≫ ファンドの目的 | |
この上場投資信託(ETF)は、インカム収益の獲得を第一としてキャピタルゲインも追求することを目指します。主に格付けが投資適格以下のハイ・イールド債券、または同等の品質と判断した格付けがない 債券に投資します。 | |
≫ ファンド概要 | |
ファンドティッカー | HYLS |
CUSIP | 00000X000 |
iNAVティッカー | HYLSIV |
ファンド設定日 | 2/25/2013 |
30日SEC利回り† | 7.04% |
主要取引所 | NASDAQ |
≫ 手数料および費用^ | |
管理手数料 | 0.95% |
その他費用 | 0.06% |
ファンド取得時の経費 | 0.01% |
年間費用合計 | 1.02% |
≫ xxxxxxx・xxxxxx | |
・xxxxx・xxxx、 CFA 債券部門マネージング・ディレクター | |
・xxxxx・xxxx、CFAシニア・バイス・プレジデント |
≫ ファンド詳細
≫ 当ファンドはアクティブ運用型の上場投資信託(ETF)です。通常の市場環境下では、米国および米国以外の企業債務証券、銀行ローン、転換社債などのハイ・イールド債券に投資します。
• 有価証券のロング・ポジションとショート・ポジションの両方を維持し、ロング・ポジションは、ファンドの純資産総額の130%まで、ショート・ポジションはファンド純資産の0%~30%となります。
• 投資適格またはハイ・イールド証券とみなされる米国債および/または企業債務証券のショート・ポジションを取ることがあります。
• このロング・ショート戦略は、様々な市場サイクルを通じて投資機会を活用するように設計されています。
≫ ファンド・アドバイザー
≫ポートフォリオはFirst Trust Advisorsのレバレッジド・ファイナンス投資チームによって選定・管理されています。
• 当チームは、厳格なファンダメンタル・クレジット選別プロセスと相対価値分析を組み合わせ、進化する投資環境がハイ・イールド、シニア・ローン、デリバティブ、エクステッド・インカム商品市場に様々なレベルの投資リスク機会を提供していると考えています。
• 魅力的な投資案件を活用し、潜在的なリスクを効果的に管理するために、徹底的かつ継続的な信用分析、市場評価、分散投資、ロング・ショート・ポジション、優先債務と劣後債およびデリバティブの間で投資を再配分する能力を組み合わせることで、より高いリスク調整後リターンを達成できる可能性があると考えています。
• ファンダメンタル分析では、産業動向、経営の質、担保の妥当性、企業のキャッシュフローの一貫性などを評価します。ファンダメンタルズ信用分析を通じて、レバレッジド・ファイナンス投資チームは、市場で最も魅力的な相対価値を提供すると考えられる証券にポートフォリオを位置づけることができます。
≫ パフォーマンス概要 (%) | 3ヶ月 | 年初来 | 1年 | 3年 | 5年 | 10年 | 設定来 |
xxxx・xxxxxxx* | |||||||
基準価額(NAV) | 0.56 | 0.56 | 10.21 | 0.74 | 2.92 | 3.38 | 4.05 |
市場価格 | 0.80 | 0.80 | 10.37 | 0.70 | 2.93 | 3.39 | 4.06 |
指数パフォーマンス** | |||||||
Bloomberg US Aggregate Bond Index | -0.78 | -0.78 | 1.70 | -2.46 | 0.36 | 1.54 | 1.40 |
ICE BofA US High Yield Constrained Index | 1.49 | 1.49 | 11.02 | 2.20 | 4.01 | 4.36 | 4.71 |
≫ 年次トータルリターン(%) | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 年初来 |
HYLS | 2.43 | -0.15 | 8.56 | 6.06 | -1.79 | 13.93 | 5.43 | 3.60 | -12.59 | 13.38 | 0.56 |
Bloomberg US Aggregate Bond Index | — | 0.57 | 2.65 | 3.54 | 0.01 | 8.72 | 7.51 | -1.54 | -13.01 | 5.53 | -0.78 |
ICE BofA US High Yield Constrained Index | 2.51 | -4.61 | 17.49 | 7.47 | -2.25 | 14.41 | 6.07 | 5.35 | -11.21 | 13.46 | 1.49 |
≫ 3年間の統計 | 標準偏差 (%) | アルファ | ベータ | シャープレシオ | 相関関係 |
HYLS | 9.11 | -1.26 | 1.05 | -0.24 | 0.97 |
ICE BofA US High Yield Constrained Index | 8.47 | — | 1.00 | -0.01 | 1.00 |
「ロング」と「ショート」は有価証券の所有権を表す投資用語。証券を買うことは "ロング"。ロングの反対は "空売り "です。空売りは、借りた証券を売るという高度な取引戦略です。有価証券の価格が下がり、空売りした価格よりも低い金額でその有価証券を買うことができれば、空売り人は利益を得ます。
≫ ポートフォリオ情報 | |
保有証券数 | 318 |
加重平均ネット実効デュレーション (ショートポジションを含む)1 | 3.49年超 |
加重平均実効デュレーション (ロング・ポジション)1 | 3.49年超 |
加重平均残存期間 (ロング・ポジション) | 5.64年未満 |
加重平均価格 | $93.52 |
ロング・ポジション | 97.57% |
米国債ショートポジション | 0.00% |
オプション調整後スプレッド2 | 308 bps |
3ヶ月定期SOFR3 | 5.30% |
≫ 上位発行体(%)
≫ 信用格付別 (%)4
アライアント・ホールディングス I, LLC 3.97 | |
オープンテキスト・コーポレート(GXS) 3.25 | |
バーセンド・テクノロジーズ・インク 3.21 (コティビティ) | |
ネクスター・ブロードキャスティング 2.70 | |
SS&C Technologies Holdings, 2.65 Inc. | |
アシュアードパートナーズ株式会社 2.37 | |
グレイ・テレビジョン 2.20 | |
ユナイテッドレンタル 2.19 | |
ケーブルビジョン(別名CSCホールディン 2.15 グスLLC) | |
グラハム・パッケージング・カンパニーL.P. 2.02 ≫ 資産タイプ (%) | |
債券 | 91.89 |
ローン | 8.11 |
A+ 0.39
A- 1.21
BBB+ 1.13
BBB 4.49
BBB- 7.73
BB+ 7.33
BB 7.53
BB- 8.91
B+ 13.05
B 12.06
B- 15.59
CCC+ 14.69
CCC 3.20
CCC- 1.12
D 0.13
その他 1.44
≫ 業種別内訳(%) | |
ソフトウェア | 16.00 |
保険 | 13.06 |
メディア | 11.74 |
容器包装 | 6.99 |
ホテル、レストラン、レジャー | 6.27 |
xxxxx・xxxxxx | 5.31 |
ヘルスケアプロバイダー&サービス | 4.85 |
商社・販売店 | 3.62 |
食品 | 2.50 |
商業サービス&用品 | 2.44 |
1 利回りが変化した場合の債券価格の変化を反映した、金利変化に対する債券の感応度を示す価格。
3Term SOFR Reference Ratesは、SOFR金利の指標的かつ将来的な測定値を提供するものであり、主要な
投資を行う前に、ファンドの投資目的、リスク、手数料および費用を慎重に検討する必要があります。目論見書または要約目論見書を入手するには、First Trust Portfolios L.P.(0-000-000-0000)に連絡するか、xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx。この目論見書または要約目論見書にはxxxxに関するその他情報が記載されています。投資前に目論見書または要約目論見書をよくお読みください。
金利低下局面において、発行体が高利回りの債券をコールした場合、ファンド は低金利での資金運用を余儀なくされる可能性があり、その結果、ファンドのイン カムが減少する可能性があります。
ファンドは、取引相手がその債務を履行せず、ファンドに重大な財務的 損失をもたらすリスクを負う可能性があります。
コベナンツ・ライト・ローンには、従来のローンに比べて維持条項が少なく、貸し手が借り手の財務パフォーマ ンスを監視し、一定の基準に違反した場合に債務不履行を宣言できる条件が含まれていない場合があります。これはファンドが問題を軽減する妨げとなり、ファンドの投資損失へのエクスポージャーを増大させる可能性があります。
ファンドはサイバーセキュリティの侵害による運用リスクの影響を受けます。このような事象により、ファンドが規制上の罰則、風評被害、是正措置に伴う追加的なコンプライアンス費用、および/または財務上 の 損失を被る可能性があります。
変動金利証券は、基準金利の水準に基づいて証券のクーポンレートが変動する仕組みになっています。その結果、変動利付証券のクーポンは通常、金利が低下する環境で低下し、ファンドが証券から受け取る収益が減少します。変動利付証券のクーポン・レートは、証券の条件に従って定期的にリセットされます。その結果、金利上昇環境では、クーポン・レートのリセット頻度が低い変動金利 証券は、xxxxの変動に遅れをとる可能性があります。
First Trust Advisors X.P.はファンドのアドバイザーです。First Trust Advisors X.P.はファンドの販売会社であるFirst Trust Portfolios L.P.の関連会社です。
標準偏差は、価格の変動性(リスク)を示す指標です。アルファは、投資対象がベンチマークに対してリスク調整後でどれだけアウトパフォームまたはアンダーパフォームしているかを示す指標です。ベータは、市場に対する価格変動性の指標です。シャープレシオは、ボラティリティの単位当たりの超過報酬の尺度です。相関関係はパフォーマンスの類似性の尺度です。ICE BofA USハイ・
FDIC保険ではありません - 銀行保証ではありません - 価値を失う可能性があります。
HYLS First Trust Tactical High Yield ETF
As of 3/28/24
» Fund Objective | |
This exchange-traded fund seeks to provide current income by investing primarily in a diversified portfolio of high-yield debt securities which are rated below investment grade or unrated. Capital appreciation is a secondary objective. | |
» Fund Facts | |
Fund Ticker | HYLS |
CUSIP | 33738D408 |
Intraday NAV | HYLSIV |
Fund Inception Date | 2/25/13 |
30-Day SEC Yield† | 7.04% |
Primary Listing | Nasdaq |
» Fees and Expenses^ | |
Management Fees | 0.95% |
Other Expenses | 0.06% |
Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses | 0.01% |
Total Annual Expenses | 1.02% |
» Portfolio Managers | |
William Housey, CFA; Managing Director of Fixed Income | |
Jettrey Scott, CFA; Senior Vice President |
» Fund Description
» The First Trust Tactical High Yield ETF is an actively managed exchange-traded fund. Under normal market conditions, the fund will invest in high-yield debt securities, including U.S. and non-U.S. corporate debt obligations, bank loans and convertible bonds.
• The fund intends to maintain both long and short positions^ in securities. The fund’s long positions may total up to 130% of the fund’s net assets. The fund’s short positions will range between 0% and 30% of the fund’s net assets.
• The fund may take short positions in U.S. Treasury securities and/or corporate debt obligations, which may be rated investment grade or deemed to be high-yield securities.
• This long/short strategy is designed to capitalize on investment opportunities through various market cycles.
» Fund Advisor
» The portfolio is selected and managed by the First Trust Advisors’ Leveraged Finance Investment Team.
• The team uses a combination of a rigorous fundamental credit selection process with relative value analysis and believes that an evolving investment environment otters varying degrees of investment risk opportunities in the high-yield, senior loan, derivative and fixed-income instrument markets.
• In order to capitalize on attractive investments and ettectively manage potential risk, the team believes that the combination of thorough and continuous credit analysis, market evaluation, diversification, long and short positions and the ability to reallocate investments among senior and subordinated debt and derivatives may allow them to achieve higher risk-adjusted returns.
• Fundamental analysis involves the evaluation of industry trends, management quality, collateral adequacy, and the consistency of corporate cash flows. Through fundamental credit analysis, the Leveraged Finance Investment Team can position the portfolio in securities that they believe will provide the most attractive relative value in the market.
» Performance Summary (%) | 3 Month | YTD | 1 Year | 3 Year | 5 Year | 10 Year | Since Fund Inception | ||||
Fund Performance* | |||||||||||
Net Asset Value (NAV) | 0.56 | 0.56 | 10.21 | 0.74 | 2.92 | 3.38 | 4.05 | ||||
After Tax Held | -0.10 | -0.10 | 7.42 | -1.80 | 0.50 | 0.95 | 1.58 | ||||
After Tax Sold | 0.33 | 0.33 | 5.96 | -0.53 | 1.19 | 1.48 | 1.99 | ||||
Market Price | 0.80 | 0.80 | 10.37 | 0.70 | 2.93 | 3.39 | 4.06 | ||||
Index Performance** | |||||||||||
ICE BofA US High Yield Constrained Index | 1.49 | 1.49 | 11.02 | 2.20 | 4.01 | 4.36 | 4.71 | ||||
» Calendar Year Total Returns (%) | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | YTD |
HYLS | 2.43 | -0.15 | 8.56 | 6.06 | -1.79 | 13.93 | 5.43 | 3.60 | -12.59 | 13.38 | 0.56 |
ICE BofA US High Yield Constrained Index | 2.51 | -4.61 | 17.49 | 7.47 | -2.25 | 14.41 | 6.07 | 5.35 | -11.21 | 13.46 | 1.49 |
» 3-Year Statistics | Standard Deviation (%) | Alpha | Beta | Sharpe Ratio | Correlation | ||||||
HYLS | 9.08 | -1.39 | 1.04 | -0.16 | 0.97 | ||||||
ICE BofA US High Yield Constrained Index | 8.46 | — | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 |
^”Other Expenses” consist of margin interest expense and dividend expense on investments sold short. The Investment Advisor has implemented fee breakpoints, which reduce the fund’s investment management fee at certain assets levels. Please see the fund’s Statement of Additional Information for full details.
†30-day SEC yield is calculated by dividing the net investment income per share earned during the most recent 30-day period by the maximum ottering price per share on the last day of the period.
*NAV returns are based on the fund’s net asset value which represents the fund’s net assets (assets less liabilities) divided by the fund’s outstanding shares. After Tax Held returns represent return after taxes on distributions. Assumes shares have not been sold. After Tax Sold returns represent the return after taxes on distributions and the sale of fund shares. Returns do not represent the returns you would receive if you traded shares at other times. Market Price returns are determined by using the midpoint of the national best bid otter price (“NBBO”) as of the time that the fund’s NAV is calculated. Returns are average annualized total returns, except those for periods of less than one year, which are cumulative. After-tax returns are calculated using the historical highest individual federal marginal income tax rates and do not reflect the impact of state and local taxes. Actual after-tax returns depend on the investor’s tax situation and may ditter from those shown. The after-tax returns shown are not relevant to investors who hold their fund shares through tax-deferred arrangements such as 401(k) plans or individual retirement accounts.
**Performance information for each listed index is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent actual fund performance. Indexes do not charge management fees or brokerage expenses, and no such fees or expenses were deducted from the performance shown. Indexes are unmanaged and an investor cannot invest directly in an index.
^“Long” and “short” are investment terms used to describe ownership of securities. To buy securities is to “go long.” The opposite of going long is “selling short.” Short selling is an advanced trading strategy that involves selling a borrowed security. Short sellers make a profit if the price of the security goes down and they are able to buy the security at a lower amount than the price at which they sold the security short.
» Portfolio Information | |
Number Of Holdings | 318 |
Net Weighted Average Ettective Duration (Includes Short Positions)1 | 3.49 Years |
Weighted Average Ettective Duration (Long Positions)1 | 3.49 Years |
Weighted Average Maturity (Long Positions) | 5.64 Years |
Weighted Average Price | $93.52 |
Long Positions | 97.57% |
Short Position - U.S. Treasury Securities | 0.00% |
Option-Adjusted Spread2 | 308 bps |
3-Month Term SOFR3 | 5.30% |
» Top Issuers (%) | |
Alliant Holdings I, LLC | 3.97 |
Open Text Corporation (GXS) | 3.25 |
Verscend Technologies, Inc (Cotiviti) | 3.21 |
Nexstar Broadcasting Inc | 2.70 |
SS&C Technologies Holdings, Inc. | 2.65 |
AssuredPartners Inc. | 2.37 |
Gray Television, Inc. | 2.20 |
United Rentals, Inc. | 2.19 |
Cablevision (aka CSC Holdings, LLC) | 2.15 |
Graham Packaging Company, L.P. | 2.02 |
» Top Industry Exposure (%) | |
Software | 16.00 |
Insurance | 13.06 |
Media | 11.74 |
Containers & Packaging | 6.99 |
Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure | 6.27 |
Health Care Technology | 5.31 |
Health Care Providers & Services | 4.85 |
Trading Companies & Distributors | 3.62 |
Food Products | 2.50 |
Commercial Services & Supplies | 2.44 |
» Top Asset Types (%) | |
Bond | 91.89 |
Loan | 8.11 |
» Credit Quality (%)4 | |
A+ | 0.39 |
A- | 1.21 |
BBB+ | 1.13 |
BBB | 4.49 |
BBB- | 7.73 |
BB+ | 7.33 |
BB | 7.53 |
BB- | 8.91 |
B+ | 13.05 |
B | 12.06 |
B- | 15.59 |
CCC+ | 14.69 |
CCC | 3.20 |
CCC- | 1.12 |
D | 0.13 |
NR | 1.44 |
Portfolio information statistics exclude cash and other assets and liabilities.
1A measure of a bond’s sensitivity to interest rate changes that reflects the change in a bond’s price given a change in yield.
2A measurement of the spread of a fixed-income security rate and the risk-free rate of return, which is adjusted to take into account an embedded option. 3Term SOFR Reference Rates provide an indicative, forward-looking measurement of SOFR rates, based on market expectations implied from leading derivatives markets. The Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) is a broad measure of the cost of borrowing cash overnight collateralized by Treasury
securities. The SOFR includes all trades in the Broad General Collateral Rate plus bilateral Treasury repurchase agreement (repo) transactions.
4The ratings are by S&P Global Ratings. A credit rating is an assessment provided by a nationally recognized statistical rating organization (NRSRO), of the creditworthiness of an issuer with respect to debt obligations. Ratings are measured on a scale that generally ranges from AAA (highest) to D (lowest). Investment grade is defined as those issuers that have a long-term credit rating of BBB- or higher. “NR” indicates no rating. The credit ratings shown relate to the credit worthiness of the issuers of the underlying securities in the Fund, and not to the Fund or its shares. Credit ratings are subject to change.
You should consider the fund’s investment objectives, risks, and charges and expenses carefully before investing. Contact First Trust Portfolios L.P. at 1-800-621-1675 or visit www.ftportfolios.com to obtain a prospectus or summary prospectus which contains this and other information about the fund. The prospectus or summary prospectus should be read carefully before investing.
Risk Considerations
You could lose money by investing in a fund. An investment in a fund is not a deposit of a bank and is not insured or guaranteed. There can be no assurance that a fund's objective(s) will be achieved. Investors buying or selling shares on the secondary market may incur customary brokerage commissions. Please refer to each fund's prospectus and Statement of Additional Information for additional details on a fund's risks. The order of the below risk factors does not indicate the significance of any particular risk factor.
Unlike mutual funds, shares of the fund may only be redeemed directly from a fund by authorized participants in very large creation/redemption units. If a fund's authorized participants are unable to proceed with creation/redemption orders and no other authorized participant is able to step forward to create or redeem, fund shares may trade at a premium or discount to a fund's net asset value and possibly face delisting and the bid/ask spread may widen.
Investments in bank loans are subject to the same risks as other debt securities, but the risks may be heightened because of limited public information available and because loan borrowers may be leveraged and tend to be more adversely attected by changes in market or economic conditions. The secondary market for bank loans may be subject to irregular trading activity, wide bid/ask spreads and extended trade settlement periods.
During periods of falling interest rates if an issuer calls higher-yielding debt instruments, a fund may be forced to invest the proceeds at lower interest rates, likely resulting in a decline in the fund's income.
A fund that ettects all or a portion of its creations and redemptions for cash rather than in-kind may be less tax- efficient.
Investment exposure to CDX credit protection is subject to the risks of the underlying credit default swap obligations, which include general market risk, liquidity risk, credit risk and counterparty risk. Regardless of whether the fund buys or sells CDX credit protection, such investments can result in gains or losses that may exceed gains or losses the fund would have incurred investing directly in high yield debt securities.
Communication services companies are subject to certain risks, which may include rapidly changing technologies, short product life cycles, fierce competition, aggressive pricing and reduced profit margins, loss of patent, copyright and trademark protections, cyclical market patterns, evolving industry standards, often unpredictable changes in consumer tastes and frequent new product introductions. Such companies are particularly vulnerable to domestic and international government regulation, rely heavily on intellectual property rights, and may be adversely attected by the loss or impairment of those rights.
A fund may be subject to the risk that a counterparty will not fulfill its obligations which may result in significant financial loss to a fund.
Covenant-lite loans contain fewer maintenance covenants than traditional loans and may not include terms that allow the lender to monitor the financial performance of the borrower and declare a default if certain criteria are breached. This may hinder a fund's ability to mitigate problems and increase a fund's exposure to losses on such investments.
An issuer or other obligated party of a debt security may be unable or unwilling to make dividend, interest and/or principal payments when due and the value of a security may decline as a result.
Ratings assigned by a credit rating agency are opinions of such entities, not absolute standards of credit quality and they do not evaluate risks of securities. Any shortcomings or inefficiencies in the process of determining credit ratings may adversely attect the credit ratings of the securities held by a fund and their perceived or actual credit risk.
Current market conditions risk is the risk that a particular investment, or shares of the fund in general, may fall in value due to current market conditions. As a means to fight inflation, the Federal Reserve and certain foreign central banks have raised interest rates and expect to continue to do so, and the Federal Reserve has announced that it intends to reverse previously implemented quantitative easing. Recent and potential future bank failures could result in disruption to the broader banking industry or markets generally and reduce confidence in financial institutions and the economy as a whole, which may also heighten market volatility and reduce liquidity. Ongoing armed conflicts between Russia and Ukraine in Europe and among Israel, Hamas and other militant groups in the Middle East, have caused and could continue to cause significant market disruptions and volatility within the markets in Russia, Europe, the Middle East and the United States. The hostilities and sanctions resulting from those hostilities have and could continue to have a significant impact on certain fund investments as well as fund performance and liquidity. The COVID-19 global pandemic, or any future public health crisis, and the ensuing policies enacted by governments and central banks have caused and may continue to cause significant volatility and uncertainty in global financial markets, negatively impacting global growth prospects.
A fund is susceptible to operational risks through breaches in cyber security. Such events could cause a fund to incur regulatory penalties, reputational damage, additional compliance costs associated with corrective measures and/or financial loss.
Investments in debt securities subject the holder to the credit risk of the issuer and the value of debt securities will generally change inversely with changes in interest rates. In addition, debt securities generally do not trade on a securities exchange making them less liquid and more difficult to value.
Defaulted securities pose a much greater risk that principal will not be repaid than non-defaulted securities which may result in losses for a fund.
The use of derivatives instruments involves ditterent and possibly greater risks than investing directly in securities including counterparty risk, valuation risk, volatility risk, and liquidity risk. Further, losses because of adverse movements in the price or value of the underlying asset, index or rate may be magnified by certain features of the derivatives.
Please see additional risks on the following page.
Risk Considerations Continued
Distressed securities are speculative and often illiquid or trade in low volumes and thus may be more difficult to value and pose a substantial risk of default.
Extension risk is the risk that, when interest rates rise, certain obligations will be paid ott by the issuer (or other obligated party) more slowly than anticipated, causing the value of these debt securities to fall. Rising interest rates tend to extend the duration of debt securities, making their market value more sensitive to changes in interest rates.
Floating rate securities are structured so that the security's coupon rate fluctuates based upon the level of a reference rate. As a result, the coupon on floating rate securities will generally decline in a falling interest rate environment, causing a fund to experience a reduction in the income it receives from the security. A floating rate security's coupon rate resets periodically according to the terms of the security. Consequently, in a rising interest rate environment, floating rate securities with coupon rates that reset infrequently may lag behind the changes in market interest rates.
High yield securities, or "junk" bonds, are less liquid and are subject to greater market fluctuations and risk of loss than securities with higher ratings, and therefore, are considered to be highly speculative. A fund's income may decline when interest rates fall or if there are defaults in its portfolio.
A fund may be a constituent of one or more indices or models which could greatly attect a fund's trading activity, size and volatility. As inflation increases, the present value of a fund's assets and distributions may decline.
Interest rate risk is the risk that the value of the debt securities in a fund's portfolio will decline because of rising interest rates. Interest rate risk is generally lower for shorter term debt securities and higher for longer-term debt securities.
Leverage may result in losses that exceed the amount originally invested and may accelerate the rates of losses. Leverage tends to magnify, sometimes significantly, the ettect of any increase or decrease in a fund's exposure to an asset or class of assets and may cause the value of a fund's shares to be volatile and sensitive to market swings.
To the extent a fund invests in floating or variable rate obligations that use the London Interbank Ottered Rate ("LIBOR") as a reference interest rate, it is subject to LIBOR Risk. LIBOR has ceased to be made available as a reference rate and there is no assurance that any alternative reference rate, including the Secured Overnight Financing Rate ("SOFR"), will be similar to or produce the same value or economic equivalence as LIBOR. The unavailability or replacement of LIBOR may attect the value, liquidity or return on certain fund investments and may result in costs incurred in connection with closing out positions and entering into new trades. Any potential ettects of the transition away from LIBOR on a fund or on certain instruments in which a fund invests is difficult to predict and could result in losses to the fund.
Certain fund investments may be subject to restrictions on resale, trade over-the-counter or in limited volume, or lack an active trading market. Illiquid securities may trade at a discount and may be subject to wide fluctuations in market value.
The portfolio managers of an actively managed portfolio will apply investment techniques and risk analyses that may not have the desired result.
Market risk is the risk that a particular security, or shares of a fund in general may fall in value. Securities are subject to market fluctuations caused by such factors as general economic conditions, political events, regulatory or market developments, changes in interest rates and perceived trends in securities prices. Shares of a fund could decline in value or underperform other investments as a result. In addition, local, regional or global events such as war, acts of terrorism, spread of infectious disease or other public health issues, recessions, natural disasters or other events could have significant negative impact on a fund.
A fund faces numerous market trading risks, including the potential lack of an active market for fund shares due to a limited number of market makers. Decisions by market makers or authorized participants to reduce their role or step away in times of market stress could inhibit the ettectiveness of the arbitrage process in maintaining the relationship between the underlying values of a fund's portfolio securities and a fund's market price.
Securities of non-U.S. issuers are subject to additional risks, including currency fluctuations, political risks, withholding, lack of liquidity, lack of adequate financial information, and exchange control restrictions impacting non-U.S. issuers.
A fund and a fund's advisor may seek to reduce various operational risks through controls and procedures, but it is not possible to completely protect against such risks. The fund also relies on third parties for a range of services, including custody, and any delay or failure related to those services may attect the fund's ability to meet its objective.
Because OTC derivatives do not trade on an exchange, the parties to an OTC derivative face heightened levels of counterparty risk, liquidity risk and valuation risk.
The market price of a fund's shares will generally fluctuate in accordance with changes in the fund's net asset value ("NAV") as well as the relative supply of and demand for shares on the exchange, and a fund's investment advisor cannot predict whether shares will trade below, at or above their NAV.
Prepayment risk is the risk that the issuer of a debt security will repay principal prior to the scheduled maturity date. Debt securities allowing prepayment may otter less potential for gains during a period of declining interest rates, as a fund may be required to reinvest the proceeds of any prepayment at lower interest rates.
Companies that issue loans tend to be highly leveraged and thus are more susceptible to the risks of interest deferral, default and/or bankruptcy. Loans are usually rated below investment grade but may also be unrated. As a result, the risks associated with these loans are similar to the risks of high-yield fixed income instruments. The senior loan market has seen a significant increase in loans with weaker lender protections which may impact recovery values and/or trading levels in the future.
Short selling creates special risks which could result in increased gains or losses and volatility of returns. Because losses on short sales arise from increases in the value of the security sold short, such losses are theoretically unlimited. A fund with significant exposure to a single asset class, country, region, industry, or sector may be more attected by an adverse economic or political development than a broadly diversified fund.
Securities of small- and mid-capitalization companies may experience greater price volatility and be less liquid than larger, more established companies.
Trading on an exchange may be halted due to market conditions or other reasons. There can be no assurance that a fund's requirements to maintain the exchange listing will continue to be met or be unchanged. Securities issued or guaranteed by federal agencies and U.S. government sponsored instrumentalities may or may not be backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.
A fund may hold securities or other assets that may be valued on the basis of factors other than market quotations. This may occur because the asset or security does not trade on a centralized exchange, or in times of market turmoil or reduced liquidity. Portfolio holdings that are valued using techniques other than market quotations, including "fair valued" assets or securities, may be subject to greater fluctuation in their valuations from one day to the next than if market quotations were used. There is no assurance that a fund could sell or close out a portfolio position for the value established for it at any time.
A fund may invest in securities that exhibit more volatility than the market as a whole.
Warrants and rights do not include the right to dividends, voting, or to the assets of the issuer and the value of the warrants and rights does not necessarily change with the value of the underlying securities. The market for warrants and rights may be limited.
First Trust Advisors L.P. is the adviser to the fund. First Trust Advisors L.P. is an affiliate of First Trust Portfolios L.P., the fund's distributor.
The information presented is not intended to constitute an investment recommendation for, or advice to, any specific person. By providing this information, First Trust is not undertaking to give advice in any fiduciary capacity within the meaning of ERISA, the Internal Revenue Code or any other regulatory framework. Financial professionals are responsible for evaluating investment risks independently and for exercising independent judgment in determining whether investments are appropriate for their clients.
Standard Deviation is a measure of price variability (risk). Alpha is an indication of how much an investment outperforms or underperforms on a risk-adjusted basis relative to its benchmark. Beta is a measure of price variability relative to the market. Sharpe Ratio is a measure of excess reward per unit of volatility. Correlation is a measure of the similarity of performance. The ICE BofA US High Yield Constrained Index tracks the performance of U.S. dollar denominated below investment grade corporate debt publicly issued in the U.S. domestic market but caps issuer exposure at 2%.
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