第1条 適用範囲
• 1. 本宿泊約款(以下「宿泊約款」といいます。)には、当館と宿泊契約及びこれに関連する契約の締結または宿泊の予約を行う者(以下「宿泊者」といいます。)との間の権利義務関係が定められています。宿泊約款に定めのない事項については、法令または一般に確立された慣習によるものとします。
• 2. 当館が、法令及び慣習に反しない範囲で特約に応じたときは、前項の規定にかかわらず、その特約が優先するものとします。
第2条 宿泊契約の申込み
• 1. 宿泊者は、宿泊契約の 込みまたは宿泊の予約をするときは、次の事項を当館に し出ていたいただくものとします。
• 2. 宿泊者が、宿泊中に前項第(2)号の宿泊日を超えて宿泊の継続を し入れた場合、当館は、その し出がなされた時点で新たな宿泊契約の 込みがあったものとして処理します。
• 3. 第1項第(3)号の利用宿泊プランは、宿泊契約の 込み時においてのみ有効とします。 込み時と異なる利用宿泊プランでの宿泊を希望する場合は、新たな宿泊契約の 込みをしていただきます。なお、 込み時の予約は当然には解除されませんので、別途必要な手続きをとっていただくものとします。
• 4. 宿泊者は、宿泊者と当館との間の宿泊契約または宿泊予約の地位を第三者に譲渡することは、不適切な転売行為を防止し全てのお客様に適切な宿泊の機会を提供するため、当館が明確に承諾する場合を除き禁止されていることを了解の上、宿泊契約の 込みをするものとします。
• 5. 宿泊者は、合理的な理由のない、同一利用者による同一日における重複する宿泊契約及び類似の日程における複数の宿泊契約の 込みは、当館が可及的に多くのお客様に宿泊の機会を提供するため禁止されていることを了解の上、宿泊契約の 込みをするものとします。
第3条 宿泊契約の成立等
• 1. 宿泊契約は、当館が前条の 込みを承諾したときに成立するものとします。ただし、宿泊プランによっては、前条の 込後、事前決済を行っていただき当館が入金を確認したときに成立するものとします。なお、当館が承諾をしなかったことを証明したときは、この限りではありません。
第4条 宿泊契約締結の拒否
• 1. 当館は、次に掲げる場合において宿泊契約の締結に応じないことがあります。
⑴宿泊の 込みが、宿泊約款によらないとき
⑶宿泊者や施設の利用者が、次の(イ)から(ハ)に該当すると認められるとき (イ)暴力団員による不当な行為の防止等に関する法律(平成3年法律第77
(ロ)暴力団又は暴力団員が事業活動を支配する法人その他団体であるとき (ハ)法人でその役員のうちに暴力団員に該当する者があるとき
第5条 宿泊者の契約解除権
• 1. 宿泊者は、一部の宿泊プランを除き、当館に し出て、宿泊契約を解除することができます。
• 2. 当館は、宿泊者がその責に帰すべき事由により宿泊契約の全部または一部を解除した場合は、当該宿泊契約 し込み時に当館が提示したキャンセル規定に従い、違約金をし受けます。
• 3. 当館は、宿泊者が連絡をしないで宿泊日当日の午後6時(夕食を伴わない宿泊契約の場合は午後12時)になっても到着しないときは、その宿泊契約は宿泊者により解除されたものとみなし処理することがあります。
第6条 当館の契約解除権
• 1. 当館は、次に掲げる場合においては、宿泊契約を解除することがあります。
⑾同一利用者による、合理的な理由のない、同一日における重複する宿泊契約の 込み及び類似の日程における複数の宿泊契約または宿泊予約がされたと認められるとき
第7条 宿泊の登録
• 1. 宿泊者は、宿泊日当日、当館において、次の事項を登録して頂きます。
• 2. 宿泊者が第10条の料金の支払いを、クレジットカード等通貨に代わり得る方法により行おうとするときは、あらかじめ、前項の登録時にそれらを呈示していただくことがあります。
第8条 客室の使用時間
• 1. 宿泊者が当館の客室を使用できる時間は、宿泊契約ごとに設定されたチェックイン時間からチェックアウト時間までとします。
• 2. 当館は、前項の規定にかかわらず、同項に定める時間外の客室の使用に応じることがあります。この場合には追加料金を し受けます。
第9条 利用規則の遵守
• 1. 宿泊者は、当館内において、当館が定め当館内に掲示した利用規則に従うものとします。
第10条 料金の支払
• 1. 宿泊料金の内訳は、以下のとおりとします。
宿泊料金 追加料金 税金 サービス料(その定めがある施設に限ります)
• 2. 宿泊料金等の支払は、通貨又は当館が認めたクレジットカード等これに 代わり得る方法により、宿泊者の出発の時までに又は当館が請求した時、当館にお支払いただきます。
• 3. 当館が宿泊者に対する客室の提供の準備をし、使用が可能になったのち、宿泊者が任意に宿泊しなかった場合においても宿泊料金は し受けます。
第11条 宿泊者の手荷物又は携帯品の保管
• 1. 宿泊者の手荷物が、宿泊に先立って当館に到着した場合は、その到着前に当館が承諾したとき(当館が指定する方法による場合を含みます。)に限って責任をもって保管し、宿泊者がチェックインをする際にお渡しします。
• 2. 宿泊者がチェックアウトをしたのちの手荷物又は携行品は、当館が予め了解したときに限って責任をもって保管します。当館が予め し受けた手荷物の預かり期間内に引取りがされないときは、当館は責任を免れ当該手荷物を任意に処分することができるものとします。
• 3.宿泊者がチェックアウトしたのち、宿泊者の手荷物又は携帯品が当館の了解なく残されていた場合、当館の判断で、処分する、一定期間保管する、警察署に届けるなどの措置を行います。
第12条 お持込品等の取扱い
• 1. 多額の現金及び貴重品のお持込みをご希望の場合は、セキュリティ等の事情から事前にお知らせいただきます。お知らせいただいた場合でも、当館の判断によりお持込みをお断りすることがあります。なお、当館にお知らせいただかずにお持込みになられた多額の現金及び貴重品の毀損・汚損・紛失等について、当館は責任を負いかねます。
• 2. 宿泊者がお持込みになった現金、貴重品、手荷物又は携行品については、宿泊者にて保管・管理していただくものとし、当館が個別の手続においてにその保管・管理をお引き受けした場合を除き、毀損・汚損・紛失等において当館に故意又は重大な過失がある場合に限り損害を賠償するものといたします。
• 3. 前項の賠償については、客観的に損害額が立証されることを条件に当該損害を賠償するものといたします。宿泊者の主観的な価値にかかわらず、損害額の客観的な評価が困難な場合については、10万円を限度に相当額を賠償いたします。
第13条 宿泊者の責任
• 1. 宿泊者の故意又は過失により当館が損害を被ったときは、当館は当該宿泊者からその損害を賠償していただきます。
第14条 客室への入室について
• 1. 当館は、次に掲げる場合において、宿泊者のチェックイン後であっても宿泊者の許可なく客室へ入室することがあります。
第15条 駐車の責任
• 1.宿泊者が当館の駐車場をご利用になる場合、当館は駐車の場所をお貸しするものであり、車両の管理責任や第三者による加害の防止の義務まで負うものではありません。
第16条 条項の分離性について
• 1.宿泊約款は、その一部が公的機関により違法又は無効であると判断された場合であっても、当該一部を除く部分はその影響を受けず、有効に存続するものとします。
第17条 宿泊約款の変更
• 1.宿泊約款は、民法上の定型約款に該当し、宿泊約款の各条項は、宿泊者の一般の利益に適合する場合または変更を必要とする相当の事由があると認められる場合には、民法の規定に基づいて変更します。
• 2.宿泊約款の変更は、宿泊約款の変更内容がこのウェブサイト上で公表された後、指定された効力発生日から適用されます。
Article 1 (Scope of Application)
• 1. Contracts for accommodation and related agreements to be entered into between the Hotel and the Guest shall be subject to these Terms and Conditions. Any matters not provided herein shall be governed by laws and regulations or generally-accepted practices.
• 2. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, in case the Hotel entered into special conditions with the Guest insofar as such special conditions do not violate any laws and regulations and generally-accepted practic- es, the special contract shall prevail over these Terms and Conditions.
Article 2 (Application for Accommodation Contract)
• 1. The Guest, who intends to apply for an accommodation contract with the Hotel, shall notify the Hotel of the following matters:
(1) Name of Xxxxx and his, her or its contact information;
(2) Check-in date and check-out date
(3) Accommodation plan for which the Guest wishes to apply; and
(4) Other information deemed as necessary by the Hotel.
• 2. If the Guest requests to extend his, her or its stay beyond the check-out date in item (2) of preceding paragraph, it shall be deemed that the Guest applied for a new accommodation contract at the time when such request has been made.
• 3. The Guest’s request for accommodation plan in item (3) of paragraph 1 shall be specified only at the time when the Guest applies for accom- modation contract. If the Guest subsequently requests for an accom- modation plan which is different from the accommodation plan request- ed by the Guest at the time of application for accommodation contract, the Guest shall apply for a new accommodation contract. Furthermore, a new accommodation contact does not suggest that the existing reservation will automatically be cancelled so necessary procedures will be required separately.
• 4. The Guest shall apply for an accommodation contract agreeing that the Guest shall not transfer the accommodation contract or reservation for accommodation to any third party without the Hotel’s implicit consent, in order to prevent illicit resale and to provide all guests with
fair accommodation opportunities.
• 5.The Guest shall apply for an accommodation contract agreeing that the Guest shall not apply for more than one accommodation contract with the same content on the same day or multiple accommodation contracts for similar dates with the same content without reasonable grounds in order for the Hotel to provide fair accommodation opportuni- ties to any other guests as possible.
Article 3 (Execution of Accommodation Contract, etc.)
• 1. Accommodation contract shall be deemed to have been executed when the Hotel accepts the application under Article 2; provided, however, that depending on the accommodation plan, the accommoda- tion contract shall be deemed to have been executed when the Guest makes advance payment after the application and the Hotel confirms the receipt of such payment. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the same shall not apply if it has been proven that the Hotel had not accepted the application.
Article 4 (Refusal to Execute the Accommodation Contract)
• 1. There may be times when the Hotel will not agree to execute an accommodation contract under any of the following cases:
(1) When the application for accommodation does not conform to these Terms and Conditions;
(2) When there is no vacancy because the Hotel is fully booked;
(3) When the Guest is deemed to fall under any of the following:
(a) an organized crime group (hereinafter referred to as “Organized Crime Group”), a member of Organized Crime Group (hereinafter referred to as “Organized Crime Group Member”) as prescribed in the Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members (Act No. 77 of 1991), an associate member of Organized Crime Group, a person related to Organized Crime Group or other anti-social forces;
(b) an entity or other organization whose business activity has been controlled by Organized Crime Group or Organized Crime Group Member; or
(c) an entity which has a director or officer who falls under Organized Crime Group Member;
(4) When the Guest is deemed to be at the risk of engaging in any act which is in violation of laws and regulations or any act which goes against the public order or good morals in connection with his, her or its stay;
(5) When it becomes clear that the Guest is a person carrying an infectious disease;
(6) When the Guest makes a violent demand to the Hotel or demands the Hotel for unreasonable burden;
(7) When the Hotel is unable to provide accommodation due to natural disaster, malfunction of facilities or any other unavoidable reasons;
(8) When the Guest is deemed to be at the risk of not complying with these Terms and Conditions or the Hotel Regulations as prescribed by the Hotel within the Hotel; or
(9) When the circumstances fall under any provision of Ordinance for Enforcement of the Inns and Hotels Act which is applicable to the Hotel.
Article 5 (Guest’s Right to Cancel the Accommodation Contract)
• 1. The Guest shall be entitled to cancel the accommodation contract, with the exception of non-cancellable plans, by notifying the Hotel .
• 2. If the Guest cancels all or part of accommodation contract for any reason attributable to the Guest, the Guest shall pay cancellation fee in accordance with the cancellation provisions which the Hotel provided to the Guest at the time of Guest’s application for such accommodation contract.
• 3. If the Guest does not arrive at the Hotel by 6 pm of check-in date (or by midnight if the accommodation contract does not include dinner) without an advance notice, the accommodation contract may be deemed as being cancelled by the Guest.
Article 6 (Hotel’s Right to Cancel the Accommodation Contract)
• 1. The Hotel shall have the right to cancel the accommodation contract under any of the following cases:
(1) When the Guest is deemed to be at the risk of engaging in, or has engaged in, any act which is in violation of laws and regulations or any act which goes against the public order or good morals in connection with his, her or its stay;
(2) When it becomes clear that the Guest wishing to stay at the Hotel is a person carrying an infectious disease;
(3) When the Hotel is unable to provide accommodation due to natural disaster, malfunction of facilities or any other unavoidable reasons;
(4) When the Guest who wishes to stay at or use the Hotel is deemed to fall under any of the following:
(a) an Organized Crime Group, Organized Crime Group Member, associ- ated member of Organized Crime Group, person related to Organized Crime Group or other anti-social force;
(b) an entity or other organization whose business activity has been controlled by Organized Crime Group or Organized Crime Group Member; or
(c) an entity which has a director or officer who falls under Organized Crime Group Member;
(5) When the Guest makes an unreasonable coercive demand to the Hotel or its staff, including violence, threats or extortion, or demands the Hotel or its staff for unreasonable burden;
(6) When the Guest does not comply with the prohibited matters prescribed in these Terms and Conditions or the Hotel Regulations prescribed by the Hotel; or
(7) When the circumstances fall under any provision of Ordinance for Enforcement of the Inns and Hotels Act which is applicable to the Hotel.
(8) When a minor stays at the Hotel without obtaining permission from his/her guardian.
(9) When the Hotel cannot make available a guestroom for the Guest for a reason other than provided under paragraph (3) of this Article 6. In such a case, the Hotel will make efforts to introduce other accommoda- tions for the Guest.
(10) When it is deemed that the accommodation contract has been transferred without the implicit consent of the Hotel.
(11) When it is deemed that the Guest has more than one accommoda- tion contract with the same content on the same day, or has multiple accommodation contracts with the same content for similar dates without reasonable grounds.
Article 7 (Registration)
• 1. The Guest shall register with the Hotel the following matters on the check-in date.
(1) Name, age, gender, address, telephone number and occupation of Guest;
(2) Nationality, passport number, and port and date of entry into Japan if the Guest is a foreigner who is not a mid or long-term resident of Japan;
(3) Date and scheduled time of departure; and
(4) Other matters deemed as necessary by the Hotel.
• 2. If the Guest wishes to make the payment under Article 10 by means other than Japanese currency such as credit card, there may cases where the Hotel will request the Guest to show such payment method at the time of registration under the preceding paragraph.
Article 8 (Available Times of Guest Rooms)
• 1. The Guest shall be entitled to use the guestroom between the check-in time and check-out time as prescribed in each accommodation contract.
• 2. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, there may be times when the Hotel may permit the Guest’s use of guestroom during the times other than the times prescribed in the preceding paragraph. In such case, the Guest shall pay an additional fee.
Article 9 (Compliance with Hotel Regulations)
• 1. The Guest shall comply with the Hotel Regulations as prescribed by the Hotel within the Hotel.
Article 10 (Payment of Fee)
• 1. The breakdown of accommodation fee shall be as follows: Accommodation fee, additional fee, tax and service fee (depending on the facilities used by the Guest)
• 2. The Guest shall pay the accommodation fee, etc. to the Hotel at the time of Guest’s departure or upon Hotel’s request in Japanese currency or by other means accepted by the Hotel such as credit card.
• 3. The Guest shall pay the accommodation fee even if the Guest voluntarily does not stay at the Hotel after the Hotel has made the guestroom available to the Guest.
Article 11 (Custody of Baggage and Personal Belonging of Guest)
• 1. If the Guest’s baggage arrives at the Hotel prior to the Guest’s arrival and if the Hotel agrees to do so prior to the arrival of baggage (includes cases where baggage storage is designated by the Hotel), then the Hotel will be responsible for keeping such baggage in its custody and for handing it over to the Guest at the time of Guest’s check-in.
• 2. Same shall apply in case the Hotel accepts the Guest’s request to temporarily keep his, her or its baggage in the Hotel’s custody after the check-out.
• 3. If the Guest leaves without the Hotel’s approval, his, her or its baggage or personal belonging behind after the Guest has checked out the Hotel will discard the baggage or personal belonging as items which the Guest discarded; provided, however, that there may cases where the Hotel will take measures at its discretion such as keeping the baggage or personal belonging in its custody for a certain period and thereafter turning it over to the nearest police station.
Article 12 (Handling of Items Brought by Guest)
• 1. The Guest shall notify the Hotel in advance if the Guest wishes to bring a large amount of cash or valuables. In case the Hotel receives such notice, there may be times when the Hotel will not permit the Guest to bring the cash or valuables to the Hotel at the Hotel’s discretion. There may be cases where the Hotel will not be responsible for any damage to, stain on or loss of large amount of cash or valuables which the Guest brought to the Hotel without notifying the Hotel.
• 2. The Hotel will compensate the Guest for damages for any damage to, stain on or loss of goods or cash which the Guest brought to the Hotel only in the case where the Hotel engaged in intentional misconduct or was grossly negligent.
• 3. With respect to the compensation of damages under the preceding paragraph, the Hotel shall compensate the amount of damages objectively proven or up to one hundred thousand Japanese yen (JPY100,000) in all other cases.
Article 13 (Guest’s Liability)
• 1. If the Hotel incurs any damages due to the Guest’s intentional miscon- duct or negligence, the Guest shall compensate the Hotel for such damages.
Article 14 (Entry into Guestroom)
• 1. There may be cases where the Hotel will enter into the guestroom without the Guest’s permission even after the Guest has checked in under any of the following cases:
(1) When the Hotel provides its service such as cleaning or room service;
(2) When it is deemed that the Guest is at the risk of engaging in, or has engaged in, any act which is in violation of laws and regulations or any act which goes against the public order or good morals;
(3) When it is determined that the entry into the guestroom is necessary in accordance with the instructions of police or firefighter; or
(4) When it is determined that the entry into the guestroom is necessary in order to protect the building or facility of the Hotel.
(5) When the Hotel has determined that the entry into the guestroom is necessary in order to confirm or ensure safety of the Guest.
Article 15 (Use of Parking lot)
• 1. The Hotel will allow the Guest to use the Parking lot upon the Guest’s request, and the Guest should be responsible for using the parking lot on his, her or its own and the Hotel will not be responsible for using the parking lot.
Article 16 (Severability)
• 1. In the event that a court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction at any time holds that any provision of these Terms and Conditions are illegal or unenforceable, such provision shall be severed from this Agreement, and the remainder of these Terms and Conditions shall not be affected thereby and shall continue in full force and effect.
Article 17 (Amendment to these Terms and Conditions)
• 1. These Terms and Conditions fall under the standard terms and conditions under the Civil Code, and when each provision of these Terms and Conditions conforms to the general interests of the Guest or when it is deemed that there are reasonable grounds to require amend- ment, such provisions shall be amended in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code.
• 2. Changes to these Terms and Conditions shall be applied from the specified effective date after the announcement of the changes to these Terms and Conditions on this website.
当館では、ご宿泊の皆さまに安全かつ快適にご利用いただくために、宿泊約款第 9条に基づき、次のとおり利用規則(以下「、当利用規則」という。)を定めていますので、ご協力くださいますようお願い し上げます。また、宿泊約款および当利用規則に基づく当館従業員からの指示に従っていただきますようお願い し上げます。
なお、当利用規則をお守りいただけない場合において、お客様に損害が生じたとしても当館は責任を負いかねます。また、当館に損害が生じたときは、お客様に損害を賠償していただくことがございますので、ご了承くださいますようお願い し上げます。
【当館の利用 ついて】
【客室 ついて】
5.宿泊約款第14条により、従業員が客室に入室したり、入室の上物品を移動したりすることがあります。現金および貴重品はご自身で管理していただくとともに、移動してはならないものがある場合は事前にお し出ください。
【共用部等 ついて】
【衛生管理 ついて】
ア ノロウィルスなどの食中毒に感染していることが疑われる場合。
イ 感染症の予防および感染の患者に対する医療に関する法律および同法施行規則に指定された感染症に感染していることが疑われる場合。
【撮影 ついて】
【喫煙 ついて】
【他の宿泊者への配慮 ついて】
【公序良俗 ついて】
【建物・設備等の保全 ついて】
【携行品、遺失物 ついて】
【精算 ついて】
【駐車場の利用 ついて】※駐車場のある施設のみ適用
【大浴場または温泉の利用 ついて】※大浴場または温泉のある施設のみ適用 1.刺青・タトゥー(シールを含む。)をされた方の入浴は固くお断りいたします。た
だし、当館が指定する方法によりカバーシールで隠れた状態である場合はご入浴いただけます。当館が指定する方法及びカバーシールの詳細はフロントにお し付けください。
【スパの利用 ついて】※スパのある施設のみ適用
【ペットとの宿泊 ついて】※ペット同伴可ホテルのみ
6. 以下に該当する場合には、ご宿泊をお断りすることや、ご宿泊中であっても利用の中止をお願いすることがあります。
【プールの利用 ついて】※プールのある施設のみ適用
20. 遊泳後にシャトルバス、カートを利用する際は、十分に水分をふき取った上でご乗車ください。また、水着のままでの乗車はご遠慮ください。※シャトルバス、カート使用の施設のみ
【ビーチの利用 ついて】※ビーチのある施設のみ適用
【国立公園・xx公園内の施設の利用 ついて】
To ensure a safe and comfortable stay for our guests, the Hotel has established the Hotel Regulations (hereinafter, these “Regulations”) as follows in accordance with Article 9 of the General Terms and Conditions for Accommodation Contract (hereinafter, the “Terms and Conditions”). All guests are kindly requested to observe these Regulations. Please follow the instructions given by the Hotel staff pursuant to the Terms and Conditions and these Regulations. The Hotel may refuse to allow any guests who fail to comply with these Regulations to stay at the Hotel or use its facilities in accordance with Article 6 of the Terms and Conditions. The Hotel shall not be liable for any damages suffered by the guests due to their failure to comply with these Regulations. Please note that in the event of any damages caused to the Hotel, the guests may be asked to compensate for the damages.
Use of Hotel
1. Please do not use guestrooms for any purpose other than accommoda- tion, such as commercial or business purposes.
2. Please do not distribute or post advertising materials or sell items on the premises of the Hotel without the permission of the Hotel.
3. Please do not distribute leaflets, collect signatures, or engage in other promotional activities on the premises of the Hotel.
4. Please do not order from outside restaurants or bring in food or drink unless approved by the Hotel.
5. Please do not display items that may change the impression of the exterior of the Hotel.
6. Accommodation for unaccompanied minors is not accepted without the permission of the Hotel.
7. The Hotel staff are not permitted to accept gratuities.
1. Please lock your room door for your security during your stay.
2. Should someone call on your room, please identify the visitor with the door being locked and do not carelessly unlock the door. If the person appears to be suspicious, please contact the reception immediately.
3. Please refrain from using the guestrooms to meet with visitors.
4. Please refrain from inviting anyone to your room or from allowing anyone to stay at your room other than the guest and his or her companion(s) who are registered with the Hotel pursuant to Article 7 of General Terms and Conditions for Accommodation Contract.
5. The Hotel Staff may enter the guestrooms or move items in the guest rooms in accordance with Article 14 of the Terms and Conditions. Please keep your cash and valuables under lock and key by yourself and notify us in advance if there is anything that should not be touched or moved.
Common Areas, etc.
1. Please check the evacuation route map and emergency exits on each floor.
2. Please do not enter emergency facilities or the rooftop unless there are compelling circumstances such as emergencies.
3. Please do not enter the Hotel staff areas.
4. Please do not leave your personal belongings in public areas, such as corridors or lobby.
Hygiene Management
1. Any Guests who falls under any of the following may be asked to refrain from staying at the Hotel or using its facilities, or may be restricted from moving around within the Hotel.
a. When the person is suspected to be infected with food poisoning such as norovirus
b. When the person is suspected to be infected with an infectious disease as specified in the Act on the Prevention of Infectious Diseases and Medical Care for Patients with Infectious Diseases and the Regula- tion for Enforcement of the same Act
c. When the person has any other conditions similar to the above
Filming and Photographing
1.Filming or audio recording or photographing within the Hotel premises
for commercial or business purpose without the Hotel’s permission is prohibited. Please refrain from using any video or audio recording or photographs (including recording or photographs for personal use) for commercial or business purpose without the Hotel’s permission.
2.Please refrain any filming or photographing which may bother other guests or which other guests feel unpleasant. There may be times when the Hotel will ask you to refrain any filming or photographing which has not received the Hotel’s permission even if such filming or photograph- ing is for personal use.
1. Smoking is not permitted in the Hotel (excluding some guestrooms). Smoking is prohibited except in designated areas.
Consideration for Other Guests
1. Guests may not bring in pets and other animals, unless there are any relevant provisions which may prescribe otherwise. With respect to assistance dogs for physically disabled persons as prescribed in the Act on Assistance Dogs for Physically Disabled Persons, the Hotel will act in compliance with such law.
2. Please do not bring any items with unpleasant odor into the Hotel.
3. Please do not speak, shout or sing in loud voice, use TV or audio equipment at high volume, make loud noises, or engage in other noisy acts.
4. Please dress appropriately following the instructions of the Hotel in areas other than the guest rooms.
5. Please avoid any appearance or behavior that may make other guests feel uncomfortable or uneasy.
Public Order and Morality
1. Gambling, acts that disturb moral order, and behavior contrary to public order and morality are prohibited.
2. Please do not bring into the Hotel premises any items whose posses- sion is prohibited by laws and regulations such as guns, knives and drugs.
3. Please do not bring into the premises of the Hotel any items that may make other guests or the Hotel staff feel uneasy, or may threaten their safety, or a large amount of items that may interfere with the operation or use of the Hotel.
4. Any guest or his/her companion who is found to be a member of an organized crime group designated in accordance with the Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members or an anti-social organization will be refused any further use of the Hotel.
5. Any guest or his/her related party who is found to have engaged in assault, threats, blackmail, extortion, or forcible obstruction of business will be refused any further use of the Hotel.
6. Any guest or his/her related party who conducts, or is deemed to be highly likely to conduct, any act in violation of laws and regulations will be refused any further use of the Hotel.
Protection of Buildings, Equipment etc.
1. Please do not move any equipment or fixtures on the premises of the Hotel to another location, process, or use them for any purpose other than the original purpose.
2. Please do not bring explosives, volatile oils, or other ignitable or inflam- mable materials into the Hotel.
3. Please do not use your own heating or cooking equipment that may cause a fire in guest rooms.
4. Any act that may cause a fire is prohibited on the premises of the Hotel.
5. Any guest who engages in acts such as losing, damaging, defacing, or attaching odors to the Hotel buildings, equipment, fixtures, or plants may be asked to compensate for such damages.
Personal Belongings and Lost Items
1. If any costs are incurred for returning lost items found at the Hotel to their owner, the owner of the returned items will be asked to bear such costs.
2. Any guest who intentionally or negligently leaves his/her personal belongings that require disposal costs, such as those falling into the category of large-sized garbage, in the guestrooms, common areas, or other areas on the premises of the Hotel will be charged disposal costs under the laws and regulations, as well as the handling fees determined by the Hotel. If it can be objectively presumed that a guest’s personal belongings have been intentionally left, or if a guest has not contacted the Hotel regarding his/her personal belongings after one week from the date of check-out, it will be deemed that such personal belongings have been intentionally left and that the ownership has been waived.
1. The Hotel may require the guests to make a deposit or verify their credit card prior to their use of the Hotel.
2. The Hotel will not pay on behalf of the guests any expenses other than the fees and other amounts for using the facilities of the Hotel, such as taxi fares or payments for purchases made outside the Hotel, or will not allow such expenses to be included in the final bill at the time of check-out.
3. If you wish to pay all the fees for use of the Hotel’s facilities at once at the time of check-out, please bring your room key or other items that show your room number.
4. Even if you wish to pay all your bills at once at the time of check-out, you may be asked to make a payment during your stay at the discretion of the Hotel. Please note that if you fail to make such payment, you may not be allowed to stay at the Hotel any further.
5. The Hotel only accepts payment in cash in Japanese yen, by any credit card accepted by the Hotel, or by any other means accepted by the Hotel.
6. Please contact the reception if you wish to change the accommodation plan you have reserved. If you wish to stay longer than the number of nights you have reserved, you will be required to enter into a new accommodation contract and pay all the bills incurred up to that point.
Use of Parking Lots *Applicable only to facilities with parking lots
1. The parking lot of the Hotel is available only for guests for the purpose of using the Hotel.
2. Please drive slowly in the parking lot of the Hotel and follow the instruc- tions provided by the Hotel staff or guide signs.
3. Please turn off the engine when leaving your vehicle.
4. Please do not leave your vehicle with small children, pets, or valuables being left unattended in the vehicle.
5. Please make sure that the door is securely locked when leaving your vehicle.
6. The Hotel shall not be liable for any loss, theft or damage that occurs in the parking lot of the Hotel.
7. The Hotel shall not be liable for any accidents in the parking lot or any problems between users.
8. Any vehicle parked in the parking lot without approval from the Hotel after the day following the date of check-out will be treated as an abandoned vehicle.
Use of Large Public Baths or Hot Springs
*Applicable only to facilities with large public baths or hot springs
1. Persons with tattoos (including stickers) are strictly prohibited from using the bath. However, they can use the bath if their tattoos are concealed with a cover sticker according to the method specified by the Hotel. For details of the method specified by the Hotel or of the cover stickers, please inquire at the reception.
2. Photographing or sound or video recording in the bath or changing room is prohibited.
3. Please do not drink the hot water from the bath unless permitted.
4. Persons who are intoxicated are not allowed to use the bath.
5.Only children of the opposite sex who are a child under elementary school age or younger are allowed to enter into public bath and dressing rooms.
6. Please check the contraindications posted in the Hotel before using the bath. * Applicable only to facilities with hot springs.
Use of Spas *Applicable only to facilities with spas
1. The spa facility is intended for relaxation, not for medical benefits. 2.
(1) The treatment will not be provided to persons with any of the following
•Injury or wound with pain or swelling (e.g., sprain, fracture, low back pain, dislocation, burn, cut)
•Severe visceral disease, illness or injury under treatment
•Disease, injury or wound (including those caused by traffic accidents) under follow-up observation
•Less than one year after complete recovery from surgery (including endoscopic surgery, cesarean delivery surgery, and dental surgery)
•Fever, headache, nausea, abdominal pain, or diarrhea
•Swelling or lymphedema caused by illness
•Pain or swelling caused by dental treatment
•Guests who are pregnant and fall within the pregnancy period specified separately by the Hotel
•Reddish or tingly sunburn
•Guests who have just eaten a meal and under the influence of alcohol
•Guests with serious varicose veins
•Guests who are unable to lie on their back or face down for a long period of time
•Guests with allergies
•Skin diseases, or inflammation, swelling or itching of skin
•Less than one year after implant surgery, or less than six months after tooth extraction
•Guests with infectious diseases
(2) If you have any medical history other than the conditions listed in the preceding paragraph, please inform the relaxation staff.
3. Guests who wish to receive a treatment or massage will be required to sign a consent form designated by the Hotel. The treatment will not be provided to those who do not sign the consent form.
4. The Hotel shall not be liable for any loss or theft of your personal belongings. Please take care of your valuables by yourself.
5. The Hotel shall not be liable for any accidents caused by the careless- ness of the guests.
Accommodation with Pets
*Applicable only to facilities with welcome pet hotel
1. Only pets of the type designated by the Hotel (hereinafter, “Pets”) are allowed to be brought to the Hotel. No other animals are permitted.
2. Guests who wish to use rooms where Pets are allowed (hereinafter, “Pet Rooms”) are requested to submit the completed Pet Rooms terms and conditions / consent form, copies of the certificate of vaccination designated by the Hotel at the time of check-in. Those who do not submit these documents will not be allowed to use Pet Rooms.
3. For the use of Pet Rooms and areas than other Pet Rooms in the Hotel with the Pets, please follow the precautions described in the Pet Rooms terms and conditions and the instructions given by the Hotel staff.
4. Pets are only allowed in Pet Rooms, unless otherwise designated by the Hotel. Please do not allow Pets to enter other guest rooms, even if they are the guest rooms of your travelling companions.
5. Please use the pet toilets placed in Pet Rooms for Pets to defecate, unless otherwise designated by the Hotel. If Pets defecate in other areas, please promptly clean up after them in a sanitary manner. Please do not allow Pets to use the toilets (excluding toilets for Pets) or bathrooms in the guest rooms.
6. In the event of any of the following cases, the Hotel may decline the guests to stay at the Hotel, or may ask them to stop using the Hotel even
during their stay.
•When the guests engage in any act that violates these Regulations or the Pet Rooms terms and conditions / consent form.
•When the guests engage in any act contrary to the instructions given by the Hotel staff.
•When there is a risk of interfering with our business.
•When there is a risk of harm to other guests or their Pets, or hindrance to their accommodation or stay.
7. In the event of defacement or damage to the equipment or fixtures in the guest rooms, or any act of causing harm to the Hotel employees, compensation for such damages may be claimed.
8. The Hotel shall not be liable for any damage or harm caused to other guests or the Pets or property of other guests.
9. The guests shall be responsible for the management of their Pets, and the Hotel shall not be liable for any illness, injury, or death of the Pets.
Use of Swimming Pools
*Applicable only to facilities with swimming pools
1. Please use the swimming pool at your own risk.
2. The swimming pool may not be staffed with lifeguards. Please take care of your own safety.
3. Children under elementary school age are not allowed to use the swimming pool alone. They must be accompanied by adult guardians.
4. Children under elementary school age are required to wear life jackets or other life preservers.
5. Parents or guardians must keep a close watch on children.
6. Children with diapers must wear swim diapers.
7. Please refrain from swimming if you do not feel well or if you have drunk alcohol.
8. Please refrain from swimming while wearing anything other than swimsuits (rash guards or other clothes made of swimsuit fabric are acceptable).
9. No diving is allowed.
10. Please do not run on the poolside as it is slippery.
11. Persons with tattoos (including stickers) are strictly prohibited from using the swimming pool (only those whose tattoos are concealed using the method specified by the Hotel are allowed).
12. Please refrain from bringing in glass or plastic products (glasses, contact lenses, etc.), which could be dangerous if broken, or accesso- ries, hairpins, or other items that could cause injury or accidents.
13. Please do not touch the water inlet or outlet as it is dangerous.
14. Please check the water depth indication and use the swimming pool with a depth appropriate for your height and swimming ability.
15. Please use the swimming pool according to the instructions on the posted notices or those given by the Hotel staff.
16. The Hotel shall not be liable for any loss or theft of your personal belongings. Please take care of valuables on your own.
17. The Hotel shall not be liable for any accidents caused by the careless- ness of the guests.
18. For hygiene reasons, please refrain from bringing in food or drink unless permitted.
19. For safety reasons, please refrain from bringing in toys unless permit- ted.
20. When using a shuttle bus or cart after swimming, please dry yourself off before boarding. Please refrain from boarding such vehicles in swimsuits. * Only for facilities using shuttle buses or carts
Use of the Beach *Applicable only to facilities with the beach
1. Please use the beach at your own risk.
2. Children under elementary school age are not allowed to use the beach alone. They must be accompanied by adult guardians.
3. Children under elementary school age are required to wear life jackets or other life preservers.
4. Parents or guardians must keep a close watch on children.
5. Children with diapers must wear swim diapers.
6. Please refrain from swimming if you do not feel well or if you have drunk alcohol.
7. Please refrain from swimming while wearing anything other than swimsuits (rash guards or other clothes made of swimsuit fabric are acceptable).
8. No diving is allowed.
9. Persons with tattoos (including stickers) are strictly prohibited from using the beach (only those whose tattoos are concealed using the method specified by the Hotel are allowed).
10. Please refrain from bringing in glass or plastic products (glasses, contact lenses, etc.), which could be dangerous if broken, or accesso- ries, hairpins, or other items that could cause injury or accidents.
11. The Hotel shall not be liable for any loss or theft of your personal belongings. Please take care of valuables on your own.
12. The Hotel shall not be liable for any accidents caused by the careless- ness of the guests.
13. For hygiene reasons, please refrain from bringing in food or drink unless permitted.
14. For safety reasons, please refrain from bringing in toys unless permit- ted.
15. The service content may be changed in the event of bad weather or natural disasters.
16. Please do not collect, hurt or feed marine life.
17. Please stay within the designated swimming area for safety.
18. If lifeguards are present, please follow their instructions to prevent accidents.
19. Please refrain from entering the Hotel in wet clothes or swimsuits.
20. Please refrain from using public areas or other facilities in swimsuits or similar clothes.
21. No use of fire generating equipment is allowed on the beach.
22. No smoking is allowed on the beach.
23. Please use rash guards when swimming. * Applicable only to facilities without jellyfish prevention nets.
24. When using a shuttle bus or cart after swimming, please dry yourself off before boarding. Please refrain from boarding such vehicles in swimsuits. * Only for facilities using shuttle buses or carts
Use of Facilities in National Parks / Quasi-National Parks
*Applicable only to facilities in national parks / quasi-national parks
1. Picking flowers, plants, etc. on the premises of the Hotel is prohibited by law.
<Amendment to these Regulations>
1. These Regulations fall under the category of standard terms under Civil Code, and clauses in these Regulations may be amended by the Hotel in accordance with the provisions of Civil Code if such amendment is in the general interest of the guests or if it is deemed that there are any reasonable basis to require such amendment.
2. Any amendment to these Regulations shall be applied from the designated effective date after the details of the amendment to these Regulations are published on this website.