属主体(以下「本人」といいます。)に損害を与えた場合には、本人に対する責任を負うものとし、事業者が本人からの請求に応じて損害賠償をした場合、その賠償金相当額を事業者に対して支払うものとします。但し、事業者が本人からの損害賠償の請求を受けた後直ちに運営管理者に対してその旨通知し、運営管理者に対して紛争解決にあたる機会を与えなかった場合はこの限りではありません。
第 19 条(「期間限定型オプション企画」参画事業者に関する障害時の対応)
運営管理者は、下記に定める「期間限定型オプション企画」については、前条の規定にかかわらず、「キャリタス就活」サイト全体(サービス障害および個別障害はこれに含まれません。)に 48 時間以上、障害が発生し、サービスが提供できなかった場合、当該「期間限定型オプション企画」の利用できなかった期間を上限として、提供可能な日程から提供する場合があります。この場合、運営管理者は当該延長期間に対する追加利用料を請求しません。
・ウェルカムメッセージ 2.
第 20 条(権利義務譲渡の禁止)
第 21 条(禁止事項)
第 22 条(反社会的勢力の排除)
第 23 条(契約期間・解除)
本契約の有効期間は、契約の成立日より「キャリタス就活」のサービス期間終了日までとします。 2.
第 24 条(合意管轄)
第 25 条(存続条項)
本契約終了後も、第 10 条、第 13 条、第 16 条、第 18 条、第 24 条、第 26 条および本条は有効に存続するものとします。
第 26 条(協議解決)
附則:2024 年 4 月 1 日改訂
These Terms may be translated into the English language for the sake of convenience; however, the original of these Terms will be the Japanese language version.
Career-tasu shukatsu Terms of Use
Business operators that use the "Career-tasu shukatsu" must agree to the following terms of use with Career-tasu, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Management Company"), which plans and manages the "Career-tasu shukatsu".
Article 1 (Application of Terms of Use)
The terms of use of the "Career-tasu shukatsu" (hereinafter referred to as these "Terms of Use") apply to business operators (hereinafter referred to as the " Business Operator(s)") who, for the use of the "Career-tasu shukatsu" (as defined in the following Article) planned and operated by the Management Company, agree to these Terms of Use as an agreement on the "Career-tasu shukatsu" services and have executed such agreement with the Management Company (hereinafter referred to as this "Agreement").
2. The Management Company shall provide the "Career-tasu shukatsu" services to the Business Operators in accordance with these Terms of Use, and the Business Operators shall faithfully perform the duties stipulated in these Terms of Use.
Article 2 (Definition of Basic Terms)
Basic terms used in these Terms of Use are defined as follows:
(i) "Career-tasu shukatsu": The term generally referring to the internet websites offered by the Management Company which support the recruitment activities of the Business Operators targeting university students, graduate students, junior college students, technical college students and vocational college students and those who are within three years of graduation from a university, graduate school, junior college, technical college or vocational college (including those with work experience) who are seeking employment, and the selection process for "Open Company" (as defined in (ii) of this Article), "Career Education" (as defined in (iii) of this Article) and "Internship (Internship for General Ability, Internship for Specialization and Highly Specialized Internship)" (as defined in
(iv) of this Article) ("xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxx-xxxx.xx/" and a news site planned and operated by Nikkei HR "Nikkei's Noteworthy News & Research") and other optional services contained in such websites such as "Career-tasu shukatsu Manager" and "Career-tasu UniCareer" which are recruitment activities support system.
(ii) Open Company: Programs such as information sessions and events held by industries and companies that have nothing to do with recruitment and selection activities (public relations and selection activities).
(iii) Career Education: Programs conducted in collaboration between industry and academia or educational programs conducted by companies as part of their CSR activities, both of which have nothing to do with recruitment and selection activities (public relations and selection activities).
(iv) Internship (Internship for General Ability, Internship for Specialization and Highly Specialized Internship): Programs that involve work experience and under which the companies are allowed to use acquired student information after the start of recruitment activities (public relations and selection activities).
The definitions of each internship type are as follows:
- Internship for General Ability: A work experience program for 3rd year undergraduates to 2nd year master's students with a duration of five days or longer.
- Internship for Specialization: A work experience program for 3rd year undergraduates to 2nd year master's students with a duration of two weeks or longer.
- Highly Specialized Internship: A work experience program for master's and doctoral students that focuses on highly specialized work with a duration of two months or longer.
(v) Career-tasu shukatsu Manager: A recruiting operation support system dedicated to the Career-tasu shukatsu to support the recruiting operations, which enables the Business Operators to submit their manuscripts and facilitate centralized management of and retrieval of information on applicants and followers, various types of reception, messages sent to and received from members, progress status of individual members, manually input data, etc. by accessing the database server of the Management Company via the Internet from the Business Operators' own personal computers.
(vi) DM sending system: A system that enables Business Operators to send individual messages within the "Career-tasu shukatsu.
(vii) Scout function: A function that allows Business Operators to send individual messages to members after viewing their public profile information.
(viii) "Career-tasu shukatsu Interface": "Career-tasu shukatsu Manager" through which the Business Operators register their company information, recruitment information or internship information when using the "Career-tasu shukatsu".
(ix) Video storage service: A system that allows users to register videos on websites such as "Career-tasu shukatsu".
(x) "Career-tasu shukatsu Customer Support": A service provided by the Management Company, under which a call center organization will handle inquiries from Business Operators regarding Career-tasu shukatsu, including how to use Career-tasu shukatsu, as well as inquiries regarding services other than Career-tasu shukatsu.
(xi) "Career-tasu shukatsu Manual": The term generally referring to various rules and operating rules for the use of Career-tasu shukatsu, including instructions and
precautions for the proper use of Career-tasu shukatsu by Business Operators, or a document describing such operating rules, as provided by the Career-tasu shukatsu Operating Office to Business Operators.
(xii) Service period: The service period shall be the period specified in the quotation and the application confirmation form. However, the Management Company may arbitrarily change the end date depending on the status of activities of the Business Operator.
(xiii) Members: Students currently enrolled in a university, graduate school, junior college, technical college or vocational college who apply to Business Operators for "Open Company," "Career Education" or "Internship" programs or for employment through the "Career-tasu shukatsu"; and students currently enrolled in a university, graduate school, junior college, technical college or vocational college and graduates of universities, graduate schools, junior colleges, technical colleges and vocational colleges within three years of graduation (including those with work experience) who are seeking employment. Applications for employment may be submitted only after March 1 immediately preceding the start of the year of graduation/completion.
(xiv) Member information: Personal information related to a member that is registered within the "Career-tasu shukatsu" website. This includes the member's name, contact information, educational background, qualifications, desired industry/occupation, profile photo, personal PR statement and other information related to job hunting activities. It shall also include any additional information originally retained by the Management Company for the member, such as the member's service usage history and activity status.
(xv) Applicant data: Personal data provided to a Business Operator through the "Career-tasu shukatsu Manager" used by such Business Operator when a member submits applications(*) to the Business Operator through "Career-tasu shukatsu". The term refers to personal information such as name, address, school information and telephone number, mainly used for the purpose of contacting the member during the selection process.
* "Submit applications" herein means that a member allows its member information to be provided to a Business Operator through the "Career-tasu shukatsu Manager" at the member's own will in the process of using the "Internship," "selection for employment" and other similar services provided within the "Career-tasu shukatsu".
(xvi) Career-tasu UniCareer: Online job posting distribution system that enables use of job posting distribution, internship information distribution, and message sending/receiving function for schools.
Article 3 (Application for Use of Career-tasu shukatsu)
When applying for use of the "Career-tasu shukatsu", the Business Operator shall understand and accept the structure of the "Career-tasu shukatsu" and the services provided by the "Career-tasu shukatsu", and shall apply using the prescribed application form.
Article 4 (Conclusion of Agreement)
When an application for use of the "Career-tasu shukatsu" is submitted by a Business Operator as described in the preceding Article, and such Business Operator is determined to be eligible based on a screening process in accordance with the Management Company's transaction standards, this Agreement shall be deemed concluded between the Business Operator and the Management Company when the Management Company's notice of its intent to accept the application reaches the Business Operator. However, the Business Operator may use "Career-tasu shukatsu" only when the Business Operator understands and agrees to the contents of this Agreement. The Business Operator shall be deemed to agree to these Terms of Use when the Business Operator first logs in the "Career-tasu shukatsu Manager" and clicks the "Agree to these Terms of Use" button on the screen or when the application confirmation form issued by the Management Company is submitted, whichever occurs first.
Article 5 (Use of Career-tasu shukatsu)
In using the "Career-tasu shukatsu," the Business Operator shall comply with the provisions stipulated in these Terms of Use and the "Career-tasu shukatsu Manual." The Management Company may modify the "Career-tasu shukatsu Manual" as appropriate at its own discretion.
2. Upon use of the "Career-tasu shukatsu" by any Business Operator, the Management Company shall present to the Business Operator in advance the "Career-tasu shukatsu Manual" and any other materials that the Management Company deems necessary to provide details on the functions and services of Career-tasu shukatsu and how to use them.
Article 6 (Company ID and Password for "Career-tasu shukatsu")
Upon conclusion of this Agreement, the Management Company shall issue to the Business Operator an ID and password (hereinafter referred to as "ID, etc.") for use of the "Career- tasu shukatsu".
2. The Business Operator is obligated to strictly manage its IDs, etc. for the protection of personal information and for maintaining security, and shall not transfer, lend, or disclose IDs, etc. to third parties. However, in the event that the Business Operator causes its outsourcing contractor to use its ID, etc. for the purpose of processing business, the Business Operator shall do so at its own risk, and the Management Company shall not be responsible or liable for any accidents resulting from such use.
3. When reissuing IDs, etc. for the convenience of the Management Company or the Business Operator, the Management Company may conduct authentication of the Business Operator from the viewpoint of information security. The Business Operator agrees in advance that
the paperwork for the reissuance of IDs, etc. will take a certain amount of time, and therefore the Management Company will not be able to immediately reissue IDs, etc.
4. When a Business Operator requests the following operations of the "Career-tasu shukatsu" to the Management Company, the Business Operator agrees in advance to the Management Company's use of the "Substitute User Account". The "Substitute User Account" is restricted in its functions from the outset and is not allowed to perform any operations other than those listed below.
· Setup and update of Career-tasu shukatsu basic screen drafts
· Setup and update of Career-tasu shukatsu optional functions (original screens and other functions available according to the contract)
· Setup and update of reception screens (entry, interns, meetings, entry sheets)
· DM (follower requests, DMs, original DMs, scouts) distribution setup on behalf of the Business Operator
· Retrieval of follower and applicant data and viewing of some information excluding personal information
The Management Company shall manage and use the "Substitute User Account" with the duty of care of a good manager.
Article 7 (Posting of "Open Company," "Career Education," "Internship" Information on "Career- tasu shukatsu")
If the Business Operator registers its company information and other information for "Open Company," "Career Education," "Internship" or other recruitment information (hereinafter referred to as "company information, etc.") on "Career-tasu shukatsu Manager" directly from the Business Operator's own terminal, etc. and passes the screening by the Management Company, the Business Operator may post such information on the "Career-tasu shukatsu" website. In this case, the Business Operator shall register its company information, etc. as appropriate at its own risk and on its own judgment, in compliance with the posting standards established by the Management Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Posting Standards").
2. When the Business Operator registers its company information, etc., the Management Company may review whether or not the content of the company information, etc. concerned conforms to the Posting Standards. The Business Operator agrees in advance that in the event of a large volume of screening work to be processed, it may not be possible for the Management Company to process the screening by the date and time requested in advance by the Business Operator, although the Management Company shall process the work as promptly as possible. If the Management Company determines that the content of the registered company information, etc. meets the Posting Standards, such company information, etc. will be posted on or before the posting date and time requested in advance
by the Business Operator or promptly after the screening process is completed.
3. In the event that the Business Operator's registered company information, etc. is deemed by the Management Company to be in violation of the Posting Standards or contrary to fact, the Management Company reserves the right to suspend the posting of the registered company information, etc. and request that it be revised. In such a case, if the Business Operator wishes to post the company information, etc., the Business Operator shall correct the information to meet the Posting Standards and re-register the company information etc. The Management Company shall not be held responsible or liable in any way in the event that the Business Operator is unable to post the information on or before the date and time requested in advance.
4. In the event of any changes to the company information, etc. posted in accordance with this Article, the Business Operator shall immediately reflect such changes in the posted information.
5. In the event that it becomes clear that the posted company information, etc. is in violation of the Posting Standards or is contrary to the facts, the Management Company reserves the right to discontinue the posting of the posted company information, etc., and request that it be revised. In such a case, the same shall apply to the posting of the company information, etc. as described in paragraph 3.
6. All copyrights related to the "Career-tasu shukatsu" shall be vested in the Management Company. However, this does not apply to manuscripts, photographs, etc. created by the Business Operators or third parties designated by the Business Operators to create the same on their behalf.
7. The Business Operator acknowledges in advance that the Management Company may reproduce the Business Operator's company information, etc. on "Career-tasu shukatsu,” and post it on websites other than "Career-tasu shukatsu" or in various media for the purpose of diversifying the sources of information, etc., and that a third party may publish the Business Operator's company information, etc. on "Career-tasu shukatsu" and post it on the website of such third party.
8. The Business Operator acknowledges in advance that the Management Company may supplement the company information, etc. on "Career-tasu shukatsu" with, and link such information with, any objective information based on public information for the purpose of providing multifaceted information to members.
Article 8 (Use of Video Storage Service)
In using the video storage service, Business Operators shall not post or publish photos, comments, videos, etc. that contain the following expressions or content. In the event that the Management Company determines that any of the following items are applicable, the Business Operator agrees in advance that the Management Company may, at its discretion,
delete all or part of the posted photos, comments, videos, etc. without prior or subsequent notice to the Business Operator concerned.
· Registering or posting false information
· Acts of reproduction, sale, publication, or any other use of information from the Management Company that exceeds the scope of private use
· Conducting information dissemination activities for profit
· Acts that infringe on the intellectual property rights, portrait rights, publicity rights, or other legitimate rights of a third party or the Management Company
· Any act that infringes on the property, credit, reputation, or privacy of a third party, or any criminal act or any act that offends public order and morals
· Disclosing personally identifiable information of a third party
· Acts that cause disadvantage or damage to third parties
· Slander against third parties
· Election campaigning or similar activities and activities in violation of the Public Offices Election Law
· Acts for the purpose of sales or advertising, etc.
· Delivery of money or exchange of goods
· Deception or impersonation of a third party or the name of the Management Company.
· Acts that the Management Company deems to have a negative impact on minors
· Linking to sites with age restrictions or illegal or harmful sites
· Expressions that lead to discrimination based on ethnicity, race, gender, age, etc.
· Posting of obscenity, violence, or other generally offensive acts or expressions, and posting of expressions that glorify, induce, or encourage such acts.
· Spam postings, spam messages, and other activities deemed by the Management Company as spam
· Acts that interfere with the operation of "Career-tasu shukatsu" or damage the credibility of the Management Company, or any act having the potential to do so.
· Forwarding the email newsletter distributed by "Career-tasu shukatsu" to an email address other than your own.
· Violation of laws and regulations and these Terms of Use
· Other acts that the Management Company deems inappropriate.
2. If a Business Operator repeatedly posts or publishes photos, comments, videos, etc. that fall under any of the items of the preceding paragraph in using the video storage service, the Management Company may, at its discretion, refuse to allow the Business Operator to use the service.
3. The Management Company shall not be responsible or liable for any damage (e.g., violation of laws and regulations, infringement of copyrights or other rights) caused by the content of postings in the use of the video storage service.
4. The Management Company may suspend the use of the video storage service at any time and for any reason.
Article 9 (Services Provided by “Career-tasu shukatsu Customer Support”)
With the "Career-tasu shukatsu Customer Support", the Management Company shall accept telephone and e-mail inquiries from the Business Operators regarding the instructions for use of "Career-tasu shukatsu" and other matters related to "Career-tasu shukatsu" services for Business Operators, as well as telephone and e-mail inquiries regarding services other than "Career-tasu shukatsu" services. The reception hours of the Career-tasu shukatsu Customer Support shall be as separately determined by the Management Company.
2. Career-tasu shukatsu Customer Support may, to the extent necessary to respond to inquiries from Business Operators, check the contents of the Business Operators' manuscripts and e- mails, the members' status regarding the application to the Business Operators for the "Open Company," "Career Education" or "Internship" programs or for employment, the existence or non-existence of messages exchanged between Business Operators and members, and the status of various settings for the Business Operators.
Article 10 (Prohibition of Use of Member Information and Confidential Information for Other Purposes)
The Business Operator shall use the application details provided by members to the Business Operator through "Career-tasu shukatsu (including follow-up to the Business Operator), information obtained by the Business Operator through the use of the scout function and any other member information including personal information (hereinafter collectively referred to as "member information") only for the selection activities of “Open Company,” “Career Education” and “Internship” programs or for employment, and for providing information for career development during the service period of “Career-tasu shukatsu” and, after the “Career-tasu shukatsu” service period, only for the purpose of carrying out selection activities of “Open Company,” “Career Education” and “Internship” programs and the recruitment activities, and shall not use such information for any other purposes (regardless of whether or not they are for commercial purposes). However, this shall not apply in cases where the consent of the member has been obtained.
2. The Business Operator shall handle the application information strictly and appropriately as confidential and shall not disclose or leak it to any third party, except with the consent of the applicant.
3. In the event that a lawsuit or other claim is brought against the Management Company by a third party in connection with the Business Operator's use and management of member information, the Business Operator agrees to settle such claim or lawsuit at its own risk and expense, and agrees that the Management Company shall not be held liable for any such
claim or lawsuit.
4. Business Operators shall not disclose or divulge to third parties or use for their own benefit any information of the Management Company that is obtained through the use of "Career- tasu shukatsu" and not made available to the general public (including information, mechanisms, know-how, program sources related to the "Career-tasu shukatsu " and email newsletters distributed as a service for the Business Operators in relation to "Career-tasu shukatsu").
5. In the event that the Business Operator outsources certain services utilizing the "Career- tasu shukatsu" to a third party, the Business Operator shall impose the same obligations as those in this clause upon such third party. However, this does not relieve the Business Operator of its responsibility and liability hereunder.
Article 11 (Temporary Suspension of Career-tasu shukatsu Operation Due to Maintenance Work, etc.)
In the event that any of the following items applies, the Management Company may temporarily suspend the operation of "Career-tasu shukatsu" without prior notice to or consent from the Business Operator, and the Business Operator agrees to this in advance.
(1) When performing maintenance of the server for "Career-tasu shukatsu", changing the specifications of "Career-tasu shukatsu", or repairing system defects, etc.
(2) If the operation of Career-tasu shukatsu becomes difficult or impossible due to any actual or predicted occurrence of natural disaster or other emergency or an amendment or enactment of laws and regulations, etc.
(3) In addition to the above items, if the Management Company deems it necessary to temporarily suspend the operation of "Career-tasu shukatsu" for unavoidable reasons.
2. Even if there is a delay in reflecting company information, etc. registered by a Business Operator on "Career-tasu shukatsu" or a delay in receiving application information from members due to the temporary suspension of the operation of "Career-tasu shukatsu" as stipulated in the preceding paragraph, the Management Company shall bear no liability whatsoever.
Article 12 (Change of Interface)
The Business Operator acknowledges and agrees in advance that the Management Company may change the interface of the Career-tasu shukatsu without prior notice to the Business Operator due to changes in the system environment surrounding Career-tasu shukatsu, repair of defects in the Career-tasu shukatsu system, inconvenience in the use of Career-tasu shukatsu, or requests from numerous Business Operators, students, etc. and that, as a result of such changes, the interface after the changes may differ from the current "proposals," "brochures," or "Career-tasu shukatsu Manual" or the display, etc. within the "proposals,"
"brochures," or "Career-tasu shukatsu Manual."
Article 13 (Usage Fees)
The Business Operator must pay the "Career-tasu shukatsu" usage fee (hereinafter referred to as the "Usage Fee") in the amount specified in the application form submitted by the Business Operator in accordance with Article 3 when the service applied for by the Business Operator becomes available for use. Even if the Business Operator subsequently changes the details of the application, such as shortening the period of use of the service, the Usage Fee shall not be reduced.
2. The Business Operator shall be obligated to pay the Usage Fee even in the event of termination of this Agreement in the middle of the service period (except in cases where the termination is due to reasons attributable to the Management Company). If the Usage Fee has already been paid by the Business Operator to the Management Company, the Management Company shall not be obligated to refund the Usage Fee to the Business Operator.
3. If a Business Operator uses only Career-tasu UniCareer, there shall be no usage fee.
Article 14 (Billing and Payment Methods)
The Management Company shall send the Business Operator an invoice for the Usage Fee (hereinafter referred to as the "Invoice") promptly after the "Career-tasu shukatsu" is made available to the Business Operator.
2. Upon receipt of an invoice in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the Business Operator shall pay the Usage Fee on or before the payment due date specified on the invoice, by wire transfer to an account at a financial institution designated by the Management Company, or by cash, bill or the like. The bank charge for such payment shall be borne by the Business Operator.
Article 15 (Revision of Terms of Use)
The Operation Manager may, at its discretion, revise these Terms of Use in the following cases:
(1) When the revision of these Terms of Use is compatible with the general interest of the Business Operators.
(2) When the revision of these Terms of Use is not contrary to the purpose of this Agreement and is reasonable in light of the necessity of the revision, the reasonableness of the content after the revision, the details of the revision, and other circumstances pertaining to the revision. If the Management Company revises and makes significant changes to these Terms of Use, the Management Company shall post the details of the revision and the revised terms (hereinafter referred to as the "Revised Terms") on the "Career-tasu shukatsu Manager" from
at least one month prior to the date of application of the Revised Terms until the date of application thereof.
2. If the Business Operator does not accept the Revised Terms, the Business Operator must notify the Management Company in writing within one month from the date of posting of such Revised Terms.
3. In the event that the Management Company receives the notice in the preceding paragraph, this Agreement shall terminate as of the day before the date of e application of the Revised Terms. However, in accordance with the provisions of Article 13, paragraph 2, the Business Operator shall be liable for the payment of the Usage Fee in full, and if the Business Operator has already paid the Usage Fee, the Management Company shall not be obligated to refund the Usage Fee to the Business Operator.
4. When a Business Operator uses the "Career-tasu shukatsu" service after the date of application of the Revised Terms, the Business Operator shall be deemed to have agreed to the revision of the Terms of Use.
Article 16 (Confidentiality Obligation of Management Company and Handling of Personal Information)
The Management Company shall handle company information, etc. registered on the "Career-tasu shukatsu" interface by the Business Operator in the course of its use of the "Career-tasu shukatsu" strictly and appropriately as confidential, and shall not disclose or leak such information to any third party, except with the consent of the Business Operators in question. However, the Management Company shall not disclose or leak company information, etc. to any third party without the consent of the Business Operator concerned. However, the Management Company may create statistical data, etc., based on company information, etc. and personal information (as defined in JIS Q 15001; hereinafter referred to as “personal information”) in a format that does not identify the Business Operators and the individuals who are the members, and may use such statistical data, etc. without any restrictions.
2. The Business Operator agrees in advance that any information about the Business Operator obtained by the Management Company and the agents designated by the Management Company in relation to the Business Operator's use of Career-tasu shukatsu (including, but not limited to, log information of the Career-tasu shukatsu, usage results including effectiveness information, usage details, contact information, etc.) may be shared among them and used by them for the purpose of proposing various services provided by the Management Company to Business Operators and for other marketing purposes.
3. When a member applies to a Business Operator using the "Career-tasu shukatsu" functions provided to Business Operators and members, such as the reception function in the "Career- tasu shukatsu", the Management Company will provide the Business Operator with personal
information (name, address, school name, telephone number, etc.) from the member information registered with "Career-tasu shukatsu" as applicant data. If the member updates his/her member information after applying for the job, the applicant data reflecting the updated information will also be provided to the Business Operator.
4. When entrusted with the management of personal information by a Business Operator, the Management Company shall maintain such personal information as confidential and shall not copy, destroy, falsify, disclose or leak such personal information to a third party, or use such information for purposes other than those for which such information was initially disclosed, without the prior written consent of the Business Operator.
5. Personal information registered regarding the representative of the Business Operator (company name, department, name, contact address, telephone number, e-mail address, etc.) will be strictly stored and managed by the Management Company, through Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, the Personal Information Management Officer of the Management Company (Personal Information Consultation Service Contact: TEL 0000-00-0000 (Hours: Monday - Friday 10:00 - 12:00 / 13:00 - 17:00), E-mail: xxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xx.xx). The information will be used only for the following purposes, and will not be used for any other purposes without the prior consent of the data subject to whom such information pertains. The registration of personal information of company representatives is optional, but if such personal information is not registered, the Business Operator may not be able to receive the services of the "Career-tasu shukatsu".
(1) Inquiries and communications from the Career-tasu shukatsu Management Office regarding the contents of manuscripts for posting in Career-tasu shukatsu and the contents of manuscripts for distribution of the Career-tasu shukatsu DM
(2) Distribution of e-mail newsletters regarding new graduate recruitment
(3) Delivery of e-mails which the Business Operator has chosen and set up for notification, such as DM delivery completion notification emails
(4) Provision of information on maintenance of "Career-tasu shukatsu" related services, etc.
(5) Provision of information on various products and services of the Management Company
(6) Requests for various surveys, etc.
(7) Verification of customer and company representative information in support of system operations
* Registered information may be updated or supplemented at any time from "Contact Settings" interface. You may also unsubscribe at any time from receiving our e-mail newsletter regarding new graduate recruitment from "Contact Settings” interface. Inquiries regarding disclosure, notification of purpose of use, correction, addition, or deletion, and refusal of use or provision of registered information should be directed to the following Contact:
Career-tasu shukatsu Customer Support
Hours: Weekdays 9:00-17:30 (excluding holidays designated by the Management Company)
Phone: 0000-000-000
E-mail: xx_xxx_xxxxxxx@xxxxxx-xxxx.xx.xx
6. The Management Company shall properly manage applicant data in accordance with the "Career-tasu shukatsu" membership agreement and logically delete the data promptly after the end of the fiscal year in which the applicant graduates or after the end of the fiscal year in which the applicant who has withdrawn from the membership is scheduled to graduate. However, applicant data and service usage history will be backed up for history verification, and data that has been logically deleted for one year or longer as of the end of the fiscal year will be completely erased by physical deletion.
7. The Management Company shall appoint a Personal Information Management Officer and shall ensure that only those employees who are required to handle personal information in the course of their duties (regardless of whether or not they are directly employed by the Management Company) are allowed to handle personal information.
8. The Management Company may outsource all or part of the operations handling personal information to a third party only to the extent necessary for business purposes (such third party is hereinafter referred to as the "Outsourcing Contractor"). However, in such a case, the Management Company shall impose the same obligations as those of the Management Company under this Article upon the Outsourcing Contractor.
9. If the Management Company is requested by a Business Operator to provide reports on the personal information management system, the Management Company shall make such reports to the Business Operator in a manner and with a content that does not harm the confidentiality of the personal information of third parties.
10. In the following cases, the Management Company may make disclosure of personal information. However, even in such cases, the Management Company will endeavor to maintain the confidentiality of the personal information to the extent possible.
(1) When required by laws and regulations
(2) When such disclosure is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the data subject to whom such information pertains
(3) When such disclosure is especially necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the data subject to whom such information pertains
(4) When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an individual or entity entrusted by either of the foregoing in executing affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the data subject to whom such information pertains is likely to impede the execution of such affairs.
Article 17 (Handling of Import of Personal Data)
Business Operators may use the "import function" provided by Career-tasu shukatsu Manager to upload personal data which they retain on their own to Career-tasu shukatsu Manager. In no case will the Management Company be involved in the handling of any information of non-members of Career-tasu shukatsu (hereinafter referred to as "non- member information") imported by the Business Operators during the term of validity of this Agreement.
2. If a Business Operator deletes non-member information, the Management Company will retain any and all information related to such non-member for one year as backup for history verification, and, after the end of the following fiscal year, the information will be completely erased by physical deletion.
Article 18 (Indemnification of Management Company)
The Business Operator shall use "Career-tasu shukatsu" at its own risk, and the Management Company shall not be liable for any damage incurred by the Business Operator in connection with this Agreement, the performance hereof or the use of "Career-tasu shukatsu," except in cases where it is obvious that the damage was caused by the Management Company's willful misconduct or gross negligence. Even in the event that the Management Company is liable, such liability shall be limited to the extent of direct and ordinary damage and up to the amount equivalent to the consideration payable by the Business Operator under the Agreement.
2. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, if the Management Company violates its obligations under Article 16 and causes damage to the subject of personal information (hereinafter referred to as the "Data Subject"), the Management Company shall be liable to the Data Subject, and if the Management Company compensates the damage in response to a claim from the Data Subject, the Management Company shall pay an amount equivalent to such compensation made. However, this shall not apply if the Business Operator does not notify the Management Company immediately after receiving a claim for damages from the Data Subject and give the Management Company an opportunity to resolve the dispute.
3. The Management Company shall not be liable for any loss caused by natural disasters or other force majeure (including line congestion, line failure, server down, etc., which are not attributable to the Management Company).
4. The Management Company shall not be liable for any loss caused by reasons attributable to the Business Operator or a third party (including (1) server downtime, system failure, data leakage or damage, and posting of erroneous information due to a virus, (2) server downtime, system failure, data leakage or damage, and posting of erroneous information due to hacking,
(3) internet service provider downtime, (4) data leakage or damage, loss of recruitment opportunities, and posting of erroneous information due to an error by the Business Operator in using the service, and (5) system failure of "Career-tasu shukatsu" due to changes in the
system environment, etc., which are not attributable to the Management Company) despite the Management Company taking reasonable measures normally required for business.
5. When using the "Career-tasu shukatsu Manager", the Business Operator shall check for viruses, etc. at its own risk when attaching electronic files, and if a third party suffers damage as a result of a file attached by the Business Operator, the Business Operator shall deal with the third party at its own risk and expense.
6. The Management Company makes no guarantee to the Business Operators regarding the effectiveness of "Career-tasu shukatsu" or the members hired by the Business Operators through "Career-tasu shukatsu," including the certainty of the "Open Company," "Career Education" and "Internship" applications, the success of recruitment activities, the qualifications, abilities and suitability of members who apply for jobs through "Career-tasu shukatsu".
Article 19 (Measures to be taken for Business Operators participating in "Limited Time Optional Project" in case of failure thereof)
Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Article, with regard to the "limited-time optional project" stipulated below, if a failure of the entire "Career-tasu shukatsu" site (service failures and individual failures are not included in this whole site failure) continues for 48 hours or more and the service cannot be provided, the Management Company may provide the service from the available schedule up to the period during which the "limited- time optional project" was unavailable. In such a case, the Management Company will not charge an additional fee for such extended period.
· Banner and Text Ads
· welcome message
2. For Business Operators participating in "limited-time optional projects" other than those stipulated in the preceding paragraph, the Management Company will handle on a case-by- case basis as stipulated separately by the Management Company.
Article 20 (Prohibition of Assignment of Rights and Obligations)
The Business Operator shall not assign or lend any rights or obligations based on its status under this Agreement to any third party or offer them as collateral without the prior written consent of the Management Company.
Article 21 (Prohibited Matters)
In light of the need to maintain security, the Business Operators shall be strictly prohibited from engaging in any act that may overload all or part of the system related to "Career-tasu shukatsu" through automatic patrol programs, etc. In the unlikely event that a Business Operator engages in such an act, the Management Company may take technical measures
such as shutting down the system without prior notice, and the Management Company shall bear no liability for any losses incurred by the Business Operator as a result of such an act.
Article 22 (Exclusion of Antisocial Forces)
Business operators and the Management Company represent and warrant that they do not fall under the category of antisocial forces and that they do not have any relationship with antisocial forces.
Article 23 (Term and Termination)
The term of this Agreement shall be from the date of conclusion of the agreement to the end of the service period of "Career-tasu shukatsu".
2. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, either the Management Company or Business Operator may immediately terminate this agreement or suspend the use of "Career-tasu shukatsu" for a certain period by giving notice to the other party, if the other party falls under any of the following items:
(1) Violation of any of the provisions of these Terms of Use by the other party
(2) When the other party's credibility is damaged
(3) When the other party has become subject to seizure, provisional seizure, provisional disposition, or disposition for tax delinquency, or a petition for bankruptcy, civil rehabilitation, special liquidation, or corporate reorganization is filed by or against the other party
(4) When a bill or check drawn or accepted by the other party is dishonored, or otherwise the other party becomes insolvent
(5) When all or a significant part of the business of the other party is transferred to another person
(6) When there is a major change in the business environment of the other party due to a merger, etc.
(7) When credit concerns arise regarding the other party
(8) When the other party discontinues its business or goes into liquidation
(9) When the Business Operator cancels or suspends its offer of employment to a member, or engages in any other conduct that is undesirable in terms of recruitment activities, such as discriminatory treatment of or discriminatory language or behavior against a member.
(10) When a Business Operator has committed an act in violation of laws and regulations or any other act that is contrary to social consensus, and the Management Company determines that it is undesirable to post company information, etc. of the Business Operator on "Career- tasu shukatsu".
(11) Otherwise when the other party is no longer expected to be able to perform any of its obligations set forth in these Terms of Use.
3. In addition to the matters stipulated in each item of the preceding paragraph, if the Management Company determines that the use of the "Career-tasu shukatsu" by a Business Operator may affect the credibility of the Management Company or "Career-tasu shukatsu" due to complaints from third parties or problems caused by the Business Operator, the Management Company may immediately terminate this Agreement by giving a notice to the Business Operator. This Agreement may be terminated immediately by giving notice to the Business Operator.
4. If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, any and all liabilities of the Business Operator hereunder shall become immediately due and payable, and the Business Operator shall immediately pay all its debts to the Management Company.
5. The Management Company may suspend the use of the service for a certain period of time without prior notice to the Business Operator if the Business Operator falls under any of the following items and the Management Company deems it to be urgent.
(1) When there is a possibility of affecting the life, body, property, reputation, or credibility of a member, a third party including other Business Operators, or the Management Company
(2) When the Business Operator cancels or suspends its offer of employment to a member or engages in any other conduct that is undesirable in terms of recruitment activities, such as discriminatory treatment of or language or behavior against a member.
(3) When the Business Operator has committed an act in violation of laws and regulations or any other act that is contrary to social consensus, and the Management Company determines that it is undesirable to post company information, etc. on "Career-tasu shukatsu".
Article 24 (Agreed Jurisdiction)
This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Japan, and any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court as the court of first instance.
Article 25 (Survival Clause)
Articles 10, 13, 16, 18, 24, 26 and this Article shall survive the termination of this Agreement.
Article 26 (Consultative Settlement)
If any question arises regarding the interpretation of these Terms of Use and operating rules, etc., or any matter not set forth in these Terms of Use and operating rules, etc. may arise, the Management Company and the Business Operator shall resolve the matter amicably through consultation.
Supplementary Provisions: Revised on April 1, 2024