PlanetCross 使用許諾契約書
PlanetCross 使用許諾契約書
ご使用の前に、下記使用許諾契約書を必ずご確認ください。English here
ご注意: この使用許諾契約書(以下「本契約」といいます)は、お客様(個人、あるいは単一の組織)と Planetway Japan 株式会社(以下「当社」といいます)との間の、上記に示した当社が提供するソフトウエア・プロダクト(以下「本ソフトウエア」といい、コンピュータソフトウェア・マニュアルなどの関連書類および電子文書を含みます)のトライアル用の使用許諾に関して定めるものです。本ソフトウェアをインストール又は使用(以下総称して「使用等」ということがあります)する場合には、この使用許諾契約書に同意する必要があります。お客様が本ソフトウェアを使用等すると、本契約の契約条件にすべて同意したことになります。
第 1 条 使用権
第 2 条 使用目的と使用期間
お客様は、本ソフトウェアを、トライアルの目的(即ち、本ソフトウェアを評価する目的)で、トライアル期間に限り、使用等することができます。トライアル期間は、使用開始から 90 日間とします。目的外又はトライアル期間を超えての使用等はできません。
第 3 条 サポート
第 4 条 禁止事項
1. コピー及び配布
2. 解析・派生物の作成
3. 権利の移動
4. 類似品の開発
5. 本ソフトウェアの機能に関する禁止事項
6. 本ソフトウェアのデータに関する禁止事項
お客様は、使用権を持たない者が利用可能な、当社が提供するソフトウェアを使用する以外の方法で本ソフトウェアのデータを参照・編集するための仕組みを、製造・構築すること、および、 使用権を持たない者が、当社が提供するソフトウェアを使用する以外の方法で、本ソフトウェアのデータを参照・編集することを禁止します。
7. 第三者に禁止事項をさせることの禁止
第 5 条 著作権
第 6 条 準拠法・完全合意・権利放棄・専属管轄・分離可能性等
1. 準拠法
2. 完全合意
3. 権利放棄
4. 専属管轄
5. 分離可能性
第 7 条 保証の制限
1. 保証及び責任の範囲
2. 動 x
行される OS の制限などの原因により、確実に改善することを保証するものではありません。
3. 破 損
お客様が本ソフトウェアを使用して作成したすべての成果物およびその成果物を作成するために使用するすべての情報が、本ソフトウェアあるいは本ソフトウェアと同時に使用する製品あるいは OS によってその全部あるいは一部が破損した場合にも、当社はその責を負いません。
4. 連 絡
第 8 条 製品の輸出
第 9 条 監査権
1. 監査権限と協力義務
2. 違法行為の是正等の措置
第 10 条 本サービスの一時停止および契約の解除
1. 規約違反等を理由とする一時停止または契約の解除
(1) 本サービスの運営を妨害しまたは相手方の名誉信用を毀損した場合
(2) 通知内容等に虚偽記入又は記入もれがあった場合
(3) 監督官庁から営業許可の取消、停止等の処分を受けた場合
(4) 本契約を履行することが困難となる事由が生じた場合
(5) 契約者又は利用者が本サービスに 90 日以上ログイン実績がない場合
(6) その他本規約の規定に違反した場合
2. 保守点検等を理由とする一時停止
(1) 本システムの保守点検等の作業を定期的にまたは緊急に行う場合
(2) 本システムに故障等が生じた場合
(3) 停電、火災、地震、労働争議その他弊社の責に帰すべからざる事由により本サービスの提供が困難な場合
(4) 前各号他本システムの運用上または技術上の相当な理由がある場合
3. 天災地変等を理由とする解約
4. 事前通知による解約
5. 責任負担
第 11 条 反社会的勢力の排除
1. 反社会的勢力との関係を理由とする契約解除
(1) 反社会的勢力が経営を支配していると認められるとき
(2) 反社会的勢力が経営に実質的に関与していると認められるとき
(3) 自己、自社若しくは第三者の不正の利益を図る目的又は第三者に損害を加える目的をもってするなど、不当に反社会的勢力を利用したと認められるとき
(4) 反社会的勢力に対して資金等を提供し、又は便宜を供与するなどの関与をしていると認められるとき
(5) その他役員等又は経営に実質的に関与している者が、反社会的勢力と社会的に非難されるべき関係を有しているとき
2. 暴力的な要求行為等を理由とする解除
(1) 暴力的な要求行為
(2) 法的な責任を超えた不当な要求行為
(3) 取引に関して、脅迫的な言動をし、又は暴力を用いる行為
(4) 風説を流布し、偽計又は威力を用いて相手方の信用を棄損し、又は相手方の業務を妨害する行為
(5) その他前各号に準ずる行為
3. 損害賠償
第 12 条 契約終了・解除後の措置等
V1.0:2020 年 1 月 31 日初版
PlanetCross License Agreement
(For trial use)
Please confirm surely the following license agreement before one of use.
This license agreement (hereafter referred to as “the agreement“) shall establish the trial licensing of software product (hereafter referred to as “the software”, including relevant documents such as computer software manuals and electronic documents) shown above and provided by the company in between the customer (individual or single organization) and Planetway co. ltd. (hereafter referred to as “the company”).
The customer needs to agree to the contract before the customer installs or uses the software (“use” may be referred to “use etc.” hereafter). The Company assumes that the customer agrees to terms and condition in the agreement when the customer uses the software in case a customer does not accept the terms and condition, he/she is not entitled to use the software and is obliged immediately cease using the software.
The Company will inform the customer of the revised contents in the terms and condition at the company’s website and by e-mail at least 14 days before the revision enters into force. If a customer does not accept the revision, he/she is entitled to cancel the license agreement before the revision enter into force. If a customer continues to use the software after the revision have entered into force, it is considered that he/she has accepted the respective revised contents to the agreement.
The software is protected by copyright laws in Japan and overseas as well as the rights of the author and its neighboring rights, and laws on intellectual property rights. The software is only licensed to the customer in accordance with the terms of the agreement, and copyright or other intellectual property rights in the software
are not transferred to the customer.
"Use" of the software in the agreement refers to activating the Software.
"Services" is the services provided by the company to the customer for trial use of the software under the agreement.
Article 1 Right to use
The customer can install the software in his/her computer for a trial use as long as the customer adheres to all terms and conditions of the agreement.
The customer is obliged to immediately notify the company of abuse of the software or it’s falling into possession of third parties.
Article 2 Purpose of use and period of use
The customer may use the software for trial purposes (namely, to evaluate the software) only during the trial period. The trial period is 90 days from the start of use. The software cannot be used for any purpose other than or beyond the trial period.
Article 3 Support
The company does not provide the support for the use of this software unless in case that the support contract is separately concluded with the company.
Article 4 Prohibition
1. Copy and distribution
The customer cannot make copies of the software than necessary to install the Software. For example, the customer cannot make a copy of the software for backup purposes. And the customer cannot redistribute or distribute the software without our written permission.
2. Analysis and derivatives creation
The customer should not perform any source code analysis work such as reverse engineering, disassembly, or de-compilation on the software. And any modification,
adaptation etc. of the software, and creation of derivative works based on the software without prior written permission of the company are prohibited.
3. Transfer of rights
The customer cannot transfer, resell, rent, pledge the software or any or all of its rights for the third party to use with or without charge, whether for payment or without charge.
4. Development of similar products
The customer cannot develop, manufacture, or sell any similar product of the software by the customer or by a third party. In case the customer performs any of these acts, the company can claim an injunction against these acts and claim compensation for any damages the company suffered. In this case, the amount of the similar product manufactured or sold multiplied by the highest unit price of the software is regarded as the damage amount incurred by the company.
5. Prohibited matters regarding to the functions of the software
It is prohibited to allow anyone without the right to use the functions provided by the software and to provide a mechanism to enable them. And, it is prohibited to avoid functional restrictions due to technical restrictions and editions of the software. If the use is discovered, the customer is responsible for paying for the software for the number of uses calculated at the highest unit price.
6. Prohibited matters regarding data of the software
The following acts are prohibited.
(1) Manufacture and build a mechanism to refer and edit the data of the software for who do not have the right to use other than by using the software provided by the company.
(2) A person who does not have the right to use the software refers to or edits the data of the software other than by using the software provided by the company.
7. Prohibition of third parties from doing prohibited matters
The customer should not let a third party to do any of the prohibited matters specified in the agreement. And the customer must not solicit or facilitate third parties to do any of the prohibited matters specified in the agreement.
Article 5 Copyright
All rights, such as copyrights, relating to the software shall belong to the company,
and the customer shall not have rights other than the non-exclusive right to use the software
Article 6 Governing law, complete agreement, waiver, exclusive jurisdiction, separability etc.
1. Governing law
The agreement shall be governed by the laws of Japan, and construed and applied by the laws of Japan.
2. Complete agreement
The agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties with respect to its subject matter and supersedes all prior agreements or understandings, whether oral or written. The customer agrees that any terms and / or additional terms that are different from the agreement specified in the customer’s purchase order or other written notice or document relating to the software will be void.
3. Waiver
Failure to exercise or delay exercise of any rights under the agreement or any breach of the agreement shall not be deemed a waiver or waiver of any such right.
4. Exclusive jurisdiction
In the event that a lawsuit is required between the Company and the customer with respect to this Agreement, the action relating to this Agreement shall be the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court in the first instance.
5. Exclusive jurisdiction
In the case that a lawsuit is required between the company and the customer with respect to the agreement, the action relating to the agreement shall be the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court in the first instance.
6. Separability
In the case that any term or condition of the agreement is deemed invalid for any reason, such term or condition will be interpreted reasonably to the maximum extent permitted, and no effect on the validity or effect of the other terms and conditions of the agreement.
Article 7 Restriction of warranty
1. Warranty and liability
The company does not guarantee to the customer with respect to the software and assumes no responsibility unless the company has intentional or gross negligence.
2. Operation
Although the effort has been made to ensure the quality of the software, there is no guarantee that there will be no operational defects or other defects, problems, or errors. The company will do the best if any of these operational defects are discovered, but the company cannot guarantee that improvements will be made due to limitations in the software or operating system.
3. Corruption
In the event all or part of all deliverables created by the customer using the software and all information used to create the deliverables are corrupted by the software or the product or OS used with the software, the company will not be liable.
4. Contact
The company has not any obligation to notify you of any information about the software. And the company does not take any responsibility for any damages that may occur to the customer.
Article 8 Export of product
The software is a trial version and cannot be exported.
Article 9 Right of auditing
The company shall have the authority to audit whether or not the customer is properly managing and using the software in accordance with the terms of this agreement, if necessary, the company shall request the customer to submit a copy of the documents for auditing, or take any other necessary action, and the customer is obliged to cooperate.
As a result of the audit, if any violation in the customer’s use of the software is found, the company will ask the customer to correct the violation, termination of the agreement, or compensation for damages, or all measures.
Article 10 Suspension of Service and cancellation of
1. Suspension / Cancellation
The company shall suspend the provision of all or part of the service or cancel the agreement without prior notice if the customer falls under any of the following items.
(1) When the service operation is obstructed or the reputation of the other party is damaged
(2) If there is a false entry or omission entry in the notification contents, etc.
(3) When a business license is canceled, suspended, etc. by a regulatory authority
(4) In the case that it becomes difficult to fulfill the agreement
(5) If the customer has not logged in to the service for more than three months
(6) Any other violation of terms and conditions
2. Notification
The company shall notify the customer in advance or after the fact in the event of an emergency regarding the event of any of the following items and shall suspend provision of all or part of the service.
(1) When regular or emergency work such as maintenance and inspection of the system is performed
(2) When any malfunction occurs in the system
(3) When it is difficult to provide the service due to a power outage, fire, earthquake, labor dispute or any other reason not attributable to the company
(4) When there is considerable operational or technical reason for this system, etc.
3. Exception
If all or part of the system is lost or damaged due to natural disasters or other force majeure, the system cannot be used and be repairable, the company will notify the customer to cancel the agreement.
4. Abolishment
The company shall abolish the service and terminate the agreement with 30 days' notice. However, this 30-day period can be shortened if unavoidable circumstances exist.
5. Responsibility
Even the case the service is suspended, or the agreement is canceled by this article, the company shall not bear any responsibility to customer or any other person unless there are special terms in these terms. The company will cease to process the personal data of customer or any other data subjects if that customer processed their personal data.
Article 11 Exclusion of anti-social forces
1. Gangster
The customer and the company shall be responsible for the antisocial forces’ gangsters, gangster members, those who have not been members of the gangsters for less than 5 years, gang members, gangster affiliated companies, general assembly houses, any special intelligence violent group or other equivalent person. (The same applies hereinafter), or if it is found to have a relationship that falls under any of the following items with antisocial forces. The contract can be canceled without notice.
(1) When it is recognized that antisocial forces control the business
(2) When it is recognized that antisocial forces are substantially involved in management
(3) When it is deemed to have used improperly antisocial forces, such as for the purpose of gaining improper profits for the customer or costumer’s company or a third party, or for the purpose of damaging a third party.
(4) When it is deemed to be involved in providing funds or providing convenience to anti-social forces
(5) When other officers or persons substantially involved in management have a relationship that should be criticized socially with antisocial forces
2. Third party
The customer and the company shall terminate the agreement without any notice if the other party performs any of the following items by itself or by using a third party.
(1) Violent demands
(2) Unfair demands beyond legal liability
(3) Acts of threatening behavior or using violence in relation to transactions
(4) Disseminating rumors, using counterfeiting or power to damage the other party's credibility, or hinder the other party's business
(5) Other acts pursuant to the preceding items
3. Claim
In the case that the agreement is terminated pursuant to the provisions of each item of this Article, the terminated party shall not make any claims to the other party for any damage caused by the termination. In addition, when any damage has occurred to the person who has been canceled, the other party shall compensate for the damage.
Article 12 Measures after contract termination / cancellation
Upon termination of the agreement for any reason, the customer must completely delete the software from storage media on the customer’s computer and destroy all documentation and copies.
The subject ends herewith
V1.0 2020/1/31