Tellus サービス約款
Tellus サービス約款
第1章 総則第1節 通則
1.このTellus サービス約款(以下、「本約款」といいます)は、株式会社 Tellus(以 下、「当社」といいます)が提供する衛星データ等の提供プラットフォームサービスである「Tellus」(以下、「基本サービス」といい、詳細は第2条に定めます)およびそのオプションサービス(以下、「本オプションサービス」といい、詳細は第2条に定め、基本サービスと併せて「本サービス」と総称します)の利用条件について規定するものです。
3.本約款等中で指定されるウェブページ(URL による指定、名称その他の方法による指定を問いません)は、特に明記がない限り、本約款等の一部を構成するものではありません。
ます)および位置情報に紐づいて取得されるデータ(以下、「地上データ」といい、 衛星データと地上データを総称して「衛星データ等」といいます)その他のデータな らびにこれらを活用するためのサービスの提供を行うプラットフォームサービスです。
第2節 利用契約 第5条(利用契約)
(1) 当社が、申込みに係る本サービスの提供または本サービスに係る電気通信設備等
(2) 以前に当社との契約上の義務の履行を怠ったことがある等、申込者が当社と利用契約を締結した場合に契約上の義務の履行を怠るおそれがあると当社が判断した場合
(3) 申込みの内容に虚偽記載または不備があると当社が判断した場合
(4) 申込者につき第10条第1項第2号または第3号に掲げる事由が存在する場合
(5) 本サービスの利用料金等の決済に用いるものとして申込者が指定するクレジットカードまたは預金口座が決済に適切に用いることのできるものではない場合
(6) 申込者が未xx者、xx被後見人、被保佐人または民法第17条第1項の審判を受けた被補助人のいずれかであり、申込みにつき法定代理人、後見人、保佐人または補助人の同意等を得ていないと当社が判断した場合、または指定国において申込者が類似の状態にあると当社が判断した場合
(7) 申込者に対する本サービスの提供に関し、外国為替および外国貿易法(昭和24年法律第228号)およびその他の日本の法令もしくは利用者に適用される法令
(8) 申込者が当社の社会的信用を失墜させる態様で本サービスを利用するおそれがあると当社が判断した場合
(9) 申込者が暴力団関係者その他反社会的団体に属する者、または日本における暴力
(10) その他、当社が申込みを承諾することが不相当であると当社が認める場合
(1) 個人から法人への変更
(2) 利用者である法人の分割または事業譲渡による新たな法人への承継
(3) 利用者である任意団体の代表者の変更
(4) その他前各号に類する変更
(1) 第5条第1項各号、第12条第1項各号、第18条第1項各号その他本約款等で定める禁止事項のいずれかに該当する場合
(2) 利用料金等(次条に定めます。)の支払いを遅滞した場合
(3) 差押、仮差押、仮処分、滞納処分、競売の申立等を受けた場合、破産手続、民事再生手続、特別清算手続、会社更生手続等の倒産処理手続開始の申立があった場合、もしくは清算に入った場合、または指定国においてこれらに類似の状態にあると当社が判断した場合
(4) 手形、小切手が不渡りとなった等、支払いを停止した場合その他信用状態が悪化したと認められる相当の事由がある場合
(5) 利用者の行為(不作為を含みます)により、公的機関等によって当社の許可証その他関連資格が取り消される可能性があると当社が判断した場合
第3節 利用料金
1.利用者は、本サービスに関して当社が別途定める方法に従って、別途定める期限までに利用料金を支払うものとします。また、利用者は、第2章第2節に定める Tellus マーケットにおいて、第三者から利用者に提供されるツールの利用または第2章第3節に定めるTellus Satellite Date Traveler において、第三者の代理店である当社から利用者に提供される衛星データの利用について発生する利用許諾代金を支払う必要があります(以下、利用料金と利用許諾代金とを総称して「利用料金等」といいます)。
第4節 本サービスの利用条件第12条(禁止事項)
(1) 当社または第三者の財産、プライバシー、肖像権、知的財産権その他の権利(日本および日本以外の国のものの両方をいいます)を侵害する行為
(2) 当社もしくは第三者を差別、誹謗中傷もしくは侮辱し、またはその名誉もしくは信用を毀損する行為
(3) 預貯金口座および携帯電話の違法な売買、詐欺、無限連鎖講(ネズミ講)、規制薬物の売買、児童売買春等、適用法令の下で犯罪とされるものに結びつく行為
(4) 適用法令の下でわいせつ、児童ポルノまたは児童虐待に当たるとされる画像、文書等を送信または掲載する行為
(5) 本サービスにより利用しうる情報を改ざんまたは消去する行為
(6) ウイルス等の有害なコンピュータプログラム等を送信または掲載する行為
(7) 当社が本サービスを提供するにあたり用いる機器または設備等(利用者が所有しまたは貸与を受けて当社設備内に設置するものおよび当社が第三者から提供を受けて用いるものを含み、以下、「電気通信設備等」といいます)に不正にアクセスする行為(リバースエンジニアリング、逆コンパイル、逆アセンブルまたはその他の方法でソースコードの一部もしくは全部を抽出しようとする行為を含むが
(8) 第三者に対し、無断で広告・宣伝・勧誘等を目的とした電子メール(スパムメー ル等)や第三者が嫌悪感を抱く電子メール(嫌がらせメール)等を送信する行為、第三者のメール受信を妨害する行為、連鎖的な電子メールの転送を依頼する行為
(9) 適用法令に照らし、違法に賭博もしくはギャンブルを行い、または勧誘する行為
(10) 適用法令における違法行為(けん銃等の譲渡、児童ポルノの提供、公文書偽造、殺人、脅迫等を含みますがこれらに限りません)を直接的かつ明示的に請負い、仲介し、または誘引(他人に依頼することを含みます)する行為
(11) 人の殺害現場等の残虐な情報、動物を虐待する画像等の情報、その他社会通念上他者に著しく嫌悪感を抱かせる情報を送信または掲載する行為
(12) 人を自殺に誘引または勧誘する行為
(13) 他の利用者や第三者に著しく迷惑をかける行為
(14) 公序良俗に反する行為
(15) 適用法令に違反する行為(日本国以外の国の法令が適用される利用者については、当該法令に違反する行為を含みます)
(16) 当社または第三者の設備等(電気通信設備等を含みますがこれに限りません)の利用または運営に支障を与える行為
(17) 第三者の通信に支障を与える方法もしくは態様において本サービスを利用する行為
(18) 当社の本サービスの提供を妨害する行為
(19) 衛星リモートセンシング記録の適正な取扱いの確保に関する法律(平成28年法律第77号)(以下、「衛星リモセン法」といいます)における法規制に反する行為、または衛星リモセン法の立法趣旨に鑑み当社が衛星画像の悪用であると判断する行為
(20) 前各号のいずれかに該当する行為が行われているウェブサイトについて、その行為を助長する態様または目的でリンクを掲載する行為
(21) 第三者として前各号のいずれかに該当する行為を実施させる行為およびこれを助長する行為
(22) その他、当社が本サービスの利用者として不適切であると判断する行為
2.利用者は、利用者が本サービスを使用して作成した二次成果物(衛星データ等が保持するピクセル構造その他の情報の全部または一部を保持せず、かつ衛星データ等を復元することができない不可逆なものを指し、以下、「二次成果物」といいます)を、第三者(二次成果物を利用する第三者を、以下、「エンドユーザー」といいます)に無償で利用させることができます。ただし、第2章第2節に定める Tellus マーケットにおいて、第三者から利用者に提供されるツールを利用して作成した二次成果物については、各ツールの利用許諾条件に従うものとします。エンドユーザーに二次成果物を利用させる場合、利用者は二次成果物に、上位規約等(第15条で定義します)に基づく権利表示をしなければなりません。また、利用者はエンドユーザーに対して本約款等および上位規約等を遵守させる義務を負うものとします。
3.利用者は、二次成果物(第2章第2節に定める Tellus マーケットにおいて、第三者から利用者に提供されるツールを利用して作成した二次成果物を除きます)をエンドユーザーに有償で利用させる場合(以下、「商用利用」といいます)には、当社と別途契約を締結する必要があります。なお、当社は、当該利用に関する契約締結が適切ではないと当社が判断した場合には、利用者と当該契約を締結しないことができるものとし、その理由について当該利用者に開示する義務は負わないものとします。
(1) 衛星リモセン法第21条第3項第1号のいずれかに該当する者
(2) 衛星リモセン法第21条第3項第2号の基準を満たしていない者
(1) 利用者データの漏洩、滅失等に関する発生
(2) 利用者データの漏洩、滅失等に対する当社での予防
(3) 利用者データの漏洩、滅失等が発生した場合の当社での対応
(4) 利用者データの復旧
1.利用者は、本サービスにおいて利用者が利用する衛星データ等、機器、OS、アプリケ ーション、ソフトウェアその他のもの(以下、「利用機器等」といいます)について、利用機器等の提供元が、約款、規約、ライセンスその他名称を問わず、当該利用機器 等の利用に関する条件(利用時における最新のものを指し、以下、「上位規約等」と いいます)を定めている場合、本サービスの利用に際し、上位規約等を確認し、遵守 する義務を負い、当該上位規約等の内容は、本サービスに適用されます。なお、衛星 データ等の利用に関し、利用者が上位規約等に違反したことによる責任は利用者が負 うものとし、当該違反により当社が被った損害は、利用者が補償するものとします。
1.当社は、利用者が第12条その他本約款等で定める禁止事項に該当する行為を行った と当社が認めた場合、利用者の本サービスの利用に関し他者から当社に対しクレーム、請求等がなされ、かつ当社が必要と認めた場合、その他本サービスの運営上必要であ ると当社が判断した場合は、当該利用者に対し、次の措置をいずれか単独でまたは複 数組み合わせて講ずることがあります。
(1) 第12条その他本約款等で定める禁止事項に該当する行為を止めるよう要求
(2) 他者との間で、xxxx等の解消のための協議を行うよう要求
(3) 本サービスを利用してインターネット上に掲載した情報(二次成果物に関する情報も含み、次号も同じです)を削除するよう要求
(4) 事前に通知することなく、利用者または利用者の関係者が本サービスを通じてインターネット上に掲載した情報の全部または一部を本件機器から削除し、または他者が閲覧できない状態に置く
(5) 本サービスの機能の一部の利用を制限
(6) 次条第1項の規定に基づき本サービスの提供を一時停止
(7) 第10条第1項の規定に基づき利用契約を解除
2.当社は、前項に基づき前項各号のいずれかの措置を講ずる場合には、利用者に対して、事前にその旨ならびに理由および期間を通知します。ただし、緊急を要する場合はこ の限りではありません。
1.当社は、次に掲げる事由のいずれかに該当する場合には、当該利用者に対する本サー ビスの全部または一部の提供を一時停止し、または当該利用者による本サービスの利 用の全部または一部を制限することができます。当該一時停止または利用制限に関し、当社は利用者に対し何らの責任も負いません。
(1) 利用者が利用契約に基づく利用料金等の支払いを遅滞した場合
(2) 利用者の行為(不作為を含みます)により当社の電気通信設備等に支障が生じ、またはそのおそれがある等、当社の業務の遂行に支障が生じると当社が認めた場合
(3) 利用者が申込みにあたって虚偽の事項を記載したことまたは記載に不備があることが判明した場合
(4) 前条第1項第1号、同第2号、または同第3号の要求を受けた利用者が、当社の指定する期間内に当該要求に応じない場合
(5) その他、本約款等に違反したと当社が判断した場合
第5節 提供の中断等 第20条(提供の中断)
(1) 電気通信設備等の保守、工事、移設等のため必要である場合
(2) 電気通信事業法第8条の規定に基づき、天災その他の非常事態が発生し、またはそのおそれがあるため、公共の利益のため緊急を要する通信を優先させる必要がある場合
(3) 電気通信事業者等が、電気通信サービスの提供を中断した場合
(4) 日本または日本以外の国の公権力(公的機関を含みます。以下、「公的機関等」といいます)による命令、処分、要請等があった場合
(5) 第三者の行為(不作為を含みます)により当社の電気通信設備等に支障が生じ、またはそのおそれがある等、当社の業務の遂行に支障が生じると当社が認めた場合
第6節 免責等
3.前条の規定にかかわらず、当社は、天災地変、戦争、暴動、内乱、その他の不可抗力、日本または日本以外の国の法令の制定・改廃、公的機関等による命令・処分・要請、 インターネットの利用制限、インターネットを経由した通信の一部のフィルタリング または遮断、争議行為、輸送機関・通信回線その他当社の責めに帰することができな い事由による本サービスの全部または一部の履行遅滞または履行不能について、利用 者に対して一切責任を負わないものとします。
第7節 雑則
(1) 暴力団、暴力団員、暴力団員でなくなったときから5年を経過しない者、暴力団準構成員、暴力団関係者、暴力団関係企業、総会屋、社会運動等標ぼうゴロ、特殊知能暴力集団、その他これらに準じる者(以下、「反社会的勢力」と総称します)であること。
(2) 反社会的勢力が、実質的に経営を支配しまたは経営に関与していると認められる関係を有すること。
(3) 自己もしくは第三者の不正の利益を図る目的または第三者に損害を加える目的をもってするなど、反社会的勢力を不当に利用していると認められる関係を有すること。
(4) 反社会的勢力に対して資金等を提供し、または便宜を供与するなどの関与をして
(5) 反社会的勢力と社会的に非難されるべき関係を有すること。
2.利用契約に起因し、または利用契約に関連する一切の紛争について、利用者が当社を 提訴する場合は、東京地方裁判所を、第一審における専属的合意管轄裁判所とします。当社が利用者を提訴する場合は、それぞれの国の法により裁判管轄を有する裁判所に 加え、東京地方裁判所に提訴をすることができ、また、当社の選択により、裁判所へ の提訴に代えて、日本の東京における日本商事仲裁協会の商事仲裁規則に従って行わ れる仲裁により解決することができ、利用者はこれに同意します。当該仲裁は、当社 によって選任される1名の仲裁人により行われ、仲裁手続の言語は日本語とします。 当該仲裁における判断は上訴の権利を伴わず、利用者および当社を拘束します。
第2章 サービスの種類
第1節 Tellus data Operation System
第30条(OS サービスの内容)
1.Tellus data Operation System(以下、「OS サービス」といいます)は、衛星データ等(利用者がアップロードしたデータを含みます)を本サービスの画面上で閲覧し、解析しおよび表示画面のスクリーンショットをすることができるサービスです。
(1) OS サービスを利用して、本サービスにおいて提供される衛星データ等(上位規約等において複製が許諾されているものを除く)を本サービス外にダウンロードする行為
(2) 当社が別途指定する容量制限を超過するデータその他当社が適切でないと判断するデータをアップロードする行為
(3) 表示画面をダウンロードしたファイルに埋め込まれた権利表示を、削除または改変して、当該ファイルを第三者に提供する行為
第2節 Tellusマーケット
1.Tellus マーケット(以下、本節において、「マーケットサービス」といいます)は、利 用者へ次の各号に定めるもの(以下、総称して「ツール」といいます)または役務の 提供を希望する当社または当社以外の者(以下、本節において、当社以外の者を「プ ロバイダ」といい、当社とプロバイダを総称して「プロバイダ等」といいます)から、利用者が直接ツールの利用許諾を受けることができる機能等を提供するサービスです
(1) データ:衛星データ、地上データその他のデータをいいます。
(2) アルゴリズム:本サービス上のデータを活用するためのプログラムであり、本サービス上のコンピューティングリソースまたはプロバイダのリソース上で利用するものをいいます。
(3) アプリ:本サービス上のデータを活用するためのソフトウェアであり、OS サー ビスまたはカスタマーのリソースにインストールの上で利用するものをいいます。
(1) 支払形態が「一括前払い」の場合、ツールの利用許諾の申込み時に支払うものとします。
(2) 支払形態が「月額前払い」の場合、申込日の属する月は、申込日から当月末日までの利用許諾代金を利用許諾の申込み時に、申込日の翌月以降は、毎月1日から末日までの利用許諾代金を当月1日までに、それぞれ支払うものとします。
(3) 支払形態が「月額後払い(従量課金)」の場合、毎月1日から末日までの利用許諾代金を、翌月1日までに支払うものとします。
3.ツールは、プロバイダ等の都合により、提供終了となる場合があります。この場合、 プロバイダ等からカスタマーに、提供終了の60日前までに通知を行うものとします。プロバイダ提供ツールの提供終了または通知の遅延によって、カスタマーまたは第三 者が損害を負った場合には、カスタマーとプロバイダとの間の当該プロバイダ提供ツ ールの利用許諾契約に基づき、プロバイダが責任を負い、当社は一切の責任を負いま せん。
4.プロバイダ提供ツールは、プロバイダの契約違反等を原因とするプロバイダ登録の抹 消により、提供終了となる場合があります。この場合、当社は遅滞なくカスタマーに 対して通知するよう努めるものとします。プロバイダ提供ツールの提供終了によって、カスタマーまたは第三者が損害を負った場合には、カスタマーとプロバイダとの間の 当該プロバイダ提供ツールの利用許諾契約に基づき、プロバイダが責任を負い、当社 は一切の責任を負いません。
1.プロバイダは、ツールの他に、衛星データ等に関するコンサルテーション等の役務の 提供を行うことができるものとし、カスタマーは、マーケットサービスの機能を用い てプロバイダと直接当該役務の利用契約を締結することができます。当該役務の提供、利用代金の支払およびその支払方法、当該役務における非保証ないし免責ならびに当 該役務の提供におけるサポートについては、第33条ないし第37条の規定を準用し て適用するものとします。また、当該役務は、これに加えて別途プロバイダとカスタ マーの間で合意する利用契約の条件に基づき提供されるものとします。
第3節 Tellus Satellite Date Traveler
第39条(Traveler サービスの内容)
1.Tellus Satellite Date Traveler(以下、本節において、「Traveler サービス」といいます)は、衛星データの権利者の代理店である当社を通じて衛星データの利用許諾を受けることができる機能および利用許諾を受けた衛星データの利用(アクセスまたはダウンロード等)ができる機能等を提供するサービスです。このサービスでは、本サービスで提供する衛星データ等を呼び出して利用することができるインターフェースとして API(以下、「本 API」といいます)を使用します。
(1) 利用者が衛星データにアクセスして用いる形式
(2) 利用者が本サービスの環境内または環境外に衛星データをダウンロードして用いる形式
(3) その他、データ契約(次条で定義するものを指します。)にて定める形式
1.利用者は、利用者に対して当社が発行した本 API のトークン、当社が提供した、利用者がアクセスして用いる形式の衛星データのトークンその他の情報(以下、本節において「トークン等」といいます)を、自己の責任において適切に管理するものとし、当該管理により生じた結果(トークン等を第三者に開示し、漏洩しまたは推知されたことにより生じた結果を含みます)につき当社に対し全責任を負うものとします。
2.利用者は、トークン等を、本 API により呼び出した衛星データ等の解析に用いることができるサーバ機能またはサーバ設備においてのみ利用できるものとし、本サービス外の環境から利用してはなりません。
(1) Traveler サービスを、本サービスにおいて提供される衛星データ等の解析以外の目的で利用する行為
(2) 衛星データ(上位規約等において複製が許諾されているものを除く)を本サービス外にダウンロードする行為
(3) 当社が別途指定する API のリクエスト制限を超過してリクエストを送信する行為
(4) 衛星データおよび衛星データを利用して作成した二次成果物を、上位規約等で認められていない第三者に提供する行為
(5) 衛星データおよび衛星データを利用して作成した二次成果物に、上位規約等に定められた権利表示をせずに第三者に提供する行為
1.利用者は、Traveler サービスおよびTraveler サービスを通じて利用する衛星データに関するサポートについて、当社に問い合わせるものとします。ただし、サポートの内容によっては、当社の判断に基づき、当社から利用者へ連絡の上、当社および衛星データの権利者が共同で利用者に対しサポートを行うことがあります。
第4節 サービスの追加、変更
1.この約款は、2020年12月1日から適用された Tellus サービス約款を変更したものであり、第4条に基づき、2024年4月1日より適用されます。
(5)カスタマーが本サービスの環境内外を問わずダウンロードして用いる形式で提供さ れるデータについては、理由の如何を問わずツールの削除がなされた場合であっても、当社が特約を設けていない限り、前各号の許諾の期間は無期限であること。
(1)データおよび当該データを翻案して作成した二次成果物の利用条件は、当社とプロ バイダとの合意により予め決定され、カスタマーは、各ツールの利用許諾ページにお いて公開されている当該利用条件に従い、プロバイダと利用許諾契約を締結すること。
(5)カスタマーが本サービスの環境内外を問わずダウンロードして用いる形式で提供さ れるアプリについては、理由の如何を問わずツールの削除がなされた場合であっても、当社が特約を設けていない限り、前各号の許諾の期間は無期限であること。
Tellus Service Terms and Conditions
Chapter 1 General Provisions Section 1 General Rules
Article 1. Purpose and Application, Language, etc.
1. This Tellus Service Terms and Conditions (these “Terms”) provides the terms and conditions of use of “Tellus,” which is the platform service provided for the satellite data, etc. (the “Basic Service”; the details of which are set forth in Article 2), and the optional service thereof (the “Optional Service”; the details of which are set forth in Article 2, and together with the Basic Service, collectively, the "Service”) provided by Tellus Inc. (the “Company”).
2. Upon executing an agreement with a person who wishes to use the Service (such agreement, the “Usage Agreement”; the person executing the Usage Agreement with the Company, the “User”), the Company will provide the Service to the User, under these Terms. These Terms will be applied to the Usage Agreement, and the content of the Usage Agreement shall be governed by these Terms. Furthermore, when using the Optional Service, if there is a separate service terms and conditions, and usage terms and conditions provided by the Company regarding the Optional Service (regardless of its name, the “Optional Service Terms and Conditions,” and collectively with these Terms, the “Terms, Etc.”), these Terms together with the Optional Service Terms and Conditions will apply, and if there are any contrary or conflicting provisions in these Terms and the Optional Service Terms and Conditions, the provisions of the Optional Service Terms and Conditions shall prevail.
3. Unless otherwise stated, the webpages specified in the Terms, Etc. (whether specified by URL, name or other methods) do not constitute a part of the Terms, Etc.
4. All of the Terms, Etc., the Usage Agreement hereunder and the explanation regarding the Service by the Company (including those on the website provided by the Company) in the Japanese language is the official text, and those in other languages will not be considered to be the official text. If there are differences in the content in the Japanese language and in another language, the contents in the Japanese language will prevail, and the content in the other language will not supplement or revise the contents in the Japanese language.
5. The calendar such as the year, month, date and time in the Usage Agreement under the Terms, Etc. shall be according to the Japanese calendar.
6. Unless there is a particular notice, the names of the laws and regulations in the Terms, Etc. will mean the names of the laws and regulations of Japan.
Article 2. Contents and Language of the Service
1. The Basic Service is a platform service that provides data acquired by using artificial satellites (the “Satellite Data”) and data acquired in association with positioning information (the “Ground- based Data”; the Satellite Data and the Ground-based Data, collectively as the “Satellite Data, Etc.”), and other data, and provides the service for utilizing such data.
2. The Optional Service means the optional service incidental to the Basic Serie that is separately provided by the Company.
3. The specific contents of each service provided in the Service by the Company will be according to as set forth in these Terms and in the website provided by the Company.
4. Unless otherwise permitted by the Company, the language used by the Company when providing the Service will be Japanese or English. The same will apply to the Application, and the handling after termination or expiration, of the Usage Agreement regarding the Service.
Article 3. Notices, Reports
1. Notices and reports from the Company to the User will be made by a method the Company determines to be appropriate, such as by sending an email to the email address User registered when using the Service, delivering documents, or posting on the website provided by the Company. Unless otherwise permitted by the Company, the language used in notices and reports will be Japanese or English. The User must prepare at its expense and responsibility an environment that can correctly receive and view emails using Japanese and English and an environment that can correctly view the website provided by the Company.
2. From the methods described in the preceding clause, if the Company gives a notice or a report by sending an email or by posting on the website provided by the Company, such notice or report shall be considered to have been made on the day that such transmission or the processing that is necessary for enabling the transmission is completed.
3. In the event the Company gives a notice or report to the User by a method described in clause 1, even if such notice or report does not arrive at the User or if the Japanese of the email or of the website provided by the Company cannot be correctly displayed, the Company will not bear any responsibility for damages that arise as a result of such non-arrival or inability to be correctly displayed.
4. The language that can be used if the User makes a claim, notice, inquiry or other communication to the Company (the “Communications”) will be Japanese or English only, regardless of the method used for such Communications (including, but not limited to, email, mail, facsimile and telephone), and if another language is used in the Communications, such Communications will be deemed to have not been made.
Article 4. Amendment of Terms and Conditions
1. The Company may amend the Terms, Etc.. If the Terms, Etc. are amended, the amended Terms, Etc. shall apply to the Usage Agreement that has already been executed.
2. The amended Terms, Etc. shall become effective from the date separately determined by the Company (the “Effective Date”).
3. If the Company amends the Terms, Etc., the Company shall notify User by sending an email or by posting on the website provided by the Company that it will amend the Terms, Etc., the contents of the amended Terms, Etc. and the Effective Date of the amendment, by thirty (30) days prior to making the amendment.
Section 2. Usage Agreement Article 5. Usage Agreement
1. A person who wishes to use the Service shall enter the necessary matters on the application screen on the website provided by the Company and make an application for use by transmission to the Company or other methods designated by the Company (the “Application”; the person making the Application, the “Applicant”). If as a result of conducting an examination of such Application by the method designated by the Company, the Company notifies the Applicant of the approval, the Usage Agreement will be formed when such notice is made. Furthermore, if an item below applies, the Company may not approve the Application:
(i) If the Company determines that the provision of the Service regarding the Application or the preparation and maintenance of the Telecommunications Facilities (defined in Article 12) regarding the Service is difficult;
(ii) If the Company determines that there is the likelihood that Applicant will fail to perform the contractual obligations if Applicant executes the Usage Agreement with the Company, such as if Applicant has failed to perform contractual obligations with the Company in the past;
(iii) If the Company determines that there are false statements or deficiencies in the content of the Application;
(iv) If there is a reason provided in item (ii) or item (iii) of Article 10(1) as to the Applicant;
(v) If the credit card or deposit account that Applicant specifies as the one to be used for the payment of the Usage Fees of the Service cannot be properly used for payment;
(vi) If the Applicant is a minor, an adult ward, a person under curatorship or is a person under assistance who has been made subject to the ruling under paragraph (1) of Article 17 of the Civil Code, and the Company determines that a consent or otherwise of a statutory agent, guardian, curator or assistant has not been obtained for the Application, or if the Company determines that the Applicant is in a similar situation in the Designated Countries;
(vii) If the Company determines, in regards to the provision of the Service to the Applicant, that there are significant difficulties under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act (Act No. 228 of December 1, 1949) or other Japanese laws and regulations or laws and regulations applicable to the User (including laws and regulations that the Company determines will apply, and including the ordinances and rules of each law or regulation; the “Applicable Laws”), or
significant business or technical difficulties;
(viii) If the Company determines that there is the likelihood that Applicant will use the Service in a manner that will cause the Company to lose social credibility;
(ix) If the Company determines that the Applicant is an organized crime-related person or a person belonging to another anti-social organization or is a person that is equivalent to an organized crime-related person or a person belonging to another anti-social organization in Japan; or
(x) If the Company otherwise determines that it will be unreasonable to approve the Application.
2. If the Company rejects the Application for the Service pursuant to the provisions of the preceding clause, the Company shall promptly notify the Applicant. Furthermore, the Company does not bear an obligation to disclose the reason for rejecting the Application.
Article 6. Notification of Changes to Contract Matters
1. If there are changes to the registered matters for the Application, the User shall promptly give notification to the Company by the form designated by the Company.
2. If the corporation that is the User merges, the corporation that survives after the merger or the corporation that is newly established by the merger shall submit the documents designated by the Company to the Company within 14 days of the effective date of the merger.
3. The Company shall not bear responsibility for any damages incurred by the User or a third party due to the notification of change in the preceding two clauses being late or due to the User failing to make such notification, and even if a notice or report from the Company does not arrive or arrives late due to such notification being late or due to the User failing to make such notification, such notice or report shall be deemed to have arrived as of when it would ordinarily arrive.
4. If the following circumstances occur to the User, the Company will apply clause 2 and clause 3 only if the identity or the continuation of business of the User can be recognized, and may recognize the change of the User to the person for whom substantial sameness or substantial continuation of business of the User can be recognized:
(i) Change from an individual to a corporation;
(ii) Division of a corporation that is the User or succession to a new corporation due to a business transfer;
(iii) Change of the representative of a voluntary organization that is the User; or
(iv) Other change similar to the preceding items.
Article 7. Inheritance
1. If an individual who was the User dies, the Usage Agreement shall terminate; provided, however, that if an heir submits documents designated by the Company to individually succeed the status in such Usage Agreement, within 14 days from the commencement of inheritance, such heir shall be able to succeed the status in the Usage Agreement.
Article 8. Transfer, etc. of Status, etc. in the Usage Agreement
1. The User may not transfer or provide as collateral or otherwise its status or rights in the Usage Agreement to a third party, nor have a third party accept its status or obligations in the Usage Agreement, without the prior written approval of the Company.
2. The User shall bear all civil obligations and responsibility under the Usage Agreement or the laws and regulations to the Company, regardless of the User’s involvement, for any acts (including omissions) conducted by a third party by using the account issued by the Company regarding the use of the Service.
Article 9. Termination by the User
1. The User may terminate the Usage Agreement, as of the termination date notified by the Company, by giving notice to the Company by the method designated by the Company. Furthermore, if there are liabilities owed to the Company related to the Usage Agreement, the User shall immediately make all payments therefor.
Article 10. Termination by the Company
1. If the User corresponds to any of the reasons provided below, the Company shall be able to
immediately terminate the Usage Agreement without giving any notice or demand to such User, and if such User has liabilities owed to the Company, such User shall duly lose the benefit of time and immediately make all payments thereof:
(i) If the User corresponds to an item of Article 5(1), an item of Article 12(1), an item of Article 18(1) or otherwise a prohibited matter set forth in the Terms;
(ii) If the User is late in paying the Usage Fees (as defined in Article 11);
(iii) If the User receives a petition for attachment, provisional attachment, provisional disposition, a disposition for failure to pay or auction, if there is a petition for the commencement of insolvency proceedings such as bankruptcy proceedings, civil rehabilitation proceedings, special liquidation proceedings or corporate reorganization proceedings, or the User enters liquidation, of if the Company determines that the User is in a situation that is similar thereto in the Designated Countries;
(iv) If payment is stopped, such as if notes or checks are dishonored, or there is another significant reason where the User’s financial status has deteriorated; or
(v) If the Company determines that there is the possibility of the Company’s license or permit or other relevant qualification will be revoked by the Government Agencies due to the User’s act (including an omission).
Section 3. Usage Fee Article 11. Usage Fee
1. The User shall pay the usage fee for the Service by the separately provided payment date pursuant to the method separately set forth by the Company. The User may be required to pay a license fee that arise for the use of the Tools provided by third party to the User in the Tellus Market specified in Section 4 of Chapter 2 or for the use of the Satellite Data provided by the Company, an agent of a third party, to the User in the Tellus Satellite Date Traveler specified in Section 5 of Chapter 2 (the usage fee and the license fee, collectively, the “Usage Fees”).
2. If the Company comes to determine that the usage fees are unreasonable due to changes in prices or maintenance and operational fees for the Company’s facilities, etc., the Company may change the usage fee, even during the term of agreement, by notifying the User by sending an email to the User or posting to the website provided by the Company.
3. The User shall pay the Company the consumption tax and local consumption tax (collectively, the “Consumption Taxes”) together with the Usage Fees. If there are changes to the tax rates due to revisions of the laws, the Company shall invoice the User who has already paid the Usage Fees and the Consumption Taxes for the difference of the amount corresponding to the Consumption Taxes in the remaining period of such already paid Usage Fees from the day such changes to the tax rates apply. In such instance, the User shall pay such difference by the payment method and payment date indicated by the Company in such invoice.
4. If the Company has information regarding the User’s credit card that was provided by the User, the Company may exchange information with the credit card company at any time, and if the Company determines it to be necessary, the Company may request the User to change the payment method or take other measures.
Section 4. Terms of Use of the Service Article 12. Prohibited Matters
1. When using the Service (including the use of the Secondary Deliverables), the User may not engage in acts that correspond to or are likely to correspond to the below acts:
(i) Act that infringes the property, privacy, portrait rights, intellectual property rights, or other rights (whether in Japan or a country other than Japan) of the Company or a third party;
(ii) Act that discriminates against, slanders, libels or insults the Company or a third party, or damages the reputation or credibility thereof;
(iii) Act that is tied to anything that is considered to be a crime under the Applicable Laws, such as the illegal sale of deposit accounts and mobile phones, fraud, pyramid schemes, sale or purchase of controlled substances, and child prostitution;
(iv) Act of transmitting or posting images, text or other items that are considered to be obscenity, child pornography or child abuse under the Applicable Laws;
(v) Act of altering or clearing information that can be used by the Service;
(vi) Act of transmitting or posting harmful computer programs such as viruses;
(vii) Act of accessing without authorization (including, but not limited to, reverse engineering, reverse compiling, reverse assembling or other act of extracting some or all of the source codes by some other method) the equipment or facilities used by the Company to provide the Service (including those owned or loaned by the User and installed within the Company’s facilities and those that are provided by third parties and used by the Company, the “Telecommunications Facilities”);
(viii) Act of sending an email to third parties for the purpose of advertising, promoting or soliciting (such as spam email) or an email that would cause third parties to feel disgust (harassing emails), act of interfering with the receipt of emails by third parties, act of requesting the forwarding of linked emails (chain emails) and the act of sending emails pursuant to such requests;
(ix) Act of illegally engaging in or soliciting gaming or gambling, in light of the Applicable Laws;
(x) Act of directly and explicitly undertaking, intermediating, or inducing (including commissioning others to do so) an illegal act under the Applicable Laws (including, but not limited to, transferring guns and other firearms, providing child pornography, forging official documents, murder, and making threats);
(xi) Act of posting or sending atrocious information such as of a scene of a murder, information such as of images of abusing animals, or other information that would cause others to feel disgust under socially accepted conventions;
(xii) Act of inducing or soliciting someone to kill oneself;
(xiii) Act that would significantly cause a nuisance to other Users or a third party;
(xiv) Act that contravenes public order and morals, or an act that has the likelihood thereof;
(xv) Act that violates the Applicable Laws (with respect to the Users to whom the laws and regulations of a country other than Japan apply, including an act that violates such laws and regulations);
(xvi) Act that causes an interference to the use or operation of the Company’s or a third party’s facilities, etc. (including, but not limited to, the Telecommunications Facilities);
(xvii) Act of using the Service by a method or in a manner that causes an interference to the communications of a third party;
(xviii) An act that interferes with the Company’s provision of the Service;
(xix) Act that violates the Act on Ensuring Appropriate Handling of Satellite Remote Sensing Data (Act No. 77 of 2016) (the “Remote Sensing Act”) or an act that the Company determines that to be an abuse of satellite images in view of the legislative purpose of the Remote Sensing Act;
(xx) Act of posting a link in a manner or for the purpose of aiding one’s act with respect to a website where an act corresponding to any of the preceding items is engaged in;
(xxi) Act of causing or act of aiding a third party to conduct an act corresponding to any the preceding items; or
(xxii) Act that the Company otherwise determines to be inappropriate as the User of the Service.
2. Other than the above items, the Company may separately set forth the prohibited matters and matters to be noted on the website provided by the Company as necessary, and the User shall comply therewith.
Article 13. Third Party Use
1. The User may not have anyone other than itself use all or a part of the Service (including, but not limited to, and whether directly or indirectly, loaning or issuing the ID, account, password or other information and letting them use the service, or letting them use services that incorporate the Service), whether for a charge or for free.
2. The User may have a third person (a third party using the Secondary Deliverables, the “End User”) use for free the secondary deliverables that the User creates by using the Service (which means something that does not preserve all or a part of the pixel construction or other information preserved by the Satellite Data, Etc. and is irreversible so that the Satellite Data, Etc. cannot be
reconstructed, the “Secondary Deliverables”); provided, however, that the User shall comply with the license conditions of the Tools when the User uses the Secondary Deliverables created by using such Tools provided by a third party in the Tellus Market specified in Section 4 of Chapter 2. If the User has the End User use the Secondary Deliverables, the User must display the rights under the Superior Agreements (defined in Article 15) on the Secondary Deliverables. In addition, the User shall bear the obligation to have the End User comply with the Terms, Etc. and the Superior Agreements.
3. If the User lets the End User use the Secondary Deliverables (excluding the Secondary Deliverables created by using the Tools provided from a third party in the Tellus Market specified in Section 4 of Chapter 2) for a charge (the “Commercial Use”), the User is required to separately execute an agreement with the Company. Furthermore, if the Company determines that the execution of an agreement regarding such use is not appropriate, the Company shall be able to not execute such agreement with the User, and shall not bear an obligation to disclose the reason thereof to such User.
4. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two clauses, the User may not let anyone corresponding to the below use the Secondary Deliverables:
(i) A person who corresponds to any of Article 21(2)(i) of the Remote Sensing Act; or
(ii) A person who does not satisfy the standard of Article 21(3)(ii) of the Remote Sensing Act.
5. Any act (including omissions) conducted by the End User will be deemed to be an act conducted by the User, regardless of the User’s involvement, and the User consents to bearing all civil responsibility and obligations to the Company and third parties (including those that the End User will bear to the Company and third parties).
6. The User shall bear all responsibility regarding the use of the Secondary Deliverables, and the Company will not bear any obligation or responsibility under the Usage Agreement regarding the use of the Secondary Deliverables by the User or the End User, nor under any agreement executed between the Company and the User regarding the use of such Secondary Deliverables.
Article 14. Maintenance and Management of Information
1. The User shall properly manage at its responsibility the account and password issued by the Company, the Server Facilities, communications facilities, and other information, equipment, software and systems that require maintenance and management by the User regarding the Service, and shall bear all responsibility to the Company for the results arising due to such management (including results arising due to disclosing or divulging the account or password issued by the Company, or such account or password being inferred by a third party).
2. The User shall manage and back-up at its responsibility and burden of expense the data saved on the equipment (personal information, confidential information and all other data saved on the area of the Equipment for the User after the commencement of the provision of the Service; the “User Data”) that the Company provides for use to the User regarding the Service (the “Equipment”). the Company will not have any involvement or interest in the User Data, and, unless otherwise provided in the proviso to Article 22(2), will not bear any responsibility for the below matters, for any reason whatsoever:
(i) Occurrence regarding the divulgence, loss or otherwise of the User Data;
(ii) Prevention by the Company against the divulgence, loss or otherwise of the User Data;
(iii) Response by the Company if the divulgence, loss or otherwise of the User Data occurs; and
(iv) Restoration of the User Data.
3. If the Usage Agreement of the Service ends, due to cancellation or termination, regardless of the reason therefor, the User shall remove the User Data from the Equipment regarding the Service by such end date of the Usage Agreement. Notwithstanding such Usage Agreement ending, if the User Data is left behind on the Equipment regarding the Service, the Company may remove such User Data and shall not bear any responsibility regarding such removal.
Article 15. Consent to Superior Agreements
1. With respect to the Satellite Data, Etc., equipment, the OS, applications, software and other items used by the User in the Service (the “Utilized Equipment”), if the provider of the Utilized Equipment has set forth conditions regarding the use of such Utilized Equipment (the “Superior
Agreements”), regardless of whether it is a terms and conditions, license or of another name, the User bears an obligation to confirm and comply with the Superior Agreements when using the Service, and the contents of such Superior Agreements will apply to the Service. Furthermore, the User shall bear responsibility due to the User having breached the Superior Agreements regarding the use of the Satellite Data, Etc., and the User shall compensate the damages incurred by the Company due to such breach.
2. Unless otherwise specified in the Terms, Etc., if there are provisions in the Terms, Etc. and the Superior Agreements regarding the use of the Satellite Data, Etc. that are inconsistent or conflict, the provisions of the Superior Agreements shall prevail.
Article 16. Use of Data, etc.
1. The User may use the Satellite Data, Etc., the OS, applications and software (collectively, the “Provided Data”) solely for the purpose of its use in the Service (including if the Secondary Deliverables are developed for the purpose of the Commercial Use in the future), and may not use them beyond the scope approved in the Superior Agreements (including, but not limited to, downloads to outside the Service, reproductions and redistributions of the Provided Data that are not licensed in the Superior Agreements). Furthermore, if the User commences the Commercial Use of the Secondary Deliverables, the User must execute a separate agreement with the Company, pursuant to Article 13(3).
2. Copyrights and any other rights regarding the Provided Data will belong to the rights holder of the Provided Data. the Company does not transfer, license or otherwise these rights to the User; provided, however, that in the event the rights holder of the Provided Data needs a license from the Company for the User to use the Provided Data in the Service, and if the Company determines that such license is possible, the Company shall license to the User to the extent necessary for the use of the Service, pursuant to as provided by such rights holder. The User shall always comply with the provisions of the Superior Agreements when using the Provided Data.
3. If the Company incurs damages due to the use of the Provided Data in excess of the scope of use permitted for the User as set forth in the preceding two clauses or to the infringement of rights of the Provided Data set forth in the preceding two clauses, the User shall bear the responsibility to compensate such damages.
4. The Company shall not make any warranty (including, but not limited to, completeness, accuracy, and non-infringement of third party rights), whether express or implicit, regarding the Provided Data.
Article 17. Measures against Violations, etc.
1. The Company may take any of the below measures by itself or in combination of several against the User, if the Company determines that the User has engaged in an act that corresponds to a prohibited matter set forth in Article 12 or elsewhere in the Terms, Etc., if a complaint or claim is made against the Company by another party regarding the User’s use of the Service and the Company determines it to be necessary, or if the Company otherwise determines it to be necessary for the operation of the Service:
(i) Demand to stop the act corresponding to a prohibited matter set forth in Article 12 or elsewhere in the Terms, Etc.;
(ii) Demand to conduct consultations with such other party for resolving the complaint or claim;
(iii) Demand to remove information posted on the internet by using the Service (including information regarding the Secondary Deliverables; the same applies in the following item);
(iv) Remove all or a part of the information that the User or the User-related party posted on the internet through the Service from the Equipment, or place them in a condition so they cannot be viewed by others, without prior notice;
(v) Restrict the use of a part of the function of the Service;
(vi) Temporarily suspend the provision of the Service under the provisions of Article 18(1); and
(vii) Terminate the Usage Agreement under the provisions of Article 10(1).
2. If the Company takes any of the measures in the items of the preceding clause under the preceding clause, the Company will notify the User of that effect, the reason and period in advance; provided, however, that this shall not apply in the event of an emergency.
Article 18. Temporary Suspension of Provision
1. If any of the following reasons apply, the Company may temporarily suspend the provision of all or a part of the Service to such User, or restrict all or part of the use of the Service by such User. the Company will not bear any liability to the User regarding such temporary suspension or usage restriction:
(i) If User is late in paying the Usage Fees under the usage agreement;
(ii) If the Company determines that an interference to the execution of the Company’s business will arise, such as the occurrence of an interference to the Telecommunications Facilities, due to an act (or omission) of the User, or there is the likelihood thereof;
(iii) If it is discovered that the User stated a false matter in the Application or that there is a deficiency in the stated matters;
(iv) If the User receiving the demand in items (i), (ii) or (iii) of Article 17(1) does not respond to such demand within the period specified by the Company; or
(v) If the Company otherwise determines that the User breached the Terms, Etc..
2. If the Company temporarily suspends the provision or restricts the use of the Service, the Company will notify the User of that effect, the reason and period in advance; provided, however, that this shall not apply in the event of an emergency.
3. Even if the Company temporarily suspends the provision or restricts the use of the Service under clause 1, the User shall pay the Usage Fees of the Service for the period of such temporary suspension or usage restriction.
Article 19. User’s Liability for Compensation of Damages
1. If the User or its agent or employee or other person related to the User causes damages to the Company due to an act that breaches the Terms, Etc., the User shall compensate such damages to the Company.
Section 5. Suspension of Provision Article 20. Suspension of Provision
1. If any of the following reasons apply, the Company may suspend the provision of a part or all of the Service:
(i) If it is necessary for the maintenance, construction, relocation or otherwise of the Telecommunications Facilities;
(ii) If it is necessary to prioritize communications in an emergency for the public interest because of an occurrence of a natural disaster, incident or other emergency under the provisions of Article 8 of the Telecommunications Business Act, or there is the likelihood thereof;
(iii) If a telecommunications carrier, etc. suspends the provision of the telecommunications service;
(iv) If there is an order, disposition, demand or the like by a government authority of Japan or a country other than Japan (including government agencies; the “Government Agencies”); or
(v) If the Company determines that an interference to the execution of the Company’s business will arise, such as the occurrence of an interference to the Telecommunications Facilities, due to an act (or omission) of a third party, or there is the likelihood thereof.
2. If the Company suspends the provision of the Service under the preceding clause, the Company will notify each User of that effect, the reason and period in advance; provided, however, that this shall not apply in the event of an emergency.
3. If the Company suspends the provision of the Service under clause 1, the Company shall be able to relocate the Telecommunications Facilities, to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of such suspension.
4. If the Company suspends the provision of the Service under clause 1, the Company will not bear responsibility to compensate damages that each User incurs due to such suspension or the relocation or otherwise under the preceding clause; provided, however, that in the case of a suspension of the provision of the Service due to a reason attributable to the Company, Article 22 will apply mutatis mutandis and damages will be compensated to the extent provided in Article 22.
5. Even if the Company suspends the provision of the Service under clause 1, the User shall pay the Usage Fees of the Service for the period of such suspension.
Article 21. Discontinuation of Provision
1. The Company may inevitably discontinue all or part of the Service due to business circumstances. In such instance, notification shall be made in advance to the User by thirty (30) days prior to the discontinuation; provided, however, that when the Company determines that a need to immediately discontinue the provision of the Service to the User arises due to an order, disposition, demand or otherwise by a Government Agency, the discontinuation may be made immediately without making a notification to the User.
2. If the provision of the Service will be discontinued under the preceding clause, the Company will not bear responsibility for compensating the damages incurred by User due to such discontinuation.
Section 6. Exclusion of Liability, etc. Article 22. Liabilities of the Company
1. If the Company breaches the Terms, Etc. due to willful misconduct or negligence, the User may request the correction thereof. In addition, if the Company does not comply with the correction even after the passage of a reasonable period, the User may terminate the usage agreement.
2. Unless otherwise specified in the Terms, Etc., the Company shall not be liable for compensating damages incurred by the User in regards to the use of the Service (including, but not limited to, damages due to the inability to use the Service, the defect or malfunction of the equipment, facility, or software provided by the Service, the delay in provision of the Service, the damage or loss of User data, a virus or malware infection, and the unauthorized access, cracking, or abuse of security holes by third parties), whether a liability for default, liability for tort, or other liability under the laws (including the laws of both Japan and countries other than Japan; the same applies hereafter); provided, however, that if the User who is an individual (excluding instances where the User is a party to the contract as a business or for a business) incurs damages due to a reason attributable to the Company, the Company shall be liable for compensating the actually occurring ordinary damages that are directly the result of such event, to the extent of an amount equivalent to the usage fee of one (1) month’s worth of the corresponding Service.
3. The provisions limiting liability set forth in the preceding clause shall not apply in instances where the User who is an individual (excluding instances where the User is a party to the contract as a business or for a business) incurs damages due to the Company’s willful misconduct or gross negligence.
4. If the Company pays compensation under this Article 22, such payment shall be made in Japanese Yen.
Article 23. No Warranty, Exclusion of Liability
1. Unless otherwise specified in the Terms, Etc., the Company shall not make any warranty (including, but not limited to, fitness for a particular purpose, validity of functions and effect, quality of service, safety against threats, merchantability, completeness, accuracy, identity or integrity of the reproduced or relocated data, non-infringement of third party rights, normal operation of the equipment and facilities provided to the User under the Service, and normal provision of the Service), whether expressly or implicitly, regarding the provision of the Service (including the Satellite Data, Etc., applications, and software, etc. (including, but not limited to, the Official Tools specified in Article 32) provided by the Company to the User through the Service; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) to the User.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 22, the Company shall not bear any responsibility to the User for any delay of performance or impossibility of performance of all or a part of the Service due to a natural disaster, war, riot, civil war, other force majeure, enactment or abolishment of a law or regulation of Japan or a country other than Japan, an order, disposition or demand by the Government Agencies, usage restriction of the internet, filtering or blocking of a part of the communications via the internet, labor dispute, transportation or communication lines or other reason not attributable to the Company.
3. Disputes that arise between a third party in Japan or a country other than Japan and the Company or the User due to the User’s use of the Service shall be resolved by such User at its responsibility and burden of expense, and the Company will not bear any responsibility.
Section 7. Miscellaneous Provisions
Article 24. Protection of Confidentiality of Communications
1. The Company will protect the confidentiality of communications that are handled in relation to the provision of the Service under Article 4 of the Telecommunications Business Act, and will use or save them only to the extent necessary to secure the smooth provision of the Service.
2. The Company shall not bear a duty of confidentiality under of the preceding clause nor a duty of confidentiality under the laws and regulations of a country other than Japan, to the extent set forth in the Code of Criminal Procedure and the warrant, if a compulsory disposition under Article 218 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (search pursuant to a warrant) or another provision thereunder is made, and to the extent of the request for disclosure, if the requirements for the request for disclosure under Article 4 of the Act on the Limitation of Liability for Damages of Specified Telecommunications Service Providers and the Right to Demand Disclosure of Identification Information of Senders (Demand for Disclosure of Identification Information of the Sender, Etc.) are satisifed.
3. If the User engages in a prohibited act that corresponds to any item of clause (1) of Article 12 and interferes with the provision of the Service, the Company may provide to a third party a part of the User’s information that belongs to the confidentiality of communications to the extent determined by the Company to be necessary to secure the smooth provision of the Service.
Article 25. Protection of Personal Information
1. The Company shall appropriately handle the personal information of the User based on the “Handling of Personal Information” set forth on the website provided by the Company.
Article 26. Elimination of Anti-Social Forces
1. The User shall represent that it and its agents, persons serving as an intermediary and persons assisting with performance (a person who the User uses to conduct business, regardless of whether an individual or a corporation, and includes multiple subcontractors used through third parties such as customers; the same applies hereafter) do not correspond to any of the below items as of the date of commencement of the use of the Service, and covenants that they will not correspond thereto in the future:
(i) An organized crime group, an organized crime group member, a person for whom five years have not passed since ceasing to be an organized crime group member, an associate member of an organized crime group, an organized crime group-related person, an organized crime group-related business, a corporate racketeer, a group engaging in criminal activities under the pretext of conducting social campaigns, crime groups involved in intellectual crimes and other persons similar thereto (collectively, “Anti-Social Forces”);
(ii) Having a relationship that is recognized to be one where Anti-Social Forces substantially controls management or is substantially involved in management;
(iii) Having a relationship that is recognized as improperly using Anti-Social Forces, such as for the purpose of obtaining unlawful profits for itself or a third party or the purpose of causing damages to a third party;
(iv) Having a relationship that is recognized as being involved such as by providing funds or the like or granting benefits to Anti-Social Forces; or
(v) Having a relationship with Anti-Social Forces that should be socially condemned.
2. The User covenants that it and its agents, persons serving as an intermediary and persons assisting with performance will not by itself or themselves, or by using a third party, engage in fraud, violent acts, acts using threatening language, unreasonable acts of demand that exceed legal responsibility, acts that damage the Company’s credibility or interfere with the Company’s business, and other acts similar thereto against the Company or parties related to the Company.
3. If the Company determines that the User breached either of the preceding two clauses, the Company shall be able to immediately terminate all or a part of the Usage Agreement, without giving any notice or demand to such User, and such terminated User shall not be able to make any claims for compensation of damages against the Company even if the User incurs damages due to the termination.
4. If the Company determines that the User corresponds to Anti-Social Forces, the Company may request such User to explain or submit materials as needed, and such User must promptly comply therewith. If such User does not promptly comply therewith or if the Company determines that such User did not comply in good faith such as by giving a false explanation or submitting false materials, the Company shall be able to immediately terminate all or a part of the Usage Agreement, without giving any notice or demand to such User, and such terminated User shall not be able to make any claims for compensation of damages against the Company even if the User incurs damages due to the termination.
Article 27. Governing Law
1. The Terms, Etc. and the Usage Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of Japan.
Article 28. Resolution of Disputes
1. If a dispute, question or matter that has not been decided arises as to the Usage Agreement, the Company and the User shall resolve such matter upon consultation in good faith.
2. If the User files an action against the Company with respect to any dispute attributable to the Usage Agreement or relating to the Usage Agreement, the Tokyo District Court will be the exclusive court with jurisdiction of the first instance. If the Company files an action against the User, the Company may file an action with the Tokyo District Court, in addition to the courts having jurisdiction according to the respective laws of the country, and at the Company’s option, such dispute can be resolved by arbitration conducted pursuant to the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the Japan Commercial Arbitration Association in Tokyo, Japan, instead of by filing an action with the courts, and the User will consent thereto. Such arbitration will be conducted by one (1) arbitrator appointed by the Company, and the language of the arbitration proceedings will be Japanese. The judgment of such arbitration will be binding on the User and the Company, regardless of the right to appeal.
Article 29. Severability
1. Even if any provision of the Terms, Etc. or a part thereof is determined to be invalid or unenforceable by the Consumer Contract Act or the laws or regulations of Japan or the country in which the User resides (if the User is a corporation, the country in which the User’s head office is located), the remaining provisions of such terms and conditions and the remaining parts of the provision of which a part was determined to be invalid or unenforceable shall remain in full force and effect.
Chapter 2. Types of Services
Section 1. Tellus Data Operation System Article 30. Content of the OS Service
1. The Tellus data Operation System (the “OS Service”) is a service where the Satellite Data, Etc. (including data uploaded by the User) can be viewed and analyzed on the screen of the Service and a screenshot of the display screen can be taken.
Article 31. Prohibited Matters
1. The User may not engage in the below acts:
(i) Act of downloading the Satellite Data, Etc. provided in the Service (excluding those for which reproduction is permitted in the Superior Agreements) outside of the Service by using the OS Service;
(ii) Act of uploading data that exceeds the quota restriction separately specified by the Company or other data determined to be improper by the Company; and
(iii) Act of removing or altering the display of rights embedded in the file to which the display screen is downloaded and providing such file to a third party.
Section 2. Tellus Market Article 32. The Market Service
1. Tellus Market (hereafter in this Section, the “Market Service”) is the service that provides
functions that the User may be directly licensed by the Company or a third party other than the Company (hereafter in this Section, such third party other than the Company is referred to as the “Provider,” and the Company and the Provider are collectively referred to as the “Providers, Etc.”) who wish to provide the functions in the following item (the “Tools”) and services (hereafter in this Section, the User who is licensed to use the Tools or is provided such services by using the Market Service is referred to as the “Customer”). Of the Tools provided to the Customer, those provided by the Company directly to the Customer are referred to as the “Official Tools,” and those provided by the Provider are referred to as the “Provider Tools”:
(i) data: the Satellite Data, the Ground-based Data and other data
(ii) algorithm: the program for utilizing the data on the Service and that may be used on the computing resources on the Service or the resources of the Provider
(iii) application: the software for utilizing the data on the Services and that the Customer may use by installing on its own resource
Article 33. License of the Tools
1. The license agreement between the Customer and the Providers, Etc. will formed when the Customer sends the application information to the Providers, Etc. from the license page of each of the Tools on the Market Service, and the Company sends a notification of the start of use to the Tools to the Customer after the approval of the Providers, Etc. The Customer may not use the Tools without obtaining the approval of the Providers, Etc.
2. The Customer shall comply with the Terms, Etc. and the license conditions of the Tools set by each of the Providers, Etc.; provided, however, that such license conditions shall be set by the Providers, Etc. within the scope of the General License Conditions specified in the attached sheet of the Terms, and if any provisions in the General License Conditions specified in the Exhibit to the Terms and the provisions in the license conditions set by the Providers, Etc. are inconsistent or conflict, the provisions of the Terms, Etc. shall prevail.
Article 34. Payment Method of License Fee of the Tools
1. The Customer shall pay the license fee for use the Tools with all applicable tax to the Providers, Etc. by credit card payment by the payment date specified in this next Article.
Article 35. Payment Form and Payment Date of License Fee of the Tools
1. The Customer shall pay the license fee specified in the preceding Article based on the payment form set by the Provider for each Tool, by the following respective payment dates:
(i) If the payment form is a lump-sum prepayment, payment shall be made as of the application for the license of the Tools;
(ii) If the payment form is a monthly prepayment, for the month in which the application date belongs, the license fee for the application date until the last day of such month shall be paid as of the application for the license of the Tools, and for subsequent months, the license fee for the first day to the last day of each month shall be paid by the first day of each month; and
(iii) If the payment form is a monthly deferred payment (pay-as-you-go), the license fee for the first day to the last day of the previous month shall be paid by the first day of each month.
Article 36. No Warranty, Exclusion of Liability for the Tools and the Provision of the Tools
1. The Company shall not make any warranty that the Provider Tools will meet the specifications, that they will have no defects, that they will not infringe the rights of third parties, or as to anything else. If the Customer or a third party suffers damages due to the Provider Tools, the Provider will be liable under the license agreement for such Provider Tools between the Customer and the Provider, and the Company shall not bear any responsibility.
2. Disputes that arise between the Customer and the Provider shall be resolved by such Customer and such Provider at their responsibility and expense, and the Company will not bear any responsibility.
3. The Tools may be discontinued due to the circumstances of the Providers, Etc. In this case, the Provider, Etc. shall notify the Customer by 60 days before the end of provision. If the Customer or a third party suffers damages due to the termination of provision of the Provider Tools or the delay in such notification, the Provider will be liable under the license agreement of the Provider Tools
between the Customer and such Provider, and the Company will not bear any responsibility.
4. The Provider Tools may be discontinued due to the cancellation of registration for the Provider due to a breach of agreement by the Provider. In this case, the Company will endeavor to notify the Customer without delay. If the Customer or a third party suffers damages due to the termination of provision of the Provider Tools, the Provider shall be liable under the license agreement for such Provider Tools between such Customer and such Provider, and the Company will not bear any responsibility.
Article 37. Support
1. The Customer shall contact the Provider who provides the Provider Tools for inquiries and support regarding such Provider Tools, and the Company will not provide support for the Provider Tools.
2. The Customer shall contact the Company for inquiries and support regarding the Market Service and the Official Tools.
Article 38. Other Services
1. The Provider may provide services such as consultation on the Satellite Data, Etc. and other services in addition to the Tools, and the Customer may directly conclude a usage agreement for such services with such Provider by using the function of the Market Service. The provisions of Articles 34 to 37 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the provision of such services, payment of the usage fee and its payment method, no-warranty and exemption of liability and support for the provision of such services. In addition, such services shall be provided under the terms and conditions of the usage agreement separately concluded between the Provider and the Customer.
Section 3. Tellus Satellite Date Traveler Article 39. Contents of the Traveler Service
1. The Tellus Satellite Date Traveler (in this Section, the “Traveler Service”) is a service that provides functions that enable receiving licenses to use the Satellite Data through the Company, which is an agent of the rights holders of the Satellite Data, and functions that enable the use of the Satellite Data for which licenses to use (access, download, and other uses) are received. In such service, the API (the “API”) is used as the interface that can recall and use the Satellite Data, Etc. provided with the Service.
2. The formats in which the Satellite Data are provided are as follows:
(i) Format where the User accesses and uses the Satellite Data;
(ii) Format where the User downloads the Satellite Data to within or outside the environment of the Service and uses such data; and
(iii) Other formats set forth in the Data Agreement (as defined in Article 40).
Article 40. Data Agreement
1. The use of the Satellite Data requires a separate agreement with the Company (the “Data Agreement”). The details of the terms and conditions for the provision of the Satellite Data (including, but not limited to, the term of agreement, the various terms and condition for use of the Satellite Data set forth by the rights holders of the Satellite Data, license fee for the use of the Satellite Data, and the payment method and payment dates thereof) shall be set forth in the Data Agreement.
2. Notwithstanding the term of the Data Agreement, if the Usage Agreement for the Service under the Terms, Etc. expires or terminates, the Data Agreement shall also terminate in due course, except for the Data Agreement concerning the Satellite Data provided in the format where it is used by the User outside of the environment of the Service.
Article 41. Use of Tokens
1. The User shall properly manage the tokens for the API issued by the Company to the User and the tokens for the Satellite Data and other information provided by the Company and used by the User for access (the “Tokens”) at its responsibility, and shall bear all responsibility to the Company for the results arising due to such management (including results arising due to disclosing or divulging the Tokens to or the Tokens being inferred by a third party).
2. The User shall only be able to use the Tokens in the server function or server facilities that can be used in the analysis of the Satellite Data, Etc. recalled by the API and may not use them from environments outside of the Service.
3. The User may not let a third party use the Tokens nor loan, transfer, sell, pledge or otherwise the Tokens to a third party.
4. The User may not use the Tokens issued by the Company to a third party other than the User.
Article 42. Prohibited Matters
1. The User may not engage in the below acts:
(i) Act of using the Traveler Service for purposes other than the analysis of the Satellite Data, Etc. provided in the Service;
(ii) Act of downloading the Satellite Data (excluding those for which reproduction is permitted in the Superior Agreements) outside of the Service;
(iii) Act of sending requests in excess of the API’s request restriction separately set forth by the Company;
(iv) Act of providing the Secondary Deliverables created by using the Satellite Data and the Satellite Data, Etc., to a third party that is not permitted in the Superior Agreements; and
(v) Act of providing the Secondary Deliverables created by using the Satellite Data and the Satellite Data, Etc. to a third party without displaying thereon the rights set forth in the Superior Agreements.
Article 43. Support
1. The User shall make inquiries to the Company with respect to support concerning the Traveler Service and the Satellite Data used through the Traveler Service; provided, however, that depending on the contents of the support, the Company and the rights holder of the Satellite Data will jointly provide support to the User, after the Company contacts the User based on the Company’s determination.
Section 4. Addition and Changes to Service Article 44. Addition and Changes to Service
1. The Company may make reasonable renewals to the Service at any time, and shall be able to make additions and changes of the services.
Supplementary Provisions
Article 1. Commencement of Application
These Terms and Conditions have amended the Tellus Service Terms and Conditions that have been applied from December 1, 2020, and, under Article 4, will apply from April 1, 2024.
General License Conditions
(1) 1-1. Data (the Official Tools) (hereinafter referred as to the “Data” in this Article, Etc., the Company shall not exercise the author's moral right by itself or via an employee or an outsourcee thereof.
(2) If the use of the Algorithm or the Secondary Deliverables produced from the results of the Algorithm causes any damages to the Customer or a third party, unless otherwise specified in the Terms, Etc., the Customer shall resolve said matter on its own responsibility at its own expense, and the Company will not assume any responsibility.
(3) If the Company deletes the Algorithm, the Customer shall be notified thereof at least sixty (60) days prior to the scheduled date.
2-2. Algorithm (the Provider Tools) (hereinafter referred as to the “Algorithm ” in this Article)
(1) The terms of use the Algorithm shall be predetermined by an agreement between the Company and the Provider. The Customer shall execute a license agreement with the Provider in accordance with such terms of use published on the license page of each of the Tools.
(2) The results of the Algorithm executed by the Customer inside the environment of the Service can be reproduced, adapted, and used freely in other ways inside or outside the environment of the Service. The Secondary Deliverables produced from the results of the Algorithm executed by the Customer can be used freely inside or outside the environment of the Service, and a third party may be allowed to use them.
(3) When the Customer uses the Algorithm in accordance with the license agreement agreed upon with the Provider and the Terms, Etc., the Provider shall not exercise the author's moral right by itself or via an employee or an outsourcee thereof.
(4) If the use of the Algorithm or the Secondary Deliverables produced from the results of the execution of the Algorithm causes any damages to the Customer or a third party, the Provider shall resolve said matter at its responsibility and expense under the license agreement agreed upon with the Customer, and the Company will not assume any responsibility.
(5) If the Provider cancels the Provider registration or deletes the Algorithm, the Customer shall be notified thereof at least sixty (60) days prior to the scheduled date.
3-1. Apps (the Official Tools) (hereinafter referred as to the “Apps” in this Article)
(1) The results of the execution of the Apps by the Customer can be reproduced, adapted, and used freely in other ways inside or outside the environment of the Service.
(2) The Secondary Deliverables produced from the results of the execution of the Apps by the Customer can be used freely inside or outside the environment of the Service, and a third party may be allowed to use them.
(3) When the Customer use the Apps in accordance with the license agreement agreed upon with the Company and the Terms, Etc., the Company will not exercise the author’s moral right by itself or via an employee or an outsourcee thereof.
(4) If the use of the Apps or the Secondary Deliverables produced from the results of the execution of Apps causes any damages to the Customer or a third party, unless otherwise specified in the Terms, Etc., the Customer shall resolve said matter at its responsibility and expense, and the Company will not assume any responsibility.
(5) As for the Apps downloaded by the Customer inside or outside the environment of the Service, the licensing period mentioned in the previous clauses is indefinite, unless the Company has otherwise established special provisions, even if the Tools are deleted for any reason.
(6) As for the Apps provided in the format that is accessed and used by the Customer, if the Company deletes the Tools, the Customer shall be notified thereof at least sixty (60) days prior to the scheduled date.
3-2. Apps (the Provider Tools) (hereinafter referred as to the “Apps” in this Article)
(1) The terms of use of the Apps shall be predetermined by an agreement between the Company and the Provider. The Customers shall execute a license agreement with the Provider accordance with
such terms of use published on the license page of each Tools.
(2) The Secondary Deliverables produced from the results of the execution of Apps by the Customer can be reproduced, adapted, and used freely in other ways inside or outside the environment of the Service. The Secondary Deliverables produced from the results of the execution of the Apps by the Customer can be used freely inside or outside the environment of the Service, and a third party may be allowed to use them.
(3) When the Customer use the Apps in accordance with the license agreement agreed upon with the Provider and the Terms, Etc., the Provider shall not exercise the author’s moral right by itself or via an employee or an outsourcee thereof.
(4) If the use of the Apps or the Secondary Deliverables produced from the results of the execution of Apps causes any damages to the Customer or a third party, the Provider shall resolve said matter at its responsibility and expense under the license agreement agreed upon with the Customer, and the Company will not assume any responsibility.
(5) As for the Apps downloaded by the Customer inside or outside the environment of the Service, the licensing period mentioned in the previous clauses is indefinite, unless the Company has otherwise established special provisions, even if the Tools are deleted for any reason.
(6) As for the Apps provided in the format that is accessed and used by the Customer, if the Company deletes the Tools, the Customer shall be notified thereof at least sixty (60) days prior to the scheduled date.
(1) As for the Apps downloaded by the Customer inside or outside the environment of the Service, the licensing period mentioned in the previous clauses is indefinite, unless the Provider has otherwise established special provisions, even if the Provider registration is cancelled or deleted or the Tools are deleted for any reason.
(2) As for the Apps provided in the format that is accessed and used by the Customer, if the Provider cancels the Provider registration or deletes the Tools, the Customer shall be notified thereof at least sixty (60) days prior to the scheduled date.