General Terms and Conditions of Purchase of Goods and Services
General Terms and Conditions of Purchase of Goods and Services
第1条 (本約款の目的)
Article 1 (Purpose of these Terms and Conditions)
These terms and conditions stipulate the general provisions that shall apply to both individual sales agreements of the goods and/or the individual service provision agreements (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Individual Agreements”) executed, based on individual orders issued by VICTREX JAPAN, INC. (“Victrex”), by and between Victrex and the seller or service provider (hereinafter both referred to as “Seller”) (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Parties”, and “Party” as individuals) (hereinafter the goods and services shall be referred to collectively as “Products”) (hereinafter these terms and conditions and Individual Agreements shall be referred to collectively as this “Agreement”).
第2条 (個別発注)
1 本製品の発注にあたり、甲は、乙に対して個別注文書を発行するものとし、乙は、個別注文書を受領後、速やかにその内容を確認の上、注文を承諾するか否を甲に対し書面で通知する。
4 本約款及び個別注文書に記載された条件以外の本件取引条件は、甲が事前に書面にて明示的に同意したものでない限り、無効とする。
Article 2 (Individual Orders)
2.3 The contents, specifications, price, amount, due date and details of delivery and other trade conditions of the goods to be sold or the services to be provided under this Agreement (collectively, “Trade Conditions”) shall be set forth in the individual order form.
第3条 (個別契約の解除)
1 甲は、乙による納入期限の 7 日前までに、乙に対し書面により通知することで、個別契約を解除することができる。
2 前項の解除の場合、乙は、甲による解除前までに既に履行した業務に要した対価を、甲に対し請求することができるものとする。但し、甲による個別契約の解除が、乙の責めに期すべき事由による場合を除く。
Article 3 (Termination of Individual Agreements)
3.2 In the event of the termination set forth in Article 3.1, the Seller may claim consideration from Victrex in respect of any work performed prior to the termination by Victrex that directly relates to the termination by Victrex
provided, however, that the termination of Individual Agreements by Victrex is not based on causes attributable to the Seller.
第4条 (納入)
1 本製品の納入期限、納入場所その他の納入条件については、個別注文書に定める。
3 納期遅延のおそれがあるときは、乙は甲に対し、直ちにその旨を通知しなければならない。
4.2 Upon the delivery of the Products, the Seller shall submit a statement of delivery to Victrex.
4.3 In the event of any possibility of delay, the Seller shall immediately notify Victrex thereof.
4.4 In the event that the Seller shall not deliver the Products by the due date without reasons attributable to Victrex, the Seller shall indemnify Victrex against any damage arising from such delay and incurred by Victrex, and Victrex may, in addition, cancel such order in its sole discretion.
第5条 (納入検査、所有権移転)
1 甲は、乙より納入された本製品の数量及び品質その他必要な事項に関する納入検査を行う。
2 本製品の所有権は、甲の納入検査に合格した時に乙から甲に移転する(以下
3 乙は、第1項に定める納入検査により不合格となった物品について、甲の指示に従い、乙の費用負担において、当該義務の再履行、代替品の納入、代金の返金又は減額、及び/又はその引き取りその他必要な対応をしなければならない。
4 本条の規定は、乙の品質保証責任又は瑕疵担保責任を制限又は免除するものとして解釈されてはならない。
Article 5 (Inspection and Transfer of Ownership)
5.4 This Article 5 shall not be interpreted as to restriction or exclusion of any of the terms of the Seller’s quality guarantee or warranty against defects.
第6条 (受注者の品質保証)
Article 6 (Seller’s Quality Guarantee)
The Seller shall guarantee that the Products to be provided pursuant to this Agreement will satisfy the specifications, qualifications and other conditions designated by Victrex by way of the individual order form, etc.
第7条 (保証及び瑕疵担保責任)
2 甲は、納入完了後に本製品に瑕疵があること又は数量不足を発見した場合には、遅滞なく乙に対してその旨を通知するものとする。
3 甲は、本製品に瑕疵があること又は数量不足を発見した場合、納入完了時から 1 年間は、代品の納入、代金の減額又は瑕疵の修補を請求することができ
る。但し、瑕疵又は数量不足が乙の悪意又は重過失に基づくものである場合には、甲は 1 年間の期間にかかわらず、乙に対して、かかる請求をすることができる。
4 前項は、甲の乙に対する損害賠償請求権及び解除権を妨げるものとして解釈されてはならない。
Article 7 (Seller's Warranty against Defects)
7.3 Victrex, in the event that it discovers any defect or shortage in quantity of the Products, within one year from the date of Acceptance, may claim that the Seller shall either deliver substitutes, discount the price or repair any defects. Provided, however, that if such defects or shortage in quantity was due to the Seller’s intent or gross negligence, Victrex may claim the above against the Seller without the one year restriction.
第8条 (代金の支払)
1 乙は、本製品に関する納入後速やかに、甲に対し本製品の代金に関する請求書を発行する。
8.1 The Seller shall immediately issue an invoice to Victrex after the delivery of Products.
8.2 Victrex, when it receives the invoice set forth in Article 8.1, upon checking the
accuracy of the invoice, shall make payment by the end of the month following the month when Victrex receives the invoice (if such due date is a bank holiday, the next business day shall be the due date), by way of transmitting the payment to the bank account designated separately by the Seller. Provided, however, if the Parties agree a different method of payment, such agreement shall prevail.
第9条 (製造物責任)
1 甲及び乙は、乙が提供した本製品又はそれを使用した甲の製品に関連して、甲又は第三者の生命、身体若しくは財産に損害が発生した場合、直ちに相手方に通知しなければならない。
2 前項に定める損害が甲又は第三者に生じた場合、甲及び乙は原因の調査、取るべき対策等について誠実に協議するものとする。
4 乙は、本契約期間中、本製品に関する乙の製造物責任を十分に補償する適切な保険に加入しなければならない。
Article 9 (Product Liability)
9.2 In the event that the damage or injury stipulated in Article 9.1 is incurred by Xxxxxxx or a third party, the Parties shall discuss in good faith how they should investigate the cause and the measures to be taken, etc.
第10条 (知的財産xx)
1 本製品が乙による役務の提供の場合で、乙が、当該役務の提供に関し知的財
2 乙は、本製品が第三者の知的財産権その他の権利を侵害していないことを保証する。
Article 10 (Intellectual Property)
10.1 In case the Products are provision of services by the Seller, and the Seller creates and/or develops any intellectual properties in relation to provision of such services, the Seller assigns to Victrex, such intellectual property rights and all other rights relating to such services (including its deliverables created in relation to the services such as the documents and materials etc. developed by the Seller and its subcontractor).
第11条 (秘密保持義務)
1) 本契約の履行のため、自己の従業員、親会社、子会社又は関連会社に開示する必要がある場合
1) 当該情報の知得時に、知得した当事者が既に適法に所有していた情報
2) 当該情報の知得時に、すでに公表され又は一般に入手可能となっていた情報
3) 当該情報の知得後に、自己の責に帰すべき事由によらずに公表され又は一般に入手可能となった情報
4) 相手方当事者に対して秘密保持義務を負っていない第三者から開示された情報
11.1 Each Party agrees that all information received from the other Party under this Agreement, including the nature of the Products to be provided by the Seller and the existence of any Agreement shall be maintained in strict confidence and not disclosed or divulged to others, and the receiving Party agrees not to use such information for any purpose other than for the fulfilment of this Agreement. Provided, however, that this shall not apply if disclosure or announcement of the information falls under any of the following and if such disclosure or announcement is within the scope of such necessity, requirement or consent.
(ii) When disclosure or announcement is required pursuant to any laws or regulations; or
(iii) When prior written consent of the other Party is obtained.
11.2 The previous Article 11.1 shall not apply to the information that:
(i) was lawfully known by the receiving Party at the time of receipt of such information;
(ii) was already announced or publicly available at the time of receipt of such information;
第12条 (権利義務の譲渡及び再委託)
Article 12 (Assignment and Sub-Contract)
The Seller shall not assign any of the rights and obligations under this Agreement or sub-contract any of the obligations of the Seller provided for by this Agreement to any third party without the written consent of Victrex.
第13条 (契約の解除)
1) 本契約又は個別契約の条項のいずれかに違反し、書面によりその是正を催告されたにもかかわらず、相当な期間内にこれを是正しない場合
2) 差押え若しくは仮差押え、仮処分、競売の申立て又は公租公課の滞納処分を受けた場合
4) 監督官庁より許認可の取消し又は営業の停止等の処分を受けた場合
6) その他本契約又は個別契約を継続しがたい重大な事由が発生した場合
2 前項各号に該当する事由が生じたときは、乙は、乙の甲に対する一切の債務について当然に期限の利益を喪失する。
(ii) upon seizure or provisional seizure, temporary disposition, application for auction or attachment on property for unpaid taxes and public dues;
(v) upon resolution of dissolution; or
13.2 When circumstances arise that fall within any of the items in Article13.1, the benefit of any right to term shall be lost in relation to all debts owed by the Seller to Victrex.
第14条 (反社会的勢力の排除)
1) 役職員等に暴力団、暴力団関係企業、総会屋等の反社会的勢力(以下、「反社会的勢力」という。)の構成員がいる場合
3) 反社会的勢力に対し、資金等を供給し、または便宜を供与するなど反社会的勢力の維持運営に協力し、または関与している場合
4) 反社会的勢力であると一般的に見られるような行為を行った場合
Article 14 (Anti-Social Forces)
(1) if any officer or an employee is a member of an anti-social element (“Anti- Social Element”) such as an organized crime group (yakuza), a company having a relationship to an organized crime group, a corporate racketeer, or the like;
(2) if any member of an Anti-Social Element is substantially involved in the business operation;
(4) if a Party commits any act that is generally deemed to be that of Anti-Social Forces; or
(5) any other cases similar to (1) to (4) above.
第15条 (不可抗力)
No Party shall be liable for any failure to fulfil any term or condition of the Agreement to the extent that fulfilment has been delayed, hindered or prevented by event of force majeure including any act of god, earthquake, labour dispute, compliance with requirements of any government or international authority, or by any other circumstances beyond its reasonable control.
第16条 (法令遵守)
Each Party shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations (including but not limited to the anti-bribery related laws and regulations), instructions and guidance of the competent authorities throughout the term of this Agreement.
第17条 (誠実協議)
The Parties shall consult in good faith and make efforts to resolve any matters
not dealt with by this Agreement or an Individual Agreement or any doubts concerning the interpretation thereof.
第18条 (準拠法及び管轄)
1 本約款及び個別契約は、日本法を準拠法とし、日本法を基準に解釈される。
2 本約款及び個別契約に起因又は関連して生じた甲乙間の一切の紛争は、東京地方裁判所を第xxの専属的合意管轄裁判所とする。
3 本約款及び個別契約においてxx版と英文版に齟齬がある場合には、xxが優先して適用されるものとする。
Article 18 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)
18.1 This Agreement and Individual Agreements shall be governed and construed by the laws of Japan.
18.3 In the event of any contradiction between the Japanese version and English version of this Terms and Conditions or the Individual Agreements, the Japanese version shall prevail.